Jsc vtb insurance. Wtb insurance

IC VTB Insurance LLC is a large universal company, part of the SOGAZ Insurance Group, the largest insurance group on the Russian market. The company works for insurance market since 2000 and has consistently provided its clients with a wide range of quality insurance services. The authorized capital of IC VTB Insurance LLC is 5.5 billion rubles. In 2017, the organization took the fourth place among the largest Russian insurers in terms of the volume of premiums collected and the first place in terms of premiums in the segment of accident and health insurance.

IC VTB Insurance was established in 2000 as LLC First General Insurance Company. The captive insurer, whose main shareholders were Vneshtorgbank (75% of shares) and Bank Vozrozhdenie (25%), was supposed to serve the bank's clients and had licenses for all types of insurance. A year later, Vneshtorgbank became the sole shareholder of the company, and the insurer was renamed Strakhovoy Kapital LLC.

Since then, the company, owned by the country's backbone bank, has begun to actively expand its regional network throughout Russia. New divisions providing a full range of insurance services were opened at the legal addresses of Vneshtorgbank, and by the end of 2005, 40 regional divisions of Insurance Capital were operating in large Russian cities. However, according to the head of VTB Andrey Kostin, the active development of the captive insurer in the growing insurance market was unpromising.

In August 2005, Andrey Kostin announced his intention to merge three insurance companies - Insurance Capital, Guta-Insurance and Russkiy Mir. However, the parties could not agree, so VTB took a different path. In July 2006, VTB and AFK Sistema announced the creation of a new joint insurance company, VTB-ROSNO, on the basis of Insurance Capital.

The joint company dealing with all types of insurance, except life insurance, had an ambitious task - to bring the volume of collected premiums to 7-10% of the total premium collection in the Russian market in four years. IC VTB-ROSNO was supposed to operate on the principle of a financial supermarket, where customers could buy complex banking and insurance products. but new company has not worked for a year. In May 2007, after the German insurance holding Allianz bought ROSNO, VTB announced the buyout of ROSNO's share in the joint insurer.

A new subsidiary of VTB, named VTB Insurance, announced its intentions to enter at least the top 30 largest Russian insurers in the next three years. As a result, in 2010 VTB Insurance managed to become one of the twenty largest Russian insurers.

But the company didn't stop there. In March 2011, Gennady Galperin (ex-top manager of Rosgosstrakh) came as the general manager of VTB Insurance. At the same time, the company was given a new ambitious task - by 2013 to enter the top 10 Russian insurers and become one of the most profitable players on the market. In the same 2011, VTB Insurance IC entered the top 15 of the market for the first time, and a year later it took ninth place among the country's largest insurance companies.

In early 2014, the insurance group VTB Insurance was formed, which included CJSC VTB Health insurance"(Former" Sovita "), CJSC VTB Life Insurance (formerly" MSK-Life ") and OASPO" Moscow Re ". The aggregate net assets of the controlled companies amounted to 1.4 billion rubles. In December, Moscow Re LLC was liquidated in the form of a merger with VTB Insurance LLC.

In January 2016, the Federal Antimonopoly Service granted VTB Insurance's petition to purchase 99.91% of the voting shares of LLC Insurance group MSK "- a large universal insurance and reinsurance company, which at the end of 2015 took the 20th place in the ranking of Russian insurers. The integration process of SG MSK into VTB Insurance was completed in November 2016. In the same month, the company completed the acquisition of 100% of the voting shares of VTB Medical Insurance, one of the largest federal-level companies operating in the compulsory medical insurance industry. The merger of the companies under a single brand, VTB Medical Insurance, was completed in November 2017.

In October 2017, the company completed the purchase of JSC Medical Joint-Stock Insurance Company of the Irkutsk Region (JSC MASKI), a small regional organization specializing in compulsory medical insurance.

In February 2017, the company decided to transfer the current CMTPL portfolio to one of the largest players in the insurance market - VSK IJSC. The company said the reason for this step was the uncertainty in the compulsory auto insurance market.

In November 2017, the media reported that VTB Group was negotiating the sale of the insurance business and the main bidder for the purchase was SOGAZ. In October 2018, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) confirmed the agreement on the merger of the insurance business of VTB and SOGAZ. At the same time, the VTB Supervisory Board approved the sale of 100% of the authorized capital of VTB Insurance to the SOGAZ insurance company at a nominal value of 5.5 billion rubles.

On November 1, 2018, VTB and SOGAZ closed the deal to sell 100% of the insurance company VTB Insurance. The perimeter of the transaction included all companies of the VTB Insurance group, including VTB Life Insurance and VTB Medical Insurance ... As a result of the transaction, the insurance assets are planned to be merged on the basis of the SOGAZ group. VTB will receive 10% of shares, a seat on the board of directors of the combined company and monetary compensation. The parties did not disclose the financial parameters of the transaction. This transaction is unique in scale and significance for the Russian financial market. The combined company is expected to hold leading positions in both corporate and voluntary health insurance, as well as banking and retail insurance, in particular life insurance.

Since November 9, 2018, the only shareholder of IC VTB Insurance LLC is SOGAZ JSC (100% of shares) ... The previous owner of the company was the Government of the Russian Federation, represented by the Federal Property Management Agency and the Ministry of Finance managing through PJSC VTB Bank.

VTB Insurance is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the National Union of Liability Insurers, and the Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers. As of October 3, 2018, VTB Insurance is included in the list of insurers entitled to insure the liability of developers (the list includes 11 companies and one mutual insurance company).

IC VTB Insurance LLC is the parent company for VTB Medical Insurance JSC and VTB Life Insurance CJSC.

Standard & Poor "s:" BBB- "- the highest rating score among insurance companies with Russian capital.

Governing body: Alexey Volodin (acting general director), Oleg Merkulov, Egor Vishnevsky, Sergey Konkin, Svetlana Agapova, Evgeny Nisselson.

Clients of the company: enterprises of the military-industrial complex, water and air transport, woodworking, coal, chemical industry, power engineering, construction, finance, trade, energy, etc.

Reinsurance protection the company's portfolio is secured by contracts with leading international and Russian insurance and reinsurance companies.

: Moscow

K: Insurance companies founded in 2000

VTB Insurance(Limited Liability Company Insurance Company"VTB Insurance") is a large Russian insurance company, which belongs to the backbone.

It is in the top 10 insurance companies in Russia in terms of insurance premiums collection (in 2012 and 2013 - 9th place, in 2014 - 7th place), at the end of 2014 it takes 14th place in terms of current media activity among insurance companies.

Company management

Governing body

  • Galperin Gennady Aronovich - General Director, Chairman of the Management Board
  • Motorin Mikhail Albertovich - First Deputy General Director, Financial Director
  • Oleg Yulievich Merkulov - First Deputy General Director for Development and Sales
  • Volodin Alexey Mikhailovich - Deputy General Director, Director of the Corporate Risk Insurance Department
  • Vishnevsky Egor Vladimirovich - Deputy General Director, Director of the Customer Support Department
  • Konkin Sergey Vladimirovich - Deputy General Director, Director of the Retail Sales Department
  • Agapova Svetlana Mikhailovna - Director of the Department of Insurance and Information Technologies
  • Nisselson Evgeniy Aleksandrovich - Deputy General Director, Director of the Risk Analysis Department

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Mikhail Mikhailovich Zadornov, President, Chairman of the Board of VTB24

Members of the Board of Directors:

  • Galperin Gennady Aronovich - General Director, Chairman of the Board of VTB Insurance;
  • Gorshkov Georgy Vyacheslavovich - First Deputy President and Chairman of the Board of Leto Bank;
  • Petelina Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Deputy President and Chairman of the Management Board of VTB24;
  • Soloviev Yuri Alekseevich - First Deputy President and Chairman of the Management Board of JSC VTB Bank;
  • Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina - Senior Vice President of VTB;
  • Timokhin Dmitry Ivanovich - Managing Director of the Strategy and Corporate Development Department, Senior Vice President of VTB, President of the Capital Insurance Group;
  • Yakunin Mikhail Leonidovich - Head of the Department of Subsidiaries, Senior Vice President of VTB.


The company has been operating in the insurance market since 2000, under the VTB Insurance brand since 2008.

VTB Insurance carries out activities in all types of insurance of legal and individuals, including compulsory health and life insurance, and reinsurance services.

The company is engaged in insurance and reinsurance activities on the basis of licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3398 dated September 17, 2015 (series SL (for personal insurance), SI (property insurance), OS ( mandatory types insurance) and PS (reinsurance)).

The sole owner is VTB Bank, VTB Insurance is a part of the VTB Group headed by the bank - an international financial group of Russian origin. VTB Insurance occupies a leading position in the segment mortgage insurance... At the same time, the company has access to data on a very large number of loan agreements (comparable to the base of agreements with IC "AHML"), which enables it to very accurately calculate the insurance rate for this type of insurance.

Reinsurance protection of the company's portfolio is provided by agreements with leading international and Russian insurance and reinsurance companies.

VTB Insurance has an extensive regional network. The company is represented in 57 constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 39 branches and more than 250 points of sale.

In 2014, after the transfer of three insurance companies under the control of VTB Insurance, a full-fledged Insurance Group was formed under the VTB Insurance brand. It included the following companies: VTB Life Insurance (formerly MSK-Life), VTB Medical Insurance (former Sovita) and the reinsurance company Moskva Re.

VTB Insurance is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, the National Union of Liability Insurers, the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers, the Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers, and the Russian Anti-Terrorist Insurance Pool.

International rating agency Standard & Poor’s has assigned VTB Insurance a long-term credit rating and rating financial sustainability at BBB- (ruAAA national scale), Outlook Stable. This is the highest reliability rating among insurance companies with Russian capital. The Expert RA rating agency has assigned VTB Insurance a reliability rating of A ++ (exceptionally high level of reliability).

VTB Insurance is a laureate of the Finance. 2009 "in the nomination" For the rapid development in the insurance market "and the Expert RA awards in the nominations" For a quick start "," For confident business growth "and" For active growth of bank insurance ". The company was awarded the Diploma of the Leader in Banking Insurance in the nomination "Strategic Programs of Partnership with Banks".

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Excerpt from VTB Insurance

But oh! your friend will not live!
And he had not finished his last words when the youth in the hall got ready to dance and in the choirs the musicians began to pound and cough.

Pierre was sitting in the drawing-room, where Shinshin, as with a visitor from abroad, started a political conversation with him, boring for Pierre, which was joined by others. When the music began to play, Natasha entered the living room and, going straight up to Pierre, laughing and blushing, said:
- Mom told me to ask you to dance.
- I am afraid to confuse the figures, - said Pierre, - but if you want to be my teacher ...
And he extended his thick hand, lowering it low, to the thin girl.
While the couples were settling and the musicians were building, Pierre sat down with his little lady. Natasha was perfectly happy; she danced with a big one, with someone who had come from abroad. She sat in full view of everyone and talked to him like a big one. She had a fan in her hand, which a young lady had given her to hold. And, having assumed the most secular pose (God knows where and when she learned this), fanning herself and smiling through the fan, she spoke to her gentleman.
- What is, what is? Look, look, ”said the old countess, walking across the hall and pointing at Natasha.
Natasha blushed and laughed.
- Well, what are you, mom? Well, what kind of hunt are you? What's so surprising about that?

In the middle of the third Ecossaise, chairs moved in the drawing room, where the Count and Marya Dmitrievna were playing, and most of the honored guests and old people, stretching after a long sitting and stuffing their wallets and purses into their pockets, went out the doors of the hall. In front was Marya Dmitrievna with the Count, both with cheerful faces. The count, with playful politeness, as in ballet, extended his rounded hand to Marya Dmitrievna. He straightened up, and his face lit up with a particularly valiantly sly smile, and as soon as the last figure of the Ecossaise was danced, he clapped his hands to the musicians and shouted to the choirs, addressing the first violin:
- Semyon! Do you know Danila Kupor?
It was the earl's favorite dance, danced by him in his youth. (Danilo Kupor was actually one figure of the Angles.)
“Look at dad,” Natasha shouted to the whole audience (completely forgetting that she was dancing with a big one), bending her curly head to her knees and bursting into her ringing laughter throughout the hall.
Indeed, everything that was in the hall with a smile of joy looked at the cheerful old man who, next to his dignified lady, Marya Dmitrievna, who was taller than him, rounded his arms, shaking them in time, straightened his shoulders, twisted his legs, tapping lightly, and more and more dissolving smile on his round face prepared the audience for what would happen. As soon as the cheerful, provocative sounds of Danila Kupor were heard, similar to a merry batter, all the doors of the hall suddenly became male, on the one hand, and female courtyard smiling faces, on the other, who came out to look at the merry master.
- Father is ours! Eagle! The nanny said loudly from one door.
The count danced well and knew it, but his lady did not know how and did not want to dance well. Her huge body stood straight with her powerful arms lowered down (she handed the reticule to the countess); only one stern but beautiful face danced. What was expressed in the whole round figure of the count, in Marya Dmitrievna was expressed only in a more and more smiling face and a twitching nose. But on the other hand, if the count, more and more diverging, captivated the audience with the unexpectedness of dexterous twists and light jumps of his soft legs, Marya Dmitrievna, with the slightest zeal when moving her shoulders or rounding her arms in turns and tapping, made no less impression of merit, which everyone appreciated when her obesity and everlasting severity. The dance became more and more animated. The vis-a-vis could not even for a minute draw attention to themselves and did not even try to do so. Everything was occupied by the count and Marya Dmitrievna. Natasha tugged at the sleeves and dresses of all those present, who already did not take their eyes off the dancers, and demanded that they look at papa. In the intervals of the dance, the count took a deep breath, waved and shouted to the musicians to play as soon as possible. Rather, sooner and sooner, less, less and less, the count unfolded, now on tiptoe, now on heels, rushing around Marya Dmitrievna and, finally, turning his lady to her place, made the last step, lifting his soft leg up from behind, bending a sweating head with a smiling face and waving his right hand roundly amid the roar of applause and laughter, especially Natasha. Both dancers stopped, gasping for breath and wiping themselves with cambric handkerchiefs.
“That's how they danced in our time, ma chere,” said the count.
- Oh yes Danila Kupor! - said Marya Dmitrievna, releasing her breath heavily and for a long time and rolling up her sleeves.

While the Rostovs were dancing in the hall of the sixth angles to the sound of fatigue of fake musicians, and tired waiters and cooks were preparing dinner, Count Bezukhim was struck sixth. The doctors announced that there was no hope of recovery; the patient was given deaf confession and communion; they were making preparations for unction, and there was a bustle and anxiety of anticipation in the house, which are common at such moments. Outside the house, outside the gates, undertakers crowded, hiding from approaching carriages, waiting for a rich order for the count's funeral. The commander-in-chief of Moscow, who incessantly sent adjutants to inquire about the count's position, himself came that evening to say goodbye to the famous Catherine grandee, Count Bezukhim.
The magnificent reception room was full. All respectfully stood up when the commander-in-chief, after spending about half an hour alone with the patient, left there, slightly responding to obeisances and trying to pass by the gazes of doctors, clergy and relatives as soon as possible. Prince Vasily, who had grown thin and pale during these days, accompanied the commander-in-chief and repeated something quietly to him several times.
After seeing the commander-in-chief, Prince Vasily sat down in the hall alone on a chair, throwing his legs high over the legs, resting his elbow on his knee and closing his eyes with his hand. After sitting for a while, he got up and with unusually hasty steps, looking around with frightened eyes, went through a long corridor to the back half of the house, to the eldest princess.
Those who were in the dimly lit room in uneven whispers talked among themselves and fell silent every time and with eyes full of question and expectation looked back at the door that led to the dying man's chambers and made a faint sound when someone left or entered it.
- The human limit, - said the old man, the clergyman, to the lady who sat down to him and naively listened to him, - the limit is set, you will not pass it.
- I think, is it too late to unleash? - adding the spiritual title, the lady asked, as if she had no opinion on this matter.
“A great sacrament, mother,” answered the clergyman, running his hand over his bald head, along which lay several strands of combed, half-gray hair.
- Who is this? was the commander-in-chief himself? - asked at the other end of the room. - What a youthful! ...
- And the seventh decade! What, they say, the count will not know? Did you want to unleash?
“I knew one thing: I had unction seven times.
The second princess just left the patient's room with tear-stained eyes and sat down beside Dr. Lorrain, who was sitting in a graceful pose under the portrait of Catherine, leaning his elbows on the table.
“Tres beau,” said the doctor, answering a question about the weather, “tres beau, princesse, et puis, a Moscou on se croit a la campagne. [beautiful weather, princess, and then Moscow looks so much like a village.]
"N" est ce pas? [Isn't that so?] - said the princess, sighing. - So can he drink?
Lorrain considered.
- Did he take the medicine?
- Yes.
The doctor looked at the Breguet.
- Take a glass of boiled water and put une pincee (he showed with his thin fingers what une pincee means) de cremortartari ... [a pinch of cremortartar ...]
“Don't drink, listen,” the German doctor said to the aide-de-camp, “that the shiv remained with the third blow.
- And what a fresh man he was! - said the adjutant. - And who will this wealth go to? He added in a whisper.
“There will be an okotnik,” the German answered, smiling.
All again looked at the door: it creaked, and the second princess, having made the drink shown by Lorrain, carried it to the patient. The German doctor went up to Lorrain.
- Still, maybe it will reach tomorrow morning? Asked the German, speaking badly in French.
Lorrain pursed his lips and waved his finger sternly and negatively in front of his nose.
“Tonight, not later,” he said quietly, with a decent smile of self-satisfaction that he clearly knows how to understand and express the patient’s position, and walked away.

Meanwhile, Prince Vasily opened the door to the princess's room.
The room was half dark; only two lamps burned in front of the images, and they smelled good of incense and flowers. The whole room was installed with small furniture, wardrobes, cupboards, tables. Behind the screens were the white bedspreads of the high down bed. The dog barked.

IC VTB Insurance LLC
A type
Listing on the exchange

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Company motto

"Confidence as a lifestyle"

Year of foundation

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Reason for abolition

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Former names

The first general insurance company (2001), Insurance capital (2002), VTB-ROSNO insurance company (2006-2008)


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Russia 22x20px Russia : Moscow

Key figures
Insurance payments

▲ 11.8 billion rubles (2013)

Operating profit

Lua error in Module: Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Net profit

▲ 6.6 billion rubles (2013)

Number of employees

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Parent company
Affiliated companies

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Web site
K: Insurance companies founded in 2000

VTB Insurance(Limited Liability Company Insurance Company "VTB Insurance") - a large Russian Insurance Company related to backbone.

Included in the top 10 insurance companies in Russia in terms of fees insurance premiums(in 2012 and 2013 - 9th place, in 2014 - 7th place), at the end of 2014 it takes 14th place in terms of current media activity among insurance companies.

Company management

Governing body

  • Galperin Gennady Aronovich- CEO, Chairman of the Board
  • Motorin Mikhail Albertovich- First Deputy General Director, Financial Director
  • Oleg Yulievich Merkulov - First Deputy General Director for Development and Sales
  • Volodin Alexey Mikhailovich - Deputy General Director, Director of the Corporate Risk Insurance Department
  • Vishnevsky Egor Vladimirovich - Deputy General Director, Director of the Customer Support Department
  • Konkin Sergey Vladimirovich - Deputy General Director, Director of the Retail Sales Department
  • Agapova Svetlana Mikhailovna - Director of the Department of Insurance and Information Technologies
  • Nisselson Evgeniy Aleksandrovich - Deputy General Director, Director of the Risk Analysis Department

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Mikhail Mikhailovich Zadornov, President, Chairman of the Board of VTB24

Members of the Board of Directors:

  • Galperin Gennady Aronovich - General Director, Chairman of the Board of VTB Insurance;
  • Gorshkov Georgy Vyacheslavovich - First Deputy President and Chairman of the Board of Leto Bank;
  • Petelina Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Deputy President and Chairman of the Management Board of VTB24;
  • Soloviev Yuri Alekseevich - First Deputy President and Chairman of the Management Board of JSC VTB Bank;
  • Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina - Senior Vice President of VTB;
  • Timokhin Dmitry Ivanovich - Managing Director of the Strategy and Corporate Development Department, Senior Vice President of VTB, President of the Capital Insurance Group;
  • Yakunin Mikhail Leonidovich - Head of the Department of Subsidiaries, Senior Vice President of VTB.


The company has been operating in the insurance market since 2000, under the VTB Insurance brand since 2008.

VTB Insurance operates in all types of insurance for legal entities and individuals, including compulsory health insurance and life insurance, as well as reinsurance services.

The company is engaged in insurance and reinsurance activities on the basis of licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3398 dated September 17, 2015 (series SL (for personal insurance), SI (property insurance), OS (compulsory types of insurance) and PS (reinsurance)).

The company's net profit for Q2 2014 amounted to more than 3.7 billion rubles, which is 18% more than in the second quarter. year 2013. The volume of VTB Insurance's own funds increased more than 7 times in 4 years (as of Q2 2014) [[K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [[K: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]] [ ] .

The sole owner is VTB Bank, VTB Insurance is a part of the VTB Group headed by the bank - an international financial group of Russian origin. VTB Insurance is a leader in the mortgage insurance segment. At the same time, the company has access to data on a very large number of loan agreements (comparable to the base of agreements with IC "AHML"), which enables it to very accurately calculate the insurance rate for this type of insurance.

Reinsurance protection of the company's portfolio is provided by agreements with leading international and Russian insurance and reinsurance companies.

VTB Insurance has an extensive regional network. The company is represented in 57 constituent entities of the Russian Federation by 39 branches and more than 250 points of sale.

In 2014, after the transfer of three insurance companies under the control of VTB Insurance, a full-fledged Insurance Group was formed under the VTB Insurance brand. It included the following companies: VTB Life Insurance (formerly MSK-Life), VTB Medical Insurance (former Sovita) and the reinsurance company Moskva Re.

VTB Insurance is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, the National Union of Liability Insurers, the Interregional Union of Medical Insurers, the Russian Association of Aviation and Space Insurers, and the Russian Anti-Terrorist Insurance Pool.

The international rating agency Standard & Poor’s has assigned VTB Insurance a long-term credit rating and a financial strength rating at BBB- (ruAAA on the national scale), with a Stable outlook. This is the highest reliability rating among insurance companies with Russian capital. The Expert RA rating agency has assigned VTB Insurance a reliability rating of A ++ (exceptionally high level of reliability).

VTB Insurance is a laureate of the Finance. 2009 "in the nomination" For the rapid development in the insurance market "and the Expert RA awards in the nominations" For a quick start "," For confident business growth "and" For active growth of bank insurance ". The company was awarded the Diploma of the Leader in Banking Insurance in the nomination "Strategic Programs of Partnership with Banks".

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Excerpt from VTB Insurance

The next day, I calmly returned home from my friend, with whom we usually played the piano together (since I did not have mine at that time). Suddenly, feeling some strange inner push, I, for no reason at all, turned in the opposite direction and walked along a completely unfamiliar street ... I did not walk long until I stopped at a very pleasant house, completely surrounded by a flower garden. There, inside the courtyard, on a small playground, a sad, completely tiny girl was sitting. She looked more like a miniature doll than a living child. Only this “doll” for some reason was infinitely sad ... She sat completely motionless and looked indifferent to everything, as if at that moment the world around her simply did not exist for her.
- Her name is Alina, - a familiar voice rustled inside me, - please talk to her ...
I went to the gate and tried to open it. The feeling was not pleasant - as if I was forcibly breaking into someone's life without asking permission. But then I thought about how unhappy poor Veronica must have been and decided to take the risk. The little girl raised her huge, sky-blue eyes to me and I saw that they were filled with such a deep longing that this tiny child simply should not have. I approached her very carefully, afraid to frighten her away, but the girl was not going to be frightened at all, she just looked at me in surprise, as if asking what I needed from her.
I sat down with her on the edge of a wooden partition and asked why she was so sad. She did not answer for a long time, and then finally whispered through her tears:
- My mother left me, and I love her so much ... I guess I was very bad and now she will not come back.
I got lost. And what could I tell her? How to explain? I felt that Veronica was with me. Her pain literally twisted me into a hard, burning painful lump and burned so hard that it became hard to breathe. I so wanted to help both of them that I decided - come what may, but without trying, I will not leave. I hugged the girl by her fragile shoulders, and said as gently as possible:
- Your mother loves you more than anything in the world, Alina, and she asked me to tell you that she never left you.
- So she lives with you now? - the little girl bristled.
- Not. She lives where neither I nor you can go. Her earthly life here with us has ended, and now she lives in another, very beautiful world, from which she can observe you. But she sees how you are suffering, and cannot leave here. And here she can no longer stay longer either. Therefore, she needs your help. Would you like to help her?
- How do you know all this? Why is she talking to you ?!
I felt that she still didn’t believe me and didn’t want to recognize me as a friend. And I could not think of how to explain to this little, crumpled, unhappy girl that there is “another”, distant world, from which, unfortunately, there is no return here. And that her beloved mother speaks to me not because she has a choice, but because I was just “lucky” to be a little “different” than everyone else ...
“All people are different, Alinushka,” I began. - Some have a talent for drawing, others for singing, but I have such a special talent for talking with those who have left our world with you forever. And your mother speaks to me not at all because she likes me, but because I heard her when no one else could hear her. And I am very glad that I can help her in some way. She loves you very much and suffers very much from the fact that she had to leave ... It is very painful for her to leave you, but this is not her choice. Do you remember she was sick for a long time? - the girl nodded. - It was this disease that made her leave you. And now she must go into her new world, in which she will live. And for this she must be sure that you know how much she loves you.
The girl looked at me sadly and quietly asked:
- She now lives with angels? .. Dad told me that she now lives in a place where everything is like on postcards that they give me for Christmas. And there are such beautiful winged angels ... Why didn't she take me with her? ..
- Because you have to live your life here, honey, and then you, too, will go to the same world where your mother is now.
The girl beamed.
- So I'll see her there? She murmured happily.
- Of course, Alinushka. Therefore, you should be just a patient girl and help your mother now if you love her so much.
- What should I do? The baby asked very seriously.
“Just think of her and remember her because she sees you. And if you don’t feel sad, your mom will finally find peace.
“Does she see me now?” The girl asked, and her lips began to treacherously twitch.
- Yes Dear.
She was silent for a moment, as if gathering inside, and then tightly clenched her fists and whispered softly:
- I will be very good, dear mommy ... you go ... go please ... I love you so much! ..
Tears in large peas rolled down her pale cheeks, but her face was very serious and focused ... For the first time, life inflicted its cruel blow on her and it seemed as if this small, so deeply wounded, girl suddenly realized something for herself in a completely adult way, and now tried to take it seriously and openly. My heart was breaking with pity for these two unfortunate and so cute creatures, but, unfortunately, I couldn't help them anymore ... The world around them was so incredibly bright and beautiful, but for both it could no longer be their common world. ..
Life is sometimes very cruel, and we never know what is the meaning of the pain or loss prepared for us. Apparently, it is true that without loss it is impossible to comprehend what, by right or by a happy coincidence, fate gives us. Only now, what could this unfortunate little girl, cringing like a wounded animal, comprehend when the world suddenly fell upon her with all its cruelty and pain of the most terrible loss in life? ..
I sat with them for a long time and tried my best to help both of them find at least some kind of peace of mind. I remembered my grandfather and the terrible pain that his death brought me ... How scary it must have been for this fragile, unprotected baby to lose the most precious thing in the world - her mother? ..
We never think that those who, for one reason or another, are robbed of us by fate, experience the consequences of their death much deeper than we do. We feel the pain of loss and suffer (sometimes even angry) that they left us so mercilessly. But, what is it like for them when their suffering is multiplied thousands of times, seeing how we suffer from this ?! And how helpless should a person feel, not being able to say anything more or change anything? ..
I would give a lot then to find at least some opportunity to warn people about this. But, unfortunately, I did not have such an opportunity ... Therefore, after the sad visit of Veronica, I began to look forward to when I could help someone else. And life, as it always happened, was not long in coming.
The entities came to me day and night, young and old, male and female, and everyone asked me to help them speak with their daughter, son, husband, wife, father, mother, sister ... I felt that I had no more strength. I did not know that when I came into contact with them, I had to close my (besides, very strong!) Protection, and not open up emotionally, like a waterfall, gradually giving them all my life force, which then, to unfortunately I didn't know how to replenish.
Very soon I literally did not have the strength to move and went to bed ... When my mother invited our doctor, Dana, to check what had happened to me again, she said that it was my "temporary loss of strength from physical overwork" ... I did not say anything to anyone, although she knew perfectly well the real reason for this "overwork." And as I did for a long time, I just honestly swallowed any medicine that my cousin prescribed for me, and, after lying in bed for about a week, I was again ready for my next "feats" ...
I realized long ago that sincere attempts to explain what really happened to me gave me nothing but a headache and increased constant monitoring of me by my grandmother and mother. And in this, to be honest, I did not find any pleasure ...
My long "communication" with the entities of the dead has once again "turned" my already rather unusual world. I could not forget that endless stream of deep human despair and bitterness, and in every possible way tried to find at least some way to help them. But the days passed, and I could not think of anything alone, except how, again, to act in the same way, only much more carefully spending my life force on it. But since I could not relate calmly to what was happening, I still continued to get in touch and tried to help, as best I could, all souls desperate in their helplessness.

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