Calculation of interest on the account balance. Current account with interest on the balance

I welcome you all again. Today we are completing a large overview of the topic of deposit services for a legal entity. Let me remind you that this is the fifth article in the series.

Let's very briefly recall what we talked about earlier.

Today, let's talk about two new types of services in which a legal entity can have additional income without making any effort to receive it.

Namely, let's talk about the possibility of obtaining interest income on your current account balances. Let me explain - where it will not be necessary to transfer money anywhere, open a separate deposit account, etc. In this case, interest will be charged to you only for the fact that you will have cash on your checking account.

Interesting? Never heard?

Let's take a closer look at these products.

There are two main types of possible cooperation with the bank in this direction.

  • Accrual occurs if the balance at the end of the working day, you do not fall below a predetermined amount.
  • Accrual occurs on a daily basis, to your current account balance, in case of excess funds over a predetermined amount.

1st option

In details. I propose to immediately disassemble on a specific example. Let's say the average daily balance on your current account is 5 million rubles. You yourself know that you always have such a volume. In this case, you agree with the bank that the bank will pay you an interest (let's say 10% per annum) for the fact that at the end of the working day (any) your balance will not be lower than 5 million rubles. The term of the contract is 180 days.

Thus, if all 180 days, the daily balance on your current account will be 5 million and more, then on the 181st day you will receive 10% per annum to your current account.

But, if at least once, at the end of the working day, your balance drops below 5 million rubles. You won't get any interest.

I draw your attention - that during the day, your current account balance can vary up to 0. The main thing is that at the end of the working day, the amount is restored.

Of course, this tool is of interest to those who do not have problems with short-term liquidity, but at the same time, there is a competent accounting department that, without online failures, will be able to control the need to replenish the balance above the agreed amount.

2nd option.

With the option when you receive daily interest for the remainder, the circuit looks like this. Let's take another amount, so as not to get confused.

For example, do you understand that, on average, current account you have 1 million rubles. You enter into an agreement with the bank in which you will receive interest on a daily basis, provided that the funds will be more than 1 million rubles.

Moreover, if at the end of a working day, you will not be able to ensure the availability of 1 million rubles. and above, then the bank will simply not pay you interest for that particular day. And at the end of the month, the bank will count the days when the amount in your account was above 1 million rubles. and pay interest to you for a specified number of days. It can be either 5 days or 30. Here already, everything will depend on you.

Let's put the main features of these products in the table for ease of understanding.

I hope that for a basic understanding of these products, the information above should be enough.

In the current series of articles, it seems to us, we most closely answered such frequently asked questions as “what is a deposit”, “deposit of a legal entity”, “deposit with the highest percentages”, “how to choose the right deposit”, “pitfalls of deposit service” and so on.

In case you would like to get more detailed information, write in the comments, we will try to expand the necessary information for you as much as possible.

Source Alexander MSBHelp Kiselev

Current account balance- the amount of funds that are on the account of the client of the credit institution, taking into account incoming and outgoing transactions.

The presence of such a residue provides :

  • Stable non-cash payments.
  • Timely payment of taxes.
  • The possibility of making a profit in the form of interest accrued by a banking institution.

Minimum balance on the current account: what is the point?

In banking practice, the term “minimum balance” is increasingly coming across, which is tied to the service for accruing additional funds. For entrepreneurs or individual entrepreneurs, this service is an opportunity to ensure the stability of transactions and receive additional profit.

Operating principle:

  • On the current account of the legal entity (on his behalf), the minimum balance.
  • The credit institution guarantees timely payment of interest on the minimum balance on the current account (subject to the terms of the agreement).
  • The client (if necessary) has the right to withdraw money from the account without any consequences.

Current account balance- conditional term. Additional profit of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur depends on the amount of funds. The more money in the account, the higher the income.

Purpose and benefits

The presence of such an option is an opportunity for the account owner to ensure the "work" of the money that is on the account. The available capital is not just a "dead weight", but grows through accumulation. For many people, such a tool is an opportunity to at least partially protect themselves from inflation and increase the company's profits.

The advantages of calculating interest on a minimum balance on a current account include :

  • Ease of design- it is enough to fill out and submit an application to credit organization. The procedure takes no more than an hour.
  • Access at any time. Unlike the classical contribution, current account balance available at any time. As a result, the liquidity of the company is at a high level. If necessary, money can be withdrawn from the account without delay.

Read also -

  • Improving Reliability. The manager is interested in saving a certain amount, which reduces the risks for the company (IE). This means that the account will always have the money necessary to fulfill the primary obligations to business partners, customers, the Federal Tax Service and other organizations.
  • Availability of emergency stock. Minimum balance with the addition of interest forces businessmen to leave a certain amount of insurance funds that provide additional business reliability.
  • Ease of use. This option for making a profit is one of the most profitable. Money is available at any time, but additional funds are credited to them.

Terms of Service

On practice interest on current account balance are charged subject to certain rules of the bank:

  1. For a fixed period. Characteristics :
  • The agreement is drawn up for a specific period.
  • The withdrawal limit and the interest on the minimum balance are determined.
  • Accrual is made for the entire period at once or for established periods.
  • If the limit is violated, the rate drops sharply (most often to 1%).
  • advantage - more high percent for an irreducible balance.
  1. For a changing period. Characteristics :
  • The agreement is drawn up for any convenient period.
  • The addition of interest on the minimum balance is made only for the time when there was money on the account.
  • If the amount of funds falls below the rate of accrual for a certain day, no accrual is made.
  • The transfer is carried out for a specific period (most often for a month).
  1. Public account balance. Characteristics :
  • The credit institution itself sets limits that allow you to count on profit.
  • Payments are most often made once a month.

Who offers?

Interest on the minimum balance on the current account is promised by many banks :

  • The placement period is from a month to a year.
  • Payout at the end of a certain period.
  • Currency - rubles, dollars, euros.
  • The value is 0.1-0.15% (in foreign currency), 2-3% (in rubles).
  • The calculation is made every day.
  • Balance limit - 100,000 rubles, 3000 (in foreign currency).
  • Placement period - up to a year.
  • The rate is set personally.
  • Payments - at the end of the term.
  • Currency - rubles.

Minimum balance accrual service offered in many banks (including Sberbank, Sobinbank, Uniastrum Bank and others). The average rate is 1-6%, depending on the amount on the account and the conditions of the credit institution.

Owning a debit account allows you not only to conveniently pay for goods and services, receive various social payments and carry out business activities. Many banking institutions allow you to earn by offering the accrual of various annual interest on the balance of the current account. How profitable is such an offer, who can use it, and what conditions are offered by leading banking institutions?

Interest on the current account balance

All offers of domestic banks combine general rules accrual of interest on the account. In most cases, they are accrued monthly or quarterly, using a fixed annual rate. Interest is accrued on the real balance on the current account at the end of the month, which is fixed using special software tools. To do this, the program automatically takes into account the balance at the end of each day of the month. Then the data is summed up and divided by the number of calendar days. The resulting average amount is the final amount, which is subject to accrual.

This service is provided for any account - ruble or currency.

However, to receive interest, a separate agreement or an additional agreement to the existing RKO agreement is always signed.

The document prescribes all the rules and features of the accrual of funds, their payment and withdrawal.

These funds are of particular importance for large enterprises, which often accumulate large sums on their current accounts at the end of the working day. However, this service can also be used by entrepreneurs who do not carry out large non-cash transactions. Indeed, for individual entrepreneurs, even a small amount received by them will be a very significant increase in operating funds.

Interest on the balance on the IP current account

Many entrepreneurs - account holders do not take advantage of the opportunity to receive additional funds. Typically, this reluctance is motivated by fears of incurring an excessive tax burden.

And indeed - the legislation determines that interest on the balance is a separate item of income for individual entrepreneurs - non-release income.

The tax authorities equate the receipt of interest on the balance of cash account to deposit payments.

According to Tax Code and a letter of explanation from the Ministry of Finance with a release date of 05/19/11, any enterprise is obliged to conduct a separate calculation of the depositary profit received, enter it in the declaration and pay it in accordance with the taxation scheme applied to IP.

However, in reality, keeping money in such an account is still more profitable than “under the mattress”. Indeed, even with a low interest rate, without performing any actions and practically without incurring additional risks, you can earn 1 - 1.5 percent of the average amount of account balances monthly.

Even after paying taxes, the entrepreneur remains in profit. And you can spend these small funds on the necessary regular expenses that accompany the conduct of any business - the purchase of office supplies, payment for communication services and postal items, and similar expenses.

By the way, even owning an ordinary card account makes it possible to conclude a depository agreement and receive a small percentage of the balance on it. Some banks practice the simultaneous conclusion of the main service agreement and the depositary agreement at the time of registration debit card for client.

Interest on the balance on the current account of LLC

For business entities, receiving interest on the balance of the current account is an excellent opportunity to use working capital as profitably as possible. After all, putting a part of working capital on a deposit is not the best solution associated with problems and considerable risks. But to get additional profit at the expense of unused funds, without “freezing” them on a deposit, is quite a profitable way.

True, the most profitable offer are associated with the need to have a certain permanent balance - the amount that should remain on the current account at the end of the trading day. However, even such a cash settlement agreement is much more convenient than a deposit one - after all, if necessary, it can be quickly terminated by taking all the funds accumulated in the account and without incurring any financial losses due to penalties.

Tariffs for the accrual of% on current accounts

For obvious reasons, interest rates on such accounts are much lower than when funds are credited to a regular deposit account. After all, the bank cannot count on long-term operation with these amounts, and, accordingly, will receive less profit from them. Offers of five large domestic banks are presented here:

How interest is calculated

Most banks, with the exception of Sberbank, accrue interest according to the same principles. They are described in supplementary agreements to RKO agreements.

The Bank determines the average amount of funds actually on the account for the billing period. Then, this amount is credited annual interest based on the number of days in the current year. The amount received is arithmetically rounded to two zeros after the decimal point, and is paid by transfer to the client's current account.

Most banks transfer this amount on the last day of the reporting period, usually on the last banking day of the month. The only exception is Sberbank.

Sberbank customers receive a notification of the accrual of funds on the last day of the month. And their actual receipt on the current account occurs within the next three days. Thus, when compiling reports, Sberbank client enterprises are forced to enter the amount of funds accrued on the balance in debit debt.

In general, the accrual of funds to the balance will not bring significant profit, except in cases of operating with really large amounts of money.

However, the absence of risks of losing money and the promptness of withdrawing the balance, if necessary, allows us to consider this service as a fairly reasonable way to get additional profit. Despite the obligation to include the received funds in taxable income, the enterprise can receive considerable benefits when choosing the most optimal offer of domestic banks.


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In order to conduct non-cash settlements with business partners, make payments in tax authorities and off-budget funds, individual entrepreneurs can voluntarily open a bank account. Concerning legal entities, then they, unlike individual entrepreneurs, are required to have a r / s by law - without it, organizations simply lose the right to conduct some important financial transactions. The opportunity to open a current account is provided by many banks and financial institutions, they also offer account holders some additional services, for example, the right to keep on the account minimum balance.

What is an irreducible balance

Many banking structures offer owners of settlement accounts a special service called "minimum balance". This term refers to a certain stable amount of money stored on the current account of a legal entity or entrepreneur, allowing the holder of the account to receive additional income.

This scheme works quite simply: at the initiative of a businessman, a minimum cash limit is set on the current account, which is undesirable to reduce. The presence of this limit guarantees the accrual and payment of interest in accordance with the conditions specified in the contract.

Attention! The term "minimum balance" is a rather arbitrary concept, since the account holder can, at any time, if necessary, withdraw all the money stored in his current account. The only thing that will be lost in this case is the interest accrued by the bank on the minimum balance under the terms of the agreement.

Why an individual entrepreneur or LLC minimum balance

The main function of the minimum balance is to provide the account holder with additional income, which will somewhat reduce the financial burden on the enterprise. Of course, this is only possible if the organization or entrepreneur has enough free funds that can be easily stored in a bank without harming the business. In fact, this tool allows not only to guarantee the safety of money, but also to protect them from inflationary losses.

Benefits of an irreducible balance

According to banking analytics, in the financial market of our country, this additional service is very much in demand. The main reason for this lies on the surface: few people will refuse the opportunity not only to save, but also to increase their free capital, especially without any special efforts. And given that the rest of the funds on the current account can also be freely used, this financial service can even be called unique.

In addition, the irreducible balance has other positive aspects.

  • A simple procedure for installing this option - you do not need to open new accounts, collect a package of documents, etc. It is only required to submit a simple application and conclude an additional agreement with the bank in which the current account is opened;
  • Unlike deposits, which also provide interest, but at the same time block funds for certain periods of time, the minimum balance can be easily withdrawn from the account in case of urgent need. This procedure does not imply any special delays;
  • An organization or individual entrepreneur who has used this function automatically gets used to ensuring that the required amount of funds is always on the account. In other words, their financial discipline is increasing;
  • Future guarantee. The habit of keeping only the amount of funds in the accounts that is necessary to cover the current needs of the enterprise, as a rule, does not lead to anything good, and in the worst cases, this approach can even turn into bankruptcy. And vice versa - when the current account allows not only to save, but also to increase the capital of the enterprise, this becomes an excellent incentive for businessmen to form a high-quality "safety cushion" in terms of finances.

Banking practice on minimum balance

Banking sector research suggests that interest terms for this service, offered by different financial credit institutions are approximately the same everywhere. Most often, interest rates fluctuate in the range of 1-6%, depending on how long this option is set and how much is the minimum balance (ie, about two times lower than the deposit rates).

In the vast majority of cases, only those funds that are placed on the current account in ruble equivalent can be the minimum balance.

If a company or an entrepreneur wants to save and increase money in currency terms, then it is worth using a more traditional deposit for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Varieties of the irreducible balance

Domestic financial market offers the consumer several options for the minimum balance. These include:

  • fixed deadlines. The contract between the bank and the organization is concluded for a strictly defined time. For this period, an irreducible limit is determined and interest rate. At the same time, a distinctive feature here is that interest is paid in full in a lump sum at the end of the period for the entire period of storage of the minimum balance. In cases where the limit has been violated, the bank has the right to either not pay interest at all, or pay it at a lower rate, for example, not more than 1%. The main advantage in this form of minimum balance is an initially higher percentage;
  • unstable timing. Here the contract is concluded for an indefinite time, in a "floating" mode. That is, interest on the balance is accrued only for those days when there was a cash limit set in the contract on the current account, on the same days when the limit is violated, interest is lost. Payment under such contracts is made almost always once a month;
  • minimum balance public. This definition means an independent, public setting by banks of cash limits on settlement accounts, on which interest is automatically calculated. In this case, it is often not even necessary to conclude any agreements with banks additional agreements, the application of the minimum balance function is specified in the main document. At the same time, here banks apply the “interest pyramid” scheme, that is, they indicate specific amounts, depending on which certain percentages are charged. Payment under these contractual obligations, as a rule, occurs monthly.

Remember, an entrepreneur or any commercial company can choose the form of minimum balance that is most convenient for them, depending on the specifics of their activities. For example, a large trading organization is likely to use the option with a public minimum balance, but for a manufacturing firm, a minimum balance with a clearly defined period.


As a rule, an Additional Agreement to the Agreement on settlement and cash services between the bank and the client, which prescribes all the conditions and features for the minimum balance. Such an agreement introduces new concepts and terms, such as: transaction currency (rubles, dollars, euros), minimum and maximum amount, start and end dates for maintaining the minimum balance. Most often, all these essential conditions are displayed in another separate document, the so-called "Confirmation for maintaining the Fixed (minimum) balance", which is drawn up as an Appendix to the Additional Agreement.


Other applications to such an additional agreement may be:
- a list of representatives of the parties (the bank and the client) authorized to negotiate on their behalf to agree on the essential terms of the agreement;
- list of telephone numbers and electronic communication addresses between the parties (for more transparent and official work).

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