Business financing apply online. Loan for sole proprietor without collateral and guarantor

Not all “newly minted” entrepreneurs open their own business without attracting credit funds. Banks, in turn, constantly introduce such loan products and issue loans to individual entrepreneurs for business development in Moscow, in particular for the purchase of equipment, the purchase of goods and,. Consider the terms of the loan.

On what conditions are loans issued for individual entrepreneurs for business in Moscow?

First of all, a company applying for a loan must be a resident of the Russian Federation and operate in the region where the bank is registered. Another requirement put forward by almost all Moscow banks is to secure a loan with collateral. To open or maintain an existing business, you can get a loan secured by:

  • apartments;
  • houses or cottages;
  • land plot;
  • transport (including special equipment);
  • office, retail and warehouse premises;
  • commercial real estate.

If you need it in Moscow from scratch, then banks are also ready to consider this option and issue a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate, including under construction. Such a loan is designed for 5-10 years. You can apply for such a loan without certificates of confirmation of solvency, as well as without collateral and guarantors at a rate of 12% or more at Sberbank of Russia. The purchased property will serve as collateral for the loan.

A loan for an individual entrepreneur to open a business is issued only in Russian rubles by crediting to the account. A cash loan can be obtained if the bank makes such a decision after considering the application.

To get a loan, it is not necessary to visit a bank branch in person. provide remote services not only to individuals, but also to individual entrepreneurs.

How to apply online for a business loan in Moscow?

The application is submitted by filling out a questionnaire in the form of a bank directly on the bank's website or on our site. An online application allows you to obtain a preliminary loan approval based on the parameters entered:

  • credit amount;
  • crediting period;
  • type of lending.

In the additional lending parameters, you need to specify the method of obtaining a loan: to a bank account or in cash. If it is planned to provide security in the form of a guarantee of third parties or a pledge, this should also be noted. The corresponding lines are in the application, you just need to tick the boxes. A preliminary online application should contain as much information as possible, because the accuracy of calculating the loan amount and the rate on it depends on it.

The advantage of our site is that you can send an application to all Moscow banks at once, at any convenient time. According to the parameters specified in the questionnaire, banks themselves will select and offer a loan. Bank managers will clarify all the questions by phone, draw up a package of documents. Corporate clients can get a loan online for individual entrepreneurs without visiting the bank at all, if loans have been issued in this bank before and there is a valid account.

Not only will an online application in Moscow help you choose, but also calculate its main parameters (the amount of the monthly payment and the final overpayment). Such preliminary calculations narrow the list of banks.

Business loans are issued by banks for various purposes under various programs. There are specific differences between issuing loans for starting a business and for the current development of a business. Loans are also divided into loans for entrepreneurs and loans for legal entities . If you need funds for your business, you should carefully calculate the required amount and possible profits from its use. To begin with, it is worth drawing up a business plan with all the necessary calculations - it will come in handy not only for your own planning of activities, but also for submission to financial institutions, as a confirmation of the goals and intentions of obtaining borrowed funds.
It is now possible to leave an application and apply for a loan to entrepreneurs online on our website. In order to replenish working capital for business development, purchase new equipment or expand production facilities, as well as implement other business plans - now you just need to leave online application on our website for consideration by credit managers and the earliest possible receipt of funds.
For regular customers, banks can also provide credit lines with revolving amounts on the accounts, thus, having repaid one loan amount, it becomes possible to take it again and again on your balance sheet.

How to get a business loan?

On our site there is an opportunity to issue a loan to legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. For the fastest and most complete consideration of the application, it is necessary to accurately and truthfully indicate all the data required in the questionnaire. The terms of the loan provide for the availability of all binding documents, confirming the state registration of a business entity, whether it is a large, medium or small business. And also, depending on the chosen program, a business plan, collateral, for example, in the form of goods or fixed assets, insurance arrangements may be required - it all depends on the chosen program and the loan amount.
The main advantages of the programs we offer are flexible lending conditions, including the possibility of early repayment without penalties, a loan term of up to 2 years, low interest rates and, of course, the speed and availability of loan processing. Take a look at our offers and see for yourself the benefits. If you have any questions about the terms of lending, be sure to contact our competent specialists who will give a clear and complete explanation of all the details of the contract and its conditions.

In general terms, the features of individual entrepreneur lending are as follows:

  • the complexity of assessing the real solvency of the subject (for example, for individuals this aspect is quite easy to assess using the 2-NDFL certificate from work);
  • a higher risk of loss of funds for the bank that issued the loan to the individual entrepreneur (own business in itself is associated with high risks);
  • if an ordinary employee as an individual employed on a permanent basis has a regular income, then for an individual entrepreneur it depends on many factors that are quite difficult to predict (although some of them are possible, which is why the bank requires the provision of a business plan);

For the above reasons, many banks want to insure themselves and give loans only to those entrepreneurs who have already been operating for a certain period of time (this period can be from six months to a year).

Also, due to the fact that the income of an individual entrepreneur is unstable, and he can lose his funds at any time and, for this reason, cease to be able to repay the loan, the requirements of banks for such entities are much stricter than, for example, for individuals.

Factors that banks pay attention to when issuing a loan to IP

In order for an individual entrepreneur to receive a loan for his business, he will have to fulfill a number of conditions imposed by the bank. The list of requirements to be met includes a certain amount of income, the financial condition of the individual entrepreneur, the period of activity, and the absence of tax debts.

income level

The meaning of assessing the level of income of an entrepreneur is to reveal his ability to pay. For this credit organizations establish a certain level of income at which a loan can be issued. Typically, the amount of income per year is requested.

In addition to the amount shown by an individual entrepreneur, the bank is also interested in the state of the industry in which the borrower operates. Representatives of the most promising industries at the moment are much more likely to receive a loan.

financial reputation

Lending institutions are always interested in how well the borrower repaid previous loans. Therefore, credit history. If it leaves much to be desired, the entrepreneur will most likely not receive a loan.

In addition, if an entrepreneur has received any diplomas and awards in his activities, copies of documents about this must also be submitted to the bank, this will affect the decision to issue a loan. Also, some banks are studying where the borrower directs investments, how he manages the profit from activities.

Business term

Most loan offers are designed for entrepreneurs who have been operating for at least six months. It is extremely rare for banks to issue loans to those who have been doing business for more than 3 months. This measure is necessary to insure banks against the loss of funds.

Thus, it is quite difficult to borrow money from a bank to open a business as an individual entrepreneur (but it is possible as an individual).

Timely payment of taxes

Absence tax debts, as well as debts on loans, is an indirect indicator of the client's solvency for the bank. If the entrepreneur has a debt to the state budget in the face of tax authorities, this is an indicator of the failure of his business and the inability to repay the debt. The bank will definitely refuse to lend to such a borrower. In order to confirm the regular payment of taxes, the entrepreneur is required to submit a certificate from the IFTS to the bank.

In order to take a loan, an individual entrepreneur needs to perform a series of sequential actions, the result of which will be obtaining borrowed money. As noted above, loans are provided more often to those entrepreneurs who have already been working in their field for some time, but money for opening a business is given only within the framework of government programs small business support.

A feature of a loan for an individual entrepreneur from scratch is the need to have finished business plan, collateral or guarantors.

IP registration

To get a loan as an individual entrepreneur, you need to properly register in the Unified State Register individual entrepreneurs. There are 3 ways to register an IP.

  1. With the help of a special Internet service of the Federal tax service. This method is the fastest and easiest. You need to go to the site, fill out the attached form and pay the state fee. After that, the information is sent to the Federal Tax Service, and after a few days you can receive a certificate of registration from the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence.
  2. Registration of an individual entrepreneur directly at a credit institution along with the opening of a current account. This method is also simple and fast, here you don’t have to do anything on your own, all the work will be done by the bank employees.
  3. Registration directly with the IFTS. This path is the longest and most laborious, additional collection of documents and filling in the necessary forms manually will be required.

Based on the results of providing all the required information to the tax office, the application will be considered, and within 3 working days a decision will be made on registration or refusal. If approved, the following documentation will be available:

  • IP registration certificate (OGRNIP);
  • an extract from the USRIP (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs);
  • notification that the individual entrepreneur is registered with the tax office (form 2-3 accounting);
  • notice of registration with the Pension Fund;
  • certificate of registration with the Compulsory Insurance Fund;
  • notification that Rosstat has assigned statistics codes.

If any of the above list is not issued by the IFTS, you need to get it yourself.

Business plan preparation

In order for the lender to assess the theoretical solvency of the borrower, if he wants to get a loan for a business from scratch, a business plan is required. It reflects the key points of a new case for which borrowed funds are taken.

The compiler must:

  • determine long-term and short-term (strategic and tactical, respectively) areas of activity;
  • to make a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the business;
  • determine the volume of production;
  • estimate potential profits and costs;
  • analyze the market segment in which the business will develop;
  • guess what kind of staff is needed for the job.

First you need to decide what kind of loan the entrepreneur needs:

  • express loan (this is a program characterized by minimum requirements, quick decision-making, but at the same time with shorter terms and higher rates);
  • consumer (involves the issuance of funds for any purpose, more documents are required, as well as the provision of a pledge or surety);
  • targeted (a loan for certain areas of spending, this type is associated with state programs to support small businesses, it is required that the activity of the individual entrepreneur is, according to the bank, promising, and the individual entrepreneur himself has carried out his business for at least 3 months);
  • cash (for revolving and non-revolving credit lines and overdraft).

According to the purposes for which the individual entrepreneur wants to get a loan, and you need to choose a bank. Having decided on the goal, you need to find out which credit institution provides such a service, and also where credit conditions are most favorable for individual entrepreneurs. It should not be forgotten that the entrepreneur must study the requirements of potential creditors in order to determine whether he meets them or not.

Collection and provision of documentation

Banks request the following information about the borrower with the provision of relevant documents:

  • the passport;
  • registration certificate;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • declarations sent to the IFTS for the last year;
  • certificate of open accounts in the name of the entrepreneur (also issued by the tax authority);
  • statements from these accounts showing the movement of cash flows;
  • certificate stating that the entrepreneur has no tax debts.

The credit institution reserves the right to request other information regarding the activities of the individual entrepreneur.

Getting a loan

If all the above conditions are met, the entrepreneur can receive funds. The bank will need:

  • fill out a loan application;
  • choose a loan program;
  • provide the bank with pre-assembled documentation;
  • providing the bank with a down payment, collateral or guarantors.

In case of a positive consideration of the application by the bank, the borrower can receive money.

Almost all banks are engaged in lending to IP. The conditions are somewhat different, but there are some common ones that are common to all institutions. Consider banks that provide loans to start a business.


The most famous Russian bank offers its clients loans for:

  • current expenses;
  • purchase real estate and auto;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • financial support of contracts.

Sberbank makes the following requirements for the borrower:

  • IP must be properly registered;
  • the entrepreneur must be a Russian citizen;
  • the minimum period of activity is 3 months.

The entrepreneur must provide the bank for a loan:

  • founding documentation;
  • financial documents;
  • documents for collateral (if collateral is provided).

In Sberbank, it is also possible to open a current account (Easy Start program) with a receipt of up to 120,000 rubles. for business development. According to various programs of the bank, you can take a loan from 120,000 to 5,000,000 rubles. for up to 5 years. The interest rate at Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs is 13% or more.


VTB offers the Kommersant program. This express loan is available to individuals aged 25 to 70 who have been in business for at least a year. This loan is not issued for a business of a certain direction, as well as for location in certain regions. Under this program, no collateral is required, that is, the approval of the application is possible without collateral. It is also important that the business is registered no further than 150 km from the bank's location. The interest rate on the loan will be from 14 to 19%. The borrower can count on an amount from 500,000 to 5,000,000 rubles. for up to 5 years.


Raiffeisenbank is offering a business development loan to IE Express. The borrower has the option of early repayment of the debt. When borrowing, you will need a surety from one of the owners of the business.

IP registration must be within 100 km from the city in which the bank where the application is submitted is located.

In addition, you must have a current account in this bank, otherwise the loan will not be approved. The advantage of an express loan from Raiffeisenbank is a quick consideration - in just two days. The deposit is not provided. In this bank, the rate is determined in each case individually, you can get from 300,000 to 3,000,000 rubles. for a maximum of 5 years.

OTP bank

TSOs have higher rates and a smaller amount offered as borrowings, but less stringent requirements for borrowers and less documentation required. The loan amount is from 15,000 to 200,000 rubles. for a period of one to four years. Interest rate - from 34.9%. In this case, no security (collateral or guarantee from the client is not required).

The remaining conditions are standard: the borrower must be a Russian citizen, live in the territory of the subject where the bank is located, and operate as an individual entrepreneur for at least a year. In addition, OTP imposes requirements on the age of the borrower - from 25 to 65 years.


PSB offers loans for individual entrepreneurs in the amount of 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles. at a percentage determined individually for a period of up to 5 years. Promsvyazbank issues an express loan for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities "Simplified".

Approval of applications takes place within just one business day (if all the required paperwork is provided, while the package of documents is quite small). The bank does not charge commissions for taking and repaying this loan.

Promsvyazbank also has requirements for the borrower in the form of age (in the range of 23-60 years) and business experience (at least a year). If the borrower wishes and is able to, early repayment of the loan is allowed. The bank does not require any collateral for this loan. In this case, an individual entrepreneur must be registered no further than 100 km from locality where the lending institution is located.

How to lower the rate on a loan for an individual entrepreneur?

As can be seen from the above review of loan offers from various banks, in those where no collateral is required, the interest on loans is much higher (for example, OTP). Providing a guarantee or any property secured by a bank, as well as issuing a targeted loan, allows you to get a loan on more favorable terms.

Arrangement of a target loan

If an entrepreneur wants to lower the loan rate, he should pay attention to target credit programs such as the purchase of equipment. Interest rates on such loans are usually lower by 1-2% per annum.

Provision of collateral

Real estate (residential and non-residential premises), equipment and transport can be provided as collateral. Banks are always more willing to issue loans to those customers that can secure the loan with collateral and, accordingly, provide them with more profitable terms including lower interest rates.

It is best if the value of the property allocated for collateral will cover the cost of the loan. In this case, the probability of approval of the application will significantly increase.

Providing guarantors

Not only individuals, but also the same individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities, can act as guarantors. A guarantee, like a pledge, is a kind financial guarantee bank. If the borrower fails to fulfill its obligations, this will have to be done by the guarantor. For this reason, the guarantor must have a stable income.

In addition, the entrepreneurial experience of the individual entrepreneur affects the result of consideration of applications. Usually banks want their borrowers to work in their field for at least six months or a year.

It is also important to have a current account of an individual entrepreneur in a bank where he is going to take a loan. Credit institutions treat their customers much more loyally. And last but not least, the credit history of the borrower plays a role. If it is good, then a positive response from the bank is much more likely.

3 ratings, average: 4,67 out of 5)

To develop your business, you need money, but not all businessmen have enough money financial resources In this case, a loan comes to the rescue.

Banks have developed individual entrepreneur lending programs that differ in interest rate, amount, necessary documents and other conditions.

The entrepreneur must be tax registered and pay all contributions. The minimum period for doing business is from 6 months, IP age - from 21 to 60 years old.

Without collateral, an individual entrepreneur can count on an amount of up to 500 thousand rubles, with provision, it increases significantly.

Loan without guarantors and collateral

If an individual entrepreneur issues a loan without guarantors and collateral, then banking organizations give him up to 150 thousand rubles.

You should consider for what purposes the funds will be spent, since banks are more willing to issue money for the development of the business, and not for other purposes (for example, issuing debts for wages does not increase the credibility of the organization).

Loans secured by property

It is not difficult to get a secured loan because it poses less risk for banks. If the borrower is unable to pay the financial obligations, they will sell the collateral.

  1. Pledge can be movable / immovable property, bank accounts.
  2. If the collateral is an apartment, then such parameters as the area, location and infrastructure of the area will affect the loan amount.
  3. IP has the opportunity to receive 60% from the market value of the collateral.

Secured loans are issued at a lower interest rate than loans without it.

Consumer loans

IP - individual, so for registration consumer credit you will need to send an application to the bank, find guarantors or collateral, and then receive money. Rates depend on the term of the loan, the amount and the banking organization.

  1. You don't have to go to MFI. Such organizations issue express loans without guarantors and collateral, but the overpayment will be high.
  2. Such high interest issued by organizations in order to cover their risks and receive money if the borrower fails to repay the debt.

business development loan

Banks can lend to a small amount for the development of the business. They take risks because the IP only provides their business ideas.

  • To increase the chances of obtaining credit funds, it is necessary to draw up a competent business plan, reflecting future expenses and income in it.
  • The state also provides assistance to start-up businessmen. Individual entrepreneurs who applied to the employment center, upon presentation of a business plan, can receive 58 800 rubles. For those who are busy in agriculture, you should apply for a preferential loan to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

Target loans

Institutions develop special loans for certain purposes.

  1. Development of your business:
  2. Investments.
  3. On-lending.
  4. Support and development of narrowly focused activities.
  5. Buying a property.
  6. Purchase of special equipment, machinery.
  7. Purchase of a personal car.
  8. Acquisition of vehicles to be used in business.


  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration in the region where the bank branch operates;
  • borrower's age from 21 to 65 years old;
  • minimum annual income 700 thousand rubles;
  • the duration of your business from 1 year(some banks raise this threshold to 5-6 years);
  • absence of zero or unprofitable financial result;
  • positive credit history.

Banks also set their own limits regarding the number of people who are involved in the state of the entrepreneur.

There are factors that determine interest rate:

  • credit term;
  • the amount of money given;
  • solvency of the borrower;
  • availability of liquid assets;
  • availability of reliable guarantors with stable income and positive CI;
  • registration of insurance that provides a guarantee of security for individual entrepreneurs and banks.

Sometimes banks negotiate interest rates individually. You should submit an application and discuss all the details of interest with a bank employee.

Features of obtaining a loan for individual entrepreneurs

If you urgently need to make a turnover or cover advance payments, it is beneficial to get a loan from a bank for an individual entrepreneur.

The entrepreneur gets the opportunity to buy goods in installments, negotiate deferred payments or affordable interest rates.

The larger the amount the entrepreneur needs, the longer bank will consider his application from 2-3 to 7 days).

Making a loan without guarantors and collateral has the following advantages for individual entrepreneurs:

  • quick decision making by the organization;
  • a small list of required documents;
  • you can get a loan with guarantors, collateral or without them;
  • programs for individual entrepreneurs are carried out without commissions;
  • It is possible to repay the loan ahead of schedule.

Procedure for obtaining a loan

The documents that need to be prepared by the IP include:

  • the passport;
  • borrower profile;
  • IP registration certificate;
  • business plan (for start-up entrepreneurs);
  • TIN;
  • accounting Report.

Employees of banking institutions may be asked to bring other certificates - statutory papers, declarations. The SP must agree to receive requests from the BKI.

The contract is concluded in several ways:

  • annuity payments - the same monthly payments throughout the entire loan term;
  • differentiated payments - monthly payments, the amount of which by the end of the term begins to gradually decrease;
  • payments according to an individual schedule, developed and established by agreement between the bank and the individual entrepreneur.

List of banks issuing loans for individual entrepreneurs

We have prepared for you 10 banks with various programs of lending to individual entrepreneurs.


The organization offers entrepreneurs the "Trust" program, which allows them to receive funds without collateral for business development or current needs.


  • loan term – up to 3 years;
  • interest rate - at least 17%;
  • the maximum amount to be issued is 3 million rubles;
  • provided to individual entrepreneurs, small business owners and small enterprises, the maximum annual revenue of which is 60 million rubles;
  • the minimum age of the borrower on the day of the loan is 23 years;
  • age of the borrower at the date of repayment of obligations - 65 years;
  • the shortest period of doing business is 1 year.

VTB 24

The Bank has developed the Kommersant program for individual entrepreneurs and small business owners, the money from which can be used for any purpose. Within the framework of the program, there are three types of loans - Economy, Express and Comfort.


  • amount - from 30 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • interest rate - 18, 22 or 26% (depending on the duration of the loan).


  • interest rate - 20, 24 or 28%;
  • application processing time - 3 hours.


  • amount - from 30 thousand to 750 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate - 22, 26 or 29%;
  • simplified package of documents.

Alfa Bank

The bank offers an overdraft to pay for short-term cash gaps and replenish working capital to develop its business.


  • term - up to 2 months;
  • there is no need to provide collateral (sometimes the bank may require it);
  • guarantors are required.


The bank offers small business owners a loan "Express".


  • the maximum amount to be issued is 2 million rubles;
  • there is no need to provide collateral and confirm the proceeds;
  • a guarantee is required;
  • the business owner must keep a bank account with turnover.

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The organization offers a loan "Overdraft Express" to replenish working capital.

Requirements set by the organization for IP:

  • the maximum amount to be issued is 500 thousand rubles;
  • duration - up to 2 years;
  • annual interest rate - from 24 to 27%;
  • there is no need to look for guarantors and provide collateral;
  • business term - from six months.

The bank has developed a loan "MDM-Express".


  • the amount to be issued - from 500 thousand to 3 million rubles;
  • annual interest rate - up to 27%.
  • pledges and guarantors are optional, there are no commissions.

The bank offers a loan to small businesses to replenish working capital.


  • the amount to be issued - from 500 thousand rubles;
  • loan term – up to 3 years;
  • annual interest rate - at least 12.5%;
  • collateral in the form of a car or real estate is required;
  • there is a possibility of early repayment of obligations;
  • you can create an individual repayment schedule according to the characteristics of the business (taking into account seasonality and other factors).

The organization has developed several loan products for medium and small businesses.


  • the amount to be issued - from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles;
  • annual interest rate - from 17%;
  • loan term - up to 5 years (if the money is needed to replenish working capital - up to 36 months);
  • a vehicle is required.

Loan "Stronger+":

  • annual interest rate - 15-25%;
  • loan term - up to 3 years.

"Above +":

  • the amount to be issued - from 100 thousand to 10 million rubles;
  • interest rate - 16-20%;
  • loan term - up to 2 years.

The organization offers loans to small and medium-sized businesses.

Program options:

  • "Revolving": up to 2 million rubles, up to 2 years, rate - from 13.5%;
  • "Investment"
  • "Secured by real estate": up to 300 million rubles, up to 5 years, the rate is from 13.5%;
  • "Overdraft": up to 60 million rubles, up to 12 months, the rate is from 13%;
  • "Guarantee": up to 100 million rubles, up to 3 years, the rate is from 3%.

The bank offers loans for small businesses.

Universal loan product– “Business without borders”.


  • the amount to be issued - from 300 thousand to 29 million rubles;
  • annual interest rate - from 11.6%;
  • loan term - up to 10 years.

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