What is an emerging tourism cluster. Theoretical foundations of the formation of a tourist cluster

According to the authors of the program, in the future, all tourist clusters will be combined into 15 large projects that can raise the development of tourism in Russia to a qualitatively new level. For example, the Black Sea Coast project will include clusters in the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea. The Caspian project will unite clusters located in the Astrakhan region, Kalmykia and Dagestan. It is planned to spend 4 billion rubles to promote recreation opportunities in Russia. With this money, it is planned to hold exhibitions, press tours, create thematic sites and other promotion activities.

What is a "tourism cluster"?

The cluster implies the complex development of the territory. To begin with, an analysis of the tourist potential is carried out, its strengths and weaknesses are identified. Based on the information received, work is underway to build and reconstruct infrastructure: new roads are being created, funds are being invested in the repair and expansion of existing airports and train stations. The restoration of objects that can attract tourists to the region is underway.

For the first time, the idea of ​​creating clusters was announced in the program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russian Federation», Which was valid from 2011 to 2018. In the new target program, it is planned to allocate almost 250 billion rubles for the development of infrastructure. Participants in the hotel industry are positive about the cluster approach. Both the business and the traveler benefit from infrastructure development. Only an integrated approach will make the tourism cluster attractive and competitive.

Personnel problem

The new federal target program provides for the creation of more than 30 thousand jobs in the tourism industry. But experts are already pointing out the problem of a shortage of qualified personnel. The competition in the hospitality industry is very tough, which means that the requirements for personnel are quite high. For example, a lot of efforts are being made to develop inbound tourism. This means that the staff must speak English at a good level. Otherwise, interaction with a foreign traveler is impossible. Experts note that the average earnings in the tourism sector are very often lower average salary in the region, especially for personnel in lower positions. Also, earnings in the tourism industry are seasonal. Therefore, many job seekers regard it as temporary, which leads to serious staff turnover, does not motivate staff to make efforts to master new skills.


Development of organizational measures for the creation

Tourism cluster

The concept of tourism development in the Republic of Bashkortostan defines the main directions for the development of the tourism industry for the period up to 2015.The concept is aimed at creating socio-economic, organizational and legal conditions for the systematic formation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourist and recreational complex at a new stage in the development of the region's tourism industry in economic conditions and the need to diversify the economy of the Republic.

The need to develop a concept is due to the changes that have occurred and are occurring in the external and internal tourism markets, the increase in the role of tourism in the economy and social sphere of the region, the development of interregional and international cooperation, the need to introduce modern technologies for organizing the tourist process, as well as an increase in the impact of tourism on the ecological complex.
The development of the tourist and recreational complex is accompanied by a number of both positive and negative results, which requires the creation of a more perfect mechanism for managing development, adequate to the number and volume of tasks facing the new sector of the regional economy. At the same time, the management mechanism should ensure effective management of tourism development as an intersectoral complex that unites, generates and supports the development of several sectors of the region's economy.

Cluster - a network of independent geographically localized manufacturing and / or service companies (including their suppliers), technology and know-how creators (universities, research institutes, engineering companies), linking market institutions (brokers, consultants) and consumers interacting with each other within a single value chain, complementing each other and enhancing the competitive advantages of individual companies and the cluster as a whole.

Tourism cluster - concentration within one limited area of ​​interconnected enterprises and organizations engaged in the development, production, promotion and sale of a tourist product, as well as activities related to tourism and recreational services.

Stages of creating a tourist cluster on the territory of the Republic of Belarus

1) combine the enterprise into working groups, each of which studies a particular problem, attracts experts, prepares proposals and submits them for general discussion;

2) work out a general strategy for the development of tourism: agree on the goals, directions of development, enable each company and organization to understand what risks and how it will have to deal with and, most importantly, what opportunities;

3) develop a common brand of territories, organize joint promotion;

4) to establish close ties between businesses and the state to train the personnel necessary for business with the assistance of the budget

5) create a platform for the constant exchange of information about what is happening, what is planned, about the best experiences from around the world, about the needs of tourists, about industry trends, etc., invite specialists to conduct master classes, participate in educational trips and etc .;

6) creation of special tourist routes;

7) carrying out a comprehensive marketing analysis of the competitive advantages of the tourism product of the Republic in the world market of the tourism industry;

8) analysis of investment attractiveness, forecasting the prospects for the development of the tourism sector and its impact on the socio-economic indicators of the region.

Project implementation works

1) improving interaction between participants in the tourism industry;

2) improving the efficiency of enterprises and organizations within the cluster;

3) development of existing and creation of new directions of tourism

4) the introduction of innovative technologies.

Despite the fact that the formation of regional tourist and recreational clusters is a fundamentally new approach to development management in Russia, in some Russian regions (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan, Samara Oblast, Buryatia), similar cluster strategies have already been adopted. The topic of identifying and forming sectoral and regional clusters and cluster policy has been reflected in government documents for some time now. So, for example, in the "Concept of long-term development of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020." cluster policy is recognized as "a new development institution that helps to remove barriers to the development of economic ties." At the same time, in the world, the cluster approach has been widely and successfully tested as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of industries and territories. However, in modern economic science, mainly industrial-production and scientific-technological clusters have been investigated. With regard to tourism and recreation clusters, due to the above-mentioned rapid changes in the tourism industry of the world economy, the theory of this issue is unstructured and needs further development.

Development of economic measures to create a tourism cluster

World experience shows that with the help of tourism it is possible to overcome the uneven development of individual territories of the region, to revive the regional economy by attracting investments, additional incomes to the local budget; improve infrastructure; provide employment for the population and prevent external migration able-bodied population; support entrepreneurship and local industry by ensuring the demand for goods from local producers; improve the ecological situation through additional financing of environmental programs. The upcoming redistribution of the entire world economic space brings opportunities for Russian travel companies and entire regions (with their unique tourism and recreational potential) to take on new competitive positions.

It is advisable to include organizations of various orientations in the structure of the tourism cluster. First, there is no doubt that staffing is an important aspect of cluster creation. In our region, this role can be taken by the Ufa State Academy of Economics and Service, which trains specialists in the field of tourism. Secondly, in the field of transport infrastructure, this is Bashavtotrans, which has been a leader in this industry for many years.

Thirdly, one cannot but include the municipal authorities of the Republic.

Fourth, sanatoriums in Bashkortostan, but unfortunately not all of them are profitable and effective today, only profitable sanatoriums of the Republic will be included in the cluster.

Fifthly, the company "Airoflot" is an organization of the international level, which will provide opportunities for development, at more than the Republican level.

Sixth, cooperation with all resort areas that our Bashkiria is rich in.

In achieving the goals, the development of economic measures, we propose:

Development of interrelated programs for the development of tourism in the region and sections of municipal target programs related to tourism, which provide for the distribution of tasks to support tourism, the development of production of goods and services for tourism purposes.

Planning the development of tourism territories, including planning the development of tourist centers, tourism zones.

The competitiveness of the cluster, taking into account unit costs and product quality, is not inferior to the competitiveness of the corresponding sectors of the economy of other countries and regions;

There is a stable cooperation of the industries included in the cluster, the formation on this basis of agglomeration processes and network forms of organizations;

The development of information and marketing ties between the enterprises of the cluster is carried out on the basis of modern technologies, within the framework of interregional economic integration, missing links in the value chain, common standards of production, supply and management are being formed, and tourism brands are actively developing.

Experience shows that the cluster approach involves the development of various forms of public-private partnership, the implementation of program-targeted management methods, which requires the mobility and economic efficiency of the system. regional administration... So far, such approaches have not found widespread use in the system of public administration in Russia, and therefore public management is not able to create conditions for attracting significant private investment in tourist and recreational facilities, or to ensure the effective functioning of local tourism companies, or to increase the competitiveness of local economies that receive tourists. ... It is due to the absence of mature competitive tourist and recreational clusters in the regions of Russia that our country, which has a high tourist and recreational potential, currently occupies a far from leading position in the world market.

The creation of full-fledged tourist and recreational clusters is planned in a number of regions of Russia, including the Republic of Bashkortostan. Assessing the possibilities of creating such a cluster, we note that on the territory of the republic, Russian experts identify eight promising investment sites for systematic exploration and development: Nugush, Burzyansky, Krasnousolsky, Pavlovsky, Ufimsky, Rechnoy, Abzelil-Beloretsk, Abzakovo. However, the presence of unique recreational and tourist resources and their partial development are necessary, but insufficient prerequisites for the formation of a tourist and recreational cluster.

Subject: Tourism

Topic: The catering industry as one of the components of tourist and recreational clusters

Introduction 3

1. The catering industry as one of the components of tourist and recreational clusters 5

1.1. The concept of tourist and recreational cluster 5

1.2. The history of the development of the restaurant business in tourism 11

1.3. Restaurant business in Russia 17

1.4. Interaction between restaurant business and tourism 23

Conclusion 29

List of used literature: 31


By the end of the twentieth century, tourism took a leading place in international foreign economic relations, began to have a serious impact on the development of the economies of individual countries and the world economy as a whole, its influence on the formation of gross domestic product increased. That is why tourism is called "the phenomenon of the twentieth century."

Despite the emerging obstacles (natural disasters, man-made disasters, terrorist attacks, etc.), tourism continues to develop actively at present. The forms and methods of organizing travel are changing, new types of tourism are emerging, conditions for the sustainable development of tourism are being developed and created.

Tourists, in connection with the expansion of opportunities for obtaining information, are increasingly beginning to intervene in the process of travel preparation.

Trends that have been developing in the tourism industry in recent years indicate that the further development of tourism will be carried out through the widespread introduction of innovations. Further technical progress, the emergence and implementation of basic innovations (nanotechnology, biotechnology, etc.), and the widespread use of knowledge will have a significant impact.

The development of tourism also stimulates the development of other sectors of the national economy, including the catering industry.

In connection with the described relevance, this work will consider the topic: The catering industry, as one of the components of tourist and recreational clusters.

So, in accordance with the proposed topic, it is possible to determine the purpose of the work - to study the catering industry as one of the components of tourist and recreational clusters.

To achieve this goal, it will be necessary to solve a number of tasks in the work:

    Give a definition of the concept of a tourist and recreational cluster,

    Study the history of the development of the restaurant business in tourism,

    Review the restaurant business in Russia,

    Consider the interaction of the restaurant business and tourism.

So, the object of research in this work will be tourism, and the subject - the catering industry.

At the end of the work, a conclusion will be given, in which the main conclusions on the topic will be reflected.

1. The catering industry as one of the components of tourist and recreational clusters

1.1. The concept of a tourist and recreational cluster

Tourist cluster (Tourist and recreational cluster) - concentration within one limited area of ​​interconnected enterprises and organizations engaged in the development, production, promotion and sale of a tourist product, as well as activities related to tourism and recreational services 1.

The purpose of creating a tourism cluster is to increase the competitiveness of the territory in the tourism market through a synergistic effect 2, including:

    improving the efficiency of enterprises and organizations included in the cluster,

    stimulating innovation,

    stimulating the development of new directions.

The creation of a tourist (or tourist-recreational) cluster actually determines the positioning of the territory and affects the formation of the image of the region.

Initially, the cluster approach was applied to industrial production, and its founders were A. Marshall and B.S. Yastremsky, but the Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter 3 became the popularizer of the idea of ​​industry clusters to increase regional competitiveness.

The objective prerequisites for the emergence of a cluster were summarized by M. Porter into the famous "rhombus of competition" 4. In addition to traditional factors - the competitive environment, demand conditions and the availability of supporting industries - such specialized factors as qualified personnel, infrastructure and capital should be created (and not inherited!) In a specific territory. The creation of these specialized factors requires a long and sustained investment that is difficult to replicate. This creates a competitive advantage for the cluster, which is difficult to replicate.

According to M. Porter, clusters grow only where all the necessary factors, resources and competencies are concentrated, reach a certain scale, a certain critical threshold and acquire a key role in a certain economic sphere with a decisive and sustainable competitive advantage over other regions due to higher productivity. development of innovations and new types of business. Classic examples are the cluster of computer technologies in the Silicon Valley (USA), the logistics cluster in Rotterdam (the Netherlands), the offshore programming cluster in Bangalore (India).

Taking into account the uneven distribution of tourist potential in Russia, as well as the different level of development of tourist infrastructure, the development of strategic directions for the development of tourism should be based on the principle of zoning the country's territory, depending on the degree of formation of the regional tourist offer for promotion in the domestic and international markets.

For a country striving to make the most of the existing heterogeneous tourist potential, it is necessary to determine the priorities and priority of the development of existing in two tourist regions in order to increase the economic efficiency of their development. and regional levels.

According to the level of the state of the material base of tourism, the territory of the Russian Federation can be distributed as follows:

    Regions with a high level of development of the material base of tourism - Moscow and the Moscow region, Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasian Mineral Waters region, the Kaliningrad region.

    Regions with an average level of development of the material base of tourism - the North-West region (Pskov and Novgorod regions. Republic of Karelia), the Central Russian region - the Golden Ring, the Volga region.

    Areas with a low level of development of the material base of tourism - the Northern region, the Far Eastern region (Kamchatka, Kuriles, Primorye), the West Siberian region (Gorny Altai), the East Siberian region (Lake Baikal region), etc.

The analysis shows that among the preferences of foreign tourists, the most attractive for the inbound tourist flow in the near future will be Moscow, St. Petersburg and the North-West region as a whole, the Kaliningrad region, the Golden Ring area, Baikal, Kamchatka, Primorsky Krai.

For Russia, with its underdeveloped tourist infrastructure and huge unclaimed tourist potential, the development of an alternative direction in tourism is of the greatest interest in terms of attracting a sophisticated foreign consumer.

Taking into account the nature of Russian tourist resources and the state of tourist infrastructure, the following types may be of particular interest for the development of inbound tourism;

    cultural and educational,

  • specialized (event, ecotourism, rural tourism, hunting and fishing, extreme (adventure) tourism, religious, (pilgrimage), ethnic, Krunzi tourism),

    incentive tourism.

Taking into account the identified priority types of tourism, as well as the main sending and receiving markets, it is possible to determine the prospects for the development of the tourism potential of the regions.

Thus, investments in the development of tourist potential give a bright prospect, however, it should be assumed that, in general, the sphere of hospitality in the country has remained at the same level and is not able to provide a competitive offer in the world tourism market without a fundamental investment of funds.

When analyzing the state of the domestic market, the tourism industry in general and the hospitality sector in particular deserves special attention. The most significant trend in the development of the domestic hospitality industry is the process of its integration into the world one. The liberalization of the domestic economy contributed to the entry into the domestic market of foreign hotel chains - Marriott, Radisson Hotels Worldwide, restaurant chains - Mc Donalds, Patio pizza, etc., tour operator chains TTL Group / Thomson Travel Group. All of them have brought sophisticated technology and a proven globalization strategy to the domestic hospitality industry. For many of the foreign hotel companies that have entered our market, penetration into Russia is an integral part of the globalization process, which today is the main trend influencing the development of the world hotel industry. The main forms of globalization are hotel chains, strategic alliances and franchise chains.

In recent years, there has been a gradual, but increasingly large-scale transition to the use of tourist companies and enterprises, especially accommodation facilities, of special methods that ensure the rational use of environmental resources. Voluntary certification systems, ecolabels, environmental awards, codes of conduct are increasingly used and popular.

For the sustainable development of tourism, it is necessary that all actors involved in this process, and at all levels, responsibly and with mutual respect fulfill their role - only such tourism can be sustainable.

Various events are held in Russia aimed at the sustainable development of tourism, which should:

1) to ensure the optimal use of environmental resources, which constitute a key element of tourism development, supporting basic ecological processes and helping to preserve natural heritage and biological diversity.

2) respect the specific socio-cultural characteristics of the host communities, preserving their inherent created and established cultural heritage and traditional customs and contribute to mutual understanding and tolerance of different cultures.

3) ensure the viability of long-term economic processes, taking into account their benefits for all stakeholders that impartially disseminated them, including permanent employment and opportunities for income and social services for host communities and contributions to poverty reduction.

In all traditional tourist regions, there is a tendency towards the formation of a tourist and recreational cluster near the most developed industrial and cultural centers. This negatively affects the development of other territories. The latter are content with the exploitation of market niches, which, due to the constant economy due to an increase in the scale of production, are outside the interests of the largest tourist and recreational clusters.

Therefore, the future of natural and not only tourist and recreational clusters will largely depend on a tourism policy focused on innovation. Such a policy should help extend the life cycle of tourism products and services and achieve sustainable growth rates. industry depends on many factors: Availability tourist-recreational ...

  • Recreational and tourist network of Kazakhstan

    Coursework >> Physical Education and Sports

    Motels, tourist bases, objects public nutrition, trade ... One from guidelines for planning visits to protected areas is the indicator recreational ... constituents tourist activities, how trade in souvenirs, maps, guidebooks, etc. Products nutrition ...

  • Recreational potential and prospects for the development of recreation and tourism in the Tyumen region

    Coursework >> Physical Education and Sports

    ... recreational rating with descriptions recreational... consider how one from southern ... industry and tourist cluster... ... indicator), constituents tourist cultural ... tourist infrastructure (including accommodation facilities, roads, transport, public nutrition ...

  • Features of tourism development in Russia

    Law >> Communication and communication

    Activities tourist firms that are one from constituents tourist industry. ... cluster characterized by a high level of industrial development, and, how... fund, sphere public nutrition etc ... including the rich recreational and tourist resources. ...

  • On the the present stage The Republic of Kazakhstan sets itself the goal of implementing a model for creating a competitive economy with priority sectors that have the potential to increase competitiveness. To achieve this goal, a cluster policy is applied. Tourism is one of such priority sectors for the development of the national economy. Today, the basis for the development of the tourism industry is the State Program for Forced Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014. Within its framework, a sectoral program for the development of promising tourist destinations of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 was developed.

    The purpose of creating a tourist cluster in Kazakhstan is to increase the competitiveness of the territory in the tourist market, increase the tourist flow to the region, increase investment in the tourism sector, and form the tourist image of the regions and the country as a whole. Based on the goal, we can conclude that the tourist cluster of our country has an export-oriented focus.

    Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Regulation of Trade and Tourism Activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yevgeny Nikitinsky in an interview with Kazinform correspondent emphasized that tourism directly or indirectly affects the development of 32 sectors of the economy that are directly involved in this industry. “Unfortunately, the Kazakhstani tourism industry has not yet taken advantage of these advantages, despite the existing tourism potential,” he said. But, according to the forecasts of the World Tourism Organization, our country has every chance to catch up.

    The development of tourism, according to experts, should occur mainly due to the emergence of new visited territories, since the traditional areas of the world tourism market have almost reached the limit of "recreational capacity". The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved a plan for the creation and development of the "Tourism" cluster. The priorities of the tourist cluster, providing for the effective development of tourism, as noted by E. Nikitinsky, is the development of the domestic and inbound markets. Domestic tourism focuses on the existing tourist flow within the country, while external tourism positions Kazakhstan in the international market. The development of these priorities requires the consolidation of public and private structures and concerted actions of the concerned ministries and departments.

    To this end, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has established and operates the Tourism Council, which, together with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs, developed new rules for registering foreign citizens. So, in accordance with the new rules, registration of visiting tourists by the migration police will soon be carried out directly at international airports and other checkpoints across the state border. Now the guests of Kazakhstan will not have to spend three days, as it was before, on paperwork in the migration police. In addition, by the decision of the same council, from July 1, the size of the rates for issuing a single-entry tourist visa was reduced by 5-10 American dollars... And the period of validity of a multiple-entry visa has been increased to 90 days.

    The founders of the cluster approach are A. Marshall and B.S. Yastremsky, but the idea of ​​industrial clusters to increase regional competitiveness gained popularity thanks to Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter. According to Michael Porter's theory, a cluster is a group of geographically adjacent interconnected companies (suppliers, manufacturers, intermediaries) and related organizations (educational institutions, government bodies, infrastructure companies) that operate in a specific area and complement each other.

    According to M. Porter, the country's competitiveness should be viewed through the prism of international competitiveness not of its individual firms, but of clusters - associations of firms from various industries, and the ability of these clusters to effectively use internal resources is of fundamental importance.

    After analyzing the competitive opportunities of more than 100 industries in ten countries, M. Porter came to the conclusion that the most competitive multinational companies are usually not scattered haphazardly across different countries, but tend to concentrate in one country, and sometimes even in one region of the country. The explanation of this phenomenon is as follows, one or more firms, achieving competitiveness in the world market, spreads its positive influence on the immediate environment: suppliers, consumers and competitors. And the successes of the environment, in turn, have an impact on the further growth of the competitiveness of this company. As a result of such mutually beneficial cooperation, a "cluster" is formed - a community of firms of closely related industries.

    Tourism clusters include groups of enterprises geographically concentrated within a region that share a specialized tourism infrastructure, local labor markets and other functional structures of the economy.

    When creating a tourism cluster, the leading role is given to large tour operator firms that export their services outside the country. At the lowest level, there are various travel agencies, as well as numerous enterprises for accommodation, food, transportation of tourists, the provision of related services and the production of goods for tourist demand. And all of them are united by a common business climate, within which the labor resources, technologies necessary for the functioning of the tourist cluster are formed, as well as various incentives operate, including the tax system, administrative regulation and barriers.

    In the process of formation tourist clusters similar and interconnected enterprises and organizations complement and cooperate with the aim of creating relations of mutual trust, interchange of ideas and information, joint coordination of actions. All this helps to reduce the cost of transactions between partners. Tourist clusters usually interact with scientific and educational institutions, local authorities in order to increase the competitiveness of tourist services in foreign markets.

    Within the framework of tourist clusters, it is possible that such a combination of various enterprises, which in some situations compete with each other, and in others - cooperate to develop certain common solutions, develop joint initiatives, although in many cases this is subject to the structure of the cluster. So, the cluster model provides not only mutually beneficial cooperation, exchange of information, ideas, technologies, employees, but also necessarily presupposes the presence of competition between them.

    Tourist clusters can include both a small and a large number of enterprises in the tourist and related and auxiliary sectors of the economy. They can be formed from both large and small firms in a variety of combinations and relationships. For example, clusters in Italy unite mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, in Scotland (the basic model of the EU) - the core of the cluster is formed by powerful enterprises, sometimes of foreign origin.

    Tourist clusters are characterized by a high level of interaction between enterprises, organizations, institutions, organizations that are part of them, varying in form from targeted associations of tourist business enterprises to powerful, well-structured commercially competitive entities. Tourist clusters bring together a much larger circle of participants, including a variety of support institutions, industrial and commercial structures, as well as regional and national governments (represented by the tourism administration, tourism department).

    It is planned to create 5 clusters of historical and cultural tourism in Kazakhstan. About it business portal Kapital.kz reported in the press service of the tourism industry committee of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    1. Cluster Astana (Astana city, Akmola region, south-western part of North Kazakhstan region, western part of Pavlodar and north-eastern part of Karaganda regions).

    2. Cluster Almaty (Almaty city, part of Almaty region).

    3. Cluster East Kazakhstan (northern and eastern parts of the East Kazakhstan region).

    4. Cluster South Kazakhstan (central and eastern parts of Kyzylorda region, southern part of South Kazakhstan region and southwestern part of Zhambyl region).

    5. Western Kazakhstan (Mangistau region, part of the West Kazakhstan region). The schematic arrangement of the clusters is shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 - Layout of tourist clusters

    “In the Strategy“ Kazakhstan-2050 ”, the Head of State said that we need to get rid of raw materials, oil will end up someday, and now we have a good opportunity to use the same oil money for the development of infrastructure projects in the field of tourism. So, recently a meeting of the Tourism Council under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, headed by Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry and New Technologies Asset Issekeshev, was held, it was instructed to approve the Concept of Tourism Development at the government level this year. I think, by adopting this document, we will have a clear plan for the next few years, how we will develop, ”M. Igaliev emphasized.

    According to him, the Committee carried out analytical work in this direction, studied the market of Kazakhstan and identified 5 clusters where the tourism sector can be developed.

    “The nature of Kazakhstan is beautiful, we have a lot of wonderful places, experts, the best marketers, recommended us to pay attention to 5 zones on our territory. Today, a systematic plan for the development of each cluster has already been developed, according to the chairman of the Committee, each of the zones has good prospects for development.

    Due to the fact that tourism is an environmentally friendly and profitable business, it is necessary to develop tourism infrastructure and carry out active marketing to enhance tourism and recreational activities. To create and develop a cluster, it is necessary to restructure the work of the tourism business, to unite into an association not only travel companies, but also small and medium-sized businesses, services that are required so that a tourist, getting into our region, does not experience any inconvenience. The weak link in the tourism business of the region is hotels and transport. Therefore, for the development of the tourism cluster, it is necessary to invest in infrastructure development.

    Thus, the cluster policy pursued by the state contributes to the effective and mutually beneficial cooperation of tourism entities, and an increase in the competitiveness of the tourism product produced within the cluster in the world market.

    Many aspects related to the formation of different cluster models do not yet have a sufficient theoretical basis and require special scientific research. This fully applies to the tourism sector. Cluster interaction is due to the simultaneous coexistence of mutually contradictory parties - productive and consumer forces - their struggle and fusion. The struggle and fusion of conflicting sides is the essence of the dialectical movement. Contradictions are constantly present in economic process formation of a cluster of the region. The productive power of the region forms a cluster as an opportunity to create material and intellectual, spiritual production, as an opportunity to produce goods, services, and develop all types of industries in the region. Consuming power, on the other hand, forms a cluster of a region by the fact that it causes a constant need and opportunity for productive and personal consumption. These forces condition each other, do not exist without each other: "... conditioning by some other force is in itself the action of the force itself." That is why the contradiction between the productive and consumer forces is the main condition for the formation of a cluster.

    In the processes of competition, there can be no separation of production from consumption, the focus of competitiveness only on the intensification of production or the intensification of consumption. This statement is of particular importance due to the fact that many economists focus on the need to develop real production, to direct investments in this production. In fact, the task should be to simultaneously ensure the real development of both production and consumption in the regions. These statements are important from the point of view that the cluster should be considered not only as a group of geographically adjacent interconnected organizations, but also as multiple interactions between all organizations and consumers. It follows from this that when forming and developing a cluster of one region, it is necessary to go beyond this cluster, to take into account the consumption power of other regions. This will ensure the stable operation of the cluster. At the same time, the objective coexistence and interaction of productive and consumer forces does not guarantee the presence of a cluster in a particular region.

    So, N.N. Pidgurskaya, along with such a well-known cluster feature as the territorial localization of enterprises involved in the tourism industry, has developed additional features indicating the existence of a tourism cluster in the region:

    1) the presence on the territory of tourism organizations selling competitive tourism products, which creates the basis for the development of industries related to tourism, involving the local population in tourism activities;

    2) the existence of stable economic ties between organizations focused on meeting social needs for recreation;

    3) the presence of state and non-profit institutions to support tourist activities in the region;

    4) the presence of unique tourism resources, which allows you to create strong travel brands at lower costs;

    5) the ability of travel agencies of the territory to attract tourists who are distinguished by high demands on the quality and composition of tourist services;

    6) the existence of the necessary infrastructure on the territory.

    The proposed features make it possible to determine the presence or absence of a tourist cluster in the study area. This list should be supplemented with a very important provision - the presence of sustainable consumer demand for a tourist product. The analysis of the tourist cluster allows us to determine its role in the formation of the competitive advantages of the region in the market of tourist services. The success of the clusters improves the economic situation in the region, therefore the clusters have political significance for the authorities, primarily in connection with the fulfillment of social obligations.

    All cluster members benefit from sustainable interactions. They get advantages over organizations that are not part of the cluster formation by reducing costs (due to economies of scale). This effect is also used outside the cluster formations, however, close partnerships between cluster members will allow them to get more benefits in similar periods. In addition, clusters stimulate significant productivity gains and innovation. Using the reputation of the cluster, small and medium-sized businesses get new opportunities for access to resources, and jointly business and regional authorities can look for ways to most effectively promote their initiatives through federal structures.

    To implement a cluster as a factor of the region's competitive advantages, it is necessary, first, to conduct a thorough analysis of its current state in order to develop a strategy for its development. Figure 2 shows a variant of the tourist cluster model.

    Figure 2 - Tourism cluster model

    The main element of such a cluster are tourist and recreational resources, which play a key role in the development of tourism. These include: natural, historical, socio-cultural objects of tourist display, as well as other objects. On the basis of the tourism resources available in the region, tourism products are formed and the development of tourism in the region as a whole is predicted.

    Another important element of the tourism cluster model is enterprises tourism industry, including travel companies that produce and sell tourism products that interact with providers of specialized tourism services (in fact, economic entities of the social sphere, providing tourists with social services provided for by the corresponding tour package).

    Market and engineering infrastructure plays an important role in the tourist (tourist and recreational) cluster, as well as general factors of the development of the region - natural and climatic, cultural, historical, socio-economic, political and legal.

    Tourist and recreational cluster "NIKOLA-LENIVETS" (Kaluga region)

    TRK Nikola-Lenivets is a natural environment for life, rest, work and creativity in harmony with nature.

    It is located in the ecologically clean zone "Pearls of Central Russian Nature", about 200 km from Moscow - in the Kaluga Region, on the banks of the Ugra River. Part of its territory belongs to the natural national park "Ugra", which is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
    - On the territory of the mall, the largest Art Park in Europe (more than 600 hectares) is being created, which presents landscape installations by famous Russian and foreign authors. The park is open around the clock and all year round. Entry and entry to the territory is free.
    - Every year since 2006, the international festival of landscape objects "Archstoyanie" (35 participating countries) has been held on the project territory. There are also festivals “Archstoyanie for children”, “Night of new media”, and an eco-farm is developing.

    Tourist and recreational cluster "SALT LAKES" (Orenburg region)

    The goal of the Salt Lakes shopping and entertainment complex is to create by 2020 a self-developing competitive tourist and recreational system in the Orenburg region, providing a high level of service to tourists throughout the year.

    The project will include a complex investment projects in two directions:
    - construction of recreational and recreational facilities, the so-called "anchor" investment objects, around which the objects will be located tourism infrastructure small business;
    - construction of new and modernization of existing infrastructure facilities (water supply and sewerage, power supply, gas supply, reconstruction of highways and recreation areas for general resort purposes).

    As a result of the functioning of the formed cluster, the contribution of the tourism industry to the gross regional product of the Orenburg region will be at least 1% by 2018 (2011 - 0.03%). In total, the program assumes federal funding of the cluster until 2018 in the amount of more than 945 million rubles.

    Tourist and recreational cluster "ETHNIC CHUVASHIA" (Chuvash Republic)

    "Ethnic Chuvashia" is an ambitious project designed to raise the entrance and domestic tourism in the republic.
    The main goal is to increase the competitiveness of the tourist market of the Chuvash Republic.
    Implementation period: 2013 - 2018:
    1. Creation of the Ethno-complex "Amazonia"
    2.Creation of the Ethno-ecological complex "Yasna"

    A real city of entertainment with immersion in the national flavor in the park of the 500th anniversary of Cheboksary ("Amazonia", oceanarium, "Smeshariki-land", hotel complex) and the ethno-ecological complex "Yasna" in the Cheboksary region - with guest houses, a center of folk crafts, healing food , recovery ...

    The area of ​​the occupied territory for projects is more than 130 hectares
    Project implementation form - new construction
    Competitive advantages:
    - "Ethnic Chuvashia" - the starting point of the international tourist route "The Great Volga Route".
    - Unique ethnic heritage.
    - Historical connection with the theme of the Amazons and Huns.
    - The Chuvash language is the only living proto-Turkic (Hunnish) language.

    Tourist and recreational cluster "KAZENOI-AM" (Chechen Republic)

    In the mountains of the Vedensky region of Chechnya, a tourist complex has been opened, stretching out on the shore of Lake Kezenoy-Am. The construction of facilities for the new tourist and recreational cluster was completed in seven months within the framework of a public-private partnership.

    For the development of infrastructure, 72 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget, another 938 million rubles were invested by businesses.

    The Kezenoy-Am complex includes a hotel with 58 rooms, luxury cottages with a total capacity of 40 people, a VIP cottage, a restaurant, a bathhouse, and a 1200 sq. M. Sports complex. meters, sports grounds, as well as a boat station, pier and other facilities.

    The program "Development of culture and tourism in the Chechen Republic" for 2014-2018 was adopted in July 2014. Its purpose is to reveal the cultural and tourist potential of the Chechen Republic, to improve and develop these industries in the region. The program aims to create a highly efficient and competitive tourist and recreational complex on the territory of the region.

    Your region can also become one of the tourist magnets in Russia, subject to a competent approach to assessing the tourist potential and ways of developing the hospitality industry.
    Legal agency "Persona Grata" offers the administrations of small historical cities and municipalities, promising areas with tourist and recreational potential, tourist and recreational zones and parks, consider the possibility of cooperation with our company in the development of long-term strategies for an integrated tourism development territories from idea to economy!

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