Black list of bank debtors of home credit bank. Ways to view the black list of bank debtors

Loan payments do not always go according to plan. If the borrower is overdue by 4-5 days, this information is immediately transmitted by banks to the Credit Bureau, the reputation of the debtor is reduced. If non-payments occurred several times or it is established that they are regular, then the citizen's data is placed on the "black list". Getting a loan after that is quite problematic for him.

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However, the possibility of obtaining a loan with open delays remains. In addition to receiving money, you can thus restore your credit history in order to receive large amounts in the future. What is this product and how to get funds for it, in detail in this article.

Who can issue

There are several companies on the market that are really ready to issue funds even to borrowers who have repeatedly made delays and are on the black lists of banks or MFIs. This list is subject to the following conditions:

MFI Amount, maximum (rub.) Term (days) Registration (minutes)
money man 15 000 5 — 31 1
"Mig Credit" 80 000 56 — 252 15
"Ekapusta" 30 000 7 — 21 instantly
Credit24 20 000 7 — 30 10
"Zimer" 30 000 7 — 30 5
"Honestly" 10 000 5 — 20 5
MyZaim 30 000 1 — 30 1
"Just Borrow" 15 000 5 — 30 15
Yes Credit 25 000 7 — 21 15
Manimo 100 000 1 — 365 15
"In the pocket" 15 000 5 — 30 15
OneClickMoney 20 000 5 — 16 20
"before payday" 30 000 7 — 30 instantly

Microfinance organizations accept applications around the clock.

Also, banks deal with the issue of lending to borrowers with delays and in the "black lists":

  • Sovcombank - the program "Credit Doctor";
  • Transcapitalbank offers to issue a loan up to 150,000 rubles. at an increased rate of 29.9 to 32.9% per year. Funds are issued in cash at the cash desk of a credit institution;
  • Bank Zapadny is ready to issue a loan for up to 3 years with a bad financial reputation in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles. at a rate of 25.9 to 35.8% per annum.

With a bad reputation in banks, you can also contact a loan broker. He will select an institution where the percentage of approval of the application will be quite high, prepare all the necessary documents, and agree with the bank on a loan. The cost of services of such representatives depends on the region and is approximately from 5 to 10% of the loan amount.

Is it possible to take being blacklisted

What is a bank's "black list"? It contains data:

  • about malicious non-payers who regularly make significant delays in large sums or do not pay the debt at all;
  • fraudsters who provide a fake as proof of the source of income: a certificate or in the form of an enterprise;
  • persons submitting false documents, copies of passports to other persons to a bank or other credit organization;
  • potential borrowers whose score has dropped sharply due to the fact that they applied to several credit institutions at the same time. For example, to brokers without a license, to a car dealership or any other outlet for the purchase of consumer goods. At the same time, the filing of applications was massive - questionnaires were sent immediately to 3 or more companies. This also applies to applying to microfinance organizations (MFIs). Submission of several applications to the loan centers at once is reflected in the system of automatic approval of applications and credit history. Such actions are considered as the consumer's uncertainty about the approval of the questionnaire of one of the companies, which indicates his insolvency or fraudulent actions. Failure will follow in all financial companies simultaneously in such a situation.

The base of the "black list" of debtors can be both internal to the bank and form part of the system for verifying the identity of borrowers in relation to the commission of criminal acts. The latter is called Kronos.

If the debtor is in such a database of one of the banks, then he can apply to other credit institutions. Subject to other lending conditions, there is a high probability that he will not be refused.

When the information is placed in the Kronos bank, the probability of a positive decision is zero. In this case, funds can only be received upon depositing collateral.

For a car loan, this will be a car, for large consumer loans - real estate or other valuable property. Mortgages are more likely to be approved, as the property remains mortgaged until the full amount is paid, including interest and other payments.

You can get information about the location of the data of a certain person in the unified interbank system "Kronos" or the database of a certain credit institution upon a paid request.

Citizens included in the "black lists" have the opportunity to receive a mini-loan in microfinance organizations. This is because MFIs do not have access to bank vaults. They maintain their own databases, and each company forms it independently.

Requirements for borrowers

With open delays, a loan can be issued only if the following requirements are met:

  • the age of the borrower is from 18 to 75 years;
  • the presence of Russian citizenship;
  • permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • the current delay is no more than 3-4 days;
  • if a loan is needed to cover another loan that is in arrears, funds are provided if the payment date is not later than one month before applying for a loan;
  • confirmation of income, place of employment and source of permanent income is required.

Depending on the situation, banks or MFIs may impose other conditions on an individual basis for borrowers who are in arrears.

The procedure for applying for a loan on a card with open delays and a black list

There are many resources on the Internet that offer to apply for an urgent loan on a card with open delinquencies. In fact, behind this advertisement is the following. Such sites collect data from applicants and are not official representatives of microfinance organizations.

After entering the data for the application, they are redirected to the web pages of the MFI, where the application process itself is already taking place.

The promise to issue a loan in the presence of delays is often not justified. If the debtor's data is on the "black list" of the credit institution, his application will be refused.

  • handling questionnaires at once in several credit institutions;
  • obtaining a credit card in one of the banks;
  • signing a consumer loan agreement for the purchase of goods;
  • use of services of microfinance organizations.

When an application is received, funds are transferred to a credit or debit card or account, or to an electronic wallet of any service, such as Contact, Leader, etc.

Some banks and organizations in the presence of delays in loans are ready to cooperate with the borrower.

However, the conditions of such contractual relations will be very strict: an increased interest rate, reduced repayment periods, high penalties and late fees, mandatory suretyship, provision of papers on income and their sources, pledge of real estate, cars or other property, etc.

The demand for a loan offer with a bad credit history for citizens included in the "black lists" is gradually growing.

This is explained by the fact that people need money for large purchases, the standard of living rises, and this is logical, since if solvency is fully restored, for example, when applying for a new job or when starting a business, there are no reasons for delay or the loan was not paid.

Non-fulfillment of financial obligations can occur not only due to dishonest intentional non-payment, but also due to the course of difficult circumstances: a serious illness, layoffs in the place of permanent employment, etc.

Loan to close loans

It happens that there is not enough money to close the loan or the salary is delayed, but at the same time the debtor has an overdue debt. Or the borrower got into a "debt hole" and you need to urgently cover the debt to close the contract for the last payment.

What to do, is it really the only way out is the help of relatives? In such a situation, you can contact another bank, but the likelihood of a positive decision is very small. Available to receive funds in microfinance organizations. Their programs are distinguished by a high percentage of positive application outcomes.

The minimum requirements for borrowers, as well as for obtaining loans in the presence of a bad credit history, "black list" or delinquency. To do this, you will need a passport with a residence permit, a mobile phone number and preferably an e-mail, bank card or account details.

A loan is a support and help in a difficult situation. The modern world is unthinkable without the banking system, and retail consumer loans are proof of this.

Most borrowers do not know, for example, that when concluding an agreement with a bank, a credit history begins to form. Further relations with the bank depend on it.

Credit history: how is it formed

It is better to know more about the formation. It all starts with the completion of the contract. The future borrower in the paragraph on the permission to provide information to third parties or organizations put a tick, confirming their consent to this action. From now on, everything that the credit institution knows about you will be in.

To facilitate the process of tracking the borrower, a combination of numbers and letters is assigned. The numbers and letters are consistent with the borrower. Further, this code is entered into the Bureau of credit histories. It is possible to find out information by an individual code to a third-party bank or credit institution.

There are situations when borrowers forget personal codes. However, there is a need to obtain information on your own credit history. To do this, you need to visit the Bureau or any branch of the bank that issues retail consumer loans. Absolutely any credit organization with access to the CBI is suitable.

It is not prohibited by law to rename your own code. To do this, they contribute no more than 300 rubles for work, and in return they receive an updated combination of numbers and letters.

A responsible borrower rarely, but still, faces moments when a loan is denied, referring to debts to another bank. Why is it so?

Everything is simple. Negligence of employees of the bank in which the loan has already been repaid. They do not timely enter data on debts into the database. Therefore, there is a temporary confusion.

About credit bureaus

In legal language, a credit bureau is a legal organization that, for commercial purposes, provides services for the processing, formation and storage of a credit history. Additionally, the BKI issues reports or certificates on a fee basis.

According to the data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, by 2016 there are 19 organizations.

The interesting thing is that only 5 of them take the leading place.

Each bureau is required to perform the following functions:

  1. get a credit report in one minute (online mode);
  2. creation of conditions for discipline of borrowers;
  3. access to the Central catalog of credit histories;
  4. access to the Federal Migration Service;
  5. tracking the discipline of borrowers;
  6. provision of scoring cards thanks to its own database;
  7. external correspondence with borrowers or the bank;
  8. creation of reporting on which the loan portfolio is formed;
  9. fight against fraud;
  10. processing of loan applications;
  11. relationship with similar credit bureaus.

Credit history databases for individuals: access, blacklists

The black list is also called stop list. The list includes debtors, non-payers. Everyone who, for any reason, is put on the stop list.

Blacklists are sorted as follows:

  • stop list in the bank, in which all bad borrowers are entered;
  • data in collection agencies;
  • data in the lists of bailiffs;
  • information from credit bureaus.

To gain access, you should contact the bank branch where the loan obligations were drawn up. The branch is allowed to make a request for a repaid loan. To do this, they take a loan agreement and a passport with them.

If you contact, then you need to know that they receive information from a credit institution.

By law, any borrower is allowed to make a request for their own credit number for free only once a year. For a fee, it is allowed to find out the status of the black list.

To obtain information through the Bureau of Credit Organizations, you need:

  1. Make a request to the CCCH about your own credit history. The request is made through any commercial bank. The procedure has been described previously.
  2. Make a request to the BKI with a similar purpose. To do this, you need to contact the organization from the registry. The register is available on the website of the Central Bank.

How to check your credit history for free

To look at the desired credit history, 4 ways have been created:

  1. Personal visit to the credit bureau.
  2. Bank branch or online service.
  3. Authorize the above organizations with a letter, which is pre-certified by a notary.
  4. Internet check online.

All four methods are free. But online verification should be analyzed in more detail. There are several agencies specialized in providing information. Their links:

  1. Internet bank. Through your personal account, you need to follow the link that will direct you to your credit history. The link is missing if Internet banking does not provide services for accessing the black list. Additionally, send a request to technical support. To do this, you must fill out a special form. It can also be found in your personal account.

Clicking the links is free, but to work with the services, you must go through a mandatory registration. Working conditions for each service are individual. In some, information is provided for free the first time, then for money. By paying for these services, customers receive additional bonuses in the form of SMS informing, fraud protection, error correction and provision of a personal code.

How financial institutions check credit history

These checks are carried out through the Bureau. The credit bureau provides information upon request from a credit institution.

Theoretically, this is done as follows:

  1. After the client submits an application for a loan, the bank employees receive a request for the Central catalog of credit histories. This is necessary in order to know for sure in which Bureau the client's credit history is located.
  2. It is easy to guess that after that, the bank sends a request to the bureau for credit history.
  3. The credit bureau begins work on the applicant's data. The reconciliation of personal information, which is indicated in the application from the bank, with the data to the database begins. We are talking about passport data, full name, and more. After reconciliation, the opera arrives at the bank with a report.
  4. The bank, having received a report from the Bureau, reconciliation and evaluation of the information received is carried out similarly. As a result, a decision is made on approval or refusal.

And what is in that report from the BKI?

It contains data on four components:

  1. Client identification data. All information on the title page.
  2. The foundation. Actions on open and closed loans. Everything about the size of loans, time and periods of repayment, types of loans, delays.
  3. Additions. Information about the sources from which data on loans and existing debts are taken.
  4. Study. At the end, they write down information about refusals of loans, also indicate the specific reason.

Credit history management

At the beginning of the article, we talked about an individual code consisting of numbers and letters. It was invented specifically for monitoring and managing credit history.

How to send requests for monitoring has already been discussed earlier. But what to do if you need to make changes or notice a clear mistake in your personal credit history.

Corrections can be made in case of errors or incorrect data. It's simple: they collect documents confirming the errors and send them to the BKI. The organization must consider the application within a month. If the client is right, then the inaccuracies will be corrected. If the correction did not follow, and the errors are clearly present, then going to court will correct the situation.

Checking in CCKI

In an accessible video format, the sequence of steps that must be followed in order to take advantage of the possibilities of CCCH to check the history is explained.

Commercial banks in Russia (Russian Standard, Home Credit Bank, etc.) are mainly focused on providing services to individuals, often considering them as priority clients. Financial institutions always demand strict compliance with the obligations assumed by the client. In the event of delays and long-term non-payment, they transfer information to the Credit Bureau. You can find out the data in several ways for free.

Blacklist of bank debtors: how to see yourself?

To check if your last name is on the black list of non-payers, there is more than one way:

  • in the BKI (to find out which bureau the required document is located in, you need to make a request to the CCCH - the Central Catalog of Credit Histories);
  • in most cases, you can find out its status on the bank's website or by contacting a branch;
  • view information on the FSSP website in the unified register of debtors;
  • use the state portal Electronic government of public services for free, where you can find out the status of fines of the traffic police, the state of the personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Pretty hard. A few financial institutions that develop special programs for such clients (for example, Tinkoff, Renaissance Credit, Citibank) are going towards malicious defaulters, but the interest rate will be increased.

Russian Standard Bank - loan debtors

When signing the contract, you should especially carefully study the clause on delays in payments. At the initial stage, the institution simply notifies the client about the missed payment (mail notifications, calls). After about 2 weeks, the case is transferred to the collection department of the bank, and the data is recorded in the CBI. If the situation worsens, the financial institution may sell the debt to a collection firm or file a lawsuit.

To view your payments on a Russian Standard loan (Home Credit Bank, etc.), you can use the unified defaulter database on the FSSP website. You should not trust paid services with supposedly hacked lists of debtors, as a rule, they are created by scammers. You can also contact the BCI, with which the financial institution cooperates. To clarify where the client's data is stored, you need to make a request from the website of the Bank of Russia to contact the CCCH (central catalog of credit histories). You can also send a letter, including by e-mail - to the address [email protected] A client of a financial institution can receive information not only about the status of their loan payments, but also about financial institutions that transmitted data to bureaus, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities that had access to payment reports. In addition, he can partially or completely challenge this information by submitting a special application to the BKI.

Debtors on Alfa Bank loans

If, due to circumstances, the client cannot repay the loan, you should not aggravate the situation by ignoring the bank's notices. If problematic situations arise, you need to contact the branch with a request for a deferment or restructure your debt, receiving a new payment schedule with a higher interest rate (about 35%, but other organizations, for example, Russian Standard, Home Credit Bank have different conditions). Despite the last nuance, there is a chance to legally and safely repay the debt, improve your credit history and remove your name from the black list of bank defaulters.

When there are delays in payments, the bank sends the client notices about the need for payment, over time it can sell the debt to a collection company or, on special conditions, offer to take a new loan to pay off the debt in another institution. You can clarify the data on your payments on the Alfa Bank of Russia loan by making a request to Equifax Credit Services BCI in writing or through any branch of a financial institution. So the organization reduces financial risks for itself and minimizes non-repayment of debts. The BKI report will contain personal data (last name, series and passport number, telephone number) of the client, terms and amounts of loans, delays, a list of creditor organizations. The service is paid - 1000 rubles.

Sberbank - loan debtors

To find out if the name of the client of this bank is in the unified database of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP), you can fill out a special application on its website in the "Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" section or use the services of the BKI. It is also possible at any time to clarify the necessary data online through the Sberbank Online Internet service. How long do you need to wait for the result? Just a couple of minutes. You need to enter the service using your login and password, select the category Other - Credit history and create a request. The report will appear automatically.

An ordinary client cannot view information about other debtors of the bank, only some managers who decide on a loan have access to it. Also, the financial institution has developed profitable mortgage programs. According to one of them, it is possible, but this requires the presence of maternity capital. In all other cases, you need to prepare an amount in the form of 20% of the cost of potential housing (Russian Standard, Home Credit Bank present their own conditions).

Debtors of Home Credit Bank

For late payments, Home Credit Bank charges fines from the first day of delay, and if the situation worsens, it requires early repayment of the debt. All these actions are recorded in the client's credit history. In order not to be blacklisted by bank defaulters, if you encounter difficulties, you should use some of its suggestions in your favor:

  • warn about the impossibility to deposit the required amount 2 weeks before the date of payment;
  • 1 time you can postpone the payment date, taking into account interest for those days that will be missed before the date chosen by the client;
  • file bankruptcy (subject to certain conditions) and apply to the arbitration court at the place of residence.

To clarify the status of your payments at Home Credit Bank, you need to make a request to the BKI. If the client does not know in which bureau the necessary information is stored, it is necessary to clarify this by submitting an application to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories of Russia (for this you will need the code of the subject of the payment history, it is invented by the client himself). You can also get data once a year for free.

Advice: data on loan payments are stored in the BKI database for 10 years from the date of the last change.

Black list of debtors: what are the consequences

If a person is included in a single FSSP database, there are often difficulties with traveling abroad. The temporary ban was first put into practice back in 2005. But the mere existence of debt on a loan does not yet mean that such a restriction is already in effect. In order not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation before planning a vacation or business trip abroad, you should clarify the status of your debts on the website of the FSSP of Russia. In most cases, a person will not be able to leave the country if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against him. In particular, when:

  • the debtor did not comply with the requirements in the executive document issued on the basis of a judicial act within the prescribed period;
  • the claimant's statement was drawn up in the case provided for by Part 2 of Art. 30 FZ (if the executive document is an act or issued on its basis);
  • an application was filed with the court on behalf of the recoverer or bailiff for a temporary restriction for the non-payer to travel abroad.

If a decision was made in relation to the debtor to restrict his travel abroad, then after such a decision is made, copies of the documents will be sent to him at the address indicated in the court decision. With loan debts of less than 5 thousand rubles, such a measure of influence, as a rule, is not applied.

In order to remove your name from the black list of Russian Standard, Home Credit Bank or others, you first need to pay off the debt and present a receipt of payment to the court. He must decide within 24 hours to lift the restriction on traveling abroad. How long does it take to lift the ban in reality? In practice, this process can take from a week to 30 days.

How to make a credit score request?

If enforcement proceedings have been initiated against the debtor, then data about him are entered into the database of enforcement proceedings. You can view the information using a special form where personal data is entered. The simplicity and convenience of the service allow you to find out the credit rating of both the client and the financial institution from which he will take a loan at any time (to check its reliability). You can make a request in several ways:

  1. You can find out your status by contacting a bank branch or online on the website of a financial institution. As a rule, the service is paid (it costs around 300-500 rubles)
  2. Use the BKI service (checking once a year is free, repeated requests are paid). On the website of the Central Bank of Credit, we find a link to an online request, enter personal data: first and last name, passport series and number, mobile phone number, email address, a special code of the credit history subject. It is indicated in the contract, you can also find it out by making a request to the BKI database.

Advice: you can get the necessary information about the loan even without visiting the CBI. If desired, you can send a notarized application by mail. Its form should be clarified at a particular bureau.

If the client does not want to enter his data on the network, you can view the report for free by sending a Russian Post telegram (it must be certified by the operator) to the following address: 107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, house 12, TsKKI. In the form, in addition to your data, you must specify an email address. The sent report will contain information about the client's personal data, his loans, their status.

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When applying for a bank loan, you need to remember that any life situations will not serve as an excuse for delays. No matter how much a client owes, a financial institution will always demand the fulfillment of its obligations. If you repay the loan on time, the client will be able to maintain his reputation, improve his credit history and prevent unnecessary expenses, even if he is included in the bailiffs' unified database of debtors.

In contact with

A bank debtor is a client who makes systematic delays in repaying a loan. Once blacklisted by a bank once, it becomes difficult to get a new loan in the future. Non-payers have a logical question - how to find out that personal data was blacklisted for loan debtors?

What is the effect of the presence of data in the mentioned list? Can I get a new loan if you are on the black list? And what is the danger of getting there? We will talk about this in this article.

The mysterious "black list of debtors on loans" refers to the data of the interbank database - MBKI - which are also transferred to the Kronos system. When a borrower applies for a loan and submits an application, the system checks it using several software solutions. Depending on the amount, term and type of loan, the number of verification programs and the level of its depth vary.

So, a borrower with a recent delay on a loan can easily get a loan of up to 50 thousand rubles from a bank that uses the services of a particular BCI; or a loan from MFIs that do not recognize bank scoring systems or use their own. This is due to the lack of a unified credit institution for all lending organizations in Russia, and a unified borrower assessment system.

Based on the difference in the approaches of credit institutions to the assessment of the borrower, customers with delays can expect to receive a loan, however, on unfavorable terms.

Only bad debtors have no chance of obtaining a new loan - people who have overdue loans, information about which is reflected in all major credit institutions.

banking terminology

  • MBKI. Interbank information base, which stores data on customers. Clients themselves do not have access to it. Reports from the MBKI are not for sale in the public domain, information from them can only be obtained during a comprehensive audit. To do this, you should contact credit consultants and order a complete check on your credit history, paying special attention to the report from Kronos. It is not recommended to buy reports from the hands on the Internet - falsifications are often sold.
  • BKI. Credit history bureaus, they store data on each borrower with a history of his payment discipline. There are only 4 largest BKIs on the market - these are NBKI, OKB, Equifax and BKI Russian Standard. If a report from any BCI contains data on a loan overdue for more than 30 days, this can be regarded as the client being on the black list of debtors. You can order reports from the BKI to check for delays on the websites of these organizations. You can get one report once a year for free - for this you need to pass identity verification.
  • Scoring system. Used to evaluate the borrower for compliance with the requirements of the bank. According to the information from the questionnaire that the borrower fills out when applying for a loan, the scoring system evaluates the data and assigns points for each answer. AT credit scoring built-in automatic request for data from the CBI. For clients without a credit history, a different type of scoring is used (which MFIs also use) - socio-demographic.
  • Black list of debtors on loans in Russia, also known as a stop list. Each bank has its own. As such, there is currently no common black list of debtors for all banks. Banks can learn about the borrower’s delinquency and its payment discipline from two sources: these are the BKI and the FSSP data bank - bailiff services.

In the latter, you can find information about loans transferred for judicial collection. Microcredit organizations can also check the data on the FSSP. A client who has such loans belongs to the type of bad debtors. Usually overdue loans are transferred for collection after 4-6 months of delay.

What is a stop list in a bank?

Stop list or black list debtors on loans in Russia is a common name for a set of factors obtained from various sources of verification. Being on the blacklist of debtors is the wrong wording of the request. When applying for a new loan, the client submits an application to the bank. His data is evaluated using a scoring system.

In the presence of open delays, with each day (week or month) of delay, the scoring score decreases, becoming critically low.

It is refusals due to low scoring and the presence of open delinquency, which are reflected in the reports on the credit card received by the bank, can be considered a stop factor for obtaining a new loan. Bypassing the scoring system for a borrower with a delay in the bank will not work.

Usually these software solutions are embedded even on the websites of banks. This is where failures follow, which lead to the fact that the client considers himself blacklisted.

Also, the black list of banks is information about borrowers, during the verification of which a suspicion of fraud was revealed. Usually, it is this data that is stored in the MBKI, and banks can request it from each other. Also, this information is contained in specialized reports on the Bank's Security Council, which are used by credit brokers to check the client.

They can be ordered by contacting a specialized company and check for negatives in the interbank database.

The main reasons for clients to be blacklisted for loan debtors

  1. multiple submissions to banks for different jobs, or a mismatch in personal data;
  2. the use of forged documents by the client was revealed;
  3. the client applied to banks for the work done (purchased documents or the work of black brokers);
  4. the client had a previous conviction under the article “Fraud” related to credit cases;
  5. appeal to the bank on other people's documents.

Consider the question of whether collectors have a black list of debtors. Each company has its own. They do not share this information among themselves, and it will not be possible to find out about the presence of your data in their databases. In their work, collectors use the same borrower verification tools as banks - a request to the CBI and a client verification in the FSSP database.

How to view the stop list of banks?

As we have already learned from the previous paragraphs, there is no single list for people who are in arrears. Therefore, in order to clarify the situation and verify your own personal data, you will need to collect several reports that will allow you to find out the full picture of the borrower's credit history.

The first step in the collection of documents should be an appeal to the CCCH - the Central Catalog of Credit Histories.

It stores information about all CBIs that contain the data of a particular borrower. You can request a report for free once a year, or you can purchase it from brokers or on specialized sites that provide credit reports (for example, The received report contains information about all credit institutions that store the borrower's credit history.

The next step is to request reports from the specified BCIs. At Equiafx, the first time you apply, a credit report is issued free of charge, for this, register on the site and go through a simple verification. NBKI, OKB and BKI Russian Standard provide only paid full reports.

They can be successfully replaced by inexpensive summary reports - credit ratings. They are offered by each of the three BKIs listed. You can order on the websites of the BKI or from intermediaries.

The reports contain information about open arrears, their duration and the number of negative accounts, the exact amount of arrears. A negative account is an account that has open or closed arrears.

The second stage is checking information about yourself in the FSSP data bank. There you can find out about open court cases for credit debts. In the presence of such data, the client goes into the category of persistent non-payers, and obtaining a loan until the debts are closed and information is deleted from the data bank of enforcement proceedings is not available to him.

The next step, which you can skip if you wish, is ordering a report on the Bank's Security Council. It contains information about the client stored in the MBKI. You can order this report from credit brokers, but this requires personal presence - you cannot hand out the SB report. The cost of the report is from 400 rubles.

And the last stage is the scoring check. A low score is the main reason for refusal when applying for a loan. This report can be ordered from NBKI. The report is called FICO Score, and is used when checking the borrower by banks or MFIs.

Critical indicators are calculated in numbers from 450 to 0 points, in descending order. With a scoring score of over 450, there is a real chance to get a loan or a microloan, even taking into account open delinquencies.

What to do if you are blacklisted?

In conclusion, let's talk about what to do if you fall into the category of debtors. The reports contain information about open delinquencies, the scoring score is critical and the situation is disappointing. Getting a loan seems incredible. Is it so? Not this way.

Even if you have delays in four bases (four BKIs), microloans or loans secured by existing property remain. They are more loyal to the credit history of the borrower.

If you do not have all the databases occupied (delays only in Equifax or OKB), contact banks that work only with the Russian Standard database, or with the NBKI.

Seek help from intermediaries. Just beware of black brokers or outright scammers. There are not so many white brokers in Russia yet, and a list of them can be found on the ACBR website. These companies are professional market players and will provide qualified assistance.

If there is nothing to pay on loans, contact the bank (banks) for debt restructuring or credit holidays. To obtain them, you will need to document the reason for the delay. Banks are more actively making contact with customers, and it is possible to achieve a settlement of the situation even without the help of a credit lawyer. The main thing is not to delay the solution of the problem, but to act.

Sometimes self-initiation of a lawsuit against a bank with a declaration of bankruptcy is much more effective than trying to get a new loan and getting into even more credit bondage. Seek advice from a credit lawyer who will tell you how best to proceed.

This time we will talk about a negative credit history and a black list of bank borrowers.

For an ordinary citizen living in Russia, loans are among the most popular banking products, therefore, the issue of choosing a bank that provides loans for the amounts needed by the borrower, for which the lowest percentage is set, does not lose its relevance. However, here you should know that a lower percentage is a guarantee of high requirements for the borrower. And the state of credit history, when it comes to approving a loan for the right amount, plays perhaps the most important role.

There is one interesting nuance in the scoring system, which screens out obviously unreliable potential borrowers. It's just about the credit histories of borrowers. The system will not give approval to the borrower and issue a negative verdict if the citizen who applied for a loan has not previously made timely payments on previously taken loans, on the basis of which he is blacklisted. Then a negative credit history can destroy plans for obtaining credit funds.

Almost everyone who has ever tried to take or used a loan knows about the existence of a black list of bank borrowers. This is a kind of database on unreliable borrowers, which contains all the information that helps identify a person and determine not only the degree of his solvency, based on the available information, but also the assessment of such qualities as decency and punctuality. If a borrower is blacklisted at least once, he runs the risk that he will not be able to get a large loan in the future.

The borrower is blacklisted for several reasons, but a few mistakes often suffice:

What is the right thing to do if your credit history is ruined by getting into the black list of borrowers?

If you are already aware of this problem and have remembered all outstanding debts, it is worth taking steps to improve your own reputation and credit history. And to level the negative consequences, it is worth taking the most important steps:

  • Contact the National Credit Bureau to find out the gaps in your credit history. It is possible that you forgot about old debts, and due to your carelessness, you ended up on the black list.
  • Pay off all outstanding loans that are in arrears. If the bank has calculated penalties, pay them.
  • Save all documents that can confirm the fact of payment. In order not to get confused in payments, it is better to hem the payments so as not to lose them.

Of course, if the case has already appeared in court, then until a court decision is made, obtaining a new loan from this bank is hardly possible. But as one of the options - get a loan for a small amount in another bank to establish yourself as a responsible payer. A potential borrower should not forget that an exchange of blacklists of debtors has been established between banks, so it is worth striving to maximize your own reputation and repay loans with increased attention.

Brokerage assistance to the borrower

The broker does not work miracles, and he cannot fix a negative credit history. But a broker can help with other tasks that are important for a person who needs to get approved for a loan with a bad credit history for a large amount or several loans in small amounts.

The broker does:

  • selection of a list of banks ready to issue a loan, based on the client's situation;
  • selection of bank products that meet the requirements of the client;
  • sending a client questionnaire to the bank;
  • assistance in selecting the optimal product among all banks that have approved the request;
  • writing a report to the client about what he (the broker) was able to do.

A broker, acting as an intermediary for a client, is also needed in order to save time. Without a broker, it is difficult to find a bank that will make a positive decision, and an intermediary, knowing about the peculiarities of the client's credit history, will submit questionnaires only to those banks that are known for their loyal attitude to gaps in the credit history and in which the list of requirements for the borrower is relatively small. A huge advantage when working with a broker is that you will not completely spoil your credit history with endless calls to different banks. The broker gives his analysis of the situation and, being perfectly guided by the requirements of banks, carries out selective filing of applications, which increases the chances of loan approval. There is another plus - the broker assists in collecting a list of necessary documents for obtaining a loan secured by real estate and other property, the cost of which is high. A broker is an indispensable specialist for very busy people who need money, and they are ready to pay for his work after they receive approval for a loan.

Before you start applying for a loan, you need to calculate your strength and plan the family budget correctly, then you will avoid the problems associated with being blacklisted by banks. If problems already exist, do not neglect the opportunity - rehabilitate yourself and your reputation.

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