Bank module online application for opening a settlement account. Bank module (current account for individual entrepreneurs)

In this article we will look at the procedure for opening a current account in Modulbank. Let's look at tariffs, cash settlement conditions and online banking capabilities. We'll tell you how to submit an online application and highlight customer reviews.

About the bank

Modulbank — financial institution in the Russian Federation, which serves only small businesses - individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons The bank ranks first in terms of low cost of services for entrepreneurs, second in organizations and third in retail stores and service enterprises.

Customer service is provided remotely. The bank does not have its own ATM network, but uses the equipment of partner banks. You can withdraw cash from them without commission.

Go to the official website of Modulbank.

Advantages of opening a current account with Modulbank

Using the bank's services provides the following advantages:

  • Opening an individual entrepreneur account based on one passport.
  • Servicing the account and conducting all operations remotely, online.
  • Transfers are made daily from 1:00 to 20:30.
  • Convenient and easy-to-use personal account on the bank’s website.
  • Detailed consultation on all services.
  • Bonuses for new clients.
  • Support when changing your tariff plan.
  • Free operations for some tariffs.
You can find out more details and open an account on the bank’s website.

Tariffs for cash settlement services in Modulbank

Account servicing is carried out at the following rates:

Rate Starting Optimal Unlimited
Opening cost 0 rub. 0 rub. 0 rub.
Subscriber fee per month 0 rub. 690 rub. 4900 rub.
SMS notification No 90 rub. 0 rub.
Transfers to other banks 90 rub. 19 rub. 0 rub.
Transfers from an individual entrepreneur's account. persons
  • up to 300 thousand rubles per month — 0.75%;
  • up to 600 thousand rubles - 1%;
  • from 600,001 rub. — 3%.
  • up to 500 thousand rubles - 19 rubles;
  • from 500 thousand rubles up to 1 million rub. - 1%;
  • from 1 million rub. — 3%.
  • up to 1 million rub. — 0;
  • up to 2 million rubles - 1%;
  • from 2 million rub. — 3%.
Transfers from a legal account. persons physical persons
  • up to 100 thousand rubles — 0.75%;
  • up to 300 thousand rubles — 3%;
  • from 300 rub. - 5%.
  • up to 200 thousand - 19 rubles;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles — 3%;
  • from 500,001 rub. - 5%.
  • up to 300 thousand - 0 rub.;
  • up to 1 million rub. — 3%;
  • from 1 million rub. - 5%.
Outgoing transfer limit 1 million rub. 10 million rub. no limits
Cash withdrawals from third-party ATMs
  • up to 100 thousand rubles — 2.5%; up to 300 thousand - 5%; from 300 thousand rubles — 6%.
  • up to 50 thousand rubles — 0; up to 300 thousand - 2.5%; up to 500 thousand rubles - 5%; from 500 thousand rubles — 6%.
  • up to 100 thousand rubles — 0; up to 500 thousand rubles — 2.5%; up to 1 million rub. - 5%; from 1 million rub. — 6%.
Additional conclusion agreements 1 thousand rubles 1 thousand rubles 1 thousand rubles
Payment for servicing an account for which there have been no transactions for more than 6 months. 3 thousand rubles, but not more than the account balance 690 rub. 4900 rub.
Activation of the “White Business” service for continuous account operation RUB 990/month RUB 990/month RUB 990/month
View detailed tariff plans of Modulbank.

How to open a current account in Modulbank

To open a personal account account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, you need to do the following:

  • Go to the bank's website and fill out the online application.
  • Wait for a call from the Modulbank manager to select a tariff and clarify details.
  • Scan and upload copies to the website necessary documents— the system will immediately reserve the account number.
  • Agree on a time and place to meet with the courier to sign the account service agreement.

Required documents

To open an individual entrepreneur account, simply upload copies of your passport pages to the website. Legal persons must provide:

  • Charter and other constituent documents.
  • Certificate of tax registration.
  • OGRN.
  • Documents confirming the manager's approval.
  • Copies of passports of the founders and director.
  • Licenses.

Settlement and cash services

Cash management services include a large package of services. This and salary project, and acquiring, and corporate cards, etc. Let's consider the main offers in more detail.


The bank can take over key accounting transactions your company:

  • Preparation of primary documentation.
  • Accounting for taxes and contributions, preparation of reports.
  • Maintaining personnel records and calculating salaries.
  • Detailed consultation on all issues.

Free bank accountants work without sick leave, vacations and are always in touch with the client. The necessary document flow is carried out via the Internet.

Salary project

To connect salary cards for employees, you must fill out an online application on the Modulbank website. It will take only 5 - 10 minutes to calculate your salary. A list of employees and a payment slip are generated, and after signing it, the money is immediately transferred to the card accounts.

Advantages of the salary service in Modulbank:

  • Salaries are credited to any cards.
  • Automatic calculation of personal income tax.

There is no subscription fee for connecting the project's salary. The transfer fee depends on the payment rate. With an unlimited tariff it is free, with an optimal tariff it costs 19 rubles. for one employee.

Trade acquiring

Payment by cards is activated within 5 days after submitting the application. You sign the agreement and pick up the payment card terminal. With acquiring, buyers get more payment options, and you will reduce cash flow and collection costs.

Tariffs for trade acquiring of Modulbank:

Internet acquiring

Acquiring for payments on websites is intended primarily for owners of online stores. But you can connect it to social media. networks. You can pay for goods and services by card, electronic money, using SMS and terminals of the Svyaznoy/Euroset network. Money is accepted through the website or using a mobile application.

Internet acquiring connection is carried out within 3 days, and money is credited to your account within 24 hours. You only pay a commission on each purchase - from 2.2 to 2.4% of the amount.

Online cash register

The cost of connecting online cash registers within the framework of 54-FZ is 11.9 thousand rubles. Modulbank has developed 3 packages of tariffs for clients:

Advantages of an online cash register in Modulbank:

  • Fast delivery.
  • Simplified registration in tax structures.
  • Tax deduction.
  • Cash register repair within 1 day - service centers are located in 53 cities of the Russian Federation.

Corporate cards

Using a business card, you can pay organizational expenses, cash out money or top up your account at any ATM. The corporate card is provided by legal entities. individuals and individual entrepreneurs when creating a settlement account. Maintenance - 1 year free, then - 300 rubles. in year.

Deposits for small businesses

At paid storage rates Money payment of interest on the balance is provided. The minimum amount on the account for interest accrual is 5 thousand rubles. The maximum amount of income depends on the placement period.

You can withdraw funds from your deposit at any time. If you withdraw early, you will not receive interest, but you will have the money at your fingertips at any time.

Bank guarantees

Bank guarantees are provided for participation in tenders and execution of contracts, within the framework of 223-FZ, 44-FZ and 185-FZ. They are issued without collateral, opening a separate account and with a minimum package of documents. The decision on extradition is made within 1 hour.

Key conditions of guarantees in Modulbank:

Minimum period of activity of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. persons to obtain a guarantee - 3 months.

Currency control

Currency control will be needed for those who conduct their business in US dollars, yuan and euros. At the same time, to complete foreign exchange transactions opening of a special account is required. Tariffs for it will be as follows:

Advantages of currency control in Modulbank:

  • Assistance in concluding agreements.
  • Account opening within an hour.

Internet banking in Modulbank

For ease of use, Modulbank has developed a special online remote service. Its functionality is convenient, intuitive and simple. Access to the Internet bank is provided immediately after opening an account.

Main features of the system:

  • Receipt and transfer of funds.
  • Payment of taxes.
  • Registration of deposit accounts.
  • Implementation of currency control.
  • Merging several organizations under one account if they belong to the same owner.
  • Obtaining up-to-date information about receipts and debits from accounts.
  • Receive statements and other documents without contacting the bank.
  • Setting up automatic payments.
  • Possibility to pay using a photo of the invoice.

Managing your account from your smartphone

Access to your personal online banking account is also possible from a mobile application. Its main features:

  • Receiving data on all operations.
  • Making payments and transfers.
  • Setting up SMS notifications.
  • Sending account details to clients.

Modulbank offers its clients, both LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, three tariff options:

  • Starting. Can be used by business representatives whose turnover does not exceed 1 million rubles. per month. Account maintenance is free of charge, interest is not accrued on the account balance. The commission for depositing an account and withdrawing cash is 0.5% and 2.5%, respectively. The cost of the payment is 90 rubles.
  • Optimal. Assumes a maximum account turnover of 10 million rubles/month. The cost of monthly service is 490 rubles. Payment fee - 19 rubles. Account balances, if they exceed 30 thousand rubles, are charged 3%. Cash withdrawals are allowed without commission up to 50 thousand rubles. Free deposits of cash into your account using ATMs are allowed.
  • Unlimited. Can be used by any Modulbank clients without restrictions. The cost of monthly maintenance is 4.9 thousand rubles. For account balances exceeding 100 thousand rubles, 5% is charged. Any transfers to individuals and LLCs both within the bank and to third-party accounts financial organizations, are carried out free of charge. There is also no commission for cash withdrawals up to 100 thousand rubles. Topping up your account is free of charge.

In addition to cash settlement services, Modulbank offers clients additional Banking services. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • acquiring. Modulbank tariffs do not provide for fees for monthly use of the service. The client only needs to pay a commission on purchases, the amount of which ranges from 1.9% to 4%;
  • accounting. It offers clients three service options – Free for individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system of 6%, Accountant for individual entrepreneurs and Chief Accountant. In the first case, the service is provided free of charge, in the second - it depends on the form of taxation and ranges from 9 thousand to 19.188 thousand rubles / year, in the third - from 21 thousand rubles / quarter;
  • release and maintenance plastic cards . The cost of providing services is determined taking into account the connected tariff and the number of cards produced;
  • salary project. Provided free of charge as a bonus when connecting to Optimal or Unlimited tariffs;
  • currency transactions and control. The cost of services depends on the number and size of currency transactions carried out by the client.

What tariff to choose in Modulbank?

Choosing a tariff from the three options offered by Modulbank is not difficult. The fact is that the established restrictions on monthly turnover quite clearly show which method of settlement and cash services is suitable in each specific case.

Obviously, with significant sales volumes and a large number of regular financial transactions, it is advisable to use the tariff Unlimited. In a situation where a business has just been registered, the best choice will probably be a package of services Starting. The need to connect additional services is determined by the needs of the client’s business.

What services are included in RKO?

In offered by Modulbank settlement and cash services included the following types banking services:

  • opening and closing ruble and foreign currency current accounts;
  • storage financial resources client's account and possible accrual of interest on balances;
  • carrying out financial transactions necessary for the client, including receiving and sending payments both within the bank and to the accounts of third-party financial institutions;
  • performing cash transactions - replenishing an account or withdrawing funds from corporate card or through a bank cash desk.

How to connect RKO?

In order to connect cash settlement services, the Modulbank client is required to perform the following actions:

  • submit an online application to open an account on the bank’s website;
  • attach to it the documents listed below;
  • meet with a Modulbank specialist to sign a settlement agreement.

When opening an account individual entrepreneur he is only required to provide a passport and, if the individual entrepreneur has been working for a long time, financial statements. For an LLC, the list of documents submitted to the bank includes:

  • constituent documents, which are supplemented by certificates of registration and registration;
  • documents confirming the authority of the manager and identifying him;
  • accounting reports and documents on the location of the enterprise.

Bank details are provided to the Modulbank client within a few minutes after submitting the online application. Access to the full list of functionality and services of RKO opens after signing an agreement for banking services. Moreover, judging by customer reviews, a Modulbank specialist is usually ready to go to a meeting within 30-40 minutes after receiving an online application.

The Russian business environment is haunted by the idea of ​​internatization of classical economic processes– loans are issued via the Internet, logistics too, e-government and so on. These projects, of course, do not always work successfully, but someone has to move the country into a bright future. Modulbank also joined the process with its idea of ​​​​creating an Internet bank for entrepreneurs - people should open accounts and conduct business activities entirely through the World Wide Web, and even on the go, using an application on their smartphone.

What is the main problem that the company's shareholders want to solve? Businessmen need to stop traveling to banks to deal with account servicing problems on a daily basis, so they have something to do. And how this task is implemented, we will consider in the article below.

The history of Modulbank looks completely atypical for the banking sector. Its founders are Mr. Novikov, Petrov and Laguta. For many years, they developed the direction of medium and small businesses at Sberbank, but many of their ideas did not reach implementation. In an attempt to test their worldview for social suitability, on the eve of the 2014 crisis, they developed a business plan to create an online bank for entrepreneurs, found investors (in the person of Mr. Avetisyan from Regional Credit Bank), and concluded agreements. And in 2014, the project started as an additional service based on the infrastructure of the same Republic of Kazakhstan from Kostroma.

In 1.5 years, the startup became profitable, increasing client base up to 13,000 people, and RK completely abandoned the previous business strategy and from then on concentrated on servicing entrepreneurs according to a proven scheme. The name also underwent rebranding - Regional Credit turned into Modulbank. At the moment, the number of its subscribers is more than 25,000 people, and profits have increased tenfold.

According to the founders of the MB, the main success of the project lies in completely simple things that classic large banks have always missed - they just needed to “tweak” some options and make them available to clients online. For example, monitoring your balance and your expenses via the Internet, a little free accounting help with automatic delivery tax reporting to the Federal Tax Service and so on. Well, don’t forget that the small business segment is a very problematic industry, banks don’t like to work with it. Therefore, there is always room for new players.

The main chips of the bank

In general, Modulbank is more like an aggregator of services for business; almost everything is crammed here, from accounting outsourcing to warehouse logistics. Some functions are taken over by the bank’s partner companies, while others are performed independently. At the same time, some options are provided free of charge, while the rest have complex and complicated pricing. It is immediately clear that everything is calculated in such a way as not to go into the red on unpopular and free services.

The idea with a banking aggregator is good in principle, worthy of attention, but how successfully does it work, and most importantly, is there any profit from the activity... For example, the last similar service, but in a different segment (delivery aggregator for online stores), went completely bankrupt, monetize it succeeded only by selling the IT database to Yandex.

FOR REFERENCE! As of 2017, the MB is operating in positive territory. Behind reporting period his profit amounted to more than 500 million rubles.

List of online services provided:

  • opening an account (directly via the Internet) and maintaining it
  • accounting
  • acquiring or installation and maintenance of Pos terminals for paying for purchases with cards
  • sales and service Online Cash (54 Federal Law)
  • conducting currency transactions
  • salary projects
  • providing loans to replenish working capital
  • bank guarantees for bidding and so on
  • discounts when opening an account from partner companies (telephony, warehouse logistics, accounting, internet marketing, etc.)

Now let's go over some points in more detail.


According to some news agencies, Modulbank's prices for opening and servicing current accounts are among the best on the market. Of course, they may also have disadvantages, but the compromise they provide is worth enduring - as more than 25 thousand customers have decided so far.

Why should you open a bank account in this bank:

  • the process takes place remotely within one working week (upon readiness, you need to meet with a company representative and sign an agreement)
  • at the time of registration, a technical account is provided for work
  • accrual of interest on the average balance of funds
  • profitable terms
  • simple tariff schedule

See the tariffs below for more details.


Providing accountant services in an online format is the main highlight of this bank, although the idea is far from new; it has been used by the company Moe Delo for a long time. Nevertheless, MB has several tariffs that cover absolutely all office work of any company of any size. Among them there is also a free one - if you are an individual entrepreneur, working under the simplified tax system, you have neither a cash register, nor a POS terminal, nor employees, then the tax return will be submitted for you absolutely free of charge.

The service is provided 7 days a week in an online format, document flow occurs via the Internet, and if a Modulbank employee makes a mistake in calculating tax contributions, the bank will compensate for your losses.

See the tariff plans below.


Due to the increased popularity of using bank cards for mutual settlements in retail trade, Modulbank also has a service for installing and servicing Pos terminals.

Its main conditions:

  • commission 1.8% of the payment amount
  • no possibility of renting equipment, only selling it (prices start from 20,000 rubles)
  • availability of wireless terminals
  • possibility of selling on credit at a rate of 29% per annum
  • connection within 5 days

Online cash registers

Where would we be without them? In February 2017, Federal Law No. 54 came into force on the need to use online cash registers in retail trade, and since then, everyone who is not too lazy has started selling and servicing them. But MB is one of the few banks that has taken on this topic. Their cooperation scheme looks quite original - you do not buy equipment or rent it, but you pay a certain amount for maintenance every month in accordance with the chosen tariff. There are also additional equipment available for sale.

A credit institution in Russia, known for its loyalty and favorable tariffs for small businesses. The main feature of the institution is the ability to control all functions remotely. All you need to do is go to the official website or application on your mobile phone.

The first thing is attracts to Modulbank - this :

  • 24/7 assistance from experienced specialists.
  • Extended operating day (until half past eight in the evening).
  • High speed of account opening.

- new opportunities for beginners in business

Opening a current account in Modulbank - chance:

  1. Manage account:
  • Transmit instructions to employees or accounting department employees.
  • Open new accounts, connect additional options online (in this case there is no need to visit a credit institution).
  • Take advantage of opportunities through different types of browsers. Everything you need to log in personal account- number from SMS.
  1. Control your money using useful Modulbank options:
  • Notifications via SMS and email regarding crediting/debiting money from the current account.
  • Reflections of the balance on the account online.
  • Weekly reporting on payments with sending statistics via account.
  1. Make payments quickly:
  • Transfer funds from Modulbank current account to accounts credit organization or to other banking institutions. In the first case, operations are carried out 24 hours a day, and in the second - until 20.30.
  • Make templates for making future payments and then carry out the transaction with one click.
  • Upload photos of the invoice and then sign the payment.

Managing a Modulbank current account from a smartphone

The life of a modern businessman is dynamic and under constant time pressure. Often there is simply not enough time to go to a computer or laptop. Rescue - Modulbank mobile banking.

Many transactions on the account are available via a smartphone, namely:

  1. Transaction history:
  • Detailed analysis of debits and credits to the current account.
  • Confirmation of payments, indication of tasks and information in the main feed.
  • Online communication with legal and accounting experts.
  1. Transaction management. Through mobile app Modulbank The following options are available:
  • Creating new transactions.
  • One-click transaction confirmation.
  • Photo of the account followed by the creation of the payment. In the future, all that remains is to sign.
  1. Possibility of reservation. It’s easy to reserve a Modulbank current account. Just a few steps:
  • Log in to the application.
  • Register and apply.
  • Go to the bank and sign the documents.

Gifts from - nice bonuses for new clients

Opening a current account with Modulbank is not only profitable, but also pleasant.

New client receives:

  • 30 days of free transactions anywhere tariff plan(provided for each referred client).
  • 90 days of free work in programs 1C, . This software is very useful for maintaining reports.
  • Free consulting assistance, accounting, reporting for individual entrepreneurs.
  • Providing free service for registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Fill in the information in the form, and the papers are ready.

Opening a Modulbank current account is easy

Cooperation with Modulbank is convenient :

  • Registration of account in Modulbank - a question of five minutes after registering on the resource.
  • Notifying the Federal Tax Service is the task of the credit institution.
  • New details are received immediately after booking an account, after which the data can be used to make payments and formalize agreements.
  • Opening a bank account without visiting the office of a credit institution. A bank employee will personally come to the specified address.

Just three steps :

  • Registration on the official website.
  • Execution of an agreement at the office of a credit institution.
  • Modulbank current account has been opened.

Wide range of competitive rates

Customers have three favorable tariff plans at their disposal :

  1. "Starting"- package for beginning entrepreneurs:
  • Opening an account - 0 rub.
  • The commission amount is 1.5% for cash withdrawals up to 100 thousand rubles.
  • Transactions in the direction of other banks - up to RUB 5,000,000.
  • Corporate card (1 pc.) - free.
  • Providing access to online banking.
  1. "Optimal"- tariff for more experienced entrepreneurs:
  • Opening an account - 490 rub.
  • Corporate card (2 pcs.) - free.
  • Daily limits on cash withdrawals - 100,000 rubles.
  • Providing access to online banking (for 3 people).
  • 3% accrual on balance.
  1. "Unlimited"- tariff from Modulbank without restrictions:

Modulbank - everything for business

Opening a current account in Modulbank is:

  1. Support of foreign exchange transactions and fixed payments.
  2. Assistance from an accountant in optimizing tax costs and organizing accounting.
  3. Legal support in all matters.
  4. Acquiring with a minimum commission (from 1.9 percent).
  5. 1C to help an accountant with integration capabilities.
  6. Using a bank account as a deposit.

The advantages of the bank are obvious:

  1. Long operating day.
  2. Help 24 hours a day.
  3. Possibility of use as a “spare” bank.
  4. Convenience for entrepreneurs.
  5. Ease of opening a Modulbank current account and favorable tariffs.
  6. Focus on newcomers to the business field.

Modulbank services - the path to a profitable and successful business. There is only one step left - and take advantage of the best offer right now.

RKO in Modulbank - open a current account for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs online with free service

Are you thinking about opening a current account for an individual entrepreneur or LLC in Modulbank? This bank offers settlement and cash services for entrepreneurs according to a scheme similar to the banks Tinkoff and , that is, cash settlement services in Modulbank are carried out remotely (online). Modulbank, Tinkoff and Tochka were able to take leading positions in the field of maintaining current accounts for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs; the seriousness of these banks was confirmed by Markswebb Rank & Report.

You can open a current account in Modulbank in three currencies: euros, dollars and yuan. When receiving money from foreign companies, you must undergo currency control, so that you do not have problems, the bank itself fills out all the documents and monitors the deadlines.

The operating day at Modulbank lasts from 5 am to 20:30 Moscow time. Even if you sent an interbank payment at 20:20, it will still go out on the same day. Intrabank payments in Modulbank are processed 24/7.

Modulbank - cash settlement tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

Modulbank offers its clients 3 cash settlement tariffs for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

0 RUR/month – Starter tariff

  • 90 rubles for interbank payment;
  • commission 2.5% for cash withdrawals up to 100,000 rubles per month;
  • replenishment of account – commission 0.5%;
  • external payments up to 1 million rubles.

490 rub./month. – Optimal tariff

  • 19 rubles for interbank payment;
  • 0% commission for cash withdrawals up to 50,000 rubles per month;
  • external payments up to 10 million rubles;
  • 3% on the current account balance, 2% on the balance in foreign currency.

4,900 rub./month. – Unlimited tariff

  • interbank payments are free;
  • 0% commission for cash withdrawals up to 100,000 rubles per month;
  • external payments for any amount;
  • up to 7% on the current account balance, 2% on the balance in foreign currency.


When paying for cash payments for 6 months, you will immediately receive a 15% discount, and for 12 months – 20%.

At the “Optimal” tariff for expense transactions of more than 100 thousand rubles per month account service is free, on the “Unlimited” tariff – free of charge when spending more than 500 thousand rubles per month.

How quickly does Modulbank open a current account?

Modulbank opens a current account immediately after submitting an online application from. You receive details that you can use when concluding contracts and to receive money. You can withdraw and transfer money after signing an agreement with the bank.

To conclude a settlement agreement, you do not need to go anywhere - after you submit an online application and receive the details, the manager will call you to arrange a meeting.

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