Types of tourism in the Altai Territory. Information on the development of the tourism industry of the Altai Republic Features of the development of tourism in the Altai Territory

If you are full of interest in studying the world, go to Altai, where the past “lives” next to the present. Where exactly to go so that the amazing land reveals its secrets - it doesn’t matter, you don’t see enough at once, you won’t find out in one trip. Get ready for a long study, detailed and active. There are all opportunities for this, and the types of tourism in the Altai Territory are not limited to banal trips or spa treatment.

What Altai offers to an interested person:

  • medical and health-improving types of tourist recreation: sanatoriums, resort complexes, dispensaries and health-improving children's camps;
  • business tourism, as well as event tourism, is already a formalized separate view tourism business;
  • gambling tourism will be of interest to everyone who loves gambling, because here is the very “fifth element”, where casinos are allowed by the Russian government;
  • ecological types of tourism, including rural, nature protection, research and others;
  • active tourism for everyone, including mountain tours, rafting, equestrian tourism, etc.

In the official language, saying: "there are a lot of offers, the choice is up to the client." The region, which is both ancient and young, developing, energetic, will be of interest to both young people and those who are older.

What is attractive Altai

The usual enumeration of official figures on the number of vacationers will not tell you anything about the "pleasures" of tourism, so we will leave all the officialdom to the government of the region. I want to talk about something that almost no one knows. Or rather, those who have never come just like that to Altai don’t know, but there are a lot of interesting things here, and there is an opportunity to see everything with your own eyes, to “touch” the past.

"Amazing nearby" or "lure" for tourists:

1. Unique nature, almost pristine in less visited areas:

  • natural "incidents" that will surprise even experienced "tourists". For example: do you know that there is a lake in Altai, at the bottom of which the temperature does not rise above +5 degrees even on the hottest days? This is the famous Teletskoye Lake, in which the water is so clear that the pebbles at the bottom are visible. And this is only a part of what you can see while traveling in Altai;
  • places of power hidden from prying eyes in caves, or "holy" trees for worship, standing on the tops of mountains. Everything is left from our ancestors, who carefully kept what they inherited, everything can be seen with your own eyes in order to believe the legends about what was “before us”;
  • the purest streams with cold, tasty water and raging mountain rivers, which not everyone dares to raft down. In any hike, trip, you can’t do without water, and if you can safely drink from a stream, that says a lot, doesn’t it?
  • berry meadows striking in their size, no, real plantations of blueberries, blueberries. Mushrooms that grow on mountain paths, and innumerable herds of lambs, brown against the background of the green slopes of the mountains.

2. The existence of special economic zones, such as "Turquoise Katun", where there is everything for holding big serious events and outdoor activities (ski complex). It will be interesting to relax here for families with children, for whom there is even an artificial pool with slides.

3. "Belokurikha" is a resort that has long enjoyed well-deserved popularity not only in our country, but also abroad. The health recovery system of the resort has proven itself to be optimal for certain types of diseases.

4. The presence of the gambling zone "Siberian Coin" is another reason to visit Altai. Why not have some fun playing the slot machines or the poker table? This type of tourism is not forbidden, especially since there are beautiful natural sites nearby that are worth getting to know better.

5. But, as before, the main types of tourism in the Altai Territory are active tourism for the young, strong and reckless. For those who like to camp in tents, climb mountains, raft down rivers and make long bike rides.

Our offers:

1. Summer tours:

  • horse rides;
  • hiking in the Tavdinsky caves;
  • excursions with accommodation on the famous Teletskoye Lake;
  • alloys (rafting) along the Katun;
  • rides on bicycles or "train" (motorbike);
  • other entertainment.

The tour can be organized according to your wishes. You can live in tents or camp sites, you can go from start to finish along the route. And you can leave from one point in the radial "one-day" and return to a cozy holiday house. You can choose a VIP tour to visit a specific attraction or a group tour, where everything is pre-planned by the instructors. You can even comfortably drive to the habitats of ancient people to admire the rock paintings. You can ride a motorbike along the Chuysky tract, the splendor of the natural landscapes of which was described by Shishkov in his “Gloomy River”.

If all of the above is collected in one multitour, then in one trip you will see and learn about Altai several times more than in a monotour.

2. Tours in other seasons, including winter holidays in Altai. In spring and autumn, the air is cleaner, full of smells, and nature gives unusually bright colors. Before a long winter, you really want to breathe and see enough - and all this is possible with Equesto:

  • downhill skiing or snowboarding;
  • riding on "cheesecakes" and sledding;
  • Hiking small trips, horseback riding;
  • visiting Teletskoye Lake and accommodation in houses;
  • walks to the ice waterfall;
  • trips to the Blue Lakes, which do not freeze in winter due to underwater springs;
  • mountain climbs;
  • descents into caves;
  • other entertainment.

With us you will get to know our Altai and love it the way we love it.

Development of tourism in the Altai Territory

The development of tourism is of great importance for the state as a whole, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and society. Russia has a huge potential for the development of domestic and inbound tourism. To develop and implement it as much as possible is the main task of the Strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. The diversity of our country's tourist resources makes it possible to develop many types of inbound and domestic tourism: cultural, educational, health-improving, sports, skiing, business, cruise, ecological, rural, fishing and hunting.

We can say with confidence that the tourism industry has been developing at a stable pace in recent years. At the moment, the state authorities are faced with the task of not only maintaining the results achieved, but also improving the qualitative aspects of the organization of domestic and inbound tourism programs, creating conditions for maximizing the positive social effect from the development of tourism in the country.

Tourism is one of the important areas influencing the growth of the economy, including the development of such areas of economic activity as the services of travel companies, collective accommodation facilities, transport, communications, trade, production of souvenirs and other products, food, Agriculture, construction and other industries, thus acting as a catalyst for the socio-economic development of many regions of Russia, including the Altai Territory.

In the Altai Territory, tourism has become an independent branch of the economy, from the active development of which related business areas receive a powerful multiplier effect, employment and living standards of the population of the region increase. The share of the tourism sector in the gross regional product of the Altai Territory in 2012 amounted to 6.3%, in 2013 (estimated) it increased to 6.6%. The role of tourism in the region's economy has been steadily increasing in recent years. This industry is actively developing today on the territory of 29 municipal districts and 6 urban districts. According to the results of 2013, the number of tourist enterprises operating in the region exceeds 940 units, of which 669 are collective accommodation facilities, children's health camps and "green" houses. Rest of tourists is provided by 217 hotels, 44 sanatoriums, 149 tourist bases and recreation organizations, 186 green houses.

According to the results of 2013, paid tourist services to the population in the Altai Territory were provided for 3.1 billion rubles. (taking into account the services of hotels and similar accommodation facilities, as well as sanatorium and health services). Today, the Altai Territory presents a variety of recreation and health programs that will satisfy the taste of the most demanding consumer. One of the features of the tourist and recreational complex of the region is the presence of a powerful sanatorium and resort base, so health tourism is a kind of hallmark of the region. According to the results of 2013, more than 3 billion rubles were allocated for the development of the tourism industry in the Altai Territory, of which about 2.1 billion rubles were invested by private investors. Compared to 2012, the investment activity of business representatives increased by more than 60%.

Interest in the Altai Territory, as a territory with unique tourist and recreational opportunities, is growing not only in Russia, but also in the international arena. For the third year in a row, our region has become the winner in the "Best region for traveling in Russia" nomination of the authoritative national travel award "My Planet". At the initiative of the Administration of the Altai Territory, a non-profit partnership "Association of Tourist Regions of Russia" was created, which, together with the Altai Territory, included the Vologda, Yaroslavl Regions and the Komi Republic. Within the framework of the Association, the efforts of its members in the development of domestic and inbound tourism, the formation of joint projects, initiatives, etc. will be consolidated. Given the current dynamics of the tourism industry in this scenario, it is necessary to focus on the development of: a sanatorium complex; active, recreational tourism, family recreation; specialized tourist product - gambling tourism, social, gastronomic, educational, ecological tourism, etc.

At present, the Altai Territory is one of the leading regions of the Siberian Federal District in terms of tourism development. The variety of natural complexes, the presence of unique monuments of history and culture annually attract hundreds of thousands of not only Russian, but also foreign tourists to the region. Doc22 offers a brief overview of the main directions of development tourism industry in the Altai Territory.

The Altai Territory has always attracted tourists to its territory with its history, diverse nature and the names of prominent fellow countrymen. However, for many years the entire tourist flow was divided into two lines - for those who want to relax and improve their health in the sanatorium and resort part, mainly in the resort city of federal significance Belokurikha, and for a significant share of the so-called "wild" and conditionally organized tourism. In fact, it was an extensive way of using tourist resources in the region.

Since January 1, 2006, the structure of executive authorities in the Altai Territory has changed, while the functions in the field of tourism were transferred from the Committee on Culture and Tourism to the Main Directorate of Economics and Investments of the Altai Territory Administration. The task was set: to create a real tourism industry in the region as part of the region's economy. Until that moment, the entire tourism industry in the region was concentrated within the framework of the sanatorium-resort process and was supplemented by individual cultural events - the work of museums, excursions, etc. Not surprisingly, the regional budget revenues from tax revenues from tourism amounted to less than 1%. At present, the share of the tourism sector in the GRP of the Altai Territory, taking into account the multiplier effect, is more than 7%.

In a report dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Altai Territory in 2007, Alexander Karlin said with good reason: “Today we are starting to write new pages in the history of the Altai Territory ... The Territory won federal competitions for the creation of a special economic zone of a tourist and recreational type, a gambling zone ... The tourism industry in Altai is gradually reaching a new, modern level. By developing this sector of the economy, we stimulate related ones (trade, construction, services), and contribute to the creation of new jobs in rural areas.”

For 10 years, an intensive way of using tourist resources has been formed in the Altai Territory and the share of organized tourism has significantly increased. Tourism in the Altai Territory has become an independent branch of the economy. Currently, tourism entities operate in 63 of the 69 municipalities of the region.

According to preliminary data, in 2017 the number of tourist enterprises in the Altai Territory exceeded 980 units, of which

  • 730 units are collective accommodation facilities, children's health camps and rural "green" houses;
  • more than 220 travel companies, 46 of them in the status of tour operators.
  • Rest of tourists in the region in 2017 was provided by:
  • 280 general-purpose collective accommodation facilities (hotels, hotels, motels, hostels, etc.),
  • 42 health resorts,
  • 180 rural "green" houses,
  • 167 tourist centers and recreation organizations.

In general, in 2017, the number of places for one-time accommodation in collective tourist and recreational and sanatorium and health institutions, as well as children's health institutions, was about 51 thousand, including year-round - 19.7 thousand. According to expert estimates, the tourist flow amounted to more than 2150 thousand people.

Thus, in comparison with 2007, the number of tourist enterprises in the Altai Territory increased by 1.7 times, and the number of accommodation places for tourists increased by almost 1.5 times. If in 2007 in the region about 385 enterprises provided accommodation services for tourists on the territory of 26 municipalities of the region, then by 2017 the number of accommodation facilities increased by almost 1.7 times and amounted to 667 units. At the same time, the number of year-round accommodation places is constantly growing.

For the period 2007-2017 the number of rural "green" houses increased by 1.5 times (in 2007 there were 120 rural "green" houses in the region), as well as tourist centers and recreation organizations (in 2007 there were 108), sanatorium and resort institutions - by 1.2 times (in 2007 - 35 institutions).

The number of tourists coming to the Altai Territory is increasing every year. If in 2005 the tourist flow in the region amounted to 0.5 million people, then by 2017 this figure increased by more than 4 times.

At present, the Altai Territory is positioned as a diversified tourist region, on the territory of which a variety of recreation and tourism programs are presented that will satisfy the taste of the most demanding consumer. Medical and health-improving, rural, scientific, educational, sports, event, and business types of tourism are actively developing in the region.

Over the past 10 years, significant development has been event tourism, which, along with a spa holiday, has become another hallmark of the Altai Territory. More than 10 cultural and gastronomic events have already firmly entered the rating of popular with tourists and gather thousands of guests from year to year. Among them are the festival “Siberian Maslenitsa”, known far beyond the borders of the region, the international tourist forum “VISIT ALTAI”, within the framework of which the tourist exhibition “AltaiTour. Altai Resort" and the holiday "Blossoming of the Maral", the interregional festival of national cultures Day of Russia on the "Turquoise Katun", the festival of drinks "AltaiFest", the All-Russian festival "Shukshin Days in Altai", the International Youth Forum of the Asia-Pacific Region, the Siberian International Forum on Health and Medical Tourism, holiday "Altai wintering" and others.

Today, virtually every district or city of the Altai Territory offers its guests and residents of the region their holidays and original events. Thousands of guests from all over Russia and from abroad take part in event events on the territory of the region every year.

The leader of the high-tech development of tourism in the region continues to be the regional sanatorium-resort complex, which is represented today by 42 organizations for almost 9 thousand places of one-time accommodation, including 7 children's institutions. More than 50% of year-round accommodations in the Altai Territory are located in sanatorium-and-spa organizations. Therefore, about 200 thousand people improve their health every year in the region.

The visiting card of the sanatorium-resort complex of the Altai Territory is the resort city of federal significance Belokurikha, which for the last 6 years has been constantly recognized by the leading experts of the All-Russian Forum "Zdravnitsa" as the best federal resort in Russia.

Altai Krai is among the top five in terms of the number of people accommodated in Russian sanatoriums. In the Siberian Federal District, the region ranks first in terms of the number of places in sanatorium accommodation facilities and the number of vacationers.

Rural tourism is developing quite intensively in the region, which has already found its permanent consumer. Each district of the Altai Territory has its own customs and traditions, which hospitable hosts are happy to introduce to guests. Tourists are offered to participate in village holidays, join folk crafts, learn from their own experience the traditions of cheese making and honey collection, participate in the collection of medicinal herbs, harvesting berries and mushrooms, and also touch the forgotten cultural traditions of the local population. The services of rural guest houses in Altai, Zmeinogorsk, Krasnogorsk, Krasnoshchekovsky, Smolensk, Soloneshensky, Charyshsky and other regions of the region are very popular. In total, there are currently 180 guest houses in more than 20 municipal districts of the region. Members of the Association for the Development of Rural Tourism "Peasant Hospitality", created in the fall of 2016, developed the "Hospitable Altai" route, which was presented as part of the international tourism exhibition "Intourmarket-2017" in Moscow.

If a tourist goes to the Altai Territory for educational purposes, then here the centers of attraction are such objects as the natural monument of federal significance Denisova Cave, Gornaya Kolyvan with a rich history of mining in Altai.

There are unique museums in the region, which annually attract the attention of a large number of tourists:

  • Museum of stone-cutting business (Kolyvan village, Kuryinsky district),
  • Museum of Mining Industry (Zmeinogorsk),
  • State Museum of Literature, Art and Culture of Altai (Barnaul),
  • All-Russian Memorial Museum-Reserve of the writer, actor and director Vasily Shukshin (the village of Srostki, Biysk district),
  • Museum of Cosmonautics dedicated to the second cosmonaut of the planet German Titov (Polkovnikovo village, Kosikhinsky district),
  • Memorial Museum of Small Arms Designer M.T. Kalashnikov (the village of Kurya, Kurinsky district),
  • Memorial Museum of the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky (Kosikha village, Kosikhinsky district),
  • Memorial Museum of actress Ekaterina Savinova (Eltsovka village, Yeltsovsky district),
  • Memorial Museum of the actor Valery Zolotukhin (village of Bystry Istok, Bystroistok District) and others.

The Altai Territory is well known to lovers of active tours. The most popular at present are rafting along the lower reaches of the Katun, the rivers Charysh, Peschanaya, Kumir, Korgon and Belaya; bike tours; caving trips through the deepest caves of Siberia - Altai (240 m deep), Geophysical (137 m) and others. Presidential Tourist Route.

Multi-day walking and equestrian routes are organized on the territory of the Altai, Charyshsky, Soloneshensky, Smolensky, Krasnoshchekovsky, Kurinsky and Zmeinogorsky regions.

In winter, the ski resorts of the resort town of Belokurikha, Altai and Biysk regions, as well as the city of Barnaul are especially popular with residents and guests of the region.

More than 20 objects of tourist attraction operate in the Altai Territory, which form the basis of industrial tourism in the region. Detailed information about tours and objects of industrial tourism is available on the tourist portal visitaltay.rf.

Since 2014, the only gambling and entertainment complex "Altai Palace" in the Siberian Federal District has been operating in the region. The number of gamblers visiting our region is increasing every year. In 2017, about 80 thousand people visited the gambling zone, which is 2 times more than in 2016.

For 10 years of development of the tourism industry in the Altai Territory, a list of regional tourist routes in the region has been formed, the number of which today is 80 units. And the number of routes is constantly increasing. On the regional Internet portal visit-altai.rf in the section "Tours, excursions" the description and characteristics of the mentioned routes are displayed.

The tourism industry in the Altai Territory is developing dynamically. Every year, the number of points on the map of the region increases, in which the infrastructure necessary for tourists and guests is being created. Event events are developing and new ones are appearing, the service sector and providing guests are improving. All this allows us to confidently look at the prospects for the development of the tourism industry in the Altai Territory.

Problems and prospects for the development of tourism in the Altai Territory

Tourism today is a source of profit, a factor that has a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the country, as well as its importance in the eyes of the world community.
Increasing interest in the process of running a tourism business in a market economy in Russia in general and the Altai region in particular, its role in the organizational and economic development of the national and regional economy of the region, as well as the problems that arise in this business area, determine the relevance of the stated research topic.
Altai Krai is an ideal place for the development of tourism, because different types of tourism are possible here. For example, health tourism. On the territory of the Altai Territory, there are almost all types of mineral medicinal waters for external and internal purposes and healing mud, which are widely used or can be used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. And, according to the results of scientific research, the salt lakes of the Kulunda steppe are similar to the Dead Sea in terms of the composition of therapeutic mud and water. Therefore, it is very difficult to overestimate the importance of the water-mud-treatment center of the city of Yarovoye. The main therapeutic factor of the Belokurikha resort is the water of hot springs belonging to the group of nitrogen-siliceous radon-containing thermal waters with a high fluorine content and a wide range of trace elements. Under the influence of radon baths, the processes of healing and resorption in nerve fibers and muscle bone tissue are accelerated. The Belokurikha resort is growing and developing. More than 3,800 single accommodation places are offered in boarding houses, sanatoriums and dispensaries. In recent years, the sanatorium and health complex has demonstrated high growth rates in the volume of paid services rendered to the population.
The main problems of the tourism industry in the Altai Territory are:

    underdeveloped infrastructure and also high prices for services;
    insufficient level of development of unusual types of tourism;
    insufficient staffing
    weak use of the favorable geographical position of some cities and towns.
    Uneven recreational development and development of territories
The problems in the development of tourism in the Altai Territory include the poor use of the advantageous geographical position of Biysk. Every year, the city passes through huge tourist flows heading to the Altai Mountains, the foothill regions of the region, and these are thousands of potential consumers of the historical and cultural type of tourism in the Biysk zone. Along with the oldest merchant town, this territory is home to the State Memorial Museum of German Titov, the All-Russian Memorial Museum-Reserve of Vasily Shukshin. In addition, it is here that there is a unique world-class natural sightseeing object that does not receive proper information support - the confluence of the Biya and Katun rivers and the Ob River, which is born from the duality. The niche of cultural tourism is empty, since a huge number of people attending mass cultural events in the immediate vicinity or on the territory of the Biysk zone (Shukshin days in Altai, cultural and sports holidays of Mikhail Evdokimov in the village of Verkh-Obskoye, the festival of composers-bards "Songs of the Itkul Summer" in Zonal area, etc.) remain left to their own devices.
In addition, recreational development of the territory of the region is uneven. The tourist and recreational load for some territories becomes excessive, while others are slowly being developed. One of the main reasons is the underdevelopment of infrastructure: road and public utilities, energy, communications. There are problems with updating the bus fleet.
There is a problem of organizing planned program tourism in the Altai Territory. As for foreign tourists, they are found in the Altai region, but infrequently, so it is necessary to create conditions for attracting foreign tourists. It is necessary to build world-class hotels with high-quality service, create the most interesting routes, provide high security, etc.
There are problems with updating the bus fleet. There is a need not only to resuscitate the Biysk airport, but also to transfer its work to a qualitatively new level.
To transform the sphere of tourism and recreation into a profitable, budget-forming branch of the regional economy, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of intersectoral measures and attract significant investment resources.
In order to develop positive trends in the field of tourism and make them sustainable, it is necessary to make a transition from the fragmentary, which was used earlier, to a comprehensive solution to the problem of the formation and development of the tourist and recreational complex.
For the development of the tourism industry, attracting investment is of paramount importance. According to the assessment of the specialists of this agency in 2008 among all regions Russian Federation Altai Krai ranked 19th in terms of tourism potential and is the leader among the regions of the Siberian Federal District. This assessment confirms the competitive advantages of the Altai Territory in the field of tourist and excursion services, which must be effectively used in order to increase the level of socio-economic development of the region and the standard of living of its population. The share of tourism services in the region's GRP was 1.3% by 2010. Geography of licensed travel agencies - Barnaul, Biysk, Belokurikha, Zarinsk, Rubtsovsk, Slavgorod, Altai, Biysk, Sovetsky districts.
According to the criteria of tourist and recreational assessment, Zavyalovsky, Zalesovsky, Zarinsky, Krasnoshchekovsky, Kurinsky, Pavlovsky, Sovetsky, Soloneshensky, Smolensky districts of the region, as well as the cities of Barnaul, Biysk, Belokurikha, Zmeinogorsk, Yarovoe have "average" and "above average" scores.
It should be noted that the data presented do not include indicators for the sanatorium and resort complex of the Altai Territory, in which there are more than 50 specialized institutions with a total number of places for one-time accommodation of more than 4 thousand.
Rural tourism has also become a popular form of service in recent years. As an example, we can cite the data of the administration of the Altai region, where in 2008 the number of vacationers accommodated in 100 private farmsteads amounted to about 3 thousand people.
The investment climate in the Altai Territory at the moment can be called favorable.
In the schemes developed by scientists on the order of the Administration of the Altai Territory, sites for construction, permissible recreational load are predetermined, an environmental impact assessment is carried out, which is a means of attracting potential investors to the construction of tourist facilities, because. for them, the procedure for coordinating documents is greatly simplified. In addition, on the basis of the scheme, a plan for the development of the infrastructure of the territory is being developed. Thus, the partnership of the state, business and science is carried out, conditions are created for the development of tourism in the conditions of preserving the natural environment.
The regional administration has taken an active position in promoting the tourism product both within the country and abroad at fairs, exhibitions, on the Internet and in special publications.
In conditions of low budget security, a very urgent task for the Altai Territory is to attract federal budget funds for the development of the tourism sector. Along with participation in federal programs, independent measures are needed to develop the industry. In particular, the continuation of the development of functional zoning schemes for areas that are promising in terms of tourism development, and the conduct of their environmental impact assessment. Without the implementation of this mechanism, it will be extremely difficult for tourism organizations to resolve land issues, comply with all legislative restrictions, which will either lead to the cessation of the development of the region's tourism complex, or to its development in the shadow sector of the economy.
For the systemic development of the tourism sector, the Main Department of Economics and Investments has developed a program for the development of tourism in the Altai Territory for the medium term.
Its main goals are the creation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive high-tech all-season tourist complex aimed at fully harmoniously meeting the needs of Russian citizens and foreign citizens in tourism services, as well as the preservation of the unique natural and socio-cultural recreational resources of the Altai Territory with their full use for development the tourism sector.
Achieving these goals requires work in the following areas:
    formation of the regulatory framework for tourism in the Altai Territory and the provision of organizational and methodological assistance to the tourism sector of the economy by the regional administration;
    formation of the image of the Altai Territory as a center of all-season tourism, and promotion of its tourism product to the Russian and international markets;

Tourism is rightfully considered one of the largest, highly profitable and most dynamically developing sectors of the economy, being an active source of foreign currency financial inflows, and has an impact on the country's balance of payments. The development of the tourism sector, which has an economic multiplier effect, is of great importance in the formation of gross domestic product and aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. In this regard, the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 notes that tourism is an economically profitable and environmentally safe sector of the national economy, an essential link innovative development country.

One of the most attractive regions in terms of tourism potential is the Altai Territory, where at the moment such types of tourism as balneological, cultural, educational, sports, event, rural, and business are actively developing. Tourism development is promoted by cities and settlements of the Altai Territory with its unique competitive advantages: the main city of the region, Barnaul, is connected by air, rail and by car with the largest cities of the country and is the main point of distribution of tourist flows. The second largest and most important city of Biysk is rightfully called the "Golden Gate of Altai". The city of Slavgorod is the "heart" of the steppe territories, where the bitter-salty lakes Big and Small Yarovye are located, which are currently very popular. No less attractive are the city of Zmeinogorsk - the center of Rudny Altai, the village of Kolyvan, the village of Krasnogorskoye and dozens of other settlements.

The role of tourism in the region's economy has been steadily increasing in recent years. Tourism is actively developing today on the territory of 29 municipal districts and 5 city districts.

More than 940 tourist enterprises operate in the region, of which about 669 units are collective accommodation facilities, children's health camps and "green" houses. The number of single accommodation places is 47.6 thousand, including year-round - 18.8 thousand. In 2016, the Altai Territory received 2 million tourists.

The main tool for supporting the development of tourism in the region are the state programs "Tourism Development in the Altai Territory" for 2011-2016 and "Tourism Development in the Altai Territory" for 2015-2020. The programs provide for the development of 11 tourist clusters. Tourist clusters"Golden Gate" in Biysk, "Belokurikha", as well as "Barnaul - Mining City" were included in the federal target program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011 - 2018)".

These policy documents provide for the use of public-private partnership mechanisms in the implementation of tourism projects: first of all, of course, investment projects, when the state undertakes the construction of the necessary engineering infrastructure, and business - the construction of tourist facilities.

The sanatorium and resort complex of the Altai Territory, which is represented by 44 organizations, has a strong position (of which 8 institutions are children's sanatorium and resort organizations). The Altai Territory has every reason to position itself as a leading region in the provision of sanatorium and resort services with a rich prospect for the development of the corresponding type of tourism within the framework of federal target programs.

The undisputed leader of the sanatorium and resort complex of the Altai Territory is the federal resort city of Belokurikha. The average annual load of Belokurikha sanatoriums is over 75%.

Since 2011, the process of creating a new resort - "Belokurikha-2" has been going on. The resort "Belokurikha-2" is being created in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.08.2011 No. No. 644 “On the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”. The new resort complex is designed to receive 3,000 guests at the same time. Given the significant development potential of this project, it was included in the long-term target program "Tourism Development in the Altai Territory", designed for the period 2011-2016. In 2013 "Belokurikha - 2" was named the "ideal resort" at the Assembly of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy in Greece. The project received an award as " Best Project medical resort. It was presented at the International Scientific Congress and the 66th session of the General Assembly of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy.

JSC "Resort Belokurikha" became the only company from the Altai Territory, which became the winner of the competition for the XX International Prize "Tourist Industry Leaders". At the end of 2016, the Altai company was awarded this prestigious award in two nominations at once: “Quality of service - a sanatorium, health complex” and “Best investment project Belokurikha-2”.

The autotourist cluster "Golden Gate" is intended to become a growth point of the Altai Territory, around which the development of small and medium-sized businesses is activated on the basis of public-private partnership. The estimated volume of investments is more than 1.4 billion rubles. total amount subsidies received from the federal budget for the implementation of measures to form the autotourist cluster "Golden Gate" for 2011-2014, has already amounted to 226 million rubles, extrabudgetary sources - 123 million rubles. .

Another large-scale PPP project implemented in the region is the special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type "Turquoise Katun" created in 2007. The PPP mechanism in this case involves not only the construction of engineering infrastructure, but also the provision of tax preferences.

The development of a special zone involves the construction of a year-round complex designed for 3,500 places of accommodation of various categories from economy to premium class, as well as: a water park, sports and recreation and shopping and entertainment complexes, an extreme sports center, ski slopes with an artificial snowmaking system, a climbing wall and other. The total cost of the project is about 30 billion rubles.

At present, the Turquoise Katun is the only active tourist and recreational special zone created in Russia, which accepts tourists all year round. During the implementation of the project, about 2,200 new jobs will be created.

On the border with the SEZ TRT "Turquoise Katun" there is a gambling zone "Siberian Coin", which is one of the four specially created gambling zones in Russia, where the organization and conduct of the gambling business is legally allowed. This location allows to significantly expand the range of tourist services offered in the territory of the region, as well as form a segment of exclusive gambling and entertainment services.

Based on research and design work, the administration of the city of Barnaul in February 2013 developed the concept of creating a cluster "Barnaul - a mining city". Thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tourism Agency, the project is included in the federal target program "Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation."

The cluster is located in the entrance zone, within the boundaries of the historical center of the city, so it will become the main entry point and transport interchange of the city and will combine many major tourist routes. It should be noted that already at the stage of forming the concept of the cluster, the project aroused great interest and was supported by the business community, which sees it as a growth point for the tourism sector of the city and the region. In general, it is important to note that the Altai Territory is the leader among the regions of Russia in terms of the number objects included in the federal program for the development of domestic and inbound tourism. The existing practice of creating large investment projects in the region allows us to say that their implementation, in addition to the emergence of modern tourist and recreational complexes at a specific investment site, is a powerful catalyst for the development of tourism in the region as a whole. If in 2009 the tourist flow was about 1.0 million tourists, then in 2013 it was already 1.6 million tourists, and by 2018 it is projected at the level of 2.2 million people. According to TourStat agencies Altai Krai entered the top ten Russian regions in terms of popularity among tourists in 2016. Thus, the Altai Territory today is an actively developing and rather promising tourist region of the Russian Federation, ready to offer investors the joint implementation of both small and large-scale investment projects in the field of tourism, while providing the most favorable and comfortable business conditions.

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