What are the interest rates on bank loans? Profitable loans

In 2020, Russian banks issue physical. individuals consumer credit in Moscow in cash or non-cash form. All offers and conditions of financial institutions can be found on our website. To determine where it is more profitable to apply for a loan, use the calculator online.

Conditions for obtaining loans in MSC

A loan for consumer needs in Moscow is issued on certain conditions. The agreement is drawn up on the provision of reliable information and some documents provided for by the selected loan program.

Programs and conditions of lending for individuals. persons:

  • 2 documents for a small amount;
  • targeted loans for the purchase of cars, real estate and other expensive items on the provision of a complete set of documentation with confirmation of a stable income;
  • loans secured by property;
  • refinancing (to pay off other debts);
  • consumer credit in MSC for pensioners, students, payroll clients, etc.

Requirements and documents

In every program consumer lending there are certain conditions for the execution of the contract. A client who wants to quickly get money on credit for any purpose needs to write an application, indicate personal data and provide the bank with documents in the original according to the list.

Main requirements of creditors:

  • passport with a residence permit;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age of the borrower - from 18-23 to 80 years inclusive;
  • solvency of the client.

Consumer loans in Moscow banks

  1. select a bank and click the "apply" button;
  2. the system will transfer to a new page where you need to carefully study the conditions of the lender and fill out electronic form by simple hints;
  3. further, we send a finished application in one click and wait for the decision of the bank.

Money can be received in cash or by bank transfer on the day of treatment.

Where else to get a loan in MSC?

Clients who have received a refusal from the bank, as well as citizens with a bad credit history, can take a loan from MFI MSC on very simple terms. You can study all the offers of microfinance companies and apply online for a loan in Moscow right now on our website!

If there is a need to get a loan from a financial institution, it is necessary to study a lot of conditions and offers in order to identify which bank is more profitable to take a loan in 2017-2018. Let's consider the main selection criteria and current offers of banks, as well as clarify the specific conditions through which you can optimize the conditions of the loan program.

Bank offers for cash loans

Having determined the list of institutions to which a citizen fits the requirements as a borrower, you can study which bank to get a profitable loan on more interesting terms. First, you need to compare offers in terms of amounts and terms in order to assess your possibilities regarding the monthly payment. Today there are such offers for consumer loans without collateral:

  • Sberbank: up to 1.5 million rubles up to 5 years;
  • VTB 24: up to 3 million rubles up to 5 years;
  • Alfa-bank: up to 1 million rubles up to 3 years;
  • Raiffeisenbank: up to 1.5 million rubles up to 5 years;
  • Uralsib Bank: up to 1 million rubles up to 5 years (or up to 7 years - on an individual basis);
  • Stibank: up to 2 million rubles up to 5 years;
  • Sovcombank: up to 400 thousand rubles up to 3 years;
  • Rosselkhozbank: up to 1 million rubles up to 5 years;

Considering an ordinary consumer loan in 2018, in which bank it is more profitable to process it depends on the needs of the client. For example, if you need a value of about 1 million, but the client cannot return this amount in three years due to income restrictions, he will need a program designed for 5 years. That is why Alfa-Bank and Sovcombank should be deleted from the list.

By the same principle, it is worth evaluating the minimum limits of the loan. Usually, the request starts from 20-40 thousand rubles, but there are also programs, the lower limit of which is located at around 100 thousand rubles. The minimum period of interaction for the return of the debt is limited to an average of 3 months. But some institutions are not ready to conclude an agreement for less than a year (Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank).

Where can I get the best cash loan in 2018

Basic requirements for clients

When evaluating which loan is the most profitable in 2018 and in which bank, you must first evaluate your characteristics for compliance with the requirements for borrowers. They differ for all institutions, but the minimum set can be expressed as follows:

When studying the requirements in 2018 for profitable loans, which bank to stop at also depends on the amount of income. Some of them are ready to cooperate only with clients who receive a certain level of income. For example, from 10 thousand rubles at Alfa Bank or from 15 thousand rubles at Raiffeisenbank (25 thousand rubles for Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents), from 30 thousand rubles at Citibank.

Features of interest calculation

The size of the offered rate is the main point that you need to evaluate when choosing which bank it is profitable to take a cash loan from. The parameters declared by institutions in 2018 are averaged. The final indicator is revealed only when calculating the individual characteristics of the client. Today, proposals for banking programs look like this:

  • Sberbank: from 17.9%
  • VTB 24: from 17-19%;
  • Alfa-bank: from 23.99%;
  • Sovcombank: from 26.9%;
  • Rosselkhozbank: from 22.9%;
  • City Bank: from 25%;
  • Uralsib: from 22.5%;
  • Raiffeisenbank: from 17.9%.

Having evaluated the criteria declared by banks, it is quite easy to understand in which bank favorable interest on credit. But many of them are additional terms, due to which the indicator changes in the direction of decrease or increase.

The most common additional requirement is associated with the purchase of a life insurance policy. If it is available, the rate is reduced by 0.5-1%. There are also reverse situations, for example, in 2018 Rosselkhozbank provides for an increase of 4.5% for clients without a policy. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed analysis of the accrual conditions in the selected institution.

There are developments to reduce the rate for compliance with certain conditions. For example, in Uralsib bank you can get a 1% discount if you apply through the site, and not in person. Renaissance Bank and some others offer discounts if the applicant has a positive credit history.

Package of documents

The last thing you need to find out in order to find out exactly which bank in 2018 has the most profitable loan is mandatory list documents for processing. The default list looks like this:

  • The passport;
  • Labor book;
  • personal income tax-2.

If a guarantee is used, similar papers from the guarantor are needed. With a mortgage program, documents are required that show the ownership of the property and describe its characteristics.

Some institutions provide registration without the mandatory provision of a certificate. In this case, additional confirmation of identity will be required, for example, rights, pension or SNILS. Such conditions are possible in Sovcombank.

In some cases, it is allowed to replace the certificate with a document that will help explain the level of solvency of the client. Documents for the car owned, a foreign passport with a note on the trip in the recent past, medical policy voluntary insurance etc.

Having chosen which is the most profitable cash loan and in which bank it is better to take it, it is worth evaluating one more criterion: the procedure for obtaining money and the features of debt repayment. Sometimes, in order to get a loan, you need to open an account. Here it is worth clarifying whether his service will be paid. You can also order a loan to an existing account in this institution. But sometimes there are situations when the bank transfers the allowed amount only to the account of another financial institution where the customer has an account. If you need a loan in cash, then you should find out the tariff for this procedure. Mostly it is free if it is performed in a bank division, but it can be limited in size.

Take a consumer loan with collateral

If it is necessary to request a very significant amount that is not included in the indicated ranges, in which bank a favorable consumer loan depends on the ability to provide collateral or security.

For example, in Sberbank, having enlisted the help of a guarantor, you can already request twice as much - up to 3 million rubles. At the same time, the income of the selected guarantor will be involved in the calculations and will help to get a positive answer if the borrower's salary is not so high.

Collateral programs in each institution are individual and offer different conditions. Here it is impossible to determine in which bank it is profitable to take a loan. It all depends on whether the applicant has a suitable security deposit:

  • Sberbank: private house, plot, apartment, garage, townhouse, etc. real estate.
  • Rosselkhozbank: any liquid property of the applicant, co-borrower or guarantor, incl. legal entity.
  • Sovcombank: a car not older than 19 years old, not pledged and not participating in the car loan program.
  • Vostochny Express Bank: apartment, country house, commercial real estate.
  • Lokobank: the car is not older than 16 years.
  • Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development: a car not older than 6 years (for foreign models - 8 years), not used for profit.

Collateral programs differ in very significant amounts: up to 10 million rubles in Sberbank, up to 15 million rubles in Rosevrobank, up to 9 million rubles in Raiffeisenbank.

You can only request an amount within the cost of the proposed object minus 20-40%, which take into account depreciation, price changes with such a long interaction and the possibility of quick implementation. Debt repayment periods are already limited to 10-20 years.

To identify the most profitable loan and in which bank it is better to request it, it is worth comparing the most basic parameter that affects the amount of overpayments - the interest rate. By the way, for programs with a guarantee or collateral, it is usually several points lower due to the presence of confirmation of the client's solvency in full in comparison with the loan amount.

Profitable loans in 2018

Separately, it should be noted that clients who receive wages on bank card you can take the most profitable loan from the bank in which they receive accruals from the employer in 2018. By contacting your institution, you can find out about the availability of special conditions for payroll clients on loans. Usually, they are expressed in an accelerated procedure for considering an application, a smaller package of documents and a more interesting rate:

  • Sberbank: from 15.9%;
  • Alfa-bank: from 16.99%;
  • Rosselkhozbank: from 15.5%;
  • Uralsib: from 17%;

Some institutions develop separate loyalty programs for employees of partner companies.

Similar profitable loans are offered to pensioners, in which banks they receive payments. For example, Sberbank has a 2% discount, receiving an answer on request on the day of application and registration only with a passport and pension.

Many institutions develop special programs for senior citizens. For example, in Sovcombank this is Pension Plus at a rate of 19.9%. For this category, not only a reduced rate is provided, but also smaller restrictions on the amount request. For most programs, senior citizens do not need to explain the amount of their income and can only go through the entire procedure with a passport.


It is advisable when choosing which bank to take a profitable loan in 2018, choose one that can make payments in several ways: through terminals, card transfers, through intermediaries (Svyaznoy, Gold Crown), transfers through post offices or other banking structures. The more options, the less likely you will encounter a problem when paying.

List of banks where you can actually get a loan without certificates, guarantors and collateral: the most loyal banks for obtaining a consumer loan and a credit card.

If all banks refuse loans due to bad credit history, get credit card it might be easier. Banks are more tolerant of bad CI when issuing credit cards, but the amount of the limit will be low. Additionally, opening a debit card or account helps in obtaining approval.

  • Interest rate - from 17.9% to 34.9% per annum, depending on the age of the client and his credit history. There is a chance to reduce the rate to 0% for a promotion with a Halva card;
  • Age - from 20 to 80 years.

Credit card Tinkoff Bank:

  • Amount - up to 300,000 rubles;
  • The rate is from 24.9% from 12% per annum with an interest-free period of 55 days and installments up to 1 year. 120 days without interest if you repay other loans with a card.

Tinkoff cash loan:

  • Amount - up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Rate - from 14.9% from 12% to 28.9% per annum;
  • Term - from 3 months to 3 years.
  • Loan amount - up to 500,000 rubles;
  • Rate - from 9.5% per annum;
  • Term - up to 5 years;
  • Age - from 25 to 70 years;
  • Income from 8,000 rubles per month, permanent job.

You can also apply for a credit card at Renaissance Credit Bank:

  • Amount - from 3,000 to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate - from 19.9% ​​per annum, for cash withdrawals - 45.9%, interest-free period of 55 days;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal - 2.9% + 290 rubles;
  • Age - from 24 years;
  • Card maintenance is free.

Only if you are not a sole trader and you have not been overdue for more than 90 days:

  • Loan amount - up to 3,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate - from 13.9% to 9.9% per annum;
  • A certificate of income is required, age from 23 years old, salary from 40,000 rubles.
  • Loan amount - from 5,000 to 700,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate - from 8.8% to 41% per annum;
  • Loan term - up to 5 years;
  • Age - from 21 to 70 years;
  • Work experience in the last place from 1 month.
  • Loan amount - up to 500,000 rubles (without refusal);
  • Interest rate - from 9% per annum;
  • Loan term - up to 5 years;
  • Age - from 21 to 75 years;
  • Experience at the last place of work is required from 3 months, for persons under 26 years old - from 1 year.

Vostochny also offers to issue a credit card 0% per annum for 56 days with a credit limit of up to 120,000 rubles. But in fact, the bank will approve no more than 15,000 rubles if you had delays before.

  • Loan amount - up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate - from 7.9% per annum;
  • The age of the borrower is 22-69 years;
  • Loan term - up to 7 years.

In Home Credit, it is easiest to get a loan up to 100,000 rubles, but you must have official place of work and the total experience of at least a year + there should not be large delays.

Home Credit Bank (HKF Bank) also issues a credit card with an interest-free period of 51 days and installments up to 1 year:

  • Credit limit- up to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate - from 17.9% per annum;
  • The age of the borrower is 23-64 years;
  • The cost of the card is 499 rubles per month, but is charged only in the months of its use.

To obtain a credit card, a Russian passport is enough.

  • Loan amount - from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate - from 15.5% to 25% per annum;
  • Loan term - up to 7 years;
  • The age of the borrower is from 21 to 75 years.

It is important that the bank issues a loan only by passport and immediately, but you should not have open delinquency in other banks and delinquency for more than 30 days in the past! Also, your work experience at the last place of work should be from 3 months, the total work experience - from 12 months.

If you need a credit card without an income statement, then UBRD issues cards with interest-free period of 120 days, which applies to cash withdrawals and purchases.

  • Loan amount - from 30,000 to 300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate after the end of the interest-free period - 30.5% per annum, withdrawal fee 5%;
  • Age - from 19 to 70 years;
  • Maintenance fee - 1,500 rubles per year.
  • Loan amount - from 50,000 to 1,300,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate - from 9.9% to 25.5% per annum;
  • Loan term - from 3 to 5 years;
  • The age of the borrower is 23-70 years;
  • The minimum length of service at the last place of work is 3 months;
  • For persons under 27 years old - a military ID.

You can take a loan without certificates and guarantors even without official work, but this can not be done in every bank. There are banks that are more loyal to such customers than others, but you have to pay for this opportunity with higher interest rates.

To obtain a loan or a card in the presented banks, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and your age must be at least 21 years old. In most cases, a certificate of income (2-NDFL) is not needed, but you can fill out a certificate of income in the form of a bank, this has a positive effect on approval and lowers the rate. This method is often used by clients who work informally.

Even with a bad CI, you can get a loan!

Credit history is the main condition for issuing a loan, but the bank's decision is also influenced by:

  • unpaid alimony;
  • The presence of claims against you;
  • Unpaid fines;
  • A large number of administrative offenses, including traffic police fines;
  • Having a criminal record;
  • Debts for housing and communal services;
  • Your income (certificate 2-NDFL - “last century”, income is checked through the FIU. It is very good if you have a work book or contract. An extract from the card account on the transfer of salaries is also suitable);
  • Reliability of information in the loan application! The slightest lie can deprive you of the opportunity to get a loan not only now, but also in the future.

The bank can give you a loan, even if you had delays, but you should not have problems on the above points. Otherwise, the most you can count on is refinancing your loans or a credit history improvement program. If banks do not give you a loan, take a long-term loan from an MFI, the rates on such loans are much lower than “before salary”, and there are more chances to get money from an MFI than from a bank.

Banks that do not check credit history

It is a myth! Absolutely all banks check credit history, but there are nuances.

Part 3.1 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 218-FZ dated December 30, 2004 “On Credit Histories” obliges each bank to cooperate with at least one credit history bureau (CBI) for the mutual exchange of information about borrowers. Before approving a loan, the bank must evaluate the borrower for the risk of not returning the money.

At the same time, the bank it is not always possible to obtain complete information about the borrower's loans, as this information is "scattered" among different bureaus. This means that the lender may not receive information not only about delays, but also about repaid loans, which positively characterize the client.

The bank may indicate on its official website which CBIs it cooperates with. But we do not recommend abusing this, as banks comprehensively evaluate customers. You can get a loan with a bad credit history if you do not try to deceive the bank and clearly confirm your ability to repay the loan on time.

If there are no problems with credit history

Credit card "100 days without%" with a limit of up to 500,000 rubles is now one of the most popular products. For customers with zero credit history or past due delinquencies, it is advisable to indicate in the application the amount of the limit no more than 30,000 rubles, in the future, in the absence of delays on the card, the limit can be increased. The card is also suitable for refinancing other loans, the rate on it is from 11.99% per annum after interest free period. You can withdraw up to 50,000 rubles per month from the card and also without interest for 100 days.

The card is issued to persons over 18 years of age. Maintenance of the card costs from 1,490 rubles per year.

If you need a large amount of cash, you can apply for a cash loan up to 1,000,000 rubles. The rate is the same as on the card - from 8.8% per annum. But for a loan, the requirements are stricter: age from 21 years old and current work experience of at least 6 months.

The loan rate at Otkritie Bank starts from 10.5% per annum with insurance, from 12.9% without. But the first year the rate is the same for all: 8.5% per annum. You can take up to 5,000,000 rubles for 5 years.

Requirements for the borrower: age from 21 years old, work experience - from 3 months, general - from a year, while there should not be an individual entrepreneur.

Otkritie also has a credit card with an interest-free period of 55 days, then 19.9% ​​per annum. The limit on the card reaches 500,000 rubles. There is a cashback of 2-6%, and the card itself is free, issued to persons over 21 years old.

In Raffeisenbank, you can easily get a loan of up to 2,000,000 rubles at a rate from 8.99% to 13.99% per annum for a period of 1-5 years. But there is such an opportunity, if you are at least 25 years old, you earn from 25,000 rubles a month at work, where you work for at least 6 months.

An important condition: without certificates at Raffeisenbank, you can get up to 300 thousand rubles.

Raffeisenbank also has a credit card for 110 days without interest, from which you can withdraw cash without commission for up to 2 months. The limit on the card is 600 thousand rubles. The cost of maintenance is free when spending from 8,000 rubles per month, otherwise 150 rubles per month.

Bank requirements for obtaining a card: age from 23 years old, work from 6 months with an income of 15,000 rubles (for Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 25,000).

MTS is not only a mobile network, but also a bank. MTS Bank issues up to 5,000,000 rubles for 5 years, but these are customers with an impeccable credit history. The easiest way is to get a loan up to 50 thousand rubles and for a shorter period. The rate is from 9.9% to 25.9% per annum.

Requirements for the borrower: age from 27 years old, employment, in addition to the passport, you need SNILS, a visa or a passport.

MTS Bank has an exclusive offer: a credit card with a fixed payment. You pay 30 rubles a day for using the loan, you need to repay the loan by the 20th day of the next month. If you do not have time to repay, then the rate will be only 10% per annum. After repayment, the money (30 rubles per day) is not withdrawn.

The limit on the card is 150,000 rubles, persons over 27 years old can apply for it.

Rosbank offers loans with rates from 8.99% to 15.99% per annum. You can take up to 3,000,000 rubles for 7 years. The rate of 8.99% applies to loans from 1,500,000 rubles with insurance, in other cases the rate will be higher.

To become a borrower in this bank, you need to be over 20 years old and earn at least 15,000 rubles a month.

To apply for a loan at SBI Bank, you must live in Moscow or Moscow Region, St. Petersburg or Leningrad Region. The offer is not yet available in other regions.

The difference between a loan at SBI is low rate from 13.5% to 15% per annum despite the fact that insurance is not needed. You can borrow from 100 thousand to 3,000,000 rubles for 1-5 years. The age of the borrower must be from 21 to 65 years, there must be a permanent place of work for at least 4 months.

The bank is loyal to delays if they were no more than a month. No guarantors, no collateral, no commissions - the bank does not require any of this. The loan is issued without a visit to the bank.

But you may need to confirm income in order to take out a loan. This can be done not only with a certificate of income, an account statement from another bank is suitable: Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie, MKB, Promsvyazbank, UniCreditBank, Raiffeisenbank.


Banks charge interest for the use of credit in the amount established loan agreement, but within 365% per annum. You have the right to repay the loan ahead of schedule without charging fees.

If a delay in the monthly payment is allowed within the period established by the agreement, the bank charges a penalty in the amount of up to 0.05% per day (up to 20% per annum) of the amount of the overdue debt. The lender may charge a one-time late payment penalty.

Delays lead to an increase in debt, long delays negatively affect your credit history.

The rules for calculating interest and penalties are applied in accordance with federal law No. 151-FZ of July 2, 2010.

How to get a loan from a bank without refusal?

The following information can help you get a loan from a bank without refusal. You will learn how to fill out an application correctly and to whom banks never refuse loans.

We will immediately warn you that if you have current delinquencies on other loans, then it will be quite problematic to get a loan from most banks. This is especially true for loans with a delay of more than 30 days. And it is unrealistic if the delays are more than 90 days. In this case, you can only count on a loan secured by a car or real estate. Or take a microloan in the MFI.

There are banks that are more loyal than others to small delays up to 30 days, especially if they have already been repaid. The list of loyal banks for loans is presented above.

Also note that with a bad credit history, it is more realistic to get a credit card than a loan. The amount on the card will be small, but there may be an interest-free period and the opportunity to improve the CI, and this is a chance to get a loan in the future.

life hack

You can increase your chances of getting a loan or card approved if the bank you are going to borrow money from pre-open an account or debit card. You need to use a card or account: receive money on them or replenish it yourself, make purchases. You need to use it for at least a month. There are high chances that the bank will offer you a loan or a credit card.

Ideal Borrower

To whom banks never refuse loans? Portrait of an ideal borrower.

    The best age to get a loan approved is 23-65 years old. Even if the conditions indicate the minimum age of 18 years, the most desirable borrowers are people over 23 years old (younger people can get a loan, but they need more certificates and a stable income). In some banks, the minimum threshold may be higher.

    You don't have to be looked for by bailiffs. Or at least the amount of your debts under the FSSP should not be more than 10 thousand rubles, and this does not depend on debts on loans or fines, for example, the traffic police.

    There are no traffic police fines and other administrative offenses.

    A large number of offenses often become a denial of credit. Pay the fines and only then submit the application.
  • There are no long-term debts for utilities.

    No child support debt. Banks and not only they really do not like "alimony".

    Your passport must be valid and not wanted.

    You do not have the status of an individual entrepreneur (IP).

    Very often, banks refuse clients with individual entrepreneurs. In this case, you need to look for banks that give loans to individual entrepreneurs or get loans for special programs for business development.
  • You have a permanent job.

    Banks do not issue loans to the unemployed, there must be at least income without employment according to the work book (in this case, you will need to provide the bank with a certificate of income in the form of a bank, an agreement with the organization with which you work, an account / card statement on regular receipts of money). If none of this is available, then only secured loans or microloans are possible.
  • You can provide at least 2 phone numbers: one - yours, the second - the employer (or at least a relative, friend).

  • You have no more than 4 active loans.

    In this case, you need to refinance loans: combine them into one. When refinancing, the bank can issue additional money for any needs. For example, you have 4 loans for a total of 500,000 rubles, you apply for a loan for 600,000 rubles, of which 500,000 will go to refinancing, and 100,000 will be your money. As a result, you have money and only one loan, and with a lower rate.
  • total amount monthly payments on the current and requested loan should not be more than half of the monthly income.

    If less, then a collateral or guarantor may be required, otherwise reduce the loan amount.
  • You have no debts to MFIs.

    At the time of applying for a loan at the bank, you must have closed all microloans.
  • You were not bankrupt.

    If you went through the bankruptcy procedure, then you will not be given a loan without collateral and guarantors.
  • No convictions.

    You can not have a criminal record, especially for articles related to fraud in the financial sector.
  • You have no more than 2 children.

    A large number of children, especially with a low income, can be a reason for refusal.

What can not be indicated in a loan application?

  • Passport details of an invalid (expired) passport.
  • Someone else's passport data.
  • Inaccurate information about work and salary. Banks make a request no longer to the employer, but to Pension Fund(FIU), where your data on deductions from income is stored (hence, banks know your real salary) and your place of work, length of service, etc.
  • A phone number that is not registered to you. For this reason, MFIs are often refused, since SMS serves as a signature in the contract. But banks can also pay attention to the ownership of a phone number.
  • Do not leave empty fields, even if the system allows it.
  • If there is a field in the application form for indicating the purpose of the loan/loan, then do not write that you have no money, “nothing to eat”, you were fired from your job, and the like. This is a denial! In this case, write that you need money before salary.

Even with imperfect credit history, the chances of getting a loan are greater if you fill out the application honestly. Lies in the application - a minus in the credit history!

There are more chances to get a loan or a card in banks where you have already been a client (made transfers/payments, received salaries, had or have a debit card, repaid the loan in full). Eliminate banks in which you had delays.

This material presents banks that generally have high percent approvals.

Can. There is only one way to fix your credit history - pay off loans and take new ones! If you have had delays in the past, you can get a credit card and actively use it. Later, the bank itself will offer to increase the limit on the card or offer a consumer loan.

Keep in mind that fixing your credit history is a long process. It will take at least a year to pump your CI.

Beware of scammers offering to delete or edit your credit history. It is impossible to do this, since it is stored in the protected databases of various Credit Bureaus, which are controlled by the Bank of Russia.

If there are no problems with the official salary, income level and CI, you can apply for cash at any bank. It is better to go to the one with the lowest interest on loans, so as not to overpay. The minimum rate is usually available only to a limited circle of reliable borrowers, payroll clients and loans. But we have compiled an overview of 10 banks with the lowest interest rates.

In order to be guaranteed to receive the smallest percentage on, first contact the bank where you receive your salary. If the conditions there are not too pleasant, then one of the list below. Read more tips on how to lower your interest rate at the end of the article.

Banks for loans at the lowest interest

February 2020

Minimum Interest currently offered by Gazprombank and Homecredit. A little more Sovcombank, but they have a promotion " All under 0!”- the bank returns the previously paid interest on the loan if you have issued and use their Halva card. All the rest have the lowest rates from 9% to 10%, but they are not offered to everyone.

ATB, Vostochny, Otkritie, Promsvyazbank and MKB issue only 1 document each without income statements and guarantors. With a damaged CI, you can contact Renaissance and Vostochny, they are loyal to problem borrowers, and with a good one - in any of the tables above. Without official work, apply to Vostochny, MKB or Otkritie.

Read a more detailed overview of each of these loan offers below.

Homecredit - the most profitable loan in 1 minute

  • Amount: From 10,000 to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Term: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: From 7.9%;
  • Age: 22-64 years;
  • Documents: 2 proof of identity, may ask for proof of income.

Sometimes they may ask for a second identity document. You can take a driver's license, a medical policy or SNILS, which everyone definitely has. If there are doubts about the borrower, then they ask for a certificate of income. But in the case of work with long experience and high salary, this is not necessary.

Instant decision in 1 minute - you can get cash.

The loan term is a multiple of 1 year, you can apply from 22 to 64 years. They even lend, in this case, do not forget to bring a pension certificate. With delays, bad history, and no official work, you're more likely to get rejected.

Sovcombank - loan with interest return

  • Amount: Up to 100,000 rubles;
  • Term: 1 year;
  • Rate: from 8.9%;
  • Age: 20-85 years;
  • Documents: passport, 2nd additional + 2-personal income tax.

Offers a low interest rate of 8.9% on its loans, but lends only a small amount up to 100,000 rubles and only for 12 months. If it’s enough for you, you can contact, the main thing is that there are no delays and large debts earlier.

Do you want to not only get a consumer loan at a low rate of 8.9% per annum, but also use it for free at all? Issue an additional free installment card ““ at Sovcombank, pay it in stores, and the bank will return the interest on the loan to you every month.

The application can be considered up to 5 days, so if you need it urgently, then contact other organizations.

ATB - low interest rate on a loan with an experience of 1 month

  • Amount: Up to 700,000;
  • Term: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: From 9%;
  • Age: 23-65 years;

ATB has the lowest interest on an express cash loan, which can only be issued with a passport in Moscow, Siberia, the Far East and beyond. Rates from 9% per annum. And simple requirements for experience - from 1 month. They give out, here the requirements are already - from 6 months after registration.

Approval in 1 day, you can get today if you have time to send to the bank before lunch. Issuance of money for any needs, it is not required to confirm income.

Gazprombank - low interest loans to borrowers with good CI

  • Amount: Up to 3,000,000;
  • Term: Up to 7 years;
  • Rate: From 7.5%;
  • Age: 20-70 years;
  • Documents: passport, 2nd of your choice + proof of income.

Contact only if you have a good CI and official work with experience of six months at the last workplace, and a total of 1 year. But their lowest percentage of 7.5% are ready to offer not only payroll clients, but also to all reliable borrowers who meet the conditions.

It is mandatory to confirm income, you can not only 2-personal income tax, but also in the form of a bank. If desired, you can also repay ahead of schedule without fines and penalties. Interest will be calculated based on the actual term of use of borrowed funds.

Rosbank - profitable loans and refinancing with a reduced loan rate

  • Amount: From 50,000 to 2,000,000.;
  • Term: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: From 9.9%;
  • Age: 24-65 years;
  • Documents: passport + 2-personal income tax or a certificate in the form of a bank.

In Rosbank, you can not only get a good rate on a new one, but also make 9.9% per annum at the same small rate. True, the most profitable terms are provided only for those who receive a salary on the card of this bank or work in one of its partner companies (look for the list on the official website). For the rest, it is traditionally calculated individually - it depends on the credit history, the documents provided, the length of service and the level of confirmed income.

If you are too lazy to receive a certificate, then there is the possibility of confirming income through the State Services website. If you are requesting more than 400,00 rubles, then you will also need a copy of your work book certified by the employer.

Opening - a loan with low interest on 1 document

  • Amount: From 50,000 to 5,000,000;
  • Term: From 1 to 5 years;
  • Rate: From 8.5%;
  • Age: 21-68 years;
  • Documents: RF passport (sometimes 2-personal income tax, a copy of labor and additional documents).

Opening is ready to lend for just one document, without forcing you to collect a bunch of additional papers and spend time on issuing certificates. But at the same time, the minimum credit rate 8.5% is available to everyone who has proven themselves well earlier in this or other banks, and is ready to issue 2-personal income tax and bring additional papers.

We advise you to take a foreign passport with you if it contains marks for the last 12 months, as well as papers for a car or apartment, if they are in your possession. In this case, loans are usually even if you do not have the most crystal clear CI.

MKB - issuing a loan only on a passport with a small percentage

  • Amount: From 750,000 to 5,000,000;
  • Term: 1-5 years;
  • Rate: From 9.9%;
  • Age: from 18 years old;
  • Documents: only Russian passport.

Our favorite MKB is a bank that is practically trouble-free for all categories of borrowers, which only asks for a passport when applying, but at the same time offers a very small percentage of 9.9% per annum. One of the few is ready to lend money immediately from the age of majority.

The decision on the application takes less than 1 hour. We filled out the questionnaire in the morning, after lunch you can already come to receive money. Issuance on the same day.

There are credit holidays - the first 3 months you can pay reduced payments if it is difficult for you to pay off large amounts. Draw up, but if you, then the rate automatically increases.

Vostochny - issuing loans even with a bad history

  • Amount: Up to 3,000,000;
  • Term: Up to 20 years;
  • Rate: From 9.9%;
  • Age: 24-65 years;
  • Documents: issuance of a passport.

The most loyal to the damaged CI among Russian banks. Approves even those who have had large debts and delinquency in the past. If only there were no current ones. True, no one will give 15 million to problem borrowers, but on the other hand, a loan of up to 500,000 rubles will be issued without certificates and at a low interest rate in just 1 document.

An ideal option for those who need cash right today, at a low interest rate and only with a passport.

Promsvyazbank - low interest loans for employees of reliable companies

  • Amount: From 100,000 to 3,000,000;
  • Term: From 1 to 12 years;
  • Rate: From 9.9% to 14.9%;
  • Age: 21-70 years;
  • Documents: Russian passport.

In Promsvyazbank, even the maximum rate is lower than in other companies offering the minimum. Even if 14.9% per annum suits you, you can safely apply. True, loans are approved here only to employees of the bank's partner companies, a list that can be found on the website or clarified by phone. The rest are denied. But if you turned out to be one of those lucky ones, they won’t ask you for anything other than a passport.

Even if you did not find a list of companies, you can apply and try to get approval.

Renaissance - a loan without refusal to problem borrowers

  • Amount: up to 700,000;
  • Term: 2-5 years;
  • Rate: from 9.9%;
  • Age: 24-70 years;
  • Documents: passport + second optional.

Renaissance is another company that is on a par with Orient Express The bank willingly cooperates with problem clients. Credit, pensioners, individual entrepreneurs, and other categories of the population who find it difficult to confirm their income.

Indicate the requested amount in the application form - in this case, registration without certificates is only for a Russian passport.

Do not forget to bring any additional document to the office - a policy, TIN, rights or SNILS. There are requirements for experience - from 3 months, and wages- from 12,000 in Moscow and Moscow Region and from 8,000 in other regions.

4 conditions for obtaining the lowest interest rate on a loan

And finally, a few conditions for guaranteed obtaining a profitable loan. If you meet them, you can contact any bank you like. You will not be refused and a good individual offer will be made.

  1. Good credit history . If you already had several loans in the past that you regularly repaid and closed the debt on time, if you used credit cards and did not miss mandatory payments, then it is likely that in the future you will not have problems with payments. Any lenders approve such clients 100% without refusal. With a spoiled CI, everything is obvious - there were problems, there may be again. But with zero history - some have questions. Like, how is it that I didn’t have any delays, since I never took loans? We answer - with a clean CI, banks simply do not know what to expect from you. That's why they refuse.
  2. Great experience and high white salary. Lenders need reliable borrowers, and the most solvent of them are just those who have been working at the same job for several years and climbed the career ladder, receiving a large income. Here is such a paradox - the most willing to issue loans to those who already have money. And the lowest percentage is offered to those who are the most monthly payment can pay without prejudice to the usual standard of living.
  3. Car or apartment ownership. Another confirmation of the client's solvency is the presence of some significant property. Ideally, real estate, a house, plot or apartment, but a car is also suitable if it is not older than 10 years. So, when you go to the office to sign the contract, take with you an extract from the USRN for an apartment or a title for a car. Get a lower loan rate.
  4. Ideal age between 25 and 40 years old. Credit organizations consider the age of 25-40 years to be the most solvent, since here people have already managed to gain experience, build a career, achieve high salary, but cuts and pensions are still far away. They are the ones who lend the most. But the most difficult thing is to get cash in debt to students, people from 18 to 21 years old and pensioners over 65 years old.

6 tips on how to get a loan at the lowest percentage

  1. Contact your bank. The first and most important advice is to first send an application to the bank where you receive your salary on the card. In this case, banks are often ready to offer the lowest percentage, and the amount is larger and the term is longer. In some organizations minimum rates generally available exclusively to payroll clients. If you don't like the conditions at your bank, then go where you have open deposit or a credit/debit card that you use.
  2. Don't be lazy to verify your income. Despite the fact that almost half of the companies from our review are ready to issue a loan with just 1 document without references, do not be lazy to issue this very certificate and certify it with the employer. If you have other sources of income, such as business activities, dividends on stocks and bonds, a rented apartment, or something else, try to get papers that can confirm this income.
  3. Send the questionnaire to several banks. Would you like to compare what individual conditions different banks offer you? Submit multiple applications. The main thing here is not to overdo it, many simultaneous applications can become a reason for refusal, and this negatively affects the CI. 2-3 applications to the most profitable banks will be enough.
  4. Offer a deposit. Need an even lower percentage, and even without certificates? Use mortgage loans. You can issue or a small one and get cash at 7% -8% per annum only with a passport. Real estate and / or cars must be in your ownership. And you will need to repay the loan in a mandatory manner if you do not want to lose the collateral (and they usually issue no more than 60% -70% of its value).
  5. Refinance old loans. It is not necessary to take a new one, if you can just take it earlier at a high rate - in any of those who now offer up to 10% per annum. And if you need cash, you can leave the same monthly payment and the same term after the restructuring, but get an additional amount of “live” money in your hands. As a bonus, you will receive one payment, and not 2-3 on different dates that are not very convenient for you.
  6. Take a larger set of documents. Does the bank only ask for a Russian passport and 2-personal income tax? Take some additional documents with you. This will increase the chances of approval, and will allow you to count on a smaller percentage. It is best to take with you documents on the ownership of any property or car. A foreigner with travel notes for the last year is also a good confirmation of your financial solvency.

Standard conditions, possible term: 13 - 60 months

Salary client, possible term: 13 - 84 months

If the insurance policy is terminated after the loan is issued, the interest rate on the loan will increase by 6% per annum

* The rate depends on the loan amount

Requirements for the borrower:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Permanent registration in the region of presence of one of the bank's divisions.

Required documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • Income document*
    • certificate in the form 2-NDFL;
    • certificate in the form of the Bank;
    • certificate in the form of the employing organization;
    • salary account statement or certificate of operations on a salary account opened, including in another bank;
    • certificate of the amount of pension (for working pensioners);
    • tax declaration for persons engaged in private practice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The amount of income is from 15,000 rubles per month.
  • With a loan amount of 400,000 rubles or more, if the income is confirmed by a document other than a certificate in the form 2-NDFL, a copy of the work book certified by the employer is additionally provided**

The guarantor provides similar documents. If the client's spouse is registered as a Guarantor or if the total income of the spouses is taken into account, a marriage certificate is additionally provided. In the case of registration of the vehicle as a pledge, the following is additionally provided: the original of the vehicle at the time of applying for a loan to an individual and a valid "Auto Casco" insurance contract when applying for a cash loan. If the client's spouse is the owner of the vehicle being pledged, the spouse's passport and marriage certificate are additionally provided.

The Bank has the right to request additional documents.

* The type of document depends on the area of ​​work of the client. More detailed information check with the bank branches or by calling the bank's contact center at 8 800 200 54 34

** For military personnel and employees of the internal affairs bodies, it is possible to provide a certificate from the military unit / internal affairs bodies on service with an indication of the rank. For military personnel, it is possible to provide a service contract and an officer's identity card or an extract from the military service record.

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