Etp gpb object identifier missing. Etp gpb marketplace

UDC 658.7 JEL 57 DOI 10.26425/1816-4277-2018-4-104-109


Annotation. The relevance of the problem of using an electronic signature (hereinafter - ES) containing an object identifier (hereinafter - OID) about the possibility of its application on a specific electronic trading platform (hereinafter - ETP) is considered and described in detail. The legislation on the use of ES in the Russian Federation was studied and the absence of a requirement for the presence of such an attribute was noted. The market is studied and the main reason for paid distribution and the high cost of such marks is indicated - commercial. A mechanism is proposed for refusing OID on the ES carrier and using the capabilities of the current Unified Identification and Authentication System (hereinafter - ESIA) to obtain additional information for the key user. Key words: electronic signature, object identifier, Federal Law No. 223-F3, electronic trading platform, Unified identification and authentication system.


abstract. The actuality of the problem of using an electronic signature (next ES) containing an object identifier (next OID) on the possibility of its application on a specific electronic trading platform (next ETP) is considered and described in detail. The legislation on the use of ES in the Russian Federation was studied and it was noticed that there was no requirement that such an attribute exist. The market is studied and the main reason for the paid distribution and the high cost of such marks is indicated - commercial. The mechanism of rejection of OID on the ES carrier is supposed and the possibility to use of the capabilities of the current Unified Identification and Authentication System (next USIA) for obtaining additional information to the user of the key is proposed.

Keywords: electronic signature, object identifier, Law No. 223-FZ, electronic trading platform, Unif.

Nowadays, more and more electronic trading platforms (hereinafter - ETP), placing purchases in accordance with the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-F3 "On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities", require participants in the procedures to have an ES with an object identifier (hereinafter - OID), containing a mark on the possibility of its use on this ETP. At the same time, such an OID can only be obtained for a fee and not in all certification centers (hereinafter referred to as the CA) for issuing an ES. The supplier has to pay an annual tariff for work on the site, renew the ES certificate and additionally purchase such an OID for work on a specific ETP (it is different for each such site, which, accordingly, incurs additional costs).

According to the author, this requirement is redundant and does not carry practical benefits. An object identifier is an additional and optional attribute of a qualified or unqualified ES certificate, which either provides additional information about the certificate owner, about his authority, or carries some additional information for applications and services that use this certificate.

The most common use of OIDs is for role-based access control. For example, it can be stated in the certificate that the owner of the key is the head of the organization, and this will give him the opportunity to immediately access the necessary functions and information in all information systems (hereinafter referred to as IS), without having to contact the administrators of each IS and change access settings. All this, of course, provided that all these ISs use the user's certificate for authorization and analyze the same attribute in the same way (for this reason, the attributes are selected from the directory, and not set arbitrarily).

Lysenko Taras Sergeevich

Expert, JSC Rosoboronexport, Moscow

Expert, Rosoboronexport JSC, Moscow

e-mail: [email protected]

At the legislative level, issues related to the use of ES in the Russian Federation are regulated by two main documents: Federal Law No. 63-F3 "On Electronic Signature" (hereinafter - 63-F3) and the order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Requirements for the Form of a Qualified Key Certificate electronic signature verification" (hereinafter Order No. 795) . The composition of a qualified certificate is described in the 795th order (part II "Requirements for the set of fields of a qualified certificate"), and it does not contain requirements for attributes that control authorization in any IS. Neither 63-F3, nor the 795th order prohibit the inclusion of other information in the electronic signature. Thus, the mandatory presence in the ES of attributes associated with authorization in any IS is not required. Accordingly, these requirements come from the ETPs themselves.

It should be noted that "operators of state and municipal information systems, as well as information systems, the use of which is provided for by regulatory legal acts, or public information systems are not entitled to require that a qualified certificate contain information that restricts its use in other information systems" .

Using a vague wording, any IP can require CSOs in the structure of an ES certificate. This can be an ETP where commercial companies make purchases, portals that accept reports, various government systems (for example, the Rosreestr portal).

A paid CSO opens up access to procurement at a particular site without restricting access to others. Therefore, it is positioned as an extension of the scope of the certificate, but procurement participants have to pay extra for this extension. Formally, this is the price for registering and registering certificates at the ETP, ensuring the efficiency of certificates, etc.

Figure 1 shows the largest ETPs in terms of the amount of purchases made for 223-F3.


h RUB 1,538 billion

with B2B-Ce^er \

RUB 763 billion

ETP "TEK-Torg" \

637 billion rubles

with ETP of Russian Railways

to 460 billion rubles.

f Unified ETP \

385 billion rubles at

/ ETP Fabrikant

318 billion rubles

f ETP "TEK-Torg" >

V RUB 1,081 billion


RUB 1,1,022 billion At

RUB 903 billion At

f Single ETP N,

V 786 billion rubles At

with ETP of Russian Railways >

V 691 billion rubles At

with ETP UTS - tender N,

V 323 billion rubles At

for 2015


for 2016

Rice. 1. Top largest electronic platforms

At 5 out of 7 sites, namely ETP Gazprombank, ETP TEK-Torg (section Rosneft), ETP B2B-Center, ETP Fabrikant and ETP JSC Russian Railways, presented in this rating, a paid OID is required for operation. The cost of OID, in randomly selected CAs for issuing ES, is presented in tables 1, 2.

Table 1

Object identifier cost

B2B-center * 2 500 2 500

Gazprombank (GPB) 3,600 3,000 3,500

End of table 1

Electronic trading platform OID cost per year, rub. VAT included

EETP JSC SKB Kontur Tenzor LLC

TEK-Torg Rosneft section 3,300 1,700 2,500

Fabrikant * 2,500 3,000

Total 13,100 9,700 11,500

*Included in the "Commercial" kit for 6,200 rubles.


The ETP of Russian Railways deserves special attention, for participation in the procurement of which CSOs can only be obtained from one CA. Because of this, there is no mechanism for market regulation of prices, and CSOs for the site, in comparison with others, cost many times more.

table 2

Cost of ES with OID for the ETP of Russian Railways

Electronic trading platform Cost, rub. with VAT Comment

Everyone Only SMEs

Russian Railways JSC 10,266 (without delivery) 11,446 (with delivery) 7,906 (without delivery) 9,086 (with delivery) Optimum product is used with an annual CryptoPro license


Another inconvenience is that you can pick up the ES only in one place: at the CA office in Moscow. Because of this, many have to overpay for shipping. The main problem is that if a supplier wants to work, for example, on all the above five ETPs with their own paid CSO, then its cost, according to market data, will be about 20,000 rubles. in year. The regulations of the largest ETPs contain the following information regarding the use of CSOs. The regulation of the ETP B2B-cePeg states that the signature verification key certificate must contain in the “Improved Key” extension of the OGO certificate 1.2.643.6.7 (Use of electronic document management systems and electronic trading systems B2B-sePer), establishing the legality of using the verification key certificate ETP signatures.

To work on the ETP of Gazprombank, it is necessary to obtain a qualified ES certificate issued by a trusted certification center and containing a mark on the possibility of using this certificate on the ETP GPB - OGO 1.2.643.6.17.1. In the regulations of other ETPs from the rating, the meaning is the same. No explanation is given as to why they are needed.

The situation is completely different with the portals of state bodies, let's take, for example, the Rosreestr portal. The information system of Rosreestr uses CSOs to determine the information that can be issued to the owner of the certificate, i.e. Rosreestr provides other government agencies with information from the register of ownership free of charge. Upon receiving a request, the portal analyzes the content of the certificate and, if the required CSO is available, opens access to this information. In order for the CA to add the required CSO to the certificate, the user provides documents that confirm his authority.

However, further in the Methodological Recommendations, an important note is indicated that this requirement is valid until the full launch of the Unified Identification and Authentication System (hereinafter - ESIA) in the infrastructure that provides information technology (IT) interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form, and connecting to it the Rosreestr system. Thus, ESIA is one password that gives access to all government sites.

It should be noted that there is no such note in the regulations of the ETP from the rating. Another important difference is that this CSO is distributed free of charge for the Rosreestr portal.

According to the author of CSOs, there is no real benefit in the possibility of using ES on a specific ETP. If the site wants to use it, guided by the interests of its users, then nothing and no one prevents them from making them free, as is done on some government portals. Therefore, paid CSO platforms are used to solve commercial needs.

Consider how you can influence the ETP. It all depends on the type of site.

The ETP for state and municipal procurement has strict regulations, in which the requirements for the structure of the certificate are set strictly, and not a single ETP has the right to independently change the requirements for the ES. Electronic trading platforms for the sale of property of bankrupt enterprises are required to be accredited by the Ministry of Economic Development, and are subject to Federal Law No. 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" and Order No. 495 of July 23, 2015 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, and also have a strictly limited list of grounds for refusal to register a supplier on the site. The absence of CSOs in the certificate "for the site" is not included in this list, i.e. by law, the supplier can use a qualified certificate issued by any accredited CA.

Electronic trading platforms that place purchases under 223-F3 determine the requirements for ES themselves. If desired, they prescribe in the regulations that the certificate must contain CSOs, determine its cost and form the conditions for cooperation for certification centers. Moreover, these requirements can be changed at any time. It remains for suppliers to receive a certificate from such an CSO, and the CA to conclude an agreement with the ETP and continue to issue certificates on the terms that it dictates.

That is why it is necessary to create a unified procurement procedure for all ETPs and change the wording in the law "On Electronic Signature", banning IS and ETP from using any additional requirements for CSOs in ES certificates, or at least prohibiting their paid distribution.

It is also worth noting another common problem: now the certificate has to be reissued much more often than the security requirements for a personal ES dictate (the position has changed, there is a need to work on a new ETP with CSOs, etc.). To solve it, it is necessary to use the ESIA to authorize users in all ISs. To do this, it is necessary to create a single directory of CSOs of all IPs and users on this portal. Then, after the user is authenticated by a personal key in any IS (including the ETP), the binding of the ES certificate to the account on the ESIA is checked, and if it contains the necessary CSO (on powers and rights, providing access to the electronic trading platform, etc.) ), the user's right to the desired action is confirmed. When implementing this proposal, there is no need to store in the certificate information about the roles, access rights of the user and CSO for specific IS and ETP. The proposed certificate will contain a link to the owner's public key certificate in the ESIA, from which such information can be obtained.

And, of course, making changes to the unified CSO directory in the ESIA should be free of charge. Such a system seems to be much more universal and reliable than the use of certificate fields, and in the future, it will allow automating access control. A person was transferred to another position - he automatically lost access to one action and gained another. At the same time, he continues to use his ES key to sign documents, and nothing needs to be reissued.

From 07/01/2018, the Government of the Russian Federation will have the right to establish the features of the workflow in the form of electronic documents, the requirements for the formats and types of electronic signature tools used in such workflow. Accordingly, it becomes possible to implement the proposals of the author.

The proposed mechanism will allow:

Provide tangible support to procurement participants, including small and medium-sized businesses.;

Change the ES certificate only after the expiration of its validity period;

Make the user identification and authentication system more universal and reliable;

Eliminate the possibility of duplication of CSOs of different IPs, since all of them will be collected in a single directory;

Automate the management of user roles and accesses.

Bibliographic list

1. Federal Law No. 505-FZ dated December 31, 2017 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”. - Art. 3, part 6.1, p. 4 b: [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/14/2018).

2. Federal Law of April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature” (as amended on June 23, 2016). - Art. 14 h. 2 and art. 17 h. 2 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/14/2018).

3. Federal Law No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2011 (as amended on December 31, 2017) “On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities” (as amended and supplemented, effective from 09.01. 2018) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http:// (date of access: 03/14/2018).

4. Order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011 No. 795 “On Approval of the Requirements for the Form of a Qualified Certificate of the Electronic Signature Verification Key” [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/14/2018).

5. Report of the Ministry of Economic Development on the results of monitoring the application of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities” for 2016 - p. 20 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/13/2018).

6. Guidelines for the use of an electronic signature in interdepartmental electronic interaction (version 4.3), p. 6 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/14/2018).

7. Regulations for the organization of electronic document management and the use of the electronic signature of the ETP B2B-Center. - Clause 3 of Appendix 1: [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/13/2018).

8. Regulations for the ETP GPB procurement procedures. - Annex 5 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/14/2018).

9. Official website of the certification center "ITK" for issuing an ES [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/14/2018).

10. Official website of the certification center of JSC "EETP" for the issuance of ES [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: https:// (date of access: 03/13/2018).

11. Official website of the certification center SKB Kontur for issuing an ES [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/13/2018).

12. Official website of the certification center LLC "Tenzor" for the issuance of ES [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/13/2018).

13. Official website of the certification center of JSC "NIIAS" for the issuance of an ES [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 03/13/2018).

1. Federal "nyj zakon dated December 31, 2017 No. 505-FZ "On vnesenii izmenenij v otdel" nye zakonodatel "nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii"

Ch. 3, p. 6.1 sp. 4 b. - Available at: (accessed 03/14/2018).

2. Federal "nyj zakon "Ob elektronnoj podpisi" dated 04/06/2011 N 63-FZ (red. ot 06/23/2016) . Available at: (accessed 03/14/2018).

3. Federal "nyj zakon" About zakupkah tovarov, rabot, uslug otdel "nymi vidami yuridicheskih lic" dated 07/18/2011 No. 223-FZ. Available at: (accessed 03/14/2018).

4. Prikaz FSB RF dated December 27, 2011 No. 795 “Ob utverzhdenii Trebovanij k forme kvalificirovannogo sertifikata klyucha proverki elektronnoj podpisi” . Available at: (accessed 03/14/2018).

5. Doklad Ministerstva ekonomicheskogo razvitiya o rezul "tatah monitoringa primeneniya Federal" nogo zakona dated 07/18/2011 No. 223-FZ "On zakupkah tovarov, rabot, uslug otdel" nymi vidami yuridicheskih lic "za 2016 god, p. 20. Available at: (accessed March 13, 2018).

6. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po ispol "zovaniyu elektronnoj podpisi pri mezhvedomstvennom elektronnom vzaimodejstvii (versi-ya 4.3) , p. 6. Available at: (accessed 03/14/2018).

7. Regulation organizacii elektronnogo dokumentooborota i ispol "zovaniya elektronnoj podpisi ETP B2B-Center, p. 3, app. 1. Available at: (accessed 13.03.2018).

8. Regulation provedeniya zakupochnyh procedur ETP GPB. app. 5. Available at: (accessed 03/14/2018).

9. Oficial "nyj sajt udostoveryayushchego centra "ITK" po vydache EP. Available at: (accessed 03/14/2018).

10. Oficial "nyj sajt udostoveryayushchego centra JSC "EETP" po vydache EP . Available at: (accessed 13.03.2018).

11. Oficial "nyj sajt udostoveryayushchego centra SKB Kontur po vydache EP . - Available at: (accessed 03/13/2018).

12. Oficial "nyj sajt udostoveryayushchego centra LLC "Tenzor" po vydache EP . - Available at: (accessed 13.03.2018).

13. Oficial "nyj sajt udostoveryayushchego centra JSC "NIIAS" po vydache EP . - Available at: (accessed 13.03.2018).

When you enter your personal account to request a QEP, a message is displayed « Computer not configured . To proceed, go to the computer settings page and follow the suggested steps » . After going to the settings page and installing all the necessary components in your account, a message appears again stating that the computer is not configured.

To fix the error, you must:

1. Add the address of your personal account to the trusted sites. For this:

  • Select the menu "Start" > "Control Panel" > "Internet Options";
  • Go to the "Security" tab, select the element "Trusted sites" (or "Trusted sites") and click on the "Nodes" button;
  • Specify the following node address in the Add to zone field and click the Add button.

If this address is already in the list of trusted sites, go to the next step.

2. Check that the address of the personal account is defined as reliable:

  • If Internet Explorer version 8 is used, then, being on the authorization page, you should check if the Trusted Sites checkbox is at the bottom of the page. If there is no checkbox, but there is an inscription « Internet”, then the address has not been added to trusted sites.
  • If Internet Explorer version 9 and higher is used, then, being on the authorization page, you should right-click anywhere on the page, select "Properties". In the window that opens, the "Zone" line should contain the inscription "Trusted Sites". Otherwise, the address has not been added to trusted sites.

If the personal account address is not defined as reliable, then you should contact the system administrator with a request to add the address to the trusted nodes.

3. Check if you can log in to your Personal Account. If the error repeats, then you should run the RegOids utility from the link. This utility will automatically configure the OID settings in the computer's registry. You can also manually import one of the registry branches, depending on the bitness of the installed operating system:

4. Check that the computer is using administrator rights (to check, go to Start - Control Panel - User Accounts and Family Safety - User Accounts). If the rights are not enough, you need to give the user full rights, for this, contact your administrator.

5. After completing step 3, it is necessary to restart the computer and check the entrance to the Personal Account.

If none of the instructions helped, then you should contact technical support at [email protected]. The letter must indicate:

1. Diagnosis number.

To do this, you need to go to the diagnostic portal at , press the button « Start Diagnostics » . Once the verification process is completed, the diagnostic number will be displayed on the screen. Specify the assigned reference number in the letter.

2. Screenshot of the window with the error (when using Internet Explorer version 9 and higher, you must also attach a screenshot of the "Properties" window - see point 2).

3. Export and attach the following registry branches:

32-bit: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 0\CryptDllFindOIDInfo
64-bit: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 0\CryptDllFindOIDInfo

The development of information technology has made it possible to conduct auctions via the Internet without the direct presence of suppliers and tender organizers at the auction.

The Electronic Trading Platform (ETP) of Gazprombank is a subsidiary of JSC Gazprombank. It was formed in 2012 and initially covered the oil and gas industries. Gradually, the scope of its activities expanded, and at the moment the site is one of the largest Internet resources that can serve many industries.

Features of the GPB trading platform

According to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, starting from 2014, the ETP of Gazprombank leads the TOP-3 electronic platforms where purchases are made under 223-FZ. Banking services are integrated into the system of the site - guarantee, letters of credit, factoring and control of debit transactions.

To participate in trading on Gazprombank's ETP, a qualified electronic signature is required. Only accredited certifying centers, which include Infotex Trust, are entitled to produce EDS.

An electronic signature for the ETP GPB gives legal effect to the transactions and protects documents from forgery.

Electronic signature for ETP GPB

EDS for Gazprombank allows you to make an unlimited number of transactions on electronic trading platforms. Any commercial transactions certified by an electronic signature have full legal force and provide for the liability of both parties in accordance with Russian law.

After issuing an electronic signature for the ETP of Gazprombank, the client is accredited on the site, after which he gets access to participate in bidding and auctions.

How to get an ES for ETP GPB

To obtain a qualified electronic signature certificate, you should contact the accredited certification center "InfoTeKS Trust". To do this, you need to fill out an application for the production of an ES certificate, pay for the service and collect documents.

When the electronic signature is ready, you will receive an email notification, take the documents and go to any office of our company indicated in the application.

The specialist will tell you how to set up a workplace and how to work with an electronic signature. The technical support service will be available throughout the validity of the certificate. We help our customers around the clock.

Registration of an object identifier (OID) is carried out using a qualified electronic signature key certificate issued to the employee of the legal entity responsible for registering the OID. You can purchase an electronic signature certificate from Infotex Internet Trust or any accredited certification center. The certificate does not require the inclusion of additional OIDs 'ov.

To obtain an object identifier, a legal entity must register in a personal account, fill out and sign an application for obtaining an OID with an electronic signature. At the same time, a separate application must be filled in for obtaining an OID in each individual arc of the Russian tree of object identifiers. Any person of the organization can register an organization in a personal account. The application is submitted with the electronic signature of the person responsible for registering the object identifier.

To register in your personal account, you must specify the TIN of the organization. After we receive your data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you will receive an invitation to your personal account by e-mail. After that, you can apply. The application is signed with a qualified electronic signature certificate. After checking your application, you will receive a notification signed with an electronic signature about the assignment of an object identifier. The OID is published in the registry.

The applicant must inform the authorized body for registration of a change in the details of a legal entity through a personal account.

The term for consideration of the application is 7 days!

Steps to obtain a Non-Qualified Electronic Signature (NES) * required to work on the ETP of TEK-Torg JSC.

* Obtaining a certificate of non-qualified electronic signature (NES) for 1 non-resident of the Russian Federation and a license "CryptoPro CSP" v. 4 for 1 computer.

The data specified during registration in the personal account of the CA, as well as when placing and paying for the order at Steps 1 and 2, should not differ.
Payment is made only with a personalized bank card of the intended owner of the ES (name and surname must match).

Before you start, check your computer requirements! Use Internet Explorer for all Steps!

Registration in the personal account of the Certification Authority (LC CA)

Formation and payment of an order for the release of NEP.

  • Follow the link - /order/nonresident/?online=true and select "TEK-TORG" in "Products".
  • Set the value 1 in the field opposite the price 10 500₽
  • Click "Add to cart", then click "Proceed to checkout".
  • Fill in the fields of the "Contact information" form in Latin letters and click "Continue".
  • Check the entered information and click "Get payment link to my email" when you are ready to pay.
  • You will receive a letter to the specified E-mail with a link for payment, which will be valid only for 20 minutes. Follow the link and pay with your personal bank card. If you did not have time to pay at the specified time, then repeat the points above again.

Formation and payment of an order for the release of NEP

Creation of NEP certificate.

  • Follow the link and log in
  • To create an NEP, click the "Create" button in the "Certificates" block
  • Click the "Submit" button.
  • Select a storage location for the closed part of the NEP. It can be saved on a computer, on a USB flash drive or on a special cryptographic key. It is recommended to use a USB flash drive, to do this, select the desired "Disk" and click "OK"
  • NEP generation will start, you need to move the mouse and press the buttons on the keyboard in random order.
  • Enter the password for the NEP. Be sure to save it!

    *Attention! If you lose the password for the closed part of the NEP, it cannot be recovered. It will be necessary to re-pay and create the NEP. Create a copy of the private part of the key according to the Manual (Eng) in paragraph 2.1.7 after generating the private part of the NEP, especially if you saved it to your computer!

    The created NEP will be sent for confirmation to the Operator JSC "TEK-Torg" and will be displayed in the list of certificates. Confirmation of the release of the NEP will be only after receipt by JSC "TEK-Torg" of the original documents described in step 4.

Creation of the NEP certificate

Sending the necessary documentation to TEK-Torg JSC

  • Follow the link and log in -
  • Please print, sign and affix the stamp of the organization of which the recipient of the NEP represents before sending the application for release.
  • Prepare a notarized copy of a document officially accepted in the country of residence of the recipient of the NEP as an identity document - a passport, id card or otherwise.
  • Send scanned copies of documents by email [email protected].
  • Send the original documents to JSC "TEK-Torg" by mail, to the address: 115191 Moscow, Gamsonovsky lane, house 5, building 2

Registration in the personal account of the Certification Authority (LC CA)

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