Wtb tick insurance. The main nuances of tick bite insurance

A tick bite can lead to various unpleasant consequences for human health. Despite the fact that at different times of the year, tick activity either decreases or increases, in fact, you can become a victim of a tick at any warm time of the year. Treatment of diseases that appear as a result of a tick bite can be quite expensive. In order to avoid additional medical costs and health problems as a result of a tick bite, you need to think about safety in advance. To do this, you can take advantage of tick bite insurance.

Who needs a tick insurance policy?

During the period of increased tick activity, it is better to refrain from walking in parks, forests and other tick habitats. This, of course, will help reduce the risk of an insect bite, but it greatly limits the possibility of outdoor recreation, especially in spring and summer. Therefore, people who like to spend a lot of time in nature and in green recreation areas can purchase tick insurance to ensure a carefree holiday at any time.

Many live in regions with an increased risk of being bitten by a tick. For them, insurance against tick-borne encephalitis is also more than relevant.

You can consult with our employees online to choose or buy the right type of insurance.

The tick is a dangerous insect that is a carrier of deadly diseases and is awake from late spring until early autumn. By the onset of the warm season, many city dwellers go out into nature, forgetting about precautionary measures and protection - in May, a large number of encephalitis tick bites are recorded annually.

In addition, the resistance of insects to polluted city air is increasing - many lovers of relaxing in park areas within the city turned out to be a victim of a bloodsucker. It should be remembered not only that you need to wear closed clothes in the forest and use sprays and aerosols to protect yourself from them, but you also need to know the important features of insurance against a tick bite. Why insure and what are the benefits?

Issuing a policy health insurance from a tick bite costs about 200-300 rubles (the cost varies in different regions of the country and depends on the insurance conditions and services that are included in the contract).

If you do not have such a policy, you will have to spend more money. After a tick bite, you will need to undergo a series of procedures, some of which are paid. For example, the study of a tick for various diseases costs about 350 rubles for each disease. An analysis for several major infections is much cheaper than for each separately and costs about 800 rubles. You can not do tests, but suddenly the tick turns out to be a carrier of encephalitis - then you will have to pay a higher price.

Also, several ampoules of immunoglobulin should be included in your own expenses (1 ampoule per 10 kg of weight costs about 800 rubles). Children are given an injection for free, adults - for a fee, and besides, not in all medical institutions there is this drug, you will probably have to look for the substance elsewhere and take it to the nurse for sale. If you have a tick insurance policy, you have the right to go to a clinic with which Insurance Company entered into an agreement to receive an injection, and it must be available.

In total, it turns out about 7 thousand rubles of own expenses for the study of the tick and possible treatment instead of the possible 300 rubles for the policy.

Payout amount

Herself Government program tick bite insurance does not include cash payments, it is aimed at timely provision medical care. However, the contract stipulates the amount, which varies from 50 thousand rubles to 1 million. These figures mean that in the event of a bite from an infected tick, you will be offered assistance, which will cost within this amount.

The amount depends on the cost of the policy. It should be understood that all the necessary medical care costs a lot of money, so you should pay attention to the fact that the sum insured is realistic.

Tip: to verify the good intentions of the company, you should compare the number indicated in the contract and the actual cost of services.

Often, company employees promise a small list of services and indicate a fabulous amount - this is also an indicator of deception.

Video: Tick bite insurance

What can be obtained under the insurance policy?

Tick ​​bite insurance should include the following:

  • removal of an insect from the patient's body - the nuance of some insurances is that if the removal of the bloodsucker was not done on an outpatient basis, but happened at home, the policy ceases to be valid;
  • tick tests for viruses can be different, but experts assure that it is necessary to have research on and, since they are the most common. It is advisable that the medical staff take a blood sample of the victim to detect infection. It is also worth checking with an employee of the insurance company - how many times you can apply for help under the policy - sometimes under an asterisk in the contract it is written that the policy is valid once, then services are provided for a nominal fee;
  • injection of immunoglobulin (if there is evidence) - the drug is administered if the tick turned out to be a carrier of encephalitis and if it is not possible to conduct an analysis. If the threat was not detected, the injection is not provided, the immunoglobulin is injected in the first 4 days after infection;
  • prevention of borreliosis - not always included in the insurance contract, but if the study showed that the tick was a carrier of Lyme disease, you will be provided with all the necessary assistance;
  • hospitalization is carried out if medical care was provided on time, but the symptoms of the disease still began to appear, the contract should clearly spell out the nuances of hospitalization, it is best if it includes hospital treatment and the cost of medicines. Some drugs are included in the list of vital for a person - they are not covered by insurance, as well as those that were "assigned" by the patient to himself;
  • encephalitis and Lyme disease are serious diseases that not only take a very long time to heal, but also greatly affect the body, so patients often require a long recovery period. This is an additional clause in the contract, its presence is not required, but it is desirable if you want to provide for all options for the outcome.

The best insurance option would be a full package of services. In some cases, companies make a payment in the amount of 100 thousand rubles in the list in case of disability or death of the victim.

Where can I present the policy?

The policy is valid on the territory of the city where the contract was concluded, but if you are going on a trip and draw up an insurance contract, in order to provide for all the nuances, you should study this issue in more detail with an insurance agent. You also need to find out what documents you need to take with you on a trip if a tick attack catches you in another area.

Entry into force of the policy

The document usually states when the contract comes into force and from what day you can get medical care. Some companies are trying to save money on their customers and set the start date of the action not the day the paper was signed, but the next one or even the second or third. It is impossible to get free help before the entry of the tick insurance policy.

Obligations of the insured person

Any contract provides for the rights and obligations of both parties, as well as ways to resolve disputes. Before signing the document, you must carefully read your responsibilities.

Typically, only two details are prescribed in contracts:

  1. contact only those medical clinics which are specified in the appendix to the contract;
  2. You must apply within 4 days after the tick bite.

If in the hospital with which he cooperates insurance organization, there was no immunoglobulin preparation, then you have the right to go to another institution, only before that you need to call the agent and clarify what papers are needed so that the expenses are reimbursed.

Ways to save

Of course, saving on your own health is not the best option, but in this case, the savings is appropriate. There are many ways to insure the whole family more cheaply.

For example, insuring a child against a tick bite will be cheaper than drawing up a contract for an adult. Many companies provide insurance for the whole family, make discounts for parents with many children and pensioners. These nuances should be taken into account when you want to insure.

Benefits of insurance

Insects are now becoming more frost-resistant, they begin to wake up in March, when snow still lies in many Russian cities, so you need to take care of getting insurance in advance. An important point of obtaining medical care is tick insurance.

"Mite insurance" is in quotation marks, because such VHI policy does not provide a guarantee against a tick bite (smile), but in combination with proper vaccination, repellent-treated clothing and regular inspection, it minimizes possible financial expenses and adverse consequences. It is more correct to call such insurance "covering the costs of medical consultations, laboratory tests, treatment and rehabilitation, or the payment of monetary compensation for the bite of an ixodid tick." Not every tick is contagious. If the tick (alive or dead) managed to be removed from itself, then you need to hand it over for analysis. If it was not possible (it was lost, plucked and thrown away), then you need to donate blood for analysis. Help on compulsory medical insurance policy(removal of a tick, a course of immunoglobulin when indicated) in case of a tick bite, it turns out to be free, but you will have to pay for the study. If the tick turned out to be contagious, seroprophylaxis is prescribed, and it must be carried out no later than the fourth day after the bite.

Around midnight, a friend called me and complained about a recent contact with a tick, but today his hand went numb and he is going to go to the pharmacy for immunoglobulin (!). I decided to give myself an injection. To the questions "is there a temperature" and "whether he called an ambulance" he received an answer only in the morning. The whole thing was different .. But I decided to investigate the issue.

Some infections carried by ticks:
1. Tick-borne encephalitis virus. The disease begins acutely, accompanied by chills, severe headache, a sharp rise in temperature to 38-39 degrees, nausea, and vomiting. Concerned about muscle pain, which is most often localized in the neck and shoulders, thoracic and lumbar back, limbs. Despite the potential for infection and reinfection, the actual infection of the main vectors in the foci of infection is relatively low at almost all developmental phases and varies from fractions to several percent. Only in remote areas of the Far East, Siberia and the Urals does it reach 10-15%

2. Tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease). It is one of the diseases caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which is transmitted by the bite of ticks, including Ixodes ricinus. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by arthritis, and the skin, central nervous system, heart, eyes, and other organs can also be affected. Characterized by skin lesions in the form of erythema migrans - a spreading red rash on the skin at the site of a tick bite. In rare cases, if the arthritis in Lyme disease is not treated, the disease can progress and affect the central nervous system.

3. Human monocytic erelichiosis and human granulocytic anaplasmosis. These two infections are similar in clinical presentation and also differ in a variety of symptoms. They can occur both in a mild asymptomatic form and in a severe variant of the course of infection. MEC is manifested by a syndrome of general intoxication and the development of acute anicteric hepatitis, in some cases, CNS damage in the form of encephalitis and serous meningitis. The clinical picture of HAS is characterized by fever, malaise, headaches and muscle pain, in some cases - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, joint pain.

4. Tick-borne rickettsiosis. Natural focal human infection, the causative agents of which are rickettsiae. For these microorganisms, ixodid ticks serve not only as carriers, but also as natural reservoirs due to the ability of these pathogens to carry for life.

5. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. The disease is characterized by fever, severe intoxication and hemorrhages on the skin and internal organs. First identified in 1944 in the Crimea. Patients must be isolated in the infectious diseases department of the hospital. Treatment is symptomatic and etiotropic. Prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics.

6. Tularemia. An acute infectious disease characterized by fever, general intoxication, damage to the lymphatic apparatus, skin, mucous membranes, and, in case of aerogenic infection, to the lungs. The disease begins acutely: chills appear, body temperature rises rapidly to 39-40°C. Patients complain of strong headache, weakness, muscle pain, insomnia, may be vomiting. Diagnosis of tularemia in the early days of the disease (before the appearance of buboes) presents significant difficulties.

7. Marseille fever and Q fever. A rarity in the forest zone, but also dangerous.

VHI insurance:
I would call such insurance obligatory not only for those who regularly travel to the "field" by the nature of their activity and residents of rural areas, but also for urban residents who occasionally go out into nature. Even the official statistics of Rospotrebnadzor cannot give a real picture of the distribution and number of "sick" ticks in Russia. It takes into account only the number of cases of seeking help from medical institutions (sometimes questionnaires) and the percentage of those infected with a particular disease and does not take into account many other factors (the person did not want to, was properly equipped, ignored suction, etc.)

Such an insurance policy can be bought at the office or online (from most) on the website of insurance companies. To do this, you need to specify your region, date of birth and pay electronically. Will be sent to the specified postal address electronic policy, which should be saved and preferably printed so that it is always with you.
For example, let's take seven large insurance companies and see what and for how much they can offer:

1. Sberbank Insurance. "The program provides for the organization and payment of a set of medical measures necessary for a tick bite. Insurance will help you get the help of qualified specialists in a timely manner at no additional cost."

2. Rosgosstrakh. "Under the CHI policy medical workers they will help with a tick bite and perform laboratory tests, but the payment for the administered immunoglobulin lies on the patient's shoulders. Our insurance program, depending on the terms of the contract and for medical reasons, includes the following services: laboratory tests and emergency seroprophylaxis with anti-tick immunoglobulin, accommodation in a comfortable ward during hospitalization with full medical support, observation of the insured within 3-6 months after treatment in a hospital and etc. We cooperate with some of the best medical institutions in Russia."

3. Reso-Guarantee. "The policy provides for the provision of medical assistance to the Insured throughout the territory Russian Federation in case of contact with an ixodid tick. Contact is not only a bite, but also an ixodid tick on the skin. may be insured individual any age. The insurance coverage includes the treatment and prevention of the most common and dangerous tick-borne infections - both tick-borne encephalitis and tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease), etc."

4. Ingosstrakh. "The spring-summer period is in full swing, green foliage has appeared on the trees, the air is saturated with the fragrance of flowers. It is at this time that all kinds of insects, including ticks, are activated. Ticks themselves are not dangerous, but the diseases that they carry are dangerous. They carry more than 60 types of dangerous diseases, and the most serious one that can be contracted by a tick bite is encephalitis"

5. AlphaInsurance. "AlfaTICK is a guarantee of receiving quality medical care in the required volume in the event of a tick bite. AlfaTICK insurance provides, among other things, insurance for children
from a tick bite."

6. VTB insurance. "The insurance policy covers the costs of medical services in the event of a tick bite, including laboratory testing of the tick for infections.
1. Reimbursement Money spent on getting medical services in connection with a tick bite, laboratory tests of the tick, vaccination in accordance with the instructions and inpatient treatment if necessary. At the same time, the insured independently chooses any medical institution to seek help. Compensation cannot exceed the amount stipulated in the contract. sum insured 400 thousand rubles.
2. Organization of medical care in agreement with the insured. All you need to do in the event of a tick bite is to call, no later than 72 hours from the time of the bite, the 24-hour toll-free service number and follow the operator's instructions.

7. SOGAZ. "Easy and fast design insurance policy, a wide range of insurance programs for affordable prices payment of insurance premium in installments

With the advent of heat, insects, including ticks, are activated. To pick up a tick, you don’t need to travel far: just take a walk in the park or work in the garden. What threatens the bite of this insect and what is the protection against tick-borne encephalitis, we will tell in our article.

Why is a tick dangerous?

A tick bite threatens the following diseases:

  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • Lyme disease;
  • viral fever;
  • tick-borne typhus;
  • tularemia.

The worst is encephalitis. This disease affects the central nervous system. Death occurs in 5-15% of cases, and disability and paralysis of the limbs - in 50%. So don't joke about it.

Tick ​​bite insurance

You can protect yourself by taking out a tick insurance policy. This document will not protect against a bite, but upon the onset insured event will cover the costs of tests, consultations with specialists, treatment.

When you find that you have been bitten by a tick, the insect must be sent to the laboratory for research. It takes place within 72 hours. If a tick is found to be infected, you should be treated immediately. In the absence of insurance, each stage must be paid from your own wallet. Moreover, the final cost can be quite impressive. If you take out insurance in a timely manner, all costs will be covered by the insurance company.

Such a policy costs between 150-350 rubles, depending on the region of the Russian Federation. The policy is valid throughout the season. During this period, it can be used to contact a medical institution repeatedly.

Typically, ICs state that insurance is valid from early spring to late autumn. At the time of the conclusion of the contract, pay attention to the date from which your contract comes into force. Some companies do a tricky move, indicating that the insurance comes into force after a certain time after signing. Then what are you paying for?

The territory in which the policy is valid is usually indicated in the document. If this information is not available, it should be checked with insurance agent especially if you plan to travel outside your region.

Before you take out insurance, you need to clearly understand what risks and costs it will cover. This information should be clearly stated in the document. If any points are not clear to you, you should definitely ask for their detailed explanation. Do not do this before the conclusion of the contract - then it will be too late! The cost of insurance may include the organization of the entire complex of medical and diagnostic measures in case of a tick bite. But not always. Therefore, when concluding a contract, pay attention to what exactly the insurance company guarantees: tests, treatment, consultation of narrow specialists, spa treatment, rehabilitation, etc.

Upon the occurrence of an insured event cash payments you won't get your hands on it. However, you are entitled to receive compensation in the amount specified in the policy. It depends on the cost of the policy and on the insurance company. Usually the amount varies from 50 thousand rubles to a million.

Different insurance companies offer different insurance schemes: you can get insurance for one person or for the whole family. Such comprehensive insurance will cost less. Yes, you can relax with the whole family.

What are we paying money for?

Tick ​​bite insurance includes the following standard set:

  • Reception of a specialist: examination, tick removal. Important point is that insurance usually provides for the removal of the tick in a medical facility. In this case, the risk of complications is much less. When concluding a contract, specify whether insurance will be valid if the tick is removed independently.
  • Laboratory analysis of the tick. When the insect is removed, it is submitted for research on its infection with viruses. The list of viruses may vary. The minimum is to test the tick for encephalitis and Lyme disease.
  • Immunoglobulin injection. It is provided only if the test gave a positive result or it is impossible to conduct a tick test. If the insect is not infected, then the injection to the insured person is not done.
  • Drug prevention of borreliosis. This service is not included in the minimum tick bite insurance package. But if the tick that bit you turns out to be infected with this virus, the question will become relevant for you.
  • Hospitalization. If all previous measures are taken in a timely manner, but the disease still manifests itself, hospitalization is required. This service must be provided for by the insurance contract, which must also contain a list of studies and medications necessary for the treatment of this disease.

Where to go for a tick bite?

A list of medical institutions must be attached to the insurance contract, where you should contact if you are bitten by a tick. It is in them, and in no other, that you need to get expert advice and take a tick for analysis. It will be absolutely free for you: all expenses will be covered by the insurance company.

Responsibilities of the victim

In the event of an insured event, you are the injured party, but you still have obligations. Only when they are fulfilled, you have the right to count on the benefits provided by insurance. Responsibilities may vary depending on the insurance company. However, each company has two fundamental points:

  • Apply only to those medical institutions that are attached to the contract.
  • Seek help no later than 72 hours from the moment of the insect bite.

Tick ​​insurance is very beneficial, especially in regions where this insect is ubiquitous. But in order to protect yourself from bureaucratic delays after a bite, you should carefully study each clause of the contract before signing it. Only when all incomprehensible points are eliminated, you can sign the document.

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Spring is the time when ticks wake up in Krasnoyarsk and its environs, and when it's time to think about how to protect yourself and your loved ones. For example, get vaccinated or buy tick insurance. What is the danger of a tick bite, preventive measures and what to look for when choosing an anti-tick policy, as well as the cost of insurance in Krasnoyarsk - in our material.

What is the danger of a tick bite

The tick season begins in early spring, the first ticks, as a rule, appear in late March - early April and are recorded until the end of September. In 2019, already in mid-March, residents of Krasnoyarsk discovered the first awakened ticks.

Recall that in 2018 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the first ticks appeared in the 1st decade of April. The peak of maximum activity of ticks falls on May-June, it is during these months that the largest number of victims of ticks is recorded. In 2018, more than 15,000 cases of tick bites were registered in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, including about 3,000 cases among children. In Krasnoyarsk itself, 4,893 cases of tick bites were registered last year, including 759 cases among children.

Not every tick bite is dangerous. The most dangerous diseases, the carrier of which is a tick:

  • Tick-borne encephalitis
  • Tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease)
  • erlichiosis
  • Anaplasmosis

Thus, in 2018, 191 cases of tick-borne encephalitis were recorded, including 3 cases with a fatal outcome, and 148 cases of infection with borreliosis.

Infectious disease doctors and representatives of insurance companies offer two ways to solve the problem - vaccination and insurance.

Tick ​​vaccination

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is the only and most effective method of prevention. Naturally, it is desirable to prepare for the season of tick activity in winter or at least in early spring. The basic immunization schedule that guarantees protection against encephalitis consists of 3 shots. An emergency (accelerated) immunization scheme, in which the vaccine is administered 2 times, is also possible in the summer, but no later than 2 weeks before visiting a dangerous place. Further revaccination is carried out 1 time in 3 years.

You can be vaccinated against tick-borne viral encephalitis from the age of 3 in medical institutions. Schoolchildren from the age of 10 are vaccinated in the medical rooms of educational institutions.

If for any reason you do not want or did not have time to get vaccinated, then tick insurance will come to the rescue.

tick insurance in 2019

Insurance against a tick, more precisely from the diseases it carries, will save both money and time in the event of an insured event.

Of course, the first thing that worries the consumer is how much does tick insurance cost? In Krasnoyarsk, the cost of a policy in insurance companies starts from 150 rubles. The average price is 200-300 rubles. The maximum cost of insurance with preventive vaccination is 2200 rubles. Most companies offer discounts for families and groups.

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