Why does the apartment need a balcony? Have you ever thought: why do you need a balcony in an apartment? Garden in the dwelling.

Many people think about why a balcony is needed in an apartment. living in apartment buildings, stumbling once again on some rubbish. For some people, the balcony is simply a dumping ground for unnecessary things, for others it is a place for drying clothes, and for others it is a smoking room. But the balcony can serve not only in these qualities, you can make a beautiful and practical room out of it. And what kind of room it will be, the owners of the balcony decide. Why do we need a balcony and what can be done from it if desired?

You can turn the balcony into a storage room. Precisely things, not old and unnecessary rubbish. To turn a balcony into a compact storage room, you need to remove everything superfluous from it, make it yourself or purchase ready-made shelves, glaze the balcony with high quality and, if desired, insulate it. After that, the balcony will turn into an excellent pantry in which you can store everything you can - jam, pickles, a children's bike or stroller, tools, skis, sleds, fishing equipment and much more.

The balcony could well serve as a small garden right in the city center. If you make a little effort and spend a very small amount of money, you can turn an unsightly loggia into a real mini-garden. If the balcony is insulated, then the garden will delight its owners all year round, but if not, then you need to find out in advance which plants can survive the frost. It is quite possible to sow greens in small wooden boxes - parsley, dill, basil, onions, etc. Then there will be fresh and tasty greens on the kitchen table all year round. In bowls and pots, you can plant flowers, both indoor and outdoor.

creative workshop- this is another answer to the question of why a balcony is needed. Converting a loggia into a workshop for needlework is quite simple. It is necessary to hang shelves, put a work table, a comfortable chair or armchair. If someone from the family is engaged in drawing, you can immediately allocate space for an easel.

More balcony can serve as a dining room, especially if it is a balcony near the kitchen. To do this, of course, it is necessary to insulate the balcony, if desired, demolish part of the partition, install a small table or a long tabletop along the windowsill.

A warm, soft floor, curtains and a beautiful tablecloth will make a mini-dining room out of a simple balcony, where it will be nice to dine with the whole family or spend romantic evenings with your loved one.

Based on the foregoing, it is safe to say that balcony is a very necessary part of the apartment. But in what capacity to use it and how it will look - it's up to the residents themselves.

Many people ask: why high-rise buildings balconies? But if for some townspeople an additional few squares of the area in the old fashioned way serve as a warehouse, others manage to transform the balcony into a real masterpiece of design, making it almost the main highlight of the home interior.

Cozy design

So, what can you turn into the most ordinary city balcony, how to creatively and tastefully use a few extra square meters in apartments?

Before you start choosing the interior version of an apartment, it is important to understand that a balcony and a loggia are different concepts, although they are often used as synonyms. In the architectural and design sense, everything is different: what is ideal for a small balcony is out of place for a spacious loggia.

Professional builders call a balcony a structure attached to a building as an additional element. The loggia is built into the wall. Therefore, a nuance arises that plays a key role when choosing a method for reworking a balcony extension.

Considering that most balconies are not able to withstand huge weights, converting them into full-fledged rooms is risky. Although this does not mean that these few meters cannot be turned into something more beautiful. There are a lot of options - everyone is able to choose their own version of the "update".

How to use the balcony

Little oasis

Thinking about the new future of the balcony, it is important not to forget its original function - it allows residents of high-rise buildings to breathe fresh air without leaving their homes. Therefore, it is easiest to make a beautifully decorated relaxation area or a small winter garden out of it. But, in addition to the named options, there are many others, more original and no less popular.

Even on the balconies of ordinary "Khrushchev" it is easy to equip:

  • storage room;
  • vegetable garden, flower garden;
  • small kitchen, dining room;
  • tiny living room;
  • continuation of the bedroom;
  • fitness corner;
  • creative corner;
  • drying area.

storage room


It is worth emphasizing: this is a small room for storing the necessary things, and not a junk warehouse. An ideal balcony pantry will serve as a storage for household tools, home preservation, children's toys, fishing tackle, strollers, bicycles, skis, sledges.

How to arrange a pantry?

  1. The first step to creating a cozy storage room is the installation of double-glazed windows.
  2. Remove all unnecessary, clear the room of old trash.
  3. Build several shelves of different sizes using a variety of materials: from wood to marble.

Garden in housing

Turning a boring loggia into a winter greenhouse or a mini-garden will not require a lot of financial costs from the owners. A minimum of effort - and beautiful exotic flowers will delight almost all year round. Also on the balcony garden it is easy to harvest a good harvest of vegetables and herbs. A sunny loggia will serve as an ideal place for a small garden, warm rays and fresh air - what plants need.

How to equip a mini-garden?

  1. Planning to grow plants all year round? The balcony will have to be glazed with high-quality windows.
  2. Take care of additional heating of the room in the cold season.
  3. Plan the placement of containers with plants.
  4. Select seeds, seedlings of plants. Of the greens, parsley, dill, basil, and onions grow beautifully on the balconies. The flower corner will be ideally decorated with roses, violets, cyclamen, marigolds, hydrangeas, climbing plants. It is worth trying to steal an apartment with lemon or orange trees.
  5. Decorate the interior of the greenhouse with eco-style decor.

Outdoor kitchen

Most apartments of the "Khrushchev" era are equipped with kitchens with access to the balcony. This nuance can be used by redoing the premises. Instead of the usual kitchen, two zones are formed: for cooking and romantic meals.

Can serve as a convenient continuation for the kitchen

How to redo a kitchen?

  1. If desired, dismantle the partition between the apartment and the balcony.
  2. Insulate the balcony.
  3. Install heat-saving double-glazed windows.
  4. Take out a small table, chairs / stools. If there are no additional meters needed for a separate table on the balcony, it is easy to remake the window sill under the countertop.
  5. Decorate the refectory with beautiful curtains of warm soft colors, decorate the walls with paintings, and decorate the table with a tablecloth. Cover the floor with a soft carpet.

Attention. Do not load balconies with large appliances, such as refrigerators, install gas stoves.

Bar for smokers

Many families have smokers, but relatives may not tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke. What can we say about children, near whom you should not light a cigarette at all? Do not run every time when there is a desire to smoke, in the yard, especially for residents of high-rise buildings? They then use balcony meters as a smoking room. And why not arrange a mini-bar with, so to speak, places for smokers?

How to do?

  1. Will you use the minibar for its intended purpose in winter? Be sure to have high-quality windows on the balcony.
  2. Cover the floor with carpet - it will give additional warmth and comfort to the room.
  3. Install a light table (for example, made of aluminum), a few chairs. Allows space - a small sofa (not too heavy), a rocking chair, a hammock (fixed between the railing and the wall).
  4. Finish decorating with a small bar counter.
  5. Do you love hookah? Buy and store it on the balcony bar.
  6. Aroma lamps, soft lighting, stylish decor details will give a romantic atmosphere.

Attention. Using the balcony as a cozy smoking room, it is important to remember the fire safety rules

Bedroom with a view of the stars

Does your bedroom with access to the balcony lack romance? Easy fix! A little effort - and you can count the stars right from the bed.

Bed on the balcony

To make a bedroom:

  1. Remove the partition between the room and the balcony.
  2. Insulate loggia windows.
  3. Remove all unnecessary things from the balcony, decorate with flowers, paintings, windows with light light curtains.

Your own fitness room

Why the apartment needs a balcony, fans of a healthy lifestyle know. Lovers of light fitness or yoga will always need their own corner for classes. This function will be easily taken over by the loggia. It will not be possible to equip a full-fledged gym at home, although it is not difficult to create something original.

How to equip a fitness corner?

1. First, it is important to take care of the quality of the floor on the balcony. Cover with soft warm carpet.
2. Having freed up space from everything superfluous, fix a shelf on the wall, install a small cabinet.
3. Securely fix the monitor on the wall if you want to study from video tutorials.
4. Install a treadmill, exercise bike.

Place for creativity

Creative people find their own use for the balcony - they turn it into a workshop. An easel, brushes, paints do not add comfort to the house, the only way out is a balcony. Here the creative nature receives unlimited will of fantasy. Writers and musicians can comfortably settle down on cozy balconies.

Creative workshop decorations are a matter of taste. The original decorative elements made by hand will be useful here. Light curtains will protect from excess sunlight, and your favorite incense will set you on a wave of art.

As you already understood, in this article we will talk about balconies. Many do not even suspect why the apartment needs a balcony. The paradox is that most people cannot distinguish and even more so talk about the fundamental difference between a balcony and a loggia. For some reason, the bulk of the population uses balconies as a warehouse for their belongings and often just stuffs it with necessary and not very accessories.

Balcony - what is it?

A balcony is a platform of a certain shape that protrudes forward on buildings, while it is fenced with a balustrade or a metal grate. As a rule, the balcony can be supported by a column or be "hanging". It all depends on the floor on which it is located. Giving a definition in ordinary everyday language: a balcony is a certain part of the house protruding from the facade of the building, to which you can leave the apartment.

Why do you need a balcony?

Are you tired of all sorts of useful and useless things gathering on your balcony? Do you want to know why the apartment needs a balcony, and how to use it correctly and efficiently? In this article, you will learn a lot of useful things for yourself. You cannot even imagine to what extent this, at first glance, a small room can be useful and practical for you. We will offer you several creative options for using your balcony.


A warehouse for the necessary things, and not for any rubbish, which is usually called "what if it comes in handy." You need to remove everything useless, make or purchase shelves or a rack that can be glazed later. Thus, you will get a cozy and practical pantry. A balcony in Khrushchev can also be arranged as a warehouse or pantry.

Flower garden

Make a lovely and luxurious little flower garden. Indeed, why does an apartment need a balcony, if not for a green corner. True, for this you will need either frost-resistant plants so that your mini-garden pleases your eye all year round. The choice of plants is yours.


This idea is ideal for smokers. Are you tired of constant reproaches from your relatives regarding your bad habit? Make your balcony a place to relax and unwind. To do this, you need to insulate and, if necessary, glaze it. You can also lay a carpet, install a bar counter and, if space allows, put a small sofa. Do not forget about lighting and all the little things you need. Done, enjoy your cozy corner.


"Why does the apartment need a balcony in the kitchen?" - you ask. Everything is elementary, the ideal solution is to convert it into a dining room - a room for eating. To begin with, insulate your balcony, if you wish, you can remove the partition and the door, if any, but this is not important. That's all, you just have to put a small table or make a long tabletop and install it along the windowsill, lay a carpet and hang curtains.


If you are a creative person and have a small balcony in Khrushchev, then you have the opportunity to make your own small workshop out of it. Surely you are tired of hearing reproaches and dissatisfaction from your relatives about your needlework: how much space it takes up and why everything is constantly scattered. Don't despair, transform your balcony into your cozy creative workshop. To do this, you need to put a small table, chair or armchair, hang shelves, etc. In general, everything in this case is individual and depends on the type of your occupation and hobby. However, imagine how comfortable you will be on your converted balcony, no one will interfere or distract.

Mini gym

Naturally, you are unlikely to succeed in a full-fledged gym, however, to maintain physical form this room will be enough for you. It is ideal for aerobics, yoga and other simple exercises. Most importantly, do not forget to lay on a small rug. Also, if necessary, you can put a couple of boxes for sports equipment.

So, now you have learned why the apartment has a balcony, as well as what ideas for its refurbishment can be implemented. The choice is yours, use the balcony in a practical and useful way, do not collect useless things that clutter it up. Not all ideas are listed in this article, so use your imagination...

Questions about the balcony often appear on various intellectual TV shows. So, for example, answers to the question of the show 100 to 1 why does the apartment have a balcony look pretty funny: smoke, dry clothes, relax, store trash, plant flowers and for beauty and comfort. The answer of our company to this question is fundamentally different from the answers of the people participating in the survey. you won’t rest, the trash protects the glazing from moisture, and the flowers will get more light because of the glass. The last answer of the viewers contains one of the main reasons for glazing - beauty and comfort. Modern technologies glazing is not only reliable and easy to operate and maintain, but also beautiful, multifaceted.

Balcony glazing in our life is no longer a luxury, but a means of increasing living space. So, for example, you can bring a sofa to a large loggia and relax there on summer evenings, and if you insulate this makeshift room, it will help brighten up cold winter days with a cup of warm coffee with your favorite book or series. Of course, you can use the balcony space not only as a place to relax, but also as a study or plant a whole garden there. Everything depends only on your ideas and desires and starts with our work. We will help keep any balcony dry, warm, clean and charming, regardless of size, height and weather conditions, because making them practical, beautiful and durable is our calling.

The opinions of the majority are not at all an indicator of obligation or correctness in use. And in the answers disclosed at the beginning of the article - not at all an indisputable truth. You are the owner of your living space, and every centimeter of it should be tailored specifically for you. Individuality is conveyed not only by beautiful clothes, but also by design. Even simple practicality on a couple of square meters of housing is already a reflection of your nature. But are you ready to make your home more comfortable without any special expenses and overhaul? - Yes? - Then give us a call! We will help to make your balcony unique and breathe individuality into it, thanks to our first-class glazing technologies and materials of excellent quality, beauty and reliability!

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