The role of the economy in society. Economy, its role in society

IN occupies one of the most important places in the life of society economic area, that is, everything that is connected with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods created by human labor.

Under economy it is customary to understand the system of social production, the process of creating material goods necessary for human society for its normal existence and development, as well as the science that studies economic processes.

The economy plays a huge role in the life of society. It provides people with the material conditions of existence - food, clothing, housing and other consumer goods. The economic sphere is the main sphere of society, it determines the course of all the processes taking place in it.

The main factor of production (or main inputs) is:

    the earth with all its riches;

    labor depends on the number of the population and its education and qualifications;

    capital (machines, machine tools, premises, etc.);

    entrepreneurial ability.

For centuries, the problem of how to satisfy the many needs of people has been solved by extensive development of the economy, that is, the involvement of new spaces and cheap natural resources in the economy.

With the development of scientific and technological progress, it became clear that this approach to the use of resources has exhausted itself: humanity has felt their limitations. Since then, the economy has developed intense way, implying the rationality and efficiency of the use of resources. According to this approach, a person must process the available resources in such a way as to achieve maximum results at a minimum cost.

The main questions of the economy - what, how and for whom to produce.

Different economic systems solve them differently. Depending on this, they are divided into four main types: traditional, centralized (administrative-command), market and mixed.

From the traditional economy manufacturing industry began. Now it has been preserved in a number of economically underdeveloped countries. It is based on natural form of economy. Signs of natural production are: direct relations in production, distribution, exchange and consumption; products are produced for domestic consumption; It is based on communal (public) and private ownership of the means of production. The traditional type of economy prevailed at the pre-industrial stage of the development of society.

Centralized (or administrative-command) economy based on a unified plan. It dominated the territory of the Soviet Union, in the countries of Eastern Europe, and a number of Asian states. Currently preserved in North Korea and Cuba. Its main features are: state regulation of the national economy, which is based on state ownership of most economic resources; strong monopolization and bureaucratization of the economy; centralized economic planning of all economic activity.

Under market refers to an economy based on commodity production. The most important mechanism for coordinating economic activity here is the market. For the existence of a market economy, private property is necessary (that is, the exclusive right to own, use and dispose of goods belonging to a person); competition; free, market-determined prices.

The economic systems mentioned above are almost never found in their pure form. In each country, elements of various economic systems are combined in their own way. Thus, in developed countries there is a combination of market and centralized economic systems, but the former plays a dominant role, although the role of the state in organizing the economic life of society is significant. This combination is called mixed economy. The main goal of such a system is to use the strengths and overcome the shortcomings of a market and centralized economy. Sweden and Denmark are classic examples of mixed economies.

In connection with the transition of a number of former socialist countries from a centrally controlled economy to a market economy, they formed a special type of economic system called transitioneconomy. Its main task is to build a market economic system in the future.

2. Read an excerpt from the work of a contemporary sociologist. “Parents and children cannot and must be financially equal. Parents should have power over their children - this is in the general interest. And yet their relationship must, in principle, be equality. In a democratic family, parental power is based on an unwritten agreement.Shenia". How do you understand the author’s words that the power of parents over children is responsible for everythingcommon interests? Whose interests, besides the interests of children and parents, are implied here?What, in your opinion, could be the “unwritten agreement” mentioned by the author betweenparents and children?

Any stable, steadily developing society is interested in a strong family. What is a “normal”, “healthy” family? This is a small group, united by blood relations, having family rules, which should serve as a direction for the development of each individual in the family. Such a family is characterized by warm relations between generations. The authority of parents, on the one hand, must be indisputable, there must be a distance between children and parents - for the simple reason that parents have more life experience, they are responsible and financially provide education and upbringing of children. Consent between parents, their authority creates a sense of security for children. But, on the other hand, a healthy family cannot be based on the suppression of children's independence. The true authority of parents should be clearly understood, not questioned and does not need constant demonstration. Children should feel free to express their opinion, defend their point of view, respecting the position of their parents.

The absence of stable hierarchical relations in the family leads to the creation of the so-called "permissive" style of relationships. In such a family, behind the seeming permissiveness is a deep indifference to each other. Such a family is formal, does not provide support in difficult times and does not provide the right guidelines for development.

As a result, the authoritarian style of relationships between parents and children also leads to alienation, suppresses independence and initiative, and ultimately can develop cruelty and aggression towards each other, or suppress a person, develop an inferiority complex.

Thus, the most complete is a family with a democratic style of relationships, where respect for elders is adjacent to equality and cooperation, the family that serves as a safe haven in all life's problems and troubles.

3. You turn 16 years old and during the summer holidays you decide to get a temporary jobthe one to earn money to buy a gift for parents. What documents do you need provide to the employer? What document should you sign? What points of the document you sign should pay special attention to?

In this case, a 16-year-old minor must submit to the employer: a passport and a certificate of preliminary medical examination (examination).

If yes, then a work book and an insurance certificate of state pension insurance are submitted.

When applying for a job, a minor must sign an employment contract. Moreover, in this case - a fixed-term employment contract. In the employment contract, the employee should pay attention to the following points:

    place of work;

    labor function (that is, the specific type of work received);

    date of commencement of work;

    the duration of the contract and the reasons why a fixed-term employment contract was concluded;

    terms of remuneration;

    working hours and rest periods, etc.

It is also necessary to remember that, according to Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, persons from 16 to 18 years old are set a reduced working time - no more than 35 hours per week.

The great Scottish scientist Adam Smith is considered the founder of such a great science as economics. Today, this great science is one of the most relevant and necessary. Knowledge of various economic processes not only simplifies people's lives, but also helps to regularly replenish the budget, teaches you how to earn and save.

IN modern world there is a huge need for economically educated people. The importance of the economy is growing every year. This science is being taught even in schools. In every developed country there are many economic universities that modernize and open progressive faculties almost every year.

What kind of science is this and what is the purpose of economics? social science, studying the market and the behavior of participants in the process of economic activity, exploring how people manage property, how they try to satisfy their unlimited needs and there is an economy.

Economy and its goals

Many earthly resources are inherently limited. Fresh water, food, livestock, fabrics are earthly resources that can be lost. Unlike resources, human needs are unlimited. The purpose of an economy is to balance limited resources with unlimited human needs.

The famous American scientist, psychologist Maslow Abraham Harold believed that all basic human needs can be expressed in a pyramid. The basis of the geometric figure is physiological needs, that is, the human need for food, water, clothing, shelter, and procreation. Current economic issues are based on this pyramid. The top of the figure is the human need for self-expression.

Sectors of the economy

To date, only three have been identified, which in science are called primary, secondary and tertiary. The first sector combines the goals and objectives of the economy in the study of agriculture, fishing, hunting, and forestry. The second sector is responsible for the construction and manufacturing industries, while the tertiary sector is based on the service sector. Some economists prefer to single out a quaternary sector of the economy, which includes education, Banking services, marketing, Information Technology, but in fact, this is what the tertiary sector is studying.

Forms of the economy

To understand the purpose of the economy for sure, it is necessary to become familiar with the forms of the economy. Children begin to study this important topic in middle school not social studies lessons, and then continue to delve into it in high school and university. There are four forms of this social science in total.

Market economy

The market economy is based on free entrepreneurial activity, contractual relations, and a variety of forms of ownership. The state in this case has only an indirect influence on the economy. The characteristic features of this form are the independence and self-sufficiency of the entrepreneur, the ability to choose a supplier, focus on the buyer. The main purpose of the economy in this case is to maintain a connection between the buyer and the entrepreneur.

Traditional economy

The traditional economy has not yet outlived itself, because there are still underdeveloped countries. Customs play a major role in this economic form. Agriculture, manual labor, such primitive technologies (using a plow, a hoe, a plow) - character traits for this system. Primitive society was built on a hierarchy and traditional economy, but even today some African, Asian and South American countries still retain this form. At its core, the traditional form is the very first manifestation economics.

Administrative command economy

The administrative-command economy or planned economy existed in the USSR, but is still relevant in North Korea, as well as in Cuba. All material resources are in state, public ownership, the state fully controls the economy and its development. State bodies in the administrative-command economy single-handedly plan the release of products, as well as regulate prices for it. A huge advantage of this economic form is a small social stratification.

mixed economy

A mixed economy depends on both entrepreneurs and the state. If the administrative-command form includes only state property, then private property is also present in a mixed form. The goal of a mixed economy is the right balance. State property most often includes kindergartens, transport, libraries, schools, universities, hospitals, roads, legal services, law enforcement agencies, and so on. People can freely engage in entrepreneurial activities. Businessmen independently manage their property, make decisions on the production of products, hire and fire workers, and train employees. The state is funded by the people who pay taxes.

The economic growth

The economic growth of the country largely determines the economy and its role in society. Economic growth allows each state to produce more goods, services and benefits. The more goods a country produces, and the greater the demand for them, the more profit this state will receive. Economic growth must be sustainable, but by no means rush.

The result expected from economic growth is a significant improvement in the quality of life of the population. But unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to achieve this, as there are fewer and fewer competent economists. There are several factors that can raise the standard of living of a country.

One of the most important factors is the progress of technology and science. Thanks to new mechanisms, technology, the Internet, labor productivity and working capacity have increased millions of times. A unique, modern, high-quality product is in demand in the sales market.

Another factor in economic growth is the labor force. If the employee does not have a higher education, is lazy, inexperienced, and does not know how to make decisions, then the company will not be successful. Human capital is incredibly highly valued in today's society. Education in a higher educational institution, work experience, knowledge of foreign languages, personal qualities of a person play a huge role in hiring. The economy and its role in the life of society is incredibly high, which is why it is so important to listen to the advice of experienced scientists. Human capital allows an employee to earn additional income. This term was introduced in the 20th century in economics.


by discipline: Economic theory

Topic: Economic theory. The role of economic theory in the life of society

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………...3

1. The subject of economic theory…….……………………. ..………………..4

2. The role of economic theory in the life of society .......................................................... ..7

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………… 12

List of used literature……….…………………………………….13


There are different ideas about the economy. In the ordinary sense, the economy is the entire national economy of the country, all its branches and types of material production and non-production spheres: industry, Agriculture, transport, construction, housing and communal services, etc. In a stricter sense, the economy is the totality of all relations between people in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material and non-material goods and services necessary to satisfy diverse needs. Finally, there is the science of economics, which gives a complete picture of the whole economic life of people.

The purpose of the test is to reveal the concept of "Economic theory" and determine its role in public life.


Economic theory is represented by a set of sciences that can be divided into two groups: general and particular economic theories. The first reveals the essence, content, as well as the patterns of development of economic processes in society as a whole, regardless of industries and areas of activity. The second one considers separate functions of economic management - the theory of accounting, the theory of statistics, the theory of finance, etc.

Economic theory does not study everything, but only the main, most important processes of the economic life of society and each person in it. In order to live, people must satisfy their needs, requests for food, clothing, housing, education, etc. There is a need to produce them using Natural resources, tools of production, machines, knowledge and accumulated experience of people. There are relations between people, the relationship of people to nature, economic entities (enterprises, firms, individual entrepreneurs, societies) are formed. In the complex variety of these relations and processes of obtaining goods to meet the needs of people, objective connections, principles, dependencies and patterns are manifested. They must be revealed by economic theory.

There are three approaches to defining what economic theory does.

The first approach is that, since the material needs of society are unlimited, and economic resources for the production of goods and services are limited (or rare), the efficiency (performance) of the economy is achieved through rational choice: the output of one type of product can be increased by reducing the production of another . In addition, the optimality of the current production of products and the future possibilities of meeting the needs are commensurate. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure full employment of the population and a sufficient volume of production in society. The main thing in this approach is the ratio of "needs - resources", which is the subject of study of economic theory. This approach is typical for representatives of "Economics", the subject of which is the activity of a person, household, firm, society, the role of the state in the production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods.

The second approach is reduced to the definition of the subject of economic theory and consists in the study of the system of productive forces and production relations. At the same time, not only the external, economic manifestations of one or another are studied, but also their social (public) essence, the interaction of public organizations and the laws of development. This approach is characteristic of Marxist economic theory, political economy. However, this does not mean that the questions posed are not studied in Economics, but here they are studied through resources, factors of production, market relations, and are considered directly in political economy.

The essence of the third approach is that the subject of study of economic theory is society as a set of economic relations, management systems, efficient use of resources, as well as methods of state regulation and economic policy in order to achieve stable economic growth and prosperity.

Each of these approaches expands the range of objects (goods, needs, resources, productive forces, production relations, superstructure) and subjects (owners, households, firms, the state), the relationship between which is studied by economic theory. They deepen and generalize our ideas about the economic life of society in a system of principles, theories, and laws.

The subject of the course of economic theory is the economic relations that take shape in social development, in their interaction with the productive forces, the economic mechanism of management, which takes into account the interests of all subjects of society. Economic theory as an academic discipline studies economic categories, economic laws and the mechanism of management that regulate relations in production, distribution, exchange and consumption, as well as various levels of the functioning of the economic system - in the links of micro-, macroeconomics and the world economy.

Thus, economic theory appears to us as a system of knowledge about the complex variety of phenomena in the economic life of society, which makes it possible to see a certain order, a causal relationship that can be known and influenced in economic concepts, categories, laws, principles and forms.

The most stable is the structure of the course of economic theory, which is based on the subject of economic science - economics and its levels - a separate enterprise, firm, national economy of the country, international processes in the economy.

In addition to the general foundations of economic theory, there are three levels of relations, and hence the division of economic science, called "microeconomics", "macroeconomics" and "intereconomics" (world economy).


The more complex the system of economic relations in society becomes, the more tangibly the limitations of ordinary economic thinking become apparent. Of course, common sense helps the small farmer to work out the rules of rational behavior, say, in the conditions of pre-industrial production. But in the era of industrial and post-industrial economy, it became impossible to manage large enterprises and associations without serious scientific economic training. It is certainly impossible to successfully manage a single national economy without mastering economic theory. This theory is designed to perform three main economic functions that are qualitatively inaccessible to ordinary thinking:

cognitive function;

predictive function;

practical function.

The cognitive function is to comprehensively study the forms economic phenomena and their inner essence , which allows you to discover the laws, on which the national economy develops.

Such a study begins with the consideration of facts, mass economic data, the behavior of economic entities. Data must be reliable and typical, characteristic of the studied socio-economic life. In this case, the facts, as they say, are "a stubborn thing." Good factual material includes irrefutable information about events, figures, statistical materials, documents, testimonies, references to authoritative statements of scientists, practitioners, etc. Only such sources of information make it possible to avoid erroneous theoretical constructions that are divorced from reality.

To better understand the processes under study, scientists resort to theoretical generalizations of real facts, discover trends and laws of economic development. It uses economic analysis (economic patterns are derived from the relevant facts), economic models (abstract - abstracted from secondary points - generalization of reality) and economic principles, laws (generalization of motives and practices of economic behavior of people).

Economic life develops because there are causal relationships between certain processes. One phenomenon is the cause, and the other is its effect.

Cause and effect relationships vary greatly in nature. They are divided into two types:

    subjective-psychological, random, insignificant, single, non-recurring, unstable;

    objective, necessary, expressing the essence of phenomena, mass, constantly reproducing, absolutely (unconditionally) acting.

The specified division of dependencies between economic phenomena allows us to determine when we find regular cause-and-effect relationships in the economy, and when some processes are caused by a random combination of circumstances.

Suppose a certain citizen believed in luck and decided to enrich himself with the help of slot machines. He was lucky, he won, to his delight, a large sum of money. But then happiness changed him. Is it all natural?

Meanwhile, economists have found quite natural connections. For example, always as a result of a significant increase in mass unemployment for a certain period, both the degree of inflationary depreciation of money and the output on a social scale decrease. Or, if the value of bank interest increases significantly, then the amount of savings placed by the population and enterprises in credit and banking institutions increases markedly.

So, economic laws express the necessary, essential, massive and steadily repeating causal relationships between economic processes.

Consequently, scientific economic theory cognizes the entire system of economic relations and the laws of their development. This serves as a basis for predicting the course of economic development.

Prognostic (from the Greek prognosis - foresight, prediction) function of economic theory is to develop the scientific foundations for predicting scientific, technological and socio-economic development for the foreseeable future. In many cases, this function makes it possible to determine with great certainty how, for example, the population size in a given country and in the world will change in the future, what production capabilities society will have in such a perspective, and what social and economic tasks the state will be able to solve.

Economic forecasting, based on the data of economic science, plays an important role for large enterprises and business associations. It allows you to make rational long-term decisions based on the correct consideration of future production costs and benefits. Now, with any significant renovation of production and construction of enterprises, it is required to draw up a business plan. It provides for the necessary monetary and material costs and the results of the economic activity planned for a certain period.

Some conditions of future economic development, such as the state of the weather or the results of scientific research, cannot be accurately predicted. Because of this uncertainty, three types of forecasts are commonly made:

optimistic (taking into account the most favorable circumstances);

pessimistic (assuming the worst course of circumstances)

main (taking into account the most likely changes).

The management of the modern economy is in some respects like a game of chess. Here, people cannot count on the success of the upcoming business if they are not able to foresee the course of future events at least a few “steps” and act in accordance with a reasonable forecast.

The practical (from the Greek praktikos - active) function of economic science is to determine the scientific foundations of real economic activity. In this case, the achievements of scientific economic thinking are put at the service of the rational behavior of business entities. It is about defining the ground rules and ways to better achieve the intended goals.

Since its inception, economic theory has expressed the needs of the development of the economy and, in accordance with them, developed recommendations for entrepreneurs and the state. In modern conditions, the theory of economic development plays an ever-increasing role in substantiating progressive transformations in all countries of the world. The eminent English economist John Keynes had good reason to declare: “The ideas of economists and political thinkers - both when they are right and when they are wrong - are of much greater importance than is commonly thought. In fact, only they rule the world. The practical men who consider themselves quite immune to intellectual influences are usually the slaves of some economist. lunatics in power who hear voices from heaven derive their wild ideas from the writings of some academic scribbler a few years ago."

The necessary economic literacy cannot be acquired without knowing the main points of the history of economic thought, as well as without critically overcoming the outdated theoretical legacy.

At the same time, economic science does not develop specific areas of economic activity. At different stages of social development, the state itself in each country determines the goals of its policy, making a choice from a variety of possible directions for socio-economic development. In this case, economics can establish to what extent the goals set are achievable and compatible. It is also able to assess how the means used are really the most suitable and effective for the implementation of the intended tasks. In this regard, various options for economic policy can be developed to better use production opportunities and obtain appropriate socio-economic results.

The fundamental indicator of the correctness of any economic theory is its correspondence to practical experience, observable facts. The famous economist Maurice Allais stated: “Subordination to observational data is the golden rule on which every scientific discipline depends. Whatever the theory, if it is not confirmed by experimental data, then it has no scientific value and must be rejected. The usefulness of a reliable theory increases if it is based on scientific methods of cognition.


Economic theory has a huge practical value, i.e. performs a practical function. Firstly, it brings into a system, in a certain order, the whole mass of phenomena and processes of economic life, secondly, it creates interest and opportunity in the actions of individuals, and, thirdly, it develops principles, rules, and forms of economic management of subjects of a market economy.

Economic theory substantiates the guidelines of economic activity, effective directions for the use of resources, ways and means of objective impact through economic forms (categories) on the satisfaction of needs. In addition, it develops a management mechanism, its structure and elements that actively influence the subjects of a market economy and determine their expedient behavior.

Economic theory, generalizing the facts of economic development, not only makes it possible to determine the expediency and priority of meeting the needs today, but also to develop rational long-term tasks and ways to achieve them, to substantiate economic strategy and economic policy. Based on economic theory, economic policy is formed in society as a system of measures and methods for the practical implementation of goals and socio-economic tasks, in which the priorities of economic strategy and directions, methods, and the mechanism of functioning of the social system are expressed in a concentrated manner.

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  • The economy plays a huge role in the life of society. It provides people with the material conditions of existence, is the basic sphere of social life. In social science, two meanings of the concept of "economy" are distinguished: economic activity and science.

    Economy- the science of the economy and the methods of its management, the laws of development, the relationship between people in the process of production, distribution, consumption. For the first time the word "economy" was used by the ancient Greek thinker Xenophon (V-IV centuries BC). Economics was the art of housekeeping. Gradually, the word took on a broader meaning. Economics arose with market economy. Its main task is to find ways of efficient management, use of limited resources with growing needs. The development of economic science has led to the formation of a number of economic schools. Economic schools- systems of views and theoretical research of representatives of various areas of economic thought, having their founders and followers, substantiating their own concept of one or another economic problem or the laws of development of the economy as a whole.

    Economic activity is initially aimed at meeting the needs of people. need called the objective need of a person in something.

    There are the following needs:

    1) by subjects (bearers of needs) - individual, group, collective and public;

    2) according to the object (the subject of the orientation of the need) - material, spiritual, ethical and aesthetic;

    3) by areas of activity - the need for work, communication, recreation (rest, recuperation);

    Economic science considers a number of important issues, for example, issues of economic growth, unemployment problems, the role of the state as an economic regulator. Does it macroeconomics. Macroeconomics covers economic processes on the scale of the national or world economy. It explores the issues of the pace of economic development, the volume of the product produced and total income, the problems of increasing employment, increasing production volumes, economic growth, overcoming inflation, unemployment, crises, etc.

    The part of economic science that studies economic relations between individual economic entities, the functioning of local markets, is called microeconomics. Microeconomics explores the problems of scarcity, choice, alternative cost, the impact of prices on individual elements of the economy, production and consumption, changes in supply and demand for individual goods and services in local markets, etc.

    Basic questions of economics:

    1. What and how much to produce?

    2. How to produce?

    3. For whom to produce?

    Today, when the national economies of individual states are going through a period of active integration, there is a need for such a branch of economic science as world (international) economy. The subject of her research is the international exchange of goods and services, the interaction of countries in the field of science, technology, technology, international financial relations.


    The recognition of the fact that the legal, political, social and economic processes in any society are interconnected has led to the emergence of a number of scientific directions. On this wave, such a direction as economic law was formed.

    All the transformations being carried out in Russia today are in one way or another connected with the economy. Without understanding the mechanism of the impact of law on the behavior of economic agents - both firms and households - it is impossible to carry out reforms, plan and implement economic and social policies.

    Meanwhile, the connection between law and economics is very close, since economic relations are expressed through legal norms that legalize them; new means of economic development (leasing, mortgage, franchising) are sanctioned by law; the state directly intervenes in economic life. For lawyers, economic relations are one of the objects of legal regulation.

    In this regard, many questions arise: what range of economic relations is regulated by law, what degree economic freedom entities engaged in economic activity, in what cases and under what conditions can economic activity be restricted, can the economy function on its own, does the economy need a state, what impact does international law have on the national economy?

    Thus, the interaction of law and economics is bilateral: law must comply with modern social, including economic, realities, and economic agents, when determining their behavior strategies, must take into account the restrictions that the existing legal system imposes on them.

    economics right legal property

    And the very possibility of the proper functioning of the economic mechanism presupposes that the subjects of the economy take into account the requirements of law. Neglect of legal norms, gaps in legislation, lack of a well-functioning judicial and legal system lead to the destruction of economic ties. Recently, the economics of law has been called the most successful direction in the development of theories of law in the second half of the 20th century.

    The purpose of this work is to consider the interaction of economics and law in public relations.

    Economy, its role in society

    The economy plays a huge role in the life of society. First, it provides people with the material conditions of existence - food, clothing, housing and other consumer goods. Secondly, the economic sphere of society's life is a system-forming component of society, a decisive sphere of its life that determines the course of all processes taking place in society.

    Under the economy in a broad sense, they understand the system of social production, i.e. the process of creating material goods necessary for human society for its normal existence and development. Klimenko A.V. Social science: Proc. allowance / A.V. Klimenko, V.V. Romanian. - M.: Bustard, 2004. - S. 47-49.

    Human needs are very diverse. Organizing their economic activity, people pursue certain goals related to obtaining the goods and services they need. To achieve these goals, first of all, a labor force is needed, i.e. people with skills and abilities. These people in the course of their work use means of production, representing a set of objects of labor, i.e. from which material goods are produced, and the means of labor.

    The totality of the means of production and labor power is commonly called the productive forces of society. productive forces- these are people (the human factor) who have production skills and carry out the production of material goods, the means of production created by society (the material factor), as well as the technology and organization of the production process.

    The whole set of goods and services necessary for a person is created in two mutually complementary spheres of the economy. IN non-productive sphere spiritual, cultural and other values ​​are created and similar services (educational, medical, etc.) are provided. IN material production material goods are produced (industry, agriculture, etc.) and material services (trade, utilities, transport, etc.) are provided.

    In the course of practical activity, people producing material goods are faced with a certain level of development of technology and technology, as well as with the relations that have developed on this occasion, which are commonly called technological- relations that develop on a certain technical basis, the relationship of the producer of material goods to the object and means of his labor, as well as to the people with whom he interacts in the technological process.

    Another system of relations is considered economic or industrial. The main one is property relation to the means of production.

    Thus, today the economic sphere occupies a leading place in the system of social relations, determines the content of the political, legal, spiritual and other spheres of society.

    The modern economy is a product of a long historical development and improvement of various forms of organization of economic life. In most countries, it is a market economy, but at the same time it is regulated by the state, which seeks to give it the necessary social orientation.

    Law, as a kind of social normative regulator, actually affects the most diverse spheres of the life of society, the state and the individual. A special place in this case belongs to the economy, economic relations, economic ties, which are a kind of material basis for production, reproduction of spiritual, moral, political and other values ​​of social life.

    A specialist who has received a law degree with knowledge of economics must know the entire course of legal disciplines of the specialty "Jurisprudence" and, in addition, the subjects of legal support for economic and commercial activities, including knowledge of labor, business, banking, customs law, the basics of tax legislation, investment legislation and notaries.

    Some aspects of the interaction between economics and law will be considered in the next chapter.

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