CTP insurance with a trailer is more expensive. Do I need OSAGO insurance for a trailer, how to get it and what is its cost? Is trailer insurance mandatory, how to get it?

Recently, the issue of obtaining OSAGO insurance for trailers that are part of passenger vehicles has become quite actively discussed on the network.

On this occasion, even now, quite active discussions on the forums of modern motorists and on social networks do not subside.

To avoid any mistakes, as well as the spread of myths, it is worthwhile to study in detail the question of whether you need insurance for a trailer for a car in 2020.

A trailer, as a means of transportation, can be classified as a vehicle, despite the fact that it does not have an engine. The trailer cannot move independently.

Similar vehicles are used to transport goods of the category - Construction Materials, long lengths, loose and so on.

Their peculiarity is that transportation can be carried out only if there is a leading car.

At the moment, there are a large number of very different criteria, on the basis of which modern trailers can be classified. They can be:

  • in the form of platforms;
  • airborne;
  • double and single axle.

There is a more basic feature on the basis of which trailers can be classified. This is the vehicle category. Based on this feature, cars could be divided into cars and trucks.

If the situation with cargo category trailers is more or less clear, that is, these vehicles are insured without fail, then with regard to passenger cars, the issue with trailers causes a lot of controversy.

Experienced and newly minted drivers every year ask themselves whether they need insurance for a light trailer; no changes have been made regarding the issuance of an OSAGO policy. There is currently no cause for concern.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, for more than 9 years, a law has been relevant that individuals who own light trailers may rightfully not be involved in issuing OSAGO insurance for them.

Starting this year, the driver has the opportunity to independently decide whether he wants to insure his trailer or not.. This freedom of choice is granted only on the condition that the weight of the car trailer does not exceed 3500 kg.

In other words, no one can forbid the owner of a car to insure a trailer, but the law does not have the right to oblige him either.

A well-regulated insurance law applies exclusively to cargo trailers.

At the same time, it does not matter what plan the owner of the vehicle is a participant in legal relations - whether he is an individual or a legal entity.

The insurance process in this case is mandatory. The insurance obligation also applies to legal entities.

If they have a trailer from a passenger car at their disposal, they are obliged to insure it by issuing an OSAGO policy for the vehicle.

Many are interested in how much insurance for a trailer for a car costs.. For the cost of this insurance document influenced by a wide variety of factors.

Among the most basic points that are characterized as a trailer coefficient, one can note:

  • service life - the time of use of the vehicle;
  • the region where the trailer is registered.

The cost is calculated according to a simple formula - Tb (basic tariff) x Kt (territorial coefficient) x Kp (component of the period of use).

It should be noted that at the moment there are no discounts for the complete absence of emergencies.

Of all the indicators, some attention should be paid to such an indicator as the time period of operation of the trailer.

Often there are situations in which the driver uses the trailer only at one specific time, from March to October, for example, that is, during the summer season. In such a situation, the OSAGO policy will be issued only for this time period.

It is clear that no one will forbid the driver to issue a policy for the whole year, but if you need to reduce expenses, then insurance for a certain time will be the best option.

In this case, special restrictions also apply. Individuals can insure a trailer for at least three months, legal entities must issue a document for a period of at least six months.

The minimum period cannot be divided into several parts. This rule applies to everyone - individuals and legal entities.

Types of insurance policies for trailers

In direct proportion to the number of drivers who are allowed to drive a car with a trailer, there are several types of OSAGO insurance. The document can be limited or unlimited.

This type of insurance document implies an increase in the total number of persons who are allowed to drive a vehicle with a trailer.

In addition, the exclusion of certain people from the established list is implied.

To obtain such a policy, the driver must send to insurance organization a special well-written official statement.

At a cost, such a policy is slightly cheaper than a similar document of an unlimited type..

Also, the document was not originally intended for legal entities.

Unlimited Insurance

As for the policy of an unlimited type, this type of insurance is characterized by some features.

The most important thing is that if the owner gave oral permission to operate the car and issued an official power of attorney for another person, unlimited insurance will apply specifically to this case.

If the owner of the car decides to entrust the driving of the car to another person, it will not be necessary to make changes or various additions to the policy.

In other words, the answer to the question of whether a mark in OSAGO is needed for a light trailer will be negative. This is a more functional insurance document, the cost of which is slightly higher than the limited one.

According to the provisions of OSAGO, when issuing a document, the liability of the driver, that is, the owner of the trailer, is insured for material damage that there is a risk of causing to other people and their property involved in traffic accidents.

The driver who is responsible for the accident will not receive any payments for repairs aimed at restoring the trailer and the vehicle itself.

Among the main insured events, the following situations can be noted:

  • trailer theft;
  • material damage caused as a result of a traffic accident;
  • theft of components of personal insured property;
  • causing damage as a result of a natural disaster - tree collapse, strong hurricane wind, hail and other phenomena;
  • damage due to fire;
  • loss of a trailer and a car due to a collapse of the soil;
  • material losses from the incurred illegal actions of other persons.

The OSAGO insurance policy is not able to protect against all situations that caused damage. Among the exception situations and cases, one can note the infliction of moral damage, the issuance of insurance for another car that did not have an accident.

Material damage will not be paid if he took part in races or some kind of experiments, as well as if the damage was caused when loading and unloading a trailer.

On the basis of federal legislation, if the owner of a car refuses to take out insurance if it is mandatory to obtain it, a fine is imposed on him, the amount of which reaches 800 rubles.

A similar amount will be charged in a situation where the document is overdue.

If the document was issued, but the owner of the car simply left it at home, the fine will be 500 rubles.

Here is the answer to the question of whether an OSAGO policy is needed when registering a trailer.

Fines imposed for the absence of an OSAGO policy can be accrued constantly, which sometimes makes the amount really impressive. It will be much cheaper to issue an insurance contract in this case.

Summing up

At the moment, the purchase of trailers, as a procedure, is quite simple and convenient.. After the driver has decided on the general purpose of the cargo and the trailer, he can choose a vehicle to his taste and budget.

There are a huge number of such vehicles on the modern market.

If the owner of the trailer is an individual, the question of whether it is necessary to take out insurance for him is negative. The only factor to pay attention to is the registration of the vehicle.

This is a very important process that will not take a lot of time.. You can register at any registration office.

Compulsory insurance can be only for legal entities. For them, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to include a light trailer in insurance will be positive.

In order for the registration process to go as quickly and successfully as possible, the driver must have a current technical inspection pass in his hands.

The absence of an OSAGO document, if the trailer is not included in the insurance, during verification this will lead to a fine.

According to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, a trailer, despite the fact that it does not have an engine, is a vehicle. According to the rules of the road, insurance is required for all vehicles. There are certain nuances here. Do you need trailer insurance?

Trailers are used for various purposes, such as transportation of building and household materials, things and other goods. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that transportation is possible only if there is a leading car. Modern trailers differ in classification, they are:

  • in the form of a platform;
  • onboard;
  • dump trucks;
  • tented;
  • semi-trailers;
  • one- and two-axle;
  • isometric.

One of the main features of all types of trailers is the carrying capacity. If this indicator exceeds 750 kg, then such devices are equipped with a braking system that is not related to the automobile. Also, for example, two-axle trailers have sides with a swivel mechanism, which makes them maneuverable.

Every year, both experienced drivers and beginners are interested in whether the the legislative framework and whether you need insurance for a trailer for a car in 2019. They don't always know where to find the right answer. The rules change frequently.

For passenger cars

In the updated version of the Federal Law on OSAGO since 2014, Art. 4, paragraph 3 says that individuals do not need to take out insurance for a trailer for cars. This rule has been in place since 2007.

Today, compulsory OSAGO for trailers for passenger cars for private individuals has been cancelled. Now you can issue a policy at will, no one has the right to force it to do so. But there is one important condition: the vehicle must not exceed the weight of 3500 kg. Legal entities are required to put a mark in the OSAGO policy - “Driven with a trailer”.

Also have important nuance relating to crossing the border of the Russian Federation. Many do not know whether it is necessary to insure a trailer for a passenger car when traveling to another country. This must be done without fail. OSAGO is canceled only in Russia.

Another important question: “Does the trailer need to be included in the car insurance?”. This should be done only for freight transport at the time of registration of OSAGO, as well as for legal entities.

For freight transport

A mark in OSAGO for a trailer to a truck is mandatory. A separate document is not issued. The fact is that tractors (trucks) can drive with different trailers during the day. The mark in the policy allows you to install various types of additional vehicles.

It often happens when insurance is issued for a truck, the owner has a question: “Do I need it for a trailer?”. You do not need to obtain such a document separately.

The procedure for obtaining insurance

The procedure for obtaining a policy is very simple, you need to do the following.

  • Choose the right insurer.
  • Prepare the required package of documents (you need to check with the manager).
  • Come to the office of the organization.
  • Write an application form.
  • Give a package of documents to the manager.

You can also submit papers for obtaining insurance via the Internet, it is easier and does not take much time.

Policy cost

To get an idea of ​​the price and find out how much trailer insurance costs, you should call several companies and find the best option. Cost is affected by:

  • trailer service life;
  • region of registration of the tractor.

The amounts may be different, but the base rate is 3432-4118 rubles.

Where to go

OSAGO policy is issued by insurance companies, there are many of them, but you should take a closer look at the reviews. All firms work at approximately standard prices, but some overestimate them. It is better to choose companies that are members of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

Is trailer inspection required?

An important question that interests many: "What type of trailers do you need insurance and technical inspection for?". Back in 2012, the legislative norms were changed. For trailers to vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons, which are owned by private owners, the inspection has been canceled. Heavier vehicles must be diagnosed and also have insurance.

Legal entities and companies are required to regularly conduct a technical inspection of the trailer and own an OSAGO policy. If the age of the vehicle is not more than 3 years, then diagnostics are not needed.

The fine for driving with a trailer without documents at the first violation is 500-800 rubles. If it is repeated - 5000 rubles. Payment must be made within 10 days.

How to make a payment

In case of an accident, where a car with a trailer was involved, the victim receives a payment from OSAGO. The defendant is not entitled to any money. The registration procedure is the same as for a standard accident. The only difference is that the paragraph where the data on the vehicle is registered is expanded by adding information about the trailer to it, indicating the registration number.

Punishment for not having insurance

The penalty for driving without an OSAGO policy, according to article 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, part 2, is a fine (for overdue insurance, it is 500 rubles). If such a document is not available at all - 800 r. In some cases, a warning may be issued.


The private owner of the trailer does not need to take out insurance. He only needs to register the car. A legal entity must make a mark in the policy.

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At least once in a lifetime, but every motorist has a difficult task to transport not only passengers, but also cargo. And to do this, owning a low-capacity car, is much more convenient with the help of a device specially designed for this purpose - a trailer. But how, in this case, to reliably protect your responsibility on the road? Do you need compulsory insurance on a car trailer?

Do you need car trailer insurance?

The question of whether it is necessary to issue an OSAGO for a trailer worries many drivers. On the one hand, it does not have an engine and cannot move independently, but on the other hand, it is used to move goods, on the basis of which it is classified, nevertheless, as a vehicle.

It would seem that any transport that goes on the road should be protected by insurance. However, since 2014 the federal law"On OSAGO" canceled the requirement for motor third party liability insurance in respect of any non-motorized devices for cargo transportation.

So, according to the law, individuals need a separate auto insurance contract only for a cargo-type trailer or semi-trailer. With regard to light fixtures, the obligation to issue insurance is removed from them. At the same time, such a tool belongs to the passenger type if:

  • its gross weight does not exceed the limit of 750 kg;
  • the total weight of the car together with the device for cargo transportation is not higher than 3500 kg.

Legal entities are required to insure the trailer, regardless of whether it belongs to the passenger or cargo type.

How is the obligation of insurance implemented in relation to individuals in 2018? According to the amendments made to the law - by acquiring single policy on the car and the towing device to it. That is, if the owner plans to operate the car along with a device for cargo transportation, a special mark can be put in the insurance (but putting a mark is not an obligation for individuals).

Another change affected the passing of technical inspection: today an individual does not need to do MOT on his trailer for a passenger car for insurance purposes. Although he is still obliged to worry about his current health.

What is a trailer insured against?

A compulsory OSAGO policy guarantees compensation for damage to property and health of the injured party in the event of a traffic incident involving a car with a device for moving goods.

Both private car owners and enterprises, in an effort to minimize the risks of damage or destruction of their property, can voluntarily insure their cargo transportation devices under the CASCO program. In this case, the insurer will compensate the owner for the damage received for a variety of reasons:

  • theft of individual elements and parts of the trailer;
  • theft;
  • damage by third parties;
  • participation in an accident;
  • consequences of natural disasters;
  • fire;
  • destruction under the influence of ice and snow;
  • failure of the ice or ground surface on which the insured object was located.

trailer insurance cost

For owners of private vehicles, insurance for a trailer for a passenger car is not issued. And even if the driver regularly uses it to transport goods, OSAGO on the car will not become more expensive, since in this case the multiplying factor will be equal to one.

But legal entities it is mandatory to insure the trailer used for cargo transportation together with the tractor. At the same time, the policy for the car, in conjunction with which it will be operated, will become more expensive, since when calculating the cost of OSAGO, the insurer will apply a multiplying factor to the base rate. The value of the coefficient varies in the range from 1.16 to 1.4 depending on the type vehicle.

You can see how the mandatory auto insurance for a truck or car with a tow hitch changes its size from the multiplier table.

As a result of calculations, the cost of insurance will be increased by the appropriate adjustment factor. This means that for the owner of a truck weighing 16 tons, provided that the means for transporting cargo is used, the cost of OSAGO will increase by 40%. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to carry it with you regularly. The policy only needs to indicate the possibility of its use. This will be enough to protect the responsibility of the driver on the roads.

If the owner is insured against possible risks with the help of CASCO, he will have to pay from 2 to 4 percent of the cost of the transport device for the policy. In most cases, the cost of CASCO will not be affected by the brand of this vehicle, but by its age and purpose of use.

Receiving payments in case of an accident involving a trailer

The use of any devices for the carriage of goods must be marked in the OSAGO policy with a special mark. If it is not there, but the car owner makes cargo transportation, he will be fined. In addition, in the event of an accident, the insurer has the full right not to reimburse the costs of restoring the damaged tow hitch. If the car owner, who does not have a corresponding mark in the policy, is the culprit of the accident, he must be prepared for the fact that the insurer will require him to compensate for the costs incurred.

The law abolishing compulsory car insurance for trailers for cars as an independent transport unit is valid only in Russia. If you plan to transport things outside the country, you should take out separate insurance for a light trailer.

In case of an accident involving a trailer, payments are made according to the principle direct reimbursement losses are incurred if the following conditions are met:

  • the insurance contract is drawn up in accordance with all the rules and contains a note on the possible use of a device for moving goods;
  • only two vehicles are involved in the accident;
  • the damage was done only to the property of the injured party

In this case, the claim for compensation for damage is put forward by the injured person to the insurer who insured his liability.

The accident itself can be documented by the Europrotocol, since the trailer is not considered as an independent vehicle and cannot change the number of participants in the accident. This means that in the event of a collision between two vehicles, each equipped with a hauling device, when considering insured event it will be recognized that only two vehicles were involved in the accident.

Trucks specialize in the transportation of various items. This feature of operation requires the presence of a towing device. If you wish to use a trailer, the motorist must familiarize himself with the accompanying rules and requirements of third party liability insurance.

Often, drivers have various kinds of questions regarding the purchase of OSAGO for a tow hitch. Do trailers need service? How much does OSAGO cost for adaptation? How to make a payment? The motorist will find answers in this article.

Do I need insurance for a cargo trailer?

Changes in the law on the policy of compulsory auto insurance regulate that owners of cars with trailers have the right not to draw up an additional document. Individuals and legal entities that own a cargo trailer can purchase an insurance policy only for the main vehicle.

However, the OSAGO document will contain information confirming the possibility of using a car with a tow hitch for transporting goods. The cost of such a policy will be calculated taking into account the increased coefficients.

When making a deal, the model of the trailer will not be indicated in the insurance contract, so the motorist may not specify this information when preparing for the execution of the document. This feature gives the driver an additional advantage: he can use any trailer that is at his disposal.

It is important to consider: if the organization owns only one device for transporting additional cargo, which is used alternately by several cars, you need to take care of the presence of a note in the policy of all these vehicles.

Do I need to register a trailer with the traffic police

The answer is obvious - it is necessary. In any available registration unit of the traffic police, the motorist must register the trailer. This procedure takes 10 days from the date of customs clearance, purchase or deregistration. To register, you must provide a vehicle passport and a document confirming the legal sale and purchase.

As a result of the procedure, the driver will receive a license plate for the tow hitch and a certificate confirming the registration. After the registration is completed, the driver will be able to legally drive a vehicle with a trailer.

How much does OSAGO cost for a trailer

Policy cost compulsory insurance for a trailer depends on the features of the device. OSAGO for a car with a tow hitch will cost the motorist more than a standard document due to the increased KPR coefficient.

If the driver's trailer does not belong to any of the specified categories, the value of the coefficient will be equal to one and will not affect the cost.

Based on the data in the table, we can conclude that the most expensive policy is bought by truck owners. Heavy trucks purchase OSAGO more expensive by 25-40%. In this case, it is impossible to reduce the cost, since reducing the coefficient to one implies a complete rejection of the trailer.

by the most advantageous offer used by legal entities that own trailers for passenger cars. The premium to the cost of OSAGO in this case will be insignificant.

You can calculate the price of a compulsory insurance policy using a special formula that involves multiplying the values ​​of the initial rate and the values ​​of the coefficients. By certain coefficients (for example, by the coefficient for accident-free driving), drivers can receive a discount. The value of the KPR coefficient remains unchanged.

OSAGO and Europrotocol

Europrotocol is a special document that participants in an accident draw up only in certain cases. The protocol form is filled out without the participation of authorized employees of the road services for the smooth receipt of compensation.

Europrotocol can be issued in the following situations:

  • Only two parties (two cars) were involved in the accident;
  • both motorists have an OSAGO policy;
  • the amount of damage caused is up to 100 thousand rubles (in some regions of the country an amount of up to 400 thousand rubles is allowed);
  • The participants in the accident do not have disagreements about the circumstances of the collision.

Drawing up a Euro protocol is allowed if a car with a trailer is a participant in the accident, since after updates in the legislation this device is no longer considered an independent vehicle. How to receive compensation payments also will not be different.

Important to know: the trailer is not an independent vehicle only within Russian Federation. If the driver wants to cross the border of the country with a trailer, he must insure the device for transporting goods without fail.

Does it need a technical inspection and a diagnostic card

The presence of obligations to conduct a technical inspection is determined by some features. So, individuals are required to insure the trailer only if the mass of the car and the towing device exceeds 3.5 tons.

Legal entities are required to obtain a diagnostic card for their cars under the following conditions:

  • Once every 2 years - for trailers aged from 3 to 7 years;
  • once a year - with the age of the device more than 7 years;
  • once every six months - when transporting potentially dangerous goods in a trailer;

If a motorist has purchased a new trailer, the first three years of technical inspection is not a mandatory procedure.

How to make a payment

As with an ordinary accident, compensation funds are sent to the innocent participant. The procedure for receiving funds does not differ from the standard one. The only difference is that when processing documents, not only the data of the car, but also the trailer are indicated.

What documents do you need to carry on the road with a trailer

The presence of a trailer in use obliges the driver to carry an additional list of documents. So, the following papers are required:

  • Vehicle passport and STS;
  • a visual guide to the use of the tow hitch;
  • when transporting potentially dangerous goods - a safety certificate, a license, an emergency map of the transported objects;
  • for trucks and cars of legal entities - a diagnostic card and a compulsory insurance policy, in which there is a note on the operation of the trailer.

In the absence of any document, the driver does not have the full right to drive a car with a tow hitch.

Punishment for not having insurance

Article 12.3 of the second part of the Code of Administrative Violations regulates the sanctions for driving a car without a compulsory insurance policy. So, the traffic police inspector will issue a fine of 500 rubles.

If the offender has, a penalty receipt in the amount of 800 rubles will be applied. However, under favorable circumstances, the driver can only receive a warning.


After changes in the rules on OSAGO, trailers do not need to issue a separate policy. It is enough to have a note about the use of the trailer in the car insurance contract form. It is worth considering, and this obligation applies exclusively to legal entities and owners of heavy trucks. Individuals have the right to purchase insurance for light trailers on a voluntary basis.

A car trailer is an ambiguous thing. On the one hand, it takes up a decent amount of space on the road, is not an integral part of the car and therefore can be considered as a vehicle. On the other hand, the trailer itself does not drive - therefore, it still does not fall under the category of a vehicle according to the rules. . In 2014, this contradiction was finally resolved.

Do I need OSAGO for a trailer?

The answer is no. Regardless of the type of trailer (car, truck, special), you do not need to buy a separate policy for it. The legislator finally secured the status of a “trunk on wheels” for trailers. Since the trailer is not equipped with an engine and forms one transport unit with the car, drivers only need a policy for the car. No traffic police officer has the right to demand a second insurance certificate.

However, this does not mean that you do not need to pay extra for a trailer. Instead of a separate insurance, the legislator introduced a multiplying factor (KPR). It is used when calculating the cost of a conventional OSAGO policy, that is, insurance is a little more expensive. Multiplier does not affectcitizens ( individuals) who drive cars with trailers.

Increasing coefficient of OSAGO on a trailer

Let's look at the table.

Trailer for vehicles of various types Coefficient
Trailers for cars owned by organizations, as well as for motorcycles 1.16
Trailers for trucks with a maximum authorized mass of up to 16 tons inclusive, semi-trailers and trailers-dissolutions 1.4
Trailers for trucks with a maximum authorized mass of more than 16 tons, semi-trailers, trailers-dissolutions 1.25
Trailers for special vehicles: road construction equipment, tractors, etc. (only vehicles on wheels are taken into account) 1.24
Trailers for vehicles of all other types and categories 1

Remember the formula for calculating OSAGO: the base rate is multiplied by multiplying factors. The higher each ratio, the higher the cost of the policy. The most expensive OSAGO for trucks with a trailer, but companies with trailers for cars in their fleet will hardly feel the rise in price.

Pay attention to this detail: for private owners of cars with a trailer, the KPR coefficient does not apply. If you bought a trailer and drive with it in your car to the country or around the city, you do not need to pay for it. The cost of your policy will be the same as that of a car owner without a "wagon".

DSAGO can also be issued for the hitch "car-trailer" ( additional insurance responsibility).

How to enter a trailer in OSAGO: subtleties and nuances

When applying for insurance, make sure that the insurance employee enters information about the trailer in the policy. In the column "Special marks" should appear the entry: "Used with a trailer." However, the model of the trailer and its technical characteristics cannot be mentioned in the policy - this is a violation of OSAGO rules. The driver has the right to change the trailer to another one or use different ones, this does not affect the insurance.

Without diagnostic card it is impossible to conclude an OSAGO agreement with a service station. Does this mean that it is necessary to conduct a separate technical inspection of the trailer and show two cards to the insurer? No, an act on the results of the maintenance of the car is enough. However, after an accident involving a trailer, problems may arise: the insurance company will refer to the fact that the technical condition of the trailer has not been established and will refuse to pay. It is better to give it to MOT, get a card and sleep peacefully.

And 2 more important things:

  • An accident involving a car with a trailer can be registered according to the Europrotocol (without the participation of the traffic police), if other conditions are met mandatory conditions. Previously, when the trailer was classified as a separate vehicle, this was excluded: after all, the Europrotocol can only be filled out when two vehicles collide. Now there is no such problem.
  • If you are traveling to another country, buy additional insurance needed for a trailer. This is because in most countries separate trailer insurance is mandatory. Recall that it is not OSAGO that operates abroad, but the Green Card.

According to CASCO, the trailer is also insured separately. Moreover, insurance will cost more than a car - a trailer is easier to steal.

Summing up

So, briefly about OSAGO insurance for a car with a trailer:

  • you do not need to buy a separate policy for the trailer;
  • citizens - owners of cars do not need to pay extra for the use of a trailer when buying OSAGO;
  • for the use of trailers for motorcycles and scooters, everyone needs to pay extra, including individuals;
  • for towing another vehicle, the CPR does not apply, and for such vehicles the cost of OSAGO remains unchanged.

If you buy a trailer for a truck, be sure to report this to your insurance company. This is your responsibility under the rules of compulsory auto insurance. Yes, you will have to pay. But if the insurer is not informed, in the event of an accident involving a trailer, he will refuse to pay in favor of the victim. It can get to the point where Insurance Company terminate the MTPL contract unilaterally. Will have to buy new policy in another company or pay . Why do you need it?

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