Take out a loan for How to get an IP loan? Note to the individual entrepreneur

In the article, we have compiled a list of 12 largest banks that give entrepreneurs and organizations a loan to start a business from scratch. Also from the article you will learn what documents are needed to obtain a loan, what are the conditions for lending and how to get a loan.

Which bank to get a loan to start a business

Bank % bid Credit amount
Sberbank 16-19% up to 5 million rubles
Alfa Bank 20% up to 6 million rubles
VTB 24 from 11.8% from 850000 rub.
Rosselkhozbank from 10.6% up to 60 million rubles
Raiffansen bank from 12% up to 4.5 million rubles
Uralsib from 13.1% up to 170 million rubles
Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development from 15.1% up to 3 million rubles
Opening from 10% up to 1 million rubles
Promsvyazbank from 12.3% up to 150 million rubles
Sovcombank from 12% up to 30 million rubles
Binbank 15,25% up to 150 million rubles
SKB bank from 14.5% from 70 million rubles

Rates may vary depending on the region of the country. Most banks offer an individual approach to entrepreneurs, selecting for them maximum amount loan and interest rate, regarding the risks of the business plan, the amount of collateral and other parameters. Therefore, the specified data is not always unchanged.

How to get a small business loan from scratch

The path to begins not with a visit to the bank, but with preparation.

First of all, you need:

  1. . A detailed description of the project, the directions of its development, will be needed in any startup. It is on the basis of this document that potential investors form a picture of the business and decide whether it is worth investing in it. It is advisable to include in the business plan all accounting calculations, a market overview, a work plan and a loan repayment schedule.
  2. Define bail. Of course, in theory, a loan for opening an individual entrepreneur can be obtained for one “beautiful” business plan, but in practice, banks are wary of entrepreneurs who do not have real estate, a car or other valuables that can act as collateral. The businessman himself should also not forget that the loan will have to be repaid, and even with rather big interest. Therefore, before going to the bank for a loan, you need to take care of your own "airbag" - cash savings or property (real estate, car, securities and stocks).
  3. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To obtain a business loan, you will need documents confirming that the person is registered with the tax authorities as an entrepreneur.
  4. Select a bank. You need to study not only the tariffs of banks, but also reviews about them. Only directly the clients of the institution can tell about all the pitfalls of the service.

When the preparation is over, the bank is selected, you can apply. You can do this at a bank branch or online.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider obtaining a loan to start a business using the example of visiting Sberbank:

  1. Fill out an application form, which contains information about the entrepreneur and his intentions regarding obtaining a loan.
  2. Select a lending program to start or.
  3. Submit documents to the bank along with an application for a business loan.
  4. Pay off the down payment, or pledge valuable property.
  5. Get the required amount and start your business.

Online application

Most banks today accept applications for a loan via the Internet. For this you need:

  1. Go to the bank's website;
  2. Find the "Small Business Lending" section;
  3. Fill out the form with full information;
  4. Enter your phone number;
  5. Submit the form for consideration and wait for a response.

Small Business Loan Approval Conditions

A loan agreement between a bank and an entrepreneur carries risks for both parties. The lender will not be happy if the borrower receives the money and disappears or fails to repay the debt. Therefore, before issuing a loan, the bank finds out the following information:

  • how much is required and for what needs;
  • the entire amount is needed by the borrower at once or in several payments;
  • what is the planned profit of the enterprise, how stable;
  • what is the planned income of a businessman, taking into account the necessary payments on the loan;
  • are there dark spots in credit history the applicant.

How to get approved for a loan

When an entrepreneur comes to the bank who wants to get a loan for a start-up in the small business sector, specialists financial institution require certain guarantees. These include:

  1. Good credit history. If a businessman has overdue or outstanding payments behind him, the chances of a new loan are reduced to almost zero. Financial institutions prefer not to deal with unscrupulous borrowers.
  2. Mortgaged property- an indicator of a serious approach to credit. It is better to think about what can be pledged to the bank in advance and stock up on documents confirming the ownership and value of the property.
  3. Competent business plan, reflecting confidence in obtaining a stable income.
  4. Parallel Income. If an entrepreneur is employed in a stable job or has other income that does not depend on the new business, then his chances of repaying the loan in the future increase. Income is confirmed by a 2-personal income tax certificate.
  5. Guarantee. A natural or legal person with a favorable credit history can vouch for the borrower.
  6. Starting capital more than 25-30% of the required amount. Starting a business still requires some savings. Starting a business with a loan is always risky, and even more so, you should not expect that the bank will issue a loan for the full amount needed for a startup - you still have to invest some personal funds.
  7. Franchise. Banks are more willing to lend money for a proven brand than for a brand new venture. Therefore, if something is not right in other points, it is better to think about buying a franchise, this will increase the chances of obtaining a loan.

There are other factors that, to a lesser extent, but also increase the chances of successfully obtaining a loan for a small business:

  • age from 30 to 45 years;
  • permanent registration at the place of residence;
  • real estate property;
  • no criminal record;
  • registered marriage.

Who decides

The main task of the bank before approving a loan is to assess the risks and reliability of a particular entrepreneur. To avoid further problems with debts, banks use two main methods:

  • expert review- a subjective decision made by the inspectors of the financial institution;
  • automated scoring system (scoring)– the operator enters the client’s data into the program, fills out the questionnaire, all further analysis takes place without human intervention.

Some banks use two methods at once, which makes the check even more thorough.

What documents need to be provided

Regardless of the bank and tariff, you will need a passport and a military ID to get a loan. If a young man is expected to serve in the army, the bank will most likely refuse to provide a loan.

The bank may also request:

  • income statement (2-NDFL);
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for LLC from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  • business plan;
  • documents on the ownership of the property left as a pledge;
  • guarantor's letter;
  • for the franchisee: an agreement with the franchisor;
  • for persons with temporary registration: its confirmation;
  • if any: contracts with suppliers, lease agreements for business premises, licenses.

Bank agreement

The final document before obtaining a loan is an agreement that must be carefully studied before signing. This document prescribes all the conditions for granting and repaying a loan, so special attention should be paid to the following points:

  • final interest rate;
  • payment schedule;
  • fines;
  • early repayment;
  • obligations and rights of the parties.

Features of small business lending

Why is it so important to get a loan at the rate for a start-up small business? The point is that everything credit programs are developed specifically for certain needs, which means that they take into account the needs of the client as much as possible. So, lending to start-ups in small businesses has its own distinctive features.

  1. The loan amount is greater than consumer credit;
  2. The issued funds are most often transferred to the current account of the entrepreneur;
  3. More interest rate;
  4. Collateral and guarantors are important;
  5. Life and collateral insurance is required.

The bank refused to issue a loan - what to do?

All plans to start your own business can collapse if the bank refuses to issue a loan. In this case, you can contact another bank, but no one can guarantee that they will make a different decision.

It is worth noting that when checking the credit history, the bank will definitely receive information that the data on the citizen has already been requested by another bank.

It is also very difficult to work on mistakes, since according to the law, a financial institution is not required to substantiate its refusal and voice its reason.

But even if the bank refused the application, and it is not possible to change its decision, this is not a reason to give up. There are other ways to earn money:

  • Loan amounts for needs individuals smaller, but easier to get. Some banks in exchange for high interest they don’t even ask for the borrower’s credit history, which means you can take several of these loans at once.
  • non-bank loan. If the credit history does not satisfy even for obtaining a consumer loan, then the option remains to contact a non-banking organization that has the right to issue loans to individuals. However, they issue small amounts, for shorter periods and at high interest rates - in a word, on the most unfavorable conditions for the entrepreneur.
  • . Each region has its own state and commercial centers that finance outstanding business projects. However, in order to achieve such assistance, the business idea must be truly original and profitable. Municipal authorities willingly finance programs that ensure the flow of funds and resources to the region. This may be a new production Agriculture, education, tourism and ecology.
  • Broker services. For a fee (up to 15% of the loan amount), an experienced broker will analyze the needs and opportunities of the entrepreneur and select the best offer for him. Also, the broker will help in evaluating the loan.
  • Partnership with a large company. If an entrepreneur has connections among business giants, you can find a patron who will help, including with financing.


Hello. In this article, we will talk about whether an individual entrepreneur can apply for a consumer loan at a bank.

Today you will learn:

  • What is a consumer loan;
  • What package of documents does the bank request;
  • Which banks have the best offers for individual entrepreneurs.

Features of consumer lending

Any citizen can apply to a bank, confirm solvency and get money in debt.

consumer credit- this is the amount of money that lenders give to individuals for personal needs.

In practice, citizens seek help to:

  • Buy the necessary goods: refrigerator, telephone or TV;
  • : cottage, garage or add funds for ;
  • Pay for education both in a higher educational institution and special courses;
  • Get treated;
  • Buy a ticket and have a good rest;
  • Make a good repair in the apartment;
  • Buy a car.

Of course, before contacting a lender, you need to weigh your financial abilities and determine how much is needed. But how much loan are banks willing to lend?

In practice, the consumer credit limit is set on an individual basis and depends on:

  • The solvency of the client;
  • The presence of a stable income and official work;
  • Availability of collateral;
  • The presence of a guarantor who will agree to cover all costs to the lender if the borrower is unable to pay.

Also, do not forget that the maximum loan amount will depend on the chosen program and the loan term.

It must be borne in mind that not only you choose a lender, but he also chooses you. Banks approach the choice of their borrowers very responsibly.

Lenders, evaluating a client, take into account:

  • Solvency. This is the very first thing financial companies look at as they need assurance that the borrower will repay the borrowed funds.
  • Manager rating. Oddly enough, but as soon as you contact a bank employee in order to obtain a loan, you will literally be “scanned”. The specialist will monitor your every move, evaluate your behavior and record how you answer tricky questions.
  • Credit history. Today, no loan is granted without checking the credit file. The bank will carefully study the statistics of previously issued obligations and only after that will make a decision. If you have a damaged credit history, you should not rely on profitable terms and maximum loan amount.

Can a sole trader take out a consumer loan?

Many entrepreneurs are trying to raise additional funds in order to expand. But what if it doesn't work? In such a situation, the only way out is to contact the bank for help! But are lenders ready to provide consumer loans to individual entrepreneurs? As a matter of fact, why not?

If an individual entrepreneur meets the conditions and requirements of a financial company, he can receive the necessary amount of money in debt. The only thing worth taking into account is that the conditions and requirements for an entrepreneur will differ from those for an ordinary borrower.

A consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs is a profitable tool for business development.

Lenders are ready to issue funds, the intended purpose of which will be:

  • Development of own business;
  • Purchase of new equipment;
  • Increasing the production base;
  • Modernization in order to expand the range;
  • Acquisition of retail space and much more.

The main thing for the lender is that the funds should be used exclusively for business development, and not for personal purposes.

Features of IP lending

It should be borne in mind that financial companies have long been providing loans for consumer needs to individual entrepreneurs. Only here the conditions for individual entrepreneurs are slightly different from the conditions for standard products intended for ordinary citizens.

Peculiarities consumer lending for IP:

  1. Solvency.

If an ordinary citizen, when applying to a bank for help, can confirm income by providing a certificate of the amount wages, then the entrepreneur is much more complicated. Instead of a certificate, the entrepreneur must provide financial statements for at least the last year.

At the same time, it should be understood that there is no guarantee that in subsequent years there will be a similar profitability. Nevertheless, creditors carefully analyze all the information received, take into account other factors, and only then make a decision.

  1. Credit history.

This requirement is the same for both individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

Banks are ready to meet halfway and issue a consumer if:

  • The entrepreneur has no overdue payments on existing loans;
  • There are no active obligations, or the amount of active loan is minimal;
  • The dynamics of previously repaid loans is positive;
  • You are not to write off all financial debts to banks.
  1. Business.

If you only received a certificate yesterday, then the financial company will most likely refuse to receive a loan. The thing is that financial companies are not charitable foundations that help everyone. The bank needs guarantees that you will be able to repay the debt, including interest.

In practice, those who have been active for at least a year can receive funds for development debt. Apart from the term, creditors take note of the direction of your case. However, there are banks that are ready to provide loans to start-up entrepreneurs.

  1. Collateral.

As already noted, the creditor needs guarantees that the debt will be fully repaid. Priority is given to those entrepreneurs who can pledge personal property.

Property owned by the entrepreneur is accepted as collateral:

  • Flat;
  • Car;
  • Country house;
  • Garage;
  • Land plot;
  • Securities.

When providing collateral, you need to understand that the loan amount will depend on the market value of the collateral. You can provide the bank with an apartment and a car at once to get a larger limit.

  1. Additional information.

In addition to the basic requirements, the lender will take into account:

  • How taxes are paid: on time or with violations;
  • Do you delay wages for your employees or do you receive payment according to the deadlines;
  • Are there administrative or criminal offenses.

Types of consumer loans

Entrepreneurs can take advantage of financial offers that are valid for all citizens.

Consider all possible types:

  1. Without references, or known to everyone by passport.

You can only borrow money with a passport. The entire registration procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. It would seem a great option, but in fact, not everything is so good. The interest rate for such products is too high and the client is forced to overpay for such convenience.

  1. Express loan.

This financial product is also distinguished by an overestimated interest rate and a minimum package of documents. You should not count on a large limit when choosing this product. In practice, banks lend no more than 50,000 rubles. As you understand, this is not the amount that is necessary for business development.

  1. Consumer credit.

This product can be obtained only by providing all documents at the request of a loan officer. In some cases, when a large amount of money is required, it is necessary to provide collateral or attract a solvent guarantor. The rate for using borrowed funds is much lower than for other types.

Required documents for obtaining a loan

In order to apply for an IP loan, you will need:

  1. The passport;
  2. IP registration certificate;
  3. Extract from the USRIP, received no more than 14 days at the time of application;
  4. Tax return for the last year;
  5. Bank statement showing all receipts and debits on the account;
  6. Receipts for payment of tax contributions.

At its discretion, the lender may request an additional package of documents:

  1. If a guarantor is involved:
  • Passport of the guarantor and the second personal document;
  • A copy of the work book of the guarantor;
  • Information about the amount of wages of the guarantor.
  1. When the deposit is given:
  • Certificate of ownership.

Only in the presence of a complete package of documents, an application for a consumer loan is filled out.

Special programs for IP

For individual entrepreneurs, banks have developed several programs at once:

  1. Business start up loan. You can get such a loan under the state or municipal program. It is these programs that provide support for a young entrepreneur.

To apply for a soft loan, an entrepreneur must draw up. In addition to a business plan, you will need to find a solvent guarantor or provide collateral. You can only borrow money for 3 years.

  1. Development loan. Under this product, lenders are ready to lend money to buy new equipment, purchase raw materials or increase assets. A distinctive feature of this product lies in the intended purpose. For each ruble spent, borrowed from a creditor, the entrepreneur must present a full report with payment receipts.

To apply for a bank loan, experienced experts advise entrepreneurs:

  1. It is best to contact the bank in which you have an account for doing business. The only thing to consider is that you must have no outstanding payments. In practice, financial companies offer existing customers preferential terms lending.
  2. To secure a consumer loan, it is worth providing collateral. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that creditors themselves make an assessment and decide whether the property is suitable as collateral or not.
  3. Always agree to the execution of an insurance contract. Undoubtedly, this is an overpayment, but you need to look at it from the other side. In this case, the insurance contract is a guarantee that debts will be repaid if something happens to you.
  4. And, of course, it is worth presenting everything Required documents, at the request of a bank specialist. The more documents you collect, the more profitable the financial product you can get. In financial matters, do not rush and get a loan with just two documents.

In which banks can I get a loan

There are a lot of lenders in the financial services market. Each institution offers its own conditions for IP. But how not to make a mistake and make the right choice? For your convenience, we have collected offers from the best banks that have proven their stability over the years.

List of banks:


Especially for IP, Sberbank created a product called "Confidence". A consumer loan is provided without collateral for any needs of an entrepreneur.

To take advantage of the offer, the annual revenue must be at least 60,000,000 rubles.

VTB 24

VTB Bank offers to use a loan product, intended use which is business development. Collateral is required to obtain a loan.



Sovcombank is one of the leaders in consumer lending. It is very easy to get a loan because the company sets minimum requirements. To apply for a loan, you only need a passport and a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Alfa Bank

Especially for individual entrepreneurs, Alfa-Bank created the Partner program. You can get a decision in just 30 minutes. Those entrepreneurs whose activity has been carried out for at least 1 year can count on receiving a consumer loan. It is also worth considering that the guarantee of the spouse is required.

Not all domestic banks today lend to individual entrepreneurs. And it is especially problematic to get a loan when it comes to an unsecured contract. However, among reputable Russian companies, there are still those that provide businessmen with loans without collateral and guarantors. These organizations are the subject of this review.

Features of IP lending

In order for a representative of a small or medium-sized business to take out a loan without collateral, he needs to:

  • The first is to meet all the requirements credit institution to borrowers.
  • The second is to provide a complete package of the requested documentation.

In addition, banks enter into loan agreements with individual entrepreneurs (individual entrepreneurs) only for certain purposes. Currently, you can apply for a loan without collateral and guarantors for the following needs:

  • Acquisition of the necessary equipment and machinery;
  • Expansion of its production assets;
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials for production;
  • Payment for certain services;
  • Restructuring of previously issued loans;
  • Purchase of commercial real estate.

In some data organizations, the list may be more extended.

Required documents

Before coming to the bank to sign a loan agreement, a businessman (individual entrepreneur) must collect a package of such mandatory documents:

  • your personal civil passport of the sample of the Russian Federation;
  • registration certificate of an individual entrepreneur
  • an act stating that the businessman is included in the state register;
  • certificate from tax organization on registration;
  • all available accounting acts - income and expense receipts, checks, ledgers, and so on;
  • an extract from the credit bureau (read how to check if there are debts through the BKI for free).

Also, in the branch of the financial company, the borrower must personally fill out an application - a questionnaire for a loan.

Maximum term

You can get a business loan, both for a short and long term. The maximum crediting period is offered by Sovcombank. It is equal to 60 months from the date of the loan.

Top 5 bank offers

An individual businessman can apply for a loan without collateral and guarantors in many financial institutions. However, the most favorable conditions are offered by the following Russian banks(top five best offers):

  • Sberbank of Russia - Trust program;
  • Sovcombank - unsecured consumer loan;
  • OTP Bank - offer "Overdraft for business";
  • Raiffeisen Bank - Express project;
  • Renaissance credit - a loan without collateral on a card.

Consider the proposals of these companies in more detail.


Sberbank is presenting a special profitable project for individual entrepreneurs called "Trust". Its terms:

  • interest rate - from 16.5% per annum;
  • the maximum amount is 3 million rubles (most often the bank confirms applications for);
  • the minimum threshold is 30,000 rubles;
  • The maximum credit term is 36 months.

Additional requirements for the borrower: age from 23 to 60 years, the period of continuous running your own business - at least six months. More about business loans at Sberbank can be found at


The conditions for granting a consumer loan for individuals and individual entrepreneurs for any purpose without collateral and guarantors are as follows:

  • interest rate - from 12% per annum;
  • the largest amount - 400 thousand rubles;
  • the period of the agreement is 5 years.

This type of loan is available even for entrepreneurs with zero reporting.

OTP Bank

For representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, OTP Bank offers the Overdraft for Business project for short term under low interest and without collateral:

  • overpayment percentage - from 11.5% per year;
  • amount - 200,000 - 5,000,000;
  • overdraft period - 1 year;
  • term of tranches - within 2 months;
  • the period of consideration of the application is no more than three days.

An individual entrepreneur can apply for a loan online through the official resource of the company. You can also come to the branch of a financial institution and fill out the application form in person. Pay OTP loan bank can be through the Internet bank card Sberbank. (Instruction)

Raiffeisen bank

Raiffeisen Bank lends to small businesses without collateral and guarantors under the Express program on the following terms:

  • interest rate - from 12%;
  • the maximum amount is 2 million rubles;
  • crediting period - from 4 to 48 months.

An application submitted by an individual entrepreneur via the Internet is processed within 15 minutes.

Renaissance Credit

The Renaissance Credit company offers individual entrepreneurs a loan on a card on such favorable terms:

  • annual percentage - from 24.9%;
  • interest-free use limit - 55 days;
  • the maximum loan amount is 200,000 rubles.

In addition, the bank does not charge money for issuing and using a card, and a decision on a loan is made in no more than a couple of hours.

Individual, citizen of the Russian Federation

  • Is a founder/co-founder legal entity
    • The share of the owner in the authorized capital is the maximum (or at least 25%) of all co-founders with a holding period of more than 6 months
  • Or registered as a sole trader
    • With a business period of at least 9 months as of the date of application for a loan
    • Age from 22 to 65 years old inclusive, on the date of application


  • The term of doing business is at least 9 months on the date of application for a loan
  • The age of the owner with the largest share in the authorized capital is from 22 to 65 years old inclusive, as of the date of application
  • The share of the owner in the authorized capital is at least 25% or is the maximum of all co-founders with a shareholding period of more than 6 months
  • Proof of intended use required

Requirements for guarantors

For an individual, a citizen of the Russian Federation

  • Guarantee of any individual aged 18 to 70 inclusive
  • Guarantee of the co-founders of the enterprise if the borrower is one of the founders of a legal entity with a share of less than 50% in the authorized capital
  • Guarantee of the spouse if the borrower is married and the loan amount is more than 3,000,000 rubles

For an individual entrepreneur

  • Guarantee of at least one natural person
  • Spouse's guarantee if the borrower is married and the loan amount is more than 3,000,000 rubles
  • Guarantee of a third party (not the owner of the IP)

For a legal entity

  • Guarantee of at least two individuals
  • Guarantee of the co-founders of the enterprise, if the borrower is one of the founders of a legal entity with a share of less than 50% in the authorized capital
  • The co-founder (individual), the spouse of the founder or a third party can act as the second guarantor

Fill out the forms

1. Questionnaire of an Individual
- Borrower
- Guarantor (corresponding to the number of loan guarantors who are either a co-founder of the Borrower's Enterprise, or a spouse of the Borrower, or a "real" business owner/co-owner)

Contains information about the Borrower's Enterprise - Legal Entity / Individual Entrepreneur

3. Application for a loan product
Contains information about the participants in the transaction, as well as the parameters of the requested loan

4. Application for accession to the Comprehensive banking service individuals in JSC "ALFA-BANK" and the consent of the FL to the processing of personal data and the receipt by JSC "ALFA-BANK" of a credit report from the Credit Bureau

Provide documents

Copies of the following pages are required: a spread with a photo, a page with a stamp on the current registration, marital status, information about previously issued passports


Copies loan agreements of the Borrower, the Guarantors and/or the Borrower's Enterprise with other creditors (only a copy of the loan repayment schedule is allowed) or a certificate from the bank confirming information on the amount of debt, the amount of the monthly payment and/or the terms of the loan repayments (if any)

Additionally, if the Borrower's Enterprise is a JSC, OJSC, CJSC (PJSC)
An extract from the register of shareholders or an extract from the register of registered owners valuable papers(drawn up not earlier than 1 month before the date of application for the Loan)

Fill out the forms

1. Application for a loan product
Contains information about the participants in the transaction, as well as the parameters of the requested loan

2. Questionnaire of the Enterprise / Questionnaire of the Individual Entrepreneur
Contains information about the Borrower LE/IP

3. Questionnaire of an Individual
Contains information about the participants in the transaction - Guarantors (corresponds to the number of guarantors for the loan)

4. Consent of the legal entity to receive JSC "ALFA-BANK" a credit report from the Credit Bureau

5. Consent of the Guarantor to the processing of personal data and the receipt of a credit report by ALFA-BANK JSC from the Credit Bureau

Provide documents

Copies of passports of participants in the transaction - individuals
Copies of the following pages are required: a spread with a photo, a page with a stamp on the current registration, marital status, information about previously issued passports


With loan agreements
Copies of loan agreements of the Borrower, Guarantors with other creditors (only a copy of the loan repayment schedule is allowed) or a certificate from the bank confirming information on the amount of debt, the amount of the monthly payment and / or the timing of payments under loan product(in the presence of)

Additionally for JSC, OJSC, CJSC (PJSC)
Extract from the register of shareholders or an extract from the register of holders of registered securities (completed no earlier than 1 month as of the date of filing an application for a Loan)

To open your own business, very often, additional cash. For help, you can contact financial institutions that provide loans for entrepreneurial activities from scratch.

Experts note that such a loan pays off within one year. Therefore, many banks cooperate with novice businessmen. After the economic crisis, the conditions for granting large loans were tightened, but with the right approach, you can increase the chances of approval of the application.

To increase the chances of obtaining a loan for an individual entrepreneur, it is recommended to correctly draw up a business plan, find guarantors or provide liquid collateral in the form of real estate. Having a positive credit history is also an important indicator of a potential borrower.

Where to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) to open a business from scratch (for a small business)

Many banking organizations are developing special programs for private entrepreneurs who want to start from scratch. In this case, the lender takes into account only the plans and ideas of the borrower. Thus, financial institutions bear large risks, so the size of the loan to start is small, and the interest rate is high.

Before contacting the bank, it is necessary to develop a business plan, which should include items with the following information:

  • The amount of funds required.
  • Purpose of using money.
  • Estimated profit from entrepreneurial activity.
  • How much can be withdrawn from circulation in order to make mandatory payments on the loan.
  • Alternative business development solutions.

This document will allow the lender to assess the feasibility of granting a loan. In addition, when making a decision, the presence of a business plan is taken into account.

Banking organizations offer businessmen the following products:

  • Express loan. Designed for individual entrepreneurs who urgently need additional funds. The decision is made within one hour. The borrower needs to submit a minimum of documentation. It is important to note that such a loan is issued at high interest rates.
  • Consumer credit for individual entrepreneurs. In this case, you need to collect the necessary package of documents. Security in the form of a bond or surety may also be required.
  • Cash loan for businessmen. Some financial institutions open lines of credit for start-up entrepreneurs.

It is important to note that not all banks cooperate with novice businessmen. Therefore, you need to carefully study the conditions. Experts recommend applying for a loan in a financial institution, where to open a current account.

The best loan offers for businessmen in 2017

Sberbank of Russia

A profitable loan for a beginner IP is offered by Sberbank of Russia. The product "Trust" allows you to realize the idea. Business loan terms:

  • The loan is provided for any purpose, without the provision of liquid collateral.
  • A secured loan is issued at a reduced interest rate.
  • The base rate is only 16.5%.
  • The credit limit is 3,000,000 rubles.
  • The maximum loan period is 3 years.

Bank of Moscow

A financial institution has developed a universal loan for the opening and development of entrepreneurial activities.

  • The loan amount is 150,000 - 150,000,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 1-60 months.
  • The interest rate is formed on an individual basis.
  • Security is mandatory.
  • The decision on the application is made no more than 5 days.

OTP bank

The main advantage of OTP Bank is that the application can be filled out on the website, and in a few minutes you will find out about the decision.

  • The loan amount is 15,000 - 750,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 12-48 months.
  • The rate is 14.9%.
  • No collateral required.

Renaissance Credit

The financial organization specializes in providing consumer loans not only to the population, but also to individual entrepreneurs.

  • The loan amount is 30,000 - 500,000 rubles.
  • The interest rate is formed individually and can be 15.9-29.1%.
  • Loan period: 24-60 months.
  • No collateral required.
  • For registration, it is enough to present a valid Russian passport and an additional document.


Lending terms:

  • The maximum loan amount can be 400,000 rubles.
  • The base rate is 12%.
  • The application is filled out online, and the loan is issued at a representative office of a financial institution.
  • The maximum loan period is 5 years.
  • The decision is made within one hour.

Thus, a novice businessman can pick up an offer on favorable terms.

Loan conditions for individual entrepreneurs in Sberbank. Calculator for 2017

Sberbank of Russia offers various products for individual entrepreneurs. One of these programs is the "Business Project", which allows not only to open new business but also modernize and expand it.

The main advantages of such a long-term loan are:

  • Significant amounts of loans.
  • A long period.
  • If necessary, you can get a deferment.
  • Expert advice.

Conditions for granting a loan for an individual entrepreneur:

  • The loan period is 3-120 months.
  • Minimum bet on interest is 11.8%.
  • The loan is provided only in Russian rubles.
  • Minimum availability of own money: 10%.
  • The payment of the principal debt can be deferred for one year.
  • Loan amount: 2,500,000 - 200,000,000 rubles.
  • Security in the form of a liquid collateral or surety is required.
  • There are no additional commissions.
  • When providing a pledge, the property must be insured.

To get a loan to start a business, on the Sberbank website, you need to fill out electronic form applications. To eliminate the risk of refusal, all information must be reliable.

To calculate the approximate overpayment on the loan and the amount of monthly payments, you need to go to the address: http://www.sberbank.ru/ru/person/credits/money/consumer_unsecured. Fill in all the fields and click on the "Calculate" button.

It is important to note that the calculator allows you to find out approximate numbers. For more accurate information, please check with your bank manager.

Credit without collateral and guarantors in Sberbank. Is it possible to apply and how to do it?

Sberbank of Russia provides an opportunity for novice entrepreneurs to obtain a loan without providing liquid collateral in the form of real estate or vehicles.

To obtain a loan, on the website of a financial institution, go to the "Small Business" section, then select "Loans and Guarantees", where click on the "Business Trust" tariff.

The loan is issued for up to 4 years. The minimum interest rate is 18.5%. The loan amount can reach 3,000,000 rubles, without charging additional fees.

To obtain a long-term loan, you must complete several steps:

  • Fill out an application at the representative office banking organization or on the official website.

  • Submit a list of required documents (constituent, financial, business documentation).
  • Wait for the lender's decision.
  • If the application is approved, then potential borrower the manager will call to clarify all the nuances of obtaining a loan.

It is important to note that such a program has some limitations, therefore it is not available in all cities of Russia.

If the future client cannot find guarantors and provide collateral, then there is another option for obtaining a loan for the development of an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you need to apply for a consumer loan.

Lending terms:

  • The loan is non-targeted.
  • The maximum loan amount can be 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 3-60 months.
  • There are no hidden fees.
  • No collateral required.
  • The interest rate is formed on an individual basis and can be 14.9-22.9%.

Thus, a novice businessman can take advantage of several offers from a financial institution.

Loan for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting

An individual entrepreneur must submit special reports, even if he does not carry out his main activity. Such reporting is considered null. Is it possible to get approval for a loan in such a situation?

Any financial institution, before making a decision on an application from an individual entrepreneur, first of all takes into account financial statements. Therefore, they try not to cooperate with businessmen whose reporting is zero. To increase the chances of approval, it is necessary to provide liquid collateral or find solvent guarantors.

Primary requirements:

  • If the entrepreneur has a zero declaration, then the main condition for lending is to carry out activities for more than 1 year, after passing the registration procedure. If the borrower can document their income, then no security may be required.
  • Submission of documents: statement of financial condition, registration certificate, zero reporting and others.

However, you need to understand that in this case, banks are trying to minimize their risks, so they provide a small amount at high interest rates, compared to loans that are issued to companies with existing income.

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