State programs for the purchase of housing. State social programs - for whom are they intended and what is their essence

The Moscow program "Housing", developed back in 2002, still does not lose its relevance. The deadline has now been set for the end of 2020. The main goal of the program is to improve the living conditions of Russians, which is aimed at creating a housing market that is accessible to various categories of citizens. The project operates throughout the country, with sub-programs and conditions set by regional authorities.

On the territory of Russia, the relevance of the housing issue has always been at its best, but some time ago the problem appeared in such a large-scale light that the Government of the country began to seriously develop a plan to solve it. The result was a federal project called "Housing", designed to positively adjust the living conditions of various categories of citizens. Most of all, the idea is aimed at creating an affordable real estate market and introducing all kinds of benefits and subsidies for housing.

The program was first discussed in 2002. Then its action lasted until 2010. After that, the project was extended until 2015. Now "Housing" continues its work, since the term has been extended until 2020 inclusive. It is noteworthy that with each prolongation of the project, the list of its components changed somewhat, but the main goals remained and remain the same.


The purpose of the project can be expressed in the following main aspects:

  1. Formation of a market for environmentally friendly and energy-efficient housing, the purchase of which will be available to various categories of citizens, in particular, those with low or medium incomes.
  2. Fulfillment of obligations to provide housing for citizens who have benefits and privileges, the list of which is specified in the legislation. In simple terms, the provision of subsidies and the provision of all kinds of assistance in the acquisition of real estate to persons who meet certain requirements.

To work in the main areas, a small update was previously carried out at the legislative level. Thanks to this, the scheme of relations between commercial construction firms, individual developers, housing associations of citizens and the state. Accordingly, the opportunities for partnerships have expanded significantly, as have the chances for the construction of residential buildings.


Achieving the goals of the state plan to improve the living conditions of certain categories of citizens and families directly depends on the fulfillment of the main tasks:

  • creation of opportunities for increasing the volume of construction of economy-class houses;
  • increasing the degree of provision of citizens with square meters through the active construction of housing.

More specifically, the main area of ​​work under the program is to provide assistance in acquiring real estate to those citizens who need it more than others, in particular, young families, the poor, and beneficiaries.

Subprograms for 2015-2020

The list of the main subprograms of the next stage of the project, the end of which is scheduled for 2020, includes:

  • providing young families with housing;
  • fulfillment of obligations to provide housing to categories of citizens established by law;
  • stimulating the development of housing construction projects at the regional level;
  • modernization of communal facilities and reconstruction of dilapidated housing.

In addition to solving the main issues, the Housing program involves increasing the demand for real estate, especially among young families, and in general improving the quality housing stock in the country.

As for the capital of the Russian Federation - Moscow, here the "Housing" program includes the development of such projects:

  1. installment plan for the purchase of housing;
  2. housing allowance;
  3. subsidies for the purchase or construction of a house;
  4. delivery of housing certificates;
  5. affordability of housing for young families.

The federal project operates at the national level, while the authorities of each region have the right to independently choose subprograms within which benefits and subsidies for housing will be provided.

Program conditions and requirements for participants

The scheme of the federal program, first of all, involves assistance in buying real estate in economy class houses. Simply put, part of the amount of funds for the purchase of housing is provided from the country's budget, and the rest is issued in the form of a loan. In this case, the loan rate will be preferential - 10-12%.

The state, in turn, promises to repay at least 30-40% of the total cost of the selected property. The specific value depends on the preferential category of the program participant. In some cases, the amount of the subsidy reaches a considerable size and is able to cover the cost of housing, if not in full, then most of them.

In the Housing project 2012-2018 for Moscow, as reported on December 21, there have been a number of changes regarding assistance to large families. The new conditions state that upon the birth (adoption) of a third or subsequent child at the time of the sale and purchase agreement with an installment payment, the family will be given the opportunity to write off 30% of the cost of a home purchased from the city. The innovation also applies to families in which, during the period of the contract, one of the children was recognized as disabled.

Who can take part

First of all, young families can become participants of the project, as well as:

  • military retired due to years of service;
  • employees of the police, the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor's office;
  • scientists;
  • mothers raising children on their own;
  • large families;
  • liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
  • citizens living in dilapidated and emergency houses;
  • rescuers.

It is allowed to expand or adjust the list at the regional level in accordance with the criteria by which it turns out whether a person needs housing or not.

Requirements for applicants

The list of basic requirements for candidates includes:

  1. Citizenship Russian Federation.
  2. The age limit of participants is no more than 35 years for one spouse or both.
  3. The presence of cramped living conditions or the condition of the dwelling is not habitable at all. Documentary evidence of this fact provided by local authorities.
  4. Possession of the amount required for a down payment for real estate - at least 10% of the total cost of housing.
  5. Incomplete family has a 100% right to participate in the project.

Additionally, the applicant will need to prove solvency, since the main part of the cost of an apartment or house should be repaid to him. To do this, you need a monthly income in the amount of funds that will subsequently allow you to pay contributions at a reduced rate of home loans.

How to get involved

An application for benefits under the Housing project should be submitted to local governments by September 1 of each year. You will first need to find out about the subprograms operating in a particular region.

An application is a submission of an application with a request to include a family or an individual citizen in the list of participants. In this case, the form should be filled out on the spot, according to the sample and always in 2 copies.

Additionally, paperwork should be prepared:

  • passports of all family members (for children - birth certificates), as well as copies of documents;
  • certificate of conclusion of a family union, if any;
  • certificates and statements of income of all family members, while only documents provided by official employers are counted;
  • an extract from an account in a banking institution to prove that there is an amount for the first installment (10% of the cost of housing);
  • certificate of the state of the dwelling in which the applicant lives at the time of application.

After the transfer of papers, you will need to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Confirm the ability to pay for that part of the cost of housing that will not be repaid at the expense of public funds.
  2. Obtain a calculation of the amount of the subsidy due to the applicant. It all depends on the benefits provided under a particular program.
  3. Wait for notification from the commission - local authorities make a decision within 10 days from the date of delivery of the application.
  4. Obtain a certificate confirming the right to use the subsidy for the construction or purchase of housing.

Within 2 months from the date of delivery of the certificate, the applicant must submit the document to the selected banking institution to conclude an agreement and open an account.

It is necessary to purchase housing, whether it is a house or an apartment, or a contribution to construction, within 9 months from the date of delivery of the certificate.

Since the subsidy is targeted, in the future you will need to account for the funds spent. Accordingly, you should keep all checks, contracts, payments and other documents for operations performed with money.

The Moscow project "Housing" is considered another form of state support for young, poor, large families and categories of citizens in dire need of improved living conditions. In a broader sense, the program is aimed at developing the country's housing stock, increasing construction volumes and modernizing existing facilities. Citizens of the Russian Federation who meet certain requirements and have the ability to pay part of the cost of purchased housing can receive assistance from the federal budget.

Every year the state tries to take care of its citizens more and more. If the problem with housing is acute for a married couple, in most cases it can be solved. Not one, but several federal projects are aimed at this. What kind of state programs exist to improve housing conditions?

Basic legislative provisions. Law on the improvement of housing conditions

Laws on the improvement of living conditions regulate the full right of Russians to normal comfortable living quarters. They clearly stipulate the categories of Russians who are entitled to be placed on a waiting list for housing, to receive partial reimbursement of expenses after acquiring a house or apartment, or to receive benefits when paying for household services.

The main provisions for recognizing compatriots in need of improving their homes or their conditions are listed. The regions have approved their own laws or by-laws, duplicating and supplementing the main federal initiatives. In addition to the main provisions that are listed in the code, social programs are being adopted at different levels of government to improve housing conditions.

Applicants for the improvement of living conditions

Considering what is written in the laws of different levels, the following categories of citizens can apply for:

  1. If a citizen has no housing at all: neither his own corner, nor municipal, nor social, as well as his family members also have no living quarters.
  2. If a citizen or a member of his family owns an apartment, room, house or rents municipal or social housing, but its size is less than the norm.
  3. When living in communal apartment or a hostel, if one of the families has a sick relative, it is impossible to live next to him, and there is no other housing.
  4. The law approved a list of such diseases (a list of severe forms of chronic diseases in which it is impossible for citizens to live together in one apartment).
  5. If the premises in which the applicant lives do not meet the standard required for residential premises.

The degree of housing provision is established by summing up all types of available residential real estate owned by the applicant: municipal, social, own.

Some categories of Russians have privileges to improve living conditions without a queue. These are adult orphans, the disabled or seriously ill, as well as families whose housing is recognized as unsuitable for living.

Varieties of programs

Currently, there are several projects in Russia aimed at increasing the number of citizens provided with normal, comfortable housing of their own or municipal. The main program, calculated until 2020, is the nationwide (). Several subroutines work in its format:

  1. . This project regulates the improvement of living conditions for young families. During its action, the newlyweds will be provided with economical housing. Spouses themselves are also attracted to participate in the program by investing their savings or attracting services banking organizations(credit).
  2. Fulfillment of legal obligations that are approved by the guarantor at the federal level to provide suitable housing for selected categories of citizens. In accordance with this subprogram, housing should be received by such persons on the waiting list: to whom the state has unfulfilled obligations to ensure or improve living conditions; military and equated to the military, dismissed from service and listed as in need of better housing until 01/01/2015.
  3. Stimulation of programs for the development of housing construction in the regions of the Russian Federation. This subprogram is designed to increase the number of low-cost housing construction in the regions of the Russian Federation, while complying with the standards of affordability and energy supply. ultimate goal the project will be - the development of competition in the construction of urban economical housing and the elimination of the influence of monopolists-developers on pricing in the housing sector.
  4. Modernization of communal infrastructure facilities. The activities of this subprogram, planned in 2016 and continued in the following years, provide for bringing communal facilities in line with safety and environmental requirements, as well as providing comfortable housing for residents.
  5. Providing housing for certain categories of the country's population. This subprogram is supervised by the bodies of justice, prosecutor's offices, etc. It is designed to deal with some problems: to provide housing for employees of the prosecutor's office, investigating authorities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other categories approved by the relevant decisions; provide subsidies for the purchase or construction of their own housing to civil servants and young scientists; ensure the relocation of people from the BAM zone from dilapidated, dilapidated housing.

Queuing to improve living conditions

The first and main criterion for obtaining any support from the state in the form of subsidies or the provision of economy housing is to be placed in a queue for improving the residential microclimate. You need to carefully look at the list of those who have the right to receive housing from the state and apply for this particular category.

Even if you fall into several lists, you can only be in one queue. In the context of insufficient subsidizing of federal programs, including government programs for the improvement of living conditions in 2019, you need to choose not those projects that are profitable, but those that move faster. Because in a more profitable project, you can stand in line endlessly.

Where to apply for better living conditions

Usually, municipal or regional organizations keep records of those in need of better living conditions. housing issues. These can be committees, departments - in each region these are different organizations. The main thing is to apply at the place of your registration. You can apply with an application to the multifunctional center (MFC). Recently, the MFC network is more accessible than administration departments. There are several cases defined by law when a candidate can apply for housing improvement outside the place of registration:

  • employees of the enterprises of the Far North, retiring, are registered at the location of the new housing;
  • if the work of the candidate is traveling;
  • other cases established by the state.

Package of documents

not written in free form. There is a writing procedure by which you need to fill out an application for inclusion in the waiting lists. In addition to the application, a certain number of documents are submitted, the list of which is listed in Housing Code and other legislative and regulations. You will need:

  1. The passport.
  2. A document from the BTI (technical passport for your housing).
  3. A register of all registered in your apartment - an extract from the house book.
  4. A copy of the financial personal account, reflecting utility payments for the use of housing.
  5. If registration is due to illness - a certificate from a doctor.

The application, together with the attached certificates, is recorded in a special journal - a book for registering citizens' applications for registration of those in need of improved living conditions. The applicant is issued a receipt stating that the documents have been accepted. Not later than thirty days after the submission of all documents, the management department makes a decision on registration or refusal.

This decision shall be sent to the applicant within three days. In the case of a positive verdict, the applicant is assigned a serial number in the queue for obtaining a new living quarters, taking into account all relevant benefits, if any.

After the administration receives, a special commission will be formed, which must confirm the unsatisfactory condition of the applicant's living quarters. Each region sets its own standards for housing conditions, and an inspection will be carried out for compliance with these standards. The act must list the following:

  1. The condition of the apartment (house) - whether it needs to be repaired.
  2. The layout of the apartment (house), the condition of the rooms.
  3. Availability of communications and their condition.
  4. Are there additional factors in the apartment that worsen the quality of life: extraneous noises, smells, etc.

An act on the need for improvement is issued to the applicant. The issue of recognizing a family as needy is submitted to a meeting of the local housing commission or other body that adopts a recommendatory opinion on putting the family on the waiting list. This decision is approved by the Resolution of the Head of the administration of the district in which the application was submitted, and it is this decision that is communicated to the applicant.

Federal legislation for 2019 provides for various housing programs, on the basis of which young families and other preferential categories can get the opportunity to purchase residential real estate at a reduced price. It is about such preferential programs that will be discussed below.

Who are government programs for?

According to what is written in them, in the period from 2014 to 2019 in the territory municipalities it is planned to build economic housing to provide them with socially poorly protected categories of people.

This Resolution defines the following tasks (essence) of housing programs for 2019:

  • acquisition of residential square meters by attracting mortgage lending, maternity capital, own savings of citizens (in a new house);
  • increase in the number of housing (apartments) under construction, by attracting investments from regions and municipalities;
  • improving the living conditions of citizens, as well as improving the structure of housing and communal services;
  • price reduction, that is, a reduction in its cost per square meter to 80% of the market price, but not more than 40 thousand rubles per square meter (there is no lower limit).

Now let's move on to considering the question of who the state housing programs for 2019 are designed for.

  1. Young families. These include people who have not reached the age of 35, are officially married, and also have one or more children under the age of 18. Spouses must be able to work, work and receive official income.
  2. Health workers (doctors), education (teachers), as well as other government agencies (state employees). The list may include the regions participating in the program.
  3. Large families, single parents, disabled people, combatants. That is, those people who need additional social protection from the state.
  4. Law enforcement officers.

It must be remembered that these programs apply only to residential real estate objects that are located in new buildings (primary housing stock).

Types of programs

According to, the following preferential programs for the purchase of housing are provided:

  • program " ";
  • affordable housing for people belonging to the categories of participants in hostilities and the Second World War;
  • the program is designed to provide financial support to employees of budgetary organizations so that they can buy real estate or improve their living conditions;
  • assistance in the acquisition and construction of residential facilities for rural areas.

Let's consider each program separately.

Program "Young family"

To implement all the above programs at the government level, the Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending (AHML) was created. It is it that allocates funds for the implementation of all directions.

In order to become a member of this direction, citizens must meet such criteria.

They are required to be officially married, have income (confirmed by various financial documents). They must not be 35 years of age at the time of applying to the municipal authorities for housing. In addition, the family must have one child or several children.

This also includes large families (3 or more kids), as well as single mothers (fathers). To purchase housing, personal savings, maternity capital, mortgage lending (provided on favorable terms) can be used.

To be put on the waiting list, persons must submit the appropriate documents to the municipality and AHML, and submit a package of documents confirming the status of the family.

Housing program

Among the housing programs for 2019, which have been extended by the government, "Housing" occupies a separate place.

Its main goal is to reduce the cost of a square meter, as well as to encourage regions and municipalities to upgrade the public housing stock, improve the housing and communal services system, and also provide the maximum number of residents of the country with affordable (economical) housing.

At this time, this has not brought a significant economic effect, but those who want to take advantage of such an offer must fall under the criteria that are set for young families. In fact, "Housing" is a kind of program "Affordable housing for a young family."

The main difference is that "Housing" provides only for the purchase of residential real estate in new buildings. That is, it will not work to receive benefits and compensation from local budgets when buying housing on the secondary market.

It must be remembered that all current housing programs in 2019 provide for partial funding from the federal and regional budgets. Therefore, not all regions participate in them.

Housing programs for participants in the Second World War and military operations

Preferential housing programs for participants in hostilities, the Second World War, as well as citizens equated to them, their relatives are fully regulated by federal law, and are not suspended for 2019.

You can get the desired square meters in this way using the following algorithm.

  1. A person who has such a status submits a special application to the authority social protection and attaches the relevant documents to it.
  2. Coming from state budget funds are allocated that are not given in hand, but come in the form of a special certificate. Under current law, a low-income veteran has the right to receive free 18 meters of living space. The cost of such meters is calculated based on the average market prices established by the state for the region.
  3. After receiving the certificate, it is submitted to the seller, and a purchase and sale transaction takes place.

At the same time, if a veteran wants to buy a large apartment in terms of living space, he pays extra from his own funds or takes a mortgage. Housing under such a program can be purchased in the primary and secondary markets.

Housing for state employees

State housing programs for 2019, as well as for other years, provide for the provision of benefits and subsidies for the purchase of residential square meters by those citizens who work in public sectors (doctors, teachers).

For those persons who work in the public sector, the following discounts are provided for the purchase of square meters.

  1. Preferential mortgage. Apartments or small private houses can be purchased on the secondary or primary real estate market, but such objects must fall under certain criteria. They must be classified as economic housing. That is, for each family member no more than 10-18 square meters of living space. The mortgage will be given at 10% per annum from AHML funds. At the same time, such housing is bought in new buildings, where the price per square meter should not exceed 40 thousand rubles.
  2. . It provides for repayment at the expense of the local budget (where the state employee will live) no more than 35-40% of the cost of the apartment, and the citizen must pay the rest.

It must be remembered that support in percentage terms may differ in different regions.

Rural Development

Housing programs in Russia in 2019 also did not disregard the development of rural areas.

The essence of this program is that young families, professionals who carry out their activities in the villages, are entitled to receive various benefits, as well as additional payments for the construction of individual houses and the improvement of living conditions.

For these purposes, certain funds are reserved in the state and local budgets, which are used to pay off mortgage payments or compensate for part of the purchase of building materials, and to carry out relevant work.

The main condition is that beneficiaries (young families, state employees) have their own funds in the amount of 30-40% of the total construction cost.

That is, a young family takes on part of all the costs, the rest is compensated by the state and regional authorities.

The amount of the subsidy for the purchase of housing

These payments are non-refundable and do not need to be repaid, unlike government mortgages.

Subsidies are provided to those citizens who have taken advantage of one of the housing acquisition programs.

Based on the current legislation, subsidies are given in the following amounts:

  • 30% of the total cost of housing (out of an expense of 9-15 square meters per resident, this figure is determined by the regional authorities), if the family has no children;
  • 35% if there are children;
  • the remaining share contribution or part of it, if the family is a participant in cooperative or shared construction;
  • 30% of the cost of individual residential construction if the family has no children, and 40-50 if there are;
  • repayment of part of the mandatory mortgage payments or 30% of the down payment.

Some regions may set additional payments within their (regional) programs.

It is important to know that such subsidies are not issued in cash, but in the form of state certificates.


To participate in such programs (registration), you need to act in this way.

Is it possible to improve housing conditions in Russia at the expense of the state? The answer to this question is unambiguous - it is possible. There are special housing programs aimed at helping young and low-income families, and privileges for state employees and the military have been implemented.

Under existing programs, families in need of more comfortable housing can improve their living conditions or purchase a new apartment. This requires only the official recognition of the family in need. Let's analyze this process in more detail.

Who benefits?

First of all, the citizens themselves. Considering the growth rate of real estate prices in 2019, it is safe to say that most needy families simply cannot afford to buy an apartment on their own. Especially when it comes to real estate in Moscow and other major cities.

Therefore, the government provides comprehensive assistance in solving the housing problem. In particular, it issues subsidies that can cover from 30 to 45% of the cost of housing. Certificates are issued under certain conditions, which we will discuss a little later.

Secondly, housing programs are beneficial in terms of public interest. For example, the improvement of demographics in the country is stimulated. Agree that a high birth rate is possible only in conditions of comfortable living.

If a young family huddles in a hostel, the desire to have many children disappears completely. Therefore, in Moscow and other cities there are social programs designed to help young families.

Moreover, it contributes to the development construction market, stimulates mortgage lending and has a positive effect on the housing and communal services sector. Many families that fall under the program for improving housing conditions prefer not to improve their existing housing, but to purchase apartments in new buildings. Considering that the state compensates only part of the amount, the rest of the funds are usually taken from the bank, through mortgage lending on favorable terms.

Who can count on state support?

How to improve living conditions? You need to get on the state register, the so-called "queue for housing." The following categories of citizens can apply for improved living conditions in 2019:

  • large families;
  • participants in local wars and armed conflicts;
  • families involved in the upbringing of children with disabilities;
  • war and labor veterans.

Please note that these are preferential categories of citizens to whom subsidies are provided in the first place. As a general accounting, it is possible to receive a subsidy for improving housing conditions for state employees, military personnel, low-income families and orphans.

To get help in improving living conditions, it is not enough to collect documents and get a queue number. It is necessary for officials to recognize the status of a needy family.

You can apply for an improvement in living conditions if you meet the following requirements:

  1. . If wear load-bearing structures building accounts for more than 70%, residents of the house can write an application to the city administration about their desire to participate in a social program for improving housing. For whom it is available, see above.
  2. Small housing. If the apartment does not meet the standards prescribed by law, the family has the right to claim more comfortable living conditions. In our country, there should be at least 18 square meters of living space per capita.
  3. Communal apartment or hostel. Residents of these properties can get more comfortable housing, provided that they have a permanent residence permit.

As you can see, the selection criteria are quite strict, which significantly limits the circle of those wishing to receive subsidies.

How to exercise your right?

Having dealt with those who have the right to expand housing conditions, let's talk about how to use these rights. Needing better living conditions. Then an administrative commission is created, which checks whether the person who submitted the application really needs to improve living conditions.

Each such application is considered separately. If the family is recognized as needy, it is allocated subsidies to improve housing conditions.

Considering officials' craving for bureaucracy, one statement will not be enough. What documents are needed to get a certificate? Here is an example list:

  • passport of the person who submitted the application and documents of all family members. The original and photocopies of all pages are submitted;
  • birth certificates of all family members, and a document confirming that they are legally married;
  • a photocopy or original of the work book, certified by the head of the enterprise;
  • income statement;
  • documents on the technical condition of the dwelling, or a certificate confirming the absence of housing in the property;
  • written consent to the processing and verification of personal data.

The received certificate (if officials give the go-ahead) can be used to expand and improve existing housing, purchase another apartment, individual construction and repayment of a mortgage loan.

The received certificate is valid for six months from the date of receipt. If during the specified period, the subsidy is not spent for its intended purpose, the funds are returned to the federal budget. The law allows recertification. What documents are needed for this, we cited above. The family re-collects all the certificates and takes a turn to improve their living conditions.

Available programs

How to improve living conditions? You need to take part in one of the state programs that are supported by the government. Such programs can be divided into social and federal ones. Let's look at each direction.

Social programs

Among the social programs aimed at improving living conditions, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Construction team. This is a program aimed at helping young people buy their own homes. The bottom line is this: after working 150 work shifts on the construction site, a person gets the right to purchase housing at its real cost, without market markups. As a result, the cost per square meter drops by almost 3 times. The only drawback of the direction: construction teams operate only in Yekaterinburg and Voronezh.
  2. Mortgages with government support. To receive preferential interest on a home loan, a person must stand in line for an apartment for about 10 years. Such a program is available for state employees, young and. The first installment on such a loan is repaid by a subsidy from the state. Considering that the government allocates 30-45% of the cost of housing + soft loans, the deal becomes profitable.

Federal programs

Federal programs offer more choices to those in need of better living conditions. Here are the main programs:

  1. "Affordable housing for young families." As part of this program, you can count on the purchase of housing in installments and the repayment of part of the amount using the certificate. A young family without children receives a 30% subsidy, with children - 35-40%.
  2. "Help for Mothers" Maternal capital- This is also one of the state programs that will help improve living conditions.
  3. "Mortgage for the military". In order for the servicemen to be able to live in comfortable conditions, a certain amount is credited to their account every month, which can be spent on expanding existing housing, or acquiring another apartment.
  4. "For budget employees." Designed to help young teachers. A teacher with at least one year of work experience can take part in the program. The subsidy can be spent on the purchase of housing in the primary/secondary market. The transfer amount is 20% of the property value. Please note that persons participating in this program do not have the right to terminate the employment contract for a period of five years.
  5. "Residents of the village". The program is designed to attract young professionals to work in the villages. Usually this is a one-time transfer in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. Persons under the age of 35 and who have concluded an employment contract for a period of 5 years can participate in the program.

As you can see, there are quite a few opportunities to improve living conditions, but not everyone has an idea about this.

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Every person, and even more so every family, wants to have their own separate corner in order to build their own nest there. But not everyone can afford to buy an apartment.

It is precisely for such young families that the Young Family program was developed, which in 2017 gained even more popularity among the inhabitants of Russia.

The essence of the program

State program "Young Family" 2017-2020 is aimed at improving the living conditions of the newly minted cells of society, as well as consolidating their positions in financial plan. This project ran from 2011 to 2015. However, Dmitry Medvedev announced a possible extension of the program until 2020. The extension of this program will help many families realize their cherished dream - the acquisition of their own living space. It is planned to provide more than 170,000 Russian couples with housing.

Do not confuse with the Young Family program from Sberbank.

Main conditions and purpose of the program

All such state programs have 2 main goals:

  1. Support for the poor.
  2. Increase in construction volumes in the Russian Federation.

By reducing the market value of housing, many families will be able to afford to buy property. Initially, the maximum cost per 1 sq.m should not exceed 30 thousand rubles, however, after the program began to function, this price soared to 35,000 rubles. in certain regions of the country. This jump is due to the fact that prices for Construction Materials increased the cost of land.

The main and only condition of the "Young Family" program is that the location of the future home is determined by representatives of the local authorities. They also approve the developer company, all Required documents, projects on which the house will be built.

Already by July 1, 2017, 25 million square meters of housing, which are located in 67 subjects of the federation, will be ready for delivery.

In addition, each project must be located with a developed infrastructure, and if there is none, then by the time the object is commissioned, all the necessary buildings (parks, hospitals, kindergartens, shopping centers) should be within walking distance. Another important condition concerns the cost of housing. It should not be higher than 80% of the cost of apartments in the city. Price control is carried out on the basis of federal law.

Who can participate in the Young Family Program?

The conditions for program participants remain the same, namely:

  • only those families whose dwelling area per each member is less than established in the region of their residence participate in the program;
  • spouses must be adults. Another nuance - both must be under the age of 35 at the time of application for participation in the Young Family Program;
  • Families that have their own housing are not allowed to participate.
  • The government only queues up families that really need an apartment or a house;
  • joint residence of spouses;
  • minimum income for two - 21,621 rubles, for three - 32,510 rubles;
  • at least 1 child in the family;
  • all family members, including children, must be citizens of the Russian Federation.

For more information about who, according to Art. 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is recognized as needing housing:
1) if the citizen (and his relatives with whom he is registered) do not own residential premises, and they do not live in “social housing” (i.e. under a social tenancy agreement);
2) if a citizen (or his relatives who have him registered) owns residential premises, or they live in “social housing” (i.e. under a social tenancy agreement), but the area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving premises for each resident is less than the established (accounting) norm;
The accounting norm for living space, below which a family is defined as needy, varies in the regions of Russia, but on average it is 10-14 square meters. meters per person. The calculation takes into account the total area of ​​​​housing (without balconies and loggias), as well as all citizens officially registered (registered) permanently on it;
3) citizens living in premises that do not meet the necessary requirements, i.e. in emergency housing;
4) citizens living with a patient suffering from a severe form of a chronic disease, in which cohabitation is impossible.
When determining the level of housing provision (i.e. how many square meters per person), it matters:

  • where each family member is registered, regardless of the place of actual residence;
  • what is the total area of ​​​​all premises, while taking into account: a) premises (including shares) owned by a citizen, b) premises occupied by a citizen under a social contract. hiring, c) premises owned or occupied under a social contract. employment by relatives with whom the citizen is permanently registered;
  • and how many people are registered in the considered premises. Thus, if the spouses do not own housing, they still will not be able to get into the program if their parents (who have them registered) have a housing of sufficient size, since the square footage of the parents' property is also taken into account. The family must have their own funds, which, together with the subsidy, will be enough to buy a home, or have income that will allow them to take out a loan for the missing amount. At the same time, funds should be enough to purchase housing, based on the estimated cost, and such an area that each family member has at least the established norm of square meters. meters.

What is the amount of the subsidy? And how to use it?

Each payment case is calculated separately. In order to more accurately know the amount of material compensation, the following calculation principles should be taken as an example:

  • Young families without children receive 35% of the price of the housing they purchase;
  • If there are children in the family, then the amount of compensation increases to 40% of the amount for the purchased apartment. In cities of federal significance, this interest rate reduced. So, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, childless families can receive 30% financial assistance, while a family with children - 35% reimbursement of the cost of housing.

Subsidies can be used:

  • for the purchase of housing;
  • for the construction of their own house;
  • for a contribution to the housing cooperative (housing and construction cooperative) for registration of ownership of the apartment;
  • for a down payment on a mortgage;
  • to pay off debt under a mortgage or other home loan issued before January 1, 2011.

If you meet all of the above criteria and are ready to comply with the necessary points, start collecting a package of documents.

Required documents

Required package of documents for participation in the program:

The application is written according to a standard template (can be found on the State Services website) in 2 copies. The text of the application should contain information on exactly what difficulties the young family is experiencing in terms of housing, as well as a reasoned need for state financial assistance.

After the package of documents has been collected in full, the family should contact the real estate department at the place of residence (or other authorized body), submitting a copy of the application. The applicant takes the second copy with him.
The estimated time for consideration of the application does not exceed 10 working days. After this period, the applicant receives a letter from the department informing him of the decision.
In the case of a positive answer, the young family becomes a participant in the program (however, the certificate is issued only when the queue comes up).

After receiving the certificate, you should contact the bank with it to open an account, where they will be transferred cash(this must be done no later than 2 months after receiving the document).

Applicants should pay attention to the fact that maximum amount mortgages cannot exceed 2.2 million rubles, in addition, the program prohibits buying secondary housing.

We wish you good luck in solving housing problems and registration!

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