Loan for sole proprietor to start a business. Loan for sole proprietor without collateral and guarantor

At the start of the development of their own company, many are faced with the need for large financial investments to promote the enterprise to a higher level of income. Use of special loan products with a low interest rate, allows you to achieve more noticeable growth in the short term.

Taking a loan for an individual entrepreneur for the effective development of business in Moscow banks is real!

In 2019, obtaining credit funds for individual entrepreneurs without providing collateral and guarantors in Moscow becomes a completely feasible task. Many financial companies give the green light to novice individual entrepreneurs and are ready to provide additional cash, for example, on the security of a car, real estate.

Banking institutions that are distinguished by a loyal attitude towards potential customers and are ready to issue a loan for individual entrepreneurs in Moscow on acceptable terms include: Sberbank, VTB Bank, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank, Otkritie Bank.

In the article, we have compiled a list of 12 largest banks that give entrepreneurs and organizations a loan to start a business from scratch. Also from the article you will learn what documents are needed to obtain a loan, what are the conditions for lending and how to get a loan.

Which bank to get a loan to start a business

Bank % bid Credit amount
Sberbank 16-19% up to 5 million rubles
Alfa Bank 20% up to 6 million rubles
VTB 24 from 11.8% from 850000 rub.
Rosselkhozbank from 10.6% up to 60 million rubles
Raiffansen bank from 12% up to 4.5 million rubles
Uralsib from 13.1% up to 170 million rubles
Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development from 15.1% up to 3 million rubles
Opening from 10% up to 1 million rubles
Promsvyazbank from 12.3% up to 150 million rubles
Sovcombank from 12% up to 30 million rubles
Binbank 15,25% up to 150 million rubles
SKB bank from 14.5% from 70 million rubles

Rates may vary depending on the region of the country. Most banks offer an individual approach to entrepreneurs, selecting for them the maximum loan amount and interest rate, regarding the risks of the business plan, the amount of collateral and other parameters. Therefore, the specified data is not always unchanged.

How to get a small business loan from scratch

The path to begins not with a visit to the bank, but with preparation.

First of all, you need:

  1. . A detailed description of the project, the directions of its development, will be needed in any startup. It is on the basis of this document that potential investors form a picture of the business and decide whether it is worth investing in it. It is advisable to include in the business plan all accounting calculations, a market overview, a work plan and a loan repayment schedule.
  2. Define bail. Of course, in theory, a loan for opening an individual entrepreneur can be obtained for one “beautiful” business plan, but in practice, banks are wary of entrepreneurs who do not have real estate, a car or other valuables that can act as collateral. The businessman himself should also not forget that the loan will have to be repaid, and even with rather big interest. Therefore, before going to the bank for a loan, you need to take care of your own "airbag" - cash savings or property (real estate, car, securities and shares).
  3. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To obtain a business loan, you will need documents confirming that the person is registered with the tax authorities as an entrepreneur.
  4. Select a bank. You need to study not only the tariffs of banks, but also reviews about them. Only directly the clients of the institution can tell about all the pitfalls of the service.

When the preparation is over, the bank is selected, you can apply. You can do this at a bank branch or online.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider obtaining a loan to start a business using the example of visiting Sberbank:

  1. Fill out an application form, which contains information about the entrepreneur and his intentions regarding obtaining a loan.
  2. Select a lending program to start or.
  3. Submit documents to the bank along with an application for a business loan.
  4. Pay off the down payment, or pledge valuable property.
  5. Get the required amount and start your business.

Online application

Most banks today accept applications for a loan via the Internet. For this you need:

  1. Go to the bank's website;
  2. Find the "Small Business Lending" section;
  3. Fill out the form with full information;
  4. Enter your phone number;
  5. Submit the form for consideration and wait for a response.

Small Business Loan Approval Conditions

A loan agreement between a bank and an entrepreneur carries risks for both parties. The lender will not be happy if the borrower receives the money and disappears or fails to repay the debt. Therefore, before issuing a loan, the bank finds out the following information:

  • how much is required and for what needs;
  • the entire amount is needed by the borrower at once or in several payments;
  • what is the planned profit of the enterprise, how stable;
  • what is the planned income of a businessman, taking into account the necessary payments on the loan;
  • are there dark spots in credit history the applicant.

How to get approved for a loan

When an entrepreneur comes to a bank seeking a loan for a start-up in the small business sector, the specialists of the financial institution require certain guarantees from him. These include:

  1. Good credit history. If a businessman has overdue or outstanding payments behind him, the chances of a new loan are reduced to almost zero. Financial institutions prefer not to deal with unscrupulous borrowers.
  2. Mortgaged property- an indicator of a serious approach to credit. It is better to think about what can be pledged to the bank in advance and stock up on documents confirming the ownership and value of the property.
  3. Competent business plan, reflecting confidence in obtaining a stable income.
  4. Parallel Income. If the entrepreneur is employed in a stable job or has other income that does not depend on the new business, then his chances of repaying the loan in the future increase. Income is confirmed by a 2-personal income tax certificate.
  5. Guarantee. A natural or legal person with a favorable credit history can vouch for the borrower.
  6. Starting capital more than 25-30% of the required amount. Starting a business still requires some savings. Starting a business with a loan is always risky, and even more so, you should not expect that the bank will issue a loan for the full amount needed for a startup - you still have to invest some personal funds.
  7. Franchise. Banks are more willing to lend money for a proven brand than for a brand new venture. Therefore, if something is not right in other points, it is better to think about buying a franchise, this will increase the chances of obtaining a loan.

There are other factors that, to a lesser extent, but also increase the chances of successfully obtaining a loan for a small business:

  • age from 30 to 45 years;
  • permanent registration at the place of residence;
  • real estate property;
  • no criminal record;
  • registered marriage.

Who decides

The main task of the bank before approving a loan is to assess the risks and reliability of a particular entrepreneur. To avoid further problems with debts, banks use two main methods:

  • expert review- a subjective decision made by the inspectors of the financial institution;
  • automated scoring system (scoring)– the operator enters the client’s data into the program, fills out the questionnaire, all further analysis takes place without human intervention.

Some banks use two methods at once, which makes the check even more thorough.

What documents need to be provided

Regardless of the bank and tariff, you will need a passport and a military ID to get a loan. If a young man is expected to serve in the army, the bank will most likely refuse to provide a loan.

The bank may also request:

  • income statement (2-NDFL);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for LLC from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  • business plan;
  • documents on the ownership of the property left as a pledge;
  • guarantor's letter;
  • for the franchisee: an agreement with the franchisor;
  • for persons with temporary registration: its confirmation;
  • if any: contracts with suppliers, lease agreements for business premises, licenses.

Bank agreement

The final document before obtaining a loan is an agreement that must be carefully studied before signing. This document prescribes all the conditions for granting and repaying a loan, so special attention should be paid to the following points:

  • final interest rate;
  • payment schedule;
  • fines;
  • early repayment;
  • obligations and rights of the parties.

Features of small business lending

Why is it so important to get a loan at the rate for a start-up small business? The point is that everything credit programs are developed specifically for certain needs, which means that they take into account the needs of the client as much as possible. So, lending to start-ups in small businesses has its own distinctive features.

  1. The loan amount is greater than that of a consumer loan;
  2. The issued funds are most often transferred to the current account of the entrepreneur;
  3. More interest rate;
  4. Collateral and guarantors are important;
  5. Life and collateral insurance is required.

The bank refused to issue a loan - what to do?

All plans to start your own business can collapse if the bank refuses to issue a loan. In this case, you can contact another bank, but no one can guarantee that they will make a different decision.

It is worth noting that when checking the credit history, the bank will definitely receive information that the data on the citizen has already been requested by another bank.

It is also very difficult to work on mistakes, since by law a financial institution is not required to substantiate its refusal and voice its reason.

But even if the bank refused the application, and it is not possible to change its decision, this is not a reason to give up. There are other ways to earn money:

  • The amount of loans for the needs of individuals is smaller, but it is easier to get them. Some banks do not even ask for the borrower's credit history in exchange for high interest, which means that you can take several such loans at once.
  • non-bank loan. If the credit history does not satisfy even for obtaining a consumer loan, then the option remains to contact a non-banking organization that has the right to issue loans to individuals. However, they issue small amounts, for shorter periods and at high interest rates - in a word, on the most unfavorable conditions for the entrepreneur.
  • . Each region has its own state and commercial centers that finance outstanding business projects. However, in order to achieve such assistance, the business idea must be truly original and profitable. Municipal authorities willingly finance programs that ensure the flow of funds and resources to the region. This may be a new production Agriculture, education, tourism and ecology.
  • Broker services. For a fee (up to 15% of the loan amount), an experienced broker will analyze the needs and capabilities of the entrepreneur and select the best offer for him. Also, the broker will help in evaluating the loan.
  • Partnership with a large company. If an entrepreneur has connections among business giants, you can find a patron who will help, including with financing.
Business loans are issued by banks for various purposes under various programs. There are specific differences between issuing loans for starting a business and for the current development of a business. Loans are also divided into loans for entrepreneurs and loans for legal entities . If you need funds for your business, you should carefully calculate the required amount and possible profits from its use. To begin with, it is worth drawing up a business plan with all the necessary calculations - it will come in handy not only for your own planning of activities, but also for submission to financial institutions, as a confirmation of the goals and intentions of obtaining borrowed money.
It is now possible to leave an application and apply for a loan to entrepreneurs online on our website. In order to replenish working capital for business development, purchase new equipment or expand production facilities, as well as implement other business plans - now you just need to leave online application on our website for consideration by credit managers and the earliest possible receipt of funds.
For regular customers, banks can also provide credit lines with revolving amounts on the accounts, thus, having repaid one loan amount, it becomes possible to take it again and again on your balance sheet.

How to get a business loan?

On our site there is an opportunity to issue a loan to legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs. For the fastest and most complete consideration of the application, it is necessary to accurately and truthfully indicate all the data required in the questionnaire. The terms of the loan provide for the availability of all binding documents, confirming the state registration of a business entity, whether it is a large, medium or small business. And also, depending on the chosen program, a business plan, collateral, for example, in the form of goods or fixed assets, insurance arrangements may be required - it all depends on the chosen program and the loan amount.
The main advantages of the programs we offer are flexible lending conditions, including the possibility of early repayment without penalties, a loan term of up to 2 years, low interest rates and, of course, the speed and availability of loan processing. Take a look at our offers and see for yourself the benefits. If you have any questions about the terms of lending, be sure to contact our competent specialists who will give a clear and complete explanation of all the details of the contract and its conditions.

Any business requires a constant investment of finance, otherwise stagnation and losses are not far off. And already at the start, from the moment of registration of legal status, it is impossible to avoid initial costs and investments. It is good if you have start-up capital or the help of friends. And what about those who do not have free funds, but there is a need for them?

Bank lending is one of the most attractive tools for small business development. Prompt receipt Money helps entrepreneurs quickly and effectively respond to emerging problems. The current offers are designed for different needs - the development of a company, replenishment of working capital, expansion of a commodity or production base, equipment of new jobs, etc. Almost every bank today offers a wide range of loan products for small and medium-sized businesses to choose from.

When considering an application for a loan, banks take into account the possible monthly income of the entrepreneur (current and planned), analyze the risks and prospects of the industry. The main and decisive aspect in favor of granting a loan is the solvency of the client. Usually, an individual entrepreneur has two statuses of a subject of market relations - an employee and a business owner. This duality gives certain advantages to the borrower, but can also lead to negative consequences.

Main influencing factors

Practice shows that banks are much more willing to lend to employees who have evidence of working capacity and solvency. In this case, not only the basic salary is considered as income, but also additional sources of income (rental of property, pension / allowances, interest on deposits) and part-time employment. As confirmation, it is enough to provide the established forms of documents - income statements, lease agreement, work book.

If you are an entrepreneur, it is quite difficult to assess the level of solvency. For example, the main income from financial and economic activities can be confirmed by declarations, a book of income / expenses, or accounting reports. But what to do if you need to provide specific figures for future periods, and the business has opened from scratch? In this case, credit organizations are required to write a business plan, in the preparation of which the manager needs to take into account the specifics of Russian realities, as well as explain in detail what the borrowed funds will be used for and from what sources they will be covered.

Types of business loans

To get approval and quickly apply for a loan, let's figure out what types of loans exist and how they differ.

Available loans for entrepreneurs:

  1. Express loans- the most simple to issue, a minimum package of documentation is required: a passport and a driver's or pension certificate. Interest rates, of course, significantly “bite” due to the inherent risks, the amounts are small (within 100,000 rubles), and the purposes of spending are very limited. Suitable for those who have little time and no others available options.
  2. Consumer loans- issued for any purpose, however, business ideas are not included in this list. If you intend to take out a consumer loan as individual, do not even mention that you are going to put money into the development of the company. Otherwise, you will get rejected. It is required to provide more supporting documents, but this, in turn, gives a chance to borrow a large amount and for a long time, and the interest rate is significantly lower than in the previous version. Be prepared for the fact that banks check solvency and the fact of actual employment - by calling work, for example. In addition, if the client is registered as an individual entrepreneur, it will be very difficult to hide it. In this case, a guarantor is usually required, and for amounts exceeding 500,000 rubles, a pledge on existing property is required. In some credit institutions the terms of the agreement clearly state the impossibility of issuing borrowed funds to entrepreneurs when registering consumer programs.
  3. Target programs– targeted types of lending for small and medium-sized businesses. They combine the properties of consumer loans and financing of legal entities. They are offered for specific purposes - to open a company, to purchase real estate, vehicles or expensive equipment. The property acquired by the debtor acts as collateral, so interest rates are slightly lower than with consumer lending. Overdraft, franchising and factoring are issued without collateral.

There are a number of banks operating on state program small business support. Within the framework of such proposals, the Small Business Assistance Fund can act as a guarantor for a businessman. But this is not available for all businessmen, but, first of all, for those who have already worked for at least three months. Regional budgets also offer their programs for beginners, within which you can count on reimbursement of interest on loans, subsidies or grants for business development.

In which banks can I get a loan

Loans to small businesses are provided by most large banks, among which, in the first place, Sberbank, VTB 24, and the Bank of Moscow stand out. The list of proposals is very wide, below are the most interesting and effective.

Current programs at Sberbank of Russia:

1. Replenishment of working and fixed assets for entrepreneurs with an annual revenue of no more than 400 million:

  • "Business turnover" - in the amount of 150,000 rubles, for up to 4 years, the rate is from 14.8%.
  • "Business overdraft" - with a lack of money in the bank account in the amount of up to 17,000,000 rubles, for a period of up to 1 year, the rate is from 12.97%.
  • "Business real estate" - for the purchase of commercial real estate in the amount of 150,000 rubles, up to 10 years, the rate is 14.74%.

2. Express offers for entrepreneurs with an annual revenue of no more than 60 million:

  • "Express on bail" - in the amount of 300,000-5,000,000, for a period of 6-36 months, at 16-23% per annum. In case of provision of collateral, preferential terms. No confirmation of the purpose of use is required, no commission is charged for early repayment and registration. Short term consideration of the application.
  • "Trust, standard tariff" - for amounts up to 3,000,000, duration up to 3 years, percentage from 19.5%.
  • "Business Trust" - provision of up to 3,000,000 without collateral, for up to 4 years at 18.98%. There are also no commissions, but 1 guarantor is required, except for certain categories of business.

3. Leasing offers- for the purchase of cars, trucks, special vehicles. Issued up to 24,000,000 rubles, duration from 12-21 months. Basically required advance payment from 10%, and the repayment schedule and rates are specified depending on the specific program.

4. bank guarantee - a means of ensuring partnership obligations. Issued for amounts from 50,000 rubles. up to 3 years at 2.66%.

Interesting basic programs at VTB 24:

  1. "Overdraft"- to cover cash needs, from 850,000 are issued for a total period of 1-2 years, the duration of the tranche (continuous debt) is 30-60 days. Interest from 18.5% per year. Without collateral, commission and the need for a monthly reset of your account.
  2. "Loan on collateral"– for the purchase of objects pledged by the bank. Issued up to 150,000,000, duration up to 10 years. Initial payment of at least 20% of the cost, annual interest specified individually.
  3. "Targeted lending secured by purchased goods"– the amount of 850,000 for 5 years. When making an additional deposit, it is possible to receive money without paying an advance. There is a commission from 0.3%, an annual rate from 14.5%.
  4. "Revolving Loan"– from 850,000 rubles. provided for seasonal and cyclical processes or working capital replenishment. Duration up to 2 years, rate from 16%.

Favorable offers from the Bank of Moscow:

  1. "Business Perspective"- for the development of the company, the replenishment of fixed / working capital is issued from 3,000,000 to 150,000,000 rubles, for a period of up to 5 years. Conditions are negotiated individually, depending on the assessment of the potential solvency of the borrower.
  2. "Overdraft”- up to 12,500,000 rubles are provided. to finance payment gaps, including paying taxes, paying salaries to employees. Terms up to 1 year, tranche up to 30 days. Entrepreneurs who have been operating for at least 9 months can count.
  3. Turnover program- to replenish working capital, it is realistic to borrow from 1,000,000 to 150,000,000 rubles for up to 2 years. After analyzing the creditworthiness and subject to work for at least 9 months. the interest rate on the loan is determined.
  4. Development program- any property owned by the borrower is accepted as collateral. Amounts up to 150,000,000 rubles, duration up to 60 months.

Action algorithm

  • To get a loan, you must first decide on the bank and familiarize yourself with the proposed financing conditions.
  • Then collect the required documents for the application and subsequent processing. Each institution has its own list, usually they are asked to provide the borrower with a questionnaire indicating personal data; passport and military ID; registration certificates, an extract from the USRIP and a license to operate. For the guarantor - also a questionnaire and a passport; if there is a temporary registration confirming its document; military ID and 2-personal income tax certificate for employees. In some cases, they ask for a list of assets and the consent of the franchisor to cooperate.
  • Entrepreneurs are required to provide financial statements for the last period and balance sheet at the end of the period. You will also need a book on income and expenses, a pledge statement of property and a business plan with prospects for the development of the company.
  • If a loan without guarantors is not given, try to negotiate with one of your close friends or partners.
  • After all the documentation is prepared, you can submit an application. To be sure, try contacting several at once. financial institutions. If one is denied, it is quite possible that another will be approved.

There is a high probability of obtaining a loan from customers with a positive credit history, without criminal records and overdue payments. At the same time, the term of activity is generally at least 1 year, and the property has liquid, easily marketable assets.

Why can an entrepreneur be denied a loan

Consideration of applications in banks is carried out by a special department - the credit committee. Refunds can be denied for a variety of reasons. The main one is insufficiently high solvency. That is why it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the preparation of a business plan.

Bankers have developed a biased attitude towards individual entrepreneurs due to the specifics of their legal status. An individual entrepreneur can quickly complete activities and “curl up” the business. At the same time, the closing procedure is easier than that of an LLC, for example. It is more difficult to calculate financial prospects; therefore, they are more willing to meet those businessmen who can provide a pledge of property. If there is a recession in the industry, which has already happened with the tourism business, it is also pointless to take loans for the opening and development of the company because of the expected failure. And the presence of overdue payments on taxes, contributions and debts on wages, will serve as an additional reason for making a negative decision.

In conclusion, we note that an entrepreneur can always count on a cash loan, the main thing is to choose the best option. When choosing, you need to decide what is more important: getting money quickly but expensively, or building long-term relationships with financial institution, working for the future and proving its solvency.

Be sure to watch the video

Most small business owners know how difficult it is for an individual entrepreneur to get a loan. For an inexplicable reason, banks still consider this category of borrowers to be high-risk. Apparently, the memory of one-day firms that took out loans and disappeared into nowhere is still fresh.

The most common problems are: high percent failures, indefinite completion of documents, long decision-making, lack of explanations about the refusal.

    Financer has compiled the best loan offers for entrepreneurs:
  • More than 20 offers
  • Low rates
  • Large range of amounts
  • Any terms
  • with a bad history
  • Without guarantors
  • Only by passport
  • Issued within 24 hours

At the top of the page are the TOP 8 options of 2019, recognized as the best, according to popular ratings, reviews, and the opinion of official rating agencies.

For more loans, please follow the links above.

Why are banks refusing a personal loan?

The main reason is the unpredictability of financial viability and lack of confidence in trustworthiness.

In other words, the bank is not sure that the individual entrepreneur will be able to financially repay the loan and will not hide with the money received.

It would seem that the entrepreneur is responsible for the loan with personal property (unlike LLC, authorized capital which can be only 10 thousand rubles), but the process of opening and liquidating an IP is extremely simple. This indirectly affects the assessment of the psychological portrait of the borrower - it is believed that LLCs are opened by more serious and trustworthy people.

In addition, an individual entrepreneur is not required to have a legal address. Therefore, it can be anywhere. Including moving, continuing to conduct business activities. It is for this reason that they are especially suspicious of individual entrepreneurs who do not have an office, work remotely, and do not have employees. Freelance entrepreneurs are the hardest to get a loan.

    There are other reasons for refusing an IP loan:
  • tax debts, fines, penalties
  • bad credit history / its complete absence
  • no home phone
  • outstanding loans
  • low profitability of the company
  • lack of permanent registration in the region of the bank's presence
  • residence outside the region where the bank is present
  • living in a rented apartment in the absence of housing in the property (the exception is living in the apartment of a spouse)

A tricky nuance is that the company has been operating for less than 1 year. Many banks indicate at least 6 months in their requirements, but when applying, the borrower is refused. In fact, most often they approve a loan for an individual entrepreneur with a profitable activity for more than 2 years.

Does this mean the bank is cheating? Not at all. But a loan with an activity of 6 to 12 months is more likely to be received by clients who have a legal account in this organization. Because the movement of funds on the account will be visible and more predictable for the evaluation system.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs

This option is quite difficult for an entrepreneur. Especially if you need a loan for an individual entrepreneur without collateral and guarantors.

Banks either refuse, or offer to provide collateral after all, or approve at all a small amount. You can increase your chances by providing official income data. But practice shows that even an entrepreneur with many years of “experience” and a stable income sometimes receives a refusal.

Which banks are ready to issue a loan to IP
  • 9.9% per year
  • can be reduced to 6%
  • up to 3.000.000 r.
  • high approval rate
  • from 12% per year
  • up to 1.000.000 r.
  • without a trip to the office
  • highest approval rate
  • from 10.5% per year
  • up to 4.000.000 r.
  • up to 10 years
  • decision is made in 15 minutes
  • 0% on promotion
  • up to 1.000.000 r.
  • up to 5 years
  • minimum rate guarantee

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs in Sovcombank- issued without collateral and guarantors, but the ownership of real estate / car significantly affects the interest rate downward.

Attention! Sovcombank mainly cooperates with borrowers over 35 years old. If your age is lower, it is recommended to apply to another bank. Otherwise, the risk of rejection will increase.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs in OTP– the bank is ready to approve a loan even for start-up entrepreneurs. The questionnaire is filled out on the website. After 15 minutes, the client receives a decision. A significant advantage is also a low interest rate and a long loan term.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs in Promsvyazbank- the most low rate among similar proposals. 9.9% with the possibility of additionally reducing the percentage to 6 in 3 years, without commissions and overpayments. The application is also submitted online, without visiting the office.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs in Tinkoff Bank - the highest percentage of approval. Like OTP, Tinkoff is willing to cooperate with start-up entrepreneurs. Open to cooperation with young businessmen, aged 21 and over. The application is submitted 100% online. The decision is made quickly. Getting a loan does not require visiting the office - the courier brings the card with the credited amount to the address specified by the client. The IP loan is issued without collateral and guarantors. However, a secured loan can significantly lower the interest rate.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to obtain a large consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs without collateral and guarantors, but in the amount of up to 500 thousand count really.

The best option for getting 100 - 500 thousand rubles.

What documents will help reduce the risk of rejection?

To get a loan individual entrepreneur you need to convince the bank of its reliability and financial solvency.

The first category includes: home telephone number, registration in the region where the bank is present, apartment in the property. It is extremely difficult for a borrower renting housing to get a loan - according to the logic of the system, he can leave at any time. Own real estate is a good guarantor of stability.

Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs at 0%

Credit cards for individual entrepreneurs

Unlike consumer loans, credit cards to entrepreneurs Approved almost 100% of the time.

The starting limit can be small (up to 30,000 rubles), but the constant use of the card allows you to overclock within 1 - 1.5 years up to a maximum amount of 300 - 600 thousand(depending on the card).

Best offers for credit cards for IP
  • up to 300.000 rubles
  • 55 days without interest
  • you can repay other loans
  • home delivery
  • high approval rate
  • only by passport
  • up to 500.000 rubles
  • 60 days without interest
  • points in Crossroads
  • 5000 points immediately
  • 10 points = 1 ruble
  • approval - 1-2 days
  • up to 300.000 rubles
  • 56 days without interest
  • 4% per annum on the balance
  • high cashback
  • add. bonuses
  • approval from 18 years old

What is required for registration:

In most cases, a certificate of income is not required - it is enough to clarify the average monthly income.

Moreover, you don’t even have to go for a Tinkoff-Bank card - the courier will bring it to the specified address at a convenient time.

An ideal option for a revolving loan with an initially small, but potentially decent amount.

Express loans for individual entrepreneurs

Approved by almost everyone and always. Moreover, an individual entrepreneur does not even need to provide a certificate of income, an account statement, etc. It is enough to indicate the average income per month and, in some cases, tell the manager a little about your business.

It is important to consider two disadvantages.

First, a small loan amount. At the first appeal, it is rarely possible to receive more than 10 thousand rubles, even when providing documents confirming income. Further maximum amount can potentially reach up to 70 - 80 thousand rubles.

Secondly, a high interest rate compared to consumer loans for IP. Overpayment reaches 1.5% daily. Often, if necessary, to receive an amount of more than 10 thousand rubles and refusal by banks, it is more profitable to apply for a loan secured by TCP.

Positive sides– issuance of funds in 15 minutes (really urgently) + approval for any credit history and the issuance of individual entrepreneur loans without collateral and guarantee at any income level.

The best loan offers for individual entrepreneurs in 2019
  • From 0%
  • First loan - up to 10.000
  • Maximum loan - up to 70.000
  • For up to 3 months
  • Almost 100% chance of approval
  • From 0%
  • First loan – up to 15.000
  • Maximum loan - up to 30.000
  • For up to 30 days
  • High chance of approval
  • From 0%
  • First loan – up to 15.000
  • Maximum loan - up to 15.000
  • Work 24/7
  • Almost 100% chance of approval

What is required for registration:

All microcredits are issued 100% online. Approval and receipt of funds rarely take more than 30 minutes.

Ideal when you need a small amount urgently.

Business loan for individual entrepreneurs

Beneficial when it comes to business development. All banks that work with entrepreneurs and provide account registration services are engaged in business lending.

Moreover, their own clients are obviously provided more profitable terms and greater chance of approval(almost 100%).

The downside is a small chance of approval when applying to banks in which you are not a client. A loan for an individual entrepreneur in this case will require the provision of a detailed business plan indicating goals, calculating investments, spending directions, and planning expected profits. Ordering such a calculation in itself costs tangible money (from 50 to 100 thousand rubles). Besides, banking system more closely examines projects provided to non-clients, and the chance of a loan for individual entrepreneurs is significantly reduced.

  • If you have an open account We recommend that you first apply to your bank. Conditions will certainly be better and more profitable than in other organizations. Learn more about the types of business loans..

    Mortgage loan for sole proprietorship

    Considered an almost impossible task. Banks are not ready to trust individual entrepreneurs in such a long term. Most often, an entrepreneur has to look for co-borrowers or guarantors. However, one profitable option still found.

    Not sure if they'll approve?

    Go through - find out how banks evaluate you and how high the chances of getting a loan are.

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