Prospects for the development and location of the world's engineering industry. Problems of development of mechanical engineering

Now it is obvious to everyone that Kazakhstan is in a severe crisis. It is impossible to get out of it without giving, first of all, a realistic assessment and without revealing the reasons for the country's stay in a permanent reproductive collapse.

As many economists rightly point out, the Russian government all these years, despite the facts, carefully avoided the concept of “crisis”, constantly talking about “stabilization” and “signs of growth”. Preferring to talk about “stabilization”, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan recognized the crisis only in certain areas: “crisis of non-payments”, “budget crisis”, “financial crisis”, etc.

Without considering the crisis comprehensively, the government underestimated the situation, did not conduct a deep analysis that would allow to fully understand the causes of the crisis and further develop a system of interrelated comprehensive measures to overcome the economic impasse.

For quite a long time, the analysis of the state of affairs in the economy of Kazakhstan was usually associated with an assessment of finance, money circulation, and securities markets. And this is determined by the growing role of the financial environment in the functioning of economic relations, both domestically and globally. A series of financial crises that have erupted recently in various regions of the world have sharply contributed to the increase in general interest in the financial environment. In this regard, there is a significant shift in the initial data of the analysis of economic life. Somewhere the real sector of the economy no longer seems to be ahead of the curve, and a deceptive impression is formed that only the power and development of the financial sector make states and their peoples rich and prosperous.

However, the backbone of any economy is industry.

The medium-term development strategy for this industry provides for the introduction of the latest foreign technologies with the possibility of importing equipment, the gradual accumulation of experience in its production at our own facilities, and then the development of domestic priority technologies. At the same time, Russian mechanical engineering, under favorable market conditions, will develop in the following directions:

  • 1) production of modernized machines and equipment for enterprises with obsolete, but still functioning production lines;
  • 2) production (including assembly) of science-intensive products on imported equipment with the involvement of various forms of foreign capital;
  • 3) participation in projects involving the production of technologically complex components for equipment manufactured by foreign companies abroad (inclusion of Russian technologies in the international system of technological cooperation);
  • 4) targeted development of individual production facilities for the production of high-tech equipment, both on imported and on our own technological base.

However, only a part of the capacities of the existing machine-building complex, which is mainly concentrated in the regions of the European part of the country, can ensure the solution of the above programs, including. Thus, in the medium term, the priority in the development of mechanical engineering will remain with the old industrial regions of the west and center of Kazakhstan.

The positive dynamics of domestic market demand for machinery and equipment that emerged in 1999 will continue in the coming years. At the same time, such an increase in exports of certain types of engineering products should be expected. Imports of a certain part of machinery and equipment, due to the limited potential for import substitution of domestic engineering, will remain at the achieved level. A significant structural shift in the volume of product sales on the domestic market as a result of the import substitution factor is expected for passenger cars. On the world market of machinery and equipment, Russia acts as a supplier of a narrow range of specialized products, primarily military equipment and certain types of power equipment. Development of Russian exports of machinery and equipment in the forecast period up to 2005. can occur with the strengthening of integration trends and the recovery of the economy of the CIS countries. At the same time, we should expect an increase in the export of Russian heavy and general engineering products. To expand the export of engineering products to developing countries, the restoration of cooperation within the framework of technical assistance is of particular importance. The potential of Russian arms and military equipment exports remains very significant. The successful promotion of this product group on the world market will be achieved by effective political and economic support from the state. The implementation of domestic scientific and technical projects for organizing the production of science-intensive engineering products can contribute to a significant increase in exports, the income from which can serve as a fairly significant source of investment in the industry.

One of the most important and real sources of attracting investment in industrial sectors in modern conditions is international cooperation, and the aviation industry provides up to 2/3 of the volume of exports of defense industries, both in the line of civilian products and in the line of aviation weapons and military equipment.

The tendencies of globalization and internationalization, which have noticeably intensified after the collapse of the former geopolitical system, have touched, first of all, the expensive market of high-tech aviation products.

In the short term, the competitive environment of this market will be driven by trends such as the sale of older aircraft and helicopters and their modifications to third world countries, the development of new projects as a result of the joint efforts of several firms from several countries to reduce risks.

There is also a trend when, supporting the desire of Western aircraft manufacturers to hinder Kazakhstan's access to world technologies and undermine the competitiveness of Russian exports, the governments of these countries allow the export of military aviation equipment to previously closed regions for export (deliveries to Taiwan, to Latin America). In this regard, as well as other circumstances (significant monopolization in the civil aviation markets, economic difficulties and the consequent limited opportunities for export crediting, the requirements of most countries - potential importers for certification of domestic civil aviation equipment for compliance with American or Western European requirements). It is necessary to intensify state regulation in the field of export-import operations with aviation equipment, eliminate the still existing unproductive competition between domestic aircraft manufacturers and intermediary trading companies, provide greater political state support for the promotion of domestic equipment to world markets and balanced measures to protect the interests of domestic manufacturers in the domestic market.

The aviation industry of Kazakhstan is able and should become one of the main "locomotives" for the revival of our economy, become a point of growth. However, this requires the implementation of a balanced and consistent industrial policy, to the extent of flexibly adapted to changing external conditions, but not losing the main goal - the preservation and development of a high-tech industry to ensure defense sufficiency, safe operation of aviation equipment, effective competition in an open aviation community. Stabilization and development of the enterprises of the Russian aviation industry is possible with the implementation of a set of necessary, deeply thought-out and specific measures that affect both the issues of state support for the aircraft industry and issues under the jurisdiction of the Federal Air Transport Service of Russia, the IAC and the Ministry of Trade of Russia.

In order to provide state support for the Russian aviation industry and stimulate sales of domestic aviation equipment, the Ministry of Economy of Russia, at the suggestion of the leading institutes of the aviation industry, leading design bureaus specializing in the creation of civil and military aviation equipment, developed and submitted to the Government a package of legislative and other legal and regulatory documents providing:

  • - introduction of a number of tax incentives for Russian leasing companies and banks that finance the purchase of domestic aircraft (exemption from tax on road users, partial exemption from income tax, etc.);
  • - reduction of the state duty for registration of aircraft pledge agreements;
  • - VAT exemption for imported foreign-made components for domestic aircraft, provided that the imported components do not have Russian counterparts;
  • - exemption from customs duties for previously exported domestic aircraft and those imported back by Russian airlines under the terms of temporary import;
  • - increase to 85% of the limit of state guarantees for domestic aircraft leasing projects.

The adoption of these documents will ensure effective state support for the aviation industry, as well as for specialized leasing companies, as it contains deeply thought-out and professionally prepared economic measures to support the system of development, production and supply of aviation equipment.

In industrialized countries, where crises and declines in production are repeated periodically, changes in the current situation affect the production of the latest high-tech products the least of all, which creates certain impulses for overcoming crisis situations. The mechanical engineering industry in Russia has recently been characterized by a diametrically opposite trend - an outstripping decline in the production of the most advanced technology. As a result, it is possible to completely lose the technological potential accumulated over previous years, although not of sufficient quality, but still of fundamental importance for the further functioning of the economy.

The collapse of the unified machine-building complex of the USSR into separate republican blocks sharply exacerbated the problems of Russian engineering, since at the same time foreign economic relations in the field of trade in machinery and equipment broke up, which had been debugged for decades and due to which a certain balance was formed in saturating the branches of the national economy of Russia with modern technology.

The structure of the final products of the domestic engineering industry at the turn of the last decades was characterized by “heaviness” and a high degree of militarization. The share of military equipment remained prohibitively high, while the output of consumer goods and especially equipment for the non-manufacturing sector lagged behind sharply. In the first half of the 1980s, the growth in the production of investment engineering products completely stopped, and in the second half a decline began, which turned into a landslide in the early 1990s.

The decrease in demand in consumer industries forced the mechanical engineering industry to adapt to the conditions for using its products, increasing the output of universal equipment and introducing primitive technologies. This will lead to the cessation of the production of science-intensive products, the further curtailment of machine-building production and, ultimately, to the attenuation of the investment process and the elimination of the basic sectors of the economy (except for raw materials, which have export potential).

The sharp decline in production at the beginning of the 1990s had less effect on the production of durable goods, the share of which was above average - mainly the car industry and the production of household appliances, with the most rapid growth in prices for them and high profitability of production. Thus, the main feature of the ongoing changes was the focus on the production of relatively prestigious products, while the conditions for the production of many others worsened, which was largely due to the patronizing customs policy of the state, for example, in relation to the automotive industry. Therefore, the relative well-being of some enterprises in this industry is temporary and in the context of a constant increase in production costs and growing competition from foreign manufacturers, a recession and periodic stoppages of production are inevitable.

The state of machine building was also aggravated by the high level of concentration and the monopoly of production. Among 2/3 enterprises, each produces more than 75% of products of a certain type, that is, in fact, it is its monopoly producer.

A distinctive feature of the recession of 1991-1993 was the relative stability of the development of industries and sub-sectors that manufacture mobile equipment, while output fell in industries that produce technological equipment. The reason lies in the higher liquidity of mobile equipment in relation to equipment that requires installation, the output of which began to exceed effective demand as a result of the overaccumulation of the fleet of this equipment from the consumer. This gave rise to serious financial and production problems, which led to the shutdown of a number of major enterprises.

The main reason for this situation is a sharp drop in investment activity and a decrease in demand for machinery and equipment. The volume of capital investments in the production of equipment for construction and in agricultural engineering has especially decreased, and the demand for products of investment engineering in 1993 has decreased in comparison with 1990 by 3-4 times.

The intensification of the machine-building complex should be considered in two aspects. Firstly, the intensification of machine-building production within the complex, that is, the production of advanced technology with minimal costs of living labor, and, secondly, the intensification in the sectors of the national economy, which takes place on the basis of the introduction of the latest machines, equipment, instruments and devices produced by machine builders. These directions of intensification are closely interconnected and cannot be carried out in isolation from one another. The primary, naturally, is the production of machinery and equipment in the machine-building complex, and the efficiency of other sectors of the national economic complex as a whole depends on how machine-building copes with the tasks set.

The rate of implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological progress largely depends on the state of affairs within the machine-building complex, on how quickly machine builders can switch to the production of new generations of equipment and equip various branches of the national economy with them.

The main directions of intensification within the machine-building complex. First of all, this is the renewal of the production apparatus of machine-building enterprises. In the processes of its renewal, it is extremely important to determine the tasks of the current day and prospects, to put into action all the levers and incentives and make them work for the final result. The task of the current day is the activation of the human factor and, on this basis, the maximum possible use of the created potential. Indeed, the human and basic industrial and production resources used in the machine-building complex, with their rational use, according to our estimates, make it possible to obtain 1.5-1.7 times more products. In other words, by putting things in order in one's own house, called the machine-building complex, already now practically without additional costs, one can obtain significant volumes of additional products needed by the national economy due to organizational factors. Equally important is the transfer of mechanical engineering to the next, higher level of production automation based on the use of robotic production. The expansion of the needs of various sectors of the national economy and complexes of interconnected industries in terms of the range, quality, productivity and reliability of equipment and the constant replacement of existing technological processes with more advanced ones force machine builders to abandon traditional methods of designing and organizing the production of machines and equipment. World practice shows that the most effective here are the transition to automated design and manufacture of machines and devices using modern computer technology and the merging of the processes of design and manufacture of modern machines into a single chain. This approach speeds up the design and production of machines by several times and makes the achievements of scientific and design thought real today, and not in the distant future. Priority at the first stage of the reconstruction of the machine-building complex will be the following industries: machine tool building, instrument making, electronics and electrical engineering, in which it is extremely important to achieve a change in the state of affairs. First of all, precisely because they serve as the basis for creating real prerequisites for re-equipping the production apparatus of mechanical engineering itself with new equipment and technologies. It is very important to redistribute the forces and resources of the second echelon of machine builders, who are busy maintaining equipment in working condition. Huge material and labor reserves are also hidden here. The accelerated renewal of the production apparatus in mechanical engineering, and then the rejuvenation of the equipment fleet in other sectors of the national economy, will make it possible to reduce the number of repairmen and equipment on which spare parts are produced and parts are restored by 2-3 times compared to the current one, and this also promises a lot. billion dollar savings.

Naturally, these problems cannot be solved with the current level of technical equipment in mechanical engineering. Therefore, the key problem of reorienting the latter to an intensive path of development is the acceleration of scientific and technological progress in the machine-building complex, which implies the large-scale introduction of new machines and equipment, efficient technological processes, and the use of advanced structural materials. An important reserve for the accelerated introduction of the achievements of scientific and technological progress into the machine-building complex is the improvement of the organizational structure of the latter, which should be carried out simultaneously with the further deepening of specialization and the development of cooperation in the production of machinery and equipment.

Kemerovo State University

Department of General and Regional Economics

Course work

In the discipline "Placement of the productive forces of Russia

and sectors of the national economy"

Development and location of the machine-building complex in Russia

Scientific adviser:

The course work was completed by a student of the 1st year

Kemerovo 2000

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ........... 3

1. The composition and importance of mechanical engineering in the national economy of Russia ............... 4

1.1. The machine-building complex is the basis of scientific and technological progress and material and technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy 4

1.2. Composition and intersectoral relations ............................................... ................. 6

1.3. Comparative characteristics of the sectoral structure of mechanical engineering in developed and developing countries of the world.................................................................. ................ nine

2.Features of the development and location of the machine-building complex of the Russian Federation 12

2.1. Peculiarities of location of Russian machine-building industry....................................... 12

2.2. Heavy engineering ............................................................... ..................... 15

2.3. General engineering .................................................................. ........................ eighteen

2.4. Medium engineering .............................................................. ...................... 19

2.5. Place of Russia in the world production of engineering products 25

3.Problems and prospects for the development and location of mechanical engineering in our country.................................................................. ................................................. ......................... 31

CONCLUSION................................................. ................................................... 37

List of sources used: .............................................................. ................ 39

The machine-building complex consists of mechanical engineering and metalworking. Mechanical engineering is engaged in the production of machinery and equipment, various kinds of mechanisms for material production, science, culture, and the service sector. Consequently, engineering products are consumed by all branches of the national economy without exception.

Metalworking is engaged in the production of metal products, repair of machinery and equipment.

The structure of mechanical engineering is very complex, this industry includes both independent industries, such as heavy, energy and transport engineering; electrical industry; chemical and oil engineering; machine tool building and tool industry; instrumentation; tractor and agricultural engineering; mechanical engineering for light and food industries, etc., as well as many specialized sub-sectors and industries.

Mechanical engineering also produces commodities, mostly durables. This industry is of great importance for the national economy of the country, as it serves as the basis for scientific and technological progress and material and technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the sectoral structure of the machine-building complex and the location factors of its industries and industries, as well as to characterize the current state of the complex, prospects and options for getting out of the current difficult economic situation.

Taking into account the peculiarities of this topic and the range of issues raised, the first and second chapters will cover theoretical issues: the role and significance, the specifics of placement, the sectoral structure of the machine-building complex, and in the third, the current unfavorable economic situation in the complex, and practical prerequisites for getting out of it .

1.1. The machine-building complex is the basis of scientific and technological progress and material and technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy

The machine-building complex is the leading one among intersectoral complexes and reflects the level of scientific and technological progress and the country's defense capability, and determines the development of other sectors of the economy. This is due to several reasons:

1. The machine-building complex is the largest of the industrial complexes, it accounts for almost 25% of the value of manufactured products and almost 35% of all employees in the Russian economy, as well as about 25% of the value of fixed industrial and production assets. In our country, this complex is underdeveloped. In economically highly developed countries, the products of the engineering industry account for 35-40% of the cost of industrial production and 25-35% of those employed in industry, in developing countries it is much less.

Compared with industry as a whole, machine building and metalworking are characterized by larger enterprise sizes (the average size of an enterprise in the industry is about 1,700 workers in terms of the number of workers, compared with less than 850 in industry as a whole), greater capital intensity, capital intensity and labor intensity of products. The complex products of mechanical engineering require a diverse and highly skilled workforce.

Among all industries, mechanical engineering ranks first in terms of its share in gross output and industrial production personnel, second place (after the fuel and energy complex) in terms of its share in industrial and production assets, as well as in the structure of exports.

2. Mechanical engineering creates machines and equipment that are used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, at home, in transport. Consequently, scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy materializes through the products of mechanical engineering, especially such priority sectors as machine tool building, the electrical and electronic industry, instrument making, and the production of electronic computers. Mechanical engineering, therefore, is a catalyst for scientific and technological progress, on the basis of which the technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy is carried out.

Therefore, its industries are developing at an accelerated pace, and their number is constantly growing. According to their role and importance in the national economy, they can be combined into 3 interrelated groups:

1. The sectors that ensure the development of the scientific and technological revolution in the entire national economy are instrument making, chemical engineering, electrical and power engineering.

2. The industries that ensure the development of the scientific and technological revolution in mechanical engineering are the machine tool industry and the tool industry.

3. Industries that ensure the development of the scientific and technological revolution in certain sectors of the economy are road construction, tractor and agricultural engineering, automotive, etc.

Over the past decades, a number of new industries have emerged related to the production of automation equipment, electronics and telemechanics, equipment for nuclear energy, jet aircraft, and household appliances. The nature of products in the old branches of engineering has changed radically.

The main economic purpose of engineering products is to facilitate labor and increase its productivity by saturating all branches of the national economy with fixed assets of a high technical level.

1.2. Composition and intersectoral relations

Mechanical engineering is the main branch of the manufacturing industry. It is this industry that reflects the level of scientific and technological progress of the country and determines the development of other sectors of the economy. Modern mechanical engineering consists of a large number of industries and industries. The enterprises of the industry are closely connected with each other, as well as with enterprises of other sectors of the economy. Mechanical engineering, as a major consumer of metal, has extensive ties, primarily with ferrous metallurgy. The territorial convergence of these industries makes it possible for metallurgical plants to use machine-building waste and specialize in accordance with its needs. Mechanical engineering is also closely connected with non-ferrous metallurgy, the chemical industry and many other industries. Mechanical engineering products are consumed by all, without exception, branches of the national economy.

At present, the structure of mechanical engineering includes 19 independent industries, which include over 100 specialized sub-sectors and industries. Complex independent industries include: heavy, energy and transport engineering; electrical industry; chemical and oil engineering; machine tool building and tool industry; instrumentation; tractor and agricultural engineering; mechanical engineering for light and food industries, etc.

heavy engineering. The plants of this industry are distinguished by a large consumption of metal and provide machines and equipment for enterprises of the metallurgical, fuel and energy, mining and mining and chemical complexes. Industry enterprises produce both parts and assemblies (for example, rolls for rolling mills) and individual types of equipment (steam boilers or turbines for power plants, mining equipment, excavators).

The industry includes the following 10 sub-sectors: metallurgical engineering, mining, hoisting and transport engineering, diesel locomotive building and track engineering, car building, diesel engine building, boiler building, turbine building, nuclear engineering, printing engineering.

The production of metallurgical equipment, which ranks first in the industry in terms of product value, is located, as a rule, in areas of large steel and rolled products production. The sub-sector produces equipment for sinter plants, blast and electric furnaces, as well as equipment for rolling and crushing and grinding.

Profile of mining engineering plants - machines for exploration, as well as open and closed methods of mining, crushing and enrichment of solid minerals at enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, coal, industry and building materials industry, transport construction. Mining engineering enterprises produce tunneling and clearing combines, rotary and walking excavators.

The products of hoisting and transport engineering are of great economic importance, since about 5 million people are employed in loading and unloading operations in industry, construction, transport and other sectors of the national economy, moreover, more than half are manual labor. The sub-sector manufactures overhead electric cranes, stationary and belt conveyors, equipment for the complex mechanization of warehouses.

Diesel locomotive building, car building and track engineering provide rail transport with mainline freight, passenger and shunting diesel locomotives, freight and passenger cars, etc.

This sub-sector also produces track machines and mechanisms (laying, rail welding, snow removal, etc.).

Turbine industry supplying steam, gas and hydraulic turbines for power generation. The plants of the sub-sector produce equipment for thermal, nuclear, hydraulic and gas turbine power plants, gas pumping equipment for main gas pipelines, compressor, injection and disposal equipment for the chemical and oil refining industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy.

Nuclear engineering specializes in the production of pressure vessel reactors and other equipment for nuclear power plants.

Printing engineering has the smallest volume of marketable products in the industry and produces printing presses, conveyors for printing houses, etc.

Electrical industry. The industry produces products of more than 100 thousand items, the consumer of which is almost the entire national economy. In terms of production volume, it significantly exceeds in aggregate all sub-sectors of heavy engineering. The production of electrical products requires a wide range of technical means and materials produced by various industrial complexes. The main range of production is: generators for steam, gas and hydraulic turbines, electric machines, electric motors; transformers and converters, lighting, electric welding and electrothermal equipment.

Machine tool industry includes the production of machine tools, forging and pressing equipment, woodworking equipment, metalworking tools, centralized repair of metalworking equipment. About half of the production volume is accounted for by machine tools.

Instrumentation. The products of this industry are characterized by low material and energy consumption, but their production requires a highly skilled workforce and research personnel. The industry's factories specialize in the installation and adjustment of automation equipment, software development, design and manufacture of watches, medical devices, measuring equipment, and office equipment. This science-intensive product is the main element of automation systems for the management of technological processes, as well as managerial and engineering work, information systems.

Mechanical engineering for light and food industry. This includes the following sub-sectors: production of equipment for the textile, knitwear, clothing, footwear, leather, fur industries, as well as for the production of chemical fibers and equipment for the food industry. The main placement factor is proximity to the consumer.

Aviation industry. In the aviation industry, enterprises of almost all branches of industrial production cooperate, supplying a variety of materials and equipment. The enterprises are distinguished by a high level of qualification of engineering, technical and working personnel. The industry produces modern passenger and cargo aircraft and helicopters of various modifications.

The rocket and space industry produces orbital spacecraft, rockets for launching satellites, cargo and habitable ships, and reusable ships of the Buran type, which combines high technology with a wide inter-industry complexity of production.

Automotive industry. In terms of production volume, as well as the value of fixed assets, it is the largest branch of engineering. Automotive products are widely used in all sectors of the national economy and are one of the most popular products in retail.

Agricultural and tractor engineering. In agricultural engineering, subject and detail specialization is carried out; significantly fewer plants are specialized in certain stages of the technological process or overhaul of equipment. The industry produces various types of combine harvesters: grain harvesters, flax harvesters, potato harvesters, corn harvesters, cotton harvesters, etc. As well as various modifications of tractors: wheeled row-crop, wheeled arable, caterpillar row-crop, etc.

shipbuilding industry. Most of the enterprises of the industry, despite the significant amount of metal of large parameters consumed by them, which is inconvenient for transportation, are located outside large metallurgical bases. The complexity of modern vessels determines the installation of a variety of equipment on them, which implies the existence of cooperative ties with enterprises in other sectors of the national economy.

1.3. Comparative characteristics of the sectoral structure of mechanical engineering in developed and developing countries of the world

The location of the industries of the countries of the world has developed under the influence of a large number of reasons, the main of which is the labor factor. Orientation to work determines the main shifts in the location of the industry: it has moved to areas with "cheap" labor. After the war, mechanical engineering developed especially rapidly in Japan, Italy, later in South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and also in some countries of the “new industrialization”.

The second most important factor influencing the location of mechanical engineering is scientific and technological progress. Scientific and technical progress defines structural shifts in mechanical engineering. General economic trends caused by the scientific and technological revolution predetermined the growth of the share of labor in the cost of production. Thus, the position of countries with cheap labor has become preferable in comparison with countries with resources.

Thirdly, there is a systematic complication of machine-building production, which predetermined the division of countries into producers of mass products and manufacturers of highly qualified science-intensive products, as well as the emergence of a trend to "transfer" mass, but not requiring the cost of skilled labor, production to "new" countries and the preservation of highly skilled industries in old ones. countries, "monopolists" of scientific and technological progress.

All of the above processes are superimposed by a tendency to increase specialization and cooperation in the engineering industry of individual countries and the whole world. This trend is primarily due to the benefits of increasing the scale of production. In this regard, it can be argued that the practice of TNCs creating a production and cooperation network designed for the markets of entire continents has certain technical and economic grounds.

It is very difficult to determine the level of development of mechanical engineering in different countries. However, according to the sum of characteristics, the following groups of countries can be distinguished:

1. Countries with a complete range of engineering production. Examples: USA, Germany, Japan. Russia also belongs to this group.

2. Countries with minor gaps in the structure of engineering - England.

3. Countries with significant gaps in the structure of mechanical engineering - Italy.

4. Countries forced to import part of the engineering products from abroad.

5. Countries with an uneven development of the sectoral structure of mechanical engineering: exports of machinery cover less than half of imports. (Canada, Brazil).

This typology can be used to regionalize the global economic system and determine the role of individual regions in hosting the global engineering industry.

The region "North America" ​​(USA, Canada, Mexico) accounts for 1/3 of the world's engineering production.

This region acts on world markets primarily as an exporter of highly sophisticated products, heavy engineering products and high technology industries.

The region "Western Europe" accounts for 25 to 30% of the world's engineering products.

The third region is "East and Southeast Asia" (about 20% of engineering products), the leader of which is Japan.

In Brazil, the fourth region of the world engineering industry is being formed.

In recent years, countries with cheap labor have been in a better position than countries with raw materials.

The second most important factor was scientific and technological progress. Machine-building production is becoming more complex, therefore, countries producing mass products, manufacturers of complex science-intensive products stand out, specialization and intercountry cooperation are developing.

A feature of the mechanical engineering of developed countries in comparison with developing countries is the most complete structure of machine-building production and an increase in the share of electrical engineering; high quality and competitiveness of products; hence the high export and a large share of engineering products in the total value of exports (Japan - 64%, USA, Germany - 48%, Canada - 42%, Sweden - 44%).

General engineering is far from homogeneous in developed and developing countries. The first group of countries is dominated by machine tool building, heavy engineering, equipment manufacturing, while the other group is dominated by agricultural engineering. The leaders of the machine tool industry are Germany, USA, Italy, Japan, Sweden. The entire group of developing countries accounts for only 6% of machine tool production.

In the electrical industry, the electronic industry quickly advanced. There are two sub-sectors of the electronics industry: military-industrial and consumer electronics.

The first is the lot of economically developed countries, the second (requiring a large number of cheap labor) has become common for developing countries. Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan, Mauritius export household appliances even to developed countries.

In the mechanical engineering itself, the process of internationalization of production has been developing in recent years. This process is carried out mainly between industrialized countries, where about 9/10 of the machine-building capacities and more than 9/10 of the R&D volume are concentrated. In engineering, flexible automated production and automated design systems are being introduced. In the production of equipment for these systems, the main role belongs to Japan and the United States.

The structure of transport engineering has also changed. Shipbuilding and the automobile industry developed intensively. Moreover, the relocation of shipbuilding and the production of rolling stock to developing countries is noticeable.

Locomotives are produced by India, Brazil, Argentina, Turkey. Mexico, Egypt, Iran, Thailand stand out among the production of wagons.

Significant changes have also taken place in the automotive industry. Japan came out on top, overtaking the United States, followed by France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Production of trucks is concentrated in the USA, Japan, CIS countries, Russia and Canada. Auto assembly, in addition to Brazil and the Republic of Korea, has spread throughout the world in recent years. The automotive industry in China is growing significantly, stimulated by the development of car assembly in “free economic zones”.

Basically, the role of individual regions of the world in the location of mechanical engineering is as follows: the countries of North America account for more than 30% of the world's engineering production, the countries of Western Europe - 25-30%, the countries of East and Southeast Asia - 20%.

According to the most important indicator, reflecting the scale of the industry's development, the cost of engineering products among developed countries, the United States, Japan and Germany are in the lead. Other countries are significantly inferior to them in terms of the scale of mechanical engineering. The share of developed countries in the mechanical engineering of the world is about 90%.

In the CIS countries, the machine-building complex accounts for 30% of the cost of industrial products. These countries occupy an intermediate position between the economically developed and developing countries of the world.

In general, the bulk of the output of engineering products is still concentrated in developed countries. The shift of engineering to countries with cheap labor was due to the energy crisis. Despite this, the share of developing countries (especially the countries of "new industrialization") in the production of engineering products continues to be insignificant, and one cannot speak of fundamental changes in the world engineering industry.

2.1. Features of the placement of mechanical engineering in Russia

Mechanical engineering differs from other industries in a number of features that affect its geography. The most important is the existence of a public need for products, skilled labor resources, own production or the possibility of supplying structural materials and electricity. And although, in general, mechanical engineering belongs to the “free placement” industries, since it is less influenced by such factors as the natural environment, the presence of minerals, water, etc. At the same time, a number of other factors have a strong influence on the location of engineering enterprises. These include:

Science intensity: It is difficult to imagine modern engineering without the widespread introduction of scientific developments. That is why the production of the most sophisticated modern technology (computers, all kinds of robots) is concentrated in areas and centers with a highly developed scientific base: large research institutes, design bureaus (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, etc.). Orientation to the scientific potential is a fundamental factor in the placement of machine-building enterprises.

Metal content: Mechanical engineering industries engaged in the production of such products as, for example, metallurgical, energy, mining equipment consume a lot of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In this regard, machine-building plants engaged in the production of such products usually try to be as close as possible to metallurgical bases in order to reduce the cost of delivering raw materials. Most of the large heavy engineering plants are located in the Urals.

Labor intensity: From the point of view of labor intensity, the machine-building complex is characterized by high costs and very high qualifications of labor. The production of machines requires a lot of labor time. In this regard, a fairly large number of engineering industries gravitate towards regions of the country where the concentration of the population is high, and especially where there are highly qualified and engineering and technical personnel. The following branches of the complex can be called extremely labor-intensive: the aviation industry (Samara, Kazan), machine tool building (Moscow, St. Petersburg), and the production of electrical engineering and precision instruments (Ulyanovsk).

Consumer proximity: The products of some branches of engineering, such as: the production of energy, mining, metallurgical equipment, which consume a large amount of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, are not economically feasible to transport over long distances due to their large size and high cost of transportation. Therefore, enterprises in many branches of engineering are located in areas where end products are consumed.

As a separate factor in the geographical location of mechanical engineering can be taken out military-strategic aspect. Taking into account the interests of state security, many enterprises of the machine-building complex that produce defense products are removed from the borders of the state. Many of them are concentrated in closed cities.

Table 1.

Grouping of engineering industries by location factors:

A source:

Economic and social geography; reference materials.

Dronov V.P., Makasovsky V.P.

The machine-building complex annually produces 30,000 types of various machines and 130,000 parts. Its products are needed almost everywhere; for mechanical engineering is characterized by the ubiquity of consumption. Therefore, mechanical engineering is developed in all economic regions of Russia, although its role in the economy of the regions is not the same.

Table 2.

Consequently, 87.5% of machine-building products are produced by the Western economic zone and only 12.5% ​​are produced by the Eastern economic zone. In the Eastern zone, mechanical engineering does not work for local needs, but for the European zone (79% of products are exported to European regions, and 67% of products come from European regions).

Depending on the features of placement in mechanical engineering, several groups of industries can be conditionally distinguished, including:

1. Heavy engineering (67% of production).

2. General engineering (18% of production).

3. Medium engineering (15% of production).

2.2. heavy engineering

The group of heavy engineering industries is characterized by high metal consumption, relatively low labor intensity and energy use. Heavy engineering includes the production of equipment for metallurgical enterprises, mining, large power equipment, heavy machine tools and press-forging machines, large sea and river vessels, locomotives and wagons. Features of the production of heavy engineering products are casting, machining and assembly of large-sized parts, assemblies, assemblies and entire sections. For this purpose, the industry is characterized by both enterprises with a complete production cycle that independently carry out the procurement, processing and assembly of parts and assemblies, and plants that combine these operations with the installation of imported parts, assemblies and sections that arrive in the order of cooperative connections. The industry also includes highly specialized plants. Heavy engineering produces 60% of the marketable output of the industry, the cost of raw materials and materials here range from 40 to 85%, wage costs 8-15%, transport costs from 15 to 25%, electricity costs 8-15%. Heavy engineering plants can be oriented both to metallurgical bases and to consumption areas. About 90% of the industry's production is concentrated in the European zone, the rest - in Western Siberia and the Far East. The main areas and centers of heavy engineering include:

- Central(Electrostal).

- Ural economic region(plant "Uralmash" in Yekaterinburg.)

- Siberia(production of metallurgical and mining equipment in the cities of Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, production of turbines in Novosibirsk)

- Northwest: St. Petersburg is a historically established center of heavy engineering (the Electrosila plant, which produces turbogenerators)

New centers associated with the production of nuclear reactors - the plant "Avtommash" in Volgodonsk.

The production of metallurgical equipment has taken shape both in large areas of metal production and outside these areas. Enterprises of this profile specialize in the manufacture of certain types of equipment for ore mining, its preparation, blast furnace, steelmaking, foundry, rolling equipment or individual units.

The production of excavators for ore mining, sintering machines, equipment for blast furnaces and electrothermal furnaces is concentrated at the factories of the Urals (Yekaterinburg, Orsk).

Equipment for open-hearth furnaces, rolling and welding of pipes is produced in the Central District (Elektrostal). Ore grinding equipment is supplied by the Volga region (Syzran). Casting machines - Far East (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), etc.

The production of large power equipment arose and developed mainly outside the metallurgical bases in large centers of developed mechanical engineering, which specialize in the production of certain types of this complex product requiring skilled labor. Powerful turbines and generators for power plants provide the North-Western (St. Petersburg), Ural (Yekaterinburg) and West Siberian (Novosibirsk) regions. The largest center for the production of this metal-intensive, but small-scale or individual products is St. Petersburg. In these regions and centers, specialization has developed in the production of certain types of equipment. Almost all of them produce steam or hydraulic turbines and generators for them, but of different capacities and designs, especially for different types of hydroelectric power plants. The rapid development of nuclear power has forced the transition to the production of complex equipment at existing plants. Power equipment - powerful diesel engines for ships - are produced in St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Khabarovsk, for diesel locomotives and power plants - in Balakovo, Penza, Kolomna.

High-performance boilers, producing hundreds and thousands of tons of steam per hour, are produced in the Central Region (Podolsk), Central Chernozemny (Belgorod), North Caucasus (Taganrog), West Siberian (Barnaul).

The production of heavy machine tools and forging and pressing equipment is mainly located outside the metallurgical bases. They are produced in small batches and often on individual orders for domestic and foreign factories. Enterprises of this industry are located in the West Siberian (Novosibirsk), Central (Kolomna, Ivanovo), Central Chernozemny (Voronezh), Volga (Ekaterinburg), etc.

The production of mining equipment has developed in the main coal regions of the country, West Siberian (Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo); Ural (Yekaterinburg, Kopeysk); East Siberian (Cheremkhovo, Krasnoyarsk). Often, such a location of enterprises for the manufacture of mining equipment is associated with taking into account the local characteristics of the extraction of coal, ore and other minerals.

Outside the metallurgical bases, most enterprises of the shipbuilding industry are also located, despite their consumption of a large number of metal profiles that are inconvenient for transportation. Shipyards specialize in the production of ships for a specific purpose, with different types of marine engines. The complexity of modern vessels determines the installation of a variety of standard and special equipment on them. Therefore, in shipbuilding, cooperative ties with numerous allied enterprises are extremely well developed, supplying not only equipment, but often entire units and sections of ships. The construction of ships begins on land, and they are completed afloat. Therefore, many shipyards are located in sheltered mouths of large rivers (Neva, Amur), or harbors protected from the sea. The largest area of ​​maritime shipbuilding has developed on the Baltic Sea, where its most important center is located - St. Petersburg with a number of factories specializing in the construction of linear passenger, cargo-passenger, tankers, nuclear-powered icebreakers, river vessels. There are shipyards in Vyborg and Kaliningrad. Marine shipyards are also located in Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Astrakhan, Vladivostok. Shipyards are located in Novorossiysk, Vladivostok, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

River shipbuilding is represented by numerous shipyards on the most important river routes: on the Volga (Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd), Ob (Tyumen, Tobolsk), Yenisei (Krasnoyarsk), Amur (Blagoveshchensk). The creation of deep-water fairways on rivers, the construction of canals that connected the most important river arteries with each other, made it possible to move on to the construction of "river-sea" ships not only in the lower reaches of the rivers, but also in the middle and upper ones. These river shipyards also build lake-type ships and small sea-type ships. The favorable geographical position of such river shipyards relative to related enterprises in the central regions makes the construction of ships on them very effective.

Railway engineering is one of the oldest branches of engineering, relatively strongly developed in pre-revolutionary Russia and reconstructed in the 60s. The technical process in transport in the post-war years led to a change in the types of traction: the replacement of inefficient steam locomotives with more efficient and powerful electric locomotives and diesel locomotives, an increase in the carrying capacity of wagons, and the creation of new types of wagons for the transport of specialized, liquid, bulk cargo. Modern diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, passenger and special freight cars are not only material-intensive products that use a variety of structural materials - ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, wood, glass, but are also equipped with sophisticated equipment - powerful diesel engines, electric motors, refrigeration units, installations for heating special tanks, pneumatic installations for unloading bulk materials.

The concentration of locomotive production has sharply increased in the Central District (in the cities of Kolomna, Bryansk, Kaluga); in the city of Saint Petersburg.

Shunting and industrial diesel locomotives for broad and narrow gauges are mainly supplied by enterprises in the Central Region (Murom, Lyudinovo, Bryansk).

Freight cars are produced in Nizhny Tagil, Altaysk, Abakan. Passenger - in St. Petersburg, Tver, tram - in Ust-Katav (Urals); for the subway - in Mytishchi, St. Petersburg.

2.3. General mechanical engineering

The group of branches of general engineering is characterized by average consumption rates of metal, energy, and low labor intensity. General engineering enterprises produce technological equipment for the oil refining, chemical, paper, timber, construction industries, road and simple agricultural machines. Dominated by specialized enterprises associated with the manufacture of blanks and the assembly of structures, units and parts supplied in cooperation. A number of enterprises producing equipment for industries with chemical technology need special types of steel, non-ferrous metals and plastics. General engineering enterprises are among the most numerous in the industry and are located in many regions of the country. General engineering produces 25% of the industry's marketable output. The cost of wages for the cost of production here is from 12 to 33%, the cost of raw materials and materials in this group is not very large - from 4 to 8%, the cost of electricity is 3 - 5%.

Agricultural engineering has numerous and large enterprises for the production of various agricultural implements for tillage, sowing crops, and harvesting. Agricultural engineering gravitates towards areas of consumption, given the profile of agricultural production:

Production of grain combines - in the North Caucasus (Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog), in Siberia (Krasnoyarsk);

Production of potato harvesters - in the Central region (Ryazan, Tula), flax harvesters (Bezhetsk), forage harvesters (Lyubertsy). Various agricultural machinery and equipment are produced by factories located in Voronezh, Syzran, Kurgan, Omsk, Novosibirsk.

Equipment for enterprises with chemical processing of raw materials (oil refining, chemical, paper) is produced in Penza, Tuymazy, Kurgan, Yekaterinburg, Izhevsk, Petrozavodsk.

2.4. Secondary engineering

Medium mechanical engineering combines enterprises with low metal consumption, but increased energy intensity and labor intensity. The main technological processes in medium-sized engineering are the machining of parts, their assembly on conveyors into units, assemblies and finished machines. This industry consumes a large variety of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, rubber, and glass. Enterprises of medium machine building are the most numerous, highly specialized, and have extensive cooperative ties. Their products are mass and large-scale, it includes the production of cars and aircraft, tractors, combines, engines for them, medium and small metal-cutting machines and forging machines, pumps and compressors, machines and various technological equipment for the light, food, and printing industries.

The automotive industry is the leading branch of engineering in industrialized countries. It stimulates the development of many industries, employment of the population in the production and maintenance of automotive equipment, increases trade turnover, strengthens the monetary system, and determines the need for the products of the entire industry. In countries with the most developed automotive industry, the share of the industry in the total volume of engineering products is 38-40% in Western Europe, 40% in the USA, and 50% in Japan. As a result, the share of the automotive industry in the gross domestic product of the US and France is 5%, in Japan and Germany 9-10%. Countries leading in terms of GDP are also leaders in the global automotive industry.

Picture 1.

Share of GDP and automotive products in world production:

In the export of industrialized countries, the share of finished passenger cars by value is 7-8% of the total volume and 13-15% of exports of machinery and equipment. The automobile industry was one of the levers for the rise of all material production in post-war Japan and Germany. It plays a progressive role in the nationwide rise in manufacturing and services in Spain, South Korea, Mexico and Brazil, Poland and the Czech Republic. Many countries, including the USA, the leading countries of Western Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand, have almost reached their car saturation limit (USA 740 cars per 1,000 inhabitants). In Russia, the achievement in 5 years of the level of motorization of 150 cars per 1000 inhabitants can be considered the most important socio-economic task.

Currently, up to 1 million people are employed in the automotive industry in Russia, and the share of the automotive industry in the engineering industry of the Russian Federation is 33%, which is a fairly high indicator of the economic situation in the industry. Due to excises, VAT, contributions to pension and other funds, automobile plants are one of the main sources of income for the state budget system. After vodka and tobacco, a car is one of the most profitable types of goods for the budget. On average, from one ton of mass of a produced car, income to the budget is equivalent to approximately 2.0-3.0 thousand US dollars.

The automotive industry, represented by 22 production associations, which include more than 200 factories, includes, in addition to the production of cars, the production of motors, electrical equipment, bearings, trailers, etc., which are produced at independent enterprises.

The largest factories have created numerous branches. Thus, ZIL JSC, in addition to four factories in Moscow, has branches specialized in the production of units, assemblies, parts, blanks and spare parts in Smolensk, Yartsevo (Smolensk region), Petrovsk, Penza, Ryazan, Yekaterinburg.

Automobile motors are made not only by the parent enterprises themselves, but also by a number of specialized plants. Most of these factories are located outside the centers of the automotive industry. They supply their products in cooperation with several car factories at once. The automotive industry produces bearings for all sectors of the economy. It includes more than a dozen factories located in most economic regions of the country. Each of the plants specializes in the production of certain standard sizes of bearings and supplies them to various enterprises of the country.

Automotive enterprises are located in various regions of the country, however, the vast majority of production is concentrated in the old industrial regions of the European part with a high concentration of road transport. The main areas for the automotive industry are: central, Volga-Vyatsky, Volga. The role of the Moscow region is especially great, where ZIL, the Likinsky bus plant, plants for the production of bearings and components are located.

- Passenger cars of the highest and middle class produce in the Volga-Vyatka (Nizhny Novgorod), Central (Moscow), Ural (Izhevsk) regions; subcompact- in the Volga region (Tolyatti), minicars- in Serpukhov.

- Medium duty trucks - produce factories in the Central (Moscow, Bryansk), Volga-Vyatka (Nizhny Novgorod), Ural (Miass) regions.

- -Small tonnage and heavy vehicles produced in the Volga region (Ulyanovsk and Naberezhnye Chelny)

Network created bus factories in the Central (Likino, Golitsino), Volga-Vyatka (Pavlovo), Ural (Kurgan), North Caucasian (Krasnodar) regions.

In Engels operates trolleybus factory.

Specialized enterprises for motor production are located in Yaroslavl, Ufa, Omsk, Tyumen, Zavolzhye.

The Russian tractor industry is one of the largest in the world. According to the features of placement, it resembles a car. Various types of tractors are produced not only for agriculture, but also for industry. The range of produced tractors in terms of power has sharply increased: from small garden tractors of several horsepower to powerful machines of several hundred horsepower. With the increase in the number of tractors for processing crops, the share of caterpillar tractors, which are used mainly for plowing, harvesting in agriculture and for industrial needs, has sharply decreased. This determines the specialization of enterprises and regions in the production of individual brands of tractors (by purpose, power, design). The changes that have taken place in the types of tractors produced, the improvement of their design, have increased the dependence of tractor plants on allied enterprises (foundries, rubber, electrical equipment, etc.). The most complex product of agricultural engineering enterprises is the production of combines. In combine construction, cooperative ties with allied enterprises have acquired great importance. 225 factories are involved in the production of the Niva combine.

Major changes have taken place in the location of the tractor industry in recent years. Having arisen in the main agricultural regions of the country (Volga-Volgograd, in the Urals-Chelyabinsk) to provide these regions with arable machines, the tractor industry was located near metallurgical bases. Tractors are intended not only for agricultural work, but also for industrial needs (on their basis, earth-moving machines - bulldozers, scrapers, etc.) are produced. Tractors and skidders are produced for other industries. For the needs of agriculture, the production of special types and modifications of tractors (except for tilled tractors - gardening, for working on steep slopes, on moist soils, in sugar beet fields), intended for use in different regions of the country, has been launched. This led to the specialization of tractor factories and a wide inter-regional exchange of manufactured products. Therefore, in subsequent years, new tractor factories sprang up both in the central industrial regions and in other European regions.

Tractor plants are located in St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Vladimir, Lipetsk, Rubtsovsk. For the timber industry, the production of skidders was created in Petrozavodsk, industrial - in Cheboksary.

The production of grain harvesters is concentrated at the Rostselmash plant, as well as at the Taganrog and Krasnoyarsk plants, potato harvesters in Ryazan, flax harvesters in Bezhetsk (Tver region). Wheeled row-crop tractors are produced by factories in Vladimir and Lipetsk; caterpillar tilled - in Volgograd, Vladimir; industrial - in Barnaul, Chelyabinsk, Bryansk, Cheboksary.

machine tool industry- the technical base of all mechanical engineering. Metal consumption in it, as a rule, is small, most of the blanks and parts are produced at the enterprises themselves, cooperation with other plants is most often reduced to the supply of engines, molded products, and electrical equipment. Their placement is greatly influenced by the labor intensity of products, the availability of qualified workers, engineering and technical personnel and designers. Industry enterprises are equipped with sophisticated equipment. The increase in the production of more modern machine tools - semi-automatic and automatic, milling, grinding, modular, precision, machine tools with program control, machine lines and, finally, automated workshops and factories - strengthened the role of large scientific and design centers in the location of machine tool building. The role of cooperative links has increased (unification of standard units in different types of machine tools, special electrical equipment, etc.). The narrow specialization of machine-tool enterprises predetermined the wide development of interregional ties: each of them provides most of the country's regions with its products.

At present, there are machine tool enterprises in many cities of the Central region, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Urals, and Western Siberia. The leading regions for the production of metal-cutting machine tools included Ural (30%), Central (28%), Volga (13%).

major centers machine tool industries are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ivanovo, Saratov, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk.

Instrumentation concentrated in the Central region (Moscow), and also developed in the North-Western (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region) and North Caucasus regions. The production of electronic equipment is concentrated in Moscow, Orel, Zelenograd, Smolensk, Penza.

Enterprises radio engineering industry, specializing in the production of radio receivers and televisions, were created in the Central (Moscow, Alexandrov), North-Western (St. Petersburg), Central Chernozemny (Voronezh) regions.

The most typical placement features for medium machine building are very clearly seen in the placement aviation industry. In this most complex branch of modern mechanical engineering, enterprises of almost all branches of heavy industry cooperate, and especially mechanical engineering itself, supplying a variety of structural materials from ferrous and non-ferrous metals, chemical materials, electrical, electronic and radio engineering equipment. Aviation industry enterprises are distinguished by an exceptionally high level of classification of engineering and technical personnel and workers. This led to the emergence and development of the aviation industry in large industrial centers, where, in addition to experienced personnel, there are research institutes and design bureaus in production. In such large industrial centers, as a rule, there are allied enterprises. Aircraft factories in individual cities specialize in the production of certain types of aircraft.

Modern passenger aircraft of international class are produced: in Moscow - Il-96-300, Il-114, Yak-42M; Smolensk - Yak-42; Voronezh - Il-86, Il-96-300; Kazan-IL-62; Ulyanovsk - Tu-204, An-124; Samara - Tu-154, An70; Saratov - Yak-42, Omsk - An-74; Novosibirsk - An-38. Helicopters are produced in Moscow and Kazan. Rocket and space industry(Moscow, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Samara, Primorsk, etc.) produces various types of orbital spacecraft, rockets for launching satellites and orbital stations, and reusable spacecraft of the Buran type, combining the most modern, high technologies with a wide cross-industry complexity production. Our aerospace industry is one of the most advanced in the world.

Production of low-current equipment, precision machines , tools associated with stamping and precision casting of blanks, precision machining of parts, assembly of parts, assemblies and assemblies. The mass-flow organization of production prevails, in which highly qualified personnel are employed, and a large number of labor forces are used. Industry enterprises consume a relatively small amount of materials, but a wide range (ferrous, non-ferrous, noble, rare metals, various types of glass, plastics, etc.). The complexity and accuracy of the manufactured products makes very high demands on the culture of production, equipment equipment. Many enterprises in the industry (especially low-voltage - electrical, electronic and other equipment) are mainly engaged in the installation and assembly of parts and assemblies coming in the order of cooperation. Enterprises of this industry are located in areas with developed mechanical engineering, where there are research and development centers (Moscow, St. Petersburg).

One of the main tasks of the development of the machine-building complex is the radical reconstruction and accelerated growth of such industries as machine tool building, instrument making, and the electrical and electronic industries. Great importance is attached to the preservation of scientific and technical potential, the development and implementation of new technologies, the restoration of production in the engineering industries capable of producing competitive products. In order to successfully solve the tasks set, it is necessary to revive investment activity and state support for enterprises that focus on the production of high-tech products.

2.5. The place of Russia in the world production of engineering products

In terms of exports, mechanical engineering ranks second after the fuel and energy complex. This industry provides 15% of Russia's exports. But if we take Japan and Germany, then the export of their engineering is:

Table 3

Manufacture of engineering products in selected countries of the world

(early 90s).

Source: State Statistics Committee website

At present, the machine-building complex of the Russian Federation is in a deep crisis, which could not but affect the export potential of the industry. The general decline in the export opportunities of mechanical engineering is caused by both external and internal factors. The former include the destruction of subject specialization within the framework of the former USSR, as well as a change in the ratio of producer prices for products from the raw materials and manufacturing industries.

Internal factors include low, compared with foreign counterparts, competitiveness of products, as well as unwillingness to be active in the field of market monitoring, marketing and maintenance of equipment in the field of operation.

At the same time, the range of mechanical engineering includes competitive types of equipment and machinery that are in demand in the domestic and foreign markets. Russia's exports are dominated by products of the defense industry and heavy energy and transport engineering.

Russian weapons have excellent fighting qualities, low cost, and large stocks of surplus weapons allow Russia to deliver in record time. But despite this, the potential for Russian arms exports is limited. First of all, because the trade in weapons and military equipment is very much influenced by foreign policy factors that nullify the technical and other advantages of Russian weapons.

Despite the completion of the rearmament of the armies of the countries of the Near and Middle East, this region will remain the largest buyer of weapons until the end of the century. Orders from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE naturally went to the United States, Great Britain and France, which ensure the safety of local regimes

Arms sales to Iran are being held back by US pressure on Russia. The threshold level of Russian deliveries to Tehran, which may be followed by complications, is limited to $350-400 million for "non-destabilizing" weapons systems. In the event of an attempt to supply Iran with tactical missiles, the latest MiG-29 fighters or modern air defense systems, complications in Russian-American relations will follow immediately.

Russia has the ability to supply weapons to Syria, Algeria and Egypt, but the import potential of these countries is far from the capacious markets of Arabian importers.

More favorable prospects for increasing Russian arms exports to India and China. Russia annually exports $0.6-1 billion to each of them.

The European market is also limited. The former socialist countries are guided by the purchase of Western weapons, although economic reality forces them to maintain ties with Russia. In 1997, at least three European countries appeared in the top ten buyers of Russian weapons - Finland, Cyprus and Hungary. In total, they received weapons worth $300-350 million, but supplies to Finland and Hungary were to pay off the debt. In recent years, there has been a dynamic growth in military purchases by Latin American countries. However, due to US opposition, Russia, at best, can bring the average annual volume of exports to this region to $300 million.

The export of heavy engineering is mainly due to power and metallurgical equipment. Activities to expand the geography and range of exports are carried out through working groups with many foreign countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Cuba, China, Vietnam and many others. Mining equipment, railway locomotives, diesel engines are competitive in heavy, power and transport engineering, and the main power equipment for thermal and hydroelectric stations corresponds to the best world standards in terms of technical indicators.

In the machine tool industry, models of machines, equipment and tools are distinguished that meet the main criteria for competitiveness and can serve as a basis for expanding export deliveries to the world market and purchases in the domestic market. These include the left-hand turning module of the Alapaevsk plant, the drilling and milling machine of the Kuibyshev SPO, some high-complexity machines of the Klin machine-tool plant, the machining center of the Kolomna heavy machine tool plant, and diamond powder produced by JSC MPO of diamond tools Tomal.

Of the manufactured road construction equipment, the following are competitive: the DS-181 asphalt paver and the road roller of Raskat JSC, the truck-mounted crane of Avtokran JSC, the walking excavator of Uralmash JSC, and the hydraulic equipment of Pnevmostroymashina JSC.

Certain types of chemical and oil engineering products are of a high technical level, competitive and not inferior to foreign analogues. These are large-scale installations for the production of liquid and gaseous cryogenic products, capacitive equipment for the storage and transportation of liquid cryogenic products manufactured by Cryogenmash JSC, as well as products of Geliimash JSC. Over 50% of this equipment is exported.

The drilling rigs of JSC Uralmash, subway cars of JSC Metrovagonmash, the loading mine machine of the Krasnogorsk Machine-Building Plant, the main passenger diesel locomotive and diesel engines of the holding company Kolominsky Plant are competitive and do not concede to the world level.

Export of tractors is 20% of their production. Therefore, it is necessary to search for new markets to expand the sales of agricultural machines that correspond in their parameters to the world level. Among them are tractors of the Vladimirovsky, Lipetsk, Altai Tractor Plants, grain harvesters of the Krasnoyarsk Combine Plant, Don 1200 and Don 1500 of the Rostselmash Production Association, Volgar 5 feed chopper of the Syzranselmash plant, rake-tedders of the Sol- Iletskmash.

A number of products of the electrical industry and instrumentation in terms of technical level and basic parameters are also not inferior to analogues of foreign companies. These are turbo and hydro generators, transformers, large electrical machines, electric motors, cables. But the expansion of export deliveries of electrical and instrument-making products is held back due to the high saturation of foreign markets with it.

Machine-building enterprises individually are not able to ensure the comprehensive competitiveness of their products. Since the concept of the competitiveness of any product, and even more expensive and serving for a long period, includes not only prices and basic technical characteristics, but also many other parameters. A comprehensive assessment of the competitiveness of technology involves taking into account:

Product quality indicators - technical level, reliability, adaptation to local conditions, service level, maintainability, ergonomic characteristics, design, as well as the image of the manufacturer and seller. Often enterprises are not able to satisfy the totality of such requirements;

Price indicators - the price, the possibility of acquiring on credit, the availability of discounts, state support for the production of expensive science-intensive products with a long payback period. Here we have to take into account that a Western manufacturer is often credited by its banks under the guarantees of Russian government structures. With an acute shortage of working capital and high taxes, our enterprises do not have such an opportunity;

Sales indicators - the presence of a dealer network and representative offices, market coverage. Such functions are available only to efficient industries;

Most enterprises cannot provide a set of necessary characteristics for the competitiveness of their products. But this is often not required, since in a market economy a large part of these characteristics is achieved by large strategic intermediaries. They are recognized to occupy the niche that was previously occupied by the state system of logistics. Therefore, the formation and support of such intermediaries can be considered one of the main elements of state policy in the field of increasing the competitiveness of engineering enterprises.

In 1996, imports exceeded exports by 177.3%. Moreover, the excess is observed both with the CIS countries (106.6) and with far abroad countries (210.7%). But on the whole, in 1996, there was a trend towards a decrease in the share of imports. This trend continued in 1997, and therefore positive shifts in the development of domestic engineering are possible. This is also confirmed by the indicators of the share of imports in the volume of sales on the Russian market of some of the most important types of engineering products.

MFEC specialists state that the commodity structure of Russia's foreign trade at the beginning of 1998 did not undergo cardinal changes. Exports were dominated by fuel and energy products, which accounted for more than 50% of all deliveries, as well as ferrous and non-ferrous metals (17%); in import - products mechanical engineering(35.3%), food and consumer goods.

Figure 2.

Foreign economic turnover of engineering products

for 1991-1999 (million dollars)

Figure 3


1. USA: economy, politics, ideology., 1998, No. 2, No. 9.

In industrialized countries, where crises and declines in production are repeated periodically, changes in the current situation affect the production of the latest high-tech products the least of all, which creates certain impulses for overcoming crisis situations. The mechanical engineering industry in Russia has recently been characterized by a diametrically opposite trend - an outstripping decline in the production of the most advanced technology. As a result, it is possible to completely lose the technological potential accumulated over previous years, although not of sufficient quality, but still of fundamental importance for the further functioning of the economy.

The collapse of the unified machine-building complex of the USSR into separate republican blocks sharply exacerbated the problems of Russian engineering, since at the same time foreign economic relations in the field of trade in machinery and equipment broke up, which had been debugged for decades and due to which a certain balance was formed in saturating the branches of the national economy of Russia with modern technology. The structure of the final products of the domestic engineering industry at the turn of the last decades was characterized by "heaviness" and a high degree of militarization. The share of military equipment remained prohibitively high, while the output of consumer goods and especially equipment for the non-manufacturing sector lagged behind sharply. In the first half of the 1980s, the growth in the production of investment engineering products completely stopped, and in the second half a decline began, which turned into a landslide in the early 1990s.

The decrease in demand in consumer industries forced the mechanical engineering industry to adapt to the conditions for using its products, increasing the output of universal equipment and introducing primitive technologies. This will lead to the cessation of the production of science-intensive products, the further curtailment of machine-building production and, ultimately, to the attenuation of the investment process and the elimination of the basic sectors of the economy (except for raw materials, which have export potential).

The sharp decline in production at the beginning of the 1990s had less effect on the production of durable goods, the share of which was above average - mainly the car industry and the production of household appliances, with the most rapid growth in prices for them and high profitability of production. Thus, the main feature of the ongoing changes was the focus on the production of relatively prestigious products, while the conditions for the production of many others worsened, which was largely due to the patronizing customs policy of the state, for example, in relation to the automotive industry. Therefore, the relative well-being of some enterprises in this industry is temporary and in the context of a constant increase in production costs and growing competition from foreign manufacturers, a recession and periodic stoppages of production are inevitable. The position of mechanical engineering was also aggravated by the high level of concentration and monopoly of production. Among 2/3 enterprises, each produces more than 75% of products of a certain type, that is, in fact, it is its monopoly producer.

A distinctive feature of the recession was the relative stability of the development of industries and sub-sectors that manufacture mobile equipment, while output fell in industries that produce technological equipment. The reason lies in the higher liquidity of mobile equipment in relation to equipment that requires installation, the output of which began to exceed effective demand as a result of the overaccumulation of the fleet of this equipment from the consumer. This gave rise to serious financial and production problems, which led to the shutdown of a number of major enterprises. The main reason for this situation is a sharp drop in investment activity and a decrease in demand for machinery and equipment. The volume of capital investments in the production of equipment for construction and in agricultural engineering has especially decreased.

Due to the considered unfavorable factors, the share of knowledge-intensive industries has decreased, while the share of the automotive industry has stabilized. The conditions for this stabilization are the containment of tariffs for energy carriers, products of the metallurgical and chemical complexes, rail transportation, and the prolongation of protectionist customs measures. The structure of the release itself should also undergo changes, since it does not yet meet modern requirements. The implementation of structural target programs is associated with significant investment costs and time. But the necessity, and most importantly, the success, of a comprehensive restructuring has been proven by the experience of GAZ JSC. The timely restructuring of production with the organization of the production of cars with a carrying capacity of one and a half tons and cars with diesel engines made it possible to increase production volumes. For example, for 10 months of 1997 the growth rate was 122.4% against the corresponding period of the previous year.

In the machine-tool industry of Russia today, production is more and more oriented towards effective demand. But on the part of the former main consumer - the state, it has sharply decreased, and business entities do not compensate for this reduction (especially for complex science-intensive products), preferring cheaper and simpler equipment, which entails a loss of orders, painful for the machine tool industry. The decline in the production of science-intensive types of equipment is here at a faster pace. The situation is aggravated by the outflow of highly qualified personnel, including from scientific and design and technological organizations. In fact, there was a threat of Russia losing its own machine tool industry. The development of non-core products for the machine tool industry in order to survive has become a mass practice. So, JSC "LSPO im. Sverdlov" (St. Petersburg) engaged in machine tools for processing logs, equipment for the coal industry; in addition, it produces a large amount of furniture fittings. Some revival of production in mechanical engineering has practically not affected the increase in demand for technological equipment, since its fleet is currently used by less than half. Consequently, as production increases at consumer enterprises, the loading of existing equipment will initially increase, capital will accumulate, and only then the prospect of technical re-equipment, and therefore the acquisition of new equipment, may appear. Weak private and foreign investment, inactive demand of the non-state sector for technological equipment makes it necessary to provide state support to enterprises in this industry. This is economically, and sometimes strategically, effective, especially in the case of import substitution. Thus, the funds allocated for this purpose made it possible to create production facilities for the production of linear rolling bearings under the license of the company "TNK" (Japan) at JSC "Lipetsk Machine Tool Plant". These units are the basis of Russian precision machine tool building, so far they have been mainly imported from far abroad. The developed capacities for the production of synthetic diamonds at JSC "Tomal" make it possible to completely switch to the production of diamond tools based on Russian raw materials instead of its imports from Ukraine and Armenia, as well as to form an export potential in the amount of $10 million a year. These examples show the high efficiency of state support for priority areas of development of the machine tool industry.

A certain tendency towards stabilization has been outlined in the electrical industry and instrument making. In 1998, the production of electric motors, a number of cable products (power, city telephones) was increased. In order to expand sales markets and search for new consumers, electrical and instrument-making plants have begun to develop and manufacture products that are in demand, including those previously manufactured in the CIS countries (for example, explosion-proof electric motors, large electrical machines, cable products). This was also facilitated by the protectionist customs policy of the state, under which it is profitable for the consumer to purchase these products from Russian enterprises. As part of the federal innovation program to create technical means for mandatory cash accounting, additional capacities were introduced to produce 300,000 cash registers. An increase in their output contributes to an increase in tax revenues to the Russian budget, streamlining control over money circulation in the sphere of trade. Over the past four years, as a result of the insolvency of rural producers, the production of agricultural machinery has declined sharply, most factories use their production capacity by 10-15%. In the farms themselves, the fleet of agricultural machinery is noticeably reduced. In the context of a strong contraction in demand for agricultural machinery, it is now planned to take measures to accelerate the process of adapting enterprises to the market (structural restructuring of production, expanding the market for exporting equipment, creating trading houses at enterprises, holding fairs and exhibitions). To solve the problem of non-payments, barter transactions and offsets will be carried out at the enterprises of the industry, bills and state treasury bills will be used more widely. A particularly promising form of normalization of sales is the already practiced provision of the agro-industrial complex with machine-building products on the basis of long-term lease - leasing. At present, there is a tendency towards stabilization of production volumes for some types of heavy engineering products, and for others - an increase in output. This applies to the production of equipment for the ferrous metallurgy and mining industry: machines for continuous casting and sinter production, drilling rigs for the needs of the mining industry. Enterprises began to work more actively to find solvent customers due to competition from foreign suppliers of similar equipment.

The situation in power engineering has stabilized due to some increase in the production of steam turbines, due to export deliveries of equipment, mainly to China, Iran and Eastern Europe. The production of diesel engines and diesel generators has stabilized at the 1995 level. At the same time, there has been a tendency to master the production of diesel engines under licenses from foreign companies, which makes it possible for the plants of this sub-sector to enter into competition in the world market.

In the wagon building sub-sector, production volumes are determined by the financial capabilities of the main customer - the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. It is no secret that they are limited and do not allow a significant increase in the production of rolling stock, which is so necessary for Russian railways. As a result, the production of freight cars increased slightly. A change in the structure of production of passenger cars is expected. Thus, Tverskoy Wagon-Zavod JSC is increasing the production of passenger compartment cars that meet modern requirements for comfort and traffic safety. This creates the possibility to stop their import from Germany. The share of compartment cars in the total output of locomotive-hauled cars increased in 1996 by 39 percent. JSC "Demikhovskiy mashzavod" organized the production of electric train cars instead of those purchased in Latvia. The production capacity of up to 500 wagons per year introduced at this enterprise makes it possible to produce fully complete trains.

In the coming years, even with investment activity, one should not expect a significant increase in demand for construction and road equipment. Moreover, in the construction complex there is a fleet of construction equipment that was formed before 1995, which is now loaded by no more than half. However, the parameters for updating products have deteriorated. This phenomenon indicates that the industry is not adapting to new operating conditions due to changes in product quality. Over the past 3 years, the intensity of renewal has fallen by 40%, and the share of equipment being mastered for the first time has fallen by 2 times. The enterprises of this industry are able to replicate outdated equipment and technologies.

Summing up all of the above, one can definitely state that the state of development of the Russian machine-building complex is determined not just by demand, but by investment restrictions. It is they who hinder the restructuring of production, which should be based on improving the quality of products, and, consequently, increasing their competitiveness. Finally, it is necessary to give a generalized idea of ​​the complex socio-economic situation that has developed in industry in recent years. It is due to the fact that the wave of non-payments, which has been growing in the last 2 years, has increased the share of unprofitable enterprises. The number of unemployed in this complex increased to a greater extent than in industry as a whole. The official statistics of recent years show that hidden unemployment (employment with part-time work or a week) in industry as a whole has decreased. A survey conducted at the end of last year by the St. Petersburg center "Trud-monitoring" showed that the proportion of workers in the engineering industry who are employed part-time or sent on vacation at the initiative of the administration has increased. Among those employed in machine-building enterprises, the need for secondary employment is growing. This was stated by 86.9% of the surveyed workers, and 84.6% said that they regularly have a month or more delay in paying wages.

A particularly difficult situation has developed in the defense complex, where the number of production personnel is declining even faster than in the engineering industry as a whole. Employment fell most noticeably in the electronics industry and in the production of special communications equipment. The backlog in wages also persists: in 1997. it was 78% of the industry average.

All this causes the outflow of highly qualified specialists from research organizations and design bureaus, including abroad. A particularly difficult situation has developed in those regions where military-industrial complex enterprises play the role of city-forming enterprises (Urals, Udmurtia, some regions of the Central Economic Region). It is necessary to take measures now to correct the chosen market course. If this is not done, then in the near future pessimistic moods and social tensions will increase, which will create a threat to further building a socially oriented market economy in Russia.

The purpose of this work was to study the problems and prospects for the development of the machine-building complex of the Russian Federation. The following questions were considered during the study:

· Structure and value of a machine-building complex;

· Intra- and intersectoral relations;

· Characteristics of the sectoral structure of mechanical engineering in developed and developing countries of the world;

· Peculiarities of development and placement of enterprises of the machine-building complex of the Russian Federation;

· Articles of export engineering;

· Problems and prospects for the development of mechanical engineering in Russia.

The analysis carried out allows us to say that:

1. Mechanical engineering is the basic branch of the national economy of the country. On its basis, the technical re-equipment of the entire industry of the country is carried out.

2. The machine-building complex has close intra- and intersectoral ties with most sectors of the country's national economy, especially with ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the timber and chemical industries. It should be noted that with the collapse of the USSR, intersectoral and cooperative ties were disrupted.

3. There are significant differences in the structure of developed and developing countries. Russia, together with the USA, Germany and Japan, is included in the group of countries with a complete range of products.

4. Mechanical engineering belongs to the sectors of "free placement", but at the same time, the location of enterprises is influenced by a number of factors: science intensity, metal intensity, labor intensity, proximity to the consumer.

5. Currently, the structure of engineering exports is dominated by products of the military-industrial complex and heavy engineering, which hinders the development of the engineering complex as a whole.

6. The Russian engineering industry is currently characterized by a decrease in the production of the most advanced technology. As a result, it is possible to completely lose the technological potential accumulated over previous years, which is of fundamental importance for the further functioning of the economy.

Summing up the study, we can conclude that the machine-building complex, which is of great importance for the further development of the Russian economy, is in a systemic crisis due to the collapse of the USSR and a change in the structure of the national economic complex of Russia. Carrying out a radical reform of the engineering industry will allow Russia to enter the world market with high-tech products and take an advantageous position on it. This will serve as a basis for stabilizing the economy and boosting Russian industry as a whole.

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Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Irkutsk State Technical University

Department of World Economy

Course work

on the topic:

“The current state of mechanical engineering and location in the Russian Federation. Development prospects"

Irkutsk 2008

Introduction1. The current state of engineering and placement in the Russian Federation1.1Heavy engineering1.2 General engineering1.3 Medium engineering2. Prospects for the development of the machine-building complex2.1 Nanotechnologies in the aircraft industry2.2 Nanotechnologies in the automotive industry2.3 Nanotechnologies in the railway engineering industryConclusion


The machine-building complex consists of mechanical engineering and metalworking. Mechanical engineering is engaged in the production of machinery and equipment, various kinds of mechanisms for material production, science, culture, and the service sector. Consequently, engineering products are consumed by all branches of the national economy without exception.

Metalworking is engaged in the production of metal products, repair of machinery and equipment.

The structure of mechanical engineering is very complex, this industry includes both independent industries, such as heavy, energy and transport engineering; electrical industry; chemical and oil engineering; machine tool building and tool industry; instrumentation; tractor and agricultural engineering; mechanical engineering for light and food industries, etc., as well as many specialized sub-sectors and industries.

Mechanical engineering also produces commodities, mostly durables. This industry is of great importance for the national economy of the country, as it serves as the basis for scientific and technological progress and material and technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the sectoral structure of the machine-building complex and the location factors of its industries and industries, as well as to characterize the current state of the complex, prospects and options for getting out of the current difficult economic situation.

Taking into account the peculiarities of this topic and the range of issues raised, the first and second chapters will cover theoretical issues: the role and significance, the specifics of placement, the sectoral structure of the machine-building complex, and in the third, the current unfavorable economic situation in the complex, and practical prerequisites for getting out of it .

1. The current state of mechanical engineering and location in the Russian Federation

The machine-building complex is a complex cross-industry formation, including mechanical engineering and metalworking. Mechanical engineering combines specialized industries that are similar in technology and the raw materials used. Metalworking includes the industry of metal structures and products, as well as the repair of machinery and equipment.

Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of the country's heavy industry. By creating the most active part of the main production assets - tools of labor, mechanical engineering largely influences the pace and direction of scientific and technological progress in various sectors of the economic complex, the growth of labor productivity and other economic indicators that determine the effectiveness of the development of social production. Mechanical engineering accounts for about 1/5 of the output of the country's industry, almost 1/4 of the main industrial production assets and 1/3 of the industrial production personnel.

The range of manufactured products of mechanical engineering is very diverse, which leads to a deep differentiation of its industries and affects the location of industries that produce various types of products.

Currently, in mechanical engineering, according to the degree of technical equipment, there are five levels of technological structure.

First level is represented by the production of equipment for the mining industry and enterprises processing primary raw materials.

Second level associated with the production of equipment for agriculture.

Third level represented by the production of equipment for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the production of building materials.

Fourth level includes the automotive and bearing industries, electrical engineering, etc.

Fifth level represent enterprises associated with high technology: these are the production of computers, optical fiber technology, robotics, the production of machine tools and equipment with numerical control (CNC), rocket and space production, and the aviation industry.

In the structure of mechanical engineering, there are 19 large complex industries, more than 100 specialized sub-sectors and industries.

The complex industries, similar in technological processes and raw materials used, include heavy, energy and transport engineering, electrical industry, chemical and oil engineering, machine tool and tool industries, tractor and agricultural engineering, machine building for light and food industries.

For a long period, the pace of development of mechanical engineering outpaced the development of industry as a whole. High rates were characteristic of industries that determine scientific and technological progress, and primarily machine tool building, instrument making, the electrical and electronic industry, the production of computer equipment, and aerospace production.

The achievements of the machine-building complex were characterized not only by the growth of its production volumes, but also by the creation and production of progressive types of products, the introduction of more modern technologies.

In recent decades, the machine-building complex has been formed in accordance with the current needs of the country's economy and defense for a specific range of end products. As a result, subject-specialized enterprises with rigid technological ties, low flexibility and mobility of production were created.

The crisis situation that had matured in the country by the beginning of the 1990s had a significant impact on the industry. The structure of mechanical engineering was characterized by extreme heaviness with a high degree of militarization. There was a high level of concentration and monopolization of production, excessive, inefficient production activity. Only about 1/4 of new technologies corresponded to the world level.

As a result, violations of contractual obligations for the supply of products began to occur in the USSR, the naturalization of exchange, and the emergence of barter transactions on a large scale. Established ties for the supply of components and final products of mechanical engineering were changing. The high level of territorial division of labor, as well as the monopolism inherent in the machine-building complex of the USSR, caused the absence in Russia of a number of industries necessary for the normal functioning of both machine building and the entire economic complex of the country.

For the period 1998-2004. the volume of industrial output of mechanical engineering increased by 7.1 times and amounted to 1.8 trillion rubles. The deindustrialization of the economy also affected the machine-building complex. Tier 5 engineering industries, focused on the production of science-intensive products, reduced production from 45.3% to 22.5%. The output of high-performance science-intensive equipment, equipped with electronic devices and microprocessor control, has decreased tenfold over the noted period, and for some nomenclature items - hundreds of times. Thus, the production of CNC machine tools decreased by 142 times. In the country in 2004, only 200 CNC machine tools were manufactured, and in Japan (for comparison) - about 35 thousand, more than half of them were sold on the world market. The production of CNC forging and pressing machines decreased from 370 to 22 units, or 16.8 times. The production of advanced cutting tools, especially those made of ceramics, polycrystalline synthetic diamonds and superhard materials, abrasive micropowders, also decreased significantly. While the production of products of the fourth order (cars) remained virtually unchanged and amounted to 1.1 million units.

The foreign trade balance in engineering products worsened: if in 1990 the volume of imports exceeded the volume of exports by 33%, then in 2004 it was almost 90%. The general decline in the export potential of mechanical engineering is caused by both external and internal factors. The former include the destruction of the subject specialization that existed within the framework of the CMEA and the USSR, as well as a change in the ratio of prices between producers in the raw materials and manufacturing industries. Price growth indices for raw materials sectors exceeded the corresponding figures for the machine-building complex in the electric power industry by more than 4 times, the fuel industry by about 3 times, and ferrous metallurgy by almost 2 times. As a result, the price of the factors of production of machine-building products (with the exception of labor) approached the world price.

The external factors of reducing the export potential include the low (compared to foreign analogues) competitiveness of manufactured products and the unwillingness to be active in the field of market monitoring, marketing and maintenance of equipment in the field of operation.

Since 1992, the main limiting factor in the development of mechanical engineering has been the reduction in investment in the development of the machine-building complex, the high wear and tear of fixed production assets, and outdated technologies in the machine-building complex.

Structural changes in the output of engineering products reflect shifts in the economy as a whole and in its sectors.

The development of the machine-building complex of the Russian Federation should be based on new basic resource-saving technologies that ensure the production of competitive products, the revival of investment activity, and state support for high-tech industries. Without this, it will not be possible to achieve technological support for the development of the economy, the participation of the country as a full partner in the international division of labor.

These areas, of course, include nanotechnology and resource-saving technologies. They require little energy, materials, do not need extensive production and storage facilities. On the other hand, their development requires a high level of training of scientists, engineers and technicians, as well as a special organization of production.

Abroad, work in this area has been rapidly developing in recent years within the framework of a number of priority programs of the governments of Japan, the USA, Germany, France, China and other countries.

In Russia, targeted budget financing of work in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies has been carried out since the early 1990s within the framework of several programs. State support for these works, although incommensurate in scale with their funding in other countries, contributed to the development of this promising area, allowed maintaining the scientific potential, a fairly high level of research and leading positions in some areas of nanoscience.

Nanotechnology has specific industrial applications. Today, the market offers a large range of commercially produced nanomaterials: metallic, hydroxide, oxide, and composite powders, which are already widely used in many sectors of industry and construction. Nanopowders have properties that differ from those of metals, oxides, etc., from whose atoms and molecules they are made.

At the heart of the scientific and technical "breakthrough at the nanolevel", forced by industrialized countries, is the use of new, previously unknown properties and functionality of material systems in the transition to nanoscales, determined by the features of the processes of transfer and distribution of charges, energy, mass and information during nanostructuring. Many of the fundamentally different properties of nanomaterials with respect to bulk properties of the same chemical composition are due to the effects of a multiple increase in the surface fraction of nanograins and nanoclusters (up to hundreds of square meters per gram). Associated with this are new properties of many structural and inorganic nanomaterials. Moreover, a significant number of such properties have not yet been fully explored.

The complexity of the transition of mechanical engineering to an innovative development path lies in the fact that in the implementation of the strategic goals of the country's entry into a post-industrial society, it is necessary to solve two tasks simultaneously in a historically short time: the modernization of mechanical engineering itself and the technical re-equipment of other sectors of the economy.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that in the current state of the Russian engineering enterprises can produce competitive products only for relatively narrow market segments. According to experts, a small number of Russian machine-building companies can compete in the corresponding segments on the world market.

It is necessary to be aware that our potential competitors are without any doubt moving towards the creation of a post-industrial society, in the full sense of the word, concentrating colossal resources in high-tech areas for this. We are far behind on this issue. We need to overcome the gap from the world level, while the formation and dissemination of the most effective innovative technologies of tomorrow. Russia will have to put into practice a large-scale economic maneuver in order to quickly develop an industry to a high-tech level, which is currently in a state that is 20-30 years behind developed countries. It is obvious that for this it is necessary to ensure the outstripping pace of development.

Nevertheless, despite all the problems and difficulties in Russia, there are all the necessary conditions for the advanced development of mechanical engineering. These are, first of all, our own energy and raw materials base, a developed communication network, scientific, intellectual, personnel, production and other potentials. But, most importantly, this is the development of nanotechnologies, highly efficient resource-saving technologies, artificial intelligence systems, global information networks, and integrated high-speed transport systems.

In mechanical engineering, the use of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials will increase the service life of cutting and processing tools with the help of special coatings and emulsions, and introduce nanotechnological developments in the modernization of the fleet of high-precision and precision machine tools. The measurement and positioning methods created using nanotechnology will provide adaptive control of the cutting tool based on optical measurements of the machined surface of the part and the machining surface of the tool directly during the technological process. For example, these solutions will make it possible to reduce the processing error from 40 µm to hundreds of nanometers at a cost of such a domestic machine of about $12,000 and no more than $3,000 for modernization. At the same time, at least 1 million actively used metal-cutting machine tools out of approximately 2.5 million machine tools that are on the balance sheet of Russian enterprises need modernization.

In the engine building and automotive industry - due to the use of nanomaterials, more precise processing and restoration of surfaces, it is possible to achieve a significant (up to 1.5-4 times) increase in the service life of vehicles, as well as a threefold reduction in operating costs (including fuel consumption), improve the aggregate technical indicators (reduction of noise, harmful emissions), which allows us to compete more successfully both in the domestic and foreign markets.

Using the possibilities of nanotechnologies can in the near future bring a sharp increase in the cost of the gross domestic product and a significant economic effect in the machine-building complex. Thus, they fundamentally change the engineering industry as a whole, determining the vector of post-industrial development in the coming decades.

It is known that the complete satisfaction of all the requirements for machine-building production is an absolutely impossible task, therefore, one always has to make a compromise, indicating the main requirements and providing the quality criteria corresponding to them. Therefore, we note only the basic requirements for parts and machines when using resource-saving technologies for their manufacture.

MANUFACTURABILITY - the manufacture of a product with minimal labor, time and money in full compliance with its purpose. Manufacturability of parts is ensured by: the shape of their simplest surfaces (cylindrical, conical, etc.), convenient for processing by mechanical and physical methods; the use of materials suitable for non-waste processing (pressure, casting, welding, etc.) and resource-saving technology; standard system of tolerances and landings and other means and methods.

ECONOMY - the minimum cost of production and operation. The cost-effectiveness of parts and assemblies is achieved by optimizing their shape and dimensions from the condition of a minimum of material consumption, energy consumption and labor intensity of production, due to the maximum efficiency in operation with high reliability; high specialization of production, etc. When evaluating the profitability, the costs of design, manufacture, operation and repair are taken into account.

RELIABILITY - the property of an object to maintain the ability to perform specified functions over time (GOST 27.002-83).

Aesthetics - the perfection and beauty of the external forms of parts, assemblies and machines significantly affect the attitude towards it on the part of the attendants. The design of units and parts that define the external outlines of the machine must be beautiful and meet the requirements of artistic design (design). The forms of external parts are developed with the participation of designers to create an attractive appearance. Specially selected colors for painting.

Reducing the mass of parts - in aircraft construction and some other industries, the fulfillment of this requirement is one of the main design and calculation tasks of resource saving.

The use of non-deficient and cheap materials - this condition should be the subject of special attention in all cases when designing machine parts. It is necessary to save non-ferrous metals and alloys based on them.

Ease of use - when designing, it is necessary to strive so that individual components and parts can be removed or replaced without disturbing the connection of adjacent components. All lubrication devices must work flawlessly, and seals must not leak oil. Moving parts that are not enclosed in the body of the machine must be guarded for the safety of the operating personnel.

The following indicators are of great economic importance in the implementation of resource-saving technologies in the machine-building complex:

1) the possibility of mass production of standard parts, which reduces their cost;

2) the possibility of using standard cutting and measuring tools;

3) ease of replacement of failed parts during repair;

4) saving labor in the design;

5) improving the quality of the design.

In the process of economic activity, the resources of the enterprise occupy one of the central places, therefore the issue of resource saving and determining the optimal ratio of resources in the enterprise is very relevant at the present time. The financial policy in the field of resources is aimed at influencing the long-term state of the enterprise, and also determines its current state. It dictates the trends of economic development, the prospective level of scientific and technological progress, the state of the production capacities of the enterprise.

Scientific and technological progress is a continuous process of discovering new knowledge and applying it in social production, which makes it possible to combine and combine available resources in a new way in order to increase the production of high-quality final products at the lowest cost.

In a broad sense, at any level - from the firm to the national economy - scientific and technological progress means the creation and implementation of new equipment, technology, materials, the use of new types of energy, as well as the emergence of previously unknown methods of organizing and managing production.

The introduction of new equipment and technology is a very complex and controversial process. It is generally accepted that the improvement of technical means reduces labor costs, the share of labor in the cost of a unit of output. However, at present, technical progress is "rising in price", as it requires the creation and use of more and more expensive machine tools, lines, robots, computer control facilities; increased spending on environmental protection. All this reflects on the increase in the share of costs for depreciation and maintenance of the fixed assets used in the cost of production.

Nevertheless, the competitiveness of a firm or an enterprise, their ability to stay on the market for goods and services depends, first of all, on the susceptibility of goods producers to new equipment and technology, which makes it possible to ensure the production and sale of high-quality goods with the most efficient use of material resources.

Therefore, when choosing options for equipment and technology, a firm or enterprise must clearly understand what tasks - strategic or tactical - are intended for the acquired and implemented equipment.

The role of science in the development of modern industrial production is growing so much that it is increasingly considered a productive force. This happens when science separates itself into an independent sphere of activity with a special professional composition of workers, with its own specific material and technical base and end products.

The scientific and production potential of its national firms and enterprises, their ability to ensure a high level and pace of scientific and technical progress, their "survivability" in a competitive environment largely depend on the scientific and technical potential of a country. The scientific and technical potential of the country is created both by the efforts of national scientific and technical organizations, and by using world achievements in science and technology.

Basic concepts of resources, resource-saving technologies

Resources- these are natural or man-made values ​​that are designed to meet production and non-production needs.

resource saving- a set of measures for the thrifty and efficient use of the facts of production (capital, land, labor). Provided through the use of resource-saving and energy-saving technologies; reducing the capital intensity and material consumption of products; increase in labor productivity; reducing the cost of living and materialized labor; improving product quality; rational use of labor of managers and marketers; using the benefits of the international division of labor, etc. Promotes the growth of the efficiency of the economy, increasing its competitiveness.

Resource-saving technologies- technologies that ensure the production of products with the lowest possible consumption of fuel and other energy sources, as well as raw materials, materials, air, water and other resources for technological purposes.

Resource-saving technologies include the use of secondary resources, waste disposal, as well as energy recovery, a closed water supply system, etc. Allow to save natural resources and avoid environmental pollution.

General methods for the development of resource-saving technological processes of machine-building industries. Ways of development and approaches to the creation of resource-saving and low-waste industries

The problem of resource saving is important for mechanical engineering, since the cost of metal, in the structure of the cost of a product, reaches 60 ... 80%.

The main sources of resource saving in mechanical engineering include:

Reducing the specific gravity of the product;

Increasing the utilization rate of materials;

Increased product life.

Therefore, the main emphasis in the development of resource-saving technologies is placed on blank production and hardening technologies, as well as on the processing and shaping methods used. Let's consider some of them (examples).

1. Cold stamping of parts from sheet metal with anisotropy of mechanical properties: this technology can be applied to the manufacture of shock absorber cylinders, clutch cylinder bodies, gas cylinders, hydraulic pump cylinders, etc. and provides for a combined hood, characterized by a simultaneous change in the diameter of the drawn billet and wall thickness.

This technology allows:

Increase the service life of products by 2-3 times;

Reduce the metal consumption of products by 1.3-1.5 times;

Reduce the labor intensity of production by 3-5 times.

This is an example of increasing the resource-saving indicators of metal forming production.

2. A method for dimensional grinding of hard-to-machine products with a complex curved surface to increase the efficiency of grinding parts such as turbine blades, camshafts, etc., made from hard-to-machine materials: the development is based on the idea of ​​reducing the energy-power parameters of chip formation by providing conditions for the most complete adsorption interaction of juvenile sections of the surface of the cutting zone with components of the lubricating-cooling technological medium (LUTS), which helps to reduce the energy of plastic deformation, the formation of a new surface and a significant reduction in adhesion phenomena by improving the kinematics of the shaping process.

The advantage of this method over other analogous methods is that it is carried out group processing of products that are installed on a special device that provides portable movement of parts along a circular path around a common axis with adjustable rotation around planetary axes of rotation. The speed of circular rotation is determined from a functional relationship that connects the geometric and physical parameters of the abrasive wheel and the workpiece, and allows you to provide its rational value for the complex manifestation of the adsorption effect.

Reducing the specific power of grinding by 1.5-2.5 times and the almost complete elimination of dependence on the value of the infeed feed used;

Reducing the specific consumption of abrasive by an order of magnitude;

Reduced clogging of the abrasive wheel when processing highly plastic and viscous materials;

Saving energy for processing one blade by 5-8 kWh, which, with the production of 50,000 blades per year, will save ~ 525.2 MWh;

Reduced consumption of COTS by an order of magnitude;

5-15% increase in the strength of the surface layer due to the formation of compressive stresses.

3. The method of face planetary grinding to increase the efficiency of grinding flat surfaces of parts made from hard-to-cut materials: the method is based on the idea of ​​reducing the energy-power parameters of chip formation by providing conditions for the most complete adsorption interaction of juvenile sections of the surface of the cutting zone with the components of the LC, which helps to reduce energy plastic deformation.

The advantage of this method over other analogous methods is that the method involves the use of a special multi-spindle planetary grinding tool, which is installed on the spindle of the grinding head instead of the abrasive wheel. As a cutting tool, standard cup-type abrasive wheels of medium structures are used, which are rigidly fixed on inclined planetary spindles and receive portable movement around the axis of the machine spindle and rotation around the planetary axes with a predetermined speed ratio, which provides a comprehensive manifestation of the adsorption effect.

The application of the proposed method provides the following economic effect from energy and resource saving:

Reducing the specific energy consumption by 2-4 times;

Reducing the need for coolant consumption by 5-10 times;

High quality of processing when using fine-grained abrasive circles on any basis.

4. New methods for hardening parts based on the combined use of electroplasma-chemical and deformation technologies.

One of such methods is the method of combined hardening by electrical discharge synthesis (EES) of coatings and surface plastic deformation (SPD). The essence of the EES method consists in applying a special exothermic mixture of five metal and non-metal powders with organic binders to the part, followed by spark treatment with a pulsed current.

EES-coating is used to harden kinematic friction pairs with a limited amount of lubricant, for cutting tools, molds, dies, parts operating under abrasive wear conditions (details of the engine gas distribution mechanism, steering, ball bearings, etc.).

This method of hardening parts is highly effective, because. allows to provide hardening of the metal surface and create conditions for durable operation of parts under various operating modes, which brings a great economic effect (it does not take a long time to change one worn product for another, new one)

5. Hardening of aluminum parts by microarc oxidation (MAO) of the surface layer in the pulsed current mode.

The essence of the technology lies in the fact that an aluminum coating is applied to a steel part by flame spraying, which is then processed by turning and subjected to conversion into aluminum oxide by the MAO method. The scope of the technology is parts exposed to high temperatures, erosion and abrasive wear.

6. Assembly using adhesives and adhesive materials. Such technologies can reduce the cost and complexity of assembly, improve the quality of products.

7. Treatment with a supersonic liquid jet. Such a technology, which is hydrocutting with a cutting width of 0.1…0.8 mm, makes it possible to reduce material waste into chips compared to traditional cutting by 15–20 times.

The processing conditions in this case do not have any negative effects on the processed material and its physical and mechanical properties. The processing process can be fully automated.

These are just some examples of the development and application of resource-saving technologies, the economic effect of the introduction of which can bring manufacturing enterprises to a new level of innovative development.

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