Need money? What for? Money - what is it, functions and essence of money, types of money, history of origin, who prints and controls them. Reasons why money is needed.

Talking about them leaves few of us indifferent. It seems that the saying that happiness is not in money, but in their quantity, is becoming more and more popular. According to a survey by the Levada Center, 83% of Russians believe that, first of all, they lack material wealth. And for many of us, the matter is not limited to the objective lack of funds.

“Ten years ago, I dreamed and did not believe that I would ever be able to change my old “six” for something more decent, recalls 40-year-old Yulia. “Today my position has grown significantly, my salary has increased accordingly, but I still have an irrational feeling that tomorrow something will happen and there won’t be enough money for anything again ... ”

Why do we spend irrationally?

From the point of view of logic, our attitude towards such a utilitarian object as money could be purely rational: act in such a way that it brings you the maximum income. But in real life, things are different.

“Most psychological studies show that the way we earn money, spend, make (or not make) savings, borrow or spend on gifts, sometimes contradicts all economic axioms,” says psychologist Anna Fenko.

30-year-old Dmitry, dreaming of buying his own apartment, every month leaves almost half of his salary in slot machine halls. 43-year-old Veronica buys things for herself only at sales, and products - at wholesale markets, but every time she cannot resist some new expensive perfume novelty. 28-year-old Tatyana always carefully monitors the execution of rituals related to money: do not pass them through the threshold, do not whistle at home, do not give an empty wallet.

We attribute to money those meanings that are meaningful to us.

“As a rule, behavior is determined not so much by rational concern for one's own benefit as by secret fears, memories, stereotypes and prejudices,” comments Anna Fenko. “And, if we want to be the masters of our own money and do not want it to control us, we need to understand why money plays such an important role in our lives, how we behave towards it and how money affects relationships with people.”

Occupying the most important place in our lives, money itself remains an abstraction: after all, banknotes and coins have meaning only because they symbolize the value of things. But for each of us, they mean what we want to see in them or unconsciously hope to get with their help.

Security, power, love of others, freedom... From a psychological point of view, money is an ideal screen for our projections: just as an image is projected onto a movie screen, so we ascribe to money those meanings that are significant to us.

Psychoanalysis of money

Sigmund Freud was the first to draw attention to the fact that the attitude of an adult to money can be determined by the characteristics of his childhood desires. According to psychoanalytic theory, all children experience pleasure in defecation. When potty training a child, parents can express enthusiasm and encouragement when the child is doing the “right thing,” or punish and scold the child if he or she resists.

In time, potty training coincides with the stage in the development of the child when he is fighting for autonomy and independence, and often this procedure becomes a source of conflict. The conflict may intensify due to the inconsistent behavior of parents who, on the one hand, value feces as a gift from the child, and on the other hand, consider them dirty, do not touch them and try to throw them away as soon as possible.

Psychoanalysis directly links the traumatic experience of potty training to the subsequent type of compensatory behavior. The way the miser holds the money is seen as a reflection of the child's refusal to defecate at the request of the parents. The spender, on the other hand, is like a child seeking approval from his parents for his "gifts."

Money makes you feel safe

34-year-old Irina works literally for wear and tear: it is important for her to be sure that her little son will receive a good education in the future, and her parents (if something happens to them) - the best medical care. She tries to accumulate as much money as possible - the only way she feels relatively safe.

Ivan's parents died in a car accident when he was 12 years old. Today he is 37, he is the manager of a construction company and, according to all his colleagues, a workaholic businessman with a bright future. “As a man, I have to earn as much as possible,” he is convinced. “Money gives me confidence that nothing bad will ever happen to me and my loved ones.”

“Those who seek security in money need a constant increase in wealth, just like a drug addict needs an increase in dose,” Anna Fenko explains. Such behavior leads to alienation from other people, as a person ceases to consider his loved ones as a source of help and support.

The ability to feel power and superiority

44-year-old businessman Sergei is sure that he can do everything in this life: pay off the traffic police, driving in the opposite lane before the eyes of the inspector, fly away on an international flight for which all tickets are sold, write out even Madonna herself to a country party with friends. Money gives him a special feeling of power and superiority.

“Feeling his own importance, he unconsciously tries to regain that feeling of omnipotence, which, according to psychoanalysts, everyone experiences in infancy,” comments Anna Fenko. - Such people have - or pretend to have - complete independence from the people around them and life circumstances and try to make others dependent on themselves. Only this gives them confidence in their abilities.

Money brings freedom

The most widespread and approved by modern society meaning attributed to money is freedom.

“If I had as much money as I could wish for, I would buy myself a hotel on some tropical island. And I would put my friends there - absolutely free! - dreams 40-year-old successful journalist Igor. Indeed, money frees you from rules, obligations, everyday routine.

“But those who hope to gain freedom in the broad sense of the word in exchange for money, in fact, with their help, unconsciously seek to suppress the fear of responsibility, dependence on circumstances and other people, and “pay off” obligations,” says Anna Fenko.

Love for money?

56-year-old Larisa literally showers relatives and friends with useless gifts. Protests and explanations do not help: she does not seem to hear the words and does not feel the awkwardness that each of the people she forcibly “benefited” has to endure. In this way, she tries to "buy" the self-respect and affection of others.

Money concentrates our fantasies, emotions and desires. Often it seems that they control our lives

“As a rule, in childhood, such people were deprived of the attention and care of their parents,” explains Anna Fenko. - They did not feel truly loved and therefore, as adults, they try not to again find themselves in the position of a rejected child. However, it is difficult for them to sincerely accept reciprocal love, and their generosity often masks hostility towards those on whom they depend. Not knowing that it is possible to love selflessly, they are forced to buy, sell or even steal love. The only cure for them is genuine emotional closeness.”

Money concentrates our fantasies, emotions and desires. Often it seems that they control our lives. But money by itself is not capable of acting and directing anything. They acquire this ability only when we give them power ourselves.

What confuses us in our relationship with money?

The awkwardness in handling money is familiar to many. Psychoanalyst, researcher at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University Tatyana Alavidze deciphered for us several typical cases.

“I don’t like to spend money: I don’t invite friends to my place, I never give expensive gifts, I don’t lend money ...”

Thrift, reaching the point of stinginess, can manifest itself in any situations involving exchange - property, emotional, creative. The reluctance to spend, to give, arises from the desire to compensate for the feeling of helplessness that we experienced in childhood.

The unconscious desire to save, not to spend in a symbolic form gives a feeling of security, possession of something and a pleasant opportunity to dispose of this property at one's discretion. Such exaggerated independence gives a person peace of mind, for which, alas, one has to pay: it is very difficult to build close and trusting relationships with others from such positions.

“I constantly lend money to everyone, regularly pay for others, spend huge sums on gifts even for people I don’t know well…”

Extravagance can speak of an unconscious and unmet need for love, warmth, and acceptance. A person projects this need onto others and rushes to do them good, while forgetting about his own interests. It cannot be said that he “buys love”, does charity with intent, counting on reciprocal support.

On the contrary, as a rule, he adopts some socially approved idea (helping neighbors, caring for those who are weaker, etc.), which would reinforce such behavior and help explain it to himself and others - in a word, goes to any tricks, just not to admit that he simply lacks human warmth.

“I am horrified at the thought of asking for a raise. I can't talk to the boss about this…”

If a child is treated with tenderness, understanding and love from childhood, then he is unlikely to have a question about his own value. If the parents behave inconsistently, then accept, then reject him, a sense of his own worth is not formed in him.

As a result, having matured, such a child is not able to separate the idea of ​​the value of his "I" from the monetary value of his own work. To draw a line between his human essence and his professional role is an impossible task for him. Failure in the material sphere becomes a psychological trauma for him: it seems to him that he was rejected and underestimated not as a professional, but as a person. And, naturally, in the future he will avoid situations fraught with such painful experiences.

“I’d rather live from bread to water, go to work at a construction site or wash entrances, but I won’t take a penny from my parents ...”

Such a sharp position speaks of problems with separation, separation from parents. If a simple life situation - gaining material independence - becomes a reason for such emotional statements, then the problem is not resolved and takes a lot of strength from a person. It is difficult for him to feel like a "separate" person, perhaps because of too strong an emotional attachment to his parents, turning into dependence on them.

In other cases, this may be a reaction to the position of parents, consciously or unconsciously demanding repayment of the “life debt” from the child - as if he is obliged to compensate for their efforts spent on his birth and upbringing. However, in any case, we are not dealing with a conscious choice, but with a desperate breakthrough, with a radical attempt to gain freedom, the result of which can be either a return to the former dependent position or a complete cessation of all relations with parents.

MUP "Gymnasium No. 2"

City research competition for junior schoolchildren "EUREKA"


Golotvin Nikolai Danilovich 04/20/2001

2 "B" class

st. Mitrofanova 25/1 apt. 65 t.40-43-53

Contact phone: 8-906-961-21-93

Head: Savelyeva Lyubov Alexandrovna

Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Gymnasium No. 2" teacher of the beginning. classes.

T: 8-913-085-64-21


    It would be nice to live without money.

    How money appeared.

    What is money?

    Types of currencies.

    Types of modern money.



How nice it would be to live without money. Come to any store, take whatever you want and how much you want. Any toys, bicycles, ice cream, sweets. And calmly, without paying off, you go home. But then what happens: since I can take everything I want in the store, it means that my mother can not go to work, but read books with me. And dad can go fishing with me, he doesn’t need to earn money either. I came to school, but there was no teacher there, she went to the atelier to sew a dress. Decided to take a day off. After all, you don't have to pay for the dress. And the baker decided never to go to work at all. And when we get to the store, there won't be a single loaf of bread. Nobody baked it. And I didn’t get a bike, Sasha, he took all the bikes from the next entrance. Why does he need so much? He says: "One will break, I will ride on the other."

Looks like a mess! It turns out we can not do without money. Each work must be paid, so that people go to work and work conscientiously. So that the goods in the store are bought in the quantity that is necessary.

How did it happen that our life is so dependent on money?


When primitive people had surpluses of some products, they exchanged them from each other for other necessary products. This is how natural exchange appeared. The price (proportions) was set depending on random circumstances. Among the shepherd tribes, live cattle was the instrument of exchange: sheep, cows, bulls .. The northern peoples exchanged fur - fur money. Bird feathers, grain, salt, cocoa beans, dried fish also served as money. The tribes that lived on the shores of warm seas used shells as money. Attached to a thread in the form of jewelry - shell money. They proved to be the most stable form of commodity money. The most frequently exchanged commodity became a means of exchanging different goods for each other, as if turned into money. There were various "exotic" money in the world. Fairies are stone circles, with a hole in the center, similar to millstones. The diameter of such "coins" sometimes reached several meters, and the mass - up to a ton. The owner of the fairy put his mark on it. When they bought something on it, the new owner erased that sign and put his own. Slaves were also used as money. It was all called commodity-money. Such "money" could be exchanged for other goods or used in one's own household for its intended purpose. But it was uncomfortable money! Sheep and bulls need to be kept and fed somewhere. Products deteriorate from long storage. Moths eat fur. People needed practical money. So that you can carry them with you and at any time buy a large item or a small one. And the very first such type of money was cowrie shells. They have been in circulation for a long time. Foreign merchants took them all over the world. But the shells were cheap and not convenient for large transactions.

Metal products turned out to be the most convenient to handle. Over time, noble metals (silver, gold) began to play the role of monetary material. At first, metal money took the form of rings, necklaces, bars, golden sand. Then they began to make them in the form of bars with a certain weight. Later, coins begin to be minted from metal - banknotes that have the shape and weight established by law. Money had a wide variety of shapes: square, heptagonal, octagonal, but the round shape turned out to be the most convenient.

Precious metal money was more convenient. Sufficiently durable, do not wear out, do not rust, retain their appearance for a long time, have almost the same composition. It is very easy to make standard coins of different denominations from them. It is difficult to counterfeit such counterfeit money. Gold and silver coins eventually replaced all previous forms of money. They didn't require much care. Long and conveniently stored. They were easy to wear. They did not deteriorate, did not take up much space. And they could pay for any product. Gold and silver money began to appear in all countries of the world.

But such money also had its drawbacks. It was not safe to wear and store them. They were not convenient when making small transactions. And constantly it was necessary to check their authenticity and weight. Gold and silver began to be given for storage to goldsmiths who had special storerooms and were ready to rent them out for a fee. Having received such a deposit, the goldsmith would issue a receipt to the depositor. Then people began to exchange these receipts for goods. So it turned out like paper money. In China, they began to make money from the skins of white deer. All white deer belonged to the emperor. The money had special signs and a seal. By order of the emperor, people settled with such money.

Gold coins were worn out, they were cut off and even thinned to a simple piece of paper. The need for gold in production increased. But there was no such amount of gold. This is how paper money came about. Paper money first appeared in China. By themselves, they were worth nothing. Each state gave them its forced price. The issue of paper money, as it were, increased the treasury of the state. But their release was limited by certain rules.


Money is a commodity intended for exchange. A product that has been in demand in all states for many years and plays an important role in the development of society. Money connects producer and consumer. Money performs five different functions.

1. The most important role of money is the universal measurer. Money sets the price of goods. After all, for the exchange of goods there must be some unit of measurement for the proportions of exchange. The price can rise and fall, it depends on various factors, for example, on the cost of goods, on competition. Price fixing also facilitates transactions between countries.

2. Money is a common wealth, you can save it by saving it, for example, in a bank. So they are a treasure. And if you save them to buy equipment for your production, then this is capital.

3. We constantly change money for the goods we need and vice versa, we change the produced goods for money: T-D-T. So money is constantly in motion, passing from one person to another, forming a single process of circulation of goods. We pay with money for the services of a hairdresser, a seamstress, in repair shops.

4.Money is also used as a means of payment: buying goods on credit, and then repaying loans, paying taxes, etc. Bank bills, electronic money and plastic cards that arose on their basis, all this contributes to the acceleration of payments.

5. The development of international economic relations, world trade, led to the emergence of world money. World money is used for commodity exchange between states. They are also used when granting loans from one state to another. World money includes the money of the richest countries. Foreign money is called currency.


RUBLE - currency unit Russia.

EURO is a monetary unit that is used in several countries: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France. Thus, the euro is the single currency for millions of Europeans and in our time is the most expensive and widespread monetary unit.

DOLLAR- The monetary unit of the United States and is one of the main reserve currencies of the world.

YEN - the monetary unit of Japan, one of the main reserves of the world after the US dollar and the euro.

SWISS FRANK- currency of Switzerland

GBP- English currency.


Money is very different these days. Cash and non-cash. There are iron coins - a trifle with which we pay in stores. Gold and silver coins are sold in a collector's bank. Paper money, with which we make purchases and pay for services. There are loans. With them we can buy furniture, a car, an apartment, etc. on credit. Credit money is money that is lent to us, which we will then have to pay. People came up with credit cards - "plastic money". They are easy to handle. They take up little space in the wallet, and at the same time they can hold a fairly large amount of money. There are also electronic money. With this money we pay for purchases via the Internet. Electronic money comes to our account in cell phones.


During the research, I concluded that money is one of the great inventions of human thought. They appeared as a result of the long development of commodity exchange. From the vast world of commodities, a special commodity stood out, convenient and practical, which served as money. Nowadays, money is a necessity for the life and development of every person. Without money, we cannot live even a day. With money we can buy food, clothes, books, toys, go on a trip. They make our life convenient and varied. The desire to buy something makes us work for the good of society. This is how we make money. To earn more money, people have to work harder and better. Because of this, the quality and quantity of goods and services produced increases. The hairdresser tries to cut more beautifully and faster so that he has more satisfied customers. The baker tries to bake more and tastier cheesecakes. Confectioners come up with new, tastier sweets to increase demand and sales of their product. The economy is growing. The standard of living of society is rising. This means that money contributes to the evolution of mankind.

But for some people they become dangerous. These people worship money. Well-known economists in their writings say: “Money bewitches people. Because of them, they suffer, they work for them ... Money is a captivating, repetitive, mask-changing riddle.

If there was a money god, I think he would look like a golden idol with five faces. All faces should be the same, round and flat like a coin. The eyes must be made of diamonds. On the one hand, he should have scales in his hands - to measure the measure of value. On the other hand, he should have a chest with a large lock in his hands - to store and accumulate treasures. The third party must hold the wheel - money turnover (commodity-money-commodity). On the fourth side, he should have a large coin in his hands, on which, on top, there should be an image of the globe - world money. And on the fifth side, he should have money in one hand, which he gives, and with the other hand he should take it - a means of payment. Why do we money ? money... . Contents: I. Why us money?................................................. ....................................................1 1.1 Functions... money almost everything will be done of people. Money ...

  • Why need signs

    Abstract >> Foreign language

    ... (Paust.); In addition, I had to send money one aunt to Vladivostok, and the other ... cultured, adhered to literary forms in order to people understood each other correctly. For ..., you need to use book vocabulary. Why need introductory words introductory words...

  • what money

    Abstract >> Economic theory

    I will tell you how and why appeared money, what are their functions and features, what ... trade and personal services. It allows people With remote terminals send to banks... in order to explain people than fake money different from the real ones...

  • on money, loans, banks (2)

    Test >> Banking

    State forced course. Credit money. Credit money- arise with the development of commodity ... people tried a lot of "money" until they came to money metallic. But these money... in the bank. It would seem that, why take money in debt when you already have ...

    1. Validation of personal value.
      Money gives a sense of self-importance - it may seem that the one who managed to earn a lot is better than those who could not do it. Behind this feeling is the desire to fill the inner emptiness, to give yourself weight in your own eyes. It can be expressed in the attitude: "If I have money, then I'm worth something!". But, unfortunately, almost always someone has more money, and therefore the happiness of owning them slips away.
    2. Security and control.
      We are disturbed by thoughts about the education of children, about the secure old age of parents, about our own health - and for many of us only money can give peace and confidence in the future. Money gives not only basic security, but also a sense of control over the situation: with its help, you can “solve problems”, “negotiate” and even “get around the corner”, feel “up to the mark” among the less well-off.
    3. The need for love and acceptance.
      By spending large sums on gifts to other people or on charity, but forgetting about our needs, we are trying to show others how good we are. The desire to receive the love of others by paying for it came to us from the past, when the groom was obliged to pay a ransom for the bride. But you can also pay for recognition - for example, a person dreams of money to spend on scientific experiments, on opening a museum, writing great music, paintings, books: this is how he wants to remain in people's memory, he is afraid to die unknown. In addition, money can give a feeling of being chosen - a person thinks that in this way the love of the world, God is manifested: "if money came to me, it means that I am special."
    4. Striving for freedom and independence.
      Very often, speaking of big money, we believe that with their help we will get complete freedom. But what are we going to do with it, and how does it express itself for us? The desire to escape to a desert island can speak not only of the need to be alone and eat tropical fruits, but also of the unwillingness to take responsibility for others, the fear of contact, the lack of development. When a person says, "I want to see the world," they may actually be dreaming about traveling, or they may just want to get away from their lives.
    5. Thirst for power.
      Big money can mean omnipotence - when you have it, you can control everything. Even time. Many have an irrational fantasy: time can be exchanged for money, and then back. In this case, we work without seeing the white light - in order to then relax and heal properly. But when the money is earned, time has already passed, and the desires disappear somewhere ... The confidence that the time thoughtlessly invested in making money can be compensated in the future is often not justified. It is important to learn to enjoy today.

    Rakhimova Regina



    The main comprehensive school in the village of Syyryshbashevo -

    branch of the Municipal budgetary educational institution

    middle school c. Tuzlukushevo

    municipal district Chekmagushevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    Research competition within the framework of

    Small academy of sciences for schoolchildren

    Topic: What is money and

    why do they need a person?

    (nomination "Economics and Entrepreneurship")


    Rakhimova Regina, 7th grade student

    OOSH c. Syryshbashevo -


    Shaibakova Guzalia Talgatovna,

    social studies teacher

    branch of MBOU secondary school c. Tuzlukushevo MR Chekmagushevsky district of the Republic of Belarus

    Chekmagush, 2018



    1. The emergence of money…………………………………………………….5

    2. Russian money………………………………………………….…………8

    3. Investigation of the reason for the need for reasonable treatment

    with money…………………………………………………………………..11




    Ever since mankind invented money, they have played a very important role in life and society and each person individually. Money is an integral and essential part of the financial system of every country. And no matter how we call them - rubles, dollars, euros, they serve as a means of payment, a means of storing value and a unit of account in all but the most basic economic systems.

    The relevance of research.We hear the expression "no money" all the time. There is not enough money for everyone. And not only for those who have a small salary, but also for those who have a large one. Why is this happening? Probably because many people simply do not know how to count their money, do not know how much they need to live until the next salary, and do not know how to spend correctly so that there is no constant overspending.

    Object of study: economy.

    Subject of study: money.

    Hypothesis: if we find out why people need money, then we can manage it wisely.

    Research methods:analysis of the necessary information, observation, questioning, comparison.

    Target of our research: to study the history of metal and paper money, to form a conscious attitude of children and adults to the reasonable handling of money.

    We have placed before us tasks :

    1. Learn about the history of money creation.

    2. Analyze the knowledge gained during the study.

    3. Make a conclusion about the need for a reasonable use of money.

    Ways to solve these problems:

    1. Using literature to study the history of the origin of money.
    2. Find out what a family budget is.
    3. Study the family budget, its revenue and expenditure parts.
    4. Study the prices of the same food in different stores.

    Expected results:


    The history of money begins from those ancient times when people had to change one thing for another in order to get what they needed. If they needed an ax, they would find someone who had one and exchange it for something the owner needed. The same thing is happening today, only with the difference that today we give the seller money in exchange for what we want, although the exchange of goods for goods has been preserved to this day. Today there are types of money: ruble - RUB, official currency Russia ( R ), dollar - USD, the official currency of the USA and El Salvador ($), euro - EUR - the official currency of the European Union (€) and others.

    What is the origin of the word "money"? According to the most common version, the Russian word "dengi" ("money") comes from the Turkic "tenge" or "denge". At present, tenge is a monetary unit in Kazakhstan, as well as a bargaining chip in Turkmenistan.

    In the beginning there was barter

    The living conditions of our ancestors were such that food, clothing and shelter were obtained by hard work. Rarely was something superfluous produced that could be traded. But over time, the main occupations of people - hunting and gathering, were replaced by more efficient ones - agriculture and livestock breeding: from time to time, surpluses of one or another product began to appear. A tribe that had a surplus of animal skins but was short of grain could trade with another tribe that had a surplus. This is how barter was born.

    With the development of human society, barter flourished. The most famous example is the deal of Peter Minota in 1626: for beads and trinkets, worth $ 24, Minota received an island in Manhattan. In 1993, this island was valued at $50.4 billion.
    In Rome, soldiers were often paid with bags of salt (the word "salary" came from there) because there was little salt and it was necessary for the preservation of products.

    Barter in Russia went through the same stages in its development as in other countries. In the northern regions, the skins of martens, sables, squirrels, and foxes served as “commodity” money. The name of the ancient Russian monetary unit "kuna" takes its origin from the fur of the marten.

    The emergence of money

    The development of trade forced sellers and buyers to agree on a system that would be the ideal solution to the problem of commodity exchange. Money appeared, setting the price of goods. Over time, the term currency appeared. It was not always the money familiar to us - coins and banknotes. History knows examples when one of the forms of currency was a cow. Different countries had completely different, sometimes even unexpected, forms of currency: stone money in Iceland, elephant wool in Africa, ivory in Fiji, tobacco in the Solomon Islands, tea briquettes in Siberia, etc.

    Metal money

    Over time, goods stood out that were easily exchanged. These were furs, precious stones, grain, salt, furniture, utensils, clothing, precious metals, etc. It was from precious metals (gold and silver) that the first coins began to be minted.

    It is believed that the first coins appeared in 687 BC, in Lydia, today the Asian part of Turkey, and Croesus was the first Lydian king to mint gold coins. Lydian coins minted from electrum- varieties of native gold, with a high content of silver.

    At first they circulated in the form of ingots, and then, the ingots began to be branded, - this is how coins appeared - metal plates with a pattern. To confirm the established weight of the pieces of metal, a pattern was stamped on them. The minted drawing played the role of a seal, or brand, with which the ruler guaranteed the accuracy of the weight of the coin. Coins spread rapidly in the Hellenic world. The experience of making coins was successful and soon spread to Europe.

    The coins were expensive, and most importantly, comfortable and durable. They could not die or deteriorate on the way to the market, they easily fit in the palm of your hand or in a purse. In addition, the use of coins made it possible to pay by the piece (count), rather than weigh them.

    Only half a century has passed, and coins have already begun to be produced in droves. By this time, regardless of European civilization, coinage was also invented in Ancient China. Their coins were created in an original way of casting, they had square holes in the middle, which made it possible to put them on a cord for easy storage.

    In Russia, coins appeared in the 10th century, they were minted from silver (previously, money minted in other countries was used). The "silver coins" of the Russian prince Vladimir have been preserved. On one side, the prince is depicted sitting on a throne (“table”), and on the other, a family sign. The inscription on the coin reads: "Volodymyr is on the table, and all is his silver."

    In order to have small, change money, coins were often cut into two or four pieces and paid with them.

    paper money

    Paper money - banknotes - can be of different sizes, colors and denominations. But their value lies in the economic strength of the country that produces them.

    Despite the fact that the receipts of the Babylonians, dated 2500 BC, are recognized as the oldest paper money. BC, the oldest banknotes (judging by the remains found) could have been printed in China. In 1273, Kubla Khan issued notes made of crimson bark and marked with his seal and the treasurer's signature. Kwan is the oldest surviving paper money.

    The first European bank note - a banknote - was printed in Sweden in 1661. And the first paper money of the British Empire was in the form of promising notes. They were issued to Massachusetts soldiers in 1690, during the unsuccessful siege of the city of Quebec, when no trophies were obtained for payment. The idea became popular with other colonists, and the soldiers were not the only ones who were paid in this way.


    First money

    On our territory, the minting of coins, silver and gold, dates back to the time of Prince Vladimir the First (Kiev Rus, the end of the 10th - the beginning of the 11th centuries). In the 12th and 13th centuries, Russian coins disappeared from circulation. Kievan Rus broke up into separate principalities, and the minting of a single coin for all ceased. Historians call this time the coinless period.

    In the XII - XV centuries. the princes tried to mint their own “specific” coins. In Novgorod, foreign money was in circulation - "Efimki". In the Principality of Moscow, the initiative to mint silver coins belonged to Dmitry Donskoy (XIV century), who began to melt Tatar silver “money” into Russian “hryvnias”. Ivan III (end of the 15th century) established that the right to mint coins should belong only to the “senior” of the princes, the holder of the Moscow throne. In 1534, during the reign of Elena Glinskaya - the mother of Ivan the Terrible - a single monetary system was created for the entire Russian state. A horseman with a sword was depicted on a small silver coin - the coins were called sword coins. On bigger money, they minted a rider armed with a spear. Under Ivan the Terrible, the first streamlining of the Russian monetary system took place.

    Under Peter I, the issue of a gold coin began. In the 18th century, the most common gold coin was the chervonets. Gold and silver became the basis of money circulation. Bimetallism persisted up to late XIX century.

    Ingots of silver - hryvnia began to serve as money. They weighed 170 - 200 g and were rectangular or hexagonal in shape. The purchasing power of the hryvnia was very high. For one hryvnia they gave 200 squirrel skins.

    A solid hryvnia has not always been convenient for settlements with small trading operations. A smaller “coin” was needed, and hryvnias began to be cut in half. So they were born"rubles".

    Such coins began to be called spear - hence the word came"penny".

    Paper money in Russia

    The first Russian paper money appeared in 1769 under Catherine I. They were called banknotes and circulated in the form of state treasury bills.

    The first issue (issue) included 10,000 banknotes with a denomination of 25 rubles, 5000 at 50, 3333 at 75 and 2500 at 100 rubles. Offices and colleges received the right to use them "for expenses along with money ...".

    Paper for new money was made by the Krasnoselskaya factory under the supervision of executors sent from St. Petersburg. To protect banknotes from forgery, firstly, watermarks served, secondly, authentic signatures of officials and, thirdly, relief embossed images placed inside two vertical ovals in the center of the banknote.

    At first, paper money was very popular among the population: according to a contemporary, they were accepted even more willingly than silver and copper. Indeed, the advantages of "papers", especially in transfers and transportation, are undeniable.

    By the beginning of the 20th century money printing technology flourished. As a result of many years of creative searches, an image of the “Russian currency” was found with a predominance of not a virtuoso technical, but an aesthetic beginning. Artistic excellence not only testified to the high prestige of the ruble, but also served as its best defense. Indeed, even the most virtuoso master could not accurately reproduce the individual manner of the author of portraits of Catherine II and Peter the Great on 100- and 500-ruble banknotes. The opinions of experts agree that these banknotes of the beginning of the 20th century are among the best achievements in the history of currencies.

    The beginning of the 20th century was difficult for our state. Two revolutions completely changed the life of the state. These same revolutions left a noticeable mark in the history of the ruble. The collapse of the monarchy required a new symbolism. The crown “fell off” from the double-headed eagle, and next to it appeared the image of a half-naked woman - a symbol of freedom, traditional for European art.

    After the reforms of 1922-1923 for the first time, images of figures appeared on the Soviet ruble - their author was the sculptor I. Shadr.

    After the Great Patriotic War, the ideological canon changed. On the new banknotes of large denominations, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was depicted, with whom the image of the Moscow Kremlin was adjacent. And what is striking - in style, the 1947 monetary series reproduced the later banknotes of the Russian Empire.

    And, finally, the last pages of our history: the collapse of communism, the collapse of the USSR and a kaleidoscope of economic and other reforms. Over the past decades, there has been an avalanche-like issue of new banknotes - first Soviet, then Russian - of ever larger denominations. Hastily worked out in conditions of growing inflation, they disappeared just as quickly. But with each time, the protection of banknotes increased, became more complicated. And you can not ignore the latest banknotes of 2017 for 200 and 2000 rubles. Here the protection system is on a completely different level.

    Paper money - banknotes and treasury bills - are required to be accepted as a means of payment in the territory of this state. Their value is determined only by the number of goods and services that can be bought with this money.


    Functions of money.

    Money is a medium of exchange. People receive money in return for the goods and services they provide; in the future, they can spend money on those goods and services that they need. Most often, people use the following functions of money: a measure of value, a means of circulation, a means of payment, a store of value, world money. The paper money we use is paper money, it is a substitute for real money.

    For our study, we need to understand what a family budget is.

    Family budget - the ratio of income and expenses for a week, month or year, characterizes her well-being, the degree of prosperity. AT Russian Federation The total family income is: wage, material assistance, lump-sum benefits and other payments subject to taxation; all types of pensions and compensations to them; scholarships for students and students of educational institutions; monthly allowances for children, as well as allowances for child care; the cost of natural products of subsidiary farming used for personal consumption; income from property, interest from deposits in banks, stocks and other valuable papers. The expenditure part of the seed budget consists of cash expenditures for paying taxes and making various contributions, for the purchase of short-term and durable goods, as well as payment for services and savings.

    With my parents at home, we analyzed our family budget, determined its revenue and expenditure parts. The income part will be considered as 100 points. Having carefully studied the expenditure part, we designed it in the form of a diagram.(Annex 2)

    According to the results of the work carried out, it was established that the family can only spend the amount that its members have earned. Parents spend most of the money they earn on food, buying clothes and paying utility bills. You should always keep this in mind when you want to ask your parents for money for entertainment.

    Money should be spent wisely, soberly assessing your financial capabilities and needs. Savings allows you to reduce unnecessary costs and spend money on more necessary things.

    Research prices for some products in stores.Using the method of observation and survey, we decided to find out how the prices for selected products differ in different stores. We visited the following stores: Pyaterochka, Magnit, Milyash and Beryozka.

    The results of the observation were presented in the form of a table. As a result of the study, it was found that the same products in different stores cost differently. (Annex 3)

    Having studied the prices in different stores, we came to the conclusion that when going to the store for a purchase, you need to remember that the price of goods in all stores is different. In order to save money earned, you need to find a better place to buy. Based on the study, we conclude that it is more profitable for the buyer to purchase products in supermarkets. In large stores, in supermarkets, you can always find goods at a lower price than in small private shops. You also need to pay for various promotions that are often held in supermarkets.

    Research on the topic: "Desired and Necessary".

    Having studied the prices of various goods, we decided to find out what goods can be bought for 200 rubles. On the instructions of the teacher, I made a list of goods that I would like to buy, found out their exact cost in the store. Then I tried to check what useful products could be bought with this money. (Appendix 4).

    In the first case, I was guided only by my desires, and in the second, both the interests of the family and our health would be taken into account.

    There is a well-known folk wisdom “Buy not what you want, but what you need”. When you want to buy or ask your parents what you want, do not forget that your whim can cost the same as a necessary thing for the family.


    In the course of the study, we planned to find out what money is, the history of its occurrence and why a person needs it, to substantiate the reason for the need for a reasonable handling of money. Using various methods research work we have achieved our goal.

    Money is metal and paper signs, which is a measure of value in the purchase and sale. At different times, shells and axes, golden fleece and furs, salt, neck jewelry - beads, etc. were money. Then coins appeared from various metals. Further, there was a need for “doublers” of money, all kinds of tokens and coupons were used.

    In the course of the study, establish that people need money so that they can first buy the main thing (food, clothing, hygiene items, basic necessities), pay for housing and communal and transport services, education, and only then additional (car, European-quality repair , an expensive toy, a new phone, etc.) You can live both poor and rich on the same money, so you need to be able to handle them correctly.

    My family buys food in stores where the price is lower than in other stores. Therefore, we can spend the money we save as we see fit. The knowledge that I have acquired during my research will help me in my later adult life, planning my purchases and expenses, all this will save me time and money.


    1. Mukhina E.A. People and money "On the role of money in world history" 2006
    2. "Lessons in Financial Well-being" (for children and their parents) Jane Pearl
    3. Children's encyclopedia "I know the world" Economics ""
    4. Campbell R. McConnell Stanley L. Brew "Economics" - M., 1992
    5. "Course of economic theory" edited by prof. Chepurina M.N., prof. Kiseleva E.A. - Kirov, "ACA", 1997
    6. Internet site materials:


    Annex 2.

    The budget of the family of Rakhimova Regina

    Appendix 3


    The shops

    "Tabysh" / "Nakhodka"




    Granulated sugar

    (1 kg)

    30 rub.

    30 rub.

    55 rub.

    48 rub.


    (1 kg)

    7 rub.

    7 rub.

    13 rub.

    13 rub.


    (1 kg)

    25 rub.

    24 rub.

    48 rub.

    35 rub.

    Vegetable oil

    (1 l)

    50 rub.

    51 rub.

    70 rub.

    65 rub.

    Eggs (1 dec.)

    40 rub.

    40 rub.

    65 rub.

    60 rub.

    Rice (1 kg)

    31 rub.

    32 rub.

    65 rub.

    60 rub.

    Milk (1 l)

    37 rub.

    35 rub.

    55 rub.

    57 rub.


    (200 g)

    50 rub.

    90 rub.

    60 rub.

    65 rub.


    270 rub.

    309 rub.

    431 rub.

    388 rub.

    Appendix 4








    85 rub.


    57 rub.


    10 rub.


    24 rub.


    35 rub.

    Butter pack

    60 rub.

    chocolate bar

    55 rub.


    13 rub.

    Macron noodles

    7 rub.


    46 rub.


    8 rub.


    200 rub.


    200 rub.


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    Slides captions:

    Research competition within the framework of the Small Academy of Sciences for schoolchildren "What is money and why does a person need it?" Completed by: Rakhimova Regina, student of the 7th grade of the secondary school in the village of Syryshbashevo - a branch of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Tuzlukushevo MR Chekmagushevsky district of the Republic of Belarus Supervisor: Shaybakova Guzaliya Talgatovna, teacher of social studies of the secondary school in the village of Syryshbashevo - branch of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Tuzlukushevo MR .Syyryshbashevo - branch of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School c. Tuzlukushevo municipal district Chekmagushevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

    Ever since mankind invented money, they have played a very important role in life and society and each person individually. Money is an integral and essential part of the financial system of every country.

    Object of study: economics. Subject of research: money. Hypothesis: if we find out why people need money, then we can manage it wisely.

    The purpose of the study: to study the history of metal and paper money, to form a conscious attitude of children and adults to the reasonable handling of money. Research objectives: To get acquainted with the history of the creation of money. Find out what a family budget is. Analyze the knowledge gained during the study. Make a conclusion about the need for a reasonable use of money.

    The history of the emergence of money A long time ago, in the Stone Age, people did without money. Why did they need them? They received everything they needed for life from nature. After all, the main thing for a person would be food and housing. So there was a mutually beneficial exchange - barter. Why does a person do everything himself, isn’t it better to distribute duties and change one product for another that you cannot do yourself?

    C deal of Peter Minota in 1626

    Kuns In ancient Russia, kuns were in circulation - leather money. It was the skin of a marten, hence the name. Hryvnias In Kievan Rus, the minting of coins began under Prince Vladimir, but very soon ceased. The first coins of Russia - hryvnia, a small oblong ingot of silver.

    First coins Lydian coin of the 6th century BC. e. (rub, one-third stater) The first Chinese coins (circa 500 BC) were made of bronze in the form of tools and cowrie shells, which previously served as money.

    The beginning of the production of coins in Russia At the end of the X century. in Kievan Rus begins minting their own coins of gold and silver. She was called zlatnik (zolotnik). On this ancient Russian coin with inscriptions in the Slavic language, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich and the family coat of arms of the Rurikovich were depicted. The first silver coin in Russia was srebrenik (silver coin). For the minting of silver coins, silver coins of the Arab states were used. Chasing took place in Kyiv itself, under Prince Vladimir. The inscription on the coins of Prince Vladimir (980 - 1015) read: "Vladimir is on the table, and behold his silver"

    Paper money - conventional banknotes printed on special paper and having an exclusively forced exchange rate.

    Paper money appeared in China in the 8th century AD. Initially, these were receipts that were issued for valuables deposited, or certificates of taxes paid.

    On the authenticity of money Moiré pattern. An area that changes color from different angles. When the banknote is tilted, multi-colored iridescent stripes appear. First appeared on banknotes of the 2004 modification. Relief inscriptions. For visually impaired people, the banknote has special embossed marks. The inscription “Bank of Russia ticket” is also made in relief printing. Security thread. A "diving" metallized polymer strip is introduced into the paper. Separate sections of the security thread come to the surface of the paper and look like shiny rectangles that form a dotted line.

    On the authenticity of money Watermarks. Located on the white fields of banknotes. When viewed against the light, both lighter and darker areas compared to the background should be visible. Color changing paint. The 500-ruble bill has the emblem of the Bank of Russia, the 1000-ruble bill has the emblem of Yaroslavl, the 5000-ruble bill has the emblem of the Bank of Russia and the coat of arms of Khabarovsk.

    Each time, the protection of banknotes increased and became more complicated. And you can not ignore the latest banknotes of 2017 for 200 and 2000 rubles. Here the protection system is on a completely different level. Holographic objects have already appeared here, which can be seen using a special application on Android.

    Functions of money Money is a medium of exchange. People receive money in return for the goods and services they provide; in the future, they can spend money on those goods and services that they need. Functions of money Measure of value Means of circulation World money Means of accumulation Means of payment

    Investigation of the reasons for the reasonable handling of money Family budget - the ratio of income and expenses for a week, month or year, characterizes its well-being, the degree of prosperity.

    Income of Regina Rakhimova's family

    According to the results of the work carried out, it was established that the family can spend only the amount that its members have earned. Parents spend most of the money they earn on food, buying clothes and paying utility bills. Conclusion: money should be spent wisely, evaluating your capabilities and needs. Savings allows you to reduce unnecessary costs and spend money on the things you need most.

    Study of prices for some products in the shops of the city Using the method of observation and survey, we determined how the prices for selected products differ in the shops of the district. After visiting the Tabysh, Magnit, Milyash, Beryozka stores, they put their observations in the form of a table. As a result of the study, it was found that the same products in different stores cost differently.

    The cost of food in the shops of the area. Products Stores Tabysh/Nakhodka Magnit Milyash Birch Sugar (1 kg) 30 rub. 30 rub. 55 rub. 48 rub. Salt (1 kg) 7 rub. 7 rub. 13 rub. 13 rub. Pasta (1 kg) 25 rubles 24 rub. 48 rub. 35 rub. Vegetable oil (900 g) 50 rubles 51 rub. 70 rub. 65 rub. Eggs (1 des.) 40 rubles. 40 rub. 65 rub. 60 rub. Rice (1 kg) 31 rub. 32 rub. 65 rub. 60 rub. Milk (1 kg) 37 rubles 35 rub. 55 rub. 57 rub. Butter (200 g) 50 rubles 90 rub. 60 rub. 65 rub. Total: 270 rubles. 309 rub. 431 rub. 388 rub.

    Conclusion: going to the store for a purchase, you must remember that the price in all stores is different. In order to save money, you need to find a better place to buy.

    Research: Desirable and Necessary

    Desired and necessary Desired Necessary Commodity Cost Commodity Cost Cola 85 rub. Milk 57 rub. Croutons 10 rubles Bread 24 rubles Chips 35 rub. A pack of butter 60 rubles. Chocolate 55 rub. Salt 13 rub. Macron noodles 7 rub. Tea 46 rub. Sweets 8 rub. Total: 200 rubles. Total: 200 rubles.

    Conclusion In the course of the study, we planned to find out what money is and why a person needs it, justified the reason for the need for a reasonable handling of money. Using various research methods, we have achieved our goal. My family buys food in stores where the price is lower than in other stores. So after buying the necessary products with the money saved, I can treat myself a little and buy what I desire. The research that we did taught me a lot, I began to be more careful about the money that my parents earn.

    Everyone knows what money is. But if you ask the townsfolk what money is for, the answers will be completely different. Why? First of all, because the function of money is multifaceted, and also because our attitude to money is laid down in our childhood, depending on the environment in which we were brought up and what values ​​our parents instilled in us.

    But really, what is the money for? Are they evil, or are they good? Do they corrupt us or stimulate us to develop? Let's try to find answers to these difficult, but at the same time important questions for us.

    Money in the global sense

    To begin with, let's try to figure out why, in principle, money is needed and could humanity live without it?

    There is a wonderful expression "Money rules the world!". We often say this phrase, but we don’t think at all about the meaning of these words. In fact, money is of the utmost importance to the system in which we all live. We can say that money made people out of us. In the global sense, money is not only the equivalent of the cost of certain things and services, it is a way to maintain order and stability in our civilized world.

    Look: in order to receive money, each person is forced to do something, earn it, and not just live his life aimlessly. That is, thanks to money, a person observes a certain discipline. To earn money, a person creates some benefits that benefit society. Thus, he not only earns himself, but, in parallel, develops this society. But a person spends the money received on himself, but, again, invests it in the economy of the state, in its development.

    Subordination to such a system of circulation of money allows the state to control us. And if we suddenly all at once give up money, the world familiar to us will immediately fall apart, turning into chaos. World history knows many such examples, and given that the modern economy has been bursting at the seams for a long time, in the future we run the risk of once again facing social madness on a global scale.

    Thus, when forming your attitude to money, you need to think not only about yourself, but also about the entire system, thanks to which we live in a relatively calm world. We are talking about the relative calm of the world, because even in the global sense, the existence of money has a side effect. Even states want to have as much money and power as possible, and therefore “hot spots” appear on Earth every now and then, and innocent people die.

    Money in the understanding of man

    And now let's go directly to the question of the meaning of money for each of us. And here for a particular person, this value may differ. First, let's talk about the owners of large financial resources, and people who grew up in prosperity.

    For the most part, a person who was brought up in full prosperity does not feel much need for money. He knows that there are always enough of them, he is not disturbed by the constant thought: “Where to get the money?”, and therefore he can devote his life to personal development and self-realization, simultaneously increasing the funds he has. That is, money in the life of such a person does not play a primary role, but still their importance is not questioned.

    Thanks to big money, such a person gains freedom, which means that he can do charity work, create something, develop his own business, involving other people in it, and therefore benefit both himself and those around him. In this way, a person makes this world a better place, using for this the freedom and the opportunities that money gives. And as a reward for his attitude to life and to money in particular, this person receives universal recognition and respect. And this is perhaps the best example of the attitude towards money.

    True, some people perceive the freedom that money gives, somewhat distorted. Freedom in their understanding very soon turns into omnipotence and permissiveness. That is why their behavior and their actions go beyond the generally accepted norms.

    Each of us had to see wealthy and even frankly rich individuals who, having a lot of money, began to feel like real “masters of life”. Such people can afford absolutely everything: rowdy on planes, drive into the oncoming lane in an expensive car, arrange an accident, including with victims, be rude to law enforcement officers, and at the same time not worry about the consequences at all. They are not at all interested in the opinions of others, and all because with unlimited finances, they can pay off responsibility.

    Moreover, these people are used to “boasting” about money – buying defiantly expensive clothes, spending fabulous sums on cars, living in luxurious apartments and relaxing in such a way that the whole world would envy their ability to “overspend”! Do you know for what purpose such huge funds are spent? In this way, recognition and respect are bought, that is, those high statuses that these people cannot achieve by being engaged in creation and good deeds.

    It is worth noting that according to statistics, 1% of the world's population manages 99% of all the finances available in the world, and the remaining 99% of people have 1% of all the money in the world. This suggests that there are not so many truly rich people in the world. That is, for the most part, we live in a society in which incomes are approximately equal. But how do people with average incomes relate to money, i.e. those who never had large incomes?

    Here, too, everything can be subordinated to a person’s desire for freedom, or it can turn into a thirst for power, permissiveness and imaginary respect. And do not think that the candidates reading this article are exclusively in the first category and have nothing to do with the second. Life shows that the vast majority of us “suffer” from the wrong attitude to money.

    As a rule, people who have never held big money in their hands have a real passion for them, which means that they are ready for any sacrifice for the sake of owning rustling banknotes. But what is interesting, even when such people have really big money, they do not linger for a long time, literally melting before our eyes. And this is quite understandable by Parkinson's law, according to which high incomes entail increased costs.

    talking plain language As soon as we have big money, we immediately try to create the appearance of a successful life. We spend money on expensive clothes and accessories, take out large loans to buy new equipment or an expensive car, arrange luxurious vacations for ourselves and throw noisy parties. And what is the result? The bottom line is only an increased commodity-money turnover, larger debts and disappointment. An increase in income does not make life any better!

    Do you know why this happens? Yes, because a person does not have a specific goal in life! By the way, scientists from the UK recently completed a 20-year cycle of research, during which they tried to find out what a person needs for happiness. It turned out that human happiness is built on three pillars:

    • goals in life;
    • a loving person nearby;
    • an annual income of one hundred thousand dollars.

    That is, money, of course, plays one of the most important roles in a person’s life, but if at least one link falls out, real happiness, alas, cannot be achieved. This explains the worldly wisdom that says that wealth does not make people happy.

    Needs and desires

    Each of us has minimum needs that we must meet on a regular basis. By itself, we do not need money at all, but we need those tangible and intangible goods that we can buy with money. First of all, we need food, we need to have a roof over our heads, and, of course, take care of our own health. You have to pay for all this, but if we talk about truly minimal needs, huge amounts of money are not needed to satisfy them.

    Take, for example, people who decide to live away from civilization. They invest in building a house, eat what is called "from the earth", growing all the food on their plots, raising livestock, and even bake bread with their own hands. Of course, such people, like everyone else, have to spend money on maintaining health. But, as practice shows, living in the bosom of nature, which means breathing clean air, not experiencing chronic stress to which residents of megacities are exposed, and eating environmentally friendly products, these people get sick much less often than residents of big cities.

    This example shows that a person can live without money and be no less happy. You say extreme? Not at all! It’s just that we are used to the fact that in addition to needs, a wide variety of desires are also present in our lives. And it is much more difficult to carry them out far from civilization.

    First of all, modern man needs spectacles. To satisfy these desires, television plays films of various directions day and night, ranging from action films to horror films. What can I say, a real war is broadcast on television for days, where people are killed live, and the townsfolk no longer perceive this fact as something unacceptable. On the contrary, many people “stick” to the screens with a lively interest and in the depths of their souls get satisfaction from watching! The same can be said about television series and popular talk shows, which bring absolutely no development to the human brain and, on the contrary, lead to dullness and degradation. Looking at all this, the level of morality of a person invariably falls, and his money begins to go to satisfy his base needs.

    But there is still the power of advertising. It is designed just for the unconscious stupidity of people, forcing them to purchase goods and services that they absolutely do not need and without which they easily managed before. It’s just that desires are always ahead of a person’s capabilities, and people who have stopped in development and do not want to constantly improve themselves cannot say “stop!” to their desires.

    Many will object, saying that they are forced to spend days at work, but at the same time they earn mere pennies and barely make ends meet. One cannot but agree, there are really many such people, and constant lack of money changes the psychology of a person, giving rise to despair and envy.

    However, this article is just aimed at people who do not have enough money. I would like to advise such people to reconsider their attitude to money, to think and analyze whether the funds they spend really go to their intended purpose and whether they are a whim. In this regard, there is reason to think about saving. For example, you can transfer from a car to public transport to save on fuel, or stop drinking coffee at a coffee shop and make it yourself at home. In fact, there are extremely many ways to save money, and therefore take care to throw everything unnecessary out of life. As soon as you give up things you can live without, your dependence on money will immediately decrease.

    At the same time, I want every person who is in dire need of money to think about their goal in life. In this case, we are not talking about a base desire aimed at satisfying only your needs, but about a real dream, which should eventually become the goal of your life. But the goal should not be money itself, otherwise you will not succeed. For example, set a goal for yourself to graduate and start preparing for admission by spending what you have on tuition and tutoring. In the future, when you unlearn and get a decent job, all your current investments will be more than justified.

    Only when you have a real dream that properly motivates you, that makes you learn and acquire new knowledge, work and enjoy what you do to move towards the ultimate goal, money will no longer play a decisive role for you. Moreover, you will suddenly notice that you have become financially independent.

    Over time, you will come to understand that you need to live and work not only to satisfy your own needs, but also for the benefit of other people, for the benefit of the whole world. And this realization will reveal to you the secret of love and respect, trust and support, kindness and mercy. And money? They will only become a means of bringing your good undertakings to life.
    Take care of yourself!

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