Tinkoff bank credit card recovery. Tinkoff card reissue Lost Tinkoff card what to do

Credit cards have long been an integral part of the lives of millions of people. They allow you to pay even in the absence of cash, using a credit line provided by the bank. In this case, the credit card is exposed to the external environment and can be damaged or lost. If we are talking about banks with stationary offices, the issue is resolved by visiting one of the nearest divisions (branch) of the bank. Tinkoff Bank works exclusively remotely, so you should find out in advance how to restore Tinkoff card.

When Restoration Is Needed

This credit institution issues cards with a validity of up to three years. At the end of this period, subject to regular use, it is reissued by the bank for free.

There are also other situations where a reissue is required:

  • Physical damage. The magnetic tape has lost its properties and is not recognized at the points of issue of funds and payment. The plastic is damaged, bent or cracked;
  • Loss.

If in the first case the situation is not critical and does not require haste, then in the second case, you should immediately contact the bank for blocking in one of the following ways:

  • By phone hotline. You can do this without the need to contact the operator by selecting the desired number from the list dictated by the robot;
  • Via internet banking. Enough to choose desired card and click the "Block" button. You should make sure that the account number is selected correctly, otherwise it will be impossible to remove the blocking;
  • Through SMS. Sending is made to number 2273, the text of the message is “Block xxxx”, where “xxxx” is the last four digits of the card.

Before performing the blocking procedure, it should be remembered that in the future the card, even if it is found, will be invalid. Recovery at the initiative of the client is a paid service and amounts to 290 rubles.

How to restore a card

Reestablish credit card Tinkoff can be done in two ways:

  1. Call to the call center. An employee of the company must be informed about the desire to receive a new card to replace the lost one. In this case, you will need to name the passport data and the code word specified during the initial appeal. A bank employee will accept an application, which will also need to be drawn up in writing and sent to the specified postal address. The customer will be prompted to select their preferred delivery method. new card– by mail or courier;
  2. Using Internet Banking. This method is simpler, but requires a registered personal account. In it, you will need to select the desired card, click the "Reissue" button, and then follow the instructions on the screen.

In both cases, it will be necessary to wait for a positive decision of the bank, after which it is necessary to send a completed and manually signed application to credit organization through one of the post offices.

If the PIN code is lost

How to restore the PIN code of a Tinkoff card if the credit card itself is not damaged? In this case, everything is much simpler and you don’t even need to order a new card. It is enough to contact the call center at a toll-free number, indicate personal data and a code word, after which the old password will be reset and a new one will be set.

You can also perform this procedure yourself - through your personal account in the Internet bank. To do this, you need to log in, select the desired card and click the "Actions" button, selecting the appropriate type of operation. After that, you should act, focusing on the prompts on the screen. On this, the answer to the question of how to recover the password from the Tinkoff card can be considered completely exhausted.

Important nuances

How to restore a Tinkoff card in case of loss is indicated above. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such nuances as:

  1. Card re-issuance (except for the situation with the expiration of the validity period) is paid and requires prior approval. If there were delays on the card or it was rarely used, the credit institution may refuse to complete this operation.
  2. Loss of the card does not exempt from regular payments. They can be debited from the main account or repaid from another card on the bank's website.
  3. While waiting for a new card, you can use your account to pay for services and goods, as well as to repay loans. To do this, it is enough to have access to the personal account of the bank.

The question related to how to restore a Tinkoff Bank card is usually asked by active users of the services of this credit institution. Since Tinkoff Bank resolves all issues remotely, in most cases it is enough to make a call to the hotline or use your personal account on the site. Personal contact with this credit institution is not possible.

Find out in detail how to close a Tinkoff card (credit or debit) correctly if you want to refuse this well-known banking product. A step-by-step guide to closing a credit card from a well-known bank will help you competently complete this procedure.

Each owner of a credit card needs to remember that closing it is just as important and responsible an operation as issuing it, and Tinkoff cards are no exception. In order to be aware of how to properly close a credit card, I strongly recommend that you read an article on this topic - it will come in handy for the future, and now a few words about the specifics of the bank and its card products.

Tinkoff Bank plastic cards are distributed and serviced exclusively remotely. The bank stands apart from other banks in Russia, because. it does not have its own branches in any city in Russia, with the exception of the only main office in Moscow (if you are interested in learning more about it, then come in). It is in this office that the call center is located, where employees communicate with customers across the country.

Therefore, the closing of the Tinkoff card will be carried out remotely - by your call to the main office on the free hotline 8-800-555-1010, which is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Documents regulating the closing procedure

You may be interested to know that there is a document that describes how to properly implement the closure, this comprehensive banking services(universal contract), where the right is written for the client in black and white (clause 3.5.2), I quote:

"At any time, refuse to fulfill these Terms, having previously paid off all the Debt owed to the Bank, as well as claiming all cash and closing all Card Accounts (Accounts) and Deposit Accounts.

This is the agreement you entered into with the bank when you activated your card.

For more information on how to properly refuse a Tinkoff card (close a card agreement), see paragraph 8 of the section “General conditions for issuing and servicing credit cards at Tinkoff Bank”. If you are the owner of a payment (debit) card, then you need to pay attention to the same paragraph 8 of the section on the conditions for issuing and servicing payment cards.

This document is freely available for download on the official website of the bank.

How to close a Tinkoff card step by step

Step 1. You need to pay all debts on the card.

You can clarify information about your debt with the operator or in the Internet bank (you can also focus on the latest bank statement). When you break even, it does not mean that you have paid in full., because the bank may charge additional interest for using the loan (this may also be a fee for SMS informing in the current month) at the end of the billing period in the next month. The operator must warn you about this!

Some recommend blocking the card after the entire debt is repaid. If you do not plan to use it (you want to refuse it), then this is not a bad idea. After blocking the card, at least scammers will not be able to use its details.

Quite often, Tinkoff Bank customers are faced with a situation where they need to restore access to a credit card. How long does the recovery process take, is there a fee to unlock the account, and what should I do if the credit card has disappeared from the owner's wallet?

When is the renewal of cards carried out?

Official site.

The Tinkoff credit card has a validity period of 36 months; at the end of this period, a free replacement of the plastic carrier with a new one is made.

Actions in case of loss of the card.

However, it is possible to restore the means of payment earlier than the specified period in the following cases:

  1. The credit card was stolen from the owner or the card was lost.
  2. The PIN code from the payment instrument is forgotten, the password was entered incorrectly 3 times in a row.
  3. The card is broken, the magnetic strip on it is demagnetized, the chip is damaged.

When a credit card is replaced at the initiative of the client, a commission in the amount of 290 rubles is debited from the account. The client is informed about how much the service costs before it is carried out.

Advice! If the borrower does not have a card in hand, you should immediately block it.

Account blocking methods

As soon as the cardholder realizes that the credit card has disappeared and could fall into the hands of intruders, the account should be frozen. Until the theft or loss is reported, all financial transactions with the account will be considered the actions of the borrower, the stolen funds cannot be returned.

There are 3 ways to block a card:

  1. Call a support staff at the hotline (8-800-555-10-10). First, the client is identified: personal information and a code word are checked. Then the manager accepts the client's request and blocks the account.
  2. AT personal account after authorization on the official website or through mobile app you should select the "Accounts" section, where you need to find desired card and click the "Block" button.
  3. If the SMS banking option is enabled, the blocking is carried out by sending a message to the number 2222. The SMS must contain the word "blocking" and the last 4 digits of the banking product number. This method of freezing an account can be carried out with the collection of a fee for sending SMS in accordance with tariff plan mobile service provider. How much the message will cost, you can find out from the telecom operator.

When the card is blocked, it is impossible to return access to it; a new means of payment is required. The exception is when the client blocks the card for personal reasons, and not due to the loss of access to it.

Important! Along with blocking the card, it is better to disable the connected paid options.

Issue of a new card

To continue cooperation with the bank, the client should submit an application for reissuing a means of payment. This is done as follows:

  1. Submission of the application by phone of the bank.
  2. Making a callback from the manager through the company's website.
  3. Initiation of the issuance of a credit card through a personal account.

The credit card will be delivered to the borrower within 14 days, the revolving credit limit and credit conditions will be the same as before.

Activation on the site tinkoff.ru.

After the newly received payment instrument must be activated.

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