Power of attorney to dispose of a safe deposit box. Power of attorney to dispose of a safe deposit box or safe deposit box

There have always been and will be people who try to do minimal risk loss of your savings. They try to keep their funds nearby. But a fire could happen or someone could take possession of the money using malicious intent. An alternative method of solving this problem is to rent a safe deposit box.

What is this cell anyway?

It is an ordinary metal box of a certain size, which is located in a special isolated and well-guarded room. There are only two pairs of keys for it, one of which is stored with you, and the other - in the bank branch. Thus, such a safe can only be opened using both keys.

In addition, in order to get into the premises where the safe deposit box is located, you must go through the control service according to the bank’s rules. As a rule, this requires you to present your passport, after which an entry will be made in the log book, and a bank employee will escort you to the cell. The vault is usually located in the basement or semi-basement of the bank building.

What document regulates the use of the cell?

The use of a safe deposit box is regulated by an agreement concluded with the client, which secures the right to rent it or store their valuables in it. When concluding a lease agreement, only the client himself knows about the contents, but with a storage agreement, an inventory of things is made and transferred to the bank. Accordingly, in this case the bank will know what you are storing in the safe deposit box. It should be noted here that this option has a higher cost, and it will depend on the amount of funds placed.

Conditions for using cells

Money in a safe deposit box or other valuables can be stored for up to one day. The maximum period, as a rule, has no restrictions, that is, it ends on the day when the funds are withdrawn, but it can always be extended. The use of the entire term is paid immediately. The cost will depend on the rental period and size. Accordingly, the longer the period, the cheaper the daily rent will be. The same is true with the size of the safe: the larger it is, the higher the cost.

Some of the banks are insured and require some kind of collateral (security deposit) in case the key is not returned on time or the contract is not terminated if the valuables are withdrawn early. After the safe deposit box is vacated, the full amount of the deposit is given to the client.

Storage confidentiality

To rent a deposit box, you must first make sure that the bank actually provides such a service, and only then can you draw up an agreement. It also immediately stipulates the possibility of third party access.

Sberbank's safe deposit box is a reliable personal storage facility. Confidentiality is guaranteed by the bank, this makes it possible to be sure that the information will remain secret. No employee has the right to ask questions about what the client wants to store in the safe, but if suspicions arise that the contents are illegal, the box will be opened without the owner’s consent in the presence of the police.

In another case, its opening is available only to the owner or a third party with a power of attorney, but always in the presence of a bank employee. The safe is opened with two keys - the one that the client has in his hands, and the one that is kept in the bank.

When the rental period expires and the client does not pick up the valuables, the bank commission opens the safe and the contents are sent for storage to the head bank. You can get your valuables back only after paying bank storage costs.

Benefits of using safe deposit boxes

The main advantage of renting a safe deposit box is their high level of security. Accordingly, the things stored in it are maximally protected.

In addition, the advantages also include:

Different cell sizes, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable one for storage.

Any rental period.

Confidentiality of content if bank rules are followed.

Convenience of using content without outsiders. You can issue a power of attorney for persons admitted to the cells.

Low cost. Typically, the longer the rental period, the cheaper it is.

Safe storage of items stored in the safe and for the client when working with the safe.

Most banks keep items even after the lease period ends. After all costs have been reimbursed, the client can pick up his valuables.

Disadvantages of using safe deposit boxes

The funds stored in such a safe do not accumulate, as is the case with deposits.

In general cases, when concluding a regular rental agreement, the bank assumes responsibility that the safe will not be opened, but it is not responsible for the contents of the box. Responsibility is assigned to him only if a special agreement is concluded, an inventory of all things is drawn up and their assessment is carried out. Moreover, if it is money, then you can simply count it, but various values ​​are assessed by an independent expert. Each time the safe is opened, the inventory is compiled anew and confirmed.

Who is best to use a safe deposit box?

The possibility of renting is available to almost anyone. But mainly the cells are used to store securities, jewelry or cash. In addition to simply storing various valuables, you can also use them to make real estate transactions. The buyer rents a locker, places the required amount in it and draws up documents. After all formalities have been completed, the buyer gives the key to the seller and he receives money, which he can also place in the account or re-register the cell in his name.

As practice shows, important documents are often stored in cells. This may be ownership of housing, shares, certificates and other securities. This is done to protect yourself from losing important documentation. In addition to ordinary citizens, this storage method is often used by legal entities How to help yourself preserve documents or archives. In addition, the Sberbank safe deposit box allows you to store a family archive. Considering that the cells come in different sizes, choosing the right one will not be difficult.

In general, almost everyone can store valuables in safe deposit boxes. And it doesn’t matter at all what the value of the things is, the most important thing here is their safety for the client.

Agreement for the use of safe deposit boxes

Banking services suggest that in order to use a safe deposit box for the safety of personal belongings, the client can enter into one of two possible agreements with the bank.

The first option is used in most cases. It involves concluding a lease agreement. In this situation, not a single bank employee knows what is stored inside the safe. The bank, for its part, guarantees the safety of the cell, as well as the absence of access to it by a third party.

The second option means a safe deposit box agreement with safekeeping. In this situation, not only a list of valuables is transferred to the bank, but a complete inventory of the items being deposited is also compiled.

Can I choose a storage option?

Each client is given the right to choose a storage option. If the choice falls on the first option, then complete confidentiality of the content is maintained, and there is also a saving in payment costs. By choosing the second option, the client pays a large amount and informs the bank about what will be stored in the locker, but in such a situation the right to demand the safety of items according to the inventory also appears.

Regardless of what the client chooses, to conclude an agreement, only a passport is required. If he plans to give someone else access to the cell, then in this case it is necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney. The employee gives the client the contract, the key to the safe and a special identification card so that he can visit the vault.

How is a safe deposit box accessed?

Bank services related to the storage of valuables are quite diverse. A client who has entered into a lease agreement with the bank can visit the storage facility at any time. However, there are no special restrictions on the number of visits. If the client requires access outside of working hours, then this point should be discussed separately and paid for.

In order to enter the vault, you must present an identity card, an identification card and a key that opens the safe deposit box. The client enters the storage facility accompanied by a security guard, who turns off the alarm and helps open the cell. Next, the employee should leave the premises, and then the client will have his safe deposit box at his complete disposal. The price of the service is set by the bank, so it should be clarified in advance, even at the stage of signing the contract.

In some cases, hidden cameras are installed in the depository so that if the client acts illegally, the recording can then be viewed. But, of course, clients are not told that it exists. But even with such cameras, there are still places where its effect does not apply.

The identification card and the key to the locker should be carefully stored so that strangers cannot even examine them, as there is a possibility of making a duplicate. The key is made quite complex, despite its apparent simplicity. If the original is lost, a duplicate is not issued free of charge. Its cost is approximately five hundred rubles.

The bank has every right to open the safe deposit box in the presence of the client and witnesses if it suspects the storage of prohibited items or law enforcement agencies have provided an appropriate order.

When renting a safe deposit box, the client should approximately expect the following expenses:

The collateral value of the key is approximately five hundred rubles. After the contract expires and the key is returned to the bank, this amount will be issued back to the client.

Payment of the cost of rent directly. The size of this amount will entirely depend on the bank itself (different institutions have different degrees of protection for depositories and, accordingly, the cost of rent also fluctuates), as well as on the size of the leased cell (the larger the cell, the more expensive the rent will be). Basically, the average monthly rental cost ranges from four hundred (for the smallest cell) to two thousand (for the largest) rubles.

If you need to issue a power of attorney, you will also have to pay a little extra. The cost of its preparation ranges from one hundred rubles and more. It all depends on how many people will have access to the storage.

In general, using a cell is not very expensive, but it is convenient. Here you can not be afraid to store your documents, fearing fires and other disasters, as well as various valuables so that robbers do not get to them.

To store cash, jewelry, documents and other things that are valuable to the owner, banks offer the service of renting a safe deposit box or safe. Only you have access to it, but this can play a cruel joke on you when, for various reasons, it is not possible to personally visit a financial institution.

It is very easy to get out of this situation; you should contact a notary and issue a power of attorney to dispose of a safe or safe deposit box. To do this, firstly, you need to decide who will be your confidant. This can be one or more people, or an organization, such as a law firm, can act as an attorney.

Secondly, it will be determined exactly what powers will be transferred. Your representative has the right to act only within the framework of what is permitted in the power of attorney and bank employees will monitor this. You, as the owner of the safe, can delegate the following powers: drawing up documents for opening or closing the safe deposit box, concluding an agreement with the bank regarding the maintenance of the safe deposit box, paying a fee for using the safe deposit box, removing or handing over certain items, access to the safe deposit box with the right to use its contents, etc. .d. The list of powers should be compiled based on your needs and the level of trust in the selected representative; it would also be a good idea to consult with specialized lawyer .

Thirdly, you should contact a notary in Kyiv, having with you your passport and individual taxpayer code. Together with him, you will draw up a power of attorney to dispose of a safe deposit box in the bank, after which data about it will be entered into the Unified Register of Powers of Attorney.

Powers transferred by proxy may be one-time or repeated. In the first case, it is clearly indicated what action and when your attorney has the right to perform. After it is completed, the document issued to him will lose its legal force.

The second case involves granting powers on an ongoing basis, until the period for which the power of attorney was issued expires or you decide to revoke it. During this time, the attorney will be able to repeatedly perform permitted actions with your safe deposit box. If you decide that you no longer need the services of an attorney, then all you need to do is visit a notary and inform them of your desire to revoke the power of attorney. He will make the necessary changes to the database and your order will become invalid.

To issue a power of attorney to dispose of a safe or safe deposit box, you can contact a notary in your area of ​​the capital:

This document vests powers with a specific individual (or several individuals) who is entrusted with performing a number of actions in a credit institution. Since committing banking operations requires the mandatory signing of accompanying documents; the power of attorney form must necessarily contain the signature of the authorized representative. Moreover, it must be placed in the presence of a bank employee and must be certified by him if we are talking about a power of attorney that is not notarized.

P rules for compilingpowers of attorney for representation of interests in the bank

Download power of attorney

Power of attorney for use in a bank or other credit organization drawn up in accordance with the requirements established for such documents by Article 185 of the Civil Code Russian Federation. This document is always drawn up in writing and certified by the personal signature of the person who issues it.

The power of attorney must contain complete information about the principal, in particular his full name, passport details, and residential address. Similar information is indicated in relation to the trustee. The document also details the essence of the order.

A power of attorney to the bank secures the rights of the authorized person to dispose in cash available in the principal’s account with a banking institution (or any other credit institution).

Exactly how the trustee plans to manage the trustor’s finances does not matter: this person can subsequently transfer or withdraw money, replenish an account, open a new one and close accounts, or carry out other actions. For example, a power of attorney may also grant the right to use a safe deposit box, issue a plastic (bank) card, etc.

It is absolutely not necessary to have such a power of attorney certified either by the employer or by a notary. It should also be said that in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 3 of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such a document can be submitted by the principal directly to a third party (bank, other credit organization), with whom the representative specified in the document will enter into legal relations. This form is the most convenient and allows you to minimize the risks of both the credit institution and the principal himself. In this case, the bank, when accepting a power of attorney, has the right to verify your identity and make appropriate notes in the submitted document.

In order to avoid possible abuse of power on the part of the trusted representative, it is necessary to highlight the range of his rights in as much detail as possible in the power of attorney itself. Otherwise, responsibility for such acts will fall entirely on your shoulders. For example, if you need a trusted person to withdraw a sum of money in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles from your account once, then it is better to indicate this condition directly, rather than use the general phrase “withdraw money from the account” without specifying a specific amount.

On February 23, the investigation of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg found a case that could push Russian bankers to revise the procedure for accessing client safes and accounts using powers of attorney. It looks like the scammers were shown the loophole by a consultant from the inside. The swindlers also had accurate information about millions. The first victim was a representative of Gazprom. Probably, many tenants of the cells are still under the illusion that their cache is behind the reservation. Every operation begins with a trivial scam in the office cellular communications.

If you rent a safe deposit box at a bank, and recently some prankster turned off your mobile phone, don’t waste time reading. Hurry to check your savings.

For the rest, Fontanka learned that the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moskovsky District of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case on February 23 under the typical part four of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale). More tangible, the amount of loss of an employee of OJSC Gazprom amounted to 10 million rubles. The uniqueness of the situation lies in the fact that the funds were stored in a safe deposit box, and a bank employee allowed the crooks into the depository. And at the same time she did not violate the instructions.

Let us remember how at the end of last year many Russians bought currency, took it out of deposits and put it in safe deposit boxes. It's not news that scammers are the first to respond to market frenzies.

So, on December 25, the difficult manager of Gazprom suddenly lost his mobile connection. He called his Megafon operator, but a voice in the service desk explained to him that this number now belongs to someone else to an individual, therefore I refused the certificates. The Petersburger did not understand and came to the Megafon office. There they confirmed to him that he was a legal nobody. The man wrote a statement to the company's Internal Security Service. And applications in serious corporations are considered carefully, but not quickly.

Soon, and this is about a couple of weeks, it turned out that an unidentified attacker showed up on December 25 with a fake power of attorney allegedly from the subscriber’s brother and re-registered the number using it. At the same time he stated that he had lost his SIM card. That is, I received a new one.

The Megafon company explained to Fontanka that the procedure for re-registering a subscriber number is simple and primarily created for the convenience of respectable citizens:

Without the personal presence of the subscriber, re-registration in a cellular communication salon occurs upon presentation by the authorized person of a passport and a notarized power of attorney in his name. Our employees are trained to distinguish the original from the fake. Copies of documents remain in the salon. In case of a positive balance, the number is transferred to a trusted person and, if necessary, a new SIM card is issued.

Judging by the information on the Megafon website, claims against the operator are considered within up to 60 calendar days. Employees of the Beeline operator reported exactly the same information to Fontanka.

Since the Gazprom employee's account balance remained unchanged, he could only shrug. One could also look into the police, but today it is unlikely that operatives are ready to rush to unraveling an empty and absurd situation.

Recently, a happy restorer of his SIM card decided to visit a cell he had rented for a long time in the Moscow branch of Bank St. Petersburg at 171 Moskovsky Prospekt. Sitting down next to the teller and presenting his passport, as expected, he heard something similar to what he had already heard. “The cell was re-registered to another person by your own power of attorney on December 25, so access to it is prohibited for outsiders.”

The second statement was written to the Security Service of Bank St. Petersburg and in a more nervous manner. When the cell was opened, then... the reader will not be surprised to learn that it turned out to be empty. According to a statement to the police, 10 million rubles were stored there.

A hasty check revealed how a man with a passport also in the name of the victim’s brother and a power of attorney came to this branch of Bank St. Petersburg. As for the key to the locker, the stranger said that he had lost it, after which he paid a fine and received a new one.

As several St. Petersburg banks confirmed to Fontanka, “to access an individual safe, an authorized person only needs to present a notarized power of attorney from the tenant and an identity card. The principle of two keys (the bank key and the client key), which, as indicated on the institution’s website, ensures maximum security for the contents of an individual cell, does not prevent a fraudster. He, under the guise of a trusted person, declares that the key is lost, pays approximately 3,500 rubles to replace the lock and gets access to the safe and the key.

But there was a secret that united these two episodes, identical in design but different in effect. The operator of Bank St. Petersburg, in the case of a client from Gazprom, after studying the power of attorney, called the client’s mobile number. They picked up the phone and confirmed that it was indeed the brother who had to re-register the cell.

Fontanka would recommend that cell owners and security services take a closer look at the face left from the video recording, although, most likely, the character is not without camouflage.

While the criminal case was being initiated, it turned out that on December 29, a person with a power of attorney also came to the Kuibyshev branch of the same Bank “St. Petersburg”. Only that time he claimed the right, by power of attorney, to receive 48 million from the entrepreneur’s account. That day, the employee also called the depositor, but thanks to her hearing, a positive glitch occurred.

In this case, the “relative” turned out to be a 35-year-old businessman from Kirishi, Denis Burkenya. A couple of days later he was arrested on charges of attempted fraud. True, so far he has not uttered a word about his accomplices.

Fontanka knows that in the case of the Gazprom cell and during the arrest of Denis, a forged power of attorney from the same notary of the Moscow region was used. Both when provided to the bank and when phones are disconnected in Megafon.

In a situation where a certain citizen contacts the bank with a notarized power of attorney to carry out any operations, including operations with our client’s safe deposit box, the matter is not limited to a formal call to the number mobile phone. The sequence of checking this kind of power of attorney and the person who presented it includes a whole range of measures and, believe me, is not limited to calling the notary who allegedly wrote out the presented document,” VTB24 in St. Petersburg explained to our publication.

For obvious reasons, Fontanka did not decipher what other methods of verification there are.

Also, there is still no answer to the unpleasant question of where scammers get accurate information about accounts, specific names of clients, contract numbers, dates. It is not yet clear on what basis the cell is selected. After all, bank employees do not know about the contents.

Fontanka has a primitive but working version.

Perhaps, someone who has access to contracts and questionnaires of cell tenants (a folder with documents is stored in each office) selects a target in a banal logical way. A bad person could react to the places of work indicated by clients. If a company symbolizes prosperity, then it’s worth the risk.

And the security services of St. Petersburg banks have a dream - to have online access to a database of issued and, accordingly, invalid passports.

“But even if our employees receive this opportunity, even in this case it does not guarantee complete security - due to the fact that today even the police receive data on so-called “broken” passports with a delay of up to two months,” commented Fontanka » in SB Bank "St. Petersburg".

And the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs predicted to the journalist that, according to the criminal investigation department, many tenants had not yet looked into their storage facilities.

Good luck to those.


On February 23, the investigation of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg found a case that could push Russian bankers to revise the procedure for accessing client safes and accounts using powers of attorney. It looks like the scammers were shown the loophole by a consultant from the inside. The swindlers also had accurate information about millions. The first victim was a representative of Gazprom. Probably, many tenants of the cells are still under the illusion that their cache is behind the reservation. Each operation begins with a trivial scam at a cell phone office.

If you rent a safe deposit box at a bank, and recently some prankster turned off your mobile phone, don’t waste time reading. Hurry to check your savings.

For the rest, Fontanka learned that the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moskovsky District of St. Petersburg opened a criminal case on February 23 under the typical part four of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale). More tangible, the amount of loss of an employee of OJSC Gazprom amounted to 10 million rubles. The uniqueness of the situation lies in the fact that the funds were stored in a safe deposit box, and a bank employee allowed the crooks into the depository. And at the same time she did not violate the instructions.

Let us remember how at the end of last year many Russians bought currency, took it out of deposits and put it in safe deposit boxes. It's not news that scammers are the first to respond to market frenzies.

So, on December 25, the difficult manager of Gazprom suddenly lost his mobile connection. He called his Megafon operator, but the voice in the service desk explained to him that this number now belongs to another individual, so he refused the certificate. The Petersburger did not understand and came to the Megafon office. There they confirmed to him that he was a legal nobody. The man wrote a statement to the company's Internal Security Service. And applications in serious corporations are considered carefully, but not quickly.

Soon, and this is about a couple of weeks, it turned out that an unidentified attacker showed up on December 25 with a fake power of attorney allegedly from the subscriber’s brother and re-registered the number using it. At the same time he stated that he had lost his SIM card. That is, I received a new one.

The Megafon company explained to Fontanka that the procedure for re-registering a subscriber number is simple and primarily created for the convenience of respectable citizens:

Without the personal presence of the subscriber, re-registration in a cellular communication salon occurs upon presentation by the authorized person of a passport and a notarized power of attorney in his name. Our employees are trained to distinguish the original from the fake. Copies of documents remain in the salon. In case of a positive balance, the number is transferred to a trusted person and, if necessary, a new SIM card is issued.

Judging by the information on the Megafon website, claims against the operator are considered within up to 60 calendar days. Employees of the Beeline operator reported exactly the same information to Fontanka.

Since the Gazprom employee's account balance remained unchanged, he could only shrug. One could also look into the police, but today it is unlikely that operatives are ready to rush to unraveling an empty and absurd situation.

Recently, a happy restorer of his SIM card decided to visit a cell he had rented for a long time in the Moscow branch of Bank St. Petersburg at 171 Moskovsky Prospekt. Sitting down next to the teller and presenting his passport, as expected, he heard something similar to what he had already heard. “The cell was re-registered to another person by your own power of attorney on December 25, so access to it is prohibited for outsiders.”

The second statement was written to the Security Service of Bank St. Petersburg and in a more nervous manner. When the cell was opened, then... the reader will not be surprised to learn that it turned out to be empty. According to a statement to the police, 10 million rubles were stored there.

A hasty check revealed how a man with a passport also in the name of the victim’s brother and a power of attorney came to this branch of Bank St. Petersburg. As for the key to the locker, the stranger said that he had lost it, after which he paid a fine and received a new one.

As several St. Petersburg banks confirmed to Fontanka, “to access an individual safe, an authorized person only needs to present a notarized power of attorney from the tenant and an identity card. The principle of two keys (the bank key and the client key), which, as indicated on the institution’s website, ensures maximum security for the contents of an individual cell, does not prevent a fraudster. He, under the guise of a trusted person, declares that the key is lost, pays approximately 3,500 rubles to replace the lock and gets access to the safe and the key.

But there was a secret that united these two episodes, identical in design but different in effect. The operator of Bank St. Petersburg, in the case of a client from Gazprom, after studying the power of attorney, called the client’s mobile number. They picked up the phone and confirmed that it was indeed the brother who had to re-register the cell.

Photo from a fake passport

Fontanka would recommend that cell owners and security services take a closer look at the face left from the video recording, although, most likely, the character is not without camouflage.

Surveillance camera video screen

While the criminal case was being initiated, it turned out that on December 29, a person with a power of attorney also came to the Kuibyshev branch of the same Bank “St. Petersburg”. Only that time he claimed the right, by power of attorney, to receive 48 million from the entrepreneur’s account. That day, the employee also called the depositor, but thanks to her hearing, a positive glitch occurred.

In this case, the “relative” turned out to be a 35-year-old businessman from Kirishi, Denis Burkenya. A couple of days later he was arrested on charges of attempted fraud. True, so far he has not uttered a word about his accomplices.

Fontanka knows that in the case of the Gazprom cell and during the arrest of Denis, a forged power of attorney from the same notary of the Moscow region was used. Both when provided to the bank and when phones are disconnected in Megafon.

In a situation where a certain citizen approaches the bank with a notarized power of attorney to carry out any operations, including operations with our client’s safe deposit box, the matter is not limited to a formal call to a mobile phone number. The sequence of checking this kind of power of attorney and the person who presented it includes a whole range of measures and, believe me, is not limited to calling the notary who allegedly wrote out the presented document,” VTB24 in St. Petersburg explained to our publication.

For obvious reasons, Fontanka did not decipher what other methods of verification there are.

Also, there is still no answer to the unpleasant question of where scammers get accurate information about accounts, specific names of clients, contract numbers, dates. It is not yet clear on what basis the cell is selected. After all, bank employees do not know about the contents.

Fontanka has a primitive but working version.

Perhaps, someone who has access to contracts and questionnaires of cell tenants (a folder with documents is stored in each office) selects a target in a banal logical way. A bad person could react to the places of work indicated by clients. If a company symbolizes prosperity, then it’s worth the risk.

And the security services of St. Petersburg banks have a dream - to have online access to a database of issued and, accordingly, invalid passports.

“But even if our employees receive this opportunity, even in this case it does not guarantee complete security - due to the fact that today even the police receive data on so-called “broken” passports with a delay of up to two months,” commented Fontanka » in SB Bank "St. Petersburg".

And the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs predicted to the journalist that, according to the criminal investigation department, many tenants had not yet looked into their storage facilities.

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