Rosselkhozbank pension card interest reviews. Rosselkhozbank pension card - favorable interest on pensions

Pension payments are supported by a variety of government programs that provide better conditions for pensioners. The Rosselkhozbank pension card is a new solution that has a number of advantages among competing cards. When developing the card, the current state policy on the transfer of all state employees and pensioners to the Mir payment system was taken into account.

However, since until 2020 other solutions can be used, pensioners can issue the following types of cards:

  • MasterCard Country;
  • MasterCard Standard;

The first 2 options will be optimal if you often travel abroad. Their validity period is 2 years. The MIR banking system has limited options for paying abroad, but offers more profitable solutions for Russian residents than its foreign counterparts. The Mir card will be active for 3 years after its issuance.

To obtain a card, you need to contact the nearest customer service department of the Russian Agricultural Bank and write an application in the prescribed form. The specialist will make a free consultation and explain the included services in an accessible way.

If you meet the requirements of the bank and it confirms the issuance of the card, you must contact the Pension Fund and indicate your desire to switch to another bank. This is a mandatory procedure, without which the calculation of a pension on a new card will not be available.

Rosselkhozbank pension card: interest

Rosselkhozbank "Pension Card": conditions, interest rate and additional features - a topical issue that we will consider in this paragraph. Money is credited to the card immediately after they are received by the pension fund. By connecting a modern SMS notification system, you will be promptly informed about accrual to the balance and other financial transactions.

Key benefits of this card include:

  • free issue and further maintenance when using the Mir payment system;
  • the possibility of withdrawing funds without commission at an ATM of the Russian Agricultural Bank and issuing banks;
  • additional passive income due to monthly interest at a favorable rate;
  • accrual of special bonus points for cashless payments for every 100 rubles.
  • the opportunity to participate in various bonus programs, including Harvest.

Compared to the basic pension solution from Sberbank Mir, this card offers up to 6% annual interest on the balance of funds on the card.

This solution currently has no analogues among other competing banks.

Now the question arises: “The pension card of the Russian Agricultural Bank, how are interest calculated?”. Additional funds are accrued monthly, depending on the current balance of the balance. It is noteworthy that you can also replenish the balance of this card yourself. This solution has already received positive reviews, recommending Rosselkhozbank for everyday use.

There are additional requirements when working with the card:

  • SMS notification only about receipts on the balance - free of charge, additional messages cost 49 rubles per month;
  • daily withdrawal limit - 300 thousand rubles;
  • monthly withdrawal limit - 1 million rubles;
  • checking the balance in a third-party ATM will cost 45 rubles, a commission on withdrawals of 1% with a minimum amount of 100 rubles.

Before using the services of Rosselkhozbank, study the possibility of stable withdrawals and the presence of ATMs nearby with no commission.

Relevance: May 2019

"Rosselkhozbank" rightfully belongs to the most demanded banks in the country in terms of pension lending and servicing pensioners.

Credit cards in Rosselkhozbank are issued to people no older than 65 years otherwise, you should look into regular retirement cash loans or a retirement card.

Retirement card

Rosselkhozbank offers to issue special-purpose cards created specifically for transferring pensions and social benefits. payments. These cards are called "pension"— they are not credit, i.е. you can't take credit for them.


  • MasterCard cards are issued absolutely free of charge.
  • You don’t have to wait for the card to be issued - it happens instantly.
  • The possibility of obtaining additional income for the amount of the balance on the card (7% per annum).
  • The absence of any commission when withdrawing funds through the terminal of Rosselkhozbank, AlfaBank and Promsvyazbank.
  • Automatic notification system via SMS notifications about the crediting of funds to the client's account.
  • Free opportunity to pay for purchases with a card without restrictions, without the need to withdraw funds.
  • The ability to transfer the pension automatically to the card, avoiding queues.


Getting such a card for pensioners from Rosselkhozbank is easy - it can be done in just a few steps at one of its branches:

  1. You must personally visit the nearest branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank and provide a certificate of receipt of a pension / any social services. payments and your pension certificate.
  2. Write an application for the transfer of pension payments to the card. If necessary, an employee of the Russian Agricultural Bank will help you with this.
  3. Send an application for receipt to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The pension card from Rosselkhozbank is a debit card with accrual of income on the balance of the account, it does not need to pay interest and it is impossible to get a loan.

If you are interested in obtaining a loan, pay attention to the program for lending to pensioners on favorable terms at Rosselzbank.

Credit for pensioners

With this type of lending, the bank requires a minimum set of documents and also imposes minimum requirements on the borrower.

Conditions for pension lending at Rosselkhozbank:

You can find more information about the conditions on the website

Requirements for borrowers:

  • The age limit is up to 75 years.
  • Officially confirmed citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate of accrual of pension funds and social. payments from the Pension Fund.

Need to provide package of documents to get a loan:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Confirmation of income (standard form of 2-NDFL certificate, account statement, etc.).

The loan necessarily falls under the loan collateral program:

Insurance is valued at a total amount of 3% of the total loan amount. In case of cancellation of insurance, a penalty is paid in the amount of the indicated 3% of the total amount.

The term for making a decision on a loan for pensioners at Rosselkhozbank is usually up to 5 business days. If the application is approved, the bank's decision remains valid for 45 calendar days.

Credit funds are credited to the recipient's account, and the agreement is concluded at the bank branch.

The RSHB intends to use exclusively the Mir national payment system until the end of this year. The pension card World of Rosselkhozbank opens up the possibility of making a profit - interest on the amount of the pension payment. The banking product has pros and cons, but in general there are a lot of positive aspects.

Many banking users have appreciated the advantages of using the Mir card. The process of receiving social benefits is simplified as much as possible. The advantages of a deposit and the convenience of an online wallet are combined in one financial product.

  • You will not have to wait long for the arrival of the pension accrual: the money goes to the card account on the day of transfer from the Pension Fund.
  • It is convenient to pay for a communal apartment, pay for purchases.
  • Interest is charged on the balance of money on the card account.
  • Free issue (instant, for 200 rubles is possible), contactless payment system.
  • SMS notifications about enrollment, costs.
  • Interest-free cash withdrawal at ATMs of Rosselkhozbank, Promsvyazbank, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, ROSBANK using MIR cards, Mastercard Worldwide.
  • Participation in the Harvest bonus points program.

Terms of Service:

  • SMS notifications - 59 rubles monthly, notifications exclusively about receipts on the Mir card of Rosselkhozbank for pensioners are free;
  • commission fee for cashing out - 1% (from 100 rubles) in ATMs of our own, partner financial organizations; there is no commission fee;
  • cash withdrawal limit: per day - 300,000 rubles, per month - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • accounts are opened: in the currency of the Russian Federation;
  • request for a balance at ATMs of third-party banking institutions - 45 rubles, in their own - without payment.

How are interest calculated?

The Mir card from RSHB appeared in 2017 to improve the quality of customer service. In addition to receiving pensions and social benefits, pensioners can increase their own capital with the help of this special product. At the end of the reporting period, 7% per annum is accrued monthly on the balance on the Mir pension card account of Rosselkhozbank. Additional bonus - points: 1.5 for every 100 rubles spent from the card (for cashless payments).

What do you need to get a card?

Contact the RSHB office with an identity document, a pensioner's certificate or another document confirming the right to receive a pension or other social payments. An employee of the RSHB will advise, he will help to enter information into the application for accruing pension payments to the card. The applicant should submit an application to the PF representation.

The right to receive plastic under the terms of the TP "Pension" is given to Russian individuals (minimum age - 18 years) receiving an old-age pension (including former military personnel) on the basis of Russian legislation, or other financial assistance of a social nature (for child care, unemployment, loss breadwinner, temporary disability (with the exception of scholarships)). Rosselkhozbank issues a pension card Mir on the terms of providing documents:

  • civil passport or other identity document of the applicant;
  • applications for registration of "plastic" in accordance with the TP "Pension";
  • certificate of a pensioner / document confirming the fact of receiving assistance from the state.

How to refuse to use the Mir card? Contact the RSHB contact center by free phone 8 800 100 0 100 or any branch of this bank.

What card will be issued?

In the RSHB, pension "plastic" is issued in the following ways: Mastercard - Instant Issue, Country, Standard, using the MIR payment system. Card issuance is free if the user receives the Country Mastercard category option. The cards are similar in key characteristics. Interest on the card account balance will accrue in any case. The main differences are concluded in terms of validity - for 2 or 3 years. The conditions of payment systems vary - MIR or Mastercard.


Loyal, uncomplicated conditions for obtaining and using make a pension card an assistant for non-cash financial transactions. There are almost no maintenance costs. The percentage reward accrued on the balance of the card will serve as an additional incentive for registration.

The pension card World of Rosselkhozbank is a special product for servicing pension recipients on loyal terms. The holder is offered special conditions, additional benefits, the holder is not limited in his ability to manage his money. Not able or willing to apply for a card yourself? You can always ask for help from bank managers by phone or e-mail.

The Rosselkhozbank pension card is a special product for servicing pensioners on especially favorable terms. By issuing such a card, the pensioner receives special conditions of service, additional benefits, while the client is not limited in his ability to manage his own funds.

Obtaining a pension card at Rosselkhozbank

After presenting documents proving the identity and the fact of receiving a pension, it will be necessary to write an application for registration of a pension card in the Russian Agricultural Bank. The conditions for obtaining a card are quite simple: a written application serves as the basis for concluding an agreement and issuing a card.

After that, the owner of the Pension Card informs the Pension Fund about his desire to receive a pension on the Rosselkhozbank card and provides the data necessary for this.

Map category

In Rosselkhozbank, a pension card can be issued in the following ways:

  • By payment system MasterCard Instant Issue, MasterCard Country;
  • Via MasterCard Standard payment system;
  • Through the MIR payment system.

Issue a Rosselkhozbank Pension Card for free and get 7% per annum on the balance of funds

According to key characteristics, these cards do not differ from each other. For example, regardless of which Rosselkhozbank Pension Card was issued, interest is accrued on the account balance. The main differences are: in terms of validity - 2 or 3 years, and the conditions of the payment systems themselves will be different - MIR or MasterCard.

Conditions and annual interest on the balance

Rosselkhozbank accrues 7% per annum on the balance of funds on the current account of the Pension Card. Another advantage will be the crediting of bonus points - 1.5 for every 100 rubles spent from the card. by bank transfer.

The terms of service are as follows:

  • The cost of SMS informing is 59 rubles per month;
  • SMS-informing only about receipts - free of charge;
  • Commission for cash withdrawal in the amount of 1% (minimum 100 rubles) - only at ATMs of third-party banks, there is no commission in our own and partner banks (Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Promsvyazbank, Rosbank);
  • Withdrawal limit: daily - 300 thousand rubles, monthly - 1 million rubles;
  • Inquiry of balance at ATMs of third-party banks - 45 rubles, in their own - free of charge.

Product Benefits

Benefits include:

  • Calculation of interest on the balance of funds on the current account;
  • Free opening and maintenance (except MasterCard Standard card - 200 rubles);
  • Participation in the bonus program Harvest;
  • No commission for withdrawing funds from ATMs of Rosselkhozbank and ATMs of partner banks.


The most loyal and simple conditions make the Rosselkhozbank Pension Card a convenient and profitable tool for non-cash transactions. There are practically no costs associated with servicing the card. Interest on the balance of funds will be an additional argument in favor of the card.

The times when it was necessary to come to the savings bank every time to receive benefits or salaries have sunk into oblivion. Now any payments can be made to a plastic card. A pension card in this sense differs only in that it is opened to pensioners, and social payments or benefits are charged there, freeing citizens of retirement age from the unpleasant need to stand in line for a long time. In addition, a pension card has a number of other advantages.

  • Convenience and the already mentioned time savings. With the help of a bank card, you can not only pay in the store, but also make purchases on the Internet.
  • Security. The bank will be responsible for the safety of funds. The main thing for a pensioner is not to give your card and its pin code to anyone.
  • The ability to withdraw money anywhere and anytime, even in the absence of a passport. Whereas cash receipt is not only queues, but also not always the work schedule and the location of the savings bank.
  • Discounts and promotions that allow pensioners to pay less for the same services and goods when paying with a card.
  • Interest on the remaining funds, which completely eliminates the advantages of a savings book in relation to a plastic card.
  • It's easier to help and get help. With the help of a card-to-card transfer (especially if they are issued by the same bank), you can easily and quickly transfer money without even leaving your home (if Internet banking is set up).

How to apply for a pension card?

Many banks offer this service. However, what is obvious to avid users of debit and credit cards is not always easy and understandable for older people.

The options for obtaining a plastic card for calculating a pension depend on whether you received a pension before. If yes, then it is necessary to exchange the savings book for a pension card at the selected bank. If you have not received a pension before, then you need to contact the branch of the selected bank at the place of residence and apply for it.

  1. To do this, you need to contact the nearest bank branch with a passport and a pension certificate. The consultant will help you fill out the application, which will then be accepted for consideration.
  2. After that, they will give you account details, as well as a pin code.
  3. With a ready-made card and account details, you must come to the nearest branch of the pension fund, where you will need to fill out an application, indicating the data received from the bank. One of the two copies of the agreement signed by the fund specialist must be kept for yourself.
  4. If suddenly at the appointed time the funds do not come to the card, you will need to contact the pension fund again.

If registration takes place a few days before the accrual date, the next pension will most likely still have to be received at the savings bank, but the next one will go directly to the card.

Consider the most popular offers of pension cards. The steps to receive them are the same. Applications for opening an account may differ only slightly, but bank employees will help you figure it out. Pension accounts are opened in Russian rubles.

Sberbank Maestro pension card

Pensioners can issue this card and use all the possibilities of a plastic card holder. Additional benefits of Sberbank are as follows:

  • Free registration;
  • Free annual service;
  • The savings principle from the savings book applies to the pension card. Accrual of interest on the balance - 3.5% per annum;
  • Interest is calculated every 3 months, that is, 4 times a year.
  • The opportunity to participate in promotions and receive discounts, as well as points under the Thank You bonus program, in addition, additional opportunities are provided by the Mastercard system;
  • Possibility to issue additional cards free of charge;
  • Withdrawal of funds at any affiliated ATM not only in Russia, but also abroad;
  • Using the mobile banking service for 30 rubles. Monthly you can receive notifications of receipt of funds.

In fact, pension card users receive the same benefits as other cardholders. The only exception is that a pension card cannot be a credit card.

In addition, the reputation of Sberbank allows it to be considered, if not the most, then one of the most reliable banks.

Rosselkhozbank pension card

The main advantage of a pension card is the cumulative interest on the remaining funds, which is an order of magnitude higher than

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