Tesla high-power transistors contain precious metals. Transistors

TVs made in the USSR contain many valuable radio components. In fact, and in most cases, you can find several green KM5 capacitors there, and less often red KM6 capacitors. And also several KT-203 transistors, which cost 5-6 rubles each. Perhaps, if the TV is from the 60s-70s, you should pay attention to the lamps.

This means you are on the right track and disassembly to remove radio components can begin.

You should also pay attention to the following parts and components with white contacts:

How to independently extract and sell gold from radio components?

Content of precious metals in radio components (chips, transistors, capacitors, diodes, relays, connectors, lamps)

Information provided by Valery F.

I only scrapped what was broken. The hand did not rise to hand over living radio components for scrapping. Therefore, I recommend using precious metals content tables only to record the amount of gold, silver, palladium, platinum, tantalum and other precious metals in devices for write-off.

The directory provides detailed tables of the content of precious metals in various radio components: microcircuits, transistors, relays, contactors, switches, diodes, thyristors, triacs, capacitors, variable and fixed resistors, lamps, connectors, picture tubes, quartz and many other domestically produced radio components.

Scrap of various radio components contains different amounts and types of precious metals, for example, semiconductors and connectors most often contain gold, fixed resistors - silver terminals, military grade variable resistances contain palladium in contacts, relays, contactors, switches, etc. switching devices may contain silver, palladium, rhodium, iridium, platinum, gold, tantalum electrolytes (electrolytic capacitors) - tantalum, and gas-discharge and electric vacuum devices can contain almost the entire periodic table - gold, silver, palladium, rhodium, iridium, platinum, thorium, rhenium, tantalum, tungsten , molybdenum, nickel, cobalt.

Where to find and obtain radio components containing precious metals

Dear Internet users! Send your photos and notes about where and in what devices you came across radio components containing precious metals.

The list of decommissioned and subject to disposal devices, various units and radio communication units, containing precious metals in radio components and radio-electronic components in their composition, is simply huge. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, when everything and everyone fell apart, when chaos and confusion reigned in the country, salaries were not paid, and many, in order to earn at least some money and feed their families, brought home and then dismantled various decommissioned electronic devices into radio components with precious metal devices from institutes and organizations. Until now, such devices are still gathering dust and awaiting their fate in garages, country houses, and sometimes in the open air, covered with corrosion. Well, let's start with the most common one.

Let's say right away that almost all radio components are on the boards. Transistors KT-803, KT-808, KT-809, KT-812, KT-908, KT-912 are usually located in the rear of the devices on aluminum radiators, transistors KT-911, 2T-911B are located on an aluminum base, for heat dissipation on the board.

Switches 11P 3N are attached to the body, and resistors PTP, PP3-41, PP3-43, PP3-47 can be located on a metal base inside the block or attached to the body of the device.

Therefore, you first need to find and disassemble the device or unit, remove the boards, and only after that extract radio components with precious metal. We must be prepared for this. There is an opinion that
TVs made in the USSR contain many valuable radio components. In fact, and in most cases, you can find several green KM5 capacitors there, and less often red KM6 capacitors. And also several KT-203 transistors, which cost 5-6 rubles each.

What radio components contain precious metals?

Perhaps, if the TV is from the 60s-70s, you should pay attention to the lamps.

You can spend a fair amount of time disassembling such a TV, not to mention the size and weight of the TV itself. The situation is similar for radios, tube receivers, and tape recorders. Quite a lot of KM6 capacitors are red in color, less often green in Soviet VCRs of the VM series. There are also yellow and blue ceramic capacitors K10-17.

The record holders for the content of precious metals are, of course, computer systems, automatic telephone exchanges and special electronic devices manufactured in the USSR.

But, unfortunately, such computer systems are very rare these days. So you can leave and forget about wondering where to find them. The most important thing in this matter is attentiveness. Radio components can sometimes be located in inconspicuous metal boxes and blocks. If you find a metal box with the following connectors:

This means you are on the right track and disassembly to remove radio components can begin. You should also pay attention to the following parts and components with white contacts:

Many radio components with precious metal are found in measuring and computing instruments, such as: high-frequency generators, frequency meters, frequency synthesizers, electronic voltmeters, oscilloscopes and other devices. The density in such electronic devices is very high. But you still need to remove their protective casings and look at what’s inside. Sometimes practically nothing.

The measuring devices and instruments listed above, the initial series and the first modifications, practically do not contain radio components with precious metal. These devices are distinguished by their large size (both the body itself and individual knobs, switches, and other parts) and weight.

Such devices contain powerful transformers - this partly explains the large weight of the product. Therefore, when disassembling such devices, it is first better to look at the table of the content of precious metals in the devices in order to have an initial idea of ​​​​what kind of device you have found and what can be extracted from it.

Sometimes you can find instruments and devices that are not
a hand will rise. They contain little precious metal inside, but as a product they are valuable for radio amateurs. Therefore, you can always try to find a person who will buy this device in working condition. Or just don't break it. From the point of view of a radio amateur, disassembling devices and selling radio components for scrap is perceived extremely negatively and many unflattering words can be heard about this.

Radio amateurs with extensive experience treat radio components completely differently. For them, every radio component is of real value, be it a microcircuit or a transistor, and is sometimes perceived as an inspired object. The current young generation, in most cases, perceives radio engineering and radio electronics produced in the USSR as a gold miner perceives a river bed.

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All materials on this site are subject to copyright (including design). Copying, distribution, including by copying to websites on the Internet, or any other use of information and objects without the prior consent of the copyright holder is prohibited.

This article serves as a help for clients who find it difficult to find radio components to be purchased for the purpose of extracting precious metals. As is known, the greatest concentration of expensive components is concentrated in Soviet-style military equipment. But few people realize that a significant proportion of precious metals is contained in radio components that were used in the assembly of Soviet household appliances.


During the existence of the USSR, domestic industry produced two types of televisions - tube and transistor.

Content of precious metals in radio components

In this case, tube TVs are very poor in terms of the content of precious metals; in particular, only the output beam tetrode, labeled as 6P36S, 6P44S, 6P45S or GU50, is of value. That is, it makes no sense to engage in a special search for this technology. unless it comes to hand by chance. But transistor models are more generously stuffed with precious metals, since it is transistors of the KT 502-503, KT-310, KT-814 and KT-940 brands that contain precious metals, in particular gold and silver. Some TV models are equipped in small quantities with green and red KM brand capacitors, as well as yellow K10-17 capacitors.


Soviet-style computer technology has always been stuffed with various kinds of components based on precious metals, and calculators are no exception. In particular, in Soviet calculators you can find expensive green KM capacitors and K140UD microcircuits. In addition, the output contacts of calculator boards, connectors and switches also contain gold and technical silver.


Unlike calculators, Soviet computers contain a larger number of green KM capacitors, as well as yellow K10-17 capacitors, that is, when disassembling Soviet-style computer equipment you can provide yourself with a very tempting amount of money. A nice addition is a number of plastic chips, the internal filling of which contains gold.

Refrigerators and washing machines

This category of equipment is not characterized by a rich content of components, however, such units are available everywhere, and disassembling them allows you to get hold of not only a certain amount of non-ferrous metals, but also components such as relays, thermostats, and silver-plated contacts.

How to determine the gold content in radio components (photo)

In the manufacture of electronic equipment, precious metals can be used - gold, silver, platinum, palladium. The content of precious metals in radio components produced in our time is very small, but many elements of old equipment, especially from Soviet times, can contain precious metals in fairly significant quantities.

  • Ekaterinburg;
  • Tyumen;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Permian.

Content of precious metals in radio components

In the manufacture of electronic equipment, precious metals can be used - gold, silver, platinum, palladium.

Confession of a radio vandal

Taking this into account, do not rush to send your existing radio-electronic equipment to a landfill; it may still bring you profit. Knowing which radio components contain precious metals, you have the opportunity to earn quite a lot of money.

Which radio components contain precious metals?

Precious metals contain many radio components, including:

Of course, precious metals are not contained in all connectors, microcircuits and other radio components, but only in some types. Even in identical parts that contain precious metals, their quantity can vary greatly and depends on the year of manufacture. That is why radio components have different values, which directly depend on the content of precious metals in them.

The main value in this regard is Soviet-era electronics, namely computer blocks and various military equipment. For example, in the once famous EC series computers, the content of precious metals can range from several hundred grams to 10 or more kilograms! Considering the current cost of gold and silver, disassembling and handing over this electronic equipment to a specialized company can bring more than significant income.

Approximately half of all gold and silver used in electronics production was spent on contacts and connectors. These precious metals provide very high-quality contact, which is why they are widely used. Typically, the contact base was made of copper or brass alloy; only the contact pads themselves were made of precious metal.

The rest of the gold and silver is found in microcircuits, transistors, variable resistors and other electronic components. Precious metals such as platinum and palladium are mainly found in ceramic capacitors.

Some radio tubes contain a large amount of gold - for example, the GMI-19 lamp contains as much as 16 grams of gold! Many other radio tubes also contain gold, silver and platinum, but the amount of precious metals in them is usually quite small and usually amounts to thousandths, less often hundredths or tenths of a gram.

Extraction of precious metals from radio components

The content of precious metals in radio components is, as a rule, low, which significantly complicates their extraction. Only in rare cases is it possible to directly extract precious metal from an electronic component - for example, by biting off gold or silver contacts. It is impossible to extract precious metals from microcircuits, transistors, diodes and other electronic components in the same way.

That is why, in the vast majority of cases, precious metals are extracted from electronic components at specialized enterprises that have the necessary equipment and technologies. At the same time, raw materials are supplied to enterprises in an already prepared state, sorted into specific groups.

The finished raw material goes through several stages of physical and chemical processing, during which the concentration and release of precious metals occurs. All these processes are quite complex, so they are almost impossible to carry out independently at home. In addition, large volumes of raw materials are required, which are very, very difficult for a private individual to collect.

Taking into account the complexity of separating precious metals from radio components, this work should be carried out only at specialized enterprises. If you have old radio components that contain precious metals, your best bet is to hand them over to companies that collect and recycle electronic components. In particular, you can always contact us.

LLC "DRAGOMIR" - purchase of radio components at competitive prices

Our company accepts electronic scrap at competitive prices. We guarantee you fast processing of the radio components you brought or sent and payment of the remuneration due to you. You will find information about the specific types of radio components we accept on the corresponding pages of our website.

Working with us is profitable and convenient; we receive radio components in the following cities:

  • Ekaterinburg;
  • Tyumen;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Permian.

You can contact any of our offices or send radio components by mail, payment is guaranteed. Don't miss the opportunity to earn very substantial money quickly and without hassle. Contact us right now!

This page contains a List of radio parts and products with a photo catalog that we buy on an ongoing basis and in any condition, new and used. On our website, all photographs of radio components are copyrighted (a lot of time was spent on their creation, while our competitors were simply making money) and are not copied from free sources on the Internet, like some office sites for buying radio scrap at a reduced price, which widely advertise themselves as “large and respectable”, but not wanting to take “some kind of photo of radio elements” and setting super-mega unrealistic prices above the London Stock Exchange by 30-100% for stolen photos of parts.

Below the photo catalog there is "", where information is given on each series of radio components, that is, what value these radio components represent.

Explanation to the List of radio components containing precious metals

It is worth noting that this List far from final. We try to add new purchased items to the list, which is reflected in our catalog with photos and prices for expensive radio components of Soviet and imported production in the relevant sections of the site.

You can sell valuable radio components of the USSR for radio scrap, new and used, containing precious metals at competitive prices today by contacting. We have been cooperating with private individuals for more than 6 years, reliably. The exact cost of Soviet radio components depends on the quantitative content of precious metals in them, the year of manufacture, acceptance conditions (military or civilian acceptance) and the manufacturing plant.

We also purchase modern radio components of imported and domestic production: capacitors, microcircuits, transistors, connectors, relays and other electronic components.


  • Monolithic ceramic capacitors of the following series: KM3, KM4, KM5, + KM6, K10-17, K10-26, K10-48.
  • Capacitors in a plastic case: K10-17, K10-23, K10-28, K10-43, K10-46, K10-47.
  • Capacitors KM5 of the H30 group, green in color, are capacitors on which “H30” is clearly written.
  • We buy Soviet frameless capacitors of all sizes, do not mix imports, it’s immediately obvious.
  • We currently do not accept imported open-frame capacitors.
  • Imported capacitors of certain brands (see photo catalogue).
  • Tantalum capacitors of the following series: K52-9, ET, ETN, K53-1, K53-7, K53-16, K53-18, K53-28.
  • Capacitors K50-6, K50-12, K53-4, K53-14, K53-21, K71-7, K73p-2, K73-3, K73-9, K78-2 and the like are not suitable, we do not buy them.
  • Silver-tantalum capacitors: K52-1, K52-2, K52-5, K52-7, ETO-1, ETO-2.
  • Capacitive assemblies B-18, B-20, pass-through filters B-23, MLZ delay lines, micromodules, GIS.

Generator lamps of the GI, GMI, GS, GU series

  • GS-23B, GS-36B, GI-19B, GMI-2B, GMI-4B, GMI-5, GMI-6, GMI-6-1, GMI-7, GMI-7-1, GMI-10, GMI- 11, GMI-14B, GMI-19B, GMI-21-1, GMI-24B, GMI-26B, GMI-27A, GMI-27B, GMI-32B, GMI-32B1, GMI-38, GMI-42B, GMI- 83V, GMI-89, GMI-90
  • GU-19-1, GU-29, GU-34B, GU-34B1, GU-43A, GU-43B, GU-50, GU-70B, GU-71, GU-72, GU-73B, GU-73P, GU-74B, GU-78B, GU-84B
  • GKD1-600/5, TGI1-2500/50, TGI1-2000/35, LI-604 K-1, LI-705, LI-702-1, LI-703, 5 MHz resonator, Quartz K3, RR-7 arrester, Klystron K-12, Klystron K-351, Klystron K-352
  • We buy generator lamps manufactured before 01/1991. The price of lamps is influenced by the presence of the diamond sign and a number of other factors.
  • We do not buy radio tubes from USSR TVs without packaging or used radio tubes. More details on the "" page.


  • Microcircuits of Soviet and imported production in round, ceramic, planar, DIP, packages of certain series.
  • Microcircuits in a plastic case of domestic production 155 series and the like.
  • We currently buy Soviet 580 series microcircuits in a black “large” plastic case with white pins. Price up to 500 rubles/kg
  • We do not buy microcircuits in a ceramic case with nickel-plated terminals (legs), later we will buy them as nickel scrap.


  • Transistors in round, flat, metal, plastic cases, power transistors.
  • Imported transistors with a yellow bottom and leads, with a white bottom and internal gold plating.
  • Transistors of the MP12, MP40, KT805, KT903, P416 and similar series are not suitable.

Indicators, LEDs, diodes containing precious metals.

  • ALS(3LS)321, ALS324, ALS333, ALS0338, 2D908 and the like, as well as LEDs with yellow leads, light filters.


  • Domestic-made connectors of all series only with yellow contacts!
  • Domestic connectors in plastic cases do not need to be disassembled, since the connector body is marked with the year of manufacture. This directly affects the price of connectors.
  • Contacts (ligature) from domestic connectors with yellow coating of contact parts, including round connectors 2RM, ShR, SNTs, ONTs and the like in aluminum cases.
  • All connectors with silver-plated (white) contacts must be disassembled into ligature; we do not buy these connectors in their entirety. The ligature is the contacts removed from the connector body.
  • Imported connectors of certain brands with completely yellow contacts.
  • We do not buy connectors from motherboards and similar connectors in their entirety; they must be disassembled into contacts (ligature).
  • Yellow and gray (steel) colored lamellas from domestic and imported boards.
  • Silver plated slats are not suitable for sale. Silver-plated lamellas, as a rule, are also partially covered with a black coating (oxide).
  • For additional information on these radio components, see the " " page.

Switches, toggle switches, buttons

  • PG2, PG5, PG7, PR1, PR2, PM2-1, PkP2-1, PKN4-1, P2KnTA, PK1S, PK1E, PK2S, P1T3-1V, P1T4-1V, P1M9-1V, P1M11-1, P1M12-1, PT 2-40, PT 3-40V, PT 33; 55, PKn-2.4-1V, PM2-1V, PKn-4-1V, PT 8-1V,3V, PT 8-1V,3V, PT 8-1V,3V, PT 8-1V,3V, PT9- 1, PT11-1, PT13-1, PT23-1, PT25-1, PT27-1, MP-12, P1T-1-1, P2T-1-1V, P2T-1,7,14T,19, P2T- 1,7,14T,19, P2T-1,7,14T,19, OSP2T-1,2,7, PKn-8-1V, PKn-8-2V, PKn-8-3V, PKn-8-4V, PKn-19-1V, PKn-105-1V, PKn-107-8V, PKn-115-1V, PKn-125, PKn-150-1, P2Kn-1V,3V and P2KnTA-1,2,3,4V, P2Kn-1V,3V, P2KnTA-1,2,3,4V, P2Kn-1V,3V, P2KnTA-1,2,3,4V, P2KnT3V,T4V, P2KnT1,3,4V, P3PN-20, PP6, PP8, PP9, PP11, PPK-2-20, TV1-2, TV1-4, VBT, VDM, SHIV-25/4, SHIV-50/4.
  • The switches and buttons listed are suitable for a specific month and year of manufacture. Certain series of switches were made with white and yellow leads, but are only suitable with yellow leads. With white leads, analysis is required.
  • We do not buy switches of the MT series, certain MP series and similar ones in their entirety; they must be disassembled into silver-plated parts.
  • Other switches require analysis.

Variable resistors

  • SP5-1, SP5-2, SP5-3, SP5-4, SP5-14, SP5-15, SP5-16, SP5-17, SP5-18, SP5-20, SP5-21, SP5-22, SP5- 24, SP5-37, SP5-39, SP5-44.
  • SP3-19, SP3-37, SP3-39, SP3-44.
  • PP3-40, PP3-41, PP3-43, PP3-44, PP3-45, PP3-47.
  • We buy the listed series of resistors, except for PP3-40 and similar ones, until 1990, after which it is necessary to check for suitability, since not all are suitable.
  • Resistors SP3-39 need to be disassembled; we buy them with a steel-colored slider. They don't fit with a copper runner, we don't buy those.
  • We do not buy all other resistors with markings that begin with SP3-0, SP3-3, and so on.
  • Resistors PP3-40, PP3-43 and the like are suitable until 03.92, after this date a check is required, many are not suitable.
  • We currently do not buy MLT, OMLT and similar resistors.


  • Some potentiometers are not suitable for sale because the wire inside is nichrome or manganin.


Domestic and imported, containing precious metals.

  • RES7, RES8, RES9, RES10, RES14, RES15, RES22, RES32, RES34, RES37, RES48, RES78.
  • RP3, RP4, RP5, RP7, RPS3, RPS4, RPS5, RPS7, RPS11, RPS15, RPS18, RPS20, RPS24, RPS32, RPS34, RPS36.
  • DP12, RKN, RKNM, RKM-1, RKM-1T, RKM-P, REC43, REN-33, TRA, TRV, TRL, TRM, TRN, TRP, TRT, RTN, TRSM-1, TRSM-2, RVMU- 1, RKP E-506, SK-594, RV-5A, RTS-5.
  • The listed relays are not suitable for all, but only with certain passports and up to a certain month and year of manufacture.
  • Relays RES-6, RES-22, RES-32 with white contacts in their entirety are not suitable for sale, remove the aluminum case (cover) and check the color of the contacts. If they are white, then cut the contacts.
  • We buy relays RES-22, RES-32 in their entirety only with yellow contacts. There is no need to cut the contacts; send or bring relays with intact cases, as there is a marking on the case. And this, in turn, directly affects the price of the relay.
  • Relays RES-9 with passports 00 01 and 200 cost 2 rubles/unit.
  • When dismantling the RES-10 relay, the external terminals (legs) must be preserved. Without leads, this relay is significantly cheaper.
  • We buy relays RES-47, RES-49, RES-60 in their entirety by weight; sending them by Russian Post is not particularly cost-effective. It is possible to disassemble these relays into yellow contact plates and send them in this form. The price in this case will be high.

Printed circuit boards with radio components suitable for scrap

  • We don’t buy all the cuttings from boards, only suitable radio components.
  • Boards with only 155 series microcircuits (black plastic, white terminals) are not particularly cost-effective to send via Russian Post. If there are not many of these boards (up to 10 units), then send them along with other radio components, we will evaluate them.
  • When using suitable radio components, remove unnecessary heavy parts, for example transformers, capacitors K50-6, K50-12 and other radio components that are not suitable for sale for scrap.
Sincerely, the team of the Astrea-Radio Components company.

A mine is considered profitable if at least 1 g of “yellow” metal is “washed out” from one ton of gold-containing ore.

In refining - the purification of secondary precious metals (RPM) - the situation is different. For example, just one microcircuit can contain up to 5% of the noble elements of the first four.

If you are lucky enough to get hold of a capacitor with the volume of a 3-liter jar (these were used in the production of military equipment and technology), then up to 8 g and 50 g can be “etched” from this part.

In Soviet-made parts, as mentioned above, there are a priori more valuable elements than in similar products, released from foreign assembly lines.

The largest amount of the first four noble metals is contained in capacitors, both domestic (USSR) and foreign (the difference to a lesser extent is insignificant).

If we talk about which domestically produced capacitors contain precious metals, then the parts of the “KM” series marked “N30” and “5D” are in greatest demand.

For those who have no idea what Soviet capacitors contain precious metals, there is a photo below.

It is in these “green” and “red” elements contains the most gold, platinum, as well as silver and palladium.

Among the imported ones, the following are especially valued:

  • "Tesla" of different sizes;
  • “Conders” of the “KbC” MbC series marked “220n” (analogue of domestic K10-17);
  • TaSF B45176-A1108-K (analogue of K53-1);
  • MIL-ETAH2 (analogue of K52-1).

Licensed enterprises accept capacitors with this marking at almost the same price at which they buy products from the era of developed socialism.

Sales to specialized enterprises

The era of gloomy traders who, as a rule, stood near the currency traders in spontaneous and organized markets with a sign “I will buy used televisions, radio equipment...”, has sunk into oblivion.

Naturally, today many people also work according to “gray” schemes, but in a more organized way.

In any case, it is advisable to hand over radio components containing precious metals to enterprises that are engaged in recycling at the official level - that is, have the necessary licenses, other regulatory documents.

The benefit is obvious.

Firstly, fraud is excluded: the enterprise, as an official buyer, will not cheat on the weight of the delivered raw materials.

Secondly, the collector of recycled radioelements will receive a fair price for his “goods”.

Thirdly, a transaction with an official enterprise has documentary support.

You can find the necessary enterprise on the World Wide Web: enter the name of the city and the refinery into the search line (as an option, advertisements in local newspapers, radio, television).

Regarding the price, it all depends on the labeling of radio components that are handed over to the “electronic waste” collector. If we are talking about capacitors (foreign or domestic production), then a kilo or two of such “products” will ensure a comfortable life for a fairly long period of time.

Refining of radio components

For enterprising people you can do artisanal refining of VDM– that is, and recycled raw materials in domestic conditions.

For this purpose, several methods of “extraction” of noble elements of the periodic table are suitable - electrolysis and the “wet” (chemical) method.

For the first option you will need sulfuric acid as an electrolyte, a piece of lead or iron for the cathode, and an alternating current source.

Second option will require the same sulfuric as well as nitric acid to prepare a thermonuclear mixture with the attractive name “Royal Vodka”. For example, the mixture is applicable for.

More detailed information by types of VDM cleaning and process technology can be gleaned from the article Refining of radio components.

The main thing is to remember that any method of artisanal “extraction” of precious metals from electronic scrap is extremely dangerous.

Therefore the presence personal protective equipmentrequired condition VDM refining.

Video on the topic

The video contains an overview of radio components that contain precious metals gold, silver, platinum, palladium, tantalum, niobium for further extraction.


Let us briefly summarize everything that was said and suggested for viewing above.

Knowledge is power. It is not known how old this metaphor is, but it has not lost its relevance. Having information about which radio components contain the largest number of precious elements, you can significantly narrow your search and save a huge amount of time.

In addition, it becomes obvious that selling parts to an official refinery is the most profitable undertaking.

After all, for artisanal “mining” of gold or other precious metals not only reagents will be required, but also special equipment: tags, flasks, burners, etc., as well as personal protective equipment, which in general will require significant investment.

Now you know which parts contain precious metals, with what markings Soviet or imported capacitors, switches, fuses and other radio components contain valuable substances.

In addition to refining, you can also try.

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