Armen Dzhigarkhanyan will fight for his property. But it's listed somewhere...

YEREVAN, April 5 - Sputnik. The ex-wife of People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan accuses the ex-husband's friends of intrigues with real estate. Writes about this "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

The resonant scandal in the Dzhigarkhanyan family - Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya grew into a serial drama, the main character of which was Vitalina. The woman, already as a regular participant in the talk show, talks about the numerous frauds of her ex-husband's friends, accusing everyone and everything of violating the law.

This time, Vitalina told about the change of locks in her apartment. She, as always, considers Arthur Soghomonyan, a friend of Armen Borisovich, to be an intruder.

“From time to time I come to visit this apartment in Rublevsky Suburb. I recently arrived, at first I wanted to take receipts for housing and communal services. But I couldn’t open the mailbox: it had a broken key. I couldn’t open the front door either. Someone changed the locks ", - Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya said on the TV show.

The Russian edition did not believe the woman's word and contacted a friend of the people's artist.

"Another lie! The ex-wife no longer knows what to invent in order to attract the attention of journalists. She crossed the boundaries of not only morality, but also common sense! I will not comment on all her gossip, but the story with this apartment has already gone far, "said Soghomonyan.

According to him, a one-room apartment is not a serious material value(her cadastral value- 3.7 million rubles. - Ed.). At the same time, it is very important for Dzhigarkhanyan, since it is far from everyone that the artist can rest and relax a little.

"In 2012, Vitalina re-registered this apartment for herself. She rewrote the contract, put my signature under it, without even warning me about it (I was away). Vitalina knew that I would not make a scandal. But when the hype began around the people's divorce artist, I asked to return the apartment to Armen Borisovich,” said the man.

According to him, when Vitalina was charged under Article 137 of the Criminal Code (“violation of privacy” - ed.), she was frightened. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya was forced to return the apartment to Dzhigarkhanyan, as Soghomonyan could file an application for forgery.

On January 31 of this year, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan officially became a bachelor, which the actor himself is happy about, but not his ex-wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

A loud scandal in the family of the people's artist happened in October 2017. At first, there were rumors that Dzhigarkhanyan was kidnapped by unknown people, then it turned out that he was in the hospital. It turned out that all his property was registered in the name of his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. After that, Armen Borisovich decided to file for divorce.

The actor said that Vitalina fraudulently took all the money from him, rewrote the property and even attempted to kill him. At the same time, Vitalina said that she had nothing to repent of and blamed Dzhigarkhanyan's entourage for everything that happened, which negatively affects him.

The other day, People's Artist of the USSR Armen Dzhigarkhanyan celebrated a housewarming party in an apartment located in the same microdistrict where his ex-wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya lives. After the divorce, Dzhigarkhanyan decided not to leave Kuntsevo, which he had chosen. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, his friend Arthur Soghomonyan spoke about what he is doing and what he is going to do.

"This is the choice of Armen Borisovich. He loves this area very much, he is comfortable there. He lived for some time next to the theater, in an apartment not far from the Universitet metro station. I didn’t like it. They found him a new option. They made repairs. Now he lives in his house where the cat hurries every day and where the cat is waiting for him. better than that where he used to live," Soghomonyan said.

According to him, the apartment actually belongs to him, but has not yet been legally registered. When all the ups and downs with Vitalina are over, the apartment will be re-arranged.

"We will try to return what rightfully belongs to Dzhigarkhanyan. There are chances. The apartment on Molodgvardeyskaya, where Vitalina lives, was bought with his money. It's easy to prove. There are facts. What she tells reporters is a show. And we work with documents. Even during interrogation by the investigator, she admitted that the apartment was bought with the money of Armen Borisovich, which he allegedly gave her. He denies this, says that he did not give anything. The fact that Vitalina registered the apartment for herself the day before their wedding is news to him," Soghomonyan said.

He also acknowledged that a meeting was drawn up for Vitalina, which lawyers advise to cancel.

“We couldn’t do this before because of Armen Borisovich’s poor health. Now his health problems are behind him. He is back at work, releasing a new play “Krechinsky’s Wedding,” said Soghomonyan.

He said that friends expect to return Armen Borisovich's share in an apartment on the Arbat (half of this apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane went to Dzhigarkhanyan after a divorce from Tatyana Vlasova, Vitalina's predecessor).

"This share is fraudulently transferred to entity. Armen Borisovich did not receive money for it. As I already said, I think we will be able to return the apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya Street (the three-room apartment belongs to Vitalina). We can return half of this apartment right now: they lived together and paid for it from family budget. But we want to return the whole apartment. If the investigation proves the fraudulent actions in which we suspect Vitalina, I think we have a chance to return a one-room apartment in the suburban village of Rublevskoye Suburb," Soghomonyan said.


Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was supposed to leave the hospital today. Due to the violation of the regime and the conflict with his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk, his blood sugar jumped, which, according to doctors, could lead to a diabetic coma. But those fears seem to be over. And now, with renewed vigor, Dzhigarkhanyan returns to the theater, where the director has changed during his absence. It is possible that other changes are coming, for example, Dzhigarkhanyan is going to revise the repertoire.

True, now the master is not only concerned with creative problems. Paradoxically, he will have to look for housing and competent lawyers who will try to return at least some property to him.

In fact, Armen Borisovich did not earn any gold or luxury in his life. He has no apartment, no cottage, no house. But his wife Vitalina has three apartments. This is a three-ruble note (134.5 m2) on Molodogvardeyskaya Street, next to the Kuntsevskaya metro station. One-room (53 m2) in the respectable village "Rublevskoe suburb" in the Krasnogorsk region. And another apartment (71, 3 m2) - in Krasnogorsk, where her parents live. But according to the documents, it belongs to Vitalina.


Perhaps Vitalina is a good pianist. But not outstanding, not Martha Argerich, to receive large fees. And Dzhigarkhanyan ... He is Dzhigarkhanyan in Africa. And also - a long-term artistic director of the Moscow theater and the most filmed Russian actor, for which he got into the Guinness Book of Records. However, with all these inputs, Vitalina is a wealthy woman, and Dzhigarkhanyan is a goal like a falcon. How did it happen and where is Armen Borisovich going to live, we asked his friend Artur Soghomonyan.

Friends will rent housing for him until the issue of property is resolved, ”Arthur told us. - Unfortunately, Armen Borisovich has no rights to any of the apartments that were bought with his money.

But it's registered somewhere...

In an apartment on Molodgvardeiskaya street. Once he and Vitalina drove past a house under construction there, and Armen Borisovich said: it would be great to buy an apartment here. Opposite is a park. As a result, the apartment was bought. Made repairs. They moved in about a month ago. Of course, he can come there at any moment, but he is uncomfortable. The relationship with Vitalina is unclear. He even told me: let's put some kind of partition, and I will live in this apartment - behind the partition. It seems to me that this is not serious.

The other day we went there, met with developers. They are on his side, they promised to think about what can be done with the documents, although it is difficult. The fact is that the apartment on Molodogvardeiskaya was registered on Vitalina on February 24, 2016, exactly one day before the registration of their marriage.

- That is, during a divorce, Dzhigarkhanyan cannot share an apartment, since Vitalina acquired it before marriage?

In fact of the matter. Armen Borisovich was sure that at least half of this apartment was his. She bought it with his money. He earned, saved, but Vitalina was the only owner.

He could return to three-room apartment in Starokonyushenny Lane. In this apartment, Armen Borisovich has the legal half left after the divorce from his former wife Tatyana Vlasova. True, Tatyana Sergeevna lives in the second half. Also inconvenience...

It's not just that. As far as I know, Vitalina took half of his Arbat apartment and registered it with some legal entity, to which Armen Borisovich has nothing to do. So Dzhigarkhanyan has no rights to an apartment in Starokonyushenny. Vitalina proved to be very skillful in these matters.

I knew about her manic commercialism from the very beginning. But she had an undeniable trump card - she watched his health. When they quarreled and we had to take him to the hospital, this trump card fell out of her hands. We requested documents and all these negative facts with the property were found out. He trusted her, was absolutely sure that everything was done according to the law: half - his, half - Vitalina. But when he realized that his trust had been taken advantage of, he experienced real stress. After that, he called her a thief.

- Just because? Not because there were some financial irregularities in the theater when she was its director?

I cannot judge about this, there are supervisory financial bodies for this. Let them find out. There will be a check in the theater.


Okay, back to personal property. Was the one-room apartment in the Rublevskoye Suburb cottage settlement, in which Armen Borisovich and Vitalina lived for several years, bought with Vitalina's money?

Of course not. Dzhigarkhanyan bought her before Vitalina moved from Kyiv to Moscow. We went to this village with him at the beginning of construction, when there was only a foundation pit. He paid the builders, contributed money to the cashier. True, he wanted to draw up documents for me, he had no time to deal with papers. But this was his apartment, where he lived. He liked it there more than on the Arbat. He was comfortable there. When Vitalina began to look after him, to live with him, in gratitude he offered to write a will for her. But she refused.

- Why?

Because the will can be challenged. She insisted that an apartment in the village be issued to her under a contract of sale.

- So she formally bought it from you?

Yes, it does. Again, relationships are built on trust. Now I am looking for primary documents in order to try to return this apartment to Armen Borisovich. She is very dear to him, he did it for himself.

- Where did another Vitalina apartment in Krasnogorsk come from?

This is the apartment of her parents, but all the same, Armen Borisovich helped both with money and with his connections. Vitalina insisted that she could not leave her elderly parents in Kyiv. They sold their apartment for little money. I know because I helped to transfer this money from Kyiv. Believe me, this is not the amount for which you can buy an apartment in Moscow and even in the Moscow region. Without the help of Armen Borisovich, they would not have solved this problem.

- It turns out that all the documents are drawn up for Vitalina according to the law?

Both the documents are authentic and the signatures under them are real. But it's not that. In fact, much was involved in deceit, which Armen Borisovich found out too late.

- Perhaps he arranged everything for Vitalina so that his former wife Tatyana Vlasova would not get anything ...

Well, then in this scenario, he was just an extra. Vitalina dealt with all issues. She wanted to take as much as possible from Vlasova. Without Vitalina, I think there would be no trial and no division of property with Tatyana Sergeevna. Everything would be resolved peacefully. Tatyana Sergeevna immediately gave a divorce as soon as he suggested it.

She expected that Armen Borisovich would leave her a three-room apartment in Starokonyushenny, and money, about 137 thousand dollars for a house sold in Dallas ...

So, probably, it would have happened if not for Vitalina.

Wow, how Armen Borisovich manages to attract greedy women who want to get the most out of him ...

He's just a very trusting person. And your words about "greedy women" I would refer to only one - Vitalina. They have been married to Tatyana Sergeevna for more than 40 years. Many issues that concerned Armen Borisovich, I decided through Tatyana Sergeevna. She was the keeper of the hearth in their family. property, domestic issues he never cared.

And even in the story with Vitalina there would be no scandal if she had not started to steer in the theater, to do things against his will. When disorder begins in the theater, he cannot put up with it.

The position of 82-year-old Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is unenviable: he quarreled with his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who is 44 years younger than him, accusing her of theft, he was left without property and he even has nowhere to live (as a result of which the artist allegedly temporarily lives in a theater office ). However, experts are confident that the actor can be saved.


According to Stalin's lawyer Gurevich, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan has the opportunity to return what he has acquired, but only in judicial order. First, you need to evaluate the grounds for the transfer of ownership, for example, is it a power of attorney or a gift. In the first case, if the power of attorney is issued to the spouse, she cannot re-register the property for herself. As for the second option, interested parties can raise the question of whether the person was sane at that moment and whether he was accountable for his actions.

But other developments are also possible. “If the spouse is almost 50 years younger, then she could have married for selfish reasons. Sorry, but you can’t get away from physiology: in this case, you can raise the question of fictitious marriage and challenge it,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes the expert.

And it is also necessary to conduct examinations to see if the 80-year-old man directed his actions when he transferred the property, that is, whether he was aware of what he was doing. There is a standard practice for such cases. The lawyer said: "Forensic psychiatrists are studying medical records and assess the state of health at the time of the transaction. Therefore, the transfer of real estate can be canceled in this way and the property returned.

Recall that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya had a beautiful love story. She, a slender blonde with a defenseless look, fell in love with the artist at a very young age. Many years later, Vitalina left her native Ukraine and arrived in Moscow, where she met an idol. Their relationship developed over several years, and recently Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya and Dzhigarkhanyan legalized their relationship. Vitalina, before reaching 40 years old, became the director of her husband's theater, joined the secular party, regularly gave piano concerts.

But suddenly everything collapsed. The couple had a terrible fight and Armen left his wife in an unknown direction. Journalists would hardly have known this story if Vitalina had not written a statement to the police about the disappearance of the artist. It turned out that Dzhigarkhanyan was in the hospital. At a meeting with media representatives, the master accused his wife of all sins and announced that he intended to get a divorce.

However, a friend of the director denied Vitalina's allegations. Businessman Artur Soghomonyan accused Armen Borisovich's ex-wife of lying. In his opinion, Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya deliberately distorted the facts in order to once again attract public attention. As Soghomonyan said, the apartment does not represent a serious material value, but it is important for a theater and film star. In 2012, Vitalina allegedly re-registered it for herself. When the hype around the divorce began, Soghomonyan asked Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya to return the property to the director.

“First, Vitalina replied that the apartment had been sold a long time ago (we checked, this was not the case, so we sent a request to suspend all transactions with this property). And when Vitalina was charged under article 137 of the Criminal Code (“Violation of privacy”), she was afraid that I would also file an application for forgery of documents, and returned the apartment to Armen Borisovich, ”said a friend of the director.

According to the businessman, the director purchased this property in 2010. Armen Borisovich was attracted by the location of the apartment, he dreamed of a place where he could hide away from prying eyes. Soghomonyan dealt with money and documents. Initially, the odnushka was issued to a friend of the artist. “At the same time, I prepared a power of attorney and an agreement under which it can be reissued to Armen Borisovich at any time. But in 2012, Vitalina re-registered this apartment for herself. I rewrote the contract, put my signature under it, without even warning me about it (I was away), ”says the businessman.

Until recently, Vitalina was the owner of three apartments. In addition to the odnushka in Glukhovo, where she lived with the director for several years, the pianist also has square meters on Molodogvardeyskaya Street, bought for 30 million rubles (424,000 euros), as well as real estate in Krasnogorsk for 6.47 million rubles (91,000 euros) (the parents of the pianist settled there).

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