Where is the best place to save money for an apartment? Budget optimization is an unpleasant but necessary measure.

The housing problem is very acute in Russia. There is a huge layer of adult children living with their parents after 18. Someone brings his wife to the parental home, and someone, due to the lack of housing, cannot build full-fledged relationships and his family. However, today this is a worldwide problem, except that in European countries, salaries at least allow you to rent housing without problems, which you cannot afford to buy.

In Russia, crazy housing prices, combined with humiliatingly low salaries, create a situation where renting a one-room apartment in a regional center costs 20,000, while salaries for young people are offered no more than 15-20,000. And how can I take something off?

However, statistics are statistics, but you have to live somehow. Today invited expert of the journal Reconomica will tell his story of how to buy your own house with a small salary. You can simply copy the above techniques to move towards the purchase of the coveted apartment.

My name is Alena. I am 24 years old. But my career began at the age of 18, when, after graduating from school, I left to get an education in another city. Thanks to my mother, I grew up to be a purposeful person, and after graduating from school I firmly decided that I myself would earn money for such an expensive purchase as an apartment.

Percentage of youth living with parents in European countries.

I saved up for my own one-room apartment in 7 years. By my example, I want to prove that owning a home without loans is not a myth, but a realistically achievable goal.

In modern economic conditions, when life becomes more expensive every year, every penny counts, and it’s just a pity to overpay a fortune to the bank, the topic of my article will be very relevant.

Why You Shouldn't Get Mortgage

Now in society there is an opinion that it is unrealistic to buy your own housing with (or a little less), which is why mortgage lending has become so popular.

According to a sociological survey of the Public Opinion Foundation for 2016, more than a quarter of Russians have housing in a mortgage. And according to the Bureau credit histories, the number of overdue payments on this type of lending in the same year increased by 20%.

Few people who take a mortgage think that they are overpaying the bank for two more apartments. Not everyone is able to afford the credit burden, which is confirmed by statistics. In addition, despite the advertising statements, in practice, every year banks tighten mortgage requirements: the size of the down payment, age, salary level, number of dependents, etc., this already says a lot.

Thus, it becomes more difficult to purchase your own housing in a mortgage, and there is only one option left - to save up. There are, of course, other ways. Such as, a loan from friends and relatives, etc. But I do not consider them, since their implementation is limited by many circumstances and cannot be relied upon.

The first experience, or how you can not save money

In a non-hometown, I found a job that could be combined with a study schedule. I lived at that time, like most non-resident students, in a hostel.

My wage at that time was 17,000 rubles. In addition, my income item was supplemented by a scholarship in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

Determine monthly expenses

I roughly estimated my monthly expenses on a piece of paper, and this is what I got:

  • Dormitory fee - 450 rubles. Parents paid, but I will still take into account this figure in the calculations for honesty.
  • Food, household chemicals and perfumery - 5,000 rubles. I won't say that I didn't eat well. I had a full breakfast in the form of porridge with fruit, meat lunch and dinner.
  • Travel in public transport - about 2,000 per month.
  • Internet and bill payments mobile phone- 900 rubles per month.
  • Small household expenses for underwear, socks, tights, etc. - 500 rubles.
  • Others. This includes expenses for cinema, cafes and other unforeseen expenses - 1,500 rubles.

Total my expenses per month amounted to 10 350 rubles.

Based on the calculations, it turns out that I could save about 9 thousand rubles a month.

At first I decided that I would put this amount in an envelope, which will increase after graduation, when I find a job in my specialty with more high salary. According to my calculations, it turned out that for a small one-room apartment worth about 29 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. in a not very good area of ​​the city (quite real price for provincial cities) I will save in 9 years (taking into account the increase in income after graduation and excluding price increases). This is a very long time and this method of accumulation was inefficient, since I did not take into account many points.

Predict savings correctly!

Firstly, after 4 years, an accomplished bachelor will be forced to leave his dorm room, and then such an unpleasant expense item as renting a house will be added. Renting a house will not only increase the accumulation period, but also lead to the fact that over such a long period the amount will depreciate. In this case, the same mortgage will be more profitable. Yes, and saving money for such a long time in our country, given the sad experience of the 90s, is dangerous.

Secondly, the money in the envelope will not be able to bring additional income, and we lose the opportunity to increase our capital, and we need to use all potential resources.

Thirdly, when money is at home, there are always unreasonable reasons to spend it, and the money flows away imperceptibly.

How to save money for an apartment correctly

The dream will become a reality, only discipline is needed

To solve the problem, I studied the budget housing market (rooms in communal apartment, studio apartments), took into account previous mistakes and developed a new strategy - as soon as the amount sufficient to buy the most budgetary housing is accumulated, I purchase the first inexpensive housing. And in the future, you can improve your living conditions by accumulating and adding money from the sale of existing housing.

Editorial: in this scheme, you need to be able to act without a realtor, since agency commissions and taxes in multiple real estate transactions will “eat up” all the benefits. Check out our material "".

Detailed description of the buying and selling strategy. step by step diagram

  1. Every month, immediately after receiving the salary, we attribute the planned amount to the bank at interest. This disciplines spending and allows you to carefully plan your monthly budget. For me, this amount was 9 thousand rubles for four years. Income from bank deposits at that time averaged about 6%. It seems that this is very little, but if you count, then it is about 6,000 rubles a year, which is also by the way.
  2. Having accumulated the necessary amount to purchase the most budgetary housing, we make a purchase. At the same time, you should not rush to the first object that comes across, but study the market of the area, wait for a “tasty” offer, monitor prices, and still try to bargain.

I initially decided that I would buy the first housing after graduation, because otherwise an item of rent would be added, which is much more than paying for a hostel. For 4 years I have accumulated about 450 thousand rubles (including bank interest).

For 430 thousand rubles, I found a fairly good room in fractional ownership. I'm lucky with my neighbors. Since before that I lived in a hostel, my life has not changed qualitatively. For the remaining 20 thousand rubles, I made repairs and even bought furniture: a small sofa (second-hand), a table and a chest of drawers. The room turned out to be very comfortable. It was my first, albeit small, but bought for my honestly earned money, housing. I was filled with pride.

  1. We continue to save up for a new, better quality property. The advantage is that you do not have to pay rent after buying the first room, even if not in the best area. We are saving for another n years and are already looking for studio apartments or small one-room apartments. Of course, you can increase the accumulation period and then immediately buy a two-room apartment.

I saved up for another 3 years so that I would not have to pay tax on the sale of the room. My expenses and income have changed. Instead of the article “Payment for the hostel”, the article “Utility expenses” appeared. I found a job in my specialty and already earned 30 thousand rubles. This is with a population of about 600 thousand people in 2014. All other expenses increased by an average of 20% due to inflation and other reasons. It has already turned out to save about 18 thousand rubles a month. For 3 years, an amount of 650 thousand rubles has accumulated (including interest in the bank).

  1. We sell the existing housing, add the accumulated amount and buy an apartment.

In my case, the funds from the sale of the room (450 thousand rubles) and the accumulated money (650 thousand rubles) were used to purchase a one-room apartment worth 1,020 thousand rubles. The apartment was bought from a developer, located in a new, under construction part of the city. The price of apartments on the outskirts of the city is 40% lower than in the center. For the remaining 80 thousand rubles, I made an inexpensive repair and furnished the apartment with furniture.

That's my dream come true! The goal has been reached. At the age of 24, I have my own apartment, bought with the accumulated money.

We analyze the pitfalls of this accumulation method

Among the numerous acquaintances there is only 1 person who has saved up for an apartment for 5 years without resorting to borrowed capital. 95% of them believe that this way of acquiring housing in modern conditions practically impracticable and unprofitable, citing the following arguments:

  • it is unprofitable to save money, because most of them are “eaten up” by inflation;
  • it is more profitable to take an apartment on a mortgage and pay money to the bank already for your housing;
  • living in a communal apartment is unbearable.

Real price inflation for apartments in Russia

These are the most common arguments I have heard. I would like to comment on each of them.

First, the cost of housing is not growing as fast as inflation. In Russia, it is commonly believed that real estate always rises in price, but this is not so. This is easy to see if you compare ads for the sale of housing over the past 10 years.

Real estate prices still have not exceeded the peak of 2008

In fact, prices may go down. For a long time they were so inadequately high that any effective demand dried up, and the inexorable law of supply and demand forces the owners to make concessions and make significant discounts.

It is important to understand that the offer price and the transaction price are not the same. So, according to the largest Moscow real estate agency Inkom, in 2017 the difference between these indicators (actual discount) in Moscow is 20-25%!

In 2008, none of the Moscow sellers even wanted to hear offers of less than 7 million rubles for a one-room apartment on the outskirts. 10 years have passed, and these same odnushki are hardly sold for 4 million rubles, despite the fact that the ruble has lost half of its purchasing power during this time. This situation will not last forever, but now the real estate market in Russia is on the side of buyers.

Get a mortgage or save? Compare on a specific example

Secondly, the apartment de facto belongs to the bank and will become yours only when you pay off the loan. And it will happen only after many, many years. To compare profitability, I used mortgage calculator on the Sberbank website. An approximate calculation produced the following results.

  • Loan term 84 months.
  • The loan amount is 1,027,437.33 rubles.
  • The rate is 11.75%.
  • Monthly payment 23,651.08 rubles.
  • The amount of the overpayment is 484,562.64 rubles.

Based on the calculations, the bank will give a loan for such a period (7 years) only under monthly payment not less than 23 thousand rubles. Do not forget that most provincial families and single people will not be able to afford such an amount per month. And also pay attention to the amount of the overpayment - 484 thousand rubles. With this amount you can buy a car! Therefore, the conclusion that mortgages are unprofitable, other things being equal, is obvious.

Note, I didn’t set aside 24 thousand rubles a month, I just physically couldn’t do this with my salary, however, I bought an apartment for the same period!

Life in a communal apartment, or how to settle for less comfort?

The argument about unattractive living conditions in a communal apartment is subjective. You have to choose the lesser of evils: endure 4 years in a communal apartment and buy your own housing without such huge overpayments, or bear the mortgage burden for 10-15 years, overpaying the bank for another apartment. Everything is individual. After all, the purpose of this article is not a description of the best housing for life, but a description of the real methodology for acquiring an apartment with accumulated funds.

Apartment or car - what to save for in the first place?

Many young people dream of living separately, but even more dream of their own car. This applies more to guys than girls, of course. And here the choice is almost always made in favor of buying a car - simply because it seems to people that the prices are incomparable. The apartment costs 2 million, and the car - half a million (conditionally). It seems that buying a car will not delay the purchase of your home much. But this is not true, you already understood everything using the example of numbers!

In addition, but a deposit in a bank of porridge does not ask, on the contrary, it brings interest income. So, if you want to be farsighted about planning your life, give up on the idea of ​​buying a car for a few years until you move into your own apartment. Believe me, guys, your car will not raise your status in the eyes of girls if you are going to take a girl to your parents' kopeck piece, where you live with your mother, sister and grandmother.

Big purchases in small steps

Thus my goal was achieved. I am glad if by my example I convinced you that in the regions, saving up for your apartment with a salary of 30,000 rubles is quite realistic. The main thing is your desire, patience and determination.

Can't save up for an apartment? Don't want to live in a communal apartment like an author? Or maybe you don't need to? Mortgage rates in 2018 fell to 6% (minimum), the average real rate is 9%. Mortgage no longer bites! . Living in your dream apartment is better than living in a communal apartment - especially when the payment does not bite.

This option for acquiring housing is suitable for students who have moved toanother provincial city (Moscow real estate prices are much higher, but), as well as those who initially have a source of income that allows them to save at least 40% of the total.

I want to say that the described technique is also suitable for saving up for a car, household appliances, vacations and other large purchases.

It won't be easy. You will have to learn to control your expenses, be demanding of yourself and disciplined, not be afraid of difficulties and be ready for them. As a reward, you will receive not only an apartment, potential savings, but also a sense of deep self-respect.

Long gone are the days when citizens were provided with housing free of charge only for the fact that they worked for some time at a state-owned enterprise. Today, young families in solving the housing problem can only rely on their own strength and the help of relatives.

For those who have no one to help, there is only one way out - to save up for an apartment or at least a room on their own. We will tell you how to do it faster in this article.

How to learn to save money?

To start saving money for an apartment, you need. To do this, you will have to carefully analyze how much and on what you spend. It will be easier to do this if you start a notebook and write down all your expenses in it for a month.

Having studied the items of expenditure, you should immediately begin to optimize them. In fact, you can save on almost everything - food, clothing, housing and communal services.

Go to the grocery store with a shopping list and a limited amount of funds, do not just pour water and turn off the light, buy clothes at seasonal sales, give up bad habits and you will immediately feel that by limiting yourself a little, you can live fully and save some housing salaries.

If you set a goal to save up for an apartment, set aside a certain percentage (10%, 20%, 50%, 70%..) of any income received.

Where to keep savings?

There is no point in keeping savings "under the pillow." Firstly, there is a great temptation to get some amount from the piggy bank to purchase things that are not the most necessary for life. Secondly, this money will lie dead weight and will not bring additional income, and given that merciless inflation reduces the purchasing power of money every year, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save up for an apartment in 3 years and even 7 years.

You should definitely take advantage of the opportunity to raise capital. The simplest and reliable way to make money bring income without risk - to open a bank deposit. In this case, you can expect to receive 10-12% per annum. Yes, the profit is not as big as we would like, but given that deposits in banks in the amount of up to 1.4 million rubles are insured by the state, the option is not bad.

Attention! When choosing a bank, be vigilant! Make sure that he is a member of the Deposit Insurance System!

More risky investments (stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc.) can bring more income, but this is in theory. In practice, you can lose your hard-earned money.

Is it possible to save up for an apartment with a salary of 30 thousand rubles in 3 years?

Is it possible to save up money for an apartment in 3 years, earning 30,000 rubles a month? To answer this question, it is enough to calculate how much you can save if you put aside half of your salary for three years: 15 thousand rubles x 36 months = 540 thousand rubles. Will this money be enough to buy an apartment? Unfortunately, this amount will not be enough to purchase housing even in the outback, not to mention a large city.

But in most cases, this money will be enough for a down payment on a mortgage. If you come to the choice credit program extremely responsibly, take advantage of all available benefits, soberly assess future expenses, then the mortgage will become the most affordable option real estate purchases.

How to earn money for an apartment?

As you already understood, it is unlikely that you will be able to buy an apartment for cash with a salary of 30,000 rubles. To earn on housing, you need to earn an order of magnitude more.

The easiest option is to find an additional job. More difficult is to master a rare highly paid specialty. The list of the highest paid professions in Russia traditionally includes: IT specialist, auditor, programmer, oil and gas industry specialist.

Another real way to earn money for an apartment is to work on a rotational basis in the North.

As you know, the oil and gas, construction and forestry industries are developing there, so vacancies are constantly open for drilling rig operators, assistant drillers, engineering staff, and geologists.

The salary of such specialists varies between 80,000-100,000 rubles. If you manage to get into some large company (Lukoil, Gazprom, etc.), then you can save up for an apartment in 3 years.

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of the business magazine site. Own apartment- a guarantee of independence and scope for many actions. In Russia housing issue is quite acute, many people, even after 18, continue to live with their parents for a long time.

In the article, we will consider how to save up and earn money for an apartment in 1-3 years, what should be followed and what should be avoided.

From the article you can find out real ways how to save up and earn money for an apartment and where to start + examples.

How to save up and earn money for an apartment yourself in 3 years and a year: expert advice

To achieve any results faster, you must first familiarize yourself with the experience and advice of previous people. AT this section collected tips to help speed up the accumulation process.

No. 1. Get Organized

It's not hard to save up for an apartment. The main thing is to learn how to organize yourself: work efficiently and save money. These 2 most important components allow you to achieve any goals in 3 years, not only to buy real estate.

Self-organization includes:

  • Improving work efficiency;
  • Cost control;
  • financial literacy;
  • Time management;
  • Smart investment.

This minimum set of skills allows you to save up for an apartment faster and generally improve your financial condition.

No. 2. Change your mindset

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. All people are initially the same in terms of capabilities, the question is who knows how to think and act correctly. In this section, we will write down the habits that need to be eliminated and that need to be acquired.

Get rid of:

  • Bad habits. Smoking and drinking takes a significant part of the finances. This also includes clubs, cafes, bars, etc.
  • Pessimism. Entrepreneurship is a risky business and it is impossible to do without mistakes. In the end, only prudent optimists who do not give up after the first setback win.
  • Uncertainties. If you want to achieve a result, first plan everything, then act decisively and without stopping. Only in this way can success be achieved.

Learn to:

  • Analyze your behavior and spending. Any mistakes can be avoided if you learn to evaluate the actions performed from the outside.
  • Planning. Any successful business owner will tell you that it all starts with a simple to-do list for the day. Just a list of tasks increases productivity by 25% in 5 minutes.
  • Regular sports. Daily exercise increases brain productivity and reduces stress, which allows you to make more rational decisions. Just jogging 30 minutes a day is enough.
  • Reading books. In any work there is a useful thought and message. Just 10 minutes a day every day will leave a significant residue for the future.

In general, if you learn these 4 skills, you will notice that you have become much more productive. And financial enrichment first of all begins with the expansion of knowledge.

Number 3. Create strict rules and don't break them

Every family has difficult moments and behavior during this period affects monetary stability. One of the easiest methods: make rules for yourself and strictly follow them. For example:

  • Do not go to the store without a list;
  • Always keep a record;
  • Plan costs;
  • Do not take money from the business budget;
  • Do not spend money on unnecessary purchases;
  • Always set aside 10%.

Everyone must make a list of restrictions on their own and. This not only disciplines, but also helps to significantly reduce costs.

No. 4. Take action, stop sitting idle

Many of the readers after reading will light up with the idea, plan something and forget. Such people never achieve success, if there is no action, then the result is also missing. All the methods read will only really work if they are followed.

No. 5. Do not listen to envious people and do not be afraid of mistakes

In the early stages, it will seem that the task is difficult and overwhelming. It happens to everyone, for sure there will be pessimistic friends who will try to dissuade or lead you off course. To buy an apartment, you need to save

No. 6. Don't be lazy

At the end of the article, a way to achieve the goal is described. In the end, it all comes down to devoting 1-2 hours a day to additional activities. If you spend time on extra classes, then there is no point in talking about any additional earnings.

No. 7. Save, but don't forget to look for new income

Saving is a useful skill and can help you save up to 50% of your costs. But if you want to achieve the best results, learn how to save and increase income at the same time.

6 working ways to earn money to buy an apartment for young people.

How to make money on an apartment: TOP-6 ways of modernity

Exist various ways purchases without a mortgage. Each of them will lead to the final result, you just need not to quit.

No. 1. YouTube

Video hosting has long moved from the category of entertainment to a large platform for the production of media content. According to statistics, after 1 year of hard work, a blogger reaches 15-50 thousand rubles a month.

The main task in this business is to guess the direction and interest the audience. There will be spectators - there will be advertising. For effective channel development:

  • Think over a content plan;
  • Release videos regularly;
  • Improve the quality of the material regularly;
  • Advertise;
  • Look for sponsors.

Find your niche that will be interesting to the audience. How to run a business on YouTube is a separate topic of the article, but in general it all comes down to attracting the attention of the public and retaining views.

No. 2. Instagram

The media personality develops simultaneously in many sources. Instagram bloggers get no less than others, already with 10-50 thousand subscribers You can earn money from commercial posts. As a rule, Instagram is promoted simultaneously with another source of income.

According to statistics, advertisers consider $1.5-2 per 1000 subscribers to be the norm. Based on calculations with 20 thousand subscribers for one post, we get $ 40, which is about 2000 rubles. For a month 4 orders and 8-10 thousand in the wallet. The main thing is to learn correctly, choose advertisers and communicate competently with the audience.

Number 3. Freelance

Volunteer labor is quite profitable and stable. Most in demand on the Internet:

  • Designers;
  • Programmers;
  • SEO optimizers;
  • copywriters;
  • Site administrators.

It is enough to devote 1-2 months to learning a specific task and you can enter the exchange. Master the skills of website administration or backend development and you can significantly increase your income.

No. 4. Investments

Big millionaires do not work around the clock, part of their income comes passively. Investing for 100,000 you get 1000-5000 monthly. But the problem is that in order to start, you must first accumulate finances.

No. 5. Resale of Chinese goods

Simple and effective method: buy goods abroad and sell at a higher price. The question is that you need to learn how to sell and negotiate with suppliers correctly.

No. 6. programming

The 21st century is a time of active development of technologies, there are not enough programmers and there is a great demand for them. To become a specialist, you need to graduate from a university, but a month-long course is enough for a freelance exchange, and then it’s a matter of practice. The main thing is to be able to find customers and do a good job.

In the field of programming, a simple rule applies. The more skills, the higher the pay. They don’t look at education, practical skills and experience are more important.

No. 7. SMM, SEO and online marketing

The Internet has become an indispensable part of modernity. Sales are carried out through a global network and, according to statistics, they bring excellent income. But competition in the market does not allow anyone to get into the sphere. Therefore, companies need specialists who will bring their product to the search results, promote accounts and increase sales.

How to save up for an apartment: TOP 7 working ways to earn money for housing

The above methods are related to modern methods, they appeared relatively recently and are far from suitable for everyone in terms of nature and area of ​​interest. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the methods that have been tested by time.

No. 1: Mortgage - easy, but long to pay

If you need to quickly move to real estate (no place to live and work), then a mortgage is an indispensable item.

If so, look for additional income. Regardless of whether you are coping with payments or not, finances will in any case be needed to close the debt.

No. 2: Rent someone else's housing

The method is similar to the resale of goods. We find someone else's housing and conclude an agreement with the owners. If the condition of the premises is good, then we immediately deal with resale. In another case, we first repair, create favorable conditions and rent out housing.

No. 3: We develop our business within the city

The Internet occupies one of the leading positions, but people need to eat, fix equipment, etc. Engage in the development of your business within the city of residence, and the Internet will be a great addition to attract attention.

If there is no money to start at all ( You need at least 50-100 thousand.), then you need to start with the service sector. Exchange skills and knowledge for money.

#4: Own website

The information business is completely dependent on advertising, from one blog you can get $ 1,000 per month. But such income is possible after hard and regular work: choosing topics and filling content. The process is not complicated, but the blog will start generating stable income in 6-12 months.

No. 5: IIS

Many people are interested in how to earn money for an apartment without having their own. If you don’t have your own real estate, then you need to save on it. As you know, banks offer deposits at 6-7% per year. Given inflation, these percentages are not enough to cover costs.

The government goes to meet citizens, they offer to issue and receive in 3 years tax deduction. More about this was written in previous articles. Unlike a bank, you invest in shares of companies and receive dividends from this, a yield of 10-15% per year is considered the norm.

#6: Trading

Professional stock trading allows you to get rich in short time. But for this you need to learn how to analyze stock exchange charts and predict the course movement. Unlike other investments, a trader works with small amounts, but for short periods: days, weeks.

According to statistics, 90% of traders lose their initial capital within 3 months. This is due to haste and unwillingness to analyze risks in detail. If you want to become a trader, take 2-3 months to study the techniques and methods before entering the exchange.

No. 7: Seasonal and situational business

Within the city, the entire service market can be occupied on a permanent basis. Instead of competing with the giants, it is easier to make a leap in the seasonal direction. In June, an entertainment agency, in September, stationery sales, etc.

Is it possible to save up and earn money for your apartment if there is no housing and no mortgage

The above methods are known to many. But the question is how to use the knowledge gained. For a preliminary calculation, let's take the amount of 3 million rubles, with this money you can buy normal apartments.

Option #1: Term for 1 year

There are 365 days or 12 months in total, which is approximately 52 weeks. Therefore, you need to set aside 250,000 per month. For most Russians, this is an unbearable amount, and it is difficult to reach such money in 1 year. And any business after 1 year is just starting to reach a stable profit and recoup its costs.

Option #2: Save up in 3 years

It is extremely difficult to accumulate in 1 year, especially without preliminary savings. If we increase the term by 3 times, then we get 36 months and 83 340 rubles / month. . This is already close to reality, but still extremely difficult.

Option #3: 10 years

This is a fairly long period and you need to be patient in order to be able to save money on your own for a long time. But now the monthly costs are only 25,000, already close to reality.

You can save money, but should you?

If there is no highly profitable business, then it will be difficult and long to save up on your own. At best, with an average salary, you will have to postpone 25 000 per month.

If you don’t have your own home, then it’s better to get a long-term mortgage. But if real estate is acquired simply in addition to the main one, then it is enough just to postpone and not violate the deadlines.

Real examples of saving money to buy your own home.

How to save up for an apartment with a salary of 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 rubles per month + examples

Unfortunately, the issue of housing in Russia is quite acute. Many people want to live in comfortable apartments, but due to working conditions they cannot afford it. After all the above tips, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the accumulation plan for a period of 5-10 years. During this time, it is quite possible to create your own business and promote it to the required volume.

Follow the advice from the first paragraph of the article. To accumulate, you must first change your thinking and perception.

Start with planning

You can not put things off until tomorrow, for a week and a month. If you act, then only immediately and without stopping. In the coming week, choose the direction in which you will develop:

  • media (Internet, YouTube, social networks);
  • investments (IIS, );
  • career / additional skills (programming, SEO, freelance, marketing).

No one forbids trying in all areas, but the greatest success is achieved by a person with a narrow specialization of his activity.

After determining the general vector of development, specify the specialization, ways to get additional income: which channel will you develop or what stocks will you invest in.

1 year - start and get used to the pace

To make sure of the idea, we will carry out planning with a salary of 20,000. The experiment involves a family without a child, both spouses work 40 hours a week and can afford no more than 2 hours a day for their business (in the evening after work) + days off.

The total income is 40,000 rubles, and 30 of them are spent on food, clothing, payment for services, etc. Only 10,000 are free per month. These are the minimum conditions for the start, which must be provided. Suppose you have to move to relatives and refuse all paid services.

The husband, in addition to his main job, decides to run a YouTube channel + instagram + blog. The first month he studies the field, gains knowledge and plans content. He sets aside 5,000 monthly for development (advertising, copywriters, equipment).

The wife decides to freelance. The first 3 months he studies long and hard, but does not pay off his labors. In the future, she recruited her customers and now pays for her costs.

By the end of the year, the family got used to this pace of life. As a result, the husband brings an additional +30 thousand, and the wife also (for a year you can get up to such numbers).

Year 2 - expanding

If the start was successful, now it is necessary to expand the scope of activities. Excess 20,000 are monthly invested in IIS and shares of the company are bought back with a forecast of 12% stable per year.

  • 20 thousand monthly = 240,000 per year
  • 12% dividend = 28,800

Additional income has now become the main field of activity (it often happens). And now the family can afford higher paying jobs or continue to develop as entrepreneurs.

Freelancers with extensive experience are often invited to young companies for a good salary. They can agree or continue their hobby.

3-5 year

After 3 years, IIS can receive a tax deduction. There has already accumulated approximately 1 million + tax exemption. You can buy one or keep saving.

Error Assumptions

In the above calculations, we took an example with a minimum salary of 20,000. If the spouses receive more than 100 thousand in total, then the terms are different and they will achieve their goals faster.

But this does not change the essence of the plan. In the first year, spend time and money on expanding your core income so that you have something to save from.


How to save up and earn money for an apartment - this question will be relevant for a long time. The methods described above explain everything that is needed to achieve the result. But in the end, it doesn’t matter what additional business to do - you will get income everywhere. The main thing is to learn how to save, distribute your time and bring what you started to the end.

The housing issue has always been one of the most pressing for the population. In the absence of a fairly large amount to buy an apartment, many decide to save this amount. However, most people do not know how to save up for an apartment in such a way that the purchase is successful and not too expensive. Success depends on many factors, so it is worth approaching this issue diversified and quite responsibly.

It is worth noting The two most important conditions that are required for successful accumulation of money:

1) The presence of a stable, monthly income sufficient for living;
2) The ability to save money without denying yourself the basic necessities of life.

Various options to accumulate

One of the options for saving money for an apartment is the usual savings from the monthly salary received. But this option is only suitable for a fairly impressive salary, otherwise the money will not be enough for a normal living, not to mention a mortgage.

financial advisors a similar question is usually asked whether a person has real estate or property that is not necessary and from the sale of which money can be saved. If there is not enough money for the full purchase, then it can be used as a down payment for a mortgage. If you put things or real estate for sale at least 10% below their market value, then in the end you can get quite a good amount of money, which will be useful as the main contribution to buying an apartment.

If there is nothing to sell, another option is not to keep all your savings at home, but to save them in a bank account at interest. If you invest 15-20 thousand per month, then in 5-6 years the amount, including interest, should be enough to buy a home. However, it is worth remembering that, taking into account possible crises and changes in rates, the estimated cost of housing at the time of accumulation may change. Therefore, it is better to take out a mortgage or a loan, accumulating money along the way.

Tools to help you raise money

According to guaranteed profit, all financial instruments for accumulation can be divided into 4 groups.

First group- contract accumulative insurance, which is concluded with the insurance company. It does not determine income in any way, but will serve as a guaranteed salvation from inflation or a crisis.

Second group- this is bank deposits, they can rightfully be called the most common way. The yield is usually from 12% per annum.

Third group - stock market, this instrument is quite risky, but can provide up to 30% per annum.

And finally last group- These are highly profitable investments that allow you to receive up to 500% per annum with a successful outcome. Investments are quite risky, so it is better not to use this method without special knowledge and experience in this area.

Having decided on the most suitable financial instrument, you need to think about how to save money correctly so that it does not harm normal life.

If you are interested in how to save money for an apartment, you should take into account a few simple tips. First of all, you need to keep track of your own income and expenses - this will help you understand which side of life is the most costly, reconsider your expenses in order to extract more free money. It is also very important to analyze your expenses. To do this, they can be divided into 4 main groups:

Urgent and important (purchase of products, payment of loans);
- important, but not urgent (savings, investments in oneself);
- urgent, but not important (minor repairs);
- not urgent and not important (entertainment, vacation).

All planned amounts and figures need to be reviewed periodically - there may be changes in prices for apartments, unforeseen costs that will require a slight reduction in the amount of money set aside.

Ideally, the bulk of the money should be spent on essentials, but on entertainment or vacations for the sake of buying an apartment, it is quite possible to save a little. Saving that much money will certainly require a change in financial habits, so cutting out some of the excesses can significantly speed up the process of gathering the financial savings needed to purchase a home.

It will be useful to keep records of savings, fixing when and how much money was invested. This will help you see the most profitable sources for accumulation in order to develop them and get even more profit on the desired purchase.

Psychological aspect related to finance

If you are interested in how to save up for an apartment quickly, then many psychologists talk about the effectiveness of the method of saving a lot of money in a month. The accelerated and rapid result of accumulation is very practical, since it is easier for a person to endure a couple of years of active saving than to stretch his own spending limit for decades. And having become the owner of a long-awaited apartment, you can begin to gradually transfer your spending on its arrangement, which will be quite pleasant from the psychological side.

The second, no less important psychological aspect - before your eyes should be real numbers. Before you start saving money, you should carefully study the situation on the market, find out the cost of the desired apartment, depending on its size, distance from the city center and other factors. Having outlined the required amount, it will be easier to accumulate it, which has been proven by numerous studies.

All planned amounts and figures need to be reviewed periodically - there may be changes in prices for apartments, unforeseen costs that will require a slight reduction in the amount of money set aside. You can calculate how much more time it will take to achieve the desired money supply at the current rate of accumulation, and, if necessary, adjust the size of the deferred amounts to speed up the process.

Saving up for your own housing is quite realistic if you approach this moment responsibly and carefully. The main thing here is willpower in order to have the ability not to spend money on minor weaknesses, but to confidently go towards the intended goal. It is only necessary to monitor the situation on the market and adjust your savings taking into account life circumstances, then the cherished real estate will soon become a reality.

In the conditions of Russian realities, saving up for an apartment is akin to a feat. Real estate prices are rising by leaps and bounds, and salaries are hardly getting off the ground. However, if you approach the matter wisely, you can accumulate in a few years the right amount and become a property owner. Here are some helpful tips and tricks.

Determining the price of an apartment

The first thing to do is to determine the amount you need to buy an apartment. Of course, with an average salary, buying an apartment in the center of Moscow will not work, at least legally. Therefore, one should dwell on square meters in the region.

You need to know what determines housing prices:

  • Location. Real estate in the city center will always cost significantly more.
  • View from the window. Apartments with river/lake/sea views are priced 10-20% higher.
  • House type. Primary housing (new buildings) is more expensive than secondary housing. The class of apartments also affects the cost.
  • building material. The cost per square meter in stone and brick buildings is higher than in panel or wooden ones.

Three ways to save

Knowing what the cost of an apartment depends on, you can choose the most optimal option, thereby saving some money. To do this, follow three simple tips:

  1. Buying an apartment under construction will cost much less. The only negative is that you have to wait a while until the house is put into operation. This option is suitable for those who have a place to live for this time.
  2. In many large cities there are areas under construction, where the infrastructure is only developing. Accordingly, the purchase of such housing will give a discount. Over time, all such areas receive a developed infrastructure (stops public transport, educational institutions, etc.). However, until she came to such a state, the cost of square meters will be less than the average for the city. This is a great time to buy. Over time, the cost will inevitably increase.
  3. Buy an apartment without finishing. Repairs can be done independently, and it will be much cheaper. This is true even if you resort to the help of professionals.

Important! It is necessary to carefully choose a construction company, because there is always a chance that it will go bankrupt and a person will be left with nothing. It is better to choose organizations in which state capital is involved.

There is another way, somewhat crazy - to buy an apartment after a fire. The cost of such real estate will be much lower. Of course, in this case, you will have to spend an impressive amount on the restoration of repairs. Before starting such a procedure, it is recommended to consult a specialist regarding the estimated costs. This will allow you to evaluate the profitability of the event.

What about mortgage

For most Russians, when the question of buying real estate arises, the thought of a mortgage immediately arises. In recent years, people have associated such lending with a kind of bondage.

Paying the lion's share of your salary for 10-25 years is really not very pleasant. Therefore, you should take an apartment on a mortgage only as a last resort, that is, when the housing issue is urgent.

In doing so, you need to be prepared for:

  • Initial payment. Domestic banks do not offer mortgages without a contribution, so you will first need to accumulate a certain amount. The lower the down payment, the higher the bank charges interest.
  • Huge overpayment. If you use the calculation calculator, you can see that in the end a person will overpay 100-200% (sometimes more).
  • Monthly payments. In case of delay for at least one day, the bank will begin to charge penalties.
  • Refusal. Despite the monstrous conditions for the consumer, the bank may refuse a loan, and without explanation.

A few words about government programs

Our state, although timidly, is trying to help citizens in acquiring real estate. The program "Young Family" has received wide distribution. Under its terms, you can take an apartment on a mortgage on very favorable terms.

However, in order to qualify for this program, you must meet a number of stringent requirements. Their list is constantly changing and depends on the specific region. Therefore, it is advisable to clarify this point on the website of the local administration.

For those who do not mind acquiring a private house instead of an apartment, you can study the information on the gratuitous issuance of plots for individual housing construction.

In simple terms, the state gives free land to privileged categories of citizens (as a rule, in remote areas of the city) for the construction of a residential building.

If you are an employee of any state organization, then it is quite possible that the company provides assistance in purchasing housing. Most often it is expressed in interest-free loans. Go to the trade union committee at your place of work and find out if there are such proposals. Get ready to collect a huge number of documents and clash with the bureaucracy.

Ways to increase available funds

If a person does not earn enough for quick accumulation, he is looking for options for obtaining additional income. Immediately it is worth dispelling the myth about the profitability of an Internet business like Forex or binary options. Advertisements are full of headlines that this is an easy way to make money.

In order to earn income on the stock exchange and similar organizations, you need to study for a long time and “fill the bumps”, in other words, lose a lot of money. Therefore, we do not consider such methods initially.

We will only touch upon methods without any risk, which do not require special knowledge. Listen to the following options:

  • Opening a bank deposit. This is the most stable option, which gives 10-15% per annum profit. It is advisable to choose deposits with the possibility of constant replenishment - in this case, the interest will constantly increase.
  • Investing in mutual funds. A more profitable option, giving 30-40% per annum. However, here it is necessary to choose only a reliable mutual fund, since there is always a risk of losing investments if you turn to a “one-day firm”.
  • Renting out your own property. A method characterized by certain inconveniences, but giving fixed income. You can, for example, in the warm season, move to the country and rent an apartment. Depending on the city and the level of real estate, this will bring an additional 10-30 thousand rubles a month. If you have a large apartment, you can rent a smaller living space and rent out your own.
  • Renting a car in a taxi. In this case, you will not only receive 10-15 tr. per month, but also reduce transportation costs.
  • Business investment. The most risky, but the most profitable method. In this case, it will be necessary to make a detailed analysis of possible risks.

Investment experts advise investing in several sources at once. In this case, if one of them "burns out", the person will definitely not be left without profit.

The following tips should be considered:

  • Invest in yourself. Any new knowledge or skills can bring additional income or give a competitive advantage in the labor market. You can get additional education: 1C programmer, accountant, translator, etc. The main thing is that the educational institution has a state license, otherwise such a diploma will not be valuable to a potential employer.
  • Keep track of utility bills. The best option is to install water meters.
  • Save on transport. Buy a ticket.
  • Use store discounts. In many large hypermarkets there are cumulative discounts on cards. Use this opportunity to cut down on food and essentials.
  • Do not use credit cards and microloans. Even in case of urgent need, do not take such loans, as the interest on them is very high and in the end this will affect your savings.
  • If possible, do something yourself: bake bread, sew clothes, etc.
  • To analyze petty expenses, keep a notepad or use programs for your phone.

On the video about the accumulation of funds for an apartment


As you can see, saving money for an apartment with an average salary is quite realistic. The main thing is to approach this matter wisely, and in a few years you can become the owner of the coveted real estate without using a mortgage.

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