Kuzminov Higher School of Economics. Yaroslav Kuzminov: biography, personal life, family, interesting facts, career, photo

About HSE Features, or What is a Minor

Our university is multidisciplinary, each direction has its own competitors. And these are definitely not those who find the dynamics of HSE to be excessive. In recent years, all the leading universities in Russia have taken a very high pace of development and change. If in 2013 there were only 3 Russian universities in the top 100 global subject rankings, now there are 10 of them. The main challenge for us is competition in the global market. Competition for scientific results, for the best scientists, for talented students, regardless of their country of origin.
It must be frankly said that here we are all taking only the first steps. Our graduates are happy to be invited by the best universities in the US and the UK, but we have not yet been able to attract their own graduates to our master's and postgraduate programs on the same scale.
By trying to compete with global universities, we are developing as a global university. It's not a whim, it's a necessity. Russia today participates in about 5 percent of global research fronts, and France and Germany, for example, in 15-20 percent. Outside of global science, outside of global technologies, our economy simply cannot develop. Russian economy today one of the most open - import and export gives us a large share of GDP than in most other countries. We are very dependent on the global market, and therefore we must be effective precisely in the format of the global market - the whole country, and especially universities.
- What does HSE have that other universities don't have?
- I do not want to say that what I will talk about is not available in other Russian universities, it would be impolite and arrogant. I can say that we see our features that we want to develop and that we focus on. To some extent, others probably do it too.
- And still...
- First. We are not just a research university, we are a design and research university. We not only conduct academic research, we implement it in applied projects - across the entire spectrum of our fields, from computational linguistics to sociology, from history to mathematics. Now education and science are not yet the main, but already very important engines of the economy. Some share, some percentage of people should probably be engaged in pure science, but first of all, you need to teach your students to put into practice the knowledge that they have received. Therefore, a wide variety of project activities - from the analytical support of the work of the government, the presidential administration by economists, sociologists, lawyers to projects for the reorganization of cities by the school of urban studies, changes in the school environment by designers. Just recently, our engineers from MIEM completed the Electronic Nose project - they made a device that distinguishes odors better than the human nose, and patented it.
- The thing is useful, especially for those who have allergies.
- Very helpful. For example, I don't feel anything.
- And I often don't smell any.
- And there are many like you and me - there is already a market. To make a project and bring it to the market, you need to organize people to really realize what you have in mind. Not just to invent, but to make them buy. Working in a project, you learn not only the basics of your science, you learn to work in a group, the ability to put together this group, to negotiate with people who initially do not understand what you have done, to convince them, that is, to develop complex skills. And I think that such a project approach is our serious difference.
The second feature. Don't look at the sky, but look around. We try not to praise ourselves, but to look for our shortcomings and constantly look around in search of something new, in search of something interesting. And change yourself as a result.
- And how long ago did you start building such a system?
- We emerged in the 90s, at first we knew little, we felt like students, and at best apprentices. Now many consider us masters, but we still feel like apprentices, we are not ashamed to learn, we are constantly looking for where it is better than ours, and we think how this can be applied to our conditions.
Our third feature is that we are built on interdisciplinary interactions. Actually, this stems from the fact that, as I said, we are a design university. The project cannot be implemented by remaining only an engineer or only an economist. If you are doing an economic project, then you should invite lawyers, political scientists, sociologists at least to it. If you are an engineer and want to promote your product to the market, then you should invite marketers, managers, the same sociologists, lawyers, and so on.
- But such work, it seems to me, should have a special format ...
- And we have it formed, starting with the design of the educational program. A very specific format. Having entered the university, our students choose the so-called minor in the second year. Minor is 4 large interconnected courses. We have, in my opinion, about 40 of them on the Moscow campus, about 10 each in the branches. You can sign up for any minors, but with one limitation: you cannot take a minor in your specialty. Well, that would be stupid - you already know more in this direction.
- Can I have a specific example?
- Relatively speaking, an economist can choose psychology, work with big data, art history. It's his choice. We teach people to make choices and give them the opportunity to make them... Our life consists of choices. This thing - choice - is often unpleasant, responsible. It is always necessary to choose in conditions of incomplete information. You and I, as people who have lived, know this well. You always take risks when you choose. The main real defect of our school, which, I think, is scolded for a lot of things in vain, is that it does not prepare children for the choice. It has a very narrow space of independent choice. We are trying all the time to lead a person by the hand, we prescribe him not only a basic program, but also an additional one, we replace the choice of a student with the choice of a school for the student. And where is the choice? Where is your own responsibility? I consider it wrong to extend this process for another 4-6 years at the university. Therefore, we provide a very large field of choice for each student. He chooses probably up to half of the courses in the curriculum. And this choice is entirely his responsibility. By the way, Minor is not a second specialty, but it is not an introductory course either. What is, for example, 200 hours of psychology or law? This is a fairly deep dive. You get an expanded, different view of the world.

The carousel principle, or How to make it easier for a child to choose

I know you have your own lyceum. According to the Moscow government - the best school in Moscow this year. This is where you implement the concept of choice at the school level. Or am I wrong?
- Our lyceum is a large high school within the university. We accept 800 people per year in the 10th grade on a competitive basis in eight areas: mathematics and computer science, economics and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, psychology, law, design, oriental studies. As a rule, strong ninth-graders already represent approximately their priorities, at least they can classify themselves as humanities or natural scientists. A lyceum student enters one of eight directions, and then for the first two months he goes on special courses and determines for himself what he likes best. Having chosen a humanitarian direction, he will go to historians, then to philologists, to philosophers, etc. This principle of a carousel is an easing of choice. This is giving a person the opportunity to try himself on what he would like to work with further. There are those who generally change direction. For example, a number of lyceum students who entered "economist" or "lawyer" got so carried away with philosophy that they switched to the humanities and are now studying under the bachelor's program in philosophy. And vice versa happens.
At the heart of the lyceum program - everyone creates and carries out their own project. This may be research, or it may be a practical matter, including a collective one.
We created the lyceum in order to provide ourselves with a core of students interested in our various sciences. It's no secret that few people, studying at school and preparing to enter a university, imagine what their future profession is. Let's say a person wants to be a psychologist, but what tasks he solves, what his work consists of - he does not understand. Every year, up to 15% of those entering universities are faced with the fact that the chosen professional knowledge does not “turn them on” at all, it is simply not interesting. Or another danger - when he came to the university "for the brand", he, in general, does not care what to study, if only in the prestigious HSE (Moscow State University, MGIMO, substitute another). We, in turn, are not interested in teaching such an audience.
I want to emphasize that the HSE Lyceum is a completely free education. Moscow finances us in exactly the same amount per student as any other Moscow school.
- So, those who claim that money in education mean nothing are right?
- How do they mean. We try to attract the strongest teachers - both subject teachers and university professors. It is clear that our requirements and our salaries are higher. But we can do this (as, by the way, other schools with a large enrollment) at the expense of scale and modern educational technologies. In addition, the Novatek company has been helping the lyceum for several years now - Leonid Mikhelson allocates grants to support the best lyceum projects of both teachers and students.
- Yaroslav Ivanovich, are these all features of HSE?
- Not all, of course. I have not yet spoken about our fifth feature. We are very strongly - more than any other university in Russia - nominated for school. We have about 300 basic schools across the country. We conduct pre-profile training there, we teach basic subjects. But most importantly, we are trying to give students and teachers ideas that go beyond the approximate program. There are other features that I did not immediately begin to talk about, because they entered the blood so much that they became natural, spread throughout the country. But ten years ago, I would have said that we are strictly fighting against cheating, corruption, etc. We do not say that we do not have this, we simply build mechanisms for a tough fight against such cases. If an incorrect borrowing is found from an HSE teacher, he leaves the university. So it is with students. For example, the now well-known “Anti-Plagiarism” came from HSE.
- As far as I remember, you were the first to introduce student assessment of teachers.
- The main thing is that it did not become an empty formality for us, an occasion for reports. Be sure after each course, the student fills out a questionnaire, as is done in many Western universities, and assesses how intelligibly the teacher conducted his course, how much this course was personally useful to him, whether the teacher was available for consultations. Such powerful feedback does not allow teachers to "bronze". You always have an external evaluation. Transparency and academic decency are not a slogan for us, but tools that allow us to deal with deviations.
Everyone knows we are not afraid to expel students. At the same time, the level of deductions in our country in recent years has become lower than the average for Russia. We are glad that people who went for a prestigious diploma have almost stopped going to HSE. They already know that studying at HSE is difficult, that it is hard work. We always warn applicants: “Guys, there are a number of universities where the composition of students is not worse than ours, but there is a softer atmosphere. There you will be forgiven a lot. Here you will definitely not be forgiven. One or two papers must be submitted per week. If you gape in this meat grinder, you will simply crush and throw it away. We have an open ranking of students, from first to last. Regularly, one of my colleagues raises the question: “Let’s close the bottom half of the rating, students’ pride is suffering, they are worried ...” I answer them: “Listen, we must prepare children so that they can take a hit when they go a life where no one is obliged to love them. They need to feel what it's like to lose. They must be able to fight, to be able to mentally gather themselves in order to finish their studies, even if you are 5th from the bottom in the ranking.” I say at graduations: “First of all, I want to congratulate those who are at the bottom of the rating. You have reached the end, now any employer will look not at how you were in the ranking, but at the fact that you graduated from HSE, which means that you have stable professional knowledge.” It seems to me that the HSE education model (on the one hand, a lot of choice, and on the other hand, a lot of responsibility and internal risks) shapes future success in life.

Municipalities will gladly give away their schools. But will it be better for schools?

Two big changes await the education system in the new academic year. The first is related to the minister's idea of ​​transferring schools to the regional level. Can it be done and should it?
- That's a very difficult question. I discussed this topic several times with both the minister and her deputy, Tatyana Sinyugina. First, I would like to say right away that the ideology of this case is often distorted. People who criticize this idea say that Vasilyeva wants to suppress the freedom of schools. Or build a vertical from Moscow and steer everyone. But there are no fools in the ministry, no one is going to steer everything from Moscow, everyone understands that this is impossible. We are talking about the fact that it is necessary to provide that third of the schools that are in very poor conditions with resources, funding, so that they give children a decent level of general education. I think that in this respect this task is absolutely correct.
- But is it feasible?
- Out of the almost two trillion rubles that go to schools, 75% is covered by subsidies from the regions, and 25% - more than 400 billion rubles a year - comes from municipalities. If we want to take schools to the region, and this is what we are talking about, then it is natural that the municipalities will stop paying this money. And I understand them very well: our municipalities are poor, they have something to spend money on. Supporters of what Olga Yuryevna spoke about say that the municipalities receive subsidies and do not give everything to schools, but spend a lot on current affairs - paint the fence, patch the asphalt, but the school gets little. But there are different municipalities. And in this respect, in my opinion, it is necessary to break this problem into three parts. We have three types of territories: the first are very poor regions, we have about 40% of them. I think you yourself are well aware of the regions and republics where average salary barely reaches 15 thousand rubles. The region receives a subsidy from the federal budget, the municipality - from the regional one. That's all financial system. In this regard, there will be no negative consequences from the transfer of responsibility to the level of the region of the republic, but there will be no benefit either. Because the problem is that these regions are very poor, they still have no money. And this act will not increase the amount of money. If we want to provide all our citizens with a normal basic general education, I say it again, I support this goal, then let's calculate the needs and increase federal transfers. Let them be targeted - on the educational systems of weak regions that do not have their own funds. Then yes, you can do what Olga Yurievna suggests.
There is a second group of regions - these are relatively rich regions with large cities. The solvent part of the population is concentrated in these cities. One way or another - through school development funds, through other mechanisms - parental money gets into the education system. Plus, the cities themselves seriously pay extra to their schools compared to other schools in the region. Often the regional leadership is cunning and in various ways redistributes funding to weak areas: all the same, the city will not abandon its schoolchildren. If schools are taken away from large cities and transferred to the regions, we will simply collapse the funding system for 75% of strong schools, well, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg, where a subject of the Federation and a city are one and the same. Therefore, in relation to these regions, the answer is unequivocal - do not transfer.
And the third group is about 30% of the regions, they are intermediate, here it is necessary to investigate what happens, to conduct experiments. It seems to me that it is possible to achieve the goal that the leadership of the ministry is talking about using other legal and economic instruments. Each school should be provided with a regional standard, but with a coefficient for rural schools, for small schools, etc. And this money from the region should go directly to schools, bypassing the municipality.

Growth without a professional community is growth by appointment

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the creation of a model of a national system of teacher growth. Is it a breakthrough? Or is it just words?
- The system of teacher growth is a very important thing. The teacher should be able to grow while staying in the classroom. From the outside looking in, it might seem that teaching is a profession with a completely horizontal career path. It's good that we raised teachers' salaries. Although, in my opinion, there were perversions in a number of regions, they report that wages have been raised one and a half times, without saying a word about the fact that the workload has practically increased one and a half times.
The professional development of a teacher should have some stages, which should ensure his recognition in a wider community than one school. This is a very complex thing. How to do it? First, there should be various forms of interscholastic interaction between teachers, interscholastic departments (we have been advocating this for a long time), conferences. Teachers need to become more mobile. Can it be done? Yes, you can. It's not very big money. There is also a second side: professional growth should be objectively supported by something - advanced training. But schools don't have the money, so professional development often comes down to profanity, when it counts what is the cheapest, or what is very close by. If we are creating a national system, we must change the implementation mechanism. To give grants on a competitive basis to leading pedagogical universities, leading classical universities, so that they develop and implement truly advanced, teacher-elevating programs for professional development, internships or seminars in their subjects, so that teachers feel part of a wider professional community than the school one. Federal grants must cover all costs associated with running the program, including travel and travel allowances for teachers, and even small grants to schools to cover additional costs associated with a teacher's temporary absence. At the same time, each leading university - the grant operator itself conducts the national selection for its program (online it is easy to do).
We calculated that several billion rubles from the federal budget are needed to start the program. Compared to the two trillion rubles that go to school, this is not very much money. They can be found. It seems to me that it is possible to make a hierarchical ladder: chief teacher, senior teacher, general teacher, but nothing will work if this is not accompanied by a system of real mutual evaluation. And mutual evaluation can take place only when teachers from different schools, different districts, different regions communicate with each other and mutually evaluate each other. We must create a sustainable professional community, and only then talk about growth. Growth without a professional community, outside a professional community, is growth by appointment of superiors. We have seen this growth before.
- This academic year, in 15 regions, teachers will take, let's say, the Unified State Examination in mathematics and the Russian language, confirming their subject competence, a kind of such a qualifying exam. What do you think about it?
- This measure is insulting, but, in general, I think that they went for it correctly. We can no longer treat the teaching corps as if they are not paid anything and they work for thanks. To teach something else, the teacher must be able to do it himself, to know what his students need to know. On the other hand, professional pride, the dignity of a teacher is the most important resource. It is necessary to act very carefully so that the teacher motivates, not demotivates.
- It seems to me that today we cannot force teachers to take this exam or be tested. There is no law allowing this. But our life is such that they give up, and all as one voluntarily sign up for surrender. The question for me is different: who will be the judges? All the same officials, educational authorities?
- No need to be so categorical. It seems to me that the education management body always relies on a certain professional community. But it must be a broad professional community in order to prevent nepotism. Unfortunately, I know this, in a number of regions we are not immune from this. In this regard, a broad professional community is again needed, well, conditionally, let the community of subject teachers in mathematics conduct an exam in mathematics. At one time, we created many professional standards and did not find anything better than creating a professional teacher standard, period. What is written there, who needs it, no one understands. But a professional standard for a math teacher can be created, and it will definitely be useful. But it should be supported by the professional community, not by the authorities. In the next step, let's create a grid of professional standards for subject teachers. And maybe, on the basis of these professional standards, industry councils on professional qualifications will begin to emerge in the teaching environment. We have a huge community of teachers - 2 million people - this is a wonderful ground for creating such councils.
- At least 10 percent of the teaching community is very active.
- I would say that the active part in the teaching community is much higher than in the engineering community, for example. The potential of the current teaching corps is great, but people need to be told where to go, what steps to climb, and to introduce professional growth programs that are predictable for each group.
- Many years ago, the idea was discussed that it is necessary to withdraw the unified exam from the education system, to make it independent of it. But instead, the so-called independent assessment of the quality of education has arisen, which is very often formal, the system continues to evaluate itself. Is it possible to build a system for evaluating the quality of what education does that is really independent of the educational authorities?
- Such a system can be built. But not the way it is done now. Now this is pure imitation. An independent quality assessment comes from the client. Yes, the client is often incompetent and annoys us. I assure you, a car dealer is annoyed by customers in the same way that teachers are annoyed by aggressive parents or schoolchildren spitting paper balloons. But these are our customers, albeit not always right. An independent quality assessment comes from several independent environments, unpleasant, often mistaken, but after all, this is an independent assessment. The client, the client community should have survey tools, so I told you how we did it at HSE. We do not believe that all students are right in assessing teachers, but we have no other tool than to take into account their assessment.
- The law of large numbers works.
- Yes, this is the law of large numbers. We understand that students also have their own local interests, in particular, to save time, study less, we take this into account. In the same way, it is necessary to take into account the reaction of students and their parents, employers, the professional community of scientists who evaluate the level of knowledge, the level of work of the school in the subject - here you have an independent assessment of quality. And, finally, there is another very important element of it - international comparison, international experts. Again, no one told us to obey them, write them down and do as they say, but we need to listen. Russia, pah-pah, participates quite well in international comparisons. We are now in a positive trend for both TIMSS and PISA. Here, as you know, we have terrible results in the competence of adults, but we need to apply international assessment more widely, form a panel of independent international experts, pay them money, bring them and say: “Assess whether we teach geography correctly, based on the experience of your countries. Maybe you will be amazed at something and write off from us, or maybe you will say: “We have not been teaching like this for a long time.” A normal person should always make the most of the experience that is around him. This is also a quality assessment, right?

“I haven’t read Pasternak, so I’m silent” ...

Recently, the minister announced that new standards for primary and secondary schools have been written and that standards for high schools, which are qualitatively different from what was before, will be presented by the end of next year.
- I haven't seen the new standards that the minister was talking about, so I can't say anything about it. I have my own attitude to the current standards, it seems to me that they have both big pluses and big minuses.
- What is the biggest downside?
- Very vague description of the content of the standards. Everything is thrown into exemplary programs, and the school cannot live like that. In this regard, I agree with the minister. At the same time, I am sure that the content should be described not as “what to pass”, but as a detailed description of the results - both subject and meta-subject. Otherwise, we will ruin any author's school, any new approaches.
- A plus?
- There is a large amount of choice of schools and the student himself. In no case should this opportunity of choice be lost or thrown away. As for the new version of the standards, I say again that I have not seen them, and unlike the worker, who did not read Pasternak, I fall silent.
- What challenges will the education system face in the coming years?
- I think that the biggest challenge is digitalization. It is usually presented in an extremely simplified form: that there will be electronic textbooks and so on. In the coming years, self-learning Internet robots will appear that will be available to almost everyone and solve problems for you. It will bring down weak schools just in one moment. Weak schools are those that live on ready-made assignments. The teacher will not be able to determine in 5-10 years whether the child solved the problem himself or was solved by a robot from the cloud. And by 2025 or 2030, the robot will be able to formulate three or four alternative solutions and write the solution. It will be impossible to teach the way we teach until now: problem book, solution, correct answers, and so on. The writing will die completely for the same reason. Robots are on the way, which will wonderfully sculpt typical compositions. How to get out of this? Only through the project form of schools. Through student engagement. So that it would be interesting for them not to write off, but to deal with the task that exists. And to do it collectively and with the involvement of these same digital opportunities. This will be the comprehension of geography, mathematics through projects, and not through the solution of individual problems. This is a collective form, this is a design form. The role of education in the school will increase by an order of magnitude. Here again there is a point where we agree with Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva: she speaks of the need to restore education. And I completely agree with her. Because the teacher has lost the function of an educator over the past 25-30 years. He must restore it: not only be a consultant, but also an educator. Only this is not the old education-edification.
This is education that forms interests, positive motivation, the ability to cooperate. He should become, relatively speaking, a leader who will be interesting to the guys. But this will require a huge overhaul of the teaching community. That is why I am talking about the inevitability of a qualitative change in the system of advanced training of teachers, updating their skills, because without this the school will simply fall apart, society will begin to treat it with disdain.
“Maybe we need to prepare for this. And first of all, pedagogical universities. Maybe it should have started yesterday. Today, the future no longer repeats the present, as it was before. It's right here, at arm's length...
- It seems to me that training in pedagogical universities is built very wrong. What is a teacher? The teacher is an art. It's not a theory. And here I passed the theory of pedagogy with "five", you can consider yourself a teacher - go to school. But we are not graduating theoreticians of pedagogy, we must train real teachers.
There are guys in every student community - both physicists and historians - who are happy to work with the younger ones. These are future teachers. They need to be singled out. They need to be offered real pedagogical practices. A person must teach all the time learning to be a teacher. Let him start with optional classes, with tutoring, with a circle of geography. This is how it should be formed. new class teachers.

Everything that was, will be. Everything that will be has already been

Yaroslav Ivanovich, during your professional life, several concepts for the development of education have been created: 2010, 2020, 2030... Have these concepts guessed what will happen? Did you suggest ways to solve problems that arose? Or were they theoretical reflections of a futuristic plan, far from reality?
- To a large extent, these concepts have been implemented. Per capita financing was the first to be proposed; it has been implemented everywhere - both in schools and universities. The idea is realized, there is just not enough money to make it really breathe. The second is specialized schools. It has also been implemented, although not completely. The fourth - "bachelor's degree - master's degree" - step higher education. Implemented. Fifth - a single exam. And it has been implemented. The sixth is the search for talents - Olympiads and an advantage in enrollment. Implemented.
- Effective contract?
- An effective contract has been implemented to some extent. But there are many perversions. The problem is very simple: from the very beginning, the government began to save on this. The implementation of an effective contract required 1.2% of GDP - for everything, including teachers, doctors, nurses. The Ministry of Finance started with 0.37% of GDP. Today, the Federation provides less than 20% of the necessary funds for the implementation of an effective contract. Everything else is hung on the regions. Hence the problems of overloading teachers, the lack of money for excursions, teaching aids, etc. Hence the “lack of bandages in polyclinics”.
- And what is not implemented from the important ideas laid down in the concept?
- Of the important measures that we proposed, applied baccalaureate is practically not implemented. We have remained the last country to artificially "lower" the working class, offering it a deliberately lower educational - and hence social - status. All countries, without exception, have already solved this problem through the technical baccalaureate, universities of applied sciences. As a result, they go to colleges in order to enter universities without the Unified State Examination, two-thirds of their graduates do not use their qualifications in any way. And the country continues to import millions of labor migrants. But the country cannot raise the quality of products - this is a problem of the quality of execution of technical regulations, a problem of the quality of the working class.
The main thing that has not been implemented is, of course, the budget maneuver in favor of education. From the very beginning, we considered how much not just education reform costs, but how much education should cost in our country. From the very beginning, we said that Russia spends too little on education compared to other countries. Our funding for education is 3.5 percent of GDP, and in the countries with which we compare ourselves, this is an average of 5 percent of GDP. Considering that these countries are also richer than us, we greatly underestimate education. In the last three or four years, the education system has lost 20 percent of real funding, as has health care. This is a very serious problem. As you understand, any proposed tools, any new forms work when they are provided with resources. We realize our current interest at the expense of the future. This is dangerous. Any talk about stability, competitiveness is very important, but you still need to think not only about your own competitiveness, but also about the competitiveness of your children.
- In twenty years you have written so many analytics that the materials would be enough for more than one doctoral dissertation. Why don't you have it yet?
Because I don't have time for her. I can't take credit for other people's results. Yes, I don't really understand why I need it. We have so many doctors of both economic and pedagogical sciences that embedding in their ranks will not adorn me. In the same way, I think that membership in some academy will not decorate me either.

The Internet considers him a shadow minister for three terms. What is true and what is a lie?

If you look through the Internet, then almost every fifth article says that all the innovations, all the reforms that have been carried out from Filippov to Livanov are your ideas. Ministers come and go. When a new minister comes, will they write that the ideas of Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva, which she implemented when she was on Tverskaya, were also yours?
- I think no. Well, firstly, what they write about Filippov, Fursenko and Livanov is not true. They implemented the ideas of a wide group of people, which they themselves led. To some extent, our views coincided. I managed to convince them of something. To some extent, they implemented their own designs, and this is quite normal. You see, in education there is a large group of researchers, a large group of analysts who offer certain models and evaluate them. This community always interacts, discusses something within itself, but each minister has his own strategy, otherwise he simply will not respect himself. To be honest, I can't imagine that you can appoint a minister who does not have his own ideas, just to implement someone else's concepts. Why do it? I think all three of the ministers we're talking about had their own face and were deeply convinced of the things they were doing. I didn't agree with them on everything. For example, Andrey Fursenko accomplished a real feat, bringing the situation with the Unified State Examination and the Bologna system to the end. Andrey Alexandrovich did it, honor and praise to him, but under him the experiment on GIFO was closed. If we had then introduced budgetary grants based on the results of the Unified State Examination, now we would have a completely different structure of higher education. Preparation "to nowhere" would be reduced significantly. Dmitry Viktorovich Livanov was not afraid of structural changes and did a lot to combat pseudo-education, but often took a tough position that did not take into account public reactions. He did not like the social sciences, the humanities, in general he did not recognize them as such. I repeat: each of the ministers had strengths, there were positions and actions with which I did not agree, and this seems to me quite natural.
- What has changed over the year in the education system after the arrival of the new minister?
- I would say that I see an attempt to enter into a dialogue with teachers and listen to those who form the roots of national education. I see an attempt to build a system of flagship universities in the regions, this is a very good idea, we fully support it. The idea is that we have universities that may not have such a strong international scientific competitiveness, but they are very important for the development of the region. They need to be made into some kind of hubs - technoparks, incubators should be transferred there so that they can grow technology teams around them, teams involved in social projects, so that, relatively speaking, a quarter or a third of students stay there and, with the help of the university, implement new projects, form regional centers innovation. It seems to me that this is a very rich idea, but so far, unfortunately, there are no resources for it. But I hope that it will be implemented. It seems to me that, in principle, a sound movement has begun to streamline the system of textbooks and teaching aids. There is a lot of demagoguery here about the fact that this is an attack on freedom, I do not understand this at all. Listen, we live in the world of the Internet, a lot of everything is available to us - take it and use it. What freedoms? What are we talking about? The paper textbook has only a few years left to live.
- I would generally abolish the Federal List of Textbooks as an institution ...
- Here. But the movement towards having a clear content core in the standard is true. To update it regularly, it must be. Without it, the standard turns into an empty piece of paper describing sanitary and hygienic conditions. I argued with many of my colleagues at the Higher School of Economics about this, they somehow liked the old standard more ideologically, but it seems to me that this is a wrong position. The absence of substantive requirements is not a guarantee of freedom. And I believe that timid but important steps have been taken regarding the guarantees and rights of the child, regardless of where he is, so that he can move from school to school. All these things should be accompanied by some promising steps: the leadership of the ministry should see what will happen in 5 or 10 years. Questions remain in this regard. I don't see confrontation here, but I don't see active politics either. In addition, there is one more important thing. Vasilyeva managed to gather her staff in the ministry just now. Almost a year has passed, people will look around for some more time. The ministry does not consist of one minister. Therefore, it is difficult to assess what, in fact, has been done during this time. Declarations are one thing, but what is actually done is another.
- What is the first thing a teacher needs today to be a good teacher?
- It seems to me that a person going to school, first of all, should love being a teacher. He must like his students. If he does not like them, then it is better to find another job. Everything else is simply attached to this - and salary, and status, and knowledge. But if a person does not have this basic feature of a teacher, then it is better for him to leave the school.

The teacher is a conductor, director

First, the digital environment already exists. She's just around us. Today, almost every young person has a smartphone or tablet. Approximately 20-30 percent of the answers an urban child searches on the Internet, as they say, googles a question. Adults do this much more often, they now surf the Internet for any reason. Children, especially younger students, first trust the teacher, the school, the system, and therefore they have less incentive to look for information on the Internet. But the older the student becomes, the denser the digital environment surrounds him, becoming almost the only source of information. It becomes the main way to find what you need, the main way to communicate. Not paying attention to this at school, at least, would be strange.
- Let's clarify: there is a natural digital environment and a digital environment that can be specially created for education. What is the second one?
- This is, firstly, a public environment, a "big cloud" - entire courses, individual educational and training modules, verification modules, forums. In addition, a specially designed environment within a school, university, college - what is called the Learning Management System - LMS, it also includes specially created learning materials. As a rule, this is a digital platform that has an electronic schedule, there is a digitally given homework, it is possible to place texts, examples, questions in it, there is an electronic journal and a diary. It's not just about the school - about any institution where people study.
- What are the benefits of this environment?
- They are pretty obvious. First, you can work remotely. If you get sick, you receive educational materials in the same way, you are just as included as the rest of the guys in the class or audience. Secondly, this system contains the possibility of digital verification of tasks. It is often said: what does a digital school give a teacher? It seems to me that the teacher benefits the most from the digital school. "Digit" gives him the opportunity to transfer routine work to a digital assistant - checking assignments both in the classroom and at home. Having given the task, you get the results in a generalized form: who did it, who did not cope with what, who decided in an original way. As if you had an assistant who checked everything for you and brought it - "Look, Mr. Teacher." You go from a teacher to a master teacher.
- And it radically changes the teaching profession.
- First of all, I must warn that we are entering the shaky ground of describing the future. My judgments are based, of course, on facts, on the trends identified by our researchers. But life is richer and more complex than any particular trend. Therefore, we would not like these forecasts to be perceived as normative statements, as descriptions of binding decisions. In such a huge scale and socially responsible business as a school, caution, thoughtfulness, and experiments are needed. The reality may differ from these forecasts. But you still have to act. And act without delay.
What I can firmly say is that technologies are widely used on the market today, on which key decisions of the digital school can be based. They just work in other sectors than education. Blockchain - in finance, virtual reality, strategic modeling and role-playing games - in the computer entertainment industry.
Digital educational solutions are primarily content development, meaningful methodological tasks. The authors of the educational revolution will not be people external to education, or at least not only them. Digital educational resources will be created by a new generation of teachers. We in Moscow are already seeing how it works.
As for the mass teacher - not the one who develops, but the one who applies - I am sure that the figure does not change the main thing - the creative nature of the work. The teaching profession is very interesting. On the one hand, this is a creative profession, because there is nothing more creative than the education and upbringing of a living person. This is a difficult creative task, like a conductor in an orchestra, like a regiment commander. On the other hand, like them, the teacher must perform a lot of routine activities. Partly absolutely necessary, partly imposed by the formal side of the school. Journal, diary, report and so on. God forbid check! LMS generally removes all this, leaving only the active creative component of the teacher. When this system is implemented throughout the country, it will become easier for good teachers and new teachers will come to the school. Today, there are a lot of creative positions in the labor market, where they pay the same or even less than at school, but people strive for these positions because these positions provide an opportunity for self-expression, because this is a trendy, cool job. The school will become the same place for self-realization. Someone wants to write stories, someone wants to paint with oils, and someone wants to teach and educate. Teachers serving their service will be uncompetitive. And the “teacher-teacher” (there are quite a lot of them at school today) will flourish. He will feel that they began to treat him differently, they began to appreciate him, as before. And the new people who will go there, and those who are actively retraining, will be completely different. The profession of a teacher will really become creative both in terms of inner feeling and social coloring.
- It's clear about the teacher. What does this system give the child?
- Choice. LMS offers the child alternative and variable tasks. Having been engaged in school for a long time, we know well how the class is divided. There is a core that keeps up with the program, with whom the bulk of the teachers work, there are lagging behind, there are 30 percent of them, and there are leading ones, there are 10 percent of them. Some leading ones learn the material, solve problems 60 times faster than the bulk. This is evidenced by pedagogical measurements in different countries. In the traditional school, we lose both leading and laggards. Ideally, the teacher should give separate tasks to both the first and second. But in reality, he does not have time to do this, he has enough time and attention only for the core of the class. The digital environment, intelligent assistants and digital tools, gives him the opportunity to do this.
But the digital environment is different in that it cannot be “closed”. Regularly offered devices with a limited range of sites are surprising. The task of the education system is to properly organize the external, “big” environment so that, drawing from it, the student does not make mistakes. This is not a limitation of the Internet, it's just an advanced system of search and professional tips. Many are faced with buying a used car. If you just go to the aggregator resource, you will have ten thousand offers, many of which are very attractive in price or simply temptingly made. But if you do not want to take excessive risks or if you are not a very experienced person, you resort to the simplest filters: put the limiter "checked by auto.ru" or even cooler - "Audi certified". The range of offers is narrowing, but the consumer receives information that he can trust.
One can imagine professional boards for each school subject, which in this way mark the resources found in the Global Web. After all, there are more and more of them, a huge array of foreign ones will soon be added - automatic translation is becoming more and more acceptable in quality. Here "UG", for example, can organize such communities of subject teachers around itself.
- Well, the digital environment seems to have been sorted out. What is a digital school?
- The school should be part of the digital environment. For it to become this part, it is necessary that at least half of the students can work on the Web at the same time. To do this, the school must have access to high-speed Internet. This is from 100 megabits per second to 1 gigabit per second. Artem Ermolaev, Minister information technologies Moscow, says that the capital will switch to gigabit within the next few years. Gigabit is needed for virtual reality. Regions until 2021 should move to 100 megabits. 35 billion rubles have been allocated for this in the Digital Economy program. For cities, high-speed Internet is no longer a problem - take it and connect it. But this is a serious problem for remote areas where there is simply no cable.
- What else does a digital school need?
- Own school servers, fast and reliable grid. And of course, there must be an IT specialist who is an engineer, a basic programmer, and a network manager who makes it all work, helping teachers with the basic development of application software. It is ridiculous to push this case onto a computer science teacher, because his qualifications do not always allow him to cope with this work. So a digital school is a high-speed Internet plus a material environment and personnel.

Dominance of robots is not expected
- Yaroslav Ivanovich, is there a feeling that the Russian Electronic School is a clone of the Moscow Electronic School?
- MES is a very good thing, there is a basic LMS for all Moscow schools, there is an electronic diary, teachers post their teaching materials there, there are lesson layouts and so on. That is, the Moscow Electronic School is a scattered repository of a wide variety of educational materials, constantly replenished by teachers. There is a system of incentives for teachers whose materials are most actively used by colleagues. Such teachers receive awards for their products of methodical creativity. But MES is an element of a traditional school, not a new one. There are no actual digital resources there that would solve the eternal problems of the school.
- And what are these resources?
- First, what will be instead of a paper textbook? For the time being, we call it digital educational and methodological complexes. Boring term. We can call it a digital textbook or an interactive digital textbook. What is this about? People started making digital textbooks like pretty pdfs. They have no advantages over paper textbooks, except that they wear out less. The text textbook should be replaced by an interactive computer program that has the ability to offer assignment options to all major groups of students. We have already said: there are three groups - lagging behind, core and leading. And there are two main groups according to the principle of understanding the material. Relatively speaking, the humanities and mathematicians, or people with an emotional, figurative perception of the material and with a logical perception. A psychologist can create a more detailed classification. But if we put these six main options into a digital textbook, then we will already achieve what the class-lesson system could not provide. A student from each perception group will receive educational material prepared specifically for him, for his group.
- How does this whole thing work?
- A good teacher sees everyone, but he does not have time to give each individual task, to test everyone, and even more so to achieve mastery of the material by each, depending on his personal characteristics. At the heart of the digital textbook - artificial intelligence, a self-learning robot that will test you and give you tasks. You will answer, and depending on how quickly you answer, he will offer you a new task. Your mastering of some section of algebra is going poorly, the robot understands this and loads you with additional tasks so that you consolidate the material, or tasks with visualization so that you understand algebra in your “figurative” perception system. If you solve everything very quickly, he offers you a more complex range of tasks than other students in the class. In fact, we must develop at least six, and taking into account the visually impaired and those prone to autism, eight to ten basic options, sets of explanations and tasks, and have a self-adjusting system that understands whether you have mastered or not mastered, understood or not understood. This does not have to be done by a robot, it can be done at the first stage by a simpler expert system. But in principle modern technologies artificial intelligence already now allows you to do all this.
- So this is the first step towards replacing the teacher with artificial intelligence?
- There can be no replacement for the teacher. We are replacing the textbook, not the teacher. The idea that something will replace the teacher is fantasy, not science fiction. Any robot replaces only routine actions. And intellectual, creative actions still remain for a person. The problem of today's school is that the teacher does not have enough time to do all the necessary routine actions. And monitoring and evaluation is a routine activity. To see that Petya failed is a routine action. This routine action is replaced by a robot. In the same way, a robot replaces the routine actions of a taxi dispatcher or a nurse who brings medication to a patient by the hour. This is not about a revolution of robots that will become smarter than us and replace us. We are talking about electronic assistants that will allow us to do more. In this case, teachers will be allowed to do more. The teacher will still remain. But it will work with a digital textbook, with a new generation textbook. He will have to be taught to work with this resource. And this should not be the business of the local rono or methodological service, but the business of the provider of this textbook. The provider of each textbook will form teaching communities, and this is another benefit from the digital school. If a teacher is included in the community, if he can ask a methodologist a question, create his own forum, offer his own outlines of lessons, methods, if he can additionally upload this digital textbook with new materials, then again everyone benefits from this. Like Mayakovsky, "150,000,000 is the name of the master of this poem." Subject communities of teachers help teachers share their own developments regarding the introduction of digital technologies in the educational process. The teacher can also act as a researcher. Through dialogue, there is a continuous professional development of teachers.
- But teachers are now joining different communities, working on lessons and manuals. What needs to change?
- The educational process will be turned upside down. The methodology will change. This is probably one of the main questions today. Change is already happening - we see it in educational startups. A teacher using real digital tools is in dire need of new methods, in horizontal communication with professionals. After all, now it is necessary not just to give everyone a “mandatory minimum”. It is necessary to find the motivation, the interest of each student, to involve him. This is a completely different training. Individual, personalized. We are moving from a frontal method to a personal one. And here we need specific successful practices of working with very different children. And with health limitations, and with their own characteristics of perception and thinking, and with different ages. It is even difficult to imagine what kind of intellectual power you need to attract. No methodical service can cope with this. We need completely new organization and specialization of highly professional communities - teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists. Huge databases of knowledge and methods of work, successful practices are needed. It is necessary to translate successful expert systems into digital. Then the replacement of a paper textbook with a digital one will become a reality. It doesn't work without a teacher.
- But this is a distant bright future, about which we dreamed and dreamed so many times. To be a realist skeptic, when can it come far from Moscow?
- As soon as Rostelecom reaches the territory of the cable, as soon as the first experimental textbooks are delivered, we will see that the regions, perhaps even more actively than Moscow, will get involved in this matter. There are fewer temptations, more opportunities to focus on your business. It seems to me that there is no watershed between the capital and the regions, except for the technical one. Let's remove this technical divide, and the regions will be able to build a digital school.
- Will we be able to eliminate this watershed in the next three or four years?
- The answer to this question is related to how much it all costs. Connection and school hard for six years costs from 35 to 100 billion rubles. For the whole country. This is not very big money, they can be found. The question is what standard we will go to. With a connection standard of 100 megabits per second, it is impossible to work with virtual reality. But with traditional Internet tools, you can. For what we have just talked about, the standard of 100 megabits per second is quite enough, these are all the students of the classes - 250 people - on the Web at the same time. There should be computers in every classroom. Or a network that implies that children work with their tablets.
Now school software. One digital complex can cost about one billion rubles. This is a ruler, say, for physics throughout the basic school for six years, with all the options that we talked about.
- How many such complexes do we need?
- And how many school subjects do we have? Over twenty. About a dozen, let's leave alone. There is physical education and so on. For music, there may be additional tools, there is software that allows you to do this. He is on the market. We will talk about technologies later, this is a completely separate task. Let's say ten subjects where we teach "according to the textbook." In ten subjects, if we take the basic school, relatively speaking, this is ten billion. Let's multiply by two, because there should be some kind of variety, we should not trust one team to do everything. Let there be competition, let there be choice. This means that this is twenty to thirty billion rubles, and then about 10% per year will have to be paid for support. We can add one more function there - teacher training, constant interaction with them, conferences. Let's say it's another 250-500 million a year for each such complex. Accordingly, 35-50 billion will come out. These are the core subjects in elementary school. You need to double the amount to put core subjects and high school there. As a result, I think, all this can be put into about 100 billion a year.
But it's a lot of money...
- They just seem huge. We have 2 trillion rubles a year school budget now. The creation of this entire system will increase annual spending per student by 5,000 rubles on a national scale. It's lift money. We can use the advantages of our country. We have a very large centralization of education. Now everything is purchased from us centrally at the level of regions and cities. Let's buy at the level Russian Federation. We will hold a national competition, buy the best solutions “for the whole country” and give them to every school as a public resource. It will cost three times less than if we allocated money to each school for this project. By the way, in this case, we will quickly switch to equipping schools with new generation equipment than Western countries. Because each school or each municipality buys all this from them separately.

And people should not take risks, and the plane is a pity
- Yaroslav Ivanovich, let's get back to technology. Digital simulations are becoming more and more assertive.
- We all played computer games. Now existing technologies allow you to reproduce almost any environment, any situation. You can put on almost any mask, you can be a pharaoh in ancient Egypt, a Christian preacher, a boyar during Ivan III, or you can be a manager of a company that sells tours, or a guide in the Kremlin, or a surgeon. Those technologies that have already been worked out in role-playing and strategy games, we can simply transplant into the learning environment. This makes two things available. The first is a substantive representation of oneself with some task in some environment, the second is the opportunity to really, at the level of subtleties, master some kind of technology. What is high qualification is the ability to work in difficult situations, dangerous or rare. In the world for a long time, fifty years, there are simulators for pilots. What for? To work out to automatism actions in crisis situations. Can we do it on a real plane? Of course not. Firstly, people should not risk their lives, and secondly, the plane is a pity. But this is the principle of learning any technology, any production role. And what, the locomotive is not a pity? Technological complex is not a pity, which costs tens of millions? When it comes to expensive technologies, vendors simultaneously invest in appropriate software and train operators to protect people from risks and save infrastructure.
- I'm sorry, but how can all this work in a school?
- We can create this kind of simulators - simulators of the main professions. Put on virtual reality glasses and lead a tour, for example, of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. An inadequate person approaches your group, you somehow fight him off, your foreign tourist is trying to be replaced by the police, someone asks you tricky questions. You work with a group like a real guide, you study, the qualifications obtained in this way are much higher than what a regular college gives. Simulations are the mechanism for practicing most qualifications. And for the school, it is even more important to get acquainted with this qualification or profession. So I want to be a lawyer. Please try what this work consists of. Make decisions that a lawyer makes, allocate your time, communicate with clients. After a while, you will understand whether it is interesting for you or not. And so you can go through any profession.
- How much does it cost?
- If you make this kind of simulation based on VR, it will be 5 million dollars alone. That's how much it costs to develop a serious game these days. How many such simulators should we have? Let's say a thousand. Five billion dollars. But we will save twice on typical situations. Let's say 2.5 billion. Multiply by 60 - there will be about 150 billion rubles. But in six years we will get a thousand technologies delivered to all schools, all colleges. Given that 25 million people will use it, is it very expensive? Not, no so much. This is six thousand rubles per person. The numbers seem to be large, but on a national scale they become, divided by each person we teach and whom we create completely new opportunities for mastering, completely different.
- And what risks still arise with the transition to interactive digital textbooks and digital simulators?
- I do not see any big risks in the implementation of simulators. As for interactive textbooks, then, of course, in the course of their development, serious approbation is needed, experiments that will allow us to evaluate not only positive effects, but also risks, and suggest options for reducing these risks.
The main risk of the coming years is not in the transition to digital, but in the absence of such a transition, in the preservation of traditional approaches in school.
In two or three years, artificial intelligence based on the "cloud", looking for information in the "cloud", will be in every smartphone. Well, at least five years from now. How will the school work if the teacher cannot understand whether the child completed the task himself or was given exceptionally good answers? He can't check it. Yes, you can dig, enter into a dialogue. But with how many children does the teacher enter into a dialogue - a real one - during the lesson? With three or four, he barely manages. The school loses today because it is built on the methods created by Jan Amos Comenius in the 17th century. These are methods of mastering the “minimum” material that is mandatory for all and completing tasks, the answer to which is known in advance to the teacher. These technologies have become obsolete. We are forced to look for other methods and prepare children for constant creativity.
- Unfortunately, the school still continues to live in the old paradigm. At least in our country...
- What is the repetition of old methods now pouring into? Decreased interest in learning. We have a high motivation of children to study in elementary school, but in the main it falls two to three times. In elementary school, the child is interested, the teacher really works with him, almost alone, it's like a family. And in the main school, the child ends up in specialized workshops, the heads of which - teachers - communicate with the children "on the stream", they will not be able to communicate with them in a different way, there is not enough time to pay enough attention to everyone. To overcome this alienation from school, it is necessary to increase the involvement of children in the lesson.
- How can this be done, in your opinion?
- I think it can be done with the help of two technologies. The first is a game, the second is projects, including collective ones. Game and project methods allow you to captivate the child with the learning process. Not the result, when the correct answer is given by the teacher, but the process. In each of these methods, game and project, there is another element that encourages activity - this is competition. You can form teams, organize collective competitions. Schoolchildren's projects, learning games, competitions based on projects and games - just what the teacher gets. This is not what an automatic does. The machine helps. And the teacher performs the function of a conductor, director of all this action. It's a completely different role. I think the role is very interesting.
- Today, speaking about the Russian Electronic School, we just forget that it is not created from scratch. A few years ago an excellent foundation was laid for this school. But with the arrival of a new team at the Ministry of Education and Science, not only the ideology of the project has changed, but also the ways of its implementation. Were all previously spent intellectual and organizational efforts in vain?
- I would not say that nothing happened with that idea at all. There are already a lot of teachers who work with digital resources. There are many projects, educational materials that have been created by dozens, even hundreds of small teams.
I would not say that all this is completely gone to the sand. Another thing is that in the field of "numbers" any state program is doomed to lag behind. Because technology is developing so fast that it is ahead of any program. Five years ago, we had the opportunity to digitize all textbooks. But it hasn't been done. Why i do not know. Five years ago it was possible to create large educational electronic libraries, make them available to almost everyone. Why are they not being used? Because it's still a foreign thing. Why are district libraries not used at school? You have to get there, but there is no time. I'll give you another example. There are about 5,000 scientists at HSE, not counting graduate students. Every year we discuss the problem of why our scientists have little interest in each other. They don't go to absolutely wonderful seminars of neighboring institutes, which bring together dozens of people from outside HSE. They do not use the amazing opportunities provided by related sciences. Why? Because there is no time. Huge shaft of information, duties. The same thing happens at school. Until it becomes the root of your activity, nothing will change. The e-school in the form in which it was presented was not the root of the activity.
- We talked about the fact that the digital school is beneficial for teachers and children. Is it beneficial for parents, and if so, how?
- Of course, it is beneficial. They have almost online information about how their child is doing. Together with him, they can roam the electronic resources, look for the best answers. This is a much more rewarding task than googling things or remembering things on your own. There is one more thing. She is probably third on our list. Let's call it checking educational outcomes. The digital school allows you to make a diagnosis of what you know at any given time. This check can be combined with competitions, with olympiads, it can be combined with the OGE and the Unified State Examination. The USE is the development of the compulsory, the Olympiads are the results that are above the mandatory. Both, plus the training competitions in which children are involved, give useful information parents. And here, completely new private services may appear, which will be used by the most restless parents in order to know every week how much Petya is doing, for example, in chemistry and what exactly he does not know. For the first time, the situation becomes transparent to parents. But you will have to pay for this. I think that these will be trendy paid services, and in large cities they will grow rapidly. By the way, they are already very popular. As we develop, information becomes an increasingly interesting commodity.

Someone grabs a belt, and someone grabs a book
- Yaroslav Ivanovich, you once said that the digital school allows you to create an objective portfolio for the first time. What is a digital portfolio?
We have all heard about the blockchain. These are multiple and independent registers. Blockchain technologies provide objective information. You cannot fake this information. Imagine that we start applying blockchain technology to educational outcomes and get an objective portfolio. And an objective portfolio, as the rector says, is what I need instead of the exam. An objective portfolio for any rector, any dean is much better than the USE.
- What's better?
- The exam is one cut, often random. He is honest, this is his great advantage, but he is alone. You never know how a person passed him, how much he mobilized. I am interested in selecting my students according to what they are in a broad sense, how they will open up in the learning process and then in their careers. If a person comes to me, and it becomes clear to me what he was fond of in the fifth or sixth grade, what Olympiads he participated in, what sports he was involved in, what social activity he showed, what ideas he proposed, say, for school self-government, this will be completely objective, a real portfolio, and not formed by my mother in the last year before admission. Now imagine how this portfolio, if it replaces the exam, will change the behavior of parents. They will finally start investing in children. Now they simply deposit them in the main school and weaken control, and then try to quickly attach them to the university. At least about ninety percent of parents do this.
- It seems to me that parents in this way are saved from the difficult - adolescence - age of their children, when they begin to assert themselves, sometimes in a strange way.
- The digital portfolio gives an absolutely clear idea of ​​what is happening with the child at school, how he behaves, whether he is active or not, in what subjects he has stopped doing well, what things he has not mastered. One of the parents, having learned this, will take up the belt, and someone will grab the book. Someone for a wallet. The possibility of a digital portfolio potentially has a huge motivational role. Let's not deceive ourselves and say that society is closely watching what happens in the school. Doesn't follow. But the results of the school - from the knowledge of children to their behavior - it monitors very meticulously. And throws stones into the school garden. Sometimes well deserved. What we have listed is a set of technologies. We are interested in results. And we can get these results. They have technology underneath. Yes, they cost money. Often they cost decent money, like, for example, the digitalization of a school or engines from computer games. But this money is negligible compared to the result and not so big compared to the current budget of the school.

The child must go to school
- Does everything we talked about mean that in the future the school and the university will cease to exist in the form to which we are accustomed? A child and a student will not have to sit in a classroom, in an audience, will he be able to do everything remotely, sitting somewhere alone with his gadgets? Are we still far from that?
I don't think we should go there at all. School is a place of society, a place where a child is included in social life, where communication is not only with those who are familiar and love you, but with a variety of people, where there is choice and responsibility, rights and obligations ... A child should definitely go there, instead of staying at home. Compare the person who worked with home teachers and the person who studied at school. The child who went to Kindergarten and who did not attend. These are different children. These are different people. First of all, they are distinguished by their willingness to communicate, the ability to find their place in the team. The school is the most powerful tool of socialization, and it will remain so. But what you definitely need to get away from is the class-lesson system.
- Where will we go from the class-lesson system?
- The school has a clear educational task: each student must master the material in compulsory subjects steadily. It is for this task that a new system should be built. "Digit" provides an opportunity to abandon routine activities in the classroom - thereby freeing up the time of both the student and the teacher. Boxes for independent work, rooms for group project work “without a teacher” become the same elements of the school building as the usual classrooms.
A subject teacher who has freed up time with new technologies, who sees the current results of each student every day - such a teacher can work with several groups in different ways. And the composition of these groups will vary from two or three classes (an introductory lecture, presentation) to several people.
We at the Lyceum of the Higher School of Economics are working on just such a model of education. There will be groups that gather on the basis of a teacher's decision, but collisions are also quite possible, the emergence of multidirectional vectors - the desire of the child himself and the teacher's vision, whether this desire coincides with the child's capabilities or does not coincide. There may be groups of five to ten people who will study subjects of choice, such as psychology or Korean, even with a "remote" teacher. The school teacher will only monitor the situation with such classes. There may be groups that will be adapted according to the pace of mastering the material. Much of this can be done not only with the help of "digits", but simply in a large school. Seventy percent of Russian students can study in schools like those in Moscow. It is necessary, like Sobyanin, to unite four or five schools. What does it give? As soon as you have a parallel of 150 people, or even 200, even on the basis of traditional technologies, to any “figure”, you can select groups according to interests, according to the pace of mastering the material. And that's enough teachers. This is not possible in a standard small school. If we do this at the same time as digitalization, then we will back up the “figure” with a concentration of living people, professionals.
- Yaroslav Ivanovich, what needs to be done now in the first place, so that everything we talked about would come true?
- We need to adopt a program that will be transparent to its participants. We need to look for the money that we are going to pay for certain digital developments. It is necessary to announce a competition for pilot versions of these developments and to unite schools in large and medium-sized cities.

May 27, 2012 marks the 55th anniversary of the rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE) Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov.

Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov was born on May 27, 1957 in Moscow in the family of an economics professor.

In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov (Moscow State University). Starting from the first year, he studied in the circle of Fyodor Polyansky at the Department of the History of the National Economy and Economic Studies, studied the history and theory of subsistence economy (pre-capitalist formations). In his third year, he began teaching economic history and the history of economic thought.

From 1979 to 1989 Yaroslav Kuzminov was a teacher at the department economic history and history of economic thought of Moscow State University.

In 1989-1993 - senior researcher, head of the sector of historical and economic research at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (later - RAS)

In 1992, Yaroslav Kuzminov, together with Yevgeny Yasin, proposed to the government the concept of creating a new type of economic university - the Higher School of Economics. Since 1992, Yaroslav Kuzminov has been the rector of the State University Higher School of Economics (HSE, since 2010 - National Research University Higher School of Economics).

Since 1995, he has taught a course in institutional economics at the Faculty of Economics of the Higher School of Economics.

In 1997, Kuzminov headed a group that developed a concept for the organizational and economic reform of Russia's education on a market basis.

Since 1999 - Member of the Board of the Center for Strategic Research and Head of a number of areas of training national strategy including the development of education.

In 2001, at the initiative of Kuzminov, the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education (ROSRO) was created. On the basis of ROSRO, a Public Expert Council (PEC) was formed on the standard of school education, chaired by Yaroslav Kuzminov.

From January 2006 to January 2008, Kuzminov headed the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on the intellectual potential of the nation.

Yaroslav Kuzminov is a member of a number of presidential and government commissions and public organizations. He is a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society and human rights, a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for the reform and development of the civil service, a member of the government commission for administrative reform, a member of the Council of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, chairman of the Commission of the Civic Chamber for the development of education, co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education (ROSRO) and others.

Kuzminov - Ph.D. in Economics (1984), Professor, Head of the Department of Institutional Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Scientific Director of the Institute for Institutional Studies.

He is the author of several textbooks and monographs, editor-in-chief of the journal Voprosy obrazovaniya, and a member of the editorial board of the journals Voprosy ekonomiki, Foresight, Economic Journal of the Higher School of Economics, and World of Russia.

Yaroslav Kuzminov was awarded the Order of Honor (2002), the medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth" (2007), a certificate of honor of the Government of the Russian Federation for his great contribution to the implementation of the State Plan for the Training of Managerial Personnel for Organizations of the National Economy of the Russian Federation (2007), has the title of "Officer of the Order of the Golden Academic Palm Branch" (award of the French government in the field of education and science, 2003).

Yaroslav Kuzminov is a well-known Russian economist, founder and rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.


Born on May 27, 1957 in a family more than prosperous by Soviet standards: an apartment in the capital, his father is a professor of economics, author of many books and scientific papers. It is not surprising that after graduating from school, he entered one of the most prestigious universities in the capital - Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov - at the Faculty of Economics.

Labor activity

In 1979, the future public figure graduated from his native university and stayed there already as a teacher, according to him, the youngest at Moscow University at that time. In 1985, Yaroslav Ivanovich defended his Ph.D. thesis on the economics of community relations.

After working at Moscow State University for 10 years, he moved to another educational institution - the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the same 1989, together with other scientists, he took part in the organization of an alternative department of economic theory at the notorious Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The "alternatives" sought to make the economy more objective, classical, without the predominance of Marxist-Leninist political economy.

A very important year in the biography of the economist was 1992, when, together with Yevgeny Yasin, he developed the concept of a new type of economic university. It was this concept that was the foundation for the famous HSE (Higher School of Economics), which he himself headed. Once the youngest teacher at Moscow State University, he became the youngest rector in Russia. Per short term in his early twenties, the educational institution became one of the most prestigious and respected in the country.

In addition, the rector of the Higher School of Economics was a member of various state commissions and councils, participated in the development of important reforms related to the civil service, education in Russia, administrative reform, and so on. He has many medals, orders and certificates of honor both for personal achievements and for scientific and teaching merits.

Family status

Was married twice. There is little information about the first wife in the press; from this marriage, the rector of HSE has two children - son Ivan and daughter Angelina.

The second wife is once a student, and then a graduate student at Moscow University, where the couple met. They have one common child - Vasily (born in 1988), now a researcher at the Higher School of Economics.

Biography of the wife

She was born on October 29, 1963 in Bashkiria. She received her higher education at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, where she graduated from the Faculty of Economics in 1986. In 2007, she graduated from Yale University. Passed the leadership training program in the United States of America - International Visitor Leadership Program.

Nabiullina Elvira Sakhipzadovna is the most successful, bright and influential woman in the Russian Federation. She was able to become a woman who not only understands the financial sector, but also successfully leads central bank Russia.

It easily gets out of stalemate financial situations and rapidly raises the economic situation of the country.

And yet, Nabiullina is a self-confident and incredibly modest woman, a mother and a loving wife, from whom you can learn a lot.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elvira Nabiullina

In the modern world, people tend to know their politicians, including their height, weight, age. How old is Elvira Nabiullina is a question that worries almost all women financiers in Russia who make a career and dream of a place in the Central Bank.

Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina was born in 1963, so she was only fifty-three years old.

According to the sign of the Zodiac, the head of the Central Bank belongs to the sensitive, mystical, contradictory Scorpions, who rush from one extreme to another.

The eastern horoscope gives Elvira the sign of the Rabbit, which has such character traits as caution, goodwill, calmness.

The height of a woman is standard and is one meter and sixty-five centimeters, and the weight does not exceed sixty-six kilograms.

Nabiullina's nationality comes from her last name and patronymic, she is a Tatar.

Biography of Elvira Nabiullina. Head of the Central Bank

The biography of Elvira Nabiullina began when the girl was born in October 1963 in Ufa. She studied well at school, but did not receive a gold medal. Little Elya was best given the exact sciences, so the girl decided to connect her future with numbers and finances. She studied English and French, read the poets of the Silver Age and adored classical music.

After graduating from high school, Elvira entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Economics, from which she graduated with excellent grades. To achieve the highest results, the girl continued her education in graduate school.

The state career started in 1991, when Elvira Sakhipzadovna received the position of chief specialist of the USSR Scientific and Industrial Union. The talented economist was noticed and offered to become a consultant at the Directorate of the RSPP, and already in 1997 she became the Deputy Minister of Economy of Russia.

At a time when the Government was headed by Primakov, Elvira had to leave and go into business. Since 1999, Nabiullina became the first deputy of the Center for Strategic Research, and in 2003 she headed this Center.

Since 2007, she has been the Minister of Trade and Economic Development, and already in 2012 she became Vladimir Putin's assistant in financial matters. The woman's income during this period was 5.3 million rubles, and by 2014 it had increased to 21.9 million rubles.

The most favorable for the career of Elvira Sakhipzadovna was 2013, when she headed the Central Bank of Russia. In this post, she achieved great results, for example, she stabilized the ruble, in this regard, Vladimir Putin said that he would apply for her appointment for a second term, that is, for another four years.

It is possible for Nabiullina to write a letter on the official website of the Central Bank and receive a reasonable answer to it.

Personal life of Elvira Nabiullina

The personal life of Elvira Nabiullina is a mystery shrouded in darkness. The fact is that the head of the Central Bank and such an influential financier should have a crystal clear reputation. Official sources indicate only the early and surprisingly strong marriage of Elvira with her only and beloved husband.

It is possible that the well-known head of the Central Bank had previously had affairs with men, but people's rumors are stubbornly silent about this. Elvira Sakhipzadovna is often called the gray cardinal of Gref and was associated with this legendary person. However, the official and Elvira were united by nothing but professional relations.

Family of Elvira Nabiullina

The family of Elvira Nabiullina was conservative, they sacredly honored all the traditions of the Tatar people. The head of the family was a wise grandmother who gently guided the children and resolved all conflicts.

Father - Sakhipzada Nabiullin- was a respected person in Ufa, he worked all his life as an ordinary driver.

Mother - Zuleikha Nabiullina- worked as an apparatchik at a factory where high-precision instruments were manufactured.

Elvira is used to honoring her parents, so in 2005 she persuaded them to move to Moscow.

Kuzminov Yaroslav Ivanovich

Russian economist, public figure, founder and rector of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Docent. Academic Supervisor of the Institute for Institutional Studies at the Higher School of Economics, Head of the Department of Institutional Economics at the Higher School of Economics.

Born in the family of an economics professor. Married to Elvira Nabiullina who is currently the Chairman Central Bank of Russia. They have a common son, Vasily. Kuzminov also has a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Angelina, from her first marriage.

Born May 27, 1957 in Moscow. In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, after which he taught there for ten years at the Department of the History of the National Economy and Economic Studies.

In 1985 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the economics of community relations. At the initiative of Kuzminov, the first Russian periodical in the field of economic history began to appear - the almanac "Sources".

In 1989 he opened an alternative department of economic theory in MIPT.

In 1989-1993 - senior researcher, head of the sector of historical and economic research at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences ( RAS).

In the early 1990s, together with Evgeny Yasin proposed the concept of creating a new type of economic university - initially it was about opening a one-year program in economics at the master's level. During 1992, he "punched" this idea in the government of the Russian Federation.

According to the decision of the Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar November 27, 1992 Kuzminov was appointed rector HSE, for a long time remaining the youngest head of a state university in Russia. The first intake was held in 1993. However, the idea of ​​a small economic college had to be abandoned - students were accepted not only to master's programs, but also to bachelor's programs.

In 2012, after joining MIEM, engineering directions appeared. At the beginning of 2014, Kuzminov came up with the ideas of structural changes at the HSE, and the Academic Council supported him. Now the university will consist of large faculties, and they, in turn, will consist of departments, scientific institutes and professional schools. The first such faculty is media, communications and design.

Kuzminov is one of the authors of the idea of ​​scientific and educational laboratories (STL) - “a horizontally organized scientific community of teachers, graduate students and students, which not only conducts real scientific projects, but, no less important, forms a single circle of discussion of scientific problems on an equal footing, closing the gap between “adults” and young scientists”.

He was the scientific director of the first scientific and educational laboratory of institutional analysis of economic reforms. Considers the organization of specialized education for schoolchildren as one of the tasks of the HSE, implements in this work the principles of the School of Economics and Mathematics Moscow State University.

Kuzminov believes that the university should be out of politics. At the end of 2008, he refused to comply with the recommendation of the Moscow police department, which offered to expel students for participating in the "dissenting march". " A university is not a place where you can shout slogans or throw leaflets around. We have students of various political views: both left and right. But the university, if necessary, can protect their right to study, their right to be students only if they demonstrate their political views OUTSIDE the university«.

Since the mid-2000s, it has been implementing the concept of a research university at the HSE, when teachers are encouraged to study scientific work published in reputable scientific journals.

In 2013, when presenting the HSE program to enter the top 100 world rankings at the Council for Improving the Competitiveness of the Leading Universities of the Russian Federation among the world's leading research and educational centers, he promised to conduct a rigorous selection of teachers who do not meet the requirements of a research university.

In 1988-2004, Kuzminov was considered a "gray eminence" under the Minister of Education Vladimir Filippov, in subsequent years he was also often called the real author of the reforms of Russian higher education under the Minister Fursenko.

One of the main developers of civil service reform in the first half of the late 1990s - early 2000s, administrative reform and anti-corruption program. In 1999, he published "Abstracts on Corruption", where he formulated the main directions of the reform of the state apparatus.

In 2000, under the leadership of Kuzminov, a report on administrative reform was prepared, in 2002-2003 - a series of reports on the analysis and streamlining of the functions of state executive bodies, budgeting and evaluating the effectiveness of their work, on electronic administrative regulations.

Since 2001 - co-chairman of the Russian Public Council for the Development of Education ( ROSRO), at the venues of which, until 2009, the problems of education were discussed.

AT Public Chamber Russian Federation from 2006 to 2009 - Chairman of the Commission on the Intellectual Potential of the Nation, since 2010 - Chairman of the Commission for the Development of Education.

In 2007-2012, he was a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. He was the initiator of the creation of university public associations: the Association of Leading Russian Universities, the Association of Leading Universities in Economics and Management.

Consistently advocated for increased funding for education. The author of the term "effective contract", in which the income of an employee of education and science allows him not to look for part-time jobs and not go to another area.

Participated in the development of the integrated law "On Education in the Russian Federation", adopted in 2012. In particular, he proposed to legally prohibit teachers from tutoring their students, to exclude applicants with insufficient scores in specialized subjects from admission to the first year.

Participated in the creation of the Strategy-2010 (the so-called German Gref), together with Vladimir Mau led the work on Strategy-2020.

On July 21, 2014, Yaroslav Kuzminov was registered as a candidate for deputy Moscow City Duma. In the elections held on September 14, he won 40.99% of the votes of the voters who took part in the voting. By the decision of the Moscow City Election Commission, he was recognized as an elected deputy of the Moscow City Duma of the VI convocation in the 45th constituency (Basmanny, Meshchansky, Krasnoselsky, Sokolniki districts).

In May 2015, Kuzminov was appointed co-chairman of the Moscow branch All-Russian Popular Front(ONF). The declared income of the rector increased from 19.9 million to RUB 45.2 mln. in year. University revenues (excluding capital investments and investments) have grown by more than 30% in two years.

ME AND. Kuzminov is the editor-in-chief of the Voprosy obrazovaniya journal, a member of the editorial board of the journals Voprosy ekonomiki, HSE Economic Journal and World of Russia, a member of the Board of the New Economic Association, a member of the International Association for Institutional Economics and the European Economic Association. He has many government awards.

Earned in 2013 - 19,988,553.70 rubles. , spouse - 12,238,697.60 rubles. Owns a land plot of 1470.0 sq. m, apartment, 70.6 sq. m, cottage 326.1 sq. m, apartment, 70.6 sq. m, car Jaguar S-Type.

During Fursenko's tenure as Minister of Education, attempts were made to introduce a number of revolutionary innovations that did not find a positive response in society. These are: the Unified State Examination, GIFO, a new procedure for financing educational institutions, or, in simple terms, the closure of low-grade schools, the unsuccessful introduction of new high school standards, the launch of the so-called "Bologna process", and, finally, the long-suffering new law about education.

Any specialist will not hesitate to point you to the most influential educational politician in Russia, who is behind all these reforms. This is the rector of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) Yaroslav Kuzminov. "Tower" is considered by us as a stronghold of liberal-democratic thought and no less revolutionary developments.

It was Kuzminov who came up with the idea of ​​independent electronic testing of school graduates, which later became known as the USE. The idea was developed in the bowels of the HSE for several years, until in 2003 the pilot testing of this form of attestation of schoolchildren began throughout the country, and then in 2009 the Unified State Examination did not work as usual.

The USE was introduced against the backdrop of an absolute misunderstanding by society of its goals and objectives. And, as a result, all this was accompanied by an ongoing heated discussion about its expediency. Experts agree that the USE turned out to be a one-sided mechanism for evaluating the results of school education: it “catches” only academic achievements and, probably, from the very beginning should have been supplemented with a more extended list of achievements. All reproaches about the Unified State Examination, of course, were collected by Minister Fursenko.

Another highly controversial development of the HSE and its rector is GIFO, or state nominal financial obligations. As conceived by Yaroslav Ivanovich, these very GIFO had to work in tandem with the Unified State Examination in order to financially stimulate graduates. But the GIFO idea was literally received with hostility by the rector's corps, just like the idea of ​​the Unified State Examination and the then Minister Fursenko decided to postpone its implementation.

Yaroslav Kuzminov played an important role in developing a new procedure for financing educational institutions - not by the number of teachers or cost estimates, but depending on the number of students. The idea proposed by HSE seemed simple, and the mechanism was transparent: calculate how much it costs to implement an educational program per student, and send the school an amount equal to the product of the financial standard by the number of students. The professional community accepted this initiative with hostility. Minister Fursenko had to take the rap again.

The idea of ​​normative per capita funding is difficult to take root in the education system of the Russian Federation due to the huge number of small schools, the number of students in which does not allow covering all costs, and the maintenance of schools requires constant costs. As a result, the normative per capita financing mechanism is formally approved, but in reality it works like this: a financial standard is approved at the regional level, and then, at the municipal level, the money is redistributed between schools depending on the conditions and needs of the school.

The HSE was the developer of the entire mechanism for the transition to the so-called "Bologna system". It would seem that a good thing for national education was again not appreciated by the educational community and got stuck in difficult discussions about the need for this step.

The HSE had a hand in both new educational standards in high school and the long-suffering Law on Education. Whole sections of it were written by Yaroslav Ivanovich. As a result, the obscure law was sent to an indefinite exile of public discussion.

Due to the scale of all the innovations invented by HSE, they each time caused a storm of discussions - both in society and among experts - but nevertheless they were implemented in a strange way, having serious state support in reserve. Recall that Kuzminov's wife Elvira Nabiulina worked in the Government as the Minister of Economic Development - that is, she led the body that generates the country's development strategy in all its spheres ...

In 2012, Ya.I. Kuzminov led the development of the "Strategy 2020", part of which was the "New School" program, which outlines the scenarios for the development of the education system of the Russian Federation - experts call it "Utopia" behind their backs. However, the implementation of these scenarios is unlikely due to the incompleteness of previous initiatives.

Kuzminov, Yaroslav Ivanovich

Born on May 27, 1957 in Moscow in the family of a professor, head of the Department of Political Economy of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU (now the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation).

In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University).

Candidate of Economic Sciences, in 1984 at Moscow State University he defended his dissertation "The basic relationship of the primitive-communal mode of production." He has the scientific title of Associate Professor (1996).

As a third-year student, Yaroslav Kuzminov began teaching economic history at the university, from 1979 to 1989 he worked as a teacher at the Department of Economic History and Economic Studies at Moscow State University.

In 1989, he moved to work at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now - at the Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS) as a senior researcher, in 1991-1992. - Head of the Sector of Historical and Economic Research of the Institute.

In 1989, together with a group of young teachers, researchers, and post-graduate students from Moscow State University and the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he created the so-called “alternative” department of economic theory at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology: it taught economic science without elements of Marxist-Leninist political economy. In 1990 the department was transferred to Moscow State University.

In 1992, Yaroslav Kuzminov, together with the economist Yevgeny Yasin, proposed to the Russian government to create a new economic university. On November 27, 1992, First Deputy Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar signed the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the Establishment of the Higher School of Economics." By the same decree, Kuzminov was appointed director-organizer (rector) of the new university, and Yasin was appointed supervisor. Since 1996, the university had the status of a state university (SU HSE), since 2009 - the National Research University (NRU HSE). Subsequently, Kuzminov was repeatedly reappointed to the post of rector. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2014, he was again appointed to this position for a period of five years.

Under the leadership of Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE has become one of the leading Russian universities. Since 1995, Kuzminov has taught a course on institutional economics at the Faculty of Economics. He is also the Academic Supervisor of the Institute for Institutional Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Yaroslav Kuzminov was a co-author of two government economic reform programs (1993 and 1997). In 1999-2000s. together with the "Center for Strategic Research" (CSR) participated in the creation of "Strategy-2010" (it was approved, but not approved by the government of the Russian Federation). He is also a co-author of the concept of education reform, one of the authors of the idea of ​​holding a unified state exam (USE, first held in 2001). In the early 2000s Together with Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Yakovlev, he worked on the development concept " new economy". In 2001, Yaroslav Kuzminov participated in the development of the federal target program "Electronic Russia" (2002-2010).

In 2011-2012 was one of the co-leaders of the work on the Concept of long-term development of Russia until 2020, which was not considered by the government.

Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation from 2006 to 2011. Powers were terminated in connection with the election to the Moscow City Duma.

Member of the Moscow City Duma of the VI convocation. On September 14, 2014, he was elected as a self-nominated candidate in the 45th constituency, gaining 40.99% of the vote (the second place was taken by the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Elena Fomicheva, 23.42% of the vote). It is a member of the permanent deputy association "My Moscow" of the Moscow City Duma.

Since 2015 - co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) in Moscow.

He is a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on Civil Service and the Reserve of Managerial Personnel, the Presidium of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, the National Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Professional Qualifications, as well as a member of more than 10 other commissions and public councils under the government and ministries of the Russian Federation.

Editor-in-Chief of the academic journal "Problems of Education". Member of the editorial boards of the journals "Economic Issues", "Higher School of Economics Economic Journal", "World of Russia" and "Foresight".

In 2017, the income amounted to 29 million 902 thousand rubles. (the wife has 33 million 796 thousand rubles).

Awarded with Orders of Honor (2002), "For Services to the Fatherland" II and IV degrees (2017, 2012). Awarded with a certificate of honor from the Government of the Russian Federation (2007).

Married to Elvira Nabiullina (Chairman of the Bank of Russia since 2013). Has a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Angelina, from a previous marriage. The common son with Nabiullina is Vasily.

Advocacy and its role in the protection of human rights

to the present, he heads the department of advocacy and notaries of the Moscow State Law Academy. In 1999 he defended his thesis on the topic "Administrative justice in the mechanism of protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation". In 2003 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "The role of the Bar in the development of civil society in Russia" at the Moscow State Law Academy. Since 1993

However, the activities of the Russian Bar Association have changed significantly over the past ten years since the self-transformation of this institution in accordance with the trends of the new time (early 1990s). In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2002 No. 63 FZ “On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation”, the bar is recognized as a professional community of lawyers, which is an institution of civil society that is not part of the system of state authorities and local governments.

Bar Association

In particular, it seems to me that in Chapter 2 "The Tasks and Principles of the Criminal Procedure" it is necessary to formulate the principle: ensuring the right to a lawyer. The principle should provide not only for the participation of a lawyer as a defender of suspects, accused, defendants, convicted and acquitted, but also the right to a lawyer for victims and witnesses. This principle will implement the provisions of the Concept on improving the mechanisms for providing qualified legal assistance in criminal cases not only to accused and suspects, but to victims and witnesses. This principle does not repeat or contradict the already existing principle of ensuring the right to qualified legal assistance (Art.

The possibility of their actual implementation should be ensured by the creation of the necessary conditions for this. And the Russian state not only proclaims rights, it also guarantees them, based on Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where a person, his rights and freedoms are called the highest value. And the recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are designated as the duty of the state.

The evolution of the bar is alarming” [Facebook post May 25: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=679953825353837&set=a.529855667030321.142375.100000176781285&type=1&theater , should the bar perform? - The main tasks of this institution of civil society are formulated in the new law "On the Bar and Lawyer Activities" that has entered into force.

Notaries and advocacy adjoin them. As you can see, law enforcement is an activity of state bodies, because it involves the application of legal measures to violators of the law by powerful subjects. However, this activity includes a number of functions, the performance of which necessarily presupposes or allows the participation of lawyers (types of legal proceedings, investigation of crimes, provision of legal assistance guaranteed by the state through professional advocacy).

The bar of the Russian Federation as an institution for ensuring the implementation and protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen: Theory, practice and prospects, the topic of the dissertation and abstract on the Higher Attestation Commission, candidate of legal sciences Kutsurova, Liana Zakharovna

The mechanism for organizing and implementing the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen in the process of advocacy in modern Russia.S. 2.1 The concept, essence and content of the attorney's powers in the field of protecting the constitutional rights and freedoms of Russian citizens and the prospects for their further improvement.S. 2.2 The concept, essence and content of the mechanism for organizing and implementing the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens by lawyers in Russia.S. 2.3 Features of the implementation of the activities of the bar but ensuring the protection of the state interests of the Russian Federation and the rights, freedoms, legitimate interests of Russian citizens abroad.S. Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "The bar of the Russian Federation as an institution for ensuring the implementation and protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen: Theory, practice and prospects" Relevance of the research topic.

Justice and advocacy

Moscow Henry Reznik, President of the German Federal Bar Association Axel Filges, former President of the American Bar Association, Sullivan & Worcester LLP Attorney James R. Silkenath, former President of the National Council of French Bar Associations, Paris Bar Association Paul-Albert Ivens, Vice President of the Swiss Bar Association Urs Hagee.

Defense in criminal cases

Our lawyers will protect you from unfounded accusations and help restore your good name.

Biography of Elvira Nabiullina - Head of the Central Bank of Russia

The biography of Elvira Nabiullina is interesting to many. Recently, the name of Elvira Nabiullina has been constantly heard. Since this woman took over as chairman of the Central Bank and began to successfully implement the cleansing project banking system, her name is known even to the most distant citizens of our country from finance.

And this is not surprising, the withdrawal of licenses from both small and large banks made the whole country shudder. So who is she, this modest-looking and reserved woman?

Biography of Elvira Nabiullina

Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina was born in Bashkiria, in the city of Ufa on October 29, 1963, in an ordinary, not rich family: her mother worked at a factory, her father was a driver in a car depot. Elvira studied well and was a very diligent, modest girl. In 1981, she graduated from the Ufa school No. 31 with all fives and entered the Lomonosov Moscow State University at the Faculty of Economics.

In 1986 she graduated with honors and received a degree in economics. She entered the graduate school of Moscow State University, where she met her future husband Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov, a teacher at the department. In 1988, their son Vasily was born. Kuzminov has children from his first marriage: a son and a daughter.

Yaroslav Ivanovich Kuzminov

Kuzminov, the son of the famous professor of economics Ivan Kuzminov, graduated, like his wife, from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University and after that he taught there. Currently, he is the founder and rector of the Higher School of Economics, has various state awards for research and teaching, and is active in public work.

Ya. I. Kuzminov took part in a debate with Alexei Navalny, where they discussed the Law on Public Procurement No. 94-FZ and ways to combat corruption.

Elvira Nabiullina's career

Elvira Nabiullina began her career in 1991 as the chief specialist of the Directorate of the Standing Committee of the Board of the Scientific and Industrial Union of the USSR on economic reform.

In 1992, she began working as a chief specialist, as well as a consultant to the directorate of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on economic policy issues.

In 1994, she became an adviser to the Expert Institute of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In the same 1994, she left the RSPP and moved to the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation as Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Reform - Head of Department state regulation Economy of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

1995–1996 - Deputy Head of the Department of Economic Reform of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

1996–1997 - held the post of Head of the Department of Economic Reform of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, was a member of the collegium of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation.

1997–1998 - worked as Deputy Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation.

1998–1999 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Promtorgbank".

1999 - Executive Director of the Eurasian Rating Service.

1999–2000 - Vice-President of the Center for Strategic Research Foundation.

Since 2000 - First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation German Gref.

From 2003 to 2005 she worked as President of the Center for Strategic Research Foundation.

2005–2007 - Head of the Expert Council organizing committee for the preparation and provision of the chairmanship of the Russian Federation in the "Group of Eight" in 2006, head of the research group of the Center for Strategic Research.

On September 24, 2007, she became the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, replacing German Gref. On May 12, 2008, the post was renamed the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Since May 2012 she has been an assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

On June 24, 2013, she was appointed to the post of Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation instead of Sergey Ignatiev. Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia.

Elvira Nabiullina awards

In 2002, Nabiullina was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. AT

In 2006, she received the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, already the 1st degree.

In 2011, he was awarded the Order of Friendship, and in 2012, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Watch Elvira Nabiullina's interview with Vladimir Pozner on Channel One, Pozner program, January 27, 2014

At the end of 2017, Nabiullina starred in a singing video of the Bank of Russia about the new Russian money: 2000 and 200 rubles. True, the head of the Central Bank appears in the frame for only a few seconds.

Prince of Kyiv Yaroslav Vladimirovich

The reign of Yaroslav can be called a continuation of the reign of Vladimir, both in terms of the relationship of the Kyiv prince to the subject lands, and in promoting the expansion in Russia of the new beginnings of life introduced by Christianity. Yaroslav appears for the first time in history as a rebellious son against his father. According to the chronicle, while reigning in Novgorod as an assistant to the Kyiv prince, Yaroslav collected three thousand hryvnias from the Novgorod land, of which two thousand had to be sent to Kyiv to his father. Yaroslav did not deliver this money, and the angry father was going to go with the army to punish the rebellious son. Yaroslav fled to Sweden to recruit foreigners against his father. The death of Vladimir prevented this war. Considering the circumstances of the time, however, it can be assumed that there were still deeper reasons for the discord that arose between the son and father. Vladimir's children were from different mothers.

Boris and Gleb. Icon ser. 14th century

B. A. Chorikov. Death of Svyatopolk the Accursed. Engraving.

Before his death, Vladimir loved Boris more than all his sons. Together with his younger brother Gleb, in our chronicles he is called the son of a “Bulgarian”, and according to other, later news, the son of a Greek princess.

Vladimir, placing his sons on the lands, kept Boris close to him, clearly wanting to transfer the Kievan principality to him after himself. This, apparently, armed against Father Yaroslav, who was older than Boris, but this circumstance armed Svyatopolk, the prince, who was older than Yaroslav, even more. In the annals, Svyatopolk is recognized as the son of a Greek nun, the wife of Yaropolk, whom Vladimir took after his brother, as they say, pregnant, and therefore it is not known whether Svyatopolk was the son of Yaropolk or Vladimir; but in one case or another, Svyatopolk was older than all the other sons of Vladimir. Death prevented Vladimir from going to war with his son. Boris was not in Kyiv at that time: his father sent him to the Pechenegs. The boyars, who favored Boris, hid Vladimir's death for three days, probably until such time as Boris could return, but, not waiting for Boris, they had to bury Vladimir. Svyatopolk endowed the people of Kiev with gifts and flattery; they recognized him as a prince of Kyiv: although the seniority of his birth gave him the right to reign, he still had to be approved by popular consent, especially at a time when there were other applicants. His position, however, was still unsteady. Svyatopolk got rid of both by sending secret assassins. Boris was put to death on the banks of the Alta near Pereyaslavl; Gleb - on the Dnieper near Smolensk. The same fate befell the third brother, Svyatoslav Drevlyansky, who, hearing about the danger, fled to Hungary, but was overtaken in the Carpathian mountains and killed. The first two were subsequently canonized as saints: the description of their death served as the subject of rhetorical narratives. These princes have long been considered the patrons of the princely family and the guardians of the Russian land, so that many Russian victories over foreigners were attributed to the direct intervention of the Holy Sons of Vladimir. The third brother, Svyatoslav, did not receive such an honor, probably because the first was exalted in the eyes of the church by birth from a mother who brought Christianity with her to the Russian land.

Above: The arrival of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich in Tmutarakan and the construction of the Church of the Virgin. Bottom: Mstislav Vladimirovich's campaign against Kyiv in alliance with the Khazars and the Kasogs. Miniature from the Radziwill Chronicle.

B. A. Chorikov. Death of Svyatopolk the Accursed. Miniature from the Radziwill Chronicle.

Yaroslav, not knowing anything about the death of his father, brought the Varangians to Novgorod and placed them in the yards. The aliens began to run amok; a conspiracy was formed against them, and a beating of the Varangians in the courtyard of some Poromoni followed. Yaroslav, in revenge for this, invited the instigators of the conspiracy under the guise of a treat to his place in Cancer (near Novgorod, behind the Yuryev Monastery) under the guise of a treat and ordered them to be killed. The following night, news came to him from Kyiv from his sister Predslava about the death of his father and the beating of his brothers. Then Yaroslav appeared at the veche (people's gathering), expressed regret about his treacherous act with the Novgorodians and asked if they would agree to help him. “Although, Prince, you killed our brethren, we can fight for you,” they answered him. The Novgorodians had a plan to help Yaroslav; they were burdened by dependence on Kyiv, which would have become even more painful under Svyatopolk, judging by his cruel temper; Novgorodians were also offended by the arrogant behavior of the Kyivans, who considered themselves their masters. They rose for Yaroslav, but at the same time they rose for themselves, and they did not make a mistake in their calculation, since later Yaroslav, who owed his success to the Novgorodians, gave them a preferential letter that freed them from the direct power of Kyiv and returned ancient originality to Novgorod with its land.

Yaroslav the Wise. Reconstruction by M. M. Gerasimov.

Viking swords X-XI centuries. Viking Museum in Schleswig, Germany.

Yaroslav went on a campaign against the prince of Kyiv in 1016 with the Novgorodians, of whom the chronicler numbers up to 40,000; with him were also up to 1000 Varangians under the command of Eymund, the son of the Norwegian prince Ring. Svyatopolk opposed him in the autumn with the people of Kiev and the Pechenegs. The enemies met near Lyubech and for a long time (according to the annals, three months) stood opposite each other on different banks of the Dnieper; neither one nor the other dared to be the first to cross the river; Finally, the people of Kiev annoyed the Novgorodians with contemptuous ridicule. Voivode Svyatopolk, riding forward, shouted: “Oh, you, sort of carpenters, why did you come with this khoromets (hunter to build); here we will force you to cut down our mansions!” “Prince,” the Novgorodians shouted, “if you don’t go, then we ourselves will hit them,” and they crossed the Dnieper. Yaroslav, knowing that one of the governors of Kyiv was disposed towards him, sent a youth to this governor at night and ordered him to give him such a hint: “What to do? There is little boiled honey, but there are many squads. The Kyivian answered: “Although there is not enough honey, but there are many squads, but by the evening it must be given.” Yaroslav realized that an attack should be made that same night, and moved into battle, giving the following order to his squad: “Tie your heads with scarves to distinguish yours!” Svyatopolk laid his camp between two lakes and, not expecting an attack, drank all night and had fun with the retinue. The Novgorodians suddenly attacked him. The Pechenegs stood behind the lake and could not help Svyatopolk. Novgorodians squeezed the people of Kiev to the lake. The Kievans rushed to the ice, but the ice was still thin, and many drowned in the lake. The defeated Svyatopolk fled to Poland to his father-in-law Boleslav, and Yaroslav entered Kyiv.

Book-writing workshop in St. Sophia Cathedral during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Miniature from the Radziwill Chronicle.

B. A. Chorikov. Yaroslav the Wise teaches children. Engraving.

Boleslav, nicknamed the Brave, sought to expand his Polish possessions. He saw a favorable opportunity to intervene in the civil strife of the Russian princes for his own benefit, and in 1018 went along with Svyatopolk to Yaroslav. Yaroslav, warning the enemies, moved against them to Volhynia and met with them on the banks of the Bug. Here again the Russian custom of teasing enemies was repeated. The breadwinner and voivode Yaroslav Budy, galloping along the shore, shouted, pointing to Boleslav: “Here we will pierce your thick stomach with a chip.” The brave Boleslav could not stand such an insult: “If such a reproach does not touch you,” he said to his people, “I alone will perish,” and rushed to ford across the Bug, and the Poles followed him. Yaroslav was not ready for battle, could not stand the pressure and fled with four of his men to Novgorod.

Boleslav took possession of Kyiv, did not return it to Svyatopolk, but sat down in it himself and ordered his squad to be dispersed around the cities. But such behavior soon annoyed both Svyatopolk and the people of Kiev. Svyatopolk found himself in his principality as a servant of a foreign sovereign, and the Poles began to treat the people of Kiev like masters with slaves. Then, with the consent of Svyatopolk, the Russians began to beat the Poles. The Poles scattered around the cities were unable to help each other. Boleslav ran away, but managed to take with him the princely property and Yaroslav's sisters. He had previously wooed one of his sisters, Pred-glory, but, having received a refusal, in revenge he now took her by force.

Meanwhile, Yaroslav, having run in a hurry to Novgorod, wanted to run further, across the sea. But Kosnyatin, the son of Dobrynya, who was then a Novgorod posadnik, did not let him in and ordered to cut the boats; Novgorodians shouted: "We will still fight for you with Boleslav and Svyatopolk." They imposed a universal tax: four kunas from each person; however, the elders paid 10 hryvnias, and the boyars eighteen each; hired the Varangians, gathered a large army and moved to Kyiv.

Svyatopolk, having treacherously freed himself from Boleslav, could no longer hope for him. Being unable to keep Kyiv, Boleslav nevertheless captured the cities of Cherven, taken from Poland by Vladimir. Svyatopolk turned to the Pechenegs: apparently, he also did not count on the help of the people of Kiev. Yaroslav stopped on the banks of the Alta, at the place where his brother Boris was killed. There, on one of the Fridays of 1019, a bloody slaughter took place at sunrise. Svyatopolk was defeated and fled. In the memory of the descendants, the name of Svyatopolk was covered with shame, and the nickname "Cursed" remained behind him in history.

The "Svemskaya Mother of God", attributed to the first Russian icon painter Alympius, depicts the Mother of God with Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves.

Yaroslav sat on the table in Kyiv and had to endure the struggle with other relatives. Prince Bryachislav of Polotsk, the son of his brother Izyaslav, attacked Novgorod in 1021, robbed and captured many Novgorodians and went to Polotsk; but Yaroslav caught up with him on the Sudomiri River, recaptured the Novgorod captives, took away the loot in Novgorod, but then made peace with him, giving him possession of Vitebsk and Usvyat.

Golden Gate in Kyiv.

In 1023, Yaroslav had to fight with his brother Mstislav. This prince, according to ancient reports, was dense in body, red-faced, with large eyes, brave in battle, generous to his squad, received from his father an inheritance in remote Tmutarakan, became famous for his heroic prowess and especially single combat with the Kassog prince Rededey, which was long remembered in Russia and was one of the favorite subjects of ancient chants. The Russians, owning the Tmutarakan country, often fought with their neighbors Kasogs. The prince of Kasozh, by the name of Rededya, offered Mstislav single combat so that the one who remains the winner in the struggle would receive property, and a wife, and children, and the land of the vanquished. Mstislav accepted the offer. Rededya was of gigantic stature and an extraordinary strong man; Mstislav was exhausted in the fight against him, but he prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos and made a vow to build a church in her name if he defeated his enemy. Then he gathered all his strength, threw Rededya to the ground and stabbed him to death. According to the condition made, Mstislav then took possession of his property, wife, children and imposed tribute on the Kasogs, and in gratitude to the Most Holy Theotokos, who had helped him from above in a moment of danger, he built a temple in her name in Tmutarakan. This prince-bogatyr rose up against his brother Yaroslav with the kasogs subordinate to him and called the Khazars for help. Taking advantage of Yaroslav's departure to Novgorod, Mstislav wanted to first take possession of Kyiv, but the people of Kiev did not accept him; he obviously did not want to or could not conquer them by force. Yaroslav invited the Varangians from across the sea. It is worthy of note that almost always in the civil strife of the princes of that time they were forced to invite some strangers. So it was in this case. The invited Varangians were led by Yakun (Gakon), who left a memory in Russia by the fact that he was wearing a cloak woven with gold. Mstislav and Yaroslav entered the battle in the Seversk land near Listven. There was a terrible thunderstorm at night. The fight was brutal. Mstislav set up northerners against the Varangians; The Varangians overcame the northerners, but the brave prince Mstislav rushed to the Varangians with his daring squad - and the Varangians fled; Yakun even lost his gold-woven cloak. In the morning, surveying the battlefield, Mstislav said: “Well, how can you not rejoice at this! Here lies a Varangian, there is a northerner, and his squad is intact! For a long time the Russian princes showed their ancient significance as leaders of militant gangs, and only accepted Christianity gradually transformed them into zemstvo rulers.

King Harald of Norway (Harald III the stern Ruler) sails to England. From the "Tapestry from Bayeux", dedicated to the exploits of the Normans and their conquest of England.

The winner no longer waged war with his brother. He sent Yaroslav, who ran to Novgorod, the following word: “You, elder brother, sit in Kyiv, and let the left side of the Dnieper be for me!” Yaroslav had to agree. Mstislav chose Chernigov as his capital and founded the Church of the Holy Savior there. Since then, the brothers lived soul to soul with each other, and in 1031, taking advantage of the weakness of Boleslav the Brave's successor Mechislav, they returned the Cherven cities taken by Boleslav (Galicia); then Yaroslav brought many captives from Poland and settled them along the banks of the Ros; Mstislav also got captives to settle in his inheritance. Thus, among other things, the Polish folk element poured into the population of the Kievan land.

Our Lady of Oranta ("Indestructible Wall"). Byzantine mosaic in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

In 1036, Mstislav died on a hunting trip. He left no children behind. Yaroslav inherited his inheritance, and since then the Kyiv prince remained until his death the sole ruler of the Russian lands, with the exception of Polotsk.

Yaroslav expanded the area of ​​the Russian world by subjugating new lands. In addition to acquiring Cherven cities from Poland, he successfully fought with Chud and in 1030 founded the city of Yuryev in the Chud land, thus named after the Christian name of Yaroslav, named Yuri in baptism. In 1038 and 1040 he undertook campaigns against the Yotvingians and Lithuania and forced them to pay tribute. The Cherven cities still constituted a disputed area between Poland and Russia, but Yaroslav strengthened them behind Russia by reconciling and intermarrying with the Polish prince Casimir. Yaroslav gave his sister for him. Instead of a vein, Casimir returned eight hundred Russian prisoners who had once been captured by Boleslav: in those days, people were very valued due to the scarcity of hands needed to cultivate the fields and protect the region. Most likely, at that time, Casimir finally ceded the cities of Cherven to the Russian Grand Duke, and for that Yaroslav helped him subjugate Mazovia. Yaroslav's naval war with Greece, the last in Russian history, did not end so happily. The contention occurred over a quarrel between Russian merchants and Greeks, during which one Russian was killed. Yaroslav in 1043 sent his son Vladimir and governor Vyshata against Byzantium, but a storm broke the Russian ships and threw Vyshata ashore with six thousand soldiers. The Greeks surrounded them, took them prisoner and brought them to Constantinople. There Vyshate and many Russians had their eyes gouged out. But Vladimir at sea successfully repulsed the attack of Greek ships and returned to his fatherland. Three years later, peace was concluded; the blind were released with all the prisoners, and in order to establish peace, the Greek emperor Konstantin Monomakh gave his daughter for the son of Yaroslav Vsevolod. This was not the only relationship of Yaroslav with foreign sovereigns of his time. One of his daughters, Elizabeth, was behind the Norwegian king Harald, who left even to posterity a poem in which, singing his swearing deeds, he complained that the Russian beauty was cold to him. Another daughter, Anna, married the French king Henry I and joined the Roman Catholic Church in the new fatherland, which had just fallen away from unity with the East. Yaroslav's sons (probably Vyacheslav and Svyatoslav) were married to German princesses.

A. D. Kivshenko. Reading to the people of "Russian Truth".

Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich with his family. Miniature from Izbornik 1073

Yaroslav most of all left a memory of himself in Russian history with his affairs of internal dispensation. Not without reason, during the struggle with Svyatopolk, the people of Kiev called him "Khoromtsy", a hunter to build. He really had a passion for structures. In 1037, the Pechenegs attacked Kyiv. Yaroslav was in Novgorod and hurried south with the Varangians and Novgorodians. The Pechenegs approached Kyiv with great force, but were utterly defeated. (Since then, their raids have not been repeated. Part of the Pechenegs settled in the Russian land, and in subsequent times we see them on a par with the Russians in the troops of the Russian princes.) In memory of this event, Yaroslav erected the Church of St. Sophia in Kyiv on the spot where the most brutal slaughter with the Pechenegs took place.

In addition to the church of St. Sophia, Yaroslav built in Kyiv the church of St. Irene (now no longer existing), the monastery of St. George, extended Kyiv from the western side and built the so-called Golden Gates with the Church of the Annunciation above them. By order of Yaroslav, his son Vladimir in 1045 erected the Church of St. Sophia in Novgorod on the model of Kyiv, although smaller. This church became the main shrine of Novgorod.

The time of Yaroslav was marked by the spread of the Christian religion throughout all Russian lands. Then the generation of those children whom Vladimir gave to book studies had already grown up. Yaroslav in this respect continued the work of his father; at least we have news that in Novgorod he gathered 300 children from elders and priests and gave them to "study books." In the Suzdal land in 1024, Yaroslav himself fought against paganism. There was a famine in this country. The Magi told people that old women hide life and all sorts of abundance in themselves. The people were worried, and several women were killed. Yaroslav arrived in Suzdal, executed the Magi, put their accomplices in prison and taught the people that hunger comes from the punishment of God, and not from the sorcery of old women. Christianity began to spread more strongly in this land among Mary. Deepest of all, the new faith took root in Kyiv, and therefore monasteries were built there one after another. The multiplication of episcopal sees required the establishment of a main see over all, or a metropolis. Yaroslav laid the foundation for the Russian metropolis along with the foundation of St. Sophia. The first metropolitan under him is Theopempt, who in 1039 consecrated the Church of the Tithes, again rebuilt by Yaroslav. In 1051, instead of Theopemptus, a cathedral of Russian bishops was appointed Hilarion, a Russian by birth, a remarkably learned man for his time, as the essay “On Grace and Law” that remained from him shows. Yaroslav himself loved reading and talking with bookish people: he gathered connoisseurs and instructed them to translate various works of spiritual content from Greek into Russian and rewrite those already translated; Thus, a library was compiled, which Yaroslav ordered to be kept in the church of St. Sophia.

B. A. Chorikov. Death of Yaroslav the Wise. Engraving.

Yaroslav owns the beginning of a collection of ancient laws called "Russian Truth". This collection, which exists in several different, sometimes more or less complete editions, contains legal provisions established at different times and in different places, which cannot be precisely determined. The oldest edition that has come down to us does not go back before the end of the 13th century. Undoubtedly, some of the articles were compiled under the sons and grandsons of Yaroslav, which is directly stated in the articles themselves.

"Izbornik" of Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich.

Even before his death, Yaroslav placed his sons in the Russian lands. In Novgorod, at first, was his eldest son Vladimir (who died while his father was still alive in 1052); in Turov - the second son, Izyaslav, to whom his father, after the death of Vladimir, gave the reign of Novgorod and appointed Kiev after his death; in Chernigov - Svyatoslav, in Pereyaslavl - Vsevolod, in Vladimir-Volynsky - Igor, and in Smolensk - Vyacheslav.

Yaroslav died on February 20, 1054 in the arms of his beloved son Vsevolod and was buried in the church of St. Sophia in a marble tomb that has survived to this day.

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