Banknotes jokes. Bank of jokes (souvenir money)

Of course, the most popular game of this kind is Monopoly. You can play monopoly online. But it is much more interesting to print the "playing field" and play money.

All you need is this good quality cardboard and paper, stationery scissors and regular liquid glue + color printer. By the way, in order to cut bills easier and more evenly, you can use not scissors, but a clerical paper knife. So, print game money on a printer:

U.S. dollars

I will clarify that, in principle, you can print money in JPEG format. But pdf files are much more convenient. First, you don't have to print every image. Multiple pages are sent to print at once. Secondly, this ready-made template is ready to be edited in Photoshop (or any other photo editor).

How to print money? Just click on each image and save the picture to your computer. Banknotes are easily edited in Photoshop (without loss of quality).

Print Russian rubles

Play money print Russian rubles on a printer - PDF format. Large banknotes (12 pieces) per A4 sheet:

Small banknotes on A4 sheet (JPEG format):

Print for Euro game

Small banknotes for sheet A4. The quality is good, when editing and printing do not blur. JPEG format:

Game money to print on the printer Ukrainian hryvnia

Small denominations, suitable for A4 sheet. Can be edited. Quality is not lost.

Print for the game Belarusian rubles

Belarusian rubles (1.3.5 rubles). Large banknotes, for A4 sheet

Bank of jokes, fake money, souvenir game money- This joke bank tickets, money stickers, money bags, notepads, money trees I am for every taste. Comic money, as well as cash souvenirs will help to prank friends and acquaintances or become a cool gift for any holiday - New Year, Birthday, April Fool's Day, wedding.

Game (souvenir) money - copies of real banknotes sold as souvenirs.

They differ from fake ones in that usually on their front and back sides it is indicated in some way that this banknote is not a means of payment. Often something is written in place of the traditional inscription “Bank of Russia Ticket”, for example, “Prikolov Bank Ticket”, etc.

Cash favors and prank bank prank money can also be used as a bride price or prank on your friends! Also suitable for shooting videos, clips, movies.

Fake banknotes are used to pay for goods, give change to customers, and even receive a salary.

The joke money of the "Joke Bank" has a very real circulation. Fake banknotes are used to pay for goods, give change to customers, and even receive a salary.
Hundred-ruble, five-hundred-ruble and thousand-dollar bills are used.
More details about the payment system "Bank of jokes" - Diana Chabanova.

Pay with non-payment means.
The practice of using bank notes as real money seems to be widespread in Russia. Comic money is paid in bars, shops and pharmacies. Substitution is often found only in the bank.
Moreover, manufacturers are almost impossible to hold accountable.

The money of the "bank of jokes" looks like real money.
The catch can only be seen upon closer examination and by touch. One of the victims of the scammers, Maxim Vasilkov, did not notice how a wad of change that was given to him in a roadside shop in Nizhny Novgorod contained a comic hundred-ruble note:

“With a thousandth bill, they gave me change in hundred-ruble bills. I did not notice them and decided to put them in my wallet. I decided to buy ice cream. I gave it to my grandmother, stepped aside. And she tells me - “Look, your banknote is fake”, and hands me my banknote, the size of a real stolnik, only instead of the “Bank of Russia”, it says “Jokes Bank”, that this is not a means of payment. But when it is in a pack, it is almost impossible to understand that this is not a 100 ruble bill.

Maxim was lucky that the ice cream seller gave the fake to him, and not to the police officer. People who pay with cool money are subject to criminal liability. What the creators of the banknote remind them of is "the use of this leaflet as a means of payment is punishable by law" - it is written in small print in the corner. True, it still needs to be proven that the person was deliberately selling banknotes, says Philip Zolotnitsky, official representative of the department for combating organized economic crimes of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate:

"If you deliberately try to transfer this banknote to someone, pay off somewhere, then, of course, you can fall under criminal prosecution. There are certain legal methods, the definition of direct intent and indirect intent, which is successfully applied by the investigating authorities. "

The leaflet is made of plain paper, date of manufacture is 1807.
It is very difficult to prove the guilt of the creators of the snag, says Alexander Treshchev, head of the law firm Treshchev and Partners:

“If it is clearly written there that a real piece of paper is not a means of payment, then it is impossible to hold anyone accountable, until a special order. A special order happens when our people, despite what is written in black and white in the corner, but this does not bother them and it comes into circulation, then of course they will be confiscated and law enforcement agencies will look at what article to attract for this action."

Even sellers, who usually carefully study banknotes, fall for this bait. In the Irkutsk region, restaurant visitors paid with a comic thousand with the inscription "bookmark". The joke was recognized only at the bank when they handed over the proceeds.
You can buy such bills for 40 rubles in a souvenir shop, Olga, an employee of the sales department of the Planet of Pranks company, told the BFM:

"We have a demand for all banknotes, in particular, a thousand rubles. In general, the paper is called confetti paper for the holidays and it is written that this is a souvenir, it is immediately clear that this is not real money."

According to law enforcement agencies, the victims of deception themselves contribute to the fact that joke banknotes go around like real money. They are in no hurry to contact the police and try to sell the papers through outlets just to return the lost money.

The first case when joke bank joke tickets came into circulation occurred in Ufa, when a pharmacy cashier did not notice the substitution and gave the customer change in real money.
The man bought fanfuriki - bottles with capsicum alcohol. Then the pharmacy staff received a salary with the same fakes. The forgery was discovered when the pharmacist went to pay off a bank loan.

If you are bored with the banal delivery in an envelope.

The bride can be presented with money in cabbage, a bouquet of roses folded with origami technique from large bills, the groom - a ship to become a captain in the family and a money umbrella to cover her. The hero of the day is given money in a bank, a picture, or a broom. They also give chests, toilet paper with state marks, piggy banks, or just a cash equivalent - a certificate. And now more…

Newlyweds are usually given large gifts or sums of money. Below are the original ideas for the delivery of any large sums (5000, 10000, 50000 rubles ..).

We make a cash gift with our own hands +.

Idea number 1. Bouquet of money.

Causes only positive emotions.

We give you a bouquet of roses,
He will not wither in the cold,
It will not dry out in the heat,
And water is useless.
You will be pleased with yourself
Useful - no question
Petals are expensive
At a bouquet of roses.

Idea number 2. Money umbrella.

Attach banknotes under the umbrella on threads, roll up the umbrella, pack it in gift paper in layers to make a large cocoon.

Cover your nest
From all the problems together,
Under colorful and durable
Money umbrella.
Let it pour on you ruthlessly
Only golden rain
And bring prosperity to the house
Dear gift.

Here is a video how to do it:

Idea number 3. Paper bills on clothespins, on a clothesline.

We were in a hurry for the wedding
And got wet in the rain.
We give dollars and euros,
They'll probably suit you.
How to dry - you remove,
Straighten with an iron!
Spend with benefit and soul
Your friendly family.

Idea number 4. A stack of money wrapped in chocolate. For the sweet life

We wish you a sweet life
We will give you chocolate.
Chocolate is not easy
It has a gold wrap.
And the stuffing is expensive
But trust me, it's not edible.

Idea number 5. A book covered in thousand dollar bills.

We give a book for the soul
And prosperity in the house,
If you like to read (count)
Will come in handy soon.

Idea number 6. Carpet from small bills, for example 100 rubles.

We pave the way for you
Get rich a little.
Every step is a big success
We give it to you with all our heart!

Idea number 7. Children's potty

With a lid, filled with coins, can be chocolate, or tenths.

We give you a magic pot,
For the budget, it is therapeutic.
It contains gold coins.
Yes, they are heavy.
We know that they will definitely come in handy,
So that you do not need anything!

Idea number 8. New vacuum cleaner as a gift

With a garbage container filled with banknotes and garbage bags.

We give you a vacuum cleaner
Kiss passionately!
The vacuum cleaner is not simple,
It has a big surprise inside.

/take out a trash can from a vacuum cleaner filled with money/

So that you have money
Like rubbish on a carpet
The box will be filled
Shake it out in the safe.

And if the eyeballs
And the safe will suddenly become
Here are the garbage bags
They will save you from pain.

We hope they come true
crazy dreams
Happy and rich
Guys, your fate!

Idea number 9. Desk calendar for the whole year

Glue to the pages: January - 10 rubles, February - 50 rubles, March - 100 rubles, April - 500 rubles, May - 1000 rubles, June - 5000 rubles, July - 1 dollar, etc.

Scroll through the calendar
And make a wish.
You tear off a leaf -
Whatever you want, buy.

Idea number 10. Money house.

We give you a house made of green papers,
Generous to the house for you layered.
Take the money one by one
And buy something for the house.

Accurately noted: Have you ever wondered why banknotes in our country are called: "ticket of the Bank of Russia"? The state is hinting that all we have in our pocket is playing the lottery. And who will be lucky in this game ...

How to give money for an anniversary with a joke

Option 1. For a man. Box labeled "Safe"

Or a canvas bag with the inscription "Cashier". Suitable for a scene about robbers who robbed a bank for the sake of the hero of the day and brought him an expensive gift.

We give the cash register is not simple,
Stuffed to the brim.
To chic the hero of the day,
Don't worry about anything!

Option 2. For a man. "Money box".

Having changed into Pinocchio, you can give a piggy bank (or a small bag of fabric) with gold coins. Coins can be really gold, bought in Sberbank. Or you can get by with old coins bought at an antique store. Such souvenirs are an excellent investment in times of crisis.

Our hero of the day is not stingy,
Look at the table!
But we give him a piggy bank,
We are with love and soul!

Option 3. For a man. A book with stash hidden between the pages.

Hiding a stash is a difficult task.
And it’s so nice when there is a bundle of money ...

Between the pages they put you a bill,
The best gift is a book, in kind!

Option 4. For a man. Gingant Cuban cigar made from rolled money.

The bigger the gift, the better.

You better stop smoking
Start life anew.
Here's a Cuban cigar
So as not to suffer without smoke.

Option 5. For a woman. Miracle curlers.

You can congratulate your girlfriend in this way and give denyushki rolled into rolls. Tie each roll with a thin ribbon. Put them in a basket. Decorate the basket also with hairpins, combs, hairpins.

So that you are always beautiful
Irresistible hairstyle
I give a miracle curler
Twist yourself on curls.
Anything you want, buy it!

Option 6. For a woman. Homemade waffles.

A bit like option number 5, also the money is rolled up into rolls, tied with an inconspicuous thread. Put on a dish, on a lace napkin. So present with the words:

My girlfriend for my anniversary
Baked all night, tried,
Try the waffles soon
They are such sweetness!

Take one with your eyes closed
Make a wish,
Feel how it crunches!
Oh charm!

Option 7. For a man. Card reading".

Put money in a pack of playing cards. Dress up as a gypsy and tell fortunes to the hero of the day:

- Hello, dear hero of the day!
You are not old at all!
Even half gray
Ay, ne-ne, what a man!

- I guess, give me your palm,
Don't be afraid, my sweet.
I'll lay out my cards
I'll show you my chips!

/pulls out the 1st banknote from the pack/

- I see that luck awaits you, you will become even richer!

/takes out 2nd money/

- You have 100 rubles, but you have a lot of friends!

/takes out 3rd money/

- Don't sweat at work, but retired bastards!

/takes out the 4th piece of paper/

- Hide this card in a sock, it will come in handy, more than once ...

/takes out the 5th "card"/

- Viagra is not destined to drink, everything moves by itself!

– Wow, look, the king of worms! Every day you are younger!

- Know that you will live up to 100, and even drink honey with beer!

- You are handsome, smart, rich - the cards tell the whole truth.

/opens the 9th card/

“You have a lady in your heart, but this is your wife!”

/last 10th note/

- And here is a gift from me, hold it, your deck of cards! Hurry up in your bosom shove .. And kiss me on the cheek!

Option 8. For a man. A gift from the pirates.

You can perform dressed as sea robbers and play a scene. As a cash gift, a spyglass pasted over with banknotes and a chest with coins. You can give a sailor, a military man, or a hunter-fisherman.

We've been to distant lands
And we survived the storms
We robbed good people
On their cruise ships.
We collected gold in a chest,
And so our captain decided:
You'll need it more
Accept as a gift, hero of the day!

/give a chest of coins/

And in order to be on guard,
Hold a spyglass
With her to hunt, shoot ducks,
Or follow the girls!

/give a pipe/

And it's time for us, our way is long,
across the Indian Ocean
In 10 years, wait for us to visit,
Don't get sick, our hero of the day!

Option 9. For a woman. Bank with coins and money of a large denomination.

You can give mom, girlfriend, grandmother, colleague, daughter, anyone. Pour coins into the bottom of a three-liter jar, whole heads of garlic, then large bills, mixed with branches of dill and currant leaves. And roll up the jar with a lid machine.

We are not empty-handed
With homemade gifts.
Didn't sleep the whole night
They rolled money into the banks.

They say: money does not smell,
We cooked the brine like this:
garlic, dill, salt,
Yes clove flavor.

Notably the money was salted,
It will be a good winter.
Their hot potatoes
It's best to eat!

Option 10. Waste basket.

It's simple, carelessly throw bills into an office plastic basket, you can slightly wrinkle them.

Short verse:

How interesting to give 1000 rubles

A beautiful and original thousandth bill can be presented in the following ways:

1.) Unwind the toilet paper roll completely, up to the sleeve, wind the thousandth bill onto the sleeve, wind the toilet paper back. Decorate with a ribbon with a bow. The intrigue is that the congratulator does not know what kind of surprise awaits him, but you need to hint that the paper is not simple, but with a happy ending!

2.) Exchange 1000 rubles for small bills, 10, 50, 100 rubles, the more the better. Put in a paper envelope with the words:

Accept congratulations,
In your .
A bundle of money in addition
To become even richer!
Stuff your wallet
So that my friend was pot-bellied!

3.) Two pieces of paper for 500 rubles each can be vertically pasted on beautiful colored paper for creativity, to finish drawing little men: heads, arms, legs. Money should be held by the handles. And make a funny caption at the bottom:

- we are with you, like sisters, forever! (girlfriend)
Mom, I'm always with you! (mother)
- We're the same blood! (sister, aunt, etc.)

4.) 1001 rubles. A thousand and one rubles, as in the fairy tale "1001 Nights". Take any book, glue it with paper for crafts, write large on the cover, or print in advance: “1001 rubles. Instructions for Enrichment.» You can put a thousandth bill and a coin of 1 ruble on secret pages, you can pack it in a small envelope so that it does not fall out.

5.) A comic gift for a close friend - 1000 rubles. We buy any underpants, bend the bill in half, fix it on the edge of the elastic band with a paper clip:

I give you panties
So that you are rich.
Keep savings in them,
For self respect!

How to give 500 rubles in an original way

With your own hands and poems, you can decorate any, even a small cash gift. Symbolic five hundred rubles can be donated if the budget does not allow to show off. And how to do it in an original way, we will tell further.

The gift doesn't matter
More important attention
And your beautiful smiles

The strongest, the most courageous -
500 rubles for the case.
fit, take it
Meet Defender's Day!

Accept our modest gift,
But he, believe me, from the heart.
But we are eternally grateful to you,
For our victory, freedom and life!

For the New Year to employees:

We give today to everyone
By the New Year tree
So that next year
It was more fun! (gift: a Christmas tree made of small bills on a pencil)

For a professional holiday

We give a good, useful present,
As a compliment from the company.
For your devotion and hard work,
To create a festive mood for you!

It doesn't matter what you give, 100 dollars, or 100 euros, or maybe 100 rubles? The main thing is to make your present interesting and read poetry with soul!

Also watch the video of $$$ donation ideas:

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" understands who prints "toy money". And isn't it time to ban them?

Photo: Asya ZHUKOVA

Change text size: A A

The case when size matters. And at the same time color, font, pattern and everything else. At a cursory glance (just don’t touch it with your hands), banknotes from the bank of jokes are real money.

You won’t find fault - the real joy of combinators of all stripes. And that's what they need! You stock up in the nearest stall with colorful "tugriks", and go ahead. Half the work has already been done for you: printed, distributed. Just use it.

And here is the result: such bills began to be used much more often, - said acting. head of the department for organizing the activities of district police officers and juveniles of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, police lieutenant colonel Alexander Turovsky. – In our region, for example, in 2017, 10 such crimes were registered in the region. And in the current - already 17. Usually, elderly people suffer from the actions of fraudsters.

So then in ours, but only in Russia? How many weren't announced? Meanwhile, the descendants of Ostap Bender are inventing new schemes to take money from the population.

Intimidated by default and ...

Take the recent case near Krasnoyarsk. In May, a young woman drove up to a 79-year-old pensioner on the Alley of Veterans. We talked, and then the stranger said: “I see that you are spoiled.” To get rid of the misfortune, she ordered to bring a chicken egg from home, a photo and, of course, all the money. Like, they will speak and return back.

Grandma hesitated. Until a passer-by came by. “What are you talking about, my child was cured like that!” she said. They hit on the hands. And the pensioner personally gave the "witch" with her partner 300 thousand rubles. There was no more. After the session, she was handed a bundle of money. Punished: "Until tomorrow, do not print!". It is clear that it contained colored papers of the bank of jokes.

Or another scheme. A year ago, Krasnoyarsk. And again two enterprising madams. These guarded a 94-year-old old woman on the street. Intimidated default, which is about to come. And they offered to rewrite the money - "so as not to burn out." She let them into the house, went away for documents. Without them, money cannot be replaced, the scammers assured. She returned: the room was empty, and 420 thousand turned into a pile of duplicates.

They also cheat summer residents selling vegetables from the garden beds, sellers of pavilions, rural shops. Alas - rolls. And quite often.

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The seller of the pavilion about banknotes of the Bank of Jokes.Svetlana VALIULINA

Find in 15 minutes

I confess: until the moment of preparation of the note with fake “cash”, I had no business, where it is found (and why), I didn’t even suspect.

Then I decided to find out: how long will it take to find banknotes that thousands of pensioners (and not only them) “convert” into real rubles? “Such kindness in any kiosk heaps!” colleagues convinced me. 10 minutes at a fast pace - and I'm at the nearest one.

We don’t have such “money,” the salesman Tatyana makes a helpless gesture, “we used to have it, but a very long time ago. And people still go, are interested. Where are they? I saw something similar in a kiosk across the street in the yard.

Three more minutes - and in front of me is the "stall" of competitors.

Joke banknotes? – asks the kiosk Irina. - I know such. They lied to me, more than once. Now I have become vigilant. After having to refund. I turn over each bill, feel it. Just yesterday at 6 o'clock a man came up: "Give me crossword puzzles for 125 rubles." I give it to him, he gives me a thousand. I saw it - it's not real. I say: “What kind of money is this? I don't need this." He grabbed her and ran.

A catchy sign above the door, I go in. Ready! In the window, next to the toilet paper painted in the American flag and napkins with toast, they are. A scattering of multi-colored banknotes. "A pack of money" - modestly appears on the label. Each contains 90 pieces of paper, the issue price is 150 rubles.

What do you need? Dollars, euros, rubles, maybe Soviet? There are also new ones - 200 and 200 thousand each. We keep up with the times, - the middle-aged woman seller states with a sigh (she asked not to give her name - ed.).

Demand for them is stable, she shares. Take it once every two days. A lot - they say, for weddings, to redeem the bride, holidays.

How can these banknotes be accepted as valid? she wonders. - Smooth, without protective tape, watermarks.

We randomly visit another joke shop - and again in the "bull's eye". On the counter is a whole ikebana made of fake banknotes. Summary: sold on every corner, in souvenir "points".

And ban toys?

Back in 2011, souvenir money was going to be outlawed. Namely, to prohibit the issuance of copies of banknotes of the Bank of Russia in any color. They wanted to amend the law "On the Central Bank" and the Code of Administrative Offenses. It didn't work out.

The amendment did not pass on any reading.

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