Field institution of the central bank of the Russian Federation. Ya.A


Bashashkina G.Yu., Candidate of Economics, Military University Tikhonenko E.V., Competitor of the Military University

The main purpose of the power structures is to ensure the military security of the country. Field institutions of the Bank of Russia have an indisputable advantage over credit institutions in terms of prompt provision of cash, almost all field institutions of the Bank of Russia are full-fledged participants in electronic settlements in the payment system of the Bank of Russia, which allows making payments bypassing intermediate links in the general system of interbank settlements.

Key words: monetary provision of elements, target clientele Money, system construction model financial support.



Bashashkina G., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Tikhonenko E., the applicant, Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The main destination of power structures consists in ensuring military safety of the country. Field establishments of Bank of Russia have indisputable advantage over the credit organizations for expeditious providing with cash, practically all field establishments of Bank of Russia are full-fledged participants of electronic calculations in payment system of Bank of Russia that allows making payments, passing intermediate links in the general system of interbank calculations.

There are different views on participation of field establishments in system of bank providing the military personnel, from full transfer of all client base of the military organization of the state by it to the full in participation of field establishments in system of cash security of military work.

Keywords: cash security of elements, target clients of money, model of creation of system of cash security.

The model of building a system of monetary support for military personnel with the participation of the institution of authorized commercial banks, which we considered earlier, being developed under the conditions of reform, theoretically has the necessary characteristics to fulfill its tasks. But, evidence confirmed by practice, due to the short duration of the project, is not yet enough to make a judgment about the full adequacy of the requirements for its functionality. At the same time, the results of our analysis revealed the shortcomings of the implemented model, which cause the limited functionality of the mechanism. Our main disadvantages are:

Lack of a single goal-setting motivation, internal differentiation of the goals of the activities of the elements of the mechanism;

Institutional extraterritoriality in relation to beneficiaries and limited mobility;

High exposure to strategic risk due to being intended only for peaceful "standard" operating conditions;

Lack of an unconditional guarantee of information security;

Lack of unified standards for the execution of documents in paper and electronic form (for example, ESID1).

The main goals of the functioning of the mechanism of monetary security, we single out, unconditional bringing to the target clientele of the amounts allowance and other payments, the provision of services for the disposal of these funds, their reliable safety and possible anti-inflationary protection.

This target function is implemented at the highest level of the current model of the monetary provision system. However, the target vector of elements of a lower level in the hierarchy of the mechanism does not fully correspond to the main goal, because the inclusion of elements of a commercial orientation (UKB)2, imposes on the main goal the burden of the need for accounting, their private goals - making a profit. This significantly limits the functionality of such a model, because what is not profitable is not interesting for commercial structures. Thus, their participation in the system of monetary

sintering, to a certain extent, conditionally and objectively limited in time, place, range of banking operations.

The institutional component of the system is located where the main client base, i.e. tends to be big settlements, and the target clientele we consider requires an institutional presence in remote and specific places. That is, the high-quality implementation of the functionality will require additional financial costs from the elements of the system, the payback of which will be one of the first tasks. commercial structures included in the mechanism.

One of the conditions for the life of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the need for periodic redeployment of units and formations, both to perform current short-term tasks, and with a change in the point of permanent deployment. This requires from the structures that ensure that the amounts of money due to them reach the target clientele, a certain degree of mobility, i.e. movement of separate structural divisions, or special equipment providing remote services banking services(payment terminals and ATMs). These issues are currently not even considered in the vast majority of commercial banks due to their relatively high cost and technical problems.

The main purpose of the power structures is to ensure the military security of the country. One of the most important elements of ensuring the military security of the Russian state in peacetime is "the formation and preparation of a system of measures for the transfer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops to wartime conditions (including their mobilization deployment), as well as increasing the mobilization readiness of the economy, creating conditions that ensure the advance transfer of industrial enterprises envisaged by the plan to the production of military products, the organization of training of state authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations, the country's population to solve problems of ensuring military security”3. AT modern conditions, the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must be ready to act in

1 ESID - electronic official information document.

2 UKB - authorized commercial Bank

3 Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation// Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 5, 2010 No. 146

any conditions of the situation, solving the tasks facing him not only in the armed defense of the Fatherland, but also in providing assistance and eliminating the consequences in areas of climatic disasters and man-made disasters. At the same time, the needs for banking services of personnel must be fully and timely satisfied. But the place of commercial financial structures in the access zone of the target clientele in such cases is not determined, and in accordance with the current legislation it is often impossible. A practical solution to the issue of banking services for troops under special conditions has not been determined.

The inclusion in the cash supply system of elements that have different, completely unrelated and independent of each other internal corporate document management systems, entails operational risks associated with the use of documents of different forms and content, different systems within a single mechanism electronic processing, transmission and storage of information.

All commercial banks involved in bringing funds to the target clientele build their technologies on the basis of the two world's leading payment systems Visa International Inc., Eurocard/Mastercard. These systems have a worldwide reputation and have solid information capabilities based on advanced technologies. However, the tasks of ensuring state security require taking into account the nationality of the payment systems used by the monetary security system as the main information technology. How will the system operate in the event of a possible failure or failure of the functioning of these payment systems? The question remains open. A recent example, blocking cards issued by Russian banks as sanctions by the United States and its European allies, requires the development of a certain protection on the part of the state, which ensures the independence of the mechanism of monetary support for federal employees of the Russian Federation from the freedom of expression of the will of non-resident counterparties.

At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that even processing built on the processing centers of national banks includes the passage of information through the information capacities of payment systems located physically outside the territory of the Russian Federation, leading to the risk of information security to the national interests of our country.

All these limitations of functionality can be leveled when building a model of the cash collateral mechanism with the participation of field institutions of the Bank of Russia.

The results of a comparative analysis of functional capabilities with the participation of field institutions of the Bank of Russia in the interests of the high-quality operation of the monetary collateral mechanism testify to their high potential:

1. as an element of the institutional structure, which has:




The highest access to restricted information;

Belonging to power structures;

Wide territorial presence in the access zones of the target clientele;

2. as an organization carrying out banking operations:

A wide range of banking operations;

Using modern technologies for processing, transmitting and storing information;

The presence of the widest possible correspondent network on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The expediency of including field institutions of the Bank of Russia in the system of monetary support is confirmed by the logic historical development systems of field institutions of the Bank of Russia. As noted earlier, the first mention of field banking institutions (military field cash desks) appeared in the mobilization plans of the Red Army4. The system of field institutions of the Bank of Russia was born and adequately passed the test of survivability, mobility, and reliability during the harsh years of trials of the Great Patriotic War, during military operations in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, and in armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation. Their target functionality fully coincides with the target function of the monetary security system - meeting the needs of federal employees, primarily military personnel, in banking services, including settlement and cash security, i.e. in any situation.

Field institutions of the Bank of Russia have a structure adequate to the cantonment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, located in the access zone of the target clientele, because are themselves military units. Consequently, they have the necessary degree of mobility to move along with serviced units, access to limited information on the amount of financing for defense spending. On the other hand, the affiliation of field institutions to the Bank of Russia determines their highest reliability, the ability to conduct all types of banking operations and the use of the most modern technologies in the interests of existing and newly formed military structures in wartime and in special conditions5. Providing funds for the transition of the country's economy from peacetime to wartime and at the same time maintaining the ability of the banking system to meet the needs of national defense, including military personnel, in banking services is one of the main tasks of the Bank of Russia and its field institutions.

Thus, only under the condition of the participation of field institutions in the mechanism of monetary support, a state guarantee of the safety of funds of military personnel and other clients of the target group can be provided.

The degree of participation of field institutions in the system of monetary support for military personnel may be different in peacetime, with the readiness to take over the full volume of banking services for the military organization of the state in wartime and under special conditions.

We believe that the most effective and sustainable model of the system of banking services for the monetary provision of military personnel, presented in Figure 1.

Based on a preliminary expert assessment of the capabilities of field institutions, we have identified the main directions for improving the monetary security system with the participation of field institutions of the Bank of Russia in peacetime, which are:

In cash and settlement services for clients of the target group based on the deployed national payment system;

In cash and settlement services of separate structural divisions of authorized commercial banks, remote from their head offices;

Cash and settlement services for branches of authorized commercial banks outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

Collection of automated devices remote

Rice. 1. A model for building a monetary collateral system with the participation of field institutions of the Bank of Russia

self-service owned by authorized commercial banks;

In wartime and under special conditions, the model we have developed assumes full cash and settlement support for the target clientele through the system of field institutions of the Bank of Russia.

In peacetime, field offices of the Bank of Russia can participate in the system of monetary support for military personnel in two ways: firstly, by directly servicing military personnel, and secondly, by providing cash services to separate structural divisions of authorized commercial banks.

Field institutions of the Bank of Russia have an indisputable advantage over credit institutions in terms of prompt provision of cash, due to the fact that they have reserve funds of banknotes and coins. In addition, almost all field offices of the Bank of Russia are full-fledged participants in electronic settlements in the payment system of the Bank of Russia, which makes it possible to make payments bypassing intermediate links in the general system of interbank settlements.

There are different views on the participation of field institutions in the system of banking support for military personnel, from the complete transfer to them of the entire client base of the state's military organization to the denial of participation of field institutions in the system of monetary support for military labor.

Until recently, a natural limitation on the participation of field institutions in the current system of monetary support for military personnel was the absence in the arsenal of the Bank of Russia of the main instrument of monetary support for military personnel at the moment - bank cards.

It seemed that, in connection with this, the road to the system of monetary support was closed to the field institutions. However, this is not quite true. This is confirmed by the organization of banking services for military personnel on the island of Novaya Zemlya, where there are no structural divisions of commercial banks, and where current accounts are opened for all military personnel in a field institution of the Bank of Russia. The procedure for settlement and cash servicing of accounts of individuals opened with field offices of the Bank of Russia is set out in a special instruction of the Bank of Russia.

It should be noted that the opening of accounts for individuals in other institutions of the Bank of Russia (settlement and cash centers, branches) is still not provided. But payments from accounts opened by military personnel in field institutions can be made in all divisions of the settlement network of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

There is no doubt about the expediency of opening and maintaining current accounts for military personnel in the field institutions of the Bank of Russia in peacetime for their financial support in remote garrisons and in closed administrative-territorial formations in which there are no other banking structures. The same can be said about foreign territories and zones of armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that the field offices of the Bank of Russia, if necessary, can serve separate structural units and their automated remote self-service devices. The basis for organizing interaction between the field institutions of the Bank of Russia and other elements of the monetary support system for military personnel should be the experience of organizing banking support in groups of troops and closed administrative-territorial formations.

In the conditions of non-cash transfer of funds, the effectiveness of the system of monetary support for military personnel is determined not only by bringing the amounts of money, but also by the execution of the instructions of the account holder regarding the balance of funds in the current bank personal account. High-quality and timely execution of the account holder's orders in modern conditions is impossible without the use of modern information technologies.

The functionality of the monetary collateral system with the participation of field institutions of the Bank of Russia is based on the use by the latter of the most modern information technologies,

implemented in the unified settlement communication information network of the Bank of Russia.

Providing access to the electronic settlement system in peacetime minimizes the time of execution of the transfer of funds, and the presence of a full correspondent network and territorial coverage of the Bank of Russia settlement network throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation makes it possible for a counterparty to receive a transfer anywhere in the country as soon as possible.

In addition, in peacetime, when resolving issues of technical access, field institutions of the Bank of Russia can provide customers with remote banking services, both through automated remote self-service devices (ATMs, terminals, etc.), and using military command communication lines.

In connection with the introduction in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of the institution of civil authorized organizations, which are responsible for the rear and partially technical support for the process of combat training of troops in peaceful conditions, banking institutions in individual garrisons are expanding their client base and the range of potential consumers of modern technologies of remote banking services. In the interests of these clients, it is possible to implement acquiring, for example, with the garrison unit of the State Unitary Enterprise Voentorg.

The implementation of such projects in a single garrison will provide additional social benefits to individuals living and serving on its territory.

We consider it expedient to use chip technologies (smart cards), due to their advantages over conventional plastic cards. They are much more reliably protected from forgery, allow you to identify the legitimate cardholder much more reliably, allow you to carry out off-line payments, i.e. in the absence of communication with the processing center (the principle of an electronic wallet), they are significantly superior in reliability to ordinary plastic cards and contain more information.

In addition, the Bank of Russia has the necessary powers to organize settlements using electronic technologies for timely and complete financial support formations and units in a special period.

The proposed mechanism allows servicemen to concentrate all their savings on accounts opened with the institutions of the Bank of Russia and further dispose of them depending on the prevailing conditions, including directing them to the maintenance of their family members in any eventuality.

Thus, the field institutions of the Bank of Russia are currently able to independently solve the problems of providing monetary support to military personnel within the framework of the current mechanism. At the same time, it is expedient already in peacetime to implement a system based on the experience of the mechanism of monetary support for military personnel in combat conditions.

Developed proposals for the formation of a model of the mechanism of monetary support, including:

Opening current accounts for military personnel in parallel in credit institutions and field institutions of the Bank of Russia;

Transfer of funds through the federal treasury to the current accounts of military personnel of field banks in the absence of structural units of commercial banks in the garrisons in peacetime; and entirely in a special period;

Introduction into the practice of settlements of the national payment system;

Using the technology of duplicated confirmation of the balance of funds in the form bank card national payment system and deposit book;

Using the capabilities of a single automated communication information system Bank of Russia for the purpose of banking services for military personnel;

The participation of Bank of Russia field institutions in the system of monetary support for military personnel will make it possible to increase the efficiency and reliability of monetary support for military personnel in any situation, which will contribute to solving the general task of increasing the combat readiness of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in present stage development.

4 Decree of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR of August 11, 1926 "Regulations on the preparatory period for the war."

5 Antonyuk O.A. Some issues of banking services for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation / O.A. Antonyuk // Money and credit. - 2008. - No. 9. - S. 32-36.



On approval of the regulation on field institutions
Central Bank Russian Federation

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Regulations on Field Institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

First Deputy Chairman
of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation S.A. Filatov

Moscow, House of Soviets of Russia

Approved by the decision of the Presidium
Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation
dated June 1, 1992 N 2987-I.

Regulations on Field Institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)

about field institutions of the Central Bank
Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)

I. General provisions

1. Field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) are military institutions, are part of the unified centralized system of the Bank of Russia and are intended for cash, settlement and credit service military units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Bank of Russia field institutions are managed by the Chairman of the Bank of Russia through the Bank of Russia Field Institutions Department. Questions of combat and mobilization readiness, service of troops, organization of work of field institutions of the Bank of Russia for banking services to troops and fleet forces, training of personnel for banking structures and improve their qualifications, as well as command training of personnel, field institutions of the Bank of Russia decide under the leadership of the relevant financial bodies (commanders of formations) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, being under their operational subordination.

2. Field offices of the Bank of Russia are organized according to the following structure:

Bank of Russia Field Institutions Division - as part of the central office of the Bank of Russia;

field office of the Bank of Russia - at the sight of the armed forces, district, front, group of troops, fleet or contingent of Russian troops abroad;

the field department of the Bank of Russia - attached to the army, flotilla or equivalent military formations;

a field branch of the Bank of Russia - attached to a corps, division, brigade or other equivalent military formation.

In peacetime, field offices of the Bank of Russia can be organized into garrisons.

Field institutions of the Bank of Russia are formed by military government bodies within the established time limits at points determined by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Main Directorate of the Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and in agreement with the Bank of Russia. the expenses for the formation of these institutions are made at the expense of the estimate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

3. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation assigns each field institution of the Bank of Russia a real and conventional name, and the Field Institutions Directorate of the Bank of Russia is assigned a conventional name.

Field institutions of the Bank of Russia and the Field Institutions Department of the Bank of Russia have seals depicting the coat of arms of the Russian Federation and with their own name.

II. Department of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia

4. The Field Office of the Bank of Russia is a military institution. In its activities, the Directorate is guided by military regulations, laws of Russia regulating banking activities, the Charter of the Bank of Russia, instructions and other acts of the Bank of Russia, orders, directives and instructions of military command and control bodies, as well as this regulation and ensures the correct application of legislation and other regulations in the field institutions of the Bank of Russia.

5. All issues of banking activities are resolved by the Bank of Russia Field Institutions Department under the leadership of the Bank of Russia. Intervention of military command bodies in banking activities is not allowed.

The Department of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia is responsible for:

management of banking activities of field institutions of the Bank of Russia;

ensuring cash execution of the budget of the Russian Federation by field offices of the Bank of Russia;

organization of cash work in field offices of the Bank of Russia, reinforcement, accounting and control over the safety and expenditure of reserve funds of banknotes and metal coins;

timely issuance of permits to field institutions of the Bank of Russia to issue money into circulation;

organization of settlement and credit services for trade enterprises, as well as those on economic accounting construction organizations and industrial enterprises;

organization of economic work in field offices of the Bank of Russia;

organization of non-cash payments and operations on deposits of military personnel;

management of accounting and operational work of field institutions of the Bank of Russia;

organization of control and audit work;

providing field institutions of the Bank of Russia with computer equipment and bank documentation forms;

organization of storage of archival materials of field institutions of the Bank of Russia.

The Directorate of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia, together with the Main Directorate of the Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, is entrusted with:

organization of cash, settlement and credit services for troops and fleet forces;

control over compliance by military units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with the established limits for keeping cash at the box office;

development of draft instructions, instructions and other regulatory documents of the Bank of Russia on the activities of Bank of Russia field institutions that do not fall within the exclusive competence of the Bank of Russia and the Bank of Russia Field Institutions Department;

preparation and substantiation of proposals for the deployment of a network of field institutions of the Bank of Russia;

organization of personnel training for field institutions of the Bank of Russia and improvement of their qualifications;

study, selection and placement of officer cadres of field institutions of the Bank of Russia;

summarizing the experience of the work of field institutions of the Bank of Russia, developing measures to improve banking services for the troops and navy, expanding the scope of activities of these institutions in the interests of the army and navy;

maintenance on required level combat and mobilization readiness of field institutions of the Bank of Russia, organization of combat, mobilization and special training of personnel of field institutions of the Bank of Russia.

6. The Head of the Directorate of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia manages the activities of the Directorate and field institutions of the Bank of Russia, is responsible for uninterrupted cash, settlement and credit services for military units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, independently or jointly with Head of the Main Directorate of the Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation gives instructions to the field institutions of the Bank of Russia within the limits of his competence, and also submits proposals to the Chairman of the Bank of Russia and military authorities on the activities of field institutions of the Bank of Russia.

The head of the Bank of Russia Field Institutions Department reports on banking issues to the Chairman of the Bank of Russia, and on other issues - to the head of the Main Directorate of the Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

III. Field institutions of the Bank of Russia

7. The functions of field institutions of the Bank of Russia and the list of banking operations are determined by the current banking legislation. The issues of organizing banking services for the troops and fleet forces are regulated by instructions and other regulatory documents agreed with the main directorate of the military budget and financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

8. Heads of field institutions of the Bank of Russia shall be responsible for the activities of subordinate field institutions of the Bank of Russia for uninterrupted cash, settlement and credit services to military units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, for the safety of funds, valuables and settlement documents, conducting deposit transactions, the correctness and legality of the operations performed, the preparation and timely submission of established reporting.

Heads of field departments, divisions and branches of the Bank of Russia report on banking issues to the head of the Field Institutions Department of the Bank of Russia or higher field institutions, and on other issues in the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the fleets and in associations - to the heads financial service, in formations - to the commanders of these formations.

Together with the financial authorities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, field offices of the Bank of Russia solve the following tasks:

organization of cash, settlement and credit services for the troops and forces of the fleet (enrollment in banking services, planning the priority of providing military units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with cash, monitoring their compliance with the established limits for keeping cash in cash desks, approval of the work schedule of the field offices of the Bank of Russia, selection of premises for the newly formed field offices of the Bank of Russia, control over their proper equipment, provision of furniture, office equipment, means of communication and security);

development of measures for the timely provision of troops and fleet forces with cash, the search for internal sources of replenishment of cash funds;

study, selection and placement of personnel, organization of combat and mobilization training of personnel of field institutions of the Bank of Russia;

maintaining the combat and mobilization readiness of the field institutions of the Bank of Russia at the required level.

IV Acquisition and logistics

9. Field offices of the Bank of Russia and the Bank of Russia Field Institutions Department are staffed with officers, ensigns, midshipmen, overtime and conscript servicemen, and employees with special training.

The structure and staffing of field institutions of the Bank of Russia are developed and approved by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia.

The staff of the Field Office of the Bank of Russia is approved by the Governors of the Bank of Russia and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The personnel of the field institutions of the Bank of Russia serving military units, institutions, military educational institutions, enterprises and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are included in the regular strength of the army and navy.

10. Officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors of field institutions of the Bank of Russia and the Office of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia are in active military service, they are subject to military regulations and regulations that determine the procedure for performing military service.

The assignment of military ranks to the officers of field institutions of the Bank of Russia and the Office of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the performance of military service by officers.

The head of the Bank of Russia Field Institutions Directorate is appointed by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the Bank of Russia and in agreement with the head of the Main Directorate of the Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

11. Training and advanced training of officers of field institutions of the Bank of Russia are carried out at the Yaroslavl Higher Military Financial School named after General of the Army A.V. Khrulev, at the Military Finance and Economics Faculty at the State Financial Academy and at the military departments of financial and financial and economic higher civilian educational institutions.

12. Field institutions of the Bank of Russia are maintained at the expense of the estimates of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and the Field Institutions Department of the Bank of Russia - at the expense of the estimates of the Bank of Russia.

13. Servicemen of field institutions of the Bank of Russia and the Office of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia are provided with all types of in-kind and monetary allowances on an equal basis with servicemen of military units and institutions of the army and navy.

14. Responsibility for the protection of material assets and funds located in the field institutions of the Bank of Russia is the responsibility of the heads of these institutions, as well as the relevant commanders and heads of military units under which these institutions were created for banking services.

15. Material and technical supply, the provision of specially equipped vehicles and office premises, means of communication and armed guards to field institutions of the Bank of Russia, as well as the provision of living quarters for the personnel of these institutions, is carried out by the command and control bodies (headquarters) of military formations under which these institutions were created for banking service.

The provision of field institutions of the Bank of Russia with computer equipment, vkdny and check books, as well as forms of bank documentation is carried out by the Bank of Russia.

Last week, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation reported that close cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and the commercial Military Bank cost the state $50.22 million. Meanwhile, the interaction between the military and bankers has not always been so fruitful. The history of banking services of the Soviet army was restored by an observer EVGENY ZHIRNOV.

The USSR was, and Russia remains the only country in the world where there are special military field banks. They were invented in the mid-20s of the last century by the red commander Tukhachevsky. His logic was extremely simple: a soldier fights well when he does not experience material difficulties. And the delivery of salaries to the active army, as the experience of the First World War and the Civil War showed, often turned into an insoluble problem. Therefore, Tukhachevsky proposed to bring the cash storage places as close as possible to the advanced units.
Based on his ideas, the Interdepartmental Mobilization Committee developed the "Regulations on the preparatory period for war", approved by the Council of Labor and Defense on August 11, 1926. This document ordered the People's Commissariat of Finance of the USSR during the period of complications international relations to check the deployment plan of the military field funds, and "from the moment the inevitability of a collision is revealed" to proceed with this deployment. Corresponding plans were created in the Narkomfin, and, judging by some documents, the matter almost came to their implementation in 1938, during the conflict with the Japanese in the Far East.

Currency fraud
Again, the plan of the late Marshal Tukhachevsky was remembered in 1939 after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. For the liberation, as it was then called, campaign against Poland, field offices of the State Bank began to be formed as close as possible to the troops of the Belarusian and Ukrainian fronts, to which, since 1926, the functions of the treasury were transferred from Narkomfin.
Field offices and subordinate field offices were quickly formed. The Kyiv city office of the State Bank allocated its people for the field office of the Ukrainian Front, Minsk - for the Belorussian.
At first, the tasks assigned to the field banking institutions were simple and obvious: to provide the chief finance officers of the units with cash, to accept and issue money to the field post offices, and to work with the contributions of soldiers and commanders. Field offices were endowed with some control functions. For example, they could check the expediency of the administrative expenses of the headquarters of the units to which they were assigned.
However, soon after entering Polish territory, it turned out that the field banks had to take on another role - the custodian and accountant of expensive trophies. For example, the field office of the Ukrainian Front received "various trophies and valuables", some of which were later transferred to the Artillery Museum in Leningrad. And the bankers, who in 1940 participated in the annexation of Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia to the USSR, had a chance to accept from General Kirill Moskalenko the treasure he discovered in Chisinau.
The appraiser Yankel Salita, who accepted the values, reported in 1962:
"I ... received from General K. S. MOSKALENKO (now Marshal of the Soviet Union), according to the inventory, as far as I remember, the following jewelry: gold coins of various denominations in the amount of 203 pieces with a total weight of two kilograms and 933 grams, for which it was issued a receipt and an act was drawn up in three copies, of which one was transferred to the bank, the second was handed over to General MOSKALENKO and the third, together with the jewelry, was sent to Moscow.
Approximately after 2-3 days, I also received, according to the inventory from one citizen, who turned out to be the wife of General K. S. MOSKALENKO, several precious items, including about twenty pieces of gold coins of various denominations. These items, as far as I remember, were the following:
1. One pair of platinum men's watches with a diamond (as in the text.— Kommersant) in the lid.
2. Two or three pairs of ladies' gold watches.
3. One pair of platinum diamond cufflinks.
4. Various gold rings with precious stones.
5. One knitting (ten-twelve pieces) of gold rings with diamonds.
In addition, there were some other jewels, about which I do not remember the details."
It also turned out that field banks could be useful not only to the military, but also to the new civil authorities of the territories annexed to the USSR. With their help, in Western Ukraine, Western Belarus, and then in Moldavia and the Baltic states, rubles were introduced into circulation and Polish zlotys, Romanian lei, Latvian lats, Lithuanian litas and Estonian crowns were withdrawn. And Soviet commissars were appointed to local banks, a considerable part of whom were seconded from field banks. By the way, after the conversion of the savings of new Soviet citizens into rubles, they were actually deprived of their savings, allowing them to withdraw no more than 200 rubles a month.
In the spring of 1940, after the end of the war with Finland, the combat functions of the field offices were exhausted, and one after another they ceased to exist. The military bankers wrote reports on the work done and returned to their city and regional offices of the State Bank.

Banker with a gun
Again field institutions of the State Bank began to form on the second day of the war with Germany. It was not difficult to do this. All bank employees were in the reserve of their field offices and were drafted into the army as soon as possible. The tasks before the field offices, departments and cash desks were the same. But it was often simply impossible to fulfill them. The rapid retreat of the Red Army deprived the military bankers of communication with each other, the State Bank and the serviced units.
The field office of the Western Front, for example, in the Minsk region lost contact with the front headquarters and was able to restore it only when the retreating troops were already near Smolensk. And the field office of the Southwestern Front did not even have a list of banking institutions subordinate to it. In July 1941, this office asked Moscow three times for permission to issue money to attached units. And permission was given three times, but due to interruptions in communication, it was never received.
And during the retreat, tragic oddities sometimes happened. The command of the corps demanded that the head of the field branch of the State Bank assigned to him immediately pay the salary to the command staff, despite the absence of permits.
“When I refused to comply with such an order,” the banker recalled, “I was given a period of one day, in extreme cases I should be shot for not following the order. My answer was: when you shoot, you can then manage the money. The head of the rear of the corps prevented this dramatic episode ".
In the first months of the war, when the army retreated, ensuring the safety of documents and cash became no less important than the payment of monetary allowances. In the reports of field banks and the memoirs of their employees, there are many examples of how war bankers managed to save valuables. One of the field ticket offices was surrounded, and its chief decided to break through on a truck. Bags with money and documents were fixed in the body, bankers and guards stood with light machine guns at the sides and, firing in all directions to stun the enemy soldiers, rushed to the exit from the village. The maneuver was a success: when the Germans came to their senses, the car had already left the firing zone. The accountant of another field cash desk took out a bag with all the documentation and cash from the encirclement. To cross the river, he broke down the door of the nearest house and transported his valuable cargo on it.
Enthusiasm, however, was not shown by all. The Western Front lost 81 bank employees, of which only four were killed and the rest were missing. Among the latter, there were probably many who surrendered or simply deserted.
During the retreat, military bankers saved millions of rubles. But a lot has been lost. Only on eight of the sixteen fronts at the beginning of the war they lost almost 90 million - they disappeared along with the missing financiers, burned down or went to the Germans.

Cashless calculation
The size of the army was constantly increasing. The cost of maintaining it also increased, and this upset the country's finances. From the beginning of the war until the end of 1941, field banks issued 1.88 billion rubles to military units. (The salary of a gunner, for example, then amounted to 15 rubles a month.) The return of cash to the cash desks over the same time amounted to only 40.5%. This meant the launch of the printing press and rising inflation. (inflation for the entire period of the war, according to some estimates, amounted to 1000-1500%). And the military bankers were given the task of reducing the cash flow from the rear to the active army, which in practice meant withdrawing cash from military personnel on a voluntary-compulsory basis.
It was not easy to do this, since at the same time the country's leadership decided to introduce the principle of material interest in the troops. For each downed enemy aircraft, fighter pilots were given a bonus of one thousand rubles. Prizes were also paid to the crews of attack aircraft and bombers. For five completed combat missions at night or ten during the day, the same thousand was relied. In the summer of 1942, a bonus system was introduced for destroyed tanks - 500 rubles each for the commander and gunner (tank commander and driver), the rest of the crew or crew - 200 each. Later, bonuses were introduced for quick and high-quality repairs of military equipment (for example, for the repair of the T-34 tank they paid 500 rubles) and for much more.
And yet, there were many ways to withdraw money. The first and, probably, the main of them was, as it was written in one of the instructions of the Department of Field Institutions (UPU) of the State Bank, "expansion of deposit operations." The success of these operations most often depended on how close contacts the field bankers established with the commanders and political workers of the units. Good relations, as a rule, led to the fact that the command of the army or the front issued a special order to assist bankers in crediting the money of fighters and commanders to accounts in the field institutions of the State Bank. At the same time, as modestly noted in the documents, the principle of voluntariness was sometimes violated. The deposit books of the servicemen were kept by the chief financial officers of the units, and it was not easy, to put it mildly, to withdraw money from them when it was required by the fighter.
In other cases, the method of attracting a financial asset was used. In the units, people were appointed who persuaded colleagues to deposit money into accounts, and received quite substantial bonuses for this.
The UPU of the State Bank disseminated best practices to subordinate offices, branches and cash desks. In particular, one of the circulars spoke of the need to pay more attention to sergeants, who have a higher salary than privates, as well as a tendency to hoard: "the balance of deposits reaches 700-800 rubles and is quite stable."
The result was obvious: on January 1, 1942, the balance of deposits amounted to 80.9 million rubles, on March 1 - 233.7 million, on April 1 - 361.9 million. In total, in 1942, the amount of money in the accounts increased 25 times. And by the end of the war, the balance of deposits reached 4 billion rubles.
The next most important way to reduce cash turnover was to donate money to the Defense Fund and subscribe to military loans (there were four during the war). However, it must be admitted that this work to withdraw cash was carried out mainly by political workers, who most often personally signed all of their subordinates without exception for the amounts specified by the command.
No less important was the campaign for sending money to relatives and friends. Soldiers and officers were urged to help their families more and, without waiting for the payment of salaries, write applications for the non-cash transfer of his part home to the rear.
But the most pleasant way for soldiers to part with money is through the units of the military department, which was transferred under strict financial control field bankers. The heads of departments and cash desks strictly monitored that the regimental tents, canteens and tea shops had all the necessary goods and timely returned the loans issued by the field institutions. And most importantly, they supervised that military traders use no more than 30% of the cash falling into their hands for decentralized purchases of products.
As a result, of the 11.12 billion rubles paid to servicemen in 1942, they had less than three billion in their hands. 1943 was even more successful. Of the 15.9 billion paid, only 2.26 billion did not return to the cash register.
Of course, this policy also had a downside. Deprived of cash, the Red Army men took up self-sufficiency. This was especially evident during the offensive. The current head of the department of field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, General Zastavnyuk, noted in one of his articles:
"The experience of the field network of the State Bank over the three years of the war showed that under the conditions of the offensive of the Soviet troops, the needs of military personnel for cash dropped sharply, and, consequently, the need for organizing their savings increased."
After the Red Army crossed the border of the USSR, the military became even tighter with cash. Rubles, by decision of the government, were seized from them without fail. And the currency of the host country was issued on an extremely limited scale. Generals and officers were paid 25-30% of the accrued money, sergeants - 50%, and only privates received their insignificant amounts in full.

Killed Contributors
The military bankers had another duty - to take care of the contributions of the dead Red Army soldiers. How they performed this duty is evidenced by a joint order issued by the financial department of the People's Commissariat of Defense and the UPU of the State Bank on May 29, 1945, three weeks after the end of the war.
"Inspections and revisions of the financial departments of the fronts and field offices of the State Bank revealed serious shortcomings in the work of some financial bodies and field institutions of the State Bank in fulfilling the wills of depositors who died on the fronts of the Patriotic War. Cases have been established when the heads of financial bodies of military units and formations.. They detained the deposit books of the dead and missing servicemen instead of immediately handing over these deposit books to the field offices of the State Bank.
In a number of cases, the deposit books of the dead servicemen were sent ... to the place of conscription of the servicemen, bypassing the State Bank. Some of these loose-leaf books were lost.
There were facts of sending deposit books to relatives to whom the deposit does not belong by will. Even such books were sent to relatives, the contribution of which was bequeathed to the defense fund. The heads of the field offices of the State Bank ... do not always show the necessary concern for the timely fulfillment of the wills of depositors, and also do not systematically work to identify the fate of the owners of fixed deposits.
In order to decisively improve the work... we propose:
1. To the heads of the financial bodies of the military units, the deposit books of the dead, deceased, missing and retired from the military contributors must immediately hand over to the field institution of the State Bank. Direct forwarding of deposit books to the addresses of heirs or departed depositors is canceled..."
But "decisive improvement" did not happen. On the contrary, the work of paying the contributions of the dead died out for almost thirty years. It was only in 1973 that the Krasnoarmeisky branch of the State Bank of the USSR was created, which was supposed to search for and pay out deposits made to field institutions during the war. Surprisingly, it still works today. As well as the system of field banks, which Tukhachevsky proposed to create only for the duration of the war.

Bank "Eternal"
Like any bureaucratic structure, field banks proved easier to create than to liquidate. In the second half of 1945, a decision was made to completely liquidate and complete the settlements of the field network of the State Bank. However, it turned out that the Soviet occupation troops in Germany, as well as Soviet units in other countries, needed banking services. And the UPU has been preserved, albeit in a greatly abridged form. In the fifties, it began to serve closed and remote facilities. Field banks appeared on Novaya Zemlya, at Baikonur, and then in missile units in Transbaikalia. Field bankers were also part of the contingent of troops in Afghanistan. After the withdrawal of troops from Eastern Europe, the local military banks were not disbanded, but a new front of work was created for them - servicing units inside Russia.
In recent years, talk about the liquidation of the military field banks has subsided - they only tried to resubordinate. At first, the Ministry of Defense wanted to take over the military bankers, and then they planned to transfer their functions to the Federal Treasury. But the military bankers survived these attacks and continue to be a division of the Central Bank. Although they had only one opportunity to carry out their direct work - to supply the warring army with money - in Chechnya.

With the assistance of the publishing house VAGRIUS, "POWER" presents a series of historical materials under the heading ARCHIVE

Ya.A. Geivandov. Field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: features of the legal status(article was written in November 1997 – January 1998 . and published in the journal "Money and Credit". - No. 4. - 1998 - S. 58-63)

Field institutions are the oldest institutions that provide troops with cash and organize money circulation in the interests of the defense and security of the Russian state. Back in the years of the Russian-Turkish war (1877 - 1878), military field cash desks and field treasuries were created, which were entrusted with the functions of issuing cash to the troops, accepting deposits, etc. Since 1939, field institutions of the State Bank The USSR (now field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) perform the functions of specialized units that are part of the unified system of the Bank of Russia.

Field institutions of the Bank of Russia carried out and carry out banking services for military units and other military formations, wherever they were in the past, for example, on the fronts of hostilities, in groups of Soviet troops in other countries (for example, in Germany, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Romania) or in the present (in remote areas, in closed administrative territorial entities, abroad).

In the process economic reforms In the 1990s, many bodies and forces that ensure the defense and security of the Russian Federation ended up being banked in commercial banks, where they opened bank accounts. Significant budgetary funds allocated for defense and security purposes passed through commercial banks. At the same time, the negative phenomena that arose in the process of settlement and cash services for military formations by commercial banks required the creation of more reliable guarantees for the independence of these formations from financial stability and commercial activities credit organizations. At the same time, it was taken into account that the proper financing of the Armed Forces and other military formations, as well as bringing budgetary funds to each military unit, each individual serviceman is the most important guarantee of ensuring national security and observance of the rights and legitimate interests of military personnel. In addition, it was taken into account that a significant proportion of public spending on defense and security is information constituting a state secret (Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1993 "On State Secrets", paragraph 54 of section 2 of the Presidential Decree of November 30, 1995 No. 1203 "On approval of the list of information classified as state secrets" (as amended on January 24, 1998). It is also important that the ability of the state to directly intervene in the economic activities of specific credit institutions is limited by the current federal legislation. Therefore, the most Banking services for military formations and agencies that ensure the security of the Russian Federation through field offices of the Bank of Russia were recognized as safe and effective from the point of view of ensuring the interests of national security.

For the first time in the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legal norms governing the activities of field institutions of the Bank of Russia as an integral part of unified system Bank of Russia, their legal status, their tasks and the functions they perform were enshrined in the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" as amended in 1995 (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law).

Field institutions, like other territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia, do not have the status of a legal entity and act on behalf of the Bank of Russia by proxy. At the same time, they cannot make decisions of a regulatory nature, as well as issue guarantees and guarantees, promissory notes and other obligations without the permission of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia (Article 84 federal law). Unlike the main territorial departments and national banks, field institutions of the Bank of Russia have a special (dual) position. On the one hand, they are an integral part of the Bank of Russia and, when carrying out banking activities, act independently of any state authorities, reporting exclusively to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. On the other hand, field institutions - military institutions, are staffed by military personnel, are guided by military legislation and comply with the established procedure for military service, which implies the operation of the principle of unity of command. In addition, the field institutions of the Bank of Russia, unlike the main departments (national banks) of the Bank of Russia, as a rule, do not perform the functions of banking supervision and control. Their activities are connected with the organization of money circulation, issue of money, settlement and cash services and with the implementation of other banking operations. In addition, unlike other territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia, field institutions, as part of the Russian troops, can be deployed on the territories of foreign states and perform the tasks of banking services for the military formations of the Russian Federation there.

The main functions of the field institutions of the Bank of Russia are banking services for legal entities and individuals; carrying out, with the permission of the Bank of Russia, the issue of cash, as well as the organization of money circulation in connection with the activities of the persons they serve. All the above circumstances make it possible to single out the field offices of the Bank of Russia into an independent group of territorial branches of the Bank of Russia.

In exercising the functions assigned to them, the field institutions of the Bank of Russia, it seems, can and should carry out all types of banking operations provided for by federal legislation that the organizations they serve need: attracting funds from individuals and legal entities served by the field institutions of the Bank of Russia into deposits ( on demand and for a fixed period) on the terms determined by the Bank of Russia; opening and maintaining bank accounts of legal entities; making settlements on behalf of legal entities and individuals; cash services for individuals and legal entities in cases provided for by law; implementation currency transactions; lending to service organizations that ensure the defense and security of the Russian Federation in accordance with applicable law and the procedure established by the Bank of Russia.

By decision of the Bank of Russia, field institutions may be entrusted with carrying out other banking operations provided for by federal legislation. Thus, according to the letter of the Bank of Russia dated June 25, 1997 No. 26-3-2/1469, the opening of a subcorrespondent account for a branch of a credit organization of the Russian Federation in the city of Baikonur is carried out by a field office of the Bank of Russia. At the same time, the opening of subcorrespondent accounts for branches of Russian credit institutions is carried out in accordance with the rules for opening accounts in force in the Russian Federation and on the basis of a letter from the Licensing Department of Banking and audit activity of the Bank of Russia on entering a branch into the State Registration Book of Credit Institutions and assigning a serial number to it.

Under special conditions, when it is impossible for other territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia to function in some territories of the Russian Federation (for example, in the course of well-known events in the Chechen Republic), by decision of the Bank of Russia, field institutions may be assigned the functions of cash settlement centers that provide interbank and intrabank settlements credit institutions located in the territory. In this regard, the relevant credit institutions were ordered to open correspondent (subcorrespondent) accounts only in field offices of the Bank of Russia operating in a certain territory, and it was forbidden to establish direct correspondent relations with other credit institutions. Thus, in the aforementioned cases, field institutions were additionally vested with powers in the field of banking control and supervision.

Taking into account the special functions and tasks facing the field institutions of the Bank of Russia, the legislation provides for the establishment on the territory of the Russian Federation of institutions of the Bank of Russia on a subject-territorial basis. In accordance with it, field institutions of the Bank of Russia are created, located and operate at the locations of the persons for whose banking services they are intended. Thus, some military units and organizations may be deployed on the territory of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, while their banking services are carried out by one field institution of the Bank of Russia. In addition, it is possible to create and operate field institutions in garrisons.

In accordance with the international treaties of our state, field offices of the Bank of Russia can be created and operate outside the Russian Federation to provide banking services to the Russian troops stationed there and other organizations that ensure the security of the Russian Federation.

The circle of persons whose banking services are carried out by field institutions of the Bank of Russia. An exhaustive list of persons whose banking services are provided by the Bank of Russia through field institutions included in its system is defined in the law: military units, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other state bodies; legal entities that ensure the security of Russia; individuals residing in the territories of facilities serviced by field institutions, in cases where the creation and operation of territorial institutions of the Bank of Russia is impossible (Article 86 of the Federal Law). As can be seen from the content of the mentioned article, the law clearly defines not only the functions - banking services, but also the circle of persons who are subject to banking services by field institutions of the Bank of Russia.

The main criterion that makes it possible to single out individuals whose banking services are provided by the field institutions of the Bank of Russia is the purpose of their activities – ensuring the security of the Russian Federation. At the same time, one should take into account the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation of March 5, 1992 "On Security", according to which security (of individuals, society and the state) is achieved by pursuing a unified state policy in the field of security, a system of economic, political, organizational and other measures that are adequate to threats vital interests of the individual, society and the state. For the direct performance of functions to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state, state security bodies are formed in the system of executive power in accordance with the law (Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security"). On the basis of these bodies, appropriate security forces are created, including: the Armed Forces, federal security agencies, internal affairs agencies, foreign intelligence, security of state authorities, tax service; emergency liquidation services, civil defense formations; border troops, internal troops; security services for communications and information, customs and other government agencies (Article 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security"). For the purpose of timely financing from the federal budget of state bodies and security forces, maintaining them in constant combat readiness, as well as ensuring the timely payment of monetary allowances to military personnel of these bodies and forces and wages, the President of Russia adopted Decree of May 16, 1996 No. 726 "On measures for the timely financing of state bodies and security forces" . This Decree established that banking services for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, border troops, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, railway troops and civil defense troops are provided by field institutions, cash settlement centers of the Bank of Russia, and in those territories where they are absent, - by institutions of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of Decree No. 726 of May 16, 1996). Another Decree of the President of Russia "On measures to ensure military development in the Russian Federation" dated November 25, 1996 No. 1592 prescribes from January 1, 1997 to extend the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 1996 No. 726 to all state bodies and security forces of the Russian Federation (p. .2 Decree). These decrees are one of the elements of the policy pursued by the President of Russia to strengthen the defense capability and security of the Russian Federation, to strengthen social guarantees for servicemen and other citizens performing official duties in the interests of ensuring Russia's security.

Field institutions of the Bank of Russia as military institutions . As military institutions, field institutions of the Bank of Russia are guided in their activities by military legislation, military regulations, as well as the Regulations on field institutions of the Bank of Russia, approved by a joint decision of the Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Defense (Part 2, Article 86 of the Federal Law). Thus, the Bank of Russia and the field institutions within it are guided in their activities by military legislation on issues of ensuring defense and security, military service, ensuring the rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel in field institutions, organizing and dislocating field institutions (Federal Law "On Defense", Law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service ", Law of the Russian Federation "On the status of military personnel"). In accordance with Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Defense", military units (institutions), including field offices of the Bank of Russia, are deployed in accordance with the tasks of defense and the socio-economic conditions of the respective territories. At the same time, the redeployment of military units and subunits to the level of formation within the territories transferred to the use of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is carried out by decision of the Minister of Defense. But the peculiarity of the field institutions of the Bank of Russia is that the issues of their deployment by the military authorities must be coordinated with the Bank of Russia.

In addition, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Defense", the President of the Russian Federation, being the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, exercises leadership over the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies (clause 3, article 4 of the Federal Law "On Defense"). Therefore, in order to ensure the effective functioning of the system of field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in the interests of ensuring the vital activity of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and strengthening the country's defense capability, the organization and activities of field institutions of the Bank of Russia, in addition to banking legislation, are regulated by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. For example, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 28, 1993 No. 1785 “On the regulation of the activities of field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”, which, before the adoption of a legislative act regulating the activities of field institutions of the Bank of Russia, was prescribed to be guided by the Regulations on field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank Russia), approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of June 1, 1992 No. 2897-1.

The federal law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the RSFSR "On the Central Bank of the RSFSR (Bank of Russia)" dated April 26, 1995 does not provide for the adoption of a separate legislative act on the regulation of the activities of field institutions, instructing the Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of Russia to jointly approve the Regulations on field institutions of the Bank of Russia (Article 86 of the Federal Law) However, the said Regulation has not yet been adopted.

Thus, according to the current legislation, the system of field institutions of the Bank of Russia is characterized by "double" subordination - to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and military command and control bodies - to the Russian Ministry of Defense. At the same time, in accordance with the principle of independence of the Bank of Russia, field institutions on banking issues are subordinate only to it.

At the same time, the field institutions of the Bank of Russia are military institutions, they provide for military service. Therefore, issues of military service, mobilization and combat readiness, service of troops, security of field institutions, training of military personnel for the system of field institutions are under the jurisdiction of military command and control bodies.

Clearly, the issue of transferring field institutions of the Bank of Russia to the federal treasury system in connection with the transition of the bodies and forces that ensure the defense and security of the Russian Federation to the settlement system through the federal treasury, which has been frequently discussed recently in banking, financial and scientific circles, obviously requires coverage. It has been repeatedly noted in the legal literature that the use of commercial banks in the settlements of the state with recipients of budgetary funds objectively leads to their underutilization according to intended purpose. In this regard, it is noted that budget money should be used only through the Bank of Russia and its institutions. At the same time, the transition to the treasury system of budget execution does not mean at all that the treasury bodies will carry out settlements on their own. All types of non-cash payments in the Russian Federation are carried out through the banking system, and in case of settlements with budgetary funds - through the system of the Bank of Russia. Considering that servicing the accounts of bodies and organizations that ensure the security of the Russian Federation is entrusted by the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" to field institutions of the Bank of Russia, the treasury bodies should open the corresponding accounts in field institutions.

The transfer of field institutions of the Bank of Russia to the federal treasury system may contribute to the destruction of the banking procedure for bringing budget funds to the bodies and persons providing national defense, and possibly the emergence of military formations financed from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Some authors express the opinion that the level of development of field institutions of the Bank of Russia is much higher than the level of development of treasuries (field institutions of the Bank of Russia function at almost every connection). Therefore, the terms of settlements through the treasury may increase. In addition, the opinion is expressed that the money intended for defense, when passing through the treasury, can be used by the leadership of the regions for the needs of the respective territories.

The transfer of Bank of Russia field institutions to the federal treasury will entail the creation of a significant number of cash settlement centers (RCCs) of the Bank of Russia. Treasuries themselves are not entitled to carry out banking activities and carry out banking operations. In addition, treasuries are formed on an administrative-territorial basis, and at least in three constituent entities of the Russian Federation they have not been formed at all, and they cannot exist outside of it. At the same time, field offices of the Bank of Russia provide banking services to bodies and forces that ensure security, which are not located on an administrative-territorial basis. The deployment of troops is based on the tasks of the country's defense, so one military formation can be located on the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the bulk of the persons served by the field offices of the Bank of Russia are located in territories that are significantly remote from the settlement and cash centers of the Bank of Russia, or in territories where there are none at all (Novaya Zemlya, the border areas of Transbaikalia, the Far East, the territories of foreign states). Based on these circumstances, the deployment of field institutions of the Bank of Russia is being formed on the basis of the principle of ensuring the tasks of the country's defense and its security.

If the project of transferring the system of field institutions from the Bank of Russia to the federal treasury is implemented, field institutions will lose the opportunity to form reserve funds; the right to issue money into circulation; the right to conduct interbank settlements; the possibility of accepting cash from military units, military construction and other organizations. As a result, field institutions of the Bank of Russia will lose their importance for military units as institutions through which banking operations are carried out. Thus, if at present the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations carry out all the necessary banking operations directly through the institutions of the Bank of Russia, then the implementation of the above project will create another link - the federal treasury. The Federal Treasury will still be forced to open bank accounts in institutions of the Bank of Russia or in commercial banks. In addition, the issue of banking services for military units deployed outside the territory of the Russian Federation and in isolated closed military camps will become acute. Among them are such issues as providing troops with foreign currency; settlement of settlements between foreign suppliers and Russian military units abroad, as well as institutions of the Bank of Russia; carrying out transactions on deposits of military personnel and other individuals who serve or served in Russian military formations abroad.

In addition, the field institutions of the Bank of Russia are losing their main purpose - mobile banking services for military formations in special conditions (troop mobilization readiness plans provide for the immediate advancement of field institutions together with a military formation in the event of hostilities to the destination established by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ).

Under such circumstances, the transfer of field institutions of the Bank of Russia to the federal treasury will entail the actual liquidation banking systems for financing state bodies and forces, ensuring the defense and security of the Russian Federation. All the above negative circumstances, together with the existing problems, can, of course, directly affect the decrease in the level of the general state of Russia's defense capability and security. And the last. The activities of field institutions outside the Russian Federation are regulated in a number of cases by international agreements (including intergovernmental and interbank ones), which unequivocally stipulate that financing of Russian military formations is carried out through field institutions of the Bank of Russia that have the right to conduct interstate settlements (Agreement on the status of military formations of the Russian Federation on territory of Kazakhstan of January 20, 1995, the Federal Law of October 24, 1994 "On ratification of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basic principles and conditions for the use of the Baikonur Cosmodrome, etc.). Therefore, settlement and cash services contingents of Russian troops abroad can only be carried out by field offices of the Bank of Russia. The functioning of structural subdivisions of the federal treasury as a structural subdivision of the Ministry of Finance of Russia outside Russia is impossible from the point of view of international treaties of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the need for the closest interaction between the Bank of Russia and its institutions, including field institutions, with the federal treasury cannot be ruled out. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 28, 1997 "On Measures to Accelerate the Transition to the Treasury System for the Execution of the Federal Budget", the Ministry of Finance of Russia, together with other federal executive bodies and with the participation of the Bank of Russia, was instructed to centralize the income and funds of the federal budget on the accounts of the bodies Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. Moreover, it is determined that the accounts of the federal treasury bodies of the Ministry of Finance of Russia for accounting for income and federal budget funds are opened in the prescribed manner in the institutions of the Bank of Russia, and in their absence - in commercial banks involved in servicing these accounts on a competitive basis (clause 1 of the Resolution) . The implementation of the said Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation not only does not exclude, but also, in accordance with the Federal Law, assumes that the accounts of the federal treasury bodies for accounting for federal budget funds allocated for defense and security should be opened in specialized (military) institutions of the Bank of Russia, which are field institutions.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the practice of implementing the decision to transfer budget settlements to the federal treasury shows that this process is not so simple, indisputable and safe. First, in law or otherwise legal act it is necessary to consolidate the provision on the interaction of the Bank of Russia and its institutions with the federal treasury to strengthen control over the use of federal budget funds and financial discipline. Secondly, it should be borne in mind that paragraph 2 of Art. 15 of the Law of the RSFSR of October 10, 1991 "On the Fundamentals of the Budget Structure and the Budget Process in the RSFSR", establishing in Russia banking system cash execution of the budget. According to the said Law, the Bank of Russia and its local institutions, and in their absence, another bank, on behalf of the Bank of Russia, maintain accounts and are cashiers of the relevant executive authorities. Thirdly, as evidenced by publications in the media, the transfer to the treasury system of budget execution "has brought only complete confusion so far", the victim of which was even the newspaper of the Government of the Russian Federation, which complains that treasury technology has greatly complicated the process of bringing budget funds to specific consumer. If the difficulties that Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes about have arisen in Moscow with a government newspaper, then one can imagine the scale of the real problems that can and will certainly arise for the bodies and forces that ensure the security of Russia, deployed in remote areas of our Motherland and beyond its borders. Therefore, solving the problem of financing and banking services for the bodies and forces that ensure the security of Russia requires not only unconditional compliance with the current legislation, but also a thorough assessment of the decisions made from the point of view of their expediency. Correcting the mistakes made, as a rule, is much more difficult than not making them at all.

In view of the foregoing, the preservation and development of the system of banking services for the bodies and forces that ensure the security of the Russian Federation, through field institutions of the Bank of Russia, the implementation of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 16, 1996 No. 726 and November 25, 1996 No. a complex of problems of financing legal entities that ensure the security of the Russian Federation, and in particular, completely eliminates the risk of loss by these bodies and the forces of the budget funds allocated to them in the event that commercial banks encounter financial or other difficulties. In addition, the possibility of misuse of state budget funds intended and allocated to finance state bodies and security forces is excluded. Certain organizational and legal guarantees are being created for the personal protection of each employee of state bodies and security forces and members of their families, in terms of the payment of monetary allowances, food and other security. The preservation of the system of financing the bodies and forces that ensure the security of the Russian Federation through the field institutions of the Bank of Russia will guarantee the cessation of indirect lending to commercial banks that has taken place, and the exclusion of the possibility of using budgetary funds intended for state bodies and security forces to replenish the assets of credit institutions. In addition, real conditions are created for cost savings. state budget because, in accordance with Art. 23 of the Federal Law, unlike commercial banks, field institutions of the Bank of Russia carry out operations with federal budget funds without charging a commission. In addition, the transfer of budgetary funds allocated for defense and security through the system of field institutions of the Bank of Russia contributes not only to strengthening state control over the spending of budgetary funds, but also to real ensuring the preservation of state secrets when conducting banking operations in the interests of national security.

On the history of the formation and development of field institutions of the Bank of Russia, see, for example: Zastavnyuk V.P. Bankers in the service of the military // Army collection. - 1996. - No. 8; Korechkov Yu.V. Field Banks of Russia. - Part 1. - Yaroslavl: International University of Business and New Technologies, 1996; Korechkov Yu.V. The field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation are 55 years old. - Yaroslavl: International University of Business and New Technologies, 1996; 3iberov D. Military field banks // Business and banks -1997. - No. 38.

See, for example: Instructions of the Bank of Russia dated December 4, 1996 No. 368 "On the organization of settlements with the participation of credit institutions (including branches of credit institutions),

Field institutions of the Bank of Russia- specialized structural divisions of the Central Bank, which are military institutions. They are guided in their activities by the charters and regulations on field institutions of the Bank of Russia, approved by a joint decision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense.

The system of field institutions serves to make the calculations of the Ministry of Defense independent of the system of commercial banks, as well as to preserve state secrets.

For the first time, military banking institutions appeared in Russia during the Russian-Turkish war (1877-1878) in the form of field cash desks. AT recent history their creation dates back to 1937 - as structural divisions of the State Bank of the USSR.

Field institutions implement the following functions:

settlements between the Ministry of Defense and enterprises and organizations of various sectors of the economy for weapons, military equipment, various types of property, products and services; servicing the budget of the Ministry of Defense, allocating funds to military units, institutions and organizations according to the estimates of the Ministry of Defense, conducting operations with these funds; storage of free funds of military units, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense, non-cash payments, lending to unitary enterprises, construction organizations and military trades; providing units with cash to pay salaries, allowances and other settlements of military units with personnel.

Field institutions are not independent legal entities and act in accordance with powers of attorney issued by the Central Bank.

Federal Law No. 86-FZ of July 10, 2002 “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” defines an exhaustive range of persons that a field institution can serve: military units, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other state bodies; legal entities that ensure the security of Russia; individuals residing in the territories of facilities serviced by field institutions, in cases where the creation and operation of territorial institutions of the Central Bank is impossible.

According to the law, the activity of the field divisions of the Central Bank should be regulated by the regulation on the field institutions of the Bank of Russia, approved by a joint decision of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Defense. However, by the fall of 2011, this provision had not been officially adopted, so this type of unit has a dual subordination: in accordance with the principle of independence of the Bank of Russia, field institutions on banking issues are subordinate only to the Central Bank, but, being military structures, in other matters they are obliged to follow the orders of the military department .

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


military institutions that are part of a single centralized system of the Bank of Russia with a vertical management structure. In their daily activities, they are guided by the military regulations and the Regulations on field institutions of the Bank of Russia, approved by a joint decision of the Bank of Russia and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on May 25, 1998. P.u. BR are intended for banking services to military units, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as other state. bodies and legal persons ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, and physical. persons residing in the objects served by field institutions. P.U. Guide Banking BR is carried out by the Chairman of the Bank of Russia through the Department of Field Institutions of the Bank of Russia. The field institutions include field departments, field departments and field departments. Organizational P.U. structure determined by the states approved by the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia. Field institutions of the Central Bank of the USSR provided loans in rubles or foreign currency to enterprises and organizations of the USSR Ministry of Defense and other government agencies that ensure the country's security. The borrowers were primarily pr-tion of military trade and contract builds. org-tion MO. Main objects of lending were commodity and material stocks, including mobilization. production costs, goods shipped and funds in the calculations. Field banks have been lending in rubles since the beginning of the 2nd World War, issuing overdraft loans and credits to the military trade at the time. difficulties in bargaining. activities. Since 1942, loans were provided to pay for goods of current sale on the terms equity participation voentorgov in payment for credited values. Voentorgs that did not use credits for trade turnover were given payment or advance credits for the purchase of local goods. From the 2nd floor. 50s field banks began lending to contract builders. org-tions of the USSR Ministry of Defense, performing the construction of infrastructure facilities of the Strategic Missile Forces. destinations and spaceports. They were provided settlement and payment loans, loans against stocks of material assets and production costs. Loans were issued and repaid in general terms. okay, but in dep. cases, in accordance with the decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, lending to borrowers was carried out regardless of finance. the results of their activities. In the 70s–80s. field banks provided loans to the engineering units of the Railway Troops, who took part in the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline, as well as otd. repair projects of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Lending in foreign Field banks in foreign currency began in 1944 in connection with the crossing of the Red Army units of the State border of the USSR. Loans were issued to military agencies in the nat. currencies of those state-in, on ter. to-rykh were serviced military units. Repayment of loans was carried out in the currency of issue, with the exception of Poland, where the military trade repaid loans in zloty of the Polish National Bank, the so-called. "Krakow zlotys", issued in 1939 by Nazi Germany, and Soviet rubles, which had circulation on the Ter. Poland. With the introduction of military money into circulation, field banks provided loans in military levs, military penges, military marks to the enterprises of the country of deployment, the products of which were necessary for the Red Army. At the end of the 2nd World War, lending in military currency was discontinued. In the currency of the host country, only military agencies that were part of groups of Soviet troops abroad were credited. The military trades stationed in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan were issued loans to pay for settlement documents for goods supplied from the USSR, not in the currency of the host country, but in rubles. Repayment of loans was also carried out in rubles in amounts equivalent to the sums of checks of the Vneshposyltorg of the USSR handed over to field banks, for which the sale of goods was carried out. In 1992, in connection with the withdrawal of groups of troops from abroad, lending to foreign. currency was discontinued. Since 1995, field banks have provided short-term lending to borrowers on the basis of a combination of reserves and costs, or on a separate basis. lending facilities in accordance with the Recommendations on the organization of the activities of field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for short-term lending No. 27-0-8 / 607 of June 14, 1994 approved by the Department of Field Institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. According to the Regulations on field institutions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, lending is not included in the functions of field banks and they have ceased to issue loans.

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