Auto departure insurance. MTPL insurance policy with delivery

The article will highlight issues related to the CTP policy. Is home delivery possible, are there advantages and disadvantages, what is the responsibility for driving without a policy - further.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and IS FREE!

Compulsory insurance in action

Everyone who has a vehicle is obliged to buy a CTP policy. The document is an irreplaceable assistant in case of an accident on the road.

Why is this needed?

OSAGO - compulsory motor third party liability insurance. With the help of insurance, the driver will be able to recover the damage caused during the accident. Compensation for harm includes payment for medical treatment, car repairs, compensation to relatives in case of death. The contract is valid for a year.

OSAGO is not intended for the repair of one's own vehicle; damage is only compensated to a third party who was injured during a road accident.

What if the company refuses to pay insurance?

In some cases, there may be problems with the payment of the insurance policy amount. The firm can refuse in the following situations:

  • the documents were not provided in full;
  • the client applied after the due date;
  • the papers are not filled in correctly, there are errors;
  • the company went bankrupt.

If the client has a contract with an insurance company, it is necessary to seek payment. Before submitting documents, you must make sure that they are filled in correctly. If the firm delays the answer, contact them personally or call.

In case of refusal to compensate for damage, you must request a refusal in writing.

The insurance can be extended at the company in which the policy was originally issued, or by contacting another. In the second case, you will have to buy new policy OSAGO.

Insurance is required in any case. If an employee of the road patrol service stops the driver, he has the right to demand a policy. The document must be valid. The lack of OSAGO insurance will not lead to any consequences if more than 10 days have not passed since the moment of purchase of the vehicle. In this case, you must provide a contract for the purchase of the car.

If there is a policy, but the driver has forgotten it at home, there are 2 options - issuing a warning or paying a fine. This year it is 800 rubles. During the inspection of documents by inspectors, the absence of OSAGO is considered as a gross violation - the insurance is expired or does not exist at all. In this case, the penalty may be higher.

After the protocol is written out, the decision of the traffic police officer can be appealed within 10 days, proving that the policy was forgotten at home. The legislation also provides for other types of liability for non-compliance and driving without insurance. This applies to situations such as using a car during a period that is not covered by the agreement; and driving by a person who is not covered by insurance.

The agreement is valid for a year, but the operation of the vehicle may be differentfrom 3 months and more. That is, the cost of insurance is lower. But if it is during this period that a traffic patrol officer stops, the fine cannot be avoided.

If you drive a car again without a policy, no other liability is provided - the amount of the fine remains the same.

Drivers who do not trust the purchase of a policy via the Internet can use the service of delivering a document to their home.

Pros of home or office delivery:

  • significant time savings. You do not need to go to the insurance company, you can order a policy at home at any time. Urgent delivery is also possible (upon agreement with the manager);
  • saving finances. Calling a courier at home will cost the client less than a trip to an insurance company;
  • complete safety. It happens that the policy has expired, but you urgently need to go somewhere. Without compulsory motor third party liability insurance, they can be fined. Couriers will deliver the document to your home very quickly;
  • correct paperwork;
  • registration of the policy at home. The courier of the delivery service will arrive at any address.

Often, when concluding a vehicle insurance contract, sellers (insurers) impose on customers Additional services, for example, insure your own life. The legislation does not oblige to do this, in case of refusal, no liability or penalty is provided. But insurers, on the contrary, are threatened with a fine for such imposition.

Before paying for the policy, you need to make sure the seller:

  • visit the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (PCA) and check if this insurer has a license to operate;
  • the more branches it has Insurance Company, the more reliable it is.

When choosing a company, you should pay attention to the following:

To get a policy, you must submit the following documents:

  • passport or other document that proves the identity of the client;
  • statement on the conclusion of the agreement;
  • vehicle registration document, for example, technical passport;
  • driver's license or its photocopy;
  • a diagnostic card that confirms the vehicle's compliance with safety requirements.

Before signing the contract, you must check the policy for the following details:

  • personal data of the policyholder, the insurer and those persons who will use the car;
  • the postal code of the place of registration of the policyholder and the owner of the vehicle;
  • data on the previous insurance agreement - policy number.

The agreement can be entered into regardless of whether the customer owns the car or not. Some insurance companies do not require a power of attorney for a car.

This can be done at any time of the day.

There are many advantages - saving time, no imposing additional services, and others.

There are also limitations:

  • you can order insurance only in the company whose branch operates in the area of ​​the car owner;
  • if the vehicle was bought recently, or the driver has just received a license, then you still have to visit the insurance company - to certify the person.

To order a policy, you must fill out a special form, pay a fee, and the insurance will be sent to your mailbox. Then print the document, although there is no need for this - information about the insurance will be in the database.

Scheme of actions:

  1. Applying with a package of documents to an insurance company.
  2. Filling out the application.
  3. Checking the OSAGO form.
  4. Payment for insurance.
  5. Signing a contract for the purchase of a policy.
  6. Obtaining an agreement, a policy and a receipt for its payment.

The most popular insurance company is Rosgosstrakh. In addition to purchasing an MTPL policy in the company, you can insure a car bought abroad. In addition to a personal visit, it is possible to order a home insurance policy.

Features of acquiring a document from Rosgosstrakh:

  • affordable price and no overpayment;
  • fast registration;
  • round-the-clock consultation;
  • compensation for losses is carried out with interest;
  • no evasion of payments.

When buying a policy from this company, an agreement must be concluded with the driver, which gives a guarantee to cover losses in the event of an accident. The information in the submitted documents must contain reliable facts. Otherwise, the agreement is considered invalid.

To buy a policy, you need to register on the company's website, enter data, pay for insurance and receive a document.

Rosgosstrakh has its own tariffs for purchasing a policy. Discover approximate cost the document can be found on the company's website.

The following indicators affect the cost of OSAGO- driving experience, type of car, number of drivers, engine power, etc. You can independently calculate the final price on any of the many resources on the Internet.

Pros and cons

Car insurance has advantages and disadvantages.

The first are:

  • affordable policy price;
  • obligatory compensation for losses to the injured party during the accident;
  • you can conclude an agreement in any country or city;
  • insurance is fixed.

The document flow of an enterprise requires attention during registration. See sample.

The procedure for the liquidation of an LLC is enshrined in law. General instructions.

V jurisprudence non-pecuniary damage and its compensation are increasingly common. Learn the basics in.

There are also negative aspects:

  • the injured party will not be covered for the costs incurred as a result of a natural disaster or theft;
  • since the payment is fixed, it turns out to be unprofitable for those whose cars are expensive;
  • the culprit of the accident gets nothing;
  • the damage to the victim will not be covered even if the accident occurred through no fault of his, but he was intoxicated or fled from the scene of the accident.

The reliability of the data in the document

Genuine letterhead must show the following signs:

  • the format should be like A-4. Smaller fake;
  • there should be a bluish-green microgrid on the front side;
  • watermarks are highlighted when viewed in the light;
  • on the back (right) there is a narrow metal strip;
  • there are blotches of red villi;
  • when taking the form in hand, it does not leave stains on the skin;
  • policy series - ССС;
  • the document number consists of 10 digits, convex to the touch. They are located at the top right.

Chance to buy a fake

Genuine MTPL policy - a guarantee of compensation for damage in case of an accident, as well as reliable driving statistics.

In order not to get to scammers and not to buy a fake, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You need to contact those departments of insurance companies that are indicated on the official website of the company.
  2. If the agent offers to extend the validity of the policy, ask him for a certificate confirming his right to carry out such operations.

Every car owner registered or temporarily residing in the territory of the Russian Federation is obligated.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and IS FREE!

Due to the increase in the number of insurance companies specializing in compulsory auto insurance, many organizations offer their customers additional services. For example, delivery insurance policy at the address indicated by the policyholder.

How you can get a car insurance with delivery and how much such a service costs in different regions, read on.

Who provides these services

You can issue an insurance policy with delivery:

  • at an insurance company providing a similar service;
  • across insurance broker... The insurance broker provides exclusively intermediary services. The insurance company, when registering a car insurance through a broker, is selected individually, taking into account the preferences of the client.

For registration of a motor third party liability, you will need a standard package of documents, which includes:

  • civil passport of the owner of the vehicle or the passport of the representative of the vehicle owner, supplemented by a notarized power of attorney;
  • vehicle registration certificate. If the insurance is purchased for a new, not yet registered vehicle, then instead of a registration certificate, a PTS will be required;

However, after the registration of the car, the details of the issued certificate will need to be added to the policy additionally.

  • driver's license of the car owner and persons allowed to drive (if car insurance is issued with a limited number of drivers). When purchasing a car insurance without restrictions, these documents are not required;
  • a diagnostic card confirming the technical condition of the vehicle and the possibility of its operation. Recently, the document may not be required, since all information on technical inspections is entered into a single base data.

Delivery of the client's policy can be carried out:

  • a special employee of an insurance organization or insurance broker. As a rule, this service is free at a certain price of insurance;
  • courier service. The cost of courier delivery depends on several factors, among which the region where the service is provided and the distance from the place of collection of the document to the place of delivery are of the greatest importance.

How to order a MTPL policy at home

You can order home delivery of auto insurance:

  • by calling the service provider. In most cases, a specialist is called by phone to complete the execution of the document outside the company's office. Summon insurance agent home insurance under OSAGO is possible only in some fairly large companies;
  • online on the official website of the insurance organization. With this action, insurance is issued in the same way via the Internet and the client, after a certain time, receives a ready-made document.

By phone

You can issue OSAGO without leaving your home by calling the phone presented on the website of the selected insurance company.

Before taking out insurance, it is necessary to prepare all the required documents in order to inform the employee of the organization with reliable information.

  • we contact the representative of the insurer;
  • we clarify the conditions of compulsory car insurance and the cost of the document. To do this, an employee of the company must provide all the requested information;
  • with the help of a specialist, we fill out an application (more precisely, the application is filled out by an employee on the basis of the information provided by the client);
  • we agree on the place and time of delivery of the document;
  • we make payment for the specified insurance premium in any convenient way (payment at the bank, payment via ATMs, payments via the Internet, and so on).

If an OSAGO insurance is issued with a visit to the house of an employee of the organization, then you can agree on the date and time of the meeting:

  • telephone;
  • through the Internet.

For example, to call an employee of RESO - Guarantee online, you must fill out a special form in which you specify:

  • customer name;
  • E-mail address;
  • cell phone number;
  • the branch of the organization closest to the place of registration (you can choose from the addresses provided);
  • the name of the insurance product (when registering OSAGO - motor third party liability);
  • the most optimal time for communication;
  • additional comments (this field is optional).

After sending the application at the specified time, an employee of the company will contact the client to clarify the information received.


The online compulsory car insurance policy is issued according to the following scheme:

  1. Choosing an insurance company. With the latest amendments to, which entered into force on January 1, 2019, all insurance companies are required to provide services for issuing a policy via the Internet. However, when choosing an insurer, it is recommended to consider:
    • rating of an insurance company, which is compiled on the basis of the company's financial statements;
    • consumer reviews (you can use the recommendations of friends or relatives);
    • the presence of branches of the selected organization in the region of residence of the insured. This parameter is quite important, since when insured event all documents required to receive insurance payments are transferred personally or through an official representative acting under a notarized power of attorney.
  2. Preparation of documents for registration.
  3. Preliminary calculation. For this, all the required data are entered into a special form:
    • car owner category;
    • car type;
    • engine power (the indicator is indicated in horsepower);
    • region of registration of the owner of the car;
    • term of auto insurance (a standard policy is issued for a period of 1 year);
    • period of use of vehicles;
    • a list of drivers who can drive a car indicating the full name and details of the driver's license;
    • the value of the bonus-malus coefficient (the highest rate of drivers is taken for the calculation);
    • minimum age and experience of drivers.

    After the calculation, the cost of the policy will be known. If the parameter completely satisfies the client, then you can proceed to further design.

  4. Registration of a personal account. Currently, it is possible to issue a policy online only after preliminary registration and verification of all data on a single database. To register, you must enter the data in the appropriate fields:
    • Full name of the client of the company;
    • gender of a person;
    • contacts (email address, mobile phone);
    • registration address;
    • passport data (passport details may not always be required directly during registration. personal account passport is not required, the details of the document are filled in later).

  5. Filling out the form, which is an application for the purchase of a car license. In the form provided, you must indicate:
      • information about the owner. If the insured is the owner of the car, then you only need to tick the appropriate box;

  6. The next stage is the payment of the insurance premium. To pay for car insurance, you can use funds with bank card or e-wallet. The system will automatically offer to choose the desired method and redirect to the page of the most suitable payment system.
  7. Choosing a method for obtaining a policy. After online registration, the document can be obtained:
    • to the email address specified by the user. E-OSAGO has full legal force along with a paper document. To use the policy, you must print it on a color printer;
    • delivery to the specified address.
  8. Together with the completed policy form, the client must be provided with:

  • OSAGO insurance rules;
  • traffic accident notification form;
  • memo to the client;
  • document on the transfer of funds as payment of the insurance premium.

How to find insurance cheap and 24/7

The cost of car insurance is determined by the state and cannot be changed by the insurance company on its own.

When choosing an insurance company that provides services for round-the-clock processing and delivery of a document to your home, it is recommended to pay special attention to the following factors:

  • the possibility of obtaining a document on paper. Not all car owners want to use electronic policies, as this can lead to a number of problems;
  • application for calculating the bonus-malus coefficient. In accordance with
    by law, each insurer is obliged to apply the stipulated
    coefficients, however, practice shows that some companies
    neglect their obligations;
  • work with a single database, which stores all information about the insured and the current policy;
  • the possibility of delivery at any time and to any place.

How much does delivery cost?

The cost of delivery of a ready-made insurance policy by courier service mainly depends on the region of residence of the owner of the vehicle. On average, the price for these services is from 600 to 1,300 rubles.

The price and delivery time of a document in a particular region can be found in the following table:

Police in Moscow

Residents of the capital can order a policy with delivery in the following companies:

Insurance organization name Price
Rosgosstrakh - free of charge if the cost of the policy is more than 6,000 rubles;
- from 150 rubles
Ingosstrakh Free if:
- the cost is more than 3,500 rubles;
- place of delivery within the Moscow Ring Road + 20 km
In other situations from 200 rubles
Renaissance Insurance - without payment if insurance premium more than 6,000 rubles;
- in other cases it is determined individually
VSK All issued policies are delivered free of charge
RESO-Garantia - free of charge if the price is over 6,000 rubles;
- if less, then from 250 rubles
Uralsib Free exclusively within the city
Insurance broker "Auto-Service" Within Moscow without charging a service fee
Insurance agency "Element" Free in the city
RUSAGO RU - free of charge when ordering OSAGO and a diagnostic card;
- 200 rubles - only CMTPL in Moscow;
- 400 rubles - in the Moscow region

Auto insurance in St. Petersburg

You can buy a car insurance with delivery to the specified address in St. Petersburg:

Name of the company offering auto insurance delivery Price
Ingosstrakh - free of charge within the city limits and if the cost of the policy is more than 5,000 rubles;
- from 200 rubles
Agreement - from 180 rubles
VSK is free
RESO - Warranty - within St. Petersburg the service is provided free of charge;
- from 350 rubles
Max - free of charge when delivered in the city and the cost of the policy is from 6,500 rubles;
- from 150 rubles
Insurance agency TO78 - free of charge when ordering a car insurance and a diagnostic card;
- 300 rubles
OSAGO - Petersburg ru - free, but only in the city
Full broker is free
Unified insurance center - within the ring road without payment;
- from 300 rubles

I left an application for the CTP on the site. They called back quickly, everyone counted. An hour later they were in my office. Great! Thanks .. saved a ton of time.

Moscow. M. Skhodnenskaya

The agent arrived on time, but brought the CMTPL policy to the wrong company that I ordered. The agent offered a discount or a free extension, but I needed an Ingosstrakh policy, since I am confident in this company and have received money from them more than once. The agent apologized, once again went to the office and brought the policy of the company I needed. Generally satisfied. I give 7 points out of 10 for the service.

Moscow. m Aviamotornaya

Several companies phoned you. Everything, as one, promised to deliver the CTP, but only the next day ... and my land was over today ... the CTP was over ... at 6 in the morning I was on my way .. and where am I without insurance ... And then the agent arrived, yes also within 1.5 hours. In general, many thanks to the real agent ... really helped out

Moscow. m.Filevsky Park

I respect punctuality and respect for clients. Before that, I was insured with another broker ... in the end, I waited a whole day for their delivery, although they promised in 2.5 hours. And then the agent was late for 5 minutes and even apologized 10 times ..

Alexander Ivanovich

Initially, I wanted to do CTP and Casco in the cabin .. talked there and make a good discount .. but your discount on casco, as they say, dragged it out)) .... thank you very much .. it's good that you called ..

Moscow. m.Tverskaya

I ordered the delivery of the CTP. The agent arrived quickly. I am satisfied. Good luck to your company ...!


Moscow. m.Academicheskaya

We needed a home delivery of the insurance company rosgosstrakh to be delivered literally in 1 hour. I knew that on Sunday it would be quite difficult to call an agent from the insurance company, and even so quickly. Therefore, I began to search the Internet for the delivery of compulsory insurance Rosgosstrakh in an hour through a broker. To my pleasant surprise, having phoned the Real Agent, they were able to quickly deliver insurance to me, for which I am very grateful.

Moscow. m International

We know firsthand about the hours-long queues when making a deal for the sale of a car in the traffic police, so we decided to use your services. They explained to us what list of documents are required from us (title, passport of the seller and the buyer) and arrived at the agreed time and promptly issued everything.


Moscow. m Babushkinskaya.

It is not so easy to place an order to call an insurance agent 24 hours in Moscow. Honestly, we didn't expect that at 10 pm, one of the insurance agents would want to come to you. Fortunately, the employees of your company went to meet us and we were able to agree that in just an hour we would already have taken out MTPL insurance.

Moscow. m. Planernaya.

We ordered the delivery of the insurance company Ingosstrakh to Putilkovo (to Mortongrad). We were very pleased because the agent arrived at the agreed time and did everything quickly.

M.O. Putilkovo. Mortongrad.

The previous CTP insurance was drawn up in Ingosstrakh and we wanted to know how much it costs to extend the CTP Ingosstrakh, taking into account that now the insurance will be without restrictions on drivers. Arranged that your agent was ready to bring us the policy within an hour and a half. Thank you for efficiency.

Moscow. m Voikovskaya.

Moscow. m Ryazansky prospect.

I did an independent calculation of the cost of an auto hull on several sites. Of course, I didn't understand much. As a result, I left an application for the calculation of comprehensive insurance on the website of the Real agent. They called me back and recommended a good option for my budget and even with a discount. Recently I did a comprehensive insurance on my wife's car, too, with a good discount - we are very satisfied.

Moscow. m.Semenovskaya.

We wanted to order the departure of the insurance agent Reso-Garantia in order to extend the civil liability insurance policy and issue a technical inspection (diagnostic card) without going through that, since there was simply no time for an independent passage and a visit to the office of the insurance company. Thank you for your help.

Moscow. m. Marxist.

We needed insurance for the insurance company Ingosstrakh at 9 pm, we reissued the car to my friend and immediately after the purchase and sale agreement was drawn up, he planned to leave in a car he had bought from me. The insurance agent drove up to the metro, where we agreed, and clearly and quickly completed all the documents.

Moscow. m.Schelkovskaya.

I searched the Internet for the addresses of the offices of the Reso-Garantia insurance company near the metro in the North-Eastern Administrative District and somehow immediately came across your website, where it was indicated that delivery was possible within an hour and free of charge. And so it turned out. Osago Reso-guarantee was brought to me and issued pretty quickly.

Moscow. m Electrozavodskaya.

I had to quickly find who was engaged in car insurance in Moscow in the Perovo metro area. It’s very nice that I didn’t have to go anywhere, the insurance agent came to the office himself rather quickly and free of charge.

Moscow. m.Perovo.

For me, the main reason to buy OSAGO with home delivery is a significant saving of time on the way to the office of the insurance company and back, the opportunity not to be distracted from my affairs, so I always make a request to call an insurance agent via the Internet.


Moscow. m. Prospect Mira.

I wanted to make a CTP insurance policy with the maximum discount. For some reason in different companies did the calculation of the cost of the CTP in different ways. In the Real Agent, the employee explained everything competently about the CTP discount due to me for my accident-free driving for 3 years. The agent was sent quickly straight home.


Moscow. m Taganskaya.

To buy a civil liability insurance and technical inspection with delivery to Khimki without visiting the office of the insurance company was the only option for urgent registration of a civil liability insurance policy, since I was at the workplace, the insurance ended on that day, and there was no way to go away. Your insurance officer helped me out a lot. Thank you.

Moscow. Khimki.

We needed brokers selling Uralsib insurance policies with delivery on weekends, since it was not possible to call an insurance agent from Uralsib itself. We got through to the Real Agent and completed everything successfully and quickly. Thank you.

Moscow. m.Shabolovskaya.

I ordered a call to an insurance agent through the application form on the website. I did not even expect that they would call back so quickly and quickly deliver insurance.

Moscow. m Sokol.

I called you to calculate the cost of the CTP policy with losses - I had 1 insured event due to my fault. They calculated the cost for me directly by phone, they answered all my questions correctly. The price suited me and I ordered the delivery of the OSAGO from you. The service is good.

Moscow. m South-West.

I contacted you when selling my car. According to the participants in the transaction, your specialist is on the spot, has drawn up a contract for the sale and purchase of a car, with the transfer of all the necessary documents to the new owner. Everything is very clear, fast, to the point.

Moscow. m.Sviblovo.

Uralsib insurance has been issued by us for 3 years already. Usually we drove into the Uralsib office at the nearest metro station, but this time we decided to buy an insurance company and technical inspection via the Internet with delivery straight home. It turned out to be very convenient.

Moscow. m Tulskaya.

Buy civil liability insurance and technical inspection with delivery to Mitino for several tractors, self-propelled road-building machines and other special equipment of our legal entity I decided this time through an application for an insurance agent to visit us. Two of your employees quickly left for us, and within an hour and a half, all the documents were completed.


Moscow. Mitino.

We were interested in issuing Uralsib CTP insurance policies with an extension to one million for 2 cars of our legal entity. Pre-filled an application for the calculation of CTP. We quickly got a call back, announced the cost of compulsory insurance for legal entities. We made delivery promptly. We have applied for your services more than once and always everything is quick and clear. Thank you.

Moscow. m Krasnopresnenskaya.

Towards evening, they suddenly realized that this day the period of validity of the OSAGO insurance was ending, it was urgent to find where the OSPG was made in Bibirevo. Many were called. Someone wanted to issue a CTP for paid delivery, someone came, but only the next day. In the end, we agreed with the agent from the Real agent. We were issued a CTP within 1.5 hours with free shipping, for which many thanks.

Moscow. m Bibirevo.

MTPL insurance was issued for us last year by your insurance agent. This time we also decided to buy a CTP and a technical standard, or rather a diagnostic card with delivery. Everything is prompt and timely.

Moscow. m.Frunzinskaya.

It was a crazy day. It was necessary to redo a bunch of things, including going through a technical inspection, and so that an insurance agent would immediately arrive at the operator's point of a technical inspection and issue me a CTP for a car quickly. My wife found the website of a real agent on the Internet and called your employee to my car. He arrived quickly, everything was completed promptly. Saved me a lot of time. Wonderful. when they know how to work.

Moscow. m Partizanskaya.

We were looking for where they offer to arrange and buy OSAGO insurance with the delivery of the policy to the house of the Ingosstrakh insurance company. We took advantage of your delivery services and were very satisfied and grateful.

Moscow. m Polezhaevskaya.

When contacting your company, I am always sure that you will correctly calculate MTPL and CASCO for my car, given that the calculation of auto insurance itself is individual, but auto insurance rates are determined.

Moscow. m VDNKh.

We ordered a whole range of services. We needed a compulsory insurance company reso-guarantee, a sales contract and a diagnostic card. So that everything was brought in and issued without delay, since it was immediately necessary to go to another region in a reissued car. Thank you for not letting me down.

Moscow. m Volgogradsky prospect.

Moscow. m.Tushinskaya.

We were looking for where to buy insurance and technical inspection with delivery to Yuzhnoye Butovo, we found your contacts and we got everything issued on the same day.

Moscow. South Butovo

I have already bought MTPL insurance through you several times and I know that the drawn up compulsory insurance policy will be delivered free of charge at a convenient place and time for me.

Moscow. m Nakhimovsky prospect.

We were looking for sites for buying and selling cars. As a result, we found your site and decided to ask for your help in drawing up and executing a purchase and sale agreement. Everything was done to us pretty quickly, they also issued an insurance policy and made a pleasant discount on comprehensive insurance. Thank you.

Moscow. m Komsomolskaya.

CTP insurance Zurich ended just on the day off. As luck would have it, I got sick and was not able to get to the Zurich office and get insurance. Your service helped out. They brought the policy literally within 1.5 hours. In the morning, I was already calmly driving to work, not fearing the problems that might arise if I left without an insurance company, and I would have to go anyway.

Moscow. m.Kozhukhovskaya.

I like that your agents always politely, patiently and competently answer all my questions about compulsory insurance MTPL, explain how rates are calculated, how the final price of MTPL insurance is calculated depending on individual factors, and how to use an online calculator. It is very convenient and pleasant.

Moscow. m.Cherkizovskaya.

The question of how to insure a car under Casco for best conditions, disappears by itself when you are dealing with such professionals in their field who are able not only to choose the best auto hull option for you, but also to explain in simple and accessible language all the subtleties of the vehicle insurance process.

Moscow. m Teatralnaya.

My husband decided to buy an insurance policy and inspection with delivery to Severnoe Butovo and instructed me to find a policy delivery service via the Internet. Your employees very quickly organized the departure of the insurance agent.


Moscow. Northern Butovo

Car hull insurance through a broker is the most convenient option for me, because here they will always offer a choice of at least 20 insurance companies, explain in detail the conditions of car insurance in each company, and select the most optimal option for car hull insurance.

Moscow. m.Novoslobodskaya.

I always insure a car under Casco through a broker, because the cost of casco insurance when buying a policy from an insurance agency is lower than when buying directly from an insurance company, and when insuring my car through you, I always get the maximum possible discount on casco.

Moscow. m. China-city.

They wanted to order the departure of the insurance agent with consent to extend the CMTPL policy and issue a technical inspection (diagnostic card) without going through the Trubnaya metro station, since there was simply no time for an independent passage and visiting the office of the insurance company. Thank you for your help.

Moscow. m Trubnaya.

We needed on the Internet where to make a purchase and sale of a car between a legal and natural person... We contacted your company. Your specialist has drawn up everything clearly and quickly for us, including the CTP policy for the new owner.

Moscow. m Red Gate.

An employee of the office of the Yugoria insurance company told us by phone that the insurance of the Yugoria MTPL can be delivered only in a day, which did not suit us at all, since the insurance period ended that day. I called your company and quickly resolved the issue of delivery and issuance of a policy with a diagnostic card to the Skobelevskaya Ulitsa metro station.


Moscow. m Skobelevskaya Street.

I am very impressed that your insurance agency always assists in receiving payments from the insurance company as soon as possible, provides free legal support during the term of comprehensive insurance.

Moscow. m Kuznetsky Most.

Since I had already bought a CTP policy from you earlier, I was offered special conditions for the purchase of a CASCO policy, which turned out to be very profitable and timely.

Moscow. m Oktyabrskoe field.

I would like the insurance broker to suggest and choose such an insurance company, having bought an MTPL policy in which one could get additional service, round-the-clock dispatch assistance, the ability to call a tow truck to the scene of an accident at a discount or even free of charge by issuing a policy. That is why we turned to a real agent on the recommendation and were satisfied.

Moscow. m. Street 1905.

For us, the issue of choosing an insurer to buy an MTPL policy was always critical. We knew that a real agent would help to make the right choice of the company. It's nice that we didn't have to go anywhere in order to issue a diagnostic card for a vehicle inspection at Metro Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Everything was arranged for us with delivery.

Moscow. m Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

Moscow. m. Sports.

I work up to 10 pm with shift work and it is extremely difficult for me to adjust to the work schedule of the insurance company agreement, rosno, rosgosstrakh, reso-garantia, uralsib, VSK, msk, ingosstrakh, reso, guta-insurance, and indeed any other company is extremely difficult. Of course, in this case, it is a great blessing that you can turn to agencies like yours, who will come and take out insurance directly to work, and even make a technical inspection card at Mayakovskaya metro station 24 hours.

Moscow. m Mayakovskaya.

The husband asked to make an order for registration of insurance for compulsory insurance premium and a diagnostic card for technical inspection at the Marxistskaya metro station, although in fact they needed insurance from any normal insurance company, just so they could quickly bring it. Contacting your service was very helpful. Everything was done very quickly.

Moscow. m. Marxist.

Due to serious employment and release from the work process at a rather late time, it is unrealistic in most cases to issue a CTP during the working hours of the insurance company rosgosstrakh, consent, uralsib, rosno, reso-guarantee, vsk, msk, ingosstrakh, reso. Actually any company. Therefore, for a long time I have been issuing an OSGP with delivery via the Internet and relieve myself of such a headache.


Moscow. m.Mitino.

On the question of where it is better to insure a car in the last 3 years, I always contact your company, because this is not only an opportunity to receive comprehensive assistance in choosing the best option, but also an additional discount.

Moscow. m.Kuntsevskaya.

I do not really understand the intricacies of CTP rates and it was not very important in which insurance company to make a CTP. If only she paid normally on insurance. I called to find out how much it costs to extend the CTP, Ingosstrakh, Uralsib ... I realized that the cost will be the same everywhere, so I called your agent and formalized the CTP of the company, from his point of view, more convenient and reliable if an insured event occurs.

Moscow. m Pionerskaya.

We have already repeatedly turned to you for insurance services and this time it was necessary to find out how much it costs to extend the insurance company Rosgosstrakh for 3 cars, 4 gazelles and 4 special vehicles. To come to our office in the North-Western Administrative District and the office in the Southern Administrative District, where all Required documents for insurance registration. As always, everything is very fast and comfortable.

Moscow. m Water stadium.

Finding the addresses of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh near the metro station nearest to us was not a problem, but we could not adjust to their work schedule. I went to the Internet to find the addresses of the insurance company Consent next to the metro in the SZAO, where I live, or the address of an insurance broker who cooperates with the insurance company Consent, a house policy and even free.

Moscow. m Timiryazevskaya.

We contacted your company to issue a technical inspection diagnostic card without showing the car at the Cherkizovskaya metro station. The agent worked extremely punctually.

Moscow. m.Cherkizovskaya.

It was necessary to get a diagnostic card of the technical inspection for m. Library named after Lenin for the chief's car with delivery to the office. I ordered a card via the Internet on your website and we received it in some 40 minutes. Thank you.


Moscow. m Library named after Lenin.

I went to the Internet to find the addresses of the insurance company Consent next to the metro in the SZAO, where I live, or the address of an insurance broker who cooperates with the insurance company Consent to order insurance for a car with delivery or drive up to the office myself if I have time. By the way, I found your contacts, since the delivery of insurance by your insurance agent took literally 40 minutes.


Moscow. m Airport.

It was necessary to buy a coupon, a diagnostic card for m. Polyanka as soon as possible, since it was still necessary to have time to make the Uralsib CTP. We contacted your company and they made us a diagnostic card and Uralsib CTP. Everything is fast and professional.

Moscow. m Polyanka.

We filled out an application for the delivery of CTP to the Eastern Administrative District to the office of our company for registration of the CTP for the vehicle fleet of our legal entity. 3 of your insurance agents came to us and completed all the necessary documents in a fairly short time.


Moscow. m Textile workers.

With your help, we issued a diagnostic card for a car at Pushkinskaya metro station. As a result, we quickly issued not only a technical inspection, but also a CTP. It turned out very conveniently and quickly. We were satisfied.


Moscow. m.Pushkinskaya.

We decided to buy a diagnostic card on the Barrikadnaya metro station via the Internet. We didn’t regret it at all. Surprisingly fast. Thanks!

Moscow. m. Barrikadnaya.

We did a checkup through you for a civil liability insurance with a call to the Kuznetsky Most metro station. Everything was done very quickly. Excellent working speed.


Moscow. m Kuznetsky Most.

Did Casco in a real agent. An insured event has occurred. I called to find out what and how to do .. They explained everything in detail. Thanks for the support.

Moscow. m.Barrikadnaya

I didn’t expect that at 9 pm I would be able to agree that someone would deliver me CTP .. To my pleasant surprise, having called, an hour later the agent had already arrived and insured me .. Thank you so much!

Moscow. m Lubyanka

We were looking for where you can insure a car in Putilkovo with delivery to the street. Sadovaya 19 and decided to buy a CTP through an application on the Internet. The agent arrived at the agreed time, issued the MTPL promptly, told and explained everything. Thank you. Putilkovo. Sadovaya 19.

M.O. Putilkovo. Sadovaya 19.

We have indicated in the application that we will need to draw up a contract for the sale of a car, call an agent with a free arrival. Already when the agent came to us, the new owner of our car made an MTPL with the purchase of a diagnostic card, which turned out to be very convenient.

Moscow. m.Kievskaya

We called you to find out how much it costs to extend the MTPL for the next period, taking into account that there will be the same composition of drivers. We were all quickly counted. The cost was actually the same as in the VSK insurance company, but since we also wanted the policy to be delivered free of charge, we, of course, gladly used your services.

Moscow. m Begovaya


It was not possible to call and call an insurance agent VSK myself, so I decided to send an application through the website online. They called me back at the agreed time. The policy was delivered quickly.

Moscow. m Belorusskaya.

Many brokers had to calculate the comprehensive insurance policy, as they were looking, of course, for the best option in terms of price and quality. We settled on the option offered by the staff of your agency. We got the best discount. We will insure your cars for more. Thank you.


Moscow. m.Kropotkinskaya.

Of course, buying an MTPL insurance policy with delivery wherever you need it is very convenient. I have already issued a CTP for my car and my wife more than once. Satisfied with the service. They will always call, remind you that the insurance is about to expire. It is comfortable to deal with such a company.

Moscow. m Leninsky prospect.

We called to find out how much it costs to renew Uralsib CTP in your company and for some reason thought that your cost would be more expensive than once free shipping. However, in fact, it turned out that the cost of the CTP is the same as in the Uralsib insurance company and the agent's call is completely free. It was a pleasure to use your services.


Moscow. m Proletarskaya.

The insurance was coming to an end and it was necessary to first find out how much it costs to extend the insurance company rosgosstrakh and resolve the issue of obtaining a diagnostic card of the vehicle inspection. We contacted your company, we were quickly guided by cost, everything was fine and literally within 2.5 hours we had a complete set of documents in our hands.

Moscow. m.Dmitrovskaya.


This time we decided to call an agent for insurance of the CTP through a broker. It turned out to be very convenient. And most importantly, many times faster, more efficiently than directly through the insurance company.

M.O. Putilkovo. Tomarovich 1.

We were looking for someone on the Internet who could promptly drive up and provide us with a car re-registration service in Moscow. An agent from your company came, everything was done very quickly and competently for us (sales and purchase agreement and MTPL insurance). Thank you.

Moscow. m.Medvedkovo


Moscow. m Kuzminki.

I was looking for car insurance in Putilkovo (next to the RC "Romance"), it was necessary to issue an MTPL with delivery, since I have a small child and it is problematic to travel around insurance companies with him. An agent from your company delivered the MTPL very quickly, somewhere within 1 hour. I was very pleased. Thank you.


M.O. Putilkovo.

RC "Romance".

Someone, of course, cleverly and himself can calculate, for example, how much it costs to extend the CTP Consent, but for me this new system of confirming discounts for a break-even ride, baffled me. It’s easier for me, I realized, to call any insurance store, broker or any insurance company and find out the exact cost of the insurance company. What I actually did, in the end, having taken out insurance from you CTP insurance company Consent.

Moscow. m.Savelovskaya


I called the addresses of insurance companies in my area to work seven days a week with delivery on the same day. Little did it work. Contacting your agency was very helpful. They brought and issued a CTP in 2 hours, and since it was necessary to issue a CTP for 3 cars at once, they made a DSAGO as a gift. Of course, we were satisfied.

Moscow. m Oktyabrskaya.

I wanted to buy a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy cheaply. The present agent explained that in this case, supporting documents (previous policy) are required. It's good that I didn't throw it away, otherwise I would have lost my legal discount on compulsory insurance.


Moscow. m Petrovsko-Razumovskaya.

Previously, I always stopped by the office of the insurance company Consent next to the metro to take out MTPL insurance. This time I agreed with your agent, because Soglisie did not have time to get to the office. It's nice that you can quickly resolve the issue of car insurance with free delivery.

Moscow. m Kaluzhskaya.

For me, buying insurance for a car means buying insurance with delivery wherever it is convenient for me and at what time it will be convenient for me. For the third year now I have been insuring a car in a real agent for both MTPL and Casco and have always been satisfied with your service. Zero complaints.

Moscow. m. Highway of Enthusiasts.

We signed a sales contract for our new car and it was necessary to call an agent for registration of the CTP at the place of the agent, and as quickly as possible. An agent from you was able to arrive in 40 minutes without delay. He arranged everything for us quickly.

Moscow. m.Pushkinskaya.


I drove into the office of the VSK insurance company near the metro to insure the car under the MTPL. I saw the queue and realized that it would take a long time. As a result, I found your contacts via the Internet and they delivered the policy to me literally in an hour.

Moscow. m Mayakovskaya.

The MTPL policy was ending, and there was no opportunity to go to the office of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh, since I have a working day until 23 o'clock and, of course, there was no time to get anywhere. Insurance compulsory insurance rosgosstrakh was brought by your agent directly to my work, he managed to quickly issue everything during my short break, including the diagnostic card. Thanks a lot to him.

Moscow. m River station.

I work in Auchan as a manager and my work schedule did not allow me to go to the insurance company, even the nearest one. Therefore, I decided to find an insurance store on the Internet and buy a civil liability insurance and technical inspection with delivery to Strogino. It's great when there are services ready to go to you on the same day and solve the issue with car insurance.

Moscow. Strogino.

In addition to the CMTPL policy, we needed a diagnostic card with delivery without going through it, because without it, it is now impossible to make CMTPL insurance, and due to the heavy workload, there was no way to go to the operators of technical centers and undergo technical inspection on our own. Of course, it is convenient when all these issues can be quickly resolved at one time.

Moscow. m Preobrazhenskaya square.

I wanted to calculate the insurance for the Uralsib CTP car. I thought that the cost of CTP from a broker would be more expensive. To my pleasant surprise, the cost turned out to be the same as in the insurance company, and the fact that delivery on the same day and free of charge, in general, turned out to be what you need.


Moscow. m.Kurskaya.


With your help, we executed a car sale and purchase transaction. Immediately your specialist offered us several insurance companies for registration of MTPL insurance, promptly phoned the office to calculate the cost of an auto hull. As a result, we very quickly drew up a sales and purchase agreement, a compulsory insurance policy, and also a good discount for hull insurance. We were, of course, satisfied.


Moscow. m Botanical Garden.

MTPL guta insurance was first issued for my husband through your company, and then we ordered an agent to visit, and he also entered me into the policy for free, since we were already your clients. This is very convenient, of course.

Moscow. m.Myakinino.

The validity of the CTP policy expired the next day and it was convenient for me that the insurance was brought directly to my office at work. Registration through your agent took literally 15 minutes, he delivered the policy to me at a convenient time for me. I was very pleased.


Moscow. m. Prospekt Vernadsky.

I was looking for a territorial agency reso-guarantee insurance near the house via the Internet and realized that it was easier to buy a compulsory insurance company with free delivery from a broker for the same cost. I am satisfied with the efficiency and competence of your agents, I will contact you next time.

Moscow. m. Sports.

We wanted to buy a car insurance and inspection with delivery to Mytishchi for two cars in the evening after work. A lot of people were called, few people were called, and already at some point they decided that we would not be able to call an agent. Having phoned you, we were pleasantly surprised that an agent would be able to come to us, and even free of charge. Thank you.

MO. Mytischi.


We needed unrestricted CMTPL insurance for the car of our legal entity, so that the insurance agent would be at our base by 7 in the morning. We have made an application for CTP online. We were quickly contacted and arranged for us insurance on time.

Moscow. m.Proletarskaya

Moscow. m Okhotny Ryad.

I was looking for what documents are needed for registration of CTP insurance when moving from one insurance company to another, and I found your website and contacts. I liked the politeness, competence and efficiency in the work of your agent.

Moscow. m.Schukinskaya.

I do not know how to use online calculators OSAGO. It has always been easier for me to call an insurance company or an insurance broker so that they can calculate and advise me correctly. Therefore, I have repeatedly applied for services for issuing a CMTPL policy and even a comprehensive insurance policy to your agency. Because I know that you work very professionally.

Moscow. m Avtozavodskaya.

To draw up a contract for the sale and purchase of a vehicle and a civil liability insurance policy, we contacted your company, since they themselves have already insured their cars under comprehensive insurance and civil liability insurance several times, as well as a number of our acquaintances. We were always very satisfied with the efficiency and professionalism of your insurance agents.

Moscow. m.Alekseevskaya.


MSC MSC insurance without restrictions was previously issued by my husband or me in the MSC office itself, which took quite a lot of time. We were visiting my son, he just made an order for the delivery of an insurance company and was waiting for your insurance agent. As a result, we issued 2 policies at once and since then we have been making insurance only with delivery.

Moscow. m Airport.

I wanted to calculate the motor hull insurance for a car in different companies and choose an option that is affordable. Your staff listened patiently to all my preferences. Repeatedly called me and, as a result, offered a really very profitable auto hull insurance option with a good discount.

Moscow. m. Youth.

Of course, I wanted to buy a CTP policy without then, but the employees of your agency explained how the CTP registration can end without a preliminary inspection and issuance of a diagnostic card. Thank them for that. Still somehow calm when you know that everything is done correctly.

Moscow. m.Kutuzovskaya.

My son advised me to buy a motor vehicle insurance and technical inspection with delivery to Korolyov, this time through some insurance store on the Internet. It turned out to be very convenient and saves enormous time for any policyholder.

MO. Korolyov.

The office of the Uralsib insurance company near the metro, in which I usually renewed my CMTPL policy, was closed for some unknown reason just when I arrived. I made an application for Uralsib CTP on your website and after 2 hours I already had a completed CTP policy in my hands.

Moscow, metro Novogireevo.


We considered two options for insurance of the car fleet under the comprehensive hull insurance of our legal entity: an insurance company or an insurance broker. After all, we decided that through a broker we would have a choice of several insurance companies, and the selection of the most favorable tariff and the conditions of insurance of the vehicle fleet against all kinds of risks. We were very pleased with the appeal to your company. The result was a real savings on motor hull insurance, which is significantly greater than directly in the insurance company.

Moscow, metro Pechatniki.

MTPL insurance alliance with delivery was ordered by me at work. When the agent arrived at the office and began to fill out the policy, it turned out that two more of our employees were running out of CTP insurance terms. As a result, we issued 3 MTPL policies and 2 diagnostic cards, saving our time. Thank you very much for such a service.

Moscow. m.Paveletskaya

It is good when there are agencies that can promptly do the MTPL at any time, no matter whether it is a day off or a holiday. I just got a situation that it was necessary to urgently issue an ending CTP exactly on a holiday non-working day. Thank you for helping me resolve my issue.

Moscow. m. Profsoyuznaya.

We needed to re-register the car with the departure of a specialist. Found your contacts on the Internet. We received a sale-purchase agreement, CTP insurance, a diagnostic card and made an extension of the DSAG to a million rubles as a gift. Thank you very much for saving our time, nerves and money.

Moscow. m.Rizhskaya.

Of course, you feel a great temptation when you are offered to buy an OSAGO policy at a price lower than the state one, since there are honest brokers and agents who will dissuade you from such an adventure, explaining that such policies are fake, or a violation of the law, which is fraught with refusal to pay insurance reimbursement.

Moscow. m.Tushinskaya.


It was necessary for an insurance agent to arrange for us MTPL insurance in the Northern Administrative District, so that delivery would take a minimum amount of time, since we were in a hurry. You helped us a lot then.


Moscow. m Podbelskogo Street.

We made an application for the delivery of a diagnostic card and CTP at metro Pyatnitskoe shosse to the office of our company for 3 cars of a legal entity. Your agent arrived pretty soon as promised. Thank you.


Moscow. m Pyatnitskoe highway.

We needed the delivery of MTPL insurance to the North-Eastern Administrative District within 1.5-2 hours with the renewal of the car and the issuance of a ready-made diagnostic card. It is very convenient that we were provided with this entire package of services in one company, and even as quickly as possible.

Moscow. m.Sokolniki.

We were looking for where to buy insurance and technical inspection with delivery to Okhotny Ryad metro station, we found your website and contact phone number, and we got everything issued on the same day.


Moscow. m Okhotny Ryad

We were looking for where to insure a car in the Central Administrative District, so that they could quickly deliver the insurance policy of the CTP + then, since they did not have to rely on the independent successful passage of the vehicle inspection, and the issued CTP was needed the very next day. Thanks for helping out.

Moscow. m.Tretyakovskaya.


It was pointless to call the addresses of the offices of the VSK insurance company near the metro in the Western Administrative District at half past six in the evening with a request to deliver the insurance company. It’s great that I found your contacts and was able to agree on how to issue a policy so quickly.

Moscow. m. Park Pobedy.

We decided to insure our car fleet - we have new special equipment - against all kinds of risks, choose an insurance broker via the Internet, who, moreover, will explain all the intricacies of car insurance and help to draw up a CMTPL agreement. We stopped at your agency and did not regret it. Everything was done very professionally and quickly.

Moscow. m.Nagatinskaya.

We wanted to urgently make a diagnostic map and Rosgosstrakh CTP at metro Petrovsky Park. Friends suggested ordering a card with the arrival of an agent via the Internet, so as not to go anywhere. We did just that. The whole procedure took no more than an hour.

Moscow. m. Petrovsky park.

I could not find the addresses of the offices of the Uralsib insurance company near the metro in the South-Western Administrative District, so I decided to find an online insurance store selling Uralsib insurance. I quickly found your contacts and issued a compulsory insurance policy, and then through your company.

Moscow. m Novoyasenevskaya.

We needed to issue MOT for a civil liability insurance at the Delovoy Tsentr metro station. They found your website on the Internet and ordered a diagnostic card. We were satisfied with the promptness of delivery.


Moscow. m Business center.


When we called to find out how much it costs to extend the insurance company Ingosstrakh for the vehicle fleet of our legal entity, we were told that the cost of insurance for the insurance company for our cars is the same as in the insurance company Ingosstrakh, that the agents' departure will be organized for us within an hour completely free of charge. It turned out everything is really very efficient and professional.

Moscow. m Novye Cheryomushki.

We agreed to make a diagnostic map on the Buninskaya Alley metro station with arrival through your company. Issued upon arrival no more than an hour later. Very fast indeed.

Moscow. m.Buninskaya Alley.

It was clear that trying to call the addresses of the offices of the insurance company Ingosstrakh near the metro station in the South-Eastern Administrative District on Sunday evening, and even agreeing on the delivery of the policy at such a time, was utopian. It's good that I found your contacts right away. I was very quickly arranged for the registration of CTP insurance.

Moscow. m Novokosino.

It was necessary to buy a diagnostic card for a car on the Ploshchad Revolyutsii metro station for our new car. They called your specialist, because there was no time to go to the inspection point. As a result, we quickly issued not only a technical inspection, but also a CTP. It turned out very conveniently and quickly. We were satisfied.


Moscow. m. Revolution Square.

One of the services provided by IMG Insurance is the free delivery of property and auto insurance policies. The company's office is just 200 meters from the metro, and our off-site insurance agent will deliver your policy (including MTPL or CASCO) to your home in record time.
At the time you receive insurance document all data on it will already be entered into the database of the insurance company. The authenticity of insurance forms and the fact that they have been entered into the databases of insurance companies can be easily verified by calling the company.

How long does it take to issue a policy at home?

All CASCO or MTPL car insurance policies are filled out in the office. Data entry is carried out by professional operators; ready-made documents are carefully checked for errors and typos.

Our insurance agent, who carries out free delivery, brings you completely ready-made documents for car insurance for OSAGO and CASCO. All that is missing is your signature.

Departure of the insurance agent to the car dealership

By your preliminary agreement with an employee of IMG Insurance, we can bring ready-made CASCO and OSAGO policies directly to the car dealership. Our specialist will deliver documents for auto insurance on the day of purchase of the car. You just need to put your signature.

Contact the managers of "IMG Insurance" by phone numbers that can be found on the page "Contacts" to receive additional information about free delivery of the insurance policy. Our staff will be happy to help you!

Free shipping order:

Fill in the form fields and we will definitely contact you!

Due to the congestion of modern life, there is simply not enough time for such bureaucratic procedures as OSAGO. The company "Gasko" offers such a service as MTPL around the clock Moscow, which can be used by anyone who wants to at any time of the day. We work exclusively with professional insurance companies, namely Rosgosstrakh, RESO, Igosstrakh, which are reliable and punctual.

Gasko retains all discounts for accident-free driving, so this is another reason to choose our company. We know that OSAGO insurance is compulsory in our country. Therefore, we propose to arrange it for you. Don't worry about insurance anymore, we'll worry about it.

How is the round-the-clock OSAGO insurance issued?

For an OSAGO policy, you must have the following documents in stock:

  • Driver's license;
  • Vehicle registration certificate or vehicle registration certificate;
  • The technical inspection diagnostic card, which is still valid at the time of the transaction. If you do not have one, you can arrange it through our company.

The cost of compulsory motor third party liability insurance around the clock

Our pricing policy is focused on the capabilities of our clients. We are interested in each client becoming a member of our friendly family in the future. The price of OSAGO is set in such a way that it is available to every owner. It is not in our interests to overstate the cost, since working with reliable partners allows us to maintain a flexible pricing policy.

With us at attractive prices you can, which is inextricably linked with the insurance of OSAGO. You shouldn't waste your time on paperwork, entrust this business to us!

CTP calculator

Cars nat. persons Cars legal entities persons Motorcycles

Owner registration region

Moscow Moscow region Other region

Engine power, h.p.

51 to 70 to 50 71 to 100 101 to 120 121 to 150 over 151

Number of drivers allowed to drive

Limited list Unlimited

Have you previously been insured?

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