Profitable business building houses for sale. Business in the construction of wooden houses

Real estate will always remain a profitable field of activity. Therefore, the construction of cottages and townhouses is a promising field of activity. If you choose the right strategy for creating a private company, you can eventually open a large company. About all the intricacies of commercial activities in the real estate market later in the article.

How to start a house building business for sale?

The real estate market is always a profitable area of ​​activity. There is a demand for apartments and houses both in big and small towns. A house building business can be a very profitable activity if you follow certain steps to create it.

First you need to decide on the format of work. It is important to choose here whether the house construction business will be opened independently or with the involvement of investors' funds. This type of entrepreneurial activity is very costly and requires substantial capital investments. Since the risks of losses in it are also high, it may be worth considering creating a partner business. So, the responsibility of each founder will be solely within the size of the contributed share.

You can also open a construction company. This option of doing business involves making an advance payment by the customer. This will help the entrepreneur speed up the process of finding start-up investments, but will increase his financial risks due to obligations to the client.

The second thing to do is to develop a concept that will become the basis for further business activities. The area for building houses is best chosen near the forest and clean water. It should be possible to bring all the necessary communications to the house:

  • the Internet;
  • light;
  • water;
  • telephone connection;
  • sewer system.

It is very important that the buyer has the opportunity to participate in the planning of the house, because only he knows what the result should actually be.

When choosing a region for construction, special attention should be paid to the infrastructure around the future home. It must meet the main criteria:

  • close proximity to the city;
  • availability of good transport interchange;
  • official permission to build real estate on the selected land;
  • the presence of an environmentally friendly environment (the absence of chemical plants and any other harmful industries nearby).

After choosing a land plot, you need to go directly to its acquisition. This is not an easy procedure, as there are many nuances in the registration of property rights and privatization. In addition, you need to be prepared to invest a serious amount of money at this stage.

It is necessary to create a plan for building a house. A topographic survey of the selected territory is being carried out. To do this, a whole sketch is being developed, which takes into account all stages of construction: from laying the foundation to arranging the rest of the territory.

After the development of a plan for the construction of a house, it must be approved and permission must be obtained to carry out the relevant operations. Only after official permission has been obtained, construction work can begin. At this stage, the total costs can be about 300 thousand rubles.

When designing a house, it is necessary to take into account the material from which it will be built. The most relevant and reliable option is red brick. You can also use wood or aerated concrete. Houses made of such materials are a popular option due to their reliability and reasonable price.

It is also necessary to determine the type of house that will be built. The most popular option are cottages. This form of real estate attracts all wealthy people who want to move from the metropolis to a country house. Usually it is designed for one family, has two floors and its own yard.

One of the profitable options for the builder is the development of townhouses. These are several identical houses that create a common residential area. Their height does not exceed 2 floors, and each house has a separate entrance. Such houses can be built both within the city and outside it.

You can also build frame houses. Their construction consists in the construction of a metal frame for the future home. Next, they make him a sheathing from lining or finished panels. The walls consist of several layers, one of which is insulation. Such houses do not require shrinkage, which means that the lines of their construction will be as short as possible. You can also start interior finishing work immediately after building the frame and cladding. Such houses can stand up to 150 years. The average construction time of a frame house is from 2 to 4 weeks, from laying the foundation to laying the floors and more.

One of the important stages in the construction business is the search for qualified workers. To build a house from scratch, you need to recruit a team of such employees:

  • foundation laying specialist;
  • facing specialist;
  • roof builder;
  • electrician;
  • specialist in the installation of sewerage and heating systems.

If an entrepreneur wants to go into a frame house building business, he should also hire a few during the summer.

It is also worth hiring a separate person who will be involved in the development of landscape design.

It is necessary to count on the fact that for the performance of certain types of work it will be necessary to hire two or more specialists.

In the house construction business, at the first stages, you can get by with hired personnel, but in the future, the entrepreneur must have a permanent staff. Usually it is created from those masters with whom they have already collaborated, and they have shown themselves very well.

Wages in this field of activity are paid upon completion of work and commissioning of the object. One employee in construction can receive about 1000-1500 rubles per day. On average, the cost of monthly wages for employees will cost 150 thousand rubles.

If we talk about opening a construction company, then on a permanent basis, in addition to the masters, it is necessary to hire an accountant and a manager. Ideally, attract to the business a separate person working with clients, and another with partners.

It is very important to draw up a business plan taking into account all expenses and expected income. It is also necessary to lay a reserve capital for risk insurance. For example, if a roof is laid incorrectly due to an unqualified employee, it must be redone at the expense of the entrepreneur.

The average cost of building one square meter in the Russian real estate market is about 30-40 thousand rubles.

Finding an office and purchasing equipment

Since any activity in the field of trade, opening a construction business involves finding premises for the main office and purchasing the appropriate equipment.

It is best to look for a place for equipping the main office of a construction company in the center. So, there are more chances to attract wealthy buyers. Drawing up a construction plan, analysis and monitoring of the real estate market in the region will take place in the central office.

Not only the business owner will work in such a room, but also an accountant, managers and designers. In addition to the office space, it is worth finding a place for warehouses right away. They can be located on the outskirts of the city. It is ideal to find a warehouse not far from the location of the bulk of construction projects. Also, there should be a good transport interchange next to it.

For a construction company in the early stages, you do not need to buy expensive construction equipment. It can be rented depending on the type of work that will be performed during the implementation of a particular project. It is worth purchasing equipment that will be used in all projects, regardless of the type of work.

To open a construction business for the construction of wooden houses, the staff of lumberjacks should be provided with specialized equipment. Then you will need to purchase chainsaws, wood polishing machines and other equipment. Trucks for delivery of frame parts to the construction site can be rented. To assemble the house itself, you need to have electric planers, carpentry tools, chainsaws and a mini power plant. The total cost of such equipment can be about 50-60 thousand rubles.

Development of a business plan for the construction of houses

To open a business for the construction of country houses, you need to carefully draw up a financial plan. At the first stage of creating such an enterprise, the following expenses should be taken into account:

  • official registration of documents and execution of all relevant documents: 5 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign: from 10 thousand rubles;
  • project development: 50 thousand rubles;
  • equipment for construction work: about 400 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a truck: 500 thousand rubles.

The total amount of initial investment will be about 965 thousand rubles.

  • administrative expenses and advertising: 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment of wages: about 150 thousand rubles;
  • payment of taxes obligatory social insurance funds (30% of the salary of employees): 45 thousand rubles.

In general, monthly expenses will cost 200 thousand rubles.

  • payment for the rent of an office space of 50 sq. m and with connected communication and power supply systems: 25 thousand rubles;
  • services of a hired accountant from outside: about 5 thousand rubles;
  • Contribution to the mandatory social insurance fund for employees: 24 thousand rubles;
  • salary for a manager, designer and engineer: 80 thousand rubles.

From future employees, the entrepreneur must require experience and a level of appropriate qualifications.

When opening a construction company, the amount of monthly costs will be 134 thousand rubles.

The possible future level of income will depend on the complexity of ongoing projects such as houses being built, the cost of construction equipment involved in the project, the number of employees involved, the average pricing policy per square meter in the selected region and the cost of building materials.

Calculating possible income and expenses in the construction business is not an easy task. It is also worth considering the fact that the construction business is very dependent on the season. The most profitable time in such activities is the spring-autumn period.

The average annual revenue of a small construction company can be about 3 million rubles. At the same time, the costs for such a period will be equal to the amount of 2,292 thousand rubles. The owner of such a business can receive a net annual income of 710 thousand rubles. But, taking into account the deduction of income tax, this amount will decrease by 15%.

The average payback period for such a business is 1.5 years. To expand the construction business in the future, you need to be prepared for additional monthly expenses of 200 thousand rubles. for the maintenance of the office and staff.

Market analysis

Before creating a construction company, it is necessary to analyze the real estate market in the region in which it will be opened. Here it is worth considering the presence of demand for such services and the level of competition. It is also very important to assess the financial capacity of the population.

When analyzing the real estate market, the most demanded and popular type of houses is determined. If the construction of townhouses is actively coming into fashion, then such an industry will be popular for a few more years for sure. It is also worth considering seasonality, since the period of construction of the house greatly affects the cost of construction work. For example, it will be cheaper to build a house in the spring, during a warm period, since the entrepreneur saves on heating the premises for builders.

When starting a construction business, it is best to choose a narrow specialty, since the payback period in this case will be reduced.

Activity registration

The construction business, like any commercial activity, must be officially registered. To do this, you need to obtain the following documents:

  • In the SRO, you need to obtain the status of a construction company. But if it is planned to build low-rise buildings, then this can not be done.
  • Building permit.
  • License for the design of structures and buildings.
  • A document confirming the official presence of the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Building design license.

Also, the entrepreneur is required to open a bank account and register a company with the employment and social insurance service.

The easiest way is to apply for an IP. If you register an LLC, then you need to collect a package of constituent documents of the organization and pay a state fee in the amount of 4 thousand rubles.

In order to apply for an IP, you must submit the following documents:

  • Application for registration of IP in the form P21001.
  • Receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.
  • A copy of the entrepreneur's passport and his TIN.

To switch to a simplified taxation system, you must submit an application on form 26.2-1.

Advertising and marketing how to find clients

The construction business, like any other, requires a good and effective marketing campaign. In this business, the most successful advertising will be a portfolio of completed projects and positive customer reviews.

You need to do internet marketing. To do this, you need to start a website and pages on social networks. For all developed projects, it is worth issuing a patent - copyright. This will be a great plus for the company's image and protection from competitors who want to steal ideas.

The main risks of the construction business

The construction business is highly competitive. A novice entrepreneur needs to choose a narrow niche for activity and provide good service to customers. The advantage of small construction companies is their ability to concentrate on the little things.

It is best to complete the construction of projects in the autumn. If this is not done, then there is a big risk of freezing the whole process until next spring. As a result, the calculated costs due to the appreciation of the dollar can be much higher than originally planned.

Building houses is a profitable business. Demand for real estate practically does not decrease, in the private sector it even grows. The family wants to live in the suburbs, and not in a human anthill.

If a small construction company works on a stream, the profitability of the business reaches 30 percent. Monthly income excluding taxes will be about 2 million rubles.

In order for the company to make a profit, it is necessary to properly organize the workflow.

Real estate market analysis

Before investing in the construction business, study the demand for low-rise housing in the nearest settlements. This will help you choose the type of activity that brings the most profit:

  • Construction of townhouses;
  • Construction of private houses for sale;
  • Construction of cottages to order.

Based on the market analysis, a business plan is drawn up. It must take into account the advantages and risks of building houses: seasonality, average price, financial capabilities of the region's residents.

At the start of a business, you should not be scattered: choose a narrow niche that quickly leads to a return on initial capital.

As before, the problem of housing construction is acute in our country. Demand for comfortable individual housing remains consistently high even in the face of an unstable economy and falling living standards of the population. This business plan for the construction of frame houses will help entrepreneurs open a socially significant business that will help in solving the most important task.

General concept of the project

The construction of frame houses is one of the most profitable and promising areas in the development of low-rise construction. The variety of projects and designs of these facilities, low construction and finishing costs, simplicity of technology and the absence of the need to use bulky equipment create attractive conditions for doing such a business.

In frame construction, two main technologies are distinguished:

  • Using the floor as a base (platform) for the erection of vertical building elements;
  • The use of a rack-and-beam system, in which the entire frame structure of the future house is a complex of interconnected beams and racks.

Both of these technologies make it possible to flexibly adjust the area of ​​structures and their number of storeys by increasing the length of vertical and horizontal elements. After the construction of the frame, it is subjected to double-sided cladding. As a rule, from the inside it is made of drywall or wood, from the outside - from moisture and windproof materials. Between the facing layers is a heater.

The advantage of frame construction is also the possibility of its combination with a panel one, when the panel with strapping is fixed on the frame, sheathed on both sides, between which insulation is laid. Investments in the construction of such houses are small, so they are becoming increasingly popular in Russia. When using high-quality materials and proper care of the house, the guaranteed life of its operation is at least 50 years. Compared to brick, the cost of building a frame house is about 25-30% lower. In addition, there is no need to use expensive specialized equipment and machinery - a small team of builders can build such a house in just a few weeks, and at any time of the year, because there are no so-called "wet" processes in the technologies.

Our example considers the use of the "DKR" technology, developed by experienced practitioners in the field of erection of frame structures. They note the high profitability of building houses using this technology, which confirms our business plan for the construction of frame houses with calculations.

Market analysis

World experience clearly demonstrates the obvious turn in individual construction towards wooden buildings. Such housing is currently perceived not only as the most comfortable and environmentally friendly, but also as prestigious.

In our country, the share of wooden frame housing construction still remains very small, although it has been constantly growing in recent years. The Russian market potential is estimated by world experts as one of the most promising due to the fact that our country has 25% of the world's timber reserves, relatively cheap labor and modern technologies in this industry.

According to experts, the fact that today many developers choose brick and stone houses is due to the Soviet legacy, when almost any individual housing construction was not held in high esteem. This directly affected the quality of wooden houses, the very demand for wood as an effective building material.

At present, the timber frame housing industry is growing steadily. So, over the past 20 years, its volumes have increased by 6-7 times. According to official statistics from Research.Techart, about 7 million square meters are built annually in the country. m wooden houses. And this growth is facilitated by lower prices for them.

According to statistics for the regions, wooden houses are most widely used in the Siberian, Northwestern, Urals and Far Eastern federal districts. In the North-West there is an increasing transition to innovative technologies of frame housing construction. There is also such a trend as a non-uniform distribution of types of houses by area between regions. In the regions, small buildings are more in demand.

Frame houses on the market are positioned as the cheapest and most affordable type of housing. This is partly due to the spread of SIP technology, as the most promising for our conditions.

There are some restraining barriers for the further development of the industry. First of all, we are talking about the complexity of an instant increase in construction volumes. In the medium term until 2020, the annual increase in wood frame housing construction will increase by about 10-12%, and in some regions by 20-25%. Thanks to this, the Research.Techart forecast provides for the achievement of a market volume of 30 million square meters by 2020. m.

The market for frame houses in the country remains very capacious. This is due to the low cost of materials and the still modest use of wood as a building material. Abroad, the indicator of its demand is 10 times higher than in Russia.

In the near future, according to experts, the most demanded will be the frame-panel technology, which will take 64% of the entire volume of wooden housing construction.

Activity Licensing

To carry out work on the construction of low-rise frame houses, obtaining a license is not required. The founder registers his business as an individual entrepreneur and works under a simplified taxation system (6% of profit). This choice determines the high profitability of construction and significantly reduces financial and administrative costs.


For the construction of frame structures at the initial stage of the project, specialists are involved who will work under a contract. The brigade includes:

  • Project manager (duties are performed by the founder, combining with the functions of a manager).
  • Foreman
  • Specialists in the construction of foundations, the assembly of wall frames, the arrangement of hydro-, vapor barriers, water supply and sewerage systems.
  • Finishers.

Accounting services are outsourced.

It is not envisaged to select premises for an office at the initial stage of development of a business project.

Labor costs (data calculated for one house):

Name of specialty Contract payment Number of specialists involved Total (in rubles)
foreman 50 000 1 50 000
Foundation builders 35 000 2 70 000
Wall framing specialists 35 000 2 70 000
Specialists in the arrangement of hydro-, vapor barrier, water supply and sewerage systems 35 000 2 70 000
Finishers 30 000 2 60 000
Total 9 320 000

Marketing and Advertising

To promote services for the construction of turnkey frame houses, the following activities are expected:

  • Creating your own business card website with the possibility of ordering a house project and a gallery of completed works.
  • Organization of advertising messages in local newspapers, magazines, television and radio.
  • Work in social networks.
  • Placement of banners on the elements of urban transport infrastructure.

The main marketing resource of the company is the high quality of construction services and a flexible pricing policy.

Financial plan

Estimate for the construction of a frame house

The cost of building one house with an area of ​​175 sq. m according to the DKR technology and the main stages of construction are presented in detail in the following tables.

1st stage. Acquisition and cost of materials for the foundation:

Costs for the purchase of materials Quantity price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
gravel screening 21 cu. m 1 600 33 600
Formwork (boards) 1.5 cu. m 6 500 9 750
Screening under the heel, plate and blind area 77 cu. m 720 55 440
Reinforcement (metal 14 mm) 650 line m 47 30 550
Reinforcement (metal 8 mm) 220 line m 20 4 400
Grid road 2х6 for a plate and a blind area 16 cards 1 700 27 200
Cement 5 bags 270 1 350
FBS blocks 12 cu. m 4 500 54 000
EPPS insulation 12 cu. m 3 700 44 400
Geofabric 150 sq. m 30 4 500
waterproofing film 150 sq. m 27 4 050
Concrete B-25 (for the heel, slab and blind area) 17 cu. m 14 400 134 400
Consumables (bolts, nails, screws, etc.) 10 000
Mortgages 6 000
Rent of automobile construction crane 2 shifts 12 000 24 000
Shipping costs for delivering materials 18 000
Total 461640

2nd stage. Platform (foundation) construction works:

Types of jobs Quantity Unit rev. price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
Axis outreach, development and grading 47,5 cube m 600 28 500
Sand cushion dumping 69 cube m 250 17 250
Arrangement of communication trenches 3 PCS. 750 2 250
Construction of a local drainage system 25 points 230 5 750
Sand cushion dumping 3 cube m 550 1 650
Foundation foundation rammer 69 cube m 300 20 700
Reinforcing and pouring the heel of the foundation 40,5 cube m 2 400 37 800
Installation of foundation blocks 13 sq. m 1 200 15 600
pouring foundation walls 12 cube m 1 650 19 800
Insulation of all structural elements of the foundation 214 sq. m 170 36 380
Foundation pavement reinforcement 55 sq. m 200 11 000
Laying horizontal two-layer waterproofing 115 sq. m 20 2 300
Reinforcement and pouring of the slab and blind area for the foundation 285 sq. m 650 59 750
Loading and unloading costs 5 000
Sewer installation 5 000
Arrangement of stairs and technical underground pcs/sq. m 15 200
Construction of a parking lot sq. m 750
Total 262 830

Thus, the cost of materials and work on the construction of the foundation will be 724,470 rubles.

3rd stage. The construction of the power frame:

Name of the type of work Quantity Unit rev. price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
Manufacturing and installation of panels 656 sq. m 500 164 000
Treatment of structures with an antiseptic 44 cube m 1 300 57 200
Production of wall elements 29 cube m 1 200 34 800
Rafter installation 229 sq. m 900 206 100
Installation of ceilings on the 1st floor 89,5 sq. m 390 34 905
Installation of lathing and moisture resistant plywood 458 sq. m 500 114 500
Roof installation 229 sq. m 350 80 150
Arrangement of steam and waterproofing 229 sq. m 120 27 480
Installation of gutters 44 m 250 11 000
The device of supporting structures 6 PCS. 1 500 9 000
Payment for loading and unloading works 20 000
Total 759 135

Cost estimate for the purchase of materials for the construction of the power frame of the house:

Types of materials Unit rev. Quantity price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
Antiseptic solutions and coatings liter 30 200 6 000
asbestos pipes m p. 25 400 10 000
Materials for arranging steam and waterproofing sq. m 1100 20 22 000
Materials for arranging the drainage system m p. 44 2 000 88 000
Boards cube m 60 23 000 690 000
Insulation materials cube m 80 1 500 120 000
Plywood cube m 5,5 18 000 99 000
Roofing materials sq. m 236 500 118 000
Windows included comp. 170 000
Entrance door PCS. 1 15 000 15 000
softboard sq. m 406 230 93 380
Expendable materials 50 000
Payment for delivery of materials 25 000
Total 1 161 380

The total cost of materials and work on the construction of the power frame of the house is 1,920,515 rubles.

4th stage. Arrangement of the thermal circuit:

Types of jobs Quantity Unit rev. price, rub. Amount of expenses, rub.
Floor insulation 89,5 sq. m 150 13 425
wall cladding 203 sq. m 130 26 390
Arrangement of vapor barrier 384 sq. m 120 46 080
Installation of wall insulation 328 sq. m 150 49 200
Installation of window sets 17 PCS. 1500 25 500
Roof insulation installation 180 sq. m 350 63 000
Installation of external doors 1 3 000
Total 226 595

Thus, the total cost of building a frame house using the DKR technology will amount to 2,871,580 rubles. Such a house will have excellent thermal insulation characteristics. It keeps cool in summer and warm in winter.

Project payback

The payback period of the project depends on a number of factors, the main of which are regional and seasonal. The average selling price of frame system houses built using the DKR technology is 3.5 million rubles.

We take into account the following factors:

  • Construction is supposed to be carried out from April to October by a phased conveyor method (transition of specialists from one type of work at one facility to another).
  • The average time for the construction of a turnkey frame house is about 2 months.

During the season it is planned to build 8 houses. The volume of total revenue at such a pace of construction will amount to 28 million rubles, and total costs - 22,972,640 rubles. Thus, the gross profit under the project, excluding the cost of remuneration of specialists and taxes, will be 5,027,360 rubles.

The salary fund for specialists for the season is 2,560,000 rubles. The amount of taxes paid for the season is 301,641.6 rubles.

Taking into account these expenses, the net profit on the project for the season will be 2,165,718.4 rubles.

Potential risks

There is high competition in this business area, which will only increase in the coming years. This factor is the main type of risk that may accompany the implementation of a business project. At its initial stage, minimization is achieved by choosing the narrowest specialization in construction and pursuing an active marketing policy.

The risks associated with the low qualification and labor discipline of the specialists involved in the work have a high degree. They are leveled at the preparatory stage by conducting a competitive selection of employees on the basis of recommendations.

The seasonal factor is most noticeable during periods when construction is impossible due to weather and climatic conditions, so it is closely related to the regional location of facilities.

In general, the construction of frame houses and structures refers to the type of activity with a cumulative average level of potential risks eliminated due to the competence and diligence of the founder.


The calculations presented in this business plan clearly show that the construction of frame houses is a profitable and promising line of business. The profitability of the construction of such facilities is estimated at 30-40%. With a competent approach to organizing the business, the founder will be able in the future to move on to creating his own company specializing in fulfilling orders for the construction of entire villages.

Buying a plot of land in the suburbs, building a cottage and selling it - this is one of the most profitable and outwardly simple types of business available to a private person. D' explored the billion-dollar private developer market that starts just outside of Moscow.

Today, hundreds, if not thousands of private developers are building houses for sale in the Moscow region.

Reliable statistics on "individuals" do not exist, but there is reason to believe that the volume of this market is large. "In terms of volume, the market for cottages from private developers is comparable to the market for cottage villages," Zhanna Shcherbakova, director of the country real estate department at Miel-Nedvizhimost, believes. If so, then the total annual turnover of this market segment can be estimated at billions of dollars.

The phenomenon is large-scale, but nothing is known about private developers.

In contrast to the developers of cottage settlements, "individuals" are much smaller as players.

They do not strive to create brands, they do not have PR and advertising budgets. Moreover, they avoid any publicity. Of the ten private developers we found, only a third made contact, and only one of them did not hide his last name.

At the same time, "individuals" represent a very serious force. A couple of years ago, one large development structure did not buy a good land plot north of Moscow for the construction of the village. “Mr. N works there, who has connections with the administration, the best lands, and many projects that have been started,” the company explained. “We will not compete with him.”

“I know private developers with an excellent reputation in narrow circles who build 20–25 houses a year,” says Zhanna Shcherbakova. - In separate segments the share of "individuals" is great. For example, there are no large areas of land for development on Rublyovka, which means that it is of little interest to large players. On the other hand, small land plots for two to four houses are quite enough for private developers.”

100 thousand - and welcome!

On paper, the developer's project looks very simple: "bought land - failed communications - built a house - sold it." Moreover, Rublyovka is not the only place where private developers build houses. They successfully operate in all segments - from the most elite to the economy class.

The minimum entry ticket to the private development market today is estimated at about $100,000.

To meet this budget, you can buy 6-8 acres in a garden partnership (30-40 thousand dollars), bring communications (in a cheap version - 10-20 thousand dollars) and build a house with an area of ​​just over 100 square meters for fifty thousand from foam blocks or inexpensive sandwich panels. Such a cottage without finishing can be sold, if the place is more or less decent, for 150 thousand dollars.

Away from Moscow, a new economy-class cottage can be purchased from a private developer for $80,000-100,000.

In general, there is a huge deficit in the economy segment, and any sane offer immediately finds a buyer. In the zone of the fortieth kilometer from Moscow, one of the private developers recently completed the following project. A plot of 15 acres was divided into two, and a neat wooden cottage was built on each. The houses were quickly sold - for 250 thousand dollars.

And here is an example from another segment. A small plot with pine trees with an area of ​​8 acres in a gated community between Rublevsky and Novorizhskoye highways cost the developer $250,000. Summing up communications and building a house (350 sq. m) - in more than 300 thousand

A finished home with a turnkey finish is on sale today for about $1 million.

An entrance ticket to the development market in the zone of maximum glamor - on Rublyovka - also costs at least 1 million. But ready-made houses here - from 2 million dollars.

None of the private developers are planning a profit of less than 40%. “In the economy class, the profitability of successful projects can reach 100%, in the elite segment in exceptional cases it reaches 200–300%,” says Victory Group CEO Tatiana Zvonareva. - At the same time, the risks and exposure time in the expensive segment are also higher. If cheap objects usually leave in three or four months, then expensive ones can wait for their buyer for a year and a half.”

Serious financial investments in the purchase of land and subsequent construction hold back many potential developers, forcing them to work in the economy class segment. Today, "individuals" most often use their own funds or attract partners to finance projects. “I could build a village now, but this requires at least $10 million,” says builder Andrey. - In view of the insufficiency of my own capital, I build only two or three houses a year. Project financing of such options is not yet available. To attract a bank loan, you need to mortgage real estate. But they won’t give money for a cottage under construction.”

Cottages versus villagesMost private developers are focused on mass demand: no frills, simple and high quality.

Usually, in the first projects, a certain model of an ideal house is worked out, and then the solution found (facades, layouts, equipment) is replicated. Some individual builders formulate their creed so clearly that even the developers of cottage villages could envy them. “I build only chalet-style cottages,” Kirill, a developer with ten years of experience, shares his secrets of craftsmanship. - In all my projects, there are always bathrooms with windows, large bedrooms with dressing rooms, full-wall French windows, high ceilings, heated floors, a garage for two cars, a fireplace. Recently, I have also installed an electric drive on the gate: it costs only a thousand dollars, and the gate opening from the key fob has a magical effect on the buyer.

There are no general rules for the development of country houses. The concept is set by the location, size and shape of the site, its surroundings. At the same time, the developer must have a strategic understanding of the market.

“One of the key qualities of a private developer is the ability to realistically assess the possibilities of a site and understand what will be in demand in this place,” says Tatyana Zvonareva. There is always a temptation to build a bigger house and position it as a class higher than it should be. For example, in some Rublev village, on a plot of seven acres, build a palace, which "should go for millions just because it is Rublyovka." You also need to know the buying mood well, to guess the market trends: the land is being bought today, but the finished house will have to be sold in a year. For example, if you go overboard with its size, you can fall into the category of illiquid assets. You also need to hit the mark with a host of other details - layout, architectural style, finish level, and so on. And the tastes of buyers change quite quickly, for example, classic mansions with columns, porches and porticos no longer cause delight. “Despite the great demand for cottages, there are a lot of ill-conceived and therefore unsellable things on the market,” one of the developers shared.

Competition with cottage settlements is one of the hidden springs in the development of the market for houses from private developers.

Today cottages from individuals are on average 30-40% cheaper than analogues in the villages, and this is appreciated by buyers. The economy of private owners and developers of settlements is also somewhat different. Individuals have a much shorter project implementation period (a year versus two or four) and often lower cost: the developers of the villages are forced to spend big money on summing up the main networks.

However, the market is changing, and the difference in prices over time plays an ever smaller role: buyers are actively turning towards centralized settlements. “Villages are crushing private traders. The future, of course, belongs to settlements with a single concept, security, maintenance service, common infrastructure: buyers want comfort and security. Everyone wants to live in a civilized way,” says developer Andrei, who, by the way, bought a house in a centralized village.

“My only unsuccessful experience of building a cottage was associated with a chaotic building like Shanghai, albeit located on Rublyovka, in a prestigious place,” says one of the developers. - There I hardly returned the money spent. Now I will build either in cottage villages, where they sell land without a contract, or in old-fashioned places. In the villages, “fields” and “Shanghai” I don’t have a foot more!”

Typology of developers

Communication with realtors and developers made it possible to identify several groups of private developers with different strategies in the market.

"Local monopolists" specialize in construction in a particular area or even in one locality. Often they choose forest old cottages such as Malakhovka, Aprelevka or Nemchinovka. Usually they live in the same place and therefore they are well oriented in this limited space, knowing the preferences of local buyers. “Locals” are the first to know about all plots for sale and often buy them cheaper than the market.

"Those who built for themselves" initially they build a house for themselves, and then it turns out that for some reason it does not suit them. Or the decision to sell is made because it is more profitable to buy another plot with the proceeds and build a new house there. As a result, money intended for own housing begins to be shifted with a profit from project to project.

There are also "close to administration" proxies of officials who register newly withdrawn land plots.

Part of such a land allotment is usually sold immediately in order to use the proceeds to bring communications and start building houses on the remaining plots. But "free" corrupts - usually this affects both the quality of construction and the thoughtfulness of the concept as a whole. Part of the land allotment sometimes remains unbuilt for a long time: officials do not get their hands on their share.

"Builders" come from technology, owning, for example, wood production. They have a well-established technological process and decent quality, but they are often built on not the most successful sites, since they do not have direct access to the ground.

Perhaps the most interesting category of developers - "White-collar".

These are top managers of large Moscow companies developing their own development projects in the Moscow region. Their strength is the availability of financial resources and a good knowledge of customer needs. It is enough for them to simply build "as for themselves", and people of their circle will definitely appreciate it. These are the most creative developers, striving not only to earn money, but also to realize themselves.

One of these developers, while skiing in Europe, fell in love with the Alpine style and was one of the first to build chalets in the Moscow region. Another is passionate about new technologies: “There are a lot of new products in construction all the time, and I want to try them out. For example, the use of ventilated facades allows them to be made even in winter, which significantly reduces construction time. It's the same with high-speed wall painting technologies: it's more expensive, but it saves time. By winning a few months, you can significantly improve the financial performance of the project!”

A place under the sun

It seems that building cottages for sale is a profitable and uncomplicated business. The first thought when you get to know him: “I can do it too.” Profitability? Very high. Administrative barriers? Practically not: I bought the land - and build it. Compared to projects in the city, where approvals take three years, this is a paradise. Special knowledge? It doesn’t seem to be necessary either: in construction, as in football, everyone understands.

But not everything is so simple. A beginner will inevitably face a number of problems that experienced developers have already solved.

One of the main risks of this business is construction. The invitation of a construction company sharply reduces the profitability of the project, therefore, mainly brigades are hired that cost at least thirty percent cheaper. But in this case, the risks increase, as well as the effort and time spent on monitoring the quality of construction and costs. “The success of the project largely depends on whether you have a foreman you can trust,” developer Sergey is sure. Until I found such a person. Anything happened: they ran away with money, and they had to break what had been built.

Even with "his" foreman, the developer must visit his construction site at least twice a week. For people living and working in Moscow, this is a serious burden. “Especially a lot of time is eaten up by the finishing stage,” says Dmitry. - I buy all finishing materials, equipment, plumbing myself. In addition, during the finishing work, a lot of questions arise that are best solved by yourself: after all, the builders will do not the best, but the most convenient for them. As a result, weekends and two or three mornings are devoted to construction during the working week.”

“A newcomer on his first project will buy building materials in the markets and stores, overpaying at least twenty percent,” says Kirill. - And I have well-established connections with factories and large wholesalers, where I have discounts. Brick, for example, is brought to me directly from Belarus.”

And finally, one of the main difficulties of private construction is related to finding the “right” land plot.

The choice on the secondary market is great, however, upon closer inspection, it turns out that most of the sites are unsuitable for commercial construction. “I was looking for a site for my first project for almost two and a half years,” complains the “young” developer Dmitry. - Somewhere there were incomplete documents, somewhere there were difficulties with summing up communications. And also the unfortunate shape of the site, not enough interesting place, unfavorable neighborhood, difficult entrance and much more.”

“Often sites are remarkable for a host of factors, but have, as we say, “hidden mines” that you can’t defuse later,” says another builder. - So, recently I liked a site in a beautiful meadow near Istra. Things were going to a deal, but then I learned through acquaintances that people had not been able to line up at this place for five years already. It turned out that the local authorities live in a neighboring cottage village, who do not want the view to “spoil”. They torpedo any attempts to build.”

Experienced developers know the ins and outs of many sites and, as a rule, have access to promising land.

The peculiarity of the current moment lies in the fact that recently small land plots in the Moscow region have risen sharply in price - by at least 30–40% in a year. As a result, today it is very difficult to find a site that is suitable in terms of price-quality ratio. One experienced developer even postponed new projects for a while: “Everything is so expensive, and I still don’t understand the new economy and what needs to be built in it.” So if earlier, in a rapidly growing market, only serious mistakes could prevent a private developer from making a good profit, now it is not so easy for new players to enter the market. Especially if you take into account the ever-increasing pressure from cottage villages.

Currently, there is a tendency to reduce the number of purchased apartments in high-rise buildings. At the same time, the popularity of private houses has increased. The greatest demand is for small cottages, which can be attributed to the economy class. The price for them is within two hundred thousand dollars.

Today, many people choose not to buy ready-made houses. They acquire a plot of land and place an order with construction companies to build a cottage that would satisfy the tastes of future owners. In this regard, a very popular idea is the construction of houses as a business.

Is this business profitable?

A small construction business, however, like a large one, is very profitable in terms of making a profit. Sometimes there are periods when you have to wait for a return for a while. Such situations arise in the case of unfinished construction.

However, as a result, all financial investments will pay off and increase significantly. The profitability of this business is in the range of fifty to seventy percent. And this is a great result. In other words, the construction business can be said in a simpler way: profitable, profitable and cost-effective.

Possible problems

First of all, you will need to correlate your capabilities and desires. The construction business will require significant start-up investments. Before you start your own business, you need to write a business plan. The construction of cottages is especially beneficial in the construction of settlements. In this case, the cost per square meter of housing is significantly reduced. But it should be borne in mind that this will require significant investments, in particular, for the acquisition of a large land plot.

Having started your own business, you should not even try to win a large part of the market right away. You have to go from one step to another.

The problem of recruiting non-professional personnel is also relevant for construction organizations. It is important that there are no such employees in the state who will try to take out the materials or agree to “cook” somewhere on the side.

Careful attention to the choice of suppliers, business partners, as well as investors will help to avoid all kinds of pitfalls. Much will depend on your business sense and acumen.

First steps

From you, first of all, you will need to draw up a business plan. The construction of cottages in this document should be considered in terms of the investment that you are ready to make in your own business. In the event that significant financial investments are provided, it is worth opening your own construction company. At the first stage, it will be expensive, but over time it will definitely pay off.

Your business plan for the construction of cottages can also be considered from the point of view of investment. In this case, third-party companies are involved. However, it should be borne in mind that the profitability of the case will be somewhat lower.

Many other questions should also reflect your pre-written business plan. The construction of cottages begins only after studying the demand for suburban real estate, average market prices. All construction costs should be calculated, which will take into account the risks. The key factor at this stage is the location of the land, because the laying of engineering communications significantly increases the necessary costs.

The costs of landscape design should be taken into account, because the landscaping of the territory has a great influence on the final prices and consumer demand.
Needless to say, the construction market is highly competitive. However, you shouldn't be afraid of it. Just like competition, demand is growing. But in general, investing in the construction of cottages is the most profitable type of investment.

Company registration

There are certain steps without which your own business cannot start. First of all, you will need to register with the tax authority as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. The form of organization depends on the scale of the planned business. Companies will need their own letterheads and seals registered at a notary's office. In addition, do not forget about paying the state fee.

After all these procedures, an account is opened in the bank to transfer the authorized capital of the newly created organization.

A prerequisite for a construction company is joining an SRO. It is a self-regulatory organization whose membership is legally required. Otherwise, the company can only perform finishing work or engage in cosmetic repairs.

Construction of low-rise buildings

The construction industry does not stand still. New and improved technologies are constantly emerging. Thanks to them, there has recently been a significant reduction in the cost of building low-rise buildings. Construction of a cottage can take from three to six months. That is why such a direction as low-rise construction has good prospects.

The business plan of your own business should include a list of materials that will be used by the firm. Classical concrete and brick is an expensive business. These materials significantly increase the cost of building housing, which is why prices for finished houses are rising.

An alternative option is also to consider a business plan. The construction of wooden houses allows not only to reduce the cost of housing, but also to make the price of a cottage more affordable. This will attract potential buyers.

Cost reduction

In the event that the use of materials such as lightweight concrete and wood provides for a business plan, the construction of cottages becomes cheaper. Developers in this case invest in the construction of housing with an area of ​​one hundred square meters, from twenty-five to twenty-seven thousand dollars.

It is worth saying that in a similar brick cottage, one square meter costs at least four hundred dollars. In the future, it is possible that new materials will appear for the construction of low-rise buildings, which will also reduce the developer's costs.

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