What are the difficulties faced by the industry. What are the difficulties in achieving goals

Difficulties in communication arise for many people for completely different reasons, which can be combined into 4 large groups: misunderstanding, fears, disgust and the problem of interest. In this article, we will look at them in detail.

Misunderstanding and communication difficulties

Misunderstanding is the biggest group of problems that cause difficulties in communication. In case of misunderstanding, people simply cannot establish contact, which is why the algorithms by which people build a conversation begin to fail. In order to continue communication in such a situation, too much effort is required, and if a person does not have a strong enough motivation to continue contact, then it is easier for him to interrupt it.

Misunderstanding the communication model

We all know that in different situations you need to communicate in different ways. We communicate with the boss in one way, with subordinates in another, with close third, and so on.

It's kind of like a key. Sometimes people confuse such “keys” and begin to communicate with loved ones as with subordinates, with the boss as with a close one, and with subordinates it’s also somehow wrong.

This can manifest itself in high expectations from people. When a person begins to demand that he, being in his position, does not have the right to demand.

Or, on the contrary, instead of a rigid and formal relationship, he begins to behave familiarly or begins to share his personal with those with whom this is not expected.

In such a situation, people instantly catch the discrepancy. First, they look at the person with bewilderment (is he sick?), And then write him down as a fool, sometimes forever.

Lack of understanding of formal and informal rules

In every community, in every social stratum, there are many rules. Some are written down and brought to everyone without fail, and some rules are unspoken. It is not welcome when someone breaks any rules, even if they are not written anywhere.

In case of violation of the rules, other people begin to feel some hostility. Why is this happening? The fact is that the rules are one of the factors that determine who is ours and who is a stranger.

If a person violates some important norm, then other people immediately understand: “He is not of our circle”, “Savage”, “Random person”, “Some strange” and so on.

The rules should be treated very carefully.

Misunderstanding of non-verbal signs and hints

It is perfectly normal that different people like to communicate on different topics. Accordingly, the topic of conversation may cause someone a negative reaction. However, it is usually not customary to openly inform a person that the topic is inappropriate. In this case, people usually begin to hint that it's time to talk about something else.

Unfortunately, many people are so passionate about themselves that they do not notice these signs. In this case, communication is interrupted. It’s good if only this time, and sometimes a person is forever written down as a fool and further communication becomes impossible.

Therefore, you should always focus on the interlocutor, and not on yourself.

Misunderstanding of emotions

It often happens that the same topic evokes different emotions in people. And that's okay. Normally, a person instantly reads other people's emotions, but for various reasons this may not happen.

In this case, a real disaster can happen. For example, I once watched a picture of one girl telling another some kind of anecdote about the maternity ward, filled with black humor. What she didn't know, however, was that another woman had recently experienced a similar tragedy. Everyone around her strongly hinted to her to stop, but she did not notice any hints or emotions of another woman. At the end, she also laughed out loud. Needless to say, they had no more communication?

Language misunderstanding

Everyone understands that communication between people who speak different languages ​​is difficult. However, problems with different understanding of words can also arise within the same language.

Usually, this reason does not interrupt communication, but it makes it quite difficult. When a person doesn't understand something, they usually don't want to stress too much about it and just prefer to talk to someone else.

Therefore, if someone is not interested in communicating with us, then we should check whether the terminology that we use in a conversation with this person is clear. It is possible that he simply does not understand us.

You should always speak to a person in a language he understands.

Misunderstanding of values

If a person has some specific experience, then it is not always necessary to share it. Many people may simply not appreciate knowledge in some matter, but consider a person dangerous, rude, cynical, or maybe boring.

Lack of understanding of one's place in society

There is a hierarchy in human society. This is a given that many ignore, but in vain. If a person does not understand his place in society, then he may talk to other people in an inappropriate way.

In particular, he can make the same mistakes that we discussed above. For example, showing disrespect without even realizing it.

Fear of communication

The second group of reasons due to which difficulties in communication arise are the reasons associated with. These are internal reasons that are associated with lack of awareness and negative experience, or lack of experience.

Fear of presentation

One of the main fears is the fear of presentation. What it is? It is the fear of expressing one's thoughts, emotions and feelings. It arises from the fact that a person does not know how the other person will react.

If, due to misunderstanding, communication is interrupted by one of the parties, then in case of fear, it may not even begin.

On the one hand, a person strives to avoid misunderstanding, and on the other hand, for this reason, he cannot gain experience and information that can provide this understanding. It turns out a vicious circle.

How to break this circle? Obviously, misunderstanding is less of a problem than fear, because it involves at least some communication. Fear is almost guaranteed to put an end to it. This means that it is much better to take a risk than not to try at all. In this case, there is at least a chance of success. In addition, we are almost guaranteed to gain experience and information.

Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to cope with fear on your own, but you can always turn to specialists.

Fear of rejection

Fear of rejection, like other fears, arises from a lack of positive experience. This can be either a lack of experience, or a negative experience when a person showed up, but they did not want to communicate with him.

This fear can be overcome by having a positive experience in some safe environment where a person will not be rejected, even if he somehow fails to show himself. For example, this can be done at an appointment with a psychologist.

Fear of ridicule

The fear of ridicule is a special case of the fear of rejection. However, this fear is stronger and often associated with real negative experiences.

You can also deal with this fear by having a positive experience. However, in this case, it is necessary to analyze in detail the circumstances in which this experience was obtained.

Disgust and Difficulties in Communication

A person can remarkably be able to communicate and find understanding with others, not to have any fears. However, the problem may be that other people reject it "on the way". Let's analyze the main reasons.

Disgust at appearance

Meet by clothes. People can be repulsed by many things, but the most prejudiced people experience poor hygiene. Unwashed hair, dirty clothes, an unpleasant smell - that's what is guaranteed to scare everyone around.

Disgusted by reputation

People may not want to communicate because they have some defamatory information about a person. These may be some facts from the biography of a person, his lifestyle or reckless statements.

The problem of interest

Communication is a complex thing, in which everything should be in moderation. Perhaps the main ingredient of communication is interest. Like salt, it should be in moderation.


When a person feels excessive interest in communicating with him, it is scary.Why does he want to communicate so much? Does he want to cheat? Is he some kind of scammer? And yes, it's kind of annoying. Well him! Such thoughts come to mind to a person with whom they really want to communicate.

Lack of interest

With a lack of interest, communication turns out to be insipid and boring. Interest is the reason for communication. If it is, then any other negative tendencies can be overcome. If it doesn't exist, then everything else doesn't matter.

How to generate interest? I will write about this in .

1. Why do you think scientific and technological achievements are the key factor in changing one way of life to another?

Scientific and technological achievements make it possible to radically change the structure of the economy. Their implementation makes it possible to develop new industries and technologies.

2. Why do you think new technological leaders appear in each next cycle?

This phenomenon may be related to the cyclic nature of the development of civilizations in general. History shows that any, even the strongest civilization gradually declines and loses its leading position. The well-known Russian historian and geographer L. N. Gumilyov, without connecting this with technological structures, singled out several stages in the development of ethnic groups, during the change of which the ethnic group (and, consequently, the country it represents) then has increased energy (passionarity) and is able to on the transformation of the economy, the change of ways, great scientific discoveries, then it loses its viability.

The emergence of new countries among the technological leaders can also be explained by the fact that, by analyzing the experience of advanced countries, other states introduce new achievements into their own production and become advanced themselves in a few decades.

3. How do you assess Russia's prospects for the transition to a new cycle?

And in Soviet times, there were enterprises in Russia (mainly the military-industrial complex), which carried out scientific developments and their implementation at the world level. Space flight is unthinkable without the development of the electronics industry, computer technology and software (components of the 5th cycle), so Russia has a high potential for the transition to a new cycle. However, the economic difficulties associated with the transition of our country to market economy, postponed this moment indefinitely.

4. Why did heavy industry develop most rapidly during the Soviet period?

Heavy industry is a group of industries that produce mainly machinery, equipment, raw materials, fuel, etc. This branch of the economy includes ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, various machine building, chemical, gas production, etc.

The outstripping development of heavy industry in Russia during the Soviet period was associated with the natural course of history, with the process of creating large-scale machine production. On this basis, the transition from an agrarian society to an industrial one took place.

In Britain, the process of industrialization began in the 19th century. A few decades later, this country has become a powerful industrial power. In Russia, industrialization has been successfully developing since the end of the 19th century. After the October Revolution, industrialization was carried out by violent methods by sharply limiting the standard of living of the majority of the population and exploiting the peasantry.

5. What changes are taking place in the structure of the Russian economy on present stage? What do you think is the reason for these changes?

In the late 90s. 20th century in Russia there was a paradoxical situation. On the one hand, the country entered the world market as a significant exporter of raw materials, oil and gas production was ahead of schedule, on the other hand, the administrative apparatus, the banking sector and trade, i.e., industries that give the fastest profit, flourishing in period of economic and political crisis. AT early XXI in. there have been positive shifts in the development of manufacturing industries.

6. What are the difficulties experienced by Russian industry in the modern period?

A big problem for the Russian industry is the aging and wear of the equipment of enterprises. Thus, according to the Statistical Yearbook (2004), 48% of production equipment is over 20 years old, that is, these mechanisms began to work when your parents were still in school. The degree of wear of equipment on average in Russia is 51.4%, it is the highest in the energy sector - 57.8%, things are more favorable in the gas industry - 27.8%.

High degree of wear industrial equipment increases the risk of accidents.

Thus, due to the accident at the Moscow substation "Chagino" in May 2005, about 2 million people were left without electricity in the capital, as well as in the Moscow, Tula and Kaluga regions. Hundreds of businesses were forced to stop work. The extent of the damage is colossal, for example, at the Petelinsky poultry farm in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, 700 thousand chickens were killed. Due to a power outage, the operation of some gas stations was stopped. For a large number of hospital patients, the situation turned out to be life-threatening in the truest sense of the word.

7. Name those sectors of the economy, in the development of which Russia is not inferior to the leading countries of the world. What explains this?

For many years, the arms race and the development of defense industries in Russia have led to a skew in the economy. However, this made it possible to raise the military-industrial complex to the level of world standards, and even outperform competitors in many types of products. In many respects, our military aircraft and helicopters are superior to foreign analogues; The Kalashnikov assault rifle is still in service in many countries of the world.

Table 3 below provides information on the place occupied by Russia in the production of certain types industrial and agricultural products in 2002

1. Why do you think scientific and technical achievements are the key factor in changing one way of life to another?

Scientific and technological achievements make it possible to radically change the structure of the economy. Their implementation makes it possible to develop new industries and technologies.

2. Why do you think new technological leaders appear in each next cycle?

Such a phenomenon may be associated with the cyclic nature of the development of civilizations in general. History shows that any, even the strongest civilization gradually declines and loses its leading position. The well-known Russian historian and geographer L.N. energy (passionarity) and is capable of transforming the economy, changing ways of life, great scientific discoveries, then it loses its viability.

The emergence of new countries among the technological leaders can also be explained by the fact that, by analyzing the experience of advanced countries, other states introduce new achievements into their own production and in a few decades become advanced themselves.

3. How do you assess Russia's prospects for the transition to a new cycle?

And in Soviet times, there were enterprises in Russia (mainly the military-industrial complex) that carried out scientific developments and their implementation at the world level. Flight into space is unthinkable without the development of the electronic industry, computer technology and software (components of the 5th cycle), so Russia has a high potential for the transition to a new cycle. However, the economic difficulties associated with the transition of our country to a market economy have postponed this moment for an indefinite period.

4. Why did heavy industry develop most rapidly during the Soviet period?

Heavy industry is a group of industries that produce mainly machines, equipment, raw materials, fuel, etc. This branch of the economy includes ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, a variety of machine building, the chemical, gas industry, etc.

The outstripping development of heavy industry in Russia during the Soviet period was associated with the natural course of history, with the process of creating large-scale machine production. On this basis, the transition from an agrarian society to an industrial one took place.

In Britain, the process of industrialization began in the 19th century. A few decades later, this country turned into a powerful industrial power. In Russia, industrialization has been successfully developing since the end of the 19th century. After the October Revolution, industrialization was carried out by violent methods by sharply limiting the standard of living of the majority of the population and exploiting the peasantry.

5. What changes are taking place in the structure of the Russian economy at the present stage? What do you think is the reason for these changes?

In the late 90s. 20th century in Russia, a paradoxical situation was observed. On the one hand, the country entered the world market as a significant exporter of raw materials, oil and gas production was ahead of schedule, on the other hand, the administrative apparatus, the banking sector and trade, i.e. industries , giving the fastest profit, flourishing during the period of economic and political crisis. At the beginning of the XXI century. there have been positive shifts in the development of manufacturing industries.

6. What are the difficulties experienced by Russian industry in the modern period?

A big problem for the industry of Russia is the aging and wear of the equipment of enterprises. So, according to the statistical yearbook (2004), 48% of production equipment is over 20 years old, that is, these mechanisms began to work when your parents were still going to school. The degree of wear and tear of equipment on average in Russia is 51.4%, it is highest in the energy sector - 57.8%, things are more favorable in the gas industry - 27.8%.

A high degree of wear of industrial equipment increases the risk of accidents.

So, due to the accident at the Moscow substation "Chagino" in May 2005, about 2 million people were left without electricity in the capital, as well as in the Moscow, Tula and Kaluga regions. Hundreds of enterprises were forced to stop work. The extent of the damage is colossal, for example, at the Petelinsky poultry farm in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region, 700 thousand chickens died. Due to the interruption in the supply of electricity, the work of some gas stations was stopped. For a large number of hospital patients, the situation turned out to be life-threatening in the truest sense of the word.

7. Name those sectors of the economy, in the development of which Russia is not inferior to the leading countries of the world. What explains this?

For many years, the arms race and the development of the defense industries in Russia have led to a skew in the economy. However, this made it possible to raise the military-industrial complex to the level of world standards, and even outperform competitors in many types of products. In many respects, our military aircraft and helicopters are superior to foreign analogues; The Kalashnikov assault rifle is still in service in many countries of the world.

Below, in table 3, information is given about the place occupied by Russia in the production of certain types of industrial and agricultural products in 2002.

8. The main stages of development of the economy for your city, district.

Most likely, these stages are the same as in the whole country; the features of your city and area may be associated with the discovery of unique resources.

Further, the regional characteristics describe the stages of development of some economic regions (this may be a separate paragraph or a section in a paragraph): 22. Central region, 33. European North, 36. Volga region, 42. Urals, etc. Look a little ahead .

9. Based on the materials of the periodical press, prepare information about enterprises that have managed to achieve success in their development under the new conditions. What conditions contributed to this?

Many Russian enterprises are successfully operating and developing. You can find out about them on the website: expoweb.ru. This database contains information about 58,000 enterprises representing 20 industries, joint ventures, representative offices of foreign companies operating in Russia and the CIS countries. In addition to standard search functions, the software allows you to edit information, add industries to existing ones, and create your own databases.

In 2005, for the ninth time, the contest "The Best Enterprises of Russia" was held, organized by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs with the support of the Government of Russia. Information about the course of this competition and the winners of past years can be found on the website: lrp.ru.

Among the winners in 2004 is the Shatura furniture factory located near Moscow, whose products have long been used in many apartments and offices in Russia. Today "Sha-tura" is a European system of accounting and budget planning, a computer data processing center, a large marketing service, professional staff, a new production management structure (practically the only one in the country). In 2002, the company's sales amounted to more than 103 million US dollars, which is 8.7% higher than the same indicator of the previous year. According to the magazine "Furniture Business", the share of the furniture company "Sha-tura" among domestic furniture manufacturers was 10.6%. According to the results of the study "Lifestyle of the middle class - 2002", conducted by the agency "Expert MA", the trade mark "Shatura" is recognized as the only national furniture brand in Russia.

Another successful Russian enterprise is CJSC "Krasny stroitel Combine" - the oldest enterprise in the industry that produces asbestos-cement products. The history of the enterprise began in 1929, with the launch of the first slate plant. In 1933, already the second slate factory shipped its products to consumers. And in 1935, an AS-best pipe plant was put into operation, at that time the only one in the country. The enterprise developed rapidly in the 50s and 60s. For 70 years CJSC "Combine Krasny stroitel", increasing its capacity and improving technology, has become the largest enterprise in the asbestos-cement industry. Thanks to the continuous work of the company's specialists on product quality, slate and asbestos-cement pipes of Krasny Stroitel CJSC are considered on the market building materials one of the highest quality products.

CJSC “Combine Krasny stroitel” is a repeated diploma winner of Russian and international exhibitions.

Some people are very good at understanding their emotions and are easily aware of what makes them do this or that act. And it is difficult for others to understand what exactly they feel at the moment, and even more so - to explain it to others. This personality trait is called alexithymia. "Theories and Practices" explains how and why such a problem occurs and whether it is worth fighting.

“Help respond,” asks friends the hero of the popular series “Community” Abed Nadir, once in a situation that requires an immediate emotional response. This character is endowed with a whole bunch of features often attributed to talented geeks - he is hard to get along with people, poorly understands other people's emotions and displaces his own into the subconscious. An ordinary person, even if confused, most likely would have no problem understanding what he feels in connection with the situation - anger, joy, fear, or something else. Alexithymic, on the other hand, can quite easily track his current thoughts, but is not able to understand the affective side of his "I".

The term itself was proposed in 1973 by the Harvard psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Peter Sifneos, who noticed a number of specific features in patients of the psychosomatic clinic. Alexithymia literally means "without words for feelings". The term has been criticized more than once, but has gained great popularity.

According to psychological reference books, alexithymia includes the following qualities:

Difficulties in identifying and describing (verbalizing) one's own emotions and the emotions of other people;
- Difficulties in distinguishing between emotions and bodily sensations;
- reduced ability to symbolize, in particular, to fantasy;
- the desire to focus primarily on external events to the detriment of internal experiences;
- a tendency to very concrete, logical and utilitarian thinking with a deficit of emotional reactions. An alexithymic is likely to make decisions without trying to get to the bottom of his innermost desires and motivations.

Some researchers also believe that people with alexithymia rarely have vivid, colorful dreams, or their dreams are full of events from everyday life and are characterized by poor plot. However, a person with pronounced alexithymic features does not have to match all the items on the list - these features can be divided into groups associated with impairments in the cognitive and affective spheres. The former, for example, include utilitarian thinking, poverty of imagination and insufficient ability to be creative. To the second - actually problems with discrimination of emotions.

But are these problems really that big? At first glance, it may seem that the only difficulty a person with alexithymia experiences is the inability to describe his feelings as well as Proust or Dostoevsky would have done. A disinclination to dreams and utilitarian thinking can even be a plus in some critical situation. If not for a couple of nuances. Firstly, an alexithymic experiences no less emotions than any other person, but they do not find any way out for him, and our mental mechanisms are arranged in such a way that it is necessary to regularly “let off steam” to one degree or another. It is not necessary to shout or arrange a pillow fight - but by allowing ourselves to feel this or that emotion and watching it flow, we are already largely getting rid of the accumulated tension. The alexithymic is deprived of this opportunity to relieve tension.

In addition, understand your emotions at least for basic level useful, because in some cases it helps to make the right decisions: whether to stay at this workplace, whether to invite that girl on a date, whether to go to a play in this theater again, and so on. Far from all issues we are able to solve logically, sometimes the same emotional “inner voice” is required. And an alexithymic, even if he manages to understand (often by physical sensations) that he is experiencing some kind of negative emotions, often cannot distinguish whether it is anger, longing or fear. Not to mention the fact that he is not always able to distinguish positive emotional arousal from negative - and this, whatever one may say, is critically important.

Mental health and EQ

Despite all the difficulties associated with it, alexithymia is not a disease or a diagnosis, but just a personality trait. It is worth remembering that a perfectly healthy person can be an alexithymic, although alexithymia is often found in people suffering from mental illness, including depression, schizophrenia, autism and psychosomatic disorders.

It is also important not to confuse alexithymia with a lack of emotional intelligence: EI is a much broader concept and involves the successful recognition of other people's feelings, empathy, the ability to manage one's emotions and turn the situation in one's favor based on all these skills, and alexithymia in the traditional interpretation of this term puts emphasis on the subject's ability to recognize and describe their own emotions. But it often goes hand in hand with weak empathy, which is why alexithymics often have problems with communication. Not to mention that not everyone is ready to build a relationship with a person who is incapable of rich emotional feedback. However, all this does not mean that the alexithymic cannot realize himself in an ambitious project or in personal life. It's just that some things will be more difficult for him than others.

Congenital or acquired?

It is believed that alexithymia can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital is associated with physical causes - these may be minor malformations, the effects of hypoxia during pregnancy or childbirth, diseases suffered in infancy. This form of alexithymia is difficult to treat. It is possible that people with alexithymia also have micro-organic disorders in the structure of the brain - at least some studies suggest that in such people the connection between the cerebral hemispheres is impaired due to disorders in the structure that makes this connection - the corpus callosum.

Acquired, or secondary alexithymia, appears at an older age in physically healthy people - as a result of serious nervous shocks, stress, various psychotraumas, and neurological diseases. Education can also influence the development of alexithymia. Low-emotional parents, a taboo on expressing emotions in public, or, conversely, a negative experience of communicating with hyper-emotional personalities lead to an inability to distinguish and describe feelings in adulthood.

Pronounced alexithymic features are shown by about seven to eight percent of the population. Moreover, in men, awareness and description of their own feelings causes difficulties about four times more often than in women - and this may be due to social pressure and the common stereotype about "boys don't cry."

Chill out

As we have already written, even if an alexithymic looks impassive on the outside, this does not mean that he experiences a smaller range of emotions than an ordinary person. Where do these unconscious emotions go?

In some cases, they accumulate, which leads to so-called affective reactions, when a person suddenly gives out a fountain of feelings to an insignificant event that is clearly inadequate to the situation - for example, breaks furniture or breaks dishes during an argument over toothpaste. When this state passes, the subject realizes that the reaction was disproportionate to the occasion, and feels guilt and shame, which are manifested in unpleasant sensations. This makes him further control his feelings even more, which makes them accumulate even more, and this leads to new outbursts. It turns out a vicious circle.

In other cases, unexpressed emotions find a way out in physical ailments - in fact, that is why Dr. Sifneos discovered this phenomenon in a clinic for people with psychosomatic disorders. A typical example is the so-called masked depression: when a person is not aware of his dissatisfaction with life or does not allow himself to show it, he does not show typical signs of depression (low mood, sense of meaninglessness of life, apathy, and so on), but negative emotions manifest themselves in weakness , pain, problems with breathing and heartbeat and so on.

How to measure

To determine the severity of alexithymia, various questionnaires were used: BIQ (Beth questionnaire, Israel), ARVQ (created on the basis of the BIQ scale), SSPS (Sifnoes personality scale); the 22-item alexithymia scale in the MMPI was also used. But the data obtained with their help turned out to be rather contradictory, so that the 26-point Toronto Alexithymic Scale (TAS) proposed in 1985 by George Taylor was most widely used. Numerous studies using it have proven the stability, reliability and validity of the results obtained. Now there is a more modern 20-item version of the questionnaire.

What to do if you or your loved one is alexithymic?

It is believed that congenital alexithymia is difficult to correct, but the secondary one can be cured with the help of, in particular, gestalt therapy, art therapy, hypnosis and psychodynamic therapy. All of these therapies help a person to recognize and express their emotions. Psychosomatic disorders, panic attacks and depression, sometimes associated with alexithymia, it makes sense to treat with medication - but for this, in any case, you need to consult a psychotherapist.

Psychology professor Deborah Serani gives alexithymics and their families the following advice:

“If your loved one is alexithymic, do not punish him for his emotional unresponsiveness - this is a consequence of his neurobiological and psychological nature. Instead, be patient, explain your needs more literally and concisely: “I'm tired and don't want to cook. Let's order a ready-made dinner ”(instead of talking for a long time about your fatigue in the hope that the person will understand that you are unable to cook dinner. - Approx. T&P). And help them recognize emotions and give them names: “You look angry. Is something bothering you?" Help them pay attention to obvious emotional triggers: “Your exams are coming up, are you feeling anxious?” Knowing that your loved one may not be speaking the same emotional language with you will help in case of a conflict or misunderstanding.

If you have alexithymia, your goal is to increase your ability to identify and understand feelings. Studying the subjective experience of other people is also important. Here are some ways to develop these skills:

1) Diary. Research shows that expressive writing can help develop a person's ability to recognize emotions. It is recommended to keep a diary every day, describing more or less significant events.

2) Reading novels. The language of describing thoughts, feelings, moments and experiences literally lives in novels. Research shows that this is a great way to learn how to express accumulated feelings.

3) Expressive arts. An acting class, dance class, visual arts class, or movement therapy class can help people with alexithymia recognize and express their emotions.

4) Group psychotherapy. The interactive aspect of group therapy allows children and adults to both explore their own thoughts and feelings and share emotional experiences with others.

5) Hypnosis and relaxation lessons. While most types of psychotherapy use talking as the main way to reduce the symptoms of alexithymia, hypnosis and relaxation classes develop imagination and mentalization skills (the ability to imagine the mental state of another person. - Approx. T & P) to increase understanding of emotions.

What stages do the countries of the world go through in their economic development?

Most countries of the world currently have an agrarian economy, in a number of them minerals are mined - in a word, the primary sector prevails there. These are the so-called developing countries with a low standard of living. Relatively less developed industrial countries where industry plays a leading role. And even fewer post-industrial countries, where most of the population is employed in the service sector. These are the states of Western Europe, the USA, Canada and other countries with the highest standard of living.

The listed three types of countries are a reflection of the three stages of economic development. Initially, among the many agrarian states, a certain number of industrial states appear. At the next stage, part of the industrial countries are moving to a post-industrial economy.

Why some countries are ahead and others are lagging behind is one of the most difficult problems that has not yet been solved by scientists. It is possible only partially to explain some features of the development of individual countries. For example, the more northerly and "colder" position of Russia (compared to other countries of the Old and New Worlds) requires large amounts of fuel and energy, reduces the efficiency Agriculture and thereby creates less favorable conditions for our country economic development. The most bloody Great Patriotic War, the death of tens of millions of people - all this extremely complicated the development of the economy. But, on the other hand, there were no wars in most African countries, the climate there is warm, and the level of economic development is much lower than in Russia. So the reason is much more complicated.

How is the industry structure changing?

To determine the level of economic development, it is important not just the ratio of the three sectors of the economy, but also the specific structure of the country's industry: which industries are leading? Russian scientist Nikolai Dmitrievich Kondratiev back in the 1920s-1930s. discovered the cyclic patterns of economic development. These historical stages - technological structures - were named after him - the Kondratiev cycles. Their essence lies in the fact that approximately every 50 years there is a change of leading industries.

Rice. 3. Technological structures (Kondratiev cycles)

  1. How do you think, how to explain that scientific and technological achievements are the key factor in changing one way of life to another?
  2. Why do new countries appear in each next cycle?
  3. How do you assess Russia's prospects for the transition to a new cycle?

Those countries of the world that introduce the most advanced production earlier than others are the winners. However, most states adopt these innovations "from the hands" of advanced countries, but only when they become unnecessary for them. “Obsolete innovations”, obsolete (for advanced countries!) Productions are taken out in less the developed countries(for which they are by no means obsolete, but very new!), and in the advanced countries, thus, “place is freed up” for even newer productions.

For example, the textile industry, having given the initial impetus to the industrialization of England, then began to be “carried out” to other countries, including from the 1840s. to Russia with its cheap labor force.

What stages has the Russian economy gone through?

The level of development of the Russian economy, at least for the last three centuries, was higher than in most countries of the world, but at the same time lower than in the most advanced countries. We can distinguish the following stages in the development of the economy of our country (beginning with the development of large-scale industry).


All countries of the world go through certain stages of economic development. The leading sectors of the economy, the leading industries in industry are changing naturally. Russia, ahead of most countries in the world, at the same time traditionally lags behind the most advanced countries in terms of the structure of the economy and the level of its development.

Questions and tasks

  1. Why did heavy industry develop the fastest during the Soviet period?
  2. What changes are taking place in the structure of the Russian economy at the present stage? What do you think is the reason for these changes?
  3. What are the difficulties experienced by Russian industry in the modern period?
  4. Name those sectors of the economy, in the development of which Russia is not inferior to the leading countries of the world. What explains this?
  5. Highlight the main stages of development of the economy for your city, district.
  6. Based on the materials of the periodical press, prepare information about enterprises that have managed to achieve success in their development under the new conditions. What contributed to this?

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