Why can't people save money? How to save money without denying yourself everything? The stabilization fund is different for the stabilization fund.

Everyone knows that money needs to be saved. But according to the latest statistics, less than 25% of Russian families actually do this, and the recent 7th only confirms this. Financial blogger Svetlana Shishkina has compiled a list of the most common reasons that prevent you from starting saving money.

In other words, you have no motivation. Agree, it's one thing to deny yourself something for the sake of the abstract idea of ​​accumulation. It is quite another thing to see a specific goal in front of you, for example, buying a car, which you are getting closer to every day.

Another problem is that many people at the beginning of their journey do not fully believe that their goal is realistically feasible. To believe in your dream, you need to describe it in as much detail as possible (in the example with a car, choose a brand, model, even color), accurately calculate the required amount, estimate how much you could save every month. This will give you an estimated date when you can make a purchase.

You set goals incorrectly

You also need to know how to set financial goals. A well-set goal meets 5 characteristics: it is clearly articulated, measurable, achievable, and achievable within the stated time frame, and it really is your goal, not someone else's.

What does a wrong goal look like? "I want to save up for a car." What car? How much to save? At what time? A correctly set goal sounds something like this: "I want to save 500 thousand rubles in 3 years to pay extra for a new red Renault Logan complete with air conditioning." Feel the difference?

Or you pay off loans. You live paycheck to paycheck, and barely enough for the bare necessities.

In fact, this is not a reason, but an excuse - so as not to put things in order in the family budget. Most of the people from whom I heard such complaints at first claim that they have all the money painted to the penny. But when they really start keeping track of expenses, they find that they spend up to a third of their income on all sorts of nonsense.

Some are surprised to find out that they spend up to 5,000 rubles on sweets, sausages and other food waste. per month. The second ones are too lazy to go and apply for a subsidy for a communal apartment ...

While you're saving up, life will pass you by

In other words, you are hindered by a bunch of "hochuh", which are fueled by mass culture, social networks.

We are used to certain standards of life, and it is difficult for people to deny themselves some things: an annual vacation abroad, a salon manicure, daily coffee in a coffee shop. And it seems: but this is a trifle, these 2-5-10 thousand will not decide anything when you need to accumulate a million. It is difficult to make a big and whole out of small things. It also seems that while you are saving, life will pass you by.

In fact, a daily cappuccino on weekdays costs you 4,500 rubles. per month or 54,000 per year. Is it a little or a lot? And the habit of buying groceries in a convenience store, because you don’t want to strain and plan for a week, or even a month? And the habit of buying gifts in a hurry, just before the holiday - as a result, some expensive and unnecessary thing is bought. Although it would be possible to take care in advance and order online at a discount ...

And further. If you "can't save on a baby". Recognize that it doesn't matter if your child is wearing leggings and a T-shirt or a trendy bomber jacket and skinny jeans. That walking in the yard is more comfortable in waterproof overalls, and not in a parka jacket with a fur trim. If you want to be fashionable - buy fashionable things for yourself. And provide the child with simple and comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.

No airbag

Yes, yes, the fact that you are saving for an apartment does not negate the fact that you must have a separate account where the inviolable NZ lies. If there is no such account, all sorts of unforeseen situations will constantly interfere with accumulating money: oh, a toothache; oh, winter boots are torn; oh, you need to do CASCO for a car ... An account with savings for an apartment should be inviolable, only this way, otherwise it won’t work.

You do not trust bank deposits

Saving is not enough, you need to save. The most common option is a bank deposit. There are deposits that can be replenished, and those without replenishment. For non-replenished, the percentage is always higher. If you already have a large amount of money, and you plan to continue saving, then it will be most effective to open two deposits at once. Pawn a larger amount at a higher percentage without replenishment. And on the second, replenished deposit, collect a new stash.

It is also important to choose the correct deposit term. If you're saving for something big - like a car - calculate how long it will take you to save up the full amount. And open a deposit for such a period.

If this is just a deposit where you have an airbag, then it is most convenient to choose a deposit for 6-12 months at the most favorable rate. The main thing is that such a deposit should have the possibility of partial withdrawal without loss of interest: what if the money is urgently needed.

Finally, it is imperative to choose a deposit that provides for capitalization: that is, the addition of interest to the body of the deposit. In this option, the bank accrues new and new interest on the interest paid. Over a long period of investment, the amounts begin to grow exponentially, which accrue interest on the balance, and so on. and so on.

Don't save "random" money

An unexpected bonus, an accidental part-time job, a repayment of a debt that you no longer counted on ... Many people treat "random" money like this: easy come - easy gone. Some in this regard even have some superstitious ideas that this will help attract new cash flows.

Alas, it won't help. You're just wasting that money on nonsense. Don't worry, they are random. But there is nothing good in this either. The easiest way to save is just from such odd jobs: they are not scheduled for expenses. Your monthly budget doesn't account for unexpected extras, so you don't have to save money to save.

Robert Kiyosaki was lucky - his financial education his "Rich Dad" was doing it. Therefore, Robert from an early age "absorbed" the correct habits of dealing with money.

You and I are also lucky - we have the opportunity to "absorb" his knowledge and experience.

Despite the fact that many of us over the years of our lives have managed to do a huge amount of stupidity and financial mistakes (including getting into debt/loans "unwillingly") - nevertheless, each of us has a great chance to improve our relationship with money.

Why most people are unable to save money(no matter how significant the amount)? Yes, because all their efforts are aimed at spending / spending money, and not at their increase!

Mankind has existed for about 200 thousand years. Even 100 years ago, the main task of almost every family was a banal survival, as they say, "not to fat."

  • We do not have in our genes the ability to save money, the ability to create personal capital and the competent disposal of our property. We have not yet had time to learn this - there was no one to teach us, because knowledge about personal finance has become widely available to us literally only in the last 20-30 years.

The first analogues of modern banks appeared about a thousand years ago. It turns out that 199 thousand years before that, the human race was practiced only in survival, and not in the creation of savings and wealth.

A person begins to make savings only when he has a surplus. Therefore, it is time to find and eradicate your survival habits, and cultivate habits that contribute to the rapid financial prosperity.

You and I have to change within ourselves 199 thousand years of genetic memory - to eradicate the habit of eating everything that we now have before it is taken away from us by stronger ones.

  • It is amazing how this habit has changed in a modern person - now he “eats” (spends) all the money he has earned. Our need to spend is so strong that we are even ready to borrow money for this. It's just some kind of madness! Don't find?

Therefore, you and I need to develop a strong immunity to the innate desire to spend everything that is available.

Most people think they don't have enough money. In fact, they lack power over themselves, over their survival instincts.

  • After all, modern man is not threatened by death from thirst, hunger and cold. But 199,000 years of daily survival practices force us to do what we do best - spend!

Homework for this article:

  1. Conduct an audit of your "reserves" - look in your wardrobes, mezzanines, on the balcony, in the garage, etc. places to store all sorts of rubbish. Make a list of things (items) that you have not used for more than 1-2 years.
  2. Make a rough estimate - how much money did you spend on their purchase

You could use this money for savings and investing. Instead, they lie dead weight. It's a pity to throw it away, no use.

My report on the implementation of this d.z.

  1. 1.5 years ago I moved to a new place of residence. In the process of packing things, I was surprised to find that over the 15 years of my life in Moscow, my property from 2 suitcases (with which I joyfully arrived in the capital of our Motherland) turned into "Gazelle", filled to overflowing with my things that I bought over these 15 years.
  2. To be honest, 2/3 of this can be safely thrown out. Dams, sad picture...
People and money Fenko Anna

Why do people save money?

Why do people save money?

Economic factors predict the total amount of savings, and psychological - what part of their income and with what regularity a person will save.

Surprisingly, there is relatively little work on the psychology of savings, in contrast to research on how people spend money, more precisely, how to get them to spend their money.

D. Katona (Katona, 1975), based on long-term observations, identified the four most common goals for which Americans set aside money:

1) accidents (illness, unemployment);

2) old age and retirement (they begin to worry about this from the age of thirty);

3) education of children;

4) buying a house (or other durable goods).

Katona notes that it is relatively rare for people to set aside money to spend later or to improve their quality of life. Almost no one mentions earning additional income or dividends on deposits as the purpose of savings. In addition, his research showed that savings is a very important goal for most people. Their absence is regarded as a great misfortune, and sometimes as a moral flaw.

“The value of savings testifies to the effectiveness of puritanical attitudes among modern Americans, despite all the talk about the “consumer psychology” that characterizes the current age” (Katona, 1975).

D. Katona's work was based on the assumption that savings is widely regarded as a positive value, possibly related to the Protestant work ethic. A study by the British psychologist Adrian Furnham (Furnham, 1985b) showed that this assumption is not always true for the British. First, some of them believe that saving is pointless. Secondly, frugality for them is not always directly related to the Protestant work ethic. These differences may depend on various reasons: the economic depression in the UK in the mid-1980s (in contrast to the economic recovery in America in the 1970s), differences in the political and economic structure of the two countries, and sample characteristics.

Adrian Furnham showed a direct linear relationship between savings and age (older people are more frugal). The dependence on education turned out to be non-linear: the most and least educated have a negative attitude towards savings (but not investments). Wealth does not have a significant effect on attitudes towards saving, except that as incomes rise, the view that savings is worthless is less common.

British psychologists P. Lunt and S. Livingstone (1991) attempted to identify the economic, demographic and psychological characteristics of people who are inclined and not inclined to save, using a detailed questionnaire, which was answered by about 250 British adults.

They found that people making savings, have a higher level of education and income. They are more optimistic than those without savings. They also believe that they manage their finances better than their parents; feel better than their parents at the same age; expect their condition to improve in a year; believe that the economy as a whole is flourishing; not prone to fatalism, they believe that they control their financial situation; believe that other people's financial problems are caused by their indiscipline; not inclined to spend money for the sake of momentary desires; usually shop at a few favorite stores.

People, not making savings tend to lose control of their finances, see themselves as victims of external circumstances, but tend to blame themselves and lament when things go wrong. They usually do not discuss their financial situation with friends and relatives, preferring to keep it private. Thus, they deprive themselves of social support in difficult circumstances. They prefer to shop anywhere and find that a credit card only makes their life more difficult. In fact, they make life difficult for themselves by adopting inconsistent strategies and losing control of their behavior.

Researchers have found that economic variables are fairly accurate predictors of total savings, while psychological variables are good predictors of how much of their income and how often a person will save.

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Alfa-Bank analyzed what customers save and save money for using the My Goals service. Everyone can create a goal that becomes an additional account: you can replenish it, withdraw money, save interest and keep track of how much money is not enough to fulfill the dream. You can open these goals in unlimited quantities and through the Internet bank or mobile bank. The financial institution provided The Village with research data on customer goals.

What do people most often hoard?


14% of customers average about 7k savings per month


13.7% - 10 thousand per month


7% - 12 thousand per month


3% - 3 thousand per month


1% - per thousand per month

A significant share of savings is oriented towards relatives and friends. So, most of the men save money for their beloved women, setting names for the purpose.

Most Popular Names






Many clients believe in luck and save money separately for lotteries, sports lotto, bets and casinos. Other common purposes are sports and weddings. Rarer targets - yacht, fishing, airsoft. Several people are saving money for shelters and helping animals. There are also very rare goals, such as "Capoeira", "New Life" (about 5 thousand rubles a month) and "Horse".

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Financial independence is the ability to live at the level at which you are accustomed to not working.

If, for example, you do not have savings or assets or a business that brings you income, and you have to work every day to get money, this is an absolute financial dependence on society, the employer and the condition of your body, because as soon as you get tired, exhausted, get sick or want to go on vacation, but you do not have such an opportunity and you are forced to work hard in order to receive money, eat it up, pay for housing, transport and everything else.

It is absolute financial dependence.

According to the philosophy of attitudes towards money, people can be divided into:

1) Hungry

2) Scoundrel


4) Honest jerk

A hungry man is a person who spends everything he earns.

The greatest secret of hunger is to eat up everything you have, and no matter how much you earn, earn 5 thousand rubles - you have to spend it, earn 15 thousand rubles, you need to spend, 30 thousand - we will spend everything at zero.

Hungry people tend to spend money in their head even before they receive it, they have not yet received a scholarship, but they already know where they will spend it, they have not yet received a salary, but mentally ate it.

Sometimes they say about some unsuccessful entrepreneurs, they say that this person eats up profits, that is, he does not invest it in business development, but he spends it exclusively on living. It is these people who roll through life with some financial zero.

If you meet people who say that they have no way to postpone, because they need to get dressed and pay for the children and buy food, know that you are a beggar.

A hungry man will always find a way to buy himself a fancy cell phone, he will find a way to smoke a pack of kent a day.

Kent costs about $1, he could not smoke and save this amount and used to go to a Turkish country, to an inexpensive hotel say 3 stars for 5 days, but he says he does not have the opportunity to vacation abroad.

Smoking is a pleasure for the poor.

A scoundrel is a person who spends everything he earns.

The scoundrel is forced to sit on the tail of others, a scam, a casino, robbery, violence, murder, extortion, bribery and everything connected with these. There is no desire to produce money, to create jobs, to create work, but the desire to use it is very strong. It should be noted that the villains are formed mainly from the poor.

Most people will not achieve anything because they will spend all their energy on achieving other people's goals.

A rich man is a person who spends less than he earns.

Wealth is a state of mind.

The ability to live more modestly than the level that you can afford, while if a person has the inclinations of a rich person, he already saves his scholarship in his student years, so that after graduation from the university he will manage his funds at his own discretion. Usually these people plan to create their own office, their own business.

Most of the businesses that people are starting to notice started with two graduates renting a basement room with their existing funds, putting in rented old photocopiers, providing consulting services to the population, and copying documents at the same time.

Later, they hired several workers, then another and another, they invested every penny they earned, the premises expanded, the number of jobs increased, and other workers came to these jobs and said “how bad everything is, surely the bosses have money, connections, opportunities”

Justification is the words that losers use to be right in their own eyes.

Honest moron - spends less than earns.

The state of emergency saves at the same time, not knowing what. A person does not have specific plans and goals, he, simply denying himself everything, puts money in a stocking.

Rather than saving for old age, it is better to invest in your youth.

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