Foreign economic security as a component of the country's economic security. Security of foreign economic activity Foreign economic security of the country: concept, threats and ways to ensure

security issues economic security states in the field of foreign economic activity

N. in. beketov,

doctor economic sciences, Professor

m. e. tarasov,

Doctor of Economics, Professor Yakutsk State University named after V.I. M. K. Ammosova

Economic security is the foundation national security and determines the prospects for the socio-economic, political and cultural development of Russia. In modern conditions, its provision is of paramount importance, since economic globalization means a qualitatively new stage in the development of international economic relations and the formation of a single economic space. This “pushes” countries with economies in transition to the scientific development and practical implementation of a new paradigm of economic security, taking into account the peculiarities of the interaction of subjects of foreign economic activity (FEA) in the context of globalization, including the criminalization of this sphere.

The criminalization of economic activity has always been seen as a serious threat to the economic security of the Russian Federation. With different approaches to defining threats to economic security, the vast majority of scientists agree that the criminalization of economic relations is one of the most serious threats.

In the field of foreign economic activity, criminalization has taken on a wide scope due to a number of socio-economic, political, state-legal and cultural factors. In particular, these include ill-conceived market reforms, forced liberalization of the

Foreign economic activity, unfavorable investment climate, insufficient capital protection, high inflation rates, imperfection of the regulatory framework (primarily legislation on state regulation of foreign economic activity, customs, tax, currency legislation), low efficiency state control behind foreign economic operations, the results of intellectual activity, shortcomings in law enforcement, devaluation of generally significant values ​​and a decrease in the level of legal awareness.

Over the past two decades, the policy of the Russian state in the field of foreign economic activity has undergone fundamental changes. initial stage These transformations can be considered the publication of Decree of the President of Russia dated November 15, 1991 No. 213 “On the liberalization of foreign economic activity on the territory of the RSFSR”, which destroyed the monopoly of state structures on foreign trade contacts. Then the regulatory and legal framework gradually begins to be updated, the system of state (primarily executive) power is being restructured, and the powers of state bodies involved in the regulation of foreign economic activity are redistributed. The process of restructuring and modernization of the public administration and control system is still ongoing. However, to assert that a state mechanism has already been created that is absolutely adequate to the new

Threats and security

socio-economic, legal and cultural conditions, prematurely.

After the demonopolization of the foreign trade sphere, a large number of legal and individuals. Currently, enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, organizational and legal form, size authorized capital and assets, areas of activity, places of establishment, have the opportunity to participate in international economic exchange. Individual entrepreneurs also actively use this opportunity.

At the same time, the massive devaluation of the ruble, the change in the scale of domestic prices at the start economic reforms, the elimination of a number of administrative barriers created favorable conditions for obtaining super profits, the rapid accumulation and export of capital, and the legalization of criminal proceeds. As a result, many firms with a dubious reputation turned out to be in the field of foreign economic activity, including those created for one-time speculative operations that also have a criminal nature. The sphere of foreign economic relations has become one of the most criminogenic.

The criminalization of foreign economic activity can be considered, on the one hand, as a process characterized by the gradual displacement of legitimate economic relations by their criminal varieties, and on the other hand, as a special social phenomenon due to the growth in the scale of foreign economic activity and its accompanying crime, the spread of delinquent behavior in this area.

The criminalization of foreign economic activity also affects the entire system of social ties, norms and relations. The increased social danger of economic crime in general and crimes in the field of customs in particular lies in the negative impact on the institutions of society, in violation of the established procedure for the functioning of the economy and the activities of the state in the field of customs tariff and non-tariff regulation.

The extensive development of crime, which took place in the first years after the liberalization of foreign economic activity, is gradually giving way to intensive. Experts state a noticeable increase in its "professionalism", expressed in the modernization of the methods of preparing, committing and concealing foreign economic and related crimes, careful planning of criminal activities and effective opposition to criminal justice authorities. Offenses often acquire a multi-episode

character, which allows us to speak about the stable criminal orientation of individual subjects of foreign economic activity and really consider illegal activities in this area as professional and as an integral part of the shadow economy.

Scientific and technological progress and, above all, the widespread introduction of modern information technologies, the improvement of computer technology and means of communication contribute to the development of not only the legal, but also the shadow economy. The number of criminal-legal torts committed with the use of high technologies is increasing. Thus, the automation of the customs clearance process, the transition to electronic declaration of goods caused the emergence of crimes related to unauthorized access to computer networks and databases of customs authorities. In connection with the ongoing introduction of electronic declaration in customs practice, an increase in the number of high-tech crimes, including those related to illegal access to and changes in the databases of customs authorities, is possible. Often, criminal business relations develop at a faster pace than legal ones.

A fairly complex mechanism for committing a crime is typical for such criminal law torts that fall within the competence of the customs authorities, such as evasion of customs payments, failure to return funds in foreign currency from abroad, illegal export or transfer of raw materials, materials, equipment, technologies, scientific and technical information, illegal performance of works (provision of services) that can be used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, weapons and military equipment. Separate types smuggling is also distinguished by the most complex schemes for the implementation of criminal goals.

In some areas of criminal foreign economic business, the volume of illegal turnover continues to increase. Thus, over the past few years, the volume of smuggling of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, as well as the potent, toxic substances and precursors associated with them, has been increasing at an alarming pace. The escalation of illegal drug trafficking in most regions of the Russian Federation is obvious today. The results of criminal law, criminological and forensic studies show that for the modern international drug business, along with the trend

an increase in the number of psychoactive substances moved across the customs border is also characterized by a tendency to improve criminal activity.

The size of the volumes of smuggled weapons being moved is also increasing. There is also a growing number of international transactions infringing intellectual property rights.

“Traditionally” a high level of corruption in foreign economic relations remains. Almost all major illegal foreign economic transactions are associated with bribery of officials of state bodies involved in the regulation of foreign economic activity, primarily customs. The participation of customs officers in crimes greatly complicates their disclosure. In addition, even identified crimes committed by customs officers are not always properly punished.

Corruption is essentially a way of redistributing property, capital, tangible and intangible goods or rights to them, a way of suppressing freedom, which multiplies relations of economic and social inequality and injustice. And as a social, or rather, anti-social phenomenon, it poses a particular danger to society and the state, especially since it acquires a systemic, organized character.

A noticeable increase in the organization of criminal structures specializing in the field of foreign economic activity should be regarded as the most dangerous trend. Many organized criminal groups and criminal communities are complex systemic formations with a clear hierarchy and distribution of roles, a high level of manageability, and extensive internal and external communications. This makes it possible to monopolize certain areas of both legal and illegal business.

The criminal metamorphoses of foreign economic activity in the context of globalization are catalyzed by integration processes, the creation of free economic zones, customs unions, the intensification of cross-border financial, commodity, passenger and information flows, and an increase in the number of foreign economic transactions. Globalization, unfortunately, also has a dark side. Criminal activity in the foreign economic sphere has also acquired a global character. The criminal network has significantly expanded, international criminal ties have strengthened, the mechanism for exchanging information between criminal structures of different countries is being improved, the desire to form transnational criminal networks is clearly expressed.

communities whose goal is to maximize profits from illegal foreign economic operations. In the shadow economy, criminal foreign economic activity occupies a leading position in terms of the scale of financial transactions and the amount of profit. This explains the desire of many criminals to enter the foreign market and gain a foothold in it. Criminal relations that arise between the subjects of foreign economic activity significantly affect the criminalization of individual countries and entire regions of the world economy. The subjects of crimes in most cases are citizens of different states; actively participate in the international exchange of goods, information, works, services, results of intellectual activity. The structure and dynamics of foreign economic offenses, criminal logistics are determined by the situation in the exporting country, in the importing country, and in the transit country. Criminal foreign trade transactions are made under the influence of supply and demand in the world market. The emergence of stable and growing trends towards the globalization of criminal activity requires government agencies to implement a set of measures to counteract it, especially in the foreign economic sphere.

The gigantic profits resulting from this criminal activity, according to many experts, are one of the financial foundations of the shadow economy. Crimes leading to an increase in foreign economic criminal activity cause enormous damage to the country's economy and make it necessary to take a comprehensive approach to studying these destructive processes, assessing the total economic damage, and an effective system of measures of state and interstate control over multifactorial crime that affects a number of countries.

Today, when the globalization of economic relations takes place, the criminalization of foreign economic activity is becoming the most serious threat to the development of Russia, complicating the tasks of ensuring the economic security of the country. In the current criminal and criminogenic conditions, the lack of effective state and general social measures to counter the criminalization of foreign economic activity can lead to the fact that the large-scale spread of criminal foreign economic operations and related offenses, in particular corruption transactions, will create a threat of destructive changes not only in the economy, but also a threat in general for the national security of Russia.

In the context of increasing integration of the Ukrainian economy into the global economic system, the issue of foreign economic security is becoming increasingly important. Foreign economic security is such a state of compliance of foreign economic activity with national economic interests, which ensures minimization of state losses from the impact of negative external economic factors and creating favorable conditions for the development of the economy through its active participation in the global division of labor.

Foreign economic security consists in minimizing the losses of the state from the impact of negative external economic factors, creating favorable conditions for the development of the economy through its active participation in the global division of labor, and the correspondence of foreign economic activity to national economic interests.

Foreign economic security of Ukraine should be based on the following principles:

Rule of law in the regulation of foreign economic activity;

Unconditional protection of national economic interests and economic sovereignty of Ukraine;

Consistency of the economic interests of individual subjects of foreign economic activity and the economic interests of the state;

Timeliness and adequacy of measures to prevent and neutralize threats to national economic interests;

Equality and mutual benefit of relations between the subjects of foreign economic activity;

Consistency and evolutionary nature of the opening of the national economy;

Compliance with generally recognized norms and principles of international law in foreign economic activity;

Resolution of trade disputes through consultations and negotiations.

The accelerated process of opening the economy of Ukraine, despite its deformability and crisis state, may have some negative consequences, namely:

Assigning Ukraine the role of a supplier of raw materials and a consumer of finished imported goods, strengthening the deformation of the commodity structure of exports and imports;

Loss of some important sales markets for domestic products, in particular engineering products;

Strengthening the processes of degradation of the domestic industry;

Strengthening technological and financial dependence on developed countries.

Currently, foreign economic activity has been largely liberalized without the state taking over the relevant control and regulatory functions inherent in a market economy, without taking into account the specifics of the transition period, which creates a serious threat to the economic security of Ukraine.

The process of "opening up" the national economy should be carried out as a result of its structural restructuring, in stages and in a balanced manner, taking into account the specifics of Ukraine. In addition, it should be taken into account that no country in the world has an absolutely open economy, that is, one where the movement of goods, capital and labor is carried out without any restrictions across state borders. Everywhere, based on national interests, the governments of the respective countries regulate foreign economic activity. The opening process must be in line with the state of competitiveness of the national economy, otherwise, under the pressure of strong foreign competitors, domestic producers will be excluded from the domestic market.

The level of foreign economic security is characterized by a wide range of indicators (indicators), namely:

Coefficient of openness of the national economy (the ratio of the volume of foreign trade, that is, exports and imports to GDP);

Import-export coverage ratio;

The ratio of exports to GDP;

The ratio of imports to GDP;

Balance of foreign trade activity;

Commodity structure of exports and imports;

Commodity structure of critical imports;

The ratio between the volume of attracted capital and the export of domestic capital;

The ratio of prices in the foreign and domestic markets;

Energy intensity and material intensity of exports;

The ratio between volumes national production and exports of certain countries;

The impact of the production of export products on the environment;

The share of exports of science-intensive products in total exports;

The share of imports of science-intensive products in the total volume of imports;

Share of exports per capita;

The share of foreign investment in GDP;

Correlation of tariff and non-tariff regulation. It is essential to constantly monitor

named main indicators to determine the level of external economic security.

The state of foreign economic security is demonstrated by the following table 14. 3.

Table 14.3 Comparison of actual data with quantitative parameters of threshold values ​​of foreign economic security

Indicators, unit of measure


Actual values

Dynamics of normalized values

Coverage ratio of imports by exports (the ratio between the volumes of exports and imports), times

at least 1

dangerous zone

Ratio of imports to GDP, %

no more than 50

dangerous zone

The ratio of exports to GDP. %

no more than 50

safe zone

The share of imports in the domestic consumption of the state. %

no more than 30

safe zone

The share of food imports in the domestic consumption of the state. %

no more than 25

dangerous zone

The share of raw and low-processing exports (industry) in the total volume of exports of goods. %

no more than 40

dangerous zone

The share of the leading partner country in the total volume of foreign trade. %

no more than 30

safe zone

This table demonstrates the predominance of the dangerous zone in the current economic activity of Ukraine. This situation was determined by such factors of direct impact:

Outstripping growth rates of imports of goods and services over exports, which is the reason for the increase in the negative balance of foreign trade. In the first half of 2008, the volume of imports of goods and services increased by 52.9%. at the same time, exports only by 40.9%, the negative balance of foreign trade increased by 2.7 times;

Growth in the share of imports in relation to GDP - from 53.5% to 58.6%. The indicator worsened, remaining in the danger zone, which negatively affects the security in foreign trade. The negative factor is exacerbated by the imbalance compared to the share of exports in GDP (inconspicuous growth from 48.6% to 49.0%), which leads to an increase in the share of negative trade balance in GDP (from 4.9% to 9.6%);

The lag in the growth rate of exports of goods and services from imports by 12.0%, which is primarily due to the continued high rates of supplies of imported goods, including in the field of fuel and energy materials (+43.9%), equipment (+ 40.5%) and vehicles (+80.5%), which together account for more than half of commodity deliveries to Ukraine;

The growth of the negative balance of the current account and the clear balance sheet: according to the results of the first half of 2008, it amounted to "minus" 6.6 billion dollars. USA (-7.9% of GDP), and for the corresponding period of 2007 - "minus" 1.7 billion US dollars (-2.8% of GDP). In general, for 6 months of 2008, the negative balance of foreign trade in goods increased by 2.5 times compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.This negative indicator was only partially offset by an increase in the positive balance of foreign trade in services (by 1.4 times);

Preservation of the raw material orientation of exports. The commodity structure of exports was traditionally based on commodities, primarily products of metallurgy, chemical industry and mineral products. their share in exports increased by 2 percentage points to 65.1%. At the same time, there was a positive trend in the growth of exports of products of the engineering industry, but its share in total exports increased by only 0.4. up to 16.1%.

The following factors were positive:

Growth in exports of engineering products to the CIS countries (by 44.1%), which is due, along with high investment and consumer demand for these products in the CIS countries, as well as an increase in the cost of supplies of mechanical and electrical machinery and equipment (by 40.7%), railway railcars and spare parts for them (by 56.5%). The export of engineering products provided about 17% of the increase in export deliveries from Ukraine over this period. At the same time, it should be noted that the volume of exports of the machine-building sector (5.2 billion US dollars) is significantly inferior to the volume of exports of metallurgical products (14.7 billion US dollars).

As for the country's integration into the world economy, on the one hand, a significant share of its exports in world trade makes it possible to influence other countries, and on the other hand, the penetration of foreign capital into the national economy increases the influence on its economic development from the outside.

Ukraine in foreign economic activity should especially take into account the geographical factor. In particular, the fact of its excessive dependence on Russia, which is the dominant supplier to Ukraine of some strategic goods, primarily critical imports, and a consumer of significant volumes of domestic products, should be considered a serious threat to national economic security. The same applies to the need to diversify exports and imports. The high concentration of trade in individual goods increases the dependence of the state on external influence.

The need for state regulation of foreign economic activity is also due to the significant share of the public sector in the national economy and the imperfection of the relevant market mechanisms. Government regulation should include:

Development and implementation of foreign economic activity strategy;

Effective use of administrative, economic and monetary instruments in the foreign economic policy of the state;

Development and implementation of annual programs for the development of foreign economic activity;

Development and implementation of the Concept of foreign economic security of Ukraine;

Improvement of the Law of Ukraine "On Foreign Economic Activity";

The optimal combination of state protectionism with a free trade regime;

Tax support for domestic producers;

Making the most of the beneficial geographical location Ukraine regarding the transit through its territory of foreign cargo and energy carriers;

Improvement of customs currency control;

Cessation of illegal export of capital from Ukraine;

Taking effective measures to return to Ukraine foreign currency from the sale of export products;

Active attraction of foreign investments;

Improving the methods of managing foreign economic activity, taking into account world experience and national economic characteristics;

Diplomatic and political support for foreign economic activity;

Implementation of legal protection of foreign economic activity;

Ensuring transparency, stability and predictability in the field of foreign economic activity;

Creation economic system common with Western Europe, which will contribute to the establishment of effective ties with developed countries;

Improving the statistics of foreign trade operations and developing a Ukrainian classification of goods of foreign economic activity, taking into account the harmonized system for describing and coding goods;

Development of various forms of international economic cooperation:

Creation of a national information system to ensure the foreign economic activity of all its subjects;

Ensuring a positive balance of foreign trade balance;

Increasing the level of education and the quality of personnel training for the sphere of foreign economic activity.


Thesis: content author of the dissertation research: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Borodovskaya, Marina Borisovna


Chapter 1 Foreign economic relations of Russia: the current stage.

1. Foreign economic relations as a factor in the country's economic development.

2. Foreign trade: development trend.

3. Capital migration (investment in Russia; capital flight from Russia).

4. The role of international economic organizations.

Chapter 2. National economic security: foreign economic parameters.

1. Foreign economic security as the most important component of economic security.

2. The main directions and indicators of ensuring Russia's foreign economic security.

3. Foreign economic sphere of Russia and ensuring financial security.

4. Relationship between the openness of the country and its economic security.

Thesis: introduction to economics, on the topic "Economic security of Russia in the field of foreign economic relations"

At present, Russia is on the way to the formation of a qualitatively new organization of economic relations and ties, economic mechanisms and institutional structures. The inclusion of Russia in the global economic system is an objective process of the country's integration into the system of world economic relations, the need to "open" Western markets for domestic products and increase the competitiveness of our industry. It is the potential of this increase in the context of the lack of alternatives to the task of realizing comparative advantages Russian economy, the possibility of developing competitive industries of national specialization and this is the main benefit that Russia will receive from being included in world economic processes.

Following the transformation of the former socio-economic relations, there is an evolution of views on what constitutes the economy as a self-developing system, what tasks in the field of foreign economic relations and economic security should be solved by the state and by what means.

The current situation in the domestic economy determines the relevance of systematizing the preliminary results of Russia's economic development at the turn of the century, makes it possible to compare the place in the world economy that the country occupied earlier and occupies today, to assess the scale of Russia's involvement in world economic relations and the degree of its security.

In this regard, it is important to highlight four main areas that require the most attention in the study of economic security.

First, foreign trade and its impact on the economic development of the country. It has become almost universally recognized that foreign economic relations act as a powerful amplifier of development trends. In the context of an upsurge, these ties reinforce the favorable market situation, stimulate technological progress in the country, lead to lower costs and improve the quality of products, promote progressive changes in the sectoral structure; during periods of recession and crisis - on the contrary, exacerbate economic difficulties.

Secondly, the migration of capital and the problem of financial security. Consideration of this problem allows us to talk about the causes, motives and consequences of capital flight, as well as to explore the quantity and quality of foreign investment, methods of attracting them and the reasons for their low volume.

Thirdly, the impact of participation in international economic organizations on the development of the country's economy. The economic relations of Russia with different regions of the world have their own specifics, especially today, due to changes both in Russia itself and in the outside world, as well as the fact that structural adaptation to the world economy of Russia takes place in much more difficult conditions than in Western European or East Asian states .

Fourth, the relationship between the openness of the country and its economic security. Modern facts show that even countries that are successfully developing and integrating with the world economy are at great risk, fully opening their economies to international capital flows. But this does not mean a call for isolation, but only for the optimal opening of the country's economy.

In the domestic economic literature, issues related to foreign economic relations and economic security have recently been widely covered. It is traditional to consider individual aspects of these processes, while, however, the systematization of all issues into a single interconnected whole has not been achieved.

The problem of studying foreign economic relations of Russia and issues of its economic security is presented in detail in the works on general problems of the world economy and security issues of domestic authors: Abakina JL, Anikina A., Vasilyeva N., Glazyev S. Gusakova N. Ilarionova A., Kireeva A., Oleinikov E., Olsevich Yu. Popov V. Porokhovsky A., Senchagov V., Sidorovich A. Faminsky I. Cherkovets O. Yasin E. and others, as well as foreign authors: Lindert P., Pebro M. Saksa J., Fisher S. and others."

The official publications of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, publications in scientific journals, and the work of leading Russian and Western economists were used as the basis for analysis and systematization. The study used official documents of the Russian government, materials and statistics from the Customs Committee, the Bank of Russia and other departments of the country.

The subject of the research is the economic security of Russia in the field of foreign economic relations. At the same time, the object of research is specific phenomena that are highlighted for detailed study in this work: foreign trade and its impact on the economic development of the country; capital migration and the problem of financial security; the impact of participation in international economic organizations on the development of the Russian economy; the relationship between the openness of the country and its economic security.

The purpose of the study is to analyze and systematize the general trends in the functioning of foreign trade, capital migration and their impact on the economic security of the Russian Federation.

The implementation of the research goal involves the solution of the following tasks:

To study, generalize and systematize the main approaches to the problems of Russia's foreign economic relations and economic security, available in domestic and foreign literature;

Identify and analyze the main trends in the development of Russia's foreign trade and its impact on the country's economic security;

Establish the importance of financial security for countries with economies in transition;

Determine the role of international economic organizations in the development of the country's economy;

Explore the possibility of forming an open economy while maintaining the country's economic security.

The purpose and objectives of the study involve the use of the dialectical method, which allows us to systematize the problems of foreign economic relations and economic security not only at the moment, but also in development. At the same time, work has been completed economic analysis country specifics of Russia in the conduct of foreign trade, capital migration and their relationship with economic security.

The theoretical basis of the study is fundamental work in the field economic theory, monographs and articles by domestic and foreign scientists on methodological, theoretical and applied problems of foreign economic relations and economic security. For the purpose of comparative analysis, legislative and regulatory documents, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation were widely used in the work. resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, Central Bank and other government bodies of the Russian Federation.

The information base of the work was the reference and statistical materials of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, materials of the periodical press, analytical reports.

The dissertation attempts to systematize various approaches to the development of economic security in the field of foreign economic relations.

The scientific novelty of the topic is as follows:

1. The main trends in the development of foreign trade and its impact on the country's economic security are identified, which allows us to speak about the importance of foreign economic relations in ensuring the country's security. A trend towards a gradual decrease in the share of raw materials and materials and an increase in the share of engineering products in Russia's exports has been determined.

2. The special importance of financial security for countries with economies in transition has been established, a comparative analysis of the relationship between capital migration and financial security in the transitional economy of Russia has been carried out. Several main reasons for the low volume of foreign investment in the Russian economy are identified.

3. The role of international economic organizations in the development of the country's economy is analyzed and the significant impact of international organizations on the economic development of Russia and its relations with different countries is proved. Priority country directions for Russia at the present stage are determined.

4. The inconsistency of opening the economy and strengthening its economic security, especially in countries with economies in transition, has been studied and theoretically substantiated.

The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation can be used in the educational process when reading courses World economy, International economic relations, as well as special courses on economic, financial and international security.

The main provisions of the work were reported at the scientific-practical conference New trends in political life and the economic security of Russia at the Faculty of Economics of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and were published in the form of abstracts in the conference proceedings in 1998; at the Department of Economic Theory of the IPPK MGU, where two articles were also published in the collections Problems of the Transitional Economy - Issues Two and Three; at the Department of Political Economy of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University.

Conceptual approaches and conclusions of the study are reflected in publications on the topic of the dissertation, with a total volume of 1.5 pp.

The logic of the presentation of the material in the dissertation work is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. It allows through the prism of analysis of foreign economic relations and economic security to show their relationship. For this, four main areas were identified, which were analyzed in each of the chapters in accordance with their impact on foreign economic relations and the country's economic security. Particular attention is paid to the problem of Russia's inclusion in world economic relations and the impact of this inclusion on the country's economic security.

The turn of the century, although somewhat formal, seems to be a very convenient occasion for summing up the preliminary results of Russia's economic development in the outgoing century, comparing the place in the world economy that the country occupied a century ago and occupies today, assessing the scale of truly enormous shifts that have occurred over the past century. this is the time to formulate the most important lessons.

Thesis: conclusion on the topic "Economic theory", Borodovskaya, Marina Borisovna


Radical economic transformations, cardinal changes in the geopolitical position of Russia after the collapse of the USSR, the formation of a qualitatively new basis for the interaction of the domestic economy with the world economy, the implementation of a set of measures to bring the economy out of the crisis significantly increased the interconnection of the directions of economic security identified by the author in the field of foreign economic relations.

Inclusion in the world economic processes is a complex and lengthy process for every national economy, including the Russian one, but it corresponds to the leading trends in world development and national interests.

As production is internationalized, national economic security is increasingly linked to international economic security. This was clearly demonstrated not only by the financial crises spreading all over the world, regardless of the level of development of the economy of the country that is affected, but also by the military conflicts that have swept over the European and Asian continents over the past three years. It should be noted that hostilities are often a prerequisite for surges and falls in quotations on the stock and commodity exchanges of the leading countries of the world.

Behind the concept of internationalization of economic life today is the effective functioning of a multi-level global system of economic relations, uniting individual countries into a global complex, in which the degree of closeness of their economic interaction is in accordance with the level of economic progress they have achieved. The study of the patterns of formation of these ties and the prospects for their further development gives grounds to assert that the general trend of the world economy is the movement towards economic rapprochement and the unification of individual countries into a single world economic complex.

As a result of the expansion of world economic relations, the total amount of resources that the country has is changing, their material form is being transformed, and the possibilities of borrowing knowledge are increasing.

It is necessary to develop a concept of economic security, which is based on the highest long-term national-state interests. In this regard, it is inextricably linked with ideas about the future of the country, about the socio-economic model that should be formed as a result of the ongoing changes and which acts as a social ideal.

When determining specific tools and mechanisms for ensuring economic security, it is necessary to take into account the threats to economic security formulated above, as well as to take into account the short-term or long-term nature of these threats, the possibility of preventing them in the present period and preventing them in the future, given that Russia is on the way to forming open economy, liberalization of foreign trade.

The paper presents an analysis of a number of current trends in the development of foreign economic relations and economic security. It should be emphasized that the analysis is based both on the work of Russian and foreign scientists who have been studying this problem for several years. as well as on the systematization of statistical data published by official Russian and foreign publications.

The current trends identified by the author indicate that. despite the predominance of fuel and raw materials in Russian exports, which, of course, is a reflection of the country's real competitive advantages in the international division of labor in the last decade. Russia began to enter the international market of goods and services with modern engineering products, finished products and, of course, highly qualified specialists in applied and theoretical fields.

When developing a long-term foreign economic policy, it is necessary to formulate the import policy in a new way. The approach to imports should be differentiated depending on the national economic and social significance of a particular product; a decisive course is needed to develop import-substituting and vital industries for goods that Russia can and must produce on its own in sufficient quantities.

The supreme dog of the state and its key function is to ensure the stability of society, its self-preservation and development, and to repel possible threats to the country's security. In this case, anticipation of yet emerging dangers, and not passive following of events, is of decisive importance. In order to implement such an approach in practice, it is necessary to clearly define a system of indicators, or indicators of economic security. The development of a system of such indicators is one of the most important policy instruments for ensuring the country's economic security.

The problem of Russia's security in the foreign economic sphere is directly related to the success of solving the problems of financial stabilization and entering the trajectory of economic growth.

This is especially important at the stage of the transition period to a market economy, which is characterized by weak protection of Russian producers from the expansion of imported goods into Russian market, discriminatory restrictions on the export of its own products and the flight of Russian capital abroad.

One of the most important criteria for the economic security of countries with economies in transition is their financial security, which consists of such components as currency and credit security, which includes the entire complex of currency and credit relations of the state with the outside world and its internal debt, between which a certain relationship can be traced; attraction of foreign investments, which, despite the unfavorable investment climate, the flow of Russian capital from the domestic economy, the low level of transport and telecommunications infrastructure and corruption, began to increase after the 1998 crisis; the outflow of capital abroad, the causes of which are diverse and affect both the basic foundations of the transition economy, the specifics of monetary and financial instruments for regulating foreign economic activity, and the psychology of the behavior of market entities. investors, their confidence in government policy, in stability national currency and etc.

One of the main problems of countries with economies in transition is their particular financial instability during periods of global crises and cataclysms. as a result of which they suffer enormous financial losses. This can be prevented by using preventive measures to improve the economic, legal and political situation in the country. Otherwise, the aggravation of this problem, the delay in making the necessary decisions and documents can cause great harm to reforms in the country, undermine its economic security and independence.

Skillful and timely adoption of comprehensive measures on the above problems can help reduce the need to attract foreign capital, resolve non-payments, quickly repay external debt, revitalize the investment process and restructure the economy, expand the tax base and increase tax revenues to the budget.

The work analyzed the role of international organizations in the development of the country's economy. It should be noted that the economic relations of Russia with different regions of the world, of course, have their own specifics due to changes both in Russia itself and in the outside world.

By the end of the 20th century, several dozen economic integration groupings had emerged in the world. Thanks to these really and effectively functioning integration groupings, it can be assumed that in the near future world economic relations will be a set of macroeconomic groupings that use the advantages of economic integration in various combinations of types and forms.

The work identified several priority country and integration areas in Russia's foreign economic policy. Undoubtedly, one of the main directions is the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and integration groupings, including these countries - Asia Pacific, APEC, ASEAN. Interaction with these countries and groups allows Russia not only to improve the structure of exports ( high technologies, weapons, vehicles and equipment), but also to act as an equal partner in relations, which by no means can be said about relations with the leading Western powers.

The next, no doubt important, area is the relationship within the CIS, where Russia acts not only as a partner, but also as a leader. The export structure, of course, includes not only raw materials, but also high technologies, weapons, machinery and equipment, and components.

Russia's participation in international economic integration groupings means agreement not only to comply with certain world trade standards, but also to significant changes within the country: in its economy and economic policy, including legal support for entrepreneurial activity, support for competition, and protection of property rights in all its forms and manifestations.

The relationship between the openness of the country and its economic security is clearly manifested during periods of global crises, exacerbation of military conflicts and other global cataclysms. Due to the fact that the opening of the country implies the liberalization of its economic policy, free access of foreigners to the domestic market and domestic entrepreneurs to the world market, the mutual flow of capital, i.e. the removal of almost all previously existing restrictions, the question arises of the optimality of opening the country's economy in view of ensuring economic security as a guarantee of the country's independence, a condition for stability and the efficiency of society.

The overarching principle that governments should be guided by in balancing economic liberalization with the sustainability of financial institutions can be summarized as follows: Depending on the specific conditions in a given country, governments should have the moral right to delay lifting restrictions (such as ceilings). interest rates that force lenders to lend only to reliable borrowers or capital inflow/outflow controls that make it difficult for everyone to access cheap and seemingly bottomless sources external funding), if there are doubts about the ability to provide on-site supervision of financial institutions and their sustainability.

The laws of a market economy do not automatically ensure prosperity, including in the sphere of foreign economic relations. In addition, under the current conditions, the rapid liberalization of the foreign trade regime was not justified.

The implementation of measures aimed at improving foreign economic policy and economic security should take place in line with the implementation of an active structural and social policy, strengthening the activity of the state in the investment, financial, monetary sphere and continuing institutional reforms.

The ongoing economic policy should lead to the creation of the main elements of an effective financial infrastructure and ensure financial stability states on the basis of a balanced budget system and a set of tools monetary policy to guarantee protection against adverse external influences. The implementation of measures in the field of structural policy will give the Russian economy a new impetus, ensuring the accelerated development of industries with a new technological order, the active use of the results of innovation activity, and closer integration of Russia into international system division of labor. Purposeful and coordinated movement in all these areas will make it possible to maintain high rates of economic growth, consistently improve the living standards of the population, activate the country's intellectual potential, increase the degree of openness of the Russian economy, and create the necessary prerequisites for ensuring long-term economic stability of the state.

Thesis: Bibliography in Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Borodovskaya, Marina Borisovna, Moscow

1. Monographs, reference books.

2. Avdokushin E. International economic relations M. 1996.2. Alternatives to the modernization of the Russian economy, ed. Buzgalina

3. A., Koganova A., Schultz P., M., 1997.

4. Babin E. Fundamentals of foreign economic policy, M., 1997.

5. Bogdanov I.Ya., Kalinin A.P., Rodionov Yu.N. Economic security of Russia: figures and facts (1992 1998), M., 1999.

6. Buglay V. Liventsev N. l International economic relations, M. 1996.

7. Buzgalin A. Transitional economy, M., 1994.

8. Vasilyeva N. Foreign investment and the Russian investment climate: problems and prospects, M. 1998.

9. Davidov O. Foreign trade: a time of change, M., 1996.

10. Druzik Ya. World economy at the end of the century, Minsk, 1997.10. Europe and Russia. Experience of economic transformations, ed. Kudrova

11. B. Shenaeva V. et al. M, 1996.11. Foreign investment in Russia. Current state and Perspectives, ed. Faminsky I., 1995.

12. Kireev A. International economics, in 2 volumes, M., 1997.13. Course in transition economy, ed. Abakina L., M. 1992.14. Course of Economic Theory, ed. Sidorovich A., M., 1997.

13. Lebedeva S., Schlichter S. World economy. M., 1994.

14. Lindert P. Economics of world economic relations, M. 1992.17. International economic relations, ed. Khasbulatova R. M. 1991, v.1,2.18. International economic relations, ed. Rybakina V., M, 1997.

15. Metekina N. world economy and its regulation, M., 1994.20. World Economy, ed. Lomakina V., M., 1995.21. World economy from 1945 to the present day per. from French, M., 1996.

16. Montes M., Popov V. Asian crisis or Dutch disease? MD 1999.

17. Nukhovich E., Smitienko B., Eskindarov M. World economy at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, M., 1995.

18. Olsevich Yu. Transformation of economic relations, M., 1994.

Foreign economic activity as a special area of ​​economic relations has specific management and regulation mechanisms. The functions of management and regulation in the field of foreign economic activity, including risk management, are performed by participants in foreign economic activity and government institutions. Economic risk management as a way to ensure foreign economic security should be based on a modern scientific and methodological base, the foundations of which were comprehensively disclosed in the previous sections of this work.

In the structure of this knowledge, the question of the features and essence of the concept of "security of foreign economic activity" occupies a key place. In the most generalized form, this information can be presented as follows.

The security of foreign economic activity, which acts both as a phenomenon of social life and as a structural element of foreign economic relations, by its internal nature and place in the complex of security concepts, has the following most important features and characteristics:

  • - the term "safety of foreign economic activity" is interpreted in its generally accepted understanding - as the state of protection of the vital interests of Russian participants in foreign economic activity and the mechanisms of the foreign economic activity process itself from a complex of threats and risks;
  • - the state of security is achieved in the course of security management using a special system of measures, developed and implemented both by the specific security objects themselves and by their related stakeholders;
  • - set of risks and threats of foreign economic activity represents a combination of threatening factors of external and internal nature;
  • - foreign trade security management should include a full range of operations: creating the necessary resource base, monitoring and diagnosing the situation, current and strategic planning of goals and measures to ensure the security of foreign economic activity, the practical implementation of a set of measures;
  • - subjects of management the security of foreign economic activity is both direct participants in foreign economic activity (legal entities and individuals engaged in foreign economic activity), and state (as well as municipal) and public institutions designed to ensure the security of foreign economic activity as an essential element of the economic and national security of Russia;
  • - in the management of the security of foreign economic activity are most important three vectors of coordination: 1) consistency of measures to ensure the security of foreign economic activity at the level of economic entities - participants in foreign economic activity and state measures in the field of security of foreign economic activity; 2) consistency of interests of participants in foreign economic activity and public interests in ensuring the safety of foreign economic activity; 3) consistency of state economic measures in the field of foreign economic activity and state foreign policy.

As a final provision, in which the features of the concept of foreign economic security are maximally generalized, the following definition can be proposed: “The security of foreign economic activity should be understood as such protection of the vital interests of foreign economic activity participants and the very mechanisms of foreign economic activity from economic and other risks, which simultaneously ensures the national security of Russia.” The presence of a clearly formulated definition contributes to an unambiguous understanding of the goals and objectives of activities to ensure the security of foreign economic activity.

The participation of the state in the development of foreign economic activity, as indicated in the state program for the development of foreign economic activity in the Russian Federation, is to create favorable conditions for its development at the national and interstate levels. At the same time, the tasks of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity are also being solved. At the national level, the state provides support and regulation of foreign economic activity, and at the international level it organizes cooperation with foreign countries, participates in integration associations, international organizations and forums. Ensuring security in the field of foreign economic activity is one of the most responsible tasks of state regulation of foreign economic activity. At the same time, the security of foreign economic activity is one of the most significant elements of Russia's economic security. The state, represented by the institutions of power at the federal level and the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, creates the basic prerequisites and conditions for the security of foreign economic activity.

FEA participants are, as noted in the federal law No. 183-F3 "On Export Control", business entities - legal entities and individuals engaged in the international exchange of goods, information, services, results of intellectual activity (or rights to them). FEA participants at the micro level perform the functions of managing foreign economic operations, including risk management in order to ensure the security of their activities.

Thus, the process of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity is a complex multi-level set of operations to counter the risks and threats that arise at the micro, meso and macro levels. If we take into account the role of supranational mechanisms for regulating foreign economic activity, then it should be recognized that the security of foreign economic activity is also ensured at the mega level.

At each level of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity, there are specific process subjects and specific sets of measures are used to protect against risks and threats. At the same time, all levels of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity are closely interconnected and interdependent. The interests of the subjects and objects of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity at different levels may coincide, be in conflict, or be neutral relative to each other. This circumstance further complicates the mechanisms for ensuring the security of foreign economic activity. Of this complex of interacting multidirectional vectors of forces, only one of its segments, represented by the institutions of power at the federal level and the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, will be considered here.

State power in its structure is divided, as you know, into three branches - legislative, executive and judicial. The composition of the authorities that regulate foreign economic activity and ensure security in the field of foreign economic activity is the same. At the federal level, the legislative power is represented by the Federal Assembly, the executive - by the Government, ministries and departments. Corresponding power structures are available in each subject of the Russian Federation.

There is a clear division of powers in the field of regulation of foreign economic activity between the federal institutions of power and the power structures of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. At the federal level, decisions are made in key areas of managing the development and ensuring the security of foreign economic activity. These include:

  • - formation of the state foreign economic strategy, policy;
  • - development and control over the implementation of programs for the development of foreign economic activity;
  • - establishment of principles for the implementation of foreign economic activity and the choice of instruments for regulating foreign economic activity;
  • - establishing a monitoring procedure ( statistical reporting) the main numerical indicators of foreign economic activity;

organization of the distribution and control of the efficiency of the use of resources allocated to support participants in foreign economic activity; creation of insurance and mortgage funds in the field of foreign economic activity;

  • - conclusion of international treaties and agreements on issues of economic relations;
  • - establishment of mandatory requirements and safety criteria for the life and health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life and health of animals and plants when importing goods into the Russian Federation and the rules for controlling them, protection of the economic sovereignty and economic interests of the Russian Federation and Russian persons.

Each of these areas includes, as a mandatory aspect of foreign economic activity management, an assessment of possible risks and the formation of measures to neutralize them. At the same time, it is important to ensure the coordination and coherence of the actions of different departments in order to increase their efficiency and avoid duplication of functions. A promising way to solve these problems may be the use of controlling as a tool for information and analytical support of the risk management process of foreign economic activity.

The institutions of power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation carry out the management of foreign economic activity within the framework of their powers in accordance with the legally established procedure. The tasks they solve include: development and implementation of programs for the development of foreign economic activity within the territory of their regions; control and coordination of activities of foreign economic activity participants; implementation of measures to support participants in foreign economic activity; conclusion of agreements in the field of foreign economic activity within their competence, etc.

The principal features of the management of foreign economic activity in the regions are as follows: all actions are only within the framework of the provisions and requirements of regulatory legal acts of the federal level; the possibility and necessity of taking into account the real conditions on the ground, which makes it possible to optimize the decisions made by the authorities on the regulation of foreign economic activity; the possibility of coordination of actions and cooperation of activities in the field of foreign economic activity with other subjects of the Russian Federation, up to the organization of integrated structures in order to increase the efficiency of foreign economic activity; an increased level of foreign economic activity risks for regions with unfavorable geoclimatic conditions, weak economies and infrastructure.

The most significant powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field established by federal legislation are: the conclusion of agreements on foreign economic activity with subjects of foreign states and the opening of representative offices in foreign states; formation and implementation regional programs FEA; creation of insurance and pledge funds in the field of foreign economic activity on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation.

A number of powers in the field of foreign economic activity are vested in local governments, the scope of which is established by Russian legislation.

In addition to the above, the authorities are divided into two groups according to their role in the management of foreign economic activity - those with general powers and those with special competencies on certain issues of regulating foreign economic activity. At the federal level, the first group includes the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, and the Government. The second group is represented by Vnesheconombank, the Federal Customs Service, and others.

All institutions of power in ensuring the security of foreign economic activity should be based on the general principles of state regulation of foreign economic activity, formulated in federal law No. 164-FZ of December 8, 2003 “On the fundamentals of state regulation of foreign trade activities” (with subsequent amendments and additions). The most important principles of state regulation of foreign economic activity include:

Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of foreign economic activity participants, producers and consumers of goods and services;

equality and non-discrimination of participants in foreign economic activity;

  • - reciprocity in relation to other states and ensuring the fulfillment of obligations under international treaties;
  • - measures of state regulation of foreign economic activity should not be more burdensome for participants in foreign economic activity than is required to effectively achieve the goals of this regulation;
  • - the system of measures of state regulation of foreign economic activity must meet the requirement of unity, validity, objectivity, publicity;
  • - ensuring the security of the state, not causing damage to the Russian economy and foreign economic activity participants.

This set of principles is designed to guarantee the unity and consistency, efficiency and safety of the entire system of state regulation of foreign economic activity. These principles must be observed when using each group of measures of state regulation of foreign economic activity, among which the most significant are measures: financial, currency, credit, customs and tariff, non-tariff, export control, certification of goods.

The question of the specific powers and responsibilities of the main institutions of power in terms of regulating foreign economic activity and countering possible risks and threats in the field of foreign economic activity deserves the most detailed consideration.

There is a clear statutory division of powers in the field of VED between different institutions of power.

The most general foundations of state regulation of foreign economic activity are determined by the strategy and state policy in this area of ​​economic relations. In the federal law "On the fundamentals of state regulation of foreign trade activities" dated 08.12.2003 (with subsequent amendments) No. 164-FZ. In Art. 5 of federal law No. 164-FZ defines the goal of Russia's trade policy - the creation of favorable conditions for Russian exporters, importers, producers and consumers of goods and services. It is also indicated that this policy is based on the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and Russia's obligations under its international treaties. The same law establishes that the main directions of the trade policy of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Constitution, are determined by the President.

Government Decree No. 330 dated April 15, 2014 approved the state program “Development of foreign economic activity”. This program was amended by Government Decree No. 369 dated April 4, 2017. The terms of the program implementation are 01/01/2013 - 12/31/2019.

As stated in the Program passport, its goal is to strengthen its position in the global economy and increase the contribution of the foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation to the socio-economic development of the country. The goals of the state policy in the field of foreign economic activity are achieved through the implementation of a set of measures, including " ensuring national and international economic security”.

Among the expected results of the implementation of the Program are: a consistent increase in exports of non-commodity goods, a significant increase in Russia's position in the World Bank rating in terms of "International Trade", obtaining significant positive effects for the national economy in the context of solving the problems of modernization and innovative development. The scientific and methodological correctness of the Program is confirmed by the definition of the essence of the concept of “foreign economic activity” presented in it: “the totality of foreign trade, production, investment, monetary, scientific, technical and other economic relations of the Russian Federation with foreign states, which enter into economic entities - residents and non-residents".

The program for the development of foreign economic activity includes six subprograms:

  • 1. Implementation priority areas foreign economic activity in the process of international economic cooperation.
  • 2. Formation of the Eurasian Economic Union.
  • 3. Creation of a national system to support the development of foreign economic activity.
  • 4. Improving the system of state regulation of foreign economic activity.
  • 5. Improving customs activities.
  • 6. Ensuring the development of a system of checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation for the implementation of foreign economic activity.

The Program has determined specific values ​​of target indicators for each year of the Program period. For example, the World Bank's International Trade ranking is planned to be raised from an unworthy Russia of 174 in 2015 to a modest 100 by 2019.

Effective activities to ensure the security of foreign economic activity involves taking into account the whole variety of factors and conditions that generate economic risks, knowledge of the nature of the operation of mechanisms and tools for regulating the situation in this area.

Direct risk management of foreign economic activity is a function of the participants in foreign economic activity, which are, as indicated in the Federal Law No. 183-F3 "On Export Control", economic entities - legal entities and individuals engaged in the international exchange of goods, information, services, results of intellectual activity (or rights to them).

The state policy in the field of foreign economic activity is aimed at creating a favorable business climate, at harmonizing the interests of foreign economic activity participants. Thus, the state indirectly influences the minimization of risks in the field of foreign economic activity.

The partner states in foreign economic activity pursue their own foreign economic policy, in which elements of competitive confrontation and partnerships are intertwined. This is how specific connections and relations in the field of foreign economic activity are formed at the supranational level.

Consequently, ensuring economic security and counteracting risks in the field of foreign economic activity cover the micro-meso- and macro levels. Each of them has its own specific risks and threats, and special sets of measures are applied to protect against them. In this case, there may be a conflict of interest, and a coincidence of interests, and their mutual neutrality, which greatly complicates the interaction of the parties in the process of foreign economic activity.

The risk factors of foreign economic activity associated with the entry of the world into the era of a new technological order, the era of the information society, are becoming increasingly important. The organizational and legal support of the security of foreign economic activity should increasingly be focused on special requirements due to the officially proclaimed strategic goal of Russia - the transition of the country in the future to the model of the information society, which involves the creation of a digital economy in Russia. The primary basis for ensuring security is the legal framework.

The legal support of foreign economic security is represented by the entire set of normative legal acts that regulate the procedure for legal relations in this area from the standpoint of creating conditions that counteract the emergence of security threats. The range of such legal relations includes two levels of relations: 1) the interaction of state bodies and participants in foreign economic activity and 2) intercountry contractual relations in this area - bilateral, multilateral, international.

The subject of legal regulation of the first level is the relationship between the state and other subjects of foreign economic activity (legal entities and individuals), in respect of which the norms of customs, tax and currency regulation are provided. They are aimed at ensuring the effective functioning of the infrastructure that ensures export-import operations, at preventing offenses in the foreign economic sphere, at supporting and creating favorable conditions for foreign economic activity. The instruments of customs-tariff and non-tariff regulation are applied. In the second direction, the state regulates relations with other states in order to ensure law and order and security in the foreign economic sphere. Customs legislation comprehensively regulates all the main aspects of legal relations in the foreign economic sphere. It presents a group of norms that define methodological aspects, including the procedure for determining the customs value, the procedure for establishing the country of origin of goods, methods for granting tariff preferences, etc. Another group of norms is made up of customs and tariff parameters - customs duty rates. Another group is represented by norms that ensure compliance with the legal order established in the customs and tariff area, providing for liability (criminal, administrative, economic) for committing offenses in the customs and tariff area.

One of the main qualities of customs legislation should be stability, which ensures the stability and predictability of the conditions for the implementation of export-import and other economic transactions for participants in foreign economic activity. Publicity and transparency of customs law norms are just as important. But at the same time, there are norms marked "secret", "for official use". These include, for example, the rules governing the technology of customs control.

An important part of the legal regulation of the foreign economic sphere is economic and administrative measures of non-tariff regulation. Economic measures include customs and tariff control, subsidies and subsidies, anti-dumping duties, etc. Administrative non-tariff regulatory measures include embargoes, licensing, and quotas. Non-tariff measures differ in the degree of severity of the means used. Among the most severe are the customs blockade and embargo, applied in the conditions of extreme forms of confrontation between countries in the world markets. In connection with the enforcement of these legislative norms, problems may arise that threaten foreign economic activity.

Legal relations in the field of non-tariff regulation are determined by the rules of law of each country and international law. The goals and nature of the legal regulation of foreign economic activity are different in different countries, which causes contradictions in the world markets for goods, services, and works. Complicating the situation for participants in foreign economic activity is the trend of a gradual transition of some functions of market regulation from the national to the supranational level. Regulation of foreign economic relations can be used as a means of political pressure.

Above, only some particular examples of how security threats can arise in the foreign economic sphere have been noted. Measures to ensure the security of foreign economic relations must be able to withstand the full range of threats and risks. A long-term strategy is needed in this area of ​​national security, a mandatory component of which is the regulatory framework. The multidimensional nature of economic security problems determines their interdisciplinary nature.

Although in the Russian Federation there is no special regulatory document on this issue, a number of fundamental legal acts fully present the provisions relating to the issues of state regulation of foreign economic security. Obviously, it is not enough just to create a full-fledged legal framework for ensuring foreign economic security. It is also absolutely necessary to organizationally ensure the practical implementation of the provisions enshrined in regulatory legal acts. At the same time, it is important to differentiate the rules regarding different types and forms of foreign economic activity, such as, for example, import and export of strategically important goods, import of goods and services for state needs, border trade, transit operations, infrastructure, information support, re-export and re-import, international humanitarian aid, foreign investment, etc. .

In general, the legal regulation of foreign economic security in Russia must simultaneously meet a number of requirements: a) ensure effective protection of the country's national interests; b) meet the interests and not create an excessive burden on participants in foreign economic activity; c) comply with the norms of international law and the terms of intercountry agreements concluded by the Russian Federation.

As the Russian Federation develops in the direction of forming the foundations of the information society, the requirements to bring the legal framework of foreign economic relations in line with the new conditions for the functioning of this sphere will become more and more urgent.

In the formed set of official documents that define the goals and ways of the safe development of the national economy of Russia, there is no act that defines the strategy and policy of the state in the field of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity. But this block of questions is quite fully presented in documents of a more general orientation.

There is a strict continuity and consistency in the formation of the regulatory framework that determines the prospects for the country's development and ways to achieve the goals set, including the development of foreign economic relations. The legislative basis was the federal law of December 28, 2010 "On Security" and the federal law "On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation" of June 28, 2014.

This is followed by the approval by decrees of the President of the three strategies. This is the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015. In May 2017, two strategies for the period up to 2030 were synchronously approved by presidential decree: "The Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030" and "The Strategy for Economic Security Russian Federation for the period up to 2030”.

From the point of view of the state of the legal field for the development of the Russian economy, 2017 is a turning point in the sense that the legal framework has been laid for the country's transition to the phase of a secure information society. Already two months after the adoption of the two "May" strategies of 2017 - in July 2017 - the requirement of the Economic Security Strategy was fulfilled - the Government of the Russian Federation approved a detailed development program - "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation". The program provides detailed road map its practical implementation. The next step should be the formation of a set of legislative and by-laws that provide for the creation of specific mechanisms and tools, a resource base and a corps of performers that ensure the gradual movement of the country's economy towards the goals outlined in the Strategies.

It is noteworthy that for the first time in Russia such a powerful synchronized and balanced set of legal acts has been created that determine the future of the country in the long term. Whether this legal framework will become the basis for real transformational processes is a question of the will of the institutions of power, the readiness of economic entities, the adequacy of the resource base for the ambitious tasks set, and the presence of a positive conscious perception by civil society of new goals and development programs.

Unfortunately, in the six months that have elapsed since the adoption of the above strategies, Russian society has not felt any real shifts in socio-economic processes, nor a public outcry adequate to the grandiose goals set. There is no information about the beginning of any institutional reforms aimed at the practical implementation of the tasks put forward by the strategies. Most likely, the reformation of the legal field carried out in 2017 is perceived in all sectors of Russian society as another fruitless attempt to radically reverse the situation, to implement a new progressive model of the country's development. Probably the most difficult thing in the realities of Russian life is overcoming the inertia and skepticism of a significant part of civil society, but, above all, officials in power structures at various levels, from federal to municipal.

The viability of new initiatives of the highest authorities aimed at creating the legal foundations for the development of a secure information society in Russia by 2030 will be determined by the consistency and effectiveness of the actions of all participants in the process, in which one of the responsible components is the safe development of the foreign economic sphere.

All the above-mentioned official documents contain the provisions relating to the foreign economic sphere and issues of ensuring its security with the necessary completeness. Here we will confine ourselves to considering this aspect of legal regulation in only one document - the Economic Security Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. This Strategy reflects the following three problems, directly or indirectly related to the foundations of ensuring Russia's foreign economic security:

  • 1. In the first section of the Strategy "General Provisions" the following provision is presented, revealing the meaning of the concept of "economic security" (Article 7, paragraph 1): "Economic security is the state of protection of the national economy from external and internal threats, in which economic sovereignty is ensured country, the unity of its economic space, the conditions for the implementation of the strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation”. This definition clearly presents the foreign economic component - "protection from external threats" and "economic sovereignty", which is ensured in the framework of protecting the economy from external threats. This is revealed in the following wording adopted in the Strategy - "The economic sovereignty of the Russian Federation ... the objectively existing independence of the state in conducting domestic and foreign policy, taking into account international obligations." Attention should also be paid to the mention of national priorities, which, as follows from another document - the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in Russia, are goals designated by a single term - "digital economy".
  • 2. In the second section of the Economic Security Strategy of Russia in Art. 12 names 25 types of challenges and threats, among which 12 relate to the foreign economic sphere. Therefore, we can, simplifying the situation as much as possible, state that almost 50% of Russia's economic security should be ensured through protection from external threats. This confirms the exceptionally high urgency of the problems of ensuring foreign economic security. It should be especially noted that out of 12 external threat risks, only 4 are directly related to the state of the Russian economy and, therefore, are amenable to regulation at the national level. The remaining 8 external risks and threats are determined by the global economic situation or unilateral actions of other countries of the world. Opportunities to counteract them are limited only by measures to create appropriate balances and to neutralize the negative consequences of their impact.
  • 3. The third section of the Strategy, which defines the goals, directions and tasks in the field of ensuring the economic security of the Russian Federation, also has a significant component related to the problems of ensuring foreign economic security. In this section, a significant place is occupied by provisions that reveal the goals of the Strategy in the foreign economic sphere. All four goals listed below are among the necessary conditions for the formation of the foundations of the information society in Russia. These include:
    • - strengthening the economic sovereignty of the country;
    • - increasing the stability of the economy to the impact of external challenges and threats;
    • - maintenance of scientific and technical potential at the world level;
    • - maintaining the potential of the military-industrial complex at the level necessary to solve the problems of military and economic support for the country's defense.

In the Economic Security Strategy, among the main directions of state policy in the field of ensuring the foreign economic security of the Russian Federation, the direction “Improving the efficiency of foreign economic cooperation and realizing the competitive advantages of export-oriented sectors of the economy” is presented. This direction of state policy directly reveals the main conditions for ensuring the security of the foreign economic sphere, which is especially relevant for Russia in the formation of the information society.

Implementation this direction, as noted in Art. 21 of the Strategy should ensure the solution of specific tasks:

  • 1. Building an appropriate international legal system of economic relations.
  • 2. Expansion of partnerships and integration ties within the CIS, EAEU, BRICS, SCO and other international organizations.
  • 3. Creation of regional and transregional integration associations.
  • 4. Assistance to Russian organizations in the transfer and implementation of advanced technologies.
  • 5. Expansion of the range and volume of non-commodity exports, the geography of foreign economic relations.
  • 6. Legal consulting support for exporters abroad.
  • 7. The conclusion of intergovernmental agreements and the expansion of international economic cooperation and other forms of assistance to Russian participants in foreign economic activity.
  • 8. Promoting the development of enterprises in the non-primary sector in order for them to reach the level of global leaders in the world economy.
  • 9. Development of market infrastructure in order to promote the promotion of Russian products to foreign markets.

It should be noted that in a number of other areas of state policy, tasks that are directly related to the sphere of foreign economic relations are also presented. Thus, in the section of the Strategy “Assessment of the state of economic security”, a list of estimated indicators is given, which includes the following characteristics of the foreign economic sphere: the external debt of the Russian Federation, including the state debt; net import (export) of capital; export physical volume index; index of the physical volume of imports; trade balance; the share of machinery, equipment and vehicles in the total volume of non-resource exports in the total volume of imports; the share of innovative goods, works, services in total exports; the share of imports in the volume of resources of food products. These are the most significant aspects of foreign economic security, the state regulation of which is provided for by the Strategy for Economic Security of Russia for the period up to 2030.

The problems of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity common to the national economy are refracted in a special way in each individual region of the country. For example, within the Far East region, to ensure its economic security, the following most pressing problems must be solved: reducing the scale of dependence on imported food and high-tech products; streamlining on a parity basis international financial transactions; increasing the share of products of the manufacturing sectors of the economy in exports; optimization of the model of foreign economic relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (APR). Consider the problem of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity on the example of the Far East region.

Movement in the direction of resolving the problems of countering risks is determined both by the participants in foreign economic activity and by the institutions of the regional authorities. The latter, acting within their statutory powers, form and implement territorial programs for the development of foreign economic activity, coordinate and control the work of foreign economic activity participants, conclude interstate agreements on issues of foreign trade relations,

The special importance of state regulation of foreign economic activity at the regional level is due to such circumstances as: the possibility of promptly solving emerging problems; higher awareness of the situation; advantages of an organizational nature in the creation of inter-territorial centers and programs for the development of foreign economic activity and the reduction of economic risks in this area. An example of this is the creation of a macro-region that includes the Far East and Baikal regions. Such a commonwealth is designed to facilitate overcoming the increased levels of risks of foreign economic activity due to such factors as harsh climatic conditions, poorly developed infrastructure, shortage of human resources, and a relatively low level of socio-economic development in general.

General trends in the development of foreign trade and economic relations in the Far East region are estimated according to current statistics. So, for example, in the Khabarovsk Territory, foreign trade turnover in 2016 as a percentage of 2015 amounted to 121.1%. In the first quarter of 2017, foreign trade turnover increased by 25.3% compared to the corresponding period in 2016. The share of exports in foreign trade turnover amounted to 78%. Non-CIS countries accounted for 99.3% of the foreign trade turnover and only 0.7% - for the CIS countries. The given data testify to the positive direction of the development of foreign trade in the Khabarovsk Territory.

New opportunities for the development of foreign economic activity in the Far East region should arise as the provisions of the complex are implemented government programs of the Far East Hectare, the Far East Demographic Policy Concept, a portfolio of agreements on attracting Korean investors to the Far Eastern Federal District, draft agreements with China on the development of transport corridors, the creation of the Nikolaevsk advanced development territory, the introduction of rules for simplified entry of foreigners into the territory of the Far East and others

The expected new stage in the development of the Far East will not only create new opportunities for foreign economic activity, but will also require special attention to the issues of ensuring the security of foreign economic activity. The risk structure of foreign economic activity will change. For example, the share of non-economic risks associated with foreign economic activity may increase. The situation in the field of risks caused by the human factor may worsen, as the expansion of the scale of activities is associated with the involvement of new personnel, the professionalism and reliability of which are not always amenable to the necessary control. These are the regional features of the conditions of foreign economic activity, shown on the example of the Far Eastern Federal District. They confirm the need to take into account the territorial specifics in the formation of a set of measures to manage risks in the field of foreign economic activity.

The specifics of the conditions for the development of the Far Eastern Federal District are determined by the following main circumstances:

  • 1. Throughout the entire economic space of Russia, including the territory of the Far East, there are common mechanisms and patterns for the country in the formation of the current situation and trends in the dynamics of socio-economic potential, the implementation of the goals and principles of foreign economic activity.
  • 2. Within the framework of these general trends, the specifics of the Far East are clearly distinguished, due primarily to such well-known objective determinants as its historical, cultural, ethno-national, demographic, and economic and geographical position.
  • 3. The influence of these objective determinants as the main conditions for the development of the region is extremely ambiguous. They can act simultaneously as powerful incentives for rapid sustainable socio-economic development, and as insurmountable obstacles to the operation of positive incentives for the implementation of programs for the integrated development of the Far Eastern zone of Russia. The ratio of these two vectors of the impact of objective factors depends, first of all, on: a) the nature of the impact of the subjective component of the system of development determinants (especially the human factor in all its diversity of manifestations); b) institutions of state power of the region and the federal center, which form the current model of the region's management and a long-term strategy for its development.
  • 4. The influence of the human factor can be represented various options combinations of three main components: a) a system of values, needs, behavioral standards of the population of the region, which determine the dominant preferences in the field of labor activity and satisfaction of needs in the sphere of personal life support of households; b) a conscious choice of style, direction and tools for regulating public relations in the region by state and municipal authorities; c) the peculiarities of the formation of the composition and the choice of ways to implement business plans by representatives of the entrepreneurial sector of the economy of the Far East.
  • 5. Of particular importance for the effective development of the Far East region is the target setting of the highest authorities of Russia for the priority development of this region and the creation of a set of organizational, legal, material, technical and foreign policy conditions to solve this problem. The main official documents on this issue are: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2013 No. 819 (as amended on November 15, 2016) “On the Government Commission on the socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region”; approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2013 No. 466-r, the state program of the Russian Federation "Socio-economic development of the Far East and the Baikal region", designed for the period 2014-2025. and etc.
  • 6. When ensuring the economic security of the Far East region, it is necessary to implement a system of measures to counteract the main risks associated with: a) problems in the implementation of development programs for the Far East region - risks of insufficient financing of socio-economic programs for the development of the region; risks of problems arising in the normative legal and scientific and methodological support of state programs for the development of the region; risks of poor-quality planning for the development of the region; risks of inefficient management of the process of implementation of state programs for the development of the region; b) risks associated with the instability of the international political and economic situation; c) internal macroeconomic risks of the Russian Federation; d) risks caused by unfavorable for the Far East regularities in the placement of elements of the resource base of production.
  • 7. The mechanism for ensuring economic security should be represented by a set of interrelated and balanced measures to counter the challenges and risks of an economic, political, social, legal and organizational nature. For more details on this issue, see.
  • 8. A set of measures to ensure economic security should be integrated into single system management of the socio-economic development of the region For more details on this issue, see.

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