How to check the debt in a private bank. What to do when you have a debt on a PrivatBank credit card: what threatens you, ways to solve the problem

  • If I repaid the debt in a private bank and now it has formed again, is it worth paying off.
  • Binbank repurchased the debts of Privatbank, interest should accrue on credit cards.
  • Do I need to repay the main debt on a loan from a bank if I took it from a private bank?
  • Debt to Privatbank 100,000 do they need to be paid to Binbank?
  • Debt on a loan to a private bank.
  • Privatbank credit card debt
  • Loan debt in private bank


1. If I paid off the debt in a private bank, and now it has formed again, is it worth paying off.

1.1. If you repaid it once, then there can be no debt.

1.2. before the court decision is not necessary

1.3. Good evening. First, find out where it originated.

1.4. Hello! contact the bank to clarify the situation, take a certificate of the first repayment and closing of the loan.

2. Binbank bought up the debts of Privatbank, interest should accrue on credit cards.

2.1. It is a question or a statement? Credit cards always charge interest by any bank.

3. Do I need to repay the main debt on a loan from a bank if I took it from a private bank?

3.1. Hello! necessary if you have been provided with documents on the transfer of debt.

4. Debt to a private bank of 100,000 do they need to be paid to a bin bank?

4.1. Which Binbank? There is "Binbank", and there is "Binbank credit cards". Absolutely two different legal entities. If the lender indicates "Binbank credit cards", then this is normal, since Privatbank customers are now served by him. In any case, it is better for you to clarify the information directly with the bank itself.

4.2. Yes, they should, since BINBANK is the successor of PrivatBank.

Lawyer in Kursk Oleg Nikitin.

Changing the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties, including transfer to another job, is allowed only by agreement of the parties to the employment contract, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code. An agreement to change the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties is concluded in writing.

13.2. Cancellation of the order is made without explanation of the reasons, with the wording I DO NOT AGREE WITH THE COURT ORDER.

14. I had a loan in Privatbank. The bank ceased to exist on the territory of the Russian Federation. Transferred his rights to Binbank. But Binbank also disappeared. Now Otkritie Bank requires me to repay the debt. But, the bank did not notify me of the transfer of rights to my loan. I didn't receive any letters. Only SMS that I owe the bank an opening. Can I, according to Art. 385 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to fulfill an obligation to a new creditor?

14.1. Request in writing from the new creditor all documents for the transition of the debt. He must provide. Before that, you have the right not to fulfill your obligations under Part 1 of Art. 385 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

15. I took a credit card in 2013 from PrivatBank, stopped paying in December 2014, began to demand a debt from me, Bin Bank said that PrivatBank changed its name to Bin Bank, I didn’t receive notification of changes at the moment, the regional collection service is writing and calling, it works under an agency agreement with a collector by Svea Economy Saiprup Limited, they say they owe more than 200 tons, they sent a letter of guarantee to an e-mail and offer to pay 16,000 after payment, they promise to send a certificate of no debt to the court, they didn’t file what to do, tell me.

15.1. Sergey, do nothing. Expired limitation period- three years. You don't owe anything to anyone. The only thing is to track the site of the court according to your registration. They will try to collect money from you through a court order. By court order, judges don't look at the statute of limitations.

15.2. Your limitation period has expired (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If you pay, then restore the statute of limitations. You don't need to do this under any circumstances. The three-year statute of limitations has already expired (Article 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). State that you owe nothing and send the creditor to court. In no case do not recognize the debt either in word or deed, so that the period of action is not renewed. If you receive a court order, then within 10 days, file an application for its cancellation to the court that issued it. own production).

15.3. Send a letter to the collector with a ban on communication with you, a ban on the processing of your personal data. Write a letter to the bank with a ban on the processing of your personal data by third parties. The collector has the right to file a complaint with the UFSSP for the region, because. bailiffs are given the right to maintain a register of collectors and conduct proceedings with them.
Do not try to pay the bank, the collector, because. cancel the statute of limitations immediately. Ask the bank to sue. Agency contract- this is not an assignment of the right to claim a debt (cession), but an agreement under which the bank, for a fee, transferred to the collector the right to squeeze out a debt from you in the amount of ... rubles. and no more.

16. I have a debt for credit card PrivatBank in Ukraine, I am a citizen of Russia, since 2014, I have not been there. And I won't for another ten years. I have a daughter there, she says the sum of 134,000 hryvnias has run up. What do you advise me to do, the amount is not lifting for me. Thank you.

16.1. The limitation period is 3 years, I don’t know when you took out a loan, but you probably don’t owe anything to anyone. With Ukraine, a difficult issue is that they will introduce martial law, then they will recognize the territory, but they will not send money there. We sit and wait.:sm_ab:

16.2. Continue to live a measured life and not think about the bad. The SID has long passed and the bank will certainly not spend money on legal costs.

How to proceed? In 2012, I took a PrivatBank credit card for 18,000 rubles (somewhere like that). I paid, but then something went wrong and stopped paying. In 2014, I got a call from Binbank, saying that I now have to pay them a loan under this agreement. It is now 2019 and I received a court order to collect a debt in favor of a company from the Republic of Cyprus. What to do? Read answers (3)

17. Evgenia Viktorovna!
You are not aware of the latest developments on the debts of Crimeans to Privatbank, since they charge us crazy interest .. I owed 4000 UAH, and now 140 000 UAH

17.1. Hello.

If you write to Evgenia Viktorovna, then you need to do this not in a general thread, but in private messages. As for debts to a private bank, they can accrue as much as they like. You can safely refuse payments.

17.2. I don’t know why the question was addressed to me)) We don’t charge anything to Crimeans and Sevastopol, now, as part of our work with the Depositor Protection Fund, we have started a program to write off debts, if you don’t know.

18. Tell me, please, I took a loan from a private bank 9 years ago and still have a debt. Now I'm bad credit history and I can’t get either an installment plan or a loan anywhere .. can I somehow close this debt through the court by the statute of limitations? During this period, I did not make any payments and no one bothered me!

18.1. Good afternoon, Nikolay! If you took money from the bank and did not return it, then you were rightfully included as an unscrupulous payer. Even if the loan was written off after the statute of limitations expired, this does not serve as a basis for not including you in the BKI database. If there was no appeal to the court, you did not declare the application of the limitation period, then the debt may still hang on the bank's balance sheet.

19. The question is, once upon a time I had a PrivatBank credit card. The debt on it remained 42 tr. Then the bank was closed and everything, no information. Several years have passed, I received a call from BinBank demanding that I pay 160 tr on that credit card! To my question that I had not been notified that the loan had been transferred to them, and accordingly I did not know where to pay, and that they were silent for a couple of years and now it is not known where such an amount came from, it was said, they wrote in the newspapers, it was necessary to read. So the question is, how can I go to court that I do not agree with the amount of these fines, etc. And, obviously, the bank intentionally kept in the dark in order to increase the debt.

19.1. Wait until the binbank files a lawsuit, then write an objection that you do not agree with the amount of the requirement.

20. Please tell me, in 2011, my husband took a loan from a private bank for 25,000 rubles. Initially paid regularly, then there were difficulties with money. There is silence from Privatbank, and now they are calling from Binbank and demanding payment of a debt of 31,000 rubles. Husband asks for a deferment until he gets paid at the end of the month they gave him 2 days to pay. Borrow someone. They say they will come home. Do they have the right to describe the property I have if it is not registered with me, but we are simply married? Or do parents have the right to describe something?

20.1. They have no right to come to you at all. You can't let anyone in.

20.2. Bank employees have no right to describe anything. They have to go to court, then the bailiffs will hand over the case and only they can arrest something. If I were you, I would send them to court, given the prescription for taking a loan, most likely they have already expired, if they declare this in court, the court will refuse them. You need to look at whether there was a payment schedule and when exactly was the last loan payment from them to consider the statute of limitations. If you pay at least something now, the statute of limitations will be restored to them and they will be able to calmly collect everything anew in court. It is advisable to contact a lawyer with all documents for a loan, let them calculate the statute of limitations for you. And there it is already necessary to decide whether it is worth paying or let them go to court.

I had a loan in Privatbank. The bank ceased to exist on the territory of the Russian Federation. Transferred his rights to Binbank. But Binbank also disappeared. Now Otkritie Bank requires me to repay the debt. But, the bank did not notify me of the transfer of rights to my loan. I didn't receive any letters. Only SMS that I owe the bank an opening. Can I, according to Art. 385 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to fulfill an obligation to a new creditor? Read answers (1)

21. In 2013, I still had a loan debt in a private bank, since 2013 I didn’t pay anymore because the bank didn’t stop; today they called me from the Everest company demanding payment, should I pay something, like all the terms of the requirement have already expired.

21.1. Hello Ekaterina!
Pay nothing. Wait statement of claim go to court and file an objection to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

21.2. Now it's better not to pay anything. The statute of limitations has either completely or mostly expired, all the more it is not clear who they are. Let them go to court, then it will be necessary to look at the documents, who they are, what grounds they have to demand, and consider the statute of limitations. Try to go to the post office once a week, find out about letters addressed to you, do not miss the main letter to the court, you need to declare the statute of limitations in court, otherwise the court will satisfy everything.

21.3. Let him say what he wants. There will be registered letters with notification of the successor, sale of debt under an assignment agreement with "live" signatures, "wet" seals, then just take note. Ask to go to court and write them a letter demanding to stop processing your personal data.
For study and application - Federal Law "On the protection of rights and legitimate interests individuals when carrying out activities to return overdue debts and on amendments to the federal law"On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations" dated July 3, 2016 No. 230-FZ. :sm_ag:

22. There was a debt to Privatbank, Binbank through the court demands the return of the debt received a letter from the justice of the peace, but I have no contract with Binbank, officially Binbank did not notify me of its acceptance. I consider Binbank to support the terrorist regime of Ukraine, which qualifies as treason. What should I do? At bailiffs there is nothing yet.

22.1. Good afternoon.
Most likely, a court order was issued, it is issued without summoning the parties and litigation. You have the right to revoke this Court Order. To do this, you need to write your objection and send it to the court that issued the court order. If everything is done correctly, it will definitely be cancelled. It is imperative to cancel the Court Order, otherwise it will not be clear by whom and how the calculated debt. Just don't try to vacate the Court Order yourself. Make a mistake in something and there will be nothing to fix! Contact a lawyer on our website personally, he will help to draw up such an objection to the court order and give the necessary explanations.

22.2. Try to cancel the court order from the justice of the peace.

23. On the credit card of Privatbank, there was a debt of 4,000 at the beginning of the ATO in Lugansk, the term of the credit card ended on 02.2016, the amount of 115,000 ran up. gr. call threatening.

23.1. Good afternoon Hope! Ask to introduce who is calling, full name, what position and in what organization he occupies. Take it to court to prove your right to recover money. It may be that scammers who illegally obtained a database of debtors are calling.

24. They call me and threaten me from the third person, Binbank, for a Privatbank card. There was a credit card for 1000 rubles. I thought I paid off everything because Privatbank closed the card, didn’t close it, and now they demand 9500 r until 11/19/2018 and threaten to increase the debt.

24.1. Good evening! Binbank became the successor of Privatbank. Say that you will write a statement to the police under Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for extortion. Send them to court. When was the last card payment made? Maybe the statute of limitations has already passed.

25. I have such a situation. In 2008, he took a credit card from a private bank, paid as expected by card number until 2015. After the expiration of the card, I did not receive a new card. In 2017, the bank went to court, and as a result, a court order was issued. I did not receive a copy of the court order, I found out only after the arrest of accounts by the bailiffs in the bank, I also did not receive letters from the bailiffs. Every month, the bank sent SMS notifications with a minimum card payment, despite the fact that the bailiffs already had a court order. Recently, collectors called, they said that they already had my debt and demanded to pay the debt in an amount already greater than in the order. How can this be possible. And what should I do best? Pay through bailiffs? And how will the money then go to the binbank if they seem to have sold my debt to collectors? I don't want to pay debt collectors. And how can a court order be canceled if the appeal period (a little over a year) has passed? I agree, as a last resort, to pay to the binbank, but only the amount that I owe, without interest and interest, which they charge me monthly. Help me, please tell me my next steps. How should I proceed in this case?

25.1. Hello!
In your case, with a competent approach to this situation, you will not have to pay for the loan. The most important thing now is to cancel the court order.
Contact in person for a consultation, we will do everything, there will be no need to pay anyone.

26. There was a credit card in Privatbank. I paid a loan for a long time, then stopped. Then Privatbank became Binbank, they did not inform about it in writing. Now the court has ruled to pay the entire debt to Binbank. Does it make sense to write an appeal, or is everything legal.

26.1. Hello Olga!

Surely BinBank provided the court with documents confirming the demand for a loan debt. Therefore, the appeal is unlikely to change anything.

27. On January 9, 2018, I made my first "universal" card in Privat Bank. On January 14, 2018 at 5:11 am, a loan is taken in Maniveo in the amount of UAH 2,050 in my name; after 30 minutes, the money is transferred to other bank accounts! And now I received a letter saying that I have to repay Maniveo's debt in the amount of 12019 hryvnias! How can this be explained? How can you give loans to people who saw your credit company only on advertisements? How is a loan processed at 5:00 am? How can you issue loans without seeing a person? Where are your signatures, seals? And in the end where is my loan agreement? My signatures are nowhere! city ​​of Odessa© The fact is that after the letter from Maniveo about the debt arrived, I looked at the statement from the Privat Bank card. And there is such a story: 01/14/2018 06:00 Piggy bank / deposits * 7142 Crediting the deposit amount from the "Money box" 20.00 UAH
01/14/2018 06:00 AM Other 7142 Transfer to your “Money Box” 2601. Change from expenses rounded up to 10 UAH. - 5.00 UAH 14.01.2018 05:59 Transfers *7142 Transfer from your card - 210.80 UAH 14.01.2018 05:52 Other 7142 Transfer to your "Piggy bank" 2601. Change from rounding expenses to 10 UAH. - 5.00 UAH 14.01.2018 05:52 Transfers *7142 Transfer from your card - 405.00 UAH 14.01.2018 05:46 Other 7142 Transfer to your "Piggy Bank" 2601. Change from rounding expenses to 10 UAH. - 5.00 UAH
01/14/2018 05:46 Transfers *7142 Transfer from your card - UAH 405.00 01/14/2018 05:44 Other 7142 Transfer to your "Piggy bank" 2601. Change from rounding expenses to 10 UAH. - UAH 5.00 01/14/2018 05:43 Transfers *7142 Transfer from your card - UAH 405.00 01/14/2018 05:43 Other 7142 Transfer to your Piggy Bank 2601. Change from rounding expenses to 10 UAH. - 7.99 UAH 14.01.2018 05:42 Transfers *7142 Transfer to a PrivatBank card through the Privat 24 application. Recipient: Polishchuk Maxim Anatolyevich - 404.02 UAH
01/14/2018 05:14 Piggy bank/deposits 7142 Crediting the deposit amount from the "Money box" 21.00 UAH 01/14/2018 05:12 Piggy bank/deposits 7142 Transfer to your "Money box" 2601. 1% of receipts. - 20.50 UAH
01/14/2018 05:11 Transfers 7142 LiqPay. Transfer from card to card from 14-01-2018 Payment ID 597757163 UAH 2,050.00

27.1. Good evening, Maxim! This should be done by the bank's security service and the police. Write written statements, register them and let those who are supposed to do this according to their official duties understand. Also, write to the bank a statement demanding the restoration of money in your account. No one could use your card while you were on vacation?

28. Such a situation. I took a loan of 3,500 rubles from Privatbank in 2013. Made the first payment, and then the bank disappeared from the market. There were no notifications. And now letters are coming from RSV LLC demanding to pay a debt in the amount of 22,500 rubles for a debt to Binbank. Tell me what to do in this situation? Thanks in advance for your reply.

28.1. In your case, the statute of limitations has passed since the last payment. You can prepare a claim for them indicating the specified period and so that you will not be disturbed anymore. But they can also file a lawsuit, follow the mail correspondence in order to write you objections to the lawsuit or court order in time.

Sincerely, Zhdanov A.

I have not paid a loan from the former Privatbank since 2015. After he became a bin bank, chaos began. The debt only grew, not extinguished. It's been two years like a collector's case. They were silent for a long time, and now they began to call my parents on a landline with threats. How to discourage them from these calls? As I understand it, nothing shines for them in court, the statute of limitations has passed. Read answers (3)

29. There was a debt to Privatbank, Binbank is demanding the return of the debt through the court, but I have no agreement with Binbank, officially Binbank did not notify me of its acceptance. I consider Binbank to support the terrorist regime of Ukraine, which qualifies as treason. What should I do, since they began to keep 50% of the salary at work?

29.1. Dear Marianna, St. Petersburg!
Assignment of the RIGHT OF REQUEST OF DEBTS by the Bank in favor of third parties could be made only after a written notification to you "On the assignment of the right to claim" together with the ORIGINAL AGREEMENT for the assignment of the right to claim with original signatures and "wet" seals, a written notice to you of the assignment of the debt (Article 824 Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
Thus, if you did NOT receive the original Assignment of Claim Agreement, this means that there was NO assignment of the right to claim in favor of third parties.
Therefore, I recommend that you challenge Judicial order bank activity data.

Good luck Vladimir Nikolaevich
Ufa 04.10.2018

30. The other day I receive an SMS from BINBANK demanding to pay off the debt, but I had nothing to do with this bank. I have been living in Belarus for three years now. I start a correspondence with the bank. And I find out that this bank bought the shares of "Privatbank" and it is from this bank that my debt is. I really once took a loan from Privatbank, but paid off in full. I ask you to check and they tell me that I repaid the loan in October 2012, but then after two months (in December 2012) I took an account statement, it was paid 100 rubles. and this is the debt I owe. I left the Russian Federation in 2015, no one made a claim to me. What should I do?

30.1. Hello Anna!

In your case, the easiest solution would be to pay these 100 rubles and live in peace. The amount is not so big to sue, Believe me, you will spend more money and nerves.

More and more people are choosing to use plastic card not to carry cash. Undoubtedly, paying with plastic for goods and various services is convenient and simple, payment terminals stand in almost every store. A translation Money to another card you can commit in a few minutes.

Clients of PrivatBank have the opportunity, when applying for plastic, in addition to the usual functions, to set a credit limit. This saves you from visiting the bank if you need a loan.

If you do not want to be recorded as a debtor of PrivatBank, the main thing is to pay off the debt on time when using credit funds. To avoid late payments, you need to know if you have credit card debt.

Initially, the card provides for a grace period - the period for which you can return credit funds without commission. In PrivatBank, this period is up to 55 days.

Attention! If you do not fit into the grace period and cannot repay the debt, then in the future you need to make a mandatory payment, which is charged from the loan amount and can be no less than 5% of the debt amount. And at the same time, the regular payment must be at least 100 hryvnia.

If you pay regularly, then there can be no debt, but if you missed a payment, then it is better to find out how much you owe and pay off the debt.

For reference . If you have an outstanding debt to the bank, then interest will be charged on this amount.

How do you know if you owe the bank or not? There are several ways to do this.

Through Internet banking Privat24

If you have not yet registered on this service, it is quite easy to do so. You need to visit the site and Personal Area from which you can manage your finances. If you have already used Privat24, you can immediately see the debt, if any. To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Go to the site and go through authorization by entering the password and code from the SMS message.
  2. On the main page, you will immediately see information about your debt.
  3. If you want to know the details, you need to select the "Card, account management" tab.
  4. Click "My Accounts".

After that, you will see the card details, balance, debt.

A mobile phone is usually always at hand. You can find out the balance of the card using it.

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You can call the operator hotline and get advice on any issue related to your bank card. The operator informs you about the debt, if any. The hotline operates around the clock and is represented by two phone numbers that you should call - 0 800 500 003 and 3700.

You can also find out if you owe the bank via SMS. It is necessary to write a text to the number 10060, which will contain the last 4 digits on the front side of your plastic. In the response message, you will receive a notice of the debt.

Other ways to find out the debt on the card: terminal, ATM, bank branches

PrivatBank is one of the largest banks in Ukraine. It has many branches and even more self-service terminals and ATMs. Through them you can find out all the information on your card. At the same time, it is not necessary to have it on hand, you just need to know the number and pin code.

The principle of action for terminals and ATMs will be the same - you insert a card, or dial its number, enter a pin code and enter the system. Information about the existing debt will immediately be displayed on the monitor.

If you are close to bank branch you can visit it in person and find out the information you are interested in. You must have a passport and a phone with you, to which notifications are sent. Having given the card to the employee, you yourself enter the pin code from the credit card. Next, the bank employee tells you if you have a debt to the bank, and for how much.

We have looked at all the options for how you can find out if you have a debt. You can choose what is more suitable for you at the moment - visiting a bank, calling a hotline, Privat24 service, or sending an SMS message. In any case, everything happens quickly, you will immediately find out the balance of your card. After that, you can proceed to pay off the debt, if any.

A PrivatBank credit card is a very convenient thing. When there is no money on hand, but they are very necessary, the bank is ready to lend you this money. Today, in PrivatBank, you can either get a separate card with a credit limit of up to 25 or 50 thousand hryvnia, or issue individual loan for a higher amount. For example, to buy a car or an apartment, PrivatBank offers special thematic contracts. But it also happens that the client is unable to repay the loan. As a result, he accumulates debts, and over time, their amounts grow. Most customers are informed how to apply for a loan and how to repay it. But when a debt appears on a PrivatBank credit card, often the debtor simply does not know what to do in this case.

Why and in what cases does credit card debt appear

We note right away that loan debt, as a rule, appears through the fault of the client himself. By concluding an agreement on the provision of credit funds by PrivatBank, both parties undertake fulfill certain conditions. If the client pays the loan on time, no problems arise. In case of a single delay, the situation does not become critical. But after a serious delay, especially if too much money has accumulated, Privat employees have the right to hold the client accountable.

It is worth remembering that the most the best option in such cases is to simply pay off the debt. You can do this in one of several ways:

  1. Online via Privat24;
  2. With the help of SMS-commands or in the mode of conversation with the operator;
  3. In any branch of PrivatBank;
  4. At any ATM or self-service terminal of Privat.

You can find out the amount of debt in similar ways. As a rule, when a debt warning comes from a bank, it already contains the amount of the debt.

What to do if you can't pay off your debt

PrivatBank offers customers to connect the insurance system credit limit on the map. This program provides full repayment your debt to the bank in certain cases.

However, this service is not enabled for every client. In addition, it also does not work in every case.

In other cases, first of all, it is worth deciding what goal you are pursuing. If this is a simple deferred loan payment, then, in most cases, this can be achieved through negotiations with the administration. The bank does not have the right to start a lawsuit before a certain period of debt. All these conditions are stipulated in the contract..

If there is no possibility at all to pay the loan, even in the future, in this case it is better contact a qualified lawyer. A serious delay is in itself a serious breach of the contract, which in the future may result in a tense lawsuit for you with the seizure of property. Of course, sometimes the client has a chance to win this trial, but in practice this does not happen often.

It is worth remembering that PrivatBank has little interest in a lawsuit with a client. For the administration of the bank, the main thing is to repay the loan in any way, because otherwise the bank will simply lose its funds.

There are only two ways to refuse to pay a debt to PrivatBank: through a court and refinancing a loan. But the first method is almost always very long, costly and often ends not in favor of the client. And the second implies that the client takes a loan from another institution in order to pay Privat. In other words, another credit organisation undertakes the obligation to pay off debts under certain conditions. But in any case, "getting dry out of the water" is unlikely to succeed.

What threatens the debtor

For its part, PrivatBank “scares” debtors with certain sanctions. Often such “sanctions” really work. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

  1. Problems with payments are bad for employment. In official jobs, the identity of a potential employee is usually checked for criminal records and debts. If you have outstanding loans, the chances of successful employment are drastically reduced;
  2. If you have an outstanding and not restructured loan (deferred) on your card, in addition to it, a fine is charged, the amount of which is stipulated by the loan agreement;
  3. Travel ban abroad. Border services are always informed about debtors. The debtor's data is instantly entered into the border control database;
  4. At outstanding loan you are unlikely to be able to get any other loan in a particular bank (if such an opportunity is not provided by the refinancing service);
  5. The bank may transfer the case of the client-debtor to collectors;
  6. The bank administration has every right to go to court with every chance of winning this case. Often, court proceedings end with the arrest of the debtor's property.

Please note that the bank has every right to continue proceedings with the debtor for an unlimited period of time.

In other words, it is better for the bank client to do everything to pay off the debt on time. Otherwise, this may turn into a credit "bondage" and lengthy proceedings with the bank, which will be accompanied by a number of restrictions.

The article was created for those who has a bank loan and for one reason or another can't pay it. The debt to the bank increases, and the atmosphere around you and your loved ones is heating up.

At the moment, the most important thing for you is an understanding of what is in the credit and financial sphere the basic provisions of the law protect your interests- You just don't know about it. Banks, in turn, take advantage of your ignorance and they are trying in every possible way to show that you are a “little fish” who does not know how to be in this situation, and they are “big whales” who know what to do and can crush you at any second. In fact, everything is completely different.

To make an appointment with a lawyer, call: 📞 067 490 96 94 ⬅

The main fears of borrowers of Privatbank and other banks.

Most people have a common stereotype and fear that if they fail to repay a loan, they will go to jail. In fact, this is not true: a person does not bear any criminal liability for non-payment of a debt. Since debt is a civil legal relationship, which based on free choice e. Just as a lender freely issues a loan and at the same time assumes the risk of default, so the borrower takes a loan with the probability that he will not be able to repay it.

When a person legally correctly builds a chain of insolvency, he can legally resolve his issue with debts or create circumstances in which he can negotiate favorably with a creditor. The debt to the bank is written off in some cases, in the absence of any property of the debtor and official income, credit debt may be closed. This applies to unsecured loans (on a credit map and in cash), the scheme is described in more detail in one of the previous articles - restructuring and the statute of limitations. With secured loans, the story is a little different, but we will write about this a little later.

Banks with the most a high percentage overdue: Privatbank, Alfa, Nadra, Delta, Platinum, Otp, Ukrsibbank, Universal.

Bank debt. Is the law on the side of the borrower or the bank?

Remember! Law for today quite strong protection borrowers on both unsecured and secured loans. If the case goes to court, then the borrower has a chance of a positive result for him. By law, the bank bears the risks of not repaying your loan, just like you do in case of loss of solvency. The fact of non-return is predetermined in the economy and accounting of the bank. That is, a financial institution in advance, when it gives you a loan, prepares for the fact that there is a chance not to return it in full.

Therefore, the bank has every opportunity, both legal and financial, to write off your loan or make concessions. The main thing is to act correctly and then you can protect both your finances and your property. How to do it? - we will tell in the following articles on the site.

At you have every chance to save the collateral. The best two are:

  1. Challenging the mortgage agreement through the courts.

  2. Successful negotiations with the bank.

Is it possible to go abroad with a loan? Yes, it is possible, if there is no separate court decision restricting this right.

Particularly impressionable borrowers who are extremely emotionally responsive to phone calls and SMS messages from bank employees should definitely know!

Everything you hear on the phone and/or read in emails is pure hoax. Criminal liability, confiscation of property of relatives, selection of children - this is all a banal deception. We will cover this in more detail in a series of future articles. But in general, consider the following: if you are very impressionable - do not answer calls and do not read letters from the bank. The collectors are trying to "press" you against the wall, but you should not expect anything terrible.

Only calmness and thoughtful actions.

Do not communicate with bank employees if you are not trying to negotiate!

If you had to pick up the phone and you heard the "terrible" voice of a bank employee - calm down and don't take his words close to heart. You are called by an ordinary manager (student), who was hired for a salary. He sits in front of the screen and doesn't even know you. Dialing occurs automatically and information about you is written on the screen, as well as what he should tell you. The call has a single purpose - to scare you.

The text is formed from a well-developed scheme that has repeatedly helped banks squeeze out debt through psychological influence. Everything that is written on the monitor, then the employee will tell you: that a mobile group will come to you, etc.

Worker task financial organization simple. He knocks out debt by psychological pressure. He is not interested in your life problems, that you have no money or someone is sick. You have nowhere to live and you cannot give up an apartment. He is not interested in all this. Its task is simple: make you come to the bank branch today and pay any amount.

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Do you have a PrivatBank credit card, but you do not know how to find out the current debt? In fact, it is very simple, especially since there are several ways. Choose the most suitable one and always be aware of your financial condition. Let's take a closer look at each of these methods:

With the help of the Internet bank Privat24

It is very simple, if you are reading this text, then you have the Internet and you can go to Privat24 and see the debt on your card. After authorization in Privat24, select the "My Accounts" tab in the top menu, and then select your credit card. You will see data on your card, among which there will be a debt.

If you have never used the Privat24 system, you will first have to register.

In the Privat24 mobile application

Launch the Privat24 mobile application on your smartphone, select desired card and see the amount of used credit.

Via SMS banking

All Privatbank cards are automatically connected to the SMS-banking service. This service is free. To receive the balance (and debt), send the last four digits of your card to 10060. In a response message, you will receive the information you are interested in.

Using an ATM

Use any ATM of the PrivatBank network, insert your card and follow the instructions on the screen.

Using a self-service terminal

You can also find out your credit card debt using a self-service terminal. Just like with an ATM, you need to insert your card and follow the instructions.

By phone

Call 3700. Calls to this number are free.

At the cash desk of a branch of PrivatBank

You can go to any cash desk of the PrivatBank branch. This is the most inconvenient way, since most likely you will have to stand in line. It is much easier to use an ATM or terminal in the same branch.

Debt repayment

You can pay off the debt all at once or in installments. In the case of paying debt in installments, it is useful to know the following information: the minimum payment is 5% of total amount debt, but not less than 100 hryvnia per month. Also note that the commission on the loan is charged from the credit card at the end of the month.

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