Application form pvu OSAGO. All about the application for direct compensation for losses on OSAGO: the procedure for registration and sample

Obtaining payment for OSAGO is an issue that will have to be resolved by the party injured as a result of an accident.

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Legislation allows this procedure different ways and allows, in certain situations, direct compensation for damage to the victim.

In this case, the insurance company of the victim will have to pay the insurance.

To receive direct compensation for losses under OSAGO, it is necessary to prepare and submit an appropriate application and a package of necessary documents.

Essence of the question

A traffic accident is always an unpleasant situation.

In order to organize compensation received as a result of an accident, the Russian Federation has legislation that obliges all vehicle owners to issue an OSAGO policy.

But receiving insurance compensation from the company the question is also not the easiest. Insurers do not burn with a great desire to pay out funds.

Direct indemnification was introduced by law in order to simplify the process of receiving payments from the insurance company.

In fact, in this case, the victim of the accident should already apply to his insurance organization and resolve the issue with her.

This often simplifies the process considerably. Insurance Company the culprit may not even have offices in the victim's area of ​​residence.


For a long time, the legislation offered PES only as an alternative to contacting the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

This often led to attempts by insurance companies to delay or completely stop the payment process, the victim was simply sent to apply from one insurance company to another almost in a circle.

Yes, the affected OSAGO owners themselves began to abuse their right and filed documents simultaneously with two companies, hoping for an increase in payments.

Currently, direct compensation for damages is uncontested. This means that in cases expressly provided by law, you need to apply for payment to your insurance company.

The insurer responsible for the accident will simply not accept the application and will not issue a refund in these situations.

Most of the complaints and claims for the payment of compensation under OSAGO are related to the incorrect execution of documents by the victims themselves or their submission in an incomplete volume.

This became especially true when the Europrotocol was actually applied on a mandatory basis.

Under what conditions is it possible

Direct compensation for damages is only possible under certain conditions.

If at least one of them is not observed, the procedure will have to be carried out in the standard manner, turning to the insurance company of the culprit of the accident.

Consider the conditions under which direct compensation for damage is possible:

  • only vehicles were damaged;
  • each of the drivers involved in an accident has a valid OSAGO policy;
  • established the fault of a particular driver.

Previously, the legislation indicated that a PES was permissible only if two vehicles were involved in an accident.

But at the moment, the norm has been extended to accidents where several vehicles were damaged. But it still works in a situation with compensation for harm to health (life).

When it is unacceptable

Direct compensation for damages in case of mutual fault of the participants in the accident is unacceptable.

It is also not provided for in situations where it is a question of compensation for harm caused not only to the vehicle, but also to life and health of people.

Direct refund will also not be possible in the following situations:

Europrotocol filled out incorrectly If the amount of damage exceeds 50 thousand rubles, then the employees of the State traffic inspectorate should deal with the traffic accident, but this does not deprive the injured party of the right to apply for damages to his insurer
The issue of establishing the culprit in an accident is decided by the judiciary. Until received judgment no direct refund is possible. After the court has established the culprit, it is still possible and necessary to apply for a PVU
Failure to report an accident If the victim did not notify the insurance company in a timely manner about the insured event, then he can not count on receiving insurance compensation at all.
Damage caused by an accident Which does not apply to insured events

For example, if the car got into an accident while participating in competitions, then it will be impossible to receive a payment.

Insurers sometimes try to come up with various reasons for refusing to pay damages. You must always be vigilant and immediately stop such attempts.

If necessary, you should file complaints with the Central Bank and other government agencies or go to court to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

Where to apply

The victim, as a standard, for direct compensation for damage, if entitled to it, must apply to his insurance company.

The insurer responsible for the accident in this situation will not even accept documents for payment, since this is not his responsibility.

An exception is the situation when the insurance company of the affected party has lost its license or has been declared bankrupt under the current legislation.

In the latter case, you can contact the insurer of the culprit directly. If, on the contrary, the insurance company responsible for the accident has lost its license, then damages can be claimed through the PCA.

In this case, a special compensation fund has been created and a certain payment procedure has been established.

Reimbursement principle

After receiving the application and a package of documents, the insurance company of the victim must check them and pay out the due funds.

In the future, she will independently have to contact the insurer of the person guilty of the accident and receive compensation from him for the amount paid.

If a dispute arises between two insurers, it will be resolved in a special commission of the PCA or in an arbitration court.

In certain situations, the insurance company that made the payment may file a claim against the person responsible for the accident.

Video: OSAGO insurance - direct compensation for losses and the European protocol

Application form for direct compensation for losses under OSAGO

Unlike other types of documents for applying for direct compensation for losses under OSAGO Central bank Russia has established a special form of the form. You can download a sample application.

It is imperative to draw up your application using this regulated form in order to avoid denial of payment due to an incorrectly drawn up and submitted document.

Consider what information you will need to provide in the application:

Insurance company name The victim applies for PES to his insurer and it is his data that is indicated in the application
Victim's details This is where the details of the applicant are entered. For individual- this is the full name, address information, series and passport number, for organizations - TIN, address, data of the certificate of state registration
Information about damaged property Here you need to specify the data of the owner of the car (it does not always coincide with the victim) and all information about the damaged car, starting from the brand and ending with the PTS data
Data on the absence of harm to human life and health If harm to health (life) has been caused, then we can no longer talk about PVU and you will have to contact the insurer of the culprit
Information about the insured event His circumstances, time and date of the incident, etc.
Reimbursement Method Indication of the need to pay for repairs or payment of funds. If necessary, please provide account details.
Application list Personal signature of the injured person

Be sure to get on the copy of the application a mark of its acceptance by the insurer's employee.

Otherwise, the insurance company may greatly delay payments or completely “lose” the application.

Sample Fill

Usually, the injured party does not have problems filling out an application for direct compensation for damages under OSAGO, if all the requirements and rules for filling it out are followed. But sometimes it is more convenient to rely on a finished sample.

This avoids a lot of questions and misunderstandings. You can download an example of a completed document.

The application can be prepared on a computer and then printed or filled out by hand.

In any case, it is necessary to put the personal signature of the victim at the end of the application. Without it, the document has no legal force and there will be no compensation for it.

The offices of the insurance company usually have ready-made forms for such.

They can be stylized to match the corporate identity of the organization, but in general contain all the same data and are in fact no different from the standard form.

What documents need to be attached

Before indemnification, the insurer needs to check all the circumstances and make sure that insured event and the necessary grounds for a PES. To do this, along with the application, you must attach the relevant documents.

Consider what documents may be required for the implementation of the PES:

  • notice and certificate of accident:
  • europrotocol;
  • PTS or STS;
  • insurance policy of the victim;
  • protocol/decree on an administrative offense;
  • refusal to initiate proceedings on the fact of committing an offense.


Until 08/02/2014, the party injured in an accident could apply to the insurer for damages in two ways:

  • Appeal to the insurer responsible for the accident. In this case, the victim had to find the office of the insurance company of the culprit, and then contact the company's employees and resolve the situation;
  • Claiming direct damages (DDR) from your insurer, which was only possible in cases where two vehicles were involved in the accident and no one was injured in the accident.

Such an approach to compensation for losses led to the fact that insurers, by hook or by crook, tried to send the victim to another insurance company. Very often, employees of insurance companies deliberately made it difficult to submit the necessary papers so that the driver refused to pay.

At the same time, some drivers could also abuse the position. For example, applications were often submitted to two insurers at once.

To exclude such actions and form a system of insurance payments for OSAGO, a document on uncontested direct compensation for losses was created by law. In other words, the injured party can apply for an insurance premium only to their insurer. In turn, the insurer cannot refuse to consider the case.

Direct indemnification means that the party injured in a road traffic accident can apply for an insurance premium to his insurer, with whom the OSAGO agreement was signed.

Although such points were clarified by law and the two-sidedness of the situation was removed, the negative side of the new rules is that the PES was limited to certain circumstances that must occur during a vehicle accident. If at least one of the items listed below is not included in the insured event, then your insurer will not be able to use the PES.

Conditions for using direct damages

You can apply for a payment to your insurer if you comply with the following:

  1. Two cars were involved in the accident, and each driver has a valid OSAGO policy.
  2. Only cars were damaged in the accident. There was no harm to the health and life of people.
  3. There is no mutual fault of the drivers (there is one culprit and one victim).
  4. The insurance company has a valid license to issue OSAGO policies.

The driver will not be able to obtain a PES under an OSAGO agreement if:

  • The insurer of the perpetrator of the traffic accident has already received an application for this insured event;
  • Participants of the road accident decided to use the simplified system of registration of the accident without police officers, but the documents about the accident were incorrectly filled out;
  • The applicant requires the insurance company to compensate for his moral damage or benefit that was lost due to a traffic accident;
  • The accident occurred with the participation of a training car, during official racing competitions, etc.;
  • During the accident, damage was done to securities, cash, art objects, antiques, etc.;
  • The fact of violation of traffic rules, which caused the accident, is the reason for the trial;
  • In other cases, which are prescribed in the agreement of the members of the Russian Insurance Association.

Direct indemnification is easy enough to teach. The driver must hand over a set of correctly executed papers, after which he will be sent for examination. With the correct execution of documents and obtaining a positive decision from the insurer of the culprit of the accident, cash will be transferred to the driver's account, which must be indicated in the application. Everything else that follows (litigation between insurers, disputes, courts, etc.) does not apply to the party injured in the accident.

It should be taken into account that many insurance companies try to minimize the amount of direct compensation for losses. In addition, if the size of the insurance premium is significant, then the insurer of the victim will by all means send the driver to the insurance company of the culprit.

It should be noted that:

  1. It is often impossible to resolve all issues of direct compensation for losses only because the documents submitted by the injured party are incorrect or incomplete, which allows the insurance company to claim that they received false information about the accident. Because of this, it will not be possible to resolve what happened with your insurer under the PES.
  2. The latest amendments to the law say that the injured party can apply to his insurance company for an insurance premium for OSAGO for direct compensation for losses, regardless of whether the driver is marked in the policy of the insured or not. In the past, it was very common for insurance companies to deny any PES payout if the insured and the owner of the vehicle on the policy did not match.
  3. Motorists should also take into account that only one form of a certificate from the traffic police, which is provided to the insurer along with other papers to obtain a PES, complies with OSAGO rules. This is form 748, which is approved by the relevant order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  4. If no harm was caused to human health in the accident, the amount of damage caused to the vehicle does not exceed 50,000 rubles, two cars were involved in the accident, both drivers have valid OSAGO policies, and the circumstances of the incident do not cause disputes among the participants in the accident, then direct compensation for damage OSAGO is issued without the participation of the police.

The driver does not have the right to drive his car or motorcycle without a driver's license, vehicle registration document, technical inspection certificate and insurance policy. It is the document signed with the insurance company on compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, or OSAGO, that protects the interests of citizens injured in a road traffic incident, as well as their property. In order to reduce the terms of payment of insurance compensation and simplify the processing of documents, in August 2014, amendments were made to the Law on Motor Citizenship. These changes have introduced the Direct Indemnification (DDR) procedure for OSAGO.

What is the "Direct Indemnity System"?

Insurance payments covering property damage received under OSAGO agreements were previously carried out by an insurance company that sold the policy to the person responsible for the traffic accident. There was a situation when the injured person had to spend a lot of personal time visiting the office of the insurance company responsible for the accident in order to receive an insurance payment. The conditions were changed on August 2, 2014. From that date until today, the victim of a traffic accident has the legal right to use the services of an insurer who has insured his civil liability and demand payment of compensation for a damaged car.

PES or Europrotocol?

The introduction of direct damages caused confusion for ordinary OSAGO users due to its similarity. However, the difference in terms is significant.

The Europrotocol is a document that is drawn up at the site of a road traffic event by one of its participants, however, all information in it is recorded by the signatures of two drivers. This document is filled out on the condition that the amount of damage caused does not exceed fifty thousand rubles, and also that none of the citizens was injured. When filling out the Europrotocol, police officers are not called to the scene.

Direct compensation for damage is the current article of the law, which allows the insured to go to his insurer to receive insurance payment under OSAGO in the event of an emergency event, subject to the conditions specified by law.

In the case of applying any of the concepts, there are similar characteristics of an accident with vehicles: people were not injured and property was not damaged.

Main criteria for PES

There is no legislative document on direct compensation for damage as such. For the qualitative implementation of the PES, the criteria in the Law "On Compulsory Insurance" have been improved. civil liability vehicle owners. After such amendments, the “OSAGO Rules” and the “Agreement on Direct Indemnification for OSAGO” were finalized. These documents develop the basic requirements for direct coverage of OSAGO losses, the presence of which will allow it to be applied if:

  • a traffic event occurred with the participation of two cars (from September 25, 2017, the number of cars may be more);
  • all participants in the accident have OSAGO agreements that are valid at the time of the insured event;
  • only vehicles were damaged (life or health of citizens, as well as other property were not affected);
  • the culprit of the incident is clearly identified;
  • insurers of road incident participants have valid permits (licenses).

When the PES is not working

If the circumstances of the accident do not fit at least one of the above criteria, the victims of the insured event will not be able to fill out an application form for direct compensation for losses under OSAGO directly at the office of the organization with which the auto-citizen agreement has been concluded. To receive payment, you will need to contact the office of the insurer responsible for the accident and act on generally accepted conditions.

In addition, there are a number of reasons why it is impossible to receive direct compensation for losses under OSAGO, namely:

  • clarification of the circumstances of the incident requires judicial intervention;
  • the emergency incident is not formalized in accordance with the approved procedure;
  • there is no clear agreement between the participants in the insured event, and there are different positions on the issues of payment;
  • the liability of one of the participants is insured under international compulsory insurance"Green map".

Making an application for direct compensation for losses under OSAGO

In order to bring the moment of receiving compensation closer, the injured participant in the accident must first of all fill out an application form. The form for direct compensation for OSAGO losses can be printed from the insurer's website or received directly from the office of the insurance company. When entering information into the form, you need to focus on the required fields to fill out:

  • the name of the insurance company, which should be rewritten from the car insurance contract;
  • surname, name and patronymic, as well as place of residence;
  • if the guarantor is involved in the execution of documents, then it is necessary to enter information about him;
  • detailed circumstances of the road traffic incident;
  • information about the person responsible for the accident, his vehicle;
  • conditions for providing a car to determine the inflicted loss.

Documents required to receive insurance compensation under the PES system

In addition to submitting a correctly executed application for direct compensation for OSAGO losses, Alfastrakhovanie, like other leading insurance companies, requires a list of documents specified by law:

  1. Traffic accident notification. For this, a Europrotocol form is used, which is filled out and signed by the participants of the event with their own hands without the involvement of police officers. In the case of fixing an accident by a police inspector and drawing up a protocol, an official certificate according to the approved form No. 748 is attached to the application.
  2. Copies of the protocol and other documents that were drawn up at the scene of the emergency event by the arriving police officers.
  3. A copy of the vehicle registration document or a power of attorney to drive a car.
  4. Monetary documents that confirm the fact of payment for the services of a tow truck, a transport expert, a lawyer and other specialists directly related to the elimination and minimization of the consequences of an accident.
  5. A notarized power of attorney to receive the amount of the insurance payment, if necessary.

Additional list of documents

The main list of documents for OSAGO insurance for payment by insurance companies can be supplemented by:

  • a copy of the OSAGO insurance contract;
  • a copy of the document confirming the person of the insured who suffered in an accident (passport, driver's license, foreign passport);
  • Bank details to transfer the amount of insurance coverage for losses to the settlement account of the affected client.

Stages of processing the payment of insurance compensation

The procedure for direct compensation for losses under OSAGO provides for a phased passage of documents, up to the refusal or implementation of an insurance payment:

  1. Documentation of a traffic accident (traffic police protocol, Europrotocol).
  2. Collection and submission of all documents to the office of the insurance organization no later than five working days.
  3. Responsible employees of the insurer, after processing the documents, either refuse to make a payment, or further complete the processing of settlements.
  4. The insurance company's appraiser inspects the damaged vehicle and assesses the damage caused. If the preliminary calculations are underestimated, the insured has the right to make an independent examination. However, its cost will be paid by the insured.
  5. After agreeing on the amount of loss, the insurance indemnity is transferred to the bank account of the victim. If the insured agrees to carry out restoration work in a certain car repair shop, then the funds are transferred to its account.
  6. The insurer that transferred the insurance indemnity to the injured insured makes mutual settlements with the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

Denial of Direct Damages Coverage

There are situations when, according to all available signs, the insurance company is obliged to accrue and pay insurance compensation. However, the insurer sends the policyholder an official refusal to directly indemnify for losses under OSAGO. Reasons for non-payment are as follows:

  • a similar application for payment was sent to the insurance company of the culprit;
  • a notice of a traffic event was filled out on the Europrotocol form, although circumstances required the involvement of traffic police officers;
  • the accident occurred while participating in competitions, learning to drive a car, testing a vehicle;
  • damaged during a traffic accident material values, securities, antiques;
  • participants in a road traffic incident dispute the degree of guilt and the circumstances of the accident, which requires judicial intervention;
  • delay in notifying the insurer of the event;
  • the injured insured requires compensation for moral damage or loss of possible profit;
  • the at-fault insurer did not sign the PES Agreement.

Features of direct compensation for losses under OSAGO

When direct compensation for damages, some nuances are taken into account. The amount of insurance indemnity varies depending on the type of traffic event. Taking into account these differences, the insurer of the originator of the event will transfer the amount of money only within these limits. Given the effect of such rules, all insurers, parties to the PES Agreement, have no problem parting with small payments. At the same time, if the amount of damage is significant, then you should expect your insurance company to underestimate the amount of accrued damage.

What to do if the insurer denied the PES

Receiving a denial of direct reimbursement from your insurance company is not a reason to refuse to receive a payment. To do this, contact the insurance company responsible for the traffic accident. In this case, the process will take a little longer, but there is a great chance to receive an insurance payment from someone else's insurer.

At the same time, it should be remembered that all documents necessary for payment should be filled out in accordance with the rules and circumstances of the incident. False information will lead not only to a delay in payment, but also to a complete denial of damages.

Who is eligible for PES

Considering recent changes in federal law(FZ) "On OSAGO" direct compensation for losses is carried out both to the injured insured and to the owner of the motor insurance contract. Reporting a traffic accident and filling out forms at the PES can be submitted not only by the owner of the vehicle, which is entered in the registration certificate, but also by the driver who drives the car legally: he had a power of attorney for the car, was included in the current policy.

Insurance payment options

Terms and Conditions direct compensation for losses OSAGO provides for two options for obtaining insurance coverage for losses incurred: monetary and in-kind. From May 2017 monetary system insurance coverage has ceased to be the main form. Now insurance companies are required to offer the insured to carry out repairs damaged car at a pre-approved workshop. At the same time, the insurer must repair the insured car in no more than thirty days at a service station, which is located at a distance of no more than 50 kilometers from the place of residence of the insured or the accident site. The recommended service station should guarantee the quality of work for six months, and for paintwork and body work - at least a year.

If the insurance company cannot ensure the fulfillment of all these conditions, the policyholder has the right to demand monetary compensation for the damage incurred. The amount of the insurance indemnity is transferred to the bank details specified in the application for the PVU.

Given some of the difficulties in obtaining insurance compensation for compulsory motor insurance, car owners should be aware of the availability of voluntary types of vehicle insurance.

In order to receive an insurance payment, the injured party can write an application for direct compensation for losses under OSAGO. But what does this statement look like? What documents do I need to bring with me to write this application? How long does it take for an insurance company to process a claim? Below we will find the answers to these questions.

Application for direct compensation for losses under OSAGO- This is a special document that you need to submit to your insurance company to receive insurance payments. The statement contains information about the participants in the accident, brief information about the accident, and so on.

This document is filled in by both the insured and the official representative of the insurance company.

It should also be remembered that direct compensation for damages is possible only if certain conditions are met.

Direct compensation for damages is possible if the following conditions are met:

  • If only two vehicles were involved in the accident. If one or both vehicles are equipped with trailers, two vehicles are considered to have been involved in the accident (i.e. direct damages are also possible in this case).
  • If the damage was caused only to vehicles. If harm was caused to the health of any party, then direct compensation for damages is impossible.

    Also direct damages impossible in the following cases - damage was caused to property that was in the car during an accident, damage was caused to city property, and so on.

  • If there is no mutual fault of the drivers(that is, there is an injured party and the culprit of the accident). Guilt can be established by mutual agreement; also, traffic police officers, special independent experts, and so on can be involved to identify the culprit of the accident.
  • If both drivers have a valid OSAGO policy, and the insurance company is not deprived of a license to issue OSAGO insurance.

To make an application and receive an insurance payment, the applicant will need the following documents:

  • The passport(if the vehicle owner is an individual) or company registration certificate (if the vehicle owner is entity).
  • Any document confirming ownership.
  • Driver's license.
  • Europrotocol(if it was issued).
  • Technical passport or vehicle registration certificate.
  • Help traffic police in the form 748
  • Protocol on an administrative offense(not required in case of registration of the Europrotocol).
  • Bank details of the injured party(money will be transferred to this account).
  • Power of attorney(if the application is not drawn up by the actual owner of the vehicle, but by his official representative).

The application has the following structure:

  • Application number and date (to be completed by the insured).
  • Information about the insurance company and the insurer (to be completed by the insured). Here you must specify the following information - the name of the insurance company, brief information about the insured (full name - in the case of an individual, company name - in the case of a legal entity) and address (home address - in the case of an individual, actual location of the company - in the case of a legal entity) ). If the application is made by an official representative of a natural or legal person, it is also necessary to indicate information about the representative - full name, postal code, telephone number, as well as the number of the power of attorney.
  • Accident Information (to be completed by the insured). This paragraph indicates the following information - the type of damage, the number of participants in the accident, the time and place of the accident, the circumstances of the accident, and so on. Remember that direct compensation for damages is only possible if only the vehicles were damaged, and no damage to health or other property was caused.
  • Information about the vehicle responsible for the accident (to be completed by the insured). The following information is indicated here - the make and model of the vehicle, registration plate, information about the actual driver of the vehicle, and so on. Also, information about the OSAGO policy is indicated here - the series and number of the contract, the duration of the contract, the name of the insurance company, and so on.
  • Information about the injured party's vehicle (to be completed by the insured). This paragraph contains the following information - information about the owner of the vehicle (full name - in the case of an individual, company name - in the case of a legal entity), make, model and year of manufacture of the vehicle, VIN number, and so on. Also, information about the OSAGO policy is indicated here - the series and number of the contract, the duration of the contract, the name of the insurance company, and so on.
  • Machine Inspection Information (to be completed by the insured). To clarify the details of the accident and determine the size cash payments the insurance company has the right to conduct an independent examination. At this point, the injured party should note that she is ready to transfer her vehicle to the insurer. This paragraph also contains the following information - the address where the inspection can be made, information about additional costs, information about the ability of the car to participate in traffic, and so on.
  • Full name of the applicant (if the applicant is a legal entity - the name of the company), date and signature (to be filled in by the insured).
  • Full name and position of the person who accepted the application
  • Information about submitted documents (to be completed by the insurer). In this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate all the main (application, notice of an accident, a copy of the protocol on an administrative offense, and so on) and additional documents (a copy of an identity document, a power of attorney to drive, a driver's license, and so on). It is also necessary to indicate the date of acceptance of each document.
  • Requisites for transferring money (to be completed by the insurer). In this paragraph, you must specify the following information - the personal account number, the name or name of the recipient, the name of the bank, and so on.
  • Full name of the applicant (if the applicant is a legal entity - the name of the company), as well as the date and signature (filled in by the policyholder).
  • Full name of the person who made the application , as well as the date and signature (to be filled in by the insurer).
  • Special marks of the insurer (to be completed by the insurer). In this paragraph, the insurer may indicate some additional information.

The application must be submitted to your insurance company. After receiving the application the insurer has 30 days to review it and make your decision. It should also be understood that after submitting an application, the insurance company has the right to conduct an independent examination to clarify the details of the accident and determine the amount of insurance compensation.

In most cases, the examination takes no more than 15 days.

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Now you know what a claim for direct damages under OSAGO is. Let's summarize. To receive monetary compensation for the repair of a vehicle, you need to write an appropriate application.

This document must reflect the following information - information about the accident, information about all vehicles, bank details for the transfer of insurance money and so on.

To write an application, you will need the following documents - a passport, a document that confirms ownership, technical certificate vehicle, driver's license, etc.

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