Stages of audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors. Practical features of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors at AP Solovievskoye LLC Internal audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors

An audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors is necessary not only to protect property interests, legal regulation and cost accounting. Audit contributes to the conduct of any business operations in compliance with the principle of rational use of resources, reducing (and often preventing) the risks associated with economic activity. Especially if the audit is based on the principle of specialization and the algorithm for conducting internal and external audits is clearly followed. The main goal pursued by the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors depends on the accuracy of following this algorithm - determining the reliability and legality of the reporting indicators of receivables and payables.

Responsibilities of the auditor during the verification of settlements with contractors and suppliers

Settlements with suppliers and contractors: the essence and objectives of the audit

The audit of settlements with establishes compliance with the legislation of transactions made on settlements with contractors and suppliers, as well as compliance financial statements the actual process. The terms "contractors" and "suppliers" here mean organizations (companies) and individual entrepreneurs,

  • supplying materials (raw materials, equipment, structures),
  • performing various types of work under the contract (repair, construction, reconstruction, etc.),
  • providing various services (supply of water, gas, electricity, etc.).

The purpose of the audit determines the audit tasks - their list and sequence of solution. So, when checking suppliers and contractors (audited entities), they begin with the presence and correct execution of agreements (agreements, contracts). At the same time, their content is considered for compliance with the economic meaning of transactions.

Depending on the nature of the transactions and the subject of the agreements to be concluded, the group of settlements with suppliers is separated from the group of settlements with contractors. This is due to the peculiarities of the contracts in each group, which implies different approaches to the audit. The difference is expressed in approaches, for example, in the methods of collecting audit evidence, as well as in the order of sampling.

  1. Settlements with suppliers group.

The subject of the agreement in this group is the process of acquiring property rights and goods. The main forms of agreement here include: a supply contract, a contract of sale, an exchange contract and an electricity supply contract.

  1. Group "Settlements with contractors".

The subject of the agreement in this group is the performance of a certain amount of work and the delivery of the results to the customer. Accordingly, the main forms of agreements here will be a work contract, an R&D contract (in the English version R&D Research and Development), and a paid services contract.

A complete picture of the audited calculations is given by the data of analytical and synthetic accounting, for which, during the audit, the auditor needs to carry out a number of procedures. For example, tracking operations makes it possible to track atypical situations. Recalculation provides a recheck of the accuracy of previous mathematical calculations in accounting records and primary documents. Analysis of information allows you to correlate the values ​​of own and borrowed money etc. A knowledgeable person survey conducted by the auditor may be conducted either within economic entity as well as outside the organization.

Responsibilities of the auditor during the verification of settlements with contractors and suppliers

During the audit procedure, the auditor needs to carry out a number of activities:

  1. Check and evaluate the correctness of filling in the primary documents reflecting the acquisition of goods and materials and the receipt of services and works. The purpose of such a check is to confirm the validity of the appearance of credit debt.
  2. Confirm the very fact of timely repayment of accounts payable and the correctness of its reflection in accounting accounts.
  3. Analyze and evaluate the correctness of the reflection of the submitted claims.

To do this, the auditor must set and solve a number of intermediate tasks:

Entrepreneurial activity of the auditor is regulated by a number of normative acts and legislative documents of four levels.

  1. At the highest level is the Constitution, federal laws(first of all, the Federal Law "On audit activity» No. 307), Civil and Labor Codes, government regulations related to accounting.
  2. At the second level - the standards and rules of audit activity of federal significance, regulating general audit issues, mandatory for execution.
  3. At the third level - standards and internal rules audit organizations and professional associations, standard recommendations and methodological guidelines for accounting, describing specific methods of accounting in accordance with PBU.
  4. At the last level, the accounting policy of a particular organization, the workflow schedule, the chart of accounts and other working documents of the organization and its internal company standards are taken into account.

Federal Law No. 307 reflects liability for violation of the law in the course of audit activities, as well as brought into line and updated all regulations associated with it.

Content of the check and sources of information

An audit of accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors, related to the quality of execution of agreements in accordance with their economic content, includes verification of:

  • supplies of goods and material assets– Inventory and materials (this number includes receipts secured by bills of exchange, as well as non-invoiced receipts),
  • commercial loans received and advances issued,
  • claims made by the audited party,
  • written off debts that are not recoverable,
  • overdue debts, which include debts with expired statute of limitations.

The auditor pays special attention to the last point in order to find out the reasons for the debt, and the measures already taken to collect it. The presence of receivables requires the establishment of the exact date and causes of the debt.

During the verification, they rely on information from the following documents:

  • Contracts for the provision of a particular service.
  • Work contracts.
  • Contracts for the supply of goods and materials.
  • Regulations on accounting policy client, formed on the basis of organizational and economic factors.
  • Journal of registration of a power of attorney to receive goods and materials - inventory items.
  • Supplier Invoice Log.
  • Supplier invoices.
  • Overhead.
  • Bills.
  • Account reconciliations.
  • Acts of inventory calculations.
  • Protocol on the set-off of claims of a mutual nature.
  • Main book.
  • Book of purchases.
  • Copies of payment documentation.
  • Financial statements.
  • Accounting registers on account 60.

On account 60, in a generalized form, all information on payments for received goods and materials, on the work accepted by the customer and on the services consumed is presented.

Score 60 as a reflection of the generalized information about the calculations

“Settlements with suppliers and contractors” (account 60) - an account that summarizes all transactions related to accepted works and services and the acquisition of material production stocks. They are reflected regardless of the terms of payment of the documents presented for calculation. The list of calculations that are taken into account on account 60 includes the following:

  1. For purchased goods and materials, accepted works, consumed services (including processing or delivery of material assets), documents for which were accepted (accepted) for payment through a bank. The list of these services also includes the provision of resources (water, gas, electricity).
  2. For goods and materials, works and services included in the list of non-invoiced deliveries - those for which settlement documents have not yet been received from contractors or suppliers.
  3. For the surplus of goods and materials, which is revealed during the acceptance of inventory items, when the actual number of units exceeds that specified in the documents of suppliers.
  4. For transportation, including overpayments and underpayments of the tariff (freight).
  5. For communication services (this includes all types of communication).
  6. Settlements under a construction contract general contractor with subcontractors.
  7. Settlements between the general contractor and the subcontractor under an R&D contract (“research and development work”, which includes technological work).

To carry out the accounting of the above calculations, it is necessary to check and compare the following documents:

  • Invoices issued upon shipment. Such waybills contain the main characteristics and are the basis for posting goods and materials.
  • Bills of lading, which allow you to track the movement of goods and materials and pay for transportation.
  • Invoices that are issued by the supplier before the delivery of goods and materials or by the work contractor to the customer. They indicate the amount and reason for payment.
  • Invoices that are issued by a supplier for the calculation and payment of VAT. Invoices are considered as the basis for accepting the corresponding tax amounts for reimbursement. The format of the document must meet the requirements tax code RF.
  • Powers of attorney. These documents are used to formalize the right of the subject to act as a trustee authorized to receive material values. The power of attorney may have different kind. For example, the letterhead of the buying company with a seal or a corner stamp will differ from the standard form, but the forms must have a “spine”, according to which the issuance of powers of attorney is recorded in the corresponding special journal. On the form, the details of the buyer are entered, corresponding to the details of his identity card, and the details of the received material assets. The period of validity of the power of attorney is indicated, which also requires verification, since the goods are not issued under an expired document.
  • Acts of acceptance of materials. Such acts are drawn up based on the results of acceptance of goods and materials in the event of a shortage or inconsistency in quality with the required parameters. The acts become the basis for making a claim to the supplier. In an agricultural organization, upon receipt of goods and materials at the warehouse, the storekeeper puts a mark on the settlement documents (as an alternative, an on-farm invoice may be used), and in agroservice companies in these cases a receipt order is drawn up.
  • Commercial acts that are drawn up in case of any discrepancy between the actual state of the cargo and the data indicated in the shipping documents (quantity, mass), in case of damage or disappearance of the cargo (or part of it). Shortage and damage that occurred in transit must be documented with the participation of a representative of the supplier and a disinterested person.

In the case of non-cash payments, it is permissible to carry them out through payment orders, checks, collections (when the bank accepts payment on behalf of the client), letters of credit (when the bank makes payments on behalf of the payer), etc. All of the above and other forms must comply with the requirements of the law, banking rules and traditionally used in banking practice.

Account 60 belongs to the category of active-passive accounts. Here, the debit balance is equal to the amount of advances that are issued in the form of prepayments to suppliers and contractors. This corresponds to their debts for paid goods and materials and goods in transit, debts for services already rendered and for work already performed.

Accounts payable to contractors and suppliers are accrued:

  • on the fact of acceptance (consent to payment by the payer) of settlement documents for accepted goods and materials, works and services,
  • on the fact of acceptance of goods and materials for non-invoiced deliveries (receipts without settlement documents);
  • on the fact of identifying surpluses based on the results of acceptance of values.

Account 60 is credited to supplier accounts presented for payment and value accounts or cost accounts are debited.

The first are the accounts:

  • "Investments in non-current assets" - 08,
  • "Materials" - 10,
  • “Procurement and acquisition of mat. values" - 15,
  • "Goods" - 41, etc.

To the second - accounts:

  • "Main production" - 20,
  • "Auxiliary production" 23,
  • "General production expenses" and "General expenses" (25 and 26 respectively) and others.

Reflection of repayment of debts to suppliers is made as follows:

  • debit - account 60,
  • credit - various accounting accounts Money, which include, for example, the 51st and 52nd (“Settlement Accounts” and “Currency Accounts”, respectively), bank loan accounts: 66 for short-term and 67 for long-term loans.

Within the territory of Russian Federation calculations are carried out in rubles, despite the fact that the commodity price in the contract can be set in any currency or arbitrary conventional units. In this case, any non-ruble price established must be reduced to the national monetary unit- convert to rubles. The exchange rate difference is reflected on account 91: debit 91-2, and (with an indication of the additional accrual of debt for payment of material assets to the supplier) credit 60. This reflects the exchange rate difference that arose both before and after the accounting of goods and materials.

An audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors in terms of compliance with the state of analytical and synthetic accounting data should be carried out in accordance with the program for checking the accounting area and the developed plan. The data after their analysis should form a comprehensive idea of ​​the following types of calculations:

  • with contractors and suppliers - according to the accepted (accepted) settlement documents for which the payment deadline has not yet come, for documents not paid on time and for advances issued,
  • with suppliers - according to the already received commercial credit and etc..

First of all, the audit establishes the availability of documents regulating the rights and obligations in the supply of goods and materials from both parties, and the accuracy of their execution. And also - the compliance of the payment or receipt of money (for the received or shipped goods, respectively) and the degree of completeness of the posting-writing-off of goods and materials. To reflect settlement transactions, journal No. 6 (journal-order) is used, which opens for a year, as well as an annex to it of form No. 6 (“Register of settlement operations”). In such registers, records are kept for each document in a positional way.

In general, accounting in the context of calculations of suppliers and contractors is carried out only if the calculations are considered in the order of planned payments (with a reflection of the identification of the balance and movement). However, regardless of the form of settlements and the amount of amounts, all settlements for shipped goods and materials and accepted works must be reflected on account 60. Correspondence records must be made with account 60, if at the time of registration of the accepted work or receipt of goods and materials at the recipient's warehouse, the documents have already been paid.

Analytical accounting is carried out for each invoice presented by the contractor or supplier and for each contractor or supplier in order to provide information on debts on settlement documents for which the due date has not yet come, on unpaid on time and on uninvoiced deliveries.

Entries on the left side of the journal-warrant regarding the credit of account 60 are made according to the column with debit accounts for accounting for material assets, capital investments and production costs. And for separate columns - the amount of VAT, the balance at the beginning of the month and its end, dates of transactions, document numbers and names of suppliers (contractors).

Stage 1 of the audit: preparation and planning

The audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors, as a rule, takes place in three stages, at the first of which there is an acquaintance with the audited organization and general procedures are carried out. However, despite the fact that the procedures are on the merits, the conduct of precise valuations and measurements, conformity analysis, etc. are carried out at the second, main stage, preparation and planning is considered the most important stage, which should not be underestimated.

Before starting the procedures, the auditor should understand the peculiarities of the activities of the economic entity. In this case, the audit planning scheme should not contradict the auditing standards adopted in Russia. The optimal scheme includes the stages:

  • drawing up a preliminary plan,
  • studying the accounting system adopted in the organization
  • evaluating the effectiveness of the internal control system,
  • establishing a hierarchy (level) of materiality,
  • the stage of building an audit sample,
  • and the stage of preparation of the overall plan.

Features of the audit at each stage (methods of obtaining evidence, maintaining working audit documentation) are determined by the intended objectives of the audit.

"Letter of Commitment"

Before concluding an agreement to conduct an audit in order to regulate the obligation, the audit company prepares a letter of commitment confirming its consent to conduct an audit. The letter is sent in response to the request-offer of the economic entity and contains the conditions for verification and mutual obligations of the office and the organization that applied to it for this.

The necessary amount of information contained in the letter is achieved by conducting a preliminary acquaintance with the client organization.

Among other things, this allows, when concluding an agreement, which is immediately defined as the provision of services for a fee, not to miss important points and open questions:

  • execution order,
  • payment for services,
  • timing and timeliness of completion of works,
  • preservation of documentation
  • maintaining privacy,
  • the rights of the customer and his assistance in the audit,
  • obligations of the parties in the event of a unilateral refusal to perform,
  • responsibility of the inspector for the quality of the result.

The audit conclusions are reflected in the working documents for all sections of the program, becoming factual material in the preparation of the conclusion in the report. However, the formal parameters and content of these working documents are not regulated by regulatory documents, but are determined by the internal standards of the audit company.

advance planning

Such preliminary planning begins, as a rule, with introductory conversations with representatives of the management of the audited organization, with the chief accountant, employees of various departments, a representative or management of the control service.

During the conversation, the auditor receives general information that helps to understand the needs of the client and expectations from the audit activity. Preliminary planning is completed by studying the work of the internal control service (according to reports), materials from other inspection structures (for example, tax).

The result of planning is a general plan and audit programs. In general, the purpose and direction of the audit, the method of verification, the level of materiality, the magnitude of the risk are indicated. In addition, the size of the working group and the qualification requirements for auditors are determined, after which responsibilities and the hierarchy of subordination are distributed. The plan also establishes the time parameters for the process, the date for the submission of a detailed report and the final conclusion.

In the final program, special attention is paid to areas that were controlled by the accounting department to a lesser extent or were not controlled at all.

The end result should be a detailed list. audit procedures with content that will allow substantiating audit evidence on its basis.

Stage No. 2 of the audit: the status of settlements

The stage of direct verification begins with confirmation of the conformity of data from various sources:

  • general ledger,
  • balance sheet,
  • accounting registers (synthetic and analytical) on account 60,
  • acts of reconciliation of settlements and data on accounts 50-52.

The auditor checks whether there is (and whether it is correctly drawn up) an agreement for the supply of goods and materials, works and services, the reasons and date of occurrence of the debt (if any), with regard to both receivables and payables, and debts with an overdue limitation date.

With regard to timing, it is stated that:

  • The deadline for the fulfillment of settlement obligations for the work, services rendered and for the supplied goods and materials is 3 months from the date of the actual provision of services or receipt of goods.
  • The amount of debt that was not claimed by creditors under such transactions is subject to write-off after 4 months from the date of actual receipt of goods and materials or services (works) by the debtor enterprise with the status of uncollectible receivables for the creditor's losses (if there was no intent in the actions of the creditor).

If there are non-invoiced deliveries (there are no documents for received goods and materials), the auditor checks what status these values ​​are in - whether they are among those paid, but on the way (at the supplier's warehouse), and whether their value is present as receivables. At the same time, the auditor must establish whether the estimated inventory was carried out and, if so, then verify its results by means of a counter check for the completeness of posting, the correctness of pricing (under the contract), the correctness of writing off costs to prime cost, check debts with expired prescription. Deposit and accounts payable since expired statute of limitations attributed to increased funding or business results.

Verification of the reality of debt (including exculpatory materials) is also important because when it is paid in cash, there is room for fraud and embezzlement. Similar actions in the area of ​​current liabilities will differ from the same procedures in the area of ​​current assets. Fraudsters forge documents, make fictitious documents that provide cash payments. But to complete the picture, in addition to real debt, the indicators of past years in terms of overdue payments are also compared with the current ones.

On account 60, accounting reflects all accepted work, and purchased goods, regardless of the terms of payment - on an accrual basis. This account is credited for the cost of goods and materials, services and works accepted for accounting in correspondence with accounts for accounting for goods and materials, works, services (or with account 15) or with cost accounting accounts. On delivery - with accounts of inventories, production costs, goods. For non-invoiced deliveries - for the cost of goods and materials received, determined by the price and conditions specified in the contract.

Depending on whether the documents for goods and materials from the supplier comply with the terms of the contract, two options are possible:

  • if they match, then an additional entry is made for the amount of goods and materials,
  • if they do not match, then entries are made for the amounts of shipping documents, and the preliminary accounting entry is reversed.

Account 60 is debited for the amount of payment of invoices regarding the fulfillment of obligations. Advance payments also go through the debit and in correspondence with the cash accounts - advance payment on the accounts of suppliers. The amounts of advance payments and advance payments must be accounted for separately.

In addition, the auditor finds out whether there are any transactions carried out by the parties intentionally bypassing the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - untimely or not in full. Such transactions are defined as invalid (void).

Next, the auditor obtains evidence of his observations. The data of the primary documentation and the data of the contract, invoices, design and estimate package are compared. So, the inspector confirms and certifies:

  • compliance of payment documents ( bank statements, bills, receipts, cash receipt orders, checks, etc.) debt repayment operations,
  • the reliability of these payment documents and the correctness of their registration in terms of details, amounts, the presence of seals and stamps, VAT on a separate line etc.,
  • the correspondence of these data from payment documents to the data that are reflected in the accounting registers for the account.

The result of such an analysis is, for example, the opinion that the completeness and timeliness of calculations reflected on account 60 are confirmed, accounting is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents, data on it from accounting registers are correctly transferred to the General Ledger, and balance sheets are drawn up as an expression of balances on its accounts . Moreover, all calculations are documented.

Audit Stage 3: Arrears

As part of the audit program to determine the status of receivables and payables of contractors and suppliers, the inspector finds out how the procedure for writing off those debts that are unrealistic to recover is followed, analyzes the status of claims settlements.

"Inventory Act ..." (Appendix D) allows you to divide receivables into two types:

  1. confirmed
  2. unconfirmed - with an expired limitation period.

Doubtful debts may arise in case of non-fulfillment of obligations in terms of payment for the delivered products due to the reorganization of the company, liquidation of the buyer or insolvency. The status of such a debt is received by outstanding in the contractual terms accounts receivable which is not backed by sufficient appropriate guarantees.

The uncollectible debt for each obligation (according to the accounting regulation, paragraph 77) is written off based on the results of the inventory and from the written order of the head, substantiating his decision in the disposal. Such debt is charged to an allowance account for doubtful debts or to results financial activities commercial company in the event that for the previous reporting period the amount of this debt was not reserved. Enterprises not only have the right to create such reserves, but with the continued possibility of debt collection, their creation is advisable.

The amount of the reserve is an individual parameter for each specific debt. This parameter depends on solvency and the degree of probability of at least partial repayment. Account 63 is used to summarize information on such reserves.

of the reserve are accounted as non-operating expenses, which allows enterprises to reduce the amount of income tax when creating reserves (if the procedure for creating reserves is provided for by the accounting policy of the enterprise).

The expiration of the debt becomes prerequisite and the basis for creating a reserve. Terms are determined by the contract or (if the agreement does not stipulate this) by law. During the reporting year that follows the year of the creation of the reserve, the reserve must either be fully used or the unspent amount must be added to the financial result, which is reflected in accounting by posting. At the same time, you can create a new reserve for doubtful debts and include there outstanding debts remaining from the reserve for the past period.

Debt write-off at a loss as a result of the debtor's insolvency and debt cancellation are not identical. This amount for another 5 years from the date of write-off is reflected in balance sheet to maintain a mechanism to monitor the possibility of debt collection in the event of an improvement in the property condition of the debtor.

Audits for different accounting segments can be voluntary and mandatory. With the help of such monitoring, it is possible to quickly identify accounting errors, objectively evaluate the effectiveness of work in a particular area. When checking the status of settlements with counterparties supplying marketable products, contractors, the work is complicated by a large volume of transactions and primary documentation.

Goals and objectives in the audit of calculations

The purpose of the audit activities is to check the correctness of the reflection of business transactions in the accounts and reporting documentation. Range of tasks to be solved:

  • determination of the level of profitability of the enterprise;
  • development of strategic and tactical steps to reduce the expenditure side;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of cooperation with counterparties;
  • assessment of the objectivity and profitability for the enterprise of the pricing policy used by its suppliers and contractors;
  • confirmation of the completeness of the display in the accounting of the status of settlements with third parties;
  • checking the timeliness of entering into the account information on the occurrence and repayment of debts;
  • viewing contractual documentation with suppliers, assessing the correctness of its execution.

To minimize the risk of overstatement or understatement tax base it is necessary to check the primary documents for the recorded transactions. In the presence of overdue debts, the reasons for their occurrence are clarified.

Normative base

Key role in legal regulation audit activities is assigned to Law No. 307-FZ, dated December 30, 2008. It spells out the features of the implementation of the audit at different stages, the requirements for auditors and their activities, the rules for summing up and documenting them.

Important regulatory documents in the field of audit include:

  1. Federal standards of audit activity. They indicate the responsibilities of the auditor, disclose the nuances of planning the audit and describe the methodology of action, regulate the rules for documenting each stage.
  2. The Civil Code, which assesses the legal status of each participant in the transaction during settlements, helps to assess the legality of the content of contractual documentation, and forms the basis for assessing the objectivity of claims against counterparties.
  3. The Tax Code is the basis for detecting offenses in the tax sphere. According to its norms, an assessment is made of the correctness of reporting, calculations of tax liabilities, and the timeliness of repayment of debts to the budget is checked.
  4. Chart of accounts accounting. According to it, a working chart of accounts should be formed. According to the standards of the chart of accounts, the correctness of accounting is assessed, the correlation of the types of expense and income accounts with the displayed operations.
  5. Provisions on accounting, regulating the procedure for the actions of a business entity in different areas accounting.


Before the beginning audit it is necessary to outline an action plan and determine the order of implementation of its stages. The developed scheme must comply with the norms of auditing standards and the current legislative framework. To identify the list of tasks, the inspector consults with the management of the enterprise and its chief accountant, heads of departments. During introductory conversations, the auditor identifies problematic issues, forms a list of information and analytical requests from the customer.

NOTE! Familiarization of the auditor with the materials of previous audits and the system of work of the internal monitoring service is carried out before the start of the audit - at the stage of preliminary planning. This is necessary to build an effective audit program.

At the planning stage, an action plan and a verification program are drawn up. The plan outlines the goals and objectives, the audited accounting segment, fixes the method of verification and indicates the materiality limit. To improve the efficiency of actions, the auditor determines the required number of inspectors and prescribes the requirements for the level of their qualifications. The plan indicates the distribution of the terms of reference between the auditors participating in the audit, time limits are set for each stage.

IMPORTANT! Planning is carried out in accordance with the rules specified in Auditing Standard No. 3.

The sequence of actions at the stage of drawing up a plan and program of work:

  1. Preliminary conversations with officials of the enterprise-customer.
  2. Acquaintance with the accounting policy of the organization and the accounting system used.
  3. Analysis of the effectiveness of the system of internal monitoring of reporting.
  4. Concretization of the limits of significant indicators.
  5. Building a sampling model for an audit survey.
  6. Development of an audit program with established deadlines for each operation.

When drawing up a program of measures, the auditor identifies areas of accounting that were covered superficially by previous checks, problematic operations and identified high-risk areas. During the audit, the following must be checked:

  • whether there are signed contracts with contractors for all deliveries;
  • the validity of classifying the amounts as accounts payable (approved inventory reports for settlements with counterparties, reconciliation reports must be available);
  • analyzes the correspondence of accounts when reflecting operations on 60 and 76 accounting accounts;
  • reconciliation of analytics with the data of journals-orders and balance is carried out.

In the verification program, it is necessary to highlight the required elements. Among them are the name of the organization under study, the timing of the audit, the number of hours that are planned to be spent on each stage, the composition of the audit team. It is necessary to specify the materiality threshold for detected errors.

Test Method

There is no universal set of techniques used by the auditor. For each case, an individually developed methodology is included in the program of work. The general scheme of actions assumes:

  • determination of the level of influence on the enterprise under study of a complex of internal and external factors;
  • risk analysis through testing;
  • documentary verification by systematizing primary documentation, specifying its volume and grouping into sections of accounting operations;
  • audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors by comparing facts, confirming balances of debts, tracing chains of accounting operations;
  • inventory recalculation of inventory items, scanning;
  • summing up the results of analytical actions.

The auditor, in the performance of his duties, forms a base of audit evidence, tests the current monitoring system at the enterprise for its reliability, efficiency and objectivity.

What is checked

An audit of settlements with suppliers involves checking the viability of the accounting system as a whole and a detailed analysis of the area of ​​work with counterparties:

  • analysis of accounting policies to identify compliance with its legislative framework and completeness of reflection of all accounting features;
  • shortcomings of the accounting process in the organization are fixed;
  • proposals are made to eliminate deficiencies.

The main block of work is related to the reconciliation of calculations. This procedure is necessary to justify the existing accounting amounts of accounts payable. Conducting reconciliations with contracting structures and suppliers of goods and materials is initiated. Reconciliation acts are drawn up, which should confirm the balance according to accounting data. During analytical operations, attention is focused on counterparties, cooperation with which is a priority for the audited organization.

NOTE! If the counterparty did not provide information on its accounting data upon reconciliation, the auditor checks the account balances by comparing the data on the primary documentation.

If discrepancies are found between the acts of reconciliations and accounting, the auditor begins an audit:

  • invoices from the supplier, checks their data with the entries made in the registers;
  • payments on bank statements - one or more payments can be attributed in accounting to another counterparty;
  • claim documentation - were there any cases of refusal of goods due to marriage, refusal to make payments.

If the supplier in the reconciliation reports shows overestimated amounts of debt, then the auditor checks the timeliness of the accounting for the operation to receive the goods. When confirming the fact of shipment of products on the territory of the enterprise before the end of the current financial year, the indicated amounts should be included in the debt. To do this, an inventory is initiated, on the basis of which the credit balance is increased. If material assets are received after the end of the reporting period or were not accepted by the recipient, then the auditor comes to the supplier with a proposal to correct the information in the reconciliation report.

At the stage of assessing the internal control system, the following are checked:

  • contractual documents - with which suppliers agreements have been signed, whether the contracts have been drawn up correctly;
  • reconciliation acts to identify the frequency of their compilation and the compliance of the data in them with accounting;
  • claim correspondence - the practice of applying a system of fines and penalties, charging penalties, the frequency of cases of violation of the provisions of contracts is analyzed;
  • pricing policy - is there a reconciliation of price offers and data that are reflected in the invoices for products.

When analyzing the status of settlements, operations are checked for realized deliveries of valuables, deliveries that have collateral in the form of bills of exchange, unbilled receipts are allocated. The ratio of the amounts of credit funds received by the organization and advances issued to third parties is displayed. If the enterprise has written claims from suppliers, the auditor checks the objectivity of the requirements expressed in the documents.

Subject to verification:

  • debt obligations that have been written off and cannot be recovered from the institution;
  • overdue debt on a credit basis;
  • debts with an expired statute of limitations.

REFERENCE! If, according to the accounting data and reconciliation reports, receivables are reflected, the auditor must identify the circumstances of its occurrence, set the date of formation.

To create objective value judgments, the auditor analyzes the content of the contractual documentation. He will need supply, purchase and sale, contract, service agreements concluded with suppliers and contractors. If there is a fact of settlements under an account-agreement or an offer-account, they must be presented for verification to the auditor.

Under contractor agreements, the examination is aimed at confirming the completeness of all the work prescribed in the agreements. If the results of individual services do not have a material form, the primary documentation related to them is subjected to a detailed analysis.

Common Mistakes

Increased risks of conflict situations and mutual claims between suppliers, contractors and customers of goods or services are associated with the lack of a written form of contracts. If the company decides to refuse to document the agreements reached, there are no guarantees that all parties to the transaction will fulfill their obligations. The task of the auditor in this matter is to determine with which counterparties there are no written agreements, to attribute settlements with them to the high-risk group.

REFERENCE! According to the available contractual documentation, the details and semantic content are checked.

A typical mistake is the violation of the rules for drawing up agreements with suppliers, the lack of deadlines for the execution of work for the contractor at each stage. Problems can create such situations:

  • the original documents were destroyed before the end of the storage period specified in the regulatory enactments;
  • poor quality of accounting, which causes an unreliable reflection of the enterprise's activities in analytics;
  • negligent attitude of the staff to the inventory of valuables and settlements with suppliers;
  • lack of skills and knowledge on the issues of claim work;
  • accounting data on the amounts of debts do not correspond to reality;
  • reconciliation acts have discrepancies;
  • illegal transactions for the allocation of VAT;
  • the correspondence of accounts formed in accounting is incorrect, this entails errors in the final reporting;
  • the presence of unrecorded transactions for the posting of values ​​​​from suppliers;
  • arithmetic errors;
  • sorting;
  • the use of free-form forms in the workflow with the legal requirement to use unified forms (such operations cannot be recognized in accounting);
  • the documentation drawn up by the organization does not contain a complete list of mandatory details, on the basis of this it cannot be endowed with legal force.

At the enterprise, facts of deliberate falsification of documentation, acceptance of fictitious amounts of obligations for accounting can be revealed. A violation is the absence of an approved workflow schedule. With the current schedule for receiving and sending documentation, there are shortcomings in the form:

  • the absence of registration numbers on letters, documents, certificates received by the institution;
  • late registration;
  • inconsistencies in the dates of registration in the journals and on the forms.

The workflow system should regulate the rules for the chronological reflection of business transactions and primary documents in accounting registers and journals. Responsible persons are obliged to strictly adhere to the terms of storage of accounting forms specified by law and the procedure for their transfer to the archive. For the destruction of original documents, it is necessary to draw up a special act.

The auditor, when checking the status of settlements with counterparties, may discover facts of closing debts in violation of the deadlines allotted for this. When working with foreign exchange settlements, one of the counterparties may make a counting error when deriving the amount of the exchange rate difference.

Audit results

After completion of all audit activities, the inspector systematizes the collected material, the results of analytics, calculated data and reflects the results of the work in the audit report. The conclusion may be intended for the needs of:

  • the management team of the institution that ordered the settlement audit service;
  • owners of the enterprise;
  • investors for whom such information is important at the stage of developing a new investment project.

The auditor's report should reflect the opinion on the degree of reliability of accounting documentation and all forms of reporting in the context of the studied segment of work. The final document can be:

  1. Certainly positive. In this case, the auditor could not find rules, transactions and accounting records that contradicted the law. This is confirmed by the completeness of documentation of all stages of settlements with suppliers, the correct organization of claims work and the timeliness of taking into account all types of debts, compliance with deadlines in the implementation of settlements.
  2. conditionally positive. It refers to the observance of all essential conditions for the implementation of contractual relations with suppliers and contractors, the correctness of classifying specific operations as liability and asset sections. There may be minor violations that do not lead to a distortion of the reporting and the emergence of justified claims from counterparties.
  3. Negative. The activity of the enterprise is conducted with violations, reporting does not comply with the principles of completeness and reliability. The terms of settlements are regularly violated, the status of the debt does not change in time.

In some cases, the auditor issues a conclusion containing a refusal to express a qualified opinion on the state of accounting at the enterprise and the correctness of his settlements with suppliers.

The variety of forms of settlements provided for by law turns the audit of settlements with suppliers and buyers into a process that requires knowledge of civil law, accounting and tax accounting, the ability to evaluate and describe the system of interaction between the client and counterparties.

Audit of settlements with suppliers and buyers is the main element of verification for almost all economic entities. Such calculations include not only transactions under sales contracts, but also various barter transactions, offsets of mutual claims, barter transactions, settlements with promissory notes of one’s own or third parties, etc. As a result of the activities carried out, the organization has a debt, information about which should be correctly disclosed in the financial statements.

The main purpose of the audit is to comply with the legality and timeliness of debt repayment, the correctness of accounting for calculations and measures taken by the organization's management to eliminate the causes that cause the occurrence of unclaimed debts.

Sources of information:

Regulation on accounting policy;

Supply contracts;



Account reconciliation acts;

Protocols on offsetting mutual claims;

Acts of inventory of settlements;

Copies of payment documents;

Book of purchases;

Accounting registers on account 60;

Main book;

Financial statements.

The form of settlements between the payer and the recipient of funds is determined by the contract or agreement. At the same time, enterprises, by common agreement, can carry out offsets of mutual debts, bypassing banks. In this case, an order for a small amount is submitted to the bank. To account for settlements with suppliers and customers, account 60 with the same name is used.

Settlements with suppliers and contractors is a section of accounting, where, along with checking the reflection of transactions in the accounting system, the assessment of the primary accounting system is of no small importance. This is primarily due to the fact that almost all the documents that process the operations of this section come to the organization from the outside.

The accounting area under consideration is characterized by certain risk factors due to the following reasons:

Lack of multiple control over primary documents at the stage of their creation and verification (as is the case with documentation created at the enterprise);

the difficulty of restoring missing and correcting incorrectly executed documents;

high probability of late receipt of supporting documents;

· the lack of unification of a significant part of the primary documents confirming the completion of these operations (especially operations related to payments for services rendered). Hence the risk that the primary documentation may not be recognized as supporting if there are any doubts about the correctness of the documents and their completeness.

Risk factors, as well as the possibility of various kinds of abuse, necessitate a preliminary study of the primary accounting system at the site of settlements with suppliers and contractors. Such an analysis will allow the auditor to be more prepared to approach the implementation of basic audit procedures for this section accounting, as well as reasonably determine the sample sizes and methods for selecting elements in the test population. In addition, a preliminary analysis of the primary accounting system will provide an opportunity to assess the quality of the primary accounting documentation, which will be used by the auditor as audit evidence.

On the basis of the study, a plan and program of verification are drawn up, sample sizes are determined in separate areas of accounting within this section and methods for selecting elements of the audited population.

Typical mistakes:

lack of contracts for the supply of products, primary documents or their incomplete execution;

incorrect correspondence of accounting accounts, incorrect determination of the taxable base for VAT.

An audit of settlements with suppliers and buyers and, as a result, an audit of receivables and payables helps to identify debts for which the statute of limitations has expired.

When checking settlements with suppliers and contractors, it is necessary to find out the documentary validity of the operations performed, to verify the authenticity of the documents and the correctness of their execution.

The auditor during the audit should pay attention to the following:

whether there are contracts for the supply of products (performance of works, services) and the correctness of their execution;

In the presence of receivables and payables, it is necessary to establish the date of occurrence and the reason for the formation;

whether there is a debt with an expired limitation period, whether measures are being taken to collect it;

the correctness of conducting analytical accounting on account 60, the correctness of drawing up accounting entries on account 60;

correspondence of analytical accounting entries to entries in the journal-order N 6 of the main ledger and balance sheet (with journal-order form accounting);

Upon receipt of inventory items for which settlement documents have not been received, it is necessary to check whether these incoming valuables are listed as paid, but are on the way or not taken out of the warehouses of suppliers and whether the value of these valuables is listed as receivables;

Whether an inventory of calculations was carried out (it is necessary to review the results and, if necessary, conduct a counter check of the calculations);

Completeness of posting of material assets. It is necessary to compare the data on their quantity and cost on payment documents with the data of documents for their posting (invoices, waybills) and indicators of analytical accounting, reports on the movement of products and materials;

· the correctness of setting prices for material assets: do they correspond to the prices specified in the supply contracts;

Correctness of write-off of expenses from the credit of settlements with debtors and creditors to the cost of production (works, services);

Whether penalties were imposed on suppliers in case of violation of contractual obligations;

Correctness of reflection of operations when paying by bills;

whether claims were made to suppliers and contractors in case of discrepancy between prices and tariffs stipulated by the contracts; non-compliance with quality standards or specifications, for marriage and downtime caused by the fault of suppliers or contractors;

Availability of foreign suppliers supplying materials for foreign currency. It is necessary to clarify how exchange rate differences are accounted for and how these exchange differences were written off, as well as to find out whether account 60 balances were recalculated on the first day of the corresponding quarter.

When conducting an audit, it is necessary to establish whether the requirements of regulatory enactments are met when reflecting in accounting and tax accounting operations for accounting for settlements with suppliers for the supply of products (goods, works, services), namely:

Reconciliation of data from analytical accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors with turnovers and balances on account 60 of synthetic accounting. When conducting an audit, it is necessary to verify the identity of the analytical accounting data with the turnover and balances of the synthetic accounting accounts.

The data of analytical accounting of settlements must correspond to the turnover and balances of synthetic accounting accounts.

Checking the correctness of the entries made in the General Ledger is carried out by calculating the amounts of turnover and balances for all accounting accounts. The sums of debit and credit turnovers, as well as debit and credit balances, must be equal, respectively.

Reconciliation of accounting data of settlements with suppliers and contractors with accounting data. The Auditing Organization, when conducting an audit, must obtain sufficient audit evidence to ensure that:

· the closing balances on the accounts of synthetic accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors (60) of the previous reporting period are appropriately transferred to the beginning of the audited reporting period;

· the relevant indicators of financial statements (f. No. 1, 5) at the beginning and end of the reporting period, correspond to the accounting data of the registers of synthetic and analytical accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors;

Verification of contracts with suppliers and contractors.

The main legal document that fixes all the necessary conditions for the implementation of the commercial plans of any organization is a contract, the importance of which in the financial and economic activities of the organization is enormous. The economic result of the transaction largely depends on how competently and clearly in the legal sense this or that contract is drawn up and concluded.

During the audit, it is necessary to check the existence of contracts, the correctness of their execution, as well as consider the features of accounting and tax consequences of transactions.

Verification of the reliability (completeness and accuracy) of the facts of posting of inventory items (inventory and materials), acceptance of works, services for accounting. With the help of this procedure, confidence is achieved that the organization has all the primary documentation for all incoming valuables and all services rendered for the reporting period. It is expedient to carry out sampling in this area in the following way: for operations for the receipt of goods and materials by a representative sample using random or systematic selection, for operations for the acquisition of works and services through a non-representative sample, depending on the subject of contracts, their cost and other factors.

When checking the completeness of the reflection of the acquired works, services, the auditor can use information about a typical "set" of services provided by the audited organization for a certain period, obtained, for example, as a result of an oral survey or review of accounting registers for previous periods.

At the same time, the auditor should verify the data of primary receipt documents with contracts and for delivery with one or another supplier. Then you need to check the availability of invoices from suppliers for each specific transaction in the invoice registration log. After that, it is necessary to verify the received data with the warehouse accounting data or with information from the accounting department about the works and services accepted for accounting.

Checking the efficiency of registering the facts of the receipt of raw materials, the provision of services. The auditor should establish the reasons for the discrepancies (if any) between the dates of business transactions and the timing of their registration in accounting, and also find out whether such facts are one-time or systematic. From a conversation with the chief accountant (or his deputy), the auditor should find out how and in what terms the documents received by the enterprise are processed, what are the main channels for receiving documents, whether they are centralized registration, etc. It is also useful to familiarize yourself with the list of permanent and one-time counterparties of the enterprise, and pay special attention to the documents of the latter.

Checking the legality of the primary accounting documentation that draws up transactions for settlements with suppliers and contractors. The purpose of this procedure is to obtain a sufficient amount of evidence that the entire array of primary documents is legally valid (that is, all the requirements for documentation are met). The auditor leaf through those documents that were selected by him for verification earlier (in accordance with the selected criteria).

Special care should be taken when reviewing documentation of transactions for which discrepancies have been found. Based on the results of this procedure, the auditor should identify the general level of compliance with the rules for processing documents for this section and, having identified violations, reflect them in the audit report. Information on those transactions where there are no documents or they are drawn up incorrectly (some details are missing or there are corrections in the documents) must be taken into account when further checking the reflection of these transactions on accounting accounts.

Checking the completeness and accuracy of document registration in accounting registers. As a result of this procedure, the auditor obtains a sufficient amount of evidence that six basic principles have been observed when accepting documents for accounting:

· there were sufficient grounds for registration of each document;

· all the documents that process the audited transactions are registered in full;

All documents are reflected in accordance with the economic essence of the operation, and for all documents an accurate quantitative and qualitative transfer of data to the accounting system was made;

All documents are registered in a timely manner;

All documents are registered in the accounting registers corresponding to this business transaction;

Each document is taken into account only once.

The selection of documents to be checked within the framework of this procedure should be made taking into account the results of previous procedures. Particular attention should be paid to documents for which there are no workflow schedules, and transactions for which there are no primary documents or they lack certain details.

Checking the reality of receivables and payables. The purpose of this procedure is to achieve confidence that the debts of counterparties and debts to counterparties are recorded in accounting accounts in real values. This procedure is one of the most important in the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors, since operations with accounts payable and repaying them in cash present an opportunity for fraud, embezzlement and distortion of financial statements.

The auditor needs to be aware of the typical ways in which such activities are committed and concealed. The most significant fraud can reach in the implementation of procurement operations. Violations in the procurement of raw materials can be as simple (for example, presenting invoices and invoices of fictitious firms as supporting documents, which is easily detected during the inventory and reconciliations of calculations), or very complex, which are almost impossible to reveal with the help of an audit when fraud is carried out. by mutual agreement of officials of both parties to the transaction in order to ensure incorrect cash payments.

The auditor should also make sure that during the audited period there were no cases of overlapping accounts payable to one counterparty with the receivables of another. In addition, the amounts of accounts payable with an expired limitation period must be written off in a timely manner to other income of the organization.

Checking settlements for uninvoiced deliveries. With the help of this procedure, the reflection on the accounts of transactions for the receipt of goods and materials (works, services) from third-party organizations that are not confirmed within a certain period of time by primary documents is checked.

The absence of supporting documents is revealed during the audit of the primary accounting system for this section. When checking, it is necessary to take into account that analytical accounting on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" should provide data on uninvoiced deliveries and that material assets (works, services) for uninvoiced deliveries should be accounted for at prices and on the terms stipulated by the contract .

The auditor should ensure that documents for uninvoiced deliveries are requested from the organization within a reasonable time frame. In the case of non-invoiced deliveries, for which supporting documents have not been available for a sufficiently long time (meaning that at the time of preparation of reports - tax and financial - the documents have not yet been received), the auditor should make sure that the input VAT on such deliveries has not been accepted for reimbursement.

If the supporting documents have been received and there are discrepancies in prices and nomenclature, then the auditor should check the correctness of the adjustment of the amounts for the corresponding positions in the accounting accounts, which by the time the documents were received had already been written off to the costs of the audited period. If data for previous reporting periods are subject to adjustment, it is also advisable to check the correctness of the adjustment of the relevant tax and financial statements.

Checking settlements on promissory notes issued and settlements on commercial loans. If the organization practices settlements with its own bills of exchange, then the auditor needs to pay attention to the fact that analytical accounting on account 60 should provide the possibility of obtaining data by suppliers on issued bills of exchange, the due date of which has not come, and on overdue bills. In addition, for overdue bills with an expired limitation period, you should check the timeliness of writing off accounts payable to other income of the organization.

If goods and materials were received on the terms of a commercial loan or the accounts payable are secured by a bill of exchange and provide for the payment of a certain percentage to the supplier, then accounting for interest on these obligations is of great importance.

An audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors is necessary not only to protect property interests, legal regulation and cost accounting. Audit contributes to the conduct of any business operations in compliance with the principle of rational use of resources, reducing (and often preventing) the risks associated with economic activity. Especially if the audit is based on the principle of specialization and the algorithm for conducting internal and external audits is clearly followed. The main goal pursued by the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors depends on the accuracy of following this algorithm - determining the reliability and legality of the reporting indicators of receivables and payables.

Responsibilities of the auditor during the verification of settlements with contractors and suppliers

Settlements with suppliers and contractors: the essence and objectives of the audit

An audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors establishes the compliance with the law of transactions made on settlements with contractors and suppliers, as well as the compliance of accounting statements with the actual process. The terms "contractors" and "suppliers" here mean organizations (companies) and individual entrepreneurs,

  • supplying materials (raw materials, equipment, structures),
  • performing various types of work under the contract (repair, construction, reconstruction, etc.),
  • providing various services (supply of water, gas, electricity, etc.).

The purpose of the audit determines the audit tasks - their list and sequence of solution. So, when checking suppliers and contractors (audited entities), they begin with the presence and correct execution of agreements (agreements, contracts). At the same time, their content is considered for compliance with the economic meaning of transactions.

Depending on the nature of the transactions and the subject of the agreements to be concluded, the group of settlements with suppliers is separated from the group of settlements with contractors. This is due to the peculiarities of the contracts in each group, which implies different approaches to the audit. The difference is expressed in approaches, for example, in the methods of collecting audit evidence, as well as in the order of sampling.

  1. Settlements with suppliers group.

The subject of the agreement in this group is the process of acquiring property rights and goods. The main forms of agreement here include: a supply contract, a contract of sale, an exchange contract and an electricity supply contract.

  1. Group "Settlements with contractors".

The subject of the agreement in this group is the performance of a certain amount of work and the delivery of the results to the customer. Accordingly, the main forms of agreements here will be a work contract, an R&D contract (in the English version R&D Research and Development), and a paid services contract.

A complete picture of the audited calculations is given by the data of analytical and synthetic accounting, for which, during the audit, the auditor needs to carry out a number of procedures. For example, tracking operations makes it possible to track atypical situations. Recalculation provides a recheck of the accuracy of previous mathematical calculations in accounting records and primary documents. Analysis of information allows you to correlate the amount of equity and borrowed funds, etc. A knowledgeable person survey conducted by the auditor can be conducted both within the economic entity and outside the organization.

Responsibilities of the auditor during the verification of settlements with contractors and suppliers

During the audit procedure, the auditor needs to carry out a number of activities:

  1. Check and evaluate the correctness of filling in the primary documents reflecting the acquisition of goods and materials and the receipt of services and works. The purpose of such a check is to confirm the validity of the appearance of credit debt.
  2. Confirm the very fact of timely repayment of accounts payable and the correctness of its reflection in accounting accounts.
  3. Analyze and evaluate the correctness of the reflection of the submitted claims.

To do this, the auditor must set and solve a number of intermediate tasks:

Entrepreneurial activity of the auditor is regulated by a number of normative acts and legislative documents of four levels.

  1. At the highest level, these are the Constitution, federal laws (first of all, the Federal Law “On Auditing” No. 307), the Civil and Labor Codes, and government decrees related to accounting.
  2. At the second level - the standards and rules of audit activity of federal significance, regulating general audit issues, mandatory for execution.
  3. At the third level - standards and internal rules of audit organizations and professional associations, standard recommendations and methodological guidelines for accounting, describing specific methods of accounting in accordance with PBU.
  4. At the last level, the accounting policy of a particular organization, the workflow schedule, the chart of accounts and other working documents of the organization and its internal company standards are taken into account.

Federal Law No. 307 reflects liability for violation of the law in the course of auditing activities, and also brought into line and updated all the regulations related to it.

Content of the check and sources of information

An audit of accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors, related to the quality of execution of agreements in accordance with their economic content, includes verification of:

  • supplies of commodity and material assets - goods and materials (this number includes receipts secured by bills of exchange, as well as non-invoiced receipts),
  • commercial loans received and advances issued,
  • claims made by the audited party,
  • written off debts that are not recoverable,
  • overdue debts, which include debts with expired statute of limitations.

The auditor pays special attention to the last point in order to find out the reasons for the debt, and the measures already taken to collect it. The presence of receivables requires the establishment of the exact date and causes of the debt.

During the verification, they rely on information from the following documents:

  • Contracts for the provision of a particular service.
  • Work contracts.
  • Contracts for the supply of goods and materials.
  • Regulations on the accounting policy of the client, formed on the basis of organizational and economic factors.
  • Journal of registration of a power of attorney to receive goods and materials - inventory items.
  • Supplier Invoice Log.
  • Supplier invoices.
  • Overhead.
  • Bills.
  • Account reconciliations.
  • Acts of inventory calculations.
  • Protocol on the set-off of claims of a mutual nature.
  • Main book.
  • Book of purchases.
  • Copies of payment documentation.
  • Financial statements.
  • Accounting registers on account 60.

On account 60, in a generalized form, all information on payments for received goods and materials, on the work accepted by the customer and on the services consumed is presented.

Score 60 as a reflection of the generalized information about the calculations

“Settlements with suppliers and contractors” (account 60) - an account that summarizes all transactions related to accepted works and services and the acquisition of inventories. They are reflected regardless of the terms of payment of the documents presented for calculation. The list of calculations that are taken into account on account 60 includes the following:

  1. For purchased goods and materials, accepted works, consumed services (including processing or delivery of material assets), documents for which were accepted (accepted) for payment through a bank. The list of these services also includes the provision of resources (water, gas, electricity).
  2. For goods and materials, works and services included in the list of non-invoiced deliveries - those for which settlement documents have not yet been received from contractors or suppliers.
  3. For the surplus of goods and materials, which is revealed during the acceptance of inventory items, when the actual number of units exceeds that specified in the documents of suppliers.
  4. For transportation, including overpayments and underpayments of the tariff (freight).
  5. For communication services (this includes all types of communication).
  6. Settlements under the construction contract of the general contractor with subcontractors.
  7. Settlements between the general contractor and the subcontractor under an R&D contract (“research and development work”, which includes technological work).

To carry out the accounting of the above calculations, it is necessary to check and compare the following documents:

  • Invoices issued upon shipment. Such waybills contain the main characteristics and are the basis for posting goods and materials.
  • Bills of lading, which allow you to track the movement of goods and materials and pay for transportation.
  • Invoices that are issued by the supplier before the delivery of goods and materials or by the work contractor to the customer. They indicate the amount and reason for payment.
  • Invoices that are issued by a supplier for the calculation and payment of VAT. Invoices are considered as the basis for accepting the corresponding tax amounts for reimbursement. The format of the document must comply with the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Powers of attorney. These documents are used to formalize the right of the subject to act as a trustee authorized to receive material values. The form of the power of attorney may have a different form. For example, the letterhead of the buying company with a seal or a corner stamp will differ from the standard form, but the forms must have a “spine”, according to which the issuance of powers of attorney is recorded in the corresponding special journal. On the form, the details of the buyer are entered, corresponding to the details of his identity card, and the details of the received material assets. The period of validity of the power of attorney is indicated, which also requires verification, since the goods are not issued under an expired document.
  • Acts of acceptance of materials. Such acts are drawn up based on the results of acceptance of goods and materials in the event of a shortage or inconsistency in quality with the required parameters. The acts become the basis for making a claim to the supplier. In an agricultural organization, upon receipt of goods and materials at the warehouse, the storekeeper puts a mark on the settlement documents (as an alternative, an on-farm invoice may be used), and in agroservice companies in these cases a receipt order is drawn up.
  • Commercial acts that are drawn up in case of any discrepancy between the actual state of the cargo and the data indicated in the shipping documents (quantity, mass), in case of damage or disappearance of the cargo (or part of it). Shortage and damage that occurred in transit must be documented with the participation of a representative of the supplier and a disinterested person.

In the case of non-cash payments, it is permissible to carry them out by means of payment orders, checks, collections (when the bank accepts payment on behalf of the client), letters of credit (when the bank makes payments on behalf of the payer), etc. All of the above and other forms must comply with the requirements of the law, banking rules and traditionally used in banking practice.

Account 60 belongs to the category of active-passive accounts. Here, the debit balance is equal to the amount of advances that are issued in the form of prepayments to suppliers and contractors. This corresponds to their debts for paid goods and materials and goods in transit, debts for services already rendered and for work already performed.

Accounts payable to contractors and suppliers are accrued:

  • on the fact of acceptance (consent to payment by the payer) of settlement documents for accepted goods and materials, works and services,
  • on the fact of acceptance of goods and materials for non-invoiced deliveries (receipts without settlement documents);
  • on the fact of identifying surpluses based on the results of acceptance of values.

Account 60 is credited to supplier accounts presented for payment and value accounts or cost accounts are debited.

The first are the accounts:

  • "Investments in non-current assets" - 08,
  • "Materials" - 10,
  • “Procurement and acquisition of mat. values" - 15,
  • "Goods" - 41, etc.

To the second - accounts:

  • "Main production" - 20,
  • "Auxiliary production" 23,
  • "General production expenses" and "General expenses" (25 and 26 respectively) and others.

Reflection of repayment of debts to suppliers is made as follows:

  • debit - account 60,
  • credit - various cash accounts, which include, for example, the 51st and 52nd ("Settlement accounts" and "Currency accounts", respectively), bank loan accounts: 66 - for short-term and 67 - for long-term loans.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, settlements are carried out in rubles, despite the fact that the commodity price in the contract can be set in any currency or arbitrary conventional units. In this case, any non-ruble price set must be converted to the national currency - converted into rubles. The exchange rate difference is reflected on account 91: debit 91-2, and (with an indication of the additional accrual of debt for payment of material assets to the supplier) credit 60. This reflects the exchange rate difference that arose both before and after the accounting of goods and materials.

An audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors in terms of compliance with the state of analytical and synthetic accounting data should be carried out in accordance with the program for checking the accounting area and the developed plan. The data after their analysis should form a comprehensive idea of ​​the following types of calculations:

  • with contractors and suppliers - on accepted (accepted) settlement documents for which the payment deadline has not yet come, on documents not paid on time and on advanced payments issued,
  • with suppliers - on an already received commercial loan, etc.

First of all, the audit establishes the availability of documents regulating the rights and obligations in the supply of goods and materials from both parties, and the accuracy of their execution. And also - the compliance of the payment or receipt of money (for the received or shipped goods, respectively) and the degree of completeness of the posting-writing-off of goods and materials. To reflect settlement transactions, journal No. 6 (journal-order) is used, which opens for a year, as well as an annex to it of form No. 6 (“Register of settlement operations”). In such registers, records are kept for each document in a positional way.

In general, accounting in the context of calculations of suppliers and contractors is carried out only if the calculations are considered in the order of planned payments (with a reflection of the identification of the balance and movement). However, regardless of the form of settlements and the amount of amounts, all settlements for shipped goods and materials and accepted works must be reflected on account 60. Correspondence records must be made with account 60, if at the time of registration of the accepted work or receipt of goods and materials at the recipient's warehouse, the documents have already been paid.

Analytical accounting is carried out for each invoice presented by the contractor or supplier and for each contractor or supplier in order to provide information on debts on settlement documents for which the due date has not yet come, on unpaid on time and on uninvoiced deliveries.

Entries on the left side of the journal-warrant regarding the credit of account 60 are made according to the column with debit accounts for accounting for material assets, capital investments and production costs. And for separate columns - the amount of VAT, the balance at the beginning of the month and its end, dates of transactions, document numbers and names of suppliers (contractors).

Stage 1 of the audit: preparation and planning

The audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors, as a rule, takes place in three stages, at the first of which there is an acquaintance with the audited organization and general procedures are carried out. However, despite the fact that substantive procedures, conducting accurate cost estimates and measurements, conformity analysis, etc. are carried out at the second, main stage, preparation and planning are considered the most important stages that should not be underestimated.

Before starting the procedures, the auditor should understand the peculiarities of the activities of the economic entity. In this case, the audit planning scheme should not contradict the auditing standards adopted in Russia. The optimal scheme includes the stages:

  • drawing up a preliminary plan,
  • studying the accounting system adopted in the organization
  • evaluating the effectiveness of the internal control system,
  • establishing a hierarchy (level) of materiality,
  • the stage of building an audit sample,
  • and the stage of preparation of the overall plan.

Features of the audit at each stage (methods of obtaining evidence, maintaining working audit documentation) are determined by the intended objectives of the audit.

"Letter of Commitment"

Before concluding an agreement to conduct an audit in order to regulate the obligation, the audit company prepares a letter of commitment confirming its consent to conduct an audit. The letter is sent in response to the request-offer of the economic entity and contains the conditions for verification and mutual obligations of the office and the organization that applied to it for this.

The necessary amount of information contained in the letter is achieved by conducting a preliminary acquaintance with the client organization.

Among other things, this allows, when concluding an agreement, which is immediately defined as the provision of services for a fee, not to miss important points and to disclose questions:

  • execution order,
  • payment for services,
  • timing and timeliness of completion of works,
  • preservation of documentation
  • maintaining privacy,
  • the rights of the customer and his assistance in the audit,
  • obligations of the parties in the event of a unilateral refusal to perform,
  • responsibility of the inspector for the quality of the result.

The audit conclusions are reflected in the working documents for all sections of the program, becoming factual material in the preparation of the conclusion in the report. However, the formal parameters and content of these working documents are not regulated by regulatory documents, but are determined by the internal standards of the audit company.

advance planning

Such preliminary planning begins, as a rule, with introductory conversations with representatives of the management of the audited organization, with the chief accountant, employees of various departments, a representative or management of the control service.

During the conversation, the auditor receives general information that helps to understand the needs of the client and expectations from the audit activity. Preliminary planning is completed by studying the work of the internal control service (according to reports), materials from other inspection structures (for example, tax).

The result of planning is a general plan and audit programs. In general, the purpose and direction of the audit, the method of verification, the level of materiality, the magnitude of the risk are indicated. In addition, the size of the working group and the qualification requirements for auditors are determined, after which responsibilities and the hierarchy of subordination are distributed. The plan also establishes the time parameters for the process, the date for the submission of a detailed report and the final conclusion.

In the final program, special attention is paid to areas that were controlled by the accounting department to a lesser extent or were not controlled at all.

The result should be a detailed list of audit procedures with content that will allow substantiating audit evidence on its basis.

Stage No. 2 of the audit: the status of settlements

The stage of direct verification begins with confirmation of the conformity of data from various sources:

  • general ledger,
  • balance sheet,
  • accounting registers (synthetic and analytical) on account 60,
  • acts of reconciliation of settlements and data on accounts 50-52.

The auditor checks whether there is (and whether it is correctly drawn up) an agreement for the supply of goods and materials, works and services, the reasons and date of occurrence of the debt (if any), with regard to both receivables and payables, and debts with an overdue limitation date.

With regard to timing, it is stated that:

  • The deadline for the fulfillment of settlement obligations for the work, services rendered and for the supplied goods and materials is 3 months from the date of the actual provision of services or receipt of goods.
  • The amount of debt that was not claimed by creditors under such transactions is subject to write-off after 4 months from the date of actual receipt of goods and materials or services (works) by the debtor enterprise with the status of uncollectible receivables for the creditor's losses (if there was no intent in the actions of the creditor).

If there are non-invoiced deliveries (there are no documents for received goods and materials), the auditor checks what status these values ​​are in - whether they are among those paid, but on the way (at the supplier's warehouse), and whether their value is present as receivables. At the same time, the auditor must establish whether the estimated inventory was carried out and, if so, then verify its results by means of a counter check for the completeness of posting, the correctness of pricing (under the contract), the correctness of writing off costs to prime cost, and check debts with an expired limitation period. Amounts of depositors and accounts payable with an expired limitation period are attributed to an increase in financing or to the results of economic activity.

Verification of the reality of debt (including exculpatory materials) is also important because when it is paid in cash, there is room for fraud and embezzlement. Similar actions in the area of ​​current liabilities will differ from the same procedures in the area of ​​current assets. Fraudsters forge documents, make fictitious documents that provide cash payments. But to complete the picture, in addition to real debt, the indicators of past years in terms of overdue payments are also compared with the current ones.

On account 60, accounting reflects all accepted work, and purchased goods, regardless of the terms of payment - on an accrual basis. This account is credited for the cost of goods and materials, services and works accepted for accounting in correspondence with accounts for accounting for goods and materials, works, services (or with account 15) or with cost accounting accounts. On delivery - with accounts of inventories, production costs, goods. For non-invoiced deliveries - for the cost of goods and materials received, determined by the price and conditions specified in the contract.

Depending on whether the documents for goods and materials from the supplier comply with the terms of the contract, two options are possible:

  • if they match, then an additional entry is made for the amount of goods and materials,
  • if they do not match, then entries are made for the amounts of shipping documents, and the preliminary accounting entry is reversed.

Account 60 is debited for the amount of payment of invoices regarding the fulfillment of obligations. Advance payments also go through the debit and in correspondence with the cash accounts - advance payment on the accounts of suppliers. The amounts of advance payments and advance payments must be accounted for separately.

In addition, the auditor finds out whether there are any transactions carried out by the parties intentionally bypassing the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - untimely or not in full. Such transactions are defined as invalid (void).

Next, the auditor obtains evidence of his observations. The data of the primary documentation and the data of the contract, invoices, design and estimate package are compared. So, the inspector confirms and certifies:

  • compliance of payment documents (bank statements, bills of exchange, receipts, cash receipt orders, checks, etc.) with debt repayment operations,
  • the reliability of these payment documents and the correctness of their registration in terms of details, amounts, the presence of seals and stamps, VAT in a separate line, etc.,
  • the correspondence of these data from payment documents to the data that are reflected in the accounting registers for the account.

The result of such an analysis is, for example, the opinion that the completeness and timeliness of calculations reflected on account 60 are confirmed, accounting is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents, data on it from accounting registers are correctly transferred to the General Ledger, and balance sheets are drawn up as an expression of balances on its accounts . Moreover, all calculations are documented.

Audit Stage 3: Arrears

As part of the audit program to determine the status of receivables and payables of contractors and suppliers, the inspector finds out how the procedure for writing off those debts that are unrealistic to recover is followed, analyzes the status of claims settlements.

"Inventory Act ..." (Appendix D) allows you to divide receivables into two types:

  1. confirmed
  2. unconfirmed - with an expired limitation period.

Doubtful debts may arise in case of non-fulfillment of obligations in terms of payment for the delivered products due to the reorganization of the company, liquidation of the buyer or insolvency. The status of such a debt is received by receivables outstanding in the contractual terms, which are not secured by sufficient appropriate guarantees.

The uncollectible debt for each obligation (according to the accounting regulation, paragraph 77) is written off based on the results of the inventory and from the written order of the head, substantiating his decision in the disposal. Such debt is charged to an allowance account, including doubtful debts, or to the financial results of a commercial company in the event that the amount of this debt was not provided for in the previous reporting period. Enterprises not only have the right to create such reserves, but with the continued possibility of debt collection, their creation is advisable.

The amount of the reserve is an individual parameter for each specific debt. This parameter depends on solvency and the degree of probability of at least partial repayment. Account 63 is used to summarize information on such reserves.

of the reserve are accounted as non-operating expenses, which allows enterprises to reduce the amount of income tax when creating reserves (if the procedure for creating reserves is provided for by the accounting policy of the enterprise).

The expiration of the debt repayment period becomes a prerequisite and the basis for creating a reserve. Terms are determined by the contract or (if the agreement does not stipulate this) by law. During the reporting year that follows the year of the creation of the reserve, the reserve must either be fully used or the unspent amount must be added to the financial result, which is reflected in accounting by posting. At the same time, you can create a new reserve for doubtful debts and include there outstanding debts remaining from the reserve for the past period.

Debt write-off at a loss as a result of the debtor's insolvency and debt cancellation are not identical. This amount is reflected in the balance sheet for another 5 years from the date of write-off in order to maintain a mechanism to monitor the possibility of debt collection in the event of an improvement in the property condition of the debtor.

  • 2) Acquisition of wasps for a fee from other enterprises and individuals:
  • 3) Acquisition of equipment requiring installation
  • 4) Os received from other Ogres and persons free of charge
  • 5) Os contributed by the founders as a contribution to the Authorized Fund
  • 4. Economical Essence is non-mater. Assets, their accounting and evaluation.
  • 5. Industrial stocks, their classification and evaluation.
  • 6. Documentation and accounting for the receipt of inventories
  • 7. Documentation and accounting for the release of inventories from the warehouse.
  • 8. Types, forms and systems of remuneration. Documentation and the procedure for calculating wages for time-based and piecework forms of work.
  • 9. Order and accounting of payroll for the period of labor leave.
  • 10. Types and accounting of deductions and payments from wages.
  • 11.Synthetic and anal-cue accounting for payroll calculations. Accounting for mandatory taxes and deductions from the wage fund.
  • 12 Classification of production costs. Accounting for the main production costs.
  • 13. Accounting and distribution of costs of auxiliary production.
  • 16 . Accounting for defects in production. Cost accounting in service industries and farms.
  • Accounting account 29 servicing production and farms
  • 17. Synthetic and analytical cost accounting for the main production. Accounting and evaluation of work in progress. The procedure for determining the actual cost of manufactured products.
  • 18. Accounting for the sale of products (works, services). The procedure for determining financial res-in from real products (works, services).
  • 19. The procedure for opening and accounting for transactions on a current account and other bank accounts.
  • 20.Accounting for taxes and fees. Accounting for settlements with accountable persons.
  • 21.Composition of income and expenses of the organization, the procedure for the formation of financial results, accounting for profits and losses.
  • 22.History of occurrence and the need for an audit. The essence of audit and audit activities
  • 23. Essence and meaning of control. Comparative characteristics of revision and audit;
  • 24.Goals and objectives of the audit. Legislative restrictions in the occupation of audit activities. Types of audit. Related types of audit services.
  • 25. Professional ethics of the auditor. Rights, duties and responsibilities of audit organizations, auditors and customers
  • 27.Standards (rules) of audit activity. Auditor secrecy. Agreement for the provision of audit services
  • 28. Analytical audit procedures. Working documentation of the auditor. The action of the auditor in identifying distorted financial statements.
  • 30. Audit of cash transactions. Audit of operations on settlement and special bank accounts. Audit of transactions on a foreign currency account.
  • 31. Audit of operations for the movement and use of material assets. Audit of operations related to the movement of inventory, special clothing. Audit of operations with monetary documents.
  • 32.Checking the safety of fixed assets. Audit of operations on the receipt and disposal of fixed assets. Audit of the correctness of depreciation.
  • Audit of the correctness of depreciation.
  • 33. Audit of operations for the revaluation of fixed assets. Audit of transactions with intangible assets.
  • 35. Audit of settlements with buyers and customers. Audit of settlements with suppliers.
  • 36.Audit of calculations on taxes and payments with the budget. . Audit of credit operations and borrowed funds.
  • 37. Audit of costs in auxiliary and ancillary industries. Audit of the correctness of the inclusion of expenses in the composition of expenses (cost of construction and installation works).
  • 38. Audit of financial operations for the formation of financial results and the use of profits.
  • 39. Audit of cost accounting for capital investments. Audit of determining the cost of objects put into operation.
  • 41. Audit of operations for settlements with the social security fund of the Republic of Belarus.
  • 42. Audit of the statutory fund.
  • 43. General requirements for the procedure for drawing up an audit report. Appointment of an auditor's report. Types of audit reports.
  • 44.Audit of settlements with the founders.
  • 35. Audit of settlements with buyers and customers. Audit of settlements with suppliers.

    The purpose of checking settlements with buyers and customers is to establish the completeness, correctness and timeliness of these settlements.

    Sources of information when checking these calculations are contracts for the supply of products (works, services), invoices, waybills and waybills, copies of payment documents, acts of reconciliation of settlements, acts (protocols) on offsetting mutual claims, statement No. 16 “Shipment, release and sale of products (works, services)”, accounting registers for account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”, General ledger, reporting of the organization.

    The program for checking settlements with buyers and customers includes the following issues: - confirmation of the reality of the balance of debt on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"; - establishing the existence of contracts with buyers and customers for the supply of products (works, services) and their compliance with legal requirements; - verification of compliance with the terms of contracts in terms of terms, assortment, amounts, instruments and currencies of payment; - establishing the reliability of accounting for transactions for settlements with buyers and customers; - establishing the completeness and timeliness of buyers' payments for shipped products (works, services); - establishing the correctness of the formation selling prices for products; confirmation of the correctness of analytical accounting on account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”; - compliance with the deadlines for fulfilling obligations for settlements in accordance with concluded agreements; - compliance with the norms of the non-monetary form of termination of obligations established by law; debts with an expired limitation period; - checking the correctness of the applied schemes of correspondence of accounts for settlements with buyers and customers.

    Checking settlements with buyers and customers in terms of the general sequence, estimating the balance and methodological techniques is similar to checking settlements with suppliers and contractors.

    In conclusion, I find out the correctness of the applied schemes for the correspondence of accounts for settlements with buyers and customers, the correspondence of analytical and synthetic accounting data.

    Audit of settlements with suppliers.

    The purpose of the audit is to establish the compliance of the transactions made in settlements with suppliers and contractors with the current legislation and the reliability of the reflection of these transactions in accounting and reporting.

    The main tasks of monitoring settlements with suppliers and contractors are as follows: - verification of the reliability and legality of accounting data on the status of these calculations; - verification of compliance with settlement and payment discipline and its impact on the financial condition of the organization; - establishing the reality of debt.

    The sources of information when checking the data of business transactions are: contracts for the supply of products (works, services), invoices, waybills, acts of reconciliation of settlements, protocols on offsetting mutual claims, acts of inventory of settlements, bills of exchange, copies of payment documents, a book of purchases, registers of synthetic and analytical accounting for account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” (journal-order No. 6 or the corresponding machine diagram), General ledger, accounting (financial) statements of the organization.

    The verification program for settlements with suppliers and contractors includes the following issues: - verification of the compliance of accounting and reporting data on settlements with suppliers, i.e. confirmation of the balance of settlements with suppliers and contractors; concluded business contracts; -checking the timeliness of deliveries of inventory items; -checking the completeness and correctness of posting received material assets; -checking the timeliness and correctness of payment of accounts payable; -checking the correctness of allocation and reimbursement of "input" VAT, suppliers using promissory notes, offsetting and other forms of settlement; - verification of materials of the inventory of settlements, the validity of the imposed and paid penalties for violation of the terms of business contracts; - verification of the correctness of the correspondence of accounts for settlements from the post vschiki.

    When checking settlements with suppliers and contractors, the auditor (auditor) needs to assess the quality of primary information entering the accounting system. This is due to the fact that almost all documents of this section are received by the organization from the outside, and in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, economic impact measures are applied to organizations for taking into account transactions based on improperly executed primary documents.

    Further, it is necessary to obtain evidence that settlements with suppliers and contractors for the received material assets (works, services) are reflected in full, in the corresponding period, correctly estimated and reflected in accounting registers.

    Comparing the data of primary documents with the data of the contract, order, invoice, the inspector receives confirmation of the completeness, timeliness and correctness of the posting of the received material values ​​(works, services).


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