Casco calculator online reso. Calculate casco in reso guarantee online

Rating: 1 Estimated payments: 1

SPAO "RESO-Garantia". CASCO. Payment case No. AT8879954. Policy No. SYS1236924077. Policy issue date: 07/05/2017 Policy validity period: from 07/07/2017 to 07/06/2018 This policy is not the first and not the last for this car in this insurance company. Insurance risks - damage, theft, additional GAP expenses. The policy provides the only way insurance compensation- repairs at the workshop in the direction of the insurer with the calculation of the amount of compensation at the prices of the official dealer.

06/22/2018 car insured under this policy, gets into an accident in the city of Khabarovsk. The road accident registration was carried out with the participation of traffic police officers. On July 5, 2018, a representative of the insured provided the office of RESO-Garantia SPAO in Khabarovsk with a notification of an accident (in the form approved for OSAGO) and a notification of damage to the car in the form of an insurance company. In addition, photos of the accident site and damage to the car were provided, as well as all Required documents provided by the rules of insurance, except for documents from the traffic police. The final acceptance of the application and all documents provided for by the insurance rules was postponed pending the completion of the administrative investigation into the accident. On September 7, 2018, a representative of the insured provided the office of RESO-Garantia SPAO in Khabarovsk with documents issued by the traffic police after the administrative case was closed. The documents were accepted by KD Kim, an employee of the RESO-Garantia SPJSC office in Khabarovsk. (corresponding mark on the damage notice vehicle available). A few days after that, the car was inspected by a representative of the SPA "RESO-Garantia" at the place of its location, where it was evacuated from the accident scene, and where it has been all the time since that moment. At the same time, the inspection report was not drawn up.

Further, after the above, on the part of SPAO "RESO-Garantia" did not take any action to fulfill its obligations under the insurance contract. Absolutely none !!! There was not even an attempt to take any action. Neither orally nor in writing. Repair referral not issued. Neither the policyholder nor his representative received any invitations to receive a referral for repairs (as well as any alternative proposals for resolving the issue). The term for the payment of the insurance indemnity established by clause 12.3.3 of the insurance rules expired on 12.10.2018.

Obviously, most likely, as a mockery from the head office of RESO-Garantia SPAO in Moscow, the policyholder received a letter signed by Ya.I. K-nov, deputy head of the property payments department of RESO-Garantia SPAO. Outgoing No. Rg (UVI) 43931 / k dated October 24, 2018. In this letter, RESO-Garantia Insurance Company guarantees the insured that the car will be repaired in this payout case in strict accordance with the insurance rules. At the same time, for some reason, the letter indicates that the representative of the insured applied to SPAO "RESO-Garantia" on 09.10.2018, although the initial appeal was on 05.07.2018, and the final acceptance of the documents took place on 07.09.2018, which was recorded and confirmed by the documents of the insurance company itself. But the main mockery is that Insurance Company guarantees refurbishment in STRICTLY accordance with the insurance rules. At the same time, the letter, which contains such a firm promise, was drawn up, signed and sent as early as 12 days after the deadline for the payment of insurance compensation, provided for by these very rules, had already expired.

SPJSC RESO-Garantia offers its clients a wide range of insurance services, including car insurance under the CASCO program. You can calculate the CASCO RESO-Guarantee at the company's office or from broker agents - it takes a lot of time, requires additional costs and does not guarantee the conclusion of an agreement, since the insurance conditions may not correspond to the desired ones. We recommend using a convenient online calculator located on the insurer's website to calculate the cost of insurance.

CASCO insurance products and services in RESO-Garantia

Before you find out the price of CASCO RESO against theft and theft, as well as damage, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the products and a set of additional insurance services that SPA "RESO-Garantia" provides to its customers. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions of all programs on the official website of the insurer at in the "Individuals" tab, in the "Voluntary auto insurance" section:

The list of insurance products includes:

  • RESOauto;
  • RESOautoGAP;
  • Theft;
  • CASCO-Profi;
  • Insurance with a satellite system;
  • RESOauto-Help-Economy;
  • RESOauto-Help-Comfort;
  • VIP service.

RESOavto is a standard product of AUTOCASCO, the risks of which cover all possible cases and include: theft, road accidents, falling objects, natural disasters, fire / explosion, illegal actions of others. The ability to conclude CASCO RESO-Garantia in installments makes the product available to all citizens. Include in the contract additional risks associated with harm to the health of drivers and passengers, as well as the property and health of other people (extended OSAGO) and equipment (for example, a radio tape recorder, TV, discs, etc.) that is not included in the standard package and is not subject to insurance on standard terms. Within the framework of the insurance product, it is possible to receive an indemnity under the RESO-GARANTIA CASCO without certificates and other documents documenting the event if the glazing elements are damaged or the body is damaged within 5% of the cost, but not more than 6,000 rubles. for domestic and 15,000 rubles. for foreign cars.

RESOAUTOGAP is a demanded truncated product, concluded in addition to the CASCO agreement. Within the framework of RESOavtoGAP, the client's losses are covered when paying for the risk of theft or total constructive loss associated with a decrease in the insured amount due to the natural wear and tear of the car. Standard programs provide for the wear of the car in the first year of operation by 18-20%, and in the subsequent years from 12 to 15% per year.

Unlike RESOauto, the Theft product provides a truncated version, which includes compensation for damage in case of car theft, regardless of whether the crime was committed openly or secretly, as well as with or without violence.

The new CASCO-Profi product from RESO-Garantia has already taken its niche in the car insurance market. The purpose of CASCO-Profi is to supplement the OSAGO policy and provide the client with the opportunity to repair the damaged car in full within the limit of 400,000 rubles. Basic conditions for confinement:

  • availability of a CTP policy from RESO-Garantia;
  • causing harm as a result of an accident in which another person is recognized as the culprit.

The Insurance program with a satellite system was developed by RESO-Garantia specialists together with partner companies (Caesar Satellite, Arkan, Autolocator and others) that produce and maintain satellite alarms. The application of these conditions allows you to save on insurance against the risk of theft up to 70%, as well as get an additional discount on the installation of a satellite search engine.

RESOavto-Help-Economy and RESOavto-Help-Comfort are similar in nature and differ only in the set of guaranteed services that complement the standard CASCO product. RESOavto-Pomoshch-Economy provides customers with the opportunity for an emergency commissioner to go to the scene of an accident and, in the event of a breakdown, emergency assistance on the road and evacuation of the car if it is impossible to repair it on the spot. RESOavto-Pomoshch-Comfort complements the package of services with the option of free calling an ambulance, which will arrive at the scene of the accident as soon as possible.

RESO-Garantia offers large clients an individual approach under the VIP-service program. Clients are invited to take advantage of an additional range of services, which include evacuation in Moscow and the Moscow region, payment for CASCO RESO-Garantia without certificates, repairs without visiting an insurance company, expanding the territory of insurance coverage, personal manager other.

The calculation on the calculator and the above analysis will help you choose a suitable insurance product, taking into account the cost and conditions of insurance in CASCO RESO-GARANTIA. When connecting additional programs, it will be necessary to make an additional payment within the framework of the main contract, therefore, evaluate the ratio of the cost and nature of the service.

The cost and conditions of insurance in CASCO RESO-GARANTIA

You can find out the cost of insurance and calculate the CASCO RESO-Garantia yourself using the online calculator located at The calculator provides for the ability to make a calculation on general terms, the term of the agreement is only 1 year, the currency of the agreement is the Russian ruble. If you need a calculation on individual terms, contact the office of the insurance company in your region.

For correct calculation, use the step-by-step instructions below:

  1. List your previous insurer, if any.
    If the car was previously insured under CASCO insurance in another company, then RESO-Garantia offers an additional discount for the transition. At the time of the conclusion of the policy, it is enough to provide the previous CASCO insurance policy.
  2. Complete the required contract requirements. If you wish, conclude CASCO RESO-Guarantees in installments choose the option for 2 (semi-annually) or 4 (quarterly) installments.
  3. Fill in owner information. It is important to indicate whether the vehicle is pledged (purchased on credit), since some programs are not suitable for pledged vehicles.
  4. Enter your vehicle details. You will need information about the make / model of the car, to select, click on the "..." button, as well as the type and number of accidents under the previous agreement.
    When entering information about the year of manufacture and the date of purchase, you must indicate the year in accordance with the TCP, if, for example, a car produced in 2015, but was not operated and was in a car dealership, be sure to indicate that the mileage is up to 1000 km. - this significantly affects the final calculation. The insured amount corresponds to the real value of the car - it is important to correctly determine the value, since subsequently, within this amount, the insurer will be liable under the contract. For used cars, it is not necessary to estimate the price of a car, it is enough to determine the average market price for similar ones for sale (for example, on the automobile portal, it is enough to indicate information about the car, its modifications and advertisements with a price offer will be displayed.
  5. Enter information about the territory of insurance and the place of residence of the owner. Select the region of purchase of the policy and the place of residence of the owner, in which the car will be used for the most part. The default insurance territory in all companies is Russia, which means that the CASCO policy will be valid in the event of an insured event on the territory of our country. If necessary, you can expand the insurance territory for an additional fee - this will be required if you plan to travel by car abroad.
  6. Provide driver details. For each driver with a limited list, the age, experience and gender of each driver should be indicated. When choosing an unlimited list of persons, two options are possible: no restrictions - all drivers are allowed regardless of age (from 18 years) and experience, no restrictions 22 +, 2 + - the condition implies admission to driving of drivers whose age is more than 22 years and experience is more than 2 years.
  7. Select the type of alarm and the method of compensation for losses and click the "Calculate" button.

Provided that all the data has been entered correctly, a calculation will be made and all cost options will be offered, including the price of CASCO RESO against theft and theft, the amount of insurance depending on the amount of the franchise and others.

Brief rules

1. Determination of the sum insured

In the contract of RESO Garantia, non-aggregate sums insured are used, implying monetary funds, within which the insurers are obliged to make insurance payments for each of the insured events, regardless of their number during the insurance period. At the same time, the limits of liability of the insurance company are not reduced by the amount of payments made.

After the payment of insurance indemnities due to damage, with the exception of payments on the basis of "Total loss", the insurance contract continues to operate.

2. Regulations for the provision of insurance compensation for damage

The calculation of indemnity due to incurred damage assumes the exclusion of depreciation.

3. Constructive death

The rules of CASCO and MTPL insurance "RESO Garantia" presuppose the implementation of the "Complete loss" condition if the cost of the required refurbishment reaches 80% of the value of the car, excluding depreciation at the time of the conclusion of the insurance contract.

4. Determination of wear rates

The insurance contract for CASCO and OSAGO "RESO Garantia" assumes the following procedure for calculating depreciation:

  • in the first year - 20% (in the first month - 3%, in the second month - 2%, in the third and subsequent months - 1.5% each);
  • in the second year - 15% (including for each month - 1.25%);
  • in the third and subsequent years - 12% (including for each month - 1%).

5. Deadlines for filing claims for damage

Within 10 (working) days, the policyholders are required to submit a written notification of the damage to the insurance company.

6. Deadlines for filing statements about theft

The insurer has set a period for the mandatory verbal request for theft in the amount of 24 hours. In order to receive payments for CASCO, as well as payments for MTPL in "RESO Garantia", the policyholders must submit a written message about theft to the insurance company within 3 (working) days.

7. Period of insurance compensation due to damage

The rules of CASCO and OSAGO "RESO Garantia" insurance provide for the observance of a 20-day period during which payments related to damage are credited to the insured's current account. In this case, payments due to the death of a car are made within 30 days.

8. Period of insurance compensation due to theft

Payments for hull insurance, as well as payments for OSAGO in RESO Garantia, related to theft, are made within a 30-day period. In order to receive compensation for theft of a car, it is necessary to submit to the insurer all the documentation it requires, including decisions on the initiation of criminal cases.

9. Damage not payable

Payments for CASCO in RESO Garantia are not made in case of damage:

  • exclusively wheel group (hubcaps, tires, disks);
  • awnings.

Refusal to pay compensation also occurs due to theft of awning products.

10. Damage and costs payable

Expenses are subject to reimbursement:

  • aimed at restoring damage sustained during towing;
  • evacuation-related (no more than 1% of the sum insured).

11. Important information

Payments can be made without providing documentation from authorized state bodies in case of damage to glass, as well as glazing of headlights, or in case of damage to body elements. These payments are possible if the amount of damage does not exceed the amount equivalent to:

  • $ 200 for domestic cars;
  • $ 500 for cars of joint and import production.

The RESO insurance company offers its clients not only compulsory, but also voluntary vehicle insurance, under the CASCO program. If earlier you had to spend your time and personally contact the office to find out the cost, in recent years the calculation procedure has become much easier. A real-time CASCO RESO calculator has become available. Consider the rules in the article voluntary insurance and all programs. We will also tell you how to use the calculator in order to save personal time and choose the most favorable insurance conditions.

About the insurance company Reso Garantia

Reso Garantia is a large universal insurance company that has been operating since 1991. Today the insurer is ready to offer over 100 insurance products. It is important to take into account that each product received a license from The central bank RF.

More than 20 thousand agents are engaged in the sale of insurance products in Reso Garantia, who have been trained and know not only how to arrange protection, but all the rules.

Reso Guarantee today is:

  • more than 850 branches throughout the Russian Federation;
  • more than 10 million clients (individuals and legal entities);
  • more than 100 large partners, including banks and shopping centers.

As for the rating, it has been unchanged since 2009. Based on the results of the Expert RA audit, the insurer was assigned an A ++ rating, which means an exceptionally high reliability rating. It is to this company that you can entrust your property, since all payments will be made on time and in full.

The insurance company Reso Garantia is called a real pro, which every year proves its stability and solvency.

Insurance rules

It should be borne in mind that the rules are a document in which all the rights of both the policyholder and the insurer are spelled out. Let's look at the main sections of the rules that you should pay special attention to.

Insurance rules for CASCO Reso Guarantee:

Insurance risks The company offers the client to insure the car under a CASCO contract for such risks as:
  • damage;
  • theft or theft;
  • additional GAP costs that may arise as a result of damage;
  • loss of commodity value;
  • optional equipment.
Sum insured For each listed risk sum insured set individually. It is important to take into account that its size cannot exceed the real cost of the vehicle or equipment.
The procedure for concluding an insurance contract This paragraph clearly describes the procedure for issuing a CASCO form. Upon conclusion, the policyholder is obliged:
  • show documents;
  • show the car in its pure form, for the purpose of inspection;
  • provide only relevant information;
  • make payment in full;
  • confirm consent to the processing of personal data;
  • strictly comply with all the requirements and rules of the insurer (mainly regarding payments).
Validity of the contract You can buy a CASCO policy for any period. It is important to take into account that when insuring, for example, for 3 months, the client will need to pay about 50% of the total cost of the contract.
Actions in the event of an insured event An important section that every driver should carefully study. The specified paragraph of the CASCO rules says that:
  • the insured event must be recorded through the traffic police;
  • you must not leave the scene of the accident until authorized employees draw up a protocol;
  • within 10 days contact the insurer in order to declare a loss;
  • the client must provide all the necessary documents, and the damaged car, in order to conduct an inspection.

You can apply for CASCO without a certificate from the traffic police only if damage to glass elements is caused (glass or headlights are broken).

Determination of the amount of damage Under the agreement, the client can receive payment in cash. Recently, however, the insurer has been actively proposing to choose a condition - repair at the station. Choosing this method, the client can be completely sure that all costs of the station will be paid by Reso Garantia.
Subrogation V this section the rules say in which case the insurance company can make claims for the return Money that were listed to the injured party as a result of the occurrence of the insured event.
Dispute resolution All disputes are resolved in court.

The advantages of the full auto insurance program under the casco rules in RESO-Garantia are obvious:

The rules of casco insurance in RESO Garantia make it possible not to provide any documents from state bodies, for example, a certificate from the traffic police, in the event of an insured event, if no more than a couple of adjacent body parts were damaged in one insured event once a year.

Casco agreement in RESO The guarantee can be concluded for a period from six months to a whole year, so that, using a car according to the seasons, you do not overpay insurance premiums and save.

If you have already purchased an insurance policy from RESO Garantia and a corresponding contract has been concluded, according to which no losses were claimed, you can get a five percent one. If you have insurance against theft, you can save about 10%.
You can avoid various troubles associated with increasing coefficients if drivers with a short experience are allowed to the insured car, simply replacing them with a 2% -3% deductible.

Casco insurance in RESO The guarantee consists of several options, in addition - a special service program has been added here - it is called "Roadside Assistance". The rules of the RESO Guarantee for hull insurance regulate that the number of persons who will be allowed to drive will not exceed three. This also includes comprehensive (or actual) cost insurance only. For this, the auto insurance contract provides for an option that determines the amount of damage. It is made according to the calculations of a specially authorized independent expert company... So, as a result, only one of several options for determining the extent of damage will be presented: repair at the service station in accordance with the direction of the insurer or paying the bill from the service station at the request of the insured. You can calculate the policy online, which will calculate the cost of the policy for you in a few seconds. The calculator is equipped with additional fields of information about your car, when filling in which you can significantly reduce the cost of CASCO insurance.

Our calculator will help you calculate the cost of comprehensive insurance in RESO Guarantees online or calculate the cost of the policy in each specific case. The cost of spare parts can be included in insurance benefits, excluding wear and tear. Insurance rules in RESO-Garantia allow you to reimburse the costs of evacuation from the accident scene damaged car to the parking lot or repair. You can also insure a car of domestic production or a foreign car, aged from three to seven years. Moreover, the number of persons who will be admitted to its management will not exceed three.

Features of obtaining insurance in the company "RESO Garantia"

Territory of insurance coverage: Territory of the Russian Federation.

Payment without certificates from the traffic police / ATS: It is made without restrictions in case of damage to glass elements, as well as in case of minor damage to the body part (damage does not exceed 5% of the sum insured). There are also restrictions - no more than $ 200 for domestic cars and $ 500 for foreign cars.

Emergency commissioner, collection of certificates: We can gladly offer you this service free of charge at the expense of our company, if the service is not provided by the insurance company or is paid.

Payment by installments: Possible. Without increasing the cost of the policy.

Tow truck: Provided an unlimited number of times.

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