Inventory of the inventory and reflection of the results of the inventory in accounting. Inventory of inventories

The legal basis for carrying out inventory activities on the territory of our country is established by the Federal Law “On Accounting”, the norms of which, in turn, are detailed by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No.
The rules contained in these regulatory legal acts are, for the most part, imperative in nature and must be observed by all persons performing control and verification functions at enterprises. Meanwhile, the Guidelines themselves contain a norm according to which the inventory procedure, including the number of inventories in the reporting year, the date of their conduct, the list of property and financial obligations checked during each of them, are established by the head of the organization. Therefore, along with the legislation, the persons responsible for conducting the inventory should also be guided by the rules of business custom developed in the course of the practical implementation of control and verification activities.

As a general rule, all property and all types of financial obligations of the organization are subject to inventory. At the same time, a specific group or groups of inventories can be singled out from the entire property mass of the enterprise, in respect of which, from the point of view of management, it is advisable to conduct an inventory at this stage. This measure, which eliminates the need for a complete check of the entire set of material assets, allows the inventory commission to focus on a certain type and name of material reserves and contributes to quick, detailed and operational control over their presence and safety. However, such a selection is not always possible. The main obstacle here is the direct requirement of the legislation, which provides for the need for a mandatory inventory. Conducting an inventory is mandatory in the following cases:

  1. Transfer of the organization's property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as in cases provided for by law when transforming a state or municipal unitary enterprise;
  2. Preparation of annual financial statements, except for property, the inventory of which was carried out no earlier than October 1 of the reporting year;
  3. Changes of financially responsible persons (on the day of acceptance - transfer of cases);
  4. When establishing the facts of theft or abuse, as well as damage to values;
  5. In case of natural disasters, fire, accidents or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions;
  6. In case of liquidation and reorganization of the organization before drawing up the liquidation balance sheet and in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
There are also a few exceptions to this rule. So, an inventory of fixed assets can be carried out once every three years, and library funds - once every five years. In areas located in the Far North and areas equated to them, an inventory of goods, raw materials and materials can be carried out during the period of their least remaining.

The main collective entity responsible for conducting the inventory is the inventory commission, the composition of which is approved by order of the head of the enterprise. This commission is a permanent control and audit body. Its composition is recommended to be formed from among the representatives of the organization's management, accounting staff, employees of the legal and economic services, members of the engineering and technical department, as well as internal and independent auditors. In addition to a permanent commission at large enterprises, it is also possible to form a number of additional, working commissions responsible for conducting a selective inventory.

It is most convenient to carry out an inventory by accounting units, which may include workshops, warehouses, storages, pantries, offices, and so on, in the order of placement of inventories in specially designated places, shelves, pallets and racks from right to left and from top to bottom. The inventory itself is carried out by the commission in the presence of a materially responsible person (for example, a warehouse manager) by checking the actual availability of inventories. The actual presence of the latter can be established in the process of visual observation (inspection of accounting units), and data on the number can be obtained during recalculation, reweighing and remeasuring. The presence of inventories at the places of storage is recorded in a special inventory of inventory items. A separate inventory is maintained for each accounting unit of the enterprise. It is advisable to make several descriptions at once. One of their groups is used to display inventories that are under the report of the materially responsible persons of the audited enterprise, the other is compiled in order to account for stocks stored on the territory of third-party organizations.

In addition, at large enterprises, where a temporary suspension of the supply and issue of materials can significantly affect the normal mode of the entire production cycle, or its individual parts, it often becomes necessary to draw up a number of additional inventories. They are needed to enter information, firstly, about newly shipped materials, and secondly, about materials released for production. The receipt and release of materials carried out during the inventory are carried out exclusively by financially responsible persons in the presence and under the direct control of the inventory commission. The delivered inventories are recorded in the inventory “Inventory received during the inventory”, released - in the inventory “Inventory released during the inventory”.

The immediate objectives of the inventory of the inventory are to identify the actual availability of property and compare the actual availability of property with accounting data. Often, the result of comparing the actual availability of inventories with the information contained in the accounting records of the organization may be the identification of so-called inventory differences, which can manifest themselves in the form of excesses, or, conversely, shortages of inventories. The reasons for this can be errors and miscalculations made in bookkeeping, processes of natural loss of production stocks, various kinds of natural forces (fires, floods, and so on), as well as actions (guilty and innocent) of employees of the organization, including management. Therefore, upon completion of the inventory, all collected materials must be submitted to the accounting department of the enterprise, where the process of eliminating discrepancies between the data recorded in the inventory documentation and accounting data takes place.

In all cases of detection of a discrepancy between the available contents of warehouses (workshops, offices, storage facilities, etc.) with the data stated in the accounting documentation, the inventory commission draws up the so-called collation sheet, which is a document containing the full amount of information on the results of the inventory, including and about the facts of such discrepancies. Separate collation statements are compiled for MPZ objects that do not belong to the organization, but are listed in its accounting records. The amounts of surpluses and shortages of inventories in the collation statements should be indicated according to the estimate that was given in accounting. In the course of systematizing the information received and immediately before sending the results of the inventory measures to the accounting department of the organization, the commission combines the inventory records and collation statements into a single consolidated register.

Inventory facilities, in respect of which a surplus has been identified, are subject to capitalization and crediting, respectively, to the financial results of the organization, followed by the establishment of the causes of the surplus and the perpetrators. All surplus inventories discovered during the inventory are to be reflected either on account 91 “Other income and expenses” or on account 99 “Profit and loss”. Posting of excess inventories is made on the debit of account 10 “Materials” and the credit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”. At the same time, despite the accounting assessment of materials in the accounting documentation, the posting of surpluses is carried out exclusively at market value, which, in turn, can affect the amount of taxation.
It should be noted that the identification of surpluses in practice is much less common than shortages. Moreover, among the reasons for the formation of surpluses on the territory of accounting objects, the main place is occupied by mistakes made in the process of previously conducted control and accounting activities.

As for the shortage of material values, here one should distinguish between shortage as a result of natural loss (within the norms established by law and due to force majeure) and shortage caused by human actions. The loss of valuables within the established norms is determined after offsetting the shortages of valuables with surpluses for sorting. When, after the set-off for regrading, carried out in the prescribed manner, the shortage of inventory continues to remain, the inspector should reconsider the procedure for applying the norms of natural loss. Literally, this means that these norms should be applied only to the MPZ object for which a shortage has been established.

In cases of absence of norms, the decrease is considered as a shortage in excess of the norm. Here, all the shortages of material assets, as well as their damage in excess of the norms of natural loss, are attributed to the perpetrators. When the perpetrators cannot be identified due to objective reasons, losses from shortages and damage are written off in the usual manner to the costs of production and circulation. The amounts of shortfalls in inventories are posted on the debit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables” and the credit of account 10 “Materials”. When it becomes necessary to reflect in accounting the amount of the missing MPZ object at the cost of possible use, that is, not for the intended purpose of this object (for example, building materials can be sold as recyclables), then the amount of possible use is posted to the debit of account 10 “Materials” and credit of account 84 “Retained earnings”.

Write-off of shortages at the expense of the guilty persons is carried out using account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations” and sub-account No. 2 to it “Calculations for compensation of material damage”. The amount of deductions in the amount of damage actually caused to the property of the enterprise is carried out on the debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other operations” and the credit of account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”. Amounts exceeding the amount of damage actually incurred are debited to account 73 and credited to account 98 “Deferred income”.

Many organizations are required to periodically conduct an inventory in order to form complete and reliable information about their activities, as well as their property status. All property of such an organization, in particular, inventories, is subject to inventory.

In this section, we will consider: the concept of inventory, the general procedure for conducting an inventory, as well as the documents with which an inventory of inventories is drawn up.

Inventory is called checking the property by counting, describing, measuring, evaluating, comparing the data obtained in natural or value measurements with current accounting data in order to control its safety.

The obligation to conduct an inventory is established by Art. 12 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting" (hereinafter - Law N 129-FZ). According to the mentioned article, the inventory is carried out in order to ensure the reliability of accounting and reporting data, during its implementation, the presence, condition and valuation of the property and obligations of the organization are checked and documented.

The procedure and timing of the inventory are determined by the head of the organization, with the exception of those cases where the inventory is mandatory. Such cases are established by Art. 12 of Law N 129-FZ, namely:

When transferring property for rent, redemption, sale, as well as when transforming a state or municipal unitary enterprise;

Before preparing annual accounting (financial) statements;

When changing financially responsible persons;

When revealing the facts of theft, abuse or damage to property;

In case of natural disaster, fire or other emergencies caused by extreme conditions;

In case of reorganization or liquidation of the organization;

In other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The general procedure for conducting an inventory and processing its results is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 N 49 "On approval of the Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations" (hereinafter - Guidelines N 49).

In accordance with clause 2.1 of Guidelines N 49, organizations can independently set the timing and number of inventories in the reporting year (except for those required by law), a list of property and obligations that are checked during each of them.

Prior to the beginning of the reporting year, in accordance with the order of the head of the organization, a permanent inventory commission is created. With a large amount of work for the simultaneous inventory, working inventory commissions are created. The personal composition of these commissions is approved by the head of the organization.

The composition of the inventory commission includes representatives of the administration, employees of the accounting service, and other specialists (engineers, economists, technicians, and others). It can include employees of the internal audit service, independent audit organizations. The absence of at least one member of the commission during the inventory is the basis for recognizing the results of the inventory as invalid.

Before starting to check the actual availability of property, the inventory commission must receive the latest receipts and expenditure documents or reports on the movement of material assets and cash at the time of the inventory. The chairman of the inventory commission approves all incoming and outgoing documents attached to the registers (reports), indicating "before the inventory on "..." (date)", which in the accounting department should serve as the basis for determining the balance of property by the beginning of the inventory according to the credentials.

Financially responsible persons give receipts stating that by the beginning of the inventory, all expenditure and receipt documents for property have been handed over to the accounting department or transferred to the commission, all values ​​\u200b\u200bthat have come under their responsibility have been credited, and those that have left are written off as expenses. Similar receipts are given by persons who have accountable amounts for the acquisition of property or powers of attorney to receive it.

Organizations can develop internal regulatory documents that regulate the activities of the commission at each stage of the inventory.

Information about the actual availability of property and the reality of the recorded financial obligations are recorded in the inventory lists or inventory reports in at least two copies.

The basis of inventories, depending on the objects of verification, is the grouping of property by type, purpose and sources of formation. In this regard, organizations conduct an inventory of inventories.

Under inventories (hereinafter referred to as inventories) are understood:

Raw materials and materials used in the production process of the organization;

Building materials;

Tools (objects of labor);


Spare parts;

Purchased semi-finished products;

Container and container materials;

Overalls and special equipment;

Other materials (stationery, inventory, etc.).

Inventory also includes goods and finished products.

The inventory of the MPZ is carried out in accordance with clauses 3.15 - 3.24 of Methodological Instructions No. 49 separately for each account included in the MPZ.

The inventory of the MPZ should, as a rule, be carried out in the order of the location of the values ​​in a given room.

When storing MPZ in different isolated rooms with one financially responsible person, the inventory is carried out sequentially at the places of storage. After checking the valuables, the entrance to the premises is not allowed (for example, it is sealed), and the commission moves to work in the next room.

The Commission, in the presence of the manager of the warehouse (pantry) and other financially responsible persons, checks the actual availability of inventory by means of their mandatory recalculation, reweighing or remeasurement. It is not allowed to enter data on the balance of valuables in the inventory from the words of financially responsible persons or according to accounting data without checking their actual presence.

Inventories received during the inventory are accepted by financially responsible persons in the presence of members of the inventory commission and are credited according to the register or commodity report after the inventory.

These inventories are recorded in a separate inventory under the name "Inventories received during the inventory." The inventory indicates the date of receipt, the name of the supplier, the date and number of the receipt document, the name of the goods, the quantity, price and amount. At the same time, on the receipt document, signed by the chairman of the inventory commission (or, on his behalf, a member of the commission), a mark "after inventory" is made with reference to the date of the inventory on which these values ​​​​are recorded.

In case of a long-term inventory, in exceptional cases and only with the written permission of the head and chief accountant of the organization, in the process of inventory, inventories can be released by financially responsible persons in the presence of members of the inventory commission.

These values ​​are recorded in a separate inventory under the name "Inventory released during the inventory." An inventory is drawn up by analogy with documents for received inventories during the inventory. In expenditure documents, a mark is made signed by the chairman of the inventory commission or, on his behalf, a member of the commission.

The inventory of inventories that are on the way, shipped, not paid on time by buyers, located in the warehouses of other organizations, consists in checking the validity of the accrued amounts on the relevant accounting accounts.

Inventory accounts that are not in the account of financially responsible persons at the time of the inventory (on the way, goods shipped, etc.) can only have amounts confirmed by properly executed documents:

For those on the way - settlement documents of suppliers or other substituting documents;

For shipped - copies of documents presented to buyers (payment orders, bills of exchange, and so on);

For overdue documents - with mandatory confirmation by a bank institution;

For those located in the warehouses of third-party organizations - with security receipts reissued on a date close to the date of the inventory.

These accounts must first be reconciled with other corresponding accounts. For example, on account 45 “Goods shipped”, it should be established whether this account contains amounts whose payment is for some reason reflected on other accounts (76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, and so on), or amounts for materials and goods , actually paid and received, but listed on the way.

Inventories are compiled separately at the inventory, which are on the way, shipped, not paid on time by buyers and located in the warehouses of other organizations.

In the inventories at the MPZ that are on the way, for each individual shipment, the following data is given:


Quantity and cost;

Shipping date;

The list and numbers of documents on the basis of which these values ​​are accounted for in the accounts of accounting.

In inventories for inventories shipped and not paid on time by buyers, for each individual shipment, the name of the buyer, the name of the inventories, the amount, the date of shipment, the date of issue and the number of the settlement document are given.

Inventories stored in the warehouses of other organizations are entered in the inventory on the basis of documents confirming the delivery of these values ​​for safekeeping. The inventories for these valuables indicate their name, quantity, grade, cost (according to accounting data), date of acceptance of the cargo for storage, place of storage, numbers and dates of documents.

The inventories for the MPZ transferred for processing to another organization indicate the name of the processing organization, the name of the valuables, the quantity, the actual cost according to accounting data, the date the valuables were transferred for processing, the numbers and dates of the documents.

Low-value and wear-and-tear items that are in operation are inventoried at their location and financially responsible persons in whose custody they are located.

The inventory is carried out by inspecting each item. In the inventory, low-value and wearing items are entered by name in accordance with the nomenclature adopted in accounting.

When inventorying low-value and quickly wearing out items issued for individual use by employees, it is allowed to draw up group inventory lists indicating in them the persons responsible for these items, on which personal cards are open, with a receipt for them in the inventory.

Items of overalls and table linen sent for washing and repair should be recorded in the inventory on the basis of statements - waybills or receipts of organizations providing these services.

Low-value and wearing items that have become unusable and not written off are not included in the inventory list, but an act is drawn up indicating the time of operation, the reasons for the uselessness, and the possibility of using these items for economic purposes.

The container is entered in the inventory by type, intended purpose and quality condition (new, used, in need of repair, and so on).

For containers that have become unusable, the inventory commission draws up an act for write-off indicating the reasons for damage.

Recall that Art. 9 of Law N 129-FZ establishes that all business transactions conducted by the organization must be formalized with supporting documents. These documents serve as primary accounting documents on the basis of which accounting is maintained.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of Law N 129-FZ, primary accounting documents are accepted for accounting if they are drawn up according to the forms contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation.

In particular, unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the inventory of property and financial obligations, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 N 88 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for cash transactions, for accounting inventory results" .

So, the Decree of the Goskomstat of Russia N 88 to take into account the results of the inventory of MPZ established the following forms of primary accounting documents:

- Inventory label (form N INV-2).

The label is filled in if the inventory commission is not able to count material assets within one day and write them down in the inventory list. The label is filled in in one copy by the responsible persons of the inventory commission and stored together with the recalculated inventories at their location;

- Inventory list of inventory items (form N INV-3).

It is used to reflect the data on the actual availability of inventory in storage places and at all stages of their movement in the organization. The inventory list is drawn up in two copies and signed by the responsible persons of the commission on the basis of recounting, weighing, measuring the inventory separately for each location and financially responsible person or group of persons in whose custody the valuables are. One copy is transferred to the accounting department for compiling a collation statement, the second remains with financially responsible persons;

- Act of inventory of inventory items shipped (form N INV-4).

This act is drawn up separately for the following stocks:

The due date for which has not yet arrived;

Not paid by buyers on time;

The ownership of which passes to the buyers in a special manner.

The act is drawn up in two copies by the responsible persons of the inventory commission, signed by them, and one copy is transferred to the accounting department. The second copy remains with financially responsible persons;

Inventory list of inventory items accepted for safekeeping (form N INV-5).

It is used in the inventory of inventories accepted for safekeeping. The inventory is drawn up in two copies by the responsible persons of the inventory commission on the basis of actual data, signed by the responsible persons of the commission and materially responsible persons. One copy of the inventory is transferred to the accounting department, the second remains with financially responsible persons;

- Act of inventory of inventory items in transit (form N INV-6).

This act is used to identify the quantity and cost of inventories that are on the way at the time of the inventory. The act is drawn up in two copies by the responsible persons of the inventory commission on the basis of documents confirming that the inventory is on the way, signed, and one copy is transferred to the accounting department, and the second remains in the commission;

- Comparison sheet of the results of the inventory of inventory items (form N INV-19).

The collation sheet is used to reflect the results of the inventory of inventories, for which deviations from the accounting data are revealed. It reflects the results of the inventory, that is, the discrepancies between the indicators according to accounting data and inventory data. The collation statement is compiled in two copies by the accountant, one of which is kept in the accounting department, the second is transferred to financially responsible persons;

- Order (decree, order) on the inventory (form N INV-22).

An order (decree, order) is a written task specifying the content, scope, procedure and timing of the inventory of the inspected object, as well as the personal composition of the inventory commission. It is signed by the head of the organization and handed over to the chairman of the inventory commission;

Journal of control over the implementation of orders (decrees, orders) on the inventory (form N INV-23).

This journal is used to formalize the conduct of inventories and control checks of the correctness of the inventory. It registers Orders (decrees, orders) on conducting an inventory of form N INV-22;

- Act on the control verification of the correctness of the inventory of valuables (form N INV-24).

It is used to formalize the results of control checks of the correctness of the inventory. At the same time, documents on accounting for the results of inspections are drawn up with the participation of members of the inventory commissions and financially responsible persons;

- Journal of accounting for control checks of the correctness of the inventory (form N INV-25).

This journal is used to record the results of control checks of the correctness of the inventory. It is compiled with the participation of members of the inventory commissions and financially responsible persons;

- A record of the results identified by the inventory (form N INV-26).

It is used to reflect the results of the inventory in the reporting year. It defines proposals for adjusting the differences found by the inventory. They are submitted to the head of the organization, who makes the final decision.

These are the main documents with the help of which an inventory of the MPZ is drawn up.

Inventories are completely transformed during the production cycle and are an integral part of it. Inventory inventory helps to control stocks and track their intended use.

What is inventory inventory

Inventories are the assets of an organization that can be used in its own production or resold to third parties. Raw materials, materials, containers, fuel, etc. act as inventory.

When planning inventory of inventories, it is important to consider the structure of warehouses, which are the storage of stocks. The head must provide all the necessary conditions for an accurate and complete establishment of the fact of the presence of property: identify the employees conducting the audit, provide inventory for weighing, measuring, control and measuring instruments.

The commission, preparing for the inventory of inventories at the enterprise, seals the warehouses and storages where the material assets are located, checks the accuracy of the scales, the presence of measured containers, collects from the persons responsible materially a report on the movement of inventory and receipts that all documents have been transferred to the accounting department, and the valuables are credited or written off as an expense.

The procedure for conducting an inventory of inventories

If the organization has several warehouses, the inventory should be carried out at each of the warehouses at the same time. It is also important to adjust the control over the receipt and disposal during the audit of material assets. The ideal option is to suspend the issuance and acceptance of stocks from warehouses.

Valuables received during the inventory of inventories at the enterprise are accounted for in the presence of the inventory commission. The fact is recorded in the register or commodity report, and then documented in the inventory "Inventory received during the inventory."

Inventory assets can be released to persons responsible financially during the inventory of inventory in exceptional cases. With a lengthy audit, the head and chief accountant must give written permission. Vacation is made in the presence of the inventory commission and is recorded in the inventory "Inventory released during the inventory."

If the duration of the inventory of inventories is more than one day, then every day at the end of the work of the commission, the warehouses are sealed. For the time freed from the implementation of the audit (night, non-working hours, lunch break), the inventories are removed to a room inaccessible to outsiders (for example, a closet or a safe).

The implementation of preparatory measures for the inventory of inventories entails the preparation of an inventory of property, verification of documents and the actual availability of reserves. It is produced by a continuous method: all goods and values ​​are recalculated without any exceptions.

Members of the commission weigh, measure, recalculate the property and record the results in the inventory records. The volume or weight of bulk materials when conducting an inventory of inventories is determined using a technical calculation based on measurement data.

In addition to external inspection, when inventorying equipment, it is necessary to check the availability of operating instructions, installation instructions, technical passports, and completeness.

With a large number of weight reserves, a member of the commission and a person responsible financially maintain separate inventories of plumb lines. At the end of the day, they are compared, the result is entered in the inventory.

As a result of the actual inventory of inventories, acts and inventories of the inventory are filled out. Their difference is that the inventory records the results of a material check, the act - a documentary inventory.

When discrepancies are identified between the accounting data and the information obtained during the inventory, collation statements are filled out. The statements should take into account regrading and cost differences resulting from regrading.

Inventory and revaluation of inventories

In the course of the inventory, facts of a decrease in the value of inventories may be revealed. This may be due to a decrease in the quality of goods during storage, a change in the market price.

In such cases, the organization must form a reserve on account 14 "Reserves for the depreciation of material assets."

Write-off of shortages during the inventory of inventories (postings)

Inventory shortfalls identified during the inventory are written off in accounting on the date of the audit. The cost of inventory shortages is written off to the costs associated with production or sales, taking into account the norms of natural loss.

Identification of shortages in excess of the norms of loss (in the absence of norms of loss) during the inventory of stocks entails the recovery of their cost from the person responsible materially, or write-off to other expenses (in a situation where it is impossible to identify the guilty person). Write-off in accounting is made out by postings:

According to the results of the inventory of inventories, the write-off of shortages in excess of the norms of natural loss, as well as in the absence of approved norms, depends on the fact of identifying the person responsible for the loss.

If the guilty person is identified, then the cost of the shortage is written off on the date of recognition of the person in causing damage or the entry into force of the court decision on compensation for damage.

When the guilty person cannot be identified, shortages during the inventory of production stocks are expensed on the basis of a document issued by the competent authorities confirming the absence of the guilty person or causing damage as a result of emergency incidents.

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Federal Agency for Education

State Educational Institution "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University"

Cheboksary Institute of Economics and Management (branch)

Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit

Course work

course: "Accounting"

on the topic: Inventory of inventories

Completed by a student

Correspondence department

Course 3-080105 school specialty

Finance and credit

Pavlova Nadezhda Anatolievna

Checked by teacher

Tsapulina F.Kh.

Cheboksary 2011



1. Inventories and the concept of inventory

1.1 The concept of inventories and their assessment

1.2 Regulatory framework

2. Inventory of inventories

2.1 Inventory as a method of primary observation

2.2 Conducting an inventory of inventories

2.3 Accounting for inventory results


List of used literature


Inventories are part of working capital, their competent, systematic accounting is a guarantee of effective enterprise management. The lack of reliability of data on the availability and movement of inventories can lead to incorrect management accounting and, as a result, to losses.

The costs of inventories serve as the basis and are a necessary condition for the implementation of the program for the production and sale of products, reducing its cost. Of particular importance is the use of inventories and their consumption.

The volume of production and the improvement of its quality largely depend on the provision of the enterprise with inventories and the efficiency of their use. Inventories make up a significant amount in the assets of the enterprise; according to their classification, they represent a large number of different types and names.

The amount of value added tax, production cost, financial result, taxable profit, and the amount of income tax depend on the objectivity and reliability of information generated at the site of accounting for inventories.

All of the above determines the relevance of the topic of the course work.

The purpose of the study in the course work is to study the procedure for assessing and documenting the movement of inventories.

The object of the study is the manufacturing enterprise OOO Istochnik.

The subject of the study is the sources of educational and scientific literature on the topic of work, legal documents, accounting policy, accounting reporting.

1. Inventories and the concept of inventory

inventory inventory

1.1 The concept of material - productionwater reserves and their assessment

Typically, inventories make up the majority of an organization's assets. Large volumes of materials, a variety of nomenclature, many suppliers and constantly changing prices make this site quite difficult.

The normative documents regulating the procedure for accounting and tax accounting of inventories of an organization are:

Guidelines for accounting for inventories, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2001 N 119n;

Regulation on accounting "Accounting for inventories" PBU 5/01, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09.06.2001 N 44n;

Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Ch. 25).

Under inventories (IPZ) should be understood as assets: used as raw materials, materials, etc. in the production of products intended for sale (performance of work, provision of services); used for the management needs of the organization or sale.

In PBU 5/01, among the types of inventories, there are:

1. Finished products, which are the end result of the production cycle and intended for sale.

2. Goods purchased or received from other legal entities or individuals and intended for sale.

Inventory does not include assets used in the production of products, performance of work or provision of services or for the management needs of the organization for more than 12 months or the normal operating cycle (if it exceeds 12 months), as well as assets characterized as work in progress.

Depending on the role in the production process, materials can be divided into two groups:

1. Raw materials and basic materials are the objects of labor that form the basis (substance) of the product. Raw materials include products from extractive industries and agriculture. The group of basic materials includes semi-finished products received from subcontractors (for example, parts).

2. Auxiliary materials - do not form the material basis of the product, their main task is to give new qualities to the product, maintenance and care of tools, ensuring normal working conditions.

The chart of accounts for accounting for inventories provides for the following accounts:

10 "Materials";

15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets";

16 "Deviation in the value of material assets."

An entity can choose one of two ways to value inventory when it is acquired:

1. at actual cost;

2. at discount prices (using accounts 15 and 16).

In accordance with the norms of PBU 5/01, inventories must be accepted for accounting at actual cost.

The actual cost of inventories purchased for a fee is the amount of the organization's actual costs for the acquisition, excluding value added tax and other refundable taxes (except as otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

The actual costs for the acquisition of MPZ include:

Amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the supplier (seller); - amounts paid to organizations for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of inventories;

Customs duties;

Non-refundable taxes paid in connection with the acquisition of a unit of inventory;

Fees paid to an intermediary organization through which inventories are acquired;

The costs of procurement and delivery of inventories to the place of their use, including insurance costs. These costs include, in particular, the cost of procurement and delivery of inventories; costs for the maintenance of the procurement and storage unit of the organization; costs for transport services for the delivery of inventories to the place of their use, if they are not included in the price of inventories established by the contract; accrued interest on loans provided by suppliers (commercial loan); accrued prior to the accounting of inventories, interest on borrowed funds, if they are involved in the acquisition of these inventories;

The cost of bringing inventories to a state in which they are suitable for use for the planned purposes. These costs include the costs of the organization for processing, sorting, packing and improving the technical characteristics of the received stocks, not related to the production of products, the performance of work and the provision of services;

Other costs directly related to the acquisition of inventories.

The list of costs is open, i.e., it provides for the possibility of including individual costs directly related to their acquisition in the actual cost of inventories. General business and other similar expenses are not included in the actual costs of acquiring inventories, except when they are directly related to the acquisition of inventories.

The actual cost of inventories in their manufacture by the organization itself is determined based on the actual costs associated with the production of these reserves. Accounting and formation of costs for the production of inventories is carried out by the organization in the manner established for determining the cost of the relevant types of products.

The actual cost of inventories contributed as a contribution to the authorized (share) capital of the organization is determined based on their monetary value agreed by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The actual cost of inventories received by the organization under a donation agreement or free of charge; as well as remaining from the disposal of fixed assets and other property, is determined based on their current market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting. organization.

The value of assets transferred or to be transferred by an entity in exchange for other property is determined by reference to the price at which, in comparable circumstances, the entity would normally measure the value of similar assets.

Transportation and other costs associated with the exchange are added to the cost of the received stocks directly or are preliminarily included in the composition of transportation and procurement costs, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The actual cost of inventories, regardless of the methods of their receipt, also includes the actual costs of the organization for their delivery and bringing them into a condition suitable for use.

An organization engaged in trading activities may include the costs of procurement and delivery of goods to central warehouses (bases), incurred before they are transferred for sale, to be included in the cost of sale.

Goods purchased by an entity for sale are valued at their acquisition cost. An organization engaged in retail trade is allowed to evaluate the purchased goods at the selling price with a separate allowance for markups (discounts).

Inventory reserves that do not belong to this organization, but are in its use or disposal, are taken into account on off-balance accounts in the assessment provided for in the contract, or in the assessment agreed with their owner.

In the absence of a price for these reserves in the contract or a price agreed with the owner, they may be taken into account at a conditional valuation.

Inventory belonging to the organization, but in transit or transferred to the buyer on bail, are accounted for in accounting in the assessment provided for in the contract, with subsequent clarification of the actual cost.

The actual cost of inventories, in which they are accepted for accounting, is not subject to change, except in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Inventories at the end of the reporting year are reflected in the balance sheet at a cost determined on the basis of the methods used for estimating reserves.

1.2 Regulatory framework

Accounting for inventories is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents that have different statuses.

1st level

Legislative acts, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government regulating directly or indirectly the organization and maintenance of accounting and auditing in an organization

2nd level

Standards (regulations) on accounting and reporting

4th level

Working documents on accounting of the enterprise itself (accounting policy of the organization, working chart of accounts, workflow schedule, etc.)

The main normative act of the 1st level is the Federal Law "On Accounting" dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ. This Law defines the legal basis of accounting, its content, principles, organization, composition of economic entities that are obliged to keep accounting records and provide financial statements.

Normative documents of the 2nd level - accounting standards, which are defined as a set of basic rules that establish the procedure for accounting and valuation of a particular object or their combination. Accounting standards (regulations) are designed to concretize the law "On Accounting".

Particularly important is the Regulation "Accounting Policy of the Organization" (PBU 1/98), since it sets out the basic principles of accounting. In relation to inventories in the financial statements, at least the following information is subject to disclosure, taking into account materiality:

On methods for assessing inventories by their groups (types);

On the consequences of changes in the methods of estimating inventories;

On the value of inventories pledged;

On the size and movement of reserves for the depreciation of material assets.

Accounting Regulation PBU 5/01 “Accounting for Inventories” defines the concept, composition, methods for evaluating and reflecting inventories in financial statements.

According to paragraph 5 of PBU 5/01, accounting for inventories during their acquisition and procurement is carried out in one of the following ways:

At the actual cost of acquisition (procurement) - reflected on account 10 "Materials";

At accounting prices (planned cost of acquisition or procurement). The latter method provides for the accounting of inventories using account 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets” and account 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”.

When choosing a method for accounting for the acquisition and procurement of inventories, one should take into account the frequency of receipt of stocks, the conditions for their delivery, the cost of services associated with their acquisition and procurement, etc.

According to RAS 5/01, inventories include the following part of the organization's property:

Used in the manufacture of products, performance of works and provision of services intended for sale;

Intended for sale;

Used for administrative needs.

Paragraph 6 of PBU 5/01 states that the actual costs of acquiring inventories can be:

Amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the supplier (seller);

Amounts paid to organizations for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of inventories;

Customs duties;

Non-refundable taxes paid in connection with the acquisition of a unit of inventory.

The determination of the actual cost of inventories written off to production is allowed to be carried out in accordance with clause 58 of the Regulations on Accounting and Accounting in the Russian Federation and clause 16 of PBU 5/01 using one of the following inventory valuation methods:

a) at the cost of each unit

Inventories used by the organization in a special way (precious metals, precious stones, etc.), or stocks that cannot normally replace each other, can be valued at the cost of each unit of such stocks.

According to clause 74 of the Methodological Guidelines for Accounting for Inventories, when writing off (issuing) materials at the cost of each unit of inventory, two options for calculating the cost of a unit of inventory can be used: - including all costs associated with the acquisition of the inventory; - including only the cost of stock at the contract price (simplified version).

The use of a simplified version is allowed if there is no possibility of directly attributing transport, procurement and other costs associated with the acquisition of stocks to their cost (for example, in the case of a centralized supply of materials).

In this case, the amount of deviation (the difference between the actual costs of purchasing the material and its contract price) is distributed in proportion to the cost of written-off (issued) materials, calculated in contract prices;

b) at average cost

Inventories can be estimated by the organization at the average cost, which is determined for each type (group) of stocks as the quotient of dividing the total cost of the type (group) of stocks by their quantity, respectively, consisting of the cost and quantity of the balance at the beginning of the month and of the received stocks this month.

In other words, the evaluation of materials when they are written off to cost at the weighted average cost is based on the use of calculations and the determination on their basis of the average cost per unit of each type of materials that had movement in the reporting month (period) of materials, both remaining unused at the end of the month (period), and released for construction work and other needs;

c) at the cost of the first acquisitions (FIFO method)

Evaluation of inventories can be carried out at the cost of the first acquisition of inventories (FIFO), which is based on the assumption that material resources are used within a month and another period in the sequence of their acquisition (receipt), that is, the resources that come first into production, should be valued at the cost of the first acquisitions, taking into account the cost of inventory at the beginning of the month. When applying this method, the assessment of material resources in stock (in stock) at the end of the month is made at the actual cost of the latest acquisition of material resources, and the cost of sales of products (works, services) takes into account the cost of the earliest acquisition of material resources.

As stated in clause 4.14.4 of the Standard Guidelines for planning and accounting for the cost of construction work, the method of writing off materials at the cost of the first purchases of materials provides for accounting for their procurement during the month (period) at the actual cost, and when using materials for construction work and write-offs for other needs are made at the cost of materials for the first purchases in the reporting month (period), taking into account the cost of materials recorded at the beginning of the reporting month (period), that is, the cost of materials not used at the end of the reporting month is first determined based on their quantity and assumption that their cost consists of the cost of recent purchases of materials. The cost of the materials used is determined by subtracting from the cost of the remaining materials at the beginning of the reporting month (period), taking into account the cost of the materials received, attributable to the balance of materials at the end of the month (period). The distribution of the cost of the materials used for the accounts of their use is made on the basis of the average cost of a unit of each type and the amount of materials used for production or other needs;

d) at the cost of the latest acquisition of inventories (LIFO method)

The valuation of inventories can be carried out by the organization at the cost of the most recent acquisition of inventories (LIFO method). Inventory valuation using the LIFO method is based on the assumption that the resources that are the first to enter production should be valued at the cost of the last in the acquisition sequence. When applying this method, the assessment of material resources that are in stock (in stock) at the end of the month is made at the actual cost of resources that were acquired early in time, and the cost of resources that were acquired late in time was taken into account in the cost of sales of products (works, services).

The method of writing off inventories at the cost of the last purchases ensures that current income and expenses correspond and allows you to take into account the impact of inflation on the financial performance of the organization. With this method, the cost of inventories at the end of the reporting month (period) is determined based on their quantity and the assumption that the cost of these materials consists of the cost of their first purchases.

The use of one of these methods for a group (type) of inventories is based on the assumption of the sequence of application of accounting policies. During the reporting year, the organization can apply only one of the methods in relation to a specific group (type) of reserves.

Among the important documents of the second level is also the Chart of Accounts and instructions for its use. To account for inventories in Section II of the Chart of Accounts, the following accounts are provided:

10 "Materials";

14 "Reserves for depreciation of material assets";

15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets";

16 "Deviation in the value of material assets";

19 "Value Added Tax on Acquired Values".

Accounting Regulations (PBU 4/99) “Accounting statements of an organization” - obliges organizations to provide financial statements, determines its composition.

Accounting regulation (PBU 9/99) "Income of the organization" Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n (as amended on March 30, 2001 No. 27n) - classifies the sale of inventories as income from ordinary activities .

Accounting regulation (PBU 10/99) "Expenses of the organization" Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 No. 33n (as amended on March 30, 2001 No. 27n) - The element "Material costs" reflects the cost of raw materials purchased from the side and materials, semi-finished products, fuel, purchased energy, works and services of an industrial nature. At the same time, the cost of material resources is formed on the basis of their purchase prices (excluding VAT, if the organization is its payer), markups (surcharges), commissions paid to supply and foreign economic organizations, the cost of commodity exchange services, including brokerage services, customs duties, fees for transportation, storage and delivery carried out by third parties.

Unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting of materials were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of October 30, 1997 No. 71a (as amended by subsequent amendments).

Guidelines for accounting of inventories - along with determining the purpose of materials and basic business operations with them, specify the methods for assessing inventories;

Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations - specifies the verification of the actual availability in kind at the locations of inventories;

Methodological guidelines and instructions are designed to specify accounting standards in accordance with industry and other specifics. They are developed by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and various departments.

Documents of the fourth level include instructions, instructions, provisions, orders and other similar documents on setting up, maintaining accounting, directly created in the organization and being internal company standards (orders on the formation of accounting policies, job descriptions, etc.).

2. Inventory of inventories

2.1 Inventory as a method of primary observation

An inventory is a check and documentary confirmation of the actual availability of funds (assets) or sources of their formation (liabilities) in kind, identifying deviations from current accounting data and making decisions on making appropriate changes.

To conduct an inventory, by order of the head of the enterprise, a commission is appointed, which must include an accounting employee. The order also specifies the objects and terms of the inspection. If necessary, the commission is provided with appropriate technical means (weight measuring and calculating instruments, lifting equipment) and personnel (loaders, drivers, operators, etc.).

There are complete inventories, when all types of funds and sources are checked, and partial (selective), when only their individual types are covered by the check. According to the frequency or frequency of conducting, there are daily, monthly (quarterly, semi-annual) and annual inventories. So, for example, daily inventories of the remains of unused materials, the presence of semi-finished products or products are carried out in a number of industries when transferring shifts by financially responsible persons, using the inventory method of monitoring the use of materials when working with especially expensive or dangerous products.

At least quarterly, an inventory of cash and other valuables at the cash desk is carried out. A number of mandatory inventories are also carried out within the year: when changing the financially responsible person or the head of the enterprise, when establishing the facts of theft, after a fire and other natural disasters, when reorganizing or liquidating an enterprise, by decision of the court, law enforcement or control bodies.

The most extensive and time-consuming inventory is the annual one, which is carried out before the preparation of the annual accounting report. With this inventory, not only the presence of material assets (fixed assets, materials, work in progress, finished products, cash, etc.) is checked, but also the status of settlements with debtors, the validity of the amounts created reserves and funds, the reality of accounts payable and other liabilities.

Inventories are mainly carried out in order to clarify accounting data. The reason for the discrepancy between the real state of affairs and the current accounting data lies in the fact that during observation, measurement, arithmetic calculations and records in documents and registers, unintentional errors can be made. In real life, there are also a number of natural processes and events that change the quantity, volume, quality or cost of funds - shrinkage, spraying, evaporation, chemical reaction and other changes in the properties of objects.

Such changes cannot be accounted for like normal cash flow transactions and can only be ascertained after a certain amount of time has elapsed by conducting an inventory. Moreover, there may be deliberate distortion of credentials or theft, damage, loss of valuables, which also do not receive documentary reflection as business transactions. It is precisely such cases of discrepancies between current accounting data and reality that make it possible to identify a special method of observation - inventory.

Before starting the inventory, the commission must receive a signature from financially responsible persons that they have submitted all documents to the accounting department, and that material assets have been credited. Then, in the presence of financially responsible persons and members of the commission, the availability of all types of funds is checked individually, and their name and quantity are recorded in the inventory records. The correctness of these inventory lists is confirmed by the signatures of all members of the commission, and the financially responsible person signs for the acceptance of these valuables for safekeeping.

The accounting department of the enterprise, according to the data of the current documented accounting, displays the balances for all types of funds checked and compares them with the balances according to the inventory lists. The data on which discrepancies are revealed are transferred to the collation statement, both in quantitative and in sum terms.

The results of the inventory - surpluses or shortages of funds in each specific case - are carefully examined by the members of the commission, the causes and perpetrators of their occurrence are established, and possible measures are developed to eliminate them.

In accordance with the Law "On Accounting and Reporting", the surplus of property identified during the inventory is credited to increase the profit of the reporting year. The cost of shortages, damage or other loss of property within the norms of natural loss is attributed to the costs of production or circulation. Shortfalls in excess of the norms are compensated at the expense of insurance funds or organizations, and if the culprit is known, then at their expense. Uncompensated shortages are written off from profits or reserve funds, and in budgetary organizations - from sources of financing.

Adjustment or write-off of the amounts of receivables or payables, including after the expiration of the limitation period, are made at the expense of the financial results of the reporting year or at the expense of the previously created reserve for doubtful debts (profits of previous years).

In accounting, the revealed surpluses of property are reflected in the debit of the corresponding accounts intended for accounting for this type of property, and in the credit of account 80 "Profits and losses". Shortfalls of various types of funds identified during the inventory, previously, before establishing the causes and perpetrators of their occurrence, are charged to the debit of special account 84 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables." This creates the following wiring:

Set of c. 10 "Materials"

Set of c. 50 Cashier

Set of c. 47 "Sale and other disposal of property, plant and equipment"

The need for inventory is caused by the following circumstances:

fixing economic phenomena that are not amenable to everyday observation in current accounting. These include changes in the mass or quantity of material assets due to changes in their storage conditions (drying, spraying, etc.);

Eliminate discrepancies between accounting data and the actual availability of funds in the organization that arise in the process of current accounting. They can be caused by errors in accounting (misprints, incorrect reflection on accounts), inaccuracies in the receipt and release of funds (miscalculations, measurements);

Control over financially responsible persons. With its help, discrepancies between the actual availability of inventory items and accounting data that arise as a result of measurements or body kits when accepting or transferring valuables, miscalculations when issuing money, and theft are revealed.

Depending on the completeness of the coverage of the inventory means are divided into full and partial.

With a complete inventory, all, without exception, the means of the economy and units where there are material values ​​\u200b\u200band cash "funds are subject to verification. Partial inventory covers only any one part of the organization's economic resources, i.e. material or monetary resources located in one of divisions or registered with one financially responsible person.

According to the frequency of inventory, they are divided into planned and unscheduled.

Scheduled inventory is carried out in a timely manner. The organization is obliged to conduct planned inventories of its resources in the following terms:

Fixed assets, overhauls, deferred expenses and all inventories - at least once a year before preparing annual reports;

Settlements with debtors and creditors - at least once a year;

Settlements with banks and financial authorities - at least once a quarter;

Settlements of the organization with its farms allocated to an independent balance - at least once a quarter;

Cash and cash documents - at least once a month.

Unscheduled (sudden) inventories are carried out in order to control the safety of valuables with financially responsible persons or when replacing financially responsible persons by order of the administration or at the request of the auditor.

In all cases, the inventory is carried out by a commission headed by a chairman. The commission usually includes:

administration representatives;

Accounting worker;

Financially responsible person;

Owner's representative.

Based on the results of the inventory, an inventory list is compiled, where the actual balances of material assets or cash are entered. The statement is signed by members of the commission. Then it is transferred to the accounting department, where on its basis a collation sheet is compiled, where, in addition to the data from the inventory sheet, the data of the accounting registers in the accounting department are entered.

After comparing the data for each position, discrepancies between the accounting data and the actual availability (according to the commission) are revealed. If surpluses are found, they fall within the organization. In case of shortage, a decision is made to write them off.

The results of the inventory - surplus or shortage of funds in each case - are carefully examined by the members of the commission. The causes and perpetrators of their occurrence are established. Possible measures are being developed to eliminate these causes.

In accounting, the revealed surpluses of property are reflected in the debit of the corresponding accounts intended for accounting for this type of property, and in the credit of account 92 "Non-operating income and expenses". Deficiencies of various types of funds identified during the inventory, previously, before establishing the causes and perpetrators of their occurrence, are included in the debit of special account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables."

The amounts of shortfalls reflected in the debit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" are increased by the amount of VAT calculated from the value of the missing valuables. The accrual of VAT to the budget is reflected in the debit of account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" and the credit of account 68 "Calculations on taxes and fees".

2.2 Conducting an inventory of inventories

Article 12 of the Law of 25.06.2001 N 42-3 "On Accounting and Reporting" provides that in order to ensure the reliability of accounting data and financial statements, organizations are required to conduct an inventory of property and liabilities, during which their presence, condition and assessment are checked and documented.

The procedure for bringing inventories (their number in the reporting year, timing, list of inspected objects, etc.) is determined by the head of the enterprise. However, an inventory is required:

When transferring the property of a state unitary enterprise for rent, its purchase and sale;

In case of reorganization or liquidation (abolition) of the organization;

before preparing annual financial statements;

When changing the head of the organization and (or) financially responsible persons;

When revealing the facts of theft and (or) damage to property;

In case of force majeure, i.e. extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions;

In other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Republic.

When conducting an inventory, organizations must be guided by the Methodological Instructions of the Ministry of Finance dated December 5, 1995. No. 54.

For this purpose, a permanent inventory commission should be created in the organization. With a large amount of work for the simultaneous inventory, it is necessary to form working inventory commissions. With a small amount of work and the presence of an audit commission in a business entity, it is allowed to entrust the conduct of inventories to it.

The personal composition of permanent and working inventory commissions is approved by the head of the enterprise. A document on their composition (order, resolution, order) must be registered in the book for monitoring the implementation of orders for inventory.

The inventory commission includes representatives of the administration of the enterprise, employees of the accounting service, other specialists (engineers, economists, technicians, etc.), it is possible to include representatives of the internal audit service, independent audit organizations.

Before starting to check the actual availability of property, the commission must receive the latest receipts and expenditure documents or reports on the movement of material assets and cash at the time of the inventory.

The chairman of the inventory commission endorses all incoming and outgoing documents attached to the registers (reports), indicating "before the inventory on (date)", which should serve as the basis for the accounting department to determine the balance of property by the beginning of the inventory according to the credentials.

Financially responsible persons give receipts that by the beginning of the inventory, all expenditure and receipt documents for property have been handed over to the accounting department or transferred to the commission, and all valuables received under their responsibility have been credited, and those that have been retired have been written off. Similar receipts are also given by persons who have accountable amounts for the acquisition or powers of attorney to receive property.

Information about the actual availability of property and actually recorded financial obligations is recorded in the inventory lists or inventory reports in at least 2 copies. The head of the organization must create conditions that ensure a complete and accurate check in a timely manner (provide labor for weighing and moving goods, technically sound weighing facilities, measuring and control instruments, measuring containers).

For materials and goods stored in the undamaged packaging of the supplier, the amount of these valuables can be determined on the basis of documents with mandatory verification in kind (for a sample) of their part. The weight (or volume) of bulk materials may be determined on the basis of measurements and technical calculations.

When inventorying a large number of goods by weight, plumb sheets are kept separately by one of the members of the inventory commission and a financially responsible person. At the end of the working day (or at the end of the reweighing), the data of these statements are compared and the verified total is entered into the inventory. Acts of measurements, technical calculations and statements of plumb lines are attached to the inventory.

The actual availability of property is checked with the obligatory participation of financially responsible persons.

The names of the inventoried values ​​and objects, their number are indicated in the inventories according to the nomenclature and in the units of measurement accepted in accounting.

On each page of the inventory, indicate in words the number of serial numbers of material assets and the total amount in natural terms recorded on this page, regardless of the units of measurement (pieces, kilograms, meters, etc.) these values ​​are shown.

Errors are corrected in all copies of the inventories by crossing out incorrect entries and putting down correct ones above them. Corrections must be agreed and signed by all members of the inventory commission and financially responsible persons.

It is not allowed to leave blank lines in the descriptions; such lines are crossed out on the last pages. On the last page of the inventory, a note should also be made on the verification of prices, taxation and calculation of totals signed by the persons who carried out this verification.

The inventory is signed by all members of the inventory commission and financially responsible persons. At the end of the inventory, the latter give a receipt confirming the inspection of the property by the commission in their presence, about the absence. To the members of the commission of any claims and acceptance of the property listed in the inventory for safekeeping. When checking the actual availability of property in the event of a change of financially responsible persons, the one who accepted it signs in the inventory in receipt, and the one who handed over - in the delivery of this property.

Separate inventories are drawn up for property in safekeeping, leased or received for processing.

If the inventory is carried out within a few days, then the premises where material assets are stored must be sealed when the commission leaves. During breaks in work (at lunchtime, at night, for other reasons), the inventories should be stored in a box (cabinet, safe) in a closed room where the check is carried out.

In cases where financially responsible persons discover errors in the inventories after the inventory, they must immediately (before the opening of the warehouse, pantry, section, etc.) report this to the chairman of the inventory commission. This commission checks the indicated facts and, if they are confirmed, corrects the identified errors.

At the end of the inventory, control checks of the correctness of the inventory can be carried out with the participation of members of the inventory commissions and financially responsible persons, without fail before the opening of the warehouse, pantry, section, etc., where the inventory was carried out. The results of such control checks are drawn up by an act and recorded in the book of accounting for control checks of the correctness of the inventory.

In the inter-inventory period, organizations with a large range of valuables can conduct selective inventories of material assets at the places of their storage and processing.

Control checks of the correctness of conducting inventories and selective inventories are carried out by inventory commissions by order of the head of the organization. The inventory order is handed over to the chairman of the inventory commission immediately before it begins. The inventory of valuables must begin at the time strictly established in the order.

2.3 Accounting for inventory results

Comparison statements are compiled only for property, the inventory of which revealed deviations from the accounting data. The amounts of surpluses and shortages of inventory items are indicated in them in accordance with their assessment in accounting.

To formalize the results of the inventory, unified registers can be used, in which the indicators of the inventory lists and collation statements are combined.

For values ​​that do not belong to the organization, but are listed in accounting (located in safekeeping, rented, received for processing), separate collation statements are drawn up.

Mutual offset of surpluses and shortages as a result of regrading can be allowed only as an exception for the same audited period, from the same person, in relation to inventory items of the same name and in identical quantities. Financially responsible persons provide detailed explanations of the inventory commission about the admitted regrading. If, when offsetting shortages with surpluses for regrading, the value of the missing valuables is higher than the value of the valuables found in surplus, then the difference in value is attributed to the guilty persons. If the specific perpetrators of the regrading are not identified, then the sum differences are considered as shortages in excess of the loss rates and are reflected in the debit account 92 "Extra-operating income and expenses".

For the difference in value from regrading towards shortages, formed not through the fault of financially responsible persons, comprehensive explanations should be given in the protocols of the inventory commission about the reasons why such a difference was not attributed to the guilty persons.

Proposals on the regulation of discrepancies in the actual availability of valuables and accounting data identified during the inventory are submitted for consideration to the head of the enterprise, who makes the final decision on the offset.

The results of the inventory should be reflected in the accounting and reporting of the month in which the inventory was completed, and for the annual inventory - in the annual accounting report.

The movement of amounts for shortages, theft and losses from damage to material and other assets, including cash, regardless of whether they are subject to attribution to the accounts of production costs (sales expenses) or the perpetrators, is accounted for on account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables":

Dt sch.94 - Kt sch. count 01,10,41,43,50, etc.

The discrepancies between the actual availability of property and accounting data in a commercial organization identified during the inventory are regulated in the following order:

The surplus is accounted for at market value on the date of the inventory, and an entry is made for the corresponding amount of money:

Dr. c. sch.01,10,41,43,50, etc. - Kt sch.92;

Lack of property and (or) its damage within the norms of natural loss, approved in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, is written off to the cost of products (works, services):

Dr. c. sch. 20,23,44 and others - Kt sch.94;

The shortage of property that occurred in excess of the approved norms of natural loss is repaid at the expense of the perpetrators:

D-t c.73 - Kt c.94;

If the perpetrators are not identified or the court refused to recover from them, the losses are reflected as follows: Dt sch.92 - Kt sch.94.

The amounts of receivables identified during the inventory, for which the limitation period has expired, correspond in accounting:

Dr. c. sch.92.63 - Set of sch. sch.62,76, etc.

For the amounts of accounts payable for which the limitation period has expired, an entry is made:

Dr. c. sch.60,76, etc. - Kt sch.92.

It should be noted that according to subparagraph 7.11 of the Law "On Taxes on Income and Profit", when determining taxable profit, losses (losses) from shortage of property and (or) its damage are not taken into account as part of the costs of production and sale of goods (works, services), occurred in excess of the norms of natural loss, approved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, if the court refused to recover these amounts due to improper accounting and storage of material assets, missing the statute of limitations, or for other reasons depending on the plaintiff.

In accordance with subparagraph 8.4 of the Instruction on the procedure for calculating and paying value added tax, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Taxation of January 31, 2004 No. No. 16 (with amendments and additions), the tax base for calculating VAT is determined based on the purchase price of the missing valuables. In accounting, the amount of tax calculated on the missing materials is reflected in the entry:

Dt sch.94 - Kt sch.68.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the determination of the amount of damage caused to state property in connection with the loss, damage (spoilage), shortage during inspections (audits) of the financial and economic activities of state legal entities is carried out in accordance with the Instruction approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Finance dated 24.03.2003 . No. 39/69, which was developed in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers of 13.01.2003. No. 22 "On Compensation for Damage Caused to State Property".


As a result of the study, it was revealed that the issues of organizing and conducting an inventory of fixed assets are multidimensional and significant at the present stage of development of a market economy, since the state of social production directly depends on the state and level of use of fixed assets.

Inventory of fixed assets is aimed at checking the compliance of their actual availability with accounting data. An inventory of fixed assets is carried out in order to ensure the reliability of accounting and financial reporting data.

International Financial Reporting Standards do not directly establish the procedure for conducting an inventory of the property of an enterprise, but, nevertheless, IFRS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements” dated July 1, 1998 states that annually, before preparing financial statements, enterprises must conduct an inventory of economic assets.

In accounting, the role of inventory of fixed assets is very large - with its help, the correctness of the data of the current accounting of fixed assets is checked, errors made in accounting are identified, unaccounted economic objects are taken into account, and the safety of fixed assets that are registered with materially responsible persons is monitored.

Inventory is of great importance for the correct determination of the cost of production, work performed and services rendered, to reduce losses, prevent theft of property, etc. Inventory helps to strengthen the enterprise, prevents possible property losses. Only thanks to this method of accounting, it is possible to establish a correspondence between the quantity and quality of the property indicated in the balance sheet and the property actually located in the enterprise.

In the course work, the procedure for organizing and conducting an inventory at the enterprise LLC Istochnik, as well as reflecting the results of the inventory in accounting, were studied.

List of used literature

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, part one of November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended on January 10, 2003); part two dated January 26, 1996 No. 14-FZ (as amended on January 10, 2003).

2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation, part one dated July 31, 1998 No. 146-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2001 No. 190-FZ, as amended on September 7, 2002); part two dated August 5, 2000 No. 117-FZ (as amended on December 31, 2002 No. 187-FZ).

3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Accounting" dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ (as amended on January 10, 2003).

4. Regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation. Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 29, 1998 No. 34n.

5. PBU 1/98: Accounting policy of the organization. Position on accounting. Approved Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 1998 No. 60n (as amended on December 30, 1999 No. 107n).

6. PBU 4/99: Accounting statements of the organization. Position on accounting. Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 6, 1999 No. 43n.

7. PBU 5/01: Accounting for inventories. Position on accounting. Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2001 No. 44n.

8. PBU 9/99: Income of the organization. Position on accounting. Approved Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 No. 32n (as amended on March 30, 2001 No. 27n).

9. PBU 10/99: Organization expenses. Accounting Regulation PBU 10/99. Approved Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 1999 No. ZZn (as amended on March 30, 2001 No. 27n).

10. RAS 15/01: Accounting for loans and credits and the cost of their maintenance. Position on accounting. Approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2001 No. 60n.

11. Chart of Accounts for Financial and Economic Activities of Enterprises and Instructions for its Application. Approved Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n (as amended on May 7, 2003 No. 38n).

12. Guidelines for accounting of inventories. Approved Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2001 No. No. 119n (as amended on April 23, 2002 No. 33n)

13. Guidelines for the inventory of property and financial obligations. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of June 13, 1995 No. 49

14. Guidelines for the application of Chapter 21 "Value Added Tax" of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Approved by order of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Dues of December 20, 2000 No. BG-3-03/447 (as amended by the order of the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2002 No. VG-3-03/491).


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Subject: 2.4. "Inventory and revaluation of inventories".


1. Rules for conducting an inventory of inventories.

Revaluation of inventories.

The procedure for reflecting the results of the inventory of inventories in accounting.

1.Rules for conducting an inventory of inventories.

The main direction of increasing the efficiency of the use of inventories is the availability of technically equipped warehouses with modern weighing instruments and devices that allow mechanizing and automating warehouse operations and warehouse accounting.

Inventory is an important technique for monitoring the safety of inventories. It allows you to control the correctness of accounting, its reliability and safety of stocks.

An inventory of inventories must be carried out at least once a year and not earlier than October 1. The timing of the inventory is determined directly by the head of the organization.

The Federal Law "On Accounting" obliges to conduct an inventory of raw materials, materials in the preparation of annual financial statements, in all other cases - in the period of the smallest balances of valuables in the accounts.

In accordance with the Regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, inventories of inventories are required:

§ before the preparation of annual financial statements;

§ when transferring the organization's property for rent, redemption, sale;

§ when changing the financially responsible person;

§ when facts of theft, abuse or damage to property are revealed;

§ in case of emergency;

§ in case of reorganization or liquidation of the organization;

§ in case of brigade liability when changing the foreman, leaving the brigade for more than 50% of its members, as well as at the request of one or more members of the brigade.

The inventory is carried out by a commission appointed by order of the head of the organization, in the presence of a financially responsible person, from whom a receipt is received that by the beginning of the inventory all valuables have been credited to him, all expenditure and receipt documents have been handed over to the accounting department or transferred to the inventory commission.

When inventorying stocks, they check the availability of products, materials on a certain date by recalculating, weighing, determining their volume and comparing actual data with accounting data. Inventory of inventories should be carried out, as a rule, in the order of the location of values ​​in a given room.

In the process of inventory, all primary accounting documents, the correctness of the decisions made on the regrading of material assets, shortages and surpluses are subjected to a thorough check. Also, when auditing the use and safety of inventories in the organization, you should check:

§ state of storage facilities;

§ safety of inventories, compliance with the procedure for accounting for materials;

§ work on rationing the costs of inventories;

§ timeliness and correctness of the inventories of stocks, the validity of the write-off of losses according to the norms of natural loss;

§ observance and correctness of establishing the norm of free distribution of overalls, special footwear and special food.

The values ​​identified during the inventory are entered into the inventory list, according to which a collation list is then compiled. Commodity assets are entered in the inventory for each individual item, indicating the type, group, quantity and other necessary data (article, variety, etc.).

Inventories are compiled separately for inventory items that are in transit, shipped, not paid on time by buyers and located in warehouses of other organizations.

As a result of the inventory can be identified:

correspondence of the actual availability of inventories to accounting data;

Excess values ​​that are subject to capitalization and inclusion in the income of the organization;

shortage of inventories;


To reflect the data obtained during the inventory of the actual availability of inventory items in storage places and at all stages of their movement in the organization, the Inventory list of inventory items in the form No. the material assets reflected in the accounting are also subject to inclusion in the specified inventory list.

Account 91 “Other income and expenses”, sub-account 91-1 “Other income” are intended for accounting for property that turned out to be in excess according to the results of the inventory.

2.Revaluation of inventories

The revaluation of inventories is carried out by decision of the company's management in order to bring the valuation to the real value in today's market conditions, i.e. to fair value. The upward revaluation is carried out mainly as a result of inflationary processes in the economy.

The markdown is made in connection with the loss of part of the value due to the aging of stocks,

changes in market conditions, due to the loss of consumer properties due to extraordinary circumstances and industrial accidents.

Revaluation is carried out by order of the head of the enterprise, and a commission is created to carry out this process.

An obligatory step is inventory. It is carried out according to standard rules, but only the values ​​reflected in the director's order are recalculated. The inventory ends with the drawing up of an act.

After the accounting data is brought into line with the actual availability of valuables, the revaluation act calculates the new value and the amount of markdown or revaluation.

A revaluation statement is attached to the revaluation act, where all positions are entered, in the context of the item numbers of the revalued reserves. The director's order must indicate the source of funding for the revaluation.

The revaluation carried out by the decision of the company's management is financed at the expense of the company's own funds:

– financial results of the current period;

– financial results of previous periods;

– means of target financing;

– balances of economic stimulus funds.

Markdown at those enterprises where the revaluation was carried out by decision

administration, is recognized as an expense of the enterprise, and the revaluation is recognized

enterprise income.

Income and expenses arising from the revaluation are recognized to the extent

period corresponding to the date of the act.

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