Crop crop insurance. Crop insurance

Legal entity property insurance

The composition of the property, subject to insurance include:

  • buildings, structures, objects of unfinished capital construction, vehicles, cars, inventory, goods and materials and other property;
  • property accepted by organizations for storage, commission, for processing, repair, transportation, etc.;

Insurance is carried out on two types of contracts- main and additional.

By the main contract all property owned by the policyholder is insured.

By additional- only property accepted for commission, storage, for transportation, etc. An additional agreement can be concluded only if there is a main agreement.

Property leased to other companies is insured separately from the rest of the property.

An insurance contract can be concluded at the full value of the property or at a certain share (percentage) of this value, but not less than 50% of the book value, and not less than the balance of outstanding loans for its construction.

The following are accepted in property insurance the limits of its value assessment:

1) for fixed assets- book value, but not higher than the replacement value on the day of their death;

2) for revolving funds- the actual cost at average market, selling prices and prices of own production;

3) unfinished production- in the amount of actually incurred costs of material and labor resources at the time of the insured event.

Property accepted from other organizations and the population is considered insured based on the value specified in the documents for their acceptance.

When insuring property in a certain proportion, for example, 50%, all objects of insurance are considered insured in the same percentage of their value.

Property insurance is carried out in case of loss or damage as a result of insured events typical for property insurance.

Agricultural insurance is a sub-sector of property insurance. Agricultural enterprises insure buildings, structures, transmission devices, vehicles, fishing vessels, fishing gear, products, raw materials, materials. Feature agricultural insurance is crop insurance, incl. perennial plantings and farm animals.

Crop crop insurance carried out on a voluntary basis. Agricultural crops are subject to insurance, incl. fruit and berry, grape and other perennial plantations (except for natural hayfields) in case of death or damage from drought, soaking, freezing, hail, storms, floods, incomplete pollination, from diseases and plant pests. The harvest of crops grown in protected ground can be insured against accidents and fire.

The damage is compensated for, which is expressed in a decrease in the amount of agricultural products received in comparison with the average harvest from 1 hectare over the past five years. The amount of damage is calculated at the purchase price fixed in the insurance contract. Contracts are concluded well in advance of sowing or planting and are terminated after the end of the harvest.

Insurance premiums are calculated for each crop (group of crops) by multiplying the cost of the crop from the entire sown area by the tariff rate. The rates are differentiated by crops and regions.

Insurance premiums are paid in a lump sum in the amount of the annual premium or in installments. In the event of an insured event, the policyholder informs the insurer in writing within a specified period of time all the necessary information on each crop. The insurer verifies reports of loss or damage to crops against data from various organizations monitoring natural phenomena and their impact on crops. Establishes the reasons and circumstances of the insured event and draws up an act of the established form. If the crop shortfall is not caused by insurance reasons, then the insurance indemnity is not paid.

Farm animal insurance- it

  • cattle insurance;
  • sheep and goats aged from 6 months;
  • horses, camels, donkeys, mules and deer from the age of 1 year;
  • pigs, fur animals and rabbits at the age of 5 months;
  • birds from 1 month old, bee colonies in hives.

Sick and malnourished animals are not subject to insurance, as well as insurance for animals belonging to citizens. Damage due to death, death, forced slaughter is indemnified. The insurer only indemnifies for direct damage, but does not indemnify for product losses that are consequential damage. In the event of the death of animals, the damage is equal to the book value of the dead animals. Damage in the event of the death of working horses, including sports horses, camels, donkeys, is calculated net of depreciation. The rest of the draft animals are not depreciated.

In case of forced slaughter of farm animals, the damage is determined in the amount of the difference between their book value and the amount received from the sale of edible meat. In case of death or forced slaughter of fur-bearing animals, the damage is determined taking into account the change in the cost of skins as a result of an insured event. The sum insured is set at the request of the policyholder, no more than the actual value of the animal.

Specificity of determining the sum insured- at agricultural enterprises and in public organizations, animals are insured at their book value, and at households of citizens - on the basis of the established insurance amounts.

When concluding the contract, the policyholder must indicate in the application the type of animals, their age group, the number and actual value, the desired insured amount.

The contract is concluded for a period not exceeding a year for the full scope of liability or for individual insurance risks after a preliminary examination of the animals and subject to insurance of all existing animals of this type and this age group.

The policyholder is obliged to inform the insurer about the occurrence of the insured event within 24 hours. After receiving the application, the insurer is obliged to draw up an act in the prescribed form within three days. The act is the basis for the payment of insurance compensation.

    NSA: 72% of the agricultural insurance market with state support in the first half of 2019 falls on the top 10 regions

    Of the 1.95 billion insurance premiums accrued under agricultural insurance contracts with state support in the first half of 2019, 1.4 billion rubles, or 72%, accounted for the top ten largest regional markets. This conclusion follows from the analysis of data on concluded contracts, carried out by the National Union of Agricultural Insurers.

    After eliminating the consequences of the emergency, the NSA will support the Irkutsk region in the restoration of the agricultural insurance system

    Losses of agricultural producers in the Irkutsk region from a catastrophic flood, subject to compensation from the budget, may rise to 500 million rubles. This was reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin by the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Patrushev at a meeting in the affected region on July 19. The President of Russia instructed to speed up the work on the payment of compensation to farmers. According to the National Union of Agricultural Insurers, compensation for these losses is fully covered by the State Reserve Fund, since the risks of farmers in the flooded areas were not insured.

    NAA President Korney Bizhdov: the leading regions provided insurance coverage from 5% to 34% of spring sown areas

    The National Union of Agricultural Insurers analyzed regional data on insurance of spring sowing: in the period from January to June 2019, agricultural insurance contracts under state support were concluded in 39 regions of the Russian Federation, while the area of ​​insured crops increased in 37 regions. “In the overwhelming majority of regions, there is either a multiple increase in the coverage of crops with insurance, or the recovery of this indicator from zero values ​​last year,” said NAA President Korney Bizhdov, commenting on the results of the half-year.

    NAA President Korney Bizhdov: the growth of insured areas was noted in 7 Federal Districts of Russia, about 4% of the sown area is covered

    “During the spring sowing campaign, there was an almost universal return of the regions of the Russian Federation to the practice of agricultural crops insurance on the terms of state support,” said the President of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers Korney Bizhdov, commenting on the results of the half-year.

    NSA President Korney Bizhdov: an absolute record has been achieved in spring sowing crop insurance over the past 4 years

    For 6 months of 2019, the agricultural insurance market with state support showed more than threefold growth compared to the same period in 2018.According to the data of insurance companies, which entered the database of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers as of 07/01/2019, the volume of insurance premiums under contracts with state support with January to June amounted to 1.95 billion rubles, which is comparable to the volume of this market for the whole of 2018 (2.0 billion rubles).

    NSA: Productivity of main crops in 10 regions of the Center, the Volga region and the Trans-Urals may significantly decrease

    “According to the NSA, according to the results of the current agricultural season, agrarians in 10 regions of the Center, the Volga region and the Trans-Urals may be affected by a complex of unfavorable natural phenomena. The yield of the main agricultural crops in a number of regions of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation may significantly decrease, "said the President of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers Korney Bizhdov, commenting on the data of the analysis carried out by the NSA.

    Aleksey Mayorov, Chairman of the Agrarian Committee of the Federation Council: “... If agricultural producers were insured, they could largely reimburse their losses. To do this, you need to competently use agricultural insurance "

    "The system of agricultural insurance with state support in the Republic of Kalmykia will be restored if the agro-industrial complex of the republic shows interest and an active position in this matter," said the President of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers Korney Bizhdov, commenting on the results of the visiting meeting on the development of agriculture in Elista, which was held by the Federation Council Committee on agrarian and food policy and environmental management under the leadership of the chairman of the committee Alexei Mayorov.

    NSA: Eldos Auezbekov, Chairman of the "Association of Agricultural Insurance" of Kazakhstan presented the experience of digitalization of index agricultural insurance

    “The experience of introducing index insurance in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which was familiarized with the participants of the NSA round table on agricultural insurance in St. Petersburg, deserves careful study. The risk of drought, which this system is designed to insure, is also one of the main risks for crop production in Russia, ”said President of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers Korney Bizhdov, commenting on the report of the representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the event.

    NSA: AIAG President Arnaud de Bocaron presented in St. Petersburg the experience of European countries in the development of agricultural insurance

    “The experience of European countries in the development of multi-risk crop insurance and insurance against hail should be used in Russia - in particular, the experience of France is very important,” said the President of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers Korney Bizhdov on the results of the work of the National Agricultural Insurance Roundtable in St. Petersburg ...

    NSA and the State Duma Agrarian Committee discussed the possibilities of a new legislative agenda for agricultural insurance

    "The National Union of Agricultural Insurers and the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues may return this fall to a specific discussion of the issue of additional insurance programs for agricultural insurance with state support to protect the specific risks of certain areas of agricultural production," said NAA President Korney Bizhdov, commenting on the results of a working meeting with the Deputy Chairman Of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues by Ayrat Khairullin, which took place in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on June 26.

    NAA President Korney Bizhdov: agricultural insurance is being restored most actively in Mordovia, Voronezh Region and Altai Territory

    The greatest activity in the first half of 2019 in the insurance of agricultural crops under the conditions of state support was shown during the spring sowing agriculture of the Republic of Mordovia, the Voronezh Region and the Altai Territory. These regions became leaders in terms of the size of the insured area for spring sowing according to the data received by the NSA at the beginning of June.

    Korney Bizhdov: the agrarian committee of the Federation Council supported the strategic proposals of the NSA on the implementation of a risk management system for the agro-industrial complex

    The Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management will recommend to the Government of the Russian Federation to create a systematic basis for agricultural risk management within the framework of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2013-2020. This decision is contained in the draft minutes of the meeting on the results of the implementation of the State Program in 2018, which took place on June 18 in the Federation Council under the chairmanship of Senator Sergei Lisovsky.

    NAA President Korney Bizhdov: the area of ​​agricultural crops insured as of June 1 has grown almost 7 times

    “This year, the companies of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers have noted an unprecedented growth in demand for crop insurance. As of June 1, the insured area of ​​spring sowing has increased by almost 7 times compared to the same date last year. This is a direct consequence of the changes in legislation that have occurred, as well as joint and targeted measures taken by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Russia and the NSA to restore and develop the agricultural insurance market in our country, "said NSA President Korney Bizhdov, commenting on the union's data on spring sowing insurance. ...

    NAA President Korney Bizhdov: in a number of regions of the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia, there is a serious delay in the development of agricultural crops

    As of June 7, in the southern regions of the Volga region, the Ural region and Siberia, a pronounced zone has formed, in which the development of agricultural crops is taking place with a serious delay. This is evidenced by the data of the space monitoring system of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers, which the union presented on June 10 at the III All-Russian conference "Information technologies in the service of the agro-industrial complex of Russia."

    The NSA Commission took control of emergency situations in the agro-industrial complex in 3 Russian regions

    The Commission of the National Union of Agricultural Insurers took control of the situation in the agro-industrial complex, insured with state support, in 3 constituent entities of Russia, in which an emergency regime was declared in April and May. The cause of the emergency in these regions was the threat of death of winter crops due to unfavorable natural factors, drought, fires and damping and loss of farm animals due to fire.

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When looking for new customers, insurance companies often make a fairly common mistake - when they establish contact with a potential consumer, they deliberately set the goal of selling a product. This desire is understandable, but it is often overlooked that profits can be deferred. Building a trusting relationship with a customer will help drive future sales. True, there is one important point: these proposals must be tailored for a specific customer, and for this it is necessary to know as accurately as possible his life context, interests, preferences, and so on. An analytical CRM system provides an opportunity to draw an extremely accurate portrait.

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The final event of the Prize this time will be held from 4 to 7 December in Baku.

Crop and / or crop insurance

Crop crop insurance

A significant part of agricultural land in Russia is located in the zone of risky farming. Nearly every plant growing business can be affected by natural hazards. Full or partial destruction of the crop leads to serious financial losses. Insurance programs offered by our company minimize your risks associated with complete or partial loss of crops.

Why crop insurance is advisable:

  • Protects against almost any natural or man-made event that can harm crops and / or their crops;
  • Allows you to significantly reduce the financial costs of an agricultural enterprise in the event of adverse events;
  • Minimizes the risk of bankruptcy of an enterprise due to the complete death of crops or their harvest due to catastrophic risks.

Why you need to insure the crop at JSC IC RSHB-Insurance:

Thanks to the use of innovative technologies for monitoring agricultural risks, we offer optimal insurance conditions. Our highly qualified specialists are always ready to advise you on agronomic issues. High reliability of crop insurance operations is ensured by reinsurance programs in leading international reinsurance companies: Partner Reinsurance Europe SE, Swiss Reinsurance Company Limited, General Reinsurance AG and others.

The following are accepted for insurance:

  • Crop harvest
  • Harvest of perennial plantings
  • Harvest of vegetables grown in greenhouses
  • Planting of perennial plantings

What can be insured:

Agricultural crops and perennial plantings:

  • cereals and legumes;
  • oilseeds;
  • technical, fodder, melons and gourds; potato;
  • vegetable crops (open and closed ground, including those grown in greenhouses);
  • hop and tea plantations;
  • perennial plantations (vineyards, fruit, berry, nut plantations)

Insurance of agricultural crops and / or their crops with state support

Insurance of agricultural crops with state support is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law "On State Support in the Field of Agricultural Insurance" dated July 25, 2011 No. 260-FZ.

When concluding a contract, you pay only 50% insurance premium, the rest, according to your application, is compensated from the state budget. An insurance contract may be a prerequisite for obtaining government subsidies in certain areas of agricultural production.

The list of types of agricultural crops, planting of perennial plantings and the list of events in respect of which an agricultural insurance contract, carried out with state support, can be concluded, is determined by the Agricultural Insurance Plan approved by the authorized body and valid for the year of conclusion of the agricultural insurance contract.

  • the impact of all, several or one of the natural phenomena and natural disasters dangerous for the production of agricultural products:
    1. atmospheric drought
    2. soil drought
    3. dry wind
    4. frosts
    5. freezing out
    6. damping off
    7. large hail
    8. severe dust (sand) storm
    9. ice crust
    10. heavy rain
    11. heavy and / or prolonged rain
    12. early appearance or establishment of snow cover
    13. freezing of the topsoil
    14. flood
    15. flood
    16. flooding
    17. flood
    18. landslide
    19. waterlogging of the soil
    20. strong and / or hurricane wind
    21. earthquake
    22. avalanches
    23. natural fire
  • penetration and (or) spread of harmful organisms, if such events are of an epiphytotic nature;
  • violation of electricity, and (or) heat, and (or) water supply as a result of natural hazards and natural disasters when insuring crops grown in protected ground or on reclaimed land.

Classic (voluntary) crop insurance

In addition to crop insurance with government support, we offer classic (voluntary) crop insurance. Unlike insurance with state support, which provides for certain requirements for the procedure for calculating the insured value and the timing of the conclusion of an insurance contract, you can conclude an insurance contract taking into account individual characteristics, incl. parameters of criteria for hazardous natural events, taking into account the natural conditions prevailing in the insurance territory.

Insured events are:

  • the impact of natural phenomena;
  • diseases and pests;
  • actions of birds and rodents;
  • fire and lightning strike;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • waterlessness and lack of water in irrigation sources;
  • falling of aircraft and / or their debris.

Additionally, at your discretion, when growing crops and / or their crops in protected ground or on reclaimed land, the risk of disruption / interruption in the supply of electricity, heat, water, destruction of the greenhouse cover as a result of natural disasters and accidents can be insured.

Crop production is more than any other branch of agriculture exposed to the influence of natural and climatic conditions, for several months the sowing of agricultural crops is completely under the influence of natural factors, which can be permanent, that is, common for a particular area, and may be unusual, that is, random deviations from the normative conditions for plant development.

Basic principles of crop insurance:

1. close connection of insurance with the results of the farm's activities, the amount of insurance coverage depends on the level of yield

2.universality of insurance - that is, coverage of almost all natural disasters (which gives equal protection to crops, regardless of what climatic zone they are in)

3.the determination of damage is carried out as a whole for the economy, and not for individual teams (it does not allow dispersion of the insurance fund with less losses)

4.the basis for concluding insurance contracts is compliance by farms with basic agrotechnical requirements

Insurance of crops and perennial crops is carried out only on a voluntary basis.

When concluding contracts, they are guided by the following regulatory documents:

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On State Regulation of Agroindustrial Production" of July 14, 1997

2. "Conditions of insurance of agricultural crops with compensation for agricultural commodity producers 25% of insurance payments from the federal budget" dated June 6, 1995 (with an agreement dated April 6, 1998)

3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the economic conditions of the functioning of the APC RF" (annually)

The insurance objects are:

sowing of all agricultural crops on the entire sown area, except for natural hayfields and pastures, as well as crops that have been sown for 3-5 years, but have not received a harvest in more than one year.

Crops are considered to be insured in case of death or damage as a result of

Natural Disasters

Other unusual phenomena in the area

From the fire

From diseases and pests of plants

Destruction by wild animals or birds.

In addition, insurance for crops grown in prohibited soil is provided in the event of death or damage as a result of a power outage caused by natural disasters, accidents and fires. Flowers can be additionally insured against theft.

Crops can be insured in case of complete loss of crops or plantings in all or part of the area.

Crop insurance is carried out on the basis of an agreement concluded with an agricultural enterprise for all agricultural crops, including winter crops for the next year's harvest. The contract can be concluded for all crops of the economic group, as well as for selection and seed-growing crops.

Insurance object is the main product of culture. For crops producing 2-3 types of main products, all of them are considered insured.

The concept of an insured event includes the following 3 points:

1.the presence of an object of responsibility (sowing, planting crops)

2.the fact of natural disaster or other adverse events

3.insufficient harvest of agricultural crops

Crop insurance starts from the day the crop is sown or planted and continues until the end of the crop harvest.

An insured event for perennial plantations is the complete death of all or individual trees and bushes.

The dying off and breaking of individual branches and shoots is no longer considered an insured event.

Complete death is recognized when the underground or aboveground part of trees or bushes dies off and when the plantings are subject to uprooting.

Insurance contracts are concluded on forms approved by the rules of voluntary insurance of agricultural crops.

Insurance premiums are recommended to be calculated for each crop, at basic rates, with the full cost of the crop, determined based on the average yield per hectare for the last 5 years and the realized prices provided for in the contract, calculated on the area of ​​the crop for the harvest of the given year. If the yield is planned lower than for the last 5 years, then the planned yield is taken into account.

Insurance payments are paid at the expense of agricultural producers' own funds at the rate of 75% of the accrued insurance payments in 4 terms.

Upon conclusion of the contract - 10%

If agricultural enterprises have free funds, insurance payments are made at the same time when concluding a contract.

If there is a pronounced periodicity of fruiting of pome crops, then the years corresponding to fruiting are taken from the yield data for the last 10 years to calculate the 5th yield.

The insurance authorities for each subject separately keep a register of crop yields. Payments are calculated in a special card based on the average yield. It is signed by the head of the insurer's organization and the head and chief accountant of the insured. The card is drawn up in two copies.

When concluding a contract, enterprises are issued an insurance certificate of voluntary insurance of crops and perennial plantings.

Calculation of insurance payments is carried out in the card “Calculation of insurance payments to be paid for insurance of agricultural crops and perennial plantations”. In addition to this document, when concluding a contract, agricultural enterprises are issued a certificate of voluntary insurance of agricultural crops and perennial plantings.

Insurance rates are differentiated: types and groups of agricultural crops

2. on a territorial basis (regions, districts, cities)

Crop insurance contracts are concluded no later than the terms established for admission to insurance of the relevant crops, these terms are established by the Department of Insurance Supervision of the Russian Federation.

The harvest of agricultural crops cannot be insured twice.

Sum insured:

The harvest of agricultural crops and perennial plantings can be insured in a certain proportion of its value, but not more than 70% of the value of the crop.

The cost of the harvest is determined on the basis of the average yield over the last 5 years, the corresponding price, calculated on the area from which the harvest is planned.

The cost of perennial plantings is determined on the basis of their book value on the day of lease, while the cost of perennial plantings at a fertile age is determined after deducting depreciation.

The amount of insurance payments is determined by agricultural enterprises based on the cost of the crop for the last 5 years and insurance rates.

For instance:

Calculation of insurance premiums for crop insurance:

1.area (planned) - 100

2.yield from 1 hectare - 23

3.the price of 1 centner (purchase) - 200

4.the cost of the crop from 1 hectare of sowing (on average over the last 5 years) - 4600

5.the cost of the harvest from the entire area - 460,000

6. The percentage in which the crop is accepted for insurance (up to 70%) - 70

7.Sum insured - 322,000

8.payment rate as a percentage of the insured amount - 9.5

9. insurance payments accrued - 30590

10.the amount of insurance payments payable (75%) - in 4 terms - 22942.5

11.from the federal budget 25% - 7647.5

1. The amount of insurance premiums. paid from their own funds are charged to the cost of production. Insurance contributions are paid by enterprises after taxes and other payments and to extra-budgetary social funds.

Determination of damage and insurance compensation for agricultural insurance.

The starting point is the receipt by the insurance organization of a written message about the death or damage of crops. The policyholder is obliged to report the insured event within three days. The insurance organization checks the fact of the occurrence of an insured event and reflects the results of the check on the reverse side of the farm message. The most significant data on the fact and causes of the insured event and other signs that characterize the degree of disaster are indicated. A brief description of the damage to the plants is also given, the area where the crop is damaged or died is indicated.

The main document on the payment of insurance compensation: “Act on the death or damage of crops and perennial plantations”.

The act has three sections:

I. The data on the death or damage to agricultural crops are specified and the area where the crop died is indicated.

II. The planned economic purpose is shown for each crop. The sown and harvested area, while the area of ​​the crop is allocated, which is used for a non-original purpose. Also the obtained harvest of the main product.

III. Data on the area of ​​crops over-seeded or over-seeded with another crop plus the cost of reseeding or overseeding costs.

The actual area of ​​sowing or planting of a crop when drawing up an act is determined according to the reports of the enterprise on the harvest of agricultural crops, sowing winter crops, plowing, and accounting for other materials. The size of actually received products is established according to the data accounting farms about the collection and posting of products in the current year. The timing of drawing up the act depends on whether the culture is damaged or completely destroyed.

In case of damage - the act is drawn up within fifteen days after the posting of the entire harvest.

In case of death - within fifteen days after the start of the harvesting of the respective crop.

The damage is determined from the value of the quantitative loss of the yield of the main product of the insured crop or group of crops for the entire sown area.

The damage is equal to - the cost of the crop per 1 hectare, accepted at the conclusion of the insurance contract, minus - the cost of the actually obtained crop of the given year

That is, the principle of calculating damage is to compare the value of the insured and the actual harvest of the current year after the occurrence of the insured event.

When determining the insurance loss and insurance compensation for agricultural crops, the following should be taken into account:

1. The amount of damage is determined separately for each crop or group of crops, depending on how they are accepted for insurance at the conclusion of the contract.

2. Some crops give 2-3 types of main products (flax and others) or are grown for various purposes, the damage is determined for all types of products.

3. The cost of the actually obtained crop is calculated at the prices that were accepted at the conclusion of the contract.

4. The amount of damage in cases of overseeding or overseeding of agricultural crops is determined for the insured crop, taking into account the average cost of reseeding or overseeding costs. The average cost of reseeding or overseeding costs is determined in rubles / 1 hectare by the insurance authorities according to established norms based on the cost of work carried out during reseeding or overseeding \, and the cost of seeds of newly sown crops.

5. The cost of the actually obtained crop of a newly sown or sown crop is also taken into account.

6. When a damaged crop is sown on an area larger than the insured, the amount of damage is calculated on the basis of the entire actual sown area of ​​this crop. The insurance indemnity is established in such a percentage of the established amount of the payment, what percentage is the area of ​​the crop specified in the contract to the actual sown area.

7. If the sowing or planting of the insured crop was carried out on an area less than the insured area, then the excess paid insurance payments are subject to return simultaneously with the payment of insurance indemnity.

8. Insurance indemnity for lost crops is calculated in such a percentage of the amount of damage, in which% they are insured, but not higher than the sum insured.

9. In case of incomplete payment of the amount of insurance payments, taking into account budget funds by the last payment deadline (October 15 - after the deadline), the Insurance indemnity is paid in such% of the established payment amount, which is the% of the amount of payments made to the total amount of insurance payments to be paid under contract.

10. The insurance organization has the right to refuse to pay insurance compensation or reduce it to 30%, in case of late submission by farms of reports on crop production or its inaccuracy.

11. The amount of damage for perennial plantations is determined based on their book value minus the remainder and wear and tear.


1. The economic essence of insurance

1.1 Basic concepts of insurance

1.2 Significance and types of insurance in agriculture

Application of the compulsory form of insurance in agriculture

1 European experience of agricultural insurance

Problems and prospects for the development of insurance of agricultural crops

1 Problems of development of insurance of agricultural crops

2 Prospects for the development of crop insurance



Any business activity is carried out in conditions of risk and uncertainty. Agro-industrial production is distinguished by a special risky environment, since among the many risks there is one, very dangerous and most influencing the final results of production and financial activities - natural and climatic risk.

Every year, agricultural production suffers colossal losses from natural disasters: hail, hurricane winds, abnormal temperature fluctuations, heavy rains, spring floods and other emergencies. The main damage to agricultural production is caused by regularly recurring droughts. At the same time, the economic damage as a result of these circumstances is not only comparable with the scale of the financial results of the activities of farms, but also periodically exceeds them. At the same time, assistance from the federal budget until 2004. was incomparably less economic damage and, moreover, had a constant tendency to decline. And since 2004, compensation for damage to agricultural organizations has been canceled altogether.

The complex impact of both traditional risks for any commercial activity (production, financial, commercial) and specific ones obliges agricultural enterprises in the system of their interests and priorities to prioritize stability and guaranteed results.

The entire period of reforms in agriculture in Russia was distinguished by different methods of anti-crisis management of the listed risks. All kinds of schemes and options were developed for reorganizing agricultural enterprises, restructuring their debts and business. Various programs for the financial recovery of enterprises have been implemented in practice. All these measures can be viewed as mechanisms for either avoiding, or containing, or reducing agricultural risks, but not their transmission. Insurance, as an effective tool for transferring risks, has practically not been used at all, although it is essential for increasing financial stability and maintaining the profitability of agricultural enterprises.

For more than seventy years, property insurance of agricultural enterprises, including agricultural crops, has been carried out in a mandatory form. Demonopolization of the insurance market in the nineties of the twentieth century did not entail a radical change in the conceptual foundations of insurance coverage in the countryside. This is the main reason for the low level of insurance development in the agro-industrial complex. Nevertheless, in the Main Directions of the Agroindustrial Policy of the Government of the Russian Federation for 2001-2010, along with such mechanisms for managing agricultural risks as forward and fixed-term contracts (futures, options) for the purchase of agricultural products, allowing to hedge the risks of fluctuations in market prices, is given to insurance of crops and income of agricultural enterprises. At the same time, the main tasks are to enter the unified insurance system of almost all agricultural enterprises and to actively support this process from the state. In many developed countries of the world, agricultural risk insurance is also the object of close attention and support from the state. State support for insurance in agriculture is carried out from the budgets of various levels, specialized state institutions have been created that implement various subsidized insurance programs.

The effective development of the most important instrument for regulating agro-industrial production, insurance, is facilitated by the fact that its state support does not have a negative impact on the effectiveness of international trade. Government support for insurance under WTO rules is included in the “green box” group and, therefore, exempted from reduction obligations. Despite the relevance of the topic of insurance of agricultural risks, in particular insurance of agricultural crops, and the need for its state support, there are many problems that slow down and often simply distort the true meaning of this economic category. There are still no clear goals and strategy for the development of insurance in the agricultural production regulation system. In other words, there is no normative legal document that would regulate the forms of insurance of agricultural risks, methods of participation of the state in it, types of insurance supported by the state, issues of reinsurance, taxation, the creation of centralized insurance reserves, and much more. Despite the fact that the methodological and organizational foundations of agricultural risk insurance have deep historical roots, a long-term ideological "attachment" to the state monopoly on insurance in the agro-industrial complex, nevertheless, the problems of organizing state support for insurance in a scientific sense, in relation to the modern conditions of the agro-industrial complex, insufficiently studied. Currently, there is an urgent need to develop at the national level a concept of state support for insurance in the regulatory system of agro-industrial production, new theoretical and methodological methods for setting tariffs for insurance of agricultural crops, methods for determining the capacity of the agricultural insurance market and, accordingly, the size of budgetary assistance, as well as the need for the organization of state monitoring of insurance in the agro-industrial complex and the creation of comprehensive insurance programs for agricultural enterprises.

1. The economic essence of insurance

1 Basic concepts of insurance

Insurance is an economic category that is part of finance. The economic essence of insurance is associated with the creation of targeted funds, which are formed at the expense of monetary contributions from legal entities and individuals, their subsequent use to compensate for damage caused by natural disasters and other circumstances. The formation of targeted insurance funds, compensation for material losses of legal entities and individuals are carried out with the help of economic relations through the turnover of funds. In practice, these are redistributive relations that arise in the process of forming and using funds of funds, which are expressed through insurance as a financial category.

In the Law of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1992 No. 4015-1 "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation", insurance is defined as a relationship to protect the interests of individuals and legal entities in the event of certain insured events at the expense of monetary funds formed from insurance premiums paid by them ( insurance premiums), as well as other funds of insurers.

In a broader sense, insurance is a system of economic relations, including the creation at the expense of enterprises, organizations and the population of a special reserve fund of funds and its use to compensate for damage, losses caused by unforeseen events, accidents, natural disasters and other adverse events, and also for the payment of insurance coverage to citizens in the event of various events in their life (reaching a certain age, disability, death, etc.). The objects of insurance can be: life, health of people; property of citizens and enterprises; vehicles, cargo; risks; a responsibility.

In insurance, there must be two parties - the insurer and the policyholder. The insurer is a state, joint-stock or other insurance organization in charge of the creation and use of the insurance fund. The policyholders are legal entities of any form of ownership (state, municipal, cooperative, joint-stock, private) and individuals.

Insurance has characteristic features:

  • the purpose of the accumulated funds in the funds. In practice, there are three main forms of insurance funds: self-insurance fund (or its modification - risk funds); centralized state reserve funds; insurance funds (insurers). They are spent only to cover losses (provision of assistance) in the event of a pre-agreed case;
  • the probabilistic nature of the relationship, since it is not known in advance when the corresponding event will occur, what its strength will be and which of the policyholders it will affect;
  • ♦ repayment of funds, since they are intended to pay the entire population to the policyholders (but not to each policyholder separately).
  • The main incentive for insurance is the risky nature of social production and human life. In the process of socio-economic development, there is a risk of the destructive impact of the elemental forces of nature and the activities of man himself in the process of reproduction.
  • Insurance is the main method of reducing the risk of an unfavorable outcome when certain events occur, in the event of which it is carried out.
  • Insurance risks are property, financial, economic, political, natural. Property risk - the possibility of accidental death or damage to property from fire, floods, earthquakes and other disasters. Financial risk is the risk in a credit transaction, the risk associated with an unforeseen increase in distribution costs, production costs due to the inflationary process, etc. Economic risk is the possibility of incurring losses due to the random nature of decisions or transactions. For example, in the investment sphere, economic risk is the likelihood of incurring losses as a result of investment in an unpromising object, as well as in securities(stocks, bonds). Political risk is a threat that threatens an entity from government agencies or organized groups for political reasons. The political risk includes, in particular, military actions, civil unrest, a ban on trade and foreign exchange transactions, etc. Natural risks include such phenomena as drought, flooding, hail, etc.
  • The above risks can cause certain harm to humanity. Damage can be not only property related to losses in the material sphere, but also physical - in the form of an accident. Therefore, mankind always strives to insure risks as the most economical way to protect their interests.
  • The role of insurance is manifested in the following main areas:
  • in reducing the risk of an unfavorable outcome of operations;
  • in economic stability through compensation for damage and loss;
  • in the participation of temporarily idle funds of insurance funds in investment activities;

♦ in replenishing the state budget revenues at the expense of a part of the profits of insurance organizations.

Thus, insurance is an integral component of the economic and social sphere, an important element of the market infrastructure, it directly affects the interests of society and business entities, ensuring the protection of their interests.

Insurance plays a role in social reproduction. As you know, natural disasters and accidents can disrupt the reproduction process at any stage, in any area. Agricultural production is especially often affected by the elemental forces of nature.

In the fight against damage from natural disasters and accidents in social production, three groups of methods are used: preventive, repressive and compensatory.

Preventive methods of dealing with damage are understood as measures aimed at preventing undesirable events (for example, fire-fighting measures, measures to combat infectious diseases). These measures are carried out in order to reduce the risk, since it is always more profitable to prevent damage than to compensate for it. The society is interested in taking preventive measures, in reducing the risk. But for this there is a need to create reserve funds.

Repressive measures are aimed at suppressing an undesirable event (for example, to fight a fire, flood, hurricane, etc.). To finance repressive measures, the creation of reserve funds is required.

Compensatory measures include insurance, which compensates for part of the damage or all of the damage in cash from the insurance fund. Thus, insurance makes it possible to reduce the dependence of social production on natural disasters and accidents. Insurance coverage covers all elements of the productive forces: means of labor (fixed assets, equipment), objects of labor (raw materials, materials, goods) and labor.

Insurance in the Russian Federation has developed in various forms and types.

2 Significance and types of insurance in agriculture

In the most general sense, insurance is understood as a relationship to protect the property interests of citizens and legal entities (policyholders) in the event of so-called insured events. Insurance is carried out at the expense of funds formed from insurance contributions (premiums) paid by the insured. Insurance is divided into several types, primarily voluntary and compulsory (Article 927 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, compulsory state insurance was separated from the compulsory one. Voluntary and compulsory insurance takes place in financial relations with the participation of agricultural entrepreneurs and organizations. The specificity of these relations is associated with all the same features of agricultural activity - a high risk of product loss, seasonality, dependence on natural conditions. Therefore, the real possibility of insuring losses of agricultural production is very important and should become an essential part of financial relations in the industry. At the same time, it should be noted that not everything that bears the name "insurance" in agriculture is associated with the financial category of insurance. So, there are insurance funds for seeds, equipment, but they have nothing to do with finance, primarily because these funds are not monetary, but property. So, voluntary insurance, according to the Civil Code, it is carried out under property or personal insurance contracts concluded by a citizen or legal entity (insured) with an insurance organization (insurer). Compulsory insurance arises in cases when the law imposes on the persons specified in it the obligation to insure the life, health or property of other persons or his civil liability to other persons at his own expense or at the expense of these persons. It is also carried out through the conclusion of contracts. Compulsory state insurance arises when the Law obliges to insure the life, health and property of citizens at the expense of the corresponding budget. In view of the specifics of the development of the agricultural sector in the country, compulsory state insurance in agriculture is still playing a leading role. Insurance objects are established by law. And for agriculture, as well as for the whole society, they are property interests associated with: life, health, working capacity and pension provision of the policyholder or the insured person (personal insurance); ownership, use, disposal of property (property insurance); reimbursement by the insured of the harm caused to him or her to the person or property natural person, as well as harm caused to a legal entity (liability insurance). Insurance can only be carried out by legal entities (insurers) licensed to carry out insurance activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. Licenses are issued by the federal executive body for the supervision of insurance activities.

In addition to having a license, the insurer must meet other requirements established by law for this type of activity. So, insurers cannot engage in production, trade and intermediary and banking activities. The insured can be a legal entity or a capable citizen. To ensure the fulfillment of their obligations, the insurers (in the manner and under the conditions established by law) form from the received insurance premiums the reserves for personal insurance, property insurance and liability insurance, necessary for the forthcoming payments. Insurance reserves are not subject to withdrawal to the federal and other budgets. From the income remaining after taxes and coming at the disposal of insurers, they can form the funds necessary to support their activities. Insurers have the right to invest or otherwise place insurance reserves and other funds, as well as issue loans to policyholders who have entered into personal insurance contracts, within the insured amounts under these contracts. The federal executive body for supervision of insurance activities (acting on the basis of the Regulation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation) monitors compliance with the legislation on insurance, the protection of the rights and interests of policyholders, insurers, other interested parties and the state. RF, the regulation of this area was based on the RF Law "On the Organization of Insurance Business in the Russian Federation" dated November 27, 1992, in force as amended by the Federal Law of December 31, 1997. This Law defines the forms and objects of insurance, the content of the concept and the legal position of the policyholder, insurer, insurance agent and insurance broker, the legal content of the insurance risk, etc. The basis of this Law is the legal forms of ensuring the financial stability of insurers and state supervision of insurance activities.

In addition, compulsory insurance is regulated by several special acts: the Federal Law "On the Basics of Compulsory Social Insurance" dated July 16, 1999; The federal law "On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases" dated July 24, 1998, and others. At present, there are regulations on voluntary insurance adopted by various authorized government agencies.

Insurance relations in agriculture are also regulated by acts of agrarian legislation. At the same time, the largest number of norms governing relations in insurance (mainly state) falls on regulations on public administration in agriculture and state support for organizations and entrepreneurs, since insurance management is part of modern state policy in the agricultural sector. The rules on insurance are also enshrined in the aforementioned Law "On State Regulation of Agroindustrial Production". In accordance with it, a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On state regulation of insurance in the field of agricultural production" of November 27, 1998 was adopted, in accordance with which the Federal Agency for the Regulation of Insurance in the Field of Agricultural Production was established under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as other agricultural insurance relations.

Regulatory documents related to the regulation of this area include the above-mentioned laws: "On peasant (farm) economy", "On agricultural cooperation", "On social development of the village"; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On some measures to support peasant (farmer) enterprises and agricultural cooperatives", "On measures to stabilize the economic situation and the development of reforms in the agro-industrial complex", as well as the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation "On state regulation of insurance in the field of agricultural production" from January 6, 1999

Compulsory and voluntary insurance in agriculture

Recall that compulsory state insurance also belongs to the compulsory - from state funds. "Regular" compulsory insurance differs from the state one in that it occurs at the request of a normative act (and not at the discretion of the parties), but not at the expense of the state budget.

For obligatory state insurance legislation has established several important principles: a) a law or other normative act establishes not only the types compulsory insurance, but also the amount of payment for this insurance; b) insurance is carried out from the budget of the corresponding level. Thus, compulsory insurance from federal funds is regulated by federal regulations; insurance from the monetary funds of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation is regulated by the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the principles established by federal legislation; c) the rules provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation apply to compulsory state insurance, unless otherwise provided by laws and other legal acts on such insurance and does not follow from the essence of the relevant insurance relationship.

One of the main types of compulsory insurance is crop insurance (Article 16 of the Federal Law "On State Regulation of Agricultural Production").

With such insurance, agricultural producers pay 50% of insurance premiums to insurers at their own expense; the remaining 50% are transferred from the federal budget. That is, it is a mixed type of compulsory insurance, which is not fully state-owned. At the same time, the Government of the Russian Federation can differentiate the amount of payment of insurance premiums at the expense of the federal budget for crops and regions.

In order to ensure the sustainability of agricultural insurance, a federal agricultural insurance reserve is formed, formed at the expense of deductions in the amount of five percent of the total amount of insurance premiums received under agricultural insurance contracts. The regulation on the federal agricultural insurance reserve is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation establishes: 1) the procedure and conditions for organizing and conducting insurance of agricultural producers, provided with state support, including a list of insurance risks; 2) the procedure for determining the insured value of the crop accepted for insurance of agricultural crops; 3) the terms of the insurance contract; 4) conditions for the formation of additional insurance reserves.

Payment of insurance premiums is made by agricultural producers after payment of the main mandatory payments - taxes and other payments to the budgets of all levels, contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Mandatory Fund health insurance, The State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. In this case, the amount of insurance premiums of agricultural producers, paid at their own expense, are referred to the prime cost of agricultural products.

If the insurance of agricultural activities involves federal state cash, a government agency should be responsible for arranging such insurance. According to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On State Regulation of Insurance in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Production" dated November 27, 1998, such a body was the Federal Agency for the Regulation of Insurance in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Production under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The same decree introduced the rules for concluding an insurance contract for agricultural crops, which are applied along with the norms of the Civil Code. Thus, it has been established that insurance contracts for agricultural crops are concluded for a period of at least five years; the insured value is determined annually based on the size of the sown area, the yield prevailing over the previous five years, and the projected market price of the crop for the corresponding year, and the insured amount - at the rate of 70% of the insured value; insurance premium rates are set for five years, taking into account the prevailing fluctuations in crop yields from year to year, depending on weather and other natural conditions.

Currently, another type of compulsory insurance has been established - in the implementation of leasing operations in agriculture. So, in accordance with the rules established by the normative, guarantees for the payment of lease payments must include compulsory insurance of leased objects (at the expense of the lessee), with the payment of insurance payments in accordance with insurance contracts.

Of course, in addition to specific, agricultural insurance objects in agriculture, there are also objects of compulsory state insurance that are common for the entire state. Thus, citizens employed in agriculture are subject to compulsory social insurance, which is the subject of the Federal Laws "On the Fundamentals of Compulsory Social Insurance" and "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases". In this case, the types of social insurance risks are: 1) the need to receive medical care; 2) temporary incapacity for work; 3) work injury and occupational disease; 4) motherhood; 5) disability; 6) the onset of old age; 7) loss of a breadwinner; 8) recognition as unemployed; 9) death of the insured person or disabled family members who are dependent on him. That is, one of the types of social insurance is the well-known compulsory medical and pension insurance.

2. Application of the compulsory form of insurance in agriculture

2.1 European experience of agricultural insurance

The main document regulating the participation of the state in insurance programs is the Agreement on Agriculture, in accordance with which the financial participation of the government is provided. The state makes payments to agricultural producers under certain conditions:

  1. Eligibility is determined by a loss in agricultural income that exceeds 30% of the average gross income or the equivalent in net income for the previous three-year period, or the three-year average calculated on the basis of the previous five-year period from which highest and lowest annual rates. Any manufacturer who meets this condition is entitled to receive payments;
  2. The amount of payments compensates for less than 70% of the manufacturer's loss of income for the year in which he is eligible for such assistance;
  3. The amount of payments depends only on income: it does not depend on the type or volume of products produced, as well as on domestic and world prices for it;
  4. When a manufacturer receives benefits in the same year from this program and from the disaster relief program, the total benefit is less than 100% of the total loss.

A number of countries, both in Europe and beyond, have already realized that crop insurance is a very powerful tool, a political lever to ensure the stability of the farmer's income. The European experience of several years shows that insurance coverage for multiple risks can be offered by an insurance company to a farmer only if the state participates in the insurance mechanism by subsidizing part of the premiums or by participating in the payment of insurance compensation.

Economic and Social Committee of the EU September 23, 1992 adopted special recommendations "On the Community regime in agricultural insurance". The member states and the Community itself will encourage the conclusion of insurance contracts that guarantee agricultural producers compensation for production losses from natural phenomena.

National insurance plans or programs developed in each Member State should take into account the following guidelines:

  • in accordance with Articles 86 - 92 of the Treaty on the EU countries-
  • Community members are entitled to provide subsidies for agricultural insurance programs;
  • the activities of insurance organizations will be carried out in a free competition regime and in accordance with the current regulations of each country of the Community.

In Germany, the state does not subsidize commercial crop insurance. Moreover, 80% of agricultural producers are insured against hail on a voluntary basis. In this country, there is no government system of assistance in case of losses associated with loss of crops. Only in exceptional cases, when a farmer is faced with some kind of natural emergency, can concrete decisions be made on the provision of assistance to that farmer.

In addition to specific assistance programs for individual states, the European Union can also provide certain assistance to the manufacturer in the event of an emergency. In some cases, in addition to assistance from the federal government or the European Union, special programs of governments of specific states in Germany are created. In particular, in Bavaria there is a Directive or Ordinance on financial assistance in emergency situations.

Emergencies are hazards for which there is no insurance coverage from commercial insurance companies, namely floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. In addition to natural disasters, the loss of livestock also belongs to emergencies.

The first condition in order to receive compensation payments from the state is that the farm's own funds must be completely depleted. Another condition is the negotiated minimum level of losses for the farmer, after which state assistance can be provided.

The financial assistance program assumes maximum compensation by the state for losses, no more than 35%. Question

compensation for damage is a decision of a specific authority - the federal government, the state government or, if it is the European Union, its respective authority.

Insurance is carried out by joint stock companies, mutual insurance companies and specialized companies. Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in the role of specialized agricultural insurance companies.

In France, the crop insurance system is represented by three programs:

1.CatNat guarantees cover the largest portion of natural disaster losses to private property owners or businesses;

2. The guarantees of the "TOS" program cover the risks associated with storms, cyclones, hail. Under this program, property of individuals and legal entities is insured;

3.State guarantees for compensation for damage from the loss of agricultural crops.

Agricultural insurance in France is regulated by a special law. There is a National Agricultural Production Guarantee Fund (FNGCA) for major agricultural disasters. The system of agricultural insurance also operates.

The funds of the fund are formed by 50% at the expense of the state and by 50% - from insurance premiums paid by agricultural producers. The funds that come from the farmers themselves are partially formed from agricultural insurance premiums: 5% - deductions from premiums for hail damage insurance, 15% - for fire insurance.

The farmers' contribution is about 800 million euros over 10 years. In general, during this period, the size of the fund amounted to 1 billion 180 million, and payments - 955 million euros.

The goal of the FNGCA is to realize professional and national solidarity, to reduce the tax burden for this sector. In 2002, government subsidies to FNGCA amounted to about 10.62 million euros. Due to the dry summer of 2003, reimbursements of € 353 million were paid from the FNGCA. In addition, drought-affected farmers were provided with special loans on favorable terms. For producers with more than 10 years of experience in agriculture, a loan was provided for 4 years with an interest rate of 2.5% per year. For young farmers with less than 10 years of experience, a loan was issued for 7 years at an interest rate of 1.5% per year. In 2004, the French Minister of Agriculture allocated 100 million euros from the state budget to this Fund.

The French natural disaster insurance system is a system built on national solidarity. It provides the best protection in Europe for those policyholders most at risk of natural disasters, and is based on the fact that all policyholders pay the same rate, regardless of risk exposure. And those who are less or not at all exposed to the risk of natural disasters, thereby offset part of the cost of insurance for residents of the most dangerous areas.

The French government obliges insurance companies to insure various natural disasters, but in the event of an insured event, it is the state that acts as the financial guarantor.

The basis for obtaining compensation is, first of all, the recognition of the fact of a natural disaster. The next condition for receiving government assistance is that the farmer must be insured against fire and other hazards. All buildings with all their contents, livestock and already harvested crops must be insured. Compensation is provided in the event that losses from crop losses associated with natural disasters amount to at least 27% and at least 14% of damage to the farm as a whole. Farmers apply for assistance to a committee that includes representatives of farmers' unions. They check whether the application has been drawn up correctly and in form, provide legal assistance, and then the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture sign a resolution on providing assistance to the farmer. All procedures, as a rule, take a year, sometimes two, which causes serious criticism.

The CatNat mode covers the risks that the FNGCA program does not cover. The state can participate in compensation for losses under this program by participating in the CCR (Central Reinsurance Fund) program.

Insurance conditions:

-uncovered risks - floods, hurricanes, droughts;

-unforeseen risks;

-significant damage and serious consequences that can be caused by one event (emergency situations);

-- anomalous phenomena (natural disasters).


-agricultural producers affected by insurance claims;

-manufacturers who have insured their property against fires. There is the following division by payments:

-for buildings and structures - according to the terms of the insurance policy;

-for animals - depending on their value on the day of the insured event;

-for lands (which need restoration);

-for crops and perennial plantings - depending on the costs that will be carried out for a new planting.

Crop insurance against hail compensates for both loss and decrease in crop yields. The policyholder must declare the occurrence of the insured event within four days. Crop insurance against hail is concluded for a period of 10 years. Crop insurance against storms is a supplement to hail insurance and is based on the same rules. Damages caused by pests, plant diseases and floods are not covered.

In Norway, even before the creation of a natural disaster insurance system in 1961, the State Natural Disaster Coverage Fund was established, which was financed from the state budget and was administered by the Ministry of Agriculture. Since the introduction of insurance for natural disasters, this fund has reimbursed only those losses that are not accepted for insurance in the commercial insurance system.

The following natural disasters are covered by insurance and the state fund: storms, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. Lightning, drought, torrential rains are not natural disasters, but in some cases a decision can be made to compensate for losses from these events.

Losses must be reported to the Justice of the Peace, who, after considering this application, will send it to the Fund. An interested person can order an examination. The fund will determine the amount of the payment.

In Belgium, there is also a special Fund, which was created in 1976 to compensate for damages arising from natural disasters. When the insured event is realized, the Minister of Economy of Belgium must declare by his order about its occurrence and recognition as a natural disaster with the definition of the damage zone.

The fund is used only for those events that are excluded from insurance contracts, or have insufficient insurance coverage under commercial insurance contracts. This Fund covers only direct risks and excludes business risks from its coverage. Reimbursement is paid either in the form of cash assistance or in the form of subventions.

The mechanism of state guarantees is also implemented through participation in the reinsurance system. For example, the Canara mutual reinsurance society, which has a state guarantee, was established in 1998 to compensate for damages from earthquakes, floods and land subsidence. Each insurance company must transfer 90% of the risks to this mutual reinsurance company, the coverage of which is mandatory in cases of fire insurance. In the event of an insured event confirmed by experts, insurers and government officials, Canara will pay the insurance indemnity from its reserves. If these reserves are insufficient, the necessary funds will be provided by Canara in the form of a government loan. The state is committed to creating preventive measures against natural disasters at various levels of government.

In Greece, the insurance system is predominantly public. The state, through its company, collects insurance premiums, administers the operation of the program and guarantees coverage of losses. Commercial insurance companies only provide insurance for crops that are not covered in state system... However, practice has shown the ineffectiveness of this insurance system, and therefore it is being reformed. In Spain and Portugal, systems based on close cooperation between the state and the private sector operate effectively, in which the state plays a key role in providing subsidized insurance premiums and reinsurance of risks. The insurance industry is integrated into the government system. In 1999, the volume of attracted insurance premiums in Spain amounted to 307 million euros, of which farmers paid 155.8 million euros directly, and the state - 151.2 million euros. The premium / loss ratio was 132%. All losses were compensated by insurers, and 79.9 million euros were paid under the state reinsurance program.

The current insurance system in Spain is the most effective and focused on the optimal combination of interests of the state, governments, provinces and agricultural producers. The Spanish system of government crop loss compensation in the event of natural disasters is considered to be the most effective in Europe. The Spanish state subsidizes not only crop insurance, but also animal insurance. On average, subsidies are at 53% of premiums. Of these, 40-45% are subsidized by the central government and 10-15% are subsidized by regional governments.

The crop insurance program covers 28 types of crops. There are two main types of insurance coverage. The first type is an integrated, or general, coverage. It concerns, first of all, winter crops and is produced from such types of natural disasters as: hail, fire, frost, drought, flood, pests, diseases.

The second type of insurance coverage is coverage against multiple hazards or multiple hazards. This usually applies to special types of crops, such as grapes, tobacco, poppy, that is, those crops that are poorly resistant to natural disasters. The sum insured is usually 60%.

Crop insurance in Spain is an integral part of the nationwide agricultural policy. And not only insurance companies and farmers are involved in this system, but also the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Finance.

Private insurers create a common joint insurance fund, that is, they themselves are involved in controlling the insurance process: registering policies, issuing them, collecting premiums, reimbursing losses, preparing insurance conditions, and developing new insurance products. The role of the Ministry of Agriculture in this process is to provide subsidies for the payment of insurance premiums, set prices for different types agricultural products. The Ministry of Finance in this process is the coordinator of the entire system of implementation of insurance protection, as well as the organizer of reinsurance.

In other words, the Spanish government is directly involved in reinsurance, as it provides the main coverage of risks, leaving only a very small part of them for private reinsurers.

In Italy and Austria, predominantly private insurance for agricultural risks. Insurance schemes are similar. A specialized hail insurance company has been operating in Austria for a long time. It was created by transferring the policies that all other companies had. The company has virtually no competition in the underwriting market and has clear unified recommendations for assessing losses.

Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that the European Union does not have any unified system of state measures that the governments of its member states take in the event of crop losses.

insurance agribusiness forward futures

3. Problems and prospects for the development of insurance of agricultural crops

1 Problems of development of insurance of agricultural crops

The most important problems of modern agricultural insurance are:

Lack of clear goals and strategies for the development of agricultural insurance. This is a problem at the legislative level, which is expressed, first of all, in the fact that there is no special law that would regulate all issues of agricultural insurance, namely:

forms of its implementation. At the moment, the problems of agricultural insurance with the participation of the state are being actively discussed. But for some reason, nothing is said at all about the possibility of carrying out this type of insurance without the participation of the state, represented by budgets of various levels. And although the experience of foreign countries, and our own, too, concerning the massive ruin after the abolition of compulsory insurance of newly created companies in the agricultural insurance market, testify to the need for state participation, the dominance of this particular form of insurance protection of agricultural production, nevertheless, uncompensated approach and procedure for its implementation. In real practice, such an approach exists, and some domestic companies, especially those that have been able to establish a reinsurance mechanism with Western reinsurers, are quite successfully implementing it;

-ways of state participation in agricultural insurance. Different participants in agricultural risk insurance have different opinions about the participation of the state. Some believe that funds from the federal and regional budgets should be used to compensate for part of the insurance premiums of agricultural producers, others see the role of the state in compensating losses, and still others are convinced that public funds should be used at all stages of insurance. This problem is related to the existing practice of compensation by the state for losses to agricultural producers as a result of emergency situations, which was not related to the topic of insurance. In particular, more than one billion rubles were spent annually through the Ministry of Emergency Situations. to compensate for losses in agriculture due to emergencies, while the state spent several hundred million rubles to compensate insurance premiums for agricultural enterprises. This approach of the state was not effective for the development of agricultural insurance, as well as for planning budgetary expenditures to compensate for losses in agriculture.

In this regard, the required law for the massive development of agricultural insurance should provide for the possibility of using public funds both to subsidize insurance premiums and to compensate for losses to agricultural producers, but only if their property is insured, and also if the losses are of an extraordinary nature. Damage caused simply by adverse weather conditions should be the burden of insurance companies;

-types of agricultural insurance. Recently, much attention has been paid in the media to agricultural insurance issues, but behind this capacious concept is only crop insurance. Almost nothing is said about insurance of animals, movable and immovable property (agricultural machinery, industrial buildings and premises, elevators, grain receiving points, etc.). Government officials and departments proposing a new agricultural insurance model also tend to focus only on crop insurance, forgetting that other types of insurance that are relevant and in demand in the agro-industrial complex need both legislative regulation and government support. In addition, the existing one-sided understanding of agricultural insurance is supported by the current legislative framework, which concerns only the procedure for insuring agricultural crops with subsidized insurance premiums from the federal budget, it does not affect anything else. In this regard, the necessary law on agricultural insurance will have to eliminate this serious deficiency by defining the types of agricultural insurance, the place of agricultural insurance as such in the general system of classification of types of insurance and, finally, a list of those types of agricultural insurance that will be covered by state support.

This law will be designed to solve a number of other fundamental points, for example, issues of reinsurance, taxation, the procedure for creating a centralized insurance reserve, etc., but it is the solution of the above problems that will create a clear strategy for the development of agricultural insurance.

Disadvantages of the current legislation. After the abolition of the compulsory insurance system for property of agricultural enterprises, the main documents of a regulatory nature governing the system of insurance coverage for the agro-industrial complex were:

  1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1997 No. 100-FZ "On state regulation of agro-industrial production";
  2. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1998. No. 1399 "On state regulation of insurance in the field of agricultural production";

758 "On state support for insurance in the field of agricultural production".

At present, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1998 No. No. 1399 "On state regulation of insurance in the field of agricultural production" and dated November 1, 2001 No. 758 "On state support for insurance in the field of agricultural production" were canceled. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1997 No. 100 FZ "On State Regulation of Agroindustrial Production", which enshrines the main provisions concerning the development of insurance in the agro-industrial complex and its state support, is also not valid. The draft Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the development of agriculture and the agri-food market in the Russian Federation", which lays down the foundations for the development of agricultural insurance, has not been adopted. The entire agricultural risk insurance system is currently (since 2004) regulated only by the annually issued Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

These documents had all the shortcomings analyzed above and, in addition, contained many others that hindered the development of agricultural insurance. Among them:

-fulfillment by the state of obligations to pay insurance premiums is not in full. The state not only did not pay the 50% of insurance premiums stipulated by the legislation, but also until 2004. continuously reduced until 2004 its share in the payment of assessed contributions. At the same time, the calculation of subsidies was carried out in accordance with Resolution No. 758 not for the accrued ruble of insurance premiums payable by the agricultural producer, as provided for by the 100th Federal Law, but for the paid;

-tight deadlines for payment of insurance premiums. The current legislation provides for the need to pay insurance premiums by agricultural enterprises in very tight and tense terms in terms of their availability of free financial resources - during the periods of spring field work and preparation for harvesting. This circumstance leads to the fact that agricultural enterprises are not able to pay insurance premiums in full. Ultimately, the situation boils down to the fact that the liability of insurance companies is gradually reduced and insurance ceases to fulfill its protective function. Losses incurred by agricultural enterprises are not fully covered by insurers. In this regard, the procedure for obtaining short-term loans by farms with subsidized interest rates by the state should be simplified as much as possible, as it concerns other areas of their agricultural activities. In addition, it is possible to increase the share of state participation in insurance, for example, through greater participation of regional budgets in subsidizing insurance premiums, which will ensure: full coverage of agricultural risks of a commodity producer; reducing its insurance costs; creation by insurance companies of insurance reserves in sufficient volume to fulfill their obligations;

Weak control over the implementation of agricultural insurance. The above normative documents determined the most general terms and conditions of the agricultural crop insurance contract. At the same time, there is still no effective control mechanism for: the use of insurance reserves, including budget funds, for this type of insurance; the accuracy of the information specified in the insurance contracts; the correctness of calculations of insurance premiums and the validity of payments of insurance compensation. These bottlenecks in the legislation are aggravated by the fact that until the last moment the Federal Agency for Insurance in Agroindustrial Production was not created, the need for which is spelled out by the current legislation. It is gratifying that this organization has nevertheless appeared and will carry out the functions assigned to it, including the functions of control. However, the lack of proper control over a long period of time has led to the emergence of various so-called "gray" financial insurance schemes on the market and the corresponding nature of insurers, the purpose of which is solely to obtain budget funds. In their arsenal there are various tools for processing insurance premiums (bills of exchange, affiliated commercial organizations), and payments are also fictitious. The recipients of insurance compensation are not always the agricultural enterprises themselves - a credit mechanism is used. In the new conditions for the development of agricultural insurance, an important link should be the system of organizing control over the observance of the rules for insurance of agricultural crops, since as a result of the current ineffective spending of budget funds, first of all, those insurance companies that are actually responsible for the concluded insurance contracts for agricultural crops suffer. Lacking budget funds, they do not bear full responsibility for compensation for damage, as a result, concrete producers of agricultural products still lose the most.

Imperfection of the methodological base of the current procedure for agricultural insurance. This group of problems is a consequence of the previous one, i.e. also refers to the shortcomings of the legislation, which put in a certain framework both agricultural enterprises, insurance of crops, and insurance companies. In particular, the problematic points are:

-fixed insurance rates. By the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2001 No. No. 758 "On state support for insurance in the field of agricultural production" in the context of regions for a certain list of agricultural crops, insurance rates are strictly fixed, which are not subject to change. Such a situation is not acceptable, since the degree of risk in each particular case may deviate greatly from its average level for the region. The inadmissibility of changing tariffs deprives the insurer of the ability to manage risk. In addition to the fact that the rates are fixed, they, according to many insurers and experts, are not optimal. The opinion of some boils down to the fact that they are excessively high, while the calculations of others (ministries and departments, research institutions) indicate the need to increase them. The truth in this case does not lie in the middle. Firstly, because the current tariffs are based on calculations based on the statistical base of the previous period (State Insurance Tariffs), which is incomparable in all respects with the period of reforms in agriculture and transformational consequences. Secondly, the methodological approaches used in calculating tariffs were based on long-term data on insurance premiums, payments, and amounts of crop insurance under the State Insurance. In modern conditions, such an approach is not advisable, since such an information array that has been available over the past ten years is not representative and, to a certain extent, is distorted by the presence of financial and insurance schemes on the agricultural insurance market. Thirdly, the construction of insurance rates was previously based on the principle of redistributing funds across regions, which is now not particularly needed: the issue of risk redistribution is currently being resolved with the help of a reinsurance mechanism. At present, the starting point in this matter should be the natural and climatic conditions of a particular region.

Based on the foregoing, one can only agree with the statement that the current rates for crop insurance are not optimal. At the same time, one cannot but agree with the fact that even solvent and financially stable agricultural enterprises, agricultural firms and agricultural holdings are sometimes unable to pay the insurance premium. And many of those who are able to do this prefer to spend the available funds, for example, on updating the vehicle fleet.

Of course, all over the world, crop insurance is also a very expensive business and is available to agricultural producers with a stable financial position, but the main conclusion that follows from the above is not a decrease in the size of insurance rates, but their deep differentiation;

lack of differentiation in insured events. According to the current legislation, the crop is considered insured in case of death and damage to agricultural crops as a result of a certain list of natural and climatic risks, and with a note - "by a set of events". Thus, the current tariffs are designed for one type of damage, arising both in the event of a complete loss of the crop as a result of a strictly defined list of insurance circumstances, and as a result of damage (decrease in yield) of agricultural crops, due to the same circumstances of an aggregate nature. Such an event, among other things, even from a statistical point of view, is unlikely that initially predetermines the need to differentiate insurance rates, firstly, necessarily by type of damage - separate tariffs should be developed in the event of complete loss of the crop, as well as in the event of a decrease in yield, and , secondly, as far as possible, - according to the types of insurance circumstances (drought, frost, hail, plant diseases, etc.).

At the same time, the basis for calculating tariffs in the event of a decrease in crop yields should be based on an approach based on the analysis of yield fluctuations from the average value for individual crops, in the context of regions, over the past 10-15 years. Moreover, for each year and separately taken region, the so-called "collective farm account" should be used, i.e. calculation of deviations of the actual yield for each farm from the average value of this indicator for the region as a whole. Further, by a statistical method, a certain number of groups of calculated deviations can be distinguished and for each calculated: the cost of crop losses and its ratio to the total cost of the harvest in the group, calculated by the sown area (and not by the harvest) of the agricultural crop. Thus, the information necessary for calculating the net insurance rate for a specific region, for a particular agricultural crop, for a certain level of yield reduction will be obtained. The final action should be the averaging of the obtained tariff values ​​in dynamics for the studied 10-15 years.

It is clear that the cost of insurance for each group of yield reduction will be different, the policyholder will have the right to choose. In our opinion, only in this way will it be possible to radically expand the insurance field for crop insurance and effectively master the planned government subsidies, which were mentioned earlier;

  • a narrow list of insured crops. Currently, there is a narrow list of insured crops that does not meet the real needs of policyholders. According to various estimates, it is proposed to expand the range of insured crops - up to 40 and more;
  • limited possibilities of the insured to determine the average yield of the insured agricultural crop. According to the legislation, the average yield is determined over the past five years, but very often the insured does not have such a history of growing a particular agricultural crop. As for the newly created agricultural enterprises, holdings, this problem looks even more acute. Or another example, when an investor invests huge amounts of money in the production of an agricultural crop, as a result of which its yield will sharply increase, significantly different from the historical (average for the previous period). In such a situation, in order to take into account the yield expected by an investor in an agricultural enterprise, it is necessary to obtain special opinions from independent experts, organizations of a scientific agricultural profile to assess the viability of their business plans, projects, technologies. These organizations and experts must be accredited by the Federal Agency for Insurance in the Agro-Industrial Complex;

Clearly unwritten mechanism for determining the market price for the sale of agricultural products. The practice of insurance testifies to the frequent overstatement of market prices for agricultural products, which, accordingly, leads to an unjustified overstatement of budget subsidies. To eliminate this situation, the Federal Agency should conduct constant regional price monitoring with the ultimate establishment of a range of deviations in market prices for insured agricultural products;

3. Problems of a financial and economic nature hindering the development of agricultural insurance.

Perhaps this group of problems can be recognized as the most difficult from the point of view of the possibility of their quick solution. These problems include:

difficult financial and economic situation of agricultural enterprises. Most agricultural organizations are in a difficult financial and economic situation, which is expressed in: the presence of overdue accounts payable, the amount of which often exceeds the volume of sales of agricultural products, high depreciation of fixed assets, reduced production volumes and inefficient technologies. And although since 1998 the share of unprofitable agricultural organizations has tended to decline, their level is still high and does not allow them to spend on insurance in the volumes that are determined by the current legislation. To solve this problem, it is necessary, first of all, the financial and economic rehabilitation of agricultural enterprises. Expansion of the insurance field can also be achieved by differentiating insurance rates based on the above principles. In addition, developing the topic of tariff gradation, one can go along the path of their development not only in terms of yield reduction levels, but also in groups of agricultural organizations that are homogeneous in their financial and economic position, as well as by types of agricultural producers (large and medium-sized enterprises, peasant farms farms, agricultural holdings). For the development of agricultural insurance, much attention should be paid to stimulating interest in insurance of agricultural risks among financial and industrial groups, in the arsenal of which there are already more than a dozen acquired agricultural enterprises;

-lack of access to credit sources to pay insurance premiums. Many agricultural enterprises, due to their difficult financial situation, are unable to obtain a loan from a bank. Therefore, it is necessary to actively develop rural credit cooperation and create mutual insurance societies in the countryside. However, if the experience of rural credit cooperatives can already be used in providing financial assistance to agricultural producers to pay insurance premiums, the activities of the latter are not yet fully developed. And the experience that exists indicates that they perform either the function of an agent of an insurance company for the payment and transfer of insurance premiums by farms, or the purpose of a rural credit cooperative, forming a mutual assistance fund for insurance purposes from membership fees of enterprises and accumulating agency fees. In a word, the created mutual insurance societies do not fulfill their main function - the collective redistribution of responsibility among the members of the society;

  • high unprofitability of agricultural insurance. This is especially true for crop insurance. Studies of individual scientists indicate that, by the nature of the fluctuations in unprofitableness, crop insurance refers to a catastrophic type of risk. 8This fact scares individual insurance companies to conclude massive amounts of crop insurance contracts for agricultural crops, since the liability for them can amount to hundreds of millions of rubles and exceed the limits of their own retention. In the event of events of a cumulative nature, the amount of damage may exceed the financial capabilities of an individual insurer. This circumstance can significantly hinder the development of mutual insurance companies, even taking into account the reinsurance of the assumed risks.

One of the pressing problems that need to be addressed in the field of agricultural insurance is the problem of reinsurance. We can safely state the absence of reliable reinsurance of agricultural risks within the state. Western reinsurers are also reluctant to accept Russian agricultural risks as reinsurance. Therefore, the most important tasks remain: creation of an agricultural insurance pool (association), performing, among other functions, a reinsurance one; organization of the Federal Agricultural Reserve, which allows the use of temporary financial assistance on a repayable basis;

Low level of training of specialists in the field of agricultural insurance. This problem is economic in nature, it hinders the promotion of insurance products in the countryside. Agricultural risk insurance is a high-tech, labor-intensive type of insurance. It requires specialized knowledge in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry, agricultural economics and, of course, insurance. Only competent insurers and agents can correctly draw up documents at all stages of the insurance process. In order to solve the problem of improving the training of specialists in the field of agricultural insurance, it is proposed to involve in this work and cooperation on agency terms consultants-agronomists, veterinarians, livestock specialists, as well as auditors, lawyers, accountants, who are professionally knowledgeable in the agricultural sector and who have completed training in the basics of insurance. With this approach, the quality of the services provided, which means that the economic efficiency of insurance as a whole, will undoubtedly increase.

Thus, the solution of all these groups of problems will, in fact, create a reliable financial institution that will contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas in Russia.

2 Prospects for the development of crop insurance

About the prospects. The strategy is the general direction of state policy in the field of insurance development, and each type of insurance, undoubtedly, is related to this direction too. Another issue is that it is difficult to include the development prospects of each type in the Strategy. Nevertheless, it can be noted that the development of insurance in agriculture is quite dynamic, although this is more a matter of the budget, and not of the insurance market as a whole. The Strategy will consider, for example, the issue of creating pre-trial commissions that will resolve insurance disputes. It is envisaged that the decision of such a commission will be an alternative to a court decision. But at the same time, the conclusions of such a commission can be challenged in court by analogy with a labor dispute commission.

Of the cardinal problems, tariff calculation methods are in the first place. It is necessary to revise the methods, here the Federal Agency for State Support of Insurance in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Production of the Ministry of Agriculture should play an important role RF. Development of state regulation

The mechanism of state regulation makes it possible to resolve the identified contradictions of the current agricultural insurance system, which provides for the allocation of budget funds to compensate for part of the damage received by agricultural producers as a result of the insured event (Figure 2.1.).

At the first stage, state support for insurance of agricultural crops against drought is envisaged. The analysis shows that the agricultural industry suffers the greatest damage from this. dangerous natural phenomenon.

Rice. 2.1.

Proposed model for organizing state support for agricultural insurance

Insurance companies form their insurance funds at the expense of contributions from agricultural producers. At the same time, public funds do not participate in the creation of insurance reserves of insurers. Thus, agricultural producers pay insurance premiums in full at their own expense.

Due to the limited budgetary capacity, the proposed mechanism of state support for agricultural insurance should be introduced in stages.

The state provides funds (subsidies) to the Federal Agency for State Support of Insurance in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Production for the formation of the Federal Agricultural Insurance Reserve (FSSR). Subsidies are provided in the amount stipulated for these purposes in the corresponding budget line.

Regional departments of agriculture, within the prescribed period, collect information confirming the conclusion of an insurance contract by an agricultural producer with state support. If an economic entity of the agrarian sector does not participate in insurance with state support, then they, without fail, are presented with a document in which he refuses to participate in the subsidized insurance mechanism. Then this data is transferred to the Department of Economics and Finance of the Ministry of Agriculture of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. After that, consolidated registers are formed, which, in turn, are sent to the Department of Economics and Finance of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, for transferring them to the Federal Agency for State Support of Insurance in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Production.

Such a mechanism provides for the mandatory legislative fixation of the date for the submission of data from agricultural producers on their conclusion of an agreement with an insurance company. So, rural producers must provide data on their conclusion of an insurance contract within 14 days before the start of sowing of the crop declared for insurance, but no later than the day of the end of sowing established for a given natural-agricultural zone. This approach provides a condition under which agricultural producers conclude insurance contracts two weeks before the start of sowing. This, in turn, determines the compliance of pre-sowing and sowing operations with technological requirements for the production of agricultural crops. Since insurance companies maintain strict control over compliance with crop production technology, which ensures the use of high-quality seeds, carrying out all the necessary reclamation and other pre-sowing works, choosing the most optimal method of soil cultivation and the sowing date. Thus, if agricultural producers do not fulfill this condition, then they cannot participate in subsidized insurance. This requirement is mandatory, which ensures the objectivity of agricultural insurance and does not leave the insurer the opportunity to refuse to pay insurance compensation due to non-compliance of sowing with the requirements of agricultural technology. Due to the fact that he is given the opportunity to monitor agricultural technology for the production of crops from the very beginning of the technological cycle.

In this way, the contradiction between agricultural insurance and the emergency system is resolved. So, first of all, insurance instruments are used, and only their implementation implies the introduction of an emergency protection mechanism.

The proposed mechanism of state support provides for the participation of budgetary funds in the implementation of an insured event. To receive government subsidies, a prerequisite is the recognition by the insurance company of the insured event.

Due to the state's participation in compensation for part of the damage to agricultural producers, a prerequisite is registration of natural disasters, which ensures the solution of the following tasks.

The first is the protection of state interests through the recognition of the bias of a risky circumstance, which means inappropriate use of budget funds and their return. This helps prevent agricultural insurance fraud.

The second is the protection of the economic interests of agricultural producers (in case of bias in the expertise of the insurance company).

Registration of natural disasters does not contradict the multilateral rules of the WTO, which is relevant in connection with the upcoming accession of Russia to it. According to these rules, the right to payments made through the financial participation of the Government in agricultural insurance programs "arises only after they are officially recognized by government authorities that a natural or similar disaster (including outbreaks of diseases, pests, nuclear accidents and war in the territory of a given member) has occurred. or takes place ".

The natural disaster registration system provides for the interaction of the Federal Agency for State Insurance Support in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Production (Agency), Roshydromet and insurance companies.

The Federal Agency acts as a surety on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation in carrying out an examination confirming the manifestation of hazardous natural phenomena.

Hydromet of Russia acts as the organization that confirms the occurrence of dangerous natural phenomena, which, in addition, determines the criteria for these phenomena and provides a predictive assessment of their impact on agricultural production. The reliability of Roshydromet data is based on the generalization of information obtained from various sources. These are the local meteorological stations where the natural disaster occurred, the development of scientific research institutes of hydrometeorology; aerial photography, etc.

In the case when the insurance company, in the opinion of the agricultural producer, unlawfully refuses to provide insurance compensation to determine its objectivity during the examination of the insured event, various research institutions and experts in the field of agriculture and other fields of science are involved.

Natural risks appear at different times of crop maturation.

So, drought can occur during the growing season "sowing-tillering" or "heading - wax ripeness", which means its various effects on the yield of agricultural crops.

As a rule, companies pay insurance compensation only after the harvest, when a shortage can be determined. In this case, the agricultural producer is forced to wait for the examination by the insurer during the harvesting period of agricultural crops. To resolve this situation, the involvement of experts is envisaged, which makes it possible to assess the amount of economic damage at the time of the death of a culture. This, in turn, serves as the basis for the payment of insurance compensation to agricultural producers and ensures the continuity of the production process of an economic entity of the agricultural sector of the economy.

To obtain insurance compensation in the event of a drought, agricultural producers submit an application and Required documents at the same time to the insurance company and to the Agency. The insurance company checks the accuracy of the documents provided, organizes an examination, on the basis of which it makes a decision on the payment of insurance compensation and transmits the relevant data to the Agency. Roshydromet data confirms the dangerous meteorological phenomenon.

The interaction of Roshydromet, the emergency protection system, the Federal Agency for State Support and other institutions makes it possible to create an effective system for preventing natural risks, which is carried out through the formation of a reserve of preventive measures against damage in the agricultural sector of the economy.

Currently, the problem is the timely payment of insurance premiums. If only a part of the insurance premium has been received on the account of the insurance company, regardless of who has not fulfilled the obligation - the state or the agricultural producer, upon the occurrence of an insured event, an amount of compensation is paid that is a multiple of the amount of the paid insurance premium. This practice takes place and the contract with a partial payment of the premium is valid. Given the specifics of the insurance business, questions arise as to why insurance companies continue to operate under this scheme. The mechanism of state support allows insurance companies to use various conditions for the sale of their products and receive the entire amount of insurance premiums, which, in turn, ensures the creation of a real insurance fund and reinsurance of the insurer's obligations to agricultural producers. Thus, it is reasonable to assume the interest of various reinsurance institutions in the agricultural insurance market.


The damage caused to agricultural production by natural and climatic risks significantly reduces its stability, deprives it of significant reserves for its financial stabilization, and also negatively affects rural development in general. At the same time, the role of insurance in compensation for losses due to unfavorable weather conditions is small, which requires the development of this rather reliable tool for maintaining the financial stability of agricultural producers.

The dynamics of the calculation of insurance premiums for insurance of agricultural crops in recent years testifies, however, to their noticeable growth. The growth of the actual payment of the insurance premium has also been observed in recent years, however, the payments of insurance compensation remain very low. The reason lies in the absence of a mechanism for real insurance protection of the property interests of agricultural enterprises in the process of production of crop products, as well as in the turnover in the market of so-called "gray" financial and insurance schemes.

As a result of the analysis of the many problems accumulated in agricultural insurance, directions for their solution were identified. One can reasonably hope, based on the first results of the activities of the Federal Agency for State Support of Insurance in the Sphere of Agroindustrial Production, created under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, that it will become the main mechanism for their solution.

An important component of modern practice of insurance of agricultural crops with state support is its information support, which is currently unthinkable without improving the weather risk management system. Unfortunately, the current interaction of Roshydromet organizations and insurance companies in the field of information hydrometeorological support cannot be considered satisfactory.

Another significant drawback of the adopted information support system is also the lack of expert support for insurance contracts, which guarantees an objective assessment of insured events. A properly organized system of expert support will make it possible to carry out an objective assessment of insured events with a separation of technological and agrometeorological reasons for a decrease in yield.

The improvement of the insurance system for the agro-industrial complex, first of all, should be reflected, in our opinion, in increasing the efficiency of lending to agricultural producers. In this regard, an insurance policy can be considered in two aspects: as a means of ensuring the security of collateralized property and as an independent highly liquid collateral instrument. Therefore, it becomes necessary to form a separate state program to support insurance of agricultural crops within the framework of the credit mechanism for regulating agricultural production.

The modern Russian practice of agricultural insurance, which is undergoing significant organizational, legal and financial changes, requires mandatory consideration of foreign experience in protecting agricultural producers. It demonstrates a new stage in the development of relations between the state and insurance companies, which are expressed in the creation of joint structures and systems aimed at solving objectively necessary and socially significant state tasks. Practically in all countries of the world, special catastrophe funds are created or risk reinsurance is carried out with the participation of the state.

The current methodology for insurance of agricultural crops and perennial plantings has a number of shortcomings that do not allow building an effective system for protecting the property interests of agricultural enterprises. New conceptual mechanisms are needed to improve the agricultural insurance system, corresponding to the current economic conditions of agricultural production and taking into account the world experience of its state support. In recent years, the question of the need to develop a strategy for the development of insurance in the agro-industrial complex and directly the law "On Agricultural Insurance" has been repeatedly raised. However, to date, there is neither an officially approved concept nor an adopted law. Therefore, the most important task is still to develop a concept for the development of agricultural risks insurance and on its basis the law "On agricultural insurance".

List of sources used

1. Nikitin A.V., Shcherbakov V.V. Crop insurance with government support. Michurinsk - Science City of the Russian Federation 2006.-160 pp.

Rudskaya E.N. Finance and credit. Rostov-on-Don 2008.-460 p.

Dovletyarova E.A., Plyushchikov N.I. Moscow 2008 170 pp.

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