How to make an estimate for construction work example. Estimate for construction work

I spent one and a half times more money and time on repairs than I expected.

Alexey Malakhov

did repairs without a quote

I did repairs without an estimate: I thought that since the foreman announced the amount of 10 thousand rubles per square meter, then it would be so. Never in my life have I been so wrong.

After the construction dust subsided, I decided to figure out what was wrong and how it should have been done wisely, so I turned to a budgeting specialist.

What is an estimate

Estimate - a document in which the costs of the project are calculated based on the costs: for work, building materials, household needs, the purchase of components, and so on.

When is the estimate made

The estimate is made before the start of the repair. In order to correctly draw up an estimate, accurate room data is needed: the length of the walls, the height of the ceilings, the location of the windows, etc. At first, I considered everything according to the BTI plan, and asked a friend, an architect, to draw a diagram. To our amazement, the plan turned out to be inaccurate: one of the walls on the plan was a little longer than in life.

The inconsistency was noticed by the measurer of the company from which I ordered the kitchen. For measurements, he used high-precision laser equipment, and drew plans in special program, which controls the result and will not allow you to make mistakes in the calculations.

Measurements are made quickly, and the result can be obtained within a few days. I received detailed drawings, which indicate not only the lengths, floor areas, but also wall areas, which are very difficult to calculate on my own because of the windows and doors.

Such a service costs an average of 5000 R. But it will simplify the calculation of the required amount of materials and avoid errors. For example, the measurer saved me from unnecessary expenses: I was already planning to order equipment that would not eventually fit where I planned according to the BTI plan.

Please note that the dimensions before dismantling, after dismantling and after roughing work are different. This is important for ordering everything that is planned to fit into the room: furniture, kitchen, doors, built-in wardrobes. An error of even a centimeter matters here. For example, they sawed shelves for me and polished plastic inserts for light with sandpaper: due to a layer of plaster, the space between the walls became a couple of centimeters smaller.

Why do you need an estimate

The estimate lies at the intersection of the interests of the customer and the contractor. The customer wants to spend as little as possible on repairs, and the contractor wants to earn as much as possible.

Why is it important to draw up and execute an estimate correctly. Without an estimate, you, as a customer, have fewer arguments to protect your budget: you may be forced to do additional work or take money for something that you didn’t even do. But even an ideal estimate may not save you from additional expenses. But it will help to decide whether these expenses are justified or not.

If you have entered into an agreement with construction company, you can ask to explain why you are being asked for more money than the estimate. They must clearly explain why additional work is needed.

The estimate also determines the technology of the work being carried out. Imagine: the foreman calls you and demands money. He says that he had to putty the walls using a different method, and he bought additional materials and a plumbus at his own expense.

If you correctly drew up an estimate and agreed it with a representative of the company, you can say: “You did not agree with me the expenses, the change in the technical process, and you did not warn me about additional work. Therefore, I cannot confirm whether these expenses are justified or not. And there was no plumbus in the estimate at all - I don’t understand why it is needed, and I won’t pay for it. ”

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Budget tasks

Here are the tasks of the estimate.

Fixes the volume and cost of work. The contractor will not be able to suddenly increase the cost of work or assign new ones without discussion with the customer. The estimate protects the customer from sudden, unreasonable changes in the cost of repairs.

Estimates the cost of materials. It serves as a guide for purchases and helps not to spend extra money.

Provides legal guarantees. Based on the estimate, the courts make decisions in disputes between the customer and the contractor.

Gives a control tool. According to the estimate, you will be able to determine what is happening at the facility. It is easy to compare what is on paper with what is actually done.

Types of estimates and methods of calculation

In professional construction, there are many different estimates, each with its own requirements and features. But repairs in the apartment will not be inspected by harsh inspectors, so you can limit yourself to the following types.

Estimate for work. Preliminary estimate for work - the price tag for the services of the team. It allows you to estimate what needs to be done and how much it will cost. The final estimate for the work reports for everything that was done by the team at the facility.

Estimated materials. It is impossible to accurately predict prices in stores: they are constantly changing. In addition, the final costs depend on your choice of parquet, wallpaper, tiles. That's why preliminary estimate for materials only serves as a price guide. The final estimate for materials is, in fact, the sum of all checks.

How to choose the best method of calculating the estimate. It is impossible to describe a "standard" estimate. How many builders - so many estimates. Everyone does what is more convenient and familiar to him. Some make estimates using the “from the bulldozer” method: in such estimates, dismantling can easily stand after installation.

The most convenient option for the customer is to request an estimate in chronology. In other words, for the builder to arrange the work in the estimate in the order of their planned sequence.

Such an estimate reduces uncertainty and anxiety: the customer begins to at least roughly imagine the progress of work, without becoming a foreman. If the customer sees that the work from the end of the list is being performed now for some reason, then he may ask what the change in plans is connected with. This helps to track the problem and prevent it from turning into losses.

When the customer understands the sequence of work, it is easier for him to plan payment and delivery of materials to the builder. It is also convenient for the builder - he does not need to rebuild and change something significantly in his work. He performs the work sequentially according to the estimate.

It happens that builders resist and ask why such an estimate is needed. To do this, you can say the magic phrase: “I need to plan time and money so that you don’t have downtime and I don’t delay your payment.”

Preparation of a chronological estimate takes a little more time. It is difficult for many builders to divide works according to chronology: they are used to merging several works into one work. For example, dismantling and sticking new wallpaper can be written as "make wallpaper." You will have to explain this approach: say that this will allow you to quickly check the progress of work and pay for what you have done.

Some work can go in parallel, as the repair will be done by several people. The builder may say that it will not work to paint the estimate in chronological order. In this case, you need to say that the work is arranged as if it would be done by one person.

In addition to chronological estimates, there are several more calculation methods.

By stages. Separate estimates are made for dismantling, installation, rough and fine finishing. This is the most popular calculation method, as it allows you to assess the condition of the object after each stage and adjust the estimate in time.

Everyone adjusts estimates by an average of 20% - this is normal. For example, after dismantling the old wallpaper, it turned out that the wall was crumbling and needed to be leveled again. The cost of additional materials will be agreed with the customer and included in the estimate for installation.

By rooms. Suitable if you are not doing repairs in the entire apartment. Or, conversely, if the facility has too many rooms and it is easy to get confused about how many materials are needed.

But there can be a catch in such an estimate. When you make estimates for the rooms, it is easy to buy extra materials. For example, you plan to paint the ceiling and write a bucket of paint in the estimate for each room. In life, one bucket can be enough for several rooms. It is also more profitable to buy paint in large volumes - and if you take small containers, it can be more expensive.

By type of work. Separate estimates for walls, electrics, plumbing and so on. Such estimates are among the most common, but it is difficult for the customer to track the remaining materials and the progress of repairs.

Who is authorized to deal with the budget

It is better for the customer and the contractor to deal with the estimate together. This is in the interests of both parties.

If you hire a team, the team leader will draw up an estimate and agree it with you. If you ordered services from a company, the estimate is likely to be made by a professional estimator. In any case, you will control its execution together with the contractor.

All changes to the estimate foreman makes only with the approval of the customer. If materials and work are needed that are not included in the estimate, the foreman must stop the repair, call the customer and get his consent.

For example, during the planned replacement of the door, it turned out that the wall between the rooms would collapse at any moment. A good foreman will invite you to the site and agree on changes to the estimate. Bad - will strengthen the wall, and then will argue and demand payment. If work not included in the estimate was carried out without your knowledge, you have the right not to pay for it.

Demand checks for all purchases, compare the check with the estimate and ask the foreman to explain the meaning of the purchases. If you do not trust handwritten checks from the markets, ask the foreman to buy materials not on construction markets, and in large chain stores: checks are printed in them and it is almost impossible to forge them. Prices in stores can be both higher and lower than in the markets. But even a large construction supermarket will have a more modest assortment than the market one.

Basic principles of budgeting

Before starting work, the estimate must be approved by both the customer and the contractor. All changes in the estimate must be agreed with the customer.

Be sure to set aside an amount for unforeseen expenses. Usually it is 30% of the planned estimate. In my case, it turned out that the walls needed to be dismantled and built from scratch. This is not only extra spending on labor and materials, but also on delivery from the warehouse and garbage disposal. For me, these expenses came as an unpleasant surprise, since I did not pledge money for them.

The more detailed the estimate, the less discrepancies will arise in the process. It's better to break the job of "tidy up the walls" into smaller tasks: "rip off the old wallpaper", "level the walls", "prepare the walls for painting" and "hang the wallpaper".

Correctly named works are already half the estimate

Alexander Stupin

helps with budgeting

How many builders, so many formulations of work - each formulates the work in the way he is used to or has taken root in his documents.

The same work can be called differently by different builders and include different actions. For example, in the concept of “wall alignment”, each builder will put his own idea, depending on the situation. This complicates the life of customers and leads to misunderstandings.

An incorrectly formulated task reduces the effectiveness of control, management, and acceptance. Errors in the calculations of the required amount of materials and payments are growing, confusion is increasing.

I will tell you how to identify correctly and incorrectly formulated works.

In one cell of the estimate table, there can only be works that have common materials. Ideally, each work has its own cell.

Not properly: false ceiling installation, painting.

Correctly: installing a false ceiling is one job, painting a false ceiling is another.

You can not mix works that have different units of measurement.

Not properly: wallpapering, installation of ceiling plinths.

Correctly: wallpapering is one job (because it is calculated in square meters), installing skirting boards is another (because it is calculated in linear meters).

Builders react to such a request with caution. They do not like detailing due to the fact that in this way the cost of their work is easier to compare with competitors. Builders are accustomed to their own wording and find that detail increases their workload.

But builders are quick and happy to rebuild if you agree that you will pay once a week "for the completed lines in the estimate." Then they are interested in formulating the works and placing them in different lines so that they get paid regularly. Because the builder, like any person, appreciates the stability and regularity of payments.

How is the estimate made

The estimate is a simple table. In its simplest version, it contains the following columns: name, unit of measure, quantity, price, and amount. Well, if there is a "discount" column - this will allow you to indicate a discount not for the entire estimate, but for a specific job. This will make it easier to understand what exactly cost you less. If you give a discount on the entire estimate, it is not clear whether the discount will work if some work has to be added to it and the estimate will expand.

It is not so important how specifically it is framed and in what program. It is important that the customer and the contractor understand the estimate in the same way.

The easiest way is to make an estimate according to a ready-made template.

Form. Many construction sites offer to download the estimate form. Usually this is a text document in Word. It’s better not to count the estimate in such a document - the table in the Word will not calculate the amount for you - but download the template for excel or google spreadsheets.

sample budget for construction works. We have prepared a sample estimate in google spreadsheets. To work with it, copy the document to yourself.

A sample of a completed estimate for a studio apartment from the site

Programs for drawing up and filling out estimates

For repairs in the apartment, a spreadsheet in excel or google documents is enough. You can search for specialized services by querying "online repair estimate" or "repair calculator".

There are many paid programs for budgeting on the Internet: "Grand estimate", "Estimate-ru", "1C: Estimate". Such programs are used for estimates for residential buildings, bridges, stadiums and similar objects, where it is necessary to document every detail in detail. Learning how to use these programs will take you more time than the repair itself. For example, in such programs there is no concept of “sticking wallpaper”. Instead, the term "application of paper webs" is used.

You can upload your layout or draw it in the constructor to calculate the approximate cost of repairs

The main mistakes in budgeting

It is impossible to take into account all the nuances if you make an estimate yourself and have never done this before. Here are the main things that are forgotten most often.

Delivery and lifting to the floor. The item of expenditure that is most often forgotten. Stores usually deliver Construction Materials just up to the entrance. You will have to pay for the rise to the apartment either to movers or builders. I live on the eighth floor in a building without a freight elevator and quietly cried at the prices of the movers every time the order did not fit in the cramped elevator cabin.

Taking out the trash. It will not work to throw away construction waste in the usual trash - you will have to order a container. It is not always possible to load a container for 3 tons for 3 tons: drivers are not allowed to load a container above the sides. I had to order several cars, although I counted on only one.

Before starting the repair, ask the foreman or senior construction worker how much it will cost to remove the garbage at the end of the work. Calculating the final cost of waste disposal is difficult. Put at least 10,000-15,000 on this R additionally. If the house does not have an elevator, the price will increase.

Entrance door. After repair, many change locks and door upholstery. These expenses are rarely included in the estimate, and I did not take this into account either.

Counters. Repair is a good reason to change counters. I forgot that it is worth putting into the estimate not only the cost of the devices themselves, but also the installation with verification.

Communications. Sometimes, in order to realize our plans, we have to transfer common house communications. For example, I needed to move hot and cold water risers. I planned for the foreman's plumber to do it. But it turned out that only plumbers from dez have the right to deal with general house communications. In the absence of competitors, they broke the price of 35,000 R.

Is it permissible to exceed the figures indicated in the estimate

The estimate is a rough plan, and repairs never go according to plan. It is normal to change the estimate during the repair. The main thing is that all changes in the estimate are agreed in advance with the customer and are reasoned. If possible, enter into additional agreements for work beyond the estimate.

Some foremen write prices with a margin. For example, in the estimate, parquet was calculated at a price of 2500 R, and bought it for 2000 R. Or they specifically calculated the amount of work more than necessary in order to have a reserve of funds for unforeseen expenses. This is acceptable if the difference is then returned to the customer, and not put in your pocket.

How to draw up a budget

Repair is a pain. At some point, I just closed my eyes and gave the foreman everything he asked for, if only it would end quickly. I was unsettled by unplanned expenses, and due to nerves and haste, I made several bad decisions.

Here's what I understand now:

  1. Before starting repairs, you should definitely invite a measurer. You cannot trust the old plans of the apartment.
  2. Repair without an estimate - a shot in the knee.
  3. Something will always go wrong, and it's worth setting aside 20% over the estimate. If all of a sudden everything goes right - 20% will be a nice bonus for buying furniture.
  4. If you are not a builder, then it is difficult to make an accurate estimate on your own, you will only get an approximate alignment, which you will have to correct with the foreman.
  5. It is better to insist in advance that the foreman coordinate with you all changes in the estimate than to swear at a pack of sudden checks.
  6. It is better to order furniture and appliances after finishing work. It will be a shame if something does not fit because of a couple of centimeters of putty.
  7. Even if the repair is delayed and you spent more than you planned, do not make decisions in a hurry and on your nerves. They will bring even more problems.

Documentation is an integral and very important component of the construction of civil or industrial facilities, the reconstruction of buildings, their major or current cosmetic repairs. When drawing up estimates for construction work, they receive data (the results of economic calculations) that allow them to assess the feasibility of the project and accurately determine the necessary costs for its implementation.

in construction

It is difficult to overestimate the value of the professional activity of specialists in cost estimation. The package of documents formed by them is an effective tool for control and planning. It makes it possible to find out the size of the required capital investments, to carry out financing, to keep records and records, to analyze the results of what has been done.

Most of the estimate documentation is calculations performed for the construction of departmental facilities and residential buildings. At the same time, the sample estimate for construction work for individuals and budget organizations is different. If the first priority is the cost of paying wages workers and the calculation of the commercial value of building materials, then the situation with the latter is somewhat different. It is important for them to strictly comply with regional and federal rates, the correct application of sectoral and territorial coefficients in the calculations.

Types of construction estimates

Pricing practice provides for the classification of estimate documentation:

  • by construction stages - actual, executive, tender, conceptual;
  • by types of work performed - finishing, repair, construction, etc.;
  • by the components of the calculation itself (separate and separately completed) - summary, object or local.

Calculation methods

Estimate for repair and construction work can be calculated different ways. Let's take a quick look at what they are.

  1. Base-index - the estimated cost, determined on the basis of the unit prices in force in the region, is translated by indexing into the current price level (recalculation indices for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are set by the Regional Centers for Pricing in Construction - quarterly or monthly).
  2. Resource - drawing up estimates for construction work by this method involves performing a calculation based on actual tariffs, current prices and prices for labor, technical, material and other resources (the disadvantage of the method is its laboriousness and complexity of justification).
  3. Resource-index - tools of both resource and index methods are used simultaneously.
  4. Basic compensation - basic cost indicators formed at the time of construction start are adjusted based on the actual additional costs associated with changes in tariffs and prices.
  5. Analogies - to determine the amount of costs, a data bank is used (a sample estimate for construction work on the construction of a similar structure or building).

Scheme, or key components

Regardless of the calculation method that is used when forming an estimate for construction work, it is necessary to calculate:

  • direct costs, including the cost of products and materials that will be used, as well as investments related to the acquisition, rental and operation of the necessary mechanisms and machines, the payment of wages to workers (the current tariff rates, territorial and federal rates, established building materials consumption rates are taken into account) ;
  • overhead costs used to ensure the organizational and managerial part of the construction, as well as limited and non-limited costs (payments on loans, voluntary or compulsory insurance and others);
  • planned accumulation of funds that are intended for material incentives for employees and the development of the material and technical base of the contractor.

for construction work: what is it, what sections does it include?

Local estimates are fundamental primary documents that are drawn up for individual types of costs and work (construction of foundations, walls, landings, etc.), basic structural elements and engineering equipment for a particular facility construction project, reconstruction or repair. Only direct costs are taken into account.

The estimated cost is calculated based on the volumes defined in the working design documentation. In other words, we can say that the local estimate for construction work is a statement in which unit prices grouped into sections are summarized. It fills in the fields in the columns reserved for specifying resource codes and rate codes, describing the types of repair and construction work and the costs required for their production, as well as the measurement parameters for such and the number of units. Next, prices, recalculation coefficients and correction factors are put down. Having carried out the corresponding calculation, the final cost of each position is obtained.

How to determine the types and scope of repair work for budgeting?

Accurate calculations are needed not only for the construction of new buildings. To start the formation of estimate documentation for capital, current or refurbishment, the estimator does not always need to personally inspect the object. The estimate for repair and construction work can be calculated on the basis of containing accurate data on what flaws have been identified, what needs to be done and in what volumes.

Why conduct an appraisal of estimates?

Detailed estimate documentation allows the customer to avoid possible misunderstandings with general contractor and exclude unspecified additional costs. The planning and efficiency of capital investments depend on the reliability of construction cost calculations.

An expert assessment of estimates allows you to determine whether all the work and materials were taken into account by the estimator, whether deviations from prices, standards and other basic criteria established by law, whether there is an underpricing or overpricing.

How to make an estimate for construction work without making mistakes?

When building large industrial and residential facilities, it is not so easy to correctly determine their estimated cost. Prices for equipment, tools, materials needed for construction change over time. Also, do not forget about the risks associated with force majeure.

The quality and accuracy of the calculation of the estimate are determined by various parameters. The most important of them is always the professionalism of the cost estimate engineer, who knows how to take into account all the nuances. First of all, we are talking about the correct application of recalculation indices and all kinds of correlation coefficients (for a rise in price, inflation, etc.), the correct choice of territorial unit prices (an error in choosing the name of the type of construction work can lead to a significant change in the cost indicated in the estimate documentation ).

Excellent assistants that allow you to quickly create an estimate for construction work are calculation automation programs (“GRAND-estimate”,, “Stroy-Info” and others). However, while simplifying the process, they do not eliminate the need for in-depth knowledge and experience.

This page presents some examples of estimates for construction and repair work.
it examples of construction estimates on already completed (sometimes, by someone) works or abstract estimates on a typical roof repairs, building renovations, office renovations etc.

All the estimates presented here have one thing in common: all of them are compiled in the program Estimate 2007.

The estimates given here will clearly show you what it looks like estimate created in the program Estimate 2007.
The presented files may contain the same and others that ours can create: KS-2, KS-3, Invoice, Contract Agreement, etc.

For convenience, the list of estimates is divided into groups and each estimate is provided with a brief description.
Click on the title to download the estimate.

Select a group: All groups Landscaping Roof repairs Premises repairs

In the estimate, the cost of work and materials for the repair of a roof section made of metal tiles of a public building (not a private house) was calculated. According to the estimate, the following works are carried out: complete replacement of the metal roofing on the roof area with preliminary repair of the crate and processing of wooden elements with a fire-retardant composition. The area of ​​the repaired roof area is 730 m2.

Sour cream overhaul soft roof of the technical floor. Roof area 1 300 m2. The estimate includes the calculation of the following works: dismantling of the old roofing carpet with garbage disposal, dismantling of inactive ventilation pipes, installation of a new sand concrete screed, priming and installation of a new two-layer roofing carpet from "Uniflex" on fiberglass.

Very revealing office refurbishment quote- 500 lines, 11 sections: general construction and finishing works, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and sewerage, structured cabling systems, access control system and other works.

Anyone who wants to build a house or make repairs in an apartment initially calculates how much it will cost him. For complete clarity, it is necessary to draw up a list of necessary materials and work, as well as their cost. Based on this, it will be possible to find out how much money is needed. And also decide whether to involve builders or do everything yourself. Not everyone knows how to make an estimate, what positions to include in it and how to calculate everything correctly. Let's try to figure this out.

What is an estimate

An estimate is a document that systematizes all the costs of the upcoming construction or repair. This can be easily done on your own, without having specially designed programs.

How to make an estimate on your own? It is enough to have the Excel program on your computer. It is necessary to carry out the calculation of funds and materials very carefully in order to avoid errors and exceeding the planned costs. It should display everything to the smallest detail.

Common Mistakes

When drawing up estimates, many make mistakes, which then come out and provoke unforeseen waste:

  • Calculations are carried out without a preliminary inspection of the object on which the work will be performed.
  • Additional expenses that may arise in case of force majeure are not included.
  • The full list of works and materials is not taken into account.

The main expense document for repairs or construction requires a serious approach and accurate calculations. Otherwise, you may get incorrect results.

What is needed for a competent budgeting

Before drawing up an estimated estimate for construction or repair, first of all, it is necessary to inspect the object. After that, a list of all ongoing work should be compiled.

How to draw up a budget? You need to know construction technology. Without this, it is impossible to correctly and correctly calculate and record all upcoming expenses. Therefore, we recommend that before making an estimate, study the sequence of the production cycle of work that needs to be evaluated. This will help to understand the need for ongoing operations and the need for building materials.

The main items of the estimate

Any construction estimate consists of three main positions:

  • materials;
  • Work;
  • transport.

All other items (the cost of electricity, equipment operation, etc.) are added to them.

In the first position indicate the list of necessary materials for each cycle of work, unit of measurement, quantity and price. For example: brick, glue, plaster, cement, wallpaper, linoleum and others. This also includes "consumables" (brushes, rollers, gloves, etc.). Before making an estimate, find out the cost of materials directly in the store, or find on the Internet on sites specializing in the sale of building materials.

The second position includes a listing of all actions performed. Here it is necessary to take into account both preparatory and finishing work, their complexity and the conditions in which they are carried out. For example, you need to paste over the room with new wallpaper. For this, it will be necessary to preparatory work: remove the old coating, clean the walls, prime them. Estimated cost necessary works can be found in the ads.

The position "transport" includes: delivery of materials, unloading, removal and removal of construction debris, indicating each item on a separate line. Information about the cost of these services is provided in the price lists of firms.

Drawing up an estimate for the repair of an apartment

How to draw up an estimate in order to carefully plan the repair work in the apartment, finish them in a short time with minimal costs? First you need to decide what kind of repair you will do: cosmetic or major. It depends on the amount of materials needed and the amount of work. If you decide to carry out a major overhaul, then the estimate should be divided into two parts:

  • repair and finishing works;
  • draft and finishing materials.

How to learn how to make an estimate to avoid mistakes? To do this, you should inspect all the premises of the apartment, measure the surface area of ​​walls, floors, window slopes, compile a list of finishing and draft materials, determine the cost and scope of work for each room separately.


Here is an example of how to make an estimate for repairs. Prices and consumption of materials are fictitious.

Repair and finishing works:

Place of work

Type of work

unit of measurement


Price per unit of measurement, rub.

Total amount, rub.








Laying tiles

Skirting boards



Sockets, switches


Consumables and finishing materials:


unit of measurement


Unit price

total amount

Starting putty

Finishing putty

Wallpaper glue

acrylic paint

Tile adhesive

Skirting boards

Socket, switch




To get the preliminary results of the cost of repairing an apartment, you need to add up the total amounts from each column.

18819 + 7870 + 4000 = 30689 (rubles)

You should be aware that the final costs always come out more by 10-15%.

30689 + 15% = 35292.35 (rubles)

The principle of calculating construction costs is no different from estimates for repairs. Only production cycles and materials will change. How to make an estimate for construction with minimal costs? To do this, you need to carefully plan all the work, clarify what materials will be needed, find out the prices.

Drawing up an estimate is a very important stage from which you need to start any repair or construction. A properly drawn up document will help to carefully plan and rationally allocate costs - both material and money. The main thing is to take the calculations seriously and perform them as accurately as possible.

The preparation and subsequent filling of the estimate is deservedly considered the most important stage of any construction or repair work. In most cases, the design of a building or structure is completed with the execution of estimate documentation. In the case of performing small amounts of work, for example, repair or finishing, when the project is not being developed, an estimate is also necessary. This is explained by the fact that it serves as initial information for the development of many related documents necessary and important for the effective organization of work, in particular, the work schedule and the schedule for the supply of necessary materials and mechanisms.

Budgeting will become a much easier process if you entrust this business to professionals.

Form and sample estimate for work

In essence, the document in question consists of two parts:

  • calculation of direct costs, which are determined on the basis of 2001 rates and are converted into current prices by multiplying by the corresponding appreciation index, set quarterly. Direct costs consist of the following elements:
    • Cost of materials;
    • the main salary of workers;
    • the costs of EMM (operation of machines and mechanisms necessary for the performance of work), including the salary of machinists;
    • calculation of overhead costs and estimated profit, made taking into account the standards in force at the time the estimate was made.

The disadvantage of this method is that the prices of 2001 used when using it quite often do not take into account the realities of today, since at the time of compilation many technologies and materials simply did not exist. However, in the construction of budget facilities and most private large-scale construction projects, there is no alternative to the base-index method today.

How to make a budget for work

As an example of a simplified form of an estimate for the repair of a room, the following table can be given.

Name of works

Price per unit

Cost of work

Dismantling of partitions

Dismantling the balcony door

Construction of partitions from foam blocks

Plastering of partitions and walls

Puttying, priming and painting of plastered surfaces

Balcony door installation

Plastering doors and windows

Puttying, priming and painting window and door slopes

TOTAL according to the estimate

139 080=

The importance of good budgeting and budgeting

As already noted, filling out an estimate allows you not only to get an approximate amount that will cost construction or a certain amount of work. This value is necessary to determine the contractual price of an object or stage of work, both for the customer or investor, and for the contractor, that is, the direct manufacturer.

But in addition to this direct functional purpose, a competent and modeled design of the estimate will allow you to plan the work in such a way that they are done as quickly as possible and at a lower price. In addition, the estimate also helps to determine the need for the necessary materials, which, in combination with the work schedule, will allow you to develop a schedule for their delivery.

The main tasks of the estimate

The development and filling of the estimate allows you to solve three most important tasks at once, which are always faced by any contractor and customer:

  • determination of the cost of construction or any work. AT modern conditions the estimated price is the most important parameter, vital for all participants in the construction process. It is interesting for the customer not to overpay, and for the contractor - to receive a worthy reward for the work. A well-designed estimate allows you to take into account the wishes of both parties and get an amount that suits everyone;
  • scheduling development. The timing of the construction of a building or the performance of any work is often no less important for the customer than their cost. The timely delivery of the object and, of course, the receipt of remuneration, possibly with a premium, depend on this. The estimate for work, made according to the model, provides the builders with all the necessary information for the development of the calendar plan;
  • development of a schedule for the supply of materials. With the correct filling of the estimate, the need for materials and mechanisms becomes clear, which, in combination with the calendar plan, makes it possible to draw up another important document for the uninterrupted work of builders - a schedule for the supply of materials. Efficient construction organizations do not purchase materials for the entire facility at once - this simply freezes money that is much more efficient to spend on something more important at the moment, and also requires significant storage costs, etc. Also, any downtime of equipment and workers is extremely unprofitable, which is fraught with no less serious additional costs.

As a result, we can say the following: the preparation of an estimate allows not only to understand the cost of construction or a separate stage of work, but also to effectively plan their implementation.

Basic-index method for compiling and filling out estimates

There are several different cost estimation methods. When erecting large objects, when filling in the estimate takes place as part of the development of the project, the base-index method is almost always used. In this case, the estimated standards of 2001 and the conversion indices to current prices are used for the calculation.

Simplified form of estimate

Quite often, especially when construction or repair is carried out by a household method or at small facilities, a simpler estimate form is used, which consists only of calculating direct costs. It contains a listing of the scope of work and prices for them, which can be broken down into the same components as in the option described above: the RFP of workers, the cost of materials and, if necessary, the cost of machines and mechanisms. In this case, the estimate form, after its execution and filling, looks like the one shown in the following photo:

When compiling and filling out such a simplified version of the estimate, the contractor's profit is established on the basis of his negotiations with the customer or the construction investor.

The form of an object estimate for the performance of work

Quite often, especially during the construction of large objects, several so-called local estimates are compiled at once, that is, separate calculations for each type of work performed. In this case, to obtain the total cost of construction, they are combined into a general object estimate, a sample form of which is shown in the following photo.

Object estimate

Drawing up and filling out an object estimate allows you to bring together all the information about the object under construction, even when the individual stages of its construction are performed by different contractors. Often, local estimates are also calculated by them. Therefore, the generalization of all disparate data is extremely important for any customer or investor.

Programs for drawing up and filling out estimates

Currently, there are many programs that are used in the preparation of estimates. They can be roughly divided into two groups:

Free. Placed on the network on thematic resources. They are freely available.

Professional. Used by professionals. To use it, you need to purchase a distribution kit of a service product.

In the first case, there is no particular need to describe programs, since they appear almost constantly, while having similar parameters:

  • the ability to perform the most simple calculations;
  • lack of updating of regulatory frameworks (if they exist at all);
  • minimal functionality.

Professional estimate programs are used much more actively, since without them it is almost impossible to draw up high-quality documentation for any large object. The most popular products at the moment are the following:

GRAND Estimate

According to experts, the most widely used budgeting program. Its advantages are the ability to automate the entire range of cost estimates, the speed of making changes to the regulatory framework and effective technical support for the product.

The only program that really competes with the GRAND Estimate described above. The main advantage of the product is its ease of use, which allows you to work with it without having the professional knowledge of an estimator.

1C: Contractor (or 1C: Construction Organization Management)

These programs are not purely budgetary. However, they are quite popular due to the fact that 1C is used to maintain accounting at the vast majority of Russian enterprises, including construction ones. The software products under consideration help to compile the necessary estimate documentation; as a bonus, they were integrated into single system management of the company.

turbo meter

An easy-to-learn and use program, which at the same time has quite serious functionality. It is not used as often as compared to GRAND Estimate and

WinSmeta, Rick and Bagheera

Software products whose peak popularity is in the past. However, a certain number of professional surveyors still continue to use them, which is explained by a number of undoubted advantages: wide functionality, editing, adjustment, etc.

The main mistakes in budgeting

There are several main types of errors that occur in the preparation and execution of estimates in practice. The most typical are the following:

Mistake 1. Insufficient detailing or excessive enlargement of the estimate. Any well-compiled estimate must necessarily contain a complete list and volume of work performed and, accordingly, prices for them. In practice, often the customer and the contractor, having found out that the price level suits both parties, agree on the cost of a stage of work, for example, the repair of one room. As a result, in fact, a situation is obtained when the actual volume of any work performed does not coincide with the initially estimated one. The result is a conflict situation, since it is not clear how to evaluate the rise in price or reduction in the cost of work;

Error 2. Inaccurate accounting of volumes. The basis for the construction estimate must necessarily be a competently and accurately drawn up statement of volumes, in the case of repairs - a defective statement. In both situations, the result of the budget execution also depends on the correctness of their preparation. An error at the beginning can lead to a rather serious distortion of the final cost of the calculation, since in most cases there is a multiplication by various indices and prices, so the error increases all the time;

Mistake 3. Incorrect application of prices contained in HPES and TERs. One of the main problems of the basis-index method, the most common in real life, which was mentioned above, is the discrepancy between the existing types of work and those that are encountered in practice. Therefore, quite often it is necessary to use the available prices "as applicable". This is a special term coined by estimators for such a situation. The more "applicable" prices are used when filling out the estimate, the more likely it is that the final figure will be incorrect. Naturally, this should take into account the fact that customers are trying to use low "applicable" prices, and contractors, on the contrary, are the most profitable.

In any case, the preparation and execution of estimates should be considered important and essential in modern conditions. preparatory stage any construction. It is better to entrust its implementation to professional and trained estimators, which will allow not only to form the optimal cost of work for the customer and contractor, but also to organize their effective implementation in as soon as possible and at the lowest possible cost.

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