How I bought an apartment in Pattaya and what "surprises" awaited me. What about street travel agencies in Pattaya? How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation

Yes, it is possible, but there are some peculiarities. Foreign citizens have the right to acquire real estate for themselves in condominiums, but only if it does not exceed 49% of the total area of ​​the condominium itself. To purchase a house, you need to register a Thai company in your name, because. Under Thai law, a foreign citizen cannot own land. The property itself is registered with a Thai company. Thus, you become the owner of the company that owns the property. You can get more detailed information from our specialists, as well as our Thai colleagues, who can advise you via skype, or by answering your questions in writing.

You can reserve the apartment of your choice by signing a reservation agreement on the spot. When reserving an object, a deposit of approx. 50,000 baht. As a rule, within a month from the date of signing the above agreement, a contract of sale is signed. The remaining amount is paid in parts during the construction of the facility or in part after its completion. You can pay in cash on site or by bank transfer. When importing currency into Thailand, you must comply with all the requirements for the legal import of currency or checks. The imported currency must be exchanged for local - baht. Bank transfer carried out from a foreign account to Thai. In both cases, you need to obtain a special certificate from the bank. After the buyer pays transitional taxes, he is issued a certificate - Chanot, certified by the Land Department of Thailand, on the basis of which a foreign citizen becomes the full owner of the apartment.

There are two legal options for purchasing a home:

  1. Long-term lease of land for thirty years with the right to a subsequent two-fold extension for the same period, which must be indicated in the land lease agreement. You lease the land from a Thai owner, which is registered with the Land Office.
  2. The most common way is to register a Thai company in your name, in which 51% authorized capital must be owned by a Thai citizen. Further, this company acquires a house. Thus, you are the owner of the company on which the house is registered.

The deposit is non-refundable upon unilateral termination of the reservation agreement.

In Thailand, a foreign citizen cannot legally own a land plot, but he can acquire sole ownership of an apartment in a condominium, which he has the right to bequeath. There is no special tax on inheritance in Thailand, but when reissuing ownership apartment must be taxed. To make a will in Thailand, you should have a Thai lawyer. With regard to leased land: in the event of the death of the land tenant, the property located on this land does not pass to the heirs of a foreign citizen. In this case, it is only possible to assume the rights of the lease, but without the right to further extend its term.

Taxes on non-commercial property do not exist in Thailand. There are so-called "transitional taxes", which are paid at a time when buying an apartment.

When buying a property in Thailand, the agency commission is always paid by the seller, not the buyer!

At the time of obtaining the Certificate of Title, the following transitional taxes are payable:

  • 0.5% of the estimated purchase price - stamp duty,
  • 2% transfer tax,
  • 3.3% business tax,
  • 1% VAT.

As a rule, these taxes are levied equally from the seller and the buyer, or, by mutual agreement, from one of the parties. This item should be included in the contract of sale of the apartment in advance.

Not, mortgage loans foreign citizens are not provided. Developers can provide you with an installment plan with an initial payment and subsequent monthly payments as agreed. When buying an apartment in a condominium, as a rule, installments are provided for a period of two years.

The cost of rent in Thailand averages from 0.8 to 1.2% per month of the cost of housing. For example, apartments in condominiums costing from 800,000 to 1,000,000 baht are rented for short periods from 10,000 to 12,000 baht per month, and for long periods from 7,000 to 9,000 baht per month.

The rental price may vary depending on the season (demand). The most demanded property is fully furnished. Proximity to the sea also plays a big role.

Maybe. This question is most often of interest to Russian citizens, because. in Russia, the agency commission implies additional costs for the services of realtors. When buying property in Thailand, the developer or owner of the property pays the commission to the agency, not the buyer. Even if you contact the developer directly, the price for you will be the same as you pay through the agency.

For self-purchase of real estate, you need to understand Thai law, as well as own English language. You will not save money, but you will spend more time and effort.

When choosing a real estate agency, ask to see a license, and also pay attention to the composition of office staff. According to local law, not only foreign citizens, but also Thai employees must work in the agency.

Indeed, Pattaya is considered to be the most, perhaps, sightseeing city throughout Thailand. Not only in the city itself, many excursions are made, but trips to all corners of the country are also organized from here. From here you can also get to neighboring countries - Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. Especially pleasant for tourists is the fact that the prices for excursions from Pattaya are still much lower than in other cities in Thailand. Probably because there are a lot of such proposals here.

Most tourists, as a rule, are tormented by the question - where to buy these same excursions? Tour operators or street agencies Oh? There are many opinions about this, but in the end, the choice is yours alone. And it will come from personal experience, budget and personal needs.

Any tourist who comes to Thailand immediately has a conflicting opinion about where it is still better to buy excursions. The tour operator represented by the hotel guide, of course, will dissuade you in every possible way from buying excursions from the so-called "street agencies". And on TV, and these agencies themselves will constantly impose on you the idea that their excursions are practically the same, only much cheaper. This kind of information war simply confuses many people and leads them into deep thought.

As for the cost of excursions, it should be noted that due to such increased competition, tour operators began to significantly reduce the cost of their excursions. They try to keep their prices comparable to the prices of "street agencies", and in many ways even succeeded. And for some types of excursions, for example, prices from tour operators are even slightly lower.

Then the question about the identity of tour operator tours and "street agencies" is very, very controversial. This is not always true. And if this happens, it is unlikely that the tour operator will make the cost of his excursion higher in this example. Do not forget that the comfort of street agencies is still much lower in comparison with the tour operator, besides, they miss many "highlights" that are extremely interesting for travelers. It often happens that there is no Russian-speaking guide on the tour, or he is only on some part of the trip.

If you are going to visit Thailand in 2017, then of course you will be interested in the prices for excursions in Pattaya from street agencies and tour operators.
On our site you can already find answers to the main questions - What are the beaches in Pattaya, types of Thai massage, food prices, Pattaya Markets and much more interesting things.
And today we are talking about which excursions to choose in Pattaya and what are the prices for these excursions in 2017? What to choose? Street tour agency or trust a tour operator?
What are the most interesting excursions in Pattaya in 2015 and how much money do you need to take to visit all the most interesting?

For you, I chose the prices for excursions in 5 street travel agencies and found out the prices for excursions in Pattaya from the Tez Tour tour operator.
That is, after reading this article, you will receive the latest information on prices for excursions in Pattaya in 2017.

update February 2017.

Friends! The article is obsolete, prices have changed over the years, and many of the agencies listed in it no longer work.
If you do not know where it is better to apply for excursions, then write to me in the comments, I will send you the contacts of a verified
us travel agency.
And also, I advise you to read a new and up-to-date article about ALL-ALL excursions in Pattaya, with prices and descriptions.

Excursions in Pattaya - prices 2015 - which agency to choose?

By the time you arrive on a tour to Pattaya, the hotel guide will definitely tell you about interesting excursions in Pattaya 2015 and offer a variety of options to choose from.
You can choose this option without hesitation (tez tour, Sayyama, Pegasus, etc.) or walk to the nearest street and see and compare prices for excursions with street tour agencies.

Why are people afraid to buy excursions from street travel agencies? They are scared, supposedly not working (lies) What is your attitude travel insurance has to who you are with
going on a tour? And then, 100% of street travel agencies in Pattaya write that insurance is included in the cost of the tour.

People are afraid of the price of excursions in Pattaya. Or rather, the difference between the price of a tour operator and a street travel agency. Indeed, it seems that since you paid 2 times more, something should be waiting for you.
special, but it's not. You will travel on the same bus, with the same guide (who most likely already worked for one of the tour operators, but went to "free bread"), to the same places,
hotels, etc.

Why such a difference in price? I do not know. From greed? From the fact that a big company, a lot of employees and everyone has to pay a salary? In general, I'm not very interested in it, I do not use the services
tour operators for a long time, and to be honest, I don’t advise you either. Unless, of course, you are not worried about an overpayment of 2-3 prices, then you don’t have to worry.

P about quality. I will say right away that I will not recommend you any specific travel agency so that you buy excursions in Pattaya from them, for one simple reason.
You, my readers, will live in different areas. In EVERYONE, literally in everyone, there are travel agencies and you won’t go to the one recommended by me through the whole city, and there’s no point.
Any, even the coolest and most impeccable travel agency can screw up with a tour, and in this case, I will be the last one.
I can tell you, don't be afraid! Below I will tell you how to minimize the risks of spoiling the impression of an excursion in Pattaya.

Update - During this time I have had a positive experience and I can still recommend you one agency whose services, prices and quality I trust. They are very conveniently located, in my opinion it is convenient for everyone to get to them. If you need, write in the comments, I will send their contacts to the mail.

Excursions in Pattaya 2015 - price comparison of street agencies and tour operator Tez Tour

Let's take the most popular excursions in Pattaya and compare prices:

River Kwai + Erawan waterfall, river rafting and elephant trekking. 2 days and one night. Overnight in a floating hotel, exotic in general.
Everyone who went was impressed (except for couples with small children), so despite the high cost, the tour is very popular because of its exoticism.
The road is long, for those who find it difficult to stay on the bus for a long time, I recommend that you refuse this excursion.

discovery offers a tour from Pattaya to the River Kwai behind 2800 baht for 2 days and 1 night.

tour sends on the river Kwai behind 2600 baht for 2 days and 1 night .

Pattaya Tour - 2500 baht. Russian guide, overnight in a hotel on the river with a swimming pool

Star Tour will offer you Qui + Erawan for 2 days and a night for 2700 baht.

7 Tour sells a tour to Kwai + Erawan Falls, elephant trekking and more for 2800 baht. At the same time, specifying that if you find it cheaper, they will give you a discount.

Tez Tour will take you to Kwai+ Erawan for 4300 baht or 4900 baht.

Star Tour will take you to Siam Park for – 1000 baht, in for - 1100

Excursions in Pattaya - photos of prices for excursions from street agencies and tour operator Tez Tour

You can write about excursions in Pattaya for a long time. Perhaps I will write a separate article on the most outstanding and interesting excursions from Pattaya, and
here we will limit ourselves to the fact that I will publish prices, and you will compare and before the trip you will already have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat awaits you with prices in Pattaya.
Maybe read and choose something in advance, so as not to waste time on the spot and have no doubts.

Pattaya in terms of excursions is very well located, perhaps more successful than all the resort cities of Thailand. From here it is equally convenient to get to different parts and even abroad, for example, to Cambodia, or,
Vietnam, Burma.

So here are the prices for excursions in Pattaya, choose for yourself!

What you need to know when choosing and paying for an excursion in Pattaya?

Do not hesitate to ask everything that interests you about the tour. In what places will you be delivered additionally and how long will it take.
What are the guarantees in case they don’t come for you on time or don’t come at all, where to call and where to complain. Yes, unfortunately this happens.

We had an unpleasant incident with Alyonushka tour, so I categorically do not recommend them to you. When I began to understand, it turns out that many of my friends "suffered" from their
relationship with tourists.
An excursion to the Nong Nooch garden was paid for, but the bus did not arrive at the appointed time. At all. Early morning, a sleepy voice answers after a stop ringing. To the question - where? and what to do?
Starts to laugh. At the request to return the money - a frank scolding begins, in the end - the mood is spoiled, the money is lost and the day too.

And only because I still had the phone of the guide from the same Alyonushka, with whom we went the day before, managed to save the situation.
This guide guy tried to explain to us why it happened and offered options from which we chose a trip to Nong Nooch on the same day, but later.

At the same time, as you understand, the sediment remained. And when buying, the guy who was rude to me on the phone after, and said nasty things, was so kind!!
I don’t remember his name, but a year later, I fulfill my promise to write about what a “wonderful company” you have.
Maybe someone reading my review will refrain from buying excursions from you and choose others, since the competition is huge.

A couple of years ago, when my mother came to visit me, I sent her on various excursions through an agency that my friends recommended to me. And everything is fine, everything is fine, but in the end there was a fly in the ointment and
in fact, the agency itself is not to blame for this.

I ordered a transfer from them for my mother to the airport, and the taxi driver who was taking her stole her wallet. with ALL money and cards.
That is, mom was left without a penny of money at the airport, in tears and hungry, 3 hours before departure, in general, the impression was spoiled.
It was not possible to influence the taxi driver, although the loss was discovered immediately (the wallet was on top of the bag). The taxi driver wagged, bleated indistinctly and fell into the cold. Well, what to do with it?

How to buy excursions in Pattaya?

What else can I advise? Before buying excursions, take a closer look at the street travel agency, namely, what time does it open? What time does it close?
Ask how many years they have been working and so on. Do not buy from those whose deployments you have not seen with your own eyes. Because I've heard stories from people who got ads for pier tours, like,
called - ordered, arrived, took the money, but the tour did not happen. They don't answer calls, it's not clear where to go to figure it out.

Do not buy all excursions at once. Buy one, go, evaluate it and then decide whether it is worth cooperating with them further or not.

And in defense of the guides I will say more. They have a very stressful and hard job. Be human, don't keep yourself waiting for 20-30 minutes, it disrupts the schedule and makes you nervous.

Do not get drunk before the tour, you are not alone, the rest will have to sniff your fume all the way.

Smile! Be friendly, do not sit like beeches, be interested in the country you are in, it is very colorful!

Feel free to say thank you and thank you in any equivalent, especially if the guide was not just serving an obligation, but worked from the bottom of his heart and tried to make your trip special.
What can be grateful? Russian cigarettes, chocolates, and money, of course, are always in place.

I remember that in Bangkok we came across just a wonderful girl guide who loves Thailand and knows everything about it. She spoke very interestingly and complained that few people want to listen to it.
Most of the people do not understand why they go. In general, people, stay people, wherever you are. You are good, well-mannered and know how to smile, I know for sure!

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. Often I find very profitable options, it turns out to save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

You need insurance abroad. Any admission is very expensive and the only way not to pay out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been making out on the site for many years

Do you have property in Thailand and want to rent it out: how to do it right

In the "golden age of tourism" in Pattaya, not only sales of tours and excursions, but also real estate were actively going on. Indeed, succumbing to the charm of Thai smiles, the pleasure of Thai massage, enjoying the taste of fresh exotic fruits and thinking about the beautiful weather every day, only the lazy did not think to equip your own paradise in Thailand. Sales managers convinced that this is extremely profitable investment money: guaranteed housing without the cost of accommodation in hotels and rental income at the same time. It was assumed that tenants were easier to find, and a stable income for the owner was guaranteed.

The changes that followed soon and affected, for example, exchange rates, ruined all plans: vacations abroad hit the pocket hard, and with the rise in airfare, the number of people who wanted to rent housing in Thailand greatly decreased. In the meantime, everything arrives in the regiment of happy owners of real estate in Pattaya: the owners receive the keys to apartments purchased at the construction stage. Thus, the issue of renting out your own housing in Pattaya is still of particular relevance.

GrandisVillas has been in this business for more than a year and is ready to offer owners a unique solution in this matter: not only getting income from renting out, but also taking care of housing, keeping it in the best possible condition is important point for those who still care about the fate of their own property. There are other advantages in cooperation with the company, but let's look at all the possible options in order.

The most obvious ways in which it is possible to rent out a property vary:
by duration - short-term and long-term rental
and by the method of organization - independently or through an agency

Most owners dream of finding tenants directly and for the long term, and this desire on the part of the tenants is usually mutual, so this option continues to work, despite the tangible disadvantages.

Firstly, no one knows how long it will take to find a tenant: finding someone who wants to move in for a year or more, and not just for the high season and certainly not for a month, is much more difficult. Until a tenant is found, housing will operate at a loss, requiring monthly maintenance fees before it even starts to make a profit.

Secondly, with long-term residence in the country, a visa issue arises. Currently, both when obtaining a visa at the embassy or consulate, and when extending a visa at the nearest immigration police station, documentary evidence of the address of actual residence is required. Since the method of renting out housing by an owner who does not have a permit for the relevant labor activity in the territory of the Kingdom of Thailand is illegal, then there can be no question of providing a package of documents.

Of course, you can always find ways to get around the law, but it must be remembered that the price of such a risk, for both the landlord and the tenant, is the possibility of being deprived of permission to stay in this wonderful warm country for many years.

Thirdly, long-term rent is also associated with the fact that after a long stay, additional investments are required: even if the tenants were extremely careful and treated the apartment with the same respect as their own, after their stay, they still have to carry out mini-repairs . In most cases, the tenants are not so responsible, so the repair grows to such an extent that more than half of the money earned has to be spent on it.

The length of stay in the apartment is directly proportional to the size Money, which will have to be spent on restoring it to its original state

To avoid overspending, you can use a different strategy and rent out housing: this will ensure that its condition is checked more often and it is more often put in order at a lower cost. Sites on the Internet that allow you to find guests for a short time - for every taste and color, although the question of the illegality of such activities on the part of the owner is still urgent.

The complexity of this method also lies in the organizational moment: the direct presence of the “owner” is required for check-in, check-out, cleaning, repairing broken appliances and answering questions from guests, which is possible only when living in close proximity to the rented housing.

If you agree with the cost a small amount for the services of a hired worker, who will eliminate the need for presence and will play the role of the owner for a modest fee, you need to be prepared for the fact that he will not bear any responsibility and, most likely, the state of housing will fall into decay very quickly.

Entrusting the care of housing to a responsible representative may be the best solution for renting a property.

An agency that is more professional than a separately hired "manager" is a more reliable option and can provide the owner with more assurance. Of course, you need to choose a company with all responsibility: not every company really provides the entire range of services indicated and is fully responsible to the client.

How to make sure the company is trustworthy? Her choice begins with simple moments: she must have an office where all official moments take place, such as signing the contract and handing over the keys. The offer of a “company representative” instead of the office to meet for a cup of coffee somewhere should, at least, alert. The registration number of the company indicated on the license can be confirmed by the Registration Chamber; information about whether a company with a similar number exists or not is not secret and is available upon request. Having more complete information, including not only the number, but also the name of the company and its address, you can get information about the areas of activity in which the company has the right to engage.

Each company adheres to its own principles of work and offers its own conditions, and the owner's expectations do not always coincide with reality.

A little about numbers. Having heard about the existence of certain “agent commissions”, the owners are usually interested in the size of the commission that the company “puts in its pocket”, hoping to hear about the coveted 10 percent. Alas, the simple logic “the fewer markups, the better the apartment will be rented out” is not applicable here. The VAT payable in Thailand to the government is 7% and - yes, it will be paid by the agency on the full amount of the rent, and not just on their net earnings. Let's calculate how much the agent will receive if the cost of the apartment is 15,000 baht per month, to which the agent will add his 10 percent, that is, 1,500 baht.

In general, 1,155 baht in taxes (7% of total amount 16,500 baht) and the agent’s earnings, or rather, the amount that he will receive for placing an object on all sites, technical support, finding a client, for booking and discussing the details of a trip, for organizing a trip, meeting, seeing off and resolving unforeseen situations, will be 445 baht . Will a company that has a staff of employees under its subordination agree to provide its services for a similar amount? Unlikely. At a minimum, you should not soar in the clouds and rely on mythical numbers that have nothing to do with reality.

However, a lot depends on the price. There are approximately 20,000 hotels in Pattaya, as well as 7,000,000 apartments and 300,000 private houses. Why should a guest choose this particular accommodation and this type of accommodation, and not any other - with such a wide choice? No one wants to overpay, so the right price of housing, based on market analysis, which the company can always recommend, is the key to a successful rental.

The signing of the agreement is an integral part of mutually beneficial cooperation

It is necessary to clarify in advance all issues that may arise during further cooperation, if they are not provided for by the text of the agreement. For example, the question of the inadmissibility of the “disappearance” of things from the apartment (yes, such cases also happen when the owner, who returned to his apartment, finds that the TV is now missing in it) or the clarity in providing information on the days booked.

The GrandisVillas company, which has been on the market for six years, has established itself as a trustworthy agency that takes care of the property of the owners and does not allow situations that negatively affect the rental of housing or its condition. The objects are placed not only on the website of the company, but also on well-known international sites, which ensures high occupancy all year round (after all, holidays and vacations in different countries fall at different times).

Owners who decide to rent an apartment or villa in Pattaya and entrust the company with the care of their housing always have quick access to information on the dates booked. Contrary to the common misconception that a long-term lease is the best option, the company focuses on various terms, from three days or more. The owner can only make a profitable decision.

Our Reader Dmitry Kolomnikov talks about his experience of buying property in Thailand and gives advice on how to avoid some mistakes and additional costs.

A few years ago, my sister and I signed contracts for the purchase of housing in a new building. We agreed to pay 250,000 baht every six months. According to the old rate, it was another 250 thousand rubles - normal, we can do it!

Surirat and I met the problems head-on and despite the difficulties, we moved into a new apartment!

The last amount - 700 thousand baht (50% of the cost of housing) - had to be paid upon receipt of the key. And when the construction began to come to an end, the ruble began to fall sharply. Therefore, we did not delay until the last minute, we strained ourselves and paid everything at once. And some neighbors did not have time, they hoped to pay the balance when they received the key and “got into a puddle”: 700,000 baht by that time had turned into 1.4 million rubles! Consider another apartment… As a result, some people still live here without paying the rest of the money. Although the office assured me that the keys to the apartment would be given only after paying the entire amount.

But the depreciation of the ruble is far from the only "surprise" that awaited us when buying a home. Here are some tips that I want to give to all buyers of property in Thailand, especially new builds.

Don't forget the annual fee

The first surprise for us was the condominium maintenance fee. It is calculated depending on the area of ​​​​the apartment - we have 18,500 baht per year for 39 square meters. At the conclusion of the contract, we were told that it would only have to be paid once. But after settling in, we were taken aback by the news that you have to pay every year.

Moreover, this contribution is different in each condominium, keep this in mind when buying an apartment in Thailand. My friend bought an apartment in Jomtien, so he has an annual fee of 9,000 baht. I - to the condominium office: "Why such a difference ?!" To which they answered: “It’s still divine, you have only 39 baht per square meter, in neighboring complexes - and 41, and even 75 baht. So get angry in vain, rejoice better!”

Newer condominiums tend to have higher maintenance fees than older homes. This rule has not bypassed our residential complex.

I bought an apartment on a foreign quota, and my sister on a Thai one, so she paid 25% less. But this benefit is deceptive. I advise future condo owners to overpay when buying, rather than spend big money every year. When registering a condo as a property under the Thai quota, a Thai company is opened in the name of the owner, and an apartment is already issued to it. Opening a company - 10,000 baht, paying tax with a zero balance - 15,000 baht, plus other payments (my sister got about 75,000 baht), and also an annual fee of 19,000 baht. As a result, when my sister came to arrange an apartment, she had to pay 75,000 + 10,000 + 19,000 + 15,000 baht = 119,000 baht - what a gift! She counted on only 75 thousand, as her agents had previously told her. I had to borrow - good, they hired and got out.

So, the sister will have to pay every year 19,000 baht for the maintenance of the condo + 15,000 baht of taxes for the Thai company = 34,000 baht. 68,000 rubles, not weak! And a neighbor in a foreign quota pays only 19,000 baht.

Feel free to ask for details!

When signing the purchase agreement, "free furnishing" was stipulated. And then we got a letter: "furniture package - 125,000 baht". It turns out that some agents just want to shove the contract, and at least the grass does not grow there ... Therefore, be careful, ask any trifle, do not be shy. My sister still ordered some furniture (it came out to about 115,000 baht), but I didn’t and I bought almost everything the same for about 70,000 baht.

“Free furnishing” in words turned out to be an empty apartment in practice.

Little hope for rent

With the delivery of an apartment for rent again a discrepancy. Income comes only when there are customers. But the situation with tenants is complicated. In our new condo, apartments of 25 and 39 "square" cost only 10,000 baht per month, but there are no customers! And they lure in advertising as soon as they can - look at any local Russian channel.

In general, now I am settling in my new condo on Pratumnak, trying to strike a balance - how much money do I need for living per month. The amount is ambiguous: I think that 12-13 thousand baht can be met, taking into account food and utility bills.

Oh yeah, and the condo maintenance fee…

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