Driving a car without liability insurance. What is the fine for driving without insurance - the most complete overview of the topic

Any driver knows that among other documents that you need to have with you when you are driving, there is an OSAGO insurance policy. If it is not with you, then the car owner is punished. In the article, we will consider what kind of fine is provided for driving without OSAGO.


As follows from the transcript, OSAGO is compulsory insurance, which means that the driver must have this type of insurance in any case. The policy includes liability insurance. It turns out that by drawing up this contract, the insured protects those people and their property who will suffer as a result of an accident in which he will be the culprit. Thanks to insurance, he will not have to compensate for the damage himself.

When studying the essence of OSAGO insurance, the driver should know what the Europrotocol is, how and in what cases it can be issued, KBM, or the bonus-malus coefficient, and the basic rules for its calculation, as well as others important points. After all, it directly depends on how much he will ultimately pay.

It is also important to understand driving offenses and the administrative sanctions that apply to them. For example, what is the penalty for driving without insurance?

Types of fines

OSAGO contributes to the settlement of disputes in case of an accident. The driver is subject to a penalty for driving,

Situations are different. OSAGO can stay, for example, at home. Or it may be that the driver forgets about the date of insurance, and suddenly it turns out that he has expired. There are also such car owners who generally drive without a policy.

Let's consider each situation separately.

Polis stayed at home

The current legislation provides for the requirement to carry a paper document of OSAGO with you. Even if the policy was purchased via the Internet, the car owner must print it out and carry it with him.

If a traffic police officer stopped you when you forgot your insurance at home or did not print it out, you will still be punished. Which one - OSAGO policy? Rarely, but it happens that the inspector will take your word for it and you will get off with only a verbal warning. Most often, the fine is 500 rubles. And then, it will be such only when you prove that you really have insurance. Otherwise, you will have to pay more.

If you can access the Internet from a mobile phone, go to your email and show the policy sent to you from the insurance company. If this is not possible, then you will have to go home for insurance.

The driver is not registered in OSAGO

Only persons who are included in the contract (if it is with a limited list of persons) are allowed to drive a vehicle. In the case when, when the vehicle was stopped by a traffic police officer, a person who was not on the list on the policy was driving the car, the car owner will have to pay a fine for driving without insurance, the amount of which is 500 rubles.

However, if the car owner wants to, he can challenge the decision of personal payment and try to shift the responsibility to the one who was driving.

Expired insurance

In our country, the rules regarding motor vehicles change very often. Just a few years ago, drivers could renew insurance for a whole month after the previous one expired. Today, this rule has been abolished. And even if several hours have passed after the insurance expired, the driver cannot drive his car. What is the penalty for driving without insurance? According to the current legislation, a fine of 800 rubles is due.

There is an accident, no policy

Without a policy, a traffic accident can occur. In this case, no matter what participant the violator turns out to be, he will face the same penalty as the punishment for driving without insurance is usually due. Whether a driver without OSAGO is the culprit of the accident or the injured party, he will still have to pay a fine of 800 rubles.

If he is the culprit of the accident, then he will have to pay monetary compensation to the victim from his own funds. The traffic police officer who arrived at the scene will definitely record the fact that the driver does not have OSAGO. In order to calculate the damage caused, an independent expert is invited.

Of course, in this situation, the most profitable option is to resolve the financial issue on the spot. If the injured party agrees with monetary compensation, then it is necessary to take a receipt that no claims will be made after the discovery of hidden damage.

If the culprit has an OSAGO policy, but the injured party does not have it, then the UK is obliged to make a payment. However, he still has to pay for the lack of insurance.

Reduction of punishment (2014)

Until 2014, inspectors had the right to remove state numbers from a car for driving without insurance or with an expired document. However, later it was decided to abandon such a measure, since copies of the numbers can be made as many as you like, and the punishment for such an offense was considered too serious.

Therefore, at present, the maximum that can be brought against the offender is a fine for driving without insurance. What is the traffic police fine - we have already considered: 800 rubles.

Even greater leniency (2016)

Since the beginning of 2016, it has been decided to go even further. The measure was taken not only in connection with the offenses under consideration, but also for other minor violations. If within 20 days after the fine is issued, you pay it, then you will need to pay only half of the amount issued. What is the penalty for driving without insurance?

  1. If a fine of 800 rubles is issued, then only 400 rubles can be paid.
  2. If a fine of 500 rubles is issued, then only 250 rubles can be paid.

The insurance process

So, despite the fact that it is small, you need to take care of the insurance in advance if possible. Currently, changes have not bypassed this procedure. On the one hand, payments to policyholders increased, and on the other hand, insurers were forced to raise the cost of insurance. Moreover, when registering in the UK, additional services are often imposed, and very successfully. You should know that this is illegal, and any car owner has the right to complain about such actions to the Central Committee of the Russian Federation. Most often, one such threat is enough for the agent to completely forget about the offer. additional services, because otherwise insurance company may face a hefty fine.

Other changes concerned the fact that a technical inspection of the car must be completed before insurance is issued. All these nuances should be taken into account in order to have time to conclude a new OSAGO agreement in time. Then, although the answer to the question of what penalty is provided for driving without insurance will be known, it will not be needed in practice.

The car owner is required to have an OSAGO policy - the presence of such a document guarantees that the victim in an accident provoked by the insured person will receive compensation.

This avoids disputes and litigation.

In 2016, some amendments were made to the legislation.

If the driver is not included in the CMTPL insurance policy, this is a serious administrative violation.

Read this article and find out what the penalty is if the driver is not included in the insurance.

The following classification of OSAGO insurance is important:

  1. with restriction
  2. No limits

A restricted policy assumes that there is a group of persons who have the right to drive a particular car. If the actual driver is not on the list, expect a fine.

Insurance without restrictions allows that any person with a driver's license can drive a car - no names are entered in such paper.

OSAGO policy without restrictions saves you a lot of fines, but it also costs much more.

The presence of insurance without restrictions is not the only case when it is allowed to drive a vehicle without being indicated in the OSAGO policy.

There are others:

  1. The driver has recently purchased a car and the 10-day period for issuing the policy has not yet expired.
  2. There is an agreement for the gratuitous use or rental of a car, drawn up in accordance with the paragraphs of Article 1079 of the Civil Code.
  3. The vehicle is one of the exceptions listed in the Federal Law "On OSAGO". For example, an exception may be a car registered in a foreign country and insured under the international insurance system.

If the driver is not insured

A typical situation: the owner of the car had a drink and allowed a friend to drive him home. In case of detection of such a violation, financial punishment follows. According to article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a driver who is not included in the insurance is obliged to pay a fine of 500 rubles. There was an increase: previously the fine for this violation was only 300 rubles.

Previously, as a punishment, a car was sent to a car impound, however, according to the new rules, any form of additional punishment (except for financial punishment) is prohibited.

How to avoid a fine?

If your friend, who is not included in the insurance policy, is driving the vehicle and you are stopped, you have a chance to issue a power of attorney by hand at an accelerated pace that does not require certification by a notary.

The power of attorney must include:

  • Passport details of the person to whom the car is registered;
  • Passport details of the authorized person (for whom we draw up a power of attorney);
  • A list of actions that are allowed to be done with the vehicle, in our case, to be behind the wheel;
  • Vehicle registration data;
  • Date of issue of the power of attorney (not older than 10 days) - it is better to leave this field blank and fill it out directly at the moment of stopping.

It will not be possible to indicate such a list of information in a minute and in a hurry, therefore we recommend that you prepare everything in advance, and not at the time of the stop by the traffic police. By law, the driver is obliged to insure liability within 10 days from the date of obtaining the right to drive a vehicle, in particular from the date of receipt of the power of attorney.

In the event of an accident due to the fault of a driver not included in the insurance policy, you will not only have to pay a fine, but also repair vehicles damaged as a result of the accident.

No insurance policy with you (forgotten)

For the left insurance policy in the apartment, office or in another place, you will have to pay a fine of 500 rubles. This violation is described in Art. 12.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses Part 2. At the same time, the traffic police inspector has the right to equate the forgotten policy to the missing one, while not violating the law. In this case, the offense will be recorded in accordance with ST 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses Part 2, and the amount of the fine will increase to 800 rubles.

If the traffic police officer does not go to the meeting, you have the right to supplement the protocol in writing with your disagreement with the fine due to the presence of the policy, adding that the policy simply was not with you at the time the inspector stopped.

However, in this case, you will have to personally come to the traffic police, this time not forgetting the insurance. Write an application with a request to revise the article in the direction of mitigating the fine, a copy of the insurance policy must be attached to this application.

Vehicle evacuation due to lack of insurance policy

Since 2016, the evacuation of vehicles to the impound due to the lack of an insurance policy has been canceled. Amendments made in 2016 provide for a maximum penalty for the lack of insurance in the form of a fine, the removal of numbers and the detention of a car no longer applies.

Penalty for not having OSAGO insurance in a certain period

Many car owners prefer to purchase insurance for a certain season, for example, for winter and spring. The insurance policy is issued for a year, but is applicable only during the specified period (season).

If you are stopped during a period that is not covered by insurance, the fine will be 500 rubles.

Penalty for lack of OSAGO for legal entities

Legal entities have the right to issue OSAGO insurance for each car registered with the company. In addition, it is possible to draw up a DSAGO insurance policy, applicable in a much larger number of cases.

At the same time, if the driver does not have insurance with him, the punishment will be incurred not by the legal entity. person, namely the driver.

How often can you be fined for not having insurance?

Are they taking numbers now?

Previously, traffic police inspectors had the right to remove numbers from a car if the driver is not included in the insurance, thereby prohibiting the operation of the vehicle. On November 15, 2014, they lost this right. Now numbers can be removed only in cases of malfunction of the brake system, steering, and also if the inspection ticket is expired.


If the driver did not insure the car at all, then he threatens a fine - 800 rubles.

Moreover, if the owner and the driver are different people, then the responsibility falls on both, because according to Art. 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine is paid not only for the lack of a policy, but also for driving a vehicle by a person who knew that there was no insurance.

The driver, however, can "get out" - if he convinces the inspector that he did not know about the lack of insurance.

However, in practice, crime is almost always accompanied by punishment.

Administrative Code does not see the difference between an expired and a missing policy, so the fine remains the same - 800 rubles.

However, clarification is required: some companies sell "incomplete" policies. The standard policy is valid for one year, while the "incomplete" policy is valid for only six months.

Such semi-annual policies are the best option for summer residents who do not use vehicle during the cold season.

The penalty for an overdue "reduced" policy is less - 500 rubles (according to Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Even if the driver simply forgot to put the policy in the car, he is also responsible - you will have to pay 500 rubles for forgetfulness. A fine in this situation is not mandatory - the inspector may limit himself to a verbal warning if he decides that the offense does not pose a public danger.

The driver should be aware of the following nuances:

  1. If he has already paid a fine for not having insurance at one post, this does not save him from the same fine at the second.
  2. The policy must comply with current design standards. If there are no elements and signs required by law, this is equated to the absence of insurance at all, from which a fine of 800 rubles follows. That is why it is worth issuing an OSAGO policy only at the offices of well-known companies and avoiding transactions with sales agents.
  3. If the policy is overdue by only a day, this is already the basis for a financial penalty.

The best solution to a situation where the driver is not included in the OSAGO policy is to purchase new insurance. The insurer may offer to write a new name on the current insurance, however, this operation also costs money.

When operating vehicles on the territory Russian Federation each driver must carry three documents, which include a driver's license, a car registration certificate and a compulsory car insurance policy.

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Is there an administrative responsibility for the absence of a motor citizen? What is the amount of penalties in different situations, read on.

Is there an increase in 2019?

One of the largest projects in 2019 is the introduction of a new Code of Administrative Offenses. The draft document was developed in 2015. Currently being considered by the State Duma.

In accordance with the draft of the new Code, no increase in fines in the field of compulsory motor insurance is envisaged.

Punishment for not having a policy under the Code of Administrative Offenses

What is the penalty for not having car insurance in Russia provided by law in 2019?

Penalties may be imposed in the following cases:

  • the driver does not have a motor vehicle license with him when operating the vehicle. Since it is one of the documents that the driver must have, elementary forgetfulness can turn into an overlay administrative fine;
  • the autocitizen policy is missing due to non-performance, that is, the document was not purchased from any insurance company;
  • the insurance policy does not include the driver who was driving the vehicle at the time of detention;
  • the car insured according to all the rules is not operated during the period established by the insurance contract. Each driver has the right to insure his vehicle for a certain period other than 1 year. is three months;

Reducing the period of using the car entails a decrease in the cost of the policy, and at the same time, the impossibility of operating vehicles in a different time period.

  • the insurance policy has expired. This offense is equivalent to driving a car without a compulsory motor insurance policy.

For individuals

Drivers who are private individuals can receive penalties for all of the above offenses:

Are there any other penalties for not having car insurance? Previously, employees of the State traffic inspectorate, when driving vehicles without an insurance policy, had the right to confiscate license plates, which led to the impossibility of further operation of the car.

In 2015, a fine for lack of OSAGO insurance: evacuation of a vehicle to a penalty parking lot, which led to the need to pay not only an administrative violation, but also the cost of towing services and storage.

In 2019, this measure was canceled due to the low efficiency and congestion of impound stations. In 2019, a return to this measure of punishment is also not provided.

Payment of the administrative fine must be made directly by the guilty party. You have 40 days to pay the fine. After the specified period, the driver (owner) is transferred to the category of debtors.

If payment of the fine is made within 20 days from the date of receipt of the decision, then the amount of penalties is reduced by 50%. This measure was introduced in 2019 to reduce the number of debtors.

Many car owners constantly ask the question: can the traffic police fine several times for the same offense?

In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, no person can be punished twice and so on for the same violation.

However, this circumstance does not mean that in one day of using a car, you can get a fine for the absence of a motor vehicle citizen (driving a car in an unforeseen period or by a person not specified in the policy, and so on) only once.

When registering any offense in the protocol, the following parameters are indicated:

  • date of;
  • time;
  • a place.

If at least one parameter in the document is different, then the situation that has occurred is considered a new offense and new penalties may be imposed on the driver.

For example, a driver was fined for not having a motor vehicle citizenship on January 25, 2019. The violation of the law occurred at 12:45 pm at Yaroslavl, Leningradsky Prospekt, near house No. 52.

The driver voluntarily continued to move and was stopped by a traffic police officer at 14:00 near house No. 45 on Neftchilar Street.

Penalties were also imposed for the lack of a motor vehicle citizen. As a result, the driver is obliged to pay 800 + 800 = 1,600 rubles for various offenses.

For IP

Individual entrepreneurs in the field of compulsory auto insurance are fully equated to individuals.

In this regard, persons registered as individual entrepreneurs pay fines in the event of an administrative violation in the amounts and terms specified above.

For legal entities

A legal entity is also not responsible for offenses related to compulsory auto insurance. All responsibility rests with the driver.

However, in the following situations, a driver who has been subjected to an administrative penalty has the right to recover the amount of the fine paid from the organization:

  • the company at the right time did not issue a motor vehicle citizenship for an operated vehicle, and forced the driver to travel by car;
  • the vehicle was used during a period not covered by auto insurance, as required by the organization.

In these situations, the fine is imposed and paid personally by the driver. However, the driver has the right to recover from legal entity spent to pay the fine cash.

For this you need to submit statement of claim to the court and provide evidence of the guilt of the responsible person.

In case of a positive outcome (more than 90% of situations), the legal entity will also be charged money to pay the court fee and other legal costs, as well as moral damage.

Penalty for the lack of a driver in OSAGO

Often there are situations in which a driver who is not included in the autocitizen policy is engaged in driving a vehicle.

Such a situation is regarded as an offense established by Article 12.37 of the Code (violation of the condition insurance contract) and is punishable by a fine of 500 rubles.

Penalties are imposed directly on the person driving the car.

To avoid such situations, if they happen quite often, it is advisable to take out a compulsory car insurance policy without limiting the number of drivers allowed to operate a car.

However, it should be noted that the cost of such a policy will be slightly higher than in a situation with a limited number of drivers.

A fine similar in size is provided for drivers who operate a motor vehicle in a period not covered by the insurance policy.

Many car owners take out a policy with a limited period of use to reduce the cost of car insurance.

This means that during the time not covered by auto insurance, you can not use the car under any circumstances.


If the vehicle is used as a taxi, then the driver must have the following package of documents:

  • registration certificate of the vehicle received after the vehicle was registered with the traffic police;
  • driver's license with the corresponding open category;
  • motor vehicle policy;
  • special permit for passenger road transport.

When applying for compulsory auto insurance for a vehicle used as a taxi, an increased base rate is applied. Currently, the value varies between 5,138 rubles - 6,166 rubles.

For comparison: you can insure a car owned by an individual at the base rate 3 432 - 4118 rubles.

The increase in the base rate for taxis is due to a large number of accidents in which taxi cars take part (become the perpetrators of traffic accidents).

An increase in the number of road accidents leads to an increase in insurance payments and, consequently, the unprofitability of OSAGO for this category of vehicles.

Therefore, many companies refuse to enter into contracts for compulsory car insurance for taxis, despite the fact that such an action is illegal.

What fines are provided by the Code of Administrative Offenses for taxi drivers:

If the car is used to transport people without special permission, then under article 12.3 a fine will be imposed on the driver. The article does not provide for any other sanctions in the form of warnings and so on. 5000 rubles
If the car does not pass the periodic technical inspection provided for by the current legislation, then the amount of the fine (Article 12.1) may vary from 500 to 800 rubles (the amount of penalties depends on the number of seats in the car provided for passengers)
If the vehicle is operated without a properly issued insurance policy, then a fine in the amount of 800 rubles
If the driver violates the terms of the insurance contract (the car is operated during the period not stipulated by the contract, or the vehicle is driven by a person not specified in the policy), then a fine is imposed. A similar punishment is provided for the "forgetfulness" of the driver and leaving the required documents at home (at work, and so on) 500 rubles

The average cost of a compulsory car insurance policy for a car issued for a period of one year is 8 000 rubles(excluding taxis).

In accordance with the SDA, almost every driver (although there are certain exceptions) must issue an OSAGO policy, carry it with him and present it to the inspector of the road patrol service (IDPS) at the first request. If the motorist does not do this, then he may receive an administrative penalty, since it is prohibited to appear on the road and become a participant in a DD without insurance. Naturally, vehicle owners are concerned about the question of what fine today for driving without OSAGO can be issued by a traffic police officer.

Important! Keep in mind: without OSAGO insurance, you won’t even be able to register your “steel horse” with the traffic police. You will also need this document for case of an accident that occurred with the participation of your vehicle (V).

Moreover, the tariffs for OSAGO are determined by the state and only it.

Deciphering the abbreviation OSAGO and what is its essence

Before we tell you what the penalty for driving without an OSAGO policy is, let's deal with the abbreviation of insurance and find out what its main essence is. After all, there is not much useful information.

So, deciphering OSAGO is compulsory motor third party liability insurance. A distinctive feature of the policy is that the owner of the vehicle insures not himself and his property, but his liability, which he bears in relation to other participants in the DD, that is, their health, life and property. Having taken out such insurance, the driver confirms his readiness to compensate for the damage and losses that arose during the accident.

Important! At the time when the insured event occurred, the owner of the vehicle must have a valid OSAGO policy duly executed (that is, in his own name and in accordance with the vehicle he was driving directly at the time of the accident) with the insurance company. Or another option is to provide a policy for verification without any restrictions.

Some common myths about OSAGO

There are two main myths about this insurance among the people:

  • First: if there is no OSAGO, then a ban on the operation of the vehicle is imposed. So it was before. But starting from mid-November 2014, such a measure is not legal in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 307 (dated September 17, 2014), which cancels such an administrative penalty due to the lack of an OSAGO policy.
  • Second: if the insurance cannot be presented for verification, then the license plates of the vehicle are withdrawn. This penalty was canceled in mid-October 2013 by the new Traffic Police Regulations (namely Order No. 605). The document establishes the right of a motorist to have as many sets of license plates (duplicates) as he needs in case of damage or loss. Therefore, such a measure of administrative punishment as the removal of license plates has lost all meaning and has ceased to be applied.

That is, all this is in the past, though not very distant, but nonetheless. And it pleases.

What is the penalty for driving without an OSAGO policy

Since the beginning of 2018, the Code of Administrative Offenses has been in force in a new edition. But articles such as 12.3 (part 2) and 12.37 have not changed. They say what a fine for driving without OSAGO insurance is provided. So, the text of the articles states that the size of the fine has remained the same: either 500 rubles or 800. Not so much. What determines the amount of the fine for driving without OSAGO insurance? To understand this, you need to understand what is said in the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses mentioned above.

Articles 12.3 and 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses

Consider just two articles:

  • Article 12.37, part 1. The OSAGO policy is issued for 12 months, but the period of its use can be limited and be 3 months or more (up to 1 year). Naturally, such insurance is much cheaper, but you can travel by car only within the period specified in the policy. Otherwise, you risk being fined 500 rubles, since in fact you are driving a vehicle that is not protected by insurance. This article also considers the case when the policy is issued for a specific driver (or for several motorists), and a completely different person, not mentioned anywhere, is driving. The amount of the fine will also be 500 rubles.
  • Article 12.37, part 2. The owner of the vehicle continues to drive the vehicle, although the policy has already expired. Such actions are equated to movement without insurance. In this case, the fine for driving without an OSAGO policy will be 800 rubles.
  • Article 12.3, part 2. The driver drives the vehicle, but does not currently have a policy on hand and cannot present it to the traffic police officer for verification. But the OSAGO contract is properly concluded, it’s just located in a different place, for example, at home. In this case, the road service employee may be limited to a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. Something like that.

That is, it turns out that the size of the fine for driving without OSAGO fully depends on the nuances of the offense. And each situation is individual.

On a note! So far, in the near future, an increase in the fine for driving without OSAGO is not planned. Wait and see.

Will the insurance company make a compensation if an accident occurs, and the culprit is not included in the OSAGO agreement

The answer is unequivocal: yes, it will. The insurance company is obliged to fully compensate for the damage (in terms of property and health) to the victim. In the future, from the culprit, that is, the driver who was driving at the time of the accident, insurers will recover the entire amount paid.

Can I get several fines for not having a policy in one trip?

If you think that a fine for driving without OSAGO insurance can be issued only once for one trip, guided by Article 4.1, paragraph 5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which states that you cannot be held liable twice for the same administrative offense, we want to assure you: you are deeply you are wrong. If you have already been fined, and you continue to drive the vehicle without having an OSAGO policy with you, then nothing and no one will prevent another traffic police officer from issuing you a new resolution on an administrative offense, stopping you for another check. Why? Yes, because both the time and place of the offense have changed. That is, at each check, a road service employee has every right to bring the driver to administrative responsibility if he does not have required documents in accordance with traffic rules.

Important! A fine for driving without OSAGO in 2018 can be issued as many times as you are stopped for a check. At the same time, the amount of recovery remains fixed all the time (either 500 rubles or 800).

Are there ways to reduce the punishment

Yes, the driver can mitigate his fate as follows:

  • If the autocitizen policy exists, but is simply forgotten at home or elsewhere, then inform the IDPS of the policy data, that is, its number, date of issue and the name of the insurance company. Having checked whether such an agreement exists “in nature” (this can be done from a tablet, smartphone or mobile phone), a traffic officer can reduce the amount of the fine.
  • If you were nevertheless issued a decision to pay a fine of 800 rubles for the absence of a policy (and it actually exists, it just lies in a different place), then you can appeal against the actions of the IDPS within 10 days by writing an application either addressed to the head of the local traffic police, or directly to the court. By the way, if you did not meet the ten-day deadline, you can attach an application with a request to extend the deadline, reasonably stating the reason for the delay.
  • If penalties are still imposed, then do not delay the payment. If you fail to do so, you may be charged twice the original amount.
  • By the way, an innovation regarding the payment of fines has come into effect (Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses): if you make a payment within 20 days from the date of issue of the decision, you will receive a 50% discount. Not bad.

Liability for legal entities

Any individual entrepreneur or any company (organization, enterprise), having one or more corporate cars, is required to properly issue an OSAGO policy for each vehicle unit. Moreover, the document confirming the insurance must be directly with the driver. Otherwise, the traffic police fine for driving without OSAGO will be issued in his name.

On a note! If the car has a trailer that is on the balance sheet of the enterprise, then an OSAGO policy must also be issued for it. By the way, individuals do not have to do this at all.

What is the penalty for driving without OSAGO for legal entities? Exactly the same as for individuals, that is, 500 and 800 rubles (depending on the nuances of the offense).

Electronic policy

Since 2015, insurance in electronic form is identical to the policy on paper in terms of their legal force. That is, if you do not have the desire to go to any insurance company and conclude an OSAGO agreement, then you can do this without leaving your home. And the question of what the fine for driving without OSAGO should not worry you. After all, both methods of issuing a policy (both personal presence at the insurance company and concluding a contract online) are legal. Moreover, the cost in both cases, as a rule, does not differ. When checking, you simply show the traffic police officer a printout of your insurance issued online, or an electronic version on your phone.

On a note! Some road service employees have the opportunity to check the fact of issuing a policy using its details. Therefore, it is better for the driver to remember (or write down in case of poor memory) all the data of his insurance. But if the traffic police officer does not have such an opportunity, then you will have to present either a printout of the insurance, or an electronic version downloaded to your phone.

How can IDPS verify the authenticity of insurance?

Usually, the procedure for checking an OSAGO policy does not take much time. If the traffic police officer has any doubts, then he can check the received data with the RSA database (that is, the Russian Union of Motor Insurers). If the IDPS refers to the fact that he does not have such an opportunity, then these are the problems of the road service worker, and not the driver. If, in spite of everything, IDPS writes out a fine, then it will be quite simple to protest it, provided that the policy really exists.

Important! Sometimes doubts can be dispelled by the seal of the insurance company, which certifies the printout of electronic insurance.

How can I protest the imposition of a fine for an electronic OSAGO policy

Despite the fact that in Russia both types of insurance (on paper and in electronic form) have a legal basis, many traffic police officers not only completely refuse to recognize printed policies, but also issue fines for the absence of a motor vehicle citizen. It is difficult to say whether they do it intentionally or from legal illiteracy, but the fact remains. Moreover, most often this situation occurs when a road service worker does not have a tablet or smartphone, with which you can verify the authenticity of the document by going to the PCA database.

Important! In this case, the actions of the road service employees clearly do not comply with the letter of the law. After all, even without an e-policy in hand, the driver in no way violates the law in terms of insurance of his civil liability.

How can you appeal against an administrative protocol:

  • We file a complaint with the court, expressing our disagreement with the decision on an administrative offense. In it, we must indicate all the data regarding the OSAGO agreement, drawn up in electronic form.

On a note! When applying to the court, despite the fact that the practice of considering such issues has not yet been fully formed, you have a good chance of winning the case and ensuring that the decision to impose penalties is canceled.

  • At the same time, we apply for the retrieval of data regarding the policy issued online from the PCA database.

On a note! If the request is positive, that is, the presence in information system certain agreement on civil liability, then, most likely, the decision to impose penalties will be declared illegal.

  • It also makes sense to write a complaint about the actions of a traffic officer to the prosecutor's office and his immediate superiors, so that in the future it would be "disgusting".

On a note! If violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation are detected, the IDPS may be held accountable for a disciplinary nature.

Your actions in case of disagreement with the actions of the IDPS

If the traffic police officer is adamant and writes you a fine, then you must tell him about your complete disagreement with his actions. That is, you need to do the following:

  • If the form contains the phrase “I agree with violation”, then you should add “not” to get “disagree with violation”.
  • If you see the phrase “I do not dispute the violation”, then you need to cross out “not” to get “I dispute the violation”.
  • Then put your signature with a transcript and write the number of the current OSAGO agreement next to it, indicating that it is issued in electronic form.
  • If you have done everything that was described above, then IDPS will have to draw up a protocol on the commission of an administrative offense, in which you will be able to give a detailed explanation of everything that happened, indicating all the data.

How long can you drive a car after the expiration of the policy

Sometimes the driver learns that the OSAGO agreement has already ended, only at the time of an accident or during the next check of the IDPS on the road. used to exist Grace period within 1 month, when drivers could drive vehicles with an expired policy. But those times have sunk into oblivion, and now this option has been canceled. That is, the very next day after the expiration of the OSAGO contract, an employee of the road guard service has every right to impose a penalty in the form of a fine of 800 rubles on a negligent motorist. To prevent this from happening, it is better for the driver to take care of the renewal of the policy in advance, and then the question of what the fine for driving without OSAGO insurance will lose its relevance for him. Remember this, and "you will be happy."

On a note! If the delay in the OSAGO policy has already been completed, then the IDPS can give the offending driver 1 day to correct his oversight and properly extend the document.

How long can you move without OSAGO after purchasing a new car

You bought a new car and enjoy driving it. What penalty for driving without OSAGO threatens you in this case? Remember: you have only 10 days to draw up an OSAGO agreement (in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and pass a technical inspection of the vehicle. If you were issued a fine during this period, then it has no basis and can be appealed to the court.

Important! If during these 10 days the driver gets into an accident, then all compensation for damage falls on his shoulders. That is, a motorist is at great risk when traveling by car without having an OSAGO policy in his hands.

By the way, it is possible to travel by car for 10 days without an autocitizen agreement even if the vehicle has been inherited by the motorist.

Or maybe it’s cheaper not to issue an OSAGO policy at all

We don't think this is a good idea. Not only will you have to shy away from every traffic police officer, and moving along the roads without being insured is not very comfortable. What if there is an accident, and you will have to pay for the repair of a damaged someone else's car from your own wallet. No, it is wrong and not economical to refuse to issue a policy. Therefore, so that you do not worry about the question of what fine you face for driving without OSAGO, it is better to conclude an agreement with the insurance company and sleep peacefully.


Now you know what the fine for driving without OSAGO is now. Therefore, the best way to avoid trouble with the traffic police is to conclude an agreement compulsory insurance. And you can even do it online, without leaving your home, within half an hour. But if you still decide to tempt your fate, then remember: the amount of the fine for driving without OSAGO depends on the nuances of the offense. You can read about them above.

The fine for driving without OSAGO insurance in 2019 can be from 500 to 800 rubles. It is only possible to receive a warning.
In what cases and what threatens the driver, we will consider in this material.

In 2015, the cost of OSAGO insurance was significantly increased, in 2019 the cost for many drivers increased again, as a result, drivers began to massively ignore the requirement to insure their civil liability. Accordingly, the question arose about what fine you would have to pay if you were stopped by an inspector. The first thing he will require is the documents that you must provide in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1 of the Rules of the Road.

A fine for not having OSAGO is the most harmless thing that can happen. In practice, there are cases when for payments on road accidents it was necessary to exchange apartments.
The likelihood of getting into an accident only increases with the increase in the number of cars. OSAGO is not something worth saving on.
Already in the past the queues in the offices and the imposition of "special stages". You can get or extend the policy within 15-20 minutes by simply filling out the form below. It remains only to choose the insurance company with the best price offer.

Get an OSAGO policy online

Requirements of the Rules of the road for the presentation of the OSAGO policy

2.1. The driver of a power-driven vehicle must:

2.1.1. Have with you and, at the request of the police officers, hand over to them for verification:

  • insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of the owner of the vehicle or printed on paper
    information on the conclusion of a contract of such compulsory insurance
    in the form of an electronic document in cases where the obligation to insure one's civil liability is established federal law.

The insurance policy or information about the electronic policy is obligatory for transfer to the inspector.

But what to expect when there is no OSAGO policy? Read the article to the end so as not to become a victim of a “divorce” by unscrupulous inspectors.

In the case of issuing an electronic policy, it is enough for the inspector to present a printed copy of the electronic document.

To begin with, let's define what the abbreviation OSAGO is - Compulsory Insurance Auto Civil Liability. Please note that the driver does not insure property, but his own liability. Those cases when he will be liable to another person. At the moment insured event the driver must have a valid OSAGO contract with an insurance company, issued in his name and correspond to the vehicle that the driver is driving at the moment. Or a policy without restrictions.

  • Situations when there may be no OSAGO policy

    There are various reasons why the driver is not able to hand over the insurance policy to the inspector. Depending on the specific situation, the penalty for driving without insurance will be different amounts or you may only receive a warning.

    1. The absence of an insurance contract in principle, an illegally acquired policy that is not in the database;
    2. An expired policy, a policy in which another person is entered, a policy in which another vehicle is entered;
    3. Lack of an insurance contract with you - other reasons have been forgotten, lost, which do not allow it to be handed over to the inspector on the spot.

    Each case provides for a separate fine - this is important to know, since the inspector can impute any of these cases.

    What is the penalty for driving without OSAGO insurance?

    Responsibility for the first case is provided for by part 2 of article 12.37:

    Failure by the owner of a vehicle to fulfill the obligation established by federal law to insure his civil liability, as well as driving a vehicle, if such compulsory insurance is known to be absent -
    a fine of 800 rubles.

    The second case is more loyal to the driver and is described in part 1 of article 12.37:

    Driving a vehicle during the period of its use, not provided for by the insurance policy of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners, as well as driving a vehicle in violation of the conditions of driving this vehicle provided for by this insurance policy, only those specified in this insurance policy drivers -
    entails the imposition of an administrative a fine of 500 rubles.

    In the third case, you can generally remain without a fine legally and receive only a warning. About this part 2 of article 12.3:

    1. Driving a vehicle by a driver who does not have registration documents for the vehicle with him, and in established cases, documents provided for by the customs legislation of the Customs Union, with marks from customs authorities confirming the temporary importation of the vehicle, -
    entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative a fine of 500 rubles.

    Can a car be evacuated for lack of OSAGO?

    No, they do not have the right, this security measure is regulated by Part 1 of Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the above articles are not mentioned in it.

    Can the rooms be rented for the absence of OSAGO?

    No, they do not have the right, this security measure was regulated by part 2 of Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and was excluded on November 15, 2014.

    If I am not guilty of an accident and I do not have OSAGO insurance, am I entitled to payments from the insurance company?

    Yes, you will. As we noted at the beginning of the article, it is not property that is insured, but liability. If there is no fault in an accident, the culprit is liable to you and the insured event occurs only with the guilty person. You will only receive a fine under one of the above articles. Civil responsibility in front of the guilty participant in the accident is absent.
    You can make a simple and logical conclusion, in order to avoid a fine for lack of OSAGO insurance, you just need to purchase an insurance policy. In 2018, online insurance services are already working steadily. Using the form below, it is possible to issue an OSAGO policy within 15-20 minutes without leaving your home.

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