Illness insurance. Insurance broker "volga-guarantor"

Health insurance is a very necessary process, which provides for the conclusion of a contract on individual terms.

As a rule, the sum insured is paid either in full or only in part.

It all depends on the conditions prescribed in the contract and the characteristics of the chosen policy.

According to the law, every citizen, who is called the insured, can insure not only himself, but also others against diseases.

What diseases can you insure against?

Among the risks that are subject to insurance, many can be distinguished, but the most common among the population can be found:

  • loss of ability to work, if disability is officially recognized;
  • if during the performance of duties related to the official place of work, an injury was received that led to partial disability, insurance payments are made;
  • payable also emergency hospitalization what should be documented;
  • if professional ability to work is lost, you need to document this fact, and also indicate the reason, as a result of this, it will be paid;
  • if an athlete is injured during training or competition, he has the right to receive insurance;
  • people are also insured against accidents and death.

If we are talking about health insurance, then you can insure yourself against:

  • stroke;
  • heart attack;
  • cancer;
  • blindness;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • kidney failure;
  • diseases of the aorta;
  • organ transplantation;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • paralysis;
  • treatment of coronary arteries;
  • heart valve problems.

All these diseases lead to disability and poor health, so whoever is predisposed to such diseases, it is better to insure themselves against them in 2 or 3 companies.

This is the only way you can get decent treatment on time and be sure that you are insured against diseases.

Insurance payments against diseases

The payment of health insurance has some forms. They provide several possible options:

  • payment of the entire amount;
  • payment of part of the amount;
  • payment of the prescribed allowance or daily allowance, if for a certain period a person is recognized as disabled due to illness;
  • payment of additional pensions on a temporary or permanent basis. This payment method is the rarest in practice.

If we talk about the amounts of payments for insurance against diseases and about which way the insurance company should go, then it depends in whose favor the insurance contract was written. Also important is the amount that the policyholder pays the company for the policy.

When health insurance is not paid

In some cases, health insurance payments are not made, but the reason for this must be a violation of the contract. As a rule, they become:

  • if the policyholder, for whom the contract was concluded, violated the law, as a result of which he was injured or died;
  • if the policyholder, who has insured himself against diseases, deliberately injured himself or tried to commit suicide;
  • if the policyholder, who has insured himself against illness, drove a drunk car and got into a car accident.

Who can insure against diseases

The contract that stipulates can be signed between the insurance company and the policyholder if the applying citizen works at the enterprise.

Also, the manager or owner of the company who wants to sign a large-scale contract for all of its employees can be the policyholder.

You can also insure against illness for the teacher of the students, the coach of the team of their wards.

In general, the law does not limit the effect of health insurance on other people if the contract is between the citizen and the company.

Health insurance programs

Companies offer several different programs that customers can choose from:

  • insurance against diseases of loved ones;
  • insurance of employees against occupational diseases.
  • borrower insurance.

Employee health insurance is a program that is beneficial not only for employees, but also for the employer. This allows him to avoid litigation, since all responsibility for the accident is removed, because he has insured his employees.

However, insurance can provide different conditions: for example, in some cases, workers can be eligible for payment if they were injured only while working, and in some contract options, workers receive benefits even when another source of illness or injury is the cause.

Insurance of borrowers against illness and death is especially popular now, since when issuing loans, banks often make the signing of an insurance contract against non-payment as the main condition.

If the borrower becomes incapable of work and becomes insolvent, the insurance company will pay the debt for him. However, there are many pitfalls.

For example, in this case, it allows you not to burden the relatives of the borrower to pay off the debt if an accident happened to him.

At the same time, in order to prove to the insurance company that the policyholder has lost the ability to work due to circumstances beyond his control, sometimes it takes a lot of effort and time.

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The life insurance market is actively developing in Russia. If a few years ago, it was possible to insure one's own well-being in individual companies, now such insurance has finally and irrevocably entered our life.

The insured person - depending on the chosen program - may not worry about their own well-being and the future of their relatives in the event of an emergency.

But what kind of insurance should you give preference to - to insure yourself against an accident or against illness? After reading our material, you will learn about the main differences between the two above-mentioned policies.

Unfortunately, there are indeed many situations that can lead to accidents in everyday life. That is why this type of insurance is popular.

It covers expenses in the event of a tragic set of circumstances, if it led to the disability or even death of the policyholder.

The main legal source of such insurance is the Federal Law “On Insurance in the Russian Federation”.

What does it cover?

Traffic accidents, incidents at work and any other accidents. It is important to remember that the policy does not apply to situations in which the insured person is the culprit (there is a rule familiar to the holders of compulsory motor third party liability insurance - compensation to the perpetrator of the accident, even if he himself suffered, is not paid), and to suicide.

What can the insured person expect?

The amount of payment is negotiated at the stage of concluding the contract, it can be any within the boundaries with which this or that company works.

In case of disability, the insurance will provide:

  • money for treatment;
  • livelihood if there is no way to go to work.

If the result of the accident is death, the relatives specified in the policy receive compensation.

That is why the breadwinners of families are often insured, the payment of insurance will become indispensable in the event of an emergency.

Features of health insurance

Illness is another risk that can lead to disability, disability and even death. Insurance companies offer to insure in case of the onset of one or another (or several) diseases.

Since in the Russian Federation there is a mandatory health insurance, then the main medical expenses are covered by it.

Its most important advantage is the receipt of one-time or regular payments that cover the lack of wages.

It is noteworthy that after the onset insured event, the insurer will require the insured person to undergo a medical examination - it will confirm the presence of a particular disease.

However, do not forget that you will have to visit the doctor even before the conclusion of the contract - so the insurer will be able to make sure that the citizen / citizen has no predisposition to the disease or the first stages of the disease.

What diseases can you insure against?

Nowadays, insurers offer policies, as they say, for every taste. The list of diseases subject to insurance is growing every year and is regularly reviewed. Naturally, the malaise must be serious and carry potentially significant consequences.

Here is an example: it is impossible to insure against colds (expenses for treatment are relatively small, they give sick leave at work), but against pneumonia, which sometimes is a complication of upper respiratory tract diseases, it is real.

Nowadays, the list of the main and most demanded health policies looks like this:

  • stroke;
  • heart attack and other heart diseases;
  • the onset of blindness;
  • HIV and AIDS infection;
  • the occurrence of renal failure;
  • diseases of the aorta;
  • the emergence of the need for organ transplantation;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • paralysis;
  • treatment of coronary arteries;
  • heart valve problems.

Insurance payments

With insurance payments in the event of a disease, not everything is so simple; insurance companies offer several possible options for obtaining funds.

Among them, the payment of the entire amount, the payment of insurance in parts, the payment of the assigned allowance or daily remuneration (only for the period when the person was declared incapable of work), as well as the payment of additional pensions on a temporary or permanent basis in order to maintain health at the proper level (in Russia, it occurs rarely).

We remind you that the amount and frequency of payments are negotiated directly at the conclusion of the contract. Insurance premium depends on what benefits the insured person expects in case of illness.

When is it not paid?

If an insured event occurs, then the policyholder is obliged to fulfill the terms of the contract, right? However, there are situations when the need to pay is removed from the company. The basis for such a decision may be a violation of the agreement.

Here are some examples:

  1. The illness of the insured person occurred as a result of a violation of the law.
  2. The insured person injured himself on his own.
  3. The insured person deliberately violated the doctor's request.
  4. The illness / injury occurred in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.

Who can get the policy?

On the one hand, the insurance contract is concluded by the company providing such services, on the other - by an individual or legal entity.

Most often, individual citizens apply for a policy, but it is not uncommon in the case of large-scale agreements regarding all employees of a particular enterprise. Or, for example, a football team, students, and so on.

The law does not impose specific restrictions on insurance regarding the identity of the person who wants to purchase the policy. But legal practice allows insurance companies to deny insurance to certain people if the policy is deemed too risky.


You have decided to take out a policy, and you have to choose one of the insurance programs.

Note that the applicant for the policy has the opportunity to insure himself, people close to him, choose the category of occupational diseases only, or (relevant for lenders) take out insurance for his borrowers so as not to be left without funds if they cannot pay off the loan due to illness.

  • Employee insurance

Another special program that brings benefits to the employer as well. The insured employee will receive all the necessary compensation if the company is found guilty of the disease.

  • Borrower insurance

It has another undoubted plus - when a disease occurs, the obligation to pay the debt does not burden the relatives.

Similarities and differences

We talked about the main features of each type of insurance in Russian Federation and noted in which situations the policy could be useful.

We offer, as a kind of summary, a summary table, which highlights the main differences between accident insurance and insurance for the onset of illness. Be healthy!

OptionHealth insuranceAccident insurance
Insurance subjectDocumented
pathology doctor
Accident not due to the fault of the insured person
Insurance caseDiagnostics,
revealing the disease
Hospitalization after an accident
PayoutsCovers disabilityCovers lack of wages or loss of breadwinner
Applicant restrictionsA medical examination is carried out, if there are the first stages of the disease or predisposition, the policy is not issued.There are no restrictions, but applicants in risky jobs will pay more for insurance.

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It was historically one of the first types of social insurance, on a par with death insurance. The priority in terms of voluntary insurance belonged to England and France. In England, "friendly societies" among the insured "accidents" (risks) included sickness insurance in the list of the most priority ones since the 18th century. The circle of participants in these societies was not limited to belonging to any profession or, in general, to persons of hired labor. Usually these were territorial associations, which for a certain periodic (monthly or yearly) contribution provided, in clearly defined cases, specific payments to their members. Somewhat later, similar "mutual assistance societies" appeared in France. During the XIX century. similar societies, but already structured mainly on a professional basis, appeared in all developed countries, including Russia. Health insurance was also provided by trade unions. Initially, this practice developed in England at the end of the 18th century, and in the next century, as the trade union movement grew, in other countries. Private insurance companies got involved in this process as early as 1820. Voluntary insurance in England covered at the beginning of the XX century. more than a third of the population and more than half of employees. Legislatively, the issue of voluntary health insurance was fully regulated only by the Law of 1896. Note that the laws on voluntary health insurance before the beginning of the twentieth century. were also adopted in Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Japan, Finland and Switzerland.

For almost two centuries of the history of voluntary health insurance, its weaknesses have clearly emerged. Sickness benefit was small compared to wages, and the duration covered only a fixed portion of the period of incapacity for work. At the same time, the long-term school of voluntary insurance led to the fact that compulsory insurance in England in 1911 it was introduced painlessly enough and the country took a leading position in this regard.

Germany. As already indicated, the first optional-compulsory insurance in case of illness was introduced by the Prussian industrial charter of 1845. Note that this was the first case of legalization of optional-compulsory insurance. By the law of 1849, the opening of funds in case of illness was made responsible for local governments, which could not only make it compulsory for workers in a given area to participate in these funds, but also impose certain contributions from employers. The maximum contribution of the latter was set at half the size of the contribution of the workers. These funds were limited to the issuance of sickness benefits and funeral benefits. On average, the allowance was equal to half of the earnings, and if medical care was provided, then its cost was deducted from the allowance. It is noteworthy that the German trade unions, which received scope for their activities under the Industrial Regulations of 1869, carried out voluntary insurance mainly in case of illness. The so-called free auxiliary funds were engaged in similar activities. In order to revive the work of the latter, the Law of 1876 gave them the rights legal entity, and the participation of the worker in such a cash desk exempted him from making a contribution to the local obligatory cash office. They received the status of free registered cash offices and, along with the mining and refinery cash offices operating since 1854, survived after the introduction of compulsory social insurance. Voluntary insurance was practiced in Germany on a large scale before the First World War. Some of the workers were insured at unregistered cash offices, which did not exempt them from participating in state insurance.

Private health insurance was relatively rare. In general, in Germany, the transition from voluntary to compulsory insurance was a consequence of the natural evolution of this institution and went quite smoothly. Moreover, the system of sickness funds was formed within the framework of voluntary insurance and almost unchanged moved to the structure of compulsory insurance. The same can be said about factory and craft cash desks. The proportions of contributions to the health insurance fund, determined by the Law of 1849, have been preserved: two-thirds of the funds are paid by employees and one-third by employers. The law of 1876 determined the amount of sickness benefit to be at least half the earnings, and the maximum duration of its issuance was 13 weeks. He also introduced a so-called wait-and-see period, when benefits are not paid for the first two days of illness. The funeral allowance was ten times the week's wages. All these provisions were transferred almost unchanged into the German Act of June 15, 1883 on compulsory health insurance. *(198) ... In fact, he systematized the existing legal norms, introduced uniformity in the functions of various insurance offices and somewhat expanded them. Initially, this Law covered about 40% of hired workers, but did not apply to trade employees, artisans, etc. Some of them were still covered only by optional-compulsory insurance. Gradually, all hired workers, including domestic servants and workers of domestic trades, were included in the circle of the insured. This type of insurance also extended to employees, and in some cases, students, independent artisans, etc. *(199) So, before the First World War, sickness insurance covered about 20 million people with 14 million employees. This system has survived two world wars, tk. the foundations laid down by the Law of 1883 turned out to be so strong that, with the changes, they survived to this day.

In the future, sickness insurance was regulated by the Imperial Insurance Charter of 1911, which was repeatedly supplemented. In the 90s. XX century 10 federal laws were adopted on this issue, including "On the reform of compulsory sickness insurance - 2000". This normative material is systematized in volume 5 of the Social Code "Sickness Insurance". Compulsory sickness insurance in Germany covers not only employees and persons who have entered into an apprenticeship agreement, but also farmers, art workers and publicists, students, etc. Legally defined the circle of persons who have the right to refuse compulsory insurance (officials, military personnel, workers of religious organizations and etc.). Individuals who have lost or are not members of the compulsory system are eligible to join the voluntary sickness insurance scheme. The family insurance system applies to family members of the insured (spouse and children), provided that they permanently reside in Germany, are not subject to compulsory or voluntary insurance, do not have independent earnings, and the total monthly income does not exceed one-seventh of the officially established estimated monthly size. Disabled family members are insured without any restrictions. In general, the German sickness insurance system is recognized as one of the most effective.

Let's return to the experience of other countries. Austria (1888), Hungary (1891), Norway (1890), Sweden (1910), and others followed Germany in the sickness insurance business first. England largely adopted the German experience and adopted a similar law in 1911 The size of the contributions of the insured in this country ranged from 11 to 44%, and employers - from one third to two thirds of the sum insured. State participation was initially compulsory, and its contribution reached 37.5%. Note that of all developed countries in England, the contribution of workers, even at the upper limit, was the smallest. This country was the first where the premiums of insurance participants were differentiated according to gender. The contributions of female workers and employers were equal, and the contributions of insured men were one quarter higher. Additional payments from the state amounted to half of the contribution of the insured man. Sickness benefit was paid at a fixed rate, and after 26 weeks from the day of illness, the disabled insured person could be transferred to disability benefit. The maternity benefit consisted of 4 weeks of sickness benefit and a lump-sum maternity benefit at a fixed rate. In general, in case of illness and maternity, the employer and the state reimbursed 15-20% of the insured's earnings *(200) ... One of the most progressive for its time was the English National Insurance Law of 1946, which also regulated sickness insurance. During the reform of the 90s. the health insurance payment system has been decentralized. At the same time, voluntary health insurance, which can be long-term and general, has been widely developed. The first is conventional long-term health insurance and industrial insurance... The concept of general insurance includes several of its types, including accident and sickness insurance. Long-term insurance involves the conclusion insurance contract for a period of at least 5 years, the insured has reached the retirement age or has no validity period. In this case, the insurer assumes the obligation to pay sums insured in case of loss of capacity for work by the insured as a result of illness or accident *(201) .

A similar English structure for the formation of an insurance fund could be observed in Norway, where additional contributions were made not only by the state, but also by municipalities. The system of compulsory health insurance in France, which originally extended only to miners, is quite distinctive. Mutual Aid Societies carried out voluntary insurance and had a mixed composition, including not only workers, but also petty bourgeois, people of the free professions, etc. Relations in such societies were patriarchal: patients were often visited at home, helped to take care of them, etc. philanthropy and philanthropy played an important role in the work, and about 10% of the members of the societies only made contributions, but did not use their services.

The main goal of many of these societies was not the provision of benefits to the sick, but the provision of health care in kind, which will be discussed in more detail in the section on medical care. Here we note that the public component in the work of these societies was associated with the financial participation of the state, departments and local communities in their activities. The French law on compulsory sickness insurance was passed already in 1928, and a national sickness benefit program was introduced in 1930. In Switzerland, by the 1912 law, each canton or community was given the right to establish compulsory sickness insurance, but in In this case, the state reimbursed one third of the insurance costs.

Note that health insurance is the most flexible and closest to the entire population. In this regard, it traditionally provides non-core maternity insurance (assistance to pregnant women and lactating mothers). Typically, maternity insurance includes a lump sum payment, as well as maternity benefits for a period of 5 to 9 months. This benefit is either the same as or greater than this sickness benefit. It usually covers all lost earnings. Sickness insurance also typically provides assistance for a disabled person for a specified period (usually up to 13 weeks), which is formally referred to as work accident insurance, and a funeral benefit, which is related to death insurance. This flexibility has led to the fact that in many countries health insurance and health insurance are not structurally separate.

Currently, the contribution to the employer's insurance fund usually exceeds the contribution of the employees, or, which is quite rare, their shares are equal. Government subsidies to such funds are traditionally small, and their maximum size is one fourth of the total funding in Belgium. The contribution of employees is usually lower than the contribution of other insured persons. In France, the insured pay from their own funds up to one third of the cost of the medical services... This has led to the emergence of self-help societies in this country, funding additional health services. Essentially, this is voluntary health insurance. The right to receive cash benefits for temporary disability in most countries is associated with the achievement of a certain insurance and work experience, which, as a rule, do not coincide. In a number of countries, membership in the insurance fund (fund) immediately leads to the emergence of the right to benefits for temporary incapacity for work (Germany, Italy, the Netherlands). The waiting period from the occurrence of the insured event until the first day of payment is 1-3 days and can be covered from the employer's funds. The payment period ranges from 26 weeks (ILO standard for The convention ILO 1952 N 102) in Great Britain and Italy until indefinite (Denmark). In many developed countries, it is 52 weeks (France, Belgium, Norway, etc.). The amount of the granted allowance ranges from 50 to 100% of the average earnings, depending on the length of service. Upon hospitalization, the amount of the benefit either does not change (Germany) or is reduced (France) *(202) .

Russia. Health insurance in Russia was first legalized by the Law on June 23, 1912. At the same time, the Presence for Workers' Insurance was established *(203) ... The circle of the insured included factory, mining and mining workers, as well as employees of tram companies, inland shipping and private railways. By a government decree in 1913, it was extended to the enterprises of the Lena gold mining partnership in the Irkutsk province. Large sections of employees remained outside the insurance system. In addition, employees who work in enterprises with less than 20 employees if it had an engine and less than 30 if it did not have an engine were not subject to insurance. In general, about 25% of employees were insured, and due to the outbreak of the First World War, their real number turned out to be even less.

The health insurance companies acted as insurance bodies on the German model. They were established exclusively at specific enterprises, like the factory cash desks, which were discussed earlier. This concerned enterprises with at least 200 workers, and for smaller ones it was allowed to open general cash desks for several enterprises. Theoretically, it was possible to create citywide cash desks, but the authorities did not welcome this and such cases were of an isolated nature. Each cash office had its own charter, approved by the owner of the enterprise. Previously, he presented himself in order to obtain the opinion of the workers, which was of a recommendatory nature. The statutes were approved by the Workers' Insurance Presence. The governing body of the treasuries were general meetings and boards. Their funds were formed from the contributions of the insured themselves and the employers in a ratio of 3 to 2. Approximately 10% of funds were spent on helping women in labor, 4% on funeral payments, and the rest - on the actual payment of the period of temporary disability due to illness. The literature has traditionally emphasized the half-heartedness, indecision and narrowness of the 1912 Illness Insurance Act. *(204) ... This was expressed, firstly, in the narrowness of the circle of the insured (a quarter of employees), secondly, the insufficiently developed self-government of the sickness funds with a large number of supervising authorities, and thirdly, the narrowness of the functions of these funds, outside of which were the provision of medical care and the prevention of morbidity. , fourthly, in imposing the material burden of insurance primarily on workers. Moreover, for the first 13 weeks, disabled workers were to be rewarded from the funds of the funds, which was a step back compared to the under-insurance legislation, since previously, these costs were entirely borne by the employer.

At the same time, this Law introduced the principle of compulsory insurance for the first time. It involved a fairly broad stratum of workers who, through the health insurance funds, satisfied their social needs. The 1912 law became the starting point for further reforms in the field of social insurance. For all his shortcomings, he was a major progressive social phenomenon, which was recognized by all impartial observers.

Of particular interest is the social reform carried out by the Provisional Government. In a matter of months, the 1912 Law was amended to correct its main shortcomings and satisfy the main requirements of workers. Even with a critical attitude to the activities of the Provisional Government, it can be stated that in such a short time it did the maximum possible in the given historical conditions. In this regard, four main novels can be distinguished:

  • 1. By a decision of July 25, 1917, the circle of insured workers was significantly expanded, the very type of this insurance was extended to the whole of Russia. Agricultural workers, workers of state-owned railways and several other fairly small categories remained outside insurance.
  • 2. The health insurance funds were reorganized by the same decision. The organization of general cash registers was allowed, including on a city-wide basis, without the consent of employers. The minimum number of members of one fund was increased: from 200 to 500 people, and their members received full self-government.
  • 3. The budget of the funds increased by 20% due to the increase in contributions, and the contributions themselves began to be paid in equal shares by employees and employers. For the first 13 weeks, the crippled workers were to be supported by the fund, but these amounts were subsequently to be reimbursed by employers' insurance partnerships. As a result, the expenses of the cash registers decreased by another 20%. In addition, workers with low wages were exempted from contributions, but retained the right to insurance payments. Employers had to make contributions for them. On October 11, 1917, the novella about the Insurance Presences is adopted. The number of officials decreased by 2 times, and the number of elected officials increased by 2 times. At the same time, the age limit for elections was lowered.
  • 4. The latest in terms was the reform of maternity insurance (October 17, 1917). The period for issuing maternity benefits increased from 6 to 8 weeks, and if earlier 2 weeks before and 4 weeks after childbirth were calculated separately and missing the deadline deprived the right to benefits, now the 8-week benefit was guaranteed in total in any case. The same applies to maintaining the mandatory 6-week postpartum leave. The amount of the benefit was still between half and full earnings. The nursing allowance was paid for 20 weeks from the date of termination of the maternity allowance, i.e. the total duration of payments was 28 weeks.

Many provisions of this reform, even after the formal abolition in the Soviet period, continued to operate, and their impact on the Soviet social insurance system is beyond doubt. To this we can add that even under the Provisional Government, centralization and enlargement of sickness funds began, and medical care in many cities actually passed from the employers to the said funds. In this case, we can subscribe to the opinion of N.A. Vigdorchik: "Summing up the last result of the insurance reform of the Provisional Government, we will say that at any other time this would have been a major and bold reform; its historical significance " *(205) ... Even the critical Soviet researcher B.A. Lyubimov subsequently indirectly recognized the scale of the transformations carried out by the Provisional Government *(206) ... During the Soviet period, health insurance remained so only in form, and not in substance.

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Health insurance in case of illness

In one of the previous articles, we talked about one of the types of personal insurance - accident insurance in relation to traffic accidents. But personal insurance is not limited to this specific example, but has many types, covering different life situations and the associated risks to the life, health and property of citizens. One of these types - health insurance in case of illness.

As the name implies, this type of personal insurance provides for the implementation of insurance benefits in case of loss of health by the insured as a result of illness.

The development of paid medicine has led to the fact that for many categories of citizens, treatment often becomes practically inaccessible due to its high cost. That is why health insurance is designed primarily for people with low wages and is one of the mechanisms of their social protection. The policyholders can be not only persons employed in any production activity, but also those who are not working.

For health insurance in case of illness, different programs have been developed depending on the category of diseases:

  • infectious diseases,
  • diseases of the nervous system and organs of touch,
  • diseases of the circulatory system,
  • respiratory diseases,
  • diseases of the digestive system,
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints, etc.

Let's consider the main features of health insurance in case of illness.

Insurance object in this case, the property interests of the insured person are related to a decrease in his income and additional costs arising from the loss of health and the need for treatment.

Insured event there may be death, persistent with the assignment of a disability group, or temporary disability of the insured due to an illness stipulated in the insurance contract.

Insurance payment carried out as always in the amount stipulated by the insurance contract, and can be either full or partial, depending on the conditions determined by a specific insurance program.

Let us consider the mechanism for fulfilling a health insurance contract in case of illness, which is in many ways similar to the actions for other types of insurance. In the event of an illness specified in the insurance contract, the insured applies to a medical institution to receive the necessary medical care. At the same time, he or his relatives must inform the insurance company about the occurrence of the insured event in any way within the period specified in the insurance contract.

At the end of the treatment, in order to receive the insurance benefit, the insured must provide all Required documents specified in the insurance contract, in particular, a medical certificate (or certificates) indicating the name of the patient, the exact diagnosis, the date of seeking medical help and the duration of the treatment. The certificate must be signed by the person in charge and certified by the seal of the medical institution. Also, the insured must submit a certificate of incapacity for work from a medical institution with an appropriate stamp. Usually the insured receives the insurance coverage, but it is possible to transfer funds directly to the doctor or hospital.

It is carried out in two forms:
- individual, when the insured concludes the contract himself and pays contributions,
- group, when the insured is the enterprise or the employer, and the payments are made jointly by the employer and the employee.

For an individual form of insurance in case of illness, the insurance company conducts serious control and selection of policyholders. In his application, the policyholder must answer numerous questions about his state of health. This procedure allows the insurer to more accurately assess the degree of risk assumed. Insurance company interested in the presence of chronic and past diseases, the duration of temporary disability and hospitalization over the past few years, etc. If at the same time health problems are revealed, then the insured is asked more detailed questions and may even be offered to undergo a medical examination. In some cases, a so-called waiting period is established, during which no payment is made upon the occurrence of an insured event.

In a group form of health insurance, as opposed to an individual one, the insurer usually does not carry out a detailed examination of the state of health and refuses to establish a waiting period, and in some cases even provides a discount on the insurance premium.

Depending on the insurance company with which the health insurance contract has been concluded in case of illness, the insured receives various types of medical services, as well as additional conveniences when contacting medical institutions. In most cases, a health insurance policy provides the following benefits in case of illness compared to treatment without such a policy:

  • the possibility of obtaining medical care in leading medical institutions and constant monitoring of the state of health (various comprehensive examination programs and individual programs for certain types of diseases, as well as packages for analyzes, X-ray examinations, ultrasound, etc.);
  • selection of a medical institution from the proposed list;
  • using the services of several medical institutions within the framework of one program;
  • selection of an individual health care program;
  • timely receipt of medical care;
  • optimal examination and treatment regimen;
  • getting better quality medical care;
  • lack of queues at the clinic;
  • receiving medical care throughout Russia (if at the time of the insured event the insured did not have an insurance contract, he contacts the insurance company, which guarantees payment);
  • during the entire duration of the insurance does not worry about the cost of treatment.

For more complete information on all types of insurance, please contact our company. Qualified specialists will answer all your questions and help you decide on the not simple, but important matter of protecting your life, health and property from possible risks.

By contacting us, you will be insured with your friends. We are waiting for you!

If you have any questions about insurance, you can always contact us by phone, email or leave a message on the page

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