Raising salaries for teachers c. Public employees will receive a salary increase, but only on paper

An important part of Vladimir Putin's election program in 2012 was the increase in wages to public sector employees. He bluntly said that no transformations, no reforms would make sense if they did not bring an increase in the living standards of specialists.

“A doctor, teacher, professor in their main job should receive enough so as not to look for work on the side,” V. Putin, 2012.

After taking office, he issued 11 decrees, which have come to be known as the May Decrees. They formulated 218 instructions, which must be completed in the period from 2012 to 2020.

According to their provisions, the salaries of teachers and doctors should be kept not lower than the average for the region, and by 2018 it should be doubled above this indicator. These decrees have not been fully implemented so far, although certain work has been carried out.

In 2018, the period referred to by Decree No. 597 ends. This year the presidential elections also take place, so a firm decision was made to implement what was planned: to increase the wages of state employees to the specified level.

Everyone who is paid a salary from the budget (federal, regional or municipal) is called state employees. There are about 33 million of them in the Russian Federation, more than one third of all working people.

The so-called "public sector employees" are divided into 2 categories - civil servants and other public sector employees.

Civil servants are military men, diplomats, lawyers, officials, law enforcement officers and other "sovereign people". Their salaries and allowances due to them are regulated by separate legislation, which mandatorily provides for an increase in salary.

So, from 01.01.2018, the salaries of diplomats will grow, and not only by 4% inflationary. The assignment of diplomatic ranks and class ranks of justice is coming.

Police officers will have their salaries indexed by about 10-25%; at least in the Duma they insist on this.

Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Guard, and other law enforcement agencies, military personnel this year will receive an indexation of wages by 4%.

2. Growth in salaries of other public sector employees

Public sector workers are teachers, professors, researchers, educators of children's institutions, librarians and other working people who receive a salary from budget funds. It was on them that the attention was mainly focused on the decree No. 567 of 05/07/2017.

The system of payment for such workers is determined not so much by the salary as by a complex layering of additional payments, bonuses, bonuses and subsidies. When it comes to the average salary, we mean the final earnings, which includes all the accrued components.

The salary will increase from 01.01.2018 for all such state employees, without exception, only by a different amount. Some less, only 4%, others more - several times.

Do not lose sight of the increase in the minimum wage, which will be made twice in the current year. This will entail an increase in low salaries, compensation and social payments, which are widely present in the salaries of public sector employees.

From 01/01/2018 the minimum wage will be 9,489 rubles, and from 01/05/2018 its value will be equal to living wage and will reach 11,163 rubles.

Recommendations for improving the methods of calculating salaries of state employees come from the RTK ("Russian Trilateral Commission"), which is a body under the government of the Russian Federation. The document takes into account the comments and suggestions of line ministries, proposed measures to eliminate the large difference in salaries within the same link or institution.

Bodies developing remuneration systems were advised to abandon leveling and pay differentiatedly, depending on the specific performance indicators of workers and the effectiveness of their work.

Locally, it is allowed to make decisions on the introduction of regional coefficients and bonuses, providing additional payments from their own budget funds.

At the same time, the salaries of public sector employees in the regions cannot be set lower than that specified in federal legislation. The share of the salary in the wages should remain at a given level: 70% for educators, 50-60% for healthcare and 50-55 for culture.

The salary of a health worker will increase from the first month of 2018, its value will be approximately equal to twice the average income in the corresponding region. For doctors, salary growth will be about 200%, for nurses - about 100%. Measures have been taken to prevent a large gap between the salaries of medical workers and heads of medical institutions (as well as their deputies, chief accountants, etc.).

It is proposed to maintain the ratio of salaries in a proportion of no more than 1: 6.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of a particular medical institution, the complexity of its management. Here factors such as the level of medical care, the number and qualifications of medical specialists, bed capacity, the number and nature of patients, etc., play a role.

The picture with the increase in the salaries of medical workers in Russia on average turns out to be something like this:

Of course, specific numbers will vary significantly from region to region. As for Moscow, special programs have been developed for doctors, as a result of which the increase in their salaries in 2018 will be especially noticeable.

Mayor of the city Sergei Sobyanin said that a Moscow doctor is obliged to receive at least 120 thousand rubles. per month(today it is 90 thousand rubles), and at the same time, one should take care of reducing the load on it. With large overtime, the quality of medical care inevitably decreases, and this is unacceptable.

The growth of teacher salaries is expected to be the same as that of the medical profession, but the beginning of this growth will be postponed until Teacher's Day, which, as you know, is celebrated in October. Compared to the average regional wages, the wages of an education worker will increase significantly, up to 200%.

It's a long time to wait until October, but at the beginning of the year there will be an initial increase in wages, due to an increase in the minimum wage and indexation - together these factors will give an increase of about 6%. Moreover, the indexation will also affect those employees of educational institutions who were bypassed by it in 2017: ITR employees, programmers, personnel officers, etc.

As for the universities, only those that are state-owned will be affected.

When we say "teacher", we are talking not only about the school. In fact, this means employees of a wide range of institutions in which work with children is carried out. These are educational institutions - preschool, secondary, professional, plus various correctional centers, closed and medical organizations.

There is a salary scale for all employees of these enterprises. There are 18 categories in total, each has its own tariff coefficient.

  • 1-8 categories denote blue-collar occupations, the value of the coefficients is from 1 to 3.12;
  • 7-14 - teaching staff, coefficient values ​​from 2.76 to 6.51;
  • 14-18 - management (deans, rectors and directors), coefficients from 6.51 to 10.07.

When calculating the salary of a specific person, the base salary of the 1st category is taken as a basis, it is multiplied by the tariff coefficient that has been assigned to this person.

In addition to the salary, teachers' salaries include:

  • allowances for seniority, class and rank;
  • compensatory (for work at night, in harsh climatic conditions, etc.);
  • incentive payments (for difficulty, for qualifications, for overtime, for classroom management).

Among the innovations in 2018 in the system of remuneration for teachers, we should mention the “coefficient of dispersion”. Thanks to it, the wage gap between the average teacher and the headmaster will be reduced: the ratio cannot exceed 1: 4.

Culture, cinematography and art workers employed in state or municipal institutions will also receive a salary increase in 2018 to the regional average.

In the document submitted by the RTK, this year there was a section dedicated to sports workers acting at the local or federal level. This section describes all the nuances of calculating their salaries. In 2018, it should be at least no lower than in the past, and should directly depend on the results of efforts to athletic training of pets.

So, back to Putin's theses. “A working person in Russia will not be poor. Highly qualified specialists working in the public sector will receive wages exceeding the average level in the region's economy. "

It seems that this will happen in 2018, and numerous state employees will finally feel on an equal footing with the rest of society.

The issue of a salary increase in 2018 worries many, especially teachers, whose income is not so great. Let's take a closer look at this issue and see if teachers' salaries will increase in 2018.

Specialties related to education in 2018

Educational specialists include employees of preschool educational organizations, institutions of secondary, vocational education, workers different kind correctional, medical, closed, and other companies.

As for the positions, it is customary to allocate the following employees:

  • director;
  • head of the educational department;
  • a high school or high school worker teaching a subject;
  • educator;
  • teacher;
  • teacher in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education in Russia;
  • Instructor;
  • a person engaged in teaching and educational work;
  • psychology specialist;
  • a physician who studies the science of speech disorders;
  • musical director;
  • head of physical education;
  • nurse;
  • trainer.

At the moment, there are programs on the Internet that help to calculate the salary of teachers in 2018. However, you can calculate it yourself.

First of all, we take data on the base rate, which is 3000-3500 rubles. A coefficient will be added to this amount if the teacher:

  • teaches in the village (0.25);
  • in a special educational institution (0.2);
  • in a boarding school for orphans (0.2);
  • in a boarding school (0.15);
  • able to teach local dialects, for example, the Chechen language (0.15).

In addition, higher education, the level of qualifications, the presence of distinguished people recognized by the state or society, the length of service, the level of the qualification system in science, the status of the institution are taken into account. The bosses can also enter a coefficient for the complexity of the discipline that he leads.

The following indicators affect the salary:

  • experience - the higher it is, the greater the amount of payments;
  • region - the harsh climate affects the increase in salary;
  • management;
  • training.


Wages may rise if prices in the country begin to rise in a 1: 1 ratio. For example, if it is 10%, then the amount of payments should increase by 10%. As for 2018, the salary will be increased by 6% - 1200 rubles.

Spread coefficient and new ranks

In 2018, they will also take into account the coefficient of variation in the increase in wages to employees. Thus, the income of the teachers and bosses in demand will be set in a ratio of 1: 4. That is, if the salary of teachers in 2018 is 15 thousand rubles, then the director will receive 60.

How has the teacher's salary changed since January 1, 2018

Since January 1, there have been innovations for the position of an education worker. The main role is now played by the position or title of the employee:

  1. A teacher who is just starting to master a position and is going to study only in this profession.
  2. Senior teacher - a person who additionally prepares educational and discipline programs.
  3. The lead teacher will have to keep track of other teachers' schedules and record the educational process.

Thanks to such a system, young specialists will be able to compose a career ladder. The task in this case is to increase the demand for the profession.

For 2018, there is also a plan to introduce paid exams for teachers, on the basis of which the professionalism of the employee and the possibility of increasing salaries will be confirmed. However, at the moment, the project has not entered into force.

Fresh news about the salaries of teachers in Russia in 2018

Teachers' salaries will be increased in 2018, but let's still see what the latest news is on this situation today.

The Russian government will allocate 14.5 billion rubles this year to raise wages to certain state employees. Half of that money will go towards increasing teachers' salaries in 2018.

Alexander Burkov noted that it is necessary to increase labor resources, since this way it is possible to achieve an increase in wages. He pointed out that it is necessary to take into account the working time of the worker.

  • The average monthly salary of a teacher is 31,477 rubles, while in Mexico it is 375,830 rubles.
  • In Japan, the bosses pay extra for those who work from home. This happens because the employer does not spend money on office rent.
  • In Britain, there is a law that the manager cannot hide information about the income of employees. This means that any employee can find out how much his colleagues are receiving.
  • Statistics show that the average income of women in the Russian Federation is 26% lower than that of men of the same profession.
  • The salary of a teacher at a school in Germany is 7-8 times higher than the amount paid by workers from Russia.
  • As we can see, teachers' salaries will be raised in 2018, but, most likely, this will happen only in connection with indexation.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Will there be a salary increase for teachers in 2018 - this is one of the most frequently asked questions lately. Today, depending on the region in which representatives of the educational sphere work, the salary varies around 20 thousand rubles. However, in practice, not every teacher has what level of accrual. Local authorities are taking the initiative to cut wages. At the same time, the burden on teachers is increasing. This is reported by the latest news.

Perspectives for educators in 2018

Many teachers are interested in the question of how salaries will be increased this year. Today, the income of educational workers is based on the following factors:

  • work experience of the teacher;
  • the place of his residence;
  • the possibility of applying the latest methods in education;
  • availability of classroom guidance;
  • the number of hours worked.

According to official information released by the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation, the budget has funds to increase the wages of workers in the education sector. It is growing at the moment, but still falls short of inflation. The fact is that over the past year, the rise in prices for goods and services in the Russian Federation amounted to about three to four percent.

This means that the purchasing power of the population has fallen. The salaries of public sector employees are not always enough to cover their daily needs. Until today, it remains unknown whether there will be a salary increase for teachers in 2018. Last news do not give an unambiguous answer to the question.

Other sources report that the draft budget for 2018 has already been adopted. There were no changes in it regarding the increase in the level of salaries for teachers.

Prospects for the professional growth of teachers

What will be the salaries of teachers

Let's see what the forecasts for teachers' salaries might be. The latest news, in which officials spoke, indicates that an indexation of teachers' salaries will take place at the beginning of 2018. This means the fulfillment in practice of the promise of the President of the Russian Federation.

They were recorded in the May Decrees. Until 2020, the period of validity of such regulatory documents will be completed. Educators may never see an increase in their wages.

According to the latest data, it is planned to increase teachers' salaries by 3-4%. This is exactly the level of inflation that was recorded in the previous year. In practice, this means that payments from the budget will increase by 1200 rubles to each of the teachers. Thus, the average wage in the country should rise to 21 thousand rubles.

Please note that not in every region the wage level reaches 20 thousand rubles. In some cities and rural areas, teachers receive no more than 10 thousand rubles. Therefore, the answer to the question whether there will be an increase in teachers' salaries in 2018 does not have a clear answer.

At the same time, officials understand that the low level of income for state employees, including teachers, will affect the quality of education. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to increase teachers' income.

Salary increase decree

Changes in teacher income

The new job system, which will be introduced in Russia in 2018, will have an impact on teachers' salaries. The average salary of a novice teacher is planned to be about 15 thousand rubles. The teacher of the highest category will receive about 60 thousand rubles. At the moment, it remains unclear what will be the method of calculating the accrual for various categories of workers in the education sector.

One thing is known that all teachers will need to pass for advanced training. Representatives of the authorities are developing a draft law, which will develop criteria for assessing professional qualifications.

The teacher of the highest category will receive about 60 thousand rubles


Economics experts are trying to predict whether there will be teachers in 2018. The latest news reports that economists are doubtful about the availability of sufficient funds in the Russian budget. You should not expect a tangible increase in wages. Increasing wages this year is a more complex process than in the previous period. This state of affairs is associated with the socio-economic situation in the country.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn about the possibility of increasing the income of teachers:

  1. An increase in the wages of educators is possible only by a few percent. It all depends on the inflation rate in the country.
  2. To increase income, teachers will be required to pass an advanced training exam.
  3. Do not expect a sharp rise in wages. There is a crisis in the country now.

Static data does not always reflect the real picture. In most Russian settlements, teachers receive from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. Only in large cities the level of teachers' salaries reaches 20-30 thousand rubles.

The average income of a teacher today ranges from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. The difference depends on the region of residence of the specialist, work experience, the number of hours worked per month. In many regions, unfortunately, due to the difficult economic situation, there has recently been a decrease in the level of income for teachers. The workload on specialists has not diminished.

Should Russia expect an increase in teachers' incomes from January 1, 2018?

To date, a teacher's earnings consist of the following indicators:

  • the area where the specialist works, urban or rural, for example. In cities of federal significance, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, a teacher's salary is several times higher than the income level in a small town. However, in rural settlements there is an acute issue of the lack of teaching staff in schools and other educational institutions. In order to somehow attract young specialists to the provinces, local authorities establish additional payments and benefits for teachers;
  • teaching experience. The higher the length of service, the higher the monthly earnings, since teachers are paid an additional cash bonus for the length of service;
  • cool leadership. Not every teacher has it. Someone teaches one subject, physical education, for example, and does not take classroom leadership;
  • the use of innovative technologies and teaching methods in the educational process. Today, there is nowhere without innovation. For the introduction of new methods for teachers, all possible grants and awards are provided;
  • the number of teaching hours worked. The teacher can take additional lessons, including tutoring.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Finance, an increase in teachers' income in 2018 should finally take place. Whether because of the upcoming elections, or because of problems in the field of education, it is not known. The very fact of expecting good news is encouraging.

Professors' income in 2018

So the income of teachers will be increased. A reasonable question is - how much? The increase is already known. Teaching income in 2018 will be increased by 4%. If the salary of a specialist is 20,000 rubles, then the new income will be equal to 21,200 rubles. The increase is small, but this is already something.

Challenges in Education and Why Do Teachers Need Decent Salaries?

The first problem is the lack of staff. There are few teachers, in the villages they are sorely lacking in general. To attract young teachers to the countryside, they need to provide them with acceptable wages and housing.

Today there are many teachers with great experience, retirees. From one point of view, this is good. A teacher with great length of service will put the most important thing in a child, share with him a great experience. But on the other hand, what will become of the teaching staff after 10, 20 years. Honored teachers will retire, but who will be left to teach children? In order not to face such a problem, the state should be interested in attracting young teachers full of energy and enthusiasm to work in educational institutions. And how else to attract them, if not by material interest.

How much do teachers get now?

As noted above, teaching earnings has several dimensions. The statistics obtained in 2017 reflect the following figures:

Analyzing the statistical indicators, one can come to the conclusion that the salary of an institute teacher of 35,000 rubles is an average indicator. The statistics take into account the lowest and highest income indicators. If an experienced teacher gets his hands on 34,000 rubles, then the assistant earns hardly 12,000 rubles a month.

Employees of preschool institutions are in a less enviable position, since their income is lower than all other subgroups. A teacher in an ordinary city earns 21,000 rubles a month, and in the capital - about 30,000 rubles. The extras also took this argument into account. They also took into account the fact that the salaries of nannies and educators in private kindergartens are much higher than in municipal ones. In general, statistics are a serious thing. You can't argue with her.

Will teachers' hopes come true in 2018? Last news

What to expect? First of all, the final percentage of the increase in income will depend on the financial capabilities of the regional budget. The larger increase will affect not so much the basic salary as all kinds of additional payments, allowances and compensations established at the local level.

The structure of the teaching staff will change. Teachers will begin to be divided into senior, leading, simple. Such a gradation, according to scientists, should in some way streamline the system of teaching activities as a whole. The definition of the knowledge of teachers and their examination will be tightened. Experienced teachers are convinced that such a state of affairs is being created to dismiss retired teachers and free up jobs for young cadres. While some are thinking about it, others are just waiting for good news about the increase in income. Let's hope it's not in vain ...

Significant increases in teacher salaries are expected in 2018. According to the government's plans, next year the teacher's salary should exceed 200% of the regional average. The teacher's rate will depend on the coefficient of variation.

In different regions, things are different. Not everywhere are sure that the wages of school workers will exceed the government's target.

Increase in teachers' salaries from January 1, 2018 in Russia, what will be the rates: It all depends on the coefficient of spread

According to the government's plan, an innovation in schools is planned for next year. The teacher's rate will vary based on the scatter factor. The authorities set the maximum ratio between the wages of employees at one level. Now the headmaster will not be able to receive an order of magnitude more than a regular teacher.

Exactly when it is planned to introduce such a system is still unknown. According to preliminary data, the spread in the amount of wages of the head of a budgetary organization and subordinates should not exceed a ratio of 1: 4.

Raising salaries for teachers from January 1, 2018 in Russia, what will be the rates: Government plans and the real state of affairs

According to the presidential decrees in May, teachers' salaries should increase significantly by 2018. Since 2016, the Ministry of Education has been reporting on minor increases in teachers' salaries as part of the execution of the presidential decree. Unfortunately, not everything that was planned is being completed on time. Due to problems in the economy, payments in some regions have been frozen, and now doctors are wondering whether there will really be an increase in payments in 2018, according to the government's established plan.

Today, the average teacher's salary is 20,000 rubles, according to government figures. If you look at the regions, teachers' salaries are different. For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, teachers receive an order of magnitude higher than, for example, in Voronezh or Pskov and Samara, and the difference in the amount is very large. The increase in wages will not make wages equal, since according to the plan, state employees are planning to increase payments by 200% of the average wage in the region. And as it was already written above, the payment in each region is different.

Increase in teachers 'salaries from January 1, 2018 in Russia, what will be the rates: How much will teachers' salaries be increased

There will still be an increase in teachers' salaries in 2018. This has already been announced in the government, setting the date - January 1. Moreover, it became known how much the increase will be made - 4%. If we take the average salary of a teacher, which is 20,000 rubles, it turns out that teachers will receive 1,200 rubles a bonus. However, it should be noted that not all school employees average salary is the indicated amount. According to unofficial data, in the regions some teachers receive on average a little more than 18,000 rubles.

The government reassures and assures that next year the salaries of teachers and doctors will increase to the level indicated in the presidential decree - 200% of the average salary in the region. The teachers hope that the increase will really take place and no economic disasters will interfere with the implementation of the plans.

Helpful information.

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All courses published on the website of our institute are developed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, education at our institute is regulated by Federal Law 273 on Education in the Russian Federation

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