All about frameless arched hangars. Frameless arched hangars Frameless metal hangars

During the construction of hangars, a large role is played by the high speed of construction and ease of use of the premises. That is why frameless hangars can satisfy any owner. The construction technology of this structure is quite simple, as well as the method of dismantling and moving the hangar to another place. Despite the fact that the production of frameless hangars is much cheaper than frame construction, these buildings are characterized by high strength, reliability and durability. That is why many of our compatriots are interested in how to build a frameless hangar with their own hands.

The purpose of the frameless hangar

Previously, hangars were used only as a parking lot for aviation equipment. But today the range of their purpose has greatly expanded. Today, the hangar is intended not only for aircraft. Frameless hangars are in great demand, especially in recent years, as they solve the problems of accommodating small and medium-sized enterprises that produce and store raw materials or products.

The main qualities of this structure are a covered metal structure with a large area. Most people use hangars for sports complexes and facilities, shopping centers, rooftops, unique projects for private homes, attics and garages. A frameless hangar can also be useful for commercial purposes, for example, for showrooms, repair stations and workshops.

In the industrial sector, frameless hangars are also used quite often - as industrial warehouses, agricultural equipment stations, industrial premises, storage facilities for agricultural products. In the military industry, aircraft hangars, food depots and barracks are very popular. Quite often, the hangar is used to store grain or other products.

The construction of structures for warehouses must comply with established requirements that take into account the safety of various products. Depending on the building regulations, the hangar may have a different configuration. Some options are required to have windows, doors, gates, a mechanized system, etc. Structures can move and move apart. Warehouses must necessarily provide ventilation and air conditioning.

Types of frameless hangars

Nowadays, frameless hangars are made of metal structures, which are covered with an awning or sheathed with a special coating. Therefore, frameless hangars can have many configuration options.

Cold hangar is performed in the usual way. It is made from metal profile or covered with a special tarpaulin fabric. As a rule, such a hangar is intended for storage of equipment or machinery, as well as for short-term storage of goods.

The insulated hangar is built a little differently. Mineral wool is laid between the double arch for insulation. Then everything is filled with special foam. Usually frameless arched hangars are built in areas with severe climatic conditions. Also, the insulated version is best used for storing products that require it.

The composition of the room largely depends on its direct destination: gates, sheds, crane, beams, stained-glass windows, gates, partitions, glazing. Structural kits can be expanded at the request of the owners. Remember that the hangar must answer not only established rules and standards, but also the comfort and technical equipment of the staff. A quality hangar must certainly have modern systems security.

Advantages of frameless hangars

When erecting a frame structure, it is necessary to construct complex load-bearing elements, additional supports and beam structures. But in the construction of frameless hangars, self-supporting structures are used, which are more profitable and practical in terms of economic indicators and functional parameters. Let's take a closer look at the advantages of frameless hangars:

  • Ease of installation and disassembly. To build a frameless room, you do not need to have qualified knowledge. In addition, you will spend much less time building a hangar than building a building made of brick or reinforced concrete. Due to the lightness of the metal structure, you can not lay a powerful foundation, but use screw piles. The advantage of quickly dismantling the hangar is that you can move it to a more convenient place. This feature makes the frameless hangar mobile.
  • Structural strength. Despite the apparent lightness, tests have confirmed the good strength of frameless structures. The absence of nuts, bolts and sealing materials allows the structure to operate without repair for more than thirty years. Such a structure can withstand snow cover up to 480 kilograms per square meter and high wind speeds, up to about 200 kilometers per hour, at temperatures from minus 50 to plus 50 degrees Celsius. Therefore, such structures are very stable. They are also waterproof and fireproof.
  • High construction speed. Often, parts for a frameless hangar are brought already assembled, so a modern model can be built in the shortest possible time. Arched profiles are made immediately at the construction site using a bending machine. Transportation of equipment is very simple, which makes it possible to work even in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Profitability. Hangars are built quite quickly, they do not require additional fixing materials, waterproofing, etc. The price of frameless arched hangars is 2 times lower than the cost of frame structures. Stopping your decision on a frameless hangar, you save your time and money. The latest technology construction without frames make it easy to complete this structure on your own.

Myths about the frameless hangar

When choosing a hangar structure, people are often intimidated by frameless structures, as they consider them to be of lower quality. We have tried to dispel all the myths about frameless structures so that you can make the most convenient decision for yourself.

Myth #1. You can make a frame hangar, which will cost less than a frameless one. Companies that offer the construction of hangars with a frame often cheat and name the cost of the frame itself. But to this price one should add the foundation, construction and installation work, the cost of corrugated board, and logistics. In addition, the frame structure must be further isolated from sounds and water. In frameless hangars, all structural elements are simply connected to each other and rolled, so the cost of a frameless hangar is quite democratic. This approach provides 100% tightness at no extra cost.

Myth #2. To organize a warehouse, it is much more profitable to use frame-type hangars. When organizing storage facilities, the use of hangars with straight walls is more convenient because it allows you to use the entire internal space. For this reason, the difference in cost was calculated. It was found that it is more economical to build structures without a frame. Frameless construction requires additional space, but it still remains half the price. Hangars built without a frame quickly pay for themselves, so they are a more profitable option.

Myth #3. Frame-type hangars are much stronger and more durable. A massive metal frame, no doubt, increases the strength of the structure, but entails additional costs. It is known that the price of frameless hangars is two times lower than that of a frame one. In addition, if a frameless hangar is made in accordance with all state standards, the obtained parameters will withstand all wind and snow loads. Frameless structures do not often have to be repaired and maintained. Thanks to the galvanized steel used, you can further save on anti-corrosion treatment.

Myth number 4. Frame-type hangars are built faster. For frame structures, it is necessary to build a deep foundation. Next, you need to install the frame, walls and roof. For frameless hangars, the foundation may not be laid. It is more for the aesthetics of the room. You just need to mount arched structure, each element of which is load-bearing and enclosing, and then install it.

Frameless hangar construction technology

The finished hangar is a structure made of a special metal profile. Frameless hangars differ in that they do not have a supporting frame. Instead, a metal arch is made in prefabricated hangars. That is what is used as the basis. The owner himself determines the radius and quantity, and the height and length are calculated according to the selected parameters.

The spans of a standard hangar can range from 8 to 24 meters, and the height will depend on the width of the arch and range from 4 to 12 meters, respectively. The installation of the hangar begins with the installation of the foundation, and the following work consists in installing building profiles on the base. Thanks to a simple assembly technology, a hangar without a frame is very light, so the construction does not require a heavy foundation.

During the rolling of arched profiles made of galvanized steel sheet, a special technology is used that prevents corrosion and increases the service life of the room. The machine mechanism that shapes the profile first creates a straight profile. The subsequent steps form the required bend. The next step is to assemble the structure on site. This is very convenient, but you must understand that it is very important to observe increased reliability indicators.

After all, the design is relatively light, but at the same time it must withstand increased loads of wind, snow, etc. When building a frameless arched hangar, special attention should be paid to the floor, which must be very durable. If you plan to work in a covered production area, the level of soundproofing should be as high as possible.

Frameless hangar project

The first step is to prepare a project for the future hangar. You must think carefully. There should be no hills, ravines or water sources in the area where the structure is located. Decide in advance on the size, number of floors, etc. The design may include windows and ventilation outlets. Often the dome of the hangar is made transparent using organic glass, special panels or cellular polycarbonate. This approach will allow you to save on lighting the room.

When designing, do not forget to take into account the requirements that apply to certain types of products. In some cases, hangars can be equipped with additional facilities, such as offices, changing rooms, showers, canteens and staff rest rooms.

Laying the foundation for the hangar

Almost all types of foundations can be laid under frameless hangars, as in the photo of frameless hangars. The type of foundation should be determined by the magnitude of the weights, the quality of the earth at the base of the foundation, as well as the type and weight of the structures that are used as building materials, the danger of frost heaving, etc. For frameless hangars, it is not necessary to install a deep foundation.

As a rule, a shallow base of a slab or tape type is used. To do this, you need to dig a trench. For a pillow, you can use medium or large gravel, slag or crushed stone, as well as other similar materials. After laying the pillow, you can start pouring the foundation. If you plan to make a reinforced concrete foundation, a reinforcing cage should be installed before pouring.

Please note that the reinforcement should not touch the walls of the formwork. Prepare the solution and start gradually pouring the base. It is very important to compact it after pouring so that there are no air bubbles left there, which can lead to destruction in the future. If it is very hot outside, the surface should be moistened regularly. But if it rains, the surface should be covered immediately.

Arrangement of a frameless hangar

For the next step, you will need galvanized steel coils of the required quantity. You can order this material from professional builders. They will bring it to the place, after which you will only have to assemble the structure. The arches must be interconnected and installed on a supporting metal frame. They are stitched using a beading machine. This method will make the future room waterproof.

If you carry out a welded joint, it will be almost impossible to move the hangar. After that, it is necessary to install doors and windows, engineering networks, etc. Subsequently, you can provide heating and electricity to the hangar. Engineering communications are carried out depending on the direct purpose of the hangar. It may be necessary to carry out sewerage, ventilation, security system, water and electricity supply, heating, communications, control and accounting systems. As a coating, you can use a profiled flooring.

Insulation of a frameless hangar

Inside a frameless hangar, condensate can accumulate and flow down the walls to the floor or drip from the ceiling. This phenomenon often occurs in winter, with a significant difference in temperature outside and inside. To avoid this, do-it-yourself frameless hangar insulation should be done, which can be done in several ways.

You can insulate with overlays, for example, fastenings on hangers or hooks. Polyurethane foam can be sprayed between the inner and outer shells of buildings. You can also lay insulation between the inner and outer shells of buildings, install a sandwich panel with various fillers.

For insulation, you can use almost all types of materials for thermal insulation. The thermal characteristics of the building will depend on the type and thickness of the insulation. To prevent water vapor from penetrating into the insulation, it is recommended to lay the vapor barrier film in one layer. At the final stage, you need to find canvas fabric. You can use old leftovers or material that has already been in use.

These flaps must be sewn together in such a way that a dome is obtained. After that, the fabric should be treated with a special solution for waterproofing. The stitched dome should be put in a 40% solution with laundry soap and left for a while. When the fabric is completely saturated, it should be moved to a 20% solution of copper sulfate. Let the fabric also soak well and then dry. After that, put a canvas cloth soaked in a special solution on the insulation.

Currently, frameless hangars are considered the most cost-effective and popular type of buildings that can be used for various purposes. Without additional knowledge and skills, you can easily assemble the structure yourself. A frameless hangar will cost you 2 times cheaper than building a frame structure, but at the same time it will not be inferior to the latter in terms of strength, reliability, tightness and durability. We hope that the information provided will help you understand the construction technology and make a quality building!

If you decide to entrust the construction of the hangar to professionals, contact TSK "Contractor", their website

Here is a video of the process of creating a hangar from TSK "Contractor":

Do you want to quickly and inexpensively build a garage or utility room on your site? I will tell you how to make a lightweight frameless hangar with your own hands using a minimum amount of building materials. You will also learn about all the positive and negative qualities of arched hangars.

The principle of manufacturing frameless hangars

A frameless arched hangar is a light pre-fabricated covered structure, which is built from separate semicircular spans in the form of an arch. The walls and ceiling of the hangar are made in the form of a single self-supporting structure from a corrugated metal profile.

The construction technology of frameless hangars is as follows:

  1. Foundation arrangement. On the selected plot of land, planning work is carried out, and then a shallowly buried strip foundation. Embedded structures for mounting arched spans are attached to the reinforcing frame of the foundation;
  2. Span manufacturing. Each element of the arch span is made individually from galvanized steel coils right at the construction site. Then they are fastened on the ground into solid modules of 3-4 pieces. For these works, several types of special machines are used;
  3. Installation of arched spans. The assembled modules are installed one by one on the foundation, and are attached to the embedded structures with bolts. After that, they are interconnected along the entire length of the profile using a seam-rolling machine;
  4. Installation of end walls. The rear wall is usually sewn up with a continuous straight galvanized profile. A load-bearing frame for the gate is installed in the opening of the front wall. The sides of the front wall are also sewn up with a profile, and gate leaves are hung on the vertical racks of the frame;
  5. Sealing and insulation. The joints of the arched spans and the foundation in the lower part are treated with bituminous waterproofing and poured with concrete mortar. If necessary, the finished hangar is insulated using one of the methods described below.

Along with the described manufacturing technology, there are collapsible models of hangars. In them, all arched sections consist of several prefabricated elements. They are assembled on site and then bolted together.

Application features

Most often, hangars are equipped with production or storage facilities, covered markets and parking lots, as well as cultural or sports facilities (stadium, skating rink, tennis courts, etc.).

In the private sector, a light metal hangar can also be used:

  • Garage- the most common option. Moreover, it can be used not only for a car, but also for a truck or large agricultural machinery;
  • Commercial space. For those who are engaged in entrepreneurial activities, it is possible to organize their own production in the hangar. This will allow you to place it closer to home, and save on renting production space;
  • Attic floors. Frameless arched technology allows you to build an insulated attic floor over any house with a flat roof in a short time. This design is lightweight, so it does not exert a significant load on the building itself;
  • Pig farm or barn. Private farmers can adapt it as a chicken coop, barn or pigsty, as well as a seasonal storage for grain, vegetables or fruits;
  • Rest and leisure. In regions with a cold climate and long snowy winters, a children's or sports ground or even an indoor pool can be equipped inside an insulated hangar.

If we compare frame hangars and frameless arched structures, then the latter have more positive qualities in terms of construction and further operation:


  1. High strength. Due to the ribbed profile of the arch spans, such structures have high rigidity and good self-supporting capacity, so they do not require an additional frame. With seeming lightness, they have the following technical characteristics:
  • Maximum span width - 30 m;
  • The maximum length of the hangar is not limited;
  • The maximum allowable wind speed is 200 km/h;
  • Operating temperature range - from -50 °C to +50 °C.
  1. Durability. Due to the galvanized metal coating, the absence of through mounting holes and the tight seam connection of the arched segments, such structures do not require additional waterproofing, and their estimated service life is at least 30 years;
  2. Easy to assemble and dismantle. Frameless hangars are lightweight, so they can be installed on a shallowly buried strip foundation in any type of soil. Small spans can be installed manually by several people. If necessary, this design can be easily disassembled.
  3. Logistics and speed of construction. All arched elements are made directly on the construction site. This significantly reduces the cost of shipping building materials. In terms of time, frameless arched hangars are built several times faster than any other structures of similar size;
  4. energy efficiency. If we compare rooms of the same area with a rectangular and arched span, then the arched one always has a smaller internal volume. This reduces heating and air conditioning costs.


  1. The presence of dead zones. The semi-cylindrical shape of the arch is not very convenient for industrial or warehouse premises with large industrial equipment or shelving system. In such cases, unused free space is formed along the edges of the semi-cylinder.
  2. Great vault height. The height of the arch in frameless structures is usually equal to 40-50% of the diameter of the conditional cylinder. This means that with a hangar width of 24 m, its height at the midpoint will be 10-12 m. In most cases, such a height is not needed, and besides, it will lead to unnecessary heat losses.

If necessary, arched hangars can be equipped with skylights, opening sashes for ventilation, additional doors or gates, as well as a heating or air conditioning system.

Construction of a frameless hangar

Stage 1: preparation of tools, equipment and materials

In addition to the usual set of locksmith and garden tools, you will need special equipment for work. I must say right away that the price of all these machines is very rather big, so you don’t need to buy them, but it’s better to rent them for a few days.

Tools and equipment:

Illustration Set of tools

Profile equipment:
  1. Roll Forming Machine- allows to make straight profiles of unlimited length from rolled galvanized steel;
  2. Corrugated Rolling Machine(in the photo on the left) - designed for rolling a straight profile along a given radius. It also creates corrugated folds on the metal surface, which increase the rigidity of the profile;
  3. beading machine- designed to connect two arched segments together. When rolling along the junction of two profiles, it bends the edges of the metal twice and forms a sealed seam connection.

Foundation tools:
  1. Electric concrete mixer or construction mixer;
  2. Two metal buckets of the same volume;
  3. Shovel and bayonet shovel;
  4. Garden or construction wheelbarrow;
  5. Trowel or trowel;
  6. Hook for knitting fittings;
  7. Building level;
  8. Submersible vibrator;
  9. Nails 50-100 mm long.

Mounting Tools:
  1. Electric perforator with a set of drills;
  2. Electric drill with a set of drills;
  3. Bulgarian with discs for metal;
  4. Electric arc welding machine with a protective mask and electrodes with a diameter of 3-4 mm;
  5. A set of wrenches from 10 to 22 mm;
  6. Heavy hammer;
  7. Sledgehammer;
  8. Crowbar or mount about 1 m long;
  9. Construction cord and rope plumb.


Illustration Description of works

Concrete mortar components:
  1. Portland cement brand M400 or M500;
  2. Pure quarry or river sand;
  3. Granite crushed stone with a particle size of 25-35 mm;
  4. Cold tap water.

Steel rolled metal:
  1. Sheet galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.8-1.5 mm in rolls of 100-250 m;
  2. Profile pipe or channel with a section of 60x60 - 100x100 mm for the supporting frame of the gate;
  3. Corner or profile pipe with a section of 60x30 mm for the manufacture of gate leaves;
  4. Steel corner section 80x80 for embedded mounting brackets;
  5. Reinforcing bar with a diameter of 8-12 mm for reinforcing the foundation.

Fasteners and auxiliary materials:
  1. Galvanized bolts with a diameter of 8-12 mm and a length of 40-100 mm;
  2. Galvanized nuts and widened body washers of the same diameters;
  3. Steel garage hinges for swing gates;
  4. Rubber-bitumen mastic for waterproofing coating;
  5. Boards or cuttings of lumber for the manufacture of formwork.

Stage 2: arrangement of the foundation

During the construction of prefabricated hangars, the embedded brackets are poured into the formwork along with the foundation. Otherwise, the manufacture of a shallowly buried strip foundation is carried out according to the classical scheme:

Illustration Description of works

Planning work:
  1. On a plot of land, remove the fertile layer of soil along with the roots of plants to a depth of 100-150 mm;
  2. With the help of pegs and a construction cord, mark up;
  3. Dig a trench 500-600 mm wide and 700-800 mm deep;
  4. In the corners and along the entire perimeter of the trench, dig pits 1000 mm deep at a distance of 1000-1500 mm from each other;
  5. Pour a layer of sand 100 mm thick on the bottom of each pit.

Installation of mortgages:
  1. Embedded structures must be welded in the form of a lattice of reinforcing bars with a diameter of 12 mm;
  2. They must be installed in the pits so that the bars protrude 60-100 mm above the upper plane of the foundation.
  3. After installation, fill each pit with concrete to the bottom of the trench.

Reinforcing belt installation:
  1. Compact the soil at the bottom of the pit and cover with a sand cushion 100-200 mm thick;
  2. Weld a longitudinal reinforcing belt welded from the same reinforcing bar in the form of a lattice to the mortgages;
  3. Install the formwork at the height of the foundation on both sides of the trench.

Pouring concrete:
  1. Pour concrete mortar into the formwork in several layers;
  2. To compact and remove air bubbles, the entire thickness of the poured concrete must be treated with a submersible vibrator.

Formwork dismantling:
  1. Formwork can be removed a week after pouring;
  2. Further work can be performed only after the final maturation of concrete;
  3. This may take 14 to 28 days.

Bracket from the corner:
  1. A corner of 80x80 mm must be welded to the reinforcement bars protruding from the foundation along the entire length of the foundation;
  2. The lower part of each arched segment will be attached to it;
  3. Below on the left side of the photo you can see the base plate with studs;
  4. It is intended for fastening the vertical gate post.

When erecting small hangars, embedded structures can not be immediately poured into the foundation. In this case, the brackets from the corner are fastened with anchor bolts to the upper plane of the foundation after solidification.

Stage 3: making arched sections

When mounting frameless arched hangars manually, each arched profile is mounted separately. If the installation is carried out using a crane, then to speed up the work they are assembled from separate sections of 3-5 profiles each. The production of such sections is carried out in three stages:

Illustration Description of works

Size Calculation:
  1. The entire arch of one hangar is assembled from the same type of profiles. They must have the same dimensions and the same bend radius;
  2. The width and shape of the cross section of the profile is set by the configuration of the profiling mechanism of the machine;
  3. The length of the profile is calculated depending on the width of the hangar, and is determined by the formula:

L \u003d S / 2x2.85, where:

  • L - workpiece length, mm;
  • S - hangar width, mm.

For example, you need to determine the length of the arched profile for a hangar with a width of 18000 mm. According to the above formula, we get 18000 / 2x2.85 = 25650 mm.

Step 1: profiling the galvanized sheet:
  1. The roll forming machine operates in automatic mode;
  2. For the manufacture of profiles, you need to put a galvanized roll on the feed drum, and fill the beginning of the roll into the receiving mechanism of the machine;
  3. Set the required parameters on the control panel (length, width);
  4. After starting, the machine will automatically give the profile the desired shape, and cut the blanks to the specified length.

Stage 2: profile rolling:
  1. To give the profile an arched shape, it must be rolled on a second machine;
  2. One end of the workpiece must be tucked into the rolling mechanism;
  3. On the control panel, set the thickness of the metal and the radius of the arc;
  4. After turning on the machine, a corrugated profile of the correct arcuate shape will come out from the reverse side.

Step 3: Folding the arch section:
  1. All profiles are connected to each other using a beading machine;
  1. To do this, they need to be superimposed on each other, and exactly combine the two side edges;
  2. So that they do not move, they must be fixed in several places with lever clamps or clamps;
  3. Bring the edges of the metal between the folding rollers, and start the beading machine;
  4. Then it will go on its own, and will leave behind a strong and tight seam connection.

Stage 4: Assembly of the hangar

To install arched spans up to 16 meters wide and up to 7 meters high, mobile collapsible scaffolding can be used. It is more convenient to build hangars with a height of more than 8 meters using a crane or a telescopic hoist:

Illustration Description of works

Rigging work:
  1. Before lifting, the arched section must be fixed to the horizontal traverse at two points;
  2. For this, it is convenient to use special cam clamps;
  3. They are attached to the seam flanging, and allow you to securely hold the section without damaging the protective zinc coating.

Attaching the profile to the foundation:
  1. It is more convenient to assemble the hangar from the front or rear end;
  2. The arched segment must be installed so that it falls on both sides of the foundation outside the steel angle;
  3. From the inside of the hangar, weld steel plates with holes to the corner;
  4. Each plate must be welded against the convex part of the profile;
  5. After the final installation and adjustment of the segment, counter holes must be drilled in the profile;
  6. Fasten each arched segment to the foundation from both sides using bolts with nuts and wide washers.

The bottom photo shows a view from inside the hangar.

Profile connection:
  1. After installing two adjacent arched segments, they must be fastened together with a seam connection;
  2. To do this, the docking ends of two adjacent profiles must be filled into the rollers of the beading machine;
  3. After making sure that both arches are in the correct position, you need to turn on the machine;
  4. Then she will go along the radius profile on her own, leaving behind a folded seam;
  5. After flanging the entire arch section, you need to meet the machine on the other side of the hangar, turn off the power and remove it from the profile;
  6. Thus, it is necessary to connect all the radius profiles in the hangar vault.

Gate installation:
  1. The supporting frame for the gate must be made of a profile pipe or a large section channel, since it will take the entire load from the weight of the wings;
  2. It is attached to the base of the foundation with several threaded studs;
  3. For the manufacture of the frame of the valves themselves, you need to use a pipe of a smaller section;
  4. From the outside, the sashes can be sewn up with a galvanized profile sheet.

Mounting the front and rear wall:
  1. The same galvanized steel profile is used for lining the front and rear walls of the hangars;
  2. After manufacturing, it is not rolled on a corrugating machine, so it remains straight;
  3. The vertical profiles at the bottom are bolted to the corner on the foundation;
  4. In the upper part, they go into the cavity of the arched profile, and are also bolted to it;
  5. Between themselves, all vertical profiles are connected using a beading machine.

Bottom Sealing:
  1. Coat the lower part of the arched profiles and all metal elements to a height of 500 mm from the foundation with heated rubber-bitumen mastic;
  2. From the outside of the foundation around the entire perimeter, install a wooden formwork;
  3. Pour concrete mortar into the space between the formwork and the hangar body to a height of 300-400 mm from the foundation;
  4. A week after pouring, the formwork can be removed.

Stage 5: Wall insulation

Below is a brief instruction on the insulation of a frameless metal hangar. This can be done in one of the three ways described:

Illustration Description of works

Method 1: double hull with mineral wool insulation.

This method is considered the most effective, but at the same time more expensive:

  1. In this case, one hangar is built first;
  2. Insulation is laid inside the arched profile from the outside;
  3. A vapor barrier is laid on top of it;
  4. After that, another outer case is erected from above from the same arched profiles.

Method 2: insulation with mineral wool and lining with profiled sheet.

This method can be used to insulate any already built hangar:

  1. As in the first case, first, mineral wool slabs are laid in the arched segments from the outside;
  2. From above, it is covered with a vapor barrier membrane;
  3. A crate of thick plywood is mounted on top of it;
  4. An outer covering of galvanized profile sheet is attached to the crate.

Method 3: internal spraying with polyurethane foam.

This option is suitable for any hangars. Its main advantage is protection against the formation of condensate on the inner walls:

  1. Polyurethane emulsion is applied to the inner walls in several layers using a special sprayer;
  2. Under the influence of natural air humidity, the polymer composition foams and hardens;
  3. After polymerization, a foamed polyurethane coating with a dense outer layer is formed on the surface;
  4. It has low thermal conductivity, and good resistance to moisture and temperature changes.

Polyurethane foam is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation, so it can only be used for internal thermal insulation.


Now you know what a hangar is and how it is built. Installation will be much cheaper and faster than the construction of any other building of the same size. I recommend watching the video in this article, and all the questions you have can be discussed in the comments.

Prefabricated premises of solid cubic capacity are always in demand for construction market, because with the help of such structures you can solve many problems in various areas of business. Today, frame and frameless buildings have gained the greatest popularity, which can boast an impressive list of advantages (however, of course, along with this, there are a number of disadvantages inherent in these structures). Below we will try to analyze in detail the pros and cons of building such premises, as well as give some tips that will help make the construction of frame and frameless hangars faster and more economical.

The range of application of structures

Frameless and frame hangars have found a fairly wide scope in modern world. They are used almost everywhere in all areas, however, these designs are still most widely used in:

  • agriculture. Such hangars are most often used as grain, fruit or vegetable stores. Also, such buildings are often ordered in animal husbandry - the same pre-fabricated frameless structures are the best suited for placing farms for cattle.
  • sports infrastructure. Covered premises are used in the arrangement of small sports complexes or stadiums intended for futsal, basketball, handball, volleyball and other team sports.
  • entertainment area. Prefabricated structures are ideal for the construction of nightclubs, amusement parks, etc.

Frame or frameless hangars: pricing policy

The final cost of structures directly depends on the amount of material used, the pouring of the base and the duration of the work performed. During the construction of frameless hangars:

  • An order of magnitude less metal sheets and products are used, since there is no need to equip a durable metal frame.
  • A light foundation is poured, which, as a rule, lies only along the base of the building. This nuance causes significant savings on the purchase of cement.
  • Construction takes place several times faster than in the case of frame structures.

All the above points indicate that the construction of frameless hangars will cost the customer less than the construction of a new frame object.


As of the beginning of 2018, the average cost of a frameless hangar with an area of ​​700 sq.m. ranged from 2.5 to 3 million rubles. The construction of frame structures cost about one and a half times more.

The speed of erection of frame and frameless hangars

The construction of frame structures, of course, begins with the pouring of a powerful heavy base that can withstand the load of the building, the walls of which consist of many metal elements. Such a procedure, as a rule, takes at least 15 days in favorable weather (during constant rains or high humidity, pouring the foundation can take up to a month). After the concrete has gained the necessary margin of safety, the metal frame is assembled, on which, upon completion of construction, the metal sheathing is built up.

The construction of frameless premises takes place in 2 stages. At the first of them, specialists assemble and prepare an arched structure for installation, at the second, they fix it on a pre-filled light foundation. It also allows to reduce the time for the construction of frameless hangars by the functional features of the arch elements - each of them is a protecting and bearing part at the same time.

All these circumstances give us the right to draw the following conclusion: the construction of frameless structures is carried out one and a half to two times faster than their frame counterparts.


On average, the construction time frameless structures range from 20 to 30 days. Basically, they depend on the configuration of the future structure and its modernization with additional elements.

Parameters of reliability and durability of structures

Naturally, in terms of reliability, durability, frame structures look more preferable. Due to the massive foundation, wide partitions and other elements, they are much more stable compared to frameless buildings. However, these characteristics also determine the annual significant costs of maintaining the normal state of the hangar. These costs include ongoing care:

  1. Behind the foundation of the building. If corrosion or any other defect occurs in the base, this can lead to a violation of the geometry of the entire structure and a significant deformation of the metal sheets used for wall cladding.
  2. Behind a metal frame and wall cladding. The fact is that often, in order to reduce pressure on the foundation, the builders of frame hangars reduce the weight of the walls due to thinner metal sheets (often, corrugated board with a thickness of no more than 0.5 millimeters is used). Naturally, this makes the walls of the room very sensitive to bad weather - without the prevention of corrosion and rust, after a year of use, under the influence of snow and rain, metal structures can turn into dust.

As for the life of the premises, the following figures should be given here:

  • Frame structures can be used for 70-90 years.
  • For frameless hangars, the maximum term of use is set at around 50-70 years.

The nuances of construction and the main differences between frame and frameless hangars

So, summarizing the above, we can name the main differences in the construction and operation of frame and frameless structures:

  1. Different types foundation. Frame structures require a more powerful foundation.
  2. Increased use of metal elements in the construction of frame hangars. First of all, they are needed to equip the frame of the entire building.
  3. Frame structures require much more attention than their frameless counterparts. It is possible to maintain such premises in working order only under the condition of constant prevention of the destruction of walls and roofs, as well as regular inspection of the foundation for integrity.


For frameless hangars, a strip foundation is best suited, which is poured along the perimeter of the future building. According to experts, such a foundation is able to withstand the load of the structure, and also provides an opportunity to save even more on construction.

Summing up: the main advantages and disadvantages of frame and frameless hangars

So, the main advantages of frame hangars include:

  • Durability (service life reaches 90 years).
  • Reliability.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.

At the same time, such premises have a number of disadvantages, namely:

  • Permanent maintenance of the metal cladding and frame of the building, as well as its foundation.
  • High cost.
  • Relatively long construction period.

The advantages of frameless construction are:

  • Cheap construction.
  • The speed of construction.
  • Possibilities of high-speed modernization of the building.
  • Ease of care.

The main disadvantages are:

  • Less service life than frame counterparts.
  • Insufficient, according to some experts, stability indicators, especially when used in extreme climatic conditions.

"AngarStroyProGarant" is your reliable assistant in the construction of hangars!

Do not know who to turn to for help in the construction of frame and frameless structures? Well, in this case, we recommend buying a collapsible hangar from AngarStroyProGarant, which has been a leader in this market segment for several years now.

By ordering similar designs from us, you can be sure of their highest quality, as well as:

  • Qualifications and extensive experience of our employees.
  • Using only the best materials.
  • Impressive work speed.
  • Putting the facility into operation on time.

We would like to pay special attention to the pricing policy of our company. We always care about the well-being of our customers, so we try to offer the lowest possible prices for our products, which, we assure you, will not cause a serious blow to the budget of your company.

You can always order our services in the most convenient way for you, namely:

  • During a personal visit to our office.
  • In telephone mode.
  • By e-mail or by filling out a special form on our website.

Trust construction to professionals - make a choice in favor of "AngarStroyProGarant"!

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Prefabricated frameless hangars are practically unlimited in scope. If an enterprise needs to place equipment under the roof and does not have a great need for capital walls, the best option the hangar will become arched.

Prefabricated metal structures for any needs

For many years, MSK Angar has been building frameless arched hangars for public and industrial areas and organizations. We offer installation:

Shopping centers, sports and logistics complexes and other public facilities;

Poultry farms, animal pens, vegetable and granaries and similar agricultural buildings;

Shops, workshops, warehouses and other industrial facilities.

The use of modern materials and methods of fastening with the correct distribution of the load makes it possible to achieve the necessary stability and tightness of the structure.

The arched hangar is being built within the time frame that satisfies everyone who is in a hurry to get a finished building. It will take no more than a month to install an object with an area of ​​1000 m2. At the same time, pre-fabricated arched prices for hangars are 5-6 times less than for capital buildings made of concrete and brick.

It is possible to develop an individual project for the construction of a structure for its intended purpose. The contractor will conduct communications and provide an optimal microclimate in the premises. Construction of frameless hangars and warehouses in Moscow

In the company "MSK hangar" you can order arched hangars for Moscow and Moscow region enterprises. The construction of a galvanized profile will help save the budget due to the lightweight construction of the foundation and the absence of special seals and connecting fasteners.

Our company offers to build frameless arched hangars with a set of measures to implement the project. Electrification, ventilation installation, connection to central heating and water supply can affect the final cost of the object.

The simplicity of working with metal structures allows you to short time build an arched hangar. It will be immediately ready for operation and professional pursuits in any business. With such a speed of construction, frameless prefabricated hangars can be used for decades! Thoughtful design allows you to quickly convert the warehouse into a production workshop, convert the hangar into a workshop and into a room for other purposes.

Experienced and professional specialists find the best ways to solve the most complex construction tasks during the construction of facilities. The metal structures involved in the process are carefully examined for defects in order to exclude the use of defective parts.

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