ПМ.04 Preparation and use of financial statements. Practice Report: Enterprise Accounting Use of Accounting Practice Report

Completed by: 2nd year student of group B-11-19 Sabirova G.A.

Checked by: Almukhametova L.Z.

Ufa - 2013.

Introduction 1. Theoretical foundations of accounting and reporting of property of organizations 1.1 Regulatory support for accounting of property 1.2 Primary documentation and accounting registers for accounting of property of organizations. 2. Organization accounting and reporting on the example of the Branch of DOAO "Tsentrenergogaz" of OAO "Gazprom" in the village. Dmitrievka.

2.1. Organizational and financial and economic characteristics of the enterprise. 2.2. Synthetic and analytical accounting of property in the branch of DOAO "Centrenergogaz" of OAO "Gazprom" in the village. Dmitrievka.

2.3. Accounting for fixed assets.

2.4. The list of property of the branch of DOAO "Centrenergogaz" OAO "Gazprom" in the village. Dmitrievka. 2.5. Automation of accounting in the Branch of DOAO "Centrenergogaz" of OAO "Gazprom" in the village. Dmitrievka.

Conclusion References Appendices

Regulation on accounting policy Branch of DOAO "Centrenergogaz" of OAO "Gazprom" in the village. Dmitrievka.

Working chart of accounts.


This report contains information on the results of an internship in the accounting department of the branch of DOAO "Tsentrenergogaz" of OAO "Gazprom" in the village. Dmitrievka. Duration of practice from 06/10/2013 to 06/29/2013.

The enterprise is located at the address: Republic of Bashkortostan, city of Ufa, street: Russian 98/1 block "B".

The purpose of passing the production is to consolidate theoretical knowledge and acquire skills in the specialty, in particular the skills to collect primary accounting and analytical information in order to analyze in detail any problem posed.

1. Theoretical foundations of accounting and reporting of property of organizations Accounting is the most important part of the general system of information about the activities of enterprises of any organizational and legal forms. In this regard, certain requirements are imposed on accounting.

The essence of the subject of accounting is to reflect the movement of property through the stages of circulation.

A set of methods and techniques, including documentation and inventory, a system of accounts and double entry, valuation and costing, balance sheet generalization and reporting is considered in conjunction, the role of each of them is shown.

The content of the method of balance generalization and the role of balance for users of information are revealed.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Accounting”, accounting is an ordered system for collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms about the property, obligations of an organization and their movement through continuous, continuous and documentary accounting of all business transactions.

To characterize and measure the organization's property, its movement, economic processes and phenomena, natural, labor and monetary meters are used.

Natural meters provide information about accounting objects by counting, measure, weight. Their choice depends on the features of the objects. This group of meters is used to account for the number material assets(pieces, kilograms, meters, etc.). They can also be used to obtain qualitative characteristics of objects. The scope of natural meters is small, since they are used to characterize homogeneous accounting objects.

In practice, conditionally natural meters are used somewhat more widely. They are intended to reflect objects of accounting that are homogeneous in purpose, but different in quality characteristics. The use of conditionally natural units significantly expands the scope of natural meters.

Labor meters are used to calculate the amount of labor and are expressed in units of time (working day, hour). With their help, labor productivity, wages are calculated, the production rate of workers is controlled, and some heterogeneous values ​​are compared. In practice, labor meters are used together with natural ones.

The monetary meter is used in accounting to reflect objects in a single expression. In the conditions of market relations, the most important indicators of economic activity are expressed only in monetary form. AT Russian Federation the currency is the ruble. With the help of a monetary meter, generalizing indicators of heterogeneous accounting objects are calculated; exercise control over both the activities of the organization as a whole and its individual divisions. It is also necessary for the calculation of estimated indicators characterizing the work of an economic entity. The monetary meter also acts as a means of expressing the credit and settlement relationships of organizations. In practice, it is not used in isolation, but together with natural and labor meters.

Accounting is carried out by a special service of the enterprise - accounting. It is continuous and continuous in time, is strictly documented, uses specific techniques and methods for processing credentials, and is organized within the framework of individual business entities.

An accounting reform program is currently being implemented. The main documents regulating accounting are the Federal Law "On Accounting", "Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation", which ensures the unity of the methodology of accounting and reporting in the country, the procedure for its maintenance, compilation and presentation financial statements. This Law sets out the following tasks of accounting:

Formation of complete and reliable information about the activities of the organization and its property status, used by internal and external users of accounting information;

Providing information necessary to monitor compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the organization's business operations and their expediency, the availability and movement of property and obligations, the use of material, labor and financial results in accordance with approved norms, standards and estimates;

Prevention of negative results of economic activity and identification of on-farm reserves, ensuring its financial stability.

To fulfill the tasks assigned to accounting, the Law also formulates the main requirements for its maintenance:

Valuation of property in rubles;

Separate accounting of own property and property of other organizations;

Continuity of accounting over time;

Maintaining double entry accounting in the system of accounts;

Reflection of business transactions on accounts without any withdrawal;

Separate reflection of production costs and capital investments.

On the basis of accounting data, an analysis of economic activity is carried out, various management decisions are made.

Accounting performs a number of functions in the business management system of an enterprise. Let's consider each of them.

The control function is of great importance in the conditions of the development of market relations and various forms of ownership. Employees of accounting departments, audit firms, tax services monitor the safety and movement of property of organizations, as well as the correctness and up-to-dateness of settlements with the state and other subjects of economic relations.

With the help of accounting, three types of control are carried out - preliminary, current and subsequent.

The information function is one of the main functions of accounting. Accounting data is the main source of information used at different levels of management. In order for this information to satisfy all users, it must be reliable, objective, timely and operational.

Ensuring the safety of property is a function of particular importance in the conditions of market relations and the presence of various forms of ownership. The performance of this function depends on the current accounting system and certain prerequisites:

Availability of specialized storage facilities equipped with office equipment;

Improving the accounting system itself, using economic resources, the use of reasonable methods for identifying shortages, waste, theft;

The use of modern automation tools for collecting, processing and transmitting information.

The feedback function means that accounting generates and transmits feedback information, i.e. information about the actual parameters of the development of the control object. Main Components information system feedback, in relation to accounting, are as input - unordered data, process - data processing, output - ordered information.

Accounting from the point of view of the management system is part of the feedback information system, its basis. It is designed to provide all levels of enterprise management with information about the actual state of the managed object, as well as about all significant deviations from the specified parameters.

The analytical function in the conditions of the development of market relations makes it possible to study the prospects for the development of the organization, to reveal the existing shortcomings, to outline ways to improve all areas of economic activity.

Depending on the purpose of information, the composition of its users, financial accounting and accounting management accounting are distinguished.

Financial accounting refers to accounting carried out in order to obtain information necessary for external users. It is strictly regulated and subject to established provisions (standards).

Management accounting is accounting within an organization necessary to manage its economic resources. This part of accounting is also carried out on the basis of the adopted Regulations (regulations, instructions). Along with this, the management accounting system should proceed from the technology and organization of production.

Accounting financial and management accounting are carried out on the same principles in one business entity at the same time, complementing each other with the necessary information.

Accounting is based on a number of principles.

The principles of accounting (financial) accounting are universal provisions used to solve practical problems. They are of a general nature and are the basis for building the concept of accounting. At present, the principles of accounting generally accepted in world practice are used in domestic accounting.

The principles used in international accounting practice can be divided into two groups.

The first group is the basic principles that assume certain conditions created by an economic entity when setting up accounting, which should not change. Such basic principles are called assumptions. These include:

Property isolation of an economic entity (the principle of an economic unit). Each of them is considered in accounting as a separate economic unit. The property and obligations of an economic entity exist separately from the property and obligations of the owners of this organization;

Business continuity. This assumption assumes that the entity will continue in operation for the foreseeable future. It is assumed that the organization has no intentions and no need to significantly reduce or eliminate its activities, change its nature. This assumption is important, on the one hand, for the choice of property valuation methods, and on the other hand, for creditors. They can be sure that the obligations of the organization will be repaid in the prescribed manner;

Priority of content over form. This assumption is based on the fact that the facts of economic activity in accounting should be reflected not only on the basis of the legal form, but also on the basis of the economic content and business conditions;

Consistency. This assumption assumes the identity of analytical accounting data to turnovers and balances on synthetic accounts on the first day of the month, as well as reporting indicators to synthetic and analytical accounting data.

The second group of principles is the main principles, meaning that the accepted rules of organization and accounting will be observed. These basic principles are called requirements. These include the requirements:

Completeness. Accounting should reflect all business transactions without any exception;

prudence. This principle means that expenses (losses) and liabilities should be more readily reflected in accounting than income and assets, without allowing the creation of hidden reserves;

The sequence of application of accounting policies. This requirement means that the selected accounting policy must be applied in the accounting of an economic entity consistently from one reporting period to another. This will make it possible to obtain comparable reporting figures;

Temporal certainty of the facts of economic activity. This requirement implies that business transactions should be attributed to the reporting period in which they were made, without linking with the time of receipt or payment of funds for these operations;

Rationality. It consists in economical and efficient accounting, depending on the conditions of economic activity and the size of the organization.

The implementation of the above principles is directly related to the development of the conditions for building the accounting process and each business entity.

The organization of accounting in the Russian Federation involves:

State regulation of accounting, carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and other departments. It consists in the development of general principles for the organization and maintenance of accounting, the composition, content of the reporting of organizations that conduct accounting. The role and importance of accounting in information support for both external and internal users in monitoring the rational use of resources is constantly increasing;

Analytical information that allows you to identify the influence of various factors on business performance;

The dynamism of the organization of accounting, which makes it flexible and adapted to rapidly changing working conditions. It is aimed at improving both the methods and techniques of accounting, and at improving the organization of work of accounting workers.

Accounting in the Russian Federation meets the requirements market economy and is based on international accounting and reporting standards.

In accordance with this, it is regulated by a four-level system of documents.

The first level of the system of documents is legislative acts. They reflect the obligation, rules and principles of accounting by all enterprises and organizations. The basis of the system of documents of the first level is the Federal Law "On Accounting" and the Decrees, the Regulation on Accounting and Accounting in the Russian Federation.

The system of documents of the first two levels constitutes the legislative and regulatory framework for accounting.

The third level includes a system of recommendatory documents (instructions, guidelines). These documents imply a variety of solutions for organizing accounting in organizations based on industry specifics, type of production and other factors. The system of documents of the third level is developed on the basis of documents of the first two levels and should not contradict them.

The fourth level is a set of documents of the organization that disclose its accounting policy. They are developed by the organization on the basis of documents of the first three levels (working chart of accounts, forms of primary documents, accounting registers).

Based on organizational and technical features, each organization develops and approves for itself an accounting policy, which is understood as a selected set of accounting methods. Accounting policy should be unchanged for a long time, timely brought to tax authorities and meet such requirements as completeness, prudence, rationality, consistency, priority of content over form.

The completeness of the accounting policy is understood as ensuring that all business transactions are reflected in the accounting records.

Diligence means applying accounting methods that are more willing to record losses and liabilities than income and assets.

Rationality - economical accounting based on the size of the business entity and the scale of its activities.

Consistency is to ensure the identity of the data of analytical and synthetic accounting, indicators of financial statements to the data of synthetic and analytical accounting.

The economic activity of the organization implies the availability of economic resources in order to ensure the receipt of income. These economic resources are the assets of the organization and are accounted for in value terms.

Accounting and control over the movement of resources is carried out according to the stages of their circulation.

The composition of the assets of the organization is very diverse. For the purposes of accounting and analysis, they can be grouped according to a number of features.

According to the time of use in the production process, long-term and current assets are distinguished.

Long term assets- part of the economic resources of an economic entity used for a long time (several years). These include fixed assets, intangible assets, abstract assets.

fixed assets- part of the means of labor, with the help of which a person acts in the production process on the object of labor in order to obtain a certain product, work, service. The main feature of fixed assets is that they function for a long time in an unchanged natural form in the production process and gradually transfer their value to the manufactured product in the form of depreciation charges.

In accounting, fixed assets include labor instruments with a useful life exceeding 12 months (buildings and structures, machinery and equipment, tools, vehicles, etc.). Fixed assets are operated in the sphere of production, in the sphere of circulation and in the non-production sphere, creating favorable conditions for the reproduction of the labor force.

Intangible assets (IA)- accounting objects that do not have physical properties, but allow the organization to receive income constantly or for a long period of their operation. These include intellectual property items: exclusive copyrights for patents, trademarks, computer programs, etc. Intangible assets, like fixed assets, can transfer their value to the finished product in parts. They are used in the sphere of production and in the sphere of circulation.

Distracted Assets- accounting objects that, for various reasons, have dropped out of the circulation of the organization's assets. These include investments - long-term investments of funds, which include capital investments of the enterprise itself and long-term financial investments.

Under capital investments understand the costs incurred in connection with the construction or acquisition of fixed assets or intangible assets.

Long-term financial investments- investing money or other property in other enterprises for the purpose of generating income or controlling their activities. These include investments in authorized capital, shares, bonds.

Current assets operate both in the sphere of production and in the sphere of circulation. The current assets of the sphere of production include objects of labor and part of the means of labor.

Objects of labor- part of the means of production, which is affected by a person in the process of labor with the help of means of labor. Objects of labor participate once in the production process and transfer their entire value to the manufactured products. These include raw materials and materials, fuel, semi-finished products, work in progress, spare parts, packaging.

Under raw materials understand products Agriculture and extractive industries, and under materials- products of manufacturing industries. Materials according to their role in the manufacturing process are divided into two groups: raw materials and basic materials, auxiliary materials. The first group is the material basis of the product, and the second is used to perform certain functions. For example, auxiliary materials can create normal conditions for the operation of fixed assets (lubricants), change the qualitative characteristics of objects of labor (dyes), and be used for economic purposes.

Fuel, by its role in the production process, belongs to auxiliary materials, but since it occupies a large share in the cost of production and performs special functions in the production process, it is separated into a separate group in accounting.

Semi-finished products- objects of labor that have been processed in one or more departments of the organization and are subject to further processing in this organization or outside it.

Work in progress includes objects of labor that are being processed in subdivisions at workplaces.

The current assets of the sphere of production also include a part of the means of labor, the useful life of which is less than one year (consumable items). They are: inventory, tools, household supplies.

The current assets of the spheres of circulation include objects of circulation, cash, funds in settlements (accounts receivable).

Items of circulation are finished products in the warehouse of the organization, intended for sale, and goods shipped. Goods shipped are the property of the organization until the buyer passes ownership.

Cash- organizations on settlement and other accounts in banks. From them, settlements are made with suppliers and buyers, with banks, financial authorities by non-cash transfers. Small amounts cash can be in the organization's cash desk within the established limit.

Funds in settlements- these are the debts of other organizations or persons to this economic entity. Such debt is called accounts receivable, and the debtors themselves - debtors. Accounts receivable arises as a result existing forms payments for products, works and services in the event that their transfer to the buyer reflects payments for them. Employees of the organization can also be debtors; called responsible persons.

As part of current assets, abstract assets are also distinguished. They can be represented by short-term financial investments and losses. Losses is the loss of assets as a result of irrational management or natural disasters. This part of the assets is completely eliminated from economic circulation. However, each enterprise has established control over losses by the time of their occurrence and the procedure for their coverage.

The economic resources (assets) of an economic entity are formed by attracting various sources, therefore, it has obligations to organizations and persons that have provided their assets for temporary use.

Depending on the mechanism of formation and use of obligations, there are: own capital and borrowed capital.

Equity- the most important source of formation of assets of the economy. It includes authorized capital, additional capital, reserve capital, retained earnings, targeted financing.

Authorized capital (share, authorized fund)- originally invested capital. It is understood as the value of property contributed by the owners or shareholders (participants) at the time of the creation of an economic entity (contributions of the founders, the cost of fixed assets, intangible and other assets), necessary to ensure its statutory activities. The authorized capital may change.

Extra capital- the equity capital of the organization, formed as a result of additional contributions by the owners of funds in excess of the registered authorized capital, changes in the value of assets.

The reserve capital (fund) is formed at the expense of a part of the organization's profit and is used to cover losses resulting from extraordinary circumstances, the payment of dividends and income in case of insufficient profit.

Undestributed profits- part of the profit of the organization, remaining at its disposal as a source of financing.

Reserves for future expenses are created by organizations in order to evenly include in the expenses of the reporting period the costs of paying employees' holidays, paying bonuses for long service, and repairing fixed assets.

Target financing as a source of asset formation comes from the outside (the state and other organizations) and is used to cover the costs associated with targeted activities.

In case of insufficiency of own sources of formation of assets, organizations attract capital from outside (raised capital).

Raised capital- these are obligations (debts) of this organization to other organizations and persons. Organizations and persons that have provided this organization with a loan of assets are called creditors, and the obligations that arose in connection with their receipt are called accounts payable. Depending on the maturities of liabilities, a distinction is made between long-term borrowed capital and short-term borrowed capital.

Long-term borrowed capital includes bank loans and loans. Long-term loans- the amount of funds received from banks for a period of more than one year to finance the organization of capital investments in fixed assets, advanced technologies, etc.

Long-term loans include amounts of funds received from the issue and sale of shares of the labor collective, bonds.

Short-term capital raised by the mechanism of formation can be combined into several groups:

Short-term loans and borrowings (liabilities to banks and other organizations for received loans and borrowings, the maturity of which does not exceed 12 months after the reporting date). All loans issued by banks are paid, repayable, urgent and targeted;

Accounts payable (debts of the enterprise to suppliers for goods and services, on promissory notes issued); this group also includes debts to its employees for accrued but unpaid wages arising from the fact that the moment of its accrual and payment do not coincide in time. This is the same mechanism for the formation of debts to the social insurance and security bodies, to the budget for taxes;

Deferred income (funds received in advance, debt repayment for which is expected in the next reporting periods - receiving an advance for an object that will be built in several reporting periods; rent for the year, etc.).

Having studied the issue of classifying the property of an enterprise, we will give a definition of the subject of accounting.

Subject of accounting- a reflection of the state and movement of assets, sources of their formation and the results of the activities of an economic entity (organization). The content of the subject is most clearly revealed through the objects of accounting: long-term and short-term current assets, equity and borrowed capital and transactions arising in the course of economic activity.

Accounting method- a set of methods and techniques by which the subject (objects) of accounting is known. It allows you to study phenomena in motion, change, interconnection and interaction. The accounting method depends on the subject of accounting, i.e. reflected and controlled objects, as well as the tasks set for accounting and the requirements for it.

Therefore, the method cannot be considered as something frozen. The development of scientific and technological progress imposes new requirements on accounting, and this causes a change in its methods and methods. For example, the use of computer technology leads to an improvement in the ways of monitoring, controlling and registering business transactions, and collecting information.

The accounting method includes the following methods and techniques, which are commonly called elements of the accounting method: documentation and inventory, valuation and costing, accounts and double entry, balance sheet and reporting.

Documentation- a written certificate of the completed business transaction or the right to perform it. Every business transaction is documented. The document serves not only as a basis for recording transactions, but also as a way of primary observation and registration of them. Documentation serves the purposes of control, makes it possible to conduct documentary checks, ensure the safety of property.

Inventory - a way to check the compliance of the actual presence of the property of the economy in kind with accounting data: as an element of the accounting method - a means of monitoring and subsequent registration of phenomena and operations that are not reflected in the primary documentation at the time they were committed. Therefore, the inventory serves as an addition to the documentation.

Documentation and inventory are methods of primary observation of accounting objects.

Grade- the way in which the assets of an economic entity receive monetary value. The valuation of the assets of an economic entity is based on their actual cost, which is how the reality of the valuation is achieved.

To manage business processes, you need to know all the costs associated with their implementation. In this case, not only the value of each type of cost is calculated, but also the total amount related to a particular object, i.e. the cost of accounting objects is determined. The cost of accounting objects is calculated using the calculation used to control the amount of costs.

For constant monitoring of the economic processes of the organization for the state of assets and sources of their formation, it is necessary to take into account all business transactions continuously by stages of circulation, as well as in the context of individual groups and types of economic assets. In accounting, such a reflection household funds and processes are made by monitoring the changes that occur with various types of property and sources of its formation, for all the costs incurred in a particular economic process.

The economic grouping of accounting objects and obtaining the necessary information about them for the purpose of current monitoring of economic activity is provided by the system of accounts. The use of accounts is explained by the fact that the information available in the documents gives only a disparate description of accounting objects, while the accounts allow you to obtain their generalized characteristics.

The reflection of business transactions in the system of accounts is carried out using double entry, the essence of which is the interconnected reflection of various phenomena caused by business transactions.

Control over the entire set of objects in accounting is carried out by comparing assets with the sources of their formation. Such a comparison is called balance generalization. It is characterized by the equality of the total amount of types of funds and the sum of the sources of their formation. This equality is permanent.

The results of economic activity are contained in the reporting of the organization. Financial statements- a unified system of information on the financial position of an economic entity for a certain period of time.

The assets of the organization are continuously involved in economic turnover, changing their composition and form of value. For management, business entities need to know what assets it has, from what sources they are created, for what purpose they are intended. These questions are answered by the balance sheet.

Balance sheet- a way of generalizing and grouping the assets of the economy and the sources of their formation for a certain date in monetary terms. As an element of the accounting method, it is characterized by the following features.

The assets of the economy and the sources of their formation are presented separately: economic resources - in the asset, and sources - in liabilities. The total of the balance sheet asset is always equal to the total of the balance sheet liability:


Since liabilities represent the capital and liabilities of the organization, this equality can be represented as follows:


In the balance sheet, assets and liabilities are presented only in value terms.

Each element of the asset and liability of the balance sheet is called a balance sheet item. Any article of the balance sheet asset allows you to get the following characteristics of economic resources: what this part of the assets is embodied in, where they are used, their value.

Any liability item of the balance sheet makes it possible to obtain the following characteristics of the sources of formation of economic resources: from what source this part of the assets was created, for what purpose they are intended, their value.

All assets and liabilities of the balance sheet, based on their economic homogeneity, are summarized in certain sections of the balance sheet.

The balance sheet asset contains two sections: non-current assets; current assets.

Liability balance consists of three sections: capital and reserves; long term duties; Short-term liabilities.

Sections in the asset balance are arranged in ascending order of liquidity, and in liabilities - according to the degree of fixation of sources.

The composition of the sections of the balance sheet and the procedure for grouping articles in them are regulated by regulations.

The balance sheet contains a set of momentary indicators characterizing the assets of the economy and the sources of their formation on a certain date.

In this way, balance sheet- this is a way of grouping the assets of the economy according to the types and sources of their formation in value terms as of a certain date.

Section I of the balance sheet asset “Non-current assets” presents all long-term assets of an economic entity: intangible assets, fixed assets, long-term financial investments, capital investments.

Articles of the "Intangible assets" group are valued in the balance sheet at their residual value. residual value of this group of assets is determined as the difference between the initial (replacement) cost and the amount of accrued depreciation.

The items of the Fixed Assets group are also evaluated, with the exception of the item Land Plots. Depreciation is not charged for this type of asset. In the balance sheet, all fixed assets and intangible assets are presented in one section, regardless of the scope of operation.

The articles of the group “Financial investments” reflect investments of funds and other property in other economic bodies for a period of more than one year; under the item "Capital investments" - the actual costs in construction in progress.

Section II of the balance sheet asset "Current assets" reflects non-current assets by several groups. In the "Reserves" group, separate articles represent current assets of the production sector. Raw materials and materials are valued in the balance at the actual procurement cost. Costs in work in progress can be valued at standard cost, at the sum of direct costs, or at actual production cost. The same section also reflects the items of circulation: finished products and goods shipped, deferred expenses, which should be valued at actual cost.

The second group of current assets are short-term financial investments in other organizations. The “Cash” group is represented by the items “Cash”, “Settlement accounts”, “Currency accounts”, “Other cash”.

The same section of the asset also reflects accounts receivable both other organizations and persons, and employees of this economic entity.

The balance sheet liability consists of three sections. Section III of the balance sheet is represented by own capital, and sections IV and V reflect the attracted capital.

In section III of the balance sheet “Capital and reserves”, independent articles reflect their own sources of property formation - authorized capital, additional capital, reserve capital. The same section shows the undistributed profit of the enterprise of past years and the reporting year. Uncovered loss is represented by independent items.

Articles of section IV of the balance sheet "Long-term liabilities" characterize the debt to banks on credits and loans received from other organizations for a period of more than one year.

Section V of the balance sheet "Current liabilities" combines several groups of short-term debt: borrowed funds, accounts payable, reserves for future expenses, deferred income.

In the group "Borrowed funds", debts to banks on short-term loans and loans to other enterprises are reflected as separate items.

The items in the "Accounts payable" group reflect the debt to suppliers and contractors for the inventory items received from them, to subsidiaries and affiliates, employees of the organization, the budget, and social funds.

Depending on the purpose, content and order of compilation, several types of balance sheets are distinguished.

The balance sheet characterizes in monetary terms the assets of the economy and the sources of their formation as of a certain date. The balance sheet is compiled by the accounting department of organizations by counting the balances (balances) on the accounts.

The turnover balance, in addition to the balances of assets and sources of their formation at the beginning and end of the period, contains data on their movement (debit and credit turnover) for the reporting period.

The opening balance (initial) is the first balance drawn up on the date of registration of the organization. The asset of such a balance sheet characterizes the composition of the property of an economic entity, with which its activity begins, and in the liability - the sources of its occurrence. The opening balance sheet contains fewer items than subsequent balance sheets that reflect the results of economic activity for a certain period of time. Before drawing up the opening balance sheet, as a rule, an inventory and assessment of the organization's available resources is carried out.

Final balance- a reporting document on the production and financial activities of the organization for a certain period of time. It is compiled on the basis of verified accounting records (reconciliation of turnovers and balances on accounts, verification of inventory of assets).

The liquidation balance sheet is intended to characterize the property status of the organization on the date of termination of its activities as legal entity.

The preliminary balance sheet is developed in advance at the end of the reporting period, taking into account the expected changes in the composition of the organization's property. The basis for compiling such a balance sheet is the actual accounting data on the state of assets and liabilities at the time of its preparation and the expected data on business transactions that will be completed before the end of the reporting period. The preliminary balance allows you to pre-establish the financial position of the organization at the end of the reporting period.

The gross balance sheet includes regulatory items; used for scientific research, improving the information functions of the balance, etc.

Net balance- balance sheet, from which the regulatory items are excluded: "Depreciation of fixed assets", "Depreciation of intangible assets", etc. in modern conditions the value of the net balance has increased, since it allows you to determine the real value of the organization's assets. Currently, the net balance is the current reporting form.

Every day, organizations perform many business transactions that affect the value of assets and the sources of their formation. Since the balance reflects the state of the property, each operation affects the balance by changing the value of its items. Depending on the impact on the balance sheet, all business transactions are usually divided into four types.

The first type of business transactions is associated with the regrouping of the organization's assets. The first type includes operations for the receipt of funds to the current account from the cash desk or from debtors, the issuance of money from the cash desk to accountable persons, the return of unspent amounts by accountable persons to the cash desk, the release of materials from a warehouse to production, the receipt of finished products from production to a warehouse, shipment finished products from the warehouse to customers, etc.

The second type of business transactions is associated with the regrouping of the obligations of the organization. The second type also includes operations to use profits to create accumulation and consumption funds.

Thus, business transactions of the second type lead to changes only in the liabilities side of the balance sheet. The total balance sheet total does not change.

The third type of business transactions is associated with an increase in property. Operations of the third type include accrual operations wages personnel of the organization, for crediting loans to its accounts, obtaining loans, etc.

The fourth type of business transactions is associated with a decrease (disposal) of property.

Operations of the fourth type include operations for the payment of wages to the personnel of the organization, the repayment of debts to suppliers, the budget, and social funds.

Reflecting the state of economic resources at a certain point in time, the balance sheet reveals the structure of assets and sources of their formation in the context of types and groups, allows you to determine the share of each group, their relationship and interdependence among themselves, serves as a source of information necessary to identify the most important indicators characterizing its financial condition.

According to the balance sheet, the availability of assets, the correctness of their use, the size of inventories, compliance with financial discipline, profitability of work, etc. are determined. Signaling shortcomings in work and financial condition, it serves as the basis for identifying their causes.

Based on the balance sheet data, measures are developed to eliminate them, and the correct use of assets for their intended purpose is controlled. It gives a complete and complete picture not only of the financial condition of the enterprise at each moment, but also of the changes that have occurred over a particular period of time. The latter is achieved by comparing balance sheets for a number of reporting periods.

The organization's balance sheet contains generalized data on accounting objects as of a certain date. The operational management of an organization in order to make appropriate management decisions makes it necessary to have continuous information about the state and movement of assets and sources of their formation. In this regard, the system of accounts is used in accounting.

Account system- a method of economic grouping, current reflection and operational control over the assets of the organization and business operations.

Each account is designed to reflect a specific accounting object. On the basis of primary documents, current data on homogeneous business transactions are accumulated and systematized on the account.

The accounting accounts in relation to the balance sheet are divided into two groups: accounts for accounting for assets (asset accounts) and accounts for accounting for the sources of assets formation (source accounts).

All asset accounts are active accounts. They have the following structure: account balance (can only be debit), debit turnover (indicates the receipt of assets), credit turnover (their use, disposal).

Operations for any active account may have a ending balance (CK) greater than 0 or equal to 0, which will be reflected in the diagram as follows.

On an active account, the final balance (Sk) cannot be less than zero, since you cannot spend more assets than there were.

Active accounts include “Fixed Assets”, “Materials”, “Cashier”, “Settlement Account”, “Intangible Assets”, “Settlements with Founders”, etc.

All accounts of the sources of asset formation are passive. in a passive account, the initial balance is always reflected in the loan (credit balance), and an increase in sources is also reflected on the same side of the account. The decrease in sources is reflected in the debit of passive accounts.

Passive accounts include “Authorized capital”, “Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings”, “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, “Settlements with personnel for wages”, etc.

A special group is made up of active-passive accounts, which combine the features of active and passive accounts. An example is the account “Other income and expenses”, the debit of which reflects other expenses, and the credit shows other income. Comparing the turnover on the account, we determine the balance, which can be either on the debit of the account (expenses exceeded other income), or on the credit of the account (other income is greater than other expenses). Separate accounts can have two balances at once.

There is a close relationship between accounts and balance:

Each balance sheet item, as a rule, corresponds to an account, except when individual items reflect the data of several accounts (for example, the item “Raw materials and materials” contains balances on the accounts “Materials”, “Procurement and purchase of materials”, (“Deviations in the cost of materials ”) or vice versa, balances on some accounts are shown in the balance sheet in several items (account “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”);

Accounts are divided into active and passive, similar to balance sheet items;

The balances of assets and sources of their formation are shown on the accounts on the same side as in the balance sheet;

The sum of balances on all active accounts is equal to the total of the asset (currency) of the balance sheet, and on all passive accounts - to the total of the liability (currency) of the balance sheet;

The balance sheet is drawn up on the basis of the data of accounting accounts, and accounts are opened on the basis of the balance sheet data.

All business transactions are reflected in the accounts of accounting by double entry.

double entry- a way to reflect each operation in the debit of one and the credit of another related accounts in the same amount.

The use of double entry has an objective nature and is associated with the dual nature of the reflection of business transactions. The need for double entry is expressed in four types of balance sheet changes.

Double entry gives accounting a systematic character, provides a relationship between accounts, which allows them to be combined into a single system.

Double entry is of great informational importance, as it allows obtaining information about the movement of economic resources and sources of their formation, helps to control the movement of assets and sources of their formation.

Double entry makes it possible to check the economic content of business transactions and the legitimacy of their implementation, starting from a separate transaction and ending with the reflection in the balance sheet, and ensures the identification of errors in accounts. Each amount is reflected on the debit and credit of different accounts, so the turnover on the debit of all accounts must be equal to the turnover on the credit of these accounts. The violation of equality indicates the assumption of errors in the records, which must be found and corrected.

Each business transaction is reflected in the accounts of accounting by double entry. In this case, the amount of the operation is reflected in the debit of one and the credit of another account, i.e. between the accounts on which the operation is reflected, a relationship arises.

The relationship between the debit of one and the credit of another account, resulting from the double entry of a business transaction on them, is called the correspondence of accounts. Accounts between which such a relationship has arisen are called corresponding.

Designation of correspondence accounts, i.e. the names of debited and credited accounts indicating the amount for this operation is called an ACCOUNTING RECORD (transaction).

Accounting records, according to the number of accounts affected by them, are divided into simple and complex.

It is customary to call simple such accounting records in which only two accounts correspond - one for debit and the other for credit.

Complex accounting entries are those in which one debit account corresponds to several credit accounts or vice versa.

When compiling complex entries, it should be borne in mind that only the entry in which the correspondence of the accounts is clearly expressed is correct, therefore, you should not draw up an accounting entry where several debit and credit accounts are affected at the same time.

Accounting records are made on the basis of documents in which the content of a business transaction is recorded. To control the completeness of the reflection of all business transactions, accounting records are recorded in the sequence of economically heterogeneous transactions. The reflection of business transactions in chronological sequence is called a chronological record.

To determine the indicators of economic activity, all business transactions are grouped according to economically homogeneous characteristics.

The grouping of accounts by economic content is carried out to determine the list of accounts and their homogeneous groups necessary to reflect the economic activities of a separate organization.

Requests for business transactions in a particular system are called systematic. Chronological and systematic records can be kept separately and together.

To manage business activities, it is necessary to have information about accounting objects of varying degrees of detail in terms of the amount of information. Therefore, in order to obtain data of various levels of detail, all accounts in accounting are divided into two groups: synthetic and analytical. Synthetic accounts serve for an enlarged grouping and accounting for homogeneous objects, while analytical accounts are used for detailed characteristics.

The reflection of property and processes on synthetic accounts is called synthetic accounting, and their reflection on analytical accounts is called analytical accounting.

Synthetic accounting is kept in monetary terms; analytical - three groups of meters are used. In analytical accounts reflecting commodity and material values, accounting is kept in monetary and natural meters, i.e. in quantitative terms.

Synthetic and analytical accounts are closely related. The basis of the relationship is the parallelism of entries in the accounts. The relationship between synthetic and analytical accounts is expressed as follows:

Analytical accounts are maintained to detail synthetic accounts;

A transaction recorded on a synthetic account must also be reflected on the corresponding analytical accounts opened for this synthetic account;

On a synthetic account, the transaction is recorded in the total amount, and on its analytical accounts - in private amounts, resulting in the same total amount;

Entry into analytical accounts is made on the same side as in the synthetic account, i.e. their structure is the same.

Therefore, the initial and final balances, as well as the debit and credit turnovers of a synthetic account, must be equal to the total amounts of the corresponding balances and turnovers of its analytical accounts opened in its development. When summing up for the reporting period, the data of the synthetic and analytical accounts must be verified and match, which indicates the correctness of accounting.

It should be noted that some of the synthetic accounting accounts reflect funds or sources of funds that do not require further detailing. Such synthetic accounts do not have analytical accounts (“Cashier”, “Settlement account”, “Authorized capital”).

An intermediate place between synthetic and analytical accounts is occupied by sub-accounts. subaccount- a way to group the data of analytical accounts.

The number of synthetic accounts and sub-accounts is determined by the needs of reporting, and the number of analytical accounts - by the needs of the management of the economic body.

The data of synthetic and analytical accounts are summarized at the end of the reporting period in order to obtain summary information.

Chart of Accounts- classification of the general nomenclature of synthetic accounting indicators. The Russian Federation has developed and uses a single Chart of Accounts, approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on October 31, 2000 No. 94n.

This means that all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form, are required to use this Chart of Accounts for accounting. For ease of use, all accounts are summarized in 8 sections, in accordance with the grouping of accounts by economic content.

Instructions for its use have been developed for the chart of accounts, and standard correspondence of accounts is also given.

Thus, accounting is characterized by the formation of economic information within the framework of individual economic entities on the basis of continuous and continuous registration of economic processes and phenomena; documenting business transactions; the use of special techniques and methods for their collection and processing; use as the main monetary meter.

Accounting is a regulated system based on a number of principles. The current level of its development meets the requirements of a market economy and is based on national accounting and reporting regulations that meet international standards.

Compilation and use of financial statements Conclusion List of normative legal acts and literature Annexes INTRODUCTION I chose PKF Lia LLC for my internship. Identify the main features of the preparation and use of financial statements. Familiarize yourself with the reporting requirements. You also need to know what is included. annual accounts.

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I . Enterprise characteristics

II . Carrying out settlements with d jet and extrabudgetary pho n ladies

III. C o establishment and use of accounting t parity


List of legal acts and literature



For the internship, I chose the enterprise LLC PKF "Lia".

The purpose of the internship is to acquire practical accounting skills.

The purpose of the production practice will determine the setting of the following tasks:

1. Get acquainted with the work of the organization PKF "Lia" LLC, find out the structure of the organization, the structure of accounting;

2. To study the main documents of the enterprise: Charter, accounting policy, financial statements;

3. Identify the main features of the settlements with the budget and extra-budgetary funds.

4. Identify the main features of the preparation and use of financial statements.

5. Familiarize yourself with the charter, accounting policy and financial statements of PKF Lia LLC.

6. You need to familiarize yourself with accounting and reporting, identify and correct errors.

7. Find out the main activity of PKF "Lia" LLC.

8. Familiarize yourself with the reporting requirements.

You also need to familiarize yourself with what is included in the annual report.

View the balance sheet (form 0710001), income statement (form 0710002), notes to the balance sheet and income statement.


The object of practical research is the Limited Liability Company production and commercial company "Lia" (hereinafter LLC PKF "Lia"), the main activity of which is in the field of accounting.

The company was registered on April 22, 1999. The company is located at: 416110, Astrakhan region, Narimanov district, Narimanov city, Stroiteley avenue, 4, apartment (office) 24, main activity: provision of other types of services - activities in the field of accounting and auditing - activities in the field of accounting . Industry: auditing.

The firm also carries out activities in the following additional types:

The organization was assigned TIN: 3008007765, OGRN: 1023000849288

The Company has civil rights and bears civil obligations necessary for the implementation of any types of activities not prohibited by federal laws.

Certain types of activities, the list of which is determined by federal laws, may be carried out by the Company only on the basis of a special permit (license, certificate).

The Company has a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of its location.


PKF "Lia" Ltd. has 2 employees. The basis for the calculation is the salary accrued to the employee, including additional payments, allowances, bonuses, sick leave amounts and other payments subject to taxation.

The tax baseof this tax depends on the total annual income (GAI) of the employee, which is taken into account in the personal account card maintained in the accounting department for each employee.

The size and number of deductions depends not only on the SRS, but also on the composition of the employee's family and those individual benefits that he has (disability, participation in the Afghan war, etc.).

For all additional tax incentives accountantmust be providedrelevant documents.

The amount of benefits (tax deductions) is deducted from the amount of accrued wages - this will be the taxable base.

The Tax Code establishes that when a taxpayer makes a certain type of social expenditure, he may receive a deduction for personal income tax. Thus, paragraph 1 of Article 219 of the Code provides for five grounds on which social tax deductions:

  • on expenses for charitable purposes and donations (subclause 1 clause 1 article 219 of the Tax Code);
  • on training costs (subclause 2, clause 2, article 219 of the Tax Code);
  • on expenses for treatment (subclause 3, clause 3, article 219 of the Tax Code);
  • on expenses for non-state pension provision and voluntary pension insurance (subclause 5, clause 5, article 219 of the Tax Code).

At the same time, with the deduction of contributions paid to non-state pension funds(NPF) or insurance organizations, in terms of pension insurance, from January 1, 2010, under certain conditions, physical. a person can apply to the employer (clause 2 of article 219 of the Tax Code). Such changes in tax code were introduced by clause 3 of article 1 of the Law of July 19, 2009 No. 202-FZ, entered into force on January 1, 2010 (clause 2 of article 6 of Law No. 202-FZ) and in accordance with clause 6 of article 6 of Law No. 202-FZ apply to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2009. However, in practice, it is rather problematic to use this innovation in relation to expenses on pension savings made last year, since the tax, since taxable period 2009, by the time Law No. 202-FZ came into force, it had already been completed. In particular, the Ministry of Finance, in a letter dated August 13, 2010 No. 03-04-06 / 7-177, advises employers to recommend to employees who have applied to it with an application for a pension deduction for 2009 to exercise this right by filing the appropriate tax declarations to the inspection at the place of residence. Officials came to the same conclusion in a letter dated September 15, 2010 No. 03-04-06/6-216.

The right to a deduction at the place of work.

The pension deduction provided for by subparagraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 219 of the Tax Code can be claimed by two categories of taxpayers:

Those who independently participate in their pension savings by transferring contributions under the contract (contracts) of non-state pension provision concluded (concluded) with the NPF;

Those who take care of a comfortable old age by paying contributions under the contract (contracts) of voluntary pension insurance concluded (concluded) with an insurance organization.

Moreover, it is not at all necessary that such agreements be concluded directly in favor of the taxpayer himself.

beneficiaryspouse, parents, disabled children may be indicated. The main thing is that the employee himself bears the costs of paying contributions.

However, this is enough to get the right to a personal income tax deduction, but not so that it can be provided by the employer. In the latter case, the following conditions must also be met:

Expenses are documented;

Contributions under a contract of non-state pension provision and (or) voluntary pension insurance were withheld from payments in favor of the taxpayer and transferred to the appropriate funds by the employer.


Financial statementsis a unified system of indicators on the property and financial position of the organization and on the results of its economic activity.

Accounting reporting is the final stage of the accounting process in the enterprise. It is compiled on the basis of data from all types of accounting accounting, statistical and operational-technical.

In a market economy, any commercial organization seeks to extract economic benefits. This goal orientation in activity is essential in the business activity of the organization. The conceptual basis for the financial statements of organizations operating in market conditions is the formation of reporting indicators for external users.

Therefore, financial statements are an important prerequisite for the organization of effective business relations of all participants in market relations. The lack of information provided to reporting users can significantly limit the inflow of additional capital as one of the sources of expansion of the organization's activities, if business partners cannot obtain the information they are interested in about financial stability enterprise, its solvency, development prospects.

In addition, the information contained in the financial statements is necessary for the management of the organization to coordinate its activities and make management decisions.

Reporting requirements:

The Federal Law "On Accounting" establishes the following general requirements for financial statements:

1. Accounting (financial) statements must give a true picture of the financial position economic entity as of the reporting date, the financial result of its activities and the cash flow for the reporting period, necessary for users of this reporting to make economic decisions.

2. An economic entity draws up annual accounting (financial) statements, unless otherwise established by other federal laws, regulatory legal acts of bodies state regulation accounting.

3. Annual accounting (financial) statements are prepared for the reporting year.

4. Interim accounting (financial) statements are prepared by an economic entity in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of state accounting regulatory bodies.

5. Interim accounting (financial) statements are prepared for a reporting period less than a reporting year.

6. Accounting (financial) statements must include performance indicators of all divisions of an economic entity, including its branches and representative offices, regardless of their location.

7. Accounting (financial) statements are prepared in the currency of the Russian Federation.

8. Accounting (financial) statements are considered to be drawn up after signing a hard copy of it by the head of the economic entity.

11. No trade secret regime can be established with regard to accounting (financial) statements.

In accordance with Art. 14 of the Federal Law on Accounting, the reporting year for all organizations is a calendar year - from January 1 to December 31 inclusive.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On the forms of financial statements of organizations" dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n, the following forms are included in the annual financial statements of organizations in Russia:

1. Balance sheet (form 0710001).

2. Profit and loss statement (form 0710002).

3. Applications to the balance sheet and income statement:

4. Statement of changes in equity (form 0710003);

5. Cash flow statement (form 0710004);

6. Report on intended use received funds (form 0710006) - are only public (non-profit) organizations that do not carry out entrepreneurial activities.

7. Explanations to the balance sheet and income statement. They are allowed to be drawn up both in tabular and in text form.

8. The final part of the auditor's report, confirming the reliability of the organization's financial statements, when, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is subject to mandatory audit (this is absent in order 66n).


I, Matyushchenko Anna Vladimirovna, had an internship to obtain production skills in the specialty "Economics and Accounting" at PKF "Lia" LLC.

The purpose of the internship was to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

During the internship, I studied the structure of the enterprise, the main directions.

I found out that the company's main activity: the provision of other types of services - activities in the field of accounting and audit - activities in the field of accounting, so we can say that the leading branch of the company's activity is: auditing.

I identified the main features of the preparation and use of financial statements,conducted calculations with the budget and off-budget funds. I also got acquainted with the charter, accounting policy and financial statements of PKF Lia LLC.

I got acquainted with the work of the organization LLC PKF "Lia", learned the structure of the organization, the structure of accounting.

Acquired practical accounting skills.

I got acquainted with the activities of the company in the following additional types:

  • "Retail sale of textiles and haberdashery",
  • "Retail sale of men's, women's and children's clothing",
  • "Retail sale of fur products",
  • "Retail sale of furniture and household goods", etc.


1. Charter of PKF Lia LLC

2. Accounting policy of LLC PKF "Lia"

2. Regulation on accounting "Accounting statements of organizations" (PBU 4/99) (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 06.06.1999 No. 43n).

3. Regulation on accounting "Correction of errors in accounting and reporting" RAS No. 22/2010. Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 63n dated 06/28/2010

5. Accounting (financial) statements: textbook / V. A. Tevlin. M.: Prospekt, 2011. 144p.

6. Accounting and reporting of organizations: a reference book / V. V. Karpov, N. V. Lukina. - ed. 16th add.

7. Accounting (financial) statements - Dashkov and K, Moscow - 2011//www. bookfund. Ru


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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Naberezhnye Chelny Institute (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"

College of Engineering and Economics

Practice report

according to the professional module PM.04

Preparation and use of financial statements

Base of practice: LLC SHP "Almaz"


Student: Suleimanova I.I.

Group: 7111413

Practice leader:

Vilkova L.L.

Naberezhnye Chelny

1. general characteristics organization LLC SHP "Almaz"

accounting property inventory

LLC SHP "Almaz" was established in 1929 on the lands previously owned by the landowners Tatishchev and Ostankov.

LLC SHP "Almaz" is located at a distance of 30 km. from Naberezhnye Chelny.

OOO SHP "Almaz" is engaged in the production, sale, organization of consumption, organization of leisure for individual consumers.

The head of LLC SHP "Almaz" has a high work experience in business.

The structure of the building includes: industrial premises, administrative premises, warehouses, personnel premises, technical premises.

The structure of the organization includes: Agriculture, cattle breeding, plant growing.

A set of constituent documents of LLC SHP "Almaz":

company registration certificate;

memorandum of association;

certificate of entry in the unified register;

certificate of registration in tax office.

2. Characteristics of the organization's management structure and its accounting service

1 Organizational management structure of OOO SHP "Almaz"

The organizational structure of the management of Almaz SHP LLC is a set of management units located in strict subordination and ensuring the relationship between the management and managed systems.

It is composed of the composition, correlation, location and interconnection of individual subsystems of the organization. The creation of such a structure is aimed primarily at the distribution of rights and responsibilities between individual divisions of the organization.

The type of organizational structure of management of LLC SHP "Almaz" is linear.

Linear connections reflect the movement of management decisions and information emanating from the so-called director of LLC SHP Almaz, that is, a person who is fully responsible for its structural divisions. This is one of the simplest organizational management structures. It is characterized by the fact that at the head of each structural unit there is a head endowed with all powers, carrying out all management functions.

The scheme of the organizational structure of LLC SHP "Almaz" is shown in Figure 2.1.


Deputy director gl. accountant

Administrator Accountant

Figure 2.1. Scheme of the organizational structure of LLC SHP "Almaz".

Personnel Requirements

The following general requirements are imposed on the personnel of this enterprise:

all employees must be dressed in uniform, special or sanitary clothing and footwear of the established sample, which are in good condition without visible damage;

service personnel must be outwardly neat, kind;

in the event of a conflict situation, the employee must invite the administrator;

employees should not engage in extraneous activities at the workplace.

2 The structure of the accounting department of LLC SHP "Almaz"

The chief accountant is the head of the accounting service of Almaz SHP LLC. She reports directly to the director of the enterprise and organizes the work on setting up and maintaining the accounting records of the organization in order to obtain complete and reliable information about it for interested internal and external users. financial activities and financial position. Chief Accountant also forms, in accordance with the legislation on accounting, an accounting policy based on the specifics of the conditions of the structure, size, industry affiliation and other features of the organization's activities, which allows timely receipt of information for planning, analysis, control, evaluation financial position and performance of the organization.

According to the provisions normative act The chief accountant is in charge of:

) on the preparation and approval of the working plan of accounts of accounting, containing synthetic and analytical accounts, forms of primary accounting documents used to process transactions, forms of internal accounting reports;

) to ensure the procedure for conducting an inventory and valuation of property and liabilities, documentary evidence of their availability, compilation and valuation;

) on the organization of an internal control system for the correct execution of transactions, compliance with the procedure for document circulation, technology for processing accounting information and protecting it from unauthorized access.

The chief accountant also manages the formation of an information system for accounting and reporting in accordance with the requirements of accounting, tax, statistical and management accounting, ensures the provision of the necessary accounting information internal and external users and accounting staff.

The chief accountant of SHP "Almaz" LLC organizes the work:

) to improve the skills of accounting staff;

) on setting up and maintaining accounting records of the organization;

) on maintaining accounting registers based on the use of modern information technologies, progressive forms and methods of accounting and control, execution of cost estimates, accounting of property, liabilities, fixed assets, material production stocks, cash, financial, settlement and credit operations, production and distribution costs, sales of products, performance of works (services), financial results of the organization.

The chief accountant of OOO SHP "Almaz" provides:

) timely and accurate reflection on the accounting accounts of operations, movement of assets, formation of income and expenses, fulfillment of obligations;

) control over compliance with the procedure for issuing primary accounting documents;

) timely transfer of taxes and fees to the federal, regional and local budgets, insurance premiums to state off-budget social funds, payments to credit institutions, funds for financing capital investments, repayment of debts on loans; control over the spending of the wage fund, organization and correctness of calculations for the remuneration of employees, inventory, accounting, reporting, and documentary audits in the organization's divisions;

) preparation of a report on the execution of cash budgets and cost estimates, preparation of the necessary accounting and statistical reporting, submitting them in the prescribed manner to the relevant authorities;

) preservation accounting documents and their delivery in the prescribed manner to the archive.

The chief accountant of the enterprise also provides methodological assistance to the heads of departments and other employees of the organization on accounting, control, reporting and analysis of activities.

Also, LLC SHP Almaz has an accountant who reports to the chief accountant and director of LLC SHP Almaz.

Form of accounting

LLC SHP "Almaz" uses a journal-order form of accounting.

The journal-order form is based on the use of the chess principle of registering transactions and their accumulation for each month. Entries in the journal-order form are kept in accounting according to the scheme: "document - register - reporting form".

Cumulative journals are called order journals. Order journals are built on a credit basis, i.e. transactions are recorded on the credit of a particular account in correspondence with the debit of different accounts.

The results of the statements are transferred to order journals.

The basis for building a unified journal-order form the following principles are laid down:

entries in journals-orders are made in the order of registration of transactions only on the credit of the account in correspondence with the debit of the accounts;

combination in unified system records of synthetic and analytical accounting;

reflection in the accounting of operations in the context of indicators necessary for monitoring and compiling periodic and annual reports;

the use of journal-orders for accounts that are economically related to each other;

the use of registers with pre-specified correspondence of accounts, the nomenclature of analytical accounting items, indicators necessary for reporting;

application of monthly journals-orders.

The final data of journals-orders at the end of the month are transferred to the General Ledger, according to which the balance sheet is compiled using, if necessary, individual indicators from the accounting registers.

3. Accounting policy of the organization

An accounting policy for accounting purposes is a document that reflects all accounting methods adopted by SHP Almaz LLC in accordance with Federal Law No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011 "On Accounting".

In addition, the rules for the formation and disclosure of the accounting policy of SHP Almaz LLC are established by PBU 1/2008 "Accounting policy of the organization". When forming an accounting policy in LLC SHP Almaz, they state:

working chart of accounts;

forms of primary accounting documents, accounting registers, as well as documents for internal accounting reporting;

the procedure for conducting an inventory of the assets and liabilities of the organization;

methods of valuation of assets and liabilities;

document flow rules and accounting information processing technology;

procedure for control over operations;

other solutions necessary for the organization of accounting.

The accounting policy of the organization ensures, among other things, the completeness and timeliness of the reflection in accounting of all facts of activity.

SHP Almaz LLC, which uses the USN, is a small business entity and uses simplified accounting methods.

When simplifying accounting, LLC SHP Almaz reflects this information in accounting policies.

The accounting policy for accounting purposes has been applied consistently from year to year since the establishment of SHP Almaz LLC. Such rules are enshrined in Part 5 of Article 8 of Law No. 402-FZ.

The grounds for making changes to the accounting policy may be the following events in accordance with Article 8 of Law No. 402-FZ, clause 10 PBU 1/2008 "Accounting Policy of the Organization":

) changing the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting, federal and (or) industry standards;

) development or selection of a new method of accounting, the use of which leads to an increase in the quality of information about the object of accounting;

) a significant change in the conditions of activity of an economic entity.

Changes in accounting policies are introduced from the beginning of the financial year, unless a different date is due to the very reason for making changes in accordance with Art. 8 of Law No. 402-FZ, clause 12 PBU 1/2008 "Accounting policy of the organization". Changes to the accounting policy are approved by the head of SHP Almaz LLC by issuing an appropriate order or order, in accordance with Law No. 402-FZ, paragraphs 8, 11 PBU 1/2008 "Accounting Policy of the Organization".

4. Accounting of the sources of formation of the property of the organization

To organize the remuneration of employees means to develop, use and constantly maintain in working condition a toolkit that provides a monetary assessment of the work performed by the employee, the accrual and payment of wages in accordance with this assessment.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the organization of wages in LLC SHP Almaz.

OOO SHP "Almaz" uses a time-based system of remuneration of its employees.

Remuneration systems are fixed in the collective and labor agreements, the Regulations on remuneration, etc. The basis for calculating wages in Almaz SHP LLC are:


position on wages;

time sheet;

award clause.

The staff list is approved by the director of SHP Almaz LLC. The staff list contains a list of structural units, positions, information on the number of staff units, official salaries, allowances and monthly payroll.

The calculation of the standard number and the maximum payroll fund for employees of SHP "Almaz" LLC calculates on the basis of Order No. 568-RM dated 05.06.98.

One of the bases for calculating wages is the time sheet, which reflects the amount of time worked by each employee. The time sheet is drawn up in one copy and wages are calculated on its basis.

The regulation on remuneration contains all forms of remuneration and material incentives used in Almaz SHP LLC.

The regulation reflects the types and sources of bonus payments, which are systematic.

Types of wages

Distinguish between basic and additional wages:

The main wage is the salary accrued to employees for hours worked.

The basis for calculating payment is the staffing table, personnel orders.

Additional wages include payments for time not worked, provided for by labor legislation (vacation pay, various compensations, benefits), or at the initiative of the organization's management (bonuses).

Incentive payments, bonus systems, stimulating additional payments and allowances are established by the collective agreement.

The payment of bonuses is made on the basis of an order (instruction) on the promotion of an employee. Bonuses are carried out as incentives for success in work. Orders for bonuses LLC SHP "Almaz" draw up on the basis of the presentation of the head of the structural unit of the organization in which the employee works, and are signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him, announced to the employee against receipt. Based on the order (instruction), an appropriate entry is made in the work book of the employee.

Accounting for payroll settlements with personnel

Accounting for payroll calculations is carried out on account 70. The account is passive.

According to CT sch 70, the amounts accrued to the employee are reflected.

According to Dt c. 70 reflects the paid amounts of wages, bonuses, benefits, pensions, as well as the amount of accrued taxes, payments under executive documents and other deductions.

Payroll calculations are reflected in the entries presented in table 4.1.

Table 4.1. Payroll calculations

The content of the business transactionPrimary DocumentRecorded in the accountDt of the accountKt of the accountSalaries and bonuses were accrued for employees of the main productionVedomosti2070Salaries were accrued for management personnelVedomosti2670Salaries were accrued for employees involved in the process of purchasing (creating) fixed assets, intangible assets for their own needsVedomosti0870Salary not received on time was deposited to the depositorVedomosti7076Salary was transferred as a list to Sberbank5 physical persons Vedomosti 7068 Alimony, etc. have been accrued Vedomosti 7076

5. Performance of work on the inventory of property and financial obligations of LLC SHP "Almaz"

Inventory inventory of LLC SHP "Almaz" pursues the following goals:

Monitoring the safety of stocks at all stages of their movement;

Identification of surplus stocks for their subsequent sale or search for other opportunities for involving stocks in circulation;

Inventory inventory allows you to analyze the effectiveness of the use of certain inventories, as well as form their actual cost;

Controlling the norms of stocks (which are established by the organization) necessary for the uninterrupted provision of services, the performance of certain works, the release of products;

Providing information on the receipt, procurement and release of stocks;

Timely, competent execution of documents for operations related to the movement of stocks.

Normative documents regulating the inventory procedure:

Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Accounting" No. 129-FZ;

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 49 "On Approval of Guidelines for the Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities" (Appendices);

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 34n "On approval of the regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation";

Decree State Committee of the Russian Federation according to statistics No. 88 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for cash transactions, for accounting for inventory results."

Characteristics of the organization's property (assets)

Fixed assets - a part of the property used as a means of labor in the production of products, performance of work or provision of services, or for the management needs of the organization for a period exceeding 12 months or a normal operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months.

Intangible assets are intangible assets, that is, assets that do not have physical form, representing a value based on the rights and privileges of the owner, capable of generating income over a long period of time. Intangible assets include:

rights arising from patents for inventions, industrial designs, selection achievements; certificates for utility models, trademarks, service marks or license agreements for their use;

know-how rights, etc.

Long-term investments both in one's own organization (capital investments) and in other organizations (financial investments) can promise future benefits or bring current income, in any case they are not spent (that is, they do not take part in economic turnover) and are not depreciated (that is, their value is not distributed over periods).

Current (current) assets - objects used during the operating cycle or a short period (less than a year).

Inventory - a part of the property used in the production of products, performance of work, provision of services intended for sale: raw materials and materials, assets in circulation, work in progress, finished products, goods for resale, goods and products shipped.

The objects of labor - raw materials, materials, fuel, semi-finished products, spare parts - are completely consumed in the process of one production cycle, their entire cost is completely transferred to the final product;

Funds in circulation - means of labor that have a period of use of less than one year, occupy an intermediate position between fixed assets and materials.

Work in progress - products that have not passed all stages of the technological process, as well as incomplete products that have not passed testing and technical acceptance;

Goods - items purchased or received from other legal entities and individuals intended for sale or resale without additional processing.

Cash - cash in the organization's cash desk and on accounts (settlement, currency and others) in banks.

Short-term financial investments - temporarily free cash placed by an organization for a short period (deposits, loans, certificates, bills and other securities), which will soon be required in economic circulation.

Accounts receivable is the debt of buyers of products (consumers of services) arising as a result of performance.

Cases of mandatory inventory:

when transferring property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as when transforming a state or municipal unitary enterprise;

before preparing annual financial statements;

when changing financially responsible persons;

upon detection of facts of theft, abuse or damage to property;

in case of natural disaster, fire or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions;

upon reorganization or liquidation of the organization.

The main task of the inventory commission is the direct inventory of the company's property, participation in determining the results of the audit and execution of relevant documents.

The composition of the inventory commissions of all types (permanent, working and commissions for random checks and inventories) is approved by order of the head of the enterprise. Orders are registered in the accounting department in a special inventory control book.

The inventory commission includes officials of the audited organization, as well as experts. The chairman of this commission is the head of the checking group. In SHP "Almaz" LLC, this person is the administrator.

The inventory commission includes representatives of the administration of the organization, accounting staff, other specialists (engineers, economists, technicians), as well as representatives of the service internal audit organizations, independent audit organizations.

Inventory Process

The inventory process is divided into three phases:

inventory preparation:

blocking material for postings;

printing and distribution of the inventory inventory document;

inventory count:

stock calculation;

entering the results of the count in the output document of the inventory;

inventory analysis:

entering the results of counting into the system;

if necessary, start a recount;

Sequence of steps

To prepare an inventory, the following main steps are provided:

creating an inventory document;

input of inventory count;

posting an inventory difference.

An audit of deferred expenses requires the preparation of an accounting register for account 97 for analytical accounting by type of the above expenses, primary accounting documents that allow expenses to be attributed to this category, and internal regulations that establish methods and terms for including deferred calculations in production costs and distribution costs .

Accounting for reserves of future expenses and payments requires the preparation of accounting registers for accounts 14, 59, 63, 96 and primary accounting documents for business transactions on these accounts.

Methods of physical calculation of property are counting, measuring, weighing. The head of SHP Almaz LLC creates conditions that ensure a complete and accurate check of the actual availability of property on time, provides labor for weighing and moving goods, technically corrected scales, measuring and control instruments, measuring containers.

For materials and goods stored in the undamaged packaging of the supplier, the number of these valuables is determined on the basis of documents, but with a mandatory check in kind for a sample of some of the valuables. Determination of the mass or volume of bulk materials is made on the basis of measurements and technical calculations.

Cash means funds of Almaz SHP LLC in domestic currency, held in cash, on settlement, currency and other accounts in banks in the country, in easily marketable securities, as well as in payment and monetary documents.

The receipt of cash from the bank to the cash desk is carried out by filling out checks by the organization and is spent on the purposes indicated in them.

Acceptance and disbursement of cash, the procedure for issuing cash documents, as well as the requirements for the technical strength of cash desk premises are regulated by the Procedure for Conducting Cash Operations in the Russian Federation.

Storage of funds at the cash desk of SHP "Almaz" LLC is carried out within the limit established credit institution. The limit is set based on the legal form and scope of the enterprise. Overlimit cash balances shall be transferred to the bank by SHP Almaz LLC within the agreed timeframe.

Cash in hand comes as a result of:

return by accountable persons of unused amounts;

proceeds from the sold products, goods and services rendered;

repayment of the loss caused to the organization;

withdrawals from a current account in a bank institution, etc.

The receipt of cash at the cash desk is formalized by cash receipt orders signed by the chief accountant or a person authorized to do so by a written order of the head.

The person who handed over cash to the cash desk receives a receipt for the cash receipt order, which contains the amount in words, the reason for depositing, the date and signatures of the chief accountant and cashier. The receipt is certified by the seal or stamp of the cashier.

The issuance of cash from the cash desk is carried out according to cash orders or other properly executed documents (payroll, applications for the issuance of money) with a stamp with the details of the cash order. These documents are signed by the head and chief accountant of Almaz SHP LLC.

Receipt and issuance of money on cash warrants is carried out only on the day they are drawn up.

Before transferring them to the cashier, receipts and expenditures are registered by the accounting department in the register of receipts and expenditures of cash documents.

After receiving or issuing money for each order, the movement of funds is reflected in the cash book.

The number of sheets in the cash book is certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise LLC SHP Almaz.

The responsibility for filling out the cash book is assigned to the cashier, who at the end of each working day calculates the results of transactions, displays the final balance in the cash register the next day and transfers the cash receipts and expenditures and the cashier's report to the accounting department, which is used as the second tear-off copy of the cash book sheets. .

To summarize information on the movement of cash, SHP Almaz LLC uses an active synthetic account 50 "Cashier", to which sub-accounts can be opened - 50-1 "Cashier of the organization", 50-2 "Operating cash desk", 50-3 "Cash documents" etc.

If there are positive exchange differences, an accounting entry is made:

D-t 50 "Cashier", sub-account "Cash desk in foreign currency"

Kt 91 "Other income and expenses".

With a negative exchange rate difference in accounting, the following entry is made:

Dt 91 "Other income and expenses"

Kt 50 "Cashier", sub-account "Cash desk in foreign currency".

Example. LLC SHP "Almaz" purchased through a tour operator a sanatorium and resort voucher for its employee for 14 days for 21,000 rubles. The cost was paid at the expense of social insurance funds at the rate of 400 rubles per day (14 * 400 = 5,600 rubles). The remaining amount of 15,400 rubles (21,000 - 5,600) is paid by the employee to the cashier.

In the accounts of accounting, this situation will be reflected in the following way.

Payment was made to the tour operator for a sanatorium-resort ticket:

Dt 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Kt 51 "Settlement accounts" - 21,000 rubles.

Voucher credited to the cashier:

Kt 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" - 21,000 rubles.

Ticket issued to an employee:

Dt 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations"

Kt 50 "Cashier", subaccount 3 "Money documents" - 21,000 rubles.

The cost of the voucher was partially paid at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund:

Dt 69 "Calculations for social insurance and provision"

Kt 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" - 5,600 rubles.

The rest of the amount is paid in cash by the employee:

Dt 50 "Cashier", subaccount 3 "Money documents"

Kt 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations" - 15,400 rubles.

The receipt of funds at the cash desk of SHP Almaz LLC is accounted for in the debit of account 50 "Cashier" and the credit of various accounts, depending on the business transaction being carried out:

receipt of funds from the accounts of SHP Almaz LLC for the payment of wages, for household needs, for travel expenses, from special accounts - Kt of accounts 51 "Settlement accounts", 52 "Currency accounts", 55 "Special accounts in banks" ;

return to the cash desk of funds intended and transferred for crediting to the settlement or other accounts of LLC SHP "Almaz" - Invoice kit 57 "Transfers on the way";

return of advances issued to suppliers - Kt of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors";

receipt of advances from buyers - Kt of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers";

obtaining short-term or long-term loans - Kt of accounts 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and loans", 67 "Settlements on long-term credits and loans";

return of unspent accountable amounts - Kt of account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons";

repayment of the employee's debt to SHP Almaz LLC - Kt of account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations";

repayment of accounts receivable of the founders on contributions to the authorized capital - Kt of account 75 "Settlements with the founders";

repayment of receivables to SHP Almaz LLC by other legal and individuals- Kt account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors";

repayment of receivables by branches, representative offices and separate subdivisions of LLC SHP "Almaz" - Kt of account 79 "Domestic expenses";

when forming the authorized capital under a simple partnership agreement - Kt of account 80 "Authorized capital";

upon receipt of funds for the implementation of specific activities - Kt of account 86 "Target financing";

receipt of proceeds from the sale of products, goods, for services rendered and work performed - Kt of account 90 "Sales";

receipt of funds as a result of the sale of fixed assets, the lease of assets for temporary use and other other income - Kt of account 91 "Other income and expenses";

receipt of funds on account of future reporting periods - Kt of account 98 "Deferred income";

receipt of funds in connection with extraordinary circumstances, such as, for example, nationalization - Kt account 99 "Profit and loss".

The issuance of funds from the cash desk of the organization LLC SHP "Almaz" is recorded on the credit of account 50 "Cashier" and the debit of various accounts:

when transferring cash to bank accounts - D-t accounts of accounts 51 "Settlement accounts", 52 "Currency accounts", 55 "Special accounts in banks";

when transferring funds for crediting to bank accounts - Dt of account 57 "Transfers on the way";

when granting loans, making deposits under a simple partnership agreement, acquiring securities of other organizations - Dt account 58 "Financial investments";

when paying in cash for suppliers' accounts - Dt of account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors";

when returning funds to buyers - Dt of account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers";

when repaying a short-term loan - Dt account 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings";

when paying off debts to the budget or when paying sick leave and benefits - Dt of accounts 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees" and 69 "Calculations on social insurance and security";

when issuing wages - D-t of account 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages";

when issuing funds for travel expenses and household needs - Dt of account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons";

when granting a loan to an employee of LLC SHP "Almaz" - Dt of account 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations";

when paying dividends due to the founders - Dt of account 75 "Settlements with the founders";

in case of repayment of accounts payable to legal entities and individuals - Dt of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors";

when replenishing the cash flow of the subdivisions of LLC SHP Almaz allocated to a separate balance - Dt of account 79 "Domestic expenses";

return of funds to participants in a simple partnership agreement at the end of the term of the agreement on joint activities - Dt of account 80 "Authorized capital";

when redeeming shares of an organization for cash - Dt of account 81 "Own shares (shares)";

when posting shortages of banknotes identified as a result of the audit - Dt of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables";

when reflecting losses of cash in connection with extraordinary circumstances - Dt of account 99 "Profits and losses".

Control over compliance with cash discipline and the correctness of cash transactions is carried out by means of audits, which are carried out within the time limits set by the head of the enterprise, as well as when changing cashiers. In the course of the audit, a complete check of all cash and other valuables held at the cash desk of SHP Almaz LLC is carried out. The actual balances of funds are verified with the data of the cash book and the members of the audit commission appointed by the head draw up an audit report.

If shortages or surpluses of funds or other valuables are identified, the act indicates the appropriate amount and the reasons and circumstances for the discrepancy between the actual data and accounting data.

As a result of the inventory, a surplus or shortage of property may be revealed. In these cases, the financially responsible person provides a written explanation, after which the head of Almaz SHP LLC makes a decision on this issue.

If a surplus is found, then it is credited, taken into account, and at market prices.

An operation such as sorting is also used. This is when a shortage of white enamel paint is detected, but at the same time, an excess of blue enamel paint is detected. Mutual offset of surpluses and shortages as a result of regrading is allowed only as an exception for the same audited period, with the same financially responsible person, for similar materials and in the same quantities. And this means that white paint and blue paint can be set off among themselves, but white paint and water emulsion cannot.

The financially responsible person is responsible for the shortage. But they find out if there is a natural loss in this case.

Shortage within the norms of natural loss is considered current expenses LLC SHP "Almaz"

For the shortage in excess of the norms of natural loss, the financially responsible person is responsible, he must reimburse the cost of the missing values.


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Koltovich J.

Stages of preparation of financial statements.

Theory and practice on the example of a conditional enterprise.

The main purpose of accounting is

“meet the needs of users for accounting information through financial statements, which, in accordance with regulatory documents, is open to users” (PBU 4/99).

Without financial statements, it is impossible to imagine the work of any economic entity.

It is from the financial statements that you can get an idea of ​​​​the financial activities of the organization, its results, business transactions.

Since theoretical knowledge in isolation from confirmation by their practice does not give the desired result,

this paper will consider both the theory and practice of preparing financial statements

to test theoretical provisions experimentally with the help of special calculations in an environment close to the content of accounting work.

Introduction: reporting steps

Enterprise characteristics

Compiling a journal of business transactions

Making entries in accounts

Drawing up a balance sheet

Preparation of the accounting balance sheet

Drawing up a report on financial results

Preparation of a cash flow statement

Preparation of the statement of changes in equity

Application No. 1.

From what accounts should data be taken when filling out the balance sheet.

Application number 2.

From which accounts it is necessary to take data when filling out the income statement.

Application No. 3.

From which accounts do you need to take data when filling out a cash flow statement.


Introduction: reporting steps

The formation and presentation of accounting reporting information takes place in several stages, which correspond to the logic of creating, accumulating and using reporting information. (See diagram No. 1)

Primary accounting



Scheme No. 1. Creation, accumulation and use of accounting information.

preliminary stage includes the formation of the accounting policy of the organization.

In accordance with the Accounting Regulations "Accounting policy of the organization" (PBU 1/2008):

accounting policy precedes the annual accounting cycle by the adoption and legal consolidation of a set of accounting methods: primary observation, cost measurement, current grouping and final generalization of the facts of economic life.

Stage 1 - Introductory (for a newly created organization) or initial balance. The opening balance is based on the account balance data at the end of the previous reporting period.

Stage 2 - Current registration of the facts of economic activity reflected in the primary documents and the formation of an account record (postings).

Stage 3 - Inventory and settlement of accounting records by correcting them.

Closing of accounts (formation of the cost of finished and sold products, identification of the financial result from the sale of products, from other operations, identification of net profit ..).

Stage 4 - Drawing up a trial balance (turnover balance sheet).


Stage 5 - Final summary of the indicators of accounting accounts in reporting forms. Drawing up the balance sheet, income statement and annexes to them.

Consider the content of the stages of formation and reporting on a specific example.

The example is built as a solution to the end-to-end task of compiling the quarterly financial statements of a conditional enterprise.

The task is to prepare an interim balance sheet as of March 31 of the current year, income statement, cash flow statement and capital flow statement for 3 months of the current year (Q1 2014).

Initial data:

Balances on synthetic accounting accounts (as of February 28 of the current year, December 31 of the last and the year before last) -Initial data No. 1.

List of business transactions for March -Initial data No. 2.

And additional information necessary for the preparation of a statement of financial results and a statement of cash flows (extracts from reports for the last year and turnover for January-February of the current year) - Initial data No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

All initial data will be given in the process of solving the problem, if there is a need to use them.

For the most rational solution of the problem, it is necessary to immediately determine our action plan(compiled in accordance with the reporting stages set out in the introduction):

Stage 1 - Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the enterprise.

Step 2 - Draw up the opening balance sheet for March 1st. Step 3 - Compile a business journal for March.

Stage 4 - Make entries in the accounts for March, calculate the turnover and closing balances.

Step 5 - Compile the balance sheet for March. Step 6 - Compile the balance sheet as of March 31st. Stage 7 - Compile a statement of financial results for the 1st quarter.

Step 8 - Compile a cash flow statement for the 1st quarter. Step 9 - Compile a statement of movements in equity for the 1st quarter.

Enterprise characteristics

Enterprise characteristics

Name: Delta LLC

Organizational and legal form: limited liability company

Form of ownership: private Main statutory activity: production of products

Features of accounting for individual transactions are disclosed in the accounting policy, an extract from which is given below.

Extract from the accounting policy of the organization:

- Products are considered sold as they are shipped and payment documents are presented to the buyer.

- Selling expenses are debited to the "Sales" account in the full amount related to the products sold.

- The total amount of general business expenses is attributed to production costs for the reporting month.

- Accounting for the procurement of material assets is carried out without the use of accounts No. 15 “Procurement and purchase of materials” and No. 16 “Deviation in the cost of materials”.

- Accounting for finished products is kept on account 43 "Finished products" at the actual production cost.

- Interest on loans received is reflected in the accounting records as they accrue.

Preparation of the opening balance sheet

According to PBU 4/99 (section 4, clause 18), “The balance sheet should

characterize the financial position of the organization as of the reporting date.

That is, the balance sheet, like a photograph, captures and displays the financial condition at a certain point in time.

In our case, drawing up a balance sheet will help visualize the financial position of Delta LLC as of March 1.

Assets will show what funds the business uses, while liabilities and equity will show who provided these funds and in what amount.

The balance sheet is compiled by transferring balances (balances) on synthetic accounting accounts: debit balances active accounts - into balance sheet assets, credit balances of passive accounts - into balance sheet liabilities.

Synthetic accounting balances are presented in the initial data No. 1. Their transfer to the balance sheet is presented in Table No. 1 "Formation of indicators for the balance sheet as of March 1, 2014".

(See next 4 pages)

Looking at the balance, we see that the sum of the totals of all sections of the asset balance is equal to the sum of the totals of the sections of the liability of the balance:

asset (I + II) = liability (III + IV + V)

And this is the main sign that we have drawn up the balance correctly, without making arithmetic errors.

Quantitatively, this ratio expresses the main idea of ​​the balance: the same amount of enterprise funds is presented in two sections - by composition and location and by sources of education.

Preparation of the initial book. balance

Initial data No. 1. Synthetic accounting balance.

last year

the year before last

current year

Preparation of the initial book. balance

What account balances

Name of indicator


Intangible assets

fixed assets

Other noncurrent assets

Accounts receivable

Cash and cash


Authorized capital (reserve

capital, statutory fund, deposits


Undestributed profits

(uncovered loss)

Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

60 + 66 + 68 + 69 + 70 + 76

Preparation of the initial book. balance

Balance sheet

OKUD form

LLC "Delta"

Date (day, month, year)


Tax identification number

Type of economic


Production of products

Organizational and legal form / form of ownership

Society with

limited / private

according to OKOPF/OKFS

Unit of measurement: thousand rubles

Location (address)


Name of indicator





Intangible assets

Research and development results

Intangible search assets

Tangible Exploration Assets

fixed assets

Profitable investments in material


Financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Other noncurrent assets

Total for Section I


Value Added Tax on

acquired values

Accounts receivable

Financial investments (except

cash equivalents)

Cash and cash


Other current assets

Total for Section II

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Sochi State University

University College of Economics and Technology

Specialty 080114 "Economics and accounting (by industry)"

PP 04.01 Practice


industrial practice according to the profile of the specialty

Place of internship LLC Firm "Canyon"

Students gr. UETK 11-KE-1

Khachikyan Tatyana

Practice leader

from the organization Fedotova N.V.

from the college Salamatova M.A.

Sochi 2015


PM 04. Compilation and use of financial statements

PP 04.01 Practice

Types of jobs

Number of hours

Studying the charter of the organization and other documents on the basis of which the organization is registered

1. Organizational structure and interaction of departments (services);

2. The main tasks, types of activities (services) of the enterprise.

Acquaintance with the size of the authorized capital of the organization and the sources of its formation

1. The concept of the authorized capital of the organization;

2. The amount of the authorized capital;

3. Formation of the authorized capital.

Refinement of the assessment of assets and liabilities reflected in the accounting records

1. The procedure for clarifying the assessment of assets and liabilities reflected in the accounting records.

Reflection of the financial result of the organization's activities

1. The structure and procedure for the formation of the financial result;

2. Accounting for financial results from the sale of products (works, services);

3. Accounting for financial results from other sales.

Studying the financial statements of the enterprise

1. Balance sheet;

2. Report on financial results;

3. Statement of changes in equity;

4. Cash flow statement;

5. Attachments to the balance - form No. 5.

6. Explanatory note.

Reconciliation of analytical accounting data as of the date of preparation of financial statements

1. Comparison of turnovers for each synthetic account with the results of the documents that served as the basis for the entries;

2. Comparison of turnovers and balances for all synthetic accounts (in total).

Reconciliation of synthetic accounting data as of the date of preparation of financial statements

1. Drawing up balance sheets for all analytical accounts opened for a separate synthetic account;

2. Reconciliation of turnovers and balances for each synthetic account with the corresponding indicators of analytical accounting.

Assessment of the property status of the organization

1. The amount of economic assets owned and controlled by the enterprise;

2. The share of the active part of fixed assets;

3. Indicators for assessing the organization's fixed assets.

Evaluation of the organization's funding sources

1. General assessment of the structure of the organization's property and its sources according to the balance sheet.

2. Sources of asset financing.

3. Analysis of the composition and movement of equity capital.

4. Calculation and evaluation of net assets.

Calculation of indicators of movement and use of fixed assets.

1. Wear factor;

2. The coefficient of validity;

3. Refresh rate;

4. Retirement rate.

Liquidity analysis of the organization's balance sheet

1. Absolute indicators: the value of own working capital;

2. Relative indicators:

current liquidity ratio,

quick liquidity ratio,

absolute liquidity ratio.

Analysis of the solvency and creditworthiness of the organization

1. The coefficient of security of current activities with own working capital;

2. Maneuverability of own working capital;

3. The share of own working capital in covering stocks;

4. Analysis of stock coverage.

Assessment of the financial stability of the organization

1. Quantitative assessment of the financial stability of the enterprise: capitalization ratios; coverage ratios;

2. Assessment of the value of net assets.

Analysis and evaluation of the business activity of the enterprise

1. Analysis of the degree of implementation of the plan in terms of the main indicators and ensuring the specified rates of their growth;

2. Analysis of the level of efficiency in the use of the organization's resources.

Analysis of the expenses of the organization, the composition and structure of costs included in the cost of production

1. Analysis of the costs incurred by the organization: the main types and features of the classification of expenses of the organization.

2. Analysis of expenses by elements.

Analysis of the organization's income. Studying the methodology for planning profit from sales. Analysis of profit from the sale of products

1. Analysis of the organization's income;

2. Analysis of the profit of the organization;

3. Calculation and analysis of absolute and relative coefficients reflecting the financial results of the enterprise.

Analysis of the composition of non-current assets, their profitability

1. Analysis of the composition and structure of non-current assets;

2. Analysis of the sources of formation of non-current assets

3. Analysis of the movement of fixed assets

4. Analysis of indicators of the use of non-current assets.

Conclusions and suggestions based on the results of the analysis of the financial activities of the enterprise

1. Assessment of the property status of the enterprise;

2. Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise from a short-term perspective;

3. Analysis of the financial stability of the enterprise in the long term;

4. Evaluation of the business activity of the enterprise;

5. Analysis of the financial results of the enterprise.

A diarypractices

Scope of work, hours

Job due date

Evaluation of the head from the enterprise

1.1 Studying the charter of the organization and other documents on the basis of which the organization is registered

1.2 Familiarization with the size of the authorized capital of the organization and the sources of its formation

1.3 Refinement of the assessment of assets and liabilities reflected in the accounting records

2.1 Reflection of the financial result of the organization

2.2 Studying the financial statements of the enterprise

2.3 Reconciliation of analytical accounting data as of the date of preparation of financial statements

3.1 Reconciliation of synthetic accounting data as of the date of preparation of financial statements

3.2 Assessment of the property status of the organization

3.3 Assessing the organization's funding sources

4.1 Calculation of indicators of movement and use of fixed assets

4.2 Liquidity analysis of the organization's balance sheet

4.3 Analysis of the solvency and creditworthiness of the organization

5.1 Assessing the financial soundness of an organization

5.2 Analysis and evaluation of the business activity of the enterprise

5.3 Analysis of the costs of the organization, the composition and structure of costs included in the cost of production

6.1 Analysis of the organization's income. Studying the methodology for planning profit from sales. Analysis of profit from the sale of products

6.2 Analysis of the composition of non-current assets, their profitability

6.3 Conclusions and suggestions based on the results of the analysis of the financial activities of the enterprise


1.1 The studycharterorganizationsandothersdocuments,on thebasiswhichregisteredorganization

This Charter determines the procedure for organizing and operating a commercial organization Kanyon Firm, acting on the basis of this Charter, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies", as well as other legislation of the Russian Federation.

Full corporate name of the Company: Limited Liability Company Firma Kanyon.

Legal address: 354000 Russian Federation, Krasnodar Territory, resort city of Sochi, st. Vinogradnaya, 2a, office 17.

Postal address: 354207 Russian Federation, Krasnodar Territory, resort city of Sochi, st. Batumi highway, 69/2.

The management bodies of the enterprise are:

· General meeting members of the society;

· General Director (sole executive body).

Retail is production activities for the sale of goods or services to the end consumer for their personal non-commercial use.

The purpose of the commercial activity of a retail trade enterprise is to make a profit. A retail business is designed to sell goods to the public.

The tasks of the enterprise are: meeting the demand of the population, both in terms of assortment and quality of goods; organization of an appropriate level of customer service with the provision of a variety of services.

Features that add value to the goods and services they sell:

1. Providing a certain range of goods and services.

2. Crushing of incoming consignments of goods.

3. Storage of stocks.

4. Service provision.

LLC Firm "Canyon" carries out the following types activities:

Retail sales of building materials

· Activities of hotels and restaurants

· Trade and public catering

1.2 FamiliarizationWithdimensionsauthorizedcapitalorganizationsandsourceshisformation

The authorized capital is the amount fixed in founding documents organizations that have passed state registration. It differs from the amount of funds originally invested by the owners to ensure the statutory activities of the organization by the amount of their debt, reflected in the debit of account 75/1. The authorized capital determines the minimum amount of property of a legal entity that guarantees the interests of its creditors.

The authorized capital of Firm Kanyon LLC is made up of the nominal value of the shares of its participants and is equal to 21,030,300 (twenty one million thirty thousand three hundred) rubles.

The formation of the authorized capital of the company can be carried out at the expense of monetary and non-monetary contributions of the participants of the company.

According to federal law dated 08.02.1998 No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies" (hereinafter Federal Law No. 14-FZ), the authorized capital of a company determines the minimum amount of its property that guarantees the interests of its creditors, and is made up of the nominal value of the shares of its participants (clause 1 of Art. .14 ​​FZ No. 14-FZ). The size of the authorized capital cannot be less than ten thousand rubles.

In addition, the size of the authorized capital and the nominal value of the shares of the company's participants are determined only in rubles. The specific amount of the authorized capital is determined in the charter.

Payment of shares in the authorized capital of the company can be carried out:

1) money;

2) securities;

3) other things or property rights or other rights having monetary value.

The charter of the company may establish the types of property that cannot be contributed to pay for shares in the authorized capital of the company (clause 2, article 15 of the Federal Law No. 14-FZ). At the time of state registration of the company, its authorized capital must be paid by the founders at least half (clause 2 of article 16 of the Federal Law No. 14-FZ), the remaining half must be paid within a year from the date of state registration of the company.

Payment of shares in the authorized capital in cash

Payment of shares in the authorized capital with property

· Taxation

Formation of the authorized capital

Indebtedness of the founders on contributions to the UK

Receipt of fixed assets (IA)

Receipt of contributions by materials

Receipt of deposit in goods

Receipt of a deposit in cash at the cash desk

Receipt of a deposit in cash to the current account

Receipt of a deposit in cash to a foreign currency account

Receipt of a deposit in securities

1.3 Clarificationestimatesreflectedinaccountingaccountingassetsandliabilities

The procedure for refining the valuation of the assets and liabilities reflected in the accounting records of Firm Kanyon LLC includes the following procedures:

1) conducting an inventory before compiling annual financial statements and reflecting its results in accounting.

Conducting an inventory before the preparation of annual financial statements is mandatory, except for property, the inventory of which was carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year. In this case, we are talking about such types of current assets as materials, work in progress, finished products, goods, etc.

For some types of property, it is allowed to conduct an inventory less frequently: for fixed assets - once every three years, for library funds - once every five years.

An inventory of receivables and payables, income and expenses of future periods, reserves for future expenses is made before the preparation of annual reports as of December 31.

The procedure for conducting an inventory is regulated by the Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49.

The discrepancies between the actual availability of property and accounting data identified during the inventory are reflected in the accounting accounts in the following order:

· surpluses of property are accounted for at market prices on the date of the inventory;

· the shortage of property and its damage within the norms of natural loss is charged to the accounts of expenses (sales expenses);

shortage of property and its damage in excess of the norms of natural loss is attributed to the guilty person. In this case, the culprit must compensate for the missing values ​​at market value, but not lower than their book value;

If the perpetrators are not identified or the court refused to recover damages from them, then losses from shortages and damage are written off as non-operating expenses;

2) creation of valuation reserves as of the reporting date .

When compiling reports, the valuation of some property items is clarified if the value of this property, reflected in accounting, is higher than their real value. The estimate is refined by creating valuation reserves:

reserve for depreciation of material assets;

provision for impairment financial investments;

provision for doubtful debts.

If there are reserves, the values ​​and liabilities in the balance sheet are shown in the net valuation, i.e. less the corresponding reserve.

3) refinement of the assessment of financial investments, by which their current market value can be determined.

Financial investments, for which the current market value can be determined in accordance with the established procedure, are reflected in the financial statements at the end of the reporting year at the current market value by adjusting their valuation for the previous reporting date. This adjustment can be made monthly or quarterly. The difference between the assessment of financial investments at the current market value as of the reporting date and the previous assessment of financial investments is charged to financial results (as part of operating income or expenses);

4) reflection on the accounts of property of valuables in transit.

When compiling reports, organizations must take into account on the property accounts the values ​​that have not yet been received by the organization, if the rights of possession, use and disposal have been transferred to these values ​​in accordance with the terms of the contracts.

Such values ​​may be in transit, i.e. they are transferred under the terms of the contract to the carrier, or in the warehouse of the supplier for safekeeping;

5) clarification of the valuation of property (works, services) received (performed, rendered) for uninvoiced deliveries, settlement documents for which were received before the reporting date.

Non-invoiced deliveries are inventories received by the organization for which there are no settlement documents (invoice, payment request, payment request-order or other documents accepted for settlements with the supplier).

Uninvoiced deliveries are credited to inventory accounts at accounting prices accepted by the organization.

In cases where the organization uses the actual cost of materials as accounting prices, then these inventories are accounted for at market prices. After receipt of settlement documents for uninvoiced deliveries, their accounting price is adjusted taking into account the received settlement documents.

At the same time, settlements with the supplier are specified;

6) conversion into rubles as of the date of preparation of financial statements of assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency .

If the organization, as of the reporting date, has funds in foreign currency on foreign currency accounts, in cash, as well as liabilities in foreign currency (accounts receivable or payable), then they are subject to revaluation at the rate of the relevant currencies established by central bank RF as of the reporting date. The difference in the valuation of currencies, revealed in the accounts of cash in foreign currency, as well as in the accounts of settlements, is the exchange rate difference, which is attributed to non-operating income and expenses.


2.1 ReflectionfinancialresultactivitiesOOOFirm"Canyon"

The procedure for reflecting the financial result of the activities of Firm Kanyon LLC is as follows:

1. Structure and procedure for the formation of the financial result

The main indicator of the financial and economic activity of the organization is financial results, which represents the increase (decrease) in the value of the organization's own capital for the reporting period.

The financial result is formed on the active-passive account 99 "Profit and Loss", which has a one-sided balance. When preparing annual financial statements, it includes:

Closing of sub-accounts opened to account 90 "Sales" (90-1 "Revenue", 90-2 "Cost of sales", 90-3 "Value added tax", 90-4 "Excises"), to subaccount 90-9 "Profit / loss from sales";

· Closing of subaccounts opened to account 91 “Other income and expenses” (91-1 “Other income”, 91-2 “Other expenses”) to subaccount 91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses”;

· accrual of income tax, as well as amounts of tax sanctions due;

· Write-off of net profit (loss) to account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”.

2. Accounting for financial results from the sale of products (works, services)

Organizations receive the bulk of their profits from the sale of products, goods, works and services. Profit from the sale of products (works, services) is defined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) in current prices excluding VAT and excises, export duties and other deductions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the costs of its production and sale. The result from the sale of products is written off monthly from account 90 "Sales" to account 99 "Profit and Loss".

The main part of the profit (loss) the organization receives from the sale of finished products, goods, works and services. The financial result from their sale is defined as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of products (works, services) without value added tax, excises, export duties, sales tax and other deductions provided for by law, and the costs of its production and sale. Since the costs associated with the production and sale of products (works, services) have a direct impact on the cost, their list is strictly regulated.

The result from the sale of products, works, services and goods is revealed on the active-passive account 90 "Sales". The debit of this account reflects the actual cost of products sold, the purchase price of the goods sold, the costs associated with the work performed and services rendered, VAT, sales tax and other expenses. The credit of the account shows the proceeds from the sale of products, goods, works, services. Comparing the turnover of the debit and the turnover of the credit of account 90 "Sale", they find the result (in the form of profit or loss), which is debited monthly from account 90 "Sales" to account 99 "Profit and loss".

When making a profit: D-t 90 "Sales"

Kt 99 "Profit and Loss".

Received loss: Dr. 99 "Profit and Loss"

Kt 90 "Sales"

Account 90 "Sales" is closed and has no balance.

3. Accounting for financial results from other sales. In addition to products (works, services), organizations can sell fixed assets, intangible assets, inventories, securities and other assets. The sale of fixed assets and other assets is reflected in account 91 “Other income and expenses”. It should be borne in mind that account 91 reflects not only the sale of fixed assets and other assets, but also their disposal for any other reason (during write-off, liquidation, gratuitous transfer, transfer as a contribution to the authorized capital of another organization, etc.).

The debit of account 91 reflects the book value of the property being sold, the costs of selling the property and the amount of VAT, and the credit shows the proceeds from the sale of property (including these taxes).

The financial result on account 91 is determined by comparing debit and credit turnover. The revealed difference between these turnovers is written off from account 91 to account 99 in the same way as from account 90 "Sales".

2.2 The studyaccountingreportingenterprises

In OOO Firma Kanyon, financial statements are presented in the following forms.

1. The balance sheet (Form No. 1), as a form of financial statements, characterizes the financial position of the organization as of the reporting date. The balance sheet has two main sections: assets and liabilities.

The balance sheet asset provides information on the economic assets of the organization. These resources are divided into two groups, representing two parts of the asset:

non-current assets (first section);

current assets (second section).

Liabilities balance allows you to get an idea about the sources of formation of the company's resources. The liabilities are divided into three sections:

capital and reserves (third section);

long-term liabilities (fourth section);

· short-term liabilities (fifth section).

The data in the balance sheet are given at the beginning and at the end of the reporting period.

2. Statement of financial results (Form No. 2) characterizes the financial performance of the organization for the reporting period and is an important source of data for analyzing the organization in the section of current investment and financial activities.

In the profit and loss statement, the income and expenses of the organization for the reporting period are reflected with a division into income and expenses for ordinary activities, operating and non-operating, and in the event of extraordinary income and expenses, their composition and recognition procedure is determined by the accounting regulation “Income of the organization "(PBU 9/99) and "Expenses of the organization" (PBU 10/99) approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 No. 32.33.

3. Statement of changes in equity (Form No. 3) a document that is an explanation of the balance sheet. This form can be modified and modified to suit the needs of the organization. This report discloses such information on the movement of authorized, reserve and additional capital. The report indicates adjustments related to changes in accounting policies and corrections of errors. All organizations are required to submit a report form, with the exception of insurance, credit and small businesses.

4. Cash flow statement (form No. 4) characterizes changes in the financial position of the organization in the context of current, investment and financial activities. It discloses data on cash flows in the reporting and previous periods, the availability of funds at the beginning and end of the reporting period, their receipt and expenditure.

The cash flow statement supplements the balance sheet and income statement with information about the entity's ability to raise and use cash.

5. An explanatory note is an independent part of the financial statements (clause 5 PBU 4/99 "Accounting statements of an organization. An explanatory note to the annual financial statements should contain significant information: about the organization, its financial position, comparability of data for the reporting and previous years, valuation methods and material items of financial statements.The explanatory note should report the facts of non-application of accounting rules in cases where they do not allow to reliably reflect the property status and financial results of the organization, with appropriate justification.Otherwise, non-application of accounting rules is considered as evasion from their implementation and is recognized as a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting.

2.3 Reconciliationdataanalyticalaccountingon thedatecompilingaccountingreporting

The procedure for reconciliation of analytical accounting data as of the date of preparation of financial statements in Firma Kanyon LLC consists of the following steps.

1. Comparison of turnovers for each synthetic account with the results of the documents that served as the basis for the entries. There are errors:

* in completeness of accounting;

* in validity;

* in accounting records;

* in periodization;

* in the assessment of assets, liabilities and financial results;

* in the information view.

This classification serves as the basis for choosing methods for identifying errors in the accounting and financial statements of the organization.

2. Comparison of turnovers and balances for all synthetic accounts (in total). The considered accounting accounts, as a rule, corresponded to balance sheet items, they reflected generalized (synthetic) data on economic assets, their sources and processes. Accounts on which economic assets, their sources and economic processes are reflected in a generalized form are called synthetic (“Fixed assets”, “Materials”, “Authorized capital”, etc.). Accounting carried out on synthetic accounts is called synthetic and is kept only in monetary terms.


3.1 Reconciliationdatasyntheticaccountingon thedatecompilingaccountingreporting

Reconciliation of synthetic accounting data as of the date of preparation of financial statements at the company Firma Kanyon LLC:

1. Drawing up balance sheets for all analytical accounts opened for a separate synthetic account. Turnover statements serve mainly to summarize, verify the correctness of entries in the accounts of accounting and draw up a new balance sheet. They are made up of both synthetic and analytical accounts. For compiling turnover sheet used data on the initial balances, turnovers and final balances of synthetic accounts.

In the turnover sheet for synthetic accounts, there should be a total of three pairs of equalities:

the first - balances at the beginning of the reporting period for debit and credit;

the second - turnovers on debit and credit;

the third - balances on the horses of the reporting period for debit and credit.

2. Reconciliation of turnovers and balances for each synthetic account with the corresponding indicators of analytical accounting

The cycle of accounting work for any month (in the inter-reporting period) can be divided into three stages:

1) preparation of accounting records (postings) on the basis of primary documents, accumulative and grouping statements;

2) transfer of all facts of the economic activity of the organization for the month from primary documents to accounting registers;

3) formation of information about accounting objects on the accounts of the General Ledger based on the final data of accounting registers.

At the end of the reporting period, debit and credit turnovers are calculated for all accounts of the General Ledger, and the closing balance is displayed for the majority.

Accounts 25 “General production expenses”, 26 “General expenses”, 28 “Marriage in production”, 40 “Output of products (works, services)”, 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” are closed monthly, their debit and credit turnovers are obligatory are equal, there is no balance.

From accounts 90 “Sales” and 91 “Other income and expenses” at the end of each month, the financial result is transferred to account 99 “Profit and loss”. But all sub-accounts of these accounts have balances, the value of which has been accumulating since the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, internal entries are made for the closure of all sub-accounts. Account 99 “Profit and Loss” is closed once at the end of the year.

For some accounts, for example, 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”, 68 “Settlements for taxes and fees”, 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”, 75 “Settlements with founders”, 76 “Settlements with different debtors and creditors”, it is necessary to calculate the detailed balance. The reflection of the detailed balance in the balance sheet (in the debit asset, in the credit liability) is necessary for an objective characterization of the financial position of the organization. Mutual repayment of receivables and payables (rolling up the balance sheet) leads to falsification of the balance sheet. Checking entries on the accounts of the General Ledger is carried out in the following areas:

* compare the turnover for each synthetic account with the results of the documents that served as the basis for the entries;

* compare turnovers and balances for all accounting accounts;

* compare turnovers and balances or only balances for each synthetic account with the corresponding indicators of analytical accounting.

The equality of balances and turnovers indicates the correctness of the entries in the accounts of accounting.

3.2 Gradepropertyprovisionsorganizations

In order to assess the property status of Firma Kanyon LLC, the following indicators are used:

Table 1

1. The amount of economic assets owned and controlled by the enterprise

The indicator gives a generalized valuation the value of the enterprise as a whole is the accounting valuation of the assets listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise, which does not necessarily coincide with their sum of the market valuation.

The calculation formula is as follows:


XCP - the amount of economic assets under management

A - total assets on the balance sheet

ZUV - debt of the founders on contributions to the UK

HSR 2012 = 68813 - 0 = 68813 tr.

HSR 2013 = 93406 - 0 = 93406 tr.

Abs. rev. = 93406 - 68813 = 24593 tr.

Growth rate =

Thus, the amount of economic assets owned and controlled by the enterprise in 2012 increased by 24,593 thousand rubles, which is 35%.

2. We will carry out a structural analysis of the asset balance of the enterprise

table 2



Intangible assets

fixed assets

Accounts receivable

Cash and cash equivalents

Total assets

Table 2 shows that stocks have decreased by 4074 rubles. - this is a positive trend. means that at this enterprise all raw materials are immediately put into production, it is not stale in warehouses, moreover, the share of this asset has decreased by 18.53%

At the same time, cash and cash equivalents increased by 2005 thousand rubles, which is a positive trend because means an increase in the cash flow of the enterprise; The share of this asset increased by 1.03%

Accounts receivable increased by 11954 tr. - this is an unfavorable trend, because means that the company is Construction Materials on credit. The share of accounts receivable increased by 9.94%

Fixed assets increased by 15037 tr. - this is a positive trend for the enterprise, because means the acquisition of new buildings, equipment. The share increased by 8.05%

3. We will carry out a structural analysis of the liability of the balance sheet of the enterprise

Table 3



Authorized capital

Undestributed profits

Borrowed funds

Accounts payable

Total liabilities

Table 3 shows that the authorized capital in 2013 increased by 21,030 rubles, which is a favorable trend. The share of this liability is 22.49%.

Retained earnings increased by 13895 rubles, which is a negative trend. The specific gravity is 2.43%.

Borrowed funds decreased by 12504 rubles, which is a favorable trend, as it indicates an increase in the financial independence of the enterprise. The specific gravity is 19.38%.

Accounts payable increased by 2172 rubles, this is a negative trend. The specific gravity is 5.57%

3.3 Gradesourcesfundingorganizations

We will evaluate the sources of financing for Firma Kanyon LLC in 3 stages.

1. Equity concentration ratio

Characterizes the share of ownership of the owners of the enterprise, in total amount funds advanced by its activities.

To eq =

By eq 2013 =

Abs.meas. = 0.72 - 0.47 = 0.25

Growth rate =

Thus, in 2013 there was an increase in the equity concentration ratio by 0.25 (53%), which indicates an increase in the share of equity in the total amount of funding sources. This is a positive trend for the development of the enterprise.

2. Concentration ratio of borrowed funds

It characterizes the share of attracted funds to the total amount of funds advanced by the enterprise.

M - attracted funds of the enterprise (line 1400 + line 1500) total for section IV + total for section V

P - total liabilities (line 1700) total for section V

By tde 2012 =

By tde 2013 =

Abs.meas. = 0.28 - 0.53 = - 0.25

Growth rate = - 47%

Thus, in 2013 there was a decrease in the concentration ratio of borrowed funds by 0.25 (47%), which is a positive trend for the company, as there was a decline in long-term and short-term liabilities (loans).

3. Coefficient of financial dependence

Is the inverse of equity concentration.

K FZ =

P - total liabilities (line 1700) total for section V

E - equity (line 1300) total for section III

To the Federal Law of 2012 =

To the Federal Law 2013 =

Abs. rev. = 1.38 - 2.11 = - 0.73

Growth rate =

Thus, in 2013 there was a decrease in the dependence coefficient by 0.73 (35%). A decrease in this indicator in dynamics means a decrease in the share of borrowed funds in financing and, accordingly, a decrease in the share of equity. This is a favorable trend for the enterprise.

accounting financial liquidity creditworthiness


4.1 Calculation indicators movements and use major funds

To calculate the indicators of movement and use of fixed assets, you can use the following indicators:

1. Rate of return on assets

Shows how many rubles of proceeds from the sale of goods fall on one ruble of investments of fixed assets.

Abs. meas.: 5.96 - 14.12 = - 8.16

Growth rate:

Thus, there was a decrease in capital productivity by 8.13 (57%), which is an unfavorable trend.

2. Indicator of resource return

It is similar to the return on assets indicator and differs from it only in the denominator.

Abs. meas.: 7.78 - 8.28 = - 0.5

Growth rate:

Thus, in 2013 the indicator decreased by 0.5, which is 6%, which is a negative trend.

Working capital turnover indicators

1. Shows the number of revolutions

Abs. meas.: 6.08 - 14.27 = - 8.19

Growth rate:

In 2013, the decrease in this indicator was 8.19, which is (57%) and this is a negative trend.

2. Inventory turnover ratio

Reflects the number of turnovers, stocks for the analyzed period.

Abs. meas.: 9.72 - 0.79 = 8.93

Growth rate:

In 2013, there is an increase of 8.93 (113%), this is due to a decrease in inventories and this is a positive trend.

3. Accounts receivable turnover ratio

Shows the turnover of receivables.

Abs. meas.: 35.11 - 76.8 = -41.69

Growth rate:

In 2013, there is a decrease in this indicator by 41.69 (54%). This means an increase in volume commercial loan provided by this enterprise to other organizations.

4. Turnover ratio of short-term debt

Shows the expansion or reduction of credit granted to this enterprise.

Abs. meas.: 15.6 - 11.36 = 4.24

Growth rate:

In 2013, there is an increase of 4.24 (37%), which means a decrease in current short-term debt, which is a positive trend for the company.

5. Indicator of the duration of the operating cycle

Reflects the value of the production process of the enterprise in days and is calculated by the formula.

Abs. meas.: 48 - 467 = - 419

Growth rate:

6. Indicator of the duration of the financial cycle

DC 2012 = 467 -

DS 2013 = 48 -

Abs. unit: 25 - 434 = - 410 days

Growth rate:

The duration of the financial cycle operation has decreased by 419 and 410 days - this is a positive trend, as it means that the return in the form of profit is made faster.

4.2 Analysisliquiditybalanceorganizations

To analyze the liquidity of the balance sheet of the organization LLC Firm "Canyon" can be carried out using the following indicators.

1. The amount of own working capital

It characterizes that part of the organization's own capital, which is the source of covering the current assets of the enterprise, i.e. assets with a turnover of less than 1 year.

WC 2012 = 47743 - 36269 = 11474

WC 2013 = 57259 - 25937 = 31322

Abs. rev. = 31322 - 11474 = 19848

Growth rate =

Thus, the value of own working capital in 2013 increased by 19,848 tr. enterprise development

2. Current liquidity ratio

Gives an overall assessment of the organization's liquidity and shows how many rubles of working capital (current assets) account for 1 ruble of current short-term debt (short-term liabilities).

To l.t. - current liquidity ratio

CA - current assets (line 1200)

CL - current liabilities (1500)

By l.t. 2012 == 1.32

By l.t. 2013 == 2.2

Abs.meas. = 2.2 - 1.32 = 0.88

Growth rate = 67%

Thus, the liquidity of assets in 2013 increased by 0.88 rubles. for every ruble of short-term liabilities, which is 67% and this is a favorable trend.

3. Quick liquidity ratio

The indicator is similar to the current liquidity ratio, however, it is calculated for a narrower range of current assets (only accounts receivable and cash are taken into account).

To l.b. - quick liquidity ratio

DZ - accounts receivable (line 1230)

CL - current liabilities (1500)

By L.B. 2012 =

By L.B. 2013 =

Abs. rev. = 0.94 - 0.28 = 0.66

Growth rate = 235%

Thus, in 2013 there was an increase in liquid assets by 0.66, which is 235%, the growth of this indicator for the year by more than 2 times indicates a positive trend in the development of the enterprise.

4. Absolute liquidity ratio (solvency)

This is the most stringent criterion for the liquidity of an organization. It shows what part of short-term debt obligations can be repaid immediately at the expense of available funds.

K l.a. - absolute liquidity ratio

DS - cash (line 1250)

CL - current liabilities (1500)

By l.a. 2012 =

By l.a. 2013 =

Abs. rev. = 0.19-0.08 = 0.11

Growth rate =

Thus, the absolute liquidity ratio in 2013 increased by 0.11, which is 137.5%, which is a positive trend.

4.3 Analysissolvencyandcreditworthinessorganizations

We will analyze the solvency of Kanyon Firm LLC using the following indicators.

1. The coefficient of security of the current activity of the property with working capital

Shows what part of current assets is financed by the organization's own funds.

K WC - coefficient of security of the current activity of the property with working capital

WC - the value of own working capital

CA - current assets (line 1200)

Abs.meas. = 0.55-0.24 = 0.31

Growth rate =

Thus, the coefficient of security of current activities with own working capital increased by 0.31, which is 129%. This trend is positive.

2. Maneuverability of own working capital

It characterizes that part of working capital that is in the form of cash, i.e. funds with absolute liquidity:

MK - maneuverability of own working capital

DS - cash (line 1250)

WC - the value of own working capital

Abs. rev. = 0.16 - 0.25 = - 0.09

Growth rate =

Thus, the company's own working capital maneuverability deteriorated by 0.09, which is 36% compared to the base year 2012. This trend is negative, since both in 2012 and 2013 the coefficient is far from the norm.

3. Share of own working capital

In inventory coverage, it characterizes that part of the inventory value that is covered by own working capital:

WC s - share of working capital

WC - the value of own working capital

Inv - stocks (line 1210)

Abs. rev. = 0.95 - 0.31 = 0.64

Growth rate = 206%

Thus, the share of own working capital in covering stocks increased in 2013 by 0.64, which is 206%, which means that in 2013 the stocks are almost completely financed from own working capital, which characterizes the enterprise positively.

4. Reserve coverage ratio

It characterizes the share of normative sources of reserves coverage.

JSC - normal sources of stock formation

BL - bank loans and loans used to cover inventories (line 1510)

CR - settlements with creditors for goods...

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