How to find out your KBM? Checking the cbm on the official base of the AIS rsa for the OSAGO Ais rsa.

If you need to find out the Bonus Malus MTPL Coefficient or check it, then the Russian Union of Auto Insurers gives you such an opportunity. This can be done free of charge as on our website on the PCA official website in a special request form. However, first, let's take a look at what the bonus malus coefficient (MBM) is, and why it needs to be calculated.

Every motorist is obliged to register annually new policy compulsory OSAGO insurance... This insurance compensates for the damage to the injured person in case of fault in the occurrence of an accident of the policyholder. Naturally, insurers are interested in increasing the accident-free operation on the roads of Russia and decreasing the amount of insurance payments.

The bonus malus coefficient is designed to motivate drivers to drive carefully.

The purpose of the MSC coefficient is to form a price for the purchase of a subsequent insurance policy. Depending on its value, the cost may decrease or increase.

The value of the parameter is influenced by a number of parameters, including:

  • driver class;
  • the level of trouble-free driving of the policyholder during the year.

There is a special table that allows you to view and check the dependence of the MSC value on the driver's class. Moreover, the "class" of the insured is a changing parameter that directly depends on the level of his accident-free driving.

Since the bonus malus coefficient is directly involved in calculating the price for OSAGO, a decrease in it will lead to an increase in the percentage of discounts on insurance.

With an increase in the MSC value, the price, respectively, increases.

MSC calculation table

Below is a table that allows you to check and calculate the Malus bonus class, as well as its value. The coefficient is recalculated by year, or rather, depending on the last year of driving and the number of accidents that occurred through the fault of the policyholder.

By default, the history of the policy owner, after the first purchase of OSAGO, starts from class 3, which corresponds to the MSC value equal to 1.

Driver class KBM value Class at the end of the current policy
0 payments for road accidents 1 payment for an accident 2 payments for road accidents 3 paymentsby road accident More than 3 payments for road accidents
M2.45 0 MMMM
0 2.3 1 MMMM
1 1.55 2 MMMM
2 1.4 3 1 MMM
3 1 4 1 MMM
4 0.95 5 2 1 MM
5 0.9 6 3 1 MM
6 0.85 7 4 2 MM
7 0.8 8 4 2 MM
8 0.75 9 5 2 MM
9 0.7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0.65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0.6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0.55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0.5 13 7 3 1 M
Table 1. MSC value

For example, the policyholder has a Malus bonus class equal to 7. The MSC value for this class is 0.8. Let's calculate the bonus malus coefficient in case of accident-free driving during the year. We see that in the absence of an accident after the expiration of the current OSAGO insurance policy, the driver's class will be 8. Using the same table, we can check and make sure that for this class the MTPL is 0.75.

Please note that every year KBM decreases by 0.05 and its minimum value is 0.5 , which will allow the driver to buy a policy with a significant discount from the cost of the standard price.

All drivers are interested in the question of what kind of discount KBM provides for the purchase of the next OSAGO policy. For such calculations, there is a special online calculator that allows you to calculate the cost of the policy based on the bonus malus coefficient. You can also "break through" the price of insurance in the insurance company itself .

Its representatives will calculate the cost, taking into account the MSC. However, situations may arise when the price for the services of the insurer turns out to be higher than the policyholder expected. In this case, you need to check the results and look for the cause of the error.

The error can occur for various reasons.... This can happen due to the cunning of insurers who do not want to reduce the cost of OSAGO insurance. Or maybe there is a more banal reason - an error crept into the history of KBM values. Previously, the entire history of the policyholder was stored only in the insurance company with which he had a contract.

Therefore, when moving to another company, the driver had to submit data from the old company to the office of the new one. To date, all such information is stored in one source - in the archives of the PCA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers).

Therefore, if there is a suspicion of a creeping error and you want to check the AIS RSA discount, then such data can be determined on the official website of the Union. Request a check of the unified OSAGO database you can after going to the corresponding official page of the resource.

This page presents a search form in the form of a series of windows that must be filled in with the relevant information.

After entering your personal data and data on a driver's license, the program will determine what size of KBM and what official PCA discount you are entitled to.

After going to the search form, you will need your personal data (name, date of birth, legal or individual), as well as the minimum data on the contract.

Then you need to enter the security code, after which the program will check its OSAGO database on the driver's insurance history (regardless of the insurance company - whether it is Rosgosstrakh, Ingosstrakh or any other insurer).

After the request has been processed, the system will show you what size the bonus malus coefficient corresponds to your official insurance ... Thus, according to the owner's passport and driver's license in the PCA database, you can easily check the KBM.

But what if suddenly the data in the database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers and the number of your data do not match? How and where to find the error that has crept in? Since all the data in the PCA is submitted by the insurance company, then you need to look for an error in your OSAGO policies purchased from this company. To do this, you need to take all your contracts and check them for inaccuracies.

Since the size of KBM is not indicated in the securities, you will have to recalculate everything yourself. To calculate the inaccuracy of the calculation, it is better to start with the policy number, which is the current one.

If you check the value of the bonus malus coefficient annually, then the calculation number may end with the current insurance , since in previous periods the values ​​of the coefficients converged.

If the information is not verified, then inaccurate data can be in any policy, and probably in several. In this case, you will have to work hard to find inconsistencies. After the error is found, you need to contact the appropriate insurance company for help.

It is most easy to restore KBM in the case when a mistake was made in the last contract. ... For example, your last CTP policy was purchased from Rosgosstrakh. By checking, you found that the coefficient, and therefore the cost of the contract, were determined incorrectly.

To correct inaccuracies, it is enough to contact the company with a corresponding statement. , after which the error will be eliminated within a few days. After that, the data in the PCA will also be updated, which can be checked on the official website.

It will be a little more difficult if the MSC value was incorrectly set in previous policies, moreover, purchased from other companies.

Then the matter will become a little more troublesome, since you will have to run around the offices of different insurance companies. But the most unpleasant option is the following - Insurance Company, which could correct the mistake, ceased to exist.

The situation is unpleasant in that in this case nothing can be fixed, since other insurers, as well as the Russian Union of Auto Insurers itself, do not have the right to make such adjustments to a single base OSAGO data. Considering the fact that the search and determination of the MSC index through the official website of the PCA is not difficult, then much easier to check the data once a year, thus avoiding difficulties.

It is possible to save the value of the bonus malus coefficient after an accident if the issue is resolved with the injured party on the spot , without involving an insurance company. Such a development of events is possible provided that the damage is insignificant and it will be much more expensive to lose the MSC discount than to resolve the issue on the spot.

For example, consider the following situation. A citizen of the Russian Federation has 15 years of experience of accident-free driving. He has a driver class 13, which allows you to purchase an OSAGO policy at a coefficient of 0.5.

It so happened that when leaving the parking lot, he slightly scratched the bumper of a nearby car. If you attract an insurance company and issue an accident, the company will compensate for the damage. But what will the owner of the policy get? Based on the table above, its Malus bonus class will drop to 7, which corresponds to CBM 0.8, which will lead to an increase in the price of subsequent purchased policies.

Besides, to return to driver class 13, the policyholder must leave for the next 6 years without a single accident ... So maybe it is better to solve some issues on the spot on your own and not spoil the history of insurance? Only in the case of serious damage, when it will be cheaper, is it better to involve an insurance company to compensate for the damage!

On the roads of the country, even the most careful driver can fall prey to aggressive or inattentive driving by other road users! This is not his fault. But if an accident happens through your fault, it will affect you in different ways, including financially ... Thus, it is much better and more profitable to protect yourself and not increase the accident rate on the roads.

Take care not only of your own safety, but also of other road users, and in return receive appropriate incentives from insurance companies in the form of a decreasing MSC!

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The price of the CTP policy depends not only on capacity vehicle, driving experience, age and place of residence of the driver, but also on how carefully he behaves on the road. Car owners who do not get into accidents (at least through their own fault) can count on a discount on compulsory motor third party liability insurance of up to 50%. But those who are often to blame for road accidents will pay 2.5 times more for insurance. How much the discount or markup will be depends on the bonus-malus coefficient (BMR). So, what are the rules for calculating MSC?

Discount or fine?

KBM is otherwise called a discount for accident-free driving. If the driver over the past year has never become the culprit of an accident, it means that the insurance company did not have to spend money on it. For this, the client can be encouraged and next year sell him insurance at a discount - to provide a bonus.

If the driver had an accident, then the insurer had to fork out for payments. And in order to compensate for their costs and at the same time stimulate the would-be driver to be more careful on the road, the insurance company, extending the policy, will increase the price of OSAGO - will provide malus.

What accidents are taken into account?

To begin with, we note that not every accident affects the calculation of the MSC. OSAGO is not property. Therefore, the calculation takes into account only those accidents in which the insurer had to make insurance payment for your client.

If the driver is not to blame for the accident, or the accident was not registered with the traffic police, or the issue was settled according to the European protocol, then this does not threaten the car owner with an increase in the cost of compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

Bonus Malus Odds Table

To determine the coefficient, such a table for calculating the MSC is used.

Surcharges and discounts

Bonus Malus Ratio

Source class

New class

0 fear. payments

1 fear. pay

2 fear. payments

3 fear. payments

4 or more insurance payments

The first two columns indicate the class at the beginning of insurance and the corresponding ratio. The remaining columns of the table allow you to determine how the class and KBM will change in the presence or absence of faults.

The column headings show the number of cases in the previous period in which compensation was paid. Accordingly, the first column with the number 0 means that there were no accidents, and the fifth, with the number 4+, indicates that the person had an accident more than four times. The numbers and letters in the body of the table show how the OSAGO class changes depending on the number of accidents on the road due to his fault.

MSC is calculated according to the following principle. One is subtracted from the value of the coefficient, and the result is multiplied by 100%. When a person purchases OSAGO for the first time, he automatically receives the 3rd class with MSC 1. Such a driver pays 100% of the cost of insurance - without any discounts or surcharges.

If the MSC is determined at the level of 0.9, then it turns out: (0.9 - 1) * 100% = -10%. This means that the driver is entitled to a 10% discount.

If the coefficient is 2.45, then: (2.45 - 1) * 100% = 145%. The cost of the policy increases by 145%, that is, the car owner pays 2.45 times more for insurance. This is the punishment for creating accidents on the road.

How to determine the coefficient from the table?

Before calculating the MSC, or rather, discounts or surcharges in accordance with the insurance history, you need to determine the driver's class in order to know which coefficient to apply.

Let's say a car owner recently got a license, bought a car and came to issue MTPL. He is assigned the standard 3rd grade. A year passed, and he came to renew the insurance. The employee looks at the insurance history and finds out that in the past year, accidents have passed the client.

The table shows that in the absence of an accident at the end of the one-year insurance period, the driver goes to the 4th class, and its coefficient decreases from 1 to 0.95. When renewing the contract, the car owner can pay for insurance with a 5% discount. The next time, when registering OSAGO, the insurer will already be guided by the line of the table corresponding to the 4th class.

If it turns out that during this time there was one accident due to the fault of the driver, then its class will change from 3rd to 1st, and MSC will grow from 1 to 1.55. For insurance for the new year will have to pay 55% more. Further, the calculation of the MSC will be made on the basis of the line corresponding to the 2nd class. Only two years later, the person will be able to return the 3rd class and start earning a discount.

If the driver gets into the M class, it will take him five whole years to reach the standard 3rd class again.

If several people are included in the policy, then the discount or premium is determined by the worst of the coefficients.

How do I know my odds?

It is extremely rare that MSC is indicated in insurance policy... Therefore, in order to determine your class for OSAGO and, accordingly, the size of the discount or premium, you will have to contact the insurer, calculate the MSC yourself using the table or use the PCA database.

When requesting a driving class, the insurance company is obliged to provide a certificate in form No. 4 within five days, indicating all the necessary information. This document will come in handy if the car owner plans to change the insurer.

To find out the coefficient on the PCA website, go to the "OSAGO" section and click the "Information for policyholders and victims" tab. Among other information services, you will find the determination of the coefficient. To obtain information, it is enough to enter the full name and driver's license number in the form that opens.

So we learned what the KBM is, why it is needed, and how to calculate it.

Using the form on the website of the Union of Auto Insurers, you can check your BMC (bonus-malus coefficient) using the AIS RSA database. I recommend checking it specifically for it, and not for various unofficial access, because it gives the most complete information. In particular, this check tells where the current value of Kbm came from - which insurance company and by which policy number counted such a value (the policy number, in turn, can be checked).

The request is made directly to the database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers on the specified date(you can choose it). This is important, because firstly, when registering a new policy in the insurance KbM, they will look at the start date of the new policy, i.e. it changes the next day after the end of the current policy. Secondly, if you are included in several OSAGO policies, then when registering a new insurance, they look at the coefficient for the last expired policy. Because of this, the meaning may differ on different days, please keep this in mind. ...

How to calculate how K bm should be?

The information in the PCA database can sometimes be incorrect, that is, the Kbm coefficient (also known as the “discount” for accident-free driving) may be more than you are entitled to. This happens most often when your previous insurance company entered the wrong Kbs into the database when you issued your last policy.

“Class” and “K bm” of the driver are almost the same thing. That is, now the class can uniquely determine K bm, and vice versa.

You can check your KBM using the table below. Starting class = 3.

Table Kbm (discount for compulsory motor third party liability insurance):

Class at the beginning of the insurance period Coefficient (K BM) Class at the end of the insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events
Simply put - if you get into an accident through your fault, next year your class will change to:
0 insurance payments 1 insurance payment 2 insurance payments 3 insurance payments 4 insurance payments
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

Example (how to calculate your Kbm using the table):
Let's say you were insured last year on November 10, 2017. During this year of insurance, you have a certain class and Kbm (it does not change during the insurance period and until 10.11.2018 will be shown when checking Kbm OSAGO online). For example, you now have a grade of 7 and a coefficient of 0.8. You want to know what Kbm will be for the next year. For this:

  • We are looking at the seventh line (grade 7 and Kbm = 0.8). Further, depending on the number of insured events (last five columns) this insurance year you can find out your class for next year. In our example (class 7 is current) it will be:
    • There were no insured events - it means the class for the next year - 8
    • There was 1 insured event - there will be 4th class
    • There were 2 cases - 2
    • Three or more - lower class M
  • Now we look again at the first two columns and, according to the new class, determine the new Kbm for the next year!
  • In order not to look at the table every time, you can remember a simpler rule. If you do not get into an accident through your own fault, then the coefficient decreases by 0.05 every year.

On the site, you can check the driver's KBM using the AIS RSA base for the subsequent execution of the OSAGO contract. In addition, according to the PCA database, you can check the OSAGO policy for authenticity.

Click the button below to open the PCA database.

MSC check is carried out online according to the official database of the PCA website, so MSC can be calculated around the clock and free of charge! You can look at KBM in order to know the discount on compulsory motor third party liability insurance.

Frequent question:

How to restore the KBM in the AIS RSA database? - see the procedure for restoring the link.

Checking drivers by KBM

The KBM check is carried out on the PCA official website, taking into account the following parameters.

  • The unique identifier of the KBM request is provided,
  • It is possible to determine the MSC of individuals and legal entities,
  • It is possible to check the KBM policy without limiting the list of drivers,
  • The program displays data on the previous OSAGO policy, shows the name of the insurance company, as well as the current number of losses.

To make a request for KBM online, you need to enter the data in the KBM verification form:

  • select the number of drivers to check their Kbm (no more than 4 at a time);
  • specify the date to be checked. To check the current coefficient, you need to select the appropriate date. To determine the discount for the future policy, indicate the day following the end of this OSAGO agreement;
  • enter your full name, separated by a space, without regard to case (for example, "Petrov Petr Petrovich");
  • indicate the date of birth;
  • indicate the series of driver's license without registering;
  • enter the VU number;
  • press the button "show KBM";
  • write down the KBM that appears at the bottom of the form.

What is MTPL in OSAGO insurance?

What is CBM OSAGO? Bonus Malus Coefficient (MTPL) is a state-established discount on OSAGO for driving without accidents, which is determined by the corresponding MTPL class for OSAGO. MSC calculation depends on the amount of insurance payments of the previous year and allows you to significantly save money when buying an OSAGO policy. You can get the MTPL coefficient of the driver specified in the OSAGO right here on the website and even without registration. The number of requests for calculating the KBM is not limited.

Features of calculating the discount for OSAGO

Selling OSAGO, the insurance company takes data on MSC in the national automated database AIS RSA, owned by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. If the necessary information is not available in the system, the insurance is calculated with the initial value of the "bonus-malus" equal to 1. The class of the driver (vehicle owner) is determined once during the validity of the annual insurance. This means that in case of payments through the fault of the owner of the car, the MSC increases only when the next contract is drawn up.

When the insurance policy limits the list of allowed persons, the driver who is counting on the discount is obliged to appear in the contract from the very beginning of its validity. If a person has been added to an already valid OSAGO policy, then next year MSC for an incomplete period is not taken into account for him.

The driver receives the bonus-malus coefficient based on the accident rate of his driving under the previous OSAGO contract, from the end of which no more than a year has passed. If there is no insurance history, the base MSC is taken into account equal to 1. The discount accumulated by the driver is retained by him when the insurance is renewed in any insurance company. The driver (or the owner of the vehicle) receives a discount when the previous “accident-free” OSAGO is completed by the entry into force of the new agreement.

Check KBM size

Are KBM checked against the AIS database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers? Since 2013, without checking the MSC on the PCA database, it is impossible to obtain an OSAGO policy. In order to correctly check the MSC, to correctly determine the MSC class for OSAGO, it is imperative to indicate in the AIS request the date that follows the end date valid CTP policy.

RSA - Russian Union of Auto Insurers

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers (aka PCA) is a professional non-profit association of all domestic OSAGO insurers based on the principle of compulsory membership. The purpose of this organization is to ensure mutual cooperation of all auto insurance companies to form general principles of professional activity in compulsory insurance... The concept of the MSC coefficient and its application in the calculation of the motor third party liability insurance for OSAGO dates back to 2003. The RSA electronic database for MTPL includes data on car insurance since the beginning of 2011.

You can find out KBM on the PCA base in a specialized form above. The check is carried out on the basis of the PCA official website. KBM will be calculated strictly on the specified date!

New opportunities:
Buy OSAGO online - registration and payment of the policy via the Internet.

Additional service:
Download a car sale and purchase agreement - a sample and a standard form of monetary policy.
Check the technical inspection on the EAISTO database online.
MTPL calculator online - calculating the cost of the policy.

Ask questions and you can write a comment / review about the official KBM service in the comments window, which is located below.

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