MTPL policy calculator online insurance. CTP calculation for all companies

Ivan, Hello.

When buying OSAGO, in any case, the coefficients related to the place of your registration will be used, i.e. to the Irkutsk region.

Good luck on the road!

Victor, since more than a year has passed, when purchasing OSAGO the MTPL will be equal to 1. There is no legal way to restore the old MTPL.

Good luck on the road!


There was an accident in January. I have a state document in my hands stating that it is not my fault. In July, the insurance ended and the insurance company demands to pay for the insurance plus another 50%. Is it legal?


if it is about compulsory motor third party liability insurance, in my opinion a pure swindle! Do they increase your BMR by 1.5 times?

I don’t know how now, before, for a relatively fresh CASCO car, it was possible to pay 50% (until it was like 5 years old I paid for the car in Rosgosstrakh), and in case of an accident due to your fault, it was necessary to pay the remaining 50%. Do you mean it or something like that?


Note: I will be driving a car of Kazakh registration with 24 years of experience without an accident. Does this affect the cost of OSAGO? And what a wild price for a car of 147 hp for 3 months. My auto power grew 233 hp and I pay 4 thousand.

Victor, these are the rates for foreign car insurance.

To calculate the cost of compulsory motor third party liability insurance for a foreign car, KBM is not used, i.e. Your experience of trouble-free driving does not affect the cost of the policy.

Good luck on the road!


please tell me, what if I arrive in the Russian Federation for less than 5 days?

Konstantin, Hello.

In this case, you will have to purchase OSAGO insurance for a minimum period (from 5 to 15 days). This will be enough.

Good luck on the road!


Good afternoon. Please clarify. The cost of compulsory motor third party liability insurance differs in different regions. What about payments? And how much? Can they be 40-50 thousand rubles and not more?

Valentine, Hello.

Payouts are the same in all regions. Maximum amount for repairs vehicle- 400,000 rubles. For compensation for harm to life - 500,000 rubles.

Good luck on the road!

Hello! I have a car since 2015, the owner and the insured I am, in 2015 and 2016 I made unlimited insurance, because the experience was less than 3 years, and there was no difference in price only for myself or unlimited, or it was small, well, in general That time was so convenient for me. This year I came to renew it, because of the vacation I was overdue by more than a month, and this year the work experience went over 3 years, I decided to do it only for myself. They said something about checking the data, and that I had not previously been entered into any policy, and they cannot renew it for me. It didn't work through the site either. I don’t understand what to do now. It seems to be waiting for something. But I don’t understand how to find out that I’ve waited. And what about the KMB, too, I do not understand. If they tell me that I haven’t entered anywhere, then could my BMC increase? And in the first year she drove without accidents, and this year she became the culprit of an accident (hooked on another car in the parking lot). What to do with the policy, and what do I have with the KMB?

oleshna, Hello.

In your case, the data of previous policies should be taken into account, since in them you were the owner of the vehicle. Those. should be equal to 1.4.

It is possible that the insurance company you contacted simply does not want to sell OSAGO and comes up with reasons for this. This is found in some regions. Try another insurance company.

Good luck on the road!


Maxim, good day. Tell me what to do: a car registered in Abkhazia, driving it to the Russian Federation for up to 12 months. To issue a Green Card, Abkhazia is not included in the list of countries for its use and registration. But judging by the calculations, its cost goes up to 20 tr .. Maybe you are familiar with such cases and how best to drive a foreign car in the Russian Federation for a long time if the Green Card is not provided for Abkhazia / Russia?

Andrey, Hello.

This issue is considered in. Unfortunately, if the purchase of a green card is not possible, only the option with OSAGO remains.

Alternatively, you can consider the temporary registration of a car on the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, the cost of OSAGO should be less. But in any case, you need to calculate what will be more profitable, taking into account the costs of registration.

Good luck on the road!


Insurance price?


Hello, I have been driving for 2 years without an accident, in the first year the KBM was 1.55, last year the KBM was 1.4. I went to the insurance website for registration of e-OSAGO, but KBM is still 1.4, why did not KBM equal 1?


Why is KBM not applied to cars registered not in Russia for drivers when a Russian citizen is driving such a car?

Michael, Hello.

There are 2 options:

1. You have chosen the start date of the new policy earlier than the previous one ended.

2. The information in the database contains an error.

Good luck on the road!


Hello Maxim!

In short: - about the possibility to insure and extend the car insurance.

Given: minibus, 3.5 t total weight (that is, it is included in the class of passenger cars), cargo version of the van. Entry into Russia from Latvia, immigrant status, does not have Russian citizenship (yet!).

I am interested in the options for arranging insurance, for a period of at least six months, provided that this car in the future will receive (like the owner) a permanent "residence permit" in Russia ...

The owner is over 60 years old, the driver's experience is over 35 years.

Possible options ?? (where, how, how much ??).

Sincerely, Alexander.

tell me where to see the list of campaigns to insure a foreign car. (it would be nice online)

do not make a policy online, right?

Elena, according to the law, all insurance companies must provide the opportunity to purchase an OSAGO policy via the Internet. So go to any site and try to buy a policy. The insurance sites are listed on the page I indicated above.

Unfortunately, quite often when buying over the Internet, it is not possible to issue a policy. That's how lucky you are.

Good luck on the road!

Hello! I made an electronic policy via the Internet with the 13th class, 2 months have passed I want to do the same, but for another car, now the calculator considers the policy to be in the 6th class, although the PCA database contains the 13th, why is this happening and what to do? This is how the calculator counts on almost all sites!

Denis, Hello.

Unfortunately, I do not know on what principle the calculators on the websites of insurance companies work and from what source they take the MSC value. I recommend that you complain to insurance companies that incorrectly calculate the cost of the policy.

Good luck on the road!


Hello! Tell me, when taking out insurance, what length of service is taken into account if my category B has been open for 11 years already, and I need to make insurance for a motorcycle, category A opened a year ago? And KBM, is it calculated according to the total driving experience (accident-free)? THX.


And please tell me more for motorcycles, when calculating insurance, is its power taken into account (is there KM) and if there is, is it calculated according to the same table as for cars?

Kbm does not change when new categories are opened, therefore, to calculate insurance, you must take the accumulated Kbm. The power of the motorcycle does not affect the cost of the MTPL in any way. In addition, there are different base rates for motorcycles in different UK. From 867 rubles to 1529. Therefore, in some companies you can save almost 2 times. Well, good luck, because in the Russian Federation, when trying to issue MTPL for a motorcycle, it is very necessary. And patience ... I won, even in less than 2 weeks of attempts, I had already issued a policy for EOSAGO. Some even manage to do it in a few days.

In 2016, I was faced with the fact that in the RGS office employees simply did not see the policies that were issued via the Internet in their database. What a mess there is now I do not know. But I am 146% sure that no one can guarantee 100%! For Russia.

Is it possible to enter a new person into OSAGO within an hour online on the website of the insurance company ...

Whether you like it or not, every car enthusiast or just a driver has to go through a not very “pleasant” procedure once a year - a procedure compulsory insurance your car. And if you are not savvy in this matter, then coming to any insurance company you may be counted the maximum possible amount for insurance without taking into account the discounts and reducing coefficients you have accumulated. And in order to save ourselves as much as possible from such a swindle, we will help you in this article to estimate the amount of compulsory motor third party liability insurance for your car and deal with all the intricacies on this issue, for which we will try to answer the following questions clearly and in simple words:

  • What is OSAGO?
  • What payments and compensations are we entitled to under OSAGO in case of an accident?
  • What are the current OSAGO tariffs?
  • What decreasing and increasing factors are used to calculate OSAGO and what do they depend on?
  • What is the actual method of calculating OSAGO?
  • How can you legally reduce the amount of OSAGO insurance?

And also we will make a full calculation of the cost of OSAGO using the example of my own car. Go…


Compulsory Motor Third Party Liability Insurance

"Mandatory" means that according to the Law of the Russian Federation, each driver is obliged to have an OSAGO insurance policy with him. Lack of insurance is considered a violation of the law and carries an administrative penalty.

"Liability Insurance" means that by executing an OSAGO contract, the driver protects not his own car, but the property and health of people affected by a possible accident, the culprit of which he may be. Thus, OSAGO insurance relieves the culprit of an accident from large monetary costs associated with compensation for damage to victims.

MTPL payments

In accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance, damage to the injured party is compensated for in one of the following two ways:

  • restoration of a damaged vehicle at a service station cooperating with an insurance company

  • payment in cash, moreover maximum amounts payments for each insured event are calculated depending on when the CTP contract of the culprit was concluded.

  • up to 160,000 rubles in case of damage to the life or health of each victim
  • up to 400,000 rubles for mechanical damage to a vehicle or property of each victim
  • up to 500,000 rubles in case of damage to the life or health of each victim

We will now analyze each of these coefficients in more detail.

Basic rate

Basic rate(or base rate) is a certain amount of money specified for different types and categories of vehicles, and depending on whether the owner of the vehicle is a natural or legal person.

The following thing should be noted here: if earlier the base rate was a certain fixed (for any insurance company) amount, then since April 12, 2015, the base rate is a kind of money corridor that allows insurance companies to vary the cost of OSAGO and attract customers with cheaper offers. So do not be surprised if different insurance companies calculate different amounts for you. Well, it's clear that the old-timers insurance market they are unlikely to significantly reduce the price, but “fly-by-night companies” will try to lure customers, focusing on the minimum value of the base rate, but with such companies you can “fly by”. So, be careful with your choice!

Below is a table of base rates for different vehicles ( To view the table on mobile devices, slide it left-right):

Transport type funds (category) Basic rate (rub.)
Motorcycles and scooters (cat. A) 867 – 1579
Passenger cars (cat. B) for legal entities persons 2573 – 3087
Passenger cars (cat. B) for nat. persons 3432 – 4118
Passenger cars (cat. B) (taxi) 5138 – 6166
Trucks (cat. C)
with res. Max. weight: 16 t and less
3509 – 4211
Trucks (cat. C)
with res. Max. weight: more than 16 t
5284 – 6341
Buses (cat. D)
with the number of passage. seats: up to 16 incl.
2808 – 3370
Buses (cat. D)
with the number of passage. places: more than 16
3509 – 4211
Buses (cat. D) (taxi) 5138 – 6166
Trolleybuses 2808 – 3370
Trams 1751 – 2101
Tractors and other samokh. cars 1124 – 1579

Example. In my case, as an individual insuring my car, I must take the values ​​from the 3rd line of the table for the base rate, i.e. (Base rate) =.

Coefficient of the territory of preferential use

Coefficient Kt- the coefficient of the territory of preferential use, which is established for each region and settlement of Russia and, in fact, reflects the intensity of traffic in that locality to which the vehicle is attached. At the same time, the territory of preferential use for individuals- this is the place of registration of the owner of the vehicle, and for legal entities - the place of registration of the vehicle.

So for such a large Russian city as Moscow, a coefficient of 2.0 is set, which indicates the most intensive traffic in it, and therefore a high probability of an accident. At the same time, for the Moscow region, the coefficient is already 1.7. For other large cities in Russia, such as St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, the coefficient is 1.8. But for rural areas, the coefficient of the territory of preferential use is mostly set in the range of 0.6 - 1.0. Therefore, of course, it is more profitable to “tie” your vehicle to sparsely populated cities and rural settlements.

Below we provide a table with territorial coefficients for the largest cities and regions of Russia. It contains 2 types of values:

  • K (ed.)- coefficient for vehicles, excluding tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines
  • K (truck.)- coefficient for tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines

Those. if you have a car or truck, bus, motorcycle - then you should consider the coefficient K (auth.).

Table of territorial coefficients of the largest populated subjects of the Russian Federation

Territory K (ed.) K (truck.)
Moscow region 1,7 1
Moscow 2 1,2
Leningrad region 1,3 1
Saint Petersburg 1,8 1
Novosibirsk 1,7 1
Yekaterinburg 1,8 1
Nizhny Novgorod 1,8 1
Kazan 2 1,2
Chelyabinsk 2,1 1,2
Omsk 1,6 1
Samara 1,6 1
Rostov-on-Don 1,8 1
Ufa 1,8 1
Krasnoyarsk 1,8 1
Permian 2 1,2
Voronezh 1,5 1
Volgograd 1,3 0,8
Krasnodar 1,8 1

Here again, everything is simple, the more powerful the engine your vehicle has, the higher the cost of compulsory motor third party liability insurance you will ultimately receive.

Example. In my case, my car has a power of 69 hp, which means that my power factor Km = 1.0.

Insurance period coefficient

Kp- coefficient of the period of use of the vehicle - an indicator reflecting the inability to use a vehicle throughout the year due to its technical characteristics.

I must say that the concept of an incomplete period of use can only be attributed to some types of vehicles:

  • snow removal
  • agricultural
  • watering
  • other special vehicles

Even if you only use your car for trips to the summer cottage, you will have to pay all year round.

The value of the Kp coefficient is determined depending on the number of months of use of the vehicle, which is presented in the table below:

Example. In my case insurance period coefficient Кп = 1.0.

Violation rate

Kn- rate of violations - an indicator reflecting the presence of gross violations on the part of drivers admitted to driving a vehicle.

If the driver has no violations, Kn = 1.0, if there is one of the violations listed below, then the coefficient of violations is Kn = 1.5:

  1. Reporting to the insurance company deliberately false information affecting the amount of the cost of the OSAGO policy;
  2. There was deliberate assistance in the occurrence of the insured event;
  3. Infliction of harm under the circumstances that were the basis for a recourse claim against the inflictor of harm, namely:
  • as a result of the intent of the said person, harm was caused to the health or life of the victim;
  • the harm was caused while driving the vehicle in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • a person who did not have the right to drive the vehicle;
  • the person disappeared from the accident scene;
  • the insured event occurred when the specified person used the vehicle during the period not provided for by the compulsory insurance contract.

According to some reports, this coefficient is not yet applied until the creation of a single base data.

Example. In my case, since it seems that I do not have any gross violations coefficient of violations Kn = 1.0.

Example (Summary)

Let's summarize our example of insuring my car. Here's what we ended up with:

Cost of OSAGO= x (Kt = 1.3) x (Kbm = 0.95) x (Kvs = 1.0) x (Ko = 1.0) x (Km = 1.0) x (Kp = 1.0) x (Kn = 1.0)

after multiplying all the coefficients, we get:

The cost of OSAGO = x 1.235 = 4239 - 5086

Literally three days ago, in one fairly well-known insurance company, I paid exactly 5,086 rubles for MTPL insurance for my car, which, in principle, agrees with our calculations and corresponds to our statement that large companies will take at the maximum rate.

Subtleties in the methodology for calculating OSAGO

Here we will consider various features for calculating the cost of OSAGO for different types and categories of vehicles, as well as depending on the status of the owner.

  • For legal entities, the coefficient of limitation Ko is always 1.8.

  • For all vehicles, except for cars (category “B”), the power factor Km is always 1.0.

  • Compulsory motor third party liability insurance is not required for trailers of light vehicles of individuals.

  • MTPL insurance policy is required for passenger car trailers belonging to legal entities, for trailers of trucks, buses and motorcycles. The basic tariff for a car trailer is 395 rubles, and for a truck trailer - 810 rubles. At the same time, in the very formula for calculating the cost of OSAGO for trailers, in addition to the base rate, only 2 coefficients are used: the coefficient of the territory of preferential use Kt and the coefficient of the insurance period Kc.

The best insurance companies for OSAGO

You can find out in which insurance companies Russians most prefer to get insurance by looking at the results of our surveys:

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    Renaissance Insurance 2%, 24 vote

Our MTPL calculator Rosgosstrakh will help you calculate the cost of a compulsory insurance policy online civil liability.

To calculate the cost of the Rosgosstrakh OSAGO policy, you need to fill out a form with data about your city, car and all drivers allowed to drive. The cost of OSAGO in Rosgosstrakh depends on these data.

Rules for calculating the policy of compulsory civil liability insurance

The OSAGO calculator Rosgosstrakh uses the official coefficients and tariffs of the Rosgosstrakh company.

Advantages of our online calculator OSAGO Rosgosstrakh

  • The exact tariffs for OSAGO Rosgosstrakh for 2019.
  • Instant calculation of OSAGO
  • The most simple form of filling
  • The ability to compare the cost of the Rosgosstrakh OSAGO policy in other insurance companies and choose the cheapest and best option.

The cost of OSAGO in Rosgosstrakh depends on:

  • Vehicle categories
  • An individual or legal entity owns a vehicle
  • Cities where the vehicle is registered
  • Age and experience of the driver
  • Auto power
  • Period of car ownership
  • Availability of insurance indemnity by the event

Documents required to conclude an OSAGO agreement with Rosgosstrakh

  • Application for the conclusion of a compulsory insurance contract
  • Passport or other identity document
  • Vehicle registration document
  • Diagnostic card

Full name of the company: Public Joint Stock Company Insurance Company "Rosgosstrakh"

The largest insurance company in Russia, providing a wide range of insurance services to individuals and companies to protect against a wide variety of risks.

The only company that has a branch network comparable in coverage to the Russian Post and Sberbank of Russia. The Rosgosstrakh group of insurance companies includes about 3,000 agencies and insurance departments, as well as 318 claims settlement centers, the total number of employees in the system reaches 100,000 people, including more than 65,000 agents.

The history of the company goes back 95 years. Founded in February 1992, the company became the legal successor of the State Insurance of the RSFSR, which was established in 1921. The development of the Russian insurance market was largely determined by the activities of Gosstrakh, and then the insurance company Rosgosstrakh. Now the company has a significant impact on the formation of the Russian insurance market.

Established: 1921

Managing Director: CEO - Fry Nikolaus Heinrich

Timely registration of OSAGO ensures the protection of your budget and the ability to safely move by car.
Recent changes in tariffs have led to a slight rise in the cost of car insurance. And yet, the cost of the policy is incomparable with the losses that you can incur by becoming the culprit of an accident. Just imagine how much money may be required to repair someone else's car and treat victims. And do not forget that at the same time you will need to restore your car. And if you yourself or your loved ones are injured in the accident? How many people can afford such spending? By buying an MTPL policy, you are making a contribution to your own financial security. Insurance Company assumes full responsibility for your possible carelessness on the road.

MTPL rates are the same for all insurers, despite the established base rate corridor. But this corridor gives them the opportunity to compete with each other. This may lead to some differences in proposals from different companies... In the meantime, all participants in this system adhere to the upper tariff value. In this regard, after calculating OSAGO for all companies in an electronic calculator, you will receive the same results.

We invite you to take out insurance on our website. Here you can independently form an application and receive an electronic policy without leaving your home or workplace. We cooperate only with honest and decent insurance companies with an impeccable reputation. We will help you choose the best insurer for your region.
By issuing a policy in our company, you are protected from being imposed additional insurances... In the offices of insurance companies, in addition to car insurance, you may be offered life insurance services. There is nothing to worry about, but only if it does not look like a "sine qua non" condition for acquiring an OSAGO policy.

  • a few minutes of your time;
  • standard set of documents.

When filling out the form, you will need information about the car, data from your passport and driver's license, etc. Therefore, before proceeding with registration, prepare the following documents:

  • vehicle owner's passport;
  • driver's license;
  • car documents - vehicle passport or registration certificate card;
  • a diagnostic card about the passage of a technical inspection with the remainder of the validity period of six months.

If the owner of the car is another person or you plan to enter additional drivers, documents of these persons will also be required.
We offer to calculate the site for all insurance companies

The advantage of our offer is not only the convenience of obtaining a policy. The most important bonus for our clients is the transparency of settlements. By filling in the fields of the calculator yourself, you can clearly see what the cost of insurance is composed of. This makes it much easier to understand what parameters affect the formation of the final price.

What determines the cost of OSAGO?

The price of the policy reflects the type of vehicle, the year of its manufacture and the engine power; age and driving experience; the number of persons admitted to management. The results of the calculation can be seriously affected by violations and accidents committed by you in the previous year. Also, the cost may differ depending on the region and period of use.

How to calculate OSAGO in different insurance companies?

For your convenience, we have placed a simple and intuitive electronic calculator on our website. It works around the clock and generates a price based on current rates. To calculate the site you need to make a few clicks with the mouse. You just need to select the appropriate parameters from the drop-down lists and click on the "Calculate" button. The calculator will process your data and in a moment, you will see a ready answer. If it suits you, you can proceed to the next step and start directly forming the application.

Registration of OSAGO via the Internet minimizes time costs. Working hours are designed to perform their duties efficiently and, therefore, improve their financial situation. It is better to spend your free days on rest and communication with your family. And on such, not very interesting, but still obligatory matters such as registration of OSAGO, you should save your time. And our company is happy to help you with this.

What benefits do we provide to our clients?

  • access to independent calculations;
  • the ability to choose an insurance company;
  • ordering a policy at a convenient time;
  • minimal time expenditures;
  • no spending on travel to insurance companies;
  • the ability to obtain clarifying information from our managers;
  • the ability to pay with a card of any payment system.

If you have already made the calculations, continue filling out, not forgetting to indicate the contact phone number and email address. This will help us to contact you, explain the details of the procedure in detail and send the policy to your e-mail. Upon receipt, the document will need to be printed using a printer. You will present it at the request of the traffic police and the insurance company.

Independent calculation of the insurance premium for OSAGO is within the power of each car owner. For this, it is important to know the current tariffs, which change frequently.

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It's fast and IS FREE!

The cost of insurance changes every year. Since April of this year, the price has increased on average by 40% .

The changes also affected the territorial ones, which made the insurance for certain regions of the country almost twice as expensive. for drivers of vehicles owned by legal entities have increased up to 60%.

Criteria to be considered

Let's take a closer look at the main indicators that determine the cost of payment:

Territorial coefficient (CT)
  • This indicator depends on the region in which the car owner is registered. The numerical value of the coefficient varies from 0.6 to 2, depending on the intensity of the traffic flow in each specific region.
  • Its minimum values ​​are recorded in Dagestan, Kalmykia and Khakassia. The highest coefficient was assigned to Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Kazan.
Ratio of participation in road accidents due to the fault of the car owner (MSC)
  • Reflects the ride quality of each individual motorist and significantly affects the cost of payment. If the driver has never had an accident during the validity period of the policy, the size of the MSC is annually reduced by 5% .
  • The maximum discount is limited and is 50% ... If the driver becomes the culprit of the accident, the size of the coefficient in the next year will increase by 50% .
Indicator of the number of persons admitted to management
  • The insurance company provides several options for insurance contracts. These can be policies with one or more drivers.
  • The calculation of car insurance that provides for only one driver is made with KO = 1. If more than one person has the right to drive a certain vehicle, this figure is 1.8.
Driving experience and driver's age ratio (PIC) The cost of the policy also depends on the driving experience gained over time. The criteria for determining the value of the indicator are given in the table. Age restrictions are not provided by law.

Power indicator (KM).

The dependence of the factor on the power of the vehicle is shown in the table:

Indicator taking into account the presence of a trailer according to insurance contract(CRC):

Seasonality coefficient (CS).

The dependence of this parameter on the period of operation is shown in the table:

Taking into account all the nuances and individual characteristics of the car owner, it is possible not only to accurately determine the cost of the insurance premium, but also to minimize it

Options for how to calculate and buy OSAGO yourself

There are several options for calculating OSAGO:

Options for purchasing a policy:

detailed instructions

Let's consider the process of forming the cost of OSAGO step by step.

Formation of the base rate. The total cost of the policy is determined by multiplying the base rate by various coefficients.

First, you need to determine the base rate for a car using the table:

In addition, the following are taken into account:

Territory indicator The value of the coefficient varies from 0.6 to 2 depending on the place of registration of the driver or the company that owns the car.
Driver number indicator If a limited number of people are allowed to drive, the coefficient is equal to one. The maximum value of the indicator is 1.8.
Driving experience The longer the driver's driving experience, the lower this indicator. The values ​​of this indicator range from 1 to 1.8.
Vehicle power The limits of this coefficient range from 0.6 to 1.6, depending on the engine power.
Accident-free driving ratio The indicator depends on the period of trouble-free operation of the car. Its starting value is equal to one.
Service factor The indicator depends on the seasonality of car operation. its value ranges from 0.5 to 1.
Insurance term indicator Its value ranges from 0.2 to 1.

Multiplying all the above indicators among themselves, you can determine the full cost of the policy.

Results clauses

Is it possible to reduce the figure

The cost of insurance decreases as the driving experience increases with accident-free driving. This is the most effective option.

There are also other ways:

  • do not buy a policy with an unlimited number of drivers;
  • the importance of taking into account the appropriate coefficient when operating a car not all year round;
  • purchase of a policy for a period of less than ten months.

How to save

Some drivers manage to save a significant amount on the purchase of a policy.

  • Careful, accident-free driving will reduce the price of the policy by 5% , compared to the previous insurance period.
  • With seasonal operation of the vehicle, it makes no sense to purchase insurance for a whole year.
  • Try to get insurance with a limited number of drivers, preferably well-experienced motorists.
  • With the active use of a car, it is most profitable to purchase a policy for a year.

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