Compulsory liability insurance for owners of hazardous production facilities. Compulsory insurance of hazardous production facilities (HIF)

Accidents at enterprises operating hazardous facilities can have serious consequences, while major accidents can cause harm to a large number of not only the population, but also employees of the enterprise itself.

In the event of large-scale man-made disasters, the number of victims can reach several thousand people.

Almost any enterprise operating hazardous facilities, especially large industrial enterprises, mining and supplying resources, is subject to the risk of accidents with serious consequences.

For these reasons, the requirements for the safety of enterprises that operate hazardous facilities and the safety of enterprises that operate hydraulic structures are strictly regulated by a number of regulations and legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular by Federal Law No. 116-ФЗ dated July 21, 1997 and Federal Law from 21.07.1997, No. 117-FZ "".

From 01.01.2012, organizations operating hazardous facilities are required to insure their liability in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 225-FZ dated July 27, 2010 “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of the Owner of a Hazardous Facility for Damage as a Result of an Accident at a Hazardous Facility”.
Attention! Operation of a hazardous facility is not allowed if the owner of the hazardous facility fails to fulfill the obligation to insure.

Legal entities and (or) individual entrepreneurs who are the owners (operators) of a hazardous facility are obliged on the terms and in the manner established by law Russian Federation, at its own expense, insure, as an insured, property interests related to the obligation to compensate for harm caused to the victim by concluding an OSO contract with the insurer during the entire period of operation of the hazardous facility.

From April 1, 2012, Art. 5 of the Federal Law No. 226-FZ on financial sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on industrial safety dangerous production facilities, safety of hydraulic structures and compulsory insurance.

According to the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

A) sanctions for non-compliance with the requirements for compulsory insurance.

Art. 9.19 of the Administrative Code. Operation of a hazardous facility, except for the commissioning of a hazardous facility, in the absence of a compulsory insurance contract civil liability the owner of a hazardous facility for causing harm as a result of an accident at a hazardous facility shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials - from 15,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles, for legal entities - from 300,000 rubles. up to RUB 500,000

B) sanctions for violations of industrial safety and safety of hydraulic structures.

Clause 1 of Article 9.1 of the Administrative Code. Violation of industrial safety requirements or the conditions of licenses for carrying out activities in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 2,000 rubles or more. up to 3,000 rubles; for officials - from 20,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rubles. or disqualification for a period from 6 months to 1 year; for legal entities - from 200,000 rubles. up to RUB 300,000 or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

Art. 9.2 Administrative Code. Violation of safety norms and rules during design, construction, acceptance, commissioning, operation, repair, reconstruction, conservation or decommissioning of a hydraulic structure entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of 1,000 rubles or more. up to 1,500 rubles; for officials - from 2,000 rubles. up to 3,000 rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from 2,000 rubles. up to 3,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days; for legal entities - from 20,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rubles. or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

An insurer carrying out compulsory insurance of the civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for harm caused by an accident at a hazardous facility must have a license for the right to carry out compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility and be a member of a professional association of insurers, acting on the basis of Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 225-FZ "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of the Owner of a Hazardous Facility for Damage as a Result of an Accident at a Hazardous Facility."

PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh has a license for the right to carry out compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner of a hazardous facility for damage caused by an accident at a hazardous facility OS No. 0001 - 04, issued The central bank Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) 05/23/2016 and is a member of the National Union of Liability Insurers (NCCO) -.

Rosgosstrakh offers liability insurance
owners dangerous objects.

Call us toll-free number 8-800-200-0-900 (for calls from a landline phone throughout Russia) - we are ready to answer all questions and promptly draw up a civil liability insurance contract for the owner of a hazardous facility for harm as a result of an accident at a hazardous facility in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The need to insure hazardous production facilities (HIFs) arose with the development of industry, an increase in production capacities and an increase in the risk of their operation. As a result of the occurrence of several major accidents, which caused the death of a huge number of people (several thousand) and significant material damage, compulsory health insurance was introduced.


Dangerous objects are those objects where an accident can harm the life or health of third parties (not the insurer and the policyholder), as well as disrupt their life. Possible insured risks, according to Law No. 225 F3, do not include possible damage to the environment. Therefore, it refers to.

Compulsory HPO insurance is a form of redistributive financial relations, the result of which is the creation of cash reserves intended to compensate for damage in unforeseen circumstances.

Relevant laws regulate insurance rates for each HIF, and also make it dependent on insurance that HIFs are entered into the state register and obtain a license to operate it.

Also read about insurance of construction and installation risks and civil liability of builders.

an enterprise or another owner can build an HPO, but he has no right to operate it without compulsory insurance.

The need for insurance

After the conclusion of the contract Insurance Company carries out constant monitoring of compliance with safety standards. The frequency of checks depends on the hazard class of the object:

  • Once a year- for objects with hazard class 1 or 2;
  • Once every 3 years- for objects with hazard class 3.

Assigning a hazard class 4 to an object frees it from compulsory insurance of hazardous industrial facilities. But decoration may be offered.

Companies with any type of activity and form of ownership are subject to a compulsory insurance contract. Compensation amounts are clearly differentiated according to the amount and type of damage caused.

There are no consequences for compulsory HPO insurance under the following circumstances:

  1. The insured event occurred outside the country.
  2. Technogenic accidents at enterprises and stations using atomic energy.
  3. Causing damage to the environment (nature, water, air).
  4. Consequences of a terrorist attack.
  5. An emergency of a nature that occurs as a result of a strike or other illegal actions of employees.
  6. Consequences of an atomic explosion, radiation exposure, military operations.

Liability for damages in the event of an insured risk is imposed only on certain licensed companies.

List of objects for OBO

A prerequisite for the inclusion of objects in the list of OPOs is the condition of their territorial location within the country. OBOs include:

A common practice is. This type does not fall under the definition of HIF, but ensures the quality of work in the design and construction of buildings. Can be performed in large enterprises.

Insurance risks

HIF insurance implies the possibility of indemnifying the risks of civil liability. Such risks are associated with claims of legal entities or individuals regarding the harm caused to them caused by a source of increased danger. The owner of such a source (an individual or a legal entity), when concluding an insurance contract for an OPO, shifts its responsibility to the insurer, i.e. in the event of possible damage, third parties have the right to rely on payments of the amounts specified in the contract for each specific case.

The same applies to the case.

Responsibility for OBO

Carrying out activities at any HIF facility is allowed only after its registration in the state register and, accordingly, the conclusion of an insurance contract in favor of third parties. Insurance is compulsory, otherwise the owners of HIFs are subject to fines by law:

  • For officials - up to 20,000 rubles. :
  • For legal entities - up to 500,000 rubles.

The tariffs for HPO insurance are determined by law and are uniform for insurance companies. Compulsory insurance contracts are concluded according to the approved form for a period of at least 1 year.

Regulation by law

The latest amendments to the legislation on compulsory insurance were introduced by the Federal Law of 01.01.2012. According to this law:

  • A single basic scale of tariff rates has been established, the size of which directly depends on the hazard class of the hazardous industrial facility and its typical type;
  • The insurance contract is drawn up separately for each HPO, payments under the contract are deducted to the cost price;
  • The contract provides for the protection of third parties, as well as the employees of the policyholder himself;
  • Compensation for the harm received by each victim takes place;
  • Limits on compensation for various types of damage in relation to one victim are being negotiated: 2 million - damage to life and health, 200 thousand - disruption of life, 360 thousand - damage to property of individuals, 500 thousand - property damage to legal entities.

Determination of insurance rates, sum insured and insurance premium depends on:

  • Object type;
  • Odds insurance rate with various types of insurance("Fire", mass, etc.);
  • The type of insurance risk (accident, incident).

When concluding a contract for compulsory insurance of a public health insurance company, it is necessary to provide the following documents:

  • Statement;
  • Document certifying the attitude of the object to especially dangerous(certificate of registration or conclusion of identification);
  • Proof of the policyholder's ownership of the HIF;
  • Documented information on the statistics of the occurred insured events;
  • Information characterizing the OPO, and a map of its accounting;
  • If available, a declaration of industrial safety.

The essential terms and conditions of the insurance contract can be viewed.


Key points in HPO insurance according to the deputy general director of the Soglasie insurance company:


The relevance of compulsory HPO insurance is growing every year, since there is an increase in the number of enterprises and organizations falling under the list of HPOs, as well as their consolidation. In this regard, production risks increase, which can harm the people working there as a result of unforeseen circumstances.

And although there is no growth trend in this sector of insurance activity, the execution of an HPO insurance contract is still a prerequisite to put it into operation.

Read what the collective agreement of the SRO implies.

On January 1, 2012, Federal Law No. 225 “On Compulsory Liability Insurance of the Owner of a Hazardous Facility” (OBO) came into force. It regulates relations between legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and determines responsibility for causing harm to the life and health of victims as a result of an accident that occurred at an object in the territory of the Russian Federation.


Compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner of a hazardous facility was not introduced by chance. The reason was several major accidents that caused damage to people. The loudest is the case that occurred on 03.12.1984 in Bhopal (India) at the enterprises of "Union Carbide". The explosion killed 18 thousand people, of whom 3 thousand died on the spot, and the rest died in subsequent years. The total number of victims is 600 thousand people.

One of the consequences of such accidents was the introduction of insurance for hazardous objects. In the Russian Federation, until 2012, the process was regulated by Law No. 116 "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities". Now a new regulation has been introduced.

An object

The provisions of the law apply to:

  • A hazardous production facility, the operation of which is at least partially funded by public funds. These workplaces produce, process, transport and store hazardous substances. The equipment operates under excess pressure of steam, gas (0.07 MPa), water (115 C), and other liquids (0.07 MPa).
  • Elevators and escalators in multi-storey buildings.
  • Hydraulic structures (dams, power plants, tunnels, canals, sluices, ship lifts, anti-erosion devices).
  • Liquid fuel filling station.

The owners of such structures must, at their own expense, take out insurance of hazardous facilities for the entire period of their operation.

OPOs are divided into 4 types:

  • extremely high hazard class;
  • high level of danger;
  • middle level;
  • low hazard facilities.


In the absence of a contract, the following measures are provided:

  • a fine against the owner of an HIF in the amount of 300-500 thousand rubles;
  • a ban on the operation of the facility until the policy is issued;
  • the possibility of presenting requirements of a regression nature;
  • transfer of a part of the premium to the treasury of the Russian Federation.


Let us consider in more detail the differences between Laws No. 255 and No. 116 "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities":

  • the amount of payments increased to 6.5 billion rubles;
  • the maximum amount of compensation for one victim is 2 million rubles;
  • the new law defines the term "accident" - this is an event after which an insured event occurs;
  • money is paid after violation of living conditions;
  • for each day of delay in payment of compensation, a penalty of 1% of the amount is provided.

Compulsory insurance of dangerous objects

The maximum damage from an accident in Russia is 100 billion rubles. in year. In this case, harm will be done to the environment, businesses and individuals... OBO insurance can cover 30-40% of damage. More than 230 thousand enterprises that pose a threat operate on the territory of the Russian Federation. All of them must insure liability for damage to health and property. The amount is calculated using special coefficients and depends on the object.

Despite the growth of the market, there are not many companies in which it is really possible to obtain insurance for hazardous industrial facilities. But the law helped to open up a new niche in the market. In 2012, the National Union of Insurers (NCCO) was created, which controls the new direction, like the PCA. It includes 23 companies with experience in industrial insurance.

Only participants with two years of experience in the voluntary liability insurance market, with branches in at least 7 regions and the amount of funds exceeding 1 billion rubles, will be able to work in this segment. The payment amounts are large, so most organizations will not be able to afford such risks. The creation of the NCCO will also allow avoiding the situation when small players in the market, which are not in pools, sell policies at a price lower than the one regulated by the law.


Compulsory insurance of hazardous objects has a number of features over other areas:

  • The government has established uniform tariffs. Therefore, it is impossible to find an insurer who would offer special conditions for purchasing a policy.
  • The liability insurance of the owner of an HIF can only be carried out by companies that are members of the NCCO. There are only 40 of them. At the same time, insurers have the right to monitor the technical condition of objects.
  • The contract is concluded in relation to each object for a period of at least one year. An insurance policy is issued to confirm the transaction. It is issued on "orange" forms. They are pre-printed for NSSO members.

Organization of insurance

The amount of compensation depends on the type of object. If the enterprise provides for the development of a safety declaration, then the scale of the possible number of victims is applied. So, for example, if more than three thousand people may be injured as a result of an accident, then the amount of payment is 6.5 billion rubles:

  • RUB 1 billion - up to 3 thousand people;
  • RUB 0.5 billion - up to 1.5 thousand people;
  • RUB 0.1 billion - up to 300 people;
  • RUB 0.05 bln - up to 150 people;
  • RUB 0.025 bln - up to 75 people;
  • 10 million rubles - up to 10 people.

If there is a development of a declaration, then the amount of compensation is calculated according to the following conditions:

Insurance rates for all companies are approximately the same. They depend on the class of the object and range from 0.05-5% of the limit. The bonus is paid in installments. The agreement comes into force from the moment the first installment is credited. In case of violation of the terms of payment for more than 30 days, the company may demand termination of the contract.

Insured event - the onset of civil liability for obligations that arose due to harm to the victims, as a result of which compensation is due. A case is recognized as such if:

  • The damage was caused by an accident that occurred during the term of the contract. Harm to multiple victims is the result of one insured event.
  • The accident took place at the OPO.


  1. HIF owners must identify the objects.
  2. Prepare data characterizing the maximum harm from the accident.
  3. Objects registered before 03/15/13 must be reissued in order to assign them a hazard class.
  4. Choose a company and take out liability insurance for hazardous objects.

To conclude a contract, you must provide:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the certificate of registration of the OPO;
  • copies of documents for ownership;
  • information about the OBO.

Liability insurance for hazardous objects provides for the payment of compensation:

  • individuals whose lives and health have been damaged;
  • legal entities whose property has been damaged.


To receive the payment, the victim must provide the insurer with:

  • statement;
  • passport (copy of constituent documents);
  • documents certifying family ties with the victim or confirming the powers of persons at the enterprise where the accident occurred;
  • an act or medical conclusion confirming the infliction of harm to life and health or property.

Insurance payment is carried out by cash or bank transfer. The company is obliged to transfer funds or provide a reasoned refusal within 25 days from the date of establishing the causes of the accident and receiving a full package of documents.

Tariff changes

In July 2015, the Central Bank prepared a project to cut tariffs by 2 times for most facilities. The reason for the innovations is the imbalance between fees and payments. During the period of existence of the law, insurers receive billions, and pay very small amounts: 4-7% of the volume of annual premiums. But three years of history is not a long time to draw conclusions about the sufficiency of the amount of tariffs, since the number of insured events is very small. Fortunately, accidents happen 2-3 times a year. The previously existing maximum payment limit of RUB 6,500 million, at the end of 2014, reached the level of total fees. Insurance of dangerous objects is socially significant. Therefore, it was decided to revise the terms of the deals.

On September 1, 2015, new tariffs for HIF owners came into force. The growth of premiums for mines and hydraulic structures amounted to 1.5-2.5 times. But for the owners of other objects, the price was reduced. According to analysts' forecasts, the new instructions from the Central Bank will lead to a reduction in fees in 2016 to 3.5 billion rubles. Compulsory insurance of hazardous facilities is costly for industrialists. Therefore, most of them were satisfied with such innovations.

Earlier, the Ministry of Finance prepared amendments to the law on increasing insurance amounts by 10 times for the owners of certain categories of objects, for example, mines. But the project was not introduced. Therefore, tariffs were developed that are feasible for the real sector of the economy. Insurance of dangerous objects is not unprofitable. But this is more likely due to the underestimation of the number of accidents by the owners. The maximum payout is RUB 3.5 billion. But companies are still not financially strong enough to withstand the two maximum payments.


As a result of the innovations, fees will be halved in 2016 - to RUB 3-3.2 billion. The reason is not only tariffs, but also the change in safety factors (0.6-1.0). The maximum discount for insurance contracts is 40%.

Reinsurers are mainly involved in transactions for hydraulic objects. Their innovations will hardly affect them. Objects with lower limits are reinsured within the NSSO. There shouldn't be any problems there either. But for small companies, the profitability of transactions can become negative. Therefore, the capacity of the pool will change.

Every year, the NCCO collects information about which of the participants intends to continue working. As the market structure changes, the share of large players grows. So, in 2014, the Top 5 companies owned 65% of assets, in 201st - 68%.

To work in this segment, you need to bear fixed costs. First of all, these are membership fees. If they decrease, then managers calculate cost effectiveness. Now the volume of premiums may decrease due to changes in tariffs. Therefore, the question of profitability will again become relevant.

In practice, there have already been cases when the victims tried to recover the amounts more than the prescribed amount, but they are rare. And almost always the court took the side of the insurer. In this type of service, all the nuances are spelled out in the law and in the table for calculating tariffs. Therefore, attempts by clients to collect large sums of money are not successful.

Insurance of hazardous production facilities is obligatory form insurance in accordance with applicable law. Both hazardous stationary facilities and those on which cargoes containing hazardous substances are transported are subject to insurance. The operation of such facilities can lead to harm as a result of fires or accidents of a sanitary-epidemiological or environmental nature. Liability insurance for owners of hazardous facilities is relevant primarily for those legal entities that operate specific industries and sites legally, which is confirmed by a set of permits.

HPO insurance allows you to ensure the property interests of the organization acting as the insured to compensate for harm caused to the property, health or life of third parties or the state of the environment. The insurer determines the amount of the insurance payment, guided by the act of investigation of the causes of the accident, court decisions and other materials containing data on the amount of damage caused.

On January 1, 2012, the new Federal Law No. 225-FZ “On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of the Owner of a Hazardous Facility for Damage as a Result of an Accident at a Hazardous Facility” (OPO) came into force. It should be noted that before that date, other conditions were in force for insurance of this type of liability, but already from 2012, all dangerous objects must be insured in accordance with the new standards. From April 1, 2012, all owners of hazardous facilities who did not manage to conclude an insurance contract in accordance with the new law will be fined. Officials will be fined up to 20 thousand rubles, legal entities up to 500 thousand rubles.

The risk of an accident at a hazardous facility is the basis of the coverage of the HIF insurance policy. The wording "accident" is clearly spelled out in the law. Accident - damage or destruction of structures of technical devices used at a hazardous facility, explosion, release of hazardous substances, failure or damage of technical devices, deviation from the technological process, discharge of water from a reservoir, liquid waste of industrial and agricultural organizations that arose during the operation of a hazardous facility and resulted in harm to victims.

Sum insured and rules for insurance of dangerous objects.

The sums insured are established according to the following rules: if the company provides for the mandatory development of an industrial safety declaration at a hazardous facility, the following scale applies:

And if development of an industrial safety declaration is not provided, then sum insured is determined based on the following conditions:

Basic conditions for insurance of hazardous production facilities:

Key points and basic conditions of the new law on liability insurance for the operation of hazardous facilities (HIF):

  • The sum insured is not aggregate, i.e. for each insured event within the framework of one insurance contract, a payment equal to the sum insured can be made.
  • Insurance rates from 0.02% to 4.94%.
  • The obligation to insure lies with the owner of the hazardous object.
  • The insurance covers harm to employees of a hazardous facility.
  • The law fixes the amount of payment of 2 million rubles for each victim in case of death as a result of an accident.
  • Damage to ecology and the environment is not included in the coverage.
  • Tariffs, amounts of insurance amounts, insurance rules, standard documents for insurance of hazardous industrial facilities are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  • The insurance contract for hazardous objects within the framework of 225-FZ is concluded only with an insurance company that has membership in the National Union of Liability Insurers (NCCO).
  • All insurance companies involved in the insurance of hazardous objects have the same rates.
  • The insurance contract is concluded on a single, specially designed form with protection against counterfeiting.
  • Hydraulic structures are also insured within the framework of 225-FZ.

Exclusions from insurance coverage have both a number of standard wordings and certain special clauses fixed in the law and insurance rules. Accidents caused by:

  • exposure to radiation, nuclear explosion;
  • military action;
  • popular unrest, strikes, civil war;
  • sabotage and terrorist acts.

The insurer does not indemnify:

  • damage caused to the property of the insured;
  • damage caused to the property of the victim, whose deliberate actions caused the accident at a hazardous facility;
  • losses that are lost profits, including losses associated with the loss of the commodity value of the property, as well as moral damage;
  • harm to the natural environment;
  • harm caused outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

The owners of hazardous production sites and enterprises are obliged to protect their property interests through insurance. In the event of an emergency with industrial facilities, the damage caused to the victim will be reimbursed by the insurance company.


It is important to understand that the country has a huge number of dangerous enterprises (more than three hundred thousand), warehouses with chemicals, oil pipelines and other facilities, at any of which an unforeseen situation with a negative outcome can occur. What will result in their scale of consequences is not known.

The need for this type of insurance appeared precisely after the occurrence of a number of major accidents, as a result of which serious damage was caused to people and nature. Therefore, at the moment (since 2012), persons who own hazardous facilities are required to insure against the possibility of harm to strangers, the environment and the country as a whole. All the nuances about this are spelled out by law.

Registration of such a policy allows the insured to claim monetary compensation that covers the costs of treatment, burial, property compensation many times higher than its real financial capabilities.


The policy for the OPO is issued by enterprises of different forms of ownership and orientation:

  • commercial organizations;
  • state enterprises;
  • municipal facilities;
  • firms operating elevators in residential premises.

The responsibility of the owners of hazardous facilities is determined on the basis of the amount of damage that can be caused. The dependence here is directly proportional: the more people may suffer, the more serious the cost of the policy will be.

It is important to understand that the monetary compensation in the event of an accident is several times higher than the money paid by the insured person.

There are certain rules and restrictions on OBOs. The compensation amount is clearly limited:

  • death of the injured person - two million rubles;
  • harm to health - from sixty thousand rubles to nine hundred, depending on the violation of the general condition and functioning of the body;
  • damage to property - from two hundred to six hundred thousand rubles.

The law on compulsory HPO insurance does not work in the following cases:

  1. The occurrence of the insured event outside the country.
  2. Technogenic accidents at stations and enterprises using atomic energy.
  3. Harm to air, water, nature.
  4. An accident due to a terrorist attack.
  5. An emergency at the enterprise due to a strike and other illegal actions of employees.
  6. The beginning of hostilities, the impact of radiation exposure or atomic explosions.

Only certain licensed companies are entitled to be liable for damages in the event of an insured event.

List of hazardous production facilities

Dangerous objects are considered to be those that are geographically located within the borders of the Russian Federation. They must be included in the register in accordance with safety laws hydraulic structures and industrial facilities. The insurance group of HIFs of the 4th hazard class includes enterprises, mechanisms, structures that can lead to an accident, injury to people, and the deprivation of their lives.

OBOs include those on which:

  • store, operate, create, transport hazardous substances (combustible, flammable, explosive, toxic, hazardous to nature);
  • Filling stations, filling vehicles with liquefied gas, gasoline and diesel fuel;
  • mechanisms and automatic machines operate under high pressure at high temperatures (pressure is not less than seven hundredths of a megapascal, temperature is above one hundred and fifteen degrees Celsius);
  • fixed mechanisms are used for lifting goods, elevators, escalators, funiculars, cable cars;
  • melt ferrous and non-ferrous metals, create alloys on their basis;
  • perform work on the extraction of minerals, in the mountains, underground;
  • there are structures that work with water and protect against its negative impact (dams, dams, canals, hydroelectric power plants, ship lifts, etc.).

Liability for compulsory insurance of OPO

Individuals and companies that own hazardous production facilities are required to insure them. An uninsured object is not allowed to operate until a policy is issued for it.

In case of deviation from the law and failure to register insurance, the owners of these objects are punished, and the penalties are quite serious. The state collects an administrative fine from officials of about twenty thousand rubles, from legal entities - in the region of five hundred thousand rubles. The sum insured collected without reason is liquidated to the treasury.

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