Loans and mortgages of the bank sgb. Loans and mortgages of sgb bank Mortgage interest rate

Recently, many people are afraid to use credit instruments. This is due to the economic conditions and the negative experience of lending in other banks. As a result, the quality of life suffers, because it is extremely difficult to save up for housing, a car or other necessary large purchases.

But really, you shouldn't hurt yourself. Some banks offer quite favorable and flexible lending conditions. For example, consumer loans or mortgages at Severgazbank have proven themselves well. Bank specialists work individually with each client and select a loan product for personal needs and opportunities. The online SGB calculator built into the official website allows you to calculate approximate interest amounts and optimal repayment terms in advance.

Overview of profitable loans from Severgazbank

The bank has developed several loan programs for different segments of the population. Getting consumer loans from the State Security Service for individuals is as easy as shelling pears. You just need to decide on the type of service.

Loan "Available"

  • Amounts from 250 thousand to 1 million rubles without collateral, commission and guarantors
  • provided free of charge
  • Valid for both opening a new loan and refinancing
  • Interest rate - 10.9% per annum.

Loan "New Client"

  • Available for borrowers with existing consumer and/or mortgage loans in other banks
  • From 50 to 500 thousand rubles is issued without involving guarantors and making a deposit
  • Flexible settings of conditions for the program of additional services "Credit Opportunities" and a discount on interest on holidays
  • Interest rate - from 14.4% to 16.4%


  • It will help out with a lack of funds in a debit account - a credit limit from 10 to 50 thousand rubles
  • Loan maturity – up to 2 years
  • Credit funds can be withdrawn without commission
  • The interest rate is not charged on the entire amount of the limit, but only on the money actually spent from the account

Special offer! For employees and clients of partner companies, the State Security Service offers a number of unique products. They allow individuals to take loans from Severgazbank on the most favorable terms. All details by calling the bank's hotline.

Loan "Corporate"

  • Interest rate only 9.25%
  • A loan for amounts up to 1,500,000 is issued without a guarantee
  • Maturity - from six months to 7 years
  • Interest rate discount, flexible terms and conditions, and a credit card for 50,000 rubles as a gift

Credit "Autolux" partners

  • Guaranteed bonuses and reduced interest rates under the Credit Opportunities program
  • Gift limit credit card
  • Opportunity to take an amount from 50,000 to 3,000,000 rubles

Loan for clients of NPF GAZFOND

  • Up to 1 million rubles without a guarantee
  • It is possible to refinance loans taken earlier in other banks
  • Repayment period – up to 5 years

Loan for LenOblAIZhK clients

  • You can apply for a loan directly at the LenOblAIZh office
  • Amounts up to a million rubles can be taken without collateral and guarantors
  • Credit is provided for any purpose

Overdraft partners

  • The interest rate is one of the lowest for overdraft in the country - only 17%
  • Limit from 30,000 to 500,000 rubles
  • Interest is charged only on the amount withdrawn from the account
  • Withdraw money without commission

All details on each of the products are available on the official website of the State Security Service without mandatory registration. If you do not have time to visit the office, the Severgasbank calculator will help you to approximately calculate the interest on any loan in advance and evaluate your capabilities.

If you want to get a loan as quickly as possible, you can fill out an application on the website. This is done quickly and easily!

  1. Scroll down on the page with the loan of your choice or click on the "Become a customer" button in the upper right corner of the page. Choose an option - a loan or a mortgage.
  2. Enter your details in the form:
    • Surname and name in the nominative case (Kalinina Efrosinya, Makarov Makar);
    • Phone number (+7 *** *** ** **);
    • Valid email address;
    • Your city of actual residence;
    • In the "Comment" field, you can specify which loan you are interested in, how much you need, and you can also ask questions of interest.
  3. Check the box "I'm not a robot" and click the "Submit" button.

After that, a bank specialist will contact you to clarify all the details. They will tell you what documents you need to provide and agree on the date and time of a visit to the bank to apply for a loan. The specified data will be used to create an account on the bank's website.

Mortgage in Severgazbank

Mortgage lending is the most demanded and, as a rule, the most costly banking service. The interest rate on mortgages at Severgazbank is currently one of the lowest in the country, the average is only about 9.5%.

SGB ​​Bank is in the top 40 banks of the Russian Federation. Clients especially note qualified specialists and the speed of operations. Mortgage reviews from Severgasbank are mostly positive - low interest rates, willingness of staff to advise the best option, no red tape and insurance requirements. It is also worth noting the presence of a mortgage calculator - in Severgazbank you can calculate the interest on a mortgage without the help of specialists in the office.

The bank offers several types of loans depending on your needs.

Home equity loan

  • Life and health insurance is not required
  • There is no need to urgently sell existing housing - you can live in it before moving to a new one
  • For repayment, you can use Maternity Capital

Military mortgage (for NIS participants)

  • Loan amounts from 500,000 to 2,486,000 rubles
  • Fixed interest rate - 9%
  • No need to draw up a life and health insurance contract
  • Preferential conditions for consumer loans

The program "Maternity capital without proof of income"

  • Allows you to close the loan at a time by depositing Maternity Capital after receiving the certificate
  • No need to verify income
  • The borrower is not required to insure life and health
  • Benefits for consumer loans SGB

It is possible both to open a new mortgage loan, and to refinance a mortgage at Severgazbank (you will be offered several options for such lending).

You can make loan payments not only in offices, but also through the Internet banking service at the link For this you need:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account, view the information in the "Next payment" field.
  2. Click on the line "Top up the account to repay the loan" and the field "Actions" on the right.
  3. Select an account for debiting funds. Overdraft or deposit account funds cannot be used to repay the loan.
  4. Enter the amount of payments and check all the data.
  5. Confirm the payment by entering the verification code and click "Transfer".

The transaction receipt can be saved, sent and printed. Payment is made within 1 business day from the moment the money is deposited.

Credit does not always mean bondage. Banks often go towards conscientious citizens, eliminating overpayments and bureaucracy. The main thing is to choose a reliable lender and the most suitable conditions for you.

In the summer of 2010, he applied for a mortgage loan to Severgazipoteka, a subsidiary of the Vologda Severgazbank, and when applying, he especially drew attention to his "difficult" credit history in the past. There was a call from a bank security officer, my answers to his questions, and a few days later: "... Your loan is approved, look for an apartment ..."

The search for an apartment dragged on for quite a long time. time during which I periodically inquired about my approval, to which the invariable answer followed: "Don't worry, the loan was approved for you, everything will be in order."

And so, the apartment was found, a deposit was made to the seller, on November 18, the documents for the apartment were submitted for consideration to Severgazipoteka. "Well, it will take a week for consideration by us, a week and a half or two at the Central Office, in general, in three weeks it will be possible to carry out a deal." Three weeks? Okay, we're waiting...

Three weeks pass, we call Severgazipoteka: "...Your documents are under consideration, don't worry, we are waiting for the protocol." Well, we're waiting...

A month has passed since the application was submitted, the seller begins to get nervous and can be understood, time is running out, the apartment has been withdrawn from sale, and it is not clear when the money will be available.
We call Severgazipoteka again: "We are waiting for the protocol, don't worry, we will call you ourselves...". The realtor grumbles: "What are they pulling, they would have filed an application with another bank long ago ...". Time passes, from time to time the seller (legal entity) is asked to provide additional information, the seller dutifully agrees, but where should he go, the end of the year, he needs money like air. We are all waiting for a call.

Finally ... "The protocol has arrived, within a week we will set the date of the transaction for you!". Hooray! We'll have to wait another week.
Another call: "Your deal is scheduled for December 28 ...". 28th?! So the seller's money will "fall" only after the New Year?! On the 28th, the realtor takes a coupon to submit documents for registration, I open an account with Severgazbank and deposit my million necessary for the down payment ...

Friday. December 24th. Time 12.00. Call from Severgazipoteka:
- Aleksandr Vladimirovich? I have very bad news for you, your application has been rejected...
How rejected? The realtor talked to you yesterday and you asked her to bring another certificate...
- ..Well, today we received another protocol, to refuse a loan.
- How to refuse?! Have you always confirmed to me? that the loan was approved, why would I stir up so many people?
- In connection with the newly discovered facts ...
- What facts?
Sorry, they don't tell us...
To say I was angry is an understatement! Why bother for more than a month with the consideration of documents for the apartment, approve the transaction, set a date and refuse in TWO days ?! The realtor also vomits and thrashes: "How much time they have lost ... They will no longer have my legs, and I will order everyone I know not to have anything to do with Severgazipoteka from Severgazbank."

Bottom line: the money paid to the seller as a deposit is gone. The services of a realtor also need to be somehow compensated, she did her job. The seller's apartment will be put up for sale again, and whether he wants to deal with me in the future is a big question. The dreary New Year holidays are ahead, and after them everything is new again: personal income tax collection, copies of labor, various certificates, etc...

Severgasbank's mortgage calculator will help you calculate the amount of mortgage deductions for 2019-2020, weigh the chances of early repayment. You can use the official online calculator on the site for free! If you are a young family, then the mortgage issue is already worrying you. Mortgage requires a serious, thoughtful approach. And be sure to accurately calculate. Our Mortgage Loan Calculator is very handy: available online, clear and free. Spend half an hour on the calculation, which will correctly line up your expenses for several years ahead.

Severgazbank proposes to improve living conditions by using mortgage lending programs. Severgasbank has interesting mortgage lending programs for clients with different income levels. 8 programs contain interesting offers. The minimum rate is 8.9% per annum, and under a special program for home buyers in objects accredited by the bank - 7.7%!

Lending terms

  • Age of the borrower: from 18 to 75 years (at the time of repayment);
  • Minimum amount: 300,000 rubles;
  • Term: up to 30 years;
  • Commission for issuing a loan: none;

Mortgage interest rate

We are gradually filling this section. It's worth the wait :)

Mortgage conditions differ significantly depending on whether you need a loan for a second home, for a new building, for the construction of a private house, or just for a piece of land. Potential borrowers in the bank are offered the following options for obtaining a mortgage loan:

  • No guarantors.
  • No proof of income.
  • No down payment.

The bank is available for obtaining a mortgage loan with state support, in particular with maternity capital, and with early repayment. The conditions for its issuance can be significantly revised in favor of the borrower if he has a salary project open. The bank also meets state employees, offers special options for issuing pensioners.

A modern online calculation of the cost will help you get a preliminary calculation for a real estate loan - it will provide the basic necessary information according to the requirements and wishes of the borrower.

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