Grace period for payment by Sberbank credit card. What is a grace period and how to use it wisely so as not to pay for using a loan

Grace period(Grace period)- this is the time period allotted to the client by the bank for interest-free use of the issued loan. During this period, the lender does not charge interest on the use of borrowed funds. If by the end of the Grace period the borrower managed to pay off his debts, then no additional fee he is not charged.

Grace period- This banking service for credit card users, which makes it possible to use a loan and not pay interest for a certain period of time.

The essence and rules for calculating the grace period

Today, almost all banks establish a grace period for credit card users. However, in practice, few consumers have any idea what the essence of the grace period is and how it is calculated. Almost every bank has its own characteristics of receiving funds and conducting settlement transactions.

Grace period ranges from 50 to 200 days. Here a lot depends on the bank and its conditions. In most financial institutions in Russia, the Grace period is 55 days. Activation of such a service occurs automatically in the case of payment by card for goods (services) or withdrawal of cash above the amount of personal funds in the account.

There are banks that open Grace period only for non-cash card payments. If cash is withdrawn or funds are transferred to other accounts, then interest accrues from the first day of withdrawal.

For greater convenience, the bank can divide the grace period into two parts :

1. Billing period (its duration is one month). During this time, the card user can perform any personal and credit account. In this case, bank statements are generated, as a rule, specifically for this cost item. The first day of the billing period can be counted in different ways. In some banks, the starting point is the date of the first purchase, in others - the date of issue of the card, thirdly - the day the report on “plastic” is generated, and so on. But in practice, in almost all financial institutions, the countdown begins on the first day of the month.

2. Payment period (from 20 to 25 days). This “tail” is transferred to the next month, during which time the debt can be repaid without interest. As a result, the total duration of the grace period is 50-55 days.

To use the service correctly, the borrower must know essence of grace period calculation at your bank. There are several methods:

1. Calendar month+ . Today this technique is used in most Russian banks (almost 80%). Payment by credit card can be made on any day of the month, and this point is not important to the bank. In this case, the grace period includes the days remaining until the end of the month (from the date of purchase) and another 20-25 days are included in the next reporting month.

The essence of such a Grace period is simple. If the purchase is made on the first day of the month, the duration of the grace period will be maximum (50-55 days). At this time, you can gradually pay off your debts and not worry about interest charges. If the purchase or use of the service was made later, the Grace period is automatically reduced. Consequently, if the creditor bank uses exactly this calculation scheme, then it is necessary to make purchases and use credit funds in the first days of the month. In this case, the time reserve for interest-free loan repayment will be maximum.

Advantage such an interest-free period is obviously a fixation of the reporting date, which simplifies the calculation of the end of the Grace period. After making a purchase, you can easily calculate when it is necessary to pay off the debts in full before interest accrues.

There are more disadvantages here:

You can use the grace period only if the debt to the bank is repaid 100%. If during the grace period only part of the funds is paid, then interest will be accrued for the entire period starting from the moment the loan was issued (purchase). It is enough to delay the grace period by one day, and standard conditions with fines, penalties and high interest come into force;

The minimum payment on the card must be made within the agreed time frame. However, this must be done on time.

2. Fixed period . This Grace period option is often set by banks for inexpensive credit cards with a small account limit. The calculation scheme is simple. Each purchase is subject to a fixed grace period, which usually does not exceed one month.


You can withdraw money from the card on any day of the month. The Grace period always starts from the moment the purchase is made, and its duration does not change;

Each purchase may have its own grace period. For some goods or services - less, and for others - more. This point must be clarified in advance with the bank.


In most cases, the fixed grace period has a shorter duration, which imposes certain restrictions on clients;

If you do not pay off all debts during the grace period, interest will be charged on the entire amount from the date of purchase;

The borrower must personally control the expiration date of the interest-free period. Otherwise, there is a high probability of delay.

3. Calendar month “plus” next . This scheme is considered the most convenient for borrowers. But in practice Russian banks it is almost never used. As a rule, the Grace period according to this scheme is the longest and is 60 days. In this case, the lender credits the grace period with all remaining days from the date of purchase and adds the entire calendar month. The main thing is not to forget the date when you need to fully cover your debts.


Obtaining a maximum grace period during which you can manage to pay off your debts;
- inability to forget about the date when full payment is due. As a rule, the last day of the month is easier to remember than any other date. As a last resort, you can set a reminder on your phone that will notify you that day “X” is approaching.

There is only one drawback. Until the last month's debt is paid in full, the Grace period no longer applies to future purchases.

4. Day of the first purchase on credit “plus” . There are banks where the grace period is slightly shifted in time and begins to work not from the day the credit card transactions are made, but from the moment the card transaction is completed (credit funds are used).


The ability to make purchases (use services) on any day of the month, without thinking about a possible change in the Grace period size. If the grace period is 55 days, then it will remain so in any case, regardless of the day the credit funds are used;

From the moment the first transaction with credit funds is made, the grace period is activated. From this day you can make any purchases. The main thing is to repay your debts on time after the interest-free period expires.


You will not be able to use this service again until the debts for one grace period are repaid;

The end dates for the interest-free period are different each time;

If the grace period is long, the bank may oblige the client to make a monthly payment.

5. Date of generation of the “plus” report . Here, the interest-free period largely depends on the date when the statement was generated for the client. In this case, 20-25 days are simply added to the date. During this period, existing debts can be paid off without worrying about interest.


The borrower always has a written reminder in his hands with the final repayment date interest-free loan. If desired, the amount established in the statement can be disputed within a month from the date of issue;

If you use the loan in the first days after receiving the statement, the grace period will be maximum.

Flaw one. If for some reason the borrower has not received a statement, then you can easily forget the date of payment.

Advantages and disadvantages of the grace period

Taking into account the features and conditions of the interest-free period, several advantages and disadvantages of such a service can be identified.

Benefits of the grace period:

1. Availability of a bonus system. Users of credit cards with Grace period can save money when making purchases at retail outlets that have entered into an agreement with the bank. In some cases, up to 5-10% of the purchase price may be returned to your account.

2. Quick solution to the problem. If you have an urgent need for funds, when there are a few days left before your salary, you can use the service, and after receiving your salary, pay the bank. In this case, additional costs are excluded.

3. Service renewability. If debts from the previous interest-free period are repaid, new access to the service opens.

4. Simplicity of design. To obtain each new loan, you do not need to collect income certificates and documents. The entire registration procedure is carried out once. There is no need to visit the bank - you can simply use the credit card at your discretion.

Disadvantages of the grace period :

1. Calculation complexity. In some cases, it is very difficult to understand the intricacies of the Grace period bank. That is why it is advisable to agree on these issues in advance.

2. When withdrawing cash from an ATM, a certain percentage is necessarily charged, which sometimes takes a significant toll on your pocket.

3. An annual payment for servicing a credit card with a grace period is required in most banks.

4. In case of delay in Grace period, you have to pay the full amount of interest and taking into account the entire loan amount.

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When you use a credit card, it is important not to go beyond the grace period, otherwise you will have to pay interest. To prevent this from happening, you need to find out exactly how the grace period is formed and how long it lasts. credit card Sberbank, when exactly it is applied, and then use its advantages.

How to use a Sberbank card for 50 days

During the grace period, the bank will not charge interest on funds spent on the credit card. Therefore, you can spend them as your own, use them, borrowing them as if from yourself. The longer the grace period, the better: there will be more time to top up your credit card.

Sberbank offers credit cards with a grace period of 50 days. However, it would be a mistake to assume that this time begins its reporting immediately after the purchase. To know how to competently use the grace period on a Sberbank credit card, you need to understand the principles by which it is formed. So, it breaks down into two time periods: reporting (Sberbank calls it settlement) and payment.

Features of the billing period

While this time lasts, the client can freely pay with a credit card in stores and on the Internet, and use it without fear of interest charges. For Sberbank clientele this is 30 days (50 days are divided into two parts). Calculation starts from the date of drawing up the report, which is different for each holder. So, it can be tied to a date:

  • drawing up an agreement with the bank;
  • actual issue of a credit card;
  • salary transfers;
  • making the first transaction using the card.

In addition, this date can be set arbitrarily depending on the agreement between the bank and the client. If you know on what day the report is generated, you can calculate how long the grace period of a Sberbank credit card lasts using the formula: 30 days from the report + 20 “spare” days. Therefore, you can spend the money provided by the bank free of charge for 50 days.

As soon as reporting period ends, Sberbank sends the client a payment statement, which states:

  • when and how much loan funds were spent;
  • the total amount of debt to the bank;
  • recommended minimum payment.

In order to fully use the advantages of a Sberbank credit card with a grace period of 50 days, the client will have to replenish the card account for the full amount of the accumulated debt until the payment period ends. Otherwise, the bank will charge interest in accordance with the selected tariff plan.

How to find out the due date of a payment period

This is the time allotted by Sberbank to repay existing obligations on a credit card. Of course, you can top up your card during the reporting period without any problems. This has its advantages, and if possible, it is better to pay this way.

If you pay off your debt within a month, then after the report date you will begin a new billing period. If the debt is not closed, then a payment period of 20 days starts.

To make it more clear, let us explain the features of applying the grace period on Sberbank credit cards using examples.

Let's say day X is set to the 5th. If a purchase for any amount takes place on March 7, the credit card holder will have 48 days to repay credit debt, and he will avoid paying interest. If you pay by card on March 10, then 45 days.

But if the client makes a purchase on April 4, i.e. just one day before the report is generated, he will have only 20 days of the interest-free period left - on April 5 he will receive an account statement. Therefore, it is better for him to wait a couple of days and complete the transaction after the reporting date.

And by analogy: if the report is generated on the 20th of a month, then to get the maximum grace period, it is recommended to make a purchase on the 20th or 21st, but not on the 19th.

Therefore, it is important to correctly calculate the grace period for comfortable use of a Sberbank credit card and not assume that the 50-day interest-free period begins to count immediately after making a purchase. It is necessary to find out the date when the report is generated and pay with the card after it in order to enjoy the benefits of credit cards for as long as possible.

An example of how to calculate a card payment

The maximum grace period for a Sberbank credit card is 50 days. This duration can be obtained if you make a purchase or transaction online on the reporting day. The minimum interest-free period is only 20 days, it is counted if you pay off your credit card in one day for day X.

While the interest-free period lasts, you can make any expense transactions, and no additional amounts will be accrued. The main thing is to pay off the debt before the end of the term. You can also top up your credit card in several tranches.

For example, the reporting period starts on the 1st. You spent 10 thousand rubles on the card on July 5 and another 5 thousand rubles on July 15. You must top up your card with 15 thousand rubles before August 19. For example, if you received an advance on July 20 and a salary on August 5, you will be able to cover the debt in two payments.

  • date of the report;
  • interest rate;
  • the date when the acquisition is planned;
  • approximate amount of expenses.

The calculator will show the deadline for making a payment, as well as how much you save on interest if you pay off the debt on time.

The nuances of using a Sberbank credit card

The cardholder should carefully read the terms of service so that later there are no misunderstandings about the rules for calculating interest and errors when using the credit card.

As soon as the interest-free period ends, under the terms of the Sberbank grace period, interest is charged on the credit card according to the tariff (the rate varies from 21.9% to 27% per annum). Every month you will need to deposit 5% of the balance of the amount into the account, as well as accrued interest.

The new interest-free period does not start immediately. The card holder must pay the bank in full by transferring the entire amount of the debt to the card account and wait until the reporting day arrives. Only after this can you count on benefits for the next month.

If you spend the money again before the end of the interest-free period, then there are two options (for convenience, we take the 1st date for the report date):

  • The new purchase took place during the same reporting period. For example, you paid for the service on April 7, paid off the debt on April 15 and made a new purchase on April 20. The payment will be included in the current accounting period and will be due by May 20th.
  • The purchase occurred during the payment period, i.e. within the final 20 days. It will be included in the new grace period. For example, if a purchase is made on May 5, then the new debt will have to be paid by June 20.

The easiest way to find out how long the grace period lasts on a Sberbank credit card is to contact an online bank or mobile application and ordering a card statement. It will contain all the necessary information, and you can easily carry out financial planning.

There are a few more nuances to consider when using a credit card:

  • during the reporting period, you can use the card for any payments without restrictions;
  • if you use an operation that entails the cancellation of the grace period, for example, cash withdrawal, you will have to pay interest on the entire debt;
  • interest is accrued as soon as the 50-day grace period of the Sberbank card comes to an end, so it is in the client’s interests to close the debt as quickly as possible, before a significant overpayment “runs up” - so, by repaying the loan even a week after the grace period, you can save significantly ;
  • penalties are accrued only in case of delay in mandatory payment;
  • You can top up your account in several tranches; there are no fines or commissions for this;
  • When transferring using third-party organizations - for example, other banks or systems like Qiwi and Western Union - it is better to top up the account in advance, since the money can take up to 5 days to arrive in the account, and it is easy to be late without wanting to.

The exact conditions for using a credit card are specified in the agreement with the card.

Conditions for withdrawing cash from a credit card

Please note that the grace period only applies to certain payments. Thus, such operations include:

  • payments in retail stores;
  • shopping in online stores;
  • payments for rent and other similar payments in Sberbank online.

But the Grace period does not apply in the following situations:

  • if happened internal transfer from credit card to debit card;
  • if the client has replenished a virtual wallet (for example, Yandex.Money or Webmoney);
  • When withdrawing cash from a Sberbank credit card, the grace period not only does not apply, but the bank takes an additional commission for “cash out” and also charges an increased interest (usually +1-2 percentage points).

Therefore, when using a credit card, it is better not to make unrecommended transactions in order to avoid additional costs.


So, the grace period on a Sberbank credit card is 50 days long and consists of two components. The first 30 days are a “step” from the report date, the last 20 days are “spare”. At the same time, spend funds throughout this period. To ensure a longer grace period, it is recommended to pay in the coming days after the report date. There is a special service on the Sberbank website that will help you do accurate calculations. You can also rely on these extracts. The grace period is not activated when performing operations not related to settlements, for example, when withdrawing or transferring credit funds.

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The grace period of a Sberbank credit card allows clients of a renowned institution to use the bank’s money free of charge for a set period of time. If you violate the grace period established by the financial institution, interest will begin to accumulate. Therefore, it is necessary to know how payment instruments of the described type work. If you calculate everything correctly, you can derive considerable benefits from owning Sberbank plastic.

How to use a Sberbank credit card with a grace period?

Like all financial institutions Russia, seeking to maintain its position in financial market, Sberbank has created its own credit product with a grace period of 50 days.

This means that no interest will accrue on the debt for 50 days. That is, you will use in cash, as if it were your own, as if borrowing from yourself.

Before ordering a card with a grace period, thoroughly study the terms of use. The first thing you need to understand is that the grace period is divided by the bank into 2 parts:
  • reporting (according to Sberbank terminology, settlement);
  • payment

Reporting period: what is it and its features

Many clients of financial institutions mistakenly believe that the countdown begins from the moment of purchase. Then they have to pay a considerable interest for using the credit card.

The essence of the reporting period is that it is the time during which you can freely use the card in stores and online stores, without fear that some interest will accrue on it.

According to Sberbank rules, the time for carefree spending lasts 30 days. The first day of the 30-day period starts differently for different clients. In a day:

  • making the first transaction;
  • payroll;
  • issuing a means of payment;
  • concluding a contract with a financial institution.

It all depends on the agreement concluded between the credit institution and the borrower. In some situations, the start date is set arbitrarily.

Before you put plastic into circulation, you must find out when it starts so that you can start counting and divide the period into parts for yourself: 30+20.

At the end of the billing period, the financial institution will send you a statement indicating:

  • what amount of borrowed money was spent;
  • total amount of debt to the bank;
  • how much you need to pay (recommendation indicating the minimum payment amount).

It is most profitable to use the card if the resulting debt is 100% covered. This must be done within 20 days of the payment period.

How to find out the payment time interval?

If you pay the bank while the interest-free period lasts, the payment period does not start. The 30 reporting days of the next period of time will begin immediately.

You need to clearly understand that for everything you purchased during the first 30 days, you need to pay for it within 50 days. Best in the first 30 days. Behind them begins a border, beyond which 2 periods start at once:

  • new reporting;
  • payment for what was spent earlier.

If the demarcation date, for example, is the 10th, for purchases made before it, and even in the last days - 8.9, you should pay from the 10th to the 20th. If the purchase was made on the 11th, in order to return the money spent on it, you have 49 days.

An important point is the date the report was generated. Knowing it, you will be able to use lending conditions with maximum benefit for myself.

Example of card payment calculation

Let's say your grace period starts on the 1st. On May 5 you spent 10,000.00 rubles, then on May 12 you spent 10,000.00 rubles again. The result was 20,000.00 rubles. The settlement with the bank for this amount must be made before June 19. By this time, the 50 days allotted to you will have expired, which are divided as follows:

  • from 01.05 to 30.05 – reporting period;
  • from 31.05 to 19.06 – payment period.

If you repay the debt and the reporting period has not yet ended, the payment time will not come. If you decide to pay the bank after May 31, 2 countdowns will begin at once: a new reporting period and an old payment period. You can determine the correctness of the calculations online on the Sberbank website in the “Credit Cards” section. To do this, set the following parameters:

  • reporting date;
  • loan interest;
  • the day on which the purchase is planned;
  • approximate amount spent.

The calculator will help you determine both the last date by which you need to make a purchase and the benefits that you will receive without paying bank interest.

Conditions for cash withdrawal

Sometimes credit card owners have to face the need to withdraw cash.

It should be taken into account that grace period provided only for the following types spending from the card:

  • shopping in retail stores;
  • purchases in online stores;
  • payments that can be made in the Sberbank Online service - utilities and similar expenses.

The grace period will not apply if you:

  • make cash withdrawals;
  • make a transfer to a debit card;
  • replenish any of the existing virtual wallets.

The accrual of interest stipulated in the contracts will begin at the moment the transaction is completed.

Benefits of owning a credit card with a grace period

Users note a number of advantages of a credit card of this type:

  • the credit limit can reach up to 600,000.00 rubles (except for the Momentum loan);
  • the card connects to bonus program“Thank you from Sberbank”;
  • if the terms of use are violated, the interest rate charged is more favorable than in other financial institutions;
  • you can activate the free SMS notification service;
  • Sberbank is a huge network with branches in all cities of Russia, which makes using its services especially convenient;
  • If you make all types of payments correctly and remember the end of the payment period, you can use the bank’s money interest-free.

The financial portal “Our Banks” writes how the grace period works for bank cards, how to avoid overpayment and when is the best time to use credit funds.

Often, when choosing a credit card, the most important thing for bank clients is the length of the grace period. It seems that the higher it is, the more preferable the card. And although this is not the only important characteristic in the card, the order of this mechanism is really important to understand. So let's figure out what a grace period is.

What is a grace period

(grace period) is a period during which a client of a financial institution, in particular a bank, gets the opportunity to use borrowed funds free of charge at a zero rate or a rate significantly lower than annual interest of a given financial product (usually a credit card).

Benefit of banks

It is naive to assume that the bank wants to operate at a loss or, much worse, at a loss. The logic of banks in providing inexpensive and sometimes free services plastic cards with a grace period is as follows.

First of all, financial institutions expect that the client, for some reason, will immediately or at some point go beyond the grace period. After this, he will be forced to pay increased interest for using credit funds. This percentage can often exceed the percentage that is set on cards without the coveted grace period.

Secondly, banks receive a commission from merchants when you use the card for purchases. Therefore, don’t worry, lenders are definitely not depriving themselves.

Grace period: how to avoid overpayment

As long as you pay the required monthly payment on time, it is also beneficial for you. And in order not to overpay, you need to know exactly , What operations are covered by the benefit?(usually only for non-cash payments), and also When does your grace period start and end?. It is the confusion with its duration that is the main subject of conflict.

Another incident that happens very often and causes great irritation among clients is error when paying the required loan payment amount. In this case, it may turn out that if you underpaid only a little, then you were charged interest on the entire amount of the debt, and not on the difference.

Therefore, when applying for a card, do not forget to ask a bank employee when the grace period begins and what operations it applies to. And closer to its end - exactly what amount you must pay.

What is the difference between an accounting period and a payment period (repayment period)

What is the difference between the reporting period and the payment period, that is, what is the difference between them, is often confused or deliberately identified even by bank employees. But everything is actually very simple.

Reporting period– this is a period determined by the bank from 1 to 31 days, during which you are charged interest for using loan funds. And no matter what you pay, you have time until the end of the payment period.

Thus, payment period- this is the period during which you are asked to pay the full amount of debt calculated for the reporting period in order not to pay interest on using the bank’s money.

The maximum number of days for these two periods in total constitutes the concept of a “grace period” (for example, “up to 55 days”).

MoneyRadar infographic

When does the grace period begin: types and principles of calculation

The grace period statement can be calculated:

  • by the sum of all transactions of the reporting period
  • for each operation separately

It is less common to count each operation separately. That is, you have a certain number of days, starting from the day of the transaction, to return the money to the bank without interest. This system is practiced in Ukraine, for example.

As a rule, a statement is generated based on all transactions for a calendar month (for example, from the 1st to the 30th of the month or from the 10th to the 10th). After that, you have a few more weeks to pay off. This type of calculation is called honest grace (honest grace period).

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If the statement is generated on the basis of both the reporting and payment periods, then this is already dishonest grace (unfair grace period). In other words, if you pay both in the first month and in the next - before the repayment deadline, then the real grace period will be the period of time from the last time you used the loan funds until the repayment deadline (for example, until the 25th of the month). And if you make purchases using bank money from the 25th to the 31st of the month, then you will have to pay within a month. At the same time, your grace is reduced from a maximum of 55 to 30 days.

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Lifehack: to make an “honest” Grace out of a “dishonest” one If you have two credit cards, use them alternately. For example, pay off one in February (repayment on it will be in March), and the second in March (repayment on this credit card will be in April.) And in April you can use the first credit card again - and so on in a circle.

Banks declare only 3 options for when the grace period begins:

  • from the date of card issue/activation
  • from the start date of the bank's reporting period
  • from the moment you start using credit funds

How to calculate the number of days of the grace period: examples

Often, misunderstandings regarding the length of the grace period give rise to a lot of disputes and customer resentment towards banks. In pursuit of the client, they set such grace periods, which, although longer than those of other banks, are also riskier if the client plans to pay at the last moment.

For clarity, let's look at examples.

How to calculate the number of days of the grace period in Idea Bank

Among the partners of the Our Banks portal, it offers the longest grace period - up to 92 days. But users of the portal resource often complain that the bank is allegedly cheating with the conditions.

We hasten to note two important nuances:

  • a maximum grace period of 92 days is available in exceptional cases;
  • it is only available once, subsequent grace periods will be up to 62 days.

The specifics of the 1st grace period at Idea Bank depend on several factors: when you issued the card, how many calendar days there are in the month, and whether the settlement day falls on a weekend.

Please note that the grace period does not begin from the moment you receive the card at the bank branch. It is calculated from the 1st calendar day of the month in which the card is opened and continues until the last working day of the third month of the grace period.

That is, if you issued a card on December 15, then your grace period is calculated from December 1. Thus, in order to extend it to the 3rd month, you need to pay the minimum monthly payment in the second month (as of 02/07/2018 - this is 6% if the contract includes insurance, and if it does not, then 5%). And in the 3rd month, you would need to pay the entire amount of debt before February 28 at the Idea Bank cash desk or on February 23 in another way (transfer from card to card, replenishing the card in the terminal, depositing the amount through the cash desk of another bank, etc. ). In other words, this must be done no later than three business days before the end of the payment period.

So, the maximum period of the first grace period of 92 days is possible in several exceptional cases:

  • you issued a card on the 1st of the month;
  • the months covered by the grace period consist of 31, 31 and 30 days;
  • you paid the minimum monthly payment in the second month;
  • The 92nd day of the grace period (30th or 31st day of the month) falls on a working day;
  • on this working day you are going to pay at the Idea Bank cash desk within its opening hours (the cash desk closes before the branch).

How to calculate the number of days of the grace period in Privatbank

Infographics Privatbank

Table Our Banks

Previously, the financial portal “Our Banks” wrote:

Sberbank of Russia, along with debit cards, offers Sberbank credit cards. The Sberbank credit card and its grace period of 50 days are very popular among clients. The bank issues credit cards of various classes based on the Visa and MasterCard payment systems. But there are also many nuances that clients often do not know, and therefore do not take advantage of all the benefits that the grace period of a Sberbank credit card provides.

If we consider Sberbank credit cards with a grace period, then we can distinguish two stages:

  1. Reporting– up to 30 days, during this period of time it is possible to use the limit, after which the bank will send a report on expenses.
  2. Payment– lasts 20 days, during this period you can do partial or full repayment. The main thing is that at the end of the loan there is no debt on the credit card, otherwise interest will be charged.

If the credit card holder has used the limit, the terms of working with the card imply mandatory monthly repayment. If the client did not go beyond the grace period (LP), he can repay the full amount of the funds used, and no interest will be charged. Otherwise, once a month you must make the minimum payment provided by the bank. If the loan funds were used, but the borrower did not make even the minimum payment, then a delay occurs. In this case, the bank charges a penalty for non-payment of the debt.

Sberbank provides its credit card holders with the opportunity to make expenses for 30 days, and does not accrue interest. And after that, it provides up to 20 more days to repay the debt. That is, the total LP time is 50 days.

Proper use of drugs provides many benefits. You can borrow until payday or solve other financial problems. And without paying the bank a penny. Many clients do not use loans as a matter of principle, but are happy to sign up for a credit card to get additional opportunities for free.

Rules for using a Sberbank credit card during the grace period:

  1. It is recommended to connect online services to your credit card. This will allow you to constantly monitor the balance. When spending, you will receive an SMS notification about the amount and amount of debt. The bank also sends a letter with information about the amount of the monthly contribution. Internet banking will allow you to view statements 24/7/365 remotely.
  2. Sberbank sends a report on card transactions by e-mail. It also sends other important information regarding the use of a credit card, so you need to monitor the letters.
  1. You need to pay it off once a month to avoid sanctions from the bank.
  2. The grace period of a Sberbank credit card for new expenses works even if there is already an overdue debt. But the opportunity to use without interest will be available only if the client pays off the arrears on previous payments.
  3. When depositing money, you need to take into account the time it arrives. When using different repayment channels, the time it takes for funds to arrive on the card may take a day or more. You need to control this moment, try to pay off earlier and better receive confirmation of receipt of funds from the bank.

How to calculate

The bank's website now offers the ability to calculate the grace period for a Sberbank credit card. A special online calculator is perfect for those who are using a credit card for the first time or are not sure that its calculation is accurate.

The online calculator works like this:

  • the client must enter information about the report date, size interest rate, amount and date of purchase in the appropriate fields;
  • after clicking the “Calculate” button, the system will show information about the number of days of use without accrual of interest and indicate the deadline for repayment.

The card holder can independently calculate the grace period for his Sberbank credit card. It is better to generate an extract where it will be indicated detailed information for each operation.

When calculating, you need to take into account the fact that after generating the report, the client is given up to 20 more days to deposit funds. Therefore, the LP itself will be larger - this also includes the length of time between spending and generating the report.

Calculation example

If we take as a basis the fact that the bank generates a report on the client’s expenses on the 1st, then calculating the LP is simple - you need to add another twenty to the number of days remaining until the end of the month. In our specific case, the LP will be a full 50 days.

The grace period for Sberbank credit cards is a clear example:

  • an expense report was sent to the client’s email on 04/01/2017;
  • this date is the beginning of a new LP;
  • debt for transactions that were carried out during the period from 04/01/2017 to 04/30/2017 must be repaid no later than 05/21/2017.

That is, if you use the card on the last day of the month (04/30/2017), then the client will have only 20 days to repay.

The duration of the grace period of 50 days is arbitrary; it may vary depending on the number of days in the month. Thus, the shortest interest-free period falls in February.

How to determine the beginning of the grace period

The new grace period begins the day after the date on which the report on previous expenses was generated. The number of LP days does not depend on whether the card holder used money during this period or not, and decreases every day.

For the owner of the Sberbank card, the grace period begins from the day when the first money was written off from the card as a loan.

The beginning of the grace period can be found in personal account online banking or by calling hotline credit organization. It is important to find out the date when the first loan was made. The next day is the beginning of the interest-free period.

The LP ends on the day when repayment must be made, otherwise interest will be charged for using the money. Payment can be made on any day between the date of purchase and payment. The bank indicates the repayment date in the summary provided to the client, which can also be found by using the Internet bank.

Sberbank reminds clients that the LP is coming to an end by sending a corresponding notification to the client’s phone. This allows you to minimize the risk of delay.

High-end cards have more features than regular credit cards. This is a preferential premium card from Sberbank “Visa” or “MasterCard”; its owners are provided with a wider range of services and more profitable offer from the bank, including card servicing.

As for the grace period, premium service does not apply to it, that is, premium card holders use LP in the same way as holders of other credit cards. For them, too, its duration is up to 50 days.

Can it be prolonged?

Sberbank provides standard conditions for the interest-free service period for all credit cards. It is impossible to change it. The bank will not extend it to one specific client or group of clients, since this is technically practically impossible and not economically profitable.

If the borrower is unable to repay the card debt by the end date of the LP, he can use the following recommendations to prevent the occurrence of overdue debt:

  • pay the minimum monthly payment, but in the next LP he will also need to repay the accrued interest for using the credit limit;
  • borrow money from friends or another bank and pay off the debt on a Sberbank card.

The last option is rather not a recommendation, but a practice used. But before doing this, you need to analyze the feasibility of such a step, as this may lead to additional costs. Moreover, it is difficult to get a new loan, and the emergence of new obligations is accompanied by the need to additionally spend time on repaying another loan, calculating the payment amount, visiting the creditor bank, etc. Therefore, before going to extremes, it is better to think several times.

At the time of receiving a credit card, before signing the agreement, the client needs to study the terms of the loan, the rules, how to use the product, ask the bank manager in detail about the LP, the monthly payment, and study the nuances. You need to clearly understand when the grace period begins and ends, isn’t it? additional commissions, how to calculate the grace period, etc.

We must also remember that in addition to expenses initiated by the client himself, there are others that should not be forgotten:

  • card maintenance fee (usually charged once a year);
  • fees for using paid services;
  • insurance payments.

All these payments are debited from the card, including through credit limit. As a result, a debt may arise, and if it is not repaid on time, interest will be charged.

LP is a convenient tool that can be used by anyone who has a SB loan. It allows you to save on interest - you can borrow from a bank, but no interest will be charged, provided that the money is repaid in full on time. The main thing is to take into account all the nuances, since an error in calculations can lead to interest charges or even arrears.

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